Using Customer Data Management
Using Customer Data Management
Using Customer Data Management
Using Customer Data Management
Contributors: Abhishek Sura, Vijay Tiwary, Rakesh Chaudhary, Vimmika Dinesh, Jacqueline Wood
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Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud
Using Customer Data Management
Preface i
5 Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View Import Objects 283
Importing Data Using Simplified View Import Objects: Overview ............................................................................ 283
Importing Contacts Using the Contact - Simplified View Import Object: Procedure ................................................ 283
Importing Accounts using the Account - Simplified View Import Object: Procedure ............................................... 295
This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.
Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to find help and use help features.
You can also read Using Applications Help.
Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
community, and other users.
• Guides and Videos: Go to the Oracle Help Center to find guides and videos.
The following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.
monospace Monospace type indicates file, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website.
Videos included in this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based help topics also available in this guide.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Preface
Using Customer Data Management
Contacting Oracle
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit My Oracle Support or visit Accessible Oracle Support if you are hearing impaired.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 1
Using Customer Data Management About This Guide
Related Guides
You can refer to the related guides listed in the following table to understand more about the tasks covered in this guide.
Title Description
Oracle Customer Data Management Describes how to get started with the implementation of Customer Data Management cloud service
Cloud Getting Started with Your capabilities such as duplicate identification, duplicate resolution, address verification, and data
Customer Data Management enrichment. This guide uses the default settings provided by Oracle and does not provide detailed
Implementation explanations of all available features.
Oracle Customer Data Management Contains conceptual information and procedures needed to manage customer information and
Cloud Using Customer Data customer data quality. You can use this guide to work with the customer data management cloud
Management service capabilities such as duplicate identification, duplicate resolution, address verification, and
data enrichment.
Oracle Customer Data Management Provides conceptual information and procedures needed to implement the Customer Data
Cloud Implementing Customer Data Management cloud service.
Oracle Sales Cloud Understanding File- Describes how to import legacy and other data into Oracle Sales Cloud using File-Based Data
Based Data Import and Export Import.
Oracle Sales Cloud File-Based Data Directs you to reference information that you can use to create an importable source data file for the
Import for Oracle Sales Cloud import of individual objects.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 1
Using Customer Data Management About This Guide
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 2
Using Customer Data Management Managing Customer Information
You can also select a matching configuration to identify duplicates and specify the action to perform on the duplicate records
during the import process.
Duplicate resolution lets you resolve duplicates either by directly merging them or by creating duplicate resolution request
such as merge or link. The resolution request can be verified, approved or rejected, and processed at a later date.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 2
Using Customer Data Management Managing Customer Information
Address cleansing lets you cleanse address data existing in the registry and ensures data accuracy over time. Real-time
address cleansing ensures that the incoming data from source systems follows the same convention as the target system for
consistent information.
Hierarchy Management
You can leverage the hierarchy of your customers in many business processes. For example, you can use the hierarchy
management capability to capture your customer's corporate hierarchy and to show how headquarters, branches,
subsidiaries, and so on are related. You can use the corporate hierarchy information to process payments from one customer
and apply them to another customer in the same hierarchy.
Data Enrichment
You can use this functionality to enrich account and contact data to ensure it is comprehensive. Data enrichment improves
the quality of your existing account or contact data and address information as well as enriches that data with additional
You can use the Organizations work area, to search for an organization, retrieve organization data from various systems,
review the data, and edit the data. The Organizations work area also provides you separate tabs to manage different types
of organization information such as profile, usage assignments, relationships, classifications, source system references,
hierarchy memberships, and linked records.
Creating Organizations
To create organizations:
1. Navigate to the Organizations work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management >
2. Click the Create action menu option or button.
3. Complete the mandatory fields. Enter the following sample data:
◦ Registry ID: This is auto populated. However, you can override it with a unique identifier of your choice.
4. Click Save and Close or Save and Edit, as required.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 2
Using Customer Data Management Managing Customer Information
Editing Organizations
To edit organizations:
1. Navigate to the Organizations work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management >
2. Search for the organization that you want to edit. You can search by entering criteria such as the organization name
or registry ID. You can also use the saved searches.
3. Select the organization you want to edit from the Search Results region and click through its name or registry ID to
navigate to the Edit Organization page.
4. On the Edit Organizations page, you can edit the organization's details such as usage assignments, relationships,
source system references, classifications, and linked records.
5. Click Save and Close.
You can use the Persons work area, to search for a person, retrieve person data from various systems, review the data, and
edit the data. The Persons work area also provides you separate tabs to manage different types of person information such
as profile, usage assignments, relationships, classifications, source system references, hierarchy memberships, and linked
Creating Persons
To create persons:
1. Navigate to the Persons work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Persons.
2. Click the Create action menu option or button.
3. Complete the mandatory fields. Enter the following sample data:
◦ Usage: Contact
◦ Fist Name: Andrew
◦ Last name: Flintoff
4. Click Save and Close or Save and Edit, as required.
Editing Persons
To edit persons:
1. Navigate to the Persons work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Persons.
2. Search for the persons that you want to edit. You can search by entering criteria such as the person name or registry
ID. You can also use the saved searches.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 2
Using Customer Data Management Managing Customer Information
3. Select the person you want to edit from the Search Results region and click through its name or registry ID to
navigate to the Edit Personpage.
4. On the Edit Person page, you can edit the person's details such as usage assignments, relationships, source
system references, classifications, and linked records.
5. Click Save and Close.
Group Members
A group member can be a person or an organization, and their member type attribute defines the relationship of the member
with the group. For example, a member of type Group Contact is the contact for the group. You can manage members of a
group from the Profile tab of the Group work area.
Creating Groups
To create groups:
1. Navigate to the Groups work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Groups.
2. Click the Create action menu option or button.
3. Complete the mandatory fields. Enter the following sample data:
Editing Groups
To edit groups:
1. Navigate to the Groups work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Groups.
2. Search for the group that you want to edit. You can search by entering criteria such as the group name, registry ID,
and type. You can also use the saved searches.
3. Select the group you want to edit from the Search Results region and click through its identifier to navigate to the
Edit Group page.
4. On the Edit Group page, you can add new group members as well as edit group details such as usage
assignments, relationships, source system references, classifications, and linked records.
5. Click Save and Close.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 2
Using Customer Data Management Managing Customer Information
Profile: Explained
The profile for any customer entity, such as Group, Person, or Organization, includes information such as customer details,
additional names, additional identifiers, addresses, and contact points.
You can add most of the customer profile information during record creation, except for some profile attributes, such as an
organization's financial and bank details. You can edit these profile attributes for an entity from the Edit page for that entity,
such as, Edit Group, Edit Person, or Edit Organization. The Edit page for an entity lets you set a primary contact point or
address for that entity.
Oracle Applications Cloud maintains a history of the changes to the customer profile that you can view in the Profile History
Some of the profile attributes, such as certification and primary contact details are common for all entity types and usages.
However, some other profile attributes are specific to a customer type. They are as follows:
• Organization: Includes name, organization information, certification information, legal information, and contact details.
• Person: Includes person details such as name, address, and contact information.
• Group: Includes name, group information, and group members.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 2
Using Customer Data Management Managing Customer Information
Change Details
The change details include multiple changes done within a day and also indicate the record that is available to be used in
transactions. The old and new values of different attributes, such as name, legal status, and size, are also displayed.
You can export both the profile history information and the change details to spreadsheets.
• Assignment rules: Define how the usage can and cannot be assigned.
• Exclusivity rules: Restrict usage assignment, so that between a specified date range the usage can be the only
usage allowed to be assigned.
• Incompatibility rules: Specify which usages cannot be assigned concurrently during a date range.
• Transition rules: Define which usages can transition to the usage you are creating or editing.
Note: You can only view the relationships for the entity in context, unless you have the manage privilege.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 2
Using Customer Data Management Managing Customer Information
◦ Creating master records. Multiple source system references can create one master record by merging or
linking multiple duplicate records imported from multiple source systems.
◦ Creating records for every source system record. If you do not allow multiple source system references, then
a record will be created for every source system record. This means that you could potentially create duplicate
records in the database.
• Using source system references, also known as cross references, to present a consolidated view. You can maintain
a central register of global identities, links to master data in source systems, lists of transformation rules, and a minor
subset of information that is needed to aid in matching. At runtime, you can access the source systems' master data
and assemble a point-in-time consolidated view.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 2
Using Customer Data Management Managing Customer Information
• View source systems contributing to the party in the context from the Referenced Source Systems table.
• View source system identifiers information for the child entities of a party for the source selected from the Referenced
Source Systems table.
• Delete source system identifiers to change the status of the source system reference to inactive.
• Add source system identifiers to include a new source system reference.
Note: The source system, source system reference identifier, and the start date cannot be updated. To change
a source system reference identifier, delete the current record and add a new source system reference.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
Note: Do not submit duplicate import jobs for the same import object because they create duplicate object
To help you get started, you can use the example import templates described in the related topics.
Object that you are importing.
If you cannot find your object in the drop-down list, then you can search and select the object
by clicking the Search link. In the Search and Select dialog box, enter the object name in the
Object text box and click the Search button. Select your object from the result list and click OK.
You can also use the advanced search option by clicking the Advanced button. Here you can
search based on various filter criteria such as object name, Attachment supported, creation date,
and so on.
If the object you are importing is not listed then verify if you have the roles and privileges required
to import the object.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
Attachment Object
To import an attachment for an existing object record in the database select the Attachments
object from the Object drop-down list. Next select the object from the Attachment Object
drop-down list.
For more details on importing attachments, review the topic Importing Attachments: Procedure in
the related topics section.
Note: If your source file has more than 50,000 records, then you must manually split
the file into several smaller files with less than 50,000 records each. The file import page
only permits 50, 000 records for each import job. Alternatively, you can use the Oracle
Sales Cloud Data Loader Client, which can accept files with more than 50,000 records.
See the My Oracle Support (support. document External Data Loader Client
(document ID 2325249.1) for more information about this tool.
4. Optionally, to set additional import configurations, click the Advanced Options section. Here you can configure
settings under Source File, Import Options, or Create Schedule sections.
a. In the Source File and Import Options regions, some of the options in the following table might be available
depending on the object that you're importing:
Option Description
Import Mode
You can specify whether you want to create and update records or update them only.
• Update and create records - a new record is created if a matching record is not
found. This is the default option.
• Create records - all the records in the file are new records which have to be
created. If there are any existing matching records, then they are marked as errors.
• Delete records - all the records in the file are deleted.
Notification email The email of the individual who receives import processing notifications. The user submitting
the import receives an email notification automatically. To have more than one email
recipient, separate the email addresses with a semicolon.
If your file doesn't use a comma to separate values, then select the correct delimiter in the
Delimiter drop-down list.
File Encoding The format in which your source file has been encoded.
b. In the Create Schedule region, you can schedule the import to either run immediately or at a future date. If
you select a future date, then provide the date and time to start the import.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
5. Click Next. The Create Import Activity: Map Fields page displays the first row of the data in your source file. By
default, the application tries to automatically map each of the source file columns to the appropriate target object
attribute. If some of the columns in your file could not be mapped, then drag the target attribute onto the Attribute
Name column under the Source File region.
6. You also have the option of selecting an appropriate mapping from the list of available mappings under the Import
Mapping drop-down list. If you're reusing an import mapping, then both the source and target columns are already
populated. The Source File region represents your import file.
You can choose not to import a column in your file by leaving the Attribute Name field blank.
7. To validate the mapping of fields, click the Validate Data button. Validation process is triggered and displays any
mapping errors on the Mapping Validation screen. Additionally, the first 10 rows of the file are validated.
8. Click Next. The Create Import Activity: Review and Submit page appears. On this page, review the import
activity configuration. If you had not run the prevalidation on the Map Fields page, then you get a notification
message to run the validation process.
9. Click the Validate Data button to run the validation. Validation errors, if any, are displayed on the Mapping Validation
screen. The data in unmapped columns are not imported. If you get warnings about unmapped columns, then you
can ignore these columns, and proceed to submit the import job.
10. Submit to activate the import.
Active Imports Shows all the imports that are currently running.
2. Click the My Completed Imports tab to view the imports that have completed.
3. Monitor the status of your import. A status of Completed or Completed with Errors indicates that the import has
completed. Alternatively, you can wait for the notification email. For more details on monitoring the status of import,
see the topic Import Monitoring: Explained referenced in the related links section.
4. Click the import name link to see additional information about the import. You can generate the diagnostics and log
files from the Action menu. Download the log files by clicking the download icon under the Import Attachments
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
• HZ_ENABLE_EVENT_TRACKING: Enables composite event tracking for customer and contact entities. This profile
option tracks changes to the entities, and raises an event whenever there is a change to the entities. This profile
option has the default value set to N.
• HZ_INVOKE_OBJ_WF_ON_TRACKING: Enables rollup of the child entity changes to the root object during event
tracking. This profile option initiates the root object workflow whenever the child entities change. This profile option
has the default value set to N.
• ZPM_ENABLE_PARTNER_EVENTS: You can use this profile option to suppress the business events for Partner,
Partner Contact, and Partner Notes objects. This profile option has the default value set to N. However, the profile
option ZCA_PUBLIC_BUSINESS_EVENTS should be disabled to suppress events for any object.
• ZCA_PUBLIC_BUSINESS_EVENTS: You can use this profile option to suppress the business events. This profile
option has the default value set to Y. Y indicates that all business events are enabled. When you set the profile
option value to N, then the business events are suppressed until the same profile option is set to Y once again. Once
disabled, then the events are not published even when using either Import Management or the REST web services.
This profile option overrides the other profile options mentioned above. You can also suppress the business events
for a user by creating a user profile level, defining a user name, and setting it to 'N'. The Create, Update, and Delete
events of the following objects are suppressed by this profile option:
◦ Account
◦ Activity
◦ Activity Note
◦ Asset
◦ Business Plan
◦ Business Plan Note
◦ Contact
◦ Contract
◦ Deal
◦ Deal Note
◦ Lead
◦ Lead Note
◦ Opportunity
◦ Opportunity Note
◦ Partner
◦ Partner Contact
◦ Partner Note
◦ Service Request
◦ Service Request Message
Related Topics
• File-Based Import Monitoring: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
The following are the file types supported for attachment files:
Importing Attachments
You can use the following steps to import attachments using Import Management:
1. Click Tools > Import Management.
2. On the Manage Imports page, click the Create Import Activity button. The Create Import Activity: Enter
Import Options page appears.
3. In the Name field, enter a name for your import. In the Object drop-down list, and select Attachment.
4. In the Attachment Object drop-down list that appears, select the object associated with the attachment.
5. Browse and select the ZIP file that contains the attachment files and the source data file with the object records
information for which you import the attachment.
6. The ZIP file must contain at least a file named Attachment.CSV, and optionally one or more attachment files. The
Attachment. CSV file has the format shown in the following table:
300100111735265 Sales.txt
CDRM_L1212 file1.txt
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
Pk1Value and ObjectPuid column values uniquely identify an existing object record. FileName indicates the name of
attachment files. Url indicates the value of URL attachment to import.
An attachment can only be associated with an existing record of the object. A single record can be associated with
multiple attachments by having multiple rows in the CSV file. There is no limit on the number of attachments that can
be imported in a single import job. However, the size of the attachment ZIP file cannot exceed 250 MB.
Note: A record in the CSV file cannot have values for both FileName and Url columns. You can pass
either the Primary key or the PUID, but not both for an object record.
7. Click Next. On the Create Import Activity: Map Fields page, click the Apply button next to the Import Mapping
drop-down list to map the source and target attributes automatically.
8. Click Next to navigate to the Review and Submit page.
Review the import activity configuration and click Submit to activate the import. The Manage Imports page shows the
status of the submitted import. The topic Importing Data: Procedure in the related topics section contains more details about
the import process.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating a Contact Updating an Existing Deleting an Existing
Task or Import Record Contact Record Contact Record
The reference Identify the source
number or text system or configure Conditionally Conditionally Conditionally
representing the source systems Required For Required For Required For
uniquely identifying uniquely identifying uniquely identifying
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating a Contact Updating an Existing Deleting an Existing
Task or Import Record Contact Record Contact Record
source system either by using the a contact record, a contact record, a contact record,
unique ID for the Manage Trading provide one of the provide one of the provide one of the
contact. Community Source following reference following reference following reference
System task, or information: information: information:
by importing the
source system • SourceSystem • SourceSystem • SourceSystem
information into and and and
Oracle Applications SourceSystemReferenceValue
Cloud using the • PartyNumber • PartyNumber • PartyNumber
Source System
Reference import
You can view the Contact object along with all its child objects and attributes in the Manage Import Objects page of the
Import Management flow. You can find attribute information like type, length, description, and so on, on this page.
Note: You can filter the mappings using the Find drop-down list.
7. On the Edit Import Mapping page, select Download Template from the Actions drop-down list.
8. Save the template CSV file to a location on your desktop.
You must edit the template CSV file and provide valid values for the required attributes. The following is an example of a CSV
file for the Contact object.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
Note: Click Validate Data to validate the mapping of the source file for unmapped columns and to
check for data format issues.
7. In the Create Import Activity: Review and Submit page, click Submit.
Note: On this page, you can also view quickly the number and status of all active imports, completed
imports, and unsuccessful imports that have been submitted.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
You must set certain options for some attributes in the application before you can populate them. For example, if you are
using source system reference information to identify your account records, the source system of the Account object should
be enabled for parties in the Manage Trading Community Source Systems task.
Also, when importing a child record, ensure that its parent record exists in the database. For example, when importing the
address of an account, ensure that its parent account exists in the database. If the parent record does not exist before
importing the child record, then the child record import fails.
To import data into Oracle Applications Cloud, your CSV file must include some specific attributes that enable the import
process to uniquely identify the records. The file import process uses the attribute values to automatically map your source
data to the target object attributes in Oracle Applications Cloud.
The preferred options for uniquely identifying an object record are as follows:
• Public unique identifiers: If you're creating records, then you can provide a user-friendly public unique identifier
(attributes denoted with 'Number' and usually visible in the business object's UI). If you update a record for which
you have previously provided a Number attribute, or for which a Number attribute is visible in the object's UI, you can
use the Number attribute to identify the record. For Account object, the attribute is PartyNumber. It appears as Party
Number in the UI.
• Source system and source system reference value: If you're importing data from a legacy or external system
or are updating records for which you have previously provided source system reference data, then you
can provide the source system code that identifies the external system (attributes typically denoted with
'SourceSystem') and source system reference value, a unique identifier within the external system (typically
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
denoted with 'SourceSystemReferenceValue'). For Account object, these attributes are SourceSystem and
SourceSystemReferenceValue. They appear as Party Source System and Party Source System Reference Value in
the UI respectively.
To import data successfully into Oracle Applications Cloud, your CSV file must include the required attributes. Ensure that
you provide valid values for the attributes. The following table lists the required attributes for importing new account records,
required attributes for updating account records, prerequisite setup tasks for the attributes, and specific validations, if any, for
account import:
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating an Account Updating an Existing Deleting an Existing
Tasks or Import Record Account Record Account Record
The reference Identify the source
number or text system or configure Conditionally Conditionally Conditionally
representing the source systems Required Required Required
source system either by using the
unique ID for the Manage Trading For uniquely For uniquely For uniquely
party (account or Community Source identifying an identifying an identifying an
contact) to which System task, or account record, account record, account record,
the sales profile by importing the provide one of the provide one of the provide one of the
belongs. source system following reference following reference following reference
information into information: information: information:
Oracle Applications
Cloud using the • SourceSystem • SourceSystem • SourceSystem
Source System and and and
Reference import SourceSystemReferenceValue
• PartyNumber • PartyNumber • PartyNumber
PartyNumber The public unique Identify the party ID Conditionally Conditionally Conditionally
identifier of the and party number Required Required Required
party. value by exporting
the Party object.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating an Account Updating an Existing Deleting an Existing
Tasks or Import Record Account Record Account Record
• OwnerPartyNumber • OwnerPartyNumber
• OwnerEmailAddress • OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyNumber • OwnerPartyNumber
• OwnerEmailAddress • OwnerEmailAddress
You can view the Account object along with all its child objects and attributes in the Manage Import Objects page of the
Import Objects tab. You can find attribute information like type, length, description, and so on, on this page.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
5. On the Map Fields page, the source and target attributes are automatically mapped. If required, manually edit the
attribute mappings, and save the mapping file. Click Next.
6. Click the Validate Data button to validate the mapping of the source file for unmapped columns and to check for
data format issues.
7. On the Review and Submit page, click Submit.
Note: On this page, you can also view quickly the number and status of all active imports, completed
imports, and unsuccessful imports that have been submitted.
Related Topics
• Managing Import Mappings
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 3
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Import Management
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• Import object
• Import mapping
• Import activity
• File repository
• Application Composer
• Interface tables
• Base tables
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
You select the import object during setup. The import mapping is used in the import mapping step. The import file you upload
is stored in a file repository. Any additional attributes you create in Application Composer are stored in a separate extensions
repository and available for import and in the import mapping.
Import Activity File Repository Composer
Data File 1
Import Object Setup File 1
File 1
Note: Avoid concurrent submission of File Import jobs for the same import object. Concurrent submission of
multiple import jobs with same content results in creation of duplicate object records.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
When you create an import activity, you must specify a mapping of the fields in your file to the attributes of the import object.
You can create the mapping while creating an import activity or separately using the Manage File Import Mappings task. The
mapping is stored and managed as a separate object.
File Repository
The text or XML data file you upload for import is stored in a file repository so that it is available for import processing when
you schedule an import activity. Any attachments you upload are stored in the same repository.
Interface Tables
The import activity populates the application interface tables with your data.
Base Tables
The import activity loads your data into the base tables to complete the import.
Option Description
Data Type, Delimiter, and Header Row A Text file type can further be defined based on how the data is delimited and if the source file is
Included expected to include a row of headings for each column.
Import Mapping Displays a list of predefined mappings for the object selected for this import activity. The selected
mapping will be used as the basis for mapping your source file in the next Import Activity step.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Option Description
Upload From
You can upload the source file from the following locations:
• Desktop
If you select Desktop, then a File Name field with an associated Update button is displayed.
Click Update and browse to search for and select the file you want to upload.
• WebCenter Content Server
If you select WebCenter Content Server, then a File Name field with an associated
Browse button is displayed. Click and browse to search for and select the file you want to
◦ Offering: Sales
Tip: You can also navigate to the Manage Import Activities page by selecting the import task in the work
areas for objects that support importing data.
Note: If you're importing a file into one of the services, then you must upload files from your desktop.
The maximum number of records in each CSV file (either single CSV or ZIP file) should not exceed the
maximum limit of 100,000 records.
◦ Desktop
After you select this option, you must browse for the file. You must select an import file in CSV format.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
7. If your data file includes a header row, then select the Header Row Included option. Although you can upload files
without header rows, doing so makes it more difficult to complete the mapping between the data in your file and
the application. If the values in the CSV file contain new line character, then they must be enclosed within quotation
8. If your file doesn't use a comma to separate values, then select the correct delimiter in the Data Type field.
9. You must create a mapping between the data in the import file and the target attributes in the application. If you had
previously imported a file with the same format as the file that you're importing now, then select an existing mapping
from the Import Mapping list. By default, the application saves the import mapping under the import activity name
appended with the activation date and time. If you're importing a file in this format for the first time, then you must
create the mapping in the next step.
10. If you're importing one of the following objects, then you can import attachments by selecting the Browse option
in the Attachments region and selecting a .zip or .jar file of the attachments. You must include a column with the
names of individual attachments in your import file as described in the Importing Attachments Using File-Based Data
Import: Procedure topic. Your attachment file name should not contain special characters such as the Pound symbol
or the pipe symbol (|). Do not submit File-Based Data Import jobs for the same import object because they create
duplicate object records.
The following import objects support importing a single attachment for each record:
◦ Assets
◦ Opportunities
◦ Partners
The following import objects support multiple attachments for each record:
◦ Leads
◦ Activities
11. In the Import Options region, some of the options in the following table might be available depending on the object
that you're importing.
Option Description
Import Mode For importing leads and employee resources only, you can specify whether you want to create
and update records or update them only.
If you select update, then the import process ignores any new records.
For all other import objects, both create and update operations are available.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Option Description
Duplicates found using matching configurations for Customer Data Management objects do not
contribute to the error count.
Notification email The email of the individual who receives import processing notifications. Currently this option is
supported only for Opportunity, Lead, and custom objects.
Account Data Management Duplicates This option is available only if you have licensed data quality functionality. You can select different
options for handling duplicates when you're importing accounts, contacts, and legal entities either
alone or as part of another object.
Execute Groovy Scripts and Workflows Selecting this check box enables import to trigger the execution of Groovy Scripts and Workflows
that have been configured for the object being imported. This check box is enabled only if your
source file has low-volume data records and the object to be imported supports Turbo Import.
The Create Import Activity: Map Fields page displays the attributes in your file with some sample data. If you're
reusing an import mapping, then both the Source and Target columns are already populated. The Source columns
represent your file. If you're creating a new mapping, then the Target Object and Attribute columns are blank.
Note: Oracle recommends that you use the Object Number (such as Opportunity Number) or Code (such
as Claim Code) fields when available instead of Object ID (such as Opportunity ID) fields when importing
13. For each column in your file that you want to import, select the target object and one of its attributes. The target
object and attribute name values are populated based on the display label values set in Application Composer.
If you don't want to import a column in your file then select the Ignore check box.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: Perform the following steps to view the Language Independent Code of the target attributes:
a. In the Setup and Maintenance work area navigate to the following:
• Offering: Sales
• Functional Area: Sales Foundation
• Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values
b. On the Administrator Profile Values page, search for the profile option
c. Set the Profile Value to TRUE.
d. On the Map Fields page, select Language Independent Code from the View menu.
14. To specify a constant value for an attribute in the application, then you can add the object, the attribute, and its value
in the Set Constant Values region.
If you're importing data using the import templates provided on My Oracle Support, then each column header in your
template includes the names of both the target object and the target attribute to simplify your mapping process.
15. Click Next.
Tip: To schedule the import process for a specific date, you must select the Specific Date from the
Schedule list and enter a start date.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
◦ Offering: Sales
◦ Functional Area: Data Import and Export
◦ Task: Manage File Import Mappings
2. On the Manage File Import Mappings page, select the object name (say Lead object), select Seeded check box
and click Search.
3. On the Edit Import Mappings page, click Download Template to save the CSV template file to your desktop.
4. You can edit the file to include only the fields that you want to import.
The following table lists five Lead records of a CSV file, each with the LeadName first, followed by the LeadNumber (120, 121,
and so on).
LeadName LeadNumber
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table provides information on how to use escape characters for the Lead Name source data records.
Row Number Source Data for How LeadName is Data with Escape How LeadName is Comment
LeadName Written to Database Characters to Written to Database Regarding Escape
if no Escape Preserve Original When Escape Characters
Characters are Data Characters are
Added Included
1 Mark Twain lead Mark Twain lead Not applicable Not applicable No escape
characters are
needed because
source data
contains no special
• The
the entire
field which
is required
to precede
the quotation
marks in the
source data
• The
marks in the
source data
4 Twain, Mark "Spring Twain "Twain, Mark Twain, Mark "Spring A double quotation
2015" lead ""Spring 2015"" 2015" lead mark is required
lead",123 to surround the
entire field entry
because at least one
special character
is in the source
data. Each double
quotation mark in
the source data
requires a double
quotation mark
escape character.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Row Number Source Data for How LeadName is Data with Escape How LeadName is Comment
LeadName Written to Database Characters to Written to Database Regarding Escape
if no Escape Preserve Original When Escape Characters
Characters are Data Characters are
Added Included
No additional
escape character is
required to precede
the comma.
5 "Twain "Fall 2014" Twain Fall 2014" """Twain ""Fall "Twain "Fall 2014" Although the
lead lead 2014"" lead",124 lead missing end
quotation mark
in the source
data is likely a
typo, the source
data still must
be written as is.
Thus three double
quotation marks
at the beginning,
but only a single
(surrounding) double
quotation mark at
the end.
• If the source data contains at least one special character, then the entire field of source data must be surrounded by
double quotation marks in the CSV file.
• If the data for a field contains separator like a comma (,), then you must enclose the content within two double
quotation marks.
• If the first field has a special character at the beginning but not any matching special character at the end, then
the content of second field will also be considered as part of the first field, and the second field is blank. You must
provide a matching escape character to fix this problem.
• If you don't precede the special characters by an escape character, then the import process may write incorrect
data for a field, or incorrectly write data to the subsequent fields.
Note: Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs may automatically escape the special characters.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Account Data Cloud Account Import - Advanced Predefined mapping to import files generated
from Data Cloud and Insight service into
Oracle Sales Cloud for account enrichment.
Account Account Create and Update Predefined This mapping lets the user create or update
Mapping accounts with the most basic information.
Account Quick Create Account Predefined Mapping Predefined mapping to create Accounts with
basic information. This mapping cannot be
used to update any attribute other than those
mapped to the Account object.
Account Account Address Create and Update This mapping lets the user create or update
Predefined Mapping multiple addresses for existing accounts.
Account Account Relationship Create and Update This mapping lets users associate an
Predefined Mapping account with one or multiple contacts.
Activity Activity Predefined Mapping - Import Task Template to import activity predefined
mapping (Import Task)
Contact Data Cloud Contact Import - Advanced Predefined mapping to import files generated
from Data Cloud and Insight service into
Oracle Sales Cloud for contact enrichment.
Contact Contact Create and Update Predefined This mapping lets the user create or update
Mapping contacts with the most basic information.
Additionally, this template can be used to
associate individual contacts with existing
Contact Quick Create Contact Predefined Mapping Predefined mapping to create Contacts
with basic information. This mapping cannot
be used to update any attribute other than
the ones mapped to the Contact object.
Use Original System and Original System
Reference fields to establish the relationship
between Contacts and Accounts.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Customer hierarchy Customer Hierarchy Create Predefined This template is used to create a customer
Mapping hierarchy. Customers who are part of this
hierarchy should be created first using the
"Create or update account" template.
Customer hierarchy member Customer Hierarchy Member Create This template can be used to add customers
Predefined Mapping (nodes) to an existing customer hierarchy
Lead Lead Predefined Mapping Import Leads Template to import Leads with contact and
company information.
Lead Lead Predefined Mapping - Import Leads Template to import Leads with contact and
with Qualification information qualification information.
Note Note Predefined Mapping - Default required Template to import Note -Default required
Set with identifiers Set with identifiers
Note Note Predefined Mapping - Default required Template to import Note - Default required
Set with original system reference Set with original system reference
Opportunity Opportunity Predefined Mapping - All related Template to import Opportunity with all
objects related objects.
Partner Oracle Fusion Hierarchical File Import Map for Template to import Partners including child
Partner - Includes Child objects objects.
Partner Oracle Fusion Hierarchical File Import Map for Template to hierarchically import partners
Partner with minimum attributes
Partner Oracle Fusion File Import Map for Partner Template to import updates to partners
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Partner Oracle Fusion File Import Map for Partner Template to import partners with minimum
Partner Contact Oracle Fusion File Import Map for Partner Template to import partner contacts
Partner Program Enrollments Oracle Fusion File Import Map for Enrollment Template to import updates to enrollment
Partner Program Enrollments Oracle Fusion File Import Map for Enrollment Template to import enrollments with
minimum attributes
Product Group Product Group Predefined Mapping - Template to import product groups, items
Product Group Header and Child Entities related to product groups and product group
relationships used to define a hierarchy.
Quota Quota Predefined Mapping - Territory and Template to import Territory and Resource
Resource Quotas Quotas
Sales Promotion Sales Promotion Predefined Mapping - Template to import promotions and coupons
Header and Coupons associated with promotions.
Territory Geographies Territory Geographies Import Mapping Template to migration import territory
Territory Geographies Territory Geographies Incremental Import Template to import territory geographies
Mapping incrementally
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
source system and source system reference value combination, internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys
or external IDs. When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you
don't need the source system information.
Note: It is a best practice recommendation to include the source system information as requirements change
over time.
◦ Offering: Sales
Note: Perform the following steps to view the Language Independent Code of the target attributes:
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area navigate to the following:
◦ Offering: Sales
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• The attribute descriptions, including the user interface display name for the attribute if the attribute is displayed on
the user interface.
• The data type, length, and validation logic, including the task or work area where you can view or define valid values
before importing data.
• The logic for default values, if values are not provided in your source file.
To view the reference file, see the File Based Data Import for Oracle Sales Cloud guide available on the Oracle Sales Cloud
Help Center (
◦ Offering: Sales
Importing Attachments
You can use the following steps to import attachments using file-based data import:
1. Add one or more of the columns listed in the following table to the source file that you're importing.
The ATTACHMENT_FILE_NAME header is the only required header. All other headers are optional. The Manage
File Import Activities task reserves these header names for their described usage. You must not use them for any
other purpose.
ATTACHMENT_ FILE_NAME The .zip file selected when defining the import activity must contain a file with the specified
ATTACHMENT_ FILE_NAME value. Your attachment file name should not contain special
characters such as the Pound symbol or the pipe symbol (|). Otherwise, an error occurs.
Enter the file title. This is not a required field. If you don't specify a file title, then the Manage File
Import Activities task uses the file name as the title. For example, if the file name is abc.txt, and
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ATTACHMENT_ CATEGORY_NAME Specify the attachment category. An attachment category is used to classify and secure
attachments. Each attachment UI must be defined with at least one category so that users can
add attachments. For example, you can categorize attachments for an expense report as a
receipt, scanned invoice image, and so on.
2. In each row of the source file, enter the name of the attachment file that the Manage File Import Activities task
must attach to the record.
The following table lists some attachment files for Leads. For example, you enter file_1.doc as the attachment file for
Lead 1.
3. To specify the same attachment file for more than one record, enter the same file name for each record in the
ATTACHMENT _FILE _NAME column. For example, you can specify file_1.doc for Lead 1 and for Lead 2.
◦ You can specify multiple attachments for any type of business object or custom object.
◦ If you specify more than one attachment for the same record, and if you add any of the optional
attachment columns, then you must repeat all the columns in the same order for each attachment file.
4. Create a .zip file that includes the files that you must attach.
For example, create a file named that includes the following files:
◦ file_1.doc
◦ file_2.doc
◦ file_3.doc
◦ file_4.doc
You can also use a JAR file. You can organize these files in folders and subdirectories, at your discretion.
5. Sign in to the Oracle Sales Cloud application.
6. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and then search for the Manage File Import Activities task.
7. In the Search Results list, click the link for the task..
8. On the Manage Import Activities page, click the Create icon.
9. On the Create Import Activity: Enter Import Options page, select an object from the Object drop-down list that
supports attachments. To identify the objects that support attachments, see the Prerequisites section.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
10. In the Attachments section, click Browse, and then locate your .zip file.
◦ You can upload only one .zip file.
◦ You can't add more attachments after you upload the .zip file.
11. Enter the data in the remaining fields and activate the file-based data import activity.
The Manage File Import Activities task recognizes the reserved column header names, so you don't have to
map them in the Create Import Activity: Map Fields page. For more information about finishing this task, see the
Related Topics section at the end of this topic.
You cannot delete the file attachments from a record using file-based data import activities.
Related Topics
• File-Based Data Import Objects: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Option Description
Decimal Separator The format of the fractional portion of numeric values in columns mapped to attributes with a
decimal attribute type.
Date Format The format for values in columns mapped to attributes with a date attribute type.
Time Stamp Format The format for values in columns mapped to attributes with a time stamp attribute type.
File Encoding The overall encoding of the characters within the file.
Option Description
Import Mode For importing leads and employee resources only, you have the option of specifying if you want
to create and update records or update only. If you select update, then any new records will be
ignored by the import process. For all other import objects, both create and update operations are
Duplicates found using matching configurations for Customer Data Management objects do not
contribute to the error count.
Notification E-Mail The e-mail of the intended recipient of import processing notifications. Currently this option is
supported only for Opportunity, Lead, and user-defined objects.
Note: You can use the Customer Data Management Duplicates LOV to retrieve
duplicates only if you have licensed the data quality functionality. Once licensed, you
must rebuild the keys for your matching configuration using the Manage Enterprise
Data Quality Matching Configurations task. For more information, see the Define Data
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Option Description
Quality chapter in the Oracle Sales Cloud Implementing Customer Data Management
Using this option, which is available only if you licensed the data quality functionality, you can select
different options for handling duplicates when you're importing accounts and legal entities either
alone or as part of another object.
Duplicate Look Back Days This option applies only to the Lead import object. Only existing leads created within the period
determined by the look back days value are evaluated for duplicates based on the attributes
selected for duplicate validation in the predefined import mapping. If a duplicate is found, the lead
will not be imported and the duplicate record will be reported on the Exception report. Duplicate
leads are included in the calculation of the allowable error count threshold.
Execute Groovy Scripts and Workflows Selecting this check box enables import to trigger the execution of Groovy Scripts and Workflows
that have been configured for the object being imported. This check box is enabled only if your
source file has low-volume data records and the object to be imported supports Turbo Import.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Column Header Represents the column header for Text file types and the tagging structure for XML file types.
Example Value Values are derived from the first source file saved with the predefined mapping. If you didn't select
a predefined mapping, then the example values are taken from the first data row in the source file
selected in the first step of the Import Activity definition.
Ignore Select this option if you don't want to import the source file data in that column.
Object The group of import objects that represent the components of the business object being imported.
Attribute The attribute name that represents the corresponding interface table column for the object.
Constant Values
Constant values provide a way to specify a value for a target attribute that all imported objects inherit. The value you are
setting when you configure a constant value is at the record level. For example, if a source file doesn't contain a column for
business unit and all of the objects in the file belong to the same business unit, then enter a constant value for the object and
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
business unit attribute. Each imported record has the specified attribute set to the constant value. The Constant value takes
precedence over any values mapped or ignored in the Map Fields section. This value applies to all import file types.
Related Topics
• Exporting and Importing Data Between Oracle Sales Cloud Instances Using Automatic Mapping: Procedure
Status Description
Importing attachments The attachments are stored in the file repository. This step is displayed only if the object being
imported supports the import of file attachments.
Completing import activity The cleanup tasks, such as the generation of log files, are in progress.
Completed All records were processed and loaded into the application tables.
Completed with errors The import activity found errors in the data file that you must correct. You can view details about the
errors by clicking the status link.
Completed with warnings The import activity found warnings (but no errors) in the data file. You can view details about the
warnings by clicking the status link.
Unsuccessful The import activity encountered system error and the import is unsuccessful.
Related Topics
• File-Based Data Import Objects: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
necessary updates for any failed records that you want to import again. You can also filter the import activities that are in
different states.
You can view the list of import activities from the Manage Import Activities page. You can filter the import activities based on
the status of the activity, file type, name of the activity, activity identifier, object name, or name of the import mapping used.
To filter,
1. Click the Query By Example icon This brings up the text boxes on each column header.
2. Enter the filter criteria in text boxes to filter the records. For example, you may want to filter all import activities that
are in the status Completed.
3. Select the import activity that you want to monitor by clicking the link in the corresponding Status column. The View
Import Status page is displayed, that shows status of the most recently executed instance of the import activity
definition. The View Import Status page contains the following sections:
◦ Process Log
Files Processed
The Files Processed section displays a row for each source file that is processed, in the case of single CSV files. The import
processing details for single CSV files are summarized and displayed for each source file. The following table provides the
details of the import processing.
Records Read From File The number of rows in the CSV file.
Records Uploaded with Format Errors The number of records that were uploaded with format errors when processing data to insert
into the interface tables from the source file. View the error details in the Exception and Error files
attached to the process.
Records Failed with Errors The number of records that failed with errors when importing data from the interface tables to the
destination application tables. View the error details in the Exception and Error files attached to the
Records Uploaded Successfully The number of import object records that were imported to the application destination tables. If
the import object is made up of multiple components, each component is counted as successfully
loaded. Consequently the Successfully Loaded count may be larger than the Records Read From
File count. View the successful record details in the Log file attached to the process.
Records Uploaded With Warnings The number of records that were uploaded with warnings when importing data from the interface
tables to the destination application tables.
Records Read From File The number of records read from the source file.
Once an Import Activity process has completed, processing reports are included in the Attachments
column. This column displays the log file in case of successful import, and error and exception file
in case of failure. The Log file includes the records that were successfully imported plus the unique
destination application table identifiers for the objects. The Exception file includes a row for each
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
In the event that log generation was not completed for an import activity, you can click the
Generate Log link to generate the import log files. Once the request is submitted, you get a
confirmation message. The Generate Log link is displayed in the Attachments column.
• Log files contain records that were successfully imported plus the unique destination
application table identifiers for the objects.
• Exception files include a row for each record that failed. All the errors for that row are
concatenated and displayed in the Error Message column of the file.
• Error files include all the errors for each record that failed validation.
Submitted By The value of the user who last submitted an import using the import definition.
In the case of multiple CSV files, the Import Processes section displays a row for each source file that is processed. The
following table provides the details of the import processing.
Records Read From File The number of records read from the source file.
Records Uploaded with Format Errors The number of records that were uploaded with format errors when processing data to insert
into the interface tables from the source file. View the error details in the Exception and Error files
attached to the process.
Records Failed with Errors The number of records that failed with errors when importing data from the interface tables to the
destination application tables. View the error details in the Exception and Error files attached to the
Records Uploaded Successfully The number of import object records that were imported to the application destination tables. If
the import object is made up of multiple components, each component is counted as successfully
loaded. Consequently the Successfully Loaded count may be larger than the Records Read From
File count. View the successful record details in the Log file attached to the process.
Rejected Data File The data files that were rejected due to format errors.
Error File
Once an Import Activity process has completed, error files are included in the Error File column.
This column displays error and exception files in case of failure, and is blank in case of successful
import. The Exception file includes a row for each record that failed. All the errors for that row are
concatenated and displayed in the Error Message column of the file. The Error file includes all the
errors for each record that failed validation.
In the event that log generation was not completed for an import activity, you can click the
Generate Log link to generate the import log files. Once the request is submitted, you get a
confirmation message. The Generate Log link is displayed in the Error File column.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• Exception files include a row for each record that failed. All the errors for that row are
concatenated and displayed in the Error Message column of the file.
• Error files include all the errors for each record that failed validation.
Records Uploaded With Warnings The number of records that were uploaded with warnings when importing data from the interface
tables to the destination application tables.
Submitted By The value of the user who last submitted an import using the import definition.
Note: In the files that are generated after the completion of an import activity, all error message values are
enclosed within double quotation marks. The use of double quotation marks improves the format of the log files
by ensuring that the error messages containing commas are not treated as multiple values.
Import activity queued The import activity that is to be processed is being queued.
Preparing data for import The data in the source files is being prepared for importing into the database.
Importing data The data is being imported into the database. This step also displays a count of the total number of
substeps that are performed during the data loading process. The number of substeps required to
load the data varies for each object.
Importing attachments The application is importing attachment files and is associating them to the appropriate records. This
step is only displayed if the object being imported supports the import of file attachments.
Completing import activity The import log files are generated and internal import activity cleanup tasks are executed.
Process Log
The Process Log section displays the log messages that are generated during the processing of an import activity. You can
filter the log messages based on the message types Information, Error and Debug. You can also export the log information
into an excel file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: The Consumer object is only applicable if you are using a prior release. All capabilities of the Consumer
object are now included in the Contact object. If you are upgrading from a prior release, then it is recommended
that you use the Contact object to update your consumer information using File-Based Data Import.
You must consider the following questions before importing consumer information:
• How does your legacy or source system represent the consumer information compared to how Oracle Sales Cloud
represents the same data?
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Sales Cloud to map them to your existing data values?
• Do you have to configure Oracle Sales Cloud to capture attributes that are critical to the way you do business?
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do I verify my imported data?
Consumer Profile
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The person profile contains basic information about the consumer, such as the first name, last name, and party usage. For
each consumer, you can have other information, such as sell-to addresses, phone details, and sales account profile.
Note: All entities referring to contact information, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that
captures the contact preference. For example, the Primary Phone Contact Preference entity captures the
contact preference of the consumer for the contact method primary phone.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the Oracle Sales Cloud object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application
Composer to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and
make them available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you
can then map to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the
standard import object attributes.
You must be assigned the Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator or Marketing Operations Manager
job role to access and submit the import activities for consumers.
When importing consumer information, you first import the basic person profile information and then the child entities for
the consumer. When importing child entities, you must provide the parent reference information for all parent levels for the
entity. You must provide the PartyOrigSystem and PartyOrigSystemReference of the consumer when importing contacts
for the consumer. PartyOrigSystem is the source system code that identifies the source of the information being imported.
PartyOrigSystemReference is unique for each row of data within a single import, and is a combination of PartyOrigSystem
and a unique reference. For example, you first import basic profile details, such as first name, last name, party type, and
party usage. You then import other information, such as additional names, e-mail, sell-to address, and primary phone for the
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Note: The Consumer object is only applicable if you are using a prior release. All capabilities of the Consumer
object are now included in the Contact object. If you are upgrading from a prior release, then it is recommended
that you use the Contact object to update your consumer information using File-Based Data Import.
You use the Consumer import object to import consumer information. It is split into separate target import objects for
organizing the individual attributes of the different aspects of the consumer. To map the source data in your import file to
the target attributes in Oracle Sales Cloud, you must understand how the target objects are related and what attributes are
included in each target object.
The target import objects in the Consumer import object are grouped into information about the consumer. The person
profile is the target import object containing attributes to import information about the consumer. When updating an existing
consumer with additional information, you must provide the parent reference information for the existing consumer.
To update the information for an existing consumer or to create a consumer record, you can import consumer profile
information, addresses, and contact points, such as phone and fax number. The following target import objects are for
creating and updating the corresponding consumer information: PersonProfile, PrimaryPhone, Fax, Mobile, Classification,
AdditionalIdentifier, AdditionalName, e-mail, SellToAddress, and SalesAccountProfile.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target import
object and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings
task, or you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both
tasks are available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes that you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then
review the Application Composer features for the consumer.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the various target import objects.
PersonProfile Includes detailed person information such as HZ_ IMP_ PARTIES_ T_Reference
person name, relationship type, gender, and
marital status.
SellToAddress Includes consumer addresses and party HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_T_ Reference
sites information. If party site usage of an
address is not defined, then the import
process sets it to Sell-To. In case there
are multiple addresses without party site
usage information, then the import process
designates one of the addresses as the Sell-
To address.
PrimaryPhone Indicates the primary phone number of the HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
consumer. If the consumer has multiple
phone numbers, one of the phone numbers
is designated as the primary phone number.
Mobile Indicates the mobile phone number of the HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
Fax Indicates the fax number of the consumer. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
Email Indicates the e-mail of the consumer. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
InstantMessenger Indicates the instant messenger or social HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
networking information of a consumer.
SalesAccountProfile Includes detailed information about a ZCA_ IMP_ SALES_ ACCOUNTS_ Reference
consumer sales account. A sales account
is a specific sell-to entity within a given
consumer. A consumer can have multiple
sales accounts and sales account profiles.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
PrimaryPhoneContactPreference Indicates the consumer's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through phone.
MobileContactPreference Indicates the consumer's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through mobile phone.
FaxContactPreference Indicates the consumer's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through fax.
EmailContactPreference Indicates the consumer's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through mobile phone.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
In Oracle Sales Cloud, one table stores the contact information, and another table optionally stores contact point details for
that contact. A contact point is an identified means to contact a party. Contact points can be phone numbers, e-mail IDs,
Web site addresses, or instant messenger IDs.
The contact profile contains basic information about the contact, such as the contact name, party type, and party usage.
For each contact, you can assign classifications, phone details, and additional names. If the contact is a consumer, then the
contact relationship of the consumer includes other child entities that capture information about the consumer contact, such
as contact job, contact phone, contact address, and contact e-mail.
Note: All contact-related entities, such phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact
preference. For example, the Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the consumer
for the contact method phone.
To facilitate importing contacts, Oracle Sales Cloud incorporates the structure of the contact business object into import
objects. The import object for contacts is Contact.
You can use the keyword importing contacts to search for related topics in Oracle Sales Cloud help.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the Oracle Sales Cloud object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application
Composer to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and
make them available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you
can then map to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the
standard import object attributes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
The target import objects included in the Contact import are grouped into information about the contact and the contact's
relationship with other parties. The contact profile is the target import object containing attributes to import information about
the contact. You can have multiple contact relationships associated with a contact. There are multiple target import objects
that include attributes to import contacts and their related information.
When updating an existing contact, you must provide the parent reference information of the existing contact. When
importing contact profile or contact point information for a contact, you must provide relationship reference information in
addition to the parent reference. You must provide this information because a contact can have multiple relationships with an
organization, such as employee or board member. When importing information about a contact, you must refer to the specific
relationship that you want to import information for. For example, you must specify whether you want to import information
for John Smith the employee or John Smith the board member. If you do not include the reference information for a contact
relationship, then the import process creates a new relationship.
To update the information for an existing contact or to create a contact record, you can import contact profile information,
addresses, and contact points. The following target import objects are for creating and updating contact and contact
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
preference information: PersonProfile, Fax, PrimaryPhone, Url, SalesProfile, Classification, AdditionalName, Relationship, and
To update or create a contact point for a contact relationship, use the following target import objects: ContactRelationship,
ContactJob, ContactAddress, ContactEmail, ContactPhone, ContactMobile, ContactInstantMessenger, and ContactFax.
All contact-point-related entities, such as phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact preference. For
example, the ContactPhoneContactPreference entity captures the contact preference of the primary phone contact method.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes that you want to import do not have an equivalent for the target object attribute,
then review the Application Composer configuration features for the contact object.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the various target import objects.
PersonProfile Includes information that identifies a contact, HZ_ IMP_ PARTIES_ T_Reference
such as first name, last name, date of birth,
and so on.
SalesProfile Includes detailed information about a sales ZCA_ IMP_ Sales_ Accounts_ Reference
profile. A sales profile is a specific sell-to
entity within a given account. An account or
contact can have multiple sales profiles.
FaxContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through Fax.
Phone Contact's phone number. If the contact has HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
multiple phone numbers, then the first phone
number is designated as the primary phone
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
PhoneContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
by phone.
EmailContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through e-mail.
MobileContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through mobile phone.
Address Contact's address. If the contact has HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_ T_Reference
multiple addresses, then the first address is
designated as the primary address.
AddressContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
at the primary address.
AdditionalIdentifier Includes the basic information about an HZ_ IMP_ ADDTNLPARTYIDS_ T_Reference
additional identifier for the contact.
ContactEmailContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through the e-mail contact point.
ContactFax Indicates the number of the fax contact point HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
of the contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ContactFaxContactPreference Contact's preference about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through the fax contact point.
ContactInstantMessenger Contact's instant messenger contact point. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
ContactMobileContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through the mobile phone contact point.
ContactPhone Contact's phone contact point. If the contact HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
has multiple phone numbers, then the first
phone number is designated as the primary
phone number.
ContactPhoneContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through the phone contact point.
ContactAddress Contact's address contact point. If the HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_ T_Reference
contact has multiple addresses, then the
first address is designated as the primary
ContactAddressContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
at the address contact point.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Configurable Attributes
If you need to configure the application object to import your legacy or source data, you must use the Application Composer
to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and make them
available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which can then be
mapped to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the standard
import object attributes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
be assigned the Master Data Management Administrator job role to access and submit the import activities for country
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import does not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer extensibility features for country structures.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
For detailed information on importing geographies using file-based import, refer to Document No. 1481758.1, Importing
Master Reference Geography Data, on the Oracle Support site.
The following table lists the reference file for the ImpGeoStructureLevel target import object.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Reference files contain attribute descriptions, values that populate attributes by default when you don't provide values, and
validation information for each attribute. The validation information includes the navigation path to the task where you can
define values in Oracle Sales Cloud. For example, if you have values in your data that correspond to a choice list, then the
validation information for that attribute will provide the task name in the Setup and Maintenance work area where you can
define your values.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the import object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application Composer
to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and make them
available for importing.
The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you can then map to your source file data.
You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the standard import object attributes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
When importing customer hierarchy information, you first import the customer hierarchy information and then the customer
hierarchy members for the customer hierarchy. When importing customer hierarchy members, you must provide the parent
reference information that refers to the customer hierarchy of the member.
Related Topics
• Hierarchies: Explained
• Customer Hierarchy Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
• Extending Oracle Sales Cloud: How It Works
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes that you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then
review the Application Composer extensibility features for the customer hierarchy.
CustomerHierarchy Customer hierarchy definition and root node HZ_ IMP_ HIERARCHIES_T _Reference
of the customer hierarchy
Related Topics
• Importing Customer Hierarchy Using File-Based Import: Explained
• Hierarchies: Explained
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import customer hierarchies.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
You can create multiple versions of a customer hierarchy; however, only one hierarchy version can be active on a specific
date. You can create a new hierarchy to represent the structure of a new customer. If the customer has made minor changes
to its organization, you can create a new version rather than edit the existing one.
If the source of your data is a third party or external system, and you intend to import updates to previously imported records
from the same system, you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the party record in your
source system. Oracle Fusion stores a cross-reference between the source system information and Oracle's record ID. To
add a sales account profile to an existing party, you provide the source system code and reference values and the import
process uses the value combination to identify the existing party record in Oracle Fusion.
You can set up source systems to identify the source of the data you are importing. Source systems are external sources of
data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Source system references are used by the application to create
references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by using
the Manage Trading Community Source System task or by importing the source system information into Oracle Sales
Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data is not an external system and you want to add a sales account profile to an existing party,
you need the Oracle Fusion party record ID in your source file. The import process uses the record ID to identify the existing
record. When the source of your data is not an external system and you do not plan to regularly update the data, you do not
need the source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Fusion record ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the record ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating a customer hierarchy or when
you're updating a customer hierarchy record.
• The data requirements are different when using source system information or record IDs to identify and associate
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual steps to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and
then include those values in your source file. The following table lists the minimum attributes required to import customer
hierarchies based on two possible scenarios for your import, any prerequisite setup or manual steps needed to prepare your
data, and the import attributes that you use to map your data to Oracle Fusion. You can optionally include attributes that are
available for import in your import file but that aren't listed in the table.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
Language Indicates the code of View valid language Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
the language into which codes from the Setup
the contents of the and Maintenance, Required when creating Required when creating
translatable columns are Manage ISO Languages a new hierarchy (tree a new hierarchy (tree
translated. task. version). version).
Default is US if not
SourceLangFlag This check box indicates No setup task required. Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
whether the language
specified by the Required when creating Required when creating
Language attribute is a new hierarchy (tree a new hierarchy (tree
the source language in version). version).
which the contents of this
record are being created
or were originally created.
HierarchyType Unique Identifier for a tree Tree structure can be Required Required
structure. created and managed
using the Setup and
Maintenance, Manage
Tree Structures task.
HierarchyName The name of the tree. No setup task required. Required Required
HierarchyVersionName The name of the tree No setup task required. Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
Required when creating a Required when creating a
hierarchy (tree version). hierarchy (tree version).
ActionCode This attribute specifies Use the UPDATE value Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
to insert or to delete the when updating a record.
hierarchy (tree version). If If deleting an existing The value DELETE The value DELETE
provided, valid values are record, use the value, is required if you are is required if you are
INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. If inserting a deleting an existing deleting an existing
DELETE. record, use the value hierarchy (tree version). hierarchy (tree version).
AsOfDate The date that is used No setup task required. Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
to determine the tree
version to delete when A value is required if A value is required if
ActionCode is provided deleting an existing deleting an existing
as DELETE. Only one hierarchy (tree version). hierarchy (tree version).
version is active on any
given date.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Fusion Help Application search. The Help
Application is available from any Oracle Fusion Application page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
Tip: If your data is not from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Customer Hierarchy Member Using File-Based Import: Quick Start
The following table lists the file-based import object and target object that you can use to import customer hierarchy
A customer hierarchy captures the hierarchical relationships that a customer has with other customers, and consists of
hierarchy members.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
You can set up source systems to identify the source of the data you are importing. Source systems are external sources of
data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Source system references are used by the application to create
references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by using
the Manage Trading Community Source System task or by importing the source system information into Oracle Sales
Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data is not an external system and you want to add a sales account profile to an existing party,
you need the Oracle Fusion party record ID in your source file. The import process uses the record ID to identify the existing
record. When the source of your data is not an external system and you do not plan to regularly update the data, you do not
need the source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Fusion record ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the record ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating both the party and the
customer hierarchy member in the same import batch, adding customer hierarchy member to an existing party, or
updating a customer hierarchy member record.
• Identifying and associating records. The data requirements are different when you're using source system
information or record IDs to identify and associate records.
Attributes that are available for import in your import file but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite
setup task before importing that attribute is listed in the following table.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
ActionCode This attribute specifies Use the UPDATE value Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
to insert or to delete when updating a record.
the hierarchy node (tree If deleting an existing A value is required if A value is required if
node). This attribute is record, use the value, deleting an existing deleting an existing
typically used only to DELETE. If inserting a hierarchy node. hierarchy node.
delete a record. record, use the value
AsOfDate When ActionCode is No setup task required. Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
provided as DELETE,
AsOfDate determines the A value is required if A value is required if
tree version from which deleting an existing deleting an existing
to delete the hierarchy hierarchy node. hierarchy node.
node. Only one version is
active on any given date.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
HierarchyType Unique Identifier for a tree Tree structure can be Required Required
structure. created and managed
using the Setup and
Maintenance, Manage
Tree Structures task.
PartyOrigSystem The source system Predefine your source Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
code that identifies system code as enabled
the original source for parties, using the If deleting an existing If deleting an existing
system of the party Setup and Maintenance, node, then identify node, then identify
that you are inserting Manage Trading the node by providing the node by providing
as a new node or that Community Source either PartyId or both either PartyId or both
exists as the node to be Systems task. PartyOrigSystem and PartyOrigSystem and
deleted. You provide the PartyOrigSystemReference. PartyOrigSystemReference.
source system reference
and the source system
code (PartyOrigSystem)
when the source of your
data is your legacy or
external system. The
import process uses
the source system code
and source system
reference values to: * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (PartyId) that
uniquely identifies an
existing party record that
was originally imported
with the source system
reference and source
system code values in a
prior batch. The party is
either being inserted as a
new node or is a node to
be deleted in this batch.
PartyOrigSystemReference The ID that identifies the Identify the reference Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
party that is the parent value from your source
node of this node in system that was used If you're creating If you're creating
your legacy or external when you imported the a new node, then a new node, then
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
system. You provide the party in a prior batch, identify the parent node identify the parent node
source system reference or identify the source by providing either by providing either
system reference you will ParentPartyId or both ParentPartyId or both
and the source use when importing the ParPartyOrigSystem and ParPartyOrigSystem and
system code party in the same batch ParPartyOrigSystemReference.
when the source of your
data is your legacy or
external system. The
import process uses
the source system code
and source system
reference values to: * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
that uniquely identifies
the existing parent
node (party record) that
was originally imported
with the source system
reference and source
system code values
in a prior batch. * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
for the new parent node
with the source system
reference and source
system code values that
is imported in the same
batch as this node.
PartyId The unique internal ID You can obtain the Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
of the existing party Party ID for an existing
record that is either being party by exporting the If deleting an existing If deleting an existing
inserted as a new node Party object using the node, then identify node, then identify
or is an existing node to Setup and Maintenance, the node by providing the node by providing
be deleted in this batch. Manage Bulk Data either PartyId or both either PartyId or both
Export, Schedule Export PartyOrigSystem and PartyOrigSystem and
Processes task. PartyOrigSystemReference. PartyOrigSystemReference.
ParentPartyId The unique internal ID for You can obtain the Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
the existing party record Parent Party ID for
that is the parent node of an existing party by If you're creating a new If you're creating a new
this node. exporting the Party node or deleting an node or deleting an
object using the Setup existing node, and the existing node, and the
and Maintenance, node is not the root node node is not the root node
Manage Bulk Data of the hierarchy, then you of the hierarchy, then you
Export, Schedule Export must identify the parent must identify the parent
Processes task. node by providing either node by providing either
ParentPartyId or both ParentPartyId or both
ParPartyOrigSystem and ParPartyOrigSystem and
ParentPartyOrigSystem The source system Predefine your source Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
code that identifies the system code as enabled
original source system for parent parties, If you're creating If you're creating
of the party that is the using the Setup and a new node, then a new node, then
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
parent node of this Maintenance, Manage identify the parent node identify the parent node
node. You provide the Trading Community by providing either by providing either
source system reference Source Systems task. ParentPartyId or both ParentPartyId or both
ParPartyOrigSystem and ParPartyOrigSystem and
and the source ParPartyOrigSystemReference.
system code
when the source of your
data is your legacy or
external system. The
import process uses
the source system code
and source system
reference values to: * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
that uniquely identifies
the existing parent
node (party record) that
was originally imported
with the source system
reference and source
system code values
in a prior batch. * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
for the new parent node
with the source system
reference and source
system code values that
is imported in the same
batch as this node.
The ID that identifies the Identify the reference Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
party that is the parent value from your source
node of this node in system that was used If you're creating If you're creating
your legacy or external when you imported a new node, then a new node, then
system. You provide the the parent party in a identify the parent node identify the parent node
source system reference prior batch, or identify by providing either by providing either
the source system ParentPartyId or both ParentPartyId or both
and the source reference you will use ParPartyOrigSystem and ParPartyOrigSystem and
system code when importing the ParPartyOrigSystemReference.
(ParentPartyOrigSystem) parent party in the same
when the source of your batch.
data is your legacy or
external system. The
import process uses
the source system code
and source system
reference values to: * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
that uniquely identifies
the existing parent
node (party record) that
was originally imported
with the source system
reference and source
system code values
in a prior batch. * find
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
for the new parent node
with the source system
reference and source
system code values that
is imported in the same
batch as this node.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Fusion Help Application search. The Help
Application is available from any Oracle Fusion Application page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
Tip: If your data is not from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Customer Hierarchies Using File-Based Import: Quick Start
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
A sales profile is a specific sell-to entity within a given account. You can create leads and opportunities for sales profiles. An
entity with a sales profile can be one of the following:
• Sales Prospect: A prospective entity or person who does not have a sell-to address. This entity is used to define
• Account: A sales profile or sales prospects.
• Legal Entity: A legal entity is a party that can enter into legal contracts or a business relationship. It can be sued if it
fails to meet contractual obligations.
You can use the Account import object to import sales profiles or sales prospects of the type organization. You can use the
Household import object to import accounts of the type household, and the Contact import object to import accounts of the
type person. Consider the following questions when importing your data:
• Did you identify the records that should be imported as sales prospects, and the records that should be imported as
sales profiles?
• How does your legacy or source system represent the account information compared to how Oracle Sales Cloud
represents the same data?
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Sales Cloud to map your existing data values to the Account import
• Do you have to configure Oracle Sales Cloud to capture attributes that are critical to the way you do business?
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do I verify my imported data?
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure shows the account object and its child entities.
Organization Profile
The organization profile contains basic information about the account, such as the customer name and party usage. For each
account, you can assign classifications, contacts, sell to addresses, phone details, and additional names. The contact of the
account, in turn, includes other child entities that capture information about the contact, such as contact job, contact primary
phone, contact primary address, and contact e-mail.
Note: All contact entities, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact
preference. For example, the Primary Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the
account for the contact method primary phone.
Note: You can use the keyword importing accounts to search for related topics in Oracle Sales Cloud Help.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use the Application Composer to
design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and make them
available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you can then map
to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both the configurable attributes and the standard import
object attributes.
When importing account information, you first import the basic account profile information, followed by the child entities
for the account. When importing child entities, you must provide the parent reference information for all parent levels
for the entity. For example, you first import basic profile details, such as customer name, party type, and party usage.
You then import contacts and contact information, such as phone, address, contact points, and fax for the account.
You must provide the PartyOrigSystem and PartyOrigSystemReference of the account when importing contacts for
the account. PartyOrigSystem is the source system code that identifies the source of the information being imported.
PartyOrigSystemReference is unique for each row of data within a single import, and is a combination of PartyOrigSystem
and a unique reference. When importing contact information for an account, you must provide the relationship reference
information. This information is required because a contact can have multiple relationships with an account.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The target import objects in the Account import object are generally grouped into information about the account and
information about the account contact. The organization profile is the target import object containing attributes to import
information about the account. You can have multiple contacts associated with an account.
When updating an existing account with additional information, you must provide the parent reference information for the
existing account. When importing account contacts or contact information for an account, you must provide relationship
reference information in addition to the parent reference. This information is required because a contact can have multiple
relationships with an organization, such as an employee or board member. When importing information about a contact
you must refer to the specific relationship that you want to import information for. For example, you might want to import
information for John Smith the employee or John Smith the board member. If you do not include the reference information for
an account-contact relationship, then the import process creates a relationship.
To update the information for an existing account or to create an account record, you can import account profile information,
addresses, and contact points, such as a phone and fax. The following target import objects are for creating and
updating account information: OrganizationProfile, Fax, Address, PrimaryPhone, Url, SalesAccountProfile, Classification,
AdditionalName, Relationship, SellToAddress, and AdditionalIdentifier.
To update or to create an account contact, use the following target import objects: ContactPersonProfile, ContactJob,
ContactPrimaryAddress, ContactEmail, ContactPrimaryPhone, ContactMobile, ContactInstantMessenger, and ContactFax.
All contact-related entities, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact preference. For
example, the Primary Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the legal entity for the contact
method primary phone.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer Extensibility features for the account.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the target import objects.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
OrganizationProfile Includes detailed account information, such HZ_ IMP_ PARTIES_ T_Reference
as, organization name and organization type.
PrimaryPhone Account's primary phone number. If the HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
account has multiple phone numbers, one
of the phone numbers is designated as the
primary phone number.
FaxContactPreference Indicates the account preference about being HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
contacted through Fax.
SalesProfile Account's sales account information. A sales ZCA_ IMP_ SALES_ACCOUNTS _Reference
account is a specific sell-to entity within a
given account. an account can have multiple
sales accounts and sales profiles.
SellToAddress Account's addresses and party sites HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_T_ Reference
information. If party site usage of an address
is not defined, then the import process sets
it to Sell-To. If there are multiple addresses
without party site usage information, then
the import process designates one of the
addresses as the Sell-To address.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ContactPrimaryAddress Account contact's primary address. If the HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_T _Reference
contact has multiple addresses, one of the
addresses is designated as the primary
ContactPrimaryPhone Account contact's primary phone number. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T _Reference
If the account has multiple phone numbers,
one of the phone numbers is designated as
the primary phone number.
PrimaryPhoneContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
about being contacted through phone.
ContactEmailContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
about being contacted through e-mail.
ContactFaxContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
about being contacted through Fax.
ContactMobileContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
about being contacted through mobile
ContactPrimaryAddressContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
about being contacted at the primary
ContactPrimaryPhoneContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
about being contacted through the primary
phone number.
Note: Oracle Sales Cloud supports the ContactPersonProfile target object. However, the object is now
deprecated. For updating any contact information, use the PersonProfile target object instead.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Worker Profile
Resource Team
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The worker profile contains basic information about the employee resource, such as the employee resource's primary
address and resource profile details.
Employee Resource Employee Resource Import Objects: How They Work Together
You can use the keyword importing employee resources to search for related topics in Oracle Sales Cloud help.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the Oracle Sales Cloud object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use the
Application Composer to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your
extensions and make them available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable
attributes, which you can then map to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable
attributes and the standard import object attributes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: Employee Resource import is impacted by the error limit settings in the HCM loader. The default error
limit in HCM loader may not always be suitable for Oracle Sales Cloud implementations. It is recommended that
you review the current settings and set the Loader Maximum Errors Allowed parameter to an acceptable value
before launching Employee Resource Import. You can set this parameter in the Setup and Maintenance work
area, in the HCM Configuration for Coexistence task. The value for this parameter must be set depending upon
the batch sizes that you would run. For example, if you run import jobs with 5000 rows at a tolerance level of
20%, then you can set this parameter to 1000. On the other hand, if you run import jobs with 5000 rows at a
tolerance of .5%, then you can set this parameter to 25.
You must be assigned the Master Data Management Administrator job role to access and submit the import activities for
employee resources.
Note: The data quality options, such as matching and cleansing, are not relevant for Employee Resource
import. Hence, while importing employee resources using file-based import, ensure that the Customer Data
Management Duplicates LOV is set to blank.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
The target import objects included in the Employee Resource import object are grouped into information about the employee
resource's profile and the employee resource's address information. The Worker profile is the target import object containing
attributes to import information about the employee resource.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
When updating an existing employee resource, you must provide the parent reference information of the existing employee
resource. When importing an employee resource's resource team information, you must provide relationship reference
information in addition to the parent reference, because an employee resource can belong to more than one team
To update the information for an existing employee resource or to create an employee resource record, you can import
employee resource profile information and addresses. The following target import objects are for creating and updating
employee resource information: WorkerProfile, ResourceProfile, and PrimaryAddress.
To update or create an employee resource's resource profile, use the following target import objects:
ResourceOrganizationMembership and ResourceTeamMembership.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer configuration features for the employee resource.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the target import objects.
ResourceProfile Contains information about a resource, such HZ_ IMP_ RESOURCES_ Reference
as first name, last name, department, and job
PrimaryAddress Employee resource's address. If the resource HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_ T_Reference
has multiple addresses, then the first address
is designated as the primary address.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Note: The application ships with third-party master geography data for multiple countries that can be imported.
You can import Oracle-licensed data from GBG | Loqate or Nokia, for those countries where the data is
available, such as the U.S. You can import geography data using the Manage Geographies task. Search for
the country, and select Import Geography Data from the Actions menu. If the licensed data is not available for
a particular country, then the Import Geography Data action is disabled. For more information, see Replacing
Existing Master Geography Data with Revised Oracle-Licensed Geography Data: Procedure. If GBG | Loqate
or Nokia geography data is not available for a country, then use the information in this chapter to import it using
File-Based Data Import.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
You can use the keyword importing geographies to search for related topics in Help.
Configurable Attributes
The application doesn't support configurable attributes for geographies. You can import only data for geography object that
already exist by default in the application.
When importing geography information, you must provide the parent reference information for all parent levels for the entity.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The target import objects in the Geography import object contain information about the geography hierarchy. When updating
an existing geography, you must provide the parent reference information of the existing geography, which connects the
geography to the country of which it is a part.
Use the ImpGeography target import object to create and update geography information.
Note: Before you import geography data for a country, you must define the country's geography structure.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer extensibility features for geography.
The following table lists the reference file for the ImpGeography target import object.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
• How does your legacy or source system represent the household information compared to how Oracle Sales Cloud
represents the same data?
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Sales Cloud to map your existing data values to the Household import
• Do you have to configure Oracle Sales Cloud to capture attributes that are critical to the way you do business?
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do I verify my imported data?
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure shows the household import object and its child entities.
Group Profile
The household profile contains basic information about the household, such as the group name, group type, and the group-
party usage. For each household, you can assign classifications, members, relationships, additional identifier, and additional
Note: All entities referring to contact information, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that
captures the contact preference. For example, the Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact
preference of the household for the phone contact method.
You can use the keyword importing households to search for related topics in Oracle Sales Cloud Help.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the Oracle Sales Cloud object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application
Composer to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and
make them available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you
can then map to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the
standard import object attributes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
You must be assigned the Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator job role to access and submit the
import activities for household.
When importing household information, you first import the basic household information, followed by the child entities for the
household. When importing child entities, you must provide the parent reference information for all parent levels for the entity.
For example, you first import basic profile details, such as name and household type. You then import contacts and contact
information, such as phone, address, contact points, and fax for the household. You must provide the PartyOrigSystem and
PartyOrigSystemReference of the household when importing contacts for the household. PartyOrigSystem is the source
system code that identifies the source of the information being imported.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
When updating an existing household with additional information, you must provide the parent reference information for the
existing household. When importing contacts or contact information for a household, you must provide relationship reference
information in addition to the parent reference. When importing information about a member, you must refer to the specific
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
relationship that you want to import information for. For example, you might want to import information for John Smith the
employee or John Smith the board member. If you do not include the reference information for a relationship, then the import
process will create a relationship.
To update the information for an existing household or to create a household record, you can import household profile
information, addresses, and contact points, such as phone and fax. The following target import objects are for creating and
updating the household information: GroupProfile, Fax, Mobile, Phone, e-mail, InstantMessenger, Relationship, Member,
Address, Classification, AdditionalName, and AdditionalIdentifier.
All contact-related entities, such phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact preference. For example, the
Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the household for the contact method primary phone.
Additionally, the Address import object for a household includes another child entity, AddressPurpose, that captures the
purpose of the current household address.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer configuration features for the marketing response.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the target import objects.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
FaxContactPreference Indicates the household preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
being contacted through fax.
MobileContactPreference Indicates the household's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through mobile phone.
Phone Primary phone number of the household. If HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
the household has multiple phone numbers,
one of the phone numbers is designated as
the primary phone number.
PrimaryPhoneContactPreference Indicates the household's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through phone.
EmailContactPreference Indicates the household's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
being contacted through e-mail.
Address Household's address. If the household has HZ_ IMP_ LOCATIONS_T HZ_ IMP_
multiple addresses, one of the addresses is PARTYSITES_T
designated as the primary address.
AddressContactPreference Indicates the household's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
being contacted at the primary address.
Sample attributes: ContactType,
PreferenceCode, PreferenceEndDate,
PreferenceStartDate, and ReasonCode.
Reference attributes: CpOrigSystem,
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Importing Households Using File-Based Import: Explained
• Managing Group Information: Explained
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
• Extending Oracle Sales Cloud: How It Works
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The legal entity structure of Oracle Sales Cloud is hierarchical. The organization profile is at the root level of the legal entity.
The organization profile must exist before you can import lower-level components, such as e-mail, classification, additional
name, primary address, and fax. These child entities can have other entities as their child entities. This hierarchical structure
supports one-to-many relationships between the components that make up the legal entity.
The following figure shows the legal entity and its child entities.
The organization profile contains basic information about the legal entity, such as the legal entity name and party usage. For
each legal entity, you can assign classifications, contacts, phone details, and additional names. The contact of the legal entity,
in turn, includes other child entities that capture information about the contact, such as contact job, contact primary phone,
contact primary address, and contact e-mail.
Note: All contact-related entities, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the
contact preference. For example, the Primary Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference
of the legal entity for the contact method primary phone.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
information for that attribute provides the task name in the Setup and Maintenance work area where you can define your
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the Oracle Sales Cloud object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application
Composer to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and
make them available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you
can then map to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the
standard import object attributes.
When importing legal entity information, you first import the basic legal entity profile information and then the child entities for
the legal entity. When importing child entities, you must provide the parent reference information for all parent levels for the
entity. You must provide the PartyOrigSystem and PartyOrigSystemReference of the legal entity when importing contacts
for the legal entity. PartyOrigSystem is the source system code that identifies the source of the information being imported.
PartyOrigSystemReference is unique for each row of data within a single import, and is a combination of PartyOrigSystem
and a unique reference. For example, you first import basic profile details, such as first name, last name, party type, and
party usage. You then import contacts and contact information, such as phone, address, contact points, and fax for the legal
Note: When importing contact information for a legal entity, you must provide the relationship reference
information. This information is required because a contact can have multiple relationships with a legal entity.
Related Topics
• Legal Entities: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The target import objects in the Legal Entity import object are grouped into information about the legal entity and the contact.
The organization profile is the target import object containing attributes to import information about the legal entity. You can
have multiple contacts associated with a legal entity. There are multiple target import objects that include attributes to import
contacts and their related information.
When updating an existing legal entity with more information, you must provide the parent reference information for the
existing legal entity. When importing contacts or contact information for a legal entity, you must provide relationship reference
information in addition to the parent reference. This information is required because a contact can have multiple relationships
with the legal entity. When importing information about a contact, you must refer to the specific relationship you want to
import information for. For example, you might want to import information about John Smith the employee or John Smith the
board member. If you do not include the reference information for a contact relationship, then the import process creates a
To update the information for an existing legal entity or to create a legal entity, you can import legal entity profile information,
addresses, and contact points, such as phone and fax. The following target import objects are for creating and updating
the corresponding legal entity information: OrganizationProfile, PrimaryAddress, PrimaryPhone, Url, Fax, Classification,
AdditionalName, and ContactPersonProfile.
To update or create a contact, use the following target import objects: ContactPersonProfile, ContactJob,
ContactPrimaryAddress, ContactEmail, ContactPrimaryPhone, ContactMobile, ContactInstantMessenger, and ContactFax.
All contact-related entities, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact preference. For
example, the Primary Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the legal entity for the contact
method primary phone.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task,
or you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Composer configuration features for the object.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the target import objects.
OrganizationProfile Detailed legal entity information, such as, HZ_ IMP_ PARTIES_ T_Reference
organization name and organization type.
PrimaryPhone Primary phone number of the legal entity. If HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
the legal entity has multiple phone numbers,
one of the phone numbers is designated as
the primary phone number.
Classification Classification information for a legal entity. HZ_ IMP_ CLASSIFICS_ T_Reference
Classification lets you categorize entities such
as parties, projects, tasks, and orders as
PrimaryAddress Primary address of a legal entity. If the HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_ T_Reference
contact has multiple addresses, one of the
addresses is designated as the primary
ContactPersonProfile Detailed information of a legal entity contact, HZ_ IMP_ RELSHIPS_ T_Reference
such as, person name, relationship type, and
marital status.
ContactEmail E-mail of the legal entity contact. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
ContactFax Fax of the legal entity contact. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
ContactJob Job information of a legal entity contact. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTS_ T_Reference
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ContactMobile Mobile number of a legal entity's contact. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
ContactPrimaryAddress Primary address of a legal entity contact. If HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_ T_Reference
the contact has multiple addresses, one of
the addresses is designated as the primary
ContactPrimaryPhone Primary phone number of the legal entity HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
contact. If the legal entity has multiple phone
numbers, one of the phone numbers is
designated as the primary phone number.
PrimaryPhoneContactPreference The legal entity's preference about being HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
contacted through phone.
MobileContactPreference The legal entity's preference about being HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
contacted through mobile.
FaxContactPreference The legal entity's preference about being HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
contacted through fax.
EmailContactPreference The legal entity's preference about being HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
contacted through e-mail.
ContactPrimaryAddressContactPreference The legal entity contact's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted at the primary address.
ContactPrimaryPhoneContactPreference The legal entity contact's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through the primary phone
PrimaryAddressContactPreference The legal entity's preference about being HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
contacted at the primary address.
PrimaryPhoneContactPreference The legal entity's preference about being HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
contacted through the primary phone
Note: Oracle Sales Cloud supports the ContactPersonProfile target object. However, the object is now
deprecated. For updating any contact information, use the PersonProfile target object instead.
Related Topics
• Legal Entities: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
you can define values in Oracle Sales Cloud. For example, if you have values in your data that correlate to a choice list in
Oracle Sales Cloud, then the validation information for that attribute provides the task name in the Setup and Maintenance
work area where you can define your values. For additional information, including a list of reference guide file names and
locations that you need to complete this task, see the topic listed in the following table.
Resource Team Resource Team Import Objects: How They Work Together
You can use the keyword importing resource teams to search for related topics in Oracle Sales Cloud help.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the Oracle Sales Cloud object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application
Composer to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and
make them available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you
can then map to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the
standard import object attributes.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer Extensibility features for the object.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the target import objects.
ResourceTeamUsage Contains information that indicates the usage HZ_ IMP_ TEAM_ USAGES_ Reference
of the resource team.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
With an additional party identifier, you can capture other identifiers for an account, contact, or household. For example, a
person may have a driving license as the identifier in a record, and have passport as the identifier in another record. You can
import new additional identifiers or update existing additional identifier records, using the File-Based Data Import feature.
For example, an airline company may have an International Air Transport Association code and the D-U-N-S number as
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import additional identifiers.
If you're creating the party and the additional identifier in the same import activity, then group the party and additional
identifier data together in your source file. The import process can import the party and then identify the party record so that it
can import the associated additional identifiers.
To add an additional identifier to an existing party or to update an existing additional identifier record, your source file must
include the values that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values will be source system and
source system reference value combination, Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business
keys or external IDs.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values and
then include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update an additional party identifier record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file
but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Additional Party
Additional Party Identifier Identifier Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
AdditionalPartyI The code representing When you predefine Conditionally required Conditionally required
dOrigSystem the source system for the your source system
additional identifier. code in the Setup and If the source of your If the source of your
Maintenance, Manage data is a third party or data is a third party or
Trading Community external system, and you external system, and you
Source Systems task, intend to import updates intend to import updates
select the Enabled for to previously imported to previously imported
Trading Community records from the same records from the same
Members check box. system, provide the system, provide the
original source system original source system
and source system and source system
reference values reference values
AdditionalPartyI The reference number Identify or generate Conditionally required Conditionally required
dOrigSystemReference or text representing the reference values for each
source system unique additional party identifier If the source of your If the source of your
ID for the additional record. The reference data is a third party or data is a third party or
identifier. value must be unique external system, and you external system, and you
for all additional party intend to import updates intend to import updates
identifiers for the source to previously imported to previously imported
system. records from the same records from the same
system, provide the system, provide the
original source system original source system
and source system and source system
reference values reference values
ObjectKey The Oracle Sales Cloud Identify the additional The attribute is neither The attribute is neither
internal ID for the party identifier value by required nor conditionally required nor conditionally
additional identifier. exporting the Additional required. required.
Party identifier object,
using the Setup and
Maintenance, Manage
Bulk Data Export,
Schedule Export
Processes task.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Additional Party
Additional Party Identifier Identifier Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
PartyId The Oracle Sales Cloud Identify the party ID The attribute is neither
internal ID for the party value by exporting required nor conditionally Conditionally required.
(account, contact, the Party object using required.
household, or legal entity) Setup and Maintenance, Provide reference
to which the additional Manage Bulk Data information to identify
identifier belongs. Export, Schedule Export the existing party. The
Processes task. reference information can
• PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
internal ID)
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Additional Party
Additional Party Identifier Identifier Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
IssuingAuthority Name The name of the authority No prerequisite tasks Required, if you are The attribute is neither
that issued the additional not providing the Issue required nor conditionally
identifier. Authority Party ID. required.
IssuingAuthority PartyId The party ID of the Identify the party ID value Required, if you are The attribute is neither
issuing authority. by exporting the Party not providing the Issue required nor conditionally
object using Setup and Authority Party Name. required.
Maintenance, Manage
Additional Identifier Types
Note: It is recommended that you include the issue date and expiry date for identifiers that become invalid after
the expiry date, such as passport and driving license.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to import a new additional identifier for an existing organization. In this
scenario, origin system and origin system reference information are used to identify the existing party and the new additional
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to update an existing additional identifier. In this scenario, origin
system reference information is used to identify the additional identifier and update its description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
• Importing households
Tip: The Identifier Type is defined for particular party types and for uniqueness. For example, when importing an organization
profile, the identifier type must allow assignment to the organization party type. You can also specify the value of an identifier
type must be unique. For example, you can define that the passport number listed for each person must be unique.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference values might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Accounts Using File-Based Import: Explained
With an additional party name, you can capture other names for an account, contact, household, or legal entity. For example,
a person may have a maiden name, and an organization may also be known by a brand name. You can import new additional
names or update existing additional name records, using the File-Based Data Import feature. The following table lists the file-
based import objects and target objects. You can import additional names, using these file-based objects.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If you're creating the party and the additional party name assignment in the same import activity, then group the party and
additional party name data together in your source file. The import process can import the party, and then identify the party
record so that it can import the associated additional party name.
To add an additional party name to an existing party, or to update an existing additional party name record, your source file
must include values that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values will be either source system
and source system reference value combination, Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business
keys or external IDs.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating both the party and the
additional party name in the same import batch, adding new additional names to an existing party, or updating an
additional party name record.
• Organization and group names compared with person names. A variety of components that make up a person's
name aren't used for organization and group names.
• Identifying and associating records. In some cases, you can choose which attributes you want to provide to the
import process when identifying and associating records.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update an additional party name record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file
but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Additional Party
Additional Party Name Name Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
PartyId The Oracle Sales Cloud Identify the party ID The attribute is neither
internal ID for the party value by exporting the required nor conditionally Conditionally required.
(account, contact, Party object using the required.
household, or legal entity) Setup and Maintenance, Provide reference
to which the additional Manage Bulk Data information to identify
party name belongs. Export, Schedule Export the existing party. The
Processes task. reference information can
• PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
internal ID).
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Additional Party
Additional Party Name Name Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
the organization
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update an additional party name record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file
but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Additional Party
Additional Party Name Name Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
AdditionalName The code representing When you predefine Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
OrigSystem the source system for the your source system
additional name. code in the Setup and If the source of your If the source of your
Maintenance, Manage data is a third party or data is a third party or
Trading Community external system, and you external system, and you
Source Systems task, intend to import updates intend to import updates
select the Enabled for to previously imported to previously imported
Trading Community records from the same records from the same
Members check box. system, provide the system, provide the
original source system original source system
and source system and source system
reference values. reference values.
AdditionalName The reference number Identify or generate Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
or text representing the reference values for each
source system unique ID additional party name If the source of your If the source of your
for the additional name. record. The reference data is a third party or data is a third party or
value must be unique for external system, and you external system, and you
all additional party names intend to import updates intend to import updates
for the source system. to previously imported to previously imported
records from the same records from the same
system, provide the system, provide the
original source system original source system
and source system and source system
reference values. reference values.
ObjectKey The Oracle Sales Cloud Identify the additional The attribute is neither The attribute is neither
internal ID for the party name ID value by required nor conditionally required nor conditionally
additional name. exporting the Additional required. required.
Party Name object,
using the Setup and
Maintenance, Manage
Bulk Data Export,
Schedule Export
Processes task.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import an additional name for an existing party. In this scenario, the
OrigSystem and OrigSystemReference values are used to identify the party.
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application.
• Importing additional party names
• Importing accounts
• Importing contacts
• Importing households
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Tip: The Name Type is defined for particular party types. For example, if you're importing an organization profile, ensure that
the name type definition allows assignment to the Organization party type.
Related Topics
• Importing Accounts Using File-Based Import: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
An address enables you to capture detailed location information for an account, contact, household, employee resource,
and legal entity. For example, a person may have residential and official addresses, and an organization may have different
billing and shipping addresses. You can import new addresses or update existing address records, using the File-Based Data
Import feature.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import addresses.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
To add an address to an existing party, or to update an existing address record, your source file must include the values that
enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values will be source system and source system reference
value combination, an Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID, or Public Unique IDs , such as business keys or external IDs.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from a system outside of Oracle Sales
Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update an address record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that aren't
listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address to Updating Existing
Task Adding Address in an Existing Party Addresses
the Same Batch
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address to Updating Existing
Task Adding Address in an Existing Party Addresses
the Same Batch
the unique reference • PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
value for the source and and
system's record in PartyOrigSystemReference
your source file. (source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile), profile),
which is which is
for address. for address.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address to Updating Existing
Task Adding Address in an Existing Party Addresses
the Same Batch
profile), profile),
which is which is
for address. for address.
Country The country code Identify valid Required Required The attribute is
component of the country codes neither required
postal address. using the Setup nor conditionally
and Maintenance, required.
Manage Territories
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address to Updating Existing
Task Adding Address in an Existing Party Addresses
the Same Batch
when importing the previously imported previously imported party. The reference
location in the same records from the records from the information can be:
batch as this party external system, external system,
relationship to the then you can then you can • ObjectKey
location. provide the source provide the source (Oracle Sales
system code and system code and Cloud internal
the unique reference the unique reference ID).
value for the source value for the source • LocationOrigSystem1
system's record in system's record in and
your source file. your source file. LocationOrigSystemReferen
system code
and source
importing the
• Party
for an
which is
for address.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address to Updating Existing
Task Adding Address in an Existing Party Addresses
the Same Batch
• Party
for an
which is
for address.
TransliterationLang The language Identify valid A value is required A value is required A value is required
considered as the language codes if you're providing if you're providing if you're providing
local language for using the Setup address elements address elements address elements
the location. and Maintenance, in a translated in a translated in a translated
Manage ISO language. language. language.
Languages task.
Identifying Indicates that an No prerequisite A value is required A value is required A value is required
AddressFlag address is the tasks. if you're adding or if you're adding or if you're adding or
primary address for updating an address updating an address updating an address
a party. association and association and association and
where the import where the import where the import
default value or lack default value or lack default value or lack
of a value in the of a value in the of a value in the
source file results in source file results in source file results in
no address being no address being no address being
identified as the identified as the identified as the
primary address for primary address for primary address for
the party. the party. the party.
RelationshipId The unique identifier Identify the A value is required A value is required A value is required
for the existing relationship ID for an if you're adding an if you're adding an if you're adding an
party relationship existing relationship address association address association address association
record in the by exporting the to an existing to an existing to an existing
Oracle Sales Cloud Relationship and party relationship party relationship party relationship
destination table. Organization or updating an or updating an or updating an
The relationship Contact objects existing address existing address existing address
is between two using the Setup association record association record association record
parties, such as an and Maintenance, for a relationship, for a relationship, for a relationship,
organization and Manage Bulk Data and you're not and you're not and you're not
an organization's Export, Schedule providing the providing the providing the
contact. You Export Processes relationship's source relationship's source relationship's source
provide the task. system reference system reference system reference
relationship if the (RelOrigSystemReference)
context of the and the source and the source and the source
address association system code system code system code
is for a relationship. (RelOrigSystem). (RelOrigSystem). (RelOrigSystem).
RelOrigSystem The source system No prerequisite A value is required A value is required A value is required
code that identifies tasks. if you're adding an if you're adding an if you're adding an
the original source address association address association address association
system of the party to an existing party to an existing party to an existing party
relationship. relationship and relationship and relationship and
you're not providing you're not providing you're not providing
the relationship ID, the relationship ID, the relationship ID,
or if you're importing or if you're importing or if you're importing
the relationship in the relationship in the relationship in
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address to Updating Existing
Task Adding Address in an Existing Party Addresses
the Same Batch
the same import the same import the same import
batch and you're batch and you're batch and you're
using the source using the source using the source
system reference system reference system reference
and source system and source system and source system
code to relate the code to relate the code to relate the
source file data. source file data. source file data.
RelOrigSystem The ID that No prerequisite A value is required A value is required A value is required
Reference identifies the party tasks. if you're adding an if you're adding an if you're adding an
relationship in your address association address association address association
legacy or external to an existing party to an existing party to an existing party
system. relationship and relationship and relationship and
you're not providing you're not providing you're not providing
the relationship ID, the relationship ID, the relationship ID,
or if you're importing or if you're importing or if you're importing
the relationship in the relationship in the relationship in
the same import the same import the same import
batch and you're batch and you're batch and you're
using the source using the source using the source
system reference system reference system reference
and source system and source system and source system
code to relate the code to relate the code to relate the
source file data. source file data. source file data.
ResourceEmail The employee Identify the e-mail A value is required if A value is required if A value is required if
Address resource's e-mail. ID for an existing you're importing the you're importing the you're updating the
resource using the employee resource employee resource employee resource
Resource Directory in the same batch in the same batch in the same batch
or the Setup and as this address as this address as this address
Maintenance, association and are association and are association and are
Manage Resources using the e-mail using the e-mail using the e-mail
task. You can address to relate the address to relate the address to relate the
also obtain the source file data. source file data. source file data.
e-mail address
by exporting the
Party object using
the Setup and
Manage Bulk Data
Export, Schedule
Export Processes
SiteOrigSystem A source system No prerequisite The attribute is The attribute is A value is required
code that identifies tasks. neither required neither required if you're updating a
the original source nor conditionally nor conditionally previously imported
system of the required. required. address association,
address association where you provided
(party site). a SiteOrigSystem
value, and you're
not providing the
address association
ID (ObjectKey), or
if you're importing
associated objects,
such as contact
preferences and
site uses, and are
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address to Updating Existing
Task Adding Address in an Existing Party Addresses
the Same Batch
using the source
system reference
and source system
code to relate the
source file data
SiteOrigSystem A source system No prerequisite The attribute is The attribute is A value is required
Reference reference that tasks. neither required neither required if you're updating a
identifies the unique nor conditionally nor conditionally previously imported
ID of the address required. required. address association,
association (party where you provided
site) in your legacy a SiteOrigSystem
or external system. value, and you're
not providing the
address association
ID (ObjectKey), or
if you're importing
associated objects,
such as contact
preferences and
site uses, and are
using the source
system reference
and source system
code to relate the
source file data
ObjectKey The unique ID for Identify the party site The attribute is The attribute is A value is required
the existing address ID for an existing neither required neither required if you're updating
association record address association nor conditionally nor conditionally an existing address
(party site) in the by exporting the required. required. association and
Oracle Sales Cloud Party Site object are not providing
destination table. using the Setup the source system
and Maintenance, reference and
Manage Bulk Data source system code
Export, Schedule (SiteOrigSystemReference
Export Processes and
task. SiteOrigSystem).
There are four sets of reference information that you can use to refer to a record. However, you must use only one of them to
refer to a record; else, the import process would result in an error. The import process recognizes reference information in this
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import an address for an existing party. In this scenario, the
OrigSystem and OrigSystemReference values are used to identify the party.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing addresses
• Importing location information
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
• Importing households
• Importing legal entities
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Contacts Using File-Based Import: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
An address purpose enables you to capture functions performed by each address. For example, assign the bill-to address
purpose to account sites designated to receive and process bills. Similarly, assign the ship-to address purpose to account
sites designated to receive goods purchased by the customer account.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import address purposes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If you're creating the address and the address purpose assignment in the same import activity, then group the address and
address purpose data together in your source file. The import can import the address, and then identify the address record
so that it can import the associated address purpose.
To add an address purpose to an existing address, or to update an existing address purpose record, your source file must
include values that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values will be source system and source
system reference value combination, Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys or
external IDs.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from a system outside of Oracle Sales
Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating both the address and the
address purpose in the same import batch, adding address purposes to an existing address, or updating an address
purpose record.
• Identifying and associating records. In some cases, you can choose which attributes you want to provide to the
import process when identifying and associating records.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update an address purpose record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but
that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address Updating Existing
Task Adding Address Purpose to an Address Purposes
Purpose in the Existing Party
Same Batch
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address Updating Existing
Task Adding Address Purpose to an Address Purposes
Purpose in the Existing Party
Same Batch
in the same batch external system, party. The reference party. The reference
as this address. then you can information can be: information can be:
provide the source
system code and • PartyId • PartyId
the unique reference (Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
value for the source Cloud internal Cloud internal
system's record in ID). ID).
your source file. • PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
and and
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• A business • A business
key that is a key that is a
combination combination
of of
and and
range. range.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address Updating Existing
Task Adding Address Purpose to an Address Purposes
Purpose in the Existing Party
Same Batch
• A business • A business
key that is a key that is a
combination combination
of of
and and
range. range.
SiteUseType The lookup code Identify the site use Required Required Required
that represents the type using the Setup
purpose for the and Maintenance,
address association. Manage Trading
Community Location
Lookups task.
PartySiteId The unique ID Identify the party site The attribute is Conditionally
for the existing ID for an existing neither required required. Conditionally
address association address association nor conditionally required.
record (party site) by exporting the required. If the source of
in the Oracle Sales Party Site object your data is an Provide reference
Cloud destination using the Setup external system, information to
table. The party and Maintenance, and if you intend to identify the existing
site represents the Manage Bulk Data import updates to party. The reference
association of a Export, Schedule previously imported information can be:
physical location Export Processes records from the
to an organization, task. external system, • ObjectKey
person, or to a then you can (Oracle Sales
relationship between provide the source Cloud internal
two parties, such system code and ID).
as an organization's the unique reference
• SiteuseOrigSystem
contact. value for the source
system's record in
your source file.
system code
and source
importing the
• A business
key that is a
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address Updating Existing
Task Adding Address Purpose to an Address Purposes
Purpose in the Existing Party
Same Batch
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address Updating Existing
Task Adding Address Purpose to an Address Purposes
Purpose in the Existing Party
Same Batch
importing the
• A business
key that is a
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address Updating Existing
Task Adding Address Purpose to an Address Purposes
Purpose in the Existing Party
Same Batch
• ObjectKey
(Oracle Sales
Cloud internal
• SiteuseOrigSystem
system code
and source
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Address Updating Existing
Task Adding Address Purpose to an Address Purposes
Purpose in the Existing Party
Same Batch
importing the
• A business
key that is a
There are four sets of reference information that you can use to refer to a record. However, you must use only one of them to
refer to a record; else, the import process would result in an error. The import process recognizes reference information in this
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import an address purpose for an existing party. In this scenario,
the OrigSystem and OrigSystemReference values are used to identify the party.
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing addresses
• Importing address purposes
• Importing accounts
• Importing contacts
• Importing households
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Accounts Using File-Based Import: Explained
With classifications you can categorize entities, such as organizations, persons, and households. You define various
classification categories, eligibility rules, and the classification values. For example, you define a classification category for
parties interested in renewable energy types, including a solar energy classification value. Another classification category
represents industries, such as automotive and banking. You can classify a party as interested in solar energy and conducts
business in the automotive industry.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import classifications.
If you're creating the party and the classification assignment in the same import activity, then group the party and
classification data in your source file. The import process can import the party, and identify the party record so that it can
import the associated classifications.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
To add a classification to an existing party or to update an existing classification record, your source file must include values
that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values will be either source system and source system
reference value combination, Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys or external
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a classification record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that
aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Classification
Classification Records in Record for an Existing
the Same Batch Party
PartyId The Oracle Sales Cloud Identify the party ID The attribute is neither
internal ID for the party value by exporting required nor conditionally Conditionally required
(account, consumer, the Party object using required.
contact, household, or Setup and Maintenance, Provide reference
legal entity) to which the Manage Bulk Data information to identify
classification belongs. Export, Schedule Export the existing party. The
Processes task. reference information can
• PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
internal ID).
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
• Business
keys such as
and class_code.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Classification
Classification Records in Record for an Existing
the Same Batch Party
household, or legal entity) or identify the source system, and if you intend
to which the classification system code you will use to import updates to Provide reference
belongs. when importing the party previously imported information to identify
in the same batch as this records from the same the existing party. The
classification. system, then provide the reference information can
original source system be:
and source system
reference values. • PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
internal ID).
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
• Business
keys such as
and class_code.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update classification record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that aren't
listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Classification
Classification Records in Record for an Existing
the Same Batch Party
ClassificationOrigSystem The code representing When you predefine Conditionally required Conditionally required
the source system for the your source system
classification. code in the Setup and If the source of your data If the source of your data
Maintenance, Manage is a third party or external is a third party or external
Trading Community system, and if you intend system, and if you intend
Source Systems task, to import updates to to import updates to
select the Enabled for previously imported previously imported
Trading Community records from the same records from the same
Members check box. . system, then provide the system, then provide the
original source system original source system
and source system and source system
reference values. reference values.
ClassificationOri The reference value for Identify or generate Conditionally required Conditionally required
gSystemReference the classification record reference values for
in the external source each party classification If the source of your data If the source of your data
system. association record. The is a third party or external is a third party or external
reference value must system, and if you intend system, and if you intend
be unique for all party to import updates to to import updates to
classification associations previously imported previously imported
for the source system. records from the same records from the same
system, then provide the system, then provide the
original source system original source system
and source system and source system
reference values. reference values.
ObjectKey The Oracle Sales Cloud Identify the party The attribute is neither The attribute is neither
internal ID for the party classification association required nor conditionally required nor conditionally
classification association. ID by exporting the required. required.
Classification Assignment
object, using the Setup
and Maintenance,
Manage Trading
Community Source
Systems task.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
There are four sets of reference information that you can use to refer to a record. However, only set of reference information
is sufficient to identify a record. If you have mentioned multiple reference sets that has conflict, then it results in an error. The
import process recognizes reference information in this order:
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to update an existing classification of an existing organization, by
providing origin system and origin system reference information.
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
• Importing households
• Importing legal entities
• Importing classification codes
Review the entity assignment rules for the classification category to verify whether the import object meets the assignment
If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually generating
reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales calls, then
you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference values might concatenate
the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Accounts Using File-Based Import: Explained
• Importing Households Using File-Based Import: Explained
• Importing Contacts Using File-Based Import: Explained
• Classifications: Explained
Note: Information for associating addresses with persons and organizations is included in this topic, although
contact points don't formally include addresses.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact points directly
associated with the person.
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Points
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Points
Partner Contact Person (contact for a partner) Email, Fax, InstantMessenger, Mobile,
PrimaryPhone, PrimaryAddress
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact points for a
contact relationship.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
To add a contact point to an existing party, or to update an existing contact point record, your source file must include
values that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values will be source system and source system
reference value combination, an Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys or external
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from a system outside of Oracle Sales
Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a contact point data record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but
that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
• PartyId • PartyId
(Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
Cloud internal Cloud internal
ID). ID).
• PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
and and
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
unique unique
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile), profile),
which is which is
for contact. for contact.
The reference Identify the Conditionally
number or text reference value required. Conditionally Conditionally
representing the from your source required. required.
source system system that was If the source of
unique ID for the used when you your data is an Provide reference Provide reference
party (account, imported the party external system, information to information to
contact, household, in a prior batch, or and if you intend to identify the existing identify the existing
partner, or legal identify the source import updates to
entity) to which system reference previously imported
the contact point that you will use records from the
belongs. when importing external system,
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
the party in the then you can party. The reference party. The reference
same batch as this provide the source information can be: information can be:
contact point. system code and
the unique reference • PartyId • PartyId
value for the source (Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
system's record in Cloud internal Cloud internal
your source file. ID). ID).
• PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
and and
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile), profile),
which is which is
for contact. for contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
• Party
for an
which is
for contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
which is
for contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
following reference
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyID
• OwnerPartyNumber
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyID
• OwnerPartyNumber
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyID
• OwnerPartyNumber
There are four sets of reference information that you can use to refer to a record. However, you must use only one of them to
refer to a record; else, the import process would result in an error. The import process recognizes reference information in this
1. Oracle Sales Cloud ID such as PartyId, ObjectKey, and so on.
2. Public User ID such as organization name, contact name, and so on.
3. Origin system and origin system reference
4. Other reference information such as business keys.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a contact point for an existing party. In this scenario, the
OrigSystem and OrigSystemReference values identify the party.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
• Importing households
• Importing legal entities
• Importing employee resources
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Contact Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Account Import Objects: How They Work Together
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: Information for associating addresses with persons and organizations is included in this topic, although
contact points don't formally include addresses.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact point directly
associated with the person.
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Point
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Point
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact point preferences
directly associated with a contact relationship.
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Point
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
service that Vision Enterprises offers does not want to be contacted using faxes. Pinnacle Flowers and Gifts has assigned
phone and fax numbers to most of its contacts and has made these numbers available to its vendors, but the designated
contacts have specific preferences about how they do and do not want to be contacted. Vision Enterprises must store these
preferences to ensure that their employees do not reach out to customer contacts using contact points that the contacts do
not want to be used.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a contact point preference data record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your
import file but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
The reference Identify the Conditionally
number or text reference value from required. Conditionally Conditionally
representing the your source system required. required.
source system that was used when If the source of
unique ID for the you imported the your data is an Provide reference Provide reference
party (account, party in a prior external system, information to information to
contact, household, batch, or identify and if you intend to identify the existing identify the existing
partner, or legal the source system import updates to party. The reference party. The reference
entity) to which reference that previously imported information can be: information can be:
the contact point you will use when records from the
preference belongs. importing the party external system, • PartyId • PartyId
in the same batch then you can (Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
as this contact point provide the source Cloud internal Cloud internal
preference. system code and ID). ID).
the unique reference
• PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
value for the source
and and
system's record in
your source file.
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
ContactType The method of Identify the contact Required Required The attribute is
contact that should type from the Setup neither required
or should not be and Maintenance, nor conditionally
made, such as call Manage Trading required.
or mail. Community
Common Lookups
PreferenceCode The lookup code Identify the Required Required The attribute is
that represents the preference code neither required
contact method from the Setup nor conditionally
preference phrase, and Maintenance, required.
such as Do Use, Manage Trading
Opt In, Do not use. Community
Common Lookups
PreferenceStartDate The date from which The contact Required Required The attribute is
a contact preference preference period neither required
is valid. start date must nor conditionally
be less than or required.
equal to the contact
preference period
end date.
RequestedBy The lookup code Identify lookup Required Required The attribute is
that represents codes for the source neither required
the source of the of the contact
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
contact preference preference request nor conditionally
request, such as from the Setup required.
internal requirement and Maintenance,
or requested by the Manage Trading
party. Community
Common Lookups
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
ObjectKey The unique ID of Identify the contact The attribute is The attribute is
the existing contact preference ID of neither required neither required Conditionally
preference record an existing contact nor conditionally nor conditionally required.
in the Oracle Sales preference by required. required.
Cloud destination exporting the Provide reference
table. Contact Preference information to
object using identify the existing
the Setup and party. The reference
Maintenance, information can be:
Manage Bulk Data
Export, Schedule • ObjectKey
Export Processes (Oracle Sales
task. Cloud internal
• AdditionalPartyIdOrigSystem
system code
and source
importing the
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
importing the
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a contact point preference for an existing party. In this
scenario, the OrigSystem and OrigSystemReference values identify the party.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
• Importing households
• Importing legal entities
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Contact Import Objects: How They Work Together
A contact job enables you to capture information related to the work that a contact does. The target object contains
attributes that records data such as the name and code of the department where the contact works, the job title of the
contact, and so on.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact jobs.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If you're creating the party and the contact job assignment in the same import activity, then group the party and contact job
data together in your source file. The import process can import the party, and then identify the party record so that it can
import the associated contact job.
To add a contact job to an existing party, or to update an existing contact job record, your source file must include values
that enable the import process to identify the existing records.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating both the party and the contact
job in the same import batch, adding contact jobs to an existing party, or updating a contact job record.
• Identifying and associating records. In some cases, you can choose which attributes you want to provide to the
import process when identifying and associating records.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update a contact job record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that aren't
listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding contact job Updating Existing
Task Adding contact job to an Existing Party Contact Jobs
in the Same Batch
PartyId The Oracle Sales Identify the party ID Required Conditionally Conditionally
Cloud internal ID for value by exporting required. required.
the party (account, the Party object
contact, household, using the Setup To identify the To identify the
or legal entity) to and Maintenance, party, provide party, provide
Manage Bulk Data either the internal ID either the internal ID
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding contact job Updating Existing
Task Adding contact job to an Existing Party Contact Jobs
in the Same Batch
which the address Export, Schedule (PartyId) or both the (PartyId) or both the
belongs. Export Processes source system code source system code
task. (PartyOrigSystem) (PartyOrigSystem)
and source system and source system
reference value reference value
that were provided that were provided
in a prior import of in a prior import of
the party. the party.
The reference Identify the Conditionally Conditionally Conditionally
number or text reference value required. required. required.
representing the from your source
source system system that was If the source of To identify the To identify the
unique ID for the used when you your data is an party, provide party, provide
party (account, imported the party external system, either the internal ID either the internal ID
contact, household, in a prior batch, or and if you intend to (PartyId) or both the (PartyId) or both the
or legal entity) to identify the source import updates to source system code source system code
which the address system reference previously imported (PartyOrigSystem) (PartyOrigSystem)
belongs. that you will use records from the and source system and source system
when importing external system, reference value reference value
the party in the then you can (PartyOrigSystemReference)
same batch as this provide the source that were provided that were provided
address. system code and in a prior import of in a prior import of
the unique reference the party. the party.
value for the source
system's record in
your source file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding contact job Updating Existing
Task Adding contact job to an Existing Party Contact Jobs
in the Same Batch
Export Processes then you can then you can and source system
task. provide the source provide the source reference value
system code and system code and (RelOrigSystemReference)
the unique reference the unique reference that were provided
value for the source value for the source in a prior import of
system's record in system's record in the party.
your source file. your source file.
ContactNumber The contact job's Obtain the contact The attribute is The attribute is Conditionally
unique public number for an neither required neither required required.
identifier value. existing contact nor conditionally nor conditionally
using the Customers required. required. Required if you are
work area. updating a contact
job and are not
providing the object
ObjectKey The unique ID for identify the contact The attribute is The attribute is Conditionally
the existing contact ID for an existing neither required neither required required.
contact by exporting
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding contact job Updating Existing
Task Adding contact job to an Existing Party Contact Jobs
in the Same Batch
job record in the the Organization nor conditionally nor conditionally Required if you
destination table. Contact object required. required. are updating a
using the Setup contact job and are
and Maintenance, not providing the
Manage Bulk Data contact number.
Export, Schedule
Export Processes
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing contact jobs
• Importing accounts
• Importing contacts
• Importing groups
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
With the country structure of a country you can define which geography types are part of the country, and how the
geography types are hierarchically related within the country. For example, you can create geography types called State, City,
and Postal Code. Then you can rank the State geography type as the highest level within the country, the City as the second
level, and the Postal Code as the lowest level within the country structure.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import country structures.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
CountryCode The code representing the Identify country codes using Required
country to which the country the Setup and Maintenance,
structure belongs. Manage Geographies task.
Oracle Sales Cloud uses two-
letter ISO country codes to refer
to countries.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a country structure.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing country structures
Tip: For sample country structures and detailed steps for importing country structures, see article 1341174.1 on My Oracle
Related Topics
• Country Structure Import Objects: How They Work Together
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• Additional tips
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import workers, users, and
The worker information from HCM is imported into Oracle Sales Cloud as a resource. For example, a worker in HCM
can be imported into Oracle Sales Cloud as a sales representative. You can import the resource information using the
ResourceProfile target import object. This target object allows import of the basic resource information, such as resource role
code, resource role type attributes.
A resource role denotes the function of a resource in an enterprise from the perspective of the deploying company. Resource
roles are used to not only describe who a resource is in the enterprise, but also what specific role the resource performs
within the context of an organization or team. A resource can have only one role in an resource organization during a given
Resource role types organize roles into logical groups. For example, the Partner resource role type defines a set of partner-
specific roles, such as partner sales representative and partner sales manager. You can use the Sales resource role type and
the Marketing resource role type to categorize the appropriate sales and marketing roles for internal employees or contingent
worker resources.
You can define roles that can be assigned to resources within resource organizations using the Setup and Maintenance,
Manage Resource Roles task. When you assign specific roles to resources, they automatically receive access to specific
business functions, locations, applications, and data within the company.
A resource team is a group of resources formed to accomplish a particular task. A resource team may comprise resource
organizations, resources, or both. Resource organizations represent the internal organization and structure of the deploying
company. Resource organizations are hierarchically structured, and reporting relationships are derived from the organization
hierarchy that is created. You can import the resource organization and resource team membership information using the
ResourceOrganizationMembership and ResourceTeamMembership target objects, respectively. For more information about
resource team, see the Define Resource Team Information chapter in the Oracle Sales Cloud Implementing Customer Data
Management guide.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
resource details or update an existing employee record with the resource details. You can optionally include attributes that are
available for import in your import file but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before
importing that attribute is listed.
WorkerProfile_ BusinessUnit The business unit name to which Identify business unit Required
the resource is associated. names using the Setup and
Maintenance, Manage Business
Unit task.
WorkerProfile_ LegalEntity The legal entity name of the Identify legal entity names using Required
employer. the Setup and Maintenance,
Manage Legal Entity task.
WorkerProfile_ EmailAddress The primary work email ID of the No prerequisite tasks Required
WorkerProfile_ ManagerEmail The primary work email ID of the No prerequisite tasks Conditionally required.
worker's manager.
If you want to identify an
employee in the resource
hierarchy, then you must
mention the manager email
WorkerProfile_ PersonType Describes the person type, for No prerequisite tasks Conditionally required.
example, EMP for employees,
CWK for contingent workers. If the source of your data is a
contingent worker, then you
must mention the person type.
The default value of the person
type is EMP.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ResourceProfile_ RoleCode The value for the resource role Identify the employee resource Conditionally required.
code, which is predefined in the role code by reviewing the
Manage Resource Roles task. employee resource role types If you want to identify an
and codes in the Setup and employee as a resource, then
Maintenance, Manage Resource you must mention the resource
Roles task. role code.
ResourceProfile_ RoleTypeCode The value for the resource role Identify the employee resource Conditionally required.
type, which is predefined in the role type code by reviewing the
Manage Resource Roles task. employee resource role types If you want to identify an
and codes in the Setup and employee as a resource, then
Maintenance, Manage Resource you must mention the resource
Roles task. role type code.
ResourceOrganizationMembership_ The code for the organization No prerequisite tasks Conditionally required.
TreeCode hierarchy that the resource is
a member of. For employee If you want to associate a
resources, the value is GLOBAL_ resource to an organization
SALES_ MARKETING. For hierarchy, then you must
partner contacts (members), the mention the tree code of the
value is the code for the partner organization hierarchy to which
organization hierarchy. the resource belongs.
ResourceOrganizationMembership_ The code for the parent of the No prerequisite tasks Conditionally required.
ParentTreeCode resource's organization within
the organization hierarchy. If you want to associate a
For employee resources, the resource to an organization
value is GLOBAL_ SALES_ hierarchy, then you must
MARKETING. For partner mention the parent tree code of
contacts (members), the value the resource's organization.
is the code that represents the
parent in the partner organization
ResourceOrganizationMembership_ The organization name of the Identify the organization name of Conditionally required.
OrganizationName resource. the resource by navigating to the
Resource Directory. If you want to associate a
resource to an organization
If the organization name that you hierarchy, then you must
use in the source file doesn't mention the organization name
already exist in the Resource of the resource.
Directory, then it is created
during the employee resource
import process.
ResourceOrganizationMembership_ The organization name of the Identify the organization name Conditionally required.
ParentOrganizationName resource's manager. of the resource's manager by
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: To view the imported workers in the Manage Users task, you must run the Update Person Search
Keywords ESS job from the Scheduled Processes work area. You can also choose to run this job automatically
by setting the Enable Keyword Crawler parameter to Y in the Manage HCM Configuration for
Coexistence task. The crawler updates the person-search keywords during the import process for every
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import an employee resource.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing users
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Importing Resource Teams and Resource Team Usages Using File-Based Import: Quick Start
With organization profile, you can capture organization information for an account, legal entity, and partner. The organization
profile contains information for the organization, such as the stock symbol, number of employees, and the CEO's name. You
can import new organization profiles or update existing organization profile records, using the File-Based Data Import feature.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import organization profiles. You
can import organization profiles, using these file-based objects.
To update an existing organization profile, your source file must include the values that enable the import process to identify
the existing records. These values will be source system and source system reference value combination, Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys or external IDs.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from a system outside of Oracle Sales
Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating a new organization profile or
updating an existing organization profile record.
• Identifying and associating records. In some cases, you can choose which attributes you want to provide to the
import process when identifying and associating records.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values and
then include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update an organization profile record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but
that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
OrganizationName The name of the No prerequisite tasks Required The attribute is neither
organization. required nor conditionally
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
record ID).
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
• Party Number
(public unique
identifier for an
• A business
key such as
Type The organization type. No prerequisite tasks The attribute is neither The attribute is neither
The type is set to required nor conditionally required nor conditionally
Account by default for required. required.
new organization profiles.
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to import a new organization. In this scenario, origin system and origin
system reference information are used to identify the organization.
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to update an existing organization. In this example, the origin source
system and source system reference are used to identify an organization and update the CEO name.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing sales leads
• Importing legal entities
• Importing contacts
• Importing marketing campaign responses
• Importing partners
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference values might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Accounts Using File-Based Import: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
A person party profile enables you to import contacts, and household members. For example, you can use person profiles
to import contact information. A person profile contains various attributes, such as first name, last name, and so on. You can
import new person profiles or update existing person profile records using the File-Based Data Import feature.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import person profiles.
Contact PersonProfile
Note: Oracle Sales Cloud supports the ContactPersonProfile target object. However, the object is now
deprecated. For updating any contact information, use the PersonProfile target object instead.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from a system outside of Oracle Sales
Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values and
then include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a person profile record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that
aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Party and Person Update Person Profile
Profiles Records
• PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
record ID).
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Party and Person Update Person Profile
Profiles Records
the organization
• Party Number
(public unique
identifier for an
• A business key
such as person
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Party and Person Update Person Profile
Profiles Records
values) provided values) provided
when importing when importing
the organization the organization
profile. profile.
• Party Number • Party Number
(public unique (public unique
identifier for an identifier for an
organization organization
profile). profile).
• A business key • A business key
such as person such as person
name. name.
PersonFirstName First name of a person No prerequisite tasks Required The attribute is neither
party. required nor conditionally
PersonLastName Last name of a person No prerequisite tasks Required The attribute is neither
party. required nor conditionally
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a new contact. In this scenario, the OrigSystem and
OrigSystem values identify the party.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to update a contact. In this scenario, the OrigSystem and OrigSystem
values identify the party and update the person's middle name.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference values might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Contacts Using File-Based Import: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import relationships.
With a relationship, you can capture the interconnection between parties such as contacts, households, and so on. For
example, you can capture the relationship between an account and the account's contact person by interconnecting the
contact person's party ID with the account's organization party ID using the CONTACT relationship type. Similarly, you
can associate one or more persons with a household, or family, using the relationship type MEMBER. You can import new
relationships or update existing relationship records, using the File-Based Data Import feature.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
To add an relationship to an existing party, or to update an existing relationship record, your source file must include values
that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values will be either source system and source system
reference value combination, Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys or external
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update an additional party name record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file
but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Relationship
Relationship Records in Record for an Existing
the Same Batch Party
PartyId The Oracle Sales Cloud Identify the party ID The attribute is neither
internal ID for the party value by exporting the required nor conditionally Conditionally required.
(account, contact, Party object using the required.
household, or legal entity) Setup and Maintenance, Provide reference
to which the relationship Manage Bulk Data information to identify
belongs. Export, Schedule Export the existing party. The
Processes task. reference information can
• PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
internal ID).
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
• Business
keys such as
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Relationship
Relationship Records in Record for an Existing
the Same Batch Party
household, or legal entity) the party in a prior batch, If the source of your
to which the relationship or identify the source data is a third party or Provide reference
belongs. system code that you will external system, and you information to identify
use when importing the intend to import updates the existing party. The
party in the same batch to previously imported reference information can
as this relationship. records from the same be:
system, provide the
original source system • PartyId (Oracle
and source system Sales Cloud
reference values. internal ID).
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
• Business
keys such as
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a relationship record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that
aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Relationship
Relationship Records in Record for an Existing
the Same Batch Party
RelationshipCode Describes the directional You can view the Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
connection between relationship type code
the object and subject definition from the Setup If the source of your If the source of your
relationship. For example, and Maintenance, data is a third party or data is a third party or
Employer of verses Manage Relationship external system, and you external system, and you
Employee of. Types task. intend to import updates intend to import updates
to previously imported to previously imported
records from the same records from the same
system, provide the system, provide the
original source system original source system
and source system and source system
reference values. reference values.
RelOrigSystem A source system code No prerequisite tasks Conditionally required. Conditionally required. .
that identifies the original
source system of the If the source of your If the source of your
relationship between the data is a third party or data is a third party or
object and the subject external system, and you external system, and you
parties. intend to import updates intend to import updates
to previously imported to previously imported
records from the same records from the same
system, provide the system, provide the
original source system original source system
and source system and source system
reference values. reference values.
SubOrigSystem A source system code No prerequisite tasks This attribute is neither Conditionally required.
that identifies the original required nor conditionally
source system of the required If the source of your
subject party of the data is a third party or
relationship. external system, and you
intend to import updates
to previously imported
records from the same
system, provide the
original source system
and source system
reference values.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Relationship
Relationship Records in Record for an Existing
the Same Batch Party
SubOrigSystemReference A reference ID for No prerequisite tasks This attribute is neither Conditionally required.
the subject of the required nor conditionally
relationship. If importing required If the source of your
from another system, data is a third party or
use the unique reference external system, and you
for the subject of the intend to import updates
relationship in that source to previously imported
system. records from the same
system, provide the
original source system
and source system
reference values.
There are four sets of reference information that you can use to refer to a record. However, only set of reference information
is sufficient to identify a record. If you have mentioned multiple reference sets that has conflict, then it results in an error. The
import process recognizes reference information in this order:
1. Oracle Sales Cloud ID such as PartyId, ObjectKey, and so on.
2. Public User ID such as PartyNumber (also called RegistryID), PartySiteNumber, and so on.
3. Origin system and Origin system reference
4. Other reference information such as business keys
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a relationship between two parties. While importing
relationships, use the OrigSystem and OrigSystemReference values to identify one party and the SubOrigSystem and
SubOrigSystem values to identify the second party.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing relationships
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
• Importing households
• Importing legal entities
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
A sales profile enables you to capture information about a selling relationship with an account or consumer. When a party has
one sell-to address, it ceases to be a sales prospect and becomes a sales profile. You can import sales profiles or update
existing sales profiles, using the File-Based Data Import feature. The sales profile includes attributes that can be used for
assigning territories and providing account ownership details. You must have an organization or person with a sell-to address
defined before you can import sales profiles.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import sales profiles.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If you're creating the party and the sales profile in the same import activity, then group the party and sales profile data
together in your source file. The import process can import the party and then identify the party record so that it can import
the associated sales profile.
To add a sales profile to an existing party or to update an existing sales profile record, your source file must include the values
that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values are source system and source system reference
value combination, internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys or external IDs.
If the source of your data is an external application, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records
from the external application, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source
system's record in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system
information and internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference value to
identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from an application outside of Oracle
Sales Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external application and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need
the source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the internal ID and add it to your
source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating both the party and the sales
profile in the same import batch, adding new sales profile to an existing party, or updating a sales profile record.
• Identifying and associating records. In some cases, you can select which attributes you want to provide to the import
process when identifying and associating records.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values and
then include those values in your source file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a sales profile record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that
aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
The reference Identify the Conditionally
number or text reference value from required Conditionally Conditionally
representing the your source system required required
source system that was used when Provide the source
unique ID for the you imported the system and source Provide reference Provide reference
party (account or party in a prior system reference information to information to
contact) to which batch, or identify values if the source identify the existing identify the existing
the sales profile the source system of your data is party. The reference party. The reference
belongs. reference you use a third party or information can be: information can be:
when importing the external application
party in the same and you intend to • PartyId • PartyId
import updates to (Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
batch as this sales previously imported Cloud record Cloud record
profile records from the ID). ID).
same application. • PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
and and
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile). profile).
• A business • A business
key such as key such as
organization organization
name. name.
• PartyId • PartyId
( record ID). ( record ID).
• PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
and and
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile). profile).
• A business • A business
key such as key such as
organization organization
name. name.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
following reference
information: To specify a different To specify a different
account owner, account owner,
include one of the include one of the
• E-mail
following reference following reference
Address of
information: information:
the account
• E-mail • E-mail
• Party ID of Address of Address of
the account the account the account
owner in the owner owner
column • Party ID of • Party ID of
the account the account
• Party owner in the owner in the
Number of OwnerPartyId OwnerPartyId
the account column column
owner in the
OwnerPartyNumber • Party • Party
column Number of Number of
the account the account
owner in the owner in the
OwnerPartyNumber OwnerPartyNumber
column column
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
to manage the sales owner by exporting
profile the Party object Specify an By default, the By default, the
using Setup and account owner, by user importing user importing
Maintenance, including one of the account is the account is
Manage Bulk Data following reference designated as the designated as the
Export, Schedule information: account owner. account owner.
Export Processes
task. • E-mail
Address of To specify a different To specify a different
the account account owner, account owner,
owner include one of the include one of the
following reference following reference
• Party ID of information: information:
the account
owner in the
• E-mail • E-mail
Address of Address of
the account the account
• Party owner owner
Number of
• Party ID of • Party ID of
the account
the account the account
owner in the
owner in the owner in the
OwnerPartyId OwnerPartyId
column column
• Party • Party
Number of Number of
the account the account
owner in the owner in the
OwnerPartyNumber OwnerPartyNumber
column column
Note: During import, the attribute Type is set to Account for all new accounts.
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to import a new sales profile for an existing party. In this scenario,
origin system and origin system reference information are used to identify the existing party and the new sales profile.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference values might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Importing Accounts
Importing Common Supporting Objects: Documentation Overview
Common supporting objects often support the primary import objects. For example, additional party identifiers support
accounts, contacts, and households. Notes support leads and opportunities. For a mapping of primary import objects to the
common object import topics that support them, see:
Related Topics
• Importing Common Supporting Objects: Overview
You can use the Account import object to import sales profiles or sales prospects of the type organization. You can use the
Household import object to import accounts of the type household, and the Contact import object to import accounts of the
type person. Consider the following questions when importing your data:
• Did you identify the records that should be imported as sales prospects, and the records that should be imported as
sales profiles?
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• How does your legacy or source system represent the account information compared to how Oracle Sales Cloud
represents the same data?
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Sales Cloud to map your existing data values to the Account import
• Do you have to configure Oracle Sales Cloud to capture attributes that are critical to the way you do business?
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do I verify my imported data?
Organization Profile
The organization profile contains basic information about the account, such as the customer name and party usage. For each
account, you can assign classifications, contacts, sell to addresses, phone details, and additional names. The contact of the
account, in turn, includes other child entities that capture information about the contact, such as contact job, contact primary
phone, contact primary address, and contact e-mail.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: All contact entities, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact
preference. For example, the Primary Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the
account for the contact method primary phone.
Note: You can use the keyword importing accounts to search for related topics in Oracle Sales Cloud Help.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use the Application Composer to
design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and make them
available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you can then map
to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both the configurable attributes and the standard import
object attributes.
When importing account information, you first import the basic account profile information, followed by the child entities
for the account. When importing child entities, you must provide the parent reference information for all parent levels
for the entity. For example, you first import basic profile details, such as customer name, party type, and party usage.
You then import contacts and contact information, such as phone, address, contact points, and fax for the account.
You must provide the PartyOrigSystem and PartyOrigSystemReference of the account when importing contacts for
the account. PartyOrigSystem is the source system code that identifies the source of the information being imported.
PartyOrigSystemReference is unique for each row of data within a single import, and is a combination of PartyOrigSystem
and a unique reference. When importing contact information for an account, you must provide the relationship reference
information. This information is required because a contact can have multiple relationships with an account.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
The target import objects in the Account import object are generally grouped into information about the account and
information about the account contact. The organization profile is the target import object containing attributes to import
information about the account. You can have multiple contacts associated with an account.
When updating an existing account with additional information, you must provide the parent reference information for the
existing account. When importing account contacts or contact information for an account, you must provide relationship
reference information in addition to the parent reference. This information is required because a contact can have multiple
relationships with an organization, such as an employee or board member. When importing information about a contact
you must refer to the specific relationship that you want to import information for. For example, you might want to import
information for John Smith the employee or John Smith the board member. If you do not include the reference information for
an account-contact relationship, then the import process creates a relationship.
To update the information for an existing account or to create an account record, you can import account profile information,
addresses, and contact points, such as a phone and fax. The following target import objects are for creating and
updating account information: OrganizationProfile, Fax, Address, PrimaryPhone, Url, SalesAccountProfile, Classification,
AdditionalName, Relationship, SellToAddress, and AdditionalIdentifier.
To update or to create an account contact, use the following target import objects: ContactPersonProfile, ContactJob,
ContactPrimaryAddress, ContactEmail, ContactPrimaryPhone, ContactMobile, ContactInstantMessenger, and ContactFax.
All contact-related entities, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact preference. For
example, the Primary Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the legal entity for the contact
method primary phone.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
default values, and validations performed by the import process. Review the validation for each attribute to determine whether
there are functional prerequisites or prerequisite setup tasks that are required.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer Extensibility features for the account.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the target import objects.
OrganizationProfile Includes detailed account information, such HZ_ IMP_ PARTIES_ T_Reference
as, organization name and organization type.
PrimaryPhone Account's primary phone number. If the HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
account has multiple phone numbers, one
of the phone numbers is designated as the
primary phone number.
FaxContactPreference Indicates the account preference about being HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
contacted through Fax.
SalesProfile Account's sales account information. A sales ZCA_ IMP_ SALES_ACCOUNTS _Reference
account is a specific sell-to entity within a
given account. an account can have multiple
sales accounts and sales profiles.
SellToAddress Account's addresses and party sites HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_T_ Reference
information. If party site usage of an address
is not defined, then the import process sets
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ContactPrimaryAddress Account contact's primary address. If the HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_T _Reference
contact has multiple addresses, one of the
addresses is designated as the primary
ContactPrimaryPhone Account contact's primary phone number. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T _Reference
If the account has multiple phone numbers,
one of the phone numbers is designated as
the primary phone number.
PrimaryPhoneContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
about being contacted through phone.
ContactEmailContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
about being contacted through e-mail.
ContactFaxContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
about being contacted through Fax.
ContactMobileContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
about being contacted through mobile
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ContactPrimaryAddressContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
about being contacted at the primary
ContactPrimaryPhoneContactPreference Indicates the account contact preference HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
about being contacted through the primary
phone number.
Note: Oracle Sales Cloud supports the ContactPersonProfile target object. However, the object is now
deprecated. For updating any contact information, use the PersonProfile target object instead.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
A sales profile enables you to capture information about a selling relationship with an account or consumer. When a party has
one sell-to address, it ceases to be a sales prospect and becomes a sales profile. You can import sales profiles or update
existing sales profiles, using the File-Based Data Import feature. The sales profile includes attributes that can be used for
assigning territories and providing account ownership details. You must have an organization or person with a sell-to address
defined before you can import sales profiles.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import sales profiles.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If you're creating the party and the sales profile in the same import activity, then group the party and sales profile data
together in your source file. The import process can import the party and then identify the party record so that it can import
the associated sales profile.
To add a sales profile to an existing party or to update an existing sales profile record, your source file must include the values
that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values are source system and source system reference
value combination, internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys or external IDs.
If the source of your data is an external application, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records
from the external application, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source
system's record in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system
information and internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference value to
identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from an application outside of Oracle
Sales Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external application and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need
the source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the internal ID and add it to your
source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating both the party and the sales
profile in the same import batch, adding new sales profile to an existing party, or updating a sales profile record.
• Identifying and associating records. In some cases, you can select which attributes you want to provide to the import
process when identifying and associating records.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values and
then include those values in your source file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a sales profile record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that
aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
The reference Identify the Conditionally
number or text reference value from required Conditionally Conditionally
representing the your source system required required
source system that was used when Provide the source
unique ID for the you imported the system and source Provide reference Provide reference
party (account or party in a prior system reference information to information to
contact) to which batch, or identify values if the source identify the existing identify the existing
the sales profile the source system of your data is party. The reference party. The reference
belongs. reference you use a third party or information can be: information can be:
when importing the external application
party in the same and you intend to • PartyId • PartyId
import updates to (Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
batch as this sales previously imported Cloud record Cloud record
profile records from the ID). ID).
same application. • PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
and and
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile). profile).
• A business • A business
key such as key such as
organization organization
name. name.
• PartyId • PartyId
( record ID). ( record ID).
• PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
and and
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile). profile).
• A business • A business
key such as key such as
organization organization
name. name.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
following reference
information: To specify a different To specify a different
account owner, account owner,
include one of the include one of the
• E-mail
following reference following reference
Address of
information: information:
the account
• E-mail • E-mail
• Party ID of Address of Address of
the account the account the account
owner in the owner owner
column • Party ID of • Party ID of
the account the account
• Party owner in the owner in the
Number of OwnerPartyId OwnerPartyId
the account column column
owner in the
OwnerPartyNumber • Party • Party
column Number of Number of
the account the account
owner in the owner in the
OwnerPartyNumber OwnerPartyNumber
column column
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party Creating Sales Updating Sales
Task and Sales Profile Profile Record for an Profile Record
Records in the Existing Party
Same Batch
to manage the sales owner by exporting
profile the Party object Specify an By default, the By default, the
using Setup and account owner, by user importing user importing
Maintenance, including one of the account is the account is
Manage Bulk Data following reference designated as the designated as the
Export, Schedule information: account owner. account owner.
Export Processes
task. • E-mail
Address of To specify a different To specify a different
the account account owner, account owner,
owner include one of the include one of the
following reference following reference
• Party ID of information: information:
the account
owner in the
• E-mail • E-mail
Address of Address of
the account the account
• Party owner owner
Number of
• Party ID of • Party ID of
the account
the account the account
owner in the
owner in the owner in the
OwnerPartyId OwnerPartyId
column column
• Party • Party
Number of Number of
the account the account
owner in the owner in the
OwnerPartyNumber OwnerPartyNumber
column column
Note: During import, the attribute Type is set to Account for all new accounts.
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to import a new sales profile for an existing party. In this scenario,
origin system and origin system reference information are used to identify the existing party and the new sales profile.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference values might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Importing Contacts
Importing Contacts and Consumers: Important Considerations
The Consumer object is only applicable if you are using release 1.0.7 or an earlier release. All capabilities of the Consumer
object are included in the Contact object for releases 1.0.8 and later. If you are upgrading from an earlier release to release
1.0.8 or later, it is recommended that you use the Contact object to update your consumer information using file-based data
import in the current release.
Related Topics
• Importing Common Supporting Objects: Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• How does your legacy system or source system represent the contact compared to how Oracle Sales Cloud
represents the same data?
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Sales Cloud to map to your data values?
• Do you have to configure Oracle Sales Cloud to capture additional attributes that are critical to the way you do
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do you verify your imported data?
In Oracle Sales Cloud, one table stores the contact information, and another table optionally stores contact point details for
that contact. A contact point is an identified means to contact a party. Contact points can be phone numbers, e-mail IDs,
Web site addresses, or instant messenger IDs.
The contact profile contains basic information about the contact, such as the contact name, party type, and party usage.
For each contact, you can assign classifications, phone details, and additional names. If the contact is a consumer, then the
contact relationship of the consumer includes other child entities that capture information about the consumer contact, such
as contact job, contact phone, contact address, and contact e-mail.
Note: All contact-related entities, such phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact
preference. For example, the Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the consumer
for the contact method phone.
To facilitate importing contacts, Oracle Sales Cloud incorporates the structure of the contact business object into import
objects. The import object for contacts is Contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
You can use the keyword importing contacts to search for related topics in Oracle Sales Cloud help.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the Oracle Sales Cloud object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application
Composer to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and
make them available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you
can then map to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the
standard import object attributes.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
The target import objects included in the Contact import are grouped into information about the contact and the contact's
relationship with other parties. The contact profile is the target import object containing attributes to import information about
the contact. You can have multiple contact relationships associated with a contact. There are multiple target import objects
that include attributes to import contacts and their related information.
When updating an existing contact, you must provide the parent reference information of the existing contact. When
importing contact profile or contact point information for a contact, you must provide relationship reference information in
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
addition to the parent reference. You must provide this information because a contact can have multiple relationships with an
organization, such as employee or board member. When importing information about a contact, you must refer to the specific
relationship that you want to import information for. For example, you must specify whether you want to import information
for John Smith the employee or John Smith the board member. If you do not include the reference information for a contact
relationship, then the import process creates a new relationship.
To update the information for an existing contact or to create a contact record, you can import contact profile information,
addresses, and contact points. The following target import objects are for creating and updating contact and contact
preference information: PersonProfile, Fax, PrimaryPhone, Url, SalesProfile, Classification, AdditionalName, Relationship, and
To update or create a contact point for a contact relationship, use the following target import objects: ContactRelationship,
ContactJob, ContactAddress, ContactEmail, ContactPhone, ContactMobile, ContactInstantMessenger, and ContactFax.
All contact-point-related entities, such as phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact preference. For
example, the ContactPhoneContactPreference entity captures the contact preference of the primary phone contact method.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes that you want to import do not have an equivalent for the target object attribute,
then review the Application Composer configuration features for the contact object.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the various target import objects.
PersonProfile Includes information that identifies a contact, HZ_ IMP_ PARTIES_ T_Reference
such as first name, last name, date of birth,
and so on.
SalesProfile Includes detailed information about a sales ZCA_ IMP_ Sales_ Accounts_ Reference
profile. A sales profile is a specific sell-to
entity within a given account. An account or
contact can have multiple sales profiles.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
FaxContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through Fax.
Phone Contact's phone number. If the contact has HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
multiple phone numbers, then the first phone
number is designated as the primary phone
number. The attributes of PrimaryPhone, Fax,
and URL are the same. However, the value of
the attribute ContactPointType is different for
each of these contact point related entities.
PhoneContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
by phone.
EmailContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through e-mail.
MobileContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through mobile phone.
Address Contact's address. If the contact has HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_ T_Reference
multiple addresses, then the first address is
designated as the primary address.
AddressContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
at the primary address.
AdditionalIdentifier Includes the basic information about an HZ_ IMP_ ADDTNLPARTYIDS_ T_Reference
additional identifier for the contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ContactEmailContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through the e-mail contact point.
ContactFax Indicates the number of the fax contact point HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
of the contact.
ContactFaxContactPreference Contact's preference about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through the fax contact point.
ContactInstantMessenger Contact's instant messenger contact point. HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
ContactMobileContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through the mobile phone contact point.
ContactPhone Contact's phone contact point. If the contact HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_ T_Reference
has multiple phone numbers, then the first
phone number is designated as the primary
phone number.
ContactPhoneContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
through the phone contact point.
ContactAddress Contact's address contact point. If the HZ_ IMP_ PARTYSITES_ T_Reference
contact has multiple addresses, then the
first address is designated as the primary
ContactAddressContactPreference Contact's preferences about being contacted HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
at the address contact point.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
• Extending Oracle Sales Cloud: How It Works
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• Additional tips
A person party profile enables you to import contacts, and household members. For example, you can use person profiles
to import contact information. A person profile contains various attributes, such as first name, last name, and so on. You can
import new person profiles or update existing person profile records using the File-Based Data Import feature.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import person profiles.
Contact PersonProfile
Note: Oracle Sales Cloud supports the ContactPersonProfile target object. However, the object is now
deprecated. For updating any contact information, use the PersonProfile target object instead.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from a system outside of Oracle Sales
Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values and
then include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a person profile record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that
aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Party and Person Update Person Profile
Profiles Records
• PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
record ID).
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Party and Person Update Person Profile
Profiles Records
the organization
• Party Number
(public unique
identifier for an
• A business key
such as person
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Party and Person Update Person Profile
Profiles Records
values) provided values) provided
when importing when importing
the organization the organization
profile. profile.
• Party Number • Party Number
(public unique (public unique
identifier for an identifier for an
organization organization
profile). profile).
• A business key • A business key
such as person such as person
name. name.
PersonFirstName First name of a person No prerequisite tasks Required The attribute is neither
party. required nor conditionally
PersonLastName Last name of a person No prerequisite tasks Required The attribute is neither
party. required nor conditionally
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a new contact. In this scenario, the OrigSystem and
OrigSystem values identify the party.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to update a contact. In this scenario, the OrigSystem and OrigSystem
values identify the party and update the person's middle name.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference values might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Contacts Using File-Based Import: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: Information for associating addresses with persons and organizations is included in this topic, although
contact points don't formally include addresses.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact points directly
associated with the person.
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Points
Partner Contact Person (contact for a partner) Email, Fax, InstantMessenger, Mobile,
PrimaryPhone, PrimaryAddress
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Points
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact points for a
contact relationship.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
To add a contact point to an existing party, or to update an existing contact point record, your source file must include
values that enable the import process to identify the existing records. These values will be source system and source system
reference value combination, an Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID, or public unique identifiers, such as business keys or external
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from a system outside of Oracle Sales
Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
• Organization name for organizations
• First name and last name for persons
• Contact information, which is a combination of email Id, mobile number, IM, and URL.
• Address information, which is a combination of address1, address2, city, and postal code.
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a contact point data record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but
that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
the party (account, the Party object nor conditionally
contact, household, using Setup and required. Provide reference Provide reference
partner, or legal Maintenance, information to information to
entity) to which Manage Bulk Data identify the existing identify the existing
the contact point Export, Schedule party. The reference party. The reference
belongs. Export Processes information can be: information can be:
• PartyId • PartyId
(Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
Cloud internal Cloud internal
ID). ID).
• PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
and and
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile), profile),
which is which is
for contact. for contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile), profile),
which is which is
for contact. for contact.
The reference Identify the Conditionally
number or text reference value required. Conditionally Conditionally
representing the from your source required. required.
source system system that was If the source of
unique ID for the used when you your data is an Provide reference Provide reference
party (account, imported the party external system, information to information to
contact, household, in a prior batch, or and if you intend to identify the existing identify the existing
partner, or legal identify the source import updates to party. The reference party. The reference
entity) to which system reference previously imported information can be: information can be:
the contact point that you will use records from the
belongs. when importing external system, • PartyId • PartyId
the party in the then you can (Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
same batch as this provide the source Cloud internal Cloud internal
contact point. system code and ID). ID).
the unique reference
• PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
value for the source
and and
system's record in
your source file.
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
• Party • Party
Number Number
(public (public
unique unique
identifier identifier
for an for an
organization organization
profile), profile),
which is which is
for contact. for contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
Oracle Sales Cloud existing contact nor conditionally nor conditionally
destination table. point by exporting required. required. Provide reference
the contact point information to
object using identify the existing
the Setup and party. The reference
Maintenance, information can be:
Manage Bulk Data
Export, Schedule • ObjectKey
Export Processes (Oracle Sales
task. Cloud internal
• CpOrigSystem
system code
and source
importing the
• Party
for an
which is
for contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
this contact point system code and system code and Cloud internal
contact preference. the unique reference the unique reference ID).
value for the source value for the source • CpOrigSystem
system's record in system's record in and
your source file. your source file. CpOrigSystemReference
system code
and source
importing the
• Party
for an
which is
for contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
for an
which is
for contact.
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyID
• OwnerPartyNumber
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyID
• OwnerPartyNumber
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Records to an Point Records
Points in the Same Existing Party
Export Processes following reference
task. information: To specify a
different owner,
include one of the
• OwnerEmailAddress
following reference
• OwnerPartyID information:
• OwnerPartyNumber
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyID
• OwnerPartyNumber
There are four sets of reference information that you can use to refer to a record. However, you must use only one of them to
refer to a record; else, the import process would result in an error. The import process recognizes reference information in this
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
• Importing households
• Importing legal entities
• Importing employee resources
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Contact Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Account Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Household Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Importing Contact Point Preferences Using File-Based Import: Quick Start
Note: Information for associating addresses with persons and organizations is included in this topic, although
contact points don't formally include addresses.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact point directly
associated with the person.
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Point
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Point
InstantMessenger has no contact point
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact point preferences
directly associated with a contact relationship.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Import Object Party Type Target Objects for Importing Contact Point
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a contact point preference data record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your
import file but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
The reference Identify the Conditionally
number or text reference value from required. Conditionally Conditionally
representing the your source system required. required.
source system that was used when If the source of
unique ID for the you imported the your data is an Provide reference Provide reference
party (account, party in a prior external system, information to information to
contact, household, batch, or identify and if you intend to identify the existing identify the existing
partner, or legal the source system import updates to party. The reference party. The reference
entity) to which reference that previously imported information can be: information can be:
the contact point you will use when records from the
preference belongs. importing the party external system, • PartyId • PartyId
in the same batch then you can (Oracle Sales (Oracle Sales
as this contact point provide the source Cloud internal Cloud internal
preference. system code and ID). ID).
the unique reference
• PartyOrigSystem • PartyOrigSystem
value for the source
and and
system's record in
your source file.
(source (source
system code system code
and source and source
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
ContactType The method of Identify the contact Required Required The attribute is
contact that should type from the Setup neither required
or should not be and Maintenance, nor conditionally
made, such as call Manage Trading required.
or mail. Community
Common Lookups
PreferenceCode The lookup code Identify the Required Required The attribute is
that represents the preference code neither required
contact method from the Setup nor conditionally
preference phrase, and Maintenance, required.
such as Do Use, Manage Trading
Opt In, Do not use. Community
Common Lookups
PreferenceStartDate The date from which The contact Required Required The attribute is
a contact preference preference period neither required
is valid. start date must nor conditionally
be less than or required.
equal to the contact
preference period
end date.
RequestedBy The lookup code Identify lookup Required Required The attribute is
that represents codes for the source neither required
the source of the of the contact nor conditionally
contact preference preference request required.
request, such as from the Setup
internal requirement and Maintenance,
or requested by the Manage Trading
party. Community
Common Lookups
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
system system
reference reference
values) values)
provided provided
when when
importing the importing the
organization organization
profile. profile.
ObjectKey The unique ID of Identify the contact The attribute is The attribute is
the existing contact preference ID of neither required neither required Conditionally
preference record an existing contact nor conditionally nor conditionally required.
in the Oracle Sales preference by required. required.
Cloud destination exporting the Provide reference
table. Contact Preference information to
object using identify the existing
the Setup and party. The reference
Maintenance, information can be:
Manage Bulk Data
Export, Schedule • ObjectKey
Export Processes (Oracle Sales
task. Cloud internal
• AdditionalPartyIdOrigSystem
system code
and source
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
importing the
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding Contact Updating Contact
Task Adding Contact Point Preference Point Preference
Point Preferences in Records to an Records
the Same Batch Existing Party
importing the
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a contact point preference for an existing party. In this
scenario, the OrigSystem and OrigSystemReference values identify the party.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing contacts
• Importing accounts
• Importing households
• Importing legal entities
• Importing employee resources
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Contact Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Account Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Household Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Importing Contact Points Using File-Based Import: Quick Start
A contact job enables you to capture information related to the work that a contact does. The target object contains
attributes that records data such as the name and code of the department where the contact works, the job title of the
contact, and so on.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import contact jobs.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If you're creating the party and the contact job assignment in the same import activity, then group the party and contact job
data together in your source file. The import process can import the party, and then identify the party record so that it can
import the associated contact job.
To add a contact job to an existing party, or to update an existing contact job record, your source file must include values
that enable the import process to identify the existing records.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating both the party and the contact
job in the same import batch, adding contact jobs to an existing party, or updating a contact job record.
• Identifying and associating records. In some cases, you can choose which attributes you want to provide to the
import process when identifying and associating records.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update a contact job record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that aren't
listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding contact job Updating Existing
Task Adding contact job to an Existing Party Contact Jobs
in the Same Batch
PartyId The Oracle Sales Identify the party ID Required Conditionally Conditionally
Cloud internal ID for value by exporting required. required.
the party (account, the Party object
contact, household, using the Setup To identify the To identify the
or legal entity) to and Maintenance, party, provide party, provide
which the address Manage Bulk Data either the internal ID either the internal ID
belongs. Export, Schedule (PartyId) or both the (PartyId) or both the
Export Processes source system code source system code
task. (PartyOrigSystem) (PartyOrigSystem)
and source system and source system
reference value reference value
that were provided that were provided
in a prior import of in a prior import of
the party. the party.
The reference Identify the Conditionally Conditionally Conditionally
number or text reference value required. required. required.
representing the from your source
source system system that was If the source of To identify the To identify the
unique ID for the used when you your data is an party, provide party, provide
party (account, imported the party external system, either the internal ID either the internal ID
contact, household, in a prior batch, or and if you intend to (PartyId) or both the (PartyId) or both the
or legal entity) to identify the source import updates to source system code source system code
which the address system reference previously imported (PartyOrigSystem) (PartyOrigSystem)
belongs. that you will use records from the and source system and source system
when importing external system, reference value reference value
the party in the then you can (PartyOrigSystemReference)
same batch as this provide the source that were provided that were provided
address. system code and in a prior import of in a prior import of
the unique reference the party. the party.
value for the source
system's record in
your source file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding contact job Updating Existing
Task Adding contact job to an Existing Party Contact Jobs
in the Same Batch
person record in the Relationship object external system, external system, job record, provide
destination table. using the Setup and if you intend to and if you intend to either the internal
and Maintenance, import updates to import updates to ID (ObjectKey) or
Manage Bulk Data previously imported previously imported both the source
Export, Schedule records from the records from the system code
Export Processes external system, external system, (RelOrigSystem)
task. then you can then you can and source system
provide the source provide the source reference value
system code and system code and (RelOrigSystemReference)
the unique reference the unique reference that were provided
value for the source value for the source in a prior import of
system's record in system's record in the party.
your source file. your source file.
ContactNumber The contact job's Obtain the contact The attribute is The attribute is Conditionally
unique public number for an neither required neither required required.
identifier value. existing contact nor conditionally nor conditionally
using the Customers required. required. Required if you are
work area. updating a contact
job and are not
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Creating Party and Adding contact job Updating Existing
Task Adding contact job to an Existing Party Contact Jobs
in the Same Batch
providing the object
ObjectKey The unique ID for identify the contact The attribute is The attribute is Conditionally
the existing contact ID for an existing neither required neither required required.
job record in the contact by exporting nor conditionally nor conditionally
destination table. the Organization required. required. Required if you
Contact object are updating a
using the Setup contact job and are
and Maintenance, not providing the
Manage Bulk Data contact number.
Export, Schedule
Export Processes
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing contact jobs
• Importing accounts
• Importing contacts
• Importing groups
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Configurable Attributes
If you need to configure the application object to import your legacy or source data, you must use the Application Composer
to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and make them
available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which can then be
mapped to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the standard
import object attributes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The Define File-Based Data Import Setup and Maintenance task list includes the tasks that are required to configure the
import objects, to create source-file mappings, and to schedule the import activities. You submit file-based import activities
for each import object. When you're creating a new country structure, you import the Country Structure object. You must
be assigned the Master Data Management Administrator job role to access and submit the import activities for country
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import does not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer extensibility features for country structures.
For detailed information on importing geographies using file-based import, refer to Document No. 1481758.1, Importing
Master Reference Geography Data, on the Oracle Support site.
The following table lists the reference file for the ImpGeoStructureLevel target import object.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
With the country structure of a country you can define which geography types are part of the country, and how the
geography types are hierarchically related within the country. For example, you can create geography types called State, City,
and Postal Code. Then you can rank the State geography type as the highest level within the country, the City as the second
level, and the Postal Code as the lowest level within the country structure.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import country structures.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
CountryCode The code representing the Identify country codes using Required
country to which the country the Setup and Maintenance,
structure belongs. Manage Geographies task.
Oracle Sales Cloud uses two-
letter ISO country codes to refer
to countries.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a country structure.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
Tip: For sample country structures and detailed steps for importing country structures, see article 1341174.1 on My Oracle
Related Topics
• Country Structure Import Objects: How They Work Together
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Reference files contain attribute descriptions, values that populate attributes by default when you don't provide values, and
validation information for each attribute. The validation information includes the navigation path to the task where you can
define values in Oracle Sales Cloud. For example, if you have values in your data that correspond to a choice list, then the
validation information for that attribute will provide the task name in the Setup and Maintenance work area where you can
define your values.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the import object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application Composer
to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and make them
available for importing.
The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you can then map to your source file data.
You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the standard import object attributes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
When importing customer hierarchy information, you first import the customer hierarchy information and then the customer
hierarchy members for the customer hierarchy. When importing customer hierarchy members, you must provide the parent
reference information that refers to the customer hierarchy of the member.
Related Topics
• Hierarchies: Explained
• Customer Hierarchy Import Objects: How They Work Together
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
• Extending Oracle Sales Cloud: How It Works
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes that you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then
review the Application Composer extensibility features for the customer hierarchy.
CustomerHierarchy Customer hierarchy definition and root node HZ_ IMP_ HIERARCHIES_T _Reference
of the customer hierarchy
Related Topics
• Importing Customer Hierarchy Using File-Based Import: Explained
• Hierarchies: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import customer hierarchies.
You can create multiple versions of a customer hierarchy; however, only one hierarchy version can be active on a specific
date. You can create a new hierarchy to represent the structure of a new customer. If the customer has made minor changes
to its organization, you can create a new version rather than edit the existing one.
If the source of your data is a third party or external system, and you intend to import updates to previously imported records
from the same system, you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the party record in your
source system. Oracle Fusion stores a cross-reference between the source system information and Oracle's record ID. To
add a sales account profile to an existing party, you provide the source system code and reference values and the import
process uses the value combination to identify the existing party record in Oracle Fusion.
You can set up source systems to identify the source of the data you are importing. Source systems are external sources of
data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Source system references are used by the application to create
references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by using
the Manage Trading Community Source System task or by importing the source system information into Oracle Sales
Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data is not an external system and you want to add a sales account profile to an existing party,
you need the Oracle Fusion party record ID in your source file. The import process uses the record ID to identify the existing
record. When the source of your data is not an external system and you do not plan to regularly update the data, you do not
need the source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Fusion record ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the record ID to identify the existing record.
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating a customer hierarchy or when
you're updating a customer hierarchy record.
• The data requirements are different when using source system information or record IDs to identify and associate
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual steps to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and
then include those values in your source file. The following table lists the minimum attributes required to import customer
hierarchies based on two possible scenarios for your import, any prerequisite setup or manual steps needed to prepare your
data, and the import attributes that you use to map your data to Oracle Fusion. You can optionally include attributes that are
available for import in your import file but that aren't listed in the table.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
Language Indicates the code of View valid language Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
the language into which codes from the Setup
the contents of the and Maintenance, Required when creating Required when creating
translatable columns are Manage ISO Languages a new hierarchy (tree a new hierarchy (tree
translated. task. version). version).
Default is US if not
SourceLangFlag This check box indicates No setup task required. Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
whether the language
specified by the Required when creating Required when creating
Language attribute is a new hierarchy (tree a new hierarchy (tree
the source language in version). version).
which the contents of this
record are being created
or were originally created.
HierarchyType Unique Identifier for a tree Tree structure can be Required Required
structure. created and managed
using the Setup and
Maintenance, Manage
Tree Structures task.
HierarchyName The name of the tree. No setup task required. Required Required
HierarchyVersionName The name of the tree No setup task required. Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
Required when creating a Required when creating a
hierarchy (tree version). hierarchy (tree version).
ActionCode This attribute specifies Use the UPDATE value Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
to insert or to delete the when updating a record.
hierarchy (tree version). If If deleting an existing The value DELETE The value DELETE
provided, valid values are record, use the value, is required if you are is required if you are
INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. If inserting a deleting an existing deleting an existing
DELETE. record, use the value hierarchy (tree version). hierarchy (tree version).
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Record for an
Records in the Same Existing Party
AsOfDate The date that is used No setup task required. Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
to determine the tree
version to delete when A value is required if A value is required if
ActionCode is provided deleting an existing deleting an existing
as DELETE. Only one hierarchy (tree version). hierarchy (tree version).
version is active on any
given date.
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Fusion Help Application search. The Help
Application is available from any Oracle Fusion Application page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing customer hierarchies.
• Importing customer hierarchy members.
Tip: If your data is not from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Customer Hierarchy Member Using File-Based Import: Quick Start
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the file-based import object and target object that you can use to import customer hierarchy
A customer hierarchy captures the hierarchical relationships that a customer has with other customers, and consists of
hierarchy members.
You can set up source systems to identify the source of the data you are importing. Source systems are external sources of
data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Source system references are used by the application to create
references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by using
the Manage Trading Community Source System task or by importing the source system information into Oracle Sales
Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data is not an external system and you want to add a sales account profile to an existing party,
you need the Oracle Fusion party record ID in your source file. The import process uses the record ID to identify the existing
record. When the source of your data is not an external system and you do not plan to regularly update the data, you do not
need the source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Fusion record ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the record ID to identify the existing record.
Attributes that are available for import in your import file but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite
setup task before importing that attribute is listed in the following table.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
ActionCode This attribute specifies Use the UPDATE value Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
to insert or to delete when updating a record.
the hierarchy node (tree If deleting an existing
node). This attribute is record, use the value,
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
typically used only to DELETE. If inserting a A value is required if A value is required if
delete a record. record, use the value deleting an existing deleting an existing
INSERT. hierarchy node. hierarchy node.
AsOfDate When ActionCode is No setup task required. Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
provided as DELETE,
AsOfDate determines the A value is required if A value is required if
tree version from which deleting an existing deleting an existing
to delete the hierarchy hierarchy node. hierarchy node.
node. Only one version is
active on any given date.
HierarchyType Unique Identifier for a tree Tree structure can be Required Required
structure. created and managed
using the Setup and
Maintenance, Manage
Tree Structures task.
PartyOrigSystem The source system Predefine your source Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
code that identifies system code as enabled
the original source for parties, using the If deleting an existing If deleting an existing
system of the party Setup and Maintenance, node, then identify node, then identify
that you are inserting Manage Trading the node by providing the node by providing
as a new node or that Community Source either PartyId or both either PartyId or both
exists as the node to be Systems task. PartyOrigSystem and PartyOrigSystem and
deleted. You provide the PartyOrigSystemReference. PartyOrigSystemReference.
source system reference
and the source system
code (PartyOrigSystem)
when the source of your
data is your legacy or
external system. The
import process uses
the source system code
and source system
reference values to: * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (PartyId) that
uniquely identifies an
existing party record that
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
was originally imported
with the source system
reference and source
system code values in a
prior batch. The party is
either being inserted as a
new node or is a node to
be deleted in this batch.
PartyOrigSystemReference The ID that identifies the Identify the reference Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
party that is the parent value from your source
node of this node in system that was used If you're creating If you're creating
your legacy or external when you imported the a new node, then a new node, then
system. You provide the party in a prior batch, identify the parent node identify the parent node
source system reference or identify the source by providing either by providing either
system reference you will ParentPartyId or both ParentPartyId or both
and the source use when importing the ParPartyOrigSystem and ParPartyOrigSystem and
system code party in the same batch ParPartyOrigSystemReference.
when the source of your
data is your legacy or
external system. The
import process uses
the source system code
and source system
reference values to: * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
that uniquely identifies
the existing parent
node (party record) that
was originally imported
with the source system
reference and source
system code values
in a prior batch. * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
for the new parent node
with the source system
reference and source
system code values that
is imported in the same
batch as this node.
PartyId The unique internal ID You can obtain the Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
of the existing party Party ID for an existing
record that is either being party by exporting the If deleting an existing If deleting an existing
inserted as a new node Party object using the node, then identify node, then identify
or is an existing node to Setup and Maintenance, the node by providing the node by providing
be deleted in this batch. Manage Bulk Data either PartyId or both either PartyId or both
Export, Schedule Export PartyOrigSystem and PartyOrigSystem and
Processes task. PartyOrigSystemReference. PartyOrigSystemReference.
ParentPartyId The unique internal ID for You can obtain the Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
the existing party record Parent Party ID for
that is the parent node of an existing party by If you're creating a new If you're creating a new
this node. exporting the Party node or deleting an node or deleting an
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
object using the Setup existing node, and the existing node, and the
and Maintenance, node is not the root node node is not the root node
Manage Bulk Data of the hierarchy, then you of the hierarchy, then you
Export, Schedule Export must identify the parent must identify the parent
Processes task. node by providing either node by providing either
ParentPartyId or both ParentPartyId or both
ParPartyOrigSystem and ParPartyOrigSystem and
ParentPartyOrigSystem The source system Predefine your source Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
code that identifies the system code as enabled
original source system for parent parties, If you're creating If you're creating
of the party that is the using the Setup and a new node, then a new node, then
parent node of this Maintenance, Manage identify the parent node identify the parent node
node. You provide the Trading Community by providing either by providing either
source system reference Source Systems task. ParentPartyId or both ParentPartyId or both
ParPartyOrigSystem and ParPartyOrigSystem and
and the source ParPartyOrigSystemReference.
system code
when the source of your
data is your legacy or
external system. The
import process uses
the source system code
and source system
reference values to: * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
that uniquely identifies
the existing parent
node (party record) that
was originally imported
with the source system
reference and source
system code values
in a prior batch. * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
for the new parent node
with the source system
reference and source
system code values that
is imported in the same
batch as this node.
The ID that identifies the Identify the reference Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
party that is the parent value from your source
node of this node in system that was used If you're creating If you're creating
your legacy or external when you imported a new node, then a new node, then
system. You provide the the parent party in a identify the parent node identify the parent node
source system reference prior batch, or identify by providing either by providing either
the source system ParentPartyId or both ParentPartyId or both
and the source reference you will use ParPartyOrigSystem and ParPartyOrigSystem and
system code when importing the ParPartyOrigSystemReference.
(ParentPartyOrigSystem) parent party in the same
when the source of your batch.
data is your legacy or
external system. The
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Party and Creating Customer
Customer Hierarchy Hierarchy Member
Member Records in the Record for an Existing
Same Batch Party
import process uses
the source system code
and source system
reference values to: * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
that uniquely identifies
the existing parent
node (party record) that
was originally imported
with the source system
reference and source
system code values
in a prior batch. * find
the Oracle Sales Cloud
internal ID (ParentPartyId)
for the new parent node
with the source system
reference and source
system code values that
is imported in the same
batch as this node.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Fusion Help Application search. The Help
Application is available from any Oracle Fusion Application page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
Tip: If your data is not from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Customer Hierarchies Using File-Based Import: Quick Start
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
1. On the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage File Import Activities task.
2. On the Manage Import Activities page, click Create.
3. Structure the CSV file according to the information in the following table:
◦ The following table displays the required columns, their values, and comments, if any.
4. Select CustomerHierarchy object from the drop-down list. Provide a name for the Import Activity in the Name text
box. Select the File Type Text File. Browse to select the CSV file that you created.
5. Select the check box Header row included and click Next to go to the Map Fields page.
6. Map the fields to the corresponding attributes.
7. Click Next and activate the import process on the Review and Activate page.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
CustomerHierarchyMember_ DELETE
The ActionCode column is used to indicate that a record is deleted during import. Set the
ActionCode column to a value of DELETE for any hierarchy members you want to delete.
CustomerHierarchyMember_ CDRM_9153
Either party number, party orig system or party orig system reference should be provided.
CustomerHierarchyMember_ DNB
3. Select CustomerHierarchy member object from the drop-down list. Provide a name for the Import Activity in the
Name text box. Select the File Type Text File. Browse to select the CSV file that you created.
4. Select the check box Header row included and click Next to go to the Map Fields page.
5. Map the fields to the corresponding attributes.
Related Topics
• Deleting Records Using File-Based Data Import: Explained
Importing Geographies
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: The application ships with third-party master geography data for multiple countries that can be imported.
You can import Oracle-licensed data from GBG | Loqate or Nokia, for those countries where the data is
available, such as the U.S. You can import geography data using the Manage Geographies task. Search for
the country, and select Import Geography Data from the Actions menu. If the licensed data is not available for
a particular country, then the Import Geography Data action is disabled. For more information, see Replacing
Existing Master Geography Data with Revised Oracle-Licensed Geography Data: Procedure. If GBG | Loqate
or Nokia geography data is not available for a country, then use the information in this chapter to import it using
File-Based Data Import.
You can use the keyword importing geographies to search for related topics in Help.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Configurable Attributes
The application doesn't support configurable attributes for geographies. You can import only data for geography object that
already exist by default in the application.
When importing geography information, you must provide the parent reference information for all parent levels for the entity.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
The target import objects in the Geography import object contain information about the geography hierarchy. When updating
an existing geography, you must provide the parent reference information of the existing geography, which connects the
geography to the country of which it is a part.
Use the ImpGeography target import object to create and update geography information.
Note: Before you import geography data for a country, you must define the country's geography structure.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer extensibility features for geography.
The following table lists the reference file for the ImpGeography target import object.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
What file type are you using for your source data? Text file
Where are you uploading your source data file from? Your desktop
Which fields are you importing into the application? All, except for the RecordTypeCode field
Prerequisites for Importing Additional Geography Data After Your Initial Import
1. Ensure that the combination of the Source ID and Parent Source ID values is unique for each row of data within a
single import. However, your source data files don't need to have the same Source ID and Parent Source ID values
as your previously imported geography data. If the geography structure levels and the parents for each geography
value are the same, then the changed IDs will not affect the import.
2. Ensure that all the parents of a child geography are included in your data file so that the child geography can be
added. For example, if you originally imported US, CA, and San Francisco, and now you want to import the city of
San Jose in CA, then your data file must include US, CA, and San Jose.
3. Check that your source data file has the correct values for the geography data that you have already loaded.
For example, if your initial import included the value US for country and CA as state, and in a subsequent import
you have California as a state, then your geography import creates two state records (CA and California) in the
application data, with the US as the country parent.
1 (Country) US 1 NA
2 (State) CA 11 1
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and select the task Manage File Import Activities.
2. In the Manage Import Activities page, click Create.
3. In the Create Import Activity: Map Fields page, map each field from your source file to the target object and attribute,
as shown in the following table.
Field Value
Object Geography
Note: Ensure that the file type that you select in the Create Import Activity: Set Up page matches the file
type of the source data file.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Create Import Activity: Map Fields page, map each field from your source file to the Oracle Sales Cloud
database object and attribute, as shown in the following table.
Primary Geography Primary Geography United States Imp Geography Primary Geography
Name Name Name
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If you don't want to import a column in the text file, then you can select Ignore.
Note: If you can't map the fields from your source file to the relevant target object, then see the import
object spreadsheets.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Create Import Activity: Create Schedule page, select Immediate in the Schedule field so that the import will
start as soon as you activate it.
Instead of immediately importing the data, you can choose a date and time to start the import. You can also specify
whether the import will be repeated and the frequency of the repeated import.
8. Click Next.
1. In the Create Import Activity: Review and Activate page, verify your import details in the Import Details, File Details,
Import Options, and Schedule sections. Update the import details if required by navigating to the previous screens
using the Back link.
2. Confirm your import details, and click Activate to submit the import.
After the import activity has finished, the Status field value changes to Completed.
Related Topics
• Importing Geographies: Explained
With the country structure of a country you can define which geography types are part of the country, and how the
geography types are hierarchically related within the country. For example, you can create geography types called State, City,
and Postal Code. Then you can rank the State geography type as the highest level within the country, the City as the second
level, and the Postal Code as the lowest level within the country structure.
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import country structures.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
CountryCode The code representing the Identify country codes using Required
country to which the country the Setup and Maintenance,
structure belongs. Manage Geographies task.
Oracle Sales Cloud uses two-
letter ISO country codes to refer
to countries.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure depicts a sample attribute mapping to import a country structure.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing country structures
Tip: For sample country structures and detailed steps for importing country structures, see article 1341174.1 on My Oracle
Related Topics
• Country Structure Import Objects: How They Work Together
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import geography hierarchies.
For example, when importing a country and its province, you may provide the following values:
• Data for a country: SOURCE_ ID = 1; PARENT_ID = (NULL). The PARENT_ID is null because the country is the
upper level of the geography hierarchy and has no parent.
• Data for a province: SOURCE_ ID = 2; PARENT_ID = 1 (the source ID of the country)
• The purpose of the import. The data requirements are different when you're creating both the party and the address
in the same import batch, adding addresses to an existing party, or updating an address record.
• Identifying and associating records. In some cases, you can choose which attributes you want to provide to the
import process when identifying and associating records.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a geography hierarchy data. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file
but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed in the
following table.
CountryCode The unique code of the Identify country codes Required Required
country to which the using the Setup and
geography belongs. Maintenance, Manage
Geographies task.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
LevelNumber The level number of No prerequisite tasks. Required if you're not Required if you're not
the geography in the specifying the geography specifying the geography
hierarchy of geography type. type.
types for a country where
level 1 is the country.
GeographyType The geography type, Identify geography Required if you're not Required if you're not
such as CITY, COUNTY, types by exporting specifying the level specifying the level
and PROVINCE. the Geography Type number. number.
object using the Setup
and Maintenance,
Manage Bulk Data
Export, Schedule Export
Processes task or
using the Setup and
Maintenance, Manage
Geographies task.
• 0: Indicates a
geography already
exists in the base
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following image depicts a sample attribute mapping to import geography hierarchy data.
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search. You
can access help from any Oracle Sales Cloud page by clicking Help and selecting Applications Help.
• Importing geographies
• Importing country structures
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference numbers might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Geographies Using File-Based Import: Explained
Importing of the Territory geographies is an incremental import, which either creates a new territory geography hierarchy in
the case of the fresh environment or adds branches to the existing territory geographies.
The territory geographies are a combination of user-defined zones and master geography data (also known as Master). If you
use only master geographies to define your territory geography, then your territory definition is based only on the elements
seen in the master geography. For example, in the following figure, the territory North America includes the geography US
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
and Canada which are master geographies. This is because the territory geography is based only on country, state, and ZIP
PA Master US US
NY Master
... Master
Canada Master
If you use both zones and master geographies to define your territory geography dimension, then you have more flexibility.
You can create Masters under zones (for example, US is under North America), and zones can be placed under Masters (for
example, East Zone is under US) as shown in the following figure.
US Master US US
PA Master PA PA
01243 Master
01244 Master
... Master
Western NY Master
Canada Master
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
You must understand the attribute details of the import objects so that you can prepare your import data. You can use
reference guide files that contain attribute descriptions, and validation information for each attribute. The validation information
includes the navigation path to the task where you can define values in Oracle Sales Cloud. For example, if you have values
in your data that correlate to a choice list in Oracle Sales Cloud, then the validation information for that attribute provides the
task name in the Setup and Maintenance work area where you can define your values. For additional information, including
a list of reference guide file names and locations that you require to complete this task, see the topic listed in the following
Note: You can use the keyword importing territory geographies to search for related topics in Help.
Configurable Attributes
Oracle Sales Cloud does not support configurable attributes for territory geographies. You can import data only for attributes
provided by Oracle Sales Cloud.
The Define File-Based Data Import Setup and Maintenance task list includes the tasks required to configure the import
objects, to create source-file mappings, and to schedule the import activities. You submit file-based import activities for each
import object. When you're creating a new territory geography, you import the Territory Geography object. You must be
assigned the Master Data Management Administrator job role to access and submit the import activities for geographies.
When importing territory geography information, you must provide the complete territory geography hierarchy.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Note: Importing of the Territory geographies is an incremental import, which either creates a new territory
geography hierarchy in the case of the fresh environment or adds branches to the existing territory geographies.
The target import objects in the territory geography import object contain information about the territory geography hierarchy.
When updating existing territory geographies, you must include the parent reference information of the existing territory
geography that connects it to the upper node of the hierarchy.
Use the ImpGeoTerritory target import object to create and update the territory geography information.
Note: Before you import the territory geography data, you must set up master geographies and create territory
geography zones.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task,
or you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks
are available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• Additional tips
Note: Importing of the Territory geographies is an incremental import, which either creates a new territory
geography hierarchy in the case of the fresh environment or adds branches to the existing territory
geographies. .
The following table lists the file-based import objects and target objects that you can use to import territory geography
For example, when importing a country, which is the upper node, and its province, you may provide the following values:
• Data for a country: SOURCE_ ID = 1; PARENT_ID = (NULL). The PARENT_ID is null because the country is the
upper level of the territory geography hierarchy and has no parent.
• Data for a province: SOURCE_ ID = 2; PARENT_ID = 1 (the source ID of the country)
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure the information passes the
import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values, and then
include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create or
update a territory geography hierarchy data. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import
file but that aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
ParentSourceId The parent source ID of the No prerequisite tasks. Required except when the
territory geography, along with territory geography is an upper
the source ID, is used to identify node.
the territory geography's parent/
child relationship with records
within the source file data. The
ID can also be used to identify
relationships with subsequent
interface table data.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
GeoCountryName The name of the country for that No prerequisite tasks. Required
geography. It is used only for
master geographies.
• GeoParentName1 =
"United States"
• GeoParentName2 = "CA"
• GeoParentName3 = "San
Francisco" (county)
• GeoParentName4 = "San
Francisco" (city)
• GeoParentName5 = blank
• GeoParentName1 =
"United States"
• GeoParentName2 = "CA"
• GeoParentName3 = "San
Francisco" (county)
• GeoParentName4 = "San
Francisco" (city)
• GeoParentName5 = blank
• GeoParentName1 =
"United States"
• GeoParentName2 = "CA"
• GeoParentName3 = "San
Francisco" (county)
• GeoParentName4 = "San
Francisco" (city)
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• GeoParentName1 =
"United States"
• GeoParentName2 = "CA"
• GeoParentName3 = "San
Francisco" (county)
• GeoParentName4 = "San
Francisco" (city)
• GeoParentName5 = blank
• GeoParentName1 =
"United States"
• GeoParentName2 = "CA"
• GeoParentName3 = "San
Francisco" (county)
• GeoParentName4 = "San
Francisco" (city)
• GeoParentName5 = blank
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
IncludeChildGeoType5 Used to include the specific type Required only if you want to
of children of a specific master For master geographies, identify specify a child node for the
geography. the available children type, such parent.
as country, state, province, for
a given country from the Setup
and Maintenance, Manage
Geographies task.
StartDate The territory geography start No prerequisite tasks. The attribute is neither required
date. nor conditionally required.
EndDate The territory geography end No prerequisite tasks. The attribute is neither required
date. nor conditionally required.
For information about available import attributes, see the File Based Data Import for Oracle Sales Cloud guide available on the
Oracle Sales Cloud Help Center ( In the File Based Data Imports chapter,
see the topic for your import object of interest, which includes links to reference files for target import objects.
Review a reference file to see attributes that are available to import and information for each attribute, including requirement
for inclusion in an import, validation requirements, default value, data type, data length, and description.
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing geographies
Importing Households
Importing Common Supporting Objects: Documentation Overview
Common supporting objects often support the primary import objects. For example, additional party identifiers support
accounts, contacts, and households. Notes support leads and opportunities. For a mapping of primary import objects to the
common object import topics that support them, see:
Related Topics
• Importing Common Supporting Objects: Overview
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
• How does your legacy or source system represent the household information compared to how Oracle Sales Cloud
represents the same data?
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Sales Cloud to map your existing data values to the Household import
• Do you have to configure Oracle Sales Cloud to capture attributes that are critical to the way you do business?
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do I verify my imported data?
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
The following figure shows the household import object and its child entities.
Group Profile
The household profile contains basic information about the household, such as the group name, group type, and the group-
party usage. For each household, you can assign classifications, members, relationships, additional identifier, and additional
Note: All entities referring to contact information, such as primary phone or e-mail, include a child entity that
captures the contact preference. For example, the Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact
preference of the household for the phone contact method.
You can use the keyword importing households to search for related topics in Oracle Sales Cloud Help.
Configurable Attributes
If you want to configure the Oracle Sales Cloud object to import your legacy or source data, then you must use Application
Composer to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts to register your extensions and
make them available for importing. The corresponding import object is updated with the configurable attributes, which you
can then map to your source file data. You can use the same source file to import both configurable attributes and the
standard import object attributes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
You must be assigned the Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator job role to access and submit the
import activities for household.
When importing household information, you first import the basic household information, followed by the child entities for the
household. When importing child entities, you must provide the parent reference information for all parent levels for the entity.
For example, you first import basic profile details, such as name and household type. You then import contacts and contact
information, such as phone, address, contact points, and fax for the household. You must provide the PartyOrigSystem and
PartyOrigSystemReference of the household when importing contacts for the household. PartyOrigSystem is the source
system code that identifies the source of the information being imported.
Related Topics
• Getting Started with File-Based Import: Documentation Overview
When updating an existing household with additional information, you must provide the parent reference information for the
existing household. When importing contacts or contact information for a household, you must provide relationship reference
information in addition to the parent reference. When importing information about a member, you must refer to the specific
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
relationship that you want to import information for. For example, you might want to import information for John Smith the
employee or John Smith the board member. If you do not include the reference information for a relationship, then the import
process will create a relationship.
To update the information for an existing household or to create a household record, you can import household profile
information, addresses, and contact points, such as phone and fax. The following target import objects are for creating and
updating the household information: GroupProfile, Fax, Mobile, Phone, e-mail, InstantMessenger, Relationship, Member,
Address, Classification, AdditionalName, and AdditionalIdentifier.
All contact-related entities, such phone or e-mail, include a child entity that captures the contact preference. For example, the
Phone Contact Preference entity captures the contact preference of the household for the contact method primary phone.
Additionally, the Address import object for a household includes another child entity, AddressPurpose, that captures the
purpose of the current household address.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file data and the combination of the target object
and target object attribute. You can predefine and manage import mappings using the Manage File Import Mappings task, or
you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using the Manage File Import Activities task. Both tasks are
available in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Note: If any of the attributes you want to import do not have an equivalent target object attribute, then review
the Application Composer configuration features for the marketing response.
The following table lists the reference files that are available for the target import objects.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
FaxContactPreference Indicates the household preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
being contacted through fax.
MobileContactPreference Indicates the household's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through mobile phone.
Phone Primary phone number of the household. If HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPTS_T_ Reference
the household has multiple phone numbers,
one of the phone numbers is designated as
the primary phone number.
PrimaryPhoneContactPreference Indicates the household's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS_ Reference
being contacted through phone.
EmailContactPreference Indicates the household's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
being contacted through e-mail.
Address Household's address. If the household has HZ_ IMP_ LOCATIONS_T HZ_ IMP_
multiple addresses, one of the addresses is PARTYSITES_T
designated as the primary address.
AddressContactPreference Indicates the household's preference about HZ_ IMP_ CONTACTPREFS _Reference
being contacted at the primary address.
Sample attributes: ContactType,
PreferenceCode, PreferenceEndDate,
PreferenceStartDate, and ReasonCode.
Reference attributes: CpOrigSystem,
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Related Topics
• Importing Households Using File-Based Import: Explained
Groups allow you to create a collection of contacts and accounts. A group can enter into a business relationship with other
types of customers. You can assign member types to group members to define their relationship with the group. You use the
Group import object to import groups.
If the source of your data is an external system, and if you intend to import updates to previously imported records from the
external system, then you can provide the source system code and the unique reference value for the source system's record
in your source file. The file-based data import process stores a cross-reference between the source system information and
Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID. The import process uses the combination of source system and source system reference
value to identify the existing record.
You can use external IDs or business keys to identify and associate records with each other when you're importing a smaller
set of records. Business keys are a set of attributes that uniquely identify a party record. For example, a person's last name
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
and first name uniquely identify a person. An external ID is a unique record identifier from a system outside of Oracle Sales
Cloud. You can use the following business keys or external IDs in Oracle Sales Cloud:
• Organization name for organizations
• First name and last name for persons
• Contact information, which is a combination of email Id, mobile number, IM, and URL.
• Address information, which is a combination of address1, address2, city, and postal code.
You can configure source systems to identify the source of the data that you're importing. Source systems are external
sources of data that are used to import data into Oracle Sales Cloud. Oracle Sales Cloud uses source system references to
create references between source IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud database IDs. You can configure source systems either by
using the Manage Trading Community Source System task, or by importing the source system information into Oracle
Sales Cloud using the Source System Reference import object.
When the source of your data isn't an external system and you don't intend to regularly update the data, you don't need the
source system information. To import updates to your existing data, you can export the Oracle Sales Cloud internal ID and
add it to your source file. The import process uses the internal ID to identify the existing record.
The values that you provide in your source file may require a setup task or manual step to ensure that the information passes
the import validation. Before you prepare your source file, complete the prerequisite steps to determine the data values and
then include those values in your source file.
The following table lists the attributes (minimum data) that are required or conditionally required in your import file to create
or update a group profile record. You can optionally include attributes that are available for import in your import file but that
aren't listed in the table. For each attribute, the prerequisite setup task before importing that attribute is listed.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Group Profile Updating Group Profile
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Group Profile Updating Group Profile
the organization the organization
profile. profile.
• Party Number • Party Number
(public unique (public unique
identifier for an identifier for an
organization organization
profile). profile).
• A business • A business
key such as key such as
organization organization
name. name.
GroupName The name of the group. No prerequisite tasks. Required The attribute is neither
required or conditionally
• PartyId (Oracle
Sales Cloud
record ID).
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Creating Group Profile Updating Group Profile
• PartyOrigSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
• Party Number
(public unique
identifier for an
• A business
key such as
GroupType The type of the group. Identify valid lookup Required The attribute is neither
codes for the HZ_ required nor conditionally
PARTY_ GROUP_ required.
TYPES lookup using the
Setup and Maintenance,
Manage Standard
Lookups task.
Type The party type. The type No prerequisite tasks The attribute is neither The attribute is neither
is defaulted to Group for required nor conditionally required nor conditionally
new group profiles. required. required.
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to import a new group profile. In this scenario, origin system and origin
system reference information identify the group profile.
The following figure shows a sample attribute mapping to update an existing group profile. In this scenario, origin system
reference information identifies the group profile and updates its group type.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
Additional Tips
Tip: You can explore related topics by entering the following keywords in the Oracle Sales Cloud Help Application search.
• Importing groups
• Importing contacts
Tip: If your data isn't from a source system, then you can emulate a system by defining a source system and manually
generating reference values for your data. For example, if you periodically gather information at sales events or through sales
calls, then you might define a source system, using a code of SALES_ACTIVITY. The format of your reference values might
concatenate the date, salesperson name, and sequence number, such as 01_Jan_2014_Jackson_01.
Related Topics
• Importing Households Using File-Based Import: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 4
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Import
references between source system IDs and the Oracle Sales Cloud IDs. For example, if you're importing account records
from a legacy system, then you can import the source system reference to the legacy system. During an import, you can
specify the details of the legacy system and also specify the base table in Oracle Sales Cloud.
You can import the first set of Origin System and Origin System Reference for an object, while importing the object.
Additionally, you can import other sets of Origin System and Origin System Reference using the Source System Reference
import object. You must consider the following questions before importing source system references:
• How does your legacy or source system represent source system information compared with how Oracle Sales
Cloud represents the same data?
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Sales Cloud to map them to your existing data values?
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do I verify my imported data?
In Oracle Sales Cloud, you must import separate source system references for each source system. Each of these source
system references must contain the owner table name, origin system, and origin system reference information. Additionally,
while importing records into Oracle Sales Cloud, you must specify the existing owner table, origin system, and origin system
The Define File-Based Data Import Setup and Maintenance task list includes the tasks that are required to configure the
import objects, to create source-file mappings, and to schedule the import activities. You submit file-based import activities
for each import object. When you're creating a classification, you use the Source System Reference import object. An import
activity defines the instructions for processing the import data, including the source file, the import mapping from the source
file to the object and attribute, and the import schedule.
Related Topics
• Source Systems: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
• Sales Cloud Address: Includes detailed location information for a contact. If the profile option code
ZCA_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_REQUIRED_ENABLED is set as Yes at site level, then you must provide address
• Sales Cloud Classification: Includes classification information that is used to categorize a contact.
• Sales Cloud Relationship: Includes the relationship information of a contact with other entities, or parties.
• Sales Cloud Team Member: Includes the team member information of a contact.
• Sales Cloud Attachment: Includes the attachment information of a contact.
• Additional Name: Includes the additional names of a contact.
• Raw Phone Number: Includes the phone number information such as country code, area code, and so on.
To import contacts using the Contact-Simplified View import object, you must:
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
You must also be aware of the following to be able to successfully populate the import templates:
• Required attributes while importing new records
• Required attributes while updating records
• Prerequisite setup tasks for attributes, if any.
The following table lists the required attributes for importing the Contact object.
Required Attributes Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Contact Update Contact
• ObjectKey (Oracle
Sales Cloud
record ID).
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Required Attributes Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Contact Update Contact
• SourceSystem
(source system
code and source
system reference
values) provided
when importing
the organization
• PartyNumber
(public unique
identifier for an
• A business key
such as person
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Required Attributes Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Contact Update Contact
Export, Schedule Export
Processes task. Specify an owner, by To specify a different
including one of following owner, include one of
reference information: the following reference
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyId • OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyNumber • OwnerPartyId
• OwnerPartyNumber
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyId
• OwnerPartyNumber
• OwnerEmailAddress
• OwnerPartyId
• OwnerPartyNumber
FirstName The first name of a party. No prerequisite tasks Required. Not required.
LastName The last name of a party. No prerequisite tasks Required. Not required.
The following table lists the attributes required to import Address object.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Address Update Address
Export, Schedule Export
Processes task. Provide reference Provide reference
information to identify the information to identify the
contact: contact:
• PartyId. • PartyId.
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesCloudContact SalesCloudContact
CSV file. CSV file.
• Party Number. • Party Number.
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
source system unique ID source systems either
for the contact. by using the Manage Provide reference Provide reference
Trading Community information to identify the information to identify the
Source System task, or contact: contact:
by importing the source
system information into • PartyId. • PartyId.
Oracle Sales Cloud
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
using the Source System
and and
Reference import object.
provided in the provided in the
SalesCloudContact SalesCloudContact
CSV file. CSV file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Address Update Address
• Party Number. • Party Number.
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
source system unique ID source systems either
for the address. by using the Manage Provide the source Provide any of the
Trading Community system and source following reference
Source System task, or system reference values information to identify the
by importing the source if you intend to import address:
system information into updates to previously
Oracle Sales Cloud imported records from • LocationId.
using the Source System the same system. • SiteNumber.
Reference import object.
• AddressSourceSystem
• SiteNumber. and
• AddressSourceSystem AddressSourceSystemReference
Site Number The public unique Identify the address Not required.
identifier for the address. number value by Conditionally required.
exporting the Party
object using the Setup Provide any of the
and Maintenance, following reference
Manage Bulk Data
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Address Update Address
Export, Schedule Export information to identify the
Processes task. address:
• SiteNumber.
• AddressSourceSystem
AddressType The type of the address. A list of valid values is Required. Not required.
You can define multiple defined in the lookup
address types for an PARTY_ SITE_ USE_
address. CODE. Review and
update the codes
using the Setup and
Maintenance work
area, Manage Standard
Lookups task.
The following table lists the attributes required for importing the Classification object for Contact.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Classification Update Classification
Trading Community
Source System task Provide reference Provide reference
information to identify the information to identify the
contact: contact:
• PartyId. • PartyId.
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesCloudContact SalesCloudContact
CSV file. CSV file.
• Party Number. • Party Number.
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Required. Required.
source system unique ID source systems either
for the contact. by using the Manage Provide reference Provide reference
Trading Community information to identify the information to identify the
Source System task contact: contact:
• PartyId. • PartyId.
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesCloudContact SalesCloudContact
CSV file. CSV file.
• Party Number. • Party Number.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Classification Update Classification
Classification Categories,
Setup and Maintenance
RelationshipId The internal ID for the Identify the relationship Not required.
relationship. ID by exporting the Conditionally required.
Party object using the
Setup and Maintenance, Provide reference
Manage Bulk Data information to identify the
Export, Schedule Export relationship:
Processes task.
• RelationshipId.
• RelationshipSourceSystem
A source system Identify the source Required.
reference that identifies system or configure Conditionally required.
the original reference source systems either
ID of the relationship by using the Manage Provide reference
between the object and Trading Community information to identify the
the subject parties in the Source System task relationship:
source system.
• RelationshipId.
• RelationshipSourceSystem
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Relationship Update Relationship
to which the classification object using the Setup
belongs. and Maintenance, Provide reference Provide reference
Manage Bulk Data information to identify the information to identify the
Export, Schedule Export contact: contact:
Processes task.
• SubjectPartyId • SubjectPartyId
• SubjectSourceSystem • SubjectSourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
• SubjectPartyNumber • SubjectPartyNumber
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
source system unique ID source systems either
for the contact. by using the Manage Provide reference Provide reference
Trading Community information to identify the information to identify the
Source System task contact: contact:
• SubjectPartyId • SubjectPartyId
• SubjectSourceSystem • SubjectSourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Relationship Update Relationship
• SubjectPartyNumber • SubjectPartyNumber
RelationshipType Describes the directional You can view the Required. Not required.
connection between relationship type and
the object and subject relationship type code
relationship. For example, definition from the Setup
Employer of verses and Maintenance,
Employee of. Manage Relationship
Types task.
RelationshipCode Describes the You can view the Required. Not required.
relationship, such as relationship type and
Contact or Membership. relationship type code
definition from the Setup
and Maintenance,
Manage Relationship
Types task.
The following table lists the attributes required to import Team Member object for Contact.
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Add Team Member Update Team Member
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Add Team Member Update Team Member
Trading Community
Source System task Provide reference Provide reference
information to identify the information to identify the
contact: contact:
• PartyId. • PartyId.
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
• Party Number. • Party Number.
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Conditionally required. Conditionally required.
source system unique ID source systems either
for the contact. by using the Manage Provide reference Provide reference
Trading Community information to identify the information to identify the
Source System task contact: contact:
• PartyId. • PartyId.
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
• Party Number. • Party Number.
ResourceId The Oracle Sales Cloud Identify the resource ID Not Required.
internal ID for sales team and resource number Conditionally required.
member. value by exporting the
Party object using the Provide reference
Setup and Maintenance, information to identify the
Manage Bulk Data resource team member:
Export, Schedule Export
Processes task. • ResourceId
• ResourcePartyNumber
1. Sign in as a setup user and navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Search for and select the Manage File Import Activities task.
3. On the Manage File Import Activities page, click the Create icon.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
4. In the Create Import Activity: Enter Import Options page, provide a name for the import activity, and select the
Contact-Simplified View object from the Object list.
5. Select ZIP file from the File Type list, check the Desktop option, and browse and upload the required ZIP file.
6. To add attachments, under Attachments section, browse and upload your file. The attachment must be in ZIP
Note: Ensure that you have the following columns and the required values in the
SalesCloudContact.csv file:
ATTACHMENT_ FILE_NAME The file name with extension. For example, Sales.jpg.
7. Click Next.
8. In the Create Import Activity: Create Schedule page, select an appropriate scheduling option from the Schedule list.
9. Click Next.
10. On the Create Import Activity: Review and Activate page, click Activate to activate the import activity immediately, or
click Save and Close if you want to use the import activity later.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
To import accounts using the Account-Simplified View import object, you must:
1. Create CSV files with the import data
2. Create an import activity
You must also be aware of the following to successfully populate the import templates:
• Required attributes while importing new records
• Required attributes while updating records
• Prerequisite setup tasks for attributes, if any.
The following table lists the attributes required to import the Account object.
Required Attributes Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Sales Account Update Sales Account
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Required Attributes Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Sales Account Update Sales Account
system information into imported records from reference information can
Oracle Sales Cloud the same system. be:
using the Source System
Reference import object. • SourceSystem
provided when
importing the
sales account.
• Party Number
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Required Attributes Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Sales Account Update Sales Account
Export, Schedule Export of following reference
Processes task. information: To specify a different
account owner, include
one of the following
• Email Address of
reference information:
the account owner
• Party ID of the • Email Address of
account owner in the account owner
the OwnerPartyId
column. • Party ID of the
account owner in
• Party Number the OwnerPartyId
of the account column.
owner in the
OwnerPartyNumber • Party Number
column. of the account
owner in the
The following table lists the attributes required for importing the Address object for Accounts.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Address Update Address
• Party Number. • Party Number.
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Required Required
source system unique ID source systems either
for the account. by using the Manage Provide reference Provide reference
Trading Community information to identify the information to identify the
Source System task, or account: account:
by importing the source
system information into • PartyId. • PartyId.
Oracle Sales Cloud
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
using the Source System
and and
Reference import object.
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
• Party Number. • Party Number.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Address Update Address
Source System task, or system reference values information to identify the
by importing the source if you intend to import address:
system information into updates to previously
Oracle Sales Cloud imported records from • Site Number.
using the Source System the same system. • AddressSourceSystem
Reference import object. and
• Site Number. AddressSourceSystemReference
• AddressSourceSystem
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Conditionally required Conditionally required
source system unique ID source systems either
for the address. by using the Manage Provide the source Provide any of the
Trading Community system and source following reference
Source System task, or system reference values information to identify the
by importing the source if you intend to import address:
system information into updates to previously
Oracle Sales Cloud imported records from • Site Number.
using the Source System the same system. • AddressSourceSystem
Reference import object.
• Site Number. AddressSourceSystemReference
• AddressSourceSystem
Site Number The public unique Identify the address Not required
identifier for the address. number value by Conditionally required
exporting the Party
object using the Setup Provide any of the
and Maintenance, following reference
Manage Bulk Data information to identify the
Export, Schedule Export address:
Processes task.
• Site Number.
• AddressSourceSystem
AddressType The type of the address. A list of valid values is Required Not Required
You can define multiple defined in the lookup
address types for an PARTY_ SITE_ USE_
address. CODE. Review and
update the codes
using the Setup and
Maintenance work
area, Manage Standard
Lookups task.
The following table lists the attributes required while importing Classification object for the Account.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Classification Update Classification
Manage Bulk Data
Export, Schedule Export Provide reference Provide reference
Processes task. information to identify the information to identify the
account: account:
• PartyId. • PartyId.
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
• Party Number. • Party Number.
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Required Required
source system unique ID source systems either
for the account. by using the Manage Provide reference Provide reference
Trading Community information to identify the information to identify the
Source System task account: account:
• PartyId. • PartyId.
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Classification Update Classification
• Party Number. • Party Number.
The following table lists the attributes required to import the Relationship object for the Account.
RelationshipId The internal ID for the Identify the relationship Conditionally required.
relationship. ID by exporting the Required.
Party object using the If the source of your
Setup and Maintenance, data is a third party or
Manage Bulk Data external system, and you
intend to import updates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Relationship Update Relationship
Export, Schedule Export to previously imported
Processes task. records from the same Provide reference
system, provide the information to identify the
original source system account:
and source system
reference values. • RelationshipId.
• RelationshipSourceSystem
RelationshipSourceSystem A source system code Identify the source Conditionally required. Required.
that identifies the original system or configure
source system of the source systems either If the source of your
relationship between the by using the Manage data is a third party or
object and the subject Trading Community external system, and you
parties. Source System task intend to import updates
to previously imported
records from the same
system, provide the
original source system
and source system
reference values.
A source system Identify the source Conditionally required. Required.
reference that identifies system or configure
the original reference source systems either If the source of your
ID of the relationship by using the Manage data is a third party or
between the object and Trading Community external system, and you
the subject parties in the Source System task intend to import updates
source system. to previously imported
records from the same
system, provide the
original source system
and source system
reference values.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Create Relationship Update Relationship
• SubjectSourceSystem • SubjectSourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
• SubjectPartyNumber • SubjectPartyNumber
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Required Required
source system unique ID source systems either
for the account. by using the Manage Provide reference Provide reference
Trading Community information to identify the information to identify the
Source System task account: account:
• SubjectPartyId • SubjectPartyId
• SubjectSourceSystem • SubjectSourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
• SubjectPartyNumber • SubjectPartyNumber
RelationshipType Describes the directional You can view the Required Not required
connection between relationship type and
the object and subject relationship type code
relationship. For example, definition from the Setup
Employer of verses and Maintenance,
Employee of. Manage Relationship
Types task.
RelationshipCode Describes the You can view the Required Not required
relationship, such as relationship type and
Contact or Membership. relationship type code
definition from the Setup
and Maintenance,
Manage Relationship
Types task.
The following table lists the attributes required to import the Team Member object for the Account.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Add Team Member Update Team Member
The reference number Identify the source
or text representing the system or configure Required Required
source system unique ID source systems either
for the account. by using the Manage Provide reference Provide reference
Trading Community information to identify the information to identify the
Source System task account: account:
• PartyId. • PartyId.
• PartySourceSystem • PartySourceSystem
and and
provided in the provided in the
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Attribute Description Prerequisite Setup Task Add Team Member Update Team Member
SalesAccount SalesAccount
CSV file. CSV file.
• Party Number. • Party Number.
Note: Ensure that you have the following columns and the required values in the
SalesCloudAccount.csv file:
ATTACHMENT_ FILE_NAME The file name with extension. For example, Sales.jpg.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
7. Click Next.
8. In the Create Import Activity: Create Schedule page, select an appropriate scheduling option from the Schedule list.
9. Click Next.
10. On the Create Import Activity: Review and Activate page, click Activate to activate the import activity immediately, or
click Save and Close if you want to use the import activity later.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 5
Using Customer Data Management Importing Accounts and Contacts Using Simplified View
Import Objects
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 6
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Export
For example: Bulk Export - Account and Account Contact are selected. However the set of child records exported is
dependent upon the filter criteria configured at the child level. FBDE - Account and Account Contact are selected. However
the sets of child records exported include only those that are associated to a parent record that matches the specified filter
criteria at the parent level. FBDE does not support child level filter criteria.
The multiple CSV file format generated by FBDE consists of a ZIP file that contains one or more CSV files. Each CSV
file represents a separate object (either parent or child). The records within the child CSV file are associated to a parent
record contained within the parent CSV file. Association from child to parent record is accomplished by a foreign key to the
parent record. The foreign key for all child records associated to a parent record is the same. The output from an FBDE
CHILDOBJECT2.CSV CHILDOBJECTn.CSV. You can't rename the individual CSV files as part of the FBDE configuration.
Considerations for Exporting Data That You Plan to Import into Sales Cloud
You can export data from one Oracle Sales Cloud instance and then import it into another instance. In this case Oracle
recommends that you export all child objects and attributes for the selected parent object as doing so ensures that all
required attributes are included in the exported data set. The default values in FBDE for options such as Delimiter, time stamp
format and Date format all use the same default values as File Based Data Import so Oracle recommends that the default
values be used if the data is going to be imported back into an Oracle Sales Cloud instance.
File Based Data Export supports the ability to export the ID value of a record. This ID value is only valid within the source
instance and cannot be used on other Oracle Sales Cloud instances; therefore the ID value for a record should be set to
Ignore during the Map Fields step of File Based Data Import when importing data into the target Oracle Sales Cloud instance.
You must ensure that all custom objects and attributes exist in the target instance. If a corresponding custom object or
attribute haven't been created in the target instance, then it must be created before data can be successfully imported into
the target instance.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 6
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Export
You must create a new export activity, provide the parent object, activity name and file name details. When configuring a
file-based data export, you must consider how the exported data are used. If the data is to be consumed by an external
application, then you should select the appropriate time and date format as well as delimiter value to avoid the need to edit
the data once it has been exported.
For incremental export, you must provide the initial date time of interval, start and end date times, repeat frequency and
repeat unit. You must review the activity details and configurations and activate the activity to start the export process. The
export process generates the ZIP file containing the CSV files for each child object.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 6
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Export
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 6
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Export
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 6
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Export
Sales Resource Quota Sales Resource Period Quota Resource_ Period_ Quota.csv RESOURCE_ QUOTA_ID
Sales Territory Quota Sales Resource Quota Resource_ Quota.csv TERRITORY_ QUOTA_ID
Sales Territory Quota Sales Territory Period Quota Territory_ Period_ Quota.csv TERRITORY_ QUOTA_ID
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 6
Using Customer Data Management Using File-Based Export
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area navigate to the Manage File Export Activities.
2. On the Overview page, click Hierarchy Export. Click Create.
3. On the Create Export Process Definition page, enter name of activity, select Opportunity as parent object, and
enter the file name. Notification e-mail will be sent to your registered e-mail address after completion of export
activity. If you specify e-mail address in the Notification E-mail field, e-mail is sent to that e-mail address also.
4. Click Next. On the Create Export Process Definition: Review page, all attributes of the Opportunity object are
5. Select the attributes that you want to export, using the Enabled check box.
6. You must create and save a view criteria to start the export process. Create a view criteria, by clicking the Edit Filter
Criteria button.
7. In the Edit Filter Criteria window, enter a name and a status for the view criteria. Click Save.
8. Click Next to go to the Create Export Process Definition page.
9. Schedule the export process either immediately or at a later date, by selecting the corresponding radio button.
10. Click Next to go to the review page, where you can either click Back to change any settings, Save and Close the
process to run at a later time, or Activate the process.
11. Review the status of your export activity on the Overview page.
12. Click on the generated ZIP file on the exported data file column and save the file to your desktop.
13. After completion of export activity, e-mail containing following information will be sent to the registered e-mail
◦ Start and end times for the export (date and time), as well as a calculation of that interval
◦ The environment name
◦ Status of export
◦ Submitted by
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 7
Using Customer Data Management Using Round-Trip Export-Import
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 7
Using Customer Data Management Using Round-Trip Export-Import
Note: You can't map the Object Id value if you had exported the data from a different environment.
6. Click Next and Activate the import process in the Review and Activate page.
7. Review the status of your import activity on the Overview page.
Related Topics
• Using the Round-Trip Feature with the Export-Import Activity: Explained
• Exporting and Importing an Import Mapping Between Oracle Sales Cloud Instances: Procedure
Exporting Data from Oracle Sales Cloud Using File-Based Data Export
You can use the following steps to export data from an Oracle Sales Cloud instance using the automatic mapping feature:
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area navigate to the following:
◦ Offering: Sales
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 7
Using Customer Data Management Using Round-Trip Export-Import
Importing Data from Oracle Sales Cloud Using File-Based Data Import
You can use the following steps to import data from an Oracle Sales Cloud instance using the automatic mapping feature.
◦ Offering: Sales
4. Select the Map Automatically check box to automatically map the columns in your source file to the application
attributes. Otherwise, you must manually map the columns in the data file for both the parent and child attributes.
5. Select the object that you want to import from the drop-down list.
If you're trying to perform round trip export-import of a custom object, make sure you have already generated the
artifacts required for the importing and exporting of custom fields and objects on the Generate Import and Export
Artifacts page. The Generate button is enabled only if the sandbox is not active. Disable the sandbox to activate
the Generate button.
6. Click Next to display the Map Fields page.
Note: You can't map the Object Id value if you had exported the data from a different Oracle Sales
Cloud environment. If one or more columns cannot be automatically mapped, then you must either
map them manually or select Ignore. Otherwise, the application generates an error.
7. Click Next and Activate to activate the import process in the Review and Activate page.
8. Review the status of your import activity on the Overview page.
Related Topics
• Exporting and Importing an Import Mapping Between Oracle Sales Cloud Instances: Procedure
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 7
Using Customer Data Management Using Round-Trip Export-Import
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 8
Using Customer Data Management Enriching Data
8 Enriching Data
• Enrich Existing Records: Use this option to submit the existing records in the application for a bulk data
• Synchronize D&B Updates: Use this option to synchronize your D&B updates, including your previously enriched
organization and person records as well as new records imported from Data as a Service (DaaS), to uptake the latest
updated information form D&B
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 8
Using Customer Data Management Enriching Data
For more information, see the Using Oracle Social Data and Insight Cloud Service guide.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 8
Using Customer Data Management Enriching Data
2. The service administrator must create a new user with the Data Service Client API AppID role. This user is used by
Oracle Sales Cloud to securely communicate with the REST API for Oracle Social Data and Insight Cloud Service.
3. The service administrator must set up Oracle Sales Cloud and Data Cloud integration.
Note: Before enriching account contacts using the batch data enrichment process, you must enrich the
associated accounts.
Reviewing Results
You can search for the status of scheduled and processed batches on the Data Enrichment work area. The batch ID contains
the link to the Batch Details page. You can download the details of the processed records by clicking on the linked number
on the Batch Details table. Batches submitted with the Review Batch processing option appear on the Data Enrichment work
area in the status Review when completed. After reviewing the results of data enrichment in the matched candidate records in
the batch, you must click Import to uptake the enriched data.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 8
Using Customer Data Management Enriching Data
1. Navigate to the Data Enrichment work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Data
2. Click the Create action menu option or button to run the data enrichment batch definition process train.
3. Enter the following basic information in the Create Data Enrichment Batch page. Enter the following sample data:
◦ Party Type: Select Organization to enrich an account record or Person to enrich a contact record.
◦ Processing Option:
• Review Batch: Select this processing option to review the results of data enrichment in the matched
candidate records in the batch before importing the enriched data. Note that the review batch option
shows only the first 100 records from the data enrichment batch.
• Process Batch: Select this option if you want to submit your data enrichment batch for processing
without a review. This is the default batch data enrichment option.
4. Click Next
5. Enter the record selection criteria on the Enrich Organizations: Selection Criteria page.
6. Click Preview to verify that the selection criteria yielded records in the batch.
7. Review the batch and click Next. Create Data Enrichment Batch: Review page appears.
8. Click Submit to send the records for batch data enrichment.
You can search for the status of scheduled and processed batches on the Data Enrichment work area. The batch ID contains
the link to the Batch Details page. You can download the details of the processed records by clicking on the linked number
on the Batch Details table.
Batches submitted with the Review Batch processing option appear on the Data Enrichment work area in the status
Review when completed. After reviewing the results of data enrichment in the matched candidate records in the batch, you
must click Import to uptake the enriched data.
Note: If you require custom attributes for social data enrichment, then you must create a manual enrichment
job. The manual enrichment option lets you use custom import mappings to import the enriched records back.
For more information about manual data enrichment, see the Related Links section.
Related Topics
• Enriching Account and Account Contact Data Manually: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 8
Using Customer Data Management Enriching Data
Note: Note that a synchronization job updates one million records at a time. If you have more than one million
records to update, you must submit the synchronization batch a second time.
In the Advanced Option section of the Schedule Updates for Persons or Schedule Updates for Organizations page,
you can update the frequency in which you want the batch to run. You can also set a start and end date to the batch
5. Click Submit.
6. Click OK in response to the confirmation message.
You can search for the status of scheduled synchronization batches on the Data Enrichment work area. The batch ID
contains the link to the Batch Details page. You can download the details of imported (synchronized) and not imported (not
synchronized) records by clicking the linked number on the Batch Details table.
Note: You cannot see the list of records that were excluded from synchronization in the Imported or Not
Imported record list.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 8
Using Customer Data Management Enriching Data
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 9
Using Customer Data Management Cleansing Addresses
9 Cleansing Addresses
System Resources
You must estimate system performance based on recent data, by reviewing the batch and environment statistics. You can
also review various object lists to know the time when most system resources are available for the data cleansing process.
Process Dependencies
You must understand process dependencies before scheduling the data cleansing process. For example, you must consider
whether other processes are waiting for the results of the data cleansing process.
Note: You can search for existing Address Cleansing batches using the Saved Searches.
You create a new address cleansing batch, instead of copying an existing cleansing batch, if your address cleansing batch
details are unique.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 9
Using Customer Data Management Cleansing Addresses
You can schedule the batch to run at a specific time or at a specific interval. For example, you can schedule the batch to run
daily, every night at 9 PM, weekly, or every Sunday at 10 PM.
1. Navigate to the Create Address Cleansing Batch page as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management >
Address Cleansing.
2. Enter a Batch Name.
3. Select an appropriate batch mode.
Select Simulated mode to review and accept the cleansed address before committing the address-cleansing job.
Select Automated mode to cleanse the address and save it automatically.
4. Provide a batch description, if required.
5. Click Create on the tools menu in the section Address Cleansing Batch: Selection Criteria.
6. Enter the Selection Criteria. The following table contains sample selection criteria.
7. Click Schedule to specify process options. The Schedule Address Cleansing Batch page appears.
8. Click Submit.
9. Click OK to confirm the batch submission.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 9
Using Customer Data Management Cleansing Addresses
Note: If you submit a batch for cleansing in the automated cleansing mode, then you can't accept or reject the
process results. The cleansed address is automatically saved to the database.
Accept Or Reject the Address Cleansing Process Results for the Entire Batch
Accept the results for the entire batch only if you are sure that the address cleansing results are accurate. Reject the results if
you are not sure about the reliability or accuracy of the batch results, or if the process results may reduce the data quality.
Consider the following before accepting or rejecting address cleansing process results by country:
• If the percentage of errors is high and the results for all countries are not acceptable, then Accept data only for
countries with acceptable cleansing results.
• Reject data for countries with very high percentage of errors.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 9
Using Customer Data Management Cleansing Addresses
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
10 Identifying Duplicates
• Resolve duplicates within each identified duplicate set through a merge or link request. You create a merge request
to combine duplicate records, a link request to join duplicate records, or a generic request to select the resolution
• Remove records that you do not want to include in the duplicate resolution request. You can view the removed
records in the removed records table, and can also restore these records back to the set.
• Mark a pair of records as nonduplicate to prevent them from being identified as potential matches. To remove the
pair from nonduplicate list, end date the nonduplicate record.
• Change the master record.
• Submit the duplicate sets as merge or link requests for resolution.
• Create the duplicate identification batch from scratch for a single or periodic run.
• Create the duplicate identification batch from a copy of an existing duplicate identification batch.
You can choose between two of the following batch match modes while creating a duplicate identification batch:
• Within the batch: Runs the duplicate identification process within the batch.
• Against the registry: Runs the duplicate identification process against the registry.
You can schedule the periodic batch to run at a specific time or at a specific interval. For example, you can schedule the
batch to run daily, every night at 9 PM, weekly, or every Sunday at 10 PM.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
You create a new duplicate identification batch, instead of copying an existing batch, if your duplicate identification batch
details are unique.
To add new attributes to the batch selection criteria, you must add the required attributes to the lookup types
ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_PERSON and ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_ORGANIZATION, as lookup codes. Before you update the lookup types, you must
identify the display name and API (internal) name for each attribute that you want to add.
You can find the list of standard attributes for accounts and contacts, along with their lookup code, display name (meaning),
and API name (tag), from the topic "Standard Account and Contact Attributes". Use the following steps to identify the
display name and the API name of the custom attributes of an account (organization) or contact (person) using Application
Note: You must be in an active sandbox, to view and update objects in the Application Composer.
1. Sign in as a setup user, such as Master Data Management Application Administrator, and navigate to Application
2. Expand the Standard Objects list and navigate to Account or Contact.
3. Click Fields under Account or Contact. The Fields page appears.
4. Select the Custom tab to see the list of available attributes.
5. Click the Display Label link that you want to add. The Edit Custom Field page appears
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Perform the following steps to add the required attributes to the attribute lookup types as lookup codes.
1. Sign in as a setup user, such as Master Data Management Application Administrator, and navigate to the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
2. Search for and navigate to the task Manage Standard Lookups.
3. Enter the required Lookup Type.
◦ Use the lookup type ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_ORGANIZATION to add new custom or standard attributes to the subset rule
selection criteria of the organization (account) object.
◦ Use the lookup type ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_PERSON to add new attributes to the subset rule selection criteria of the
person (contact) object.
4. Click Search.
5. Click New on the Lookup Codes section of the Manage Standard Lookups page.
6. Add a Lookup Code for each attribute.
◦ Lookup Code: An internal name for the attribute. This field is case-sensitive. The value should be in all capital
letters and the space should be replaced with an underscore. For example, CUSTOM_ATTR can be a lookup
code for custom attribute.
Note: For date fields, you must suffix the lookup code with _DATE. This enables the application to
identify the attribute value as date and display the date picker.
◦ Display Sequence: The order in which the lookup code must be displayed. This is not a mandatory field.
◦ Meaning: The display name of the attribute. This field is mandatory and case-sensitive.
◦ Description: The description of attribute that you see on the duplicate identification work area.
◦ Tag: The API (Internal) Name of the attribute. This field is mandatory and case-sensitive.
7. Click Save and close.
To hide or remove any attribute, you must delete the lookup code.
Note: You must publish the sandbox to activate the newly added attributes. Only after you publish the sandbox,
the newly added attributes appears in the Subset Rules for Identifying Duplicates section of the Create Duplicate
Identification Batch page. If the sandbox is not published, the tag value with the attribute name is considered
Note: For date related attributes, you must suffix the lookup code with _DATE. Standard Attributes for
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
NEXT_ FY_ POTENTIAL_ REVENUE Next Fiscal Year's Potential Revenue NextFyPotentialRevenue
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Subset rules specify the criteria for retrieving a subset of records in the duplicate identification batch. The data quality engine
identifies duplicate records from this subset of records. The rules for identifying duplicates are defined using one of the
following options:
In this example, we first create a duplicate identification batch to identify duplicate persons in the registry, and then create a
rule to retrieve a subset of records where the person name contains John and the address contains Redwood.
1. Navigate to the Duplicate Identification work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management >
Duplicate Identification .
2. Click Create menu option or button. The Create Duplicate Identification Batch page appears.
3. Enter a batch name and description.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Note: Alternatively, select an existing duplicate identification batch and Click copy to quickly create a new
duplicate identification batch. You can then edit the batch details before you submit the batch.
4. Specify the Batch Match Mode such as Against the Registry or Within the Batch.
In the Within the Batch Match mode, the duplicate identification is limited to the records in a batch that meet the
subset rule conditions. In the Against the Registry Batch Match mode, the process aggregates the records that
meet the subset rule conditions in a batch, and these records are matched against one another as well as against
other records in the database.
5. Specify the Party Type as Person.
6. Specify the Automatic Processing option as Create Merge Request to merge the duplicate persons.
7. Click Add menu option or button under Duplicate Identification Batch: Selection Criteria.
8. Specify the Apply Rules options as Match any keyword.
9. Enter the following sample information in the Duplicate Identification Batch: Selection Criteria table.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Duplicate Identification work area and complete it on the Assign Duplicate Identification Batch page. Data Steward Managers
can reject any duplicate identification batch, but Data Stewards can only reject the batches that are assigned to them. Ensure
that the users to whom you want to assign a duplicate identification batch have the Customer Data Steward resource role
assigned to them. Unless the users have this role assigned, you may not see their names in the 'Assign To' drop down on the
duplicate resolution UI.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 10
Using Customer Data Management Identifying Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
11 Resolving Duplicates
• Create Duplicate Resolution Requests on the Duplicate Resolution work area to process a generic resolution
• Create Duplicate Resolution Requests manually on the Create Resolution Request UI page.
• Create Duplicate Resolutions Requests on the Duplicate Identification work area as part of the duplicate identification
• Reviewing duplicate sets and creating single requests for each duplicate set on the Duplicate Identification Batch
details page.
• Creating a duplicate resolution request manually for confirmed duplicates on the Create Resolution Request UI page.
Specifying a generic resolution request lets you make the merge or link decision later. You select a generic resolution request
when you are not sure whether you want to merge or link the parties.
You can review these generic resolution requests on the Duplicate Resolution work area and complete processing them by
creating duplicate resolution requests of the type merge or link.
Note: You can process a generic resolution request only if its status is New. To process requests in pending
status, you must first request your administrator to run the Run Request Dispatch Job from the Setup and
Maintenance area to set their status to New.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
Note: The application also lets you create generic resolution requests. Specifying a generic resolution request
lets you make the merge or link decision later. You select a generic resolution request when you are not sure
whether you want to merge or link the records.
Merge Request
You create a merge duplicate resolution request to combine duplicate records into one new master record. The master
record is also called survivor record. After the merge request is completed, all duplicate records are deleted from the data
registry and you can update only the master record. The duplicate records that are deleted are also called victim records.
Link Request
You create a link request to associate the duplicate records. The linked records are treated as unique records in the data
registry, and have their own unique identifiers.
While creating the request, you define one of the records as the master record. The resolution process marks and links the
other records to the master record, and marks them as duplicates.
• Reviewing duplicate sets and creating single requests for each duplicate set on the Duplicate Identification Batch
details page.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
• Creating a duplicate resolution request manually for confirmed duplicates on the Create Resolution Request UI page.
You can review these generic resolution requests in the Duplicate Resolution work area. On the Duplicate Resolution work
area, you can complete processing the generic duplicate resolution requests by submitting or rejecting them. You can also
select the duplicate resolution request type, merge or link, while submitting the generic request for resolution.
Note: The Process option on the Actions menu on the Duplicate Resolution work area is disabled if the status
of the duplicate resolution request is not new or if the duplicate resolution request type is link or merge. A
request dispatcher is run periodically for pending requests, and sets the status of pending requests to New. You
can also request your administrator to run the Run Request Dispatch Job from the Setup and Maintenance area
to set the status of the pending requests to new.
Note: Use the Purge Duplicate Resolution Data scheduled process to purge the duplicate resolution data
such as resolution logs and to delete duplicate resolution batches and requests. You can schedule this process
from the Scheduled Processes work area. You can access this work area as follows: Navigator > Tools >
Scheduled Processes.
Related Topics
• Managing Duplicate Sets: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
The request status check uses the resolution request ID of the duplicated resolution request as an input parameter to check
the request status. The duplicate resolution request status can be Rejected, Error, Completed, or Pending. The check result
also includes the reasons for the status.
• First the survivorship rules are used to determine the master record for the merge.
• After this, the agreement rule check is performed to verify if the merge request is violating any veto conditions. If the
agreement rule check succeeds then a check is performed to determine if system mapping must be overridden or
not. If the agreement rule check fails, then the merge request is rejected and a rejection notification is sent to the
• However, a rejected merge request can also be restored in which case a new merge request is created.
• If system mapping is overridden then the new mapping is stored before the merge request can be submitted. After
the merge request is submitted, the actual merge is performed.
• If the merge completes successfully then a completion notification is sent to the initiator and the submitter. If the
merge fails then an error notification is sent to the initiator and the submitter.
Note: Use the Purge Duplicate Resolution Data scheduled process to purge the duplicate resolution data
such as resolution logs and to delete duplicate resolution batches and requests. You can schedule this process
from the Scheduled Processes work area. You can access this work area as follows: Navigator > Tools >
Scheduled Processes.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
Save in
Merge Mapping
Status? No
Merge Restore
Request Merge
Rejected Request?
Rejection Merge
Notification Sent to Request
the Initiator Ends in Error
Notification Sent to
the Initiator and the
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
• A data steward or another user creates a merge request for processing a generic resolution request on the Duplicate
Resolution work area.
• A bulk or file-based import process creates a merge request.
Note: You can also use the duplicate resolution request web service to create merge requests.
Status Description
Pending All merge requests, and generic duplicate resolution requests, are created with the status as
Pending. The requests with pending status require review by a data steward.
New The request dispatcher is run periodically for pending requests, and sets status of pending requests
to New. When the request dispatcher is run, the application selects the master record and attributes
based on the survivorship rules, and runs the agreement rule check for the request.
Submitted This status indicates that the merge request has been submitted for processing. You can also
create merge requests with the status as Submitted to process the request without data steward
Rejected This status indicates that the merge request is rejected by the data steward or by the process for
agreement rule violations. You can restore a rejected merge request.
Error This status indicates the request has failed because one or more records cannot be processed.
Completed This status indicates that the request has been processed successfully.
The merge process selects the master record based on set master rules, if survivorship rules are active. However, you can
select to review and override system settings.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
• Rejection: This notification is sent to the merge request's initiator, such as a business user, salesperson, or
administrator. You can restore and resubmit a rejected merge request, by selecting a different master record or by
removing some records from the batch.
• Error: This notification is sent to the merge request's initiator and submitter. The notification indicates that the merge
request has errors and cannot be processed.
• Completion: This notification is sent to the initiator and the assignee of the merge process. The process merges
duplicate records and updates the record hierarchies. The notifications include information such as the master and
duplicate records.
After receiving the completion notification, the request initiator and assignee can:
• Verify if the updated hierarchies are correct in the Manage Hierarchies work area.
• Optionally, make the necessary edits to the updated hierarchies.
Note: You can merge a maximum of five accounts or contacts in a single merge request. You must create
multiple merge requests if you want to merge more than five accounts or contacts.
1. In the Accounts or Contacts page, search for the account or contact you want to merge.
2. Click Merge from Actions.
3. Select the duplicate accounts or contacts you want to merge.
4. Click Merge Selected.
• Allow Processing without Approval: The merge request is processed immediately without the need for Data Steward
Manager approval.
• Process Subject to Approval: The merge request is sent to the Data Steward Manager for review, and approval or
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
1. Navigate to the Duplicate Resolution work area as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management >
Duplicate Resolution .
2. Select the duplicate resolution request for which you want to override system mappings and drill down through the
request ID to the Review Merge Request page.
Note: You can override system mappings only for those merge requests that are in New status. A
request dispatcher is run periodically for pending merge requests, and sets the status of pending
requests to New. You can also request your administrator to run the Run Request Dispatch Job from
the Setup and Maintenance area to set the status of the pending requests to new.
3. Click Override on the Review Merge Request page to view the Override System Mapping: Select Master
Record page.
4. In the duplicate set on the page, select the record that you want to make the master and click Set Master.
Optionally, you can also remove records from the duplicate set to prevent them from being merged. You can also
mark the removed record as a nonduplicate to exclude it from all merge requests.
5. Click Next to navigate to the Override System Mapping: Map Profile Attributes page.
6. Select a value from any of the duplicate records for each profile attribute to be retained in the master record.
In the profile attribute value choice list, you can hover over the value to see the attribute value's record. This helps
you associate the correct value with the master record. You can also manually enter a new value in the Final Value
column for an attribute.
7. Click Next to go to the Override System Mapping: Map Entities page. On this page, you can remove merge
entities, such as addresses, from the merge processes. You can also merge two or more entities into a single entity.
8. Click Next to view the Override System Mapping: Review page.
9. Review the mapping settings and either click Back to edit them further or click Submit to override the default
system mappings.
Automerge: Explained
The automerge functionality merges duplicate records without any approval or intervention from the data steward. Automatic
processing of merge requests is critical when processing large volumes of customer data as automerge can expedite the
resolution of duplicate records without manual review. Note that during automerge, the child entities of the duplicate records,
such as contact points, relationships, classifications, and cross references, become the child entities of the master record.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
• Match threshold: The match threshold is defined in the Match Configuration and determines if a record is included in
a duplicate set.
• Merge threshold: The merge threshold is defined by the ZCH_AUTO_MERGE_THRESHOLD profile option and
determines if the merge request for a duplicate set is processed automatically or if it must be reviewed manually.
Three possible outcomes for each record with regard to duplicate identification and merging are as follows:
• Low score below match threshold: The record is not included in duplicate set and in the merge request for that
duplicate set.
• Medium score above match threshold and below merge threshold: The record is included in duplicate set but merge
request for that duplicate set must be reviewed manually.
• High score above match threshold and above merge threshold: The record is included in duplicate set and merge
request is processed automatically.
The score for all the records in a duplicate set must be above the merge threshold for automated processing. If one record in
the duplicate set is below merge threshold, and the other records are above the merge threshold, the merge request must be
reviewed manually.
Note: When you merge two or more records with exactly same children information under phone, email, or
address the children information is merged and rolled up to the survivor record.
Configuring Automerge
Enabling Automerge involves several implementation steps that must be completed by an implementor using the following
tasks from the Customer Data Management offering in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
• Manage Customer Hub Profile Options: Use this task from the Customer Hub functional area to perform the
following implementation steps:
◦ Set Auto Merge Threshold profile option (ZCH_AUTO_MERGE_THRESHOLD) to the required value. This
profile option specifies the threshold for auto merge. Merge requests with lower scores need data steward
review. An exact match is 100.
◦ Review the Record Size Limit of Duplicate Set (ZCH_DI_MERGEREQ_REC_SIZE). This profile option
determines the maximum number of records in the duplicate set that can be merged automatically. By default,
the maximum number is set to 10 records.
◦ Set the Survivorship Enabled profile option (ZCH_ENABLE_SURVIVORSHIP) to Yes. This profile option
enables the survivorship rules to select the master record and retain the attributes during a merge operation.
• Manage Survivorship Rules: Use this task from the Customer Hub functional area to create Set Master
survivorship rules to choose the master record for merge requests created from the duplicate identification batch
and set the rule to active.
If there are no active Set Master rules or if the Set Master rules did not trigger, the merge request must be reviewed
manually, even if the ZCH_AUTO_MERGE_THRESHOLD profile option is set, the score for all records is above the
threshold value, and the number of records is below the record size limit.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
Note: You can use the Set Attribute rules with Set Master rules to determine the Golden Master record.
For automerge, Set Master rule is mandatory.
• Manage Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configurations: Use this task from the Data Quality Foundation
functional area to perform the following implementation steps:
◦ Create an active Match Configuration in Manage Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configurations task or use
a predefined Match Configuration. Rebuild the keys if necessary.
◦ Enable EDQ Real Time and Batch Basic Match Server in Manage Server Configurations task.
Running Automerge
This task involves the following two steps:
1. Create a duplicate identification batch and select Create Merge Request as the Automatic Processing Option.
2. Perform the task Run Request Dispatch Job to disposition the duplicate resolution sets.
The Dispatch Job processes any resolution request in Pending or Submitted status. You can run this job in two modes:
• On demand: Run Request Dispatch Job > Submit
• Per a specific schedule: Do the following steps to set up a recurring job:
a. Click Advanced on the Run Request Dispatch Jobtask.
b. Click Schedule tab and select the Using a Schedule radio button.
c. Select the frequency you want and click Submit.
To see the list of dispatch jobs, and their statuses, navigate to Scheduled Processes under Tools.
If the resolution request was not submitted automatically, you can drill down to the duplicate set and compare the score for
each record with the threshold in the ZCH_AUTO_MERGE_THRESHOLD profile option and the number of records with the
limit in the ZCH_DI_MERGEREQ_REC_SIZE profile option. If all scores are above the threshold and the number of records is
below the limit, verify that the following are true:
• Set Master rules are active and triggered to choose a master for the records in the duplicate set.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
accounts. Consequently, the merge behavior is to retain the survivor's sell-to address and merge the victim's sell-to
addresses to the survivor's sell-to address.
Performing automerge involves the following tasks:
• Enabling the automerge
• Accessing the DuplicateResolutionRequestService Web Service using OEM
• Creating an automatic merge request
• Finding out the merge result
Enable Automerge
1. Set the User Merge Requests profile option to Allow Processing Without Approval. When the User Merge
Requests profile option is set to this value, user merge requests are processed immediately without requiring any
approval from Data Steward.
2. Set the Merge Request Enabled (ZCA_MERGE_REQUEST) profile option to Yes.
3. Enable the User Merge Requests (ZCH_USER_MERGE_REQUESTS) profile option. This profile option controls the
behavior after the merge request is entered. See the section Customer Hub Profile Options.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
Running Automerge
Request your admin to perform the task Run Request Dispatch Job to disposition the duplicate resolution sets. The Dispatch
Job processes any resolution request in Pending or Submitted status. You can run this job in two modes:
On demand:
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
• Review rejected requests: You review the rejected requests by drilling down through their request ID to the Review
Merge Request page to find out the rejection reasons.
• Restore rejected requests: After reviewing rejected requests, you can correct the rejection reason and then restore
rejected requests by clicking Restore on the Review Merge Request page. You can either select a different
master record or remove certain records from the merge request and submit the merge request for reprocessing.
During merge, duplicate records are combined into a single master record. However, some parties cannot be merged
because of functional or legal reasons. For example, for certain bank operations, you cannot merge duplicate records from
different business units or geographical regions. In these scenarios, we create a link between duplicate records instead of
merging them.
A link does not change the party and the associated child entities such as addresses, contact points, and relationships. A link
does not affect the transactional processing of the record. The link is a separate record in the data model, and has its own
registry ID.
Creating Links
To create links:
1. Navigate to the Manage Links page as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Duplicate
Resolution > Tasks.
2. Select Create from the Actions menu.
3. In the Create Link page, enter the details about the link.
4. In the Link Members area, select and add two or more parties that you want to link by selecting Add from the
Actions menu. You must select one of the parties as the master.
5. Click Save and Close.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
Updating Links
To update links:
1. Navigate to the Manage Links page as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Duplicate
Resolution > Tasks
2. Search for the link that you want to update. You can search by entering criteria such as link identification number,
status, description, or the names of member record. You must select the Master Party Type to search for links.
3. Select the link you want to update from the Search Results region and click Edit.
Optionally, you can also delete a link by selecting the link and clicking Delete.
4. In the Edit Link page, you can add link members, remove link members, and change the master record of the link.
5. Click Save and Close.
Related Topics
• Submitting Scheduled Processes and Process Sets: Procedure
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 11
Using Customer Data Management Resolving Duplicates
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 12
Using Customer Data Management Managing Hierarchy Information
You can leverage the hierarchy of your customers in many business processes. For example, the territory management
functionality uses customer hierarchy information to define account dimensions. Financial applications use customer hierarchy
information to process payments from one customer and apply them to another customer in the same hierarchy. The revenue
roll-up report uses customer hierarchy information to roll up revenue numbers from opportunities across all customers in a
Oracle Cloud Applications have a common framework to manage various hierarchies called the Tree framework. The party
hierarchy uses this common framework.
You can create or modify hierarchies, using the Manage Hierarchies UI. You can access the Manage Hierarchies UI using one
of the following ways:
• Navigator > Customer Data Management > Hierarchies.
• Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Tasks > Search > Search for the Manage Hierarchies task.
Creating Hierarchies
To create hierarchies:
1. Navigate to the Manage Hierarchies UI.
2. Click the Create option or button on the Actions menu. The Create Hierarchy: Enter Basic Information page
3. Complete the mandatory fields. You can use the following sample data:
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 12
Using Customer Data Management Managing Hierarchy Information
◦ Specific value
Editing Hierarchies
To edit hierarchies:
◦ Edit Hierarchy Version: Lets you make the changes to the hierarchy available immediately.
◦ Create New Version: Lets you make the changes to the hierarchy available at a later point in time.
4. Click Add or Remove option or button on the Actions menu as required to update the tree nodes.
5. Click Save and Close to complete editing the hierarchy.
Note: 'Named' is a sales account attribute stored in the Sales Account Profile entity.
These validation rules are enforced in the Hierarchy UI as much as possible while users select nodes to add to the hierarchy.
Also, a background audit job implements these rules to ensure that all hierarchies that do not pass the validation are marked
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 12
Using Customer Data Management Managing Hierarchy Information
• You have a new customer, and a new hierarchy is required to represent the corporate structure of the new
• Your existing customer has changed the structure of its organization radically. It is quicker and more efficient to
create a new version rather than edit the existing one.
• You have minor changes to make to an existing version of a hierarchy, such as adding a new customer, or removing
or repositioning an existing customer in the hierarchy.
• You must make extensive changes to an active hierarchy, but want to render the changes active only when they are
all incorporated into the hierarchy. Then, create a new version of the hierarchy and set it to become active after a
reasonable window period. You can make all the required changes and have the new version ready for activation by
the scheduled date.
Two ways to deal with the changes while editing active hierarchies are:
• You can render hierarchies inactive before you edit them. Once you have made your changes, you can change their
status to active again.
• You can create a new hierarchy version and set it to be active the next day. Thus, while the existing version is active,
you can make your changes to the new version and activate it the next day.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 12
Using Customer Data Management Managing Hierarchy Information
Related Topics
• Merging Duplicate Records: Explained
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 12
Using Customer Data Management Managing Hierarchy Information
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 12
Using Customer Data Management Managing Hierarchy Information
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 13
Using Customer Data Management Managing Protected Information
• Home Address
• Home Phone Number
• Personal Email Address
• Taxpayer Identification Number (Social Security Number)
In Oracle Applications Cloud, access to the PII data is restricted to a set of job roles. If you need to work with PII data for
business purposes, then contact the IT security manager for the necessary privileges.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 13
Using Customer Data Management Managing Protected Information
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 14
Using Customer Data Management Viewing Audit Histories
The default search displays a summary of the audit history in the search results table. It includes key data such as date, user,
product, event type, business object type, and description. For a detailed report, search again with modified search criteria.
You can export the report summary to Microsoft Excel.
The following table lists the search parameters used and the outcome of their selection in the detailed report.
Business Object Type • Narrows the search results to that specific business object within the selected product.
• Enables the Show Attribute Details check box.
Include Child Objects Displays all the child objects that were listed for that business object when audit was set up. For
example, a sales order object that contains several items as child objects.
Note: Displays the objects at the immediate parent-child level only. To view the children at
subsequent levels, select the child object as the business object type and search again.
Show Impersonator Displays the details of the impersonator who modified the objects during an impersonation session.
Show Attribute Details Enables the attribute list so that users can select either all attributes or a specific attribute to view
the changes. Based on the selection, the search results indicate whether the attribute is created,
updated or deleted, and the corresponding old and replaced values.
Show Additional Object Identifier Displays the instances (contexts) in which the business object was used. The context values identify
Columns the objects and the transactions in which they were used. Each context is unique and assigns a
unique description to the business object.
Note: The default report displays a standard set of columns that contain prominent details of the audit history.
To view additional details, you can change the display of columns.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 14
Using Customer Data Management Viewing Audit Histories
For Oracle Fusion Middleware products, events such as failed sign in attempts are used as triggers. In absence of an audit
table, the information is stored in the sandbox and presented only in English.
Note: This topic focuses on the create, update, and delete event types available in Oracle Applications Cloud.
For details on events used in the Oracle Fusion Middleware products, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware
• Create Operation - This event triggers audit activity whenever business object data is created and stored in the
database. The audit report displays the name of the created object, the name of the user who created the object,
and the time stamp.
• Update Operation - This event triggers audit activity whenever the existing business object data is updated. The
audit report displays both the old and updated values of the object, the name of the user who updated it, and the
time stamp.
• Delete Operation - This event triggers audit activity whenever the existing business object data is removed from the
database. The audit report displays the last value that the object attributes contained and the name of the user who
deleted the object.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 15
Using Customer Data Management Using Customer Data Management with Other Cloud Services
You can also select a matching configuration to identify duplicates and specify the action to perform on the duplicate records
during the import process.
For more information on File-Based Data Import and Export, see Understanding File-Based Data Import and Export in the
Related Topics section.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 15
Using Customer Data Management Using Customer Data Management with Other Cloud Services
CDM SOAP REST Data Import File-Based File-Based File-Based ICS Events Comments
Process Service Service (for account Data Import Data Import Data Export
(Batch Job) Receivables (Simplified
only) View)
Duplicate Yes. SOAP Yes. Rest Yes No No Yes. Does Yes. Public Bulk Export
Resolution service can service can not include Resolution can be used
and create new create new child object Request for duplicate
Merging resolution resolution such as Updated. party details
requests request duplicate in the
and query and query address and Duplicate
existing existing relationships. Resolution.
resolution resolution See,
requests requests Implementing
but cannot but cannot CDM in the
update the update the Related
existing existing Topics
requests. requests. section.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 15
Using Customer Data Management Using Customer Data Management with Other Cloud Services
CDM SOAP REST Data Import File-Based File-Based File-Based ICS Events Comments
Process Service Service (for account Data Import Data Import Data Export
(Batch Job) Receivables (Simplified
only) View)
Related Topics
• REST API for Oracle Sales Cloud
• Implementing CDM
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 15
Using Customer Data Management Using Customer Data Management with Other Cloud Services
The following diagram shows the before merge status of two contacts, Contact A and Contact B, of an account from Spoke
Contact A Contact A
First Name = John First Name = John
Middle Name = D. Middle Name = D.
Active Active
Contact B Contact B
First Name = John First Name = John
Middle Name = David Middle Name = David
Active Active
CDM Spoke 1
The following diagram illustrates how the two contacts, A and B, of the account from Spoke 1 are being merged in CDM
Cloud and how the Contact A emerges as the survivor and the Contact B becomes the victim.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 15
Using Customer Data Management Using Customer Data Management with Other Cloud Services
Contact A Contact A
First Name = John Integration for Contact A stays intact First Name = John
Middle Name = D. Middle Name = D.
Active Active
Contact B Contact B
First Name = John Integration should delete Contact B First Name = John
Middle Name = David Middle Name = David
Inactive Active
CDM Spoke 1
The following diagram shows the after merge status of two contacts, A and B, of the account. Note that in Spoke 1 only
Contact A has survived and remained active after the merge.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 15
Using Customer Data Management Using Customer Data Management with Other Cloud Services
Contact A Contact A
First Name = John Integration for Contact A stays intact First Name = John
Middle Name = D. Middle Name = D.
Active Active
Original System Reference B
Contact B
First Name = John
Middle Name = David
CDM Spoke1
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 15
Using Customer Data Management Using Customer Data Management with Other Cloud Services
The following diagram shows the before merge status of two contacts, A and B, of an account that exists both in Spoke 1
and Spoke 2.
Contact A Contact A
First Name = John First Name = John
Middle Name = D. Middle Name = D.
Last Name = Doe Last Name = Doe
Active Active
Original System
External Reference B
Reference B
Contact B Contact B
First Name = John First Name = John
Middle Name = David Middle Name = David
Last Name = Doe Last Name = Doe
Active Active
CDM Spoke 1
External Reference A
Contact A
First Name = John
Middle Name = D.
Last Name = Doe
Contact B
First Name = John
Middle Name = David
Last Name = Doe
Active Spoke 2
The following diagram shows the after merge status of two contacts, A and B, of the account.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Chapter 15
Using Customer Data Management Using Customer Data Management with Other Cloud Services
Contact A
Contact A First Name = John
First Name = John Middle Name = D.
Middle Name = D. Last Name = Doe
Last Name = Doe
External Reference A
Contact A
First Name = John
Middle Name = D.
Last Name = Doe
Contact B
First Name = John
Middle Name = David
Last Name = Doe
Spoke 2
• Data about Contacts A and B comes in the Customer Data Management cloud from both the spoke systems.
• The merge is taking place in the Customer Data Management cloud and any owned objects by the victims are
moved (re-parented) to survivor record in CDM.
• The mastered data is published to both the spoke systems and, consequently, Contact B is deleted from both the
spoke systems.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Glossary
Using Customer Data Management
external system or external application
A system or application that is external to and not part of Order Management. An order capture system that resides upstream
of Order Management is an example of an external system. A fulfillment application that resides downstream of Order
Management is an example of an external application.
interface table
A database table that stores data during data transfer between applications or from an external system or data file.
simulated cleansing
A mode for batch cleansing in which the results are available for preview before they are saved in the database.
Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Glossary
Using Customer Data Management