FEMA P-58-2-SE Volume2 Implementation
FEMA P-58-2-SE Volume2 Implementation
FEMA P-58-2-SE Volume2 Implementation
Assessment of Buildings
Volume 2 – Implementation Guide
Second Edition
Prepared for
Michael Mahoney, Project Officer
Robert D. Hanson, Technical Monitor
Washington, D.C.
Cover photograph – Collapsed building viewed through the archway of an adjacent building, 1999 Chi-Chi,
Taiwan earthquake (courtesy of Farzad Naeim, Farzad Naeim, Inc).
In 2001, the Applied Technology Council (ATC) was awarded the first in a
series of contracts with the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) to develop Next-Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design
Guidelines for New and Existing Buildings. These projects would become
known as the ATC-58 series of projects. The overall program was separated
into two major phases of work: Phase 1 – Developing a Methodology for
Assessing the Seismic Performance of Buildings; and Phase 2 – Developing
Performance-Based Seismic Design Procedures and Guidelines.
This report is one of three principal products of the Phase 1 work, which
were first published in 2012, and have since been updated under the Phase 2
• FEMA P-58-1, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 1 – Methodology, Second Edition
• FEMA P-58-2, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 2 – Implementation Guide, Second Edition
• FEMA P-58-3, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings,
Volume 3 – Supporting Electronic Materials and Background
Documentation, Third Edition
The FEMA P-58 series of products is the result of the collaborative effort of
more than 200 individuals, across all phases, involved in the development of
the methodology and subsequent products and reports. Phase 1 consultants
were involved in the development of the basic assessment methodology,
collection of available fragility data, estimation of consequences,
development of supporting electronic tools, implementation of quality
assurance procedures, and beta testing efforts. ATC is indebted to the
Phase 1 leadership of Ron Hamburger, who served as Project Technical
Director, Bob Bachman, who served as Nonstructural Performance Products
Team Leader, John Hooper and Craig Comartin, who served as Risk
Management Products Team Leaders, Andrew Whittaker, who served as
Structural Performance Products Team Leader, and the members of the
Phase 1 Project Management Committee, including John Gillengerten, Bill
Holmes, Peter May, Jack Moehle, and Maryann Phipps. ATC is also
indebted to Andy Merovich, Structural Performance Products Team Member,
for his lead role in the development of the First Edition of this volume.
Phase 2 consultants were responsible for the update of all Phase 1 products,
and the development of new performance-based design guidance and
stakeholder guidance. ATC is indebted to the Phase 2 leadership of Ron
Hamburger, who continued to serve as the Project Technical Director, John
Gillengerten, who served as Performance Products Team Leader, John
Hooper, who served as Products Update Team Leader, Laura Samant, who
served as Stakeholder Products Team Leader, and the members of the
ATC would also like to thank the members of the Phase 1 and Phase 2
Project Steering Committees, the Fragility Review Panel, the Nonstructural
Performance Products Team, the Performance Products Team, the Products
Update Team, the Risk Management Products Team, the Stakeholder
Products team, the Structural Performance Products Team, the
Validation/Verification Team, and the many consultants who assisted these
teams. The names of individuals who served in these groups, along with
their affiliations, are provided in the list of Project Participants at the end of
this report.
List of Figures...............................................................................................xv
Glossary ......................................................................................................E-1
Figure 2-4 Definition of floor and story numbers and floor and
story heights ....................................................................... 2-4
Figure 3-2 Example spectra for scaled suite of 5 motions ................... 3-6
Figure 3-15 PACT Data Drill Down and Exports tab .......................... 3-32
Figure 4-1 Plan view of example four-story office building ............... 4-2
Figure 4-2 Typical frame elevation for example four story office
building .............................................................................. 4-2
Figure 4-5 PACT input screen for beam/column joint fragility .......... 4-6
Figure 4-18 Seismic hazard curve for Sa(T = 1.13s), Site Class D ...... 4-22
Figure 4-19 USGS hazard data for peak ground acceleration ............. 4-23
Figure 4-24 PACT Repair Cost tab with realizations .......................... 4-31
Figure 5-1 Seismic Hazard Curve for Sa(T = 1.13s), Site Class D....... 5-4
Figure 5-6 PACT Structural Analysis Results tab with drift input
for intensity 3 ................................................................... 5-13
Figure 6-18 New fragility damage state definition form ..................... 6-31
Figure 7-3 Fragility function for sliding of 5-shelf metal bookcase .... 7-7
Figure 8-4 PACT graph showing upper and lower bound repair
cost data ........................................................................... 8-17
Figure C-39 Options menu showing base curve mode selection .........C-30
Table 2-1 Height Factor Premium Values for Building Level ........... 2-6
Table 2-7 Fragility Classification for Reinforced Masonry Walls ... 2-24
Table 3-6 Default Dispersions for Total Peak Floor Velocity ......... 3-23
Table 3-9 Default Dispersions Ground Motion Variability, βgm ...... 3-37
Table 4-5 USGS Hazard Data, Adjusted for Building Period and
Site Class .......................................................................... 4-22
Table 5-2 Hazard Data, Adjusted for Building Period and Site
Class ................................................................................... 5-4
Table 7-3 Calculated Fragility Values for Filing Cabinets ................ 7-5
Table A-5 Wood Light Frame Structural Elements (B107) ............... A-6
Table B-14 Chillers, Cooling Towers, and Compressors (D303) ...... B-14
This Implementation Guide, and its companion Volumes 1 and 3, were first
published in 2012. Shortly after publication, a second phase of work was
initiated to update and complete the FEMA P-58 series of products, including
exercising the methodology to assess the performance of code-conforming
buildings, developing products for communicating seismic performance to
stakeholders, and developing design guidance to assist decision-makers in
choosing between seismic design criteria and making seismic design
decisions. Technical improvements and updates to the methodology were
developed, as necessary, to take advantage of the latest research and to bring
assessment results into better alignment with expectations based on
performance observed in past earthquakes.
The general methodology presented in Volume 1 can be applied to seismic Second Edition Update
performance assessments of any building type, regardless of age, All chapters have been
construction or occupancy type. Many different means of implementing this updated to present screenshots
general methodology are possible. During the development of the general from PACT version 3.1.2.
methodology, the project development team found it necessary to develop a
tool to implement the methodology, which is provided in Volume 3 as the
Performance Assessment Calculation Tool (PACT). The problem
This Implementation Guide provides a detailed road map for users to follow
in applying the FEMA P-58 methodology to the site, structural,
nonstructural, and occupancy characteristics of their individual building to
obtain intensity-based, scenario-based, or time-based earthquake
performance assessments. Implementation requires basic data on the
vulnerability of structural and nonstructural components to damage
(fragility), as well as estimates of potential casualties, repair costs, repair
times, and environmental impacts (consequences) associated with this
damage. This document also provides examples for calculating user-defined
structural and nonstructural fragilities, and developing consequence
1.2 Limitations
This document tracks with the provisions of Volume 1, but does not
substantially duplicate its narratives, definitions, equations, or other
provisions. Readers are cautioned to use this document in conjunction with
Volume 1, and not to rely on Volume 2 alone for guidance on executing the
Figure 1-1 illustrates the basic steps in the performance assessment process.
Volume 1 describes each of these steps and how they relate to the overall
performance assessment. Three of these steps, assembling building
performance model, defining earthquake hazards, and analyzing building
response, in addition to developing collapse fragility, when necessary, are
performed directly by the user. This Implementation Guide presents
illustrations of these steps with examples ranging from simple to more
Before implementing the assessment process, however, the user should select
the assessment type, analysis method, and performance measures that will
provide the desired output.
The methodology provides users with a range of options for generating the
above assessments. Options include use of a simplified analytical estimation
of building response or suites of detailed nonlinear response history analyses.
Building assets at risk can be defined by occupancy-dependent typical
(normative) quantities or building-specific surveys. The performance
characteristics of these at-risk assets can be represented by provided
2.1 Introduction
Figure 2-1 Format of PACT screenshots used, indicating the tab title location.
Assembly of the building performance model within PACT begins with the
Project Info tab, shown in Figure 2-2. This is used to input basic project
information used to identify the analysis files and results including Project
ID, Building Description, Client, and Engineer fields.
PACT uses the Region Cost Multiplier and Date Cost Multiplier fields to
adjust provided component repair cost consequence functions to appropriate
present values. The provided consequence functions reflect repair costs
appropriate to Northern California in 2011. Users can address escalation and
regional cost variation through cost multiplier input using any suitable cost
PACT uses the Solver Random Seed Value input to initiate all internally
programmed sequences of random number generation utilized in
performance assessment. If a Solver Random Seed Value of zero is used,
PACT will randomly seed each generation sequence. This will result in
different values for performance assessment results each time the same
problem is executed even if there are no changes to the input. While the
results of these assessments can be expected to be similar, users should input
a single digit non-zero integer to avoid seeing anomalous changes in
predicted performance when multiple evaluations of the same building are
performed. Note that if a sufficiently large number of realizations is used,
this effect is negligible.
Figure 2-3 illustrates the Building Info tab used to enter basic building data.
The red exclamation symbol, , appears whenever the value of an input is
outside a reasonable range, indicating a probable input error. This occurs for
many fields before data are entered, as a warning that entry is required.
PACT uses the Number of Stories input as a basic index of the number of
demand parameters, performance groups, and calculations to be performed.
A story is defined as the building volume that extends from the top of slab or
other flooring at one floor level, to the top of slab or flooring at the next
level. It includes all things that are mounted on or above the lower floor and
which are present beneath the top of the higher level, such as the framing
supporting the higher floor or roof. The input value should include all stories
that have vulnerable components and which are to be included in the
performance assessment. If basements are present, and have vulnerable
structural or nonstructural components or occupants susceptible to injury,
these should be included as stories. Similarly, penthouses with vulnerable
components or occupants should be included as stories.
PACT defines the number of floors based on the Number of Stories input,
where floor identifies all those components present within a story that are
located on top of the surface of the identified floor, and beneath the top
surface of the floor above. Thus, the first floor includes fragility groups for
framing that supports (and is beneath) the second floor; as well as
components that are supported on the first floor or suspended from the
second floor.
Figure 2-4 illustrates the PACT definitions of floor and story numbers and
floor and story heights. Floor numbering should be initialized at the lowest
story housing damageable components. In the example of Figure 2-4, it has
been assumed that basement stories of this building do not contain
damageable components.
Core and Shell Replacement Cost should reflect a best estimate of the cost
to replace all building core and shell items, including an allowance for
building demolition and site clearance. Core and shell components include
the basic building structure and cladding and all nonstructural components
that are not typically provided by the tenants, such as elevators, stairs, toilet
rooms, and basic electrical and mechanical service. Total Replacement
Cost input includes the cost of core and shell constituents plus the cost to
replace tenant improvements and contents. Tenant improvements commonly
include office partitions, ceilings, light fixtures, HVAC, and electrical
distribution within occupied spaces except in common areas, such as lobbies
or central plants.
The Maximum Workers per Square Foot input is used to calculate repair
time. Values for this parameter should range from 0.0005 (one worker per
2,000 square feet) to 0.004 (1 worker per 250 square feet). During an actual
repair project there can be considerable fluctuation in the number of workers
per square foot of floor area. PACT provides a default setting of 0.001
which corresponds to one worker per 1000 square feet of floor area. Users
should generally execute their assessment with this default value, but can use
denser values when the building occupancy is such that owners will be
willing to bear the cost associated with more rapid repair schedules. Use of
denser values will typically imply that the building will not be occupied
during repair, even if damage is not so great as to warrant this from other
perspectives. Users can perform multiple assessments using different values
of this parameter to understand how it affects the potential repair times.
Minor cost adjustments may be appropriate for simple interior repairs, where
the impact is a minor loss of efficiency for worker elevator travel.
Significant adjustments may be necessary for exterior cladding repairs on a
high-rise building which could require significant scaffolding for an
otherwise low cost repair item. Both of these extremes are unlikely to
produce a significant total repair cost error, since they are typically combined
with much less sensitive work items. While there can be a significant range
of height premium costs for individual items, the aggregated modifications
will be a relatively small increase for most cases. Table 2-1 presents
suggested Height Factor premiums.
The Hazmat Factor field is used to reflect the variable hazardous material
premiums. For new buildings, hazardous materials issues are generally a
function of occupancy. Healthcare and research facilities typically contain
some amount of hazardous material to support their operations. In many
older buildings hazardous materials have been removed as part of recent
tenant improvement and building modernization projects. Unless specific
information is known, a Hazmat Factor of 1.0 is recommended. It is
reasonable to expect this factor to range from 1.00 for modern buildings
without significant hazardous material content to 1.20 for buildings that
contain significant amounts of hazardous material including lead-based paint
and asbestos. Determination of Hazmat Factors should consider the
There are many other hazardous materials and conditions that could be
encountered in repair efforts. In the larger context of seismic repair,
typically these treatments are inconsequential from a cost perspective. These
materials can include mercury in light fixtures and switching devices
(thermostats), dry-cleaning fluids, gasoline, diesel or other hydrocarbons in
generators or fuel storage tanks, chemicals from process or manufacturing,
and radioactive materials (particularly in healthcare or laboratory
The Occupancy Factor reflects the added cost of working around ongoing
building operations, equipment, and the collateral protections required for
some construction characteristics. The repair premium is significantly more
pronounced in occupied buildings than in vacated buildings. However, the
level of collateral protection required even in an unoccupied building may be
significant. Table 2-2 lists recommended repair premiums for typical
occupied and unoccupied buildings. PACT does not presently distinguish
between occupied and unoccupied repair conditions.
To assess casualties, users must define the population model, i.e., the
distribution of occupants within the building at various times of day. In
PACT, it is possible to use one of the provided building population models or
to develop and input building-specific models. Eight population models are
provided in PACT corresponding to typical commercial office, education
K-12 (elementary, middle, high school), healthcare, hospitality, multi-unit
residential, research, retail, and warehouse occupancies.
Users can assign separate population models to several fractions of each floor
level. Each population model includes the hourly distribution of people per
1,000 square feet for weekdays or weekends and can be adjusted to include
further variation by month. Provided population models can be used directly
or be modified to reflect the unique occupancy characteristics of a specific
building, if known. Figure 2-5 illustrates the commercial office occupancy
provided in PACT. Building-specific population information can be
developed and modified using the Population Manager utility, as illustrated
in Figure 2-6. The provided population models for each occupancy category
can be viewed by selecting from the column on the left and modified by
substituting data on the right side of the window. New occupancy models
can be created by overwriting the existing ones or creating new names for the
Note that many building components are inherently rugged and not subject to
significant damage for credible levels of demand. Rugged components
include such things as plumbing fixtures, electrical raceways, wall-mounted
panels, and some components of gravity framing systems. Volume 1,
Appendix I provides an itemized listing of common building components
that can generally be considered rugged. These components are not typically
susceptible to damage as a result of a building’s earthquake response and
need not be included in the building performance model.
Figure 2-7 PACT Component Fragilities tab showing fragility specification selection.
Column base plates should be included in the performance model when they
Second Edition Update
are part of the lateral force-resisting system and are designed to provide
Consideration of column base
rotational restraint at the base. plates and splices have been
Also within this component category are three fragility specifications for
welded column splices, again differentiated by column weight:
• B1031.021a: Columns ≤ 150 plf
• B1031.021b: 150 plf < Columns ≤ 300 plf
• B1031.021c: Columns > 300 plf
Only column splices that are part of the lateral force-resisting system should
be included in the performance model.
Braced frames designed with factored loads only with no additional seismic
detailing (B1033.071a – B1033.073c) are subdivided by configuration
(chevron, single diagonal, x-diagonals).
Story drift ratio is the demand parameter used for all steel braced frame
fragility specifications, except eccentrically braced systems. Steel braced
frame systems are measured in individual units, i.e., “each,” corresponding to
one bay of bracing.
Link rotation angle is the demand parameter used for EBF systems. This
parameter can be obtained directly from response history analysis. When
simplified analysis is used, link rotation angle can be estimated using the
median estimate of story drift and the story yield drift. AISC 341-05,
Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, (AISC, 2005) Section
C15.2 provides guidance for calculating link rotation angle from the story
yield drift. Because the behavior of the EBF system is governed by the shear
link, the braces themselves are considered rugged and are not included in the
performance model. Section provides guidance for estimating story
yield. Section provides guidance on input of structural analysis
Story drift ratio is the demand parameter used for all steel moment frame
fragility specifications. Beam-column moment connections are measured in
individual units, i.e., “each.”
Reinforced concrete moment frame systems with discreet beams are further
subdivided into four basic categories that reflect the modes of failure
anticipated based upon detailing and reinforcement proportioning. These
include: special moment frame, intermediate moment frame, ordinary
moment frame, and non-conforming frame systems. These systems are
subdivided based on the size of the beams and the presence of beams on one
side of the column or two, as illustrated in Table 2-4. In the table, “XX”
represents an integer representing a moment frame subcategory.
For special moment frame systems judged to have relatively weak joints with
(∑Mc/∑Mb) > 1.2 Pu (col ) < 0.6f c′ and a joint shear ratio, (V/Vn), less than 1.2
with ACI 318-11, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
Story drift ratio is the demand parameter used for all reinforced concrete
moment frames. Beam-column moment connections are measured in
individual units, i.e., “each.” For moment frames with beams, separate
performance groups must be designated in each direction.
Slab-column joints in flat slab systems are subdivided into the following 5
• Flat slab without shear reinforcement at columns (B1049.001a –
• Flat slab with shear reinforcement at columns (B1049.011 – B1049.012)
• Post-tensioned slab without shear reinforcement at columns (B1049.021a
– B1049.22b)
• Post-tensioned slab with shear reinforcement at columns (B1049.031 –
• Flat slab with drop panel or capital without shear reinforcement at
columns (B1049.041a – B1049.042b)
Story drift ratio is the demand parameter used for all reinforced concrete
moment frames. Slab-to-column connections are measured in individual
units, i.e., “each.” Slab-column moment frame fragility specifications use
non-directional demands.
Reinforced concrete shear wall systems include concrete link beams, low
aspect ratio walls (aspect ratio < 1.0), low-rise walls, and slender walls
(aspect ratio ≥ 2.0). Reinforced concrete wall systems are measured in units
of H×H panels, where H is the height of the panel. Concrete link beams are
subdivided based on their reinforcement (diagonal or conventional, and
further subdivided based on the aspect ratio of the link beam and the sizes of
the beam and column. This results in 12 selections that encompass
classification numbers B1042.001 – B1042.022b.
Table 2-5 Fragility Classification for Low Aspect Ratio Reinforced Concrete
Walls with Two Curtains of Reinforcement
Thickness Height Fragility Classification Number
8-16 inches ≤ 15 feet B1044.011
8-16 inches 16 to 24 feet B1044.012
8-16 inches 25 to 40 feet B1044.013
17-24 inches ≤ 15 feet B1044.021
17-24 inches 16 to 24 feet B1044.022
17-24 inches 25 to 40 feet B1044.023
25 to 40 feet B1044.033
≤ 15 feet B1044.041
8-16 inches 16 to 24 feet B1044.042
25 to 40 feet B1044.043
≤ 15 feet B1044.051
17-24 inches 16 to 24 feet B1044.052
25 to 40 feet B1044.053
Similar to walls with flanges, walls with boundary columns are subdivided
into categories that reflect single and double curtains of reinforcement,
Story drift ratio is the demand parameter used for masonry walls. Reinforced
masonry walls are measured in units of H×H panels, where H is the height of
the panel.
Story drift is the demand parameter for cold-formed steel wall systems.
Cold-formed steel wall systems are measured in units of H×H panels, where
H is the height of the panel.
Table B-6 provides finish specifications for light framed walls. Finishes are
identified as individual components for input of fragility specification and
performance group assignment.
Story drift ratio is the demand parameter for wood light frame systems.
Wood light frame systems are measured in units of H×H panels, where H is
the height of the panel.
For steel and reinforced concrete moment frames, the number of interior
(beams framing to both sides of the column) and exterior (beams framing to
one side of the column) joints is input for each direction on each floor. For
steel braced frames, the number of bays of framing is the quantity used.
Flat slab column joints are susceptible to damage associated with the
maximum story drift ratio in any horizontal direction. Such components are
defined in PACT as non-directional.
For wall systems, the unit of measure is the number of panel elements active
in a particular direction of response. For example, low aspect ratio shear
walls are measured in units of H×H panels because damage in these walls
often occurs in the form of diagonal “X” pattern cracking extending across
panels of this size. For a building with a 36 foot long wall and 12 foot story
height, the number of panels input into PACT would be three (36ft/12ft) in
that direction.
There are many components for which fragility specifications are not
provided. Users can develop fragility functions for these items using the
guidance provided in Volume 1, Section 3.8. Chapter 7 provides guidance
on development of nonstructural component fragility parameters by
This fragility classification (B107 and B201) is summarized in Table B-1 and
includes the following types of exterior nonstructural walls:
• Gypsum with wall studs (B1071.041).
• Cold-formed steel walls (B2011.001a – B2011.021b). These
specifications are the same as those in category B106.
• Wood light frame walls (B2011.101 – B2011.131) with structural panel
sheathing, gypsum board sheathing, and let-in diagonal strut bracing.
These specifications are the same as the wood light frame walls in
category B107.
• Precast concrete cladding panels (B2011.201a – B2011.201b).
Two fragility specifications are provided for precast concrete cladding panels
(B2011.201a and B2011.201b). One is associated with damage in-plane
while the other fragility is associated with out-of-plane damage. Users must
provide the median demand and dispersion values based on the details of the
system present.
Peak floor acceleration in the direction normal to the wall at the top floor
adjacent to a panel is the demand parameter used for out-of-plane damage.
Section 7.3 provides guidance on the calculation of anchorage fragilities. For
most situations, a crude but adequate calculation can be made by using the
code seismic design acceleration coefficient for which the anchorage was
presumed to be designed (see Section 7.3.1) and converting this to a median
estimate of capacity. Precast concrete cladding panels are measured in units
of 30 lineal feet.
Fragility data for two basic window system types are provided: curtain wall
systems and storefront systems. Both are for window systems supported and
contained within aluminum framing.
Story drift ratio in the plane of the wall is the demand parameter for exterior
window systems. The area of glazing per floor is dependent on the perimeter
length of the floor in the direction under consideration and height of the floor
less the area of perimeter cladding or other non-glazed areas. The exterior
window systems are measured in units of 30 square feet, i.e., the net window
area (in square feet) divided by 30.
Fragilities for true “drift-protected” partition walls are not presently provided
but can be added as user-defined when appropriate. The fragility and
consequence functions for all four provided partition types assume gypsum
wallboard on both sides of the partition and include allowances for all typical
accessories including doors and embedded mechanical and electrical utilities.
For damage states where the consequence includes partition replacement, the
repair cost includes allowance for these accessories.
Story drift ratio in the plane of the wall is the demand parameter used with
partitions. Partitions are measured in units of 100 lineal feet. For estimating
purposes, the walls are assumed to be 9 feet tall.
Fragility functions are only provided for prefabricated stair assemblies (steel,
precast, hybrid) composed of individual stringers, stair treads, and landings
assembled without seismic joints. Fragility functions are not provided for
cast-in-place and monolithic precast stairs. These components require user
specified fragility functions. Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 provide guidance on
developing fragility functions by calculation.
Fragility functions for stairs with seismic joints are not provided and need to
be specified by the user. A suggested approach for establishing a fragility
function for this condition requires estimating the story drift the joint is
designed to accommodate and adding the value to the drift associated with
the provided component fragility without a seismic joint.
Story drift ratio in the direction of stair alignment is the demand parameter
for these systems. If the directional orientation of the stair is unknown, the
demand parameter can be adjusted to non-directional. The number of stairs
is based on gross square foot of building floor area and occupancy.
Volume 1, Appendix F provides quantity guidance for stairways per floor
based on building floor area and occupancy. For buildings that have the
same floor area at all floors, the same number of stairs should be specified at
each level. Stairs are measured in individual units of stairways per floor, i.e.,
Story drift ratio in the plane of the wall is the demand parameter used with
wall finishes. Wall finishes are measured in 100 lineal feet of wall, similar to
partitions. If both sides of a wall have finishes, the quantities should be
increased accordingly.
The median demand for floor flooding is selected by the user as equal to the
lowest median value of a piping component damage state included in the
performance model that will result in a major leak. For Seismic Design
Categories A, B, and C (no ceiling bracing) sprinkler drops will typically
govern the demand selection. For Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F the
demand selection is likely governed by threaded water piping.
Flooding damage is presumed to occur on only the floor where the major
leak occurs. The demand parameters and dispersion are the same as the
values for the piping component with the lowest median damage state
demand. The unit of measure is one square foot. For floor flooding
consequences, if the assumption is that the entire floor is flooded, the
performance group quantity should be set to the area of entire floor. The user
may assume only a part of floor is flooded by modifying the performance
group quantities. The likelihood of floor flooding throughout a floor level is
related to the presence of building maintenance personnel capable of rapidly
shutting down sprinkler flow. Raised Access Floors
If the type of elevator is unknown, the user can assume that buildings with
more than 5 stories will have traction elevators and buildings with 5 stories
or less will have hydraulic elevators.
The demand parameter for these systems is peak floor acceleration (non-
directional) in the floor above. These piping systems are measured in units
of 1000 lineal feet, i.e., the total length of piping per floor (in lineal feet)
divided by 1000.
For equipment that is unanchored, only damage modes that include internal
damage are provided in PACT. Users can define additional damage modes
associated with failure of attached piping due to equipment sliding. Section
7.3 provides guidance on calculation of anchorage fragilities.
In-line fan specifications are divided into subgroups that include units that
are independently supported with vibration isolators (D3041.001) and those
without vibration isolators (D3041.002). These systems are further divided
depending on Seismic Design Category as follows: (1) Seismic Design
Categories A and B; (2) Seismic Design Category C; (3) Seismic Design
Categories D and E; and (4) Seismic Design Category D, E, or F.
Drop and diffuser specifications are divided into categories of the installation
location: in suspended ceilings (D3041.031) or without ceilings (D3041.032).
These specifications are further subdivided by Seismic Design Category.
Variable air volume boxes (VAV) (D3041.041) are divided into two
categories: Seismic Design Categories A or B and Seismic Design Category
C or above.
HVAC fan specifications are divided into three categories: (1) unanchored
and not isolated (D3041.101); (2) isolated but not restrained (D3041.102);
(3) and hard anchored or isolated and restrained (D3041.103). These three
categories are further subdivided by dominant damage mode (anchorage
failure, internal damage, or simultaneous damage) in a manner similar to that
done for the components in Section 2.5.13. In an analogous fashion, the user
must determine the median value of peak floor acceleration that will produce
anchorage or isolator failure and use that value to select the dominant
damage mode most appropriate.
Specifications for thin wall piping systems with older Victaulic type
connections are subdivided by Seismic Design Category. The fragility
specifications provided for the horizontal distribution system includes its
Fire sprinkler drop fragility specifications are subdivided into the following
categories: (1) lay-in tile soft ceilings; (2) lay-in tile hard ceilings; and (3) no
ceilings. Each of these groups is further divided based on Seismic Design
Category. Seismic Design Categories A, B, or C imply no seismic
requirements or lateral bracing of the ceiling while Seismic Design Category
D, E, and F imply that lateral seismic bracing is provided with a stringent
level of design and construction installation review.
For transformers, further subdivisions are made based on unit size as follows:
• 100 to 350 kVA – measured in units of 250 kVA
• 350 to 750 kVA – measured in units of 500 kVA
• 750 to 1,200 kVA – measured in units of 1000 kVA
• 1,200 to 2,000 kVA – measured in units of 1,500 kVA
All of the fragility specifications are further divided by the dominant damage
mode (anchorage failure, internal damage and simultaneous occurrence of
both). Section 2.5.13 provides information on estimating the median floor
acceleration associated with anchorage failure and the use of that information
to select the most appropriate damage mode.
Peak total floor velocity of the supporting floor is the demand parameter for
unanchored bookcases. Fragility functions for these components were
derived by calculation. Section 7.2.1 illustrates this calculation.
Peak total floor velocity of the supporting floor is the demand parameter for
unanchored filing cabinets. Fragility specifications for these components
have been derived by calculation. Section 7.2.1 illustrates this calculation.
To use this tool, users identify the floor area associated with each of 8
different occupancy types at each building level. The tool produces a floor-
by-floor list of the performance group quantities of nonstructural components
based on the floor area and occupancy type. The user should review values
listed by the tool to confirm that the components and quantities selected are
appropriate given the building size and quantity of discreet units required.
Appendix D provides detailed instructions on the use of the Normative
Quantity Estimation Tool.
Figure 2-9 shows the Building Definition table of the Normative Quantity
Estimation Tool completed with number of floors and square foot for each
occupancy present at each floor. Selection of occupancy categories for each
floor will generate a listing of nonstructural fragility specifications and the
quantities of components conforming to each specification as shown in
Figure 2-10. The results from the tool should be reviewed for
appropriateness with the building information available, such as seismic
category and year of construction, and revised accordingly.
Once the building performance model has been developed and input into
PACT, a building collapse fragility function must be developed to permit
assessment of casualties. The collapse fragility function expresses the
probability of building collapse, in one or modes, as a function ground
motion intensity.
This approach uses results from a large number of nonlinear response history
analyses to identify the probability of building collapse at different seismic
intensities. A lognormal distribution is fit to the collapse cases generated for
each intensity. The Collapse Fragility Tool provided in Volume 3 is an
Excel workbook application that fits a lognormal distribution to collapse
statistics obtained from a series of nonlinear dynamic analyses at different
ground motion intensity levels.
The branch of the curve from the ordinate to point 1 is defined as the elastic
segment. Point 1 is defined as the yield point. The curve segment from point
1 to point 2 is termed the hardening segment, where point 2 is defined as the
point of peak strength. The segment from point 2 to point 3 is termed the
softening branch, where point 3 represents the onset of residual strength
response. The segment from point 3 to point 4 represents the residual
strength plateau and terminates abruptly at point 4. Point 4 represents the
ultimate deformation at collapse. Definition of the control points can be such
that slopes of the various branches are substantially different than those
shown in the figure, and control points can coincide to eliminate branches, if
After definition of the control points, the tool will require the following
additional input information:
• Building weight,
• Building height, and
Step 5. Execute SPO2IDA and extract the median collapse capacity. The
median collapse estimate for Sa is found on the IDA results Tab as the last
row entry in the Sa column.
Step 6. Define the collapse fragility function using the median collapse
capacity from SPO2IDA and an assigned dispersion of 0.6.
For SDS = 1.0g, W = 1133 kips (per wall) and V =227 kips (per wall)
Step 1. A mathematical model is constructed in general accordance with the nonlinear static analysis
provisions of ASCE/SEI 41-06.
Step 2. Perform nonlinear static analyses (for each principal direction) of the building to develop a
force-displacement characterization of response (pushover curve). For the example structure, the
response is identical about each principal building direction.
For this example, collapse is a non-simulated rupture of flexural wall reinforcement. Reinforcement
rupture is judged to occur at an extensional strain of 0.05. Collapse is defined at a deformation level at
which 30% of the cross section reinforcement rupture.
The pushover curve data is input into SPO2IDA using the SPO tab. Note that drift index is used
(Column C) to define deformation data. See Figure 2-15 for data input. Other data needed to
complete the input include:
• Building weight: 1,133 kips
• Building height: 20 feet
• Fundamental period: 0.26s
Step 4. Identify the control points used in SPO2IDA to generate an idealized pushover curve by
entering base shear and roof drift data into cells L30 through L33 and M30 through M33. These
control points should be selected to best match the actual pushover curve. Superposition of the
original curve and the control points is illustrated in the graphical window. See Figure 2-15.
Step 5. Execute SPO2IDA and extract the median collapse capacity. See Figure 2-16. The results are
found on the IDA results tab, as shown in Figure 2-16. The last row of the Sa column provides the
median estimate of spectral acceleration at collapse.
Step 1. Estimate the highest value of base shear, V, the structure can resist in
each principal direction while just in full conformance with the provisions of
ASCE/SEI 7-10 and its reference standards.
Step 3. Calculate the inferred median collapse capacity, Ŝa(T) at the Second Edition Update
building’s fundamental period, T, using the formula below: This example has been
updated in accordance with the
Ŝa(T) = 4SaD
updated definition of inferred
Step 4. Convert the computed median collapse capacity at the building’s median collapse capacity.
fundamental period, T, to that at T .
=Sˆa (T ) S a (T ) , where T ≥ 0.6 seconds
Step 5. Construct the collapse fragility curve using the median values
derived in Step 4 with a dispersion of 0.6 assigned for regular, well
configured construction and 0.7 or higher for irregular structures or those
with configurations/attributes suggesting poorer seismic performance than
structures of a regular nature.
V 227
S aD
= = R (5) 1.00 g
W 1133
Sˆa (T ) = 4C4 S aD
2R − 1 (2)(5) − 1
=C4 = = 2.40 g
R 5
Figure 2-17 shows the collapse fragility functions derived from both the
nonlinear static procedure using SPO2IDA and the judgment-based
When buildings collapse, they can collapse in different modes. For example,
multi-story structures can experience single-story collapse in any of the
stories or the entire structure can collapse. To quantify the impact of partial
or total building collapse, it is necessary to define the various collapse modes
that can occur, and to identify the fraction of building floor area at each level
that experiences collapse in each mode. For each realization in which
collapse is predicted, PACT utilizes a matrix of collapse ratios to determine
the extent of building area involved in the collapse, and the number of
occupants at risk. The following steps can be used to define the collapse
ratios for input to PACT:
Step 1. Identify the likely collapse modes based on the results of analysis
and judgment. This includes identification of building portions that are
prone to collapse. Figure 2-18 illustrates some representative collapse modes
for a 2-story building.
Step 3. For each collapse mode, identify the fractional area of each floor that
will either collapse directly or will be covered by debris from the collapsing
floor above. In the illustration of Figure 2-18, collapse mode 1 is a 1st story
collapse, in which 100% of the first story floor area is compressed, but none
of the second. Collapse mode 2 is a 2nd story collapse in which 100% of the
When collapse occurs, PACT requires definition of the Mean Fatality Rate
(and associated COV) and the Mean Injury Rate (and associated COV).
The Mean Fatality Rate is the fraction of occupants inhabiting the impacted
collapse area who are fatally injured by the collapse. Users should select
values based on judgment considering the types of debris likely to be
generated given the construction type and its lethality. A similar judgment is
required for Mean Injury Rate. These two values should sum to a value of
This fragility function expresses the probability that for a given value of
residual story drift ratio, the building will be repaired or not. As the value of
residual drift becomes larger, it will become impractical to repair the
damaged building components while ignoring the permanent building
distortion. Building recentering to correct residual drift is not generally
practical and therefore large residual drifts can result in the building damage
state being irreparable.
PACT provides an assumed fragility function for residual drift ratio that uses
a median value for irreparability of 1% residual story drift and a dispersion of
0.3, as shown in Figure 2-19. Volume 1 Appendix C provides discussion of
residual drift.
3.1 Introduction
Models should include dead and expected live loads acting throughout the
building. Live loads can be taken as 25% of the code specified design live
load without further reduction for influence area.
The response of relatively stiff buildings on relatively soft soils and buildings
with a basement that extends more than one story beneath grade can be
significantly affected by soil-structure interaction. Soil-structure interaction
and foundation embedment effects can be modeled explicitly or accounted
To the extent possible, the model should explicitly include the range of
component deformation to failure. Where this cannot be done, users should
estimate the deformation limits at which failure of these components is likely
to occur. Users should carefully review analysis results and adjust them to
account for these non-simulated component failures.
If the building being assessed does not conform to these assumptions, the
simplified procedure may produce unreliable results.
Users must enter peak floor acceleration, velocity, and story drift ratio values
into PACT in each direction. PACT computes non-directional drift ratio,
velocity and acceleration as 1.2 times the maximum of the two values
obtained at each floor along the two horizontal axes.
Step 2. Determine the effective first mode period T as the average of T1X
and T1Y , if response in the two directions are uncoupled and as the larger of
T1X or T1Y , if response is coupled.
Step 5. Construct the geomean response spectrum for each ground motion
pair using Volume 1, Equation 4-1:
gm ( T )
S= S x (T ) × S y (T )
Step 6. Determine the periods Tmin and Tmax over which the suite of ground
motion pairs are scaled to be consistent with the target spectrum. Tmax is
obtained from the equation:
Tmax = 2T
Period Tmin should typically be taken as the smaller of 0.2 T1X or 0.2 T1Y . If
substantial damage can occur due to response in modes having periods
smaller than Tmin, e.g., in high rise buildings where multiple higher modes
may contribute significantly to the acceleration and drift response, select Tmin
sufficiently small to capture these important response modes.
Step 7. Compare each pair’s geomean spectral shape with that of the target
spectrum over the range Tmin to Tmax. Select ground motion pairs with
geomean spectra that are similar in shape to the target response spectrum
within that range. Discard ground motion pairs that do not fit the shape of
the target spectrum adequately.
Figure 3-2 shows scaled spectra for a suite of 5 motions selected for
intensity-based assessment of a structure with T = 0.5 seconds. The ground
motion pairs were selected with geomean spectral shape similar to the target
(a code-spectrum with Sa(0.2) = 1.0g and Sa(1.0) = 0.6g) over the period
range 0.1 second to 1.0 second. For the selected suite of motions and scale
factors, the average value of Sa for the suite is 98% of the target value and
over the range of periods (0.1 second to 1 second) the average ordinate of the
geomean spectrum has an error of 1.5%. Note that at any period, some
records are substantially higher than the target spectrum and some, less.
Step 1. Execute an analysis of the structure for each of the ground motion
Step 2. Extract the peak transient drift ratio, peak total floor velocity, and
peak total floor accelerations from the analysis for each principal building
direction and at each floor and story.
Step 3. Estimate residual drift ratio from the peak transient drift ratios
according to Volume 1, Equation 5-25:
∆r = 0 for ∆ ≤ ∆y
∆r 0.3 ( ∆ − ∆y )
= for ∆y < ∆ < 4∆y
r ( ∆ − 3∆ )
y for ∆ ≥ 4∆y
Step 4. Estimate residual drift ratio values using peak transient drift ratios
for each principal building direction as described above. Residual drift ratios
should not be directly extracted from the response history analysis results as
presently most response history analysis tools do not produce reliable
estimates of residual drift ratio. Volume 1, Appendix C provides expanded
discussion on this topic.
Step 2. Input the value for each demand parameter for each level and
direction, from each analysis in the Structural Analysis Results tab shown
in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3 PACT Structural Analysis Results tab with response history drift
Step 3. Identify and input the value of Sa (T ) and the dispersion in the
Residual Drift input tab shown in Figure 3-4.
The ground motion parameters used to assess response are the 5% damped
elastic spectral response accelerations at the building’s fundamental period in
each of two orthogonal response directions, obtained by performing the
following three steps:
Step 3. Obtain Sa( T1X ) and Sa( T1Y ) from the selected spectrum. Analyze Building Response
W1 is taken as CmW with Cm from Table 3-1 of ASCE/SEI 41-13. For the
2-story shear wall structure, Cm is 1.0 and thus W1 = 1.0W = 1133 kips.
For a shear wall system, the equivalent lateral force distribution produces a
base moment, M0, on the wall. The ratio of this moment to the base shear
is designated the spear span, H0. Up until yielding at the wall’s base
occurs, the vertical force distribution procedure defined in the next step
(Section can be used to determine the shear span. The shear
span can be used to define the relationship between base shear at yield and
wall moment at yield.
The calculated yield capacity using the nominal yield properties of one of the
masonry walls in the building is equal to 5189k-1. The shear force is
required to produce this moment is
M y 5189
= = 318 kips
H 0 16.3
Since the calculated value of Vy1 is based on nominal rather than expected
values, a conversion is required. The expected strength to nominal strength
ratios given in ASCE/SEI 41-13 can be used for this purpose. In this case,
flexural yielding will be controlled by the yield strength of the reinforcing
steel, for which the expected strength to nominal strength ratio is 1.25,
providing an estimated shear yield strength of 1.25(318 kips) = 398 kips.
Using the SPO2IDA Tool provided in Volume 3, the yield value, Vy1, can be
calculated as 480 kips.
Using Judgment
For illustration in the continuation of this example, Vy1 will be taken as 398
kips, based on the plastic analysis method above.
Returning to the calculation of S, S = 2.85
Since T1 < 0.2s
S −1
C1 = 1 +
The structure is located on Site Class D soil, therefore from Table 3-3, a = 60
2.85 − 1
C1 = 1.77
For S greater than 1.0, C2 (an adjustment factor for cyclic degradation) is
given by Volume 1, Equation 5-7 as follows:
( S − 1)
C2 1+
= for T 1 ≤ 0.2 seconds
1 ( S − 1)
Since T1 ≤ 0.2 s
( S − 1) (1.85)
2 2
C2 1+
= 1+
= 1.11
32 32
thus V = (1.77)(1.11)(1.0)(1133)
V = 2226 kips
The median story drift ratio is estimated following the steps below.
Dispersion is estimated by using the default values given in Volume 1,
Chapter 5.
Step 1. Determine the vertical distribution of force over the height of the
building according to Volume 1, Equation 5-8 where Fx is the pseudo lateral
load at each floor level x:
Fx = CvxV
wx hxk
Cvx = N +1
i =2
i i
where wi is the lumped weight at floor level i, hi (hx) is the height above the
effective base of the building to floor level I, and k is equal to 1.0 for T1 less
than or equal to 0.5 seconds.
The floor and story heights are defined in accordance with Figure 3-5:
Figure 3-5 Definition of floor, story numbers and floor heights above grade
for two-story building.
Thus h2 = 10ft and H = 20ft
The weight distribution is as illustrated in Figure 3-6:
The weight distribution and the story heights yield a ratio of 0.63 for the roof
and 0.37 for the first floor.
Figure 3-7 illustrates the calculated floor displacements from linear analysis.
=∆1 = 0.00178
0.414 − 0.214
=∆2 = 0.00167
( E )(12)
Calculated drift ratios are valid for both of the building’s principal axes
because of the building’s symmetry (see Figure 2-12).
Step 3. Obtain estimates of median story drift ratio, Δi*, at each story by
correcting for inelastic behavior and higher modes using Volume 1, Equation
=∆i* H ∆i ( S , T1 , hi , H ) × ∆i i = 1 to N
where H ∆i ( S , T1 , hi , H ) is the drift modification factor for story i computed
using Volume 1, Equation 5-11:
2 3
hi +1 hi +1 hi +1
ln ( H ∆i ) =a0 + a1T1 + a2 S + a3 + a4 + a5 H , S ≥1, i =1 to N
with T1, S, and H as previously defined.
For a shear wall building of less than 10 stories tall, coefficients a0, a1, a2, a3,
a4, and a5 are determined from Volume 1, Table 5-4 as:
a0 = 0.92, a1= -0.036, a2 = -0.058, a3 = -2.56, a4 = 1.39, a5 = 0
For i=1, h2 = 10 feet, H = 20 feet:
10 10
ln H ∆1 =− 0.92 0.036(0.13) − 0.058(2.85) − 2.56 + 1.39
20 20
ln H ∆ 1 = −0.18248
H ∆1 = 0.833
∆1* = 0.00148
For i = 2, hroof =H = 20 feet:
20 20
ln H ∆2 =−
0.92 0.036(0.13) − 0.058(2.85) − 2.56 + 1.39
ln H ∆2 = −0.420
H ∆2 = 0.657
=∆2* H=
∆2 ( ∆2 ) 0.657(0.00167)
∆2* = 0.00110
Step 4. As a result of uncertainty in ground motion, mathematical response
modeling, and material property variability, the actual building response is
likely to vary from estimated median response. These uncertainties are
characterized as record-to-record variability, βaΔ, and modeling uncertainty,
βm. Total dispersion, βSD, associated with the peak transient drift is given by
Volume 1, Equation 5-19:
β SD
= β a2∆ + β m2
Values for βaΔ, βm, and βSD are presented in Table 3-4. The first four columns
of this table are excerpted from Volume 1, Table 5-6, and the last column is
calculated with the above equation. For T1 = 0.13s and S = 2.85,
interpolation yields βSD = 0.47.
Sa ( T1 ) W
T1 (sec) Vy1 βaΔ βm βSD
≤1.00 0.05 0.25 0.26
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
0.2 4 0.4 0.35 0.53
6 0.45 0.50 0.67
≥8 0.45 0.50 0.67
≤1.00 0.1 0.25 0.27
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
0.35 4 0.4 0.35 0.53
6 0.45 0.50 0.67
≥8 0.45 0.50 0.67
Sa ( T1 ) W
T1 (sec) Vy1 βaΔ βm βSD
≤1.00 0.1 0.25 0.27
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
0.5 4 0.4 0.35 0.53
6 0.45 0.50 0.67
≥8 0.45 0.50 0.67
≤1.00 0.1 0.25 0.27
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
0.75 4 0.4 0.35 0.53
6 0.45 0.50 0.67
≥8 0.45 0.50 0.67
≤1.00 0.15 0.25 0.29
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
1 4 0.4 0.35 0.53
6 0.45 0.50 0.67
≥8 0.45 0.50 0.67
≤1.00 0.15 0.25 0.29
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
1.5 4 0.4 0.35 0.53
6 0.45 0.50 0.67
≥8 0.45 0.50 0.67
≤1.00 0.25 0.25 0.35
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
2.00+ 4 0.4 0.35 0.53
6 0.45 0.50 0.67
≥8 0.45 0.50 0.67
Step 1. Obtain estimates of median peak floor acceleration, ai*, at each story
above the building base by correcting peak ground accelerations using
Volume 1, Equation 5-12:
For a shear wall building of less than 10 stories tall, coefficients a0, a1, a2, a3,
a4 ,and a5 are found in Volume 1 Table 5-4 as:
a0 = 0.66, a1 = -0.15, a2 = -0.084, a3 = -0.26, a4 = 0.57, a5 = 0
For i = 1 (at grade):
a1* = PGA
a1* = 0.40g
For i = 2, h2 = 10 ft, H = 20ft
h2 10
= = 0.5
H 20
ln H a2 = 0.4136
H a2 = 1.512
=a2* 1.512(0.4)
= 0.605g
For i = 3 (roof), hroof = H = 20ft
h3 20
= = 1.0
H 20
ln Ha3 = 0.7111
Ha3 = 2.036
=a3* 2.036(0.4)
= 0.814g
Step 2. Total dispersion, βFA, associated with peak floor acceleration is given
by Volume 1, Equation 5-20:
β FA
= β aa2 + β m2
Sa ( T1 ) W
T1 (sec) Vy1 βaa βm βFA
≤1.00 0.10 0.25 0.27
2 0.10 0.25 0.27
0.20 4 0.10 0.35 0.36
6 0.10 0.50 0.51
≥8 0.05 0.50 0.50
≤1.00 0.15 0.25 0.29
2 0.15 0.25 0.29
0.35 4 0.15 0.35 0.38
6 0.15 0.50 0.52
≥8 0.15 0.50 0.52
≤1.00 0.20 0.25 0.32
2 0.20 0.25 0.32
0.50 4 0.20 0.35 0.40
6 0.20 0.50 0.54
≥8 0.20 0.50 0.54
≤1.00 0.25 0.25 0.35
2 0.25 0.25 0.35
0.75 4 0.25 0.35 0.43
6 0.25 0.50 0.56
≥8 0.25 0.50 0.56
≤1.00 0.30 0.25 0.39
2 0.30 0.25 0.39
1.00 4 0.30 0.35 0.46
6 0.30 0.50 0.58
≥8 0.25 0.50 0.56
≤1.00 0.35 0.25 0.43
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
1.50 4 0.35 0.35 0.49
6 0.35 0.50 0.61
≥8 0.25 0.50 0.56
Sa ( T1 ) W
T1 (sec) Vy1 βaa βm βFA
≤1.00 0.50 0.25 0.56
2 0.45 0.25 0.51
2.00+ 4 0.45 0.35 0.57
6 0.40 0.50 0.64
≥8 0.35 0.50 0.61
The median peak total floor velocity is estimated by following the steps
below. Dispersion is estimated by using the default values given in
Volume 1, Chapter 5.
Determine PGV
24.5in / sec
2π 2π
Sv (1) 24.5in / sec
= = = 14.5in / sec
1.65 1.65
For i = 2:
Δ1 =0.00178
0.13 398 0.00178
=vs2 14.5in / sec + ( 0.3) (1.0 )
2π 1133 / 386 0.00173
vs2 = 15.3 in / sec
For i = 3:
Δ3 = 0.00167
0.13 398 0.00167
=vs2 14.5in / sec + ( 0.3) (1.0 )
2π 1133 / 386 0.00173
vs2 = 15.3 in / sec
where Hvi is the velocity modification factor for floor i, given by Volume 1,
Equation 5-17:
2 3
hi h h
ln ( H vi ) =a0 + a1T1 + a2 S + a3 + a4 i + a5 i , S ≥ 1, i =2 to N + 1
H H h
with S, T1, hi, and H as previously defined and S >1.
For a shear wall building of less than 10 stories tall, coefficients a0, a1, a2, a3,
a4, and a5 are found in Volume 1, Table 5-4 as:
a0 = -0.033, a1 = -0.085, a2 = 0.055, a3 = -0.52, a4 = 0.47, a5 = 0
For i = 1, v1* = PGV = 14.5 in/sec
For i = 2, h2 = 10 feet
10 10
ln( H v2 ) =
−0.033 − 0.085(.13) + 0.055(2.85) − 0.52 + 0.47
20 20
ln( H v2 ) = −0.0298
H v2 = 0.971
=vs2* (=
0.971)15.3in/sec 14.9in/sec
β FV = β av2 + β m2
Values for βav, βm, and βFV are presented in Table 3-6. The first four columns
of this table are excerpted from Volume 1, Table 5-6, and the last column is
calculated with the above equation. For T1 ≤ 0.2s and S = 2.85, interpolation
yields βFV = 0.55.
Sa ( T1 ) W
T1 S=
(sec) Vy1 βav βm βFV
≤1.00 0.50 0.25 0.56
2 0.51 0.25 0.57
0.20 4 0.40 0.35 0.53
6 0.37 0.50 0.62
≥8 0.24 0.50 0.55
≤1.00 0.32 0.25 0.41
2 0.38 0.25 0.45
0.35 4 0.43 0.35 0.55
6 0.38 0.50 0.63
≥8 0.34 0.50 0.60
≤1.00 0.31 0.25 0.40
2 0.35 0.25 0.43
0.50 4 0.41 0.35 0.54
6 0.36 0.50 0.62
≥8 0.32 0.50 0.59
≤1.00 0.30 0.25 0.39
2 0.33 0.25 0.41
0.75 4 0.39 0.35 0.52
6 0.35 0.50 0.61
≥8 0.30 0.50 0.58
≤1.00 0.27 0.25 0.37
2 0.29 0.25 0.38
1.00 4 0.37 0.35 0.51
6 0.36 0.50 0.62
≥8 0.34 0.50 0.60
Sa ( T1 ) W
T1 S=
(sec) Vy1 βav βm βFV
≤1.00 0.25 0.25 0.35
2 0.26 0.25 0.36
1.50 4 0.33 0.35 0.48
6 0.34 0.50 0.60
≥8 0.33 0.50 0.60
≤1.00 0.28 0.25 0.38
2 0.21 0.25 0.33
2.00+ 4 0.25 0.35 0.43
6 0.26 0.50 0.56
≥8 0.26 0.50 0.56
The approach for estimating median residual story drift ratio presented in
Volume 1, Section 5.4 is summarized in Table 3-7 for different structural
systems and illustrated below.
Table 3-7 Procedures for Estimating Median Story Drift Ratio at Yield
Structural System Procedure
Steel concentrically Calculate story drift ratio at which the story shear equals the
braced frames and low expected yield strength of the braces or shear strength of
aspect ratio wall systems the walls
Moment frames Calculate story drift ratio which produces a story shear that
results in:
• beams or columns reach plastic moment capacity
(include axial forces)
• beam-column joint reaches its expected yield strength in
Slender shear walls Calculate the story drift ratio at which the walls attain their
(governed by flexural expected flexural strength using a lateral force distribution
yielding) that reflects the dynamic response of the building
r 0.3 ( ∆i* − ∆y ) ∆y* < ∆i* < 4∆y
( ∆i* − 3∆y )
∆r* = ∆i* ≥ 4∆y
Following the guidance provided in Table 3-7 for a shear wall system
(governed by flexural yielding), Δy can be estimated with ∆1* = 0.00148 ,
∆2* = 0.00110 , and Vy1 = 398 kips, where Vy1 equals the base shear at which
the base of the wall is expected to reach its flexural yield capacity and the
lateral force distribution reflects the dynamic response of the building.
Using the linear model, the building displacements can be scaled for a base
shear of 398 kips as follows:
=δ ry = 0.074 inches
=δ 1y = 0.038 inches
= = 0.00032
∆* 0.00148
= 4.63
∆y 0.00032
∆ r1* =
0.00148 − 3(0.00032) =
∆ r2* =
0.00110 − 3(0.00032) =
Note that the simplified analysis illustrated in this example was developed
for application to structures with peak transient drift demands less than or
equal to 4 times the yield drift. Beyond this level, simplified analysis may
become less valid. If the building is experiencing such large inelastic
demand, the nonlinear analysis method should be considered in order to
obtain more valid results.
Step 2. The total dispersion associated with median values of residual drift
ratio should be taken as βRD = 0.8. This value includes both βa and βm.
Radio buttons and fields on the upper portion of the tab should be modified
by the user to reflect:
• Assessment Type: Intensity
• Analysis Type: Simplified (Linear)
• Typical Number of Demand Vectors: This number indicates to PACT
the total number of demand vectors that may be input for each intensity
for which an assessment will be performed. The actual number of
vectors input in the lower portion of the screen can be less. Each
intensity included in the assessment can have a different number of
demand vectors.
• Number of Realizations: PACT uses a Monte Carlo process to
determine the probability of incurring consequences. If an insufficiently
large number of realizations are performed for each demand vector, the
indicated probability distribution may be quite inaccurate and can change
significantly each time PACT is run with the same data. The PACT
default setting is 200 realizations. This number of realizations has
generally produced stable results for repair cost and repair time. At least
500 realizations should be used for obtaining estimates for casualties and
unsafe placards. Use of larger numbers of realizations will increase
Under the Identify Intensity section, the user will need to depress the + Add
New Intensity button to prompt the setup for inputting intensity analysis
results. The user can then input the Intensity ID to identify the intensity in
the output files.
When nonlinear response history analyses are performed, demand vectors are
first input in the Number of Demand Vectors field, then the building
Direction and the Demand Type are identified. The number of demand
vectors includes the results to be input for drift, floor acceleration, and floor
velocity in each building direction. The user can also input other demand
parameters assignable to direction 1, direction 2, or non-directional. For the
simplified analysis approach, there will only be one demand vector
containing drifts, floor accelerations and floor velocities for each building
direction and each floor or story. Results should be input for all demand
types and directions that are used by the fragility specifications selected to
define damageable building components.
For each demand vector, the associated Dispersion is input to the right of the
median values. Results are input from the top of the building to the bottom.
Table 3-8 summarizes the results obtained for median and dispersion values
of peak story drift ratios for a 2-story reinforced masonry structure in Section The values for direction 1 are utilized in Figure 3-8.
∆* ∆*
Floor Story θ β θ β
2 to 3 2nd 0.00110 0.47 0.00110 0.47
1 to 2 1rst 0.00148 0.47 0.00148 0.47
The maximum residual drift value and dispersion are input for each intensity
in the bottom row of the Residual Drift tab, as shown in Figure 3-9. This
After completing the performance model and analysis results entry, the
building model is saved, and PACT can execute the performance assessment.
This process is initiated by selecting the Evaluate Performance button
(Figure 3-10) on the PACT Control Panel. This will bring up the PACT
Engine window (Figure 3-11).
The File menu in this window is used to open the building project file, and
the Run Evaluation button is pressed. Upon completion, the user can save
the results for review. The results can be reviewed by pressing the Examine
Results button in the PACT Control Panel (See Figure 3-10).
Figure 3-12 and Figure 3-13 display the PACT output representative of
laboratory occupancy with intensity-based assessment. Other performance
measures are available from the tabs at the top of the results screen
(Casualties, Repair Time, and Unsafe Placards). More detailed results can
be viewed in the Data Drill Down and Exports tab.
The upper portion of the Repair Cost tab (Figure 3-12) illustrates the
contribution to repair cost attributable to each performance group. By
selecting the Realizations button, a graphic representation of performance
group contributors to the repair cost for each realization can be viewed.
Figure 3-13 illustrates this output format.
Figure 3-13 indicates that collapse occurred for realizations 160 through 200.
Realizations 0 through 159 did not result in collapse and the individual
performance group contributions are as shown in the upper half of Figure
3-12. Figure 3-14 illustrates the same result shown in the upper half of
Figure 3-12 with the components grouped into the major fragility
specification categories. For this intensity, chilled water components are the
primary contributor to repair costs for the realization at which median loss
occurs. The contribution to loss for other realizations can be found by
changing the Fraction field at the lower left-hand corner of the screen to any
value between 0 and 1. Options for restructuring performance group viewing
can be found under the Tools menu at the top of the screen.
Figure 3-14 PACT Repair Cost tab showing repair cost by performance group.
The lower half of Figure 3-12 presents the repair cost probability
distribution. The median value is reported as $777,142.86. Any repair cost
Under the Data Drill Down and Exports tab, numerous options exist for
viewing and exporting data. Figure 3-15 shows this tab with data for a
representative 4-story laboratory building. By pressing the View Drilldown
Page button, the user can see the results for each realization, for each floor,
each direction, and each performance group.
The same output and viewing options are available for assessments
performed using nonlinear response history analysis.
It is noted that use of the Open Seismic Hazard Analysis (OpenSHA) tool
may require a revision to computer security settings to provide the results.
Alternatively, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed the Unified
Hazard Tool that can be used to develop seismic hazard curves in most
situations. The USGS tool is available at https://earthquake.usgs.gov
/hazards/interactive/ (last accessed March 15, 2018).
Some decision makers may desire performance assessments for worst case
scenarios. The USGS posts information on best estimate maximum
magnitudes for active faults in the Western United States and the Inner
Step 2. Determine the average first mode period T as the average of T1X and
T1Y if the mode shapes are uncoupled and as the larger of T1X or T1Y if the
mode shapes are coupled.
Step 3. Estimate the average wave velocity, Vs30, in the upper 30 meters (100
ft.) of soil at the site.
Step 8. Calculate the structural period range of interest for spectral scaling
Tmin = 0.2T
Tmax = 2.0T
Step 10. Amplitude scale the suite of records to match the target spectrum.
Per Section, n analyses using the n scaled ground motion pairs are
performed. Determination of median values and dispersions for peak
transient drift ratio, peak floor acceleration, and residual drift ratio are
illustrated in the following subsections.
Step 1. Execute an analysis of the structure for each ground motion pair.
Step 2. Extract the peak transient drift ratios, peak total floor accelerations
and velocities from each analysis for each principal building direction.
where vi,j is the floor velocity at floor i, at time step j, and xi,j and xi,j-1 are the
displacements of floor i at time steps j and (j-1), respectively and Δt is the
time step.
If a velocity history for the ground motion is available, total velocity can be
obtained as the vector sum of the ground velocity and floor velocity at each
time step. If a velocity series for the ground motion is not available,
maximum floor velocity can be approximated from the equation:
(v )
V jmax
= jmax + PGV 2
If the computer software used to perform dynamic analyses does not provide
total acceleration, it can be derived by taking the vector sum of floor
acceleration relative to the ground and ground acceleration at each time step.
Floor acceleration relative to the ground can be obtained by taking the
second derivative of the floor displacement history from the formula:
vi , j − vi , j −1
ai , j =
where vi,j and vi,j-1 are the floor velocities at floor i, for steps j and j-1.
Step 3. Estimate residual drift ratio in each direction from the peak transient
drift ratio as follows:
∆r = 0 for ∆ ≤ ∆y
∆r 0.3 ( ∆ − ∆y )
= for ∆y < ∆ < 4∆y
r ( ∆ − 3∆ )
y for ∆ ≥ 4∆y
Assign demand dispersion values for βc and βq from Table 3-1 and Table 3-2.
Modeling dispersion, βm, is calculated as β c2 + β q2 . For scenario
assessments, an additional uncertainty is introduced to reflect the variability
associated with the predictive ability of the attenuation relationship. The
dispersions associated with the attenuation relationship can be used directly
for βgm, or if these are not evident, the values of Table 3-9 can be used.
The plot in Figure 3-16, obtained from the Attenuation Relationship Plotter
application available on http://www.opensha.org, illustrates the period-
dependent dispersion for the example application in Section For the
example short-period structure ( T = 0.13s), the corresponding dispersion is
0.57. This value compares favorably with the default value provided in
Table 3-10 for Western North America, 0.60.
βm = β c2 + β q2 + β gm
If alternate procedures for scaling ground motion records are used for
analysis, βgm need not be included in the total assigned dispersion since its
effects have been captured directly in the calculation process.
Structural analysis results are entered into PACT in a manner similar to that
for intensity-based assessment. Figure 3-17 illustrates the input for direction
1 drift values from analyses performed with 7 ground motion pairs scaled to
the scenario target spectrum. The modeling dispersion, βm, includes the βgm
The 2-story reinforced masonry wall building previously used to illustrate the
simplified analysis approach for intensity-based assessment is used in this
example. Assumed conditions are:
• Site soil class D
• Distance to fault (closest horizontal distance to the vertical projection of
rupture), rjb = 20 km
• Earthquake magnitude, Mw = 6.5
• Strike-slip fault
From Figure 3-18, Sa(0.13s) = 0.177g for both X and Y directions. The
corresponding dispersion is 0.57.
S gm = Sax Say
For predictions of peak total floor velocity, a median estimate of the peak
ground velocity is needed. The Attenuation Relationship Plotter application
can be reexecuted to return median estimates and dispersions for this
intensity measure in a fashion similar to that for peak ground acceleration.
Estimate the median story drift ratio according to Section The
equation to calculate story drift ratio dispersion, βSD, is modified as follows:
β SD= β a2∆ + β m2 + β gm
Estimate the median peak floor velocity according to Section The
equation used to calculate floor velocity dispersion, βFV, is modified as
Calculate the median residual story drift ratio according to Section
A value of 0.8 is to be used for the dispersion of residual story drift, βRD, for
intensity- or scenario-based assessments. Input Response and Calculate Performance
Demand vectors and dispersions are organized and entered into PACT in a
similar fashion as that described for intensity assessments in Section
Note that βgm is incorporated into the total dispersion assigned to the median
demand values. Figure 3-19 illustrates the Structural Analysis Results tab
for the simplified analysis approach in scenario-based assessment.
Step 2. Determine the average first mode period T as the average of T1X and
T1Y if the mode shapes are uncoupled and as the larger of T1X , and T1Y if the
mode shapes are coupled.
Step 3. Generate a seismic hazard curve for the site for Sa (T ) . This can be
done by performing a site specific seismic hazard analysis or using hazard
data compiled by the USGS.
Step 4. Define values of Samin and Samax that span the range of interest for the
Samin (T ) should reflect the onset of non-trivial impacts, and can be taken as
=Samin 0.05g for T ≤ 1.0s
=Samin g for T > 1.0s
Samax should reflect a maximum value for the selected performance measures,
but need not exceed Sˆa (T ) , the building’s median collapse capacity. Section
2.6 provides guidance on estimating median collapse capacity.
Step 6. For each segment defined in Step 5, identify the Sai (T ) value and the
mean annual frequency of exceedance at the midpoint of the segment. Note
that the difference between mean annual frequency of exceedance values at
the segment ends defines the segment annual occurrence frequency Δλi.
Step 8. Select and scale ground motion pairs to the amplitude of the target
spectrum at the Sa (T ) value similar to the process for intensity-based
assessment. Ground motion record pairs can be found at: https://ngawest2
.berkeley.edu/ and www.cosmos-eq.org. A minimum of 7 record pairs with
geomean spectral shape similar to the target spectrum should be used. If
records with appropriate spectral shape cannot be found, at least 11 record
pairs should be used.
Step 9. Repeat Step 8 for each hazard curve segment to obtain scaled
records for the full range of the segments.
Analyze the structure with the selected records for each spectral intensity
segment. Extract the peak transient drift ratios, floor accelerations, and peak
total floor velocities for each of the orthogonal building directions. Calculate
residual drift ratio and demand dispersions in the same manner as done for
intensity-based assessment in Section
For spectral intensities that approach the structure’s median collapse capacity
Sˆa (T ) , some ground motion pairs may produce predictions of collapse.
Discard the results for analyses that produce collapse. In this case, additional
analyses may be need. Section and Section 5.7 provide further
guidance on this. Input Response and Calculate Performance
The example uses the 2-story reinforced masonry wall structure previously
Latitude: 37.98699
Longitude: -122.61644
Site Class: B
Step 2. Determine the averaged first mode period T as the average of T1X
and T1Y if the mode shapes are uncoupled and as the larger of T1X and T1Y if
the mode shapes are coupled.
T = 0.13 seconds
The hazard curve can be constructed by using the following tools provided
by the USGS: (1) the Unified Hazard Tool (https://earthquake.usgs.gov
/hazards/interactive/); and (2) the Java Ground Motion Parameter
Calculator. This example uses the Java Calculator to construct the hazard
curve. The basic information necessary to generate the seismic hazard curve
using this approach includes the site latitude and longitude (accurate to three
decimal places), the average period, T , and the site class.
Step 4. Define Samin and Samax that span the building’s range of response
interest. Samin should reflect the onset of non-trivial impacts, and for repair
costs and repair time, can be taken as follows:
=Samin 0.05g for T ≤ 1.0s
=Samin g for T > 1.0s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mean Annual Frequency of Exceedance
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Spectral acceleration in g at T= 0.13s
Similarly, Samax should reflect demand that will produce a maximum value
for the selected performance measures and can generally be taken as:
Samax = 2Sa (T )
where Sa (T ) is evaluated at a mean annual frequency of exceedance, λ, of
0.0004 but need not exceed Sa (T ) , the building’s median value of collapse
fragility. Section 2.6 provides guidance on estimating building median
collapse capacity.
Step 7. The peak ground acceleration hazard curve is obtained using the
Java Ground Motion Parameter Calculator. This seismic hazard curve in
Figure 3-21 expresses the variation in mean annual frequency of exceedance
for peak ground acceleration (PGA).
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Peak Ground Acceleration in g
Figure 3-21 Variation of mean annual frequency of exceedance for peak ground
acceleration in g.
Using the spectral segments defined in Table 3-10, Table 3-11 presents the
corresponding mid-point peak ground acceleration values.
Analysis is performed for each intensity segment in the same fashion as for
intensity-based assessment (See Section The simplified analysis
procedure is used to generate peak transient drifts, peak floor accelerations,
peak total floor velocities, and residual drifts. The median demand estimates
are assigned dispersions. Results include a vector of demands for each of the
m intensity segments. The illustration below produces results for Segment 1.
Median estimates for peak transient drift ratio, peak floor acceleration, peak
total floor velocity and residual drift are calculated similarly for each spectral
segment. The associated dispersions are similarly generated.
S a (T ) = 0.159g
PGA = 0.05g
Sa (T )W 0.159 (1133)
=S = = 0.45
Vy1 398
C2 = 1.0
V = C 1C 2 S a ( T ) W 1
V (1.0
= )(1.0 )( 0.159 )(1133) 180.1 kips
=δr = ( 0.414 ) 0.034 inches
=δ2 = ( 0.214 ) 0.017
=∆1 = 0.000283
(10 )(12 )
0.034 − 0.017
=∆2 = 0.000142
(10 )(12 )
ln H ∆1 = −0.043
H ∆1 = 0.957
ln H ∆2 = −0.281
H ∆2 = 0.755
βSD = 0.26
Obtain estimates of median peak floor acceleration, ai*, at each story above
the building base by correcting peak ground accelerations using Volume 1,
Equation 5-12:
For a shear wall building of less than 10 stories tall, coefficients a0, a1, a2, a3,
a4, and a5 are found in Volume 1, Table 5-4 as:
a0 = 0.66, a1 = -0.15, a2 = -0.084, a3 = -0.26, a4 = 0.57, a5 = 0
For i = 1 (at grade):
a1* pga
= = 0.05
ln H a2 = 0.6152
H a2 = 1.85
=a2* 1.85
= ( 0.05) 0.093g
For i = 3, hroof = H = 20ft
20 20
0.66 0.15 ( 0.13) − 0.084 ( 0.45 ) − 0.26 + 0.57
ln H a3 =−
20 20
ln H a3 = 0.9127
H a3 = 2.49
=a2* 2.49
= ( 0.05) 0.125 g
From Table 3-5 for T = 0.13 seconds, S = 0.45:
βFA = 0.27
∆1y 0.000142 =
= > ∆1* 0.000107
Since peak transient drifts do not exceed the yield drifts, residual drift is zero
for Segment 1.
Analysis results are input into PACT in a manner similar to that for intensity-
based assessments. The total number of intensity data sets should encompass
all m hazard segments for all demand parameters in each principal building
direction. Once the demand vectors are input, the hazard curve data are input
into PACT using the Hazard Curve tab. The mean annual occurrence
frequencies associated with each of the 8 spectral intensities are input.
Figure 3-22 illustrates input of the spectral intensity information from Table
3-10 into PACT.
4.1 Introduction
The work necessary to obtain a median repair cost estimate for earthquake
ground shaking with an average return period of 475 years (10% probability
of exceedance in 50 years) for an office building is presented here as follows:
• Obtain site and building description (Section 4.2)
• Select assessment type and performance measure (Section 4.3)
• Assemble building performance model (Section 4.4)
• Select analysis method and construct analytical building model (Section
• Define earthquake hazards (Section 4.6)
• Analyze building response (Section 4.7)
• Input response data and calculate performance (Section 4.8)
• Review results for selected performance measures (Section 4.9)
The building site for the example building is located in Los Angeles,
California. The soil profile at the site is categorized as ASCE/SEI 7-10,
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, (ASCE, 2010)
Site Class D, having a shear wave velocity of 259 m/s in the upper 30 meters.
The structure has plan dimensions of 120 feet by 180 feet. Floor-to-floor
height is 15 feet at the lower story and 13 feet at other stories. The structure
Figure 4-2 Typical frame elevation for example 4-story office building.
The first set of PACT data are input on the Project Information tab, as
shown in Figure 4-3.
For this example, the regional and date cost multipliers are set equal to 1.
For any particular building, these values should be set to reflect the actual
building location and time value of escalation or devaluation effects. The
PACT default consequence functions reflect 2011 costs for the Northern
California region, which for this example, are deemed similar to those at the
building’s location in Southern California.
The Solver Random Seed Value is set to a non-zero value, 5, so that the
assessment model will produce the same answer for multiple executions of
the problem using the same input data.
In the Most Typical Defaults section, the following fields are input:
• Floor Area: 21,600 square feet
• Floor Height: 13 feet
The Height Factor, which adjusts repair cost and effort for the difficulty of
performing work on upper floors of tall buildings, is set to 1 to reflect the
lack of substantial cost differential for work performed on different floors of
a low-rise building. Since the building is recently constructed, no lead-based
paints or asbestos containing materials are present and thus the Hazmat
Factor is set to 1. In this example, it is assumed that that if the building is
damaged, it can be vacated for repairs, so that increase of the cost and effort
of repair in an occupied space is not expected, therefore, the Occupancy
Factor is set equal to 1.
Population distribution within the building is not an input required for the
estimation of repair costs.
Fragility specifications provided in PACT are utilized for both structural and
nonstructural components. Structural Component Fragility Specifications
B10: Superstructure.
Although users can modify the provided fragility specification to reflect the
actual 34×30 inch beam size, this level of precision is typically not justified.
Table 4-1 summarizes the fragility group selections.
Figure 4-5 illustrates selection of the above fragility groups in the upper half
of the Component Fragilities tab. The lower half of Figure 4-5 illustrates
Quantities are assigned and distributed among the building floors using the
Performance Groups tab. This tab will be imprinted with the previously
selected structural fragility specifications on the Component Fragilities tab.
For each floor, the number of special moment frame beam-column joints
vulnerable to story drift in each building direction are entered for each of the
pre-selected specifications. Table 4-2 reorganizes Table 4-1 for use in
defining performance groups in PACT:
Note that for these components, no dispersion is identified with the quantity
since it is known precisely. Note also that for this example, components
within the performance group are designated as correlated. With this option
selected, PACT will execute realizations for the entire group and assign a
damage state distribution among the members of the group that reflect the
result of the realization. If the components are designated as uncorrelated,
PACT will determine unique damage states for each component within the
group for each realization. Since only a median estimate of loss is desired in
this example, the assumption of fragility correlation is appropriate. If
statistics on the possible range of loss are desired, or the probability of
obtaining an unsafe placard is needed, the component performance groups
should be designated as being uncorrelated.
The performance group definition process is repeated for each floor and for
each direction (including non-directional). Figure 4-7 through Figure 4-9
Figure 4-7 PACT entries for 1st floor structural performance groups,
direction 1.
Figure 4-8 PACT entries for 1st floor structural performance groups,
direction 2.
Figure 4-9 PACT entries for 1st floor structural performance groups, non-
The process of identifying and selecting the type and distribution of the
nonstructural components can be greatly simplified by the use of the
Normative Quantity Estimation Tool, provided in Volume 3. This tool can
be used to generate a floor-by-floor listing of nonstructural components with
estimates of their performance group quantities with the simple input of
building floor areas and occupancies. The tool is an aid for estimating
normative quantities and careful review by the user is necessary. Also note
that the tool only identifies typical quantities of components present in a
building without distinguishing their vulnerability to damage. For example,
To use the Normative Quantity Estimation Tool, the building floors and
occupancies are entered into the Building Definition Table in the
Normative Quantity Estimation tab. Figure 4-10 illustrates input of this
information for the example building.
After this information is entered, pressing the Compile button at the top of
the worksheet executes the tool and produces a list of nonstructural
components and their representative quantity at each floor for each
occupancy type. Figure 4-11 shows inventory generated for floor 3 of the
example building. Similar information is also generated for other levels.
Figure 4-11 Normative Quantity Estimation tool, Component Summary Matrix showing nonstructural
Similar to the structural fragility specifications, the user must transfer this
information onto the Component Fragilities and Performance Groups tabs
in PACT. The user should review the fragility specifications and quantities
provided by the Normative Quantity Estimation Tool for their
appropriateness at each floor and modify quantities and add (or delete)
fragility selections as appropriate to best reflect the damageable nonstructural
components present at each floor. Items that occur only once in the building
are kept at the appropriate floor and deleted from other floors. For example,
roof tiles only occur at the roof level. Nonstructural Component Performance Groups
For this example, the dispersion input to PACT has been set to 0 to reflect a
precise understanding of the amounts of components. In most instances, the
user should select the recommended dispersion values from the tool to reflect
the variability of the component, both as presently deployed and as may be
modified over time. If the user is confident in the quantity of the component,
the dispersion can be set to 0. For discrete items such as boilers and cooling
towers, a dispersion value of 0 will generally be a more appropriate selection
since the quantity of these components varies by whole integers and the
Normative Quantity Estimation Tool will round off its median estimate to the
nearest whole integer.
B203: Exterior Doors. Exterior doors are considered to be rugged items for
the subject structure. No fragility group is selected.
B30: Roofing
B301: Roof Coverings. The subject structure has a system of concrete roof
tiles attached to the mansard roof in compliance with the 2007 California
Building Code. For this assessment, the attachment is deemed similar to the
requirements of the 1994 UBC, Uniform Building Code, (ICC, 1994).
Accordingly, specification B3011.011 best defines the roof system
C20: Stairs
The specification that describes prefabricated steel stairs with seismic joints,
C1011.001, is selected. The Normative Quantity Estimation Tool indicates a
quantity of 3 stairs within the building. Each stair is oriented in direction 1.
C301: Wall Finishes. Ceramic tile finish has been included (C3011.002c) at
each floor of the building. Finish on partition walls are measured in units of
100 lineal feet, with an estimated height of 9 feet. The Normative Quantity
Estimation Tool indicates a quantity of 1.63 units (163 lineal feet) in total for
directions 1 and 2.
D10: Conveying
D101: Elevators and Lifts. The structure includes one traction elevator,
D1014.011. This non-directional component is located only at floor 1.
D20: Plumbing
D50: Electrical
Equipment and furnishings and fragilities for special construction were not
Step 3. Figure 4-13 illustrates the results of the pushover analysis for both
building direction 1 and direction 2, which are identical. Collapse is judged
Step 4. The coordinates of the pushover curve in Figure 4-15 are input into
the SPO2IDA Tool provided in Volume 3 along with the building height (54
feet), building weight (8365.6 kips) and fundamental building period
(1.13seconds). Four control points are used to approximate the pushover
curve as illustrated in Figure 4-14.
Step 5. Figure 4-15 presents the results of the SPO2IDA evaluation. The
value of Sˆa (T ) is estimated as 2.23g. The collapse fragility is thus defined
as having a median value Sˆa (T ) of 2.23g and a dispersion of 0.6.
Step 6. The median collapse capacity and a dispersion of 0.6 are input into
PACT using the Collapse Fragility tab, as shown in Figure 4-16.
PACT input also includes the fraction of each floor subject to collapse-
associated debris and the resulting fatality and injury rates. These must also
be determined judgmentally. Figure 4-16 shows the input values for this
The PACT default residual drift fragility function is modified for this
assessment. The median residual drift ratio at which damage will be deemed
irreparable is increased to 0.0125. The estimated median building residual
drift ratio demand and dispersion are input into the PACT Residual Drift tab
after the analysis is completed.
Step 2. The first mode average period is T = 1.13 seconds since T1X and T1Y
are identical.
The following tools provided by the USGS that can be used to obtain a
seismic hazard curve at the site: (1) the Unified Hazard Tool
(https://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/interactive/, last accessed March 15,
2018); and (2) the Java Ground Motion Parameter Calculator. This
example uses the Java Calculator to construct the hazard curve. The basic
information necessary to generate the seismic hazard curve using this
approach includes the site latitude and longitude (accurate to three decimal
places), the average period, T , and the site class as defined in ASCE/SEI
The example building is located in the Los Angeles area with: Latitude:
33.996°, Longitude: -118.162°, and Site Class D.
Figure 4-17 illustrates the Java Ground Motion Calculator input and tabular
output for spectral acceleration values at 1.0 second period and their mean
annual frequency of exceedance at the building site, assuming Site Class B
Table 4.5 shows the spectral acceleration values (at 1.0s) and mean annual frequency of exceedance, λ, values
obtained from the ground motion calculator, and values of Sa(1.13s) derived using the above formula with T =
1.13s. The table also provides values of Fv obtained from ASCE/SEI 7-10 at each λ and the corresponding
Sa(1.13s) values at Site Class D, using Fv. Figure 4-18 is a plot of these data evaluated at the building
average period at Site Class D and presented in log-linear form.
Figure 4-18 Seismic hazard curve for Sa(T = 1.13s), Site Class D.
The Java Ground Motion Calculator can also be used to generate the peak ground acceleration at the site for a
return period of 475 years, as shown in Figure 4-19. The value of the peak ground acceleration is identified
as 0.419g.
Using ASCE/SEI 7-10 Table 11.4-1 which provides a conversion factor, Fa, for ranges of Ss (the Sa value at
0.2 seconds), an appropriate value is selected to adjust the peak ground acceleation value to reflect site class.
Peak ground acceleration can be related to Ss for this purpose by factoring peak ground acceleration by 2.5,
yielding a value of 1.1g.
The resulting site adjusted peak ground acceleration is: 1.1 × 0.419g =
V = C1C2Sa(T1)W1
Story W h (in.) ∑ wh
4 2091.4 648 0.391
3 2091.4 492 0.297
2 2091.4 336 0.203
1 2091.4 180 0.109
S a (T1 ) 0.648g,
= = W 8365.6kips
The value of Vy1 is taken from the pushover analysis used to estimate the
collapse fragility (see SPO2IDA input, Figure 4-14, Elastic Segment
endpoint) as 1066 kips.
0.648 ( 8365.6 )
=S = 5.09
Table 4-7 summarizes the calculation for converting calculated peak story
drift ratio into a median estimate of peak story drift ratio.
From Table 3-4 with T1 = 1.13s and S = 5.09 βSD is obtained by interpolation
to be 0.59.
where the values for coefficients a0 through a5 for a moment frame structure
are given in Volume 1, Table 5-4 are as follows:
Floor PGA H ln HAi HAi a i*
1 0.461 - - - 0.461
2 0.461 0.28 -0.04062 0.9602 0.443
3 0.461 0.52 -0.05000 0.9512 0.439
4 0.461 0.76 -0.05934 0.9424 0.434
Roof 0.461 1.00 -0.06870 0.9336 0.430
Note that in this example, ∆i* is substantially greater than 4 Δy. This
significantly exceeds the recommended limitation on the degree of inelastic
behavior for which the linear approach is appropriate. At higher levels of
nonlinearity, the effects of component degradation and P-Δ may result in an
underestimation of median demand.
The median estimate of residual drift obtained from the simplified analysis
method is assigned a dispersion of 0.8.
The median demand estimates for peak transient drift ratio, peak floor
acceleration, and residual drift ratio are input to PACT for direction 1 and
direction 2 in the Structural Analysis Results tab. Figure 4-21 illustrates
the input of peak transient drift ratio values. Residual drift ratio is input
using the Residual Drift tab. Figure 4-22 illustrates input of the peak
residual drift ratio and its associated dispersion on the lowest row of the tab.
The assessment can be executed by saving and exiting the model. After
returning to the PACT Control Panel, pressing the Evaluate Performance
button and identifying the assessment model will run the tool.
Figure 4-23 provides illustrative results from PACT analysis. At the bottom
of Figure 4-23, the estimated median repair cost is shown as $5,126,667,
which corresponds to 23.7% of the example building’s total replacement
cost. The top half of the figure can be used to identify the contribution of
different fragility groups to the repair cost total. If one type of component is
identified as having a large contribution, e.g., partitions fixed at top and
bottom, replacement with an alternate configuration of the component, e.g.,
slip track partitions, could reduce the report cost total. After such
consideration the performance assessment model can be revised and rerun
with PACT.
5.1 Introduction
The work necessary to obtain a probable maximum loss value that reflects
the repair cost, expressed as percentage of building replacement cost, having
a 10% probability of exceedance over a 30-year loan period for an office
building is presented here as follows:
• Obtain site and building description (Section 5.2)
• Select assessment type and performance measure (Section 5.3)
• Assemble building performance model (Section 5.4)
• Select analysis method and construct analytical building model (Section
• Define earthquake hazards (Section 5.6)
• Analyze building response (Section 5.7)
• Input response data and calculate performance (Section 5.8)
• Review results for selected performance measures (Section 5.9)
The example uses the same building and performance assessment model as
Chapter 4 with some modifications. Section 4.2, provides a detailed building
description. In summary, the building is a 4-story reinforced concrete
structure with commercial office occupancy located in Los Angeles,
Step 1 through Step 3 were illustrated in Section 4.6 and the results are
repeated here.
Step 2. The first mode average period is T = 1.13 seconds since T1X and T1Y
are identical.
Although site-specific seismic hazard analysis can be used, for this example,
the USGS Java Ground Motion Calculator is used, as previously illustrated
in Figure 4-17.
Table 5-2 shows the spectral acceleration values (at 1.0s) and mean annual
frequency of exceedance, λ, values obtained from the ground motion
calculator, and values of Sa(1.13s) derived using the above formula with T =
1.13s. The table also provides values of Fv obtained from ASCE/SEI 7-10 at
each λ and the corresponding Sa(1.13s) values at Site Class D, using Fv.
Figure 5-1 is a plot of these data evaluated at the building average period at
Site Class D and presented in log-linear form.
Figure 5-1 Seismic hazard curve for Sa(T = 1.13s), Site Class D.
S amax (T ) need not be taken larger than the median collapse capacity or
alternatively as 2 × S a (T ) with a λ of 0.0004.
From Section the structure’s median collapse capacity Sˆa (T ) = 2.23g .
From Figure 5-1 the Sa (T ) value is interpolated as 0.935g. Twice this value
is 1.87g, which is taken as S amax (T ) .
Step 5. Divide the seismic hazard curve into 8 segments that span the range
of Sˆ (T ) from S min (T ) to S max (T ) .
a a a
Figure 5-2 illustrates the striping of the seismic hazard curve of Figure 5-2
producing 8 equal Sa-width segments spanning the range of Sˆa (T ) from
( )
0.044g to 1.87g Samin (T ) to Samax (T ) . Each segment has a width
1.87 − 0.044
= 0.228g
Spectral Sa
Segment λ
1 0.158 0.05364
2 0.387 0.00740
3 0.615 0.00170
4 0.843 0.00050
5 1.071 0.00018
6 1.299 0.000101
7 1.528 0.0000435
8 1.756 0.0000311
For Sa (T )min = 0.044, the corresponding λ value is 0.2106. For Sa (T )max = 1.87g,
the corresponding λ value is 0.00002495.
Step 7. For each spectral segment, a response spectrum is constructed that is used
for the ground motion scaling of Step 8. Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS),
Conditional Mean Spectra (CMS) or Conditional Spectra (CS) can be used for this
purpose. For events with a relatively large frequency both the UHS and CMS should
have similar shapes and are appropriate for use. For small frequency (infrequent)
events, use of the CMS or CS spectra should improve estimates of drift and
accelerations over those generated using UHS spectra. For this example, UHS
spectra will be used for segments 1 and 2, which have mean annual return periods of
11.2 and 152.1 years respectively. For segments 3 through 8, CMS spectra will be
used for selecting and scaling ground motions.
Construction of a UHS for segments 1 and 2 can be accomplished using the Java
Ground Motion Parameter Calculator with the Probabilistic Uniform Hazard
Response Spectra analysis option, as illustrated in Figure 5-3. The spectral shape can
be considered constant for λ segments up to 0.002105. For less frequent hazard
intensities, see ASCE/SEI 41-06, Section 1.6 for UHS spectral adjustments.
Table 5-4 summarizes deaggregation results for segments 3 through 8. Figure 5-4 illustrates a sample
deaggregation for segment 3. This tool can also be used to directly generate conditional mean spectra
from the deaggregation information.
Segment Sa λ M R ε
3 0.615 0.0016 6.9 18 0.9
4 0.843 0.00064 6.9 18 1.5
5 1.071 0.00032 6.9 13 1.6
6 1.299 0.00018 6.8 10 1.7
7 1.528 0.00010 6.8 8 1.7
8 1.756 0.00004 6.8 7 1.8
These data can be used to construct a conditional mean spectrum for each intensity segment. Figure 5-6
illustrates the conditional mean spectrum generated for segment 3 by the USGS calculator.
An alternate site with tools to assist in selection and scaling include can be
found at http://www.stanford.edu/~bakerjw/. This site provides a tool for
selecting and scaling record pairs from the PEER database to match a
conditional mean target spectrum. A minimum of 7 well matched pairs of
records is recommended. For further discussion of the number of records
needed to produce statistically valid analysis results, see Volume 1.
Seven ground motions were selected and scaled for each of the eight
intensities. Table 5-5 summarizes structural response data obtained from
response history analysis at each of the eight intensities. Note that the
selected records for this example came from NGA West database that has
now been superseded by the NGA-West2 database.
Parameter Median Parameter Median
Δ4 0.002 Δ4 0.003
Δ3 0.004 Δ3 0.008
Δ2 0.005 Δ2 0.0134
Δ1 0.005 Δ1 0.010
a5 0.24 a5 0.34
a4 0.18 a4 0.30
a3 0.19 a3 0.30
a2 0.16 a2 0.30
a1 0.19 a1 0.22
Intensity 3 Sa ( T ) =0.615 g Intensity 4 Sa ( T ) =0.843 g
Parameter Median Parameter Median
Δ4 0.006 Δ4 0.008
Δ3 0.013 Δ3 0.019
Δ2 0.017 Δ2 0.024
Δ1 0.015 Δ1 0.022
a5 0.43 a5 0.48
a4 0.36 a4 0.41
a3 0.38 a3 0.48
a2 0.43 a2 0.53
a1 0.36 a1 0.48
Intensity 5 Sa ( T ) =1.071 g Intensity 6 Sa ( T ) =1.299 g
Parameter Median Parameter Median
Δ4 0.012 Δ4 0.011
Δ3 0.024 Δ3 0.025
Δ2 0.030 Δ2 0.039
Δ1 0.029 Δ1 0.037
a5 0.49 a5 0.55
a4 0.44 a4 0.45
a3 0.48 a3 0.52
a2 0.59 a2 0.69
a1 0.52 a1 0.68
Δi: Maximum drift ratio at story i
ai: Peak floor acceleration at floor i
( 0.25) + ( 0.40 ) =
2 2
βm = 0.47
Residual drift is determined from the peak transient drift associated with each
demand vector for a given intensity. The drift with the largest ratio of
transient drift to yield drift for direction 1 and direction 2 for each demand
vector (EQ1, EQ2, EQ3, etc.) is selected. The residual drift ratio is
calculated using the values of transient story drift, Δmax, and the yield story
drift, Δy, as follows:
The value of yield drift, Δy, was determined in Chapter 4 for the example
building as Δy = 0.00350.
Table 5-6 displays maximum and residual drift values from each analysis for
intensity 1. For this intensity, peak drifts do not exceed four times the yield
drift (4 × 0.0035 = 0.014) therefore Δr = 0.3(Δmax – Δy).
Table 5-7 illustrates the maximum story drifts and residual drifts calculated
for intensity 3. For this intensity, peak drifts exceed 4Δy and therefore
Δr = Δmax – 3(Δy)
For intensity 6, collapse occurred for one of the analyses and the results of
that analysis were discarded. As discussed in Section and Volume 1,
Section 5.2.2, when the remaining number of ground motion pairs for which
collapse did not occur is less than 7 and the probability of collapse for the
( )
spectral segment does not exceed 0.5 Sa (T )i ≤ Sˆa (T ) , the remaining sets
of analyses (n-q) may not produce a valid estimate of demands when collapse
does not occur. Since Sa (T ) = 1.299g is less than the median collapse
( )
estimate for the structure Sˆa (T ) = 2.23g , an additional analysis was
performed with a new scaled ground motion pair to provide the
recommended suite of at least 7 analyses in which no collapse occurred.
For intensity 7, analyses did not converge for two of the 7 ground motion
pairs. Two additional ground motion pairs were selected, scaled, and used to
reanalyze the structure. One of these additional analyses also failed to
converge. Since the spectral intensity of the segment Sa (T ) = 1.528 is less )
than Sˆa (T ) and fewer than 7 analyses with no collapse exist, an additional
For intensity 8, three of the 7 ground motion record pairs produced collapse.
As with intensities 6 and 7, the probability of collapse for this intensity
segment is less than 0.5, therefore additional analyses are needed to produce
a total of 7.
Figure 5-6 PACT Structural Analysis Results tab with drift input for
intensity 3.
Peak residual drift values are input via the Residual Drift tab. Figure 5-7
illustrates this input for intensity 3. The residual drift fragility information in
the upper portion of the screen remains the same as in the previous
assessment model developed in Chapter 4 (median value of 0.0125 and a
dispersion of 0.3).
PACT displays assessment results on the Time Based Results tab as shown
in Figure 5-8, which shows annual probability of exceedance for repair cost
of different amounts as well as average annual loss values. In the illustration,
the average annual probability of collapse is shown in the box at the upper
left hand corner of the figure as 0.000157. This is equal to a mean return
period for collapse of 6,370 years. Similarly, the box below this indicates an
average annual probability of 0.0051 for damage being so severe that an
unsafe placard is posted on the building, equal to a mean return period of
approximately 200 years.
For this example: Y = 30 years, PEY = 10% = 0.10. Substituting and solving
=PR = 285 years
ln (1 − 0.1)
Figure 5-8 PACT Time Based Results tab showing annualized repair cost.
6.1 Introduction
By applying the procedures illustrated here, users can apply the methodology
to include structures that have components for which there are no provided
fragility specifications. Section 6.4 describes the procedure for entering
user-defined fragility specifications into Performance Assessment
Calculation Tool (PACT) provided in Volume 3.
The walls and roof are attached to transfer in-plane and out-of-plane wall and
diaphragm demands. The in-plane attachment (Figure 6-3) consists of a
diaphragm ledger (3×8, DF#1, timber) and steel anchor bolts that are
embedded into the concrete wall (5/8 inch diameter at 2 feet on center). The
out-of-plane attachment consists of holdown hardware (see Figure 6-4 and
Figure 6-5) attached to diaphragm sub-framing and bolted to the concrete
wall in a fashion similar to that of the in-plane connection. The sub-framing
is attached to the plywood diaphragm via nailing that provides a mechanism
for engaging the diaphragm to resist inertial wall demands. The sub-framing
includes splice detailing to maintain transfer continuity over a distance
sufficient to engage an adequate number of nails between the sub-framing
and the plywood.
In this example, there are no collectors because the walls and diaphragm are
continuously attached. The chords consist of reinforcing steel embedded in
the concrete perimeter walls and are unlikely to buckle or fail given the
relative vulnerability of the wood framing components. Therefore, potential
damage states associated with chords or collectors are not addressed in this
A D E c
θ or ∆
Figure 6-8 Generalized force-deformation relationship
adapted from ASCE/SEI 41-06 (ATC, 2010).
Using the ASCE/SEI 41-06 backbone curve and the Immediate Occupancy
(IO) and Life Safety (LS) acceptability limits of Δ/Δy equal to 1.8 and 3.3,
respectively, Damage State 1 (DS1) can be inferred to occur after the IO
acceptability limit has been exceeded but before the LS acceptability limit is
reached. Thus, DS1 will be assumed to occur at a Δ/Δy = 2.5, as shown in
Figure 6-9.
θ = Cq e(2.054 β )φ RN
The yield strength of a plywood diaphragm can be determined using the load
resistance factor design (LRFD) procedures contained in ANSI/AF&PA
SDPWS-2005, Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (AF&PA,
2005b). For a ½-inch thick, Structural I plywood, blocked diaphragm with
10d common nails spaced at 6 inches along diaphragm boundaries and at all
panel edges (with 2 inch wide sub-framing), Table 4.2A of ANSI/AF&PA
SDPWS-2005 provides a nominal unit shear capacity, vs, of 640 plf. For
LRFD, a resistance factor, φD , with a value of 0.8 is applied to this value for
seismic demands.
β1 = β D2 + β M2 + βC2
βD = variability of the predictive equation used to calculate component
βM = variability in material properties
βC = variability associated construction quality and care
For this example, βD is taken as 0.1 to reflect the relatively complex behavior
of plywood, nails, and sub-framing, βM, is taken as 0.2 (Volume 1, Table 3-4)
to reflect the variability of visually graded lumber products and βC will be
taken as 0.1 to reflect an average degree of construction quality control and a
moderate sensitivity to construction quality. Therefore,
5v ye L3 0.25v ye L ∆c X
δy = + +∑
8 EAW 1000Ga 2W
vye = median estimate of diaphragm strength at yield: 838 plf
L = diaphragm span (ft)
E = diaphragm chord modulus of elasticity (psi)
A = diaphragm chord cross sectional area (in2)
W = diaphragm width (ft)
Ga = diaphragm effective shear stiffness including nail slip and panel
shear deformation (kips/inch)
Δc = diaphragm chord slip at yield
X = distance from chord splice to nearest support (ft)
( 5)(838)(120 ) ( 0.25)(838)(120 ) + 0
=δy +
(8)( 29,000,000 )( 0.62 )( 40 ) 1000 ( 24 )
δ y = 1.26 + 1.05 + 0
δ y = 2.3 inches
Step 3. For DS1, μ = Δ/Δy = 2.5 and therefore this damage state behavior
mode is classified as “moderate ductility.” For DS2, μ = 3.5 and is also
classified as “moderate ductility.” For DS3, μ = 4.25 which corresponds to
“high ductility.”
Step 4. The median displacement estimates for each damage state are
calculated with θ = µδ y .
Step 5. The dispersion associated with each of the damage states is given
by Volume 1, Equation 3-4:
( 0.3)
=β + 0.16 = 0.5
Probability of Exceedance
0.5 DS2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Displacement (inches)
The six-inch thick, reinforced concrete walls are subjected to in-plane and
out-of-plane seismic demands, which induce fundamentally different types of
performance. In-plane performance can be adequately represented by the
provided fragility specifications for low aspect ratio (h/l < 1.0) concrete walls
(B1044.001 through B1044.083). These specifications reflect the
performance characteristics of low aspect ratio concrete walls for which the
relative capacity of the wall-to-foundation connections are adequate to
develop the shear and overturning capacity of the wall without a pre-emptive
failure of the connection. For this example, it has been assumed that the
panel base anchorages are adequate to provide this condition. For buildings
where this is not the case, fragility specifications for wall anchorages should
be developed using the procedures of Volume 1, Section 3.8.
Damage will initiate in the wall at the location where flexural demand is a
maximum. Maximum flexural demand can be determined by analysis, by
modeling representative wall panels as nonlinear multi-segment beam
elements, extending from the ground to the roof diaphragm, and by
distributing the wall panel mass along these elements. Response history
analysis will compute the moment demand along the wall at each time step
The moment curvature relationship for the tilt-up wall subject to out-of-plane
flexure can be idealized as illustrated in Figure 6-11.
=M cr = 34149.6 lb-in
M cr = 2846 lb-ft
The yield moment can be calculated using ACI 318-05. The yield moment
can be calculated as
M y = As au d
As = Area of longitudinal reinforcement
1 − 0.59q
au = f y
As f y
q =
bd fc′
d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal steel
fy = reinforcement yield stress
f c′ = concrete strength
b = width of section
As = 0.31 in2 (#5@12 inches), fy = 60,000 psi, f c′ = 4,000 psi, b = 12 in, d = 3 in.
60,000 0.31(60,000)
au = (1 − (0.59)( )
12,000 (12)(3)(4,000)
au = 4.62
My = (0.31)(4.62)(3) = 4.30k – 1 or My = 4297
Point C: Peak Moment
For DS1, the demand will be taken as the moment which is 10% of the
difference between points A and B or
θ = Cq e(2.054 β )φ Rn
θ = 4,060 lb-ft
Assign a dispersion
=β β12 + 0.16 where β1 is defined above
β= (0.2) 2 + 0.16= 0.45 or β = 0.5
For DS2, the demand will be taken as 25% of the difference between points
B and C’ or
M DS 2 =4, 297 + 0.25 ( 5,156 − 4, 297 ) =4,511 lb-ft
Assign a dispersion:
Probability of Damage State Occurence
0 10000 20000 30000
Moment (lb-ft)
As previously described, the wall and roof are attached to transfer in-plane
and out-of-plane wall and diaphragm demands. Separate attachments serve
to resist demands acting in and out of the plane of the perimeter wall.
Damage can occur to each type of these attachments. Fragility functions
which were derived analytically will be developed for each of these
attachments in the sections to follow. In-Plane Attachment – Failure at Ledger Bolting
These four limit states assume that system behavior is governed by the wood
or bolt components. This requires adequate anchorage of the bolt into the
concrete to preclude a preemptive failure of the concrete anchorage. This
requires at least six inches of anchor embedment. Recognizing that only 4.5
inches of embedment has been provided in the example building, additional
limit states associated with bolt and concrete behavior need to be considered.
This will be done after investigating the potential limit states for the
wood/bolt interface.
D2 2 Fem Fyb
Rd 3(1 + Re )
D = 0.625 inch
Fem = Dowel bearing strength in concrete = 7500 psi
Fyb = Dowel bending yield strength = 45,000 psi
Fes = Dowel bearing strength in wood = 5,600 psi (G = 0.5)
Rd = 3.2 Kθ
Re =
Kθ = 1 + 0.25
θ = angle between direction of grain and application of load (for this
example, loading is parallel to the grain and therefore 0)
Z= = 1197 pounds
3.2 3 (1 + 1.34 )
Damage in this mode consists of localized crushing of the ledger at the bolt
head, bolt bending displacement and the onset of wood crushing at the
bolt/concrete interface.
This force value can be converted to an LRFD capacity using National
Design Specification for Wood Construction Table N1 and Table N2.
K F Z = φ Rn
where KF is given in National Design Specification for Wood Construction
Table N1 as (2.16 /ϕ) for all connections and ϕ is given in Table N2 as 0.65
for all connections. Yielding:
=φ Rn (= )(1200) 3,988 lb
Damage associated with this limit state is severe lateral distortion of the bolt
coupled with significant crushing and widening of the hole in the wood
ledger through which the bolt passes. Repair of this damage requires
installation of new bolts (post-installed) in new holes. In some locations,
replacement of the ledger may be necessary due to ledger splitting.
Development of a fragility function to reflect this damage state is illustrated
in the following steps:
β1 = β D 2 + β M 2 + βC 2
For the dispersions, select,
=β D 0.10,
= β M 0.20,
= βC 0.10
Therefore, θ 1.0
= = e( 2.054)( 0.24) ( 3,988 lb ) 6,549 lb
=β ( β1 ) 2 + 0.16
= (0.24) 2 + 0.16 β 0.5
= 0.47 or =
Table 6-4 summarizes the fragility data for in-plane damage to the
ledger/bolt components. Figure 6-14 plots this fragility function.
Table 6-4 Damage State Description for Ledger to Bolt Wall Attachment—In-Plane
Damage Bolt Force
State Damage Description Repair Description (lbs) Dispersion
DS1 Severe lateral bolt distortion and wood Install new epoxy anchors into ledger 6,549 0.5
crushing at bolt with some ledger & concrete wall. Replace 20% of
splitting ledgers.
Probability of Damage State Initiation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Bolt Force (Thousands lbs)
The preceding fragility function assumes that damage only occurs to the
wood ledger and bolt system. Damage may also occur to the bolt/concrete
interface due to limited anchor bolt embedment. ACI 318-05 Appendix D
specifies design equations for this behavior. The following strength limit
states are considered:
• Steel strength of anchor in shear
• Concrete breakout strength of anchor in shear
• Concrete pryout strength of anchor in shear
where n is the number of anchors in a group, taken as 1 for this example, Ase
is the effective cross section of the anchor, 0.307 in2 for a 5/8 inch diameter
stud anchor, and futa is the tensile strength of anchor, taken as 58 ksi.
=Vsa (1)(0.307)(58,000)
= 17,806 lbs
kcp = 2.0 for heff ≥ 2.5
N cb = (ψ ed ) N (ψ c ) N (ψ cp ) N N b
ANc A=
= Nc 0 ) 2 9(4.2)
9(heff= = 2
158.8 in2
=N cb = (1.0)(1.25)(1.0)(13,065) 16,331 lbs
=Vcp 2.0(16,331)
= 32,662 lbs
To determine the governing strength, the median strength estimate for each
potential limit state must be determined and compared. This can be done
using Volume 1, Equation 3-1 for ductile modes and Volume 1, Equation
3-2 for brittle modes.
θ ductile = Cq e(2.054 β )φ Rn
θbrittle = Cq e(2.81β )φ Rn
Note that ACI 318-05 Appendix D requires that in regions of high seismic
risk the shear strength shall be taken as 0.75φVn , thus
φ Rn = ( 0.75 )( 0.75 )Vn . Table 6-5 summarizes this calculation and the
corresponding median strength estimates for Cq = 1.0 and β1 = 0.38
The limit state with the lowest estimated median strength is the concrete
breakout mode. The damage associated with this limit state is the breakout and
spalling of the concrete at the ends of the panels.
Note that for bolts located away from the panel edges, the strength of the
anchor in shear will produce the lowest estimate of median strength among the
three limit states. Its estimated capacity is sufficiently greater than that of the
strength associated with the limit state for the wood/bolt components (18,548
lbs vs. 6,549 lbs), thus it can be judged unlikely to occur.
Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4 illustrate the out-of-plane attachment of the roof to
the wall. This attachment consists of two holdown devices fabricated from
12-gauge steel spaced at 8 feet on center. The devices are bolted together
through a purlin at the transverse walls and through a doubled subpurlin
along the longitudinal walls. Each device is also attached to a threaded rod
that is embedded into the perimeter concrete wall with a washer and nut to
resist pullout. The purlins and subpurlins are nailed to the plywood
diaphragm to transfer the out-of-plane wall forces into the horizontal
diaphragm system. The wall spans horizontally 8 feet between holdown
devices resisting out-of-plane forces. The attachment provides resistance to
The attachment may reach its limiting capacity in one of the following ways:
• Purlin to diaphragm nailing failure
• Holdown device bolt failure at purlin or subpurlin
• Holdown device yielding or fracture
• Bolt yielding in tension
• Bolt failure from concrete breakout
Using the example configuration, a capacity will be estimated for each of the
mechanisms outlined above. The mechanism that has the lowest median
capacity estimate will be used to develop a fragility function for the
For the subpurlins (3 inches thick), National Design Specification for Wood
Construction Table 11G yields a Z11 value of 2,270 lbs. For 2 bolts, the
capacity is
DB 4,540 lbs × = 15,087 lbs = ϕRn
Holdown Device Yielding or Fracture. The Allowable Stress Design
(ASD) capacity of the double holdown device is given in the manufacturer’s
catalog as 2 × 1,956 = 3,913 lbs. Converting to an LRFD design strength
Dd 3,913 lbs × = 13,002 lbs = ϕRn
Bolt Yielding in Tension. ACI 318-05 Appendix D, provides the following
tensile capacity:
= C DAB (0.75)
= (58)(.226)(2) 14,747 lbs = ϕRn
=Nb 24
= 4,000(4.25)1.5 13, 299 lbs
= = 302.4 in2
ANc (14.75)(20.5)
ANC 0 9(4.25)
= = 162.6 in2
(ψ ec ) N = 1.0 (no eccentricity)
(ψ c ) N = 1.25 (cast-in-place)
ψ cp
= 1.0
Ncb = (1.0)(1.0)(1.25)(1.0)(13, 299) 30,916 lbs
=CDBr (0.70)(0.75)(30,916)
= 16, 231 lbs = ϕRn
Table 6-6 summarizes the design strengths and estimated median strength
values, θ, for each of these limit states. For all failure modes, a Cq value of 1.0
and β value of 0.24 has been used.
Cq = 1.0
Therefore, θ (1.0)
= = e (2.054)(0.24) (8,320) 13,621 lbs
=β ( β1 )2 + 0.16
= (0.24) 2 + 0.16
= 0.54 or β = 0.5
Table 6-7 Damage State Description for Wall Attachment (Purlin Nailing) – Out-of-Plane
Damage Median Strength
State Damage Description Repair Description (lbs) Dispersion
DS1 Purlin/subpurlin splitting, nail Shorings as needed, purlin, subpurlin 13,621 0.5
tear out through ply, roofing replacement, plywood reinstallation
tearing and distortion. and nailing, reroofing. Damage
occurs over middle 1/3 of diaphragm
User defined fragility specifications can be input into PACT using the
Fragility Specification Manager. This utility is accessed via the Control
Panel. Additional information regarding this utility can be found in
Appendix C.
7.1 Introduction
7.2.1 Overturning
The goal of the procedure is to estimate the median peak total floor velocity
at which overturning initiates and a dispersion to reflect the uncertainty.
The units for the calculation will be in inches, seconds and radians.
Step 1. Determine the critical tipping angle, α (in units of radians) at which
the object is on the verge of overturning from Volume 1, Equation 3-5:
α = arctan
b/h = 6.31/35.5 = 0.178
=α arctan(0.178)
= 0.176 radians
SaO =
b 6.31
=B cos (α ) + sin (α=
) − 1 cos ( 0.176 ) + sin ( 0.176=
) − 1 0.016
h 35
2 B 2 ( 0.016 )
aO = = 0.18 g
α 0.176
Step 3. Comparison of the value of SaO (0.18) with the static coefficient of
friction (0.4) reveals that the object will likely overturn rather than slide.
Step 4. Determine rocking frequency, fr, with Volume 1, Equation 3-10 and
damping ratio, βr, with Volume 1, Equation 3-11:
1 2gB
fr =
2π C3α 2 h
βr =
4π 2 + γ 2
4 b 4 6.31
2 2
2 (b / h) 2 (.178 )
2 2
CR =
− 1−
= 0.954
C3 1.37
γ = -2ln(0.954) = 0.0942
1 2 gB 1 2 ( 386 )( 0.016 )
=fr = = 0.45 hz
2π C3α h 2π 1.38 ( 0.176 )2 ( 35.5 )
γ 0.0942
=βr = = 0.015
4π 2 + γ 2 4π 2 + 0.09422
Step 5. Determine the estimated median peak total floor velocity for
overturning with Volume 1, Equation 3-8:
S aO g
2π f r Damp
where Damp is given by Volume 1, Equation 3-9:
This procedure has been used to develop overturning fragility functions for a
range of common unanchored office furniture. Table 7-2 and Table 7-3
present the calculated fragility values and provide some basic information
used in the derivation of these parameters for metal bookcases and filing
cabinets, respectively. Dispersion, β, is taken as 0.5 for both. The static
coefficient of friction μs listed in these tables should be confirmed by the
If it is determined that the component will slide, the median peak floor
velocity, VˆPT , that causes sliding displacements in excess of the damage limit
is calculated with Volume 1, Equation 3-15:
2 µ D gδ
VˆPT =
Table 7-4 provides mean estimates of μD, the dynamic coefficient of friction
between the component and its supporting surface, for common contact
The median peak total floor velocity value is determined for an unanchored
component where μD, the assumed dynamic friction coefficient between the
component’s base and the bearing surface according to Table 7-4, is 0.40 and
the tolerable sliding displacement, δ, is 2 inches. For this example, it is
assumed that b/h for the component is such that the component slides, rather
than rocks.
Substituting g = 386.2 in/s2,
=VˆPT = 18.14 in/sec
Under this methodology, a value of β of 0.5 is recommended. Figure 7-3 is a
plot of the resulting fragility function.
Prior to the 1997 edition, the Uniform Building Code (UBC) defined Fp by
the equation:
Fp = ZI p C pW p
The component anchorage force, Fp, was used together with allowable stress
design procedures that permitted a 1/3 increase on anchorage capacities.
Nonstructural components located on the ground floor or in basement levels
were permitted to be designed for 2/3 of the anchorage force obtained from
the Fp equation. Anchorage of flexibly supported (i.e., vibration isolated)
components typically required a twofold increase in the Fp force to account
for dynamic amplification effects. For most nonstructural components
(including non-vibration isolated mechanical and electrical equipment
located above the first floor) in the highest seismic zone, the Fp coefficient
had a value of 0.3 for equipment on elevated floors and 0.2 at the ground
floor. Allowable stress loads can be converted to equivalent strength-level
design forces by applying a factor of 1.4 to the allowable stress load.
The 1997 UBC, Uniform Building Code (ICC, 1997), adopted the following
modified version of the Fp formula;
Ca I p a p
=Fp [1 + 3 hx hr ]W p
For rigidly mounted mechanical and electrical equipment located on soil sites
in seismic zone 4, not in the near field and with Ip = 1.0, the value of Fp /Wp
ranges from 0.308 at grade and lower floors to 0.58 at the roof level. Using
the same seismic zone and Ip parameters, the value of Fp/Wp for vibration
isolated equipment ranges from 0.73 at grade to 1.76 at the roof. When
expansion anchors or shallow anchors (those with an embedment length to
diameter ratio less than 8) are required, anchor strengths are double these
The 2000 through 2012 editions of the IBC, International Building Code,
(ICC, 2000, 2009, 2012), as well as 2002 through 2010 editions of
ASCE/SEI 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
(ASCE, 2002, 2005a, 2010) specify the Fp coefficient using the following
0.4 S DS I p a p
=Fp [1 + 2 z h]W p
where SDS is a short period ground motion coefficient including site effects, z
is the height above grade at the point of component attachment to the
structure, h is the height of the structure above grade, and other parameters
are as previously defined above. The value of Fp cannot be taken less than
0.3SDSIpWp and need not be taken greater than 1.6SDSIpWp. Forces determined
using this equation are considered to be strength level forces.
The value of SDS varies between 0 and 2.5 depending on site location and
class. The value of the [1 + 2 z/h] term can vary from 1 to 3. The value of
the ratio of ap /Rp for most listed items varies between 0.29 and 1.0. For most
rigidly mounted mechanical and electrical equipment, the ap /Rp ratio ranges
between values of 0.4 and 1.25. For vibration isolation mounted equipment,
required anchor strength is increased by a factor of two, if the gap between
the lateral restraint and equipment exceeds 1/4 inch. The potential range of
Second Edition Update The nonstructural provisions of ASCE/SEI 7-10 were modified in
Supplement No. 1 (ASCE, 2013) to include an overstrength factor applied to
The discussion has been
updated to consider anchors in concrete and masonry where the force applied to the anchor is not
ASCE/SEI 7-10 Supplement limited by a ductile, yielding element. This provision is intended to prevent
No. 1. brittle failure of the anchors. Procedure
Volume 1, Section 3.8 presents a code-based limit state procedure for the
case where there is insufficient information available to directly calculate the
anchorage capacity assuming that the original design met the requirements of
the applicable building code.
θ = Cq e( 2.81β )φ Rn
Cq = 0.5
β = 0.5
θ = the median peak floor acceleration for anchorage failure
θ = 2.04φRn
To obtain θ, the user must identify the building code under which component
installation was designed and determine the equivalent static acceleration
coefficient for the component and the anchorage. This will require
knowledge of the building site (Z, Ca, SDS), location within the building where
the component is supported (hx and hr), and the appropriate Ip, ap, and Rp
Z = 1.0
Ip = 1.0
Cp = 0.3
Thus Fp / Wp = 0.2
Since the 1994 UBC specified design forces in allowable stress design
β is taken as 0.5.
Z = 1.0
Ip = 1.0
Cp = 0.3
Fp/Wp = 0.6 in allowable stress design format and thus, in strength format is
given φ Rn is given by:
=φRn 1.4
= W p 1.4(0.60g) = 0.84g
Note however, that because this equipment is flexibly mounted, the value of
θ derived above should be divided by a factor of 2.5 to adjust for
amplification of peak floor acceleration (to convert from spectral acceleration
to acceleration). Thus:
Again, the dispersion is taken as β = 0.5. Figure 7-5 plots this fragility
SDS = 1.0
Ip = 1.0
ap = 1.0
Rp = 1.25
z/h = 1.0
0.4 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 (1 + 2 × 1.0 )W p
Fp =
Fp Fp
0.96 <
= max =
Wp Wp
Step 1. Determine the strength capacity of the anchorage detail for each
failure mode using the procedure of Volume 1, Section 3.8 and ACI 318,
Appendix D. Adjust the strength capacity to correspond to the median
failure capacity.
• A rigidly mounted equipment item is supported on a foundation pad at
the building’s first floor level.
• The equipment is tall and penetrates the first floor, where is it attached
for seismic and gravity forces.
Step 1. Determine the strength and median failure capacity of each anchor.
Total dispersion is calculated using values given in Table 7-5 and Volume 1, Equation
β= β D 2 + β M 2 + βC 2
= ( 0.05)2 + ( 0.15)2 + ( 0=
)2 0.16
Based on calculation, it is found that the failure modes of concrete breakout and
concrete pryout have higher median strengths and thus are less likely to occur than the
bolt shear mode.
=θ C=
( 2.054 β )
φ Rn (1.0 ) e=
7.6 kip 10.6 kip
Step 3. Determine the forces on an individual anchor. For the given component
configuration, the anchorage on an individual anchor is Fp / 4.
Step 4. Solve for the Fp that results in an anchorage force equal to the median fragility
anchorage failure force.
The design story drift for the structure should be used for estimating the drift
accommodation ratios of precast cladding systems. If this unknown, Table
7-6 provides guidance regarding the code minimum story drift ratio (often
used by cladding system suppliers as the basis for the design) required by
recent building codes as a function of the Occupancy Category referenced by
the current code. Alternatively, the maximum story drift ratio for the
building lateral system specified in the edition of ASCE/SEI 7 enforced at
the time the structure was designed may be used.
Table 7-6 Suggested Drift Accommodation Ratios for Precast Cladding and
Other Brittle Cladding Systems
Building Occupancy Category According to ASCE/SEI 7)
Building Code II III IV
1994 UBC or earlier 0.012 0.012 0.012
1997 UBC 0.020 0.020 0.020
2000 IBC – 2009 IBC 0.020 0.015 0.010
2012 IBC 0.020 0.019 0.015
The example below illustrates the determination of the story drift fragility of
a precast concrete exterior wall panel.
8.1 Introduction
Repair cost and repair time consequence functions provided with the
Performance Assessment Calculation Tool (PACT) provided in Volume 3
have been developed by professional cost estimators using component
damage state repair descriptions for a reference location in the United States
(Northern California) at a reference time (2011), neglecting uncertainty in
contractor pricing strategies or construction cost escalation. Repair
descriptions were developed in collaboration with engineering consultants
familiar with repair techniques and cost estimators familiar with collateral
cost and work. Repair cost and repair time estimates were developed to
include all collateral work, such as finish removal and replacement,
scaffolding, and debris removal, associated with each component damage
state repair. Consideration is given to cost and time efficiencies that are
gained by multiple component repairs occurring in a given realization.
General contractor mark-up is included in the cost estimates. The repair time
estimates do not include the time needed to design, permit, and fund the Second Edition Update
repair project, the time required to procure long lead time components that The definition of repair time
need replacement, or the time to mobilize the contractors and close the has been clarified.
The following steps outline the process for converting a component damage
state into a repair cost consequence. Establish Required Repair Actions
Where multiple repair options exist, users must choose which strategy to use,
or alternatively, select multiple strategies and develop consequences for each.
In the latter case, the uncertainty of each method will be calculated by taking
a weighted-average value of the costs associated with each as the median
estimate of repair cost. Accordingly, in order to cover the range of potential
repair options and cost, dispersions should be selected sufficiently large.
The repair scope should include all necessary access work, including removal
and replacement of finishes, mechanical/electrical work or scaffolding.
However, a considerable amount of overlap and double-counting of access
work is possible in estimating repair work on a component basis. For
example, repair of a structural element may require removal of
mechanical/electrical system components that prevent access to the damaged
structure. However, the mechanical/electrical systems may be directly
damaged resulting in double-counting of the repair of these components.
For more severe damage states, it may be advisable to exclude removal and
replacement of mechanical/electrical systems associated with a structural
repair, assuming that as more severe damage occurs, these systems will
become damaged and require repair by themselves. Users should consider
the likelihood that these systems will be directly damaged and if so, exclude
them from the user-defined consequence function being developed. Consider Associated Work Items
Best estimate, lower bound, and upper bound costs should be identified and
then a lognormal or normal distribution should be fit to these bounds. The
selection of the distribution is based on judgment.
Dispersion values are based on the uncertainty in values of unit cost and are
assumed to be constant regardless of the quantity of repairs that must be
The following steps outline the process for converting the occurrence of a
component damage state into a repair time consequence.
The baseline repair time estimate is based on the total number of trade hours
required to perform the work and can be generated directly from the total
baseline repair cost or from the detailed line items of the cost estimate.
For repair work that is highly labor intensive, the most accurate approach is
to estimate the labor hours for each detailed line item and sum them. This
also provides a validation check on the cost estimate by ensuring that all
complexity of labor has been considered.
The following steps outline the process for converting a component damage
state into an unsafe placard consequence.
For each damage state, users will need to assess whether an unsafe placard
posting can occur as a consequence of the damage. For most nonstructural
components, an unsafe placard posting is not likely to occur unless it affects
the life safety function of the building or is present in such quantity that it
can create a visual appearance that is suggestive of unobservable structural
damage. For structural components, the more severe damage states are more
likely to result in an unsafe placard posting since the resulting damage can
affect the overall safety of the building. Establish the Median Fraction of Total Quantity that will
Trigger an Unsafe Placard
For each component damage state, a median fraction is estimated that reflects
the number of damaged components out of the total number of similar
components at a given story or floor that would result in an unsafe placard
posting. Generally, the fraction of the total quantity that will result in unsafe
placarding reduces with the severity of the damage state given that it takes
fewer occurrences to affect either the actual or apparent effect on building
safety. For example, special concentrically braced frames with wide flange
braces are assigned the following fractions by damage state:
• DS1: Not applicable, unsafe placard posting not probable
For the most severe structural component damage states, the percentage
could be as low as 1%, when the damage state results in an obvious reduction
in gravity load or seismic load carrying capacity. Assign Dispersion
8.3.4 Casualties
The following steps outline the process for converting a component damage
state into casualty consequences. Determine Potential for Non-Collapse Casualties
For each damage state, the possibility of casualties considering the weight
and location of the component should be determined. While the failure of
most components will likely not result in loss of life, serious injury may still
be possible. Determine Affected Occupancy Areas
For example, the occupied affected area for ceiling systems is estimated as
the floor area directly underneath the ceiling. For HVAC ducting, the area is
estimated as 15 square feet for ducts with less than 6 square feet of cross-
sectional area, assuming a 5 feet length of 3 foot wide ducting falling to the
floor below. Determine Rate of Loss of Life in Affected Area
The likelihood of loss of life occurring from the component damage state is
judged based on the component weight and location. For the vast majority of
The following steps outline the process for converting a fragility repair cost
consequence into environmental consequence.
See Section 8.3.1 for information about developing the repair cost estimate.
The more detailed the cost estimate, the more detailed the LCA evaluation
can be. Allocate Costs to Industrial Sectors
The environmental impacts of the fragilities are based on the median value of
the construction cost estimate. In the detailed cost estimate, the cost of each
repair activity must be disaggregated and allocated into the following broad
categories: labor, energy, rental equipment, and industrial sectors. The
appropriate industrial sectors should be selected from the EIO LCA database
for each work activity in the cost estimate. Finally, the cost in each
applicable sector is summed. As previously stated, the scope of this study
assumes zero environmental impact for labor, energy, and rental equipment,
but allocating costs to these categories may assist in developing the overall
Cost allocation will require some judgement on how the costs should be
distributed. In this assessment, the costs were allocated using professional
judgement by a construction cost estimator. Obtain Environmental Impact Factors
The EIO LCA database should be queried to obtain the environmental impact
factors for the industrial sectors. Ensure that the 2002 Purchaser Price Model
is selected when extracting the TRACI Impact Assessment and Energy
factors. Before applying the environmental impact factors to the repair costs,
the factors must be adjusted to reflect per dollar costs ($1 instead of $1
million) and inflation. The overall embodied environmental impacts can be
calculated by multiplying environmental factors with the allocated repair
costs determined in the previous step. These calculations can be
consolidated by using matrix multiplication.
Regarding inflation: At the time of this writing, the reference year for the
PACT data is 2011, while the reference year for the EIO-LCA data is 2002.
The resulting inflation factor going from 2002 to 2011 was determined to be
1.45. Since the dollar units are in the denominator, the environmental
impacts / $ spent are divided by 1.45 to convert 2002 to values to 2011
values. From there, the same process can be repeated to convert 2011 values
to present values.
The damage is not uniformly distributed across the wall. The majority of
significant damage occurs at wall ends. The basis of measurement selected is
a 25 foot long by 15 foot high wall section, judged to represent a reasonable
panel size and story height. The area of this wall, 375 square feet, is used for
repair cost estimations.
In this example, the estimated repair costs do not include removal and
replacement of any architectural finish. Estimate the Repair Cost including Associated Work
Table 8-1 presents the median repair cost estimate for a B1044.001 wall in
damage state 2.
In addition to the direct repair work, the repair work for a reinforced concrete
shear wall may include the following elements:
• Office furniture relocation within the building and their protection
• Floor protection consisting of plywood and a membrane for a distance of
10’ either side of the wall
• Rolling scaffold access to the work area
• Shoring of the structure as needed during the repair
• An allowance for removal and replacement of mechanical and electrical
items such as power outlets, switches, and data outlets
• The cost of clean-up and removal of temporary protection Establish Repair Cost Ranges
Repair cost ranges are established for repair items based on a three point
estimating approach, using high, low, and best estimate values. For example,
furniture relocation is estimated at $1,000 for the best estimate value, with a
The dispersion, β, value is set based on review of the resulting three point
estimate. For user-generated fragility specifications, it is possible to use an
overall β estimate, without first calculating the three point estimate,
depending on user comfort with range estimates.
For the above example, labor hours are estimated by line item, resulting in a
median estimate of 15.8 days for the repair.
Refer to Table 8-1 for the median repair cost estimate for a B1044.001 wall
in damage state 2. Allocate Costs to Industrial Sectors
The industrial sectors were selected from the USEEIO database. The
percentage cost allocations of the work activities are shown in Table 8-2.
The result total cost allocations are shown in Table 8-3. Obtain Environmental Impact Factors
The environmental impact factors extracted from the USEEIO database for
the industrial sectors in this example are shown in Table 8-4. Note that in the
database, global warming potential is labeled “impact potential/gcc/kg co2
eq” and energy is labeled “resource use/enrg/mj.”
% Rental Tools/
% Plastic film
% Electrical
% Adhesive
% Concrete
% Cleaning
% Plywood
No impact
% Energy
% Steel –
% Labor
Work Activity
Remove, store and reinstall office
94 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
furniture and equipment
Fabricated ($)
Total Cost ($)
Adhesive ($)
Concrete ($)
Electrical ($)
Cleaning ($)
Plywood ($)
Impact ($)
Energy ($)
Labor ($)
Steel –
31854 20876 319 1403 4062 470 1470 750 75 210 2220
The calculation for total environmental impact are shown below using matrix
multiplication. Essentially, Table 8-3 is multiplied with Table 8-5.
[Sector costs] × [environmental impact factors / $ in sector] = [overall
environmental impacts]
= [20,876 319 1,403 4,062 470 1,470 750 75 210 2,220]
1.01 23.84
0.19 5.58
2.54 18.70
× 0.28 5.35
0.84 21.00
0.66 13.77
0.96 29.40
= [9,785 178,184]
Consequence functions have been developed for fragility groups that are
provided in the Fragility Database which is referenced by PACT. The Cost
Summary tab of the Fragility Database contains the data developed in both
of the Consequence Estimation Tools. In addition to the calculated low (10th
percentile, P10), best estimate (50th percentile, P50), and high (90th
percentile, P90) values of repair cost and repair time, the Cost Summary tab
also includes information regarding the expected distribution of the
consequence functions (normal or lognormal), relevant COV and dispersion
values, as well as the lower and upper quantity values. Note that the
Fragility Database provides the repair cost and repair time information per
fragility unit of measure. Thus, best estimate repair cost of a reinforced
concrete shear wall (B1044.001) is displayed as $36 × 144 square feet =
$5,180 in the Fragility Database and PACT. All of the above information is
also presented in the Fragility Specification.
This will bring up the Add New Fragility window as shown in Figure 8-2.
An appropriate fragility specification number per the modified NISTR
system is entered and clicking OK to bring up additional windows for entry
of data. The resulting, blank fragility specification is ready to be completed
with the associated fragility and consequence function information.
Users must indicate the Curve Type (either normal or lognormal) in the
dropdown menu in Figure 8-3. In this example, the repair cost curve
assigned is “normal” and the associated coefficient of variation (COV) is
input into the cell. If the repair cost curve is lognormal, the associated
dispersion (standard deviation of the logs of the values or β) value will be
When it is judged likely that the damage state will result in either fatality or
serious injury, the Potential for Non-Collapse Casualties box should be
checked, as shown in Figure 8-6.
The Environmental Losses produced by PACT are also shown in this tab.
If needed, the values for environmental impacts can be changed here.
B1033.051a, B1033.051b,
Chevron brace
Compact brace shape
B1033.052a, B1033.052b,
(wide flange, HSS, Single diagonal brace
double angles)
B1033.052a, B1033.053b,
X brace
B1033.061a, B1033.061b,
Chevron brace
Concentrically Brace at ductile
B1033.062a, B1033.062b,
Braced Frame slenderness limit (wide Single diagonal brace
flange, HSS, angle)
Structural Steel B1033.063a, B1033.063b,
X brace
Braced Frame B1033.063c
B1033.071a, B1033.071b,
Chevron brace
Basic design for
factored loads only B1033.072a, B1033.072b,
Single diagonal brace
(wide flange, HSS, B1033.072c
B1033.073a, B1033.073b,
X brace
B1033.101a, B1033.101b,
Buckling- - Chevron brace
Restrained Brace
(BRB) Frame B1033.111a, B1033.111b,
- Single diagonal brace
Eccentrically No floor beams B1035.061a, B1035.061b
Braced Frame Shear link
(EBF) With floor beams B1035.062a, B1035.062b
B1035.001, B1035.002, B1035.011,
Reduced Beam Welded Web -
Section (RBS)
Structural Steel
Moment Frame Post-Northridge B1035.021, B1035.022, B1035.031,
- -
not RBS B1035.032
B1041.001a, B1041.001b,
Beam yield - B1041.002a, B1041.002b,
B1041.003a, B1041.003b
ACI 318 Special
Moment Frame ΣMc/ΣMb > 1.2
Pu(col) < 0.6 fc’Ag B1041.011a, B1041.011b,
Weak joints Joint V/Vn < 1.2 B1041.012a, B1041.012b,
B1041.013a, B1041.013b
Compliant transverse
ACI 318
B1041.021a, B1041.021b,
Intermediate Beam or column shear
Joint shear damage B1041.022a, B1041.022b,
Moment Frame response
B1041.023a, B1041.023b
Joint shear damage B1041.031a, B1041.031b,
Beam yield, weak
ΣMc/ΣMb > 1.2 B1041.032a, B1041.032b,
Pu(col) < 0.6 fc’Ag B1041.033a, B1041.033b
Roof Tile N/A Clay tiles, secured and compliant with UBC 94 B3011.012
GWB partition Paint with Full height N/A Fixed below, fixed C1011.011a
(wood studs, taped joints wallboard above
gypsum board
both sides)
Table B-7 Floor Finishes, Raised Access Floors, and Floor Flooding (C302)
Seismic Installation Classification
Item Description Condition Size/Other Number
Office (Dry) C3021.001a
SDC A or B D3041.011a
< 6 SF in SDC C D3041.011b
cross sectional SDC D, E or F D3041.011c
SDC D, E, or F (OSHPD D3041.011d
or sim.)
Galvanized Sheet Metal
SDC A or B D3041.012a
SDC C D3041.012b
≥ 6 SF in cross
sectional area SDC D, E or F D3041.012c
SDC D, E, or F (OSHPD D3041.012d
HVAC or sim.)
Ducting SDC A or B D3041.021a
SDC C D3041.021b
< 6 SF in cross
sectional area SDC D, E or F D3041.021c
SDC D, E, or F (OSHPD D3041.021d
or sim.)
Stainless Steel
SDC A or B D3041.022a
≥ 6 SF in cross
sectional area SDC C D3041.022b
SDC D, E or F D3041.022c
≥ 6 SF in cross
sectional area SDC D, E, or F (OSHPD D3041.022d
or sim.)
HVAC SDC A or B D3041.031a
diffusers in No independent safety wires N/A SDC C D3041.031b
SDC A or B D3041.032a
drops/ SDC C D3041.032b
Support by ducting only.
diffusers N/A SDC D, E or F D3041.032c
without No independent safety wires
ceilings SDC D, E, or F (OSHPD D3041.032d
or sim.
Storage rack 3-5 levels, 14.5-20 ft Comply with Rack Manufacturing Institute F1012.001
high Seismic Provisions Prior to 2007 Edition
C.1 Introduction
PACT and its associated data management utilities (i.e., the Fragility
Specification Manager and Building Population Modeler) are coded in
Microsoft C#.net software development platform.
In this Second Edition, PACT has been enhanced to include an algorithm for
environmental impact assessment. Further details about the methodology
and its development are provided in FEMA P-58-3 BD 3.7.20.
PACT requires the free Microsoft Net Framework 3.5 to be installed on the
computer. Most newer computers have this utility installed as a part of their
operating system. However, the PACT installer checks the computer for
presence of the Microsoft Net Framework 3.5 and if necessary it will
download it from the Microsoft website and install it. Therefore, internet
connectivity during the PACT installation process is prudent.
When PACT is started, the PACT Control Panel appears. This is the focal
point of activities when the program is used. The user will come back to this
panel before and after completion of each major task.
The two PACT utilities that can be operated either within PACT or as totally
independent functions are:
• Fragility Specification Manager, and
• Building Population Modeler.
Selection of the Model the Building and Import Analyses Results button
initiates the Building Modeler window where the building, its contents,
results of structural analyses are defined, as shown in Figure C-3.
A default five story office building model is built into PACT and can be
retrieved as shown in Figure C-5. Two versions of the model are provided:
One using the nonlinear response history method and the other using the
simplified (linear) method.
Once an existing PACT file is opened, the blank fields are overwritten by the
relevant information contained in the opened file.
Figure C-6 Project Information tab with retrieved data from opened file.
Under the File Menu, New command can be used to start a new project from
scratch, Recent Projects to see a list of projects you have worked on recently,
Save to save the project under its current name, and Save As to save a copy of
the project under a new name. On occasion, this action may set all demands
to zero, so users are encouraged to review the newly created file for
completeness. In addition, Page Setup can be used to setup a printer and
print preferences, Print to print a copy of the form displayed on the screen,
and Print Review to see how the selection would look. Finally, Exit
Under the Edit menu, shown in Figure C-7 Cut, Copy, Paste, and Select All
commands can be used to cut and paste contents of one or several cells. This
can be used to cut and paste results of analyses from a spreadsheet program
like Excel or tables contained in a word processing program such as Word.
Under the Tools Menu, Options allows for switching between imperial and
metric units. PACT is unit independent and both units are accommodated.
This tab, shown in Figure C-6, contains input fields for project identification,
building description, and client and engineer identifications. In addition,
regional and date cost multipliers for the project are to be entered here. Note
that PACT cost estimates are based on the 2011 Northern California average
costs. The user may choose to use a multiplier based on the year the
evaluation is being run and the region where the building is located.
This tab, shown in Figure C-8, contains input fields for adding, editing, and
reviewing basic building information such as number of stories, total
replacement cost and time, core and shell replacement cost, maximum
number of workers per unit floor area (needed for estimating repair time),
Filling the Most Typical Default Values for floor area and story height
populates these values in the table shown in the lower part of the form. At
any time, the tabulated values in the table can be changed by clicking on the
corresponding cell. For example, if a 10-story building has a first floor
height of 20 ft, second floor height of 16 ft, and all other floors are 13.5 ft
high each, then 13.5 ft will be entered as the most typical height and
consequently the column will be populated with 13.5 ft. The user can then
change the values for the first two floors manually.
Each floor can be assigned a custom name. This will have no effect on the
building logic, but will show up in the reports and output, making the
basement and roof floors easier to distinguish.
Height Factor, Hazmat Factor, and Occupancy Factor values for each
floor can also be entered here. The costs of all damaged items on each floor
will be multiplied by these three cost factors.
The Population tab, shown in Figure C-9 is divided into three separate
windows. In the first one, the most typical population models for the
building and the fraction of floor area that they apply to are selected. For
Default population models, presented on the right side of the form for this
particular project, can also be easily edited. Note, however, that if changes
are made to the population models, these changes will be saved for this
project only and will not change the values stored in the Building
Population Modeler utility. Eight population models are provided with
PACT in the Building Population Modeler utility, additional population
models can be added.
The values entered on the upper left of the window as typical values are
automatically applied to all floors except the roof. The dropdown list and
arrows on the bottom left window can be used to change these values for
each floor by moving from one floor to another using the floor arrows.
A variety of icons are displayed above PACT graphs and charts and aid in
copying, exporting, printing, changing, and customizing how graphs are
presented, printed and saved.
On the bottom half of the window, the list is copied to all floors. The
dropdown list and arrows can be used to add, remove, or change the fragility
specifications at each floor floors.
The Collapse Fragility tab is used to model structural collapse and its
consequences. If potential collapse is not necessary in the building
assessment, the corresponding box at the top of Figure C-14 can be
Once the collapse modes are defined, the arrows in the Collapse
Consequences data block are used to cycle through modes and define the
consequences of occurrence of each mode including the fatality and injury
rates per floor and the corresponding dispersions. For example, in Figure
C-14, the mean fatality rate of 0.90 means that if this type of collapse occurs,
90% of the floor occupants at the time of the event will be perished.
Figure C-15 Structural Analysis Results tab for entry of nonlinear analysis results.
The table needs to be filled with the results of analyses for each
scenario/intensity in each direction and for each demand parameter. The
arrows can be used to cycle through various scenarios/intensities. If an Excel
spreadsheet containing this information is created, the data could be cut and
paste into the PACT table.
PACT will transfer the spectral accelerations entered in the previous tab into
the hazard curve table contained in the Hazard Curve tab, shown in Figure
C-18. These values are grayed out so that they cannot be changed here, they
can only be changed in the previous tab. Once the mean annual frequency of
exceedance (MAFE) values corresponding to each spectral acceleration are
entered, the hazard curve will be drawn.
Once all of the information has been entered in the tabs, the model should be
saved under a desired name.
Once the model has been developed, the Evaluate Performance button is
activated in the PACT Control Panel and the window shown in Figure C-19
will appear.
As illustrated in Figure C-20, from the File menu, selecting Open Building
Project will allow the selection of the desired model. If the computer has a
dual- or multi-core processor, selecting the Use Threading under the Options
When the Run Evaluation button is clicked, depending on the speed of the
computer, the number of realizations selected and whether fragilities are
correlated or uncorrelated, the PACT execution time may take anywhere
between a few seconds to a number of hours. Progress bars at the bottom of
the form indicate the status of operation, as shown in Figure C-21, and upon
completion of execution the word “Done” will be displayed.
There is also a command line version of the PACT Engine. The filename is
PactEngine.exe, and is located in the main installation directory. This file
can be run from the command line, in a batch file, or from an external
program. It uses command line switches to change the default options. It
will accept multiple input files at one time. The format of the command line
The output file will be saved in the same directory as the input file, with the
default name of “inputFileName_results.xml,” unless the -d option is
selected, where it will add the date/time stamp of the analysis to the run, in
which case the format will be “InputFileName_results_YYYY-MM-
DDTHH.MM.SS.xml” (e.g., InputFileName_results_2011-12-
31T14.30.00.xml is Dec 31, 2011, at 2:30 in the afternoon).
If a particular command line switch is not used it will use the default option
last selected when using the graphical interface, unless otherwise specified
Once the engine has run, the Examine Results button is activated in the
PACT Control Panel and the window shown in Figure C-22 will appear.
In all of the tabs in this window, by default, the cursor moves along the data
bins and not the lognormal curve. This can be changed using the Options
menu, as shown in Figure C-23.
Clicking the legend of a performance group on the bar chart causes the bar
chart for that performance group to stand out by darkening the color of other
bars. A click on the top of the legend box restores the original colors. The
radio buttons provided at the bottom left of the form can be used to either
show the entire graph or use scale breaks for viewing details at either end of
the horizontal scale, as shown in Figure C-24.
For any of the graphs, fragilities can be grouped by their Uniformat ID,
which will simplify the keys on the graphs. Under the Tools/Options menu
there is an entry titled PG Grouping Level, as shown in Figure C-25. The
categories range from All Fragilities where each fragility will be one entry in
the graphs with own key entry and color, all the way to Group by Uniformat
Major Group Elements, where all the fragilities will be grouped into top level
categories such as “shell,” “interior,” and “equipment and furnishings.” This
will be particularly helpful with buildings containing many fragilities. Figure
C-26 illustrates the effects of changing the performance grouping levels.
The Repair Cost tab, shown in Figure C-27, contains two graphs. By
placing the cursor at the line separating the two graphs and holding the
mouse key down, and the line can be dragged to make either graph smaller or
larger. The desired Scenario/Intensity number can be selected using the drop
down list at the top left of the form.
The graph at the bottom of the form depicts the loss curve for cost associated
with the selected scenario/intensity for all performance groups in all
directions and throughout the height of the building. By default the cursor on
the graph is placed at the median value. However, clicking anywhere on the
curve will allow examining losses at various probabilities.
The bar chart on the top depicts the distribution of losses among various
performance groups. Note that when the cost or probability on the loss
curves is changed the distribution of costs among performance groups shown
on the bar chart changes.
The Casualties tab, shown in Figure C-28, contains four graphs. By placing
the cursor at the lines separating the graphs and holding the mouse key down,
and the lines can be dragged to resize the graphs. The desired
scenario/intensity number can be selected using the drop down list at the top
left of the form.
The graphs at the bottom of the form depict casualty probabilities associated
with the selected scenario/intensity. By default, the cursor on the graph is
placed at the median value. However, clicking anywhere on the curve will
allow examining losses at various probabilities.
The bar chart on the top depicts the distribution of casualties caused by
various performance groups and collapse (if occurring). Note that when the
cursor position is changed, the distribution of casualties per performance
groups shown on the corresponding bar chart changes.
Repair strategy can be selected by clicking the desired radio button, as shown
in Figure C-29. Also note that PACT identifies and reports items that may
require a long lead time just below these radio buttons.
For realizations that result in structural collapse, the program equates the
repair time to the user supplied total replacement time for the building.
In Figure C-30 and Figure C-31, the bottom graph shows the repair time
probability and the top chart shows the total repair time and contribution of
each performance group to the total repair time.
Figure C-30 Repair time output assuming floors are repaired in parallel.
Figure C-35 Individual Realization display of repair cost (top) and repair time
(bottom) contributions by performance group.
This Data Drill Down And Export Tab allows for examination or export of
results from a single realization or export of results of all realizations in a
The table on the top of the window shown in Figure C-36 provides a
summary for Intensity/Scenario #1, Realization #1, Direction 1, and
Performance Group B1035.001. Clicking will allow even
deeper examination.
There are two choices for exporting the results of realizations. High-level
exports produce files containing more significant information while low-
level exports contain every bit and piece of the information generated by the
program. The available options are shown in Figure C-37.
Clicking on the legend of any of the charts causes the chart to highlight the
selected data by darkening the color of other data. A click on the top of the
legend box restores the original colors.
By default, the annualized total and graphs are the integration of the data bins
from each analysis. In order to view annualized totals integrated using the
lognormal fitted curves, the option can be selected as shown in Figure C-39.
When integrating using the data bins, the number of data bins can have an
effect on the totals and the graphs. The number of bins used can be adjusted
in the Options menu, as shown in Figure C-40. The number of bins actually
used will depend on the exact data being evaluated, but it will never be larger
than the number specified by the user.
The graph type (either color coded by the contribution of each intensity, or as
a single curve showing the total amount) can be changed with the radio
buttons on the bottom left of the form.
On the left side of the form the annualized probabilities of structural collapse
and unsafe placard are displayed.
The File menu provides the option to create a new fragility specification
from scratch, save a fragility specification. This menu is shown in Figure
C-44. In the Edit menu, an option to duplicate an existing fragility
specification is given. The duplicate fragility would be used as the basis for
a new fragility. The Tools menu provides the ability to switch default
measurement system between imperial and metric units.
The Overview tab, shown in Figure C-45 provides a list of all the fragility
specification categories in a tree structure, along with all the existing
fragilities. Any category that has one or more fragilities underneath it will be
marked as bold. Any subcategory can be expanded by clicking the small
symbol, or hidden by clicking the symbol.
The search box on the top can be used for searching all the existing fragilities
for an ID or description containing that text.
At the top of the Fragility Specification Details tab, shown in Figure C-46,
is a navigation bar, which lists the fragility specification being examined. It
also allows for navigation through all of the existing fragilities using the
arrows. It also provides buttons to add a new fragility and delete an
existing fragility , and save an existing fragility .
Below the navigation bar, the information on the current fragility, divided
between a tree view on the left showing the basic structure of the fragility
and its damage states and consequences, and detail information on the right,
is displayed. The border between the tree view and the detail information
can be moved left or right by clicking and dragging on the border between
The fragility structure consists of general information for the fragility and
various damage state groups and sub-damage state groups, individual
damage states, and consequences.
(a) (b)
Figure C-47 Tree view showing: (a) sequential; and (b) simultaneous
PACT does not limit the user to these options. It is possible to have multiple
damage state groups of all different types nested underneath each other, but
the utility of these options is limited. Two examples are shown in Figure
A new fragility can be created by clicking or using the File menu. The
tree structure will look as shown in Figure C-49.
The program provides general info and a master damage state by default.
When Add Damage State is clicked it will add Damage State 1.
Any damage state, consequence, or damage state group (except the very top
level one), can be deleted by right clicking on the item and choosing Delete
or selecting it and hitting .
In order to create a mutually exclusive or simultaneous fragility, first the top-
level damage state needs to be created, then a damage state group can be
added. In Figure C-51, note that there are two places that say Add Damage
State. The first is connected by a line to the master damage state group, and
is the same level as Damage State 1. That one will add a Damage State 2 to
When General Info is selected on the tree view, the screen shown in Figure
C-54, separated into two tabs on the right, is displayed. The General Info
tab will show the most important general information about the fragility.
The Fragility ID is shown, but is not editable, along with the short name and
a longer description of the fragility. The demand parameter can be selected
from a dropdown menu, or created new, as shown in Figure C-55. In
addition, the fragility can be specified as directional or non-directional, and
correlated or not correlated.
Fragilities can be marked as using the demand values of the floor above, by
using the checkbox marked Use Demand Value from Floor Above. This is
used for components such ceiling tiles or sprinkler pipes, which affect the
casualties of the floor they are on, but use the accelerations of the floor above
them to determine their damage state.
When any Damage State Group is selected on the tree view, including the top
level group named “Damage State Type,” a screen on the right will be
displayed. The information consists of a dropdown list showing the damage
state group type (Figure C-57), and a graph of all the damage states in that
group. If it is the top level group, the fragility type cannot be changed. If the
damage group type is sequential, a line graph showing the probability of each
damage state against the possible demand parameter values will be shown
(see Figure C-58).
If the damage state group type is simultaneous, a bar graph with the
probabilities of its damage states will be displayed, as shown in Figure
C-59a. If the damage state group type is mutually exclusive, a pie chart with
the probabilities of its damage states will be displayed, as shown in Figure
Figure C-59 Fragility data display showing:
(a) simultaneous damage state
group; and (b) mutually
exclusive damage state group.
When any of the damage states on the tree view are clicked, a screen with
information about that damage state will be displayed, as shown in Figure
C-60. This screen provides a description, an image if one has been specified,
and buttons to allow for deletion or addition of an image. If the selection is
sequential (or a master damage state group), the median and dispersion
values are displayed. If the selection is simultaneous or mutually exclusive
the fraction of the time it is in this damage state is displayed.
When any consequence function on the tree view is clicked, a screen with
different consequence information, separated into four tabs, is displayed, as
shown in Figure C-61.
In this tab, use of unsafe placard consequences can also be specified. If not,
the fraction of the total quantities required to trigger a unsafe placard need to
be entered. PACT will count all the items of this type in the building, and
count how many of those items are in this damage state. If the ratio is higher
than the median value entered here (adjusted by the dispersion) for a
particular realization, it will be marked as getting an unsafe placard. It will
not add different damage states together, even different damage states for the
same fragility.
Finally, items with a long lead time flags in this damage state can also be
indicated here.
To create a new population model, New can be selected from the File menu.
Fields are provided for entering the name of the population model, the peak
number of occupants per 1000 square feet, and the dispersion, population
C.10 Reporting
The reporting screen, shown in Figure C-67, will take project or result files,
and a Microsoft word template, and create a Microsoft Word report based on
them. Two templates are included, one to be used for a Project file (showing
the echo of the inputted information) and one to be used for a results file
(showing the inputted information and the results).
Regardless of what values are used for these two options, the aspect ratio (the
ratio of width/height) should be the same or very close, or the image will
look distorted.
All data files reside in the Common Application Data folder. For Windows
XP, the default location of that folder is “C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Pact,” and for Windows 7 it is “C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Pact.”
All building and project information inputted for a particular project are
saved in a single XML file with the project name in the Projects subfolder
under the folder where PACT is installed. If the default path was used for
installing PACT, the project files may be found in the data folder in
“Projects.” Although XML files are text files that can be viewed and
changed using any text or word processor, extreme care is necessary if these
files are manipulated, as even minor manual changes may render a project
file unusable. A copy of the project file can be easily created with no
adverse effects.
All result information if saved, is saved in a single file with the result name
in the Projects subfolder under the folder where PACT is installed. If the
default path was used for installing PACT, the project files may be found in
data folder at “Projects.” Result files can be saved as binary files, with the
file extension .bin or as XML files with the file extension XML. Binary files
are smaller, typically half the size of XML files, and much faster to load and
save. Results files can be quite large, so this is not a trivial concern.
Fragility specifications are directories and XML files that bear the same
identifier as the fragility specification they represent. For each fragility
specification, there is a folder with the same name as the fragility ID,
containing an XML file and any representative photos of the damage states
associated with the fragility function. These folders are stored in a subfolder
under the folder where PACT is installed. If the default path was used for
installing PACT, these files may be found in the data directory in
“ATCCurves.” PACT will show any proper fragility specification stored in
this subfolder.
Population specification files are saved in XML files bearing the name of the
population specification. They are stored in a subfolder under the folder
where PACT is installed. If the default path was used for installing PACT,
these files may be found at “Templates\Occupancy.”
A Word 2007/2010 file is used as a template. The file must be in the DOCX
format; older Word DOC file types will not work. The default location for
the template files is in the data folder at “Reports.” It uses mail merge fields
in the template as placeholders for putting information from the actual
project. Each merge field in the body and header/footer will be reviewed,
and if it is in the proper format, will be replaced by values from the Project or
Results file. The fields are too many too list out, but the sample templates
have all of the available fields, with one exception: If all the fragilities used
want to be shown, the field “Special:AllFragilities” should be selected. If
only fragilities that are marked as unofficial want to be shown, the alternate
merge field of “Special:UnofficialFragilities” can be used.
PACT is coded using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 in C#. Besides the
functions and utilities contained in the above platform the following third-
party controls have been used:
C.11.6.1 Logfiles
The default location for logfiles is the Project directory, located under the
PACT main directory. If for any reason they cannot be written to that
location, Local Application Data path, which defaults to C:\Documents and
Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data in Windows XP or
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local in Windows 7 will be used, where
%username% is the current username. When reporting bugs, the logfile
should be sent to aid with tracking down the bugs.
D.1 Introduction
Pop-up notes with comments have been included to further explain options
within the workbook. A red triangle at the upper right of a cell indicates the
existence of a pop up note. Hovering over the cell will display the note.
The tool uses Excel macros. The macros must be enabled in order for the
tool to run. The spreadsheet was created in Excel Office 2010 version
14.0.6106.5005 as a macro enabled Excel file (.xlsm).
Within the Building Definition table each floor is defined by its total floor
area and up to three occupancies. To define a building, the user first inputs
the name of each floor (starting at the roof) as well as the total floor area on
each floor. The user then selects the occupancy types present on each floor
and assigns a percentage of the total floor area to each occupancy type. If the
percentage values do not add up to 100% over three occupancies, the column
to the right of the Building Definition table will issue a warning. The user
must also provide a floor number for later reference in the output summary.
The floor name can be any alphanumeric entry; the floor number must be an
integer value starting at 1 at the first floor.
The “Compile” button executes the tool and populates the Component
Summary Matrix with a floor-by-floor list of component types for input
into PACT. The output matrix is ordered by floor, then occupancy type. The
data can be organized and filtered using the dropdown options provided in
the column headers.
The Fragility Database provides a unit of measure for each fragility group,
listed here as “Assumed Quantity per component within PACT.” The
“Actual Quantity” value reported recognizes this assumed PACT component
quantity and multiplies it by the user input building occupancy area and per
occupancy unit quantity defined in the Building Occupancy Component
Matrix provided in the Normative Quantity Database tab. The “Actual
Quantity” value should be used to confirm that the components selected are
appropriate given the building size and quantity of discreet units required.
The output listed in the Component Summary Matrix can be revised by the
user to return quantities specific to the building studied by using the
additional features listed in Section D.3.3 or the information provided in the
Normative Quantity Database tab.
The tool can be set to check if the occupancy category selected produces a
component with zero quantity. If the user has chosen to “Exclude Zero
Data,” any component types producing zero quantity will not be listed in the
Component Summary Matrix when the tool is run.
D.3.3.3 Summation of Fragility by Floor
Depending upon the summation method chosen by the user, the Occupancy
Type and Floor Level of the component will be listed within the Component
Summary Matrix as according Table D-1.
This table presents the selection of fragility groups referenced by the tool.
The Component Definition Table is shaded in blue and thus allows for
changes by the user.
For example, as a default, four fragility group selections are provided for
D2021.011a (piping fragility for cold water piping with a diameter less than
2.5 inches, designed for Seismic Design Category A or B). The user who has
information that the building contains large diameter welded steel piping
designed for Seismic Design Category D, E, or F, can use the dropdown list
available at the end of column E and select the appropriate fragility group
(D2051.023a). If this change is made before pressing the “Compile” button
to execute the tool, the output in the Component Summary Matrix will list
the quantity relevant to D2051.023a.
Annual frequence of exceedance. The average number of times per year
that an event having magnitude larger than a reference value is likely to
occur (typically less than 1).
Annualized loss. The average value of loss, per year, over a period of many
Backbone curve. A component force-deformation relationship that
envelopes either monotonic or cyclic loading response.
Building performance model. An organized collection of data necessary to
define building assets that are at risk and vulnerable to the effects of
earthquake shaking.
Capacity boundary. A component force-deformation relationship that
represents the maximum strength that a component can develop at a given
level of deformation; generally equal to the response of the component to
monotonic loading.
Casualties. Loss of life, or serious injury requiring hospitalization.
Collapse floor area ratio. The portion of floor area at each level that is
subject to collapse in each collapse mode.
Collapse fragility. A mathematical relationship that defines the probability
of incurring structural collapse as a function of ground motion intensity.
Collapse mode(s). One or more ways in which a building would be
expected to collapse, ranging from partial to complete collapse. Possible
collapse modes include single-story collapse, multi-story collapse, or total
Component. One of many parts, both structural and nonstructural, that
together comprise a building.
Conditional probability. The probability that an outcome will occur, given
that a particular event occurs or condition exists.
Consequences. The losses resulting from earthquake damage in terms of
potential casualties, repair and replacement costs, repair time, and unsafe
ai* in the simplified analysis method, estimated median peak floor
acceleration at level “i”
b slope of a straight line fit to a series of data having x and y values
c y intercept of a straight line fit to a series of data having x and y
di value of the demand at which a particular damage state was first
observed to occur in specimen “i” in a series of m tests, or the
maximum value of demand to which a specimen was subjected
without occurrence of the damage state
dj maximum demand experienced by a series of test specimens in bin
dmax maximum demand, d, experienced by a specimen in a series of tests
dmin for a series of tests of specimens, the minimum value of demand, d,
at which any specimen exhibited damage or distress
ei in time-based assessment the mid-range intensity within an
incremental range of intensities, ∆ei
fr rocking frequency of an unanchored object, (hz)
fs frequency associated with sliding of an unanchored object, (hz)
h building height (also designated as H)
hi in the simplified procedure, the height of level “i” above the building
i interest rate, or expected rate of return on money
k in the simplified procedure, a coefficient used to account for
nonlinear mode shape
mj number of specimens in bin “j” for which damage conforming to a
particular damage state is observed
t period of years over which an investment decision is amortized
ASCE, 1996, Standard Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for
Engineered Wood Construction, AF&PA/ASCE 16-95, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
ASCE, 2002, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
ASCE/SEI 7-02, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
ASCE, 2005a, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
ASCE/SEI 7-05, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
ASCE, 2010, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
ASCE/SEI 7-10, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
ASCE, 2013, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
ASCE/SEI 7-10 including Supplement No. 1, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
ASCE, 2017, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings
and Other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7-16, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
ASME, 1981, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, ASME A17.1,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, New York.
Huang, Y.-N., Whittaker, A.S., and Luco, N., 2008, Performance Assessment
of Conventional and Base-Isolated Nuclear Power Plants for Earthquake
and Blast Loadings, Technical Report MCEER-08-0019,
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research,
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York.
Lehman, D., Roeder, C.W., Herman, D., Johnson, S., and Kotulka, B., 2008,
“Improved seismic performance of gusset plate connections,” Journal of
Structural Engineering, Vol. 134, Issue 6, pp. 890-901.
Newmark, N.M., and Hall, W.J., 1982, Earthquake Design and Spectra,
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, California.
Vamvatsikos, D., and Cornell, C.A., 2006, “Direct estimation of the seismic
demand and capacity of oscillators with multi-linear static pushovers
through IDA,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.
35, Issue 9, pp. 1097-1117.
Russell Larsen
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
Seattle, Washington 98101
Steering Committee
William T. Holmes (Chair) Anne Bostrom
Rutherford + Chekene University of Washington
375 Beale Street, Suite 310 Parrington Hall, Room 327
San Francisco, California 94105 Seattle, Washington 98195
Keith Porter
University of Colorado
Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural
1111 Engineering Drive
Boulder, Colorado 80309
Laura Lowes
University of Washington
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
233C More Hall, Box 352700
Seattle, Washington 98195
Christopher Smith
Stanford University
MC:4020, Building 540
Stanford, California 94305
Validation/Verification Team
Charles Scawthorn (Chair) Jack Baker
C. Scawthorn & Associates Stanford University
744 Creston Road Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Berkeley, California 94708 240 Terman Engineering Center
Stanford, California 94305
Special Reviewers
Thalia Anagnos Fouad M. Bendimerad
San Jose State University 125B 24th Avenue
General Engineering Office 169 San Mateo, California 94403
San Jose, California 95192