Haefely LL Mafs 151127 Spec

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M ultiple Chopping Gap

With an additional secondary unit the M AFS can also

be used, in som e applications, as a voltage divider.
Rod gaps and sphere gaps (above 1000 kV) draw a
substantial pre-discharge current prior to the voltage
break-dow n, causing a voltage drop. This affects the
com parison tests w hen testing pow er transform ers,
hence particular attention must be paid to the w ay the
circuit is built.
The sphere distance is autom atically adjusted by the
Haefely controls GC 223, GC 257.
In the autom atic m ode, their distance is set
autom atically as a function of the charging voltage.
The gap distance is displayed on the controls. The
chopping is initiated by the first stage, having a
triggering plug.
A m anual control box GSC 219 is available to adjust
the gap distance standalone or w ith non -Haefely
control system s

For m obile/stationary indoor design.
The HV units are m ade of stacked capacitors w ith
inserted dam ping resistances. This active part is built
on reinforced fibre-glass cylinders.
Our active part technology is derived from our
decades-long experience. The copper spheres have
tungsten sintered inserts to reduce burn-off. Their
distance is set by a precise drive. The upper semi -
M ultiple chopping gap M AFS 1200 sphere is attached to a m ovable frame w hich m akes it
possible to adjust sim ultaneously all spark gaps.
APPLICATION The m ultiple chopping gaps are equipped w ith toroid
The m ultiple chopping gap is an original patented electrodes. The electrodes are m ade of brushed
Haefely developm ent and is used to chop lightning alum inium . The electrode type is determ ined by the
im pulses (on the front and on the tail) as w ell as rated voltage. Fibre-glass struts are required w hen
sw itching im pulses up to the highest voltages. m ore than 2400 kV rated M AFS is used. The H base
fram e of w elded steel profiles is equipped w ith four
The m ultiple chopping gap serves sim ultaneously as a sw ivel castors.
load capacitor for the im pulse generator and allow s
excellent reproducibility of the chopping tim e and does
not distort the w ave shape until the chopping point.


Type Rated impulse Rated impulse Capacitance Int. damping M in. clearance to Top
voltage LI voltage SI approx. resistance w alls and ceiling electrode
1.2 / 50 s 250 / 2500 s approx. LI and SI neg. type
M AFS 600 600 kV 600 kV 2400 pF 30 Ω 1.2 m A*
M AFS 1200 1200 kV 1000 kV 1200 pF 60 Ω 2.4 m B*
M AFS 1800 1800 kV 1300 kV 800 pF 90 Ω 3.6 m B*
M AFS 2400 2400 kV 1600 kV 600 pF 120 Ω 4.8 m D **
M AFS 3000 3000 kV 1700 kV 480 pF 150 Ω 6.0 m D **
M AFS 3600 3600 kV 1800 kV 400 pF 180 Ω 7.2 m E **
At standard conditions according to latest IEC 60060-1 and altitudes low er than 1000 m .
* single toroid,
* * double toroid

For tim e-to-chop scattering: <  150 ns
With variable gap setting, both polarities 30 % to 100 % U n
With short circuiting of stages and variable 20 kV to U n


Type Number of Height * Base frame Weight, net Weight, gross Shipping volume
high voltage approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
M AFS 600 1 2.5 m 1.6 x 1.5 m 450 kg 700 kg 3.5 m ³
M AFS 1200 2 4.5 m 1.6 x 1.5 m 600 kg 1000 kg 5.0 m ³
M AFS 1800 3 6.4 m 1.6 x 1.5 m 800 kg 1400 kg 7.0 m ³
M AFS 2400 4 9.1 m 1.6 x 1.5 m 1000 kg 1700 kg 8.5 m ³
M AFS 3000 5 11.1 m 1.6 x 1.5 m 1200 kg 2000 kg 10.5 m ³
M AFS 3600 6 13.4 m 1.6 x 1.5 m 1600 kg 2500 kg 12.0 m ³
* including top electrode


 M ultiple chopping gap w ith one short - Secondary Unit (for Im p. Voltage
circuit bar per 600 kV stage, Top m easurem ent)
electrode & Base frame - Sphere Distance Control Unit GSC 219
 M ulti-core control cable, betw een the
connection box and the chopping gap,
length m ax. 10 m
 2 Test reports and 2 Instructions m anuals


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