Problem Solving Math

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics V


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, at least 75% of the students are able to:
1. Define ratio
2. Visualize ratio
3. Express ratio

II. Subject Matter

Topics : Ratio
References : Mathematics for a Better Life, pp. 194 - 197
Materials : marker, scissors, bond paper, paper strips cartolina


1. Sensing and defining the problem
2. Formulating hypothesis
3. Testing the likely hypothesis
4. Analysis, interpretation and evaluation of evidence
5. Formulating conclusion

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Phase
 Greetings
Good morning, class. - Good morning, Teacher Joyce.
 Prayer
Everybody please stand-up for the
opening prayer. Paolane please - Paolane: Our Father in Heaven,
lead the prayer. hollowed by your name, your
kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us today our daily bread. And
forgive us our debts, as we also
have forgiven our debtors. And
lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one.

 Sitting of Classroom
You may take your sit now. Please - Students picking up the pieces
arrange your chairs and pick up the of paper and arranging their
pieces of paper under your chair. chairs.

 Checking of Attendance
Okay! Who is absent today? - None, Teacher!

 Checking of Assignment
By the way, do you have an - No, Teacher!
assignment, class?
B. Motivation
I have here four colored paper
strips. Each strip contains a task.
Now, I will divide the class into four
to complete the tasks. Try to look
under your armchair, you will see a
colored paper strip pasted (yellow,
blue, green, red), that will be your
corresponding groupings. For those
who get yellow strips please occupy
the first three rows in front-left, for
those who got blue strips please
occupy the first three rows-right, for
those who got green strips please
stay at the back of yellow team, and
for those who got red strips please
occupy the seats at the back of
blue team. I will give you 2 minutes
to prepare and 2 minutes to present
your output in front.
Are you ready? - Yes, teacher.
Okay time starts now.
2 minutes is over, please proceed
to the presentation of your output.
First to present will be yellow team,
followed by the blue team, then
green team, and lastly, red team. - Yellow team.
- Blue team.
- Green team.
- Red team.

C. Presentation
As you can see from the given - Chinalou: I thought of one thing
tasks. What idea comes in your is compared to the other.
mind? Yes, Chinalou.
Very good! What do you call if you - Ethel: When you compare two
are going to compare one thing to things, it is called Ratio.
another thing? Ethel?
That’s right, Ethel! Very good.

D. Discussion
Now class, define what is ratio? - A ratio is a comparison of two
All right, who can give an example - There is 1 teacher for every 35
of a ratio? Micoo? students.
Very good, Micoo!
Class is being stated that a ratio is
a comparison of two quantities. On
the other hand, a ratio can be
expressed in two ways, do you - No, teacher.
know what are those two ways?
Okay. We can write a ratio in two
In colon form ( : ) or in fraction form
(1/35). We read the ratio “50 to 1”.
Now, can anybody give me some - Jennelyn: The ratio of the
example of ratio? Yes, Jennelyn? number of boys to girls is 1:10 or
the ratio of girls to boys is 10:1.
Very good, Jennelyn!

E. Generalization
Again, what is ratio, class? - A ratio is a comparison of two
Correct! Now, what are the two- - Ratio can be written in colon form
ways of writing or expressing ratio? or fraction form.
That’s right, class! Give yourselves - Clap clap clap
a fireworks clap.

F. Application
This time, I will group you into four
groups. Please count from one to
four. Name your group with “MATH”
on it’s first syllable, for example
MATHinik. Are you now with your - Yes teacher.
I have here four envelopes with a
task inside, selecting one
representative in your group to
come here in front to pick one
envelope. I will give you 5 minutes
to prepare and 3 minutes to present
your output in front of the class.
Are you now ready? - Yes, Teacher Joyce.
First Group
a. What is the ratio of the number of
vowels to the number of
consonants in the English
b. What is the ratio of the number of
boys to the number of girls in your
c. What is the ratio of the number of
boys to all students in your class?
Second Group
Use the picture. What is the ratio of the
number of:

a. Dogs to cats?
b. Roosters to dogs?
c. Dogs to all animals?
Third Group
Draw a picture to show:
a. A ratio of 4 to 8
b. A ratio of 5 to 6
c. A ratio of 3 to 7
Fourth Group
There are sets of rational expressions in
the table below.

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