Know Thyself Oct Nov Dec 2009 Web
Know Thyself Oct Nov Dec 2009 Web
Know Thyself Oct Nov Dec 2009 Web
The Eternal Song
Table of Contents
Special Feature
10 The Living Master
Theme Section
The Eternal Song
Edition Naam
28 Songs of Love
Natural Living
30 Delicious, Nutritious, and Good for the Soul
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to the October-November-December
2009 edition of Know Thyself magazine. The
theme of this issue is Shabd, the Eternal Song.
The past two issues of Know Thyself featured the first and second steps, seva and simran.
The Master said that one should do seva while engrossed in simran, the holy remembrance
of God. After seva and simran comes the third step: Shabd or Sound. While listening to the
Sound, the soul is being prepared for the last step, surti (surat) or consciousness at the third
eye center.
The benefits and joys of the Inner Sound are experienced when one practices meditating upon
it. Sant Kirpal Singh explained how the Holy Sound impacts upon the soul:
To relieve the mind from the outgoing senses, it must be attuned to the sweet symphonies of
the inner music of the soul, the Word, reverberating in and through all. As this is eternal, so
also will be our attachment to it and we will know no change and no pain. The mind will no
longer wander away to external objects once it gets steeped in the strains of the Eternal
Song. With its help, the world-weary soul rises into the higher spiritual planes.
~Sant Kirpal Singh, The Jap Ji (2002, p. 33)
In the first satsang in this issue, “The Master Leads Us to God,” Sant Baljit Singh
explains that the Master connects us with our spiritual source through the Light
and Sound meditation. To have a strong and complete connection with this
life-giving energy, some things are required of us. This talk describes what
we need to do to nurture our inner connection of Light and Sound, a
supreme gift from God.
In the second satsang, “The Moment You Find Your Self, You
Find God,” the Master provides practical and inspiring
guidance for achieving
regular meditation. 3
So the Master tells you the way, connects you back to Perfection will come with practice, so do not worry about
God through the Light and Sound current, and leads you that. Today, one may be imperfect, but with practice, one
within. Have full faith in the Master, follow him, and do will become perfect. So continue to practice.
what he says. Otherwise, you are living an endless story,
cycling through births and deaths. You do not know Sitting daily for meditation will become a habit after
how many times you have been through this cycle of some time. Once a habit is formed, you tend to enjoy it
birth and death before now. The body dies, not the soul. and find it hard to give it up. Whatever you enjoy, you
The soul is eternal. So follow the Master. Your wish and will do a lot. So it is very simple. Continue practicing
will is to be his wish and will. your meditation, and it will become a habit. When you
start enjoying it, you will want to do it for the maximum
Ultimately, what do you want? If you want to reach the fifth amount of time.
plane, you will need to leave the physical body. The body
cannot go there, only the soul can. Ultimately the soul will During this retreat you have been given a foundation.
return there. So why fear death? The soul never dies. You must build on it when you go back home. Life in
the material world is a struggle, but do not let go of the
Unfortunately, the immortal soul is trapped in one body foundation that you have built here. Keep on adding to
after another, and suffers from this situation. The soul it daily, even if it is only a small amount. One day it will
wants liberation, but the mind wants the world. The soul grow into something very big. So continue with your
wants to go back home, but the mind wants to continue practices.
wandering in this world.
Everybody says, “I want to find God.” At this retreat, a So let us travel a little again today. Make yourselves
few excited souls have also told me that they want to find comfortable.
Much can be said about meditation, but one of the most That is all for today. Enjoy your evening in any way you
important things about meditation is patience. The body like. Pranaam to you all.
and the mind might refuse to cooperate. Sometimes the
heart too refuses to take stress and is not willing to coop-
erate. However, the cooperation of the entire body and
the mind is essential. As I said in the beginning, it’s only a
matter of creating a habit. When you meditate daily, try to
sit straight and bring your body and mind in line. Try to
make them obey you. When everything falls in line then
you will achieve what you are looking for. I’ve reminded
you time and again that it’s not really difficult. It’s all Copyright © 2009 Know Thyself As Soul Foundation, International
about daily disciplined practice. Sometimes you’ll be able (Talk given July 27, 2005, Lighthouse Center Oregon, USA)
For then shall all sorrows end and we be led joyously Homeward.
O God, lead my soul to that blessed place, wherein the symphonies
Maulana Rumi
Sant Kirpal Singh, Naam or Word (1981), p. 135
nce at that
of love aw ak en, then pay obeisa
Lord and feelings focus on the inner
Sound Current
he reve r yo ur heart yearns for the t, or attentively
Whenever and w that very momen
g the praises of the Lord ards.
very place. Begin to sin
by w ithdraw ing your attention upw
dy consciousness
and rise above bo
Sant Baljit Singh
ve and Devotion”
“The Lesson of Lo
Nawan Nagar, Ind
Then the mind will begin to like it, because the mind’s
likes and dislikes are according to its desires. The mind
wants respect, sweetness, peace, and love, and when
these are available from inside, then it will ignore what
is from outside. Outer love and outer peace are tempo-
rary and not so strong, but love, peace, and sweetness
from the inside are very strong. After some time you
will be completely cleaned and charged with the posi-
tive power. You will have a stock of goodness that will
remain with you. Anything that comes from the nega-
tive atmosphere of the outer world can be kept away
and nullified by this stock of goodness. This will save
But fallen into the snares thou listeneth not. Sant Kirpal Singh
No one knows where the The Jap Ji (2002), p. 105
Mansion of the Beloved lies,
But sure enough the chiming of
the bells proceeds therefrom.
Khawaja Hafiz
O Nanak, may we rise up on
the current of the Holy Naam—the
Divine Word—to Thy Presence,
Sant Kirpal Singh
The Jap Ji (2002), p. 24 And wish peace unto all the
world, under Thy Will.
Guru Nanak
Sant Kirpal Singh
The Jap Ji (2002), p. 17
W hen you are in doubt you are not likely to obtain anything. You can get
neither this world nor God. The Master takes away your doubts and
brings you to the true path. He starts to walk with you hand-in-hand,
and by tomorrow you will be running. This will take some time, of course. Today a
child can walk when you hold his hand, but tomorrow the same child can become a
gold medalist by winning a race in the Olympics. The duty of the parents is merely
to help the child learn to walk while holding its hand. Similarly, the Master leads you
by holding your hand. It’s your duty to continue walking, and then you will accom-
plish all. While walking on the path, listen to the instructions of the Master, act upon
them, and keep on with it. The Master will make you understand that you have a
physical body, a mind, and an intellect and that you are also a soul. He will tell you
everything and show you the path to final liberation. He will make you aware of the
Naam or the Word.
“Insane Mind, remember God.” The mind is mad and always wandering around. The
mind makes you dance even when you do not want to do so. You are here today
because you no longer want to dance to the tune of your mind. Although you are
sitting here now, when you go away your mind will make you dance again. Then it
becomes your business again.
I assume that whoever seeks the protection of the Master has seen the world,
tasted it, discerned it, and then given it up. The world does not mean your lands,
homes, shops, livestock, and marital status. The world, which you have created in
your mind, is within you.
The outside world existed before we came here and will remain after we are gone.
Even so, you cannot leave this creation. Wherever you go on this earth, the world
inside of you will still be present.
The mind always wanders outside and never sits within. The Masters tell you to
make the mind understand and to subdue it. Do not listen to the mind, but gradually
divert it to the right way. “O insane Mind, remember God.”
Listen within;
Master holds our hands in the
darkness and blesses us anyway.
Perfect One!
Listen within;
Master holds our hands in the
darkness and blesses us anyway.
Perfect One!
Isn’t it?
Listen within...
ever danced to whatever tune you The mind has been compared to an elephant running amok
chose. I have always been completely through the jungle, creating havoc in its wake. The Master
has been described as a great Mahout (the Indian name
yours—please listen to me for once. I for the handler of an elephant). His magic goad, with
which he controls the huge beast, is the Sound Current. By
did not even obey God’s word or the
listening to the Inner Sound, the elephant (my mind) has
Guru’s, but whatever you ordered I stopped its rampaging ways and has acquired some self-
discipline and self-restraint. And living under the directions
obeyed. I read page upon page of
of the Mahout has created many positive changes.
holy scriptures, but threw them all
Soon after I began listening to the Sound Current, I discov-
away and turned my face from the ered that this treasure of the Masters has value in both
Lord—just to obey you. Never once did worlds—the spiritual and the physical. I noticed its bene-
fits immediately. I had been prone to occasional sudden
I become God’s servant; never once bursts of irritation that affected my moods. This irritability
would come upon me at any time. Through meditation on
did I serve the Guru; I served only you.
the Sound Current, this changed. I found that by habitu-
So today I pray you, listen to me.” ally listening to the Sound, a nourishing balm soothed my
~ Sant Kirpal Singh, nervous system and a sense of detachment cushioned me
The Night Is a Jungle from outer circumstances. People and situations that once
(2000, pp. 156-157) would have perplexed or annoyed me, no longer had the
power to disturb my peace.
26 Shabd the
NATURAL Eternal Song
LIVING visit
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I have always loved to sleep, and getting out of bed early Now listen to your slave, and agree with me:
in the morning to meditate has taken some extra effort.
If I slept past my alarm clock, the first sound that often Rise above body consciousness and
greeted my awareness would be a crow cawing outside
my window. The Masters have described the mind, in yet make your home there.
another metaphor, as a crow, while the soul has been
As you were, so again become;
compared to a swan. I would then ask myself, “Do I want
to remain a crow?” My answer would be invariably “No.”
Why suffer unhappiness and happiness here?
Then I’d jump out of bed to start my morning meditation.
I have come to treasure this part of the day, when the Satguru revealed the secret unto me;
“elephant” takes her morning bath. If she lies very still,
the Mahout will lovingly scrub away the grime and dirt Take the mind as companion and return home.
that have accumulated over time.
I, the soul, am in your power;
I have discovered blessings in the Sound. The Current
holds me gently and gives comfort to my heart. Through Without your help, I cannot contact the Shabd.
the loving attention of the divine Mahout and the merit
of the goad, the elephant has stopped stampeding. If you do not listen to me,
The elephant is still an elephant, but she has given up
Then go into the cycle of eighty-four.
her circus life and performing for peanuts. Crowds no
longer interest her. She is not always happy, but thanks
Now show mercy unto me.
to the gracious Mahout she has tasted bliss, which, the
elephant has to agree, is worth pursuing. And what was Hear my plea; search out that Sound.
missing in my life? God, in the form of Light and Sound.
~Swami Ji, quoted by Sant Kirpal Singh,
The Night Is a Jungle (2000, pp. 167-170)
Each day was filled with uplifting activity. In the early Sant Thakar Singh played many traditional Indian instru-
morning we meditated together, and in the mid-morning ments, including tablas, harmonium and the tampura. He
the Master gave a satsang. In late afternoon, all gathered also was gifted with a beautiful singing voice. The songs
with the Master to receive his darshan and prashad. And that he sang are his original composition.
in the evening, we once again had satsang, followed by
meditation. Western ears do not always appreciate or enjoy Indian
classical music, especially when first hearing it. The
One day, which those of us there will never forget, we two forms of music are different, with different scales
arrived for the morning satsang and saw that Master and presentations. Yet even those not accustomed to the
was seated before a keyboard. Once we were still and different sounds of Indian music often begin to appreciate
quiet, to our tremendous surprise, he began to play the it after listening to it for some time.
keyboard. Most of us had no idea that the Master was a
musician. We were so delighted that we began to laugh Indian classical music was designed to replicate the
and clap. What followed was a delicious treat for the Sounds from the inner planes. In 1988, the Master said:
ears and the soul. The music lifted our hearts and spirits “Words and songs that come out of a heart that is harmo-
and filled us with remembrance of the gift of God. nized with love are charged by God. God expressed
himself in this great and wonderful singing. The sounds
Each day the Master sang new songs to us, and soon we of the different planes are copied in the outer Indian clas-
were humming the melodies and learning the lyrics. A sical music instruments.” (Sant Thakar Singh; May 11,
few months later, during the Wappinger Falls, New York 1988, Costa Rica)
retreat (1987), the Master again sang many songs for us.
The songs were played over loudspeakers, and the Dr. Rabindranath Tagore, a poet and composer who was
retreat participants there also fell in love with them. Asia’s first Nobel prize winner, was well acquainted
We were enchanted by both the words and the with both the Western and Indian systems of music. He
melodies of these heart-to-heart songs of love. wrote:
* The 10 Songs of Love CDs and songbook, Songs of Love,
are available from Edition Naam.
What we eat goes to constitute the body and the mind. “Sound mind
in a sound body” is a well-known aphorism. We can have neither
one nor the other with an unwholesome diet. A strictly vegetarian
diet consisting of vegetables and fruits, both fresh and dried,
cereals, dairy products like milk, cream, butter, cheese, yogurt, etc.,
is essential for all aspirants for Truth. We must therefore avoid meat,
meat juices, fish, fowl, eggs both fertile and unfertile, or anything
containing any of these ingredients in any form or in any degree.
Every action has a reaction and flesh eating involves contracting
fresh karmas and thus helps to keep the inexorable karmic wheel in
motion for we have to reap what we sow. We cannot have roses if
we sow thistles.
Our attitude and frame of mind as we prepare foods is also important. Sant Kirpal
Singh explained that there are three types of foods:
W hy do you wander around in ignorance?
O mind, where are you wandering?
Where are you lost?” This is the way we have to make
the mind understand and bring it to meditation. Meditation is
the true wealth—as I have repeated many times—because your
meditations will go with you. The wealth of meditation will go with you,
but not the wealth of this world. Make a note of it. Everybody in the world is
losing because no one goes after true wealth. What have you earned in this world?
All your palaces, lands, animals, and other physical possessions will be left behind.