List of Social Skills For Kids PDF

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1. Taking turns 27.Staying with the team or group

2. Praising others 28.Complimenting others
3. Celebrating successes 29.Disagreeing politely & respectfully
4. Helping others 30.Taking risks
5. Respecting personal space 31.Accepting criticism
6. Sharing materials 32.Accepting no for an answer
7. Asking for help 33.Recognizing the difference between
8. Being a good sport & a good loser expected & unexpected behaviors

9. Asking permission 34.Resisting peer pressure

10.Giving criticism 35.Sharing ideas

11.Using appropriate voice tone & 36.Making eye contact

volume 37.Respecting the opinion of others
12.Making an apology 38.Compromising
13.Participating 39.Negotiating
14.Waiting until speaker is done before 40.Cooperating with others & working
speaking together
15.Being a good friend 41.Using good manners
16.Staying on task 42.Thinking before speaking
17.Being kind 43.Learning to forgive
18.Using names 44.Problem solving
19.Encouraging others 45.Being a flexible thinker
20.Waiting patiently 46.Recognizing body language &
21.Communicating clearly nonverbal cues

22.Accepting differences 47.Recognizing feelings of oneself

23.Listening actively 48.Recognizing feelings of others

24.Conflict resolution 49.Taking someone else’s perspective

25.Following directions 50.Understanding that my actions

impact others
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