Bible Study Sheet PDF
Bible Study Sheet PDF
Bible Study Sheet PDF
Noah’s zoo
Divine architectural blueprints are drawn for an enormous
ship to house the entire DNA on earth. From butterflies to
antelopes, from ants to buffalos, the ark that Noah the car-
penter is asked to build is a zoologist’s dream (or nightmare,
perhaps). It has three decks. God instructs Noah to make the
ship of cypress wood. Some have suggested that it was really
acacia. The latter was considered sacred in the ancient Middle
East. It was the wood prescribed for the ark of the covenant.
1. Notice God’s emotions and actions in this story. How
Rabbinical commentaries speculate that the lower level was
does God change as the story progresses? How do
set aside for the beasts, the middle for the birds, and the up-
you understand the character of God?
per for the insects and the lodging of Noah’s extended family.
Some have also suggested that aquatic beasts swam alongside 2. What might grieve God’s heart in our world?
the ark. As for zookeepers? Sources allude to guardian angels 3. The rainbow is given as a sign of God’s promise.
herding the animals and providing fodder for them. What promise do you wish to receive from God?
As the sluices of the heavens open and the aquifers of the 4. Some people see floods, hurricanes, earthquakes,
underground are unleashed, rain falls for the proverbial 40 days. and other catastrophes as signs of divine judgment.
Rabbis living in an earlier age suggested that God moved some Do you agree or disagree with this view?
of the stars of the constellation Pleiades for this flood to occur.
Talkabout God and the First Families
Gather ’Round, Fall 2010 Bible study for busy parents
Bible commentary Week 6 culture, one of the coronation names of a pharaoh was kept secret
so that one could not harm him by using it inappropriately.
Genesis 16:1–17:22; 18:1–15; 21:1–7
The change of names for Abram and Sarai in a sense changed
Father Abraham has no sons their being. Sarah becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son.
In the midst of this unlikely scene, hilarity is order of the day.
Many of us are familiar with a camp song with the endlessly
The child is appropriately named Isaac, meaning “laughter.”
repeating lines: “Father Abraham had seven sons. Seven sons
The long-awaited promise of God is fulfilled.
had father Abraham.” The great patriarch would have seen this
song as derisive. The aged Abram was childless.
Cutting the deal
Ironically, a Jewish legend claimed that at the birth of Abram, an
At the renaming ceremony of Abraham and Sarah a ritualistic
astrologer announced that his descendants would be numer-
surgery becomes the physical mark of the covenant (Genesis
ous. This prophecy is later confirmed in Genesis, in the city of
17:9–14). At that time, circumcision was already a custom in
Haran, where God proclaims that through Abram all nations
Egyptian and other cultures. Today among Jews an individual
will be blessed (12:3b). Later, in Hebron, the future capital of the
called a mohel performs the ceremony with another person hold-
young King David, Abram is told to gaze in all directions. God
ing the infant sitting on a chair designated for the prophet Elijah.
proclaims that Abram’s descendants will be as numerous as
Abraham supposedly used a flint knife to circumcise all male
“specks of dust on the earth” (13:16).
members of his household, including slaves. (Genesis 17:23–27).
Contrast this scene of exhilarating promise with another legend-
Why circumcision? Some scholars say that the shedding of
ary story about a despondent Abram lying in his tent at night.
blood was to ward off demons (see Exodus 4:24–26). Oth-
He is all too aware that he is an octogenarian with a wife who is
ers note that the act of cutting was intrinsic to the making of
beyond childbearing years.
covenants during the biblical age. Sometimes participants in
In the midst of this despondency, Sarai proposes a solution. the treaties walked through animals that were severed in two.
During their sojourn (Genesis 12:10–20), she had acquired an Supposedly, anyone breaking the covenant would be treated
Egyptian slave-girl named Hagar. After they had lived in Canaan like that sacrificed animal. Making a covenant was literally to
10 years, she suggests that her husband lie with Hagar. “cut a covenant.”
In effect, Sarai upgrades Hagar’s status from handmaiden The covenant is sealed. God’s promise to the aged Sarah and
to wife. In an age when men were often victims of warfare, Abraham is fulfilled. Abraham now has two sons.
polygamy was an accepted norm. Hagar becomes a surrogate
—Herb Smith, professor of Philosophy and Religion,
childbearer for Sarai and gives birth to a son named Ishmael
McPherson College, McPherson, KS
(Genesis 16:16). An angel proclaims that Ishmael will be a “wild
ass” of a man. Scholars note that the term was not intended to
be derogatory: it simply meant “Bedouin tent dweller.” Reflect
What’s in a name? 1. Think of your life in three stages: childhood, youth,
and adulthood. Think of one everyday blessing and
Thirteen years after the birth of Ishmael, when Abram is one one surprising blessing for each of these stages.
year shy of the century mark, God appears to him and makes
a new covenant. This covenant includes a change of nomencla- 2. Abram and Sarai were given meaningful new names.
ture. Abram’s name becomes elongated to Abraham, meaning Do you consider your own name a blessing? Why or
“ancestor of multitudes.” Likewise, Sarai is recast as Sarah, why not?
meaning “princess.” 3. In many African cultures, children bring social status
From the nineteenth to the seventeenth centuries BCE, the and carry family lineage in ways reminiscent of
royal title “Abrahama” was written on cuneiform clay tablets. Abraham and Sarah’s time. What role do children
The Arabic raham means multitude. Abraham here is treated have in a North American setting? In your family? In
by God as if he were royalty. Appropriately, Sarah’s name also your congregation?
takes on the charm of royalty. 4. In Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths
During the biblical age, new names were sometimes given Bruce Feiler says, “The Abraham I long for would be
at coronation ceremonies. Gideon became Jerubbaal a bridge between humanity and the divine, who dem-
(Judges 6:32). Jedediah became the more familiar Solomon onstrates the example of what it means to be faithful
(2 Samuel 12:25). but who also delivers to us God’s blessing on earth.
. . this Abraham is not a Jew, Christian, or Muslim.”
At the time of the writing of Genesis, it was believed that the How might a new look at Abraham bring the bless-
meaning of a person’s name (given on the eighth day after birth) ing of peace among peoples?
became incorporated into the soul of that person. In Egyptian
Talkabout God and the First Families
Gather ’Round, Fall 2010 Bible study for busy parents
Bible commentary Week 8 sends him forth to hunt and kill some game
and prepare it as a savory meal.
Genesis 25:29–34; 27:1––28:9
Rebekah, however, favors Jacob; she is
Wrestling in the womb also disgruntled with her daughters-in-law,
Esau’s Hittite wives. She plans a deception.
The Hebrew Bible is peppered with
In so doing, she follows in the tradition of
stories of sibling rivalry. Yet, in the midst
other assertive women in the Genesis ac-
of brokenness and even hostility, God’s
counts (Eve and Sarah). Such behavior was
light shines through. As Andrew Greely
unusual for this patriarchal culture.
writes, “God draws straight with crooked
lines.” As the Genesis saga continues, Isaac Some scholars are so struck with the
travels to his father’s ancestral lands and behavior of these women that they surmise
marries his cousin Rebekah. They experi- that a sizeable portion of Genesis was
ence twenty years of barrenness, but finally written by a woman. They speculate that
Rebekah becomes pregnant with twin boys. she would likely have been a person of
A struggle between the brothers begins in the womb (Genesis high rank in the court during the reign of Solomon or shortly
25:22). It is prophesied that they will represent two different thereafter.
cultures. Eventually this would become Israel and its south- Rebekah has Jacob disguise himself as Esau, bring his father a
eastern neighbor Edom (today Jordan). meal, and accept the blessing of his father Isaac. Interestingly,
The first child to come forth is red and hairy. In parts of the rabbinical commentators say that the garments of Esau that
ancient Near East—Egypt, for example—red was the forebod- Rebecca put on her favorite son, Jacob, were the same ones
ing color of evil. This firstborn son was named Esau. Clutch- that God gave to Adam and Eve. Rabbis have also proposed
ing on to the heel of his brother came Jacob, whose name that Jacob really did not want to deceive his father and that he
means “the supplanter.” The Hebrew Ya’qobh has also been wept in his disguise. They claim that it was out of obedience
interpreted as “God protects.” to the fifth commandment later received by Moses (“Honor
your father and your mother”—Deuteronomy 5:16) that Jacob
The hunter and the mama’s boy carried out this fateful charade.
After they are grown, the story goes that Esau, the skilled What were the repercussions of Jacob taking the birthright
hunter, comes in from the fields as the more domestic Jacob is and blessing from his sibling? Enmity, strife, and a brother
cooking. The delicious, appetizing aroma of lentil soup perme- bent on blood revenge. But, stay tuned—God’s reconciliation
ates the tent. Esau announces that he is famished, which sets will shine forth in a magnificent story of forgiveness.
the stage for a deal that would have ramifications for genera-
—Herb Smith, professor of Philosophy and Religion,
tions. Foolishly Esau agrees to sell his birthright for a bowl of
McPherson College, McPherson, KS
The legal repercussions of this momentous bargain are
unclear. Middle Assyrian laws mandated a double portion of
inheritance for the firstborn, as did numerous other Mesopo-
tamian texts. Some Egyptian laws also mandated primogeni-
ture. However, in the Hebrew Torah, among the six hundred
thirteen laws of Sinai delivered to Moses, nothing is said.
In the Genesis story, no mention is made of property. What Reflect
was at stake was perhaps far more important: the destiny
1. Pick a character from the Bible story. What choice
of Jacob, Esau, and their offspring. The main lineage of the
or action can you understand? What surprised, ir-
family of Abraham would proceed through Jacob, later called
ritated, or disappointed you about that character?
“Israel,” rather than through Esau. The theme of the younger
son becoming more favored is found widely in the Bible: see, 2. When has selfishness separated people you know?
for example, the narratives concerning Abel, Joseph, David, How has family selfishness affected your own life?
and Solomon. 3. In what ways do you compete with your siblings or
others close to you?
A deathbed blessing
4. What kind of blessing do you wish from your parents?
The second major episode in the rivalry takes place when the What words and actions from parents and mentors
centenarian Isaac, failing in eyesight, is about to give his pater- have been life-giving to you?
nal blessing. Before blessing his favored firstborn son, Isaac
Talkabout God and the First Families
Gather ’Round, Fall 2010 Bible study for busy parents
Bible commentary Week 9 Still others say that it was the personifica-
tion of Esau taking revenge. Could it be
Genesis 32:1–33:17
that it was really an internal struggle in the
soul of Jacob, initiating a transformation in
Jacob and Esau, part two
his life? During the biblical age, the holy
Jewish folklore says that the most terrible sabbath began not in the morning but at
episode in their ancient history was not nighttime when God’s healing was mani-
the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebu- fested during sleep.
chadnezzar, but was rather the transla-
Injury to the thigh sinews can sometimes
tion of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek.
tighten the tendons with muscle spasms.
Why? For the first time non-Jews could
This can make one appear to swagger as
learn of the foibles of the matriarchs and
one walks. In this case, the swagger of
patriarchs. The Jacob and Esau cycle of
Jacob was hardly defiant confidence. Esau
stories must have been an embarrass-
was coming to meet him with 400 men in
ment to early Jews. The very figure who
his cadre (Genesis 32:6). The silhouetted
is called “Israel,” through connivance, twice deceives his
figures of Esau’s party must have looked more like ten thou-
brother. Nonetheless, this intriguing saga, with its naked
sand to the tunnel vision of Jacob. As the limping Jacob sees
honesty, reflects the human condition, warts and all. God’s
his brother coming, he positions his family in order of impor-
reconciliation blossoms forth despite the thorns of arrogance
tance. The maids and their offspring go first, followed by Leah
and deception.
and her children, and finally by Rachel and Joseph (Genesis
Besides his two Hittite wives, Esau marries a third woman, 33:2). But instead of a bloody confrontation, the unexpected
an Ishmaelite. Perhaps identifying with the rejected son of happens.
Abraham, he takes Mahalath, daughter of Ishmael, as his
bride (Genesis 28:9). Jacob is sent forth to the ancestral Broken heart, whole heart
homeland of Paddan-aram to marry one of his uncle Laban’s
Esau initiates the encounter. He runs to Jacob and embraces
daughters. On this long journey from Beer-sheba he has a
him. They both weep. Twenty years of righteous anger melt
vision. A ladder with angels on its rungs is seen ascending
away in cathartic release. God’s love traverses two decades of
from the earth to the heavens. After waking, Jacob renames
broken tragedy. Grace and reconciliation prevail. Jacob sees in
the location Bethel, meaning “the house of God” (Genesis
his forgiving brother “the face of God” (Genesis 33:10). A Jew-
ish proverb says that the only whole heart is a broken heart.
After arriving in Haran, he marries not one, but two, of Edom forgave Israel; Esau mended the heart of Jacob. And
Laban’s daughters. Both Leah and Rachel are accompanied perhaps we can imagine that after the salty tears of healing,
by handmaids Zilpah and Bilhah. Jacob is a prolific father Jacob no longer walked with a limp.
with eleven sons and a daughter. What started out as a
—Herb Smith, professor of Philosophy and Religion,
simple quest for a bride turns out to be a twenty-year sojourn
McPherson College, McPherson, KS
in Haran. But the legacy of his deception lingers on. There
is enmity between Jacob’s and Laban’s households. Jacob
decides to return home, but must have been hyperventilat-
ing with anxiety as he approached the land of Edom. Esau
had promised blood revenge. As an appeasement gift, Jacob
sends messengers with an assortment of goats, ewes, rams, Reflect
camels, cows, bulls, and donkeys. 1. Think of Jacob and Esau. Who needed to seek
forgiveness? Who needed to extend grace? Why are
Wrestler with a swagger both actions important?
That evening, having crossed the stream called Jabbok, the 2. Describe Jacob’s mood as he prepared to meet Esau.
most definitive event of Jacob’s life unfolds. Sleeping apart When have you needed to prepare for a major life-
from his wives, maids, and children, a nightmare wrestling changing event?
match ensues. His opponent forces his hip socket out of joint.
3. Jacob told Esau, “For truly to see your face is like see-
Nonetheless, the now limping Jacob holds his opponent until
ing the face of God.” Who is the face of God to you?
he is blessed. This mysterious wrestler then renames Jacob
“Israel,” meaning “striven with God.” Who was this opponent? 4. Do you agree that the only whole heart is a broken
Medieval rabbis said it was the infamous demon Samuel, the heart? When has brokenness led to wholeness in
guardian of Edom. Others said it was the archangel Michael your own experience?
because 20 years earlier Jacob failed to pay tithes at Bethel.
Talkabout God and the First Families
Gather ’Round, Fall 2010 Bible study for busy parents