IT Security Policy Handbook
IT Security Policy Handbook
IT Security Policy Handbook
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IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Policy Handbook Scope: ........................................................................................................................................ 5
HCT’s IT Security Mission Statement: ................................................................................................................... 5
Objectives: ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Responsibilities and Undertaking:......................................................................................................................... 6
Compliance:........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Audit and Review: ................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.0 Anti-Virus Policy - GP 450 ............................................................................................................................. 7
2.0 Password Management Policy - GP 451 ....................................................................................................... 9
3.0 Internet Usage Policy - GP 452 ................................................................................................................... 12
4.0 E-mail Usage Policy - GP 453 ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.0 Information Classification Policy - GP 454 .................................................................................................. 16
6.0 Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD) - GP 455 ............................................................................................ 19
7.0 Desktop & Laptop Usage Policy - GP 456 ...................................................................................................... 20
8.0 Software Compliance Policy - GP 457 ........................................................................................................... 22
9.0 Back-up and Restoration Policy - GP 458 ...................................................................................................... 24
10.0 Remote Access Policy - GP 459 ................................................................................................................... 28
11.0 Wireless Communication Policy - GP 460 ................................................................................................... 30
12.0 Mobile Phone Policy - GP 461 ..................................................................................................................... 31
13.0 Dispose of Media Policy - GP 462 ................................................................................................................ 32
14.0 Physical Access for Data Center Policy - GP 463 ......................................................................................... 33
15.0 Patch Management Policy - GP 464 ............................................................................................................ 34
16.0 Change Management Policy - GP 465 ......................................................................................................... 36
17.0 User Access Management Policy - GP 466 .................................................................................................. 38
18.0 Information Security and Business Continuity Incident Management Policy - GP 467 ........................ 40
19.0 Acceptable Use of IT Equipment Policy - GP 468 ........................................................................................ 43
20.0 Clear Desk and Clear Screen Policy - GP 469............................................................................................... 45
21.0 Log Management Policy - GP 470 ............................................................................................................... 46
22.0 Data Storage Policy - GP 471 ....................................................................................................................... 49
23.0 Database Management Policy - GP 472 ...................................................................................................... 50
Roles and Responsibilities: .................................................................................................................................. 51
Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
Website: page 1 of 60
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
The IT Security Policy is defined as a set of standards, guidelines and procedures that specify the expectations
in regard to the appropriate use of information, information assets and network infrastructure. IT Security
Policy is approved and supported by the senior management of HCT. The intentions for publishing an IT Security
Policy is not to impose restrictions that are contrary to the Higher Colleges of Technology’s (HCT) established
culture of openness, trust and integrity; however, it is the Information Technology Department’s commitment
to protect the HCT and its students and staff from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either intentionally
or unintentionally.
HCT Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, including but not limited to computer equipment, software,
operating systems, applications, data storage media, user accounts providing electronic mail, Internet
browsing, and FTP, are the property of the organization. These systems are to be used for academic and
administrative purposes in serving the interests of the HCT, and of our students and staff in the course of their
normal business operations.
Adapting these policies will assist in complying with Information Security Management standard (ISO
27001:2013) and Business Continuity (BS 25999-2:2007).
Effective security is a department effort involving the participation and support of every student and staff in
the HCT and affiliate who deals with information or information systems. It is the responsibility of every user
using the HCT’s resources to know these standards, guidelines and procedures and conduct their activities in
compliance to this policy.
IT Security policy is governed by the approved Delegation of Authority (DoA) Matrix. The IT Security Policy
contains and is not limited to the following sub-policies to be adhered by all student, staff and authorized third
party personnel:
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
18.0 Information Security and Business Continuity Incident Management Policy - GP 467
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
This policy applies to the HCT students, staff and any other entity that works at or uses HCT Information
Systems (whether on HCT premises or remotely), including all personnel affiliated with third parties all referred
in here as the term “Users”. This policy applies to all equipment that is owned or leased by the HCT.
“Ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of HCT’s information, information systems and the
entire network infrastructure against unauthorized disclosure, modification or downtime.”
Information and information systems are considered the foremost important factor in continuing the day to
day academic and administrative functions effectively. Supporting the above HCT is committed to secure the
information, the information systems and the network infrastructure by adapting to the following principles:
1 - Protect the information and the network infrastructure against external or internal threats.
2 - Provide minimum level of access between information systems and the users on a “Need to- know”
3 - Classify the information according to its criticality to protect it against unauthorized modifications
or disclosure.
4 - Adopt set of leading industry standards, guidelines and procedures to ensure the security of
information, the information systems and the network infrastructure.
5 - Conduct security awareness campaigns within the HCT about the security policy (i.e. standards,
guidelines and procedures) to educate the users about the best security practices when working
with information and information systems.
6 - Conduct continuous risk assessment, risk analysis and risk management procedures to information
and information systems.
7 - Monitor the logs and audit trails to ensure that information and information systems are protected
against unauthorized access.
8 - Ensure that users comply with all UAE federal, local and cyber laws, ethical responsibilities &
regulations and information security policy pertaining to information and information systems.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
9 - Protect the users and the HCT from any inappropriate use that would expose the HCT to risks
including virus attack, compromise of network systems & services and any other legal issues.
It is the responsibility of the users, who have been provided with the IT services and privileges (such as: Internet
Access, Domain user Accounts, Desktop and/or Laptop, E-mail Account, etc.) to make themselves aware of the
IT security policy and the sub-policies statements and their responsibilities towards complying with it. Users
will be accountable for their actions.
Compliance with the HCT’s Information Security Policy is Mandatory for all users. All Users must sign and
adhere to HCT Information Security Policy document.
Compliance checks will be performed on a regular basis by the HCT Information Security section.
Any breaches or alleged breaches of this Policy will be investigated in accordance with the current Human
Resources and Legal Department procedures and will be directly reported to HR department and the concerned
department head to take Disciplinary action.
The Information Security Section shall review on a regular basis to ensure the policies are enforced.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
1.1 Purpose:
1.1.1 To detect, prevent and minimize the impact of Virus outbreaks in HCT systems such as, servers
and end user desktops & laptops.
1.1.2 To protect the systems against the spread of malicious viruses, spyware, malware, Trojans etc.
1.1.3 To define appropriate control measures for users in order to protect the systems against virus
1.1.4 To ensure protective and optimum performance for the users when using the systems without
any considerable delays.
1.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all users who have access to HCT information. This includes internal HCT
users as well as external parties who receive the information from HCT.
1.3 Policy:
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal All users are not allowed to open any files or macros attached to an email from an unknown,
suspicious or untrustworthy source. Delete these emails along with the attachments
immediately and then empty the Recycle Bin. All users must delete spam, chain, and other junk email without forwarding. On receiving a virus alert or noticing suspicious activity, users are advised to immediately
disconnect their systems from the network and contact local IT department for immediate
support. The Information Security section will inform the users regularly of the latest viruses and the
precautions to be taken by the users to mitigate the virus risk. E-mail will be used by Information Security section to communicate to the ITAC members
about the virus outbreaks and the guidelines to follow as a security precaution. It is Mandatory
for users to follow those guidelines. Latest signature updates will be downloaded on to a central server and the updates will be
pushed automatically on to the HCT managed desktops and servers with little or no user
intervention. This process is scheduled to occur automatically on a daily basis. The Information Security section will regularly check the Anti-Virus server logs to see if all the
desktops and servers are running with the latest updates, if not they will manually push the
updates. All critical security updates, as soon as they are received from the vendors, will be rolled out
to the various desktops, laptops and servers on a high priority basis.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
2.1 Purpose:
2.1.1 Enforce adequate password controls in systems and at the user level.
2.1.2 Protect information and information assets related to the user.
2.1.3 Ensure that only authorized users can access certain information, applications, services and
2.1.4 Protect the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of information, systems, services, and
applications within the HCT network.
2.2 Scope:
The scope of this policy includes all personnel who have or are responsible for an account (or
any form of access that supports or requires a password) on any system that resides at any
HCT facility, has access to the HCT network, or stores any non-public HCT information.
2.3 Policy:
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal User account will be locked out after 10 failed-login attempts for normal users. Privileged user
accounts password will be locked out for 1 day after 5 failed login attempts, which can be
unlocked only by administrator on the same day.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
3.1 Purpose:
3.1.1 Ensure that the Internet is used for institutional purposes only.
3.1.2 Protect the Information and Information Assets even when users access the Internet.
3.1.3 Communicate within and across HCT network and other departments in a secure manner.
3.1.4 Manage user productivity and optimize the use of IT Infrastructure through control of Internet
3.1.5 Ensure that all users have an efficient Internet access within a secure networked environment.
3.2 Scope:
The Internet usage Policy applies to all users who access the Internet through the computing
or networking resources. HCT Internet users are expected to be familiar with and to comply
with this policy, and are also required to use their common sense and exercise their good
judgment while using Internet services.
3.3 Policy:
3.3.1 Internet Access: Internet Access will be provided to the user only after signing and accepting the terms of
reference stated in the Internet access form. Internet service will be suspended when the staff or student leaves the HCT. Users are permitted the use of the Internet service that supports the institutional needs and
for furthering their knowledge in their areas of expertise in the HCT. Users are permitted with limited personal use of the Internet as long as:
a) It does not delay the business/education operations and functions.
b) It does not violate the applicable laws or HCT policy and it does not degrade HCT
network performance.
c) Users are not allowed to share their login id and password for accessing internet.
d) Accessing, contributing and downloading from offensive sites are not allowed.
Offensive sites include sites that support racism, derogatory religious sentiments,
offensive language, defamation, derogatory, abusive attacks on any individual or
group and sites having pornographic content.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal Users are not allowed to use any automated tools or any other means for gaining
unauthorized entry into any third party systems or any resource over the Internet to which
they do not have authorized access rights. Users are not allowed to engage in any activity that will result in the disruption in operations
of either the HCT’s or any third party computer systems. Users are not permitted to post HCT specific, proprietary or confidential information
pertaining to the institution on the Internet including forums, groups, Anonymous FTP
servers, or any other such open facility. Users are not allowed to use any Chat channels (such as: MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger,
or web based chat, etc.) unless they are required for teaching & learning or business purposes. Users are not allowed to download, upload and install software from the Internet. Any such
requests will have to be routed to IT department after approval from the concerned Head of
Department. Users are not allowed to change the browser settings to use any third party proxy server or
external VPN server to connect to internet. The HCT has all the rights to enforce URL filtering to block access to certain sites and limit the
bandwidth on certain sites or application that are considered offensive or not relevant to the
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
4.1 Purpose:
4.1.1 Ensure the appropriate method to use e-mail within and across other departments in HCT.
4.1.2 Ensure that risk of exposures of information and information assets are minimized.
4.2 Scope:
This policy covers appropriate use of any email sent from the HCT email address and applies
to all users of HCT.
4.3 Policy:
4.3.1 Email Access: HCT’s e-mail access will be provided to the user after signing the internet access Form. The service will be withdrawn when the employee leaves the HCT or if a user’s contract comes
to an end. HCT e-mail will be used only for the conduct of the HCT business needs and functions. Ensure that when sending email with the HCT Information and attachments, that the email
recipient is the intended person to receive it. Use of e-mail services for purposes constituting clear conflict of the HCT’s functions or in
violation of the HCT’s e-mail policy is explicitly not allowed. Use of bcc is not permitted while sending emails. If there is a specific requirement to use bcc,
permission should be taken from CTO office. Users are not permitted to use the HCT email to participate in chain letters, e-mails to forward
internally or externally. Users are not permitted to send large attachments containing graphics/ pictures/objects/
video files that can result in disruption of the HCT’s e-mail services unless if work related. All users must scan and verify that the files to be sent via e-mail as attachments contain no
viruses or malicious codes. Unsolicited e-mail/Junk email is to be treated with caution and do not respond to such emails. Usage of profanity, obscenities, or derogatory remarks in any e-mail message is not allowed. Sending emails from another user’s email account is not permitted without written
authorization from line Manager, CHRO and CTO. Users are not allowed to send sensitive information to personal email accounts.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal It is strictly not allowed to use auto forwarding of corporate emails to personal email accounts. Email system is the property of HCT. Access to the mailbox of a departing staff can be
provided to another staff for continuity of work upon approval from line manager.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
5.1 Purpose:
5.1.1 Establish a framework for classifying and handling data based on its level of sensitivity, value
and criticality to HCT as required by the HCT’s Information Security Plan. Classification of data
will aid in determining baseline security controls for the protection of data. A data policy is
necessary to provide a framework for securing data from risks including, but not limited to:
access, use, disclosure, modification, removal, and destruction.
5.1.2 This policy serves as a foundation for HCT’s data classification security policies, and is
consistent with HCT’s data and records management standards. HCT recognizes that the value
of its data and data resources lies in their appropriate and widespread use. It is not the purpose
of this policy to create unnecessary restrictions to data access or to impede use for those
individuals who use the data in support of HCT business or academic pursuits. This policy serves
to assure staff and students that the expectation of privacy and confidentiality of their data
will be maintained.
5.1.3 All members of HCT community have a responsibility to protect the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of data irrespective of the medium on which the data resides and regardless of
format such as, but not limited to: electronic, paper and any other physical form.
5.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all HCT staff and students who access, process, or store sensitive data.This
policy applies to all centrally managed HCT enterprise-level administrative data and to all user-
developed data stores and systems that shall access HCT data, regardless of the environment
where the data resides including, but not limited to: midrange systems, servers, desktop
computers, laptop computers, flash drives, and any other mobile computing device. The policy
applies regardless of the media on which data reside.
5.3 Policy:
5.3.1 HCT shall classify its data based on its level of sensitivity and the impact to the HCT should that
data be disclosed, altered or destroyed without authorization.
5.3.2 All HCT data shall be classified into one of the four classifications:
a) Confidential Data: data restricted by law or decided by HCT management as high risk
data. Data should be classified as Confidential when the unauthorized disclosure,
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
alteration or destruction of that data could cause a significant level of risk to the HCT or
its affiliates. The highest level of security controls should be applied.
b) Restricted Data: data which the Data Owners have decided NOT to publish or make
public and data protected by contractual obligations.
c) Internal Data: data should be classified as Internal or Private when the unauthorized
disclosure, alteration or destruction of that data could result in a moderate level of risk
to the HCT or its affiliates. All information assets that are not explicitly classified as
Confidential or Restricted or Public data should be treated as Internal or Private data. A
reasonable level of security controls should be applied to internal data.
d) Public Data: data should be classified as Public when the unauthorized disclosure,
alteration or destruction of that data would results in little or no risk to the HCT and its
affiliates. While little or no controls are required to protect the confidentiality of Public
data, some level of control should be put to prevent unauthorized modification or
destruction of Public data.
5.3.3 HCT Data Owners shall assign a single classification to a collection of data that is common in
purpose or function. The most restrictive classification of any of the individual data elements
should be used.
5.3.4 HCT’s Information Security section shall protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
information assets and systems.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
5.4.4 Data Consumers/Users are responsible for complying with data use requirements. Data Users
also have a critical role to protect and maintain HCT information systems and data. For the
purpose of Information Security, a Data User is any employee, contractor or third-party
provider who is authorized by the Data Owner to access information assets.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
6.1 Purpose:
6.1.1 This policy is relevant to students and third party vendors who use Personally Owned Devices
(POD) for their academic or administrative use.
6.2 Scope
This policy applies to all students and third party vendors.
6.3 Policy:
6.3.1 Access to HCT’s wireless network is provided through authentication using their username
and password.
6.3.2 The HCT has the right to control its information. This includes the right to backup, retrieve,
modify, determine access and/or delete institution data without reference to the owner or
user of the POD.
6.3.3 POD users must ensure that valuable institution data created or modified on PODs are backed
up regularly, preferably by connecting to the HCT network and synchronizing the data between
POD and a network drive, otherwise on removable media stored securely.
6.3.4 Since IT Helpdesk does not have the resources to support all possible devices and software,
PODs used for BYOD will receive a basic or limited support on a ‘best endeavors’ basis for
learning purposes only.
6.3.5 POD users are advised to keep their personal data separate from business data on the POD in
separate directories, clearly named (e.g. “Private” or “BYOD”).
6.3.6 Students are responsible for bringing a working POD every day to the class with a minimum
hardware specification specified by the enrolled program.
6.3.7 POD users must have latest Anti-Virus program running on their laptop with updated
signatures before connecting to the HCT’s IT Infrastructure.
6.3.8 POD users must ensure that operating system and other software are updated in real time.
This is a critical step because software updates often contain security patches to protect users
from the latest threats or exploits.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
7.1 Purpose:
7.1.1 Ensure the acceptable use of HCT information systems such as desktop and laptop.
7.1.2 Ensure that if a laptop is lost or stolen, the only impact to the HCT is the loss of the physical
laptop asset value and not the valuable information residing on it.
7.1.3 Ensure that employees follow an appropriate level of responsibility to safeguard the desktop
and laptop that they have been allocated.
7.1.4 Desktops and Laptops will be issued to the user only after the approval or authorization by the
Manager of the concerned department.
7.1.5 The Desktop and Laptop will be withdrawn when the employee leaves the HCT or if a user’s
contract comes to an end or upon a request from the Manager of the concerned department.
7.2 Scope:
This policy applies to the use of all HCT IT resources (e.g., desktop computers, laptops, printers,
disk space storage, software, telecommunications equipment, networks, Internet, E-mail, etc.)
and supporting infrastructure that is owned, leased, or controlled by HCT and used by its staff
and students.
7.3 Policy:
7.3.1 Users must safeguard their Desktop against any damage.
7.3.2 Users must safeguard their Laptop against loss, theft or damage.
7.3.3 Users must not leave their Laptops unattended even for few minutes for example, in public
area, airports, etc.
7.3.4 Users must lock their account when leaving the Desktop and/or Laptop unattended.
7.3.5 Users must ensure that the Corporate Anti-Virus program is updated on their Desktop and/or
Laptop all the time.
7.3.6 Staff are not allowed to connect their personal Laptops to the HCT network.
7.3.7 Users must be careful to safeguard Information Assets when accessing the IT Infrastructure
from a public place.
7.3.8 Users must backup their institution related files that they store on their Desktop or laptop on
a regular basis on their SharePoint folders.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
7.3.9 Users must not tamper with the administrative functions of the Desktop or Laptop such as its
Operating System or Administrator identification and password.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
8.1 Purpose:
8.1.1 This policy defines standards for use of company and third party software. This policy
addresses software licensing, copyright and usage security requirements for all the users.
8.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all HCT Students, Staff, contractors, vendors and agents. This policy covers
all software’s that are either purchased or in-house developed for operating within HCT.
8.3 Policy:
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
9.1 Purpose:
The objective of Backup and Restoration policy is to recover the information and information
systems from an unplanned business disruption that could cause damage to its integrity,
confidentiality or availability.
9.2 Scope:
This policy pertains solely to electronic data stored in the HCT network devices hosted in main
data center and disaster recovery data center. Data custodians are responsible for providing
adequate backups to ensure the recovery of electronic information (includes HCT Records and
software) in the event of failure.
9.3 Policy:
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
a) System Software: Before and after any changes to systems such as an upgrade, changes
in configuration, patch updates etc.
b) Application Software: Before and after any changes to the application such as a new
version release or modification to application source code.
c) User Data or Database Information: On a periodic basis (Daily / Weekly / Monthly),
based on the backup frequency identified for the individual systems.
d) Device Configurations: Before and after any changes to the configurations of critical
devices such as Routers, Firewalls, switches etc.
e) Documentation: Latest copies of system documentation (e.g. Technical reference
manuals, User manuals etc.) will be backed up and maintained. Backup media will be stored in an environment that is adequately protected from fire, dust
and humidity, magnetic interference etc.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
10.1 Purpose:
10.1.1 Define standards for connecting to the HCT’s network from any remote host.
10.1.2 Minimize the potential exposure to the HCT systems which shall result from unauthorized use
of its resources. Damages include the loss of sensitive or company confidential data,
intellectual property, damage to public image, damage to critical internal systems, etc.
10.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all HCT staff, students, contractors, vendors and agents with a HCT-owned
or personally-owned computer or workstation used to connect to the HCT network. This policy
applies to remote access connections used to work on behalf of HCT, including reading or
sending email and viewing intranet web resources.
10.3 Policy:
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
conduct the HCT’s business, thereby ensuring that official business is never confused with
personal business. Personal device that is used to connect to the corporate network must meet the requirements
of the organization-owned equipment for remote access. All hosts that are connected to the corporate network via remote access technologies must
use the most up-to-date anti-virus software and patched appropriately, this includes personal
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
11.1 Purpose:
11.1.1 The purpose of this policy is to set the standard for network operation and security, specifically
in the context of wireless network access. The configuration, installation, and maintenance of
wireless communication network access point devices, if unmanaged, could result in severe
interference with other network users and serious security risks. Information Technology
department define the standards for the use of networks, including the wireless
communications spectrum on campuses.
11.1.2 This policy specifies the conditions that wireless infrastructure devices must satisfy to connect
to the HCT network. Only those wireless infrastructure devices that meet the standards
specified in this policy are granted to connect to HCT network.
11.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all HCT staff, students, contractors, vendors and agents who connects to
HCT wireless network using any mobile device. This policy also applies to all wireless
infrastructure devices that are connected to HCT network or reside on HCT site that provide
wireless connectivity to endpoint devices including, but not limited to, laptops, desktops,
cellular phones, and tablets. This includes any form of wireless communication device capable
of transmitting wirelessly.
11.3 Policy:
11.3.1 Use HCT configured authentication protocols, username and password for connecting to
wireless infrastructure.
11.3.2 Wireless infrastructure devices that provide direct access to corporate network must:
a) Enable Wi-Fi Protected Access Enterprise (WPA2.Enterprise) protocol. It also must use
Advanced Encryption standard (AES) with minimum of 128-bit key length.
b) Be configured to change the default SSID name.
c) Be configured with password protected SSID.
d) Be configured with firewall feature sets on the Wi-Fi controller to protect inter user
communication and college IT assets.
11.3.3 HCT guests shall be provided with username and password to gain access to network.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
12.1 Purpose:
12.1.1 The purpose of this policy is to describe the rules covering the use of mobile computing devices
that can be attached to HCT networks, or containing HCT Information.
12.2 Scope:
HCT allows usage of mobile phones as part of normal business processes. However, care needs
to be taken over their use, and of the data that they hold. Information Processing Equipment,
Intranet and e-mail access provided by the HCT is intended primarily for HCT institutional use,
but limited access of personal use is allowed.
12.3 Policy:
12.3.1 All HCT supplied mobile devices and their contents remain the property of HCT and are subject
to regular audit and monitoring.
12.3.2 Users must be aware that the device contain HCT data, and take appropriate action to protect
the device from being lost or stolen. Users must configure password to lock the screen.
12.3.3 Once received, the user is not authorized to change any security device settings without
reference to the IT helpdesk, as they shall affect the security of the device.
12.3.4 Devices eligible for this dispensation are limited to smart phones, blackberry or PDA’s which
include iOS / Android / Windows devices. These devices must have their security settings (such
as passwords) configured.
12.3.5 If the information you carry has been classified as HCT Confidential, then this information
should not be carried on mobile devices unless it is encrypted (where this facility is available
on the device and where it is not, the user must consider carefully before allowing it to be
stored on the device).
12.3.6 Phones enabled with cameras should primarily be used for taking business/education related
pictures. However, some limited personal use is allowed, but storage must not interfere with
HCT institutional use.
12.3.7 Users shall only take pictures of individuals with their permission to do so.
12.3.8 Information stored on a mobile device should be downloaded to a secure device (HCT Laptop
for example) and removed from the phone at the users’ earliest opportunity.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
13.1 Purpose:
13.1.1 All storage media will be physically or magnetically destroyed permanently before disposal.
This will be performed by Information Security engineer, or by official agents on their behalf.
In the case of an external company being used to destroy media on a large scale, then
“certificates of secure destruction”, must be obtained. In the event of magnetic media being
taken off-site by third party, these contractors must be bound by a confidentiality agreement.
13.1.2 Where the equipment or media are to be used again by other staff or outside the HCT, a secure
overwriting of previous data must be performed. All items disposed of (whether
sold/removed/destroyed) must be documented accordingly by recording the asset numbers in
the IT hardware asset inventory. The disposal of IT equipment should be authorized by the HCT
disposal committee.
13.2 Scope:
The scope of this policy includes all electronic media in the HCT and all personnel who are
responsible for or who use HCT computer systems. Vendors and contractors who have access
to the HCT computer systems are also subjected to this policy.
13.3 Policy:
13.3.1 Confidential waste paper products shall be stored separately from ordinary paper waste for
13.3.2 All such waste must be shredded before removal from HCT premises.
13.3.3 The confidential waste shall only be removed by authorized persons.
13.3.4 Confidential waste should be securely stored and not left in corridors or outside awaiting
13.3.5 Confidential waste shall not be used for any other purpose either before or after it has been
shredded, for example, as scrap paper or packing material.
13.3.6 Any digital storage media to be disposed of must be securely wiped.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
14.1 Purpose:
14.1.1 The objective of this policy is to establish rules for accessing the Datacenter, disaster recovery
site and network rooms.
14.2 Scope:
This policy applies to the HCT Data Center and other Server Room facilities operated by IT at
the HCT.
14.3 Policy:
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
15.1 Purpose:
15.1.1 All operating systems and applications need regular patching to ensure their continued
security and reliability. If patches are not applied on time, this might permit hackers to
compromise a computer, which, in turn, threatens all computers and networks connected to
it. Therefore, any computer equipment that runs an operating system or application and is
connected to the HCT network shall have up-to-date security patches applied.
15.2 Scope:
This policy applies to workstations or servers owned or managed by HCT. This includes systems
that contain company or students data owned or managed by HCT regardless of location.
15.3 Policy:
15.3.1 Vulnerability assessments shall be performed by Information Security section and according to
the results, system patching shall be performed by HCT IT department. This should apply to all
servers, desktop, handheld, and laptop computers, network and security devices inside the
HCT network.
15.3.2 All hardware and software, servers, desktop and laptop including components, shall be
accurately listed in the HCT asset inventory to aid in patching efforts.
15.3.3 In addition to the Vulnerability assessment scanning, the Information Security engineer shall
regularly check the Web for newly released information about vulnerabilities. This shall include
using the information sent by HCT alerting solution.
15.3.4 The Information Security section shall assess each vulnerability alert prior to taking any action
in order to avoid unnecessary patching.
15.3.5 The decision to apply a patch, and within what timeframe, shall be done as presented in the
patch priority matrix below.
15.3.6 All patches shall be downloaded from the relevant vendors or other trusted sources. Each
patch’s source shall be authenticated and the integrity of the patch verified. All patches are
submitted to an anti-virus scan upon download.
15.3.7 New servers and desktops network and security shall be fully patched upon coming online by
the IT infrastructure department and deployed in order to limit the introduction of risk.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
15.3.8 The IT department shall develop a list of vendors whose patches are trusted and are applied
without test. All other patches shall be tested prior to implementation. A server should be
designated to serve as a test bed for newly released patches with a test period of below matrix
before issuing live patches to the production network.
15.3.9 A rollback plan that allows safe restoration of systems to their pre-patch state is devised prior
to any patch rollout in the event that the patch has unforeseen effects.
All critical security updates related to HCT services will be tested and deployed at the earliest
of its release. To mitigate any such zero day vulnerability, network security devices like
Firewall. Next Generation Intrusion Prevention System will be configured to block malicious
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
16.1 Purpose:
16.1.1 Ensure change requests comply with HCT change management procedures.
16.1.2 Publish a calendar that specifies the “maintenance window” (when changes will be allowed)
and network availability.
16.1.3 Eliminate or reduce the number of errors related to change planning and change
16.1.4 Implement changes as per schedule.
16.1.5 Provide a back out plan for all changes.
16.1.6 Ensure the changes do not affect warranty services.
16.2 Scope:
This policy provides direction related to the application of change management for all IT
Applications, Server, and Infrastructure devices supporting HCT internal and perimeter
networks and applies to all staff and students at HCT.
It covers all HCT’s Enterprise Applications, data networks, network and security devices, LAN
servers and personal computers (stand-alone or network-enabled), located at HCT campuses
and operational sites, where these systems are under the jurisdiction or ownership of the HCT,
as well as any personal computers, laptops, mobile devices and or servers authorized to
access the HCT’s data networks.
16.3 Policy:
It is the responsibility of the Information Systems and Technology Department to manage the
life cycle of all IT systems supporting HCT operational activities related to teaching and
learning, administrative and technical support. To ensure effective change management within
the HCT’s Information Technology environment, following shall apply:
16.3.1 Under no circumstances shall any entity integrate new applications into a production
environment without approval from CTO office.
16.3.2 All proposed types of changes that shall impact HCT’s Information Resources must adhere to
this Change Management Policy.
16.3.3 No change shall be made to HCT IT environment without the approval of Change Advisory
Board. (CAB)
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
16.3.4 All changes shall follow the established approval process to ensure that changes are completed
with minimum restrictions and risk.
16.3.5 All changes shall be well documented for future reference.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
17.1 Purpose:
17.1.1 The purpose of this policy is to prevent unauthorized access to the information systems and to
ensure the availability of information for authorized users. The policy describes the registration
and de-registration process for all information systems and services.
17.2 Scope:
This policy is applicable to those responsible for the management of user accounts or access
to shared information or network devices. Such information can be held within a database,
application or shared file space. This policy covers departmental accounts as well as those
managed centrally.
17.3 Policy:
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
GP 467
18.1 Purpose:
18.1.1 The purpose of this Policy is to prevent security incidents, limit the damage if an incident
occurs, awareness of Information Security related issues and to improve HCT IT process to
serve the business effectively at HCT. This policy also addresses handling of incidents that
might cause a disturbance to business continuity. The Incident Management Policy applies to
all the users of HCT.
18.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all HCT staff and students.
18.3 Policy:
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal Escalation Procedure shall be defined to escalate the incident to management and relevant
parties to ensure that important decisions are promptly taken. Procedures shall be developed, documented and updated to record any security breach,
whether accidental or deliberate. Whenever a Security breach occurs each incident shall be logged, assigned for follow-up,
analyzed, recommendation shall be made in respect of prevention. Local IT Department shall be responsible for auditing the incidents on periodic basis and ensure
that preventive action process is in place to address such further incidents. Local IT Department shall ensure that adequate details relating to software malfunctions
(Security related malfunctions) are recorded and the actions to be followed are implemented. Security review and audit of all IT systems shall be conducted on a regular basis to promptly
identify any possible security loopholes and/or areas of improvement to the system. Appropriate disciplinary action against individuals who caused the incident shall be initiated.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
k) Review incident logs at least once per month to identify trends and avoid re-
occurrence. The Information Security section shall ensure awareness of users and compliance with the
Business Continuity Plan.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
19.1 Purpose:
19.1.1 The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable use of HCT computing equipment and IT
infrastructure services at HCT. Inappropriate use exposes HCT to risks including virus attacks,
compromise of network systems and services, and legal issues.
19.1.2 The intentions for publishing the IT Acceptable Use Policy are not to impose restrictions that
are contrary to HCT but to establish a culture of openness, trust and integrity. HCT is committed
to protecting HCT’s users, partners and the HCT from illegal or damaging actions by individuals,
either knowingly or unknowingly.
19.2 Scope:
This policy applies to students and staff at HCT. This policy applies to all IT equipment and IT
Services that are owned or leased by HCT.
19.3 Policy:
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal Email received from unknown senders, with or without attachment shall not be opened and
deleted immediately.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
20.1 Purpose:
20.1.1 The purpose for this policy is to establish a culture of security and trust for all employees at
HCT. An effective clean desk effort involving the participation and support of all HCT employees
can greatly protect paper documents that contain sensitive information about our students,
clients, customers and vendors. All employees should familiarize themselves with the
guidelines of this policy.
20.1.2 The main reasons for a clean desk policy are:
a) A clean desk can produce a positive image when our customers or third party vendors
visit HCT.
b) It reduces the threat of a security incident from confidential information being leaked
away when left unattended.
c) Sensitive documents left in the open can be stolen by a malicious entity.
20.2 Scope:
During known extended periods away from your desk, such as a lunch break, sensitive working
papers are expected to be placed in locked drawers.
At the end of the working day the employee is expected to tidy their desk and to put away all
office papers. HCT shall provide lockable desks and filing cabinets for this purpose.
20.3 Policy:
20.3.1 Always clear your workspace before leaving for long periods of time.
20.3.2 Consider scanning paper items and filing them electronically in your workstation.
20.3.3 Use the shredder for documents when they are no longer needed.
20.3.4 Lock your desk and filing cabinets at the end of the day.
20.3.5 Lock away portable computing devices such as laptops or Mobile phones.
20.3.6 Treat mass storage devices such as CDROM, DVD or USB drives as sensitive and secure them
in a locked drawer.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
21.1 Purpose:
21.1.1 Logs are records of events that occur within the information systems. Virtually every system,
service, application and device in the Enterprise has built in logging capabilities. Originally log
data was used to troubleshoot systems; but as systems and business/education requirements
evolved, so did logging capabilities and log analysis. In today’s Enterprise, logs are an invaluable
resource used to optimize systems and networks, establish baselines, perform audits and assist
with regulatory compliance.
21.1.2 System logs for operating systems and services, such as authentication, file and print, DNS,
email, and so forth, generate detailed information about their activity. Application logs have
the ability to generate an audit trail of past transactions with time stamps, user names and
object access details. Most network devices, such as firewalls, routers, switches, and so forth,
have the ability to generate log data about their activity.
21.1.3 Change management logs document all changes made to technologies used within HCT. Other
types of logs, such as surveillance or physical access logs provide detailed physical access audit
trails. Each of these logs sources are an integral part of their respective administrators jobs
because the collection and analysis of the log data is one of their responsibilities.
21.1.4 In conjunction with the appropriate tools and procedures, audit trails can validate individual
accountability, a way to reconstruct events, detect intrusions, identify problems and
demonstrate regulatory compliance. The need to audit individual accountability, reconstruct
events, detect intrusions, identify problems and demonstrate regulatory compliance
emphasizes the need for organizations to develop an effective log management strategy to
generate, analyze, store and dispose of log data.
21.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all HCT systems, network, databases and applications used to establish
and support a production environment.
21.3 Policy:
21.3.1 Information Security engineer shall create, maintain and Implement a secure log management
infrastructure by balancing system performance, storage resources, and legal requirements;
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
21.3.2 Commit resources to perform timely log review to identify and analysis access, change
monitoring, malfunction, resource utilization, security events and user activity;
21.3.3 Identify roles and responsibilities of staff associated with this process;
21.3.4 Develop standards, procedures, and guidelines as needed to support this program;
21.3.5 Make the system available for applications that need log management and analysis
21.3.6 The system should log: User ID, Dates and times of logon and logoff, terminal identity (if
possible) and Network address (if possible), unsuccessful system or data access attempts (if
possible), System alerts or failures or other significant events as appropriate.
21.3.7 Special treatment should be performed for administrator, developer, super-user or other
privileged access.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
22.1 Purpose:
22.1.1 This policy will assure network data storage is used in an acceptable manner to maintain
network availability and performance. Infrastructure department is responsible for managing
network storage which includes daily backups, securing access, monitoring, and reporting of
usage patterns. Access and use of network storage establishes an obligation on the part of the
individual to use this resource as defined in this policy.
22.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all HCT students, staff, third party and vendors who access, process, or
store sensitive HCT data.
22.3 Policy:
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
23.1 Purpose:
23.1.1 The database management policy establishes methods for protecting databases from
accidental or malicious destruction of data or damage to the database infrastructure.
23.2 Scope:
This policy applies to all HCT databases, related appliances and applications used to establish
and support production, test, and disaster recovery environments.
23.3 Policy:
23.3.1 Default service account passwords such as SYS and SYSTEM must be changed after creation.
All default operating system account passwords including ROOT must be changed.
23.3.2 Database administrators shall have the operating system privileges to create and delete files
in the production servers. Access to non-production database servers must be approved by
23.3.3 Each database service account is managed by a single employee. During vacations and
emergencies, these accounts must be delegated to other users temporarily based on CTO
23.3.4 All database user account access must be approved by the CTO. The approval should include
the requesting department manager, data owner, and CTO. The access for all accounts must
be reviewed once every quarter to ensure users have access as per their current job role.
23.3.5 No database user accounts associated with an employee shall have direct privileges to update,
create or delete records in the production databases. Database Roles (based on job title and
responsibilities) should be used to manage the privileges available to users.
23.3.6 All database user accounts will be associated with a password policy as per the industry
23.3.7 Data auditing mechanisms must be in place to investigate in case of unauthorized activities on
the database.
23.3.8 Live production systems data must be updated from the relevant front-end applications by the
appropriate authorized users. Any scripts or backend changes to production databases must
have approvals from data owner and CTO.
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
Head of IT Security:
1. Ensure that all aspects of this policy are implemented and operational in all relevant system
2. Periodically review all relevant activities as mentioned in the policy.
3. The logs should be reviewed by Head of IT Security every Quarter.
1. Periodically monitors and reports all issues and relevant activities to Head of IT Security and
Infrastructure Department all relevant activities.
2. Assists the Head of IT Security in reconciling audit trail anomalies, the logs should be reviewed
by Head of IT Security every Quarter.
3. Reports security breaches or anomalies to the Head of IT Security and Infrastructure
4. Will coordinate with Information Security engineer for incident reports or update.
5. Review all the proposed changes related to security before the stake holders, for example
network admins implement the changes.
1. Prepare and maintain policy guidelines on monitoring and audit trail recording, protecting,
reviewing and reporting.
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of 60
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
Access: Access refers to the act of obtaining or using any given information, or entering an information
processing facility. It shall also refer to the very right to perform the act.
Access control: Access control is a mechanism to enable authorized people to access entity resources
(physical and logical) while preventing unauthorized people from doing the same.
Access Point: An access point is a device that allows wireless communication devices to connect to a
wireless network using standard wireless networking protocols (e.g. 802.11).
Access privileges: Access privileges refer to the level of access granted to a user to perform his/her job
Accountability: Accountability means that people are responsible for their action. This can be achieved
through audit trails and non-repudiation.
Antivirus: Anti-virus is software used to prevent, detect and remove virus or malware on desktop, laptops,
servers or any other computing equipment/devices.
Assets: Assets are economic resources. It is anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned
or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value.
Audit Trails: A security-relevant sequential record, set of records, or destination and source of records that
provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific
operation, procedure, or event.
Authentication: Authentication is the act of verifying a claim of identity. It is usually one or more of the
following: something you know (password), something you have (identification card) or something you are
(finger print).
Authorization: Authorization determines what a subject can do on the system. Authorization happens right
after identification and authentication.
Availability: Part of the Information Security Triad; availability means that information should be available
when it is needed.
Awareness: Awareness is the knowledge and attitude members of an entity possess regarding the
protection of the physical and, especially, information assets of that entity. Many entities require formal
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
security awareness training for all workers when they join the entity and periodically thereafter, usually
Backup: Backup refers to the technique of making copies of data so that these additional copies shall be
used to restore the original data after a data loss event.
Business Continuity Plans (BCP): Business continuity planning (BCP) is the creation and validation of a
practiced logistical plan for how an entity will recover and restore partially or completely interrupted
critical (urgent) functions within a predetermined time after a disaster or extended disruption.
Business impact: Business impact is defined as the damage implications that are caused by an event.
Business Impact analysis looks at whether that impact is acceptable by the stakeholders or not.
Change: Is defined as any alteration to original software, hardware, or other aspects of the data processing
environment and its attached networks.
Change Advisory Board (CAB): A CAB is a group of people that approves changes to HCT’s Information
Technology Environment.
The CAB department consists of the following people:
Deputy Vice Chancellor - Administration ( or designee),
Chief Technology Officer (or designee) and
Appointed members of Change Management Department.
Change Driver (CD): The Change Driver is the individual facilitating the change management process. This
person assumes full responsibility for coordination and documentation of changes to the production
environment. The Change Driver also assumes responsibility for scheduling and communicating the change
to all appropriate work groups.
Change Management: Change management is a formal process for directing and controlling alterations to
the information processing environment. The objectives of change management are to reduce the risks
posed by changes to the information processing, environment and improve the stability and reliability of
the processing environment as changes are made. The change management process ensures that a change
is: Requested Approved, Planned, Tested, Scheduled, Communicated, Implemented, Documented and
Reviewed after the change.
Change Management Department (CMT): A CMT is a group of people nominated to research, implement
and manage change in HCT Information Technology environment and who assist the change management
process in the assessment, prioritization and scheduling of changes.
Members of this committee include
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IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
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PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
Copyright: Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including
literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software,
and architecture, etc.
Credentials: User ID, Passwords or any other official identification that confirms somebody's position or
Custodian: A custodian is defined as an individual or entity that has approved responsibility for maintaining
an information asset.
CTO: Chief Technology Officer.
Database Service Account: Accounts created in the database for database administration and application-
specific data or access management.
Database User Account: User Accounts created in the database which are associated with a person.
Encryption: Encryption is the conversion of data into a form, called a cipher text that cannot be easily
understood by unauthorized people. Decryption is the process of converting encrypted data back into its
original form, so it can be understood.
Evidence: Evidence is everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an intrusion or
breach to an information system.
Third Party: Individual or Entity having contractual agreement/obligations or legal agreement/obligations
or business obligations to provide services to the HCT. Commonly referred as Second Party or Third Party.
Framework: A framework is the combination of guidelines and structured processes that address a
complex issue. The framework establishes policies and practices to provide general guidance on matters
affecting Information Security.
Incidents: An incident can be thought of as violation or imminent threat of violation of computer security
policies, acceptable use policies, or standard security practices.
Information: Depicts any government related information, which can exist in many forms, such as printed
or written on paper, stored electronically, transmitted by post or by using electronic means, shown on
films, or spoken in conversation.
Information Assets: any information or information processing facility that has value to the HCT.
Information Processing: Information processing entails any activity on the information including, but not
limited to, creation, modification, deletion, storage, transmission, replication, encryption, decryption, etc.
Information Resources (IR): Includes any hardware or software that makes possible the storage and use
of data.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
Information Security: The act of protecting information that shall exist in any form, whether spoken,
written, processed or transmitted electronically, etc. from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
modification or destruction, with the objective of ensuring business continuity, minimizing business risk,
and maximizing return on investments and business opportunities.
Information Security Section: individuals selected from each department / section to support the
implementation of IT Policy in the HCT.
IT Sections: These are the different operational groups within the IT department,
Business Solutions;
Information Systems;
IT Infrastructure;
Information Security.
Information Security Incidents: Refers to known or suspected, single or series of unwanted or unexpected
Information Security incidents/events that have or shall have a significant probability of compromising
business operations at the HCT. Additionally, it refers to the act of violations or suspected violations of the
Information Security policies/procedures/standards at the HCT.
Information Assets: Definable pieces of information in any form, recorded or stored on any media that is
recognized as “valuable” to the University
Information systems: Any computerized system used for managing and processing any government
related information within a single entity or crossing multiple entities.
Integrity: Part of the Information Security Triad; integrity means that data cannot be modified without
authorization, intentionally or unintentionally.
Inventory: Inventory is a list of goods and material owned by an entity - inventory recording could be in
the form of an asset register.
Institutional Data: All data owned by the HCT
Intellectual Property: Intellectual Property refers to any creations that are legally protected. Intellectual
property includes copyrights, trademarks, trade names, and logos of the HCT.
Key: Key is a piece of information or a parameter that determines the functional output of a cryptographic
algorithm or cipher. Key is used to de-crypt the encrypted information or data.
Laptop: also known as notebooks, are portable computers that are small in size and weight and can be
carried from one place to another, and include a battery which allows them to operate without being
plugged into a power outlet.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
Logs: stream of messages in time-sequence often comprises a log. Logs are generated by network, security
devices, operating systems, applications and any computing device.
Malware: Malware is software used or created to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive
information, or gain access to computer systems.
Media: refer to Electronic media where data are stored in digital form. (e.g. hard disk drives).
Mobile Devices: Portable or handheld devices that can store and process data, via mobile data service
and/or Wi-Fi connectivity that allow users to access information remotely, such as smartphones, Personal
Digital Assistants (PDAs) and tablet computers (excluding laptop computers) and include both official
mobile devices provided through the HCT and personal mobile devices if connected to the HCT network or
its infrastructure.
Non-public Information: Any information that is classified as Internal/Private Information according to the
data classification scheme defined in this document.
Patch: A Patch is a piece of software designed to fix problems or improve the usability and performance of
a system.
Patch Management: a process to manage the deployment of patches to a large number of information
systems in an HCT.
Policy: An Information Security related document written and maintained to provide governing
statements regarding any Information Security key process, through setting the rules for expected behavior
by users, systems administrators, management, and security personnel; authorize security personnel to
monitor, probe, and investigate; define and authorize the consequences of violation; define the entity
consensus baseline stance on security; help minimize risk; and help track compliance with regulations and
Procedure: An Information Security related document; adjunct to policy and written to give step-by-step
directions on ‘how’ of carrying out the policy statements.
Recovery: Data recovery is the technique of recovering data from the backed up media in the event of loss
or failure of data in the information processing systems.
Regulatory: Regulatory refers to the use of rulemaking, monitoring and enforcement of rules by the state.
Remote Access: The ability to connect to and access the HCT Infrastructure from a remote location using
the virtual private network (VPN) of the HCT.
Removable Media: Removable media refers to portable storage media which are designed for storing
information and easily detachable from the computers. Examples include: Optical discs (Blu-ray discs,
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
DVDs, CDs), Memory cards (Compact Flash card, Secure Digital card, Memory Stick), Floppy disks / Zip disks,
USB (universal serial bus), Disk packs, Magnetic tapes, Paper data storage (punched cards, punched tapes).
Request for Change (RFC): A request for change can be initiated from any source, and shall be in response
to management decisions, requirements of business stakeholders, or requests from the CTO and
department heads.
Retention period: Retention period is the period for which an information / data needs to be stored and
maintained before disposing it in a secured manner.
Risk: Risk is the quantifiable likelihood of potential harm that shall arise from a future event.
Risk assessment: Risk assessment is a step in the risk management process to determine the qualitative
and quantitative value of risk in relation to a recognized threat. Quantitative risk assessment requires
calculations of two components of risk; R, the magnitude of the potential loss L, and the probability that
the loss will occur.
Security breach: A Security breach is an act that bypasses or contravenes security policies, practices or
Security control: Security controls are safeguards or countermeasures to avoid, counteract or minimize
security risks. They could be preventive, detective or corrective.
Senior management: Senior Management: A layer of management in an entity whose primary job
responsibility is to monitor activities of subordinates as well as the day to day operations; for example
Managers/Directors of HR, IT, Finance, Marketing, engineering, etc. while reporting to upper management
such as CEO or Director General.
Sensitive Data: Generalized term that typically represents data classified as Confidential according to the
data classification scheme defined in this document.
Services: Refers to the HCT’s internal or external, IT or non IT, services provided to individuals or businesses
or government entities.
Spyware: Spyware is a type of malicious software installed on computers that collects information about
users without their knowledge.
SSID: Service Set Identifier (SSID) is a unique name set to a wireless local area network (WLAN) for the
purpose of identification.
Statutory: A formal written law of a legislative authority that governs a state, city, or country.
System Administrator: An individual or group of staffs responsible for the maintenance, operation and
administration of the information systems.
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833
IT Security Policy v1.0
Classification: Internal
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Central Services الخدمات المركزية
PO Box 25026, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 2 681 4600, Fax: +971 2 681 5833