Building A Backdoor To The Iphone

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Building a Backdoor to the iphone : An Ethical Dilemma


1. Syed Farouk is suspect shooter along with his wife, responsible by killing 14 and injuring additional
22 people in San Bernido. They were killed in a battle gun with the police in their vehicle.
2. They tried to detroy all evidences that could help FBI to attract their motive behind this attack.
FBI found two relatively new cellphones lying smashed in a garbage near shooting location.
Actually it’s not farouk’s property, it was given by his employer to Farouk.
3. FBI believed his phone could contain crucial information, that showed who he was in contact
with, the possibility he was connected with terrorist organization, his next attack planning so FBI
can prevent American victim in the future.
4. The iphone was locked with numerical or number/letter combination pass code in order to
prevent someone else could see all information in the phone.
5. FBI feared that the data will be deleted automatically if they tried to unlock the phone to break
the combination farouk pass code, since there are a lot possibility pass code combination to
unlock farouk’s phone, the security building system that built by Apple is strong, and it needed
much time to try and open the phone.
6. FBI came to Tim Cook, CEO Apple, and requested Apple to help them to make a special system,
something like special IOS that created in order to break farouk’s phone pass code. Hopefully this
action could help them to find the possibility future attack that can save American citizen.
7. Tim Cook refused FBI request to build a backdoor to the iphone, since he considered this act too
dangerous for other user due to the following reasons:
a. It showed the possibility that there is a way to break iphone security.
b. Someone else can imitate the way.
c. This action showed that Iphone can compromise about the security, which this aspect has
guaranteed by Apple. If they break this rule, probably they could lose customer’s trust.
8. Apple has guaranteed the user, that will ascertain the security and privacy user, so just the user
or someone related to the user who knows the passcode, get the access and open the phone.
Cook said Apple’s business model is very straightforward, Apple just sell great product, not
monetize customer’s information in order to market to you. Instead of reading customer’s email,
message, other data regarding them, Apple just focus to design software and services to make
the devices better.
9. FBI needed this backdoor program to be created once to unlock the phone, but Apple are unable
to do so. Government have proposed draft legislation that would have forced tech companies to
allow them access unencrypted data. For Snowden disclosure in 2013 led to a large-scale criticism
of the US Govt, and since then the Govt decided not to continue the proposed legislation.
10. This case was filed in the federal district court, and court passed an order directing Apple to
provide the software that could disable the security features that erased data from the iphone
after 10 unsuccessful attempts to unlock the phone. Of this feature was disabled, FBI could
attempt as many combinations as necessary to unlock the phone.



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