Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3 MB0034 Research Methodology - 3 Credits BKID: B0800
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3 MB0034 Research Methodology - 3 Credits BKID: B0800
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3 MB0034 Research Methodology - 3 Credits BKID: B0800
Q1. Give examples of specific situations that would call for the following types
of research, explaining why – a) Exploratory research b) Descriptive research c)
Diagnostic research d) Evaluation research. (10 marks).
a) Exploratory Research
i) Exploratory research is a type of research conducted for a problem that has not
been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design,
data collection method and selection of subjects. It should draw definitive conclusions
only with extreme caution. Given its fundamental nature, exploratory research often
concludes that a perceived problem does not actually exist.
ii) Briefly the examples of research methods are in the literature search,
experience survey, focus group, analysis of selected cases.
Example 2: Due to a trade embargo imposed by a country, textiles exports are down and
hence sales of a company making garment for exports is on the decline.
The above information may be used to pinpoint the reason for declining sales.
Examples :
1) A group of housewives may be approached for their choice for a “ready to cook
2) A publisher might want to find out the reason for poor circulation of newspaper
introduced recently. He might meet (a) Newspaper sellers (b) Public reading room (c)
General public (d) Business community; etc.
Analysing a selected case sometimes gives an insight into the problem which is being
researched. Case histories of companies which have undergone a similar situation may
be available. These case studies are well suited to carry out exploratory research.
However, the result of investigation of case histories arc always considered suggestive,
rather than conclusive
b) Descriptive research
Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the
phenomena to describe “what exists” with respect to variables or conditions in a
situation. The methods involved range from the survey which describes the status quo,
the correlation study which investigates the relationship between variables, to
developmental studies which seek to determine changes over time.
1. Case Studies
Detailed analysis of a single (or limited number) of people or events. Case studies are
usually interesting because of the unusualness of the case .The major problem with
case studies is the problem of objectivity. The person who is presenting the case
usually has some theoretical orientation. It is acceptable for a theoretical orientation to
affect one’s interpretation of events. In a case study the theoretical orientation can also
lead to the selection of the facts to include in the case. It is not surprising that case
studies often seem to provide very compelling evidence for a theory. Case studies can
therefore assist psychology by illustrating how a theory could be applied to a person or
events and by assisting with the development of hypotheses for more systematic testing.
2. Observational Research
Accounts of the natural behavior of individuals or groups in some setting. Unless the
observation is unobtrusive, there may be some subject reactivity to being observed.
This often decreases with time, a process called habituation. Observers cannot usually
observe all behaviors all of the time. They may use a behavioral checklist and may also
use time sampling or event sampling procedures. It is important to assess observer bias
by the use of interobserver reliability. Observational research may also pose ethical
problems. These can arise when the behaviors being observed are not public behaviors
and when the observer joins a group in order to observe the members’ behavior –
participant observation.
3. Survey Research
4. Archival Research
Q 2.In the context of hypothesis testing, briefly explain the difference between a)
Null and alternative hypothesis b) Type 1 and type 2 error c) Two tailed and one
tailed test d) Parametric and non parametric tests. (10 marks).
Ans. In the context of statistical analysis, we often talk null and alternative hypothesis. If
we are to compare method A with method B about its superiority and if we proceed on
the assumption that both methods are equally good, then this assumption is termed as
null hypothesis. As against this, we may think that the method A is superior, it is
alternative hypothesis. Symbolically presented as:
• Alternative hypothesis is usually the one which wishes to prove and the null
hypothesis are ones that wish to disprove. Thus a null hypothesis represents the
hypothesis we are trying to reject, the alternative hypothesis represents all other
• If the rejection of a certain hypothesis when it is actually true involves great risk,
it is taken as null hypothesis because then the probability of rejecting it when it is
true is α (the level of significance) which is chosen very small.
• Null hypothesis should always be specific hypothesis i.e., it should not state
about or approximately a certain value.
• Generally, in hypothesis testing we proceed on the basis of null hypothesis,
keeping the alternative hypothesis in view. Why so? The answer is that on
assumption that null hypothesis is true, one can assign the probabilities to
different possible sample results, but this cannot be done if we proceed with
alternative hypothesis. Hence the use of null hypothesis (at times also known as
statistical hypothesis) is quite frequent.
Accept H0 Reject H0
Correct decision Type I error (α error)
H0 (true)
Type II error (β error) Correct decision
Ho (false)
The probability of Type I error is usually determined in advance and is understood as the
level of significance of testing the hypothesis. If type I error is fixed at 5%, it means there
are about chances in 100 that we will reject H0 when H0 is true. We can control type I
error just by fixing it at a lower level. For instance, if we fix it at 1%, we will say that the
maximum probability of committing type I error would only be 0.01.
But with a fixed sample size, n when we try to reduce type I error, the probability of
committing type II error increases. Both types of errors can not be reduced
simultaneously. There is a trade-off in business situations, decision-makers decide the
appropriate level of type I error by examining the costs of penalties attached to both
types of errors. If type I error involves time & trouble of reworking a batch of chemicals
that should have been accepted, where as type II error means taking a chance that an
entire group of users of this chemicals compound will be poisoned, then in such a
situation one should prefer a type I error to a type II error means taking a chance that an
entire group of users of this chemicals compound will be poisoned, then in such a
situation one should prefer a type II error. As a result one must set very high level for
type I error in one’s testing techniques of a given hypothesis. Hence, in testing of
hypothesis, one must make all possible effort to strike an adequate balance between
Type I & Type II error.
Q 4. Briefly explain any two factors that affect the choice of a sampling technique.
What are the characteristics of a good sample?(10 marks).
Ans. The decision process of sampling is complicated one. The researcher has to first
identify the limiting factor or factors and must judiciously balance the conflicting factors.
The various criteria governing the choice of the sampling technique:
1. Purpose of the Survey: What does the researcher aim at? If he intends to
generalize the findings based on the sample survey to the population, then an
appropriate probability sampling method must be selected. The choice of a
particular type of probability sampling depends on the geographical area of the
survey and the size and the nature of the population under study.
2. Measurability: The application of statistical inference theory requires
computation of the sampling error from the sample itself. Probability samples
only allow such computation. Hence, where the research objective requires
statistical inference, the sample should be drawn by applying simple random
sampling method or stratified random sampling method, depending on whether
the population is homogenous or heterogeneous.
3. Degree of Precision: Should the results of the survey be very precise, or even
rough results could serve the purpose? The desired level of precision as one of
the criteria of sampling method selection. Where a high degree of precision of
results is desired, probability sampling should be used. Where even crude results
would serve the purpose (E.g., marketing surveys, readership surveys etc) any
convenient non-random sampling like quota sampling would be enough.
4. Information about Population: How much information is available about the
population to be studied? Where no list of population and no information about its
nature are available, it is difficult to apply a probability sampling method. Then
exploratory study with non-probability sampling may be made to gain a better
idea of population. After gaining sufficient knowledge about the population
through the exploratory study, appropriate probability sampling design may be
5. The Nature of the Population: In terms of the variables to be studied, is the
population homogenous or heterogeneous? In the case of a homogenous
population, even a simple random sampling will give a representative sample. If
the population is heterogeneous, stratified random sampling is appropriate.
6. Geographical Area of the Study and the Size of the Population: If the area
covered by a survey is very large and the size of the population is quite large,
multi-stage cluster sampling would be appropriate. But if the area and the size of
the population are small, single stage probability sampling methods could be
7. Financial resources: If the available finance is limited, it may become
necessary to choose a less costly sampling plan like multistage cluster sampling
or even quota sampling as a compromise. However, if the objectives of the study
and the desired level of precision cannot be attained within the stipulated budget,
there is no alternative than to give up the proposed survey. Where the finance is
not a constraint, a researcher can choose the most appropriate method of
sampling that fits the research objective and the nature of population.
8. Time Limitation: The time limit within which the research project should be
completed restricts the choice of a sampling method. Then, as a compromise, it
may become necessary to choose less time consuming methods like simple
random sampling instead of stratified sampling/sampling with probability
proportional to size; multi-stage cluster sampling instead of single-stage sampling
of elements. Of course, the precision has to be sacrificed to some extent.
9. Economy: It should be another criterion in choosing the sampling method. It
means achieving the desired level of precision at minimum cost. A sample is
economical if the precision per unit cost is high or the cost per unit of variance is
The above criteria frequently conflict and the researcher must balance and blend them to
obtain to obtain a good sampling plan. The chosen plan thus represents an adaptation of
the sampling theory to the available facilities and resources. That is, it represents a
compromise between idealism and feasibility. One should use simple workable methods
instead of unduly elaborate and complicated techniques
Methods of Sampling
Sampling techniques or methods may be classified into two generic types:
Probability or Random Sampling
Probability sampling is based on the theory of probability. It is also known as random
sampling. It provides a known nonzero chance of selection for each population element.
It is used when generalization is the objective of study, and a greater degree of accuracy
of estimation of population parameters is required. The cost and time required is high
hence the benefit derived from it should justify the costs.
The following are the types of probability sampling:
i. Simple Random Sampling: This sampling technique gives each element an equal
and independent chance of being selected. An equal chance means equal probability of
selection. An independent chance means that the draw of one element will not affect the
chances of other elements being selected. The procedure of drawing a simple random
sample consists of enumeration of all elements in the population.
1. Preparation of a List of all elements, giving them numbers in serial order 1, 2, B,
and so on, and
2. Drawing sample numbers by using (a) lottery method, (b) a table of random
numbers or (c) a computer.
Suitability: This type of sampling is suited for a small homogeneous population.
Advantages: The advantage of this is that it is one of the easiest methods, all the
elements in the population have an equal chance of being selected, simple to
understand, does not require prior knowledge of the true composition of the population.
Disadvantages: It is often impractical because of non-availability of population list or of
difficulty in enumerating the population, does not ensure proportionate representation
and it may be expensive in time and money. The amount of sampling error associated
with any sample drawn can easily be computed. But it is greater than that in other
probability samples of the same size, because it is less precise than other methods.
ii. Stratified Random Sampling: This is an improved type of random or probability
sampling. In this method, the population is sub-divided into homogenous groups or
strata, and from each stratum, random sample is drawn. E.g., university students may be
divided on the basis of discipline, and each discipline group may again be divided into
juniors and seniors. Stratification is necessary for increasing a sample’s statistical
efficiency, providing adequate data for analyzing the various sub-populations and
applying different methods to different strata. The stratified random sampling is
appropriate for a large heterogeneous population. Stratification process involves three
major decisions. They are stratification base or bases, number of strata and strata
sample sizes.
Stratified random sampling may be classified into:
a) Proportionate stratified sampling: This sampling involves drawing a sample from
each stratum in proportion to the latter’s share in the total population. It gives proper
representation to each stratum and its statistical efficiency is generally higher. This
method is therefore very popular. E.g., if the Management Faculty of a University
consists of the following specialization groups:
The research wants to draw an overall sample of 30. Then the strata sample sizes would
Q 5. Select any topic for research and explain how you will use both secondary
and primary sources to gather the required information. (10 marks).
Ans. The search for answers to research questions is called collection of data. Data are
facts, and other relevant materials, past and present, serving as bases for study and
analyses. The data needed for a social science research may be broadly classified into
(a) Data pertaining to human beings, (b) Data relating to organization and (c) Data
pertaining to territorial areas.
Primary Sources of Data
Primary sources are original sources from which the researcher directly collects data
that have not been previously collected e.g.., collection of data directly by the researcher
on brand awareness, brand preference, brand loyalty and other aspects of consumer
behaviour from a sample of consumers by interviewing them,. Primary data are first
hand information collected through various methods such as observation, interviewing,
mailing etc.
Advantage of Primary Data
• It is original source of data
• It is possible to capture the changes occurring in the course of time.
• It flexible to the advantage of researcher.
• Extensive research study is based of primary data
Disadvantage of Primary Data
1. Primary data is expensive to obtain
2. It is time consuming
3. It requires extensive research personnel who are skilled.
4. It is difficult to administer.
Methods of Collecting Primary Data
Primary data are directly collected by the researcher from their original sources. In this
case, the researcher can collect the required date precisely according to his research
needs, he can collect them when he wants them and in the form he needs them. But the
collection of primary data is costly and time consuming. Yet, for several types of social
science research required data are not available from secondary sources and they have
to be directly gathered from the primary sources.
In such cases where the available data are inappropriate, inadequate or obsolete,
primary data have to be gathered. They include: socio economic surveys, social
anthropological studies of rural communities and tribal communities, sociological studies
of social problems and social institutions. Marketing research, leadership studies,
opinion polls, attitudinal surveys, readership, radio listening and T.V. viewing surveys,
knowledge-awareness practice (KAP) studies, farm managements studies, business
management studies etc.
There are various methods of data collection. A ‘Method’ is different from a ‘Tool’ while a
method refers to the way or mode of gathering data, a tool is an instruments used for the
method. For example, a schedule is used for interviewing. The important methods are
(a) observation, (b) interviewing, (c) mail survey, (d) experimentation,
(e) simulation and (f) projective technique. Each of these methods is discussed in detail
in the subsequent sections in the later chapters.
• What are the definitions and classifications employed? Are they consistent ?
• What are the measurements of variables used? What is the degree to which they
conform to the requirements of our research?
• What is the coverage of the secondary data in terms of topic and time? Does this
coverage fit the needs of our research?
On the basis of above consideration, the pertinence of the secondary data to the
research on hand should be determined, as a researcher who is imaginative and flexible
may be able to redefine his research problem so as to make use of otherwise unusable
available data.
2. Data Quality
If the researcher is convinced about the available secondary data for his needs, the next
step is to examine the quality of the data. The quality of data refers to their accuracy,
reliability and completeness. The assurance and reliability of the available secondary
data depends on the organization which collected them and the purpose for which they
were collected. What is the authority and prestige of the organization? Is it well
recognized? Is it noted for reliability? It is capable of collecting reliable data? Does it use
trained and well qualified investigators? The answers to these questions determine the
degree of confidence we can have in the data and their accuracy. It is important to go to
the original source of the secondary data rather than to use an immediate source which
has quoted from the original. Then only, the researcher can review the cautionary ands
other comments that were made in the original source.
3. Data Completeness
The completeness refers to the actual coverage of the published data. This depends on
the methodology and sampling design adopted by the original organization. Is the
methodology sound? Is the sample size small or large? Is the sampling method
appropriate? Answers to these questions may indicate the appropriateness and
adequacy of the data for the problem under study. The question of possible bias should
also be examined. Whether the purpose for which the original organization collected the
data had a particular orientation? Has the study been made to promote the
organization’s own interest? How the study was conducted? These are important clues.
The researcher must be on guard when the source does not report the methodology and
sampling design. Then it is not possible to determine the adequacy of the secondary
data for the researcher’s study.
Q 6. Case Study: You are engaged to carry out a market survey on behalf of a leading
Newspaper that is keen to increase its circulation in Bangalore City, in order to ascertain
reader habits and interests. Develop a title for the study, define the research problem and
the objectives or questions to be answered by the study.
Ans:- Generally, there is a significant relationship between the race or ethnic group and the
language medium of the newspapers. Generally, Kannada newspapers are mostly read by the
kannadigas respondents, Tamil newspapers by the tamilians etc. However, there is no significant
relationship in the readership of Eng newspapers whereby they are read by all the ethnic groups.
Title: Reader’s habits and interests in Bangalore
Research Problem: To ascertain the reader habits and interests and to increase news paper
circulation in Bangalore City
Objectives or questions to be answered:
1. Have you read an entire book in the last 12 months?
a. Yes.
b. No.
2. How much time do you spend reading web pages each day?
4. Have you ever pretended that you read a book when you hadn’t?
a. Yes.
b. No.
6. Have you ever pretended that you read a web page when you hadn’t?
a. Yes.
b. No.
7. What is the last book that you read? If you haven’t read a book, write “Not Applicable.”
a. Yes.
b. No.
Ans:-There are some alternative methods of distributing questionnaires to the respondents. They
(1) Personal delivery:
(2) Attaching questionnaire to a product
(3) Advertising questionnaire in a newspaper or a magazine, and
(4) News stand insets
1) Personal delivery: The researcher or his assistant may deliver the questionnaires to the
potential respondents, with a request to complete them at their convenience. After a day or two,
the completed questionnaires can be collected from them. Often referred to as the self-
administered questionnaire method, it combines the advantages of the personal interview and the
mail survey. Alternatively, the questionnaires may be delivered in person and the respondents
may return the completed questionnaires through mail.
• They are less costly than personal interviews, as cost of mailing is the same through out
the country, irrespective of distance.
• They can cover extensive geographical areas.
• Mailing is useful in contacting persons such as senior business executives who are
difficult to reach in any other way.
• The respondents can complete the questionnaires at their convenience.
• Mail surveys, being more impersonal, provide more anonymity than personal interviews.
• Mail surveys are totally free from the interviewer’s bias, as there is no personal contact
between the respondents and the investigator.
• Certain personal and economic data may be given accurately in an unsigned mail
Disadvantages of Questionnaires
The disadvantages of mail surveys are:
1. The scope for mail surveys is very limited in a country like India where the percentage of
literacy is very low.
2. The response rate of mail surveys is low. Hence, the resulting sample will not be a
representative one.
Q 2. In processing data, what is the difference between measures of central tendency and
measures of dispersion? What is the most important measure of central tendency and
Arithmetic Mean
The arithmetic mean is the most common measure of central tendency. It simply the sum of the
numbers divided by the number of numbers. The symbol m is used for the mean of a population.
The symbol M is used for the mean of a sample. The formula for m is shown below: m=
Where ΣX is the sum of all the numbers in the numbers in the sample and N is the number of
numbers in the sample. As an example, the mean of the numbers 1+2+3+6+8=
=4 regardless of whether the numbers constitute the entire population or just a sample from
the population.
The table, Number of touchdown passes, shows the number of touchdown (TD) passes thrown
by each of the 31 teams in the National Football League in the 2000 season. The mean number
of touchdown passes thrown is 20.4516 as shown below. m=
37 33 33 32 29 28 28 23
22 22 22 21 21 21 20 20
19 19 18 18 18 18 16 15
14 14 14 12 12 9 6
Table 1: Number of touchdown passes
Although the arithmetic mean is not the only "mean" (there is also a geometric mean), it is by far
the most commonly used. Therefore, if the term "mean" is used without specifying whether it is
the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean, or some other mean, it is assumed to refer to the
arithmetic mean.
The median is also a frequently used measure of central tendency. The median is the midpoint of
a distribution: the same number of scores is above the median as below it. For the data in the
table, Number of touchdown passes, there are 31 scores. The 16th highest score (which equals
20) is the median because there are 15 scores below the 16th score and 15 scores above the
16th score. The median can also be thought of as the 50th percentile.
Let's return to the made up example of the quiz on which you made a three discussed previously
in the module Introduction to Central Tendency and shown in Table 2.
Student Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3
You 3 3 3
John's 3 4 2
Maria's 3 4 2
Shareecia's 3 4 2
Luther's 3 5 1
Table 2: Three possible datasets for the 5-point make-up quiz
For Dataset 1, the median is three, the same as your score. For Dataset 2, the median is 4.
Therefore, your score is below the median. This means you are in the lower half of the class.
Finally for Dataset 3, the median is 2. For this dataset, your score is above the median and
therefore in the upper half of the distribution.
Computation of the Median: When there is an odd number of numbers, the median is simply the
middle number. For example, the median of 2, 4, and 7 is 4. When there is an even number of
numbers, the median is the mean of the two middle numbers. Thus, the median of the numbers 2,
4, 7, 12 is
The mode is the most frequently occurring value. For the data in the table, Number of touchdown
passes, the mode is 18 since more teams (4) had 18 touchdown passes than any other number
of touchdown passes. With continuous data such as response time measured to many decimals,
the frequency of each value is one since no two scores will be exactly the same (see discussion
of continuous variables). Therefore the mode of continuous data is normally computed from a
grouped frequency distribution. The Grouped frequency distribution table shows a grouped
frequency distribution for the target response time data. Since the interval with the highest
frequency is 600-700, the mode is the middle of that interval (650).
Range Frequency
500-600 3
600-700 6
700-800 5
800-900 5
Range Frequency
500-600 3
900-1000 0
1000-1100 1
Table 3: Grouped frequency distribution
Measures of Dispersion: A measure of statistical dispersion is a real number that is zero if all
the data are identical, and increases as the data becomes more diverse. It cannot be less than
Most measures of dispersion have the same scale as the quantity being measured. In other
words, if the measurements have units, such as metres or seconds, the measure of dispersion
has the same units. Such measures of dispersion include:
• Standard deviation
• Interquartile range
• Range
• Mean difference
• Median absolute deviation
• Average absolute deviation (or simply called average deviation)
• Distance standard deviation
These are frequently used (together with scale factors) as estimators of scale parameters, in
which capacity they are called estimates of scale.
All the above measures of statistical dispersion have the useful property that they are location-
invariant, as well as linear in scale. So if a random variable X has a dispersion of SX then a linear
transformation Y = aX + b for real a and b should have dispersion SY = |a|SX.
Other measures of dispersion are dimensionless (scale-free). In other words, they have no
units even if the variable itself has units. These include:
• Coefficient of variation
• Quartile coefficient of dispersion
• Relative mean difference, equal to twice the Gini coefficient
• Variance (the square of the standard deviation) — location-invariant but not linear in
• Variance-to-mean ratio — mostly used for count data when the term coefficient of
dispersion is used and when this ratio is dimensionless, as count data are themselves
dimensionless: otherwise this is not scale-free.
Some measures of dispersion have specialized purposes, among them the Allan variance and
the Hadamard variance.
For categorical variables, it is less common to measure dispersion by a single number. See
qualitative variation. One measure that does so is the discrete entropy.
Q 3. What are the characteristics of a good research design? Explain how the research
design for exploratory studies is different from the research design for descriptive and
diagnostic studies.
Ans:- Characteristics of a Good Research Design
1. The survey of concerning literature happens to be the most simple and fruitful method
of formulating precisely the research problem or developing hypothesis. Hypothesis
stated by earlier workers may be reviewed and their usefulness be evaluated as a basis
for further research. It may also be considered whether the already stated hypothesis
suggests new hypothesis. In this way the researcher should review and build upon the
work already done by others, but in cases where hypothesis have not yet been
formulated, his task is to review the available material for deriving the relevant hypothesis
from it. Besides, the bibliographical survey of studies, already made in one’s area of
interest may as well as made by the researcher for precisely formulating the problem. He
should also make an attempt to apply concepts and theories developed in different
research contexts to the area in which he is himself working. Sometimes the works of
creative writers also provide a fertile ground for hypothesis formulation as such may be
looked into by the researcher.
2. Experience survey means the survey of people who have had practical experience with
the problem to be studied. The object of such a survey is to obtain insight into the
relationships between variables and new ideas relating to the research problem. For such
a survey, people who are competent and can contribute new ideas may be carefully
selected as respondents to ensure a representation of different types of experience. The
respondents so selected may then be interviewed by the investigator. The researcher
must prepare an interview schedule for the systematic questioning of informants. But the
interview must ensure flexibility in the sense that the respondents should be allowed to
raise issues and questions which the investigator has not previously considered.
Generally, the experience of collecting interview is likely to be long and may last for few
hours. Hence, it is often considered desirable to send a copy of the questions to be
discussed to the respondents well in advance. This will also give an opportunity to the
respondents for doing some advance thinking over the various issues involved so that, at
the time of interview, they may be able to contribute effectively. Thus, an experience
survey may enable the researcher to define the problem more concisely and help in the
formulation of the research hypothesis. This, survey may as well provide information
about the practical possibilities for doing different types of research.
3. Analyses of ‘insight-stimulating’ examples are also a fruitful method for suggesting
hypothesis for research. It is particularly suitable in areas where there is little experience
to serve as a guide. This method consists of the intensive study of selected instance of
the phenomenon in which one is interested. For this purpose the existing records, if nay,
may be examined, the unstructured interviewing may take place, or some other approach
may be adopted. Attitude of the investigator, the intensity of the study and the ability of
the researcher to draw together diverse information into a unified interpretation are the
main features which make this method an appropriate procedure for evoking insights.
Now, what sorts of examples are to be selected and studied? There is no clear cut
answer to it. Experience indicates that for particular problems certain types of instances
are more appropriate than others. One can mention few examples of ‘insight-stimulating’
cases such as the reactions of strangers, the reactions of marginal individuals, the study
of individuals who are in transition from one stage to another, the reactions of individuals
from different social strata and the like. In general, cases that provide sharp contrasts or
have striking features are considered relatively more useful while adopting this method of
hypothesis formulation. Thus, in an exploratory of formulative research study which
merely leads to insights or hypothesis, whatever method or research design outlined
above is adopted, the only thing essential is that it must continue to remain flexible so
that many different facets of a problem may be considered as and when they arise and
come to the notice of the researcher.
In a descriptive / diagnostic study the first step is to specify the objectives with sufficient precision
to ensure that the data collected are relevant. If this is not done carefully, the study may not
provide the desired information. Then comes the question of selecting the methods by which the
data are to be obtained. While designing data-collection procedure, adequate safeguards against
bias and unreliability must be ensured. Which ever method is selected, questions must be well
examined and be made unambiguous; interviewers must be instructed not to express their own
opinion; observers must be trained so that they uniformly record a given item of behaviour.
More often than not, sample has to be designed. Usually, one or more forms of probability
sampling or what is often described as random sampling, are used. To obtain data, free from
errors introduced by those responsible for collecting them, it is necessary to supervise closely the
staff of field workers as they collect and record information. Checks may be set up to ensure that
the data collecting staffs performs their duty honestly and without prejudice. The data collected
must be processed and analyzed. This includes steps like coding the interview replies,
observations, etc., tabulating the data; and performing several statistical computations.
Last of all comes the question of reporting the findings. This is the task of communicating the
findings to others and the researcher must do it in an efficient manner.
Q 4. How is the Case Study method useful in Business Research? Give two specific
examples of how the case study method can be applied to business research.
Ans:- Case Study as a Method of Business Research
In-depth analysis of selected cases is of particular value to business research when a complex
set of variables may be at work in generating observed results and intensive study is needed to
unravel the complexities. For instance, an in-depth study of a firm’s top sales people and
comparison with the worst sales people might reveal characteristics common to stellar
performers. The exploratory investigator is best served by the active curiosity and willingness to
deviate from the initial plan, when the finding suggests new courses of enquiry, might prove more
A case is written description of a business related problem or situation and often contains
organizational and financial data specific to the situation or problem. This may also have external
data and facts about social, economic or other micro economic circumstances impinging upon
that business situation. Case offers student highest possible realism in management study (as
compared to experimentation or hands-on projects in engineering or science) as it brings before
student real situation and facts surrounding it. How things actually happen in business.
Let us consider example of a currently popular topic of real estate business in India that is
undergoing complex situation of demand recession, high costs and public criticism. A company
XYZ Developer is faced with the situation of 3 projects under various stages of completion. In the
nearing-completion project out of the three with a cost of Rs 20 lacs per flat, only 25% flats could
be booked so far while other two projects have attracted only 10% bookings, each. The two
remaining projects are scheduled for completion in 2012 and 2013 respectively, subject to cash
flow availability as projected in previous year i.e. 2008 for next 5 years. There are 40 similar
projects competing in market, which are at various stages of execution with average booking
status of 40%. Obviously the XYZ Company is lagging behind the industry average. The company
has raised debt from financial institutes @ 14% floating rate PA and the repayment plan is
enclosed with this write up. All the three projects have considerably slowed down and may affect
the possession schedule of even the booked customers. Company is finding it difficult to carry on
construction work and make repayments as per schedule. There are several options for Company
to follow.
The HODs of various functions like marketing, finance and land acquisition have obviously
different objectives and conflicting goals. The Board of Directors have called for an elaborate
meeting of all concerned to evolve a plan of action which may include several possibilities
including drastic rebates in the prices. Should it be done or not and in what mode and over what
time frame could be one major decision problem. The real estate industry outlook over short term
of next 1-3 years is not clear with Union general elections due after 4 months. The financial year
is closing after two months.
The complexity of above situation is very clear and the limited information available in the case as
well as in real business situation especially on macro-economic front as far as real estate industry
is concerned. Any decision to slash prices may severely affect the profitability of the company
and may not yield expected outcomes. These outcomes desired are yet to be defined in the
proposed meeting. Hence we can seer that a number of factors have to be evaluated, various
options have to be listed and defined and their financial consequences and the effect on company
reputation and goodwill also have to be factored in. The company's future projects may also get
affected. The main point is when company can expect a turn around of demand situation and how
company can control costs. Forecasting of both price and demand factors is a difficult proposition
in current macro-environmental situation. What solutions can the Financial and Marketing heads
offer and what the Project managers have to say?
Q 5. What are the differences between observation and interviewing as methods of data
collection? Give two specific examples of situations where either observation or
interviewing would be more appropriate.( 10 marks).
• Observations must be done under conditions, which will permit accurate results. The
observer must be in vantage point to see clearly the objects to be observed. The
distance and the light must be satisfactory. The mechanical devices used must be in
good working conditions and operated by skilled persons.
• The accuracy and completeness of recorded results must be checked. A certain number
of cases can be observered again by another observer/another set of mechanical
devices as the case may be. If it is feasible two separate observers and set of
instruments may be used in all or some of the original observations. The results could
then be compared to determine their accuracy and completeness.
Advantages of observation
• The main virtue of observation is its directness it makes it possible to study behavior as it
occurs. The researcher needs to ask people about their behavior and interactions he can
simply watch what they do and say.
• Data collected by observation may describe the observed phenomena as they occur in
their natural settings. Other methods introduce elements or artificiality into the researched
situation for instance in interview the respondent may not behave in a natural way. There
is no such artificiality in observational studies especially when the observed persons are
not aware of their being observed.
• Observations in more suitable for studying subjects who are unable to articulate
meaningfully e.g. studies of children, tribal animals, birds etc.
• Observations improve the opportunities for analyzing the contextual back ground of
behavior. Furthermore verbal resorts can be validated and compared with behavior
through observation. The validity of what men of position and authority say can be
verified by observing what they actually do.
• Observations make it possible to capture the whole event as it occurs. For example only
observation can be providing an insight into all the aspects of the process of negotiation
between union and management representatives.
• Observation is less demanding of the subjects and has less biasing effect on their
conduct than questioning.
• Mechanical devices may be used for recording data in order to secure more accurate
data and also of making continuous observations over longer periods.
Interviews are a crucial part of the recruitment process for all Organisations. Their purpose is to
give the interviewer(s) a chance to assess your suitability for the role and for you to demonstrate
your abilities and personality. As this is a two-way process, it is also a good opportunity for you to
ask questions and to make sure the organisation and position are right for you.
Interview format
Interviews take many different forms. It is a good idea to ask the organisation in advance what
format the interview will take.
• Competency/criteria based interviews - These are structured to reflect the
competencies or qualities that an employer is seeking for a particular job, which will
usually have been detailed in the job specification or advert. The interviewer is looking for
evidence of your skills and may ask such things as: ‘Give an example of a time you
worked as part of a team to achieve a common goal.’
The organisation determines the selection criteria based on the roles they are recruiting
for and then, in an interview, examines whether or not you have evidence of possessing
• Technical interviews - If you have applied for a job or course that requires technical
knowledge, it is likely that you will be asked technical questions or has a separate
technical interview. Questions may focus on your final year project or on real or
hypothetical technical problems. You should be prepared to prove yourself, but also to
admit to what you do not know and stress that you are keen to learn. Do not worry if you
do not know the exact answer - interviewers are interested in your thought process and
• Academic interviews - These are used for further study or research positions.
Questions are likely to center on your academic history to date.
• Structured interviews - The interviewer has a set list of questions, and asks all the
candidates the same questions.
• Formal/informal interviews - Some interviews may be very formal, while others will feel
more like an informal chat about you and your interests. Be aware that you are still being
assessed, however informal the discussion may seem.
• Portfolio based interviews - If the role is within the arts, media or communications
industries, you may be asked to bring a portfolio of your work to the interview, and to
have an in-depth discussion about the pieces you have chosen to include.
• Senior/case study interviews - These ranges from straightforward scenario questions
(e.g. ‘What would you do in a situation where…?’) to the detailed analysis of a
hypothetical business problem. You will be evaluated on your analysis of the problem,
how you identify the key issues, how you pursue a particular line of thinking and whether
you can develop and present an appropriate framework for organising your thoughts.
This takes off some of the performance pressure, but be intentional nonetheless:
• Come prepared with thoughtful questions about the field and the company.
• Gain references to other people and make sure that the interviewer would be comfortable
if you contact other people and use his or her name.
• Give the interviewer your card, contact information and resume.
• Write a thank you note to the interviewer.
The following strategies, which are helpful for any interview, are particularly important when
interviewers use a non-directive approach:
• Come to the interview prepared with highlights and anecdotes of your skills, qualities and
experiences. Do not rely on the interviewer to spark your memory-jot down some notes
that you can reference throughout the interview.
• Remain alert to the interviewer. Even if you feel like you can take the driver's seat and go
in any direction you wish, remain respectful of the interviewer's role. If he or she becomes
more directive during the interview, adjust.
• Ask well-placed questions. Although the open format allows you significantly to shape the
interview, running with your own agenda and dominating the conversation means that
you run the risk of missing important information about the company and its needs.
Q 6. Case Study: You are engaged to carry out a market survey on behalf of a leading
Newspaper that is keen to increase its circulation in Bangalore City, in order to ascertain
reader habits and interests. What type of research report would be most appropriate?
Develop an outline of the research report with the main sections.(10 marks).
Ans:- There are four major interlinking processes in the presentation of a literature review:
1. Critiquing rather than merely listing each item a good literature review is led by your own
critical thought processes - it is not simply a catalogue of what has been written.
Once you have established which authors and ideas are linked, take each group in turn
and really think about what you want to achieve in presenting them this way. This is your
opportunity for showing that you did not take all your reading at face value, but that you
have the knowledge and skills to interpret the authors' meanings and intentions in relation
to each other, particularly if there are conflicting views or incompatible findings in a
particular area.
Rest assured that developing a sense of critical judgment in the literature surrounding a
topic is a gradual process of gaining familiarity with the concepts, language, terminology
and conventions in the field. In the early stages of your research you cannot be expected
to have a fully developed appreciation of the implications of all findings.
As you get used to reading at this level of intensity within your field you will find it easier
and more purposeful to ask questions as you read:
o What is this all about?
o Who is saying it and what authorities do they have?
o Why is it significant?
o What is its context?
o How was it reached?
o How valid is it?
o How reliable is the evidence?
o What has been gained?
o What do other authors say?
o How does it contribute?
o So what?
2. Structuring the fragments into a coherent body through your reading and discussions
with your supervisor during the searching and organising phases of the cycle, you will
eventually reach a final decision as to your own topic and research design.
As you begin to group together the items you read, the direction of your literature review
will emerge with greater clarity. This is a good time to finalise your concept map, grouping
linked items, ideas and authors into firm categories as they relate more obviously to your
own study.
Now you can plan the structure of your written literature review, with your own intentions
and conceptual framework in mind. Knowing what you want to convey will help you
decide the most appropriate structure.
A review can take many forms; for example:
It is likely that your literature review will contain elements of all of these.
As with all academic writing, a literature review needs:
o An introduction
o A body
o A conclusion
The introduction sets the scene and lays out the various elements that are to be
The body takes each element in turn, usually as a series of headed sections and
subsections. The first paragraph or two of each section mentions the major authors in
association with their main ideas and areas of debate. The section then expands on
these ideas and authors, showing how each relates to the others, and how the debate
informs your understanding of the topic. A short conclusion at the end of each section
presents a synthesis of these linked ideas.
The final conclusion of the literature review ties together the main points from each of
your sections and this is then used to build the framework for your own study. Later,
when you come to write the discussion chapter of your thesis, you should be able to
relate your findings in one-to-one correspondence with many of the concepts or
questions that were firmed up in the conclusion of your literature review.
3. Controlling the 'voice' of your citations in the text (by selective use of direct quoting,
paraphrasing and summarizing)
You can treat published literature like any other data, but the difference is that it is not
data you generated yourself.
When you report on your own findings, you are likely to present the results with reference
to their source, for example:
o 'Positive responses were recorded for 80 per cent of the subjects (see table 2).'
o 'From the results shown in table 2, it appears that the majority of subjects
responded positively.'
In these examples your source of information is table 2. Had you found the same results
on page 17 of a text by Smith published in 1988, you would naturally substitute the name,
date and page number for 'table 2'. In each case it would be your voice introducing a fact
or statement that had been generated somewhere else.
You could see this process as building a wall: you select and place the 'bricks' and your
'voice' provides the ‘mortar’, which determines how strong the wall will be. In turn, this is
significant in the assessment of the merit and rigor of your work.
There are three ways to combine an idea and its source with your own voice:
o Direct quote
o Paraphrase
o Summary
In each method, the author's name and publication details must be associated with the
words in the text, using an approved referencing system. If you don't do this you would be
in severe breach of academic convention, and might be penalized. Your field of study has
its own referencing conventions you should investigate before writing up your results.
Direct quoting repeats exact wording and thus directly represents the author:
o 'Rain is likely when the sky becomes overcast' (Smith 1988, page 27).
If the quotation is run in with your text, single quotation marks are used to enclose it, and
it must be an identical copy of the original in every respect.
Overuse or simple 'listing' of quotes can substantially weaken your own argument by
silencing your critical view or voice.
Paraphrasing is repeating an idea in your own words, with no loss of the author's
intended meaning:
o As Smith (1988) pointed out in the late eighties, rain may well be indicated by the
presence of cloud in the sky.
Paraphrasing allows you to organize the ideas expressed by the authors without being
rigidly constrained by the grammar, tense and vocabulary of the original. You retain a
degree of flexibility as to whose voice comes through most strongly.
Summarizing means to shorten or crystallize a detailed piece of writing by restating the
main points in your own words and in the order in which you found them. The original
writing is 'described' as if from the outside, and it is your own voice that is predominant:
o Referring to the possible effects of cloudy weather, Smith (1988) predicted the
likelihood of rain.
o Smith (1988) claims that some degree of precipitation could be expected as the
result of clouds in the sky: he has clearly discounted the findings of Jones (1986).
4. Using appropriate language
Your writing style represents you as a researcher, and reflects how you are dealing with
the subtleties and complexities inherent in the literature.
Once you have established a good structure with appropriate headings for your literature
review, and once you are confident in controlling the voice in your citations, you should
find that your writing becomes more lucid and fluent because you know what you want to
say and how to say it.
The good use of language depends on the quality of the thinking behind the writing, and
on the context of the writing. You need to conform to discipline-specific requirements.
However, there may still be some points of grammar and vocabulary you would like to
improve. If you have doubts about your confidence to use the English language well, you
can help yourself in several ways:
o Ask for feedback on your writing from friends, colleagues and academics
o Look for specific language information in reference materials
o Access programs or self-paced learning resources which may be available on
your campus
o Recent events or actions that are still linked in an unresolved way to the present:
Several studies have attempted to...
o Convey your meaning in the simplest possible way. Don't try to use an
intellectual tone for the sake of it, and do not rely on your reader to read your
o Keep sentences short and simple when you wish to emphasise a point.
o Use compound (joined simple) sentences to write about two or more ideas which
may be linked with 'and', 'but', 'because', 'whereas' etc.
o Use complex sentences when you are dealing with embedded ideas or those that
show the interaction of two or more complex elements.
o Verbs are more dynamic than nouns, and nouns carry information more densely
than verbs.
o Select active or passive verbs according to whether you are highlighting the
'doer' or the 'done to' of the action.
o Keep punctuation to a minimum. Use it to separate the elements of complex
sentences in order to keep subject, verb and object in clear view.
o Avoid densely packed strings of words, particularly nouns.
I looked at the situation and found that I had a question to ask about it. I wanted to investigate
something in particular.
Review of literature
So I read everything I could find on the topic - what was already known and said and what had
previously been found. I established exactly where my investigation would fit into the big picture,
and began to realise at this stage how my study would be different from anything done previously.
I decided on the number and description of my subjects, and with my research question clearly in
mind, designed my own investigation process, using certain known research methods (and
perhaps some that are not so common). I began with the broad decision about which research
paradigm I would work within (that is, qualitative/quantitative, critical/interpretive/ empiricist). Then
I devised my research instrument to get the best out of what I was investigating. I knew I would
have to analyse the raw data, so I made sure that the instrument and my proposed method(s) of
analysis were compatible right from the start. Then I carried out the research study and recorded
all the data in a methodical way according to my intended methods of analysis. As part of the
analysis, I reduced the data (by means of my preferred form of classification) to manageable
thematic representation (tables, graphs, categories, etc). It was then that I began to realise what I
had found.
What had I found? What did the tables/graphs/categories etc. have to say that could be pinned
down? It was easy enough for me to see the salient points at a glance from these records, but in
writing my report, I also spelled out what I had found truly significant to make sure my readers did
not miss it. For each display of results, I wrote a corresponding summary of important
observations relating only elements within my own set of results and comparing only like with like.
I was careful not to let my own interpretations intrude or voice my excitement just yet. I wanted to
state the facts - just the facts. I dealt correctly with all inferential statistical procedures, applying
tests of significance where appropriate to ensure both reliability and validity. I knew that I wanted
my results to be as watertight and squeaky clean as possible. They would carry a great deal more
credibility, strength and thereby academic 'clout' if I took no shortcuts and remained both rigorous
and scholarly.
Now I was free to let the world know the significance of my findings. What did I find in the results
that answered my original research question? Why was I so sure I had some answers? What
about the unexplained or unexpected findings? Had I interpreted the results correctly? Could
there have been any other factors involved? Were my findings supported or contested by the
results of similar studies? Where did that leave mine in terms of contribution to my field? Can I
actually generalise from my findings in a breakthrough of some kind, or do I simply see myself as
reinforcing existing knowledge? And so what, after all? There were some obvious limitations to
my study, which, even so, I'll defend to the hilt. But I won't become over-apologetic about the
things left undone, or the abandoned analyses, the fascinating byways sadly left behind. I have
my memories...
We'll take a long hard look at this study from a broad perspective. How does it rate? How did I
end up answering the question I first thought of? The conclusion needs to be a few clear, succinct
sentences. That way, I'll know that I know what I'm talking about. I'll wrap up with whatever
generalizations I can make, and whatever implications have arisen in my mind as a result of
doing this thing at all. The more you find out, the more questions arise. How I wonder what you
are ... how I speculate. OK, so where do we all go from here?
Three stage of research
1. Reading
2. Research design and implementation
3. Writing up the research report or thesis
Use an active, cyclical writing process: draft, check, reflect, revise, redraft.