Tips For IELTS Preparation

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The following Study Hints will help you in the weeks leading up to the IELTS:

 Become familiar with the test as early as possible. The skills being tested in the

IELTS take a period of time to build up. Cramming is not an effective study

technique for IELTS.

 Use your study time efficiently. Study when you are fresh and, after you have

planned a timetable, make sure that you keep to it. Set goals and ensure that you

have adequate breaks. In the IELTS test, each of the four Band Modules —

Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking — carries the same weight. Study each

skill carefully and spend more time on the skills in which you feel you are weak.

 Be aware of the exact procedure for the test. Be very clear on the order of each

section, its length and the specific question types. There are many resources

available to help you practice these skills.

 Having a study partner or a study group is an excellent idea. Other students may

raise issues that you may not have considered.

 Seek help from teachers, friends and native English speakers.


Days before the test:

 This is not a time for intensive study. It is a time to review skills and your test

technique. It is important to exercise, eat, rest and sleep well during the week in

which you will take the test.

 Leave nothing to chance. If you do not know how to get to the test centre, try

going there at a similar time one or two weeks before the real test.

The night before the test:

 You must have a good dinner and go to bed at your normal time — not too early

and not too late, as you do not want to disrupt your sleep pattern if possible.

 Have everything ready that you need to take with you to the test so you can

simply pick it up in the morning, for example, the test registration form, passport,

test number, pens, pencils, erasers, etc. A pen that runs dry or a pencil that

breaks can take several minutes to replace. Check before the exam exactly what

articles you need. Set your alarm clock the night before or arrange a wake-up call.

On the morning of the test:

 Eat a good breakfast. You will have several hours of concentration ahead of you

and you will need food and drink in the morning. You may even want to bring

more food or a snack with you, especially if your speaking test is at a later time

that day. You cannot, however, take food or drink into the exam room. If possible,

wear a watch in case you cannot see the clock in the exam room. It is essential

that you keep track of time.

 Give yourself plenty of time to get to the test centre. You will be required to

complete a registration form and to show your passport before you enter the

examination room so you must arrive at the time specified by your test centre. If
you are early, you could go for a walk. If you are late, you will not be allowed to

enter. Avoid the added tension of having to rush.

During the test:
 Most students at the test will feel nervous. This is quite normal. In fact, it can

actually be quite helpful in terms of motivation. It may make you alert and help

you to focus. The aim is for you to try to perform at your optimum level.

 In contrast, high levels of anxiety can affect a student's performance. However,

much of this anxiety can be overcome by good preparation, familiarity with test

details and a positive attitude.

 The examination room should be suitable for testing, that is, the lighting,

ventilation and temperature should be appropriate. If you are uncomfortable

because of any of these factors or if there is some other problem, such as not

being able to hear the recording of the Listening Module, make sure you ask the

person in charge to do something about it. For example, you may ask to change


Examination technique:
 By using good examination technique you could help to improve your overall

score for the IELTS test.

 Remember that every section is marked independently. Do not jeopardize your

performance in one section just because you believe that you have done badly in

another. Do not underestimate or try to predict your outcome. You may, in fact,

have done better than you imagined.

 Focus on what you know rather than on what you don't know while you are doing

the test.

 Ensure that you adhere to the times suggested as they usually correspond to the

number of marks given for a particular question.

 In the Listening and Reading Modules, it is a good idea to write down an answer,

even if you are not sure of it, before moving on to the next question. Many
students intend to return to the answers they have omitted at the end of the test

but do not have enough time to do so. Furthermore, by writing your best answer

at the actual time of reading the question, you save the time you need to spend

again on re-reading the question and re-acquainting yourself with the subject

matter. If you are not confident about your answer, mark it in some way and

return to it at the end.

 Do not leave any answers blank. You are not penalized for incorrect answers, so

‘guess’ wisely.

In the Listening Module, the recording is played once only. You must, therefore, use a

number of strategies to help you listen closely. There are a few main skills you will need

to do well in the Listening Module:

Understanding the instructions:

 Instructions are both written on the question paper and spoken on the tape. Read

and listen very carefully to every word in the instructions. Ensure that you follow

them exactly and answer in the correct way.

Previewing and predicting:

 An announcer will briefly outline:

✔ The topic

✔ Who is talking

✔ The situation.

 Try to listen carefully as this will help you to preview the questions.

 Before the recording begins for each section, you will be given up to 30 seconds

to read and become familiar with the questions. Use this time efficiently so that

you can prepare yourself to listen for the information you need.

 Here are some hints for previewing and predicting:

✔ Study the question carefully and try to predict what type of answer is required.

For example, will it be a date, a name or maybe a number?

✔ Check the differences between similar-looking pictures or diagrams.

✔ Look for minor details such as different numbers or omissions.

 In addition to the 30 seconds before each section, you will also be given 30

seconds after each section to look over your answers.

 If you are satisfied with your answers in the section you have just finished, move

on to the next section and use the full 60 seconds for previewing.

Listening for specific information:

 Use of previewing and predicting skills will help you listen for the specific

information you need to answer the questions in the Listening Module.

 Listening for key words and common connective words often helps to signal the

specific information that you need in order to answer the question.

 Make sure that, while you are actually writing your answers, you continue to listen

to the information given in the recordings as there will not be a second

opportunity to hear it.

Checking and rewriting:

 You are given about 30 seconds after each section to check your answers. Check

that all your answers correspond with the given instructions.

 Make sure that you have answered every question. Marks are not deducted for

incorrect answers so, if you are unsure of a particular answer, you should guess

by writing down what you think is the most likely answer.

 Check that you have included only what is necessary in the answer.

 At the end of the Listening Module, you are given about 10 minutes to transfer

your answers from the question paper onto the answer sheet. Scan your answers

to ensure that you have transferred them correctly so that the number on the

question paper corresponds with the number on the answer sheet. Be especially

careful when transferring answers from tables as sometimes the items are not

linearly ordered.

One of the main difficulties experienced by students doing the Reading Module is not

having enough time to complete the test. It is, therefore, essential to read both

efficiently and effectively.

There are a few main skills that you will need in order to do well in the IELTS Reading

Module. It is useful to use the following procedure for each text that is given.

Previewing (about 2 minutes for each passage):

 Study the passage by noting:

✔ Titles

✔ Headings

✔ Illustrations

✔ Diagrams

✔ Any print in bold type or italics.

 Study key parts of the passage by skimming. Read the first paragraph which often

focuses on the main idea. The first sentence of each paragraph usually expresses

the key points of the paragraph. Generally, the concluding paragraph provides a

summary of the given passage. You may wish to highlight these with a pen.

Interpreting the instructions and questions (about 2 minutes):

 Read each word in the instructions carefully and ensure that you understand

exactly what is required and in what form. For example, the instructions may say,

‘Choose no more than three words from the passage for each answer'. In this

situation, it would not be acceptable to write four or more words. Often students

find the right answer but present it in the wrong form and, unfortunately, do not

score any marks for that answer. Understanding what is required, therefore, is just

as important as finding the right answer in the passage.

 When you are looking at the questions, you need to recognise:

✔ What type of question you have to answer (gap-filling, multi-choice, matching

information, etc?)

✔ Whether or not the question requires a specific or general answer

✔ What form the answer should take (is it a number, date, reason, etc?)

Scanning the text for specific answers (about 1 minute per question)

 Use your time wisely. Spend no longer than one minute on finding each answer.

Only look in the given text, table, diagram or graph for the answer required.

Locate key words in the question and find them or synonyms for them, in the text.

The sentences around these words are most likely to contain the answers you


 If you are still unsure of the answer after you have spent approximately one

minute on the question, make a sensible guess in the appropriate form. You may

wish to mark the answers you are unsure of in some way so that, if you do have

time at the end of the Reading Module, you can check these answers again.

Checking your answers (about 3 minutes):

 After you have completed your answers for each section, you need to check them.

Check that you have followed the instructions exactly. If you have time, return to

the answers you marked because you were unsure and see if the answers you

have given are the best ones.

 Do not leave any answers blank as you do not lose marks for incorrect


Helpful hints for the Practice Reading Module:

 There may be some words in the passage with which you are unfamiliar. Use the

strategies explained in the section, ‘Working out unfamiliar vocabulary' to help

you work out the meanings of these words.

 Be aware of the use of connective words. These will help you with the general

meaning of the text. If you are unsure of any answers, check the table of common

connective words.

 Note if there is a glossary accompanying the passage.

 Follow the instructions carefully. A correct response will be marked wrong if it was

written in the wrong form.

Working out unfamiliar vocabulary:

 When reading a passage in the IELTS test, it is most likely that you will come

across words with which you are unfamiliar. Be prepared for this. You may not

need to understand the exact meaning of an unknown word, unless there is a

question directly related to it.

 If you do need to know the meaning of an unfamiliar word, don't panic. There are

various strategies that you can use to work out the meaning of the unknown


✔ Check the context: Are there any clues in the surrounding words or phrases?

Look particularly at the words just before and just after the unfamiliar words.

✔ Look for a definition: Sometimes the writers realise that the word is an

uncommon one so they define, restate, explain or give an example of it.

Words that signal meaning often include ‘is', ‘means', ‘refers to', ‘that is',

‘consists of'. For example, ‘Snoring is a noise generated by vibrations of the

soft parts of the throat during sleep.' The word ‘is' signals a definition.

Remember, too, to check if there is a glossary.

✔ Identify the word's place and purpose: Is it a noun, adjective, verb or adverb

in the sentence? Are there any punctuation clues, for example, semicolons or

question marks?
✔ Look for connective words: They are often near the unknown words and will

usually help to identify the general direction of the argument which will help to

give some understanding of the unknown word.

✔ Break the word down into syllables: Sometimes knowledge of common roots,

affixes and possible similarity of words in your own language can help you to

identify the meaning.

✔ Treat the unknown word as an algebraic entity ‘X': Observe the relationship of

the unknown word ‘X', to other words and concepts with which you are more

familiar. Often this is enough to answer questions that include ‘X'.



In Task 1 of the Writing Module, you are given about 20 minutes to write a minimum of

150 words.You are asked to look at a diagram, table, graph or short piece of text and

describe the information in your own words. There are three important steps you should

follow: preparation, writing and editing. These steps will help you to write a coherent

and well organised essay in the time given.

Preparation (about 2 minutes):

 You need to spend 2-3 minutes working out exactly what you are going to do. You

should pay attention to the following points:

 Study the question carefully. Most Task 1 writing involves writing a report which

describes some information given. You may wish to note the instructions with a

high-lighting pen.

 Think carefully about the topic. Outline some pertinent points.

 Ensure that your ideas are arranged logically.

Writing (about 15 minutes):

 When writing a Task 1 report, include:

✔ Introductory sentence

✔ Body paragraphs (1-3)

✔ Concluding sentence (optional)

 Introductory sentence:

✔ The introductory sentence explains what you are describing, for example:
✔ ‘The table compares the population growth and interstate migration in each

Australian state for 12 months to the end of 1994.'

✔ ‘The graph shows the growth of computers in Australia between 1975 and


✔ ‘The pie chart represents the proportion of gases contained in natural gas.'

 Body paragraphs:

✔ When discussing the date presented in the task, identify significant trends and

give examples that relate directly to the given information to support your

statements. If you are explaining a process or an object and how it works, you

need to group your information so that it follows a definite logical order.

✔ Remember that the use of verbs expressed in the present passive voice is

often appropriate when giving a description of a process or procedure, for


✔ ‘Coffee beans are pulped to remove their casing. They are then soaked in

water, rinsed thoroughly and dried. After the beans are sorted, they are

roasted in a kiln and blended. Next, they are packed and dispatched to shops

and supermarkets.'

 Concluding sentence (optional): A simple concluding statement could include any

of the following, where relevant:

✔ Significant comments

✔ A potential solution

✔ An overall summary of the ideas

✔ Future implications.

Editing (about 2 minutes):

 Make sure that you have followed the instructions carefully. Be sure that you have

written what you intended and that no important ideas are missing.

 In the last few minutes, check for obvious errors, such as spelling or grammatical



All too often students begin planning or even writing their answers in the IELTS Writing

Module before they understand what is actually expected of them. Following the steps

below will help you to plan a well-structured and coherent essay or report that

addresses the given task.

Preparation (5-7 minutes):

 You may wish to spend about 5-7 minutes working out exactly what you are going

to do. There are five steps to consider.

✔ Study the question carefully. Most task statements or questions have a key

instructional word or words telling you what to do. Note these words with a

highlighting pen.

 There are also key topic words which point to the most important parts of the

question. Underline those words too. Ask yourself how the key words relate to the

given instruction.

✔ Think carefully about the topic. How do you feel about it?

✔ Establish a point of view and list some points for development. The answer

normally takes the form of a short essay. The word ‘essay' comes from an old

French word essai which meant ‘to attempt or try out', or ‘to test'. In an IELTS

Writing Module Task 2 answer, your purpose is to develop your point of view in

a convincing way.
✔ Decide which points will be written as topic sentences. Think about how they

will develop into paragraphs.

✔ Ensure that your points are arranged in a logical order.

Writing (30 minutes):

 When you are writing a Task 2 answer, a structure based on the following

elements could be used (summarised in the flow chart opposite):

 Introductory paragraph:

✔ The introduction of a Task 2 answer should begin with a general statement or

idea of your own that takes into account the key topic words or their

synonyms. The last sentence of the introduction should include a thesis

statement which shows the point of view or direction that will be taken in the


 Body paragraphs:

✔ Body paragraphs each consist of several sentences that are arranged in a

logical way to develop a main idea. You can expect to write about 2-4 body

paragraphs for a Task 2 answer. Each of these contains an appropriate

connective word to ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs. This

connective is then put in a topic sentence which is the main point of the

paragraph clearly stated in a sentence. Every sentence in the paragraph must

be directly related to it. Try to develop every paragraph adequately. This may

be done through the use of examples, explanations, detail, logical inference,

cause and effect or making comparisons or contrasts. There are many

different ways to organise your ideas for body paragraphs. Be confident of the

ideas you choose.

 The conclusion: A good conclusion serves several purposes:

✔ It indicates the end of your essay.

✔ It gives your final thoughts and assessments on the essay subject.

✔ It weighs up the points in your essay and should strengthen your thesis


✔ Do not simply repeat your opening paragraph. This appears too mechanical

and superficial. 


• General statement

• Thesis statement


• Topic sentence including connective


• First supporting sentence

• Second supporting sentence

• Third supporting sentence





 Final assessment with concluding


Editing (about 3-5 minutes):

 In the last few minutes, you should check for obvious errors, such as spelling or

grammatical errors. Be sure you have written what you intended and that there

are no important ideas missing.

 Study the checklist for editing. It lists points to think about when checking your

essay. Become familiar with the list so that you will know what to check for in the

actual IELTS Writing Module.

Checklist for editing:

1. I have used accurate grammatical structures, for example, consistent verb tenses,

subject-verb agreement, accurate word formation (especially of nouns, verb and

adjectives) and appropriate use of ‘a' and ‘the' as well as prepositions.

2. I have used a range of sentence structures.

3. I have used appropriate vocabulary.

4. I have used accurate spelling.

5. I have stated the main idea for each paragraph in a topic sentence and all the

points are related to this topic.

6. I have used connective words effectively to link ideas so that the thoughts move

logically and clearly from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.

7. I have developed each paragraph adequately.

8. I have supplied enough detailed information and sufficient examples or facts.

9. I have developed a definite point of view.

10.Every paragraph that I have written has definitely helped to address the task.


 Before the test begins, the examiner will check your identification. For security

reasons you will be asked to bring your passport or some other photographic

identification. You will be asked to sign your name, which will be matched up with

the photograph and signature on your IELTS application form.

 The test will then be conducted in five phases, which we will now describe in turn.


 In Phase 1, the examiner will first introduce himself or herself and will invite you

to do the same. You may be asked some general questions about your

background, family, home or personal interests.

SKILL 1: Greeting the interviewer and introducing yourself:

Phrases you could use:

✔ ‘Good afternoon. My name is (name) .

✔ ‘Hello. My name is (name) but most of my friends call me (shortened version of


 Think about questions that the examiner might ask about the personal

information you provided on the application form. With a partner, take turns

interviewing each other with questions based on this information. Try to give full

and comprehensive answers to each question.


 In phase 2, the interviewer will encourage you to speak for a longer period of time

on a familiar topic. You may be asked to speak on topics related to your country,

such as customs or lifestyle, and your personal involvement with these. The aim
of Phase 2 is to show the interviewer that you can describe something, tell a story,

give information or directions or express your opinion without relying on the

interviewer to help you through the task.

 The idea is for you to talk and give as much information as you can. Do not simply

answer 'yes' or 'no'. Remember, the interview should be like a conversation. Do

not memorize responses. If you appear to be reciting from memory, the examiner

will interrupt and ask a different question.

 Before you begin preparing for Phase 2, you may wish to make a list of topics

related to your country, culture, lifestyle, personal interests, etc. Once you have

completed such a list, form questions that relate to each of the skills for this

phase. Think about possible questions that could be asked.

 With a speaking partner, practice interviewing and being interviewed. Try to give

full and comprehensive answers to each question.

SKILL 2: Providing general factual information:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘What are some important festivals in your country?'

✔ ‘What kind of climate does your country have?'

✔ ‘What are some of the main industries in your country?'

SKILL 3: Expressing your opinions and attitudes:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ What do you enjoy about the traditional music of your country?

✔ ‘What do you think are positive and negative aspects of your country's education


✔ ‘Would you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside and why?

SKILL 4: Describing a place, event or situation:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘Could you describe the village/town/city in which you grew up'?

✔ ‘What happens during (cultural event, such as Chinese New Year/Christmas) in

your country'?

✔ ‘Could you tell me how you like to spend your leisure time?'

SKILL 5: Comparing places, events or situations:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘How is (city where candidate is studying) different from (candidate's home city)?’

✔ ‘What is the difference between shopping in (city where candidate is studying)

and shopping in (candidate's home city)?’

✔ ‘What do you like most about living in (country where candidate is studying)? How

does that compare with (candidate's home country)?’

SKILL 6: You should be able to give directions and instructions:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘Could you tell me, in detail, how you got from your home to the test centre this


✔ ‘If I had to catch a train or bus in (candidate's home city) what would I do?’

✔ ‘If I were to meet (an important older person) in your culture, how should I greet

them to be polite and show respect?’

SKILL 7: You should be able to re-tell a story or a sequence of events:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘What happens in (an important festival) in your country?’

✔ ‘What is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?’

✔ ‘What did you do when you were preparing to leave (candidate's home country) to

come to (country of study)?’

SKILL 8: Explaining how or why something is done:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘Why do people do what?’(referring to something just mentioned)

✔ ‘Could you tell me more about the procedure involved in (the topic under


✔ ‘How do people celebrate the New Year in (candidate's country)?’


 The interviewer wants to ascertain how competent you are at gaining information

on a given topic.

 You will be given a card. On this card, it will be written a brief outline of a

particular situation. The card will state your role and the role of the interviewer.

You need to ask questions to find out more information. The card will suggest

things for you to ask but these are only given to you as a guide. Do not feel

compelled to follow these suggestions if you have ideas of your own.

 You are responsible for starting the conversation and, to some degree, developing

and directing the flow of dialogue.

 To prepare for Phase 3, select one of the exercises from the Practice work cards

below. Let’s practice asking questions with a partner.


 In Phase 4, the interviewer will converse with you in greater depth on a particular

topic. Topics that may be discussed include your plans for the immediate and

long-term future and the impact that these may have on you and your family.

Your opinion about, attitude towards and reasons for your particular future plans

may also be discussed.

 The interviewer may not understand or agree with some of your responses. You

may be asked to expand or elaborate on some point that you have made, so be

prepared for such a response. Being prepared, however, never means memorizing

set responses.

 During Phase 4, the interviewer will allow the discussion to become more

complex. He or she may refer to other comments you have previously made so
you may have to defend your opinion or give a more detailed explanation of an

idea you have already mentioned.

 Before you begin preparing for Phase 4, you may wish to make a list of your future

plans under the headings of academic, professional, personal and possible

consequences of these plans. Also, make a list of topics that relate to your

personal interests in life as well as a wider range of topics relating to your

country, profession and specific area of study.

SKILL 9: Discussing your future plans:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘Tell me what you plan to do when you finish your undergraduate studies.’

✔ ‘Have you thought about which university you would like to study at and why?’

✔ ‘How did you come to choose (a chosen area of study)?’

✔ ‘Would you ever like to have your own business? Why or why not?’

Key phrases you could use:

 In the future:

✔ I hope to

✔ I would like to

E.g. In the future, I hope to (I would like to) successfully complete a foundation

course (a master’s degree).

 In a few years:

✔ I intend to

✔ I'm planning to

E.g. In a few years, I intend to (I’m planning to) graduate from study at the

University of Greenwich.

 In two years:
✔ What I have in mind is to

E.g. In two years, what I have in minds is to major in (to study) (to explore the

area of) Psychology (International Trade) (Marketing).

 Within three years:

✔ I imagine I will receive (complete) a BA (an MA, an MBA, a PhD).

SKILL 10: Expressing your feelings, opinions and attitudes:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘What are your thoughts about (controversial issue)?’

✔ ‘How would you feel if (a controversial issue) were to happen in the next three or

four years?’

✔ ‘You seem to support (a controversial viewpoint). Why is this?’

✔ ‘Have you ever had to choose between (X) and (Y)? How did you make this

decision? How did you feel as a result of your choice?’

SKILL 11: Explaining why you made certain decisions in the past
and giving reasons for your plans for the future:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘How did you know that you wanted to become a (candidate's choice of


✔ ‘When did you decide to study overseas? What influenced you to make this


✔ ‘Why have you decided to study (candidate's choice of study)? How will this help

your future career?’

SKILL 12: Expressing agreement and disagreement:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘I agree with you to a point on this matter, but could you expand on it a little

more, please?’

✔ ‘I'm not quite convinced by what you are saying. Could you develop your idea

more for me, please?’

✔ ‘I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you are trying to say. Could you put it

another way, please?’

Phrases you could use when agreeing:

✔ ‘Well, of course ... Naturally ... I couldn't agree more ...’

Phrases you could use when disagreeing:

✔ ‘I'm sorry. I can't agree with you ... I don't really think so ...’

✔ ‘That may be so but ... Unfortunately, I have a different point of view ...’

SKILL 13: Discussing hypothetical situations and speculating on future


Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘How do you think having a degree from an overseas university is going to help

your job prospects when you return to (candidate's home country)?’

✔ ‘Do you think that the time spent studying in a foreign country is going to benefit

you personally? If so, in what ways?’

✔ ‘How do you think your country benefits when students return from studying


SKILL 14: Following and responding to changes in tone and direction in

the interview:

Questions you may be asked:

✔ ‘Do you have any regrets about choosing (candidate's choice of profession) or

(candidate's choice of country in which to study)?’

✔ ‘If you could repeat the year of your life, what would you do differently?’

✔ ‘What advice would you give other students planning on (studying overseas)?’

This is the final section of the assessment and will naturally follow on from Phase 4. The

interviewer will let you know that the interview has come to an end, wish you good luck

and say goodbye.

You can prepare yourself for this phase by becoming familiar with common expressions

of leave-taking, noting them and practicing responses to them.

SKILLS 15: Noting that the interview is finishing and saying thank you

(with a smile!):

Phrases you could use:

✔ ‘Thank you very much.’

✔ ‘Goodbye.’

✔ ‘See you.’

Coping with the interview:

There may be times in the interview when you may not understand what the examiner

is saying because he or she may be speaking too softly or too quickly. Perhaps the

examiner may be using words or phrases you do not know. At these times, do not be

afraid to assert yourself. Ask the examiner to speak more loudly, more slowly or to use

other words. Also, do not hesitate to ask the examiner to repeat his or her words at any


Phrases you could use:

✔ ‘Could I ask you to speak more loudly please?’

✔ ‘Sorry but I didn't catch that. Would you please repeat what you just said?’
✔ ‘I'm not quite sure what you mean. Could you explain it to me?’

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