Homework 1 - Saeful Aziz - 29118389

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new machine cost 1,200,000.

instal cost 150,000.00
sold exist machine 185,000.00
book value 384,000.00
cost new machine after 2 years 800,000.00
depreciation 5 years refer to table
terminal value machine eoy 5 -
reduce operating cost per years afte 350,000.00
sold new achine terminal 200,000.00
increase NWC 25,000.00
tax 0.40
cost of capital 0.09
a relevant cash flow for proposed initial investment
total cost of new machine 1,350,000.00
proceed sales existing machine before tax 185,000.00
tax existing machine (79,600.00)
proceed sales existing machine after tax 264,600.00
increase NWC 25,000.00
a.1 Intial Investment 1,110,400.00

Operationg Cashflow - exist machine 1 2

Reduction operating cost 350,000.00 350,000.00
less: dep 270,000.00 432,000.00
npbt 80,000.00 (82,000.00)
less: tax 32,000.00 (32,800.00)
npat 48,000.00 (49,200.00)
CF (npat+dep) 318,000.00 382,800.00

Operationg Cashflow - exist machine 1 2

less: dep 445,500.00 432,000.00

npbt (445,500.00) (432,000.00)
less: tax (178,200.00) (172,800.00)
npat (267,300.00) (259,200.00)
CF (npat+dep) 178,200.00 172,800.00
3 4 5 6
350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 -
256,500.00 162,000.00 162,000.00 67,500.00
93,500.00 188,000.00 188,000.00 (67,500.00)
37,400.00 75,200.00 75,200.00 (27,000.00)
56,100.00 112,800.00 112,800.00 (40,500.00)
312,600.00 274,800.00 274,800.00 27,000.00

3 4 5 6

256,500.00 162,000.00 162,000.00 67,500.00

(256,500.00) (162,000.00) (162,000.00) (67,500.00)
(102,600.00) (64,800.00) (64,800.00) (27,000.00)
(153,900.00) (97,200.00) (97,200.00) (40,500.00)
102,600.00 64,800.00 64,800.00 27,000.00


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