Characteristic Reactions of Hydrocarbons
Characteristic Reactions of Hydrocarbons
Characteristic Reactions of Hydrocarbons
Kenneth L. Esmeralda, Krisius Ionnis De Guzman, Alexandra Janine Foronda, Kristeen Kyle
Geronimo, Danniella Grace Grecia, Tricy Fate Hondrada
Group 3 1F Medical Technology Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Hydrocarbons is a class of organic compounds composed purely of Carbon and Hydrogen atoms. The objective of the
experiment was to differentiate between hydrocarbons based on their intrinsic physical properties, chemical properties,
structure and behavior. The test compounds were subjected to different physical and chemical tests to characterize
each one based on flammability, active unsaturation and aromaticity. Physical state, color, odor and volatility were
noted through simple observation. Solubility of the test compounds were noted by introducing the samples into a test
tube with conc. H2SO4. Flammability of the samples were tested by igniting the sample into a small evaporating dish.
The test compounds was also subjected to Baeyer’s Test and Iodine Tests to test for active unsaturation; It was done
by introducing 2% KMnO4 into a test tube with the sample for the Baeyer’s Test and 0.5% I2 in CCl4 into a test tube
with the sample for the Iodine Test. Nitration test was done by adding the nitrating mixture made from HNO3 and of
H2SO4 into a test tube with the sample. For the basic oxidation test, 2% KMnO 4 and 10% NaOH was added into a test
tube containing the sample. All of the test compounds were liquid and colorless. Miscibility test showed that all of the
test compounds were immiscible and all are flammable. Baeyer’s test and Iodine test indicate that only cyclohexene
was actively unsaturated. Among all the test compounds, only Benzene and Toluene tested positive for nitration test
which means that they are aromatic. For the basic oxidation test, cyclohexene exhibited color change.
Cyclohexane C6H12
Cyclohexene C6H10
Benzene C6H6
Figure 2. Preparation of Samples and Reagent for
Iodine Test
Toluene C7H8
6. Nitration Test
Two (2) mL of conc. HNO3 was placed in an
Erlenmeyer flask and was placed on an
2. Solubility in conc. H2SO4
evaporating dish with water. 2 mL of conc. H 2SO4
Six (6) test tubes were prepared, 1mL of conc.
were gradually added into the flask and was cooled
H2SO4 were placed in each one. Then, 1 drop of
to room temperature, this served as the nitrating
each sample were added into the test tubes. Color
mixture. Five (5) drops of each sample was placed
and/or temperature change of the mixture were
on a test tube, then eight (8) drops of the nitrating
noted. For disposal, the solution in each test tube
mixture was added. Observation for the formation
were neutralized with 2 mL 10% NaOH and was
of a yellow oily layer was made and then the
placed in the waste bottle provided.
mixture was diluted with twenty (20) drops of
water. For waste disposal, the solution and the
3. Ignition Test nitrating mixture was placed in a large beaker for
Five (5) drops of each sample was placed in a the slow dilution of 20 mL of water. Small amounts
small evaporating dish, then a lighted match was of Na2CO3 was added until foaming stopped, the
applied to each one. The residue as well as the resulting solution was placed in the appropriate
color of the flame was recorded. waste bottle.
4. Baeyer’s Test
Five (5) drops of the samples was placed in a
test tube. For every sample, 2 drops of 2% KMnO4
was added, each one of the solutions were shaken
vigorously. The rate and extent, as well as the
time of color change were noted.
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