TU-Sofia - Phisics
TU-Sofia - Phisics
TU-Sofia - Phisics
Nitsolov ii
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS...........................................................................................................1
1.4 DIMENSIONS .....................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 SIGNIFICANT FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................3
2 KINEMATICS.........................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................4
2.2 FRAMES OF REFERENCE ....................................................................................................................................4
2.3 KINEMATICS OF A PARTICLE: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................4
2.4 TANGENTIAL AND NORMAL ACCELERATION .....................................................................................................7
2.5 MOTION WITH CONSTANT ACCELERATION ........................................................................................................8
2.6 ANGULAR KINEMATIC PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................9
2.7 ROTATION WITH CONSTANT ACCELERATION ...................................................................................................10
2.8 RELATIONS BETWEEN LINEAR AND ANGULAR KINEMATIC VARIABLES............................................................11
2.9 GALILEAN TRANSFORMATION .........................................................................................................................12
2.10 RELATIVE ROTATIONAL MOTION.....................................................................................................................13
3 NEWTON'S LAWS...............................................................................................................................................15
3.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................15
3.2 THE LAW OF INERTIA ......................................................................................................................................15
3.3 MASS ..............................................................................................................................................................15
3.4 MOMENTUM AND THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM .............................................................16
3.5 NEWTON'S SECOND LAW: FORCE .....................................................................................................................16
3.6 LAW OF ACTION AND REACTION .....................................................................................................................17
3.7 ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND TORQUE ..............................................................................................................17
3.8 DYNAMICS OF CIRCULAR MOTION ...................................................................................................................19
3.9 RELATIVE TRANSLATIONAL MOTION...............................................................................................................20
3.10 FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTIONS AND FORCES ..................................................................................................21
4 APPLICATION OF NEWTON'S LAWS ...........................................................................................................23
4.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................23
4.2 APPLICATIONS OF THE LAWS OF MOTION ........................................................................................................23
4.3 GRAVITATION .................................................................................................................................................24
4.4 CONTACT FORCES ...........................................................................................................................................25
4.5 RESTORING FORCE ..........................................................................................................................................26
5 WORK AND ENERGY ........................................................................................................................................27
5.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................27
5.2 WORK .............................................................................................................................................................27
5.3 POWER ............................................................................................................................................................28
5.4 KINETIC ENERGY ............................................................................................................................................28
5.5 POTENTIAL ENERGY ........................................................................................................................................29
5.6 RELATION BETWEEN FORCE AND POTENTIAL ENERGY ....................................................................................30
5.7 LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY ...............................................................................................................31
5.8 WORK OF NON-CONSERVATIVE FORCES ..........................................................................................................31
5.9 POTENTIAL ENERGY CURVES. EQUILIBRIUM ...................................................................................................31
6 SYSTEMS OF PARTICLES ................................................................................................................................33
6.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................33
6.2 CENTRE OF MASS ............................................................................................................................................33
6.3 LINEAR MOMENTUM .......................................................................................................................................33
6.4 ANGULAR MOMENTUM ...................................................................................................................................35
6.5 KINETIC ENERGY ............................................................................................................................................38
6.6 WORK- ENERGY THEOREM ..............................................................................................................................39
6.7 PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY ......................................................................................................39
6.8 COLLISIONS ....................................................................................................................................................40
7 MOTION OF RIGID BODY ................................................................................................................................42
7.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................42
7.2 TRANSLATIONAL AND ROTATIONAL MOTION ..................................................................................................42
7.3 ROTATION OF A RIGID BODY ABOUT A FIXED AXIS ..........................................................................................42
7.4 ENERGY OF A RIGID BODY ...............................................................................................................................44
7.5 ANALOGY BETWEEN THE ROTATIONAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MOTION ..........................................................45
8 IDEAL GAS ...........................................................................................................................................................46
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov iii
8.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................46
8.2 THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM AND TEMPERATURE ..................................................................................................46
8.3 THE IDEAL GAS EQUATION ..............................................................................................................................47
8.4 KINETIC THEORY OF THE IDEAL GAS ...............................................................................................................49
9 FIRST AND SECOND PRINCIPLE OF THERMODYNAMICS....................................................................52
9.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................52
9.2 INTERNAL ENERGY AND WORK OF MANY-PARTICLE SYSTEM ..........................................................................52
9.3 WORK.............................................................................................................................................................52
9.4 HEAT ..............................................................................................................................................................53
9.5 FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS ..................................................................................................................53
9.6 HEAT CAPACITY ..............................................................................................................................................54
9.7 ENTROPY ........................................................................................................................................................55
9.8 CARNOT CYCLE...............................................................................................................................................57
10 ELECTRIC CHARGE AND ELECTRIC FIELD .............................................................................................59
10.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................59
10.2 ELECTRIC INTERACTION AND ELECTRIC CHARGE ............................................................................................59
10.3 COULOMB'S LAW ............................................................................................................................................60
10.4 ELECTRIC FIELD ..............................................................................................................................................61
10.5 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL .....................................................................................................................................61
10.6 MOTION OF CHARGED PARTICLES IN ELECTRIC FIELD .....................................................................................63
11 GAUSS' LAW ........................................................................................................................................................65
11.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................65
11.2 LINES OF FORCE AND EQUIPOTENTIAL SURFACES ............................................................................................65
11.3 FLUX OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD .........................................................................................................................66
11.4 FIELD PATTERNS .............................................................................................................................................68
12 CONDUCTORS AND DIELECTRICS IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD................................................................71
12.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................71
12.2 CONDUCTOR IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD ................................................................................................................71
12.3 DIELECTRIC IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD .................................................................................................................72
12.4 ELECTRIC CAPACITANCE .................................................................................................................................75
12.5 ENERGY OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD ....................................................................................................................76
13 ELECTRICAL CURRENTS................................................................................................................................78
13.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................78
13.2 CURRENT AND CURRENT DENSITY ..................................................................................................................78
13.3 OHM'S LAW .....................................................................................................................................................80
13.4 CONDUCTION OF ELECTRICITY IN METALS ......................................................................................................81
13.5 ELECTRIC POWER ............................................................................................................................................81
13.6 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE .................................................................................................................................82
14 MAGNETIC INTERACTION .............................................................................................................................84
14.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................84
14.2 MAGNETIC FIELD ............................................................................................................................................84
14.3 MOTION OF CHARGES IN A UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD ...................................................................................85
14.4 THE HALL EFFECT...........................................................................................................................................86
14.5 MAGNETIC FORCE ON AN ELECTRIC CURRENT.................................................................................................87
14.6 MAGNETIC TORQUE ON A CURRENT LOOP. ......................................................................................................88
15 SOURCES OF MAGNETIC FIELDS .................................................................................................................89
15.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................89
15.2 MAGNETIC FELD OF A MOVING CHARGE..........................................................................................................89
15.3 MAGNETIC FIELD OF CURRENTS ......................................................................................................................90
15.4 AMPERE'S LAW ...............................................................................................................................................92
15.5 GAUSS' LAW....................................................................................................................................................93
15.6 MAGNETIC FIELD OF A SOLENOID ...................................................................................................................94
16 MAGNETIZATION OF MATTER .....................................................................................................................95
16.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................95
16.2 MAGNETIC MOMENTS OF ELECTRONS AND ATOMS ..........................................................................................95
16.3 MAGNETISATION ............................................................................................................................................96
16.4 FERROMAGNETISM .........................................................................................................................................96
16.5 MAGNETIZATION VECTOR ...............................................................................................................................97
16.6 THE MAGNETIZING FIELD ................................................................................................................................98
16.7 ENERGY OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD ...................................................................................................................99
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov
The term physics comes from a Greek word meaning nature. From the time of the great ancient
philosopher Aristotle who defined physics as the study of all natural phenomena until now, the
subject of physics has undergone significant changes. Nowadays,
physics can be defined as the study of the most general properties of matter. Physics deals
with the structure and interactions of bodies, using the fundamental concepts of matter,
energy, space, time and motion and the relationships between them.
So-called classical physics developed until twentieth century is divided into mechanics,
thermodynamics and electromagnetism, which study motion, heat and electric and magnetic
phenomena, respectively. The revolution in physics in the end of nineteenth century modified the
basic concepts and principles and gave rise to theories of relativity and quantum mechanics.
These theories have provided a new revised view of natural phenomena, which is the base of
modern physics.
The progress in physics is due to the scientific method based on observation, hypothesis,
experiment, theory and prediction. The scientific investigation starts from observation, that is,
collection of data by use of the senses, or the extended senses and library research of the known
facts about the problem. The analysis of these data results in hypothesis, which is an assumption
having empirical consequences. The hypothesis can be confirmed only by experiment. An
experiment is a procedure carried out to study by observation under controlled conditions the
phenomenon in order to discover an unknown effect or law, to test or establish a hypothesis, or to
illustrate a known law.
The knowledge of particular phenomenon or process is generally incomplete unless it results in
quantitative information. The information in physics is expressed in mathematical form by means of
formulas and equations.
Because of its importance in sciences, an understanding of physics is required in many branches
of human activity and particularly in engineering. Physics develops the knowledge of the processes
and structure and functioning of materials, which are used by engineering to advance technology.
Thus, the goal of the course in physics for engineers is both an understanding of the concepts and an
ability to apply that knowledge in solving practical problems.
Experimental method plays very important role in physics as well in all natural sciences. Any
experiment consists in the examination of a phenomenon under controlled conditions. To get
quantitative information from experiments and observations, we have to carry out measurements
of various physical properties like length, time, mass, temperature, electric current, voltage and so
on. The measurement is the act of determination of the numerical value of a certain physical
property by comparing its magnitude with its unit, which is a quantity of the same kind defined to
be exactly 1. The standard of unit is an object serving as reference with which all other examples
of the quantity are compared. For example, to measure a time interval we have to compare it with
the unit time called second. The standard of second was defined in 1967 as the duration of
9,192,631,770 vibrations of the light of specified wavelength emitted by a cesium-133 atom.
Table 1.1
List of Base SI units
Table 1.2
List of Prefixes for SI Units
To express the very large and very small quantities in SI, we can form larger and smaller units
using the prefixes listed in Table 1.2 in front of the base units. Attaching a prefix to a fundamental
or derived unit has the effect of multiplying by the associated power of ten. Thus, we can express
the wavelength of light of ruby laser as 0.000 000 694 m = 694 × 10-9 m = 694 nm.
The British engineering system is still in commercial use in the USA and in the most of English
speaking countries but it is in process of being be replaced by SI. The basic quantities in the British
system are length, mass and time. The correspondent base units are inch (defined to be 0.00254 m),
pound-mass (defined to be 0,4359237 kg) and second, respectively. The larger unit for length is the
foot equal to 12 inches.
An equation connecting physical quantities such as x = y makes no sense, if x and y represent, for
example, mass and length since qualitatively different physical quantities can not be equated. The
dimension of a quantity is the physical property that it describes. The equality must connect only
quantities that have the same dimensions. The dimension of a particular quantity is denoted by
putting the associated symbol in brackets. For example, the dimension of x is denoted by [x]. We
use abbreviations [L], [M] and [T] for length, mass and time, respectively. Thus, if the symbol s is
used to denote a path, that is, a length, the equality [s] = [L] expresses the fact that the dimension of
s is length.
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 3
Any physical quantity can be expressed as an algebraic combination of the basic SI quantities.
Similarly, the dimension of any quantity x can also be expressed as the algebraic combination of the
correspondent base dimensions of the kind
[x] = [LpM qT r] (1.1)
where p, q and r are positive or negative integers or fractions. If all the exponents are zero, the
quantity is dimensionless.
For example, the velocity in uniform motion is given by the equation
v= (1.2)
where s is the path and t is the time. The correspondent dimensional equation results in
[ L]
[v ] = = [ LT −1 ] (1.3)
[T ]
and we see that the unit of velocity is meter per second.
The analysis of dimensions provides a valuable check for various calculations. If the dimension
on one side of the equation is not the same as that on the other side, the equation is not correct.
Motion is the most fundamental and common physical phenomenon. It consists in the change in
position of bodies or their parts relative to one another. The motion of a body is influenced by the
bodies surrounding it, i.e., by its interactions with them. Mechanics is a fundamental area of
physics, which studies the universal principles of motion. The aim of mechanics is to analyse and
predict the motion of bodies resulting from the different interactions. The nature of the particular
interactions is considered by other branches of physics.
Mechanics consists of two branches, kinematics and dynamics. Kinematics describes
geometrically the motion without considering the causes of motion. Dynamics studies the relation
between the motion and the causes of the motion. Sometimes a study of the equilibrium of bodies is
considered to be a separate branch of mechanics, called statics.
Suppose that at time t the particle is at position P
with position vector r and at later time t', it is at
position P' with position vector r' (Figure 2.3).
The change in the particle's position between times
t and t' is described by the vector
∆r = r’ - r (2.8)
called the displacement of the particle during the
time interval ∆t = t’ - t. The vector of displacement
is directed from the initial position of the particle
to its final position. Using Eq. 2.4 we may write
the displacement in component form
∆r = i ∆x + j ∆y + k ∆z (2.9)
Figure 2.3 Vector of displacement and where ∆x = x' - x, ∆y = y' - y and ∆z = z' - z. The
displacement along the curve. displacement along the curve is defined by
∆s = s' - s. The magnitude of ∆s is equal to the length of the arc PP' and its sign depends on the
direction of motion of the particle along the trajectory.
In general, when a particle is moving, its velocity
changes both in magnitude and in direction.
Acceleration is a notion, which characterises the
rate of change of the velocity. Suppose, that at
time t the particle is at point P with velocity v, and
at a latter time t' is at position P' with velocity v'
(Figure 2.5). The average acceleration is defined
by ratio of the change of velocity ∆v = v' - v and
elapsed time ∆t = t' - t,
Figure 2.5 The change in velocity between ∆v
times t and t'. a ave = (2.21)
The instantaneous acceleration, or simply acceleration, is defined by the limiting value of the
average acceleration as the time interval approaches zero, or
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 7
∆v dv
a = lim a ave = lim = (2.22)
∆t → 0 ∆t →0 ∆t dt
Since the velocity is a time derivative of the displacement we may write
d 2r
a= 2 (2.23)
In component form,
a = iax + ja y + kaz (2.24)
dv d2x dv y d 2 y dv d2z
ax = x = 2 , a y = = 2 , az = z = 2 (2.25)
dt dt dt dt dt dt
Since the velocity is tangent to the path its direction changes in the direction in which the trajectory
bends. The changes of the velocity and acceleration are always pointing toward the concavity of the
The first term in the right-hand side is a vector parallel to the initial velocity and corresponds to a
uniform rectilinear motion of velocity vo. The second term is a vector parallel to the acceleration
and represents a uniformly accelerated motion with zero initial velocity and acceleration a.
Therefore, the displacement vector which is the sum of these two vectors must always lie in the
plane formed by vectors vo and a. Therefore, the uniformly accelerated motion can be considered as
a superposition of uniform rectilinear motion and uniformly accelerated motion with zero initial
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 9
velocity; it is always in the plane defined by the initial velocity and acceleration.
According to the definition 2.10 the average velocity of uniformly accelerated motion for a time
interval (0, t) is given by
v o t + at 2
r − ro 2 1 v +v
v ave = = = v o + at = o (2.37)
t t 2 2
In order to determine the trajectory, we choose a
frame of reference so that the origin O coincides
with the position of the particle at the initial
instant to = 0. The trajectory of motion lies in
XY-plane and the Y-axis is parallel and opposite
to the acceleration (Figure 2.8). Then, Eq. 2.36
may be simplified to
r = v o t + at 2 (2.38)
The components of the position vector are given
Figure 2.8 Motion with constant acceleration. by
x = vox t − ax t 2 = vo cos θ t (2.39)
since ax = 0 and
1 1
y = voy t − a y t 2 = vo sin θ t − at 2 (2.40)
2 2
where θ is the angle between X-axes and vo.
Eliminating t from these equations, we have
y = tanθ x − 2 2 x 2 (2.41)
2vo cos θ
The result is an equation of a parabola with its
axis parallel to the Y-axis. Therefore, in general,
Figure 2.9 Trajectory in uniformly accelerated the trajectory of a uniformly accelerated
particle is parabolic. For example, this is the
motion, when θ varies from -900 to 900.
motion of a projectile launched with some initial
velocity at an angle θ, if we neglect the effect of air resistance. From Eq. 2.41 the trajectory
depends on the angle θ. Several trajectories for different equispaced values of θ are shown in Figure
2.9 where the directions of the initial velocities are indicated by arrows.
The study of motion in connection with its causes is called dynamics. Dynamics analyses the
relation between the properties of the body and the effects of the body's environment on the one
hand and the changes of the motion of the body on the other hand. The principles or laws of
motion were first stated by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687. Newton's laws should be considered as
extrapolations of the generalized results of numerous observations and experiments. They can not
be proved by any direct experiments. Nevertheless we are justified in using them because
everything they predict agrees with observed facts. These laws are valid for relatively large bodies
moving with velocities small compared with that of light.
3.3 MASS
Mass was defined by Newton as the quantity of matter of a body. To find the mass of a body, we
must compare it with a standard body, whose mass is taken as unity. There are two methods of
measuring mass based on effects of gravitation and inertia.
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 16
The notion of mass could be defined operationally using an equal-arm balance. The equality of
mass of two bodies is independent of the position and instant when the balance compares them. If
one body is composed of standard units the mass of the other one can be obtained. Mass obtained
by the use of gravitation is called the gravitational mass of the body.
3.7.2 TORQUE
Taking the time derivative of Equation 3.11, which defines the angular momentum, we obtain
dL dr dp
= ×p +r× (3.13)
dt dt dt
Since vectors = v and p = mv are parallel, then the first vector product in the right-hand side is
zero. Substituting = F , we may write
=τ (3.14)
where the vector
τ = r×F (3.15)
is called the torque or moment of the force F with respect to a fixed point O. In SI the torque is
measured in N⋅m. Notice, that it is presupposed that L and τ are measured relative to the same point
fixed to an inertial frame of reference. The relation 3.14 may be expressed as
the time rate of change of the angular momentum of a particle is equal to the torque of the
force acting on that particle.
According to the definition, the torque is
perpendicular to the plane determined by vectors F
and r, and it is directed according to the right-hand
rule (Figure 3.3). The magnitude of torque is given
τ = rFsinθ (3.16)
where θ is the angle between vectors r and F. We
can rewrite Eq. 3.16 as
τ = r⊥F= rF⊥ (3.17)
Figure 3.3 Torque of a particle. where F⊥ is the component of F perpendicular to r
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 19
(F⊥ = Fsinθ) and r⊥ is the component of r perpendicular to F (r⊥ = rsinθ)).
Eq. 3.14 gives the relationship between the
interactions of the particle with its environment
and its angular momentum. It is analogous to
Newton's second law, with the linear momentum p
replaced by L, and the force F replaced by the
torque τ. The torque characterises the ability of the
force to rotate a body about a fixed point. We can
think of the rotation of a particle attached to the
end of a massless rod that can rotate freely about
the other end attached to the origin O (Figure 3.4).
The acceleration of the particle due to the action of
Figure 3.4 A particle attached to the end of a the force F is directed perpendicular to the rod
massless rod that can rotate freely about the because the longitudinal component of the force is
other end. compensated by the reaction of the rod. Thus, we
see that the resultant motion of the particle caused
by the force is rotation about an axis passing trough the origin and perpendicular to the rod. That is,
the axis of rotation is parallel to the torque of the force relative to the origin.
Consider the motion of a particle subjected to a resultant force whose torque is zero. It is a
physically important case because, if the torque is zero, by the law 3.14, L = const, the angular
moment is independent of time and is conserved. This is the case of a free particle. The
conservation of angular momentum for a single particle is not an independent statement; it is a
consequence of the Newton's first law of motion. However, for more complicated physical systems
the law of conservation of angular momentum is fundamental principle.
The torque can also be zero for nonzero force when the force and position vector relative to the
reference point are parallel (or antiparallel). A particle moving with uniform circular motion has
only normal acceleration of constant magnitude and the force acting on it has also constant
magnitude and is directed to the center of the circle. Therefore, the torque of the force relative to the
centre of the circle is zero. In the case of a particle subjected to a central force, the torque relative to
the centre of force is zero because the force and r are parallel. In all these cases, the angular
momentum is constant and according to the properties of vector product, the vectors r and L = r × p
are always perpendicular. Since L = const, its direction does not vary and the position vector must
lie in a fixed plane perpendicular to L and passing trough the reference point O. Therefore, if the
angular momentum is constant, the trajectory is a plane curve perpendicular to L. This is an
important property of the motion under the action of central forces like electrical and gravitational
Newton’s second law relates the acceleration and the force and is the base in solving problems in
mechanics. The problems in dynamics can be divided into two basic kinds: in the first kind of
problems we have to determine the motion of a body under the action of known force and in the
second one we find the characteristics of the interaction from measurements of body’s motion. In
this chapter we consider several forces that occur frequently in everyday life. They are gravity,
contact and restoring forces. The gravity is a fundamental force since it is a direct manifestation of
the gravitational interaction, which is one of the three fundamental interactions. The rest forces are
derived. They result from the operation of underlying electromagnetic forces between a large
number of molecules.
This statement constitutes the superposition principle for forces. In terms of rectangular
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 24
components of the forces the superposition principle is expressed by
Fx = ∑ Fix , Fy = ∑ Fiy , Fz = ∑ Fiz (4.5)
i i i
G mE
where g = is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface. It is
directed to the Earth’s centre. Since the earth is not exactly spherical, the value of g varies slightly
from place to place. It is seen from Equation 4.13 that g decreases slightly with the altitude. For
example, at altitude of 10 km above the earth’s surface, the acceleration due to gravity is
g = 9.78 m/s2. This value is about 0.3% smaller than it is at see level, g = 9.81 m/s2.
It is well known, that, when we move a body, we apply a force both to accelerate the body and to
keep its motion overcoming the resistance of the environment. In general, the force changes its
magnitude and direction. In order to describe the result of its action in a finite time interval is useful
to introduce another quantity. The total action of the force on the body during its displacement from
one place to another may be characterised by notion of work. The work is related with another
important quantity, called energy, which obeys a low of conservation analogous to that of
conservation of momentum.
5.2 WORK
To express how fast the work is done we use the concept of power. The average power is defined
as the average time rate of the work done W during a time interval ∆t, that is,
Pave = (5.9)
The instantaneous power is the limiting value of the average power when the time interval
approaches zero.
P = lim Pave = (5.10)
∆t → 0 dt
Using the definitions of the work and velocity (Eq. 2.12 and 5.3, respectively) we obtain
dW F.dr dr
P= = = F. = F.v (5.11)
dt dt dt
The SI unit of power is called a watt, W = Js-1 = kg⋅m2⋅s-3. Another unit of work based on watt is
the kilowatt-hour, kWh, equal to the work done by an engine of power of one kilowatt during one
hour. 1 kWh = (1000 W)(3600 s) = 3.6 × 106 J.
In the previous chapters we discussed the dynamics of a single particle representing its interaction
with the rest of universe by the force acting on the particle or by the potential energy. We shall now
investigate the mechanics of many-particle systems. The basic notion for study of systems of
particles is the centre of mass. We shall also discuss and generalise linear and angular momentum
and its conservation in the case of systems of interacting particles. Many processes in the nature
involve exchanges of energy between different bodies by various mechanisms and can be explained
in terms of exchanges of energy between a system of particles and its surroundings. We shall
discuss the work and energy for systems of particles and generalise the principle of conservation of
1 1
yCM =
( m1 y1 + m2 y2 + … + mN yN ) =
∑m y
i =1
i i (6.2)
1 1 N
zCM =
( 11 2 2
m z + m z + … + mN N )
z = ∑ mi zi
M i =1
Any ordinary object contains so many particles (atoms and molecules) that we can assume that its
matter has continuous distribution. Then we may replace any particle in Eq. 6.1 with the
correspondent infinitesimal element of mass dm at point r, so that the sums become integrals.
M V∫
rCM = rdm M = ∫ dm (6.3)
where M is the total mass of the body and integration is taken over the volume V occupied by mass.
For symmetrical uniform body the centre of mass lies at a point, a line or a plane of symmetry. For
example, the centre of mass of a body with rotational symmetry (sphere, cone, cylinder) lies at the
axis of rotation, which is the line of symmetry.
Using the definition of total momentum this result can be rewritten in the form
P = Mv CM (6.6)
That is,
the total momentum of the system of particles is the same as if it were a particle carrying the
whole mass of the system and moving with the velocity of the centre of mass.
For that reason, when we speak of the velocity of a body composed of many particles we
understand the velocity of its centre of mass. We also assume that the measuring instruments are
attached to an inertial frame, called laboratory or L-frame. Sometimes the motion of a system may
be analysed more simply in a reference frame attached to the centre of mass, called a centre-of-
mass frame or C-frame. In C-frame the position vector of centre of mass is always zero and
therefore the total momentum of the system of particles is also zero.
dp N
= FN + FN1 + FN2 … FN , N −1
where Fi is the resultant external force acting on mi and Fij is the internal force exerted on particle i
by particle j. Adding the equations of motion for all particles of the system, we obtain
d p 1 dp 2 dp
+ + … N = (F1 + F2 … + FN ) + (F12 + F13 … F1N +
dt dt dt
+ F21 + F23 … F2N + (6.8)
+ FN1 + FN2 … FN , N −1 )
The sum on the left-hand side of Eq. 6.8 can be rewritten in the form
d p 1 dp 2 dp d dP
+ + … N = (p1 + p 2 … + p N ) = (6.9)
dt dt dt dt dt
where P is the total momentum of the system. The first sum in parentheses on the right hand side is
the resultant of the external forces Fext acting on the system
F ext = F1 + F2 … + FN (6.10)
The second sum in parentheses on the right-hand side of the equation is composed of the all internal
forces of the system. For each pair of particles with numbers i and j the corresponding internal
forces Fij and Fji in the sum may be arranged in pairs of the kind Fij + Fji. According to the law of
action and reaction, Fij = - Fji, or Fij + Fji = 0. Therefore, the sum of the internal forces is also zero.
Using this result and Eq. 6.9 and 6.10, Eq. 6.8 can be written in the form
= F ext (6.11)
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 35
That is,
the time rate of change of the total momentum of a system of particles is equal to the resultant
of the external forces acting on the system.
Combining Eq. 6.6 and 6.11 we obtain
dP d ( Mv CM ) dv
= = M CM = MaCM = F ext (6.12)
dt dt dt
where aCM is the acceleration of the centre of mass. This result is similar to Newton's second law. It
indicates that
the centre of mass moves as if it were a particle of mass equal to the total mass of the system
subjected to the resultant external force.
dL N
= τ N + τ N 1 + τ N 3 … τ N , N −1
where Li = ri × pi is the angular momentum of the i-th particle, τi = ri × Fi is the torque due to the
external forces on mi and τij = ri × Fij is the torque of the force on mi exerted by mj. All momenta
and torques are computed relative to one and the same arbitrary chosen point O fixed to an inertial
reference frame. Adding all the equations, we obtain
dL1 dL 2 dL N
+ + + = τ1 + τ 2 + τ N + (τ12 + τ13 … + τ1N
dt dt dt
+ τ 21 + τ 23 … + τ 2 N (6.17)
+ τ N 1 + τ N 3 … + τ N , N −1 )
The sum on the right side of the equation is composed of the torques of all internal forces of the
system. For each pair of particles i and j the corresponding torques τij and τji in the sum may be
arranged in pairs τij + τji. Since Fij = - Fji we may write
τij + τji = ri × Fij + rj × Fji = (ri - rj) × Fij = rji × Fij (6.18)
where rji = ri - rj is the vector connecting particles j and i. If we assume that the internal forces act
along the line joining the two particles, then the vectors rji and Fij are parallel and their vector
product is equal to zero. Therefore, the sum of the torques of internal forces is also zero. Denoting
by L = ∑ Li the total angular momentum of the system and τ = ∑ τi the total torque exerted by
i=1 i=1
the external forces we have
= τ ext (6.19)
That is,
the time rate of change of the total angular momentum of a system of particles is equal to the
sum of the torques of the external forces acting on the system.
This is the fundamental law of the dynamics of rotation. Eq. 6.19 has meaning only if the vectors
L and τext are calculated relative to one and the same reference point fixed to an inertial frame. It
can be shown that the equation remains valid if the reference point is at the centre of mass of the
system of particles even when the centre of mass accelerates with respect to an inertial frame.
By the same reasoning as in Eq. 6.15, we obtain that the torque of the external forces τ' relative
to another reference point O' fixed to the same frame with position vector R' = OO' relative to O is
given by
τ ′ = ∑ (ri − R ) × Fi = ∑ ri × Fi − R × ∑ Fi = τ − R × F (6.20)
i =1 i =1 i =1
If the resultant force is zero, τ' = τ, that is, the resultant torque is independent on the choice of the
reference point. An important example is the case in which the external forces can be reduced to
two forces F1 and F2 of equal magnitude and opposite directions, F1 = - F2, having lines of action a
distance l apart. Such a pair of forces is called a couple. We choose the reference point on the line
of action of F1. Then the torque of F1 is zero and the torque of the couple is equal to the torque of
the second force, or τ = l × F2. The vector of the torque is directed perpendicular to the plane
formed by the lines of the forces and its direction is determined by the right-hand rule. The
magnitude of the torque is equal to τ = lF.
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 37
In the special case when the torque of the external forces is zero, Eq. 6.19 gives
L = const. (6.21)
Since the external forces on the particles of an isolated system are zero we can state that,
the total angular momentum of an isolated system of particles is constant.
This statement is called the law of conservation of angular momentum for a system of particles.
It is a profound law of nature like the principle of conservation of linear momentum. According to
the principle, if one part of a closed system changes its angular momentum, the rest part must
experience the opposite change in its angular momentum in order to conserve the total angular
momentum. For example, the orientation of a spacecraft can be changed by the use of rigidly
mounted flywheel. The spacecraft is an isolated system and its total angular momentum is always
zero. If the flywheel is set in rotational motion, the spacecraft will start to rotate in the opposite
sense to maintain the zero value of the total angular momentum of the system. When the flywheel
stops, the spacecraft will also stop, but it will have different orientation. In the same way, a cat can
control its orientation in space rotating rapidly its tail instead of flywheel.
In addition to Eq. 6.19, = τ ext we can find similar equations between the correspondent terms
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 38
of total angular momentum and torque. Taking the time derivative of the orbital angular momentum
we have
dL orb drCM dv
= × Mv CM + rCM × M CM = v CM × Mv CM + rCM × F = rCM × F (6.28)
dt dt dt
Substracting Eq. 6.19 and Eq. 6.28 we obtain
= τ CM (6.29)
This equation is valid even if the centre of mass accelerates with respect to an inertial frame of
These results show that the motion of the system is a superposition of the motion of the centre of
mass itself and the motion of its components around the centre of mass. For example, the angular
momentum due to the rotation of Earth about its North-South axis is given by the internal angular
momentum. The Earth’s angular momentum due to its orbiting is its orbital angular momentum.
The total Earth’s angular momentum relative to the Sun is equal to the sum of these two terms.
Any encounter between two or more bodies in which the interaction is relatively strong and acts for
short time may be considered to be a collision. The objects that collide might be elementary
particles, atoms and molecules in a gas, billiard balls, cars etc. The forces of such short interactions
are so great that the role of the rest of the forces is negligible. Thus, we may consider the colliding
bodies as an isolated system, which obeys the principles of conservation of momentum, angular
momentum and energy. The law of conservation of energy requires that the sum of the potential and
kinetic energy of the system remains constant. If the kinetic energy of the system is also conserved,
the collision is said to be elastic. Otherwise, if the kinetic energy changes, the collision is inelastic.
Collisions of macroscopic bodies always involve certain transfer of kinetic energy into other forms
of energy. However, in many collisions the lost kinetic energy is negligibly small compared to the
initial kinetic energy so that they can be treated as elastic. For example, collisions between steel
balls can be considered as elastic. If the two bodies stick together after the collision, the change of
kinetic energy is maximum and the collision is said to be completely inelastic. This is the case of
head-on collision of two cars.
To give an example of the application of the mechanics of many-particle systems presented in the
previous chapter, we consider the motion of rigid body. We shall focus our attention mostly on
rotational motion and we shall consider simple situations, which illustrate the most important
properties of rotation of rigid bodies. We shall also demonstrate the similarities between rotational
and translational motion.
i i i
where the quantity
Figure 7.1 Rotation of rigid body about a fixed I = m1 R12 + m2 R22 + … + mN RN2 = ∑ mi Ri2 (7.4)
axis i =1
is called moment of inertia or rotational inertia
of the body relative to the axis of rotation Z. For a continuous distribution of matter the summation
is replaced by the integration over the volume V occupied by mass.
I = ∫ R 2 dm (7.5)
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 43
The moment of inertia is proportional to the total mass of the object and depends strongly upon the
distribution of the mass perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The larger moment of inertia, the more
difficult it will be to start the object rotating or stop it from rotation. The moment of inertia is a
measure of inertia of the object like the mass. However, I depends on the location of the axis of
rotation while the mass is an intrinsic property of the body. Moments of inertia relative to axes of
symmetry for various common bodies are given in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 Moments of inertia of some symmetric bodies
All of the moments of inertia in the table are calculated for an axis passing through the centre of
mass of the object. Calculating the moment of inertia about any other axis can be performed by use
of Steiner’s theorem, known also as parallel axis theorem.
An object with moment of inertia I about an axis
Z' a Z of rotation passing trough the centre of mass is
shown in Figure 7.2. We choose the reference
frame with origin at the centre of mass and Z-axis
CM coincident with the axis of rotation. Consider the
moment of inertia I’ for the body about the axis Z’
parallel to Z and a distance a away. By definition
I' I (Eq. 7.4),
I ' = ∑ mi Ri2 = ∑ mi ( a + R i ' )
Figure 7.2 Moments of inertia about two (7.6)
parallel axes i =1 i =1
where Ri' is the position vector of the i-th mass
element relative the centre of mass. Expanding and rearranging, we have
N N 1 N
I ' = a 2 ∑ mi + 2a. ∑ mi R i ' + ∑ mi R 'i2 = Ma 2 + 2M a. ∑ mi R i ' + I ' (7.7)
i =1 i =1 i =1 M i =1
The term in parenthesis is equal to the projection of the position vector of the centre of mass on XY
- plane and is zero since the centre of mass is coincident with the origin. Thus, we have
I’ = Ma2 + I (7.8)
This equation is called Steiner’s theorem. The equations in Table 7.1 can be extended by use of the
Steiner’s theorem.
Since the motion of a rigid body is a combination of a translation and rotation, there are two
equilibrium conditions, F = 0 and τ = 0. The condition for translational equilibrium is
∑i Fi = 0
∑ ix
F = 0 ∑ iy
= 0 ∑ iz
= 0
that is, the sum of all the forces must be zero and therefore, the acceleration of the centre of mass is
also zero.
In the case of a rotational motion the sum of all the torques relative to any point must be zero.
∑i τi = 0
∑ ix
= 0 ∑ iy
= 0 ∑ iz
= 0
This is the condition for rotational equilibrium. It was shown in the previous chapter (Eq. 6.20)
that, if the net force acting on the system is zero, the choice of the origin taken for the computation
of torques is of no importance.
It is well known that any body is composed of an enormous number of particles (atoms and
molecules). The kinetic theory of matter states that these particles are in continuos random
motion. Generally speaking, the laws of mechanics are also valid for such many-particle systems.
However, when the number of particles increases, the mathematical difficulties in determination of
motion of individual particles sharply increase and for large numbers of particles the calculations
become unrealisable. In addition, usually we are interested in the behaviour of the system as a
whole rather then in the motion of the each individual molecule. Statistical physics relates the
collective or macroscopic properties of a system to its microscopic structure without considering the
detailed motion of each particle. It is interested not in the behaviour of the individual molecule, but
only in average quantities characterising the motion of a very large number of particles.
Thermodynamics concerns macroscopic processes in which energy is transferred as heat or work
without explicitly considering the microscopic structure of matter. Thermodinamical and statistical
approaches mutually supplement each other. To demonstrate this we consider the simplest kinetic
theory of dilute gases.
In everyday life, temperature refers to how hot or cold a body is. It can be defined more precisely
by means of the notion of thermal equilibrium. Temperature is a characteristic of the state of
thermal equilibrium. All systems in thermal equilibrium with each other have the same temperature.
Systems with different temperatures are not in equilibrium. The temperature of a system increases,
if it receives energy at constant external conditions. The instruments used to measure the
temperature are called thermometers. They determine the temperature from some property of the
thermometric substance that depends on temperature. For example, the temperature of a fixed
amount of gas in equilibrium can be determined measuring its volume and pressure. To measure the
temperature of a body we place the thermometer in contact with the body until the whole system of
two bodies in contact approaches thermal equilibrium and determine the temperature by measuring
the parameters of the working substance of the thermometer.
is called the root-mean-square (rms) velocity of the molecules. Since the pressure is p = and
the area of the spherical container is A = 4π R 2 we have
F 1 mN 2 1 mN 2 1 mN 2
p= = vrms = vrms = vrms (8.30)
4π R 2
4π R R
3 4 3 V
πR 3
pV = mNvrms 2
This result relates macroscopic quantities as pressure and volume to the root-mean-square velocity,
which is a typical microscopic characteristic.
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 51
Comparing Eq. 8.31 with the ideal gas equation in the form pV = NkT (Eq. 8.17), we have
T= (8.32)
vrms = (8.33)
We see that the temperature of the ideal gas depends only on the mass of the molecules and their
root-mean-square velocity. The root-mean-square velocity can be related to the average kinetic
energy Ek,ave of the translational molecular motion. By definition
1 N mv 2
Ek,ave = ∑ i (8.34)
N i 2
so that
1 N mv 2 m 1 N m 2
Ek,ave = ∑ i = ∑ vi2 = vrms (8.35)
N i 2 2N i 2
Using the relation between Ek,ave and vrms, Eq.8.32 and 8.33 become
2 Ek,ave
T= (8.36)
Ek,ave = kT (8.37)
This result shows that the temperature of the ideal gas is measure of the average translational kinetic
energy of the gas molecules.
U= NkT (8.40)
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 52
Thermodynamics is a branch of physics which studies the thermal properties of macroscopic
systems without explicitly considering the microscopic structure of matter. The behaviour of the
systems is described by macroscopic concepts such as those of temperature, pressure and heat.
Thermodynamics is based on several principles, which are a generalisation of numerous
observations and experiments. Although thermodynamics was developed before the microscopic
nature of matter was well understood, the principles of thermodynamics are ultimately explained by
a statistical treatment of the random motion of atoms and molecules.
9.3 WORK.
The energy exchange between a system of many particles with its surroundings is called work when
it is associated with a collective displacement under the action of a macroscopic force. By
convention, the work done by the system on its surroundings is usually taken as positive and
denoted by W. For example, when a gas in a cylinder expands against the piston (Figure 9.1), it does
work. The force on the piston of area A is
F = pA (9.2)
The infinitesimal work dW done by the gas to
move the piston a distance dx is
dW = Fdx = pAdx = pdV (9.3)
where dV = Adx is the infinitesimal change in
volume of the gas. For a finite change from V1 to
Figure 9.1 Work done by a gas when it V2 the work done by the gas is
changes its volume. V2
W = ∫ pdV (9.4)
9.3.1 CYCLE
The process in which the system returns to its
initial state is called cycle (Figure 9.3). The work
in a cycle is determined by
W = ∫ pdV (9.5)
In the p - V diagram the work is given by the area
Figure 9.3 Work done by a gas during a cyclic enclosed within the curve representing the cycle.
process The sign of W depends on the direction of the
cycle. If the cycle is realised in the clockwise
direction, the work done by the gas is positive and vice versa.
W= ∫ pdV = p ∫ dV = p (V
V1 V1
2 − V1 ) = p∆V (9.6)
9.4 HEAT
There exist some energy exchanges between the system and its surroundings which are not
associated with a collective displacement and are, therefore, not associated with the mechanical
work. This is the case of energy transfer between the system and another body which is hotter or
colder than the system. In this case, the change of the internal energy is a result of interactions
between the particles of systems put into contact. The molecules, which are in random motion,
collide each other. At each collision, a small amount of energy is exchanged. Energy is transferred
also at distance by emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation. The concept of heat is
referred to the energy transfer due to the microscopic exchanges of energy in the random collisions
between the molecules of the system and its surroundings, without any collective displacement. The
amount of heat Q is defined as the net energy transferred in this way to the system. By convention,
it is positive when the heat is absorbed by the system and it is negative when the heat is given off by
the system. When heat is neither absorbed nor given off, the transformation is called adiabatic.
When the temperature of two systems is the same (that is, they are in thermal equilibrium), there
is no heat transfer between them. That means that, on the average, the same amount of energy is
transferred in one direction as in the other. When the temperature is different, heat is transferred
from the system at higher temperature to the system at lower temperature.
9.5.1 CYCLE
When the transformation is cyclic, the initial and final states are the same and the internal energy
does not vary, ∆U = 0. Then Eq. 9.10 becomes
Q =W (9.13)
Thus, the work done by the system in a cyclic process is equal to the heat absorbed by the system.
A thermal engine is a device that operating cyclically, transforms heat into work. During every
cycle, energy is transferred as heat from a heater to the working substance of the engine. A portion
of this energy is transformed into useful work and the rest is given (lost) to a cooler. To analyse a
thermal engine we shall consider a reversible cycle called Carnot cycle. A particular Carnot cycle
is shown in p - V diagram and T - S diagram in Figure 9.6. It is composed of two isothermal
transformations A→B and C→D and two adiabatic transformations B→C and D→A. During the
isothermal process A→B at a temperature T1, the working substance absorbs heat Q1 from the
heater and expands performing work. The change of entropy is
∆S AB = 1 > 0 (9.39)
During the adiabatic process B→C, the working substance continues to expand and perform work.
Its temperature decreases from T1 to T2. There is no heat transfer and therefore, the entropy is
∆S BC = 0 (9.40)
During the isothermal process C→D at a temperature T2 < T1, the working substance is compressed
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 58
and it gives off heat Q2 to the cooler. The change in entropy is negative,
∆SCD = 2 < 0 (9.41)
During the adiabatic compression D→A, the temperature increases from T2 to T1 and the entropy
does not vary.
∆S DA = 0 (9.42)
At the end of the cycle the net changes in entropy and internal energy must be zero
∆S = ∆S AB + ∆S BC + ∆SCD + ∆S DA = 1 + 2 = 0 (9.43)
T1 T2
∆U = Q − W = 0 (9.44)
The work W done in the cycle can be determined using the T - S diagram. It is equal to the area
of the rectangle ABCD.
W = ( T1 − T2 )( S 2 − S1 ) (9.45)
The efficiency η of a thermal engine is determined as the ratio of the net work done by the engine to
the heat Q1 transferred from the heater to the working substance, that is,
η= (9.46)
Since Q1 = T∆SAB = T1(S2 - S1),
(T − T )( S − S ) (T − T ) T
η = 1 2 2 1 = 1 2 = 1− 2 (9.47)
T1 ( S2 − S1 ) T1 T1
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 59
The science of electricity originates centuries ago in the observation known to Thales of Milethus
(600 - 548 B.C.). A rubbed with silk piece of amber attracts bits of straw. Similar phenomena may
be demonstrated by rubbing a glass rod with silk. As a result of rubbing, these bodies acquire a new
property called electricity. The word "electricity" comes from the Greek word electron, which
means amber. The electricity plays an important role in the modern technology, motors, computers,
communications, etc. But electricity is important not only because it has given rise to the different
branches of technology. Generally speaking, the electrical interaction determines the properties of
matter in bulk since the forces that act between atoms and molecules to hold them together to form
liquids and solids are electrical forces. Our purpose in this chapter is to introduce the basic concepts
of electric interaction of static electric charges in free space.
where V is the entire volume of charge distribution, ρ = is the volume charge density.
where Ei = u i is the electric field due to the charge qi. We see that the principle of
4πε 0 ri 2
superposition is valid also for the intensity of the electric field.
We see that in the general case the electric force is also conservative and it is possible to define
potential energy Ep of the electric field. If we compare this result with the general relation between
work and potential energy, WAB = Ep(B) - Ep(A), (Eq. 5.24), the potential energy Ep of the electric
force in moving the test charge q can be written in the form
Ep = q (10.16)
4πε 0 ri
The potential energy is set to be zero at infinity distance from the charges, as is the usual practice.
This choice is not essential, however, since the potential energy is determined within an arbitrary
chosen constant.
∆V = − ∫ E.dr (10.20)
The potential difference between two points is equal to the work done by the field to move a test
unit charge from one point to another. For an infinitesimally small displacement dr the potental
difference is given by
dV = - E.dr (10.21)
If the integral is taken over a closed path L, the potential difference is zero and
∫ E.dr = 0
that is,
the circulation of the static electric field along any closed path is zero.
When the electric field is due to a group of point charges, substituting the electric potential
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 63
energy from Eq. 10.16 into Eq. 10.17, we find
V= Vi = (10.23)
4πε 0 ri
which gives the potential as a sum of potentials of the individual charges.
In this chapter we continue the discussion of static electric charges in free space. Once we have
introduced the electric field, we discuss the use of electric lines of force and equipotential surfaces.
Gauss' law is a new formulation of Coulomb's law. It is more general relationship between the
charges and the electric field and provides deeper understanding of the nature of electric field.
Gauss' law sometimes simplifies calculations of the field when there is symmetry in the charge
distribution. Finally, we consider examples of use of the law for situations of high symmetry.
ε 0 ∫ E.dS = q (11.12)
where q = ∑ qi is the net charge inside the closed surface.This relation is called Gauss' law. It
says that
the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the net electric charge enclosed by
the surface.
The electric flux is independent on the shape of the surface and the distribution of the charges inside
the surface.
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 68
Since the field is directed along the axis of the cylinder the flux through the lateral surface is zero.
For both sides the field is parallel to the normal so that the fluxes through the bases are equal to ES.
Thus, Gauss' law may be written in the form
ε 0 ES1 + ε 0 ES2 = 2ε 0 ES = σ S (11.16)
E= (11.17)
2ε 0
That is, the electric field is uniform. This result is a good approximation for finite planes if the
distance to the plane is much smaller than the distance to the edge of the plane.
According to the principle of superposition, the
electric field of a pair of plane parallel surfaces
carrying equal but opposite charges (Figure 11.8)
is the sum of the fields E+ and E- due to the
positive and negative surface, respectively.
Outside the surfaces the individual electric fields
are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction so
that their resultant is zero. In the region between
the surfaces E+ and E- are equal in magnitude and
direction. The resultant field E = E+ + E- has the
same direction and magnitude
Figure 11.8 Two uniformly charged planes σ σ σ
E = E+ + E− = + = (11.18)
with equal but opposite charges 2ε 0 2ε 0 ε 0
We see that the electric field outside the plates is zero and the field between the plates is uniform
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 69
with magnitude E = .
To find the potential difference between the planes we substitute F = qE and W = q∆V into the
relation between the work done by a constant force, W = F.∆r (Eq. 5.7). Thus, we obtain
∆V = V+ − V− = (11.19)
∫ E.dS = ∫ E.dS +
E.dS + ∫
E.dS (11.22)
base base surface
we see that only the third integral is not zero because the normals to the bases are perpendicular to
the field. Since the field on the lateral surface has constant magnitude and is normal to the surface
we can write
∫ E.dS = ∫ E.dS = E ∫ dS = 2π rLE
lateral lateral
surface surface
In the preceding chapter we discussed only electrostatic fields in vacuum without interesting in the
influence of the field on the matter. However, when a body is placed in an external electric field, the
electric charges of the body are subject of additional forces, which tend to move the charges from
their initial positions giving rise to a new charge distribution. This results in changes of the
properties of the body as well as of the net field. The response of the substance to an applied electric
field depends on the ability of its charged particles to move under the action of the field. Conductors
are materials, which contain many charged particles, capable to migrate within the boundaries of the
material, and which are therefore called free charges or mobile charge-carriers. For example,
metals, electrolytes and ionised gases are conductors. Insulators or dielectrics have no free charges.
Their charges are bound to specific atoms or molecules and can not move freely through the
medium. Semiconductors are intermediate between conductors and insulators.
It may be shown theoretically that this equation is valid in the general case regardless of the
presence of a conductor in the closed surface. Thus the Gauss' law may be reformulated as follows.
The flux of the electric displacement through a closed surface is equal to the net free charge
inside the surface.
In the case when the relation between the polarization and the electric field is linear we have
D = ε 0 E + P = ε 0 (1 + χ e )E = ε E (12.14)
ε = ε 0 (1 + χ e ) (12.15)
is called permitivity. The dimensionless quantity
εr = 1 + χe (12.16)
is called relative permitivity or dielectric constant. Thus, we may write Gauss' law in the form
ε 0 ∫ ε r E.dS = qfree (12.17)
At electric equilibrium, the free electrons in a metallic conductor move randomly in all directions
like gas molecules. The number of electrons moving along each direction is equal, that is, they have
no net directed motion. The presence of an electric field inside the conductor gives rise to a drift of
free charges. This phenomenon having important practical application shall be considered in this
closed surface S, enclosing a volume V, must be equal to the rate at which the charge Q inside the
surface decreases. That is,
I = ∫ j.dS = − (13.7)
Representing the charge inside the surface as
Q = ∫ ρ dV (13.8)
we obtain
∫ j.dS = − dt ∫ ρ dV
This is the equation of continuity of the electric charge. In the stationary case the amount of
charge inside any surface is time-independent. Therefore,
∫ j.dS = 0
∫ j.dS = ∫ j.dS + ∫ j.dS + … = I1 + I 2 + … = ∑ Ii = 0
S1 S2 i
where R = ∑ Ri is the total resistance of the circuit. In each passing through the circuit a unit of
charge does work RI, which is transferred into heat. Since this transfer is an irreversible process the
same amount of energy must be given to the charge to maintain the current. The total work E done
in moving a unit of charge around the circuit is called the electromotive force (abbr. emf). The
device which can supply energy to an electric current is called the seat of electromotive force.
In the circuit external to the seat of emf E (Figure
13.6) the current flows from point A of higher
potential to point B of lower potential and
transforms the electric energy into heat. However
inside the seat the flow of current is from point B
to A in direction of the increasing of the electric
potential. Obviously, the forces driving the free
charges against the electrostatic force in the seat of
Figure 13.6 A circuit with an electromotive emf are non-electrostatic. Furthermore, these
force. forces are non-conservative since their work along
the closed circuit is not zero. Thus, the seat
converts non-electrical energy (chemical,
electromagnetic etc.) to electrical energy and maintain a steady potential difference (and of course
an electric field) between its terminals. Note that the emf exists also if the circuit is open and the
current does not flow.
The total resistance R of a simple circuit, shown in
Figure 13.7 may be separated into the resistance of
the seat, Ri , called internal resistance, and the
resistance Re of the rest part of the circuit, called
external resistance, or R = Ri + Re . Thus, for a
single-loop closed circuit the Ohn's law may be
expressed as
E = ( Ri + Re ) I (13.31)
In general a closed electric circuit may consists of
Figure 13.7 A symbolic representation of a several junctions and branches connecting these
simple single-loop circuit. junctions (Figure 13.8).
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 83
Let Rj be the resistance, Ej - the emf and Ij - the
current in the j - th branch. Then equalizing the net
emf around the loop to the total work done by the
field to transfer a unite charge we obtain
∑ Ej = ∑ R j I j
j j
The science of magnetism has its roots in the
observation that certain stones have the property of
attracting bits of iron. The name magnetism comes
from the district of Magnesia in Asia Minor where,
according to ancient Greeks, this phenomenon was
recognised firstly. A body having magnetic
properties is called magnet. There are two points
in each magnet, called poles, where the magnetism
appears to be concentrated. The Earth itself
behaves as an enormous magnet with poles
Figure 14.1 Interaction between magnets situated at the geographic poles. The Earth acts on
each magnet tending to orient it in such a way that
the same pole of the magnet points toward the North Pole. Each magnet has one north-seeking
(north or positive pole) and one south-seeking pole (south or negative pole). The experiment shows
that like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other (Figure 14.1).
Initially, the magnetic interaction was considered as an interaction between magnetic poles or
charges. However, the experience show that it is impossible to isolate a magnetic charge, that is, to
find a particle having only one kind of magnetism. Furthermore, numerous experiments have
demonstrated that the magnetic interaction is due to moving electric charges or electric currents.
The electric and magnetic interactions produced by the same set of charges are related and must be
considered as a manifestation of the more general electromagnetic interaction.
In the previous chapter we discussed the effect of a magnetic field on moving charges and currents
and defined the vector B. This chapter deals with the generation of a magnetic field by moving
charges or, equivalently, currents. We consider the Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law and Gauss law
for magnetism which describe the magnetic field set up by moving charges and current-carrying
conductors. If the current distributions are known, these laws can be used to compute the
correspondent magnetic fields.
The result indicates that when the currents are in the same direction, the conductors attract each
other and when they are in opposite directions, they repel. The two forces obey the third Newton's
The force of interaction between two current carrying conductors is used to define the SI unit of
current. A current of one ampere is that constant current which flowing in two infinitely long
conductors, of negligible circular cross-section, placed 1 metre apart in a vacuum, would produce a
force between them of 2×10-7 N per metre length of conductor.
Figure 15.7 A long straight conductor carrying curve L. The product B.dl may be transformed as
curren I enclosed by a plane closed curve L.
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 93
µ 0 Ir µ I
B.dl = BdlT = dω = 0 dω (15.25)
2π r 2π
Substituting the scalar product into the line integral we obtain
µ 0 I 2π
∫L B .d l =
2π ∫0
dω = µ0 I (15.26)
It can be shown that this result is valid for any shape of the current and for any shape of the curve.
If the curve L links several conductors carrying currents I1, I2, ..., I1n, using the principle of
superposition we can write
∫ B.dl = µ0 ∑ Ii
We have been considering the magnetic effects in the absence of matter neglecting the conductors
that produce the magnetic field. We now begin our consideration of the role of matter. The presence
of matter modifies the electric field as well as the magnetic field. Magnetic properties are exhibited
to a greater or smaller extent by all substances. To explain the magnetic properties of materials we
will start with consideration of the magnetic properties of the atoms which compose them.
When matter is placed in an external magnetic field the electronic motion is distorted. As in the case
of electric polarisation of unpolar molecules the magnetic field gives rise to an additional magnetic
dipole moment, whose magnitude is proportional to the field. However, unlike the induced electric
momenta the induced magnetic momenta of atoms and molecules are antiparallel to the external
field. This effect, called diamagnetism, may be explained by the tendency of the electron to move
in a circular path in a magnetic field. The circular motion induced by the magnetic field is
superimposed on the normal motion of the electron. Such circular motion is equivalent to an
elementary current and produces an additional magnetic moment with direction antiparallel to the
external field and magnitude which does not depend on the kind and on the orientation of the atom.
Diamagnetism is a universal property of all substances inasmuch as they consist of electrons
although sometimes it is obscured by the stronger effects of magnetisation. Only those substances in
which diamagnetism is the only effect of magnetisation are referred to as diamagnetic. This
condition is satisfied by atoms and molecules which have not permanent magnetic moment.
Since diamagnetism is due to the distorsion of the motion of electrons in atoms and
molecules, it is independent on the temperature.
If a substance whose atoms or molecules have permanent magnetic dipole moments is not subjected
to an external magnetic field, the magnetic dipoles are oriented randomly and there is no
macroscopic magnetic moment. If an external magnetic field is applied, it exerts torques on the
magnetic dipols which tend to align them in the direction of the field. The orientation of the
molecular dipoles is complete only at very low temperatures since the thermal motion tends to
disarrange the molecules. Since the extent to which the magnetic dipoles become aligned depends
strongly on the thermal motion paranagnetism is dependent on the temperature. The net magnetic
dipole moment is oriented in the direction of the external field. Such type of magnetisation is called
paramagnetism. Since the permanent dipole moments are much greater than the induced moments
the diamagnetism is masked by the paramagnetic effects in paramagnetic substances.
There also exists paramagnetism resulting from the alignment of the spin magnetic moments of
the conducting electrons in metals.
Certain metals, alloys, and compounds of the transition (iron, cobalt, nickel), rare-earth
(gadolinium, dysprosium) and actinide elements can have a large permanent magnetisation. This
property, called ferromagnetism, exists below certain temperature, called Curie temperature
(named after the French physicist Pierre Curie). When the temperature of a ferromagnetic material
exceeds Curie temperature it behaves as if it were paramagnetic.
16.4.1 DOMAINS
Ferromagnetism is due to a special kind of interaction between the electronic spins of two adjacent
atoms, called exchange interaction, which may be described only in terms of quantum mechanics.
This interaction gives rise to a spontaneous parallel or antiparallel alignment of the unpaired spin
magnetic moments among adjacent atoms in the cristal lattice. As a consequence, an alignment of
PHYSICS 1 2002 S. Nitsolov 97
magnetic moments of adjacent atoms in one direction takes place in small regilons, called domains.
Each domain contains a great number of atoms (1017÷1021 ). The direction of magnetisation of a
domain is one of the crystallographic directions of easy magnetisation (the directions in a crystal in
which a given magnetic field produces maximum polarisation).
If a paramagnetic is unmagnetized, the domains are randomly oriented (Figure 15.10). When an
external magnetic field is applied to the paramagnetic, the domains that are suitably oriented grow
at the expense of the others. If the external field increases, the magnetisation of the domains turns
aligning in the direction of the field. The magnetisation remains even when the magnetic field is
The thermal motion of the atoms randomizes their orientation and decreases the alignment.
When the temperature of a ferromagnetic exceeds Curie temperature, the thermal motion complitely
destroys the alignment of spins. Then the domains disappear, the substance looses its ferromagnetic
properties and becomes a paramagnetic.
H .dl = H.AB = H AB = nI AB = I free (16.11)
where Ifree is the total free current across the rectangle ABCD. Although this result was obtained for
a particular geometrical arrangement, it is of general validity,
∫ H.dl = I free (16.12)
the circulation of the magnetising field along a closed curve is equal to the total free current
linked by the curve.
In this equation all currents due to the magnetisation are excluded, while, in Eq. 15.27, the total
current linked by the closed curve, includes the free currents as well as the magnetisation currents.
The relation between H and B may be written in the form
B = µ0 (H + M ) (16.13)
For non-ferromagnetic substances the magnetisation M of a body is proportional to the magnetising
field H or
M = χmH (16.14)
where the quantity χm is called the magnetic susceptibility of the material. χm is dimensionless, and
has no unit. For diamagnetic substances χm is negative and for paramagnetic substances is positive.
For both diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials
χ m << 1 (16.15)
Substituting the equation for M into the relation between H and B, we obtain
B = µ 0 ( H + χ m H ) = µ 0 (1 + χ m ) H = µ H (16.16)
where µ = µ0 (1 + χm ) is called the permeability of the substance. It has the same units as µ0 . The
dimensionless quantity
µr = = 1 + χm (16.17)
is called the relative permeability.
Using the relation B = m0 H, we transform the equation for the circulation of H into
∫L µ B.dl = I free (16.18)
We see that the effect of the matter on the magnetic field may be taken into account by replacing µ0
by µ.
where the integration is over all the volume in which the magnetic field exists. The energy density
of magnetic field (magnetic energy per unit volume) may be defined as
dEmag B 2
= (16.21)
dV 2µ