The Mahdi Times December Issue PDF
The Mahdi Times December Issue PDF
The Mahdi Times December Issue PDF
December 2011
Welcome Message
By Laila Ali
Asalaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu, His plan of forcing Hussain a.s to give his Oath of
All Praise is Due to Allah swt Who Makes What He Wills Allegiance, completely backfired on Yazid l.a. Today we cry for
Possible and His Will is Just Hussain a.s and curse Yazid l.a.
Alhamdolillah Rabbil Alameen, All Praise is Due to Allah We owe everything we have to Hussain a.s for what he did
swt in Karbala, for if it was not because of his massive sacrifice,
Brothers and Sisters, Yazid l.a would have been the devil that would have lead many
off the Path of Islam and the true Islam, which is Submission to
I pray you are in a Place Most Pleasing to Allah swt in your Allah swt.
Individual Journey and that Allah swt Leads You to Deeper Yazid l.a was seeped in Haraam from the core, for
Understandings and Leads you to the Representatives of Allah example, he was well known for his love of alcohol, so much so
swt, the Imams a.s, Mahdi a.s and Ahmed a.s,Inshallah,Mola that he is quoted to have made rhyming couplets about it.
Ali Waaris. We read in Tafseer Mazhari:
The Month of Muharram carries many Painful Days. Moreover, he made alcohol Halal and these are his
These Days in which the Heavenly Family of the Last Prophet couplets for alcohol:
of Allah swt was brutally tortured and murdered on the Plains 'The treasure of alcohol is in a utensil which is like
of Karbala and the Injustices Continued all the way to Shaam. silver and the branch of grapes are loaded by grapes
The crimes committed against Ahlul Bayt a.s are such that which are like stars, the depth of the branch of grapes is
shake the human from deep within the core. alternate for the stars over sun, the east of this sun
The events of Karbala have ensured that Hussain a.s has (alcohol) is the hand of the drinker whilst the place for
forever become the Standard of Righteousness and Yazid l.a the sunset (alcohol) is my mouth, thus, if one day alcohol
the face of evil. was made Haram in Ahmad's religion, then O
addressee, just take it
according to the religion of Masih ibn Mariam (i.e. Muhammad s.a.w. and Quran and even those who crowned
deem it Halal)' themselves as Caliph always went to Ali a.s in matter of Islam
Tafseer Mazhari [Arabic], Volume 5 page 271, and Jurisprudence. So, who is worthy to be a leader, the one
commentary of 14:29 Tafseer Mazhari [Urdu], Volume 6 who has all the knowledge and he answers you straight away or
pages 202-203, commentary of 14:29 the one who says, "I do not know, go and ask that man" -
Al-Waqidi has recorded from various ways that Abdullah referring to Ali ibn abi Talib a.s.
bin Hanzallah narrated: 'verily we opposed Yazeed at that And today we have the Inheritor of Ali a.s, Ahmed a.s and
time when we feared that Allah (swt) would send down what did they do? They repeated the same story of their
stones on us, Yazeed considered nikah (marriage) with forefathers, deeming themselves worthy enough to
mothers, daughters and sisters to be permissible, drank choose. Choosing their own whims and desires over the
alcohol and abandoned prayers'. Commands of Allah swt. 1400 years later they still cannot see
Surely when Imam Hussain a.s said, "A person like me the difference between Hussainiyat and Yazeediyat?
cannot give allegiance to a person like Yazid who had Which Islam did Hussain a.s sacrifice everything for?
violated all tenets of Islam", he spoke of what Yazeed l.a The one where the people choose anyone they want or
represented. follow the choice of Allah swt?
SubhanAllah! Imam Hussain a.s represented Islam, The line was drawn when the Prophet s.a.w announced
Submission to Allah swt and His Oneness and Obedience and the appointment of Ali a.s in Ghadeer Khum. That was it. And
Worship, only to Allah swt. Whereas Yazid l.a represented all after the death of the Prophet s.a.w it was as though the ones
the opposite. No doubt Yazid l.a was Iblis l.a in human form. who went against Ali a.s developed amnesia and they followed
Brothers and Sisters, By refusing to do Bayah to Yazid l.a their own desires which was to stand behind Abu Bakr, then
we see the standard of Imam Hussain a.s. He did not allow his Umar and then Uthman. May the Curse of Allah swt Be Upon
high standard to fall, for if he had done Bayah to Yazid l.a, the Murderers and Usurpers of Ahlul Bayt a.s,Inshallah,Mola
then for centuries after Islam would have changed into Ali Waaris.
something else and every tyrant would use this stick to beat the Today, there are people who call themselves Shia of Ali a.s,
masses with. Hussain a.s is the example. He has been written in they cry for Hussain a.s and pray for the Emergence of Mahdi
history as the one who never bowed to tyranny and oppression. a.s... but are in Taqleed of Scholars. When you hear their
His morals and standard are there for everyone to see. arguments as to why they follow the scholars, Wallahi the
The Children of Fatima a.s are ones who exemplify arguments are almost blasphemous! And the scholars smile
morality and Obedience to Allah swt, One after the other. when brainwashed children say to them that because of them,
In fact from the Father of the Imams a.s, Ali a.s, up until "Ghadeer now has a meaning" and they stand and smile
Imam Hasan Askari a.s all Imams a.s were martyred. when people chant around them,
They were such a threat to the Evils Ones that one by one "Send your blessings on (Prophet) Muhammad, the
they were poisoned. That fact alone should should ring alarm representative of (Imam) Mahdi has come!"
bells in the heads of the people that go against the Imams How deluded does a person have to be, making his own
a.s,Mola Ali Waaris. decisions in the Criteria for the Representative of Mahdi a.s?
What was it about these Children of Fatima a.s, that posed The whole point of Karbala was NOT to give Bayah to the
such a massive threat? Sinning, Fallible ones, but to carry the banner of La Illaha
They called to the Supremacy of Allah swt and not the Illalah and follow the Deen of Muhammad s.a.w and Obey the
Supremacy of the People. Ones Chosen by Allah swt as His Representatives. So what has
All from Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman deemed themselves happened that within 1400 years, that the ideals of so many
worthy enough to Choose who to follow. Astagfarullah, Mola have digressed back to the Ignorance of the Self Appointed
Ali Waaris. Calipha's and their followers?
Surely they had forgotten what happened with Habil a.s Alhamdolillah Rabbil Alameen, All Praise is Due to Allah
and Qabil l.a. swt for Guiding us to the Imam a.s of our time, Ahmed al
Both children of Prophet Adam a.s, but one was chosen by Hassan a.s, Subhanallah! For when Ahmed a.s came he showed
Allah swt and the other deemed himself worthy so chose us the true difference between Hussainiyat and Yazeediyat! As
himself. truly we were lost and if it was not for The Blessings of Allah
The Brothers of Nabi Yusuf a.s envied Yusuf a.s so much swt and Guidance, we would have nothing, Mola Ali Waaris.
so that they wanted to kill him, in the end they threw him in the We owe Hussain a.s and the event of Karbala everything,
well and he ended up in Egypt, far away from them...but did the sacrifice of Hussain a.s saved Islam,Mola Ali Waaris. I
that stop Yusuf a.s from being the Representative of Allah swt remember as a child, I would always look for something that
at that time? No, because regardless of what the wish of mentioned Ahlul Bayt a.s. The Sunni bookstores had many
anyone is, the Will of Allah swt is Just and He is All Powerful. many books, but the ones about Ahlul Bayt a.s were very very
He says, "Be, and it is". The Abu Bakr's, Umar's and very few. One day, I was in the cassette section, this was before
Uthman's can do whatever, but they can never deny Ali a.s, the CD's and DVD's became the norm, and I came across a three
Hujjah of Allah swt was above them in everything. In cassette pack which spoke about Karbala. I was just completely
Knowledge, Ilm Divine and all other, Virtue, Honesty, Charity, blown away, that finally, I had something. Alhamdolillah Rabbil
Justice, Equality, Battle for Islam, in everything Ali a.s was Alameen, All Praise is Due to Allah swt, Allah swt is the Best
ahead, before everyone. He raced to Preserve the Teachings of Provider and His Will is Just.
This is all before the satellite channels that spread cursed ones would pelt them with stones... I see the
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 the Message of Ahlul Bayt a.s. That was the first place where the head of my Master Hussain a.s was
time I heard in detail what happened in Karbala, as put on the stone, and where my Imam Sajjad a.s
a child I became attached Hussain a.s straight away gave the Khutbah at the Darbaar of Yazid l.a... I
and that still remains. I learnt early on that the Pain visited the grave of Fatima Sughra a.s, the
of Hussain a.s is the greatest Pain, so if I was upset Mazlooma that was left behind, I visited Fizza pbuh,
about something I would listen to Noha's and who witnessed it all, from the broken ribs of Fatima
Matam and Masaib which spoke about the a.s to the murders of the ones at Karbala to the veils
Calamities of Ahlul Bayt a.s and cry to those. It has being ripped off from the Daughters of Muhammad
become a part of me that if I see anything I refer to s.a.w, Fizza pbuh was a wall for Zainab a.s when
Ahlul Bayt a.s. they would throw stones at her, Wallahi, it never
When I see a 6 month old baby, I always think leaves me. Everything has left me, but the pain of
of Ali Asghar a.s, when I see a 4 year old girl, I think Ahlul Bayt a.s.
Sakina a.s was that age, when I see a 13 year old, I When I think of the situation the Children of
think of Qasim a.s, Aun a.s and Muhammad Ali a.s and Fatima a.s were in and this was all 1400
a.s...When I have been ill, I always thought of Imam years ago, time was the barrier that did not allow me
Sajjad a.s who in his illness was whipped and to be there and Ultimately Allah swt Uses Whatever
chained all the way to Shaam. Wallahi, since I have Tools He Wills and the Will of Allah swt is Just, but I
known about Ahlul Bayt a.s I have forgotten still have a guilt. How I wish I was there to sacrifice
everything. When I came to know of Karbala, I everything for my Imams a.s and Hussain a.s. That
forgot myself completely. When I think of Hussain thought never leaves me. What can I do for my
a.s and everything that took place in Karbala and Imams a.s?Mola Ali Waaris.
then in Shaam, I swear as Allah swt is my Witness, it If only I was there when they stole Fadak from
is as though my soul screams to have been with them Fatima a.s...If only I had sons to stand behind Ali a.s
and I am sure I am not the only one. when they stole the Caliphate from him... If only I
When I visited Zainab a.s in Shaam on my was there with Fizza pbuh to serve the daughters of
Ziyarat, I remember just standing there and talking Fatima a.s, at the House of Ahlul Bayt a.s when
to her, talking to her, talking to her about Karbala. I Fatima a.s was murdered and when Ali a.s was
was a few meters from her and I just could not murdered, when Hasan a.s was poisoned and then
believe the daughter of my Master Ali a.s was right when Hussain a.s left for Karbala... Wa Hussain
in front of me. What I felt when I would visit her a.s...Wa Ghareeb... Wa Mazloom...Wa Shaheed...
Shrine, I cannot even explain. When I visited Sakina How did Hussain a.s Do What he did that day?
a.s, the Darbaar where they were brought as Subhanallah! He is truly the Imam a.s and truly
prisoners, I cannot explain. Even as I type this, I see Sayyed o Shuhadah!Mola Ali Waaris.
it all in my mind. I see the Bazaar that the children When you think of Karbala... the thirst of the
of my Fatima a.s and Ali a.s were made to walk children, a son like Ali Akbar a.s - who looked just
through and Zainab a.s did not have a Veil and the like Muhammad s.a.w... When he left to fight, Imam
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 When Qasim a.s left, the son of his beautiful He was the son of Ummul Baneen a.s, who
brother Hasan a.s, the 13 year old kept asking Imam raised Abbas a.s in such a way that Abbas a.s would
a.s to allow him to go out and fight for Islam... always call Hussain a.s his Master. He would never
Eventually after reading the wish of his brother call him his brother as he never deemed himself
Hasan a.s which was in the form of a letter in an worthy. I remember coming across something which
amulet on the arm of Qasim a.s, stating his son spoke about how when as a child Abbas a.s was
Qasim a.s will represent him in Karbala so allow sitting with Imam Hussain a.s, and Ummul Baneen
him to fight, Imam Hussain a.s put the turban and a.s called him to her and told him to never sit cross
gown of his brother on Qasim a.s and got him legged in front of Hussain a.s as that is Master
ready. This 13 year old fought valiantly, having been Hussain a.s, always sit on your knees.
taught by his Uncle Abbas a.s, the enemies spoke Abbas a.s had such a love for Hussain a.s that
about how beautiful he was... In the end, Qasim a.s when he was born the first person he saw was
fell from the horse and was trampled on by the Hussain a.s and when he was by the River Euphrates
horses so much so that his body was in pieces. My in his last moments, an arrow had pierced his eye
Mazloom Imam a.s picked up the pieces of Qasim and filled will blood, the blood was now on the other
a.s in his gown and brought him back to the tent. eye too. So, Abbas a.s, in the arms of Hussain a.s
The symbol of his older brother and Imam a.s, was asked his Imam a.s to wipe the blood from his eyes
now in pieces and gathered in the abaa of Hussain so that he may see him once more... In his last
a.s. moments, Hussain a.s requests that Abbas a.s calls
After being thirsty for 3 days, Hussain a.s takes him brother... Abbas a.s calls him brother Hussain
his 6 month old baby for water... For the sake of his a.s... He came into the world and saw Hussain a.s,
son, he addressed the Cursed Enemies but the 6 his whole life he served him and in the end in his last
month old baby is shot by an arrow, a massive three moments, the face of Hussain a.s what he has his
pointed arrow that is used to kill camels and horses. eyes on, Subhanallah! Shehanshah e Wafa, Abbas!
My Mazloom Imam a.s carried that baby and He tells Imam a.s he does not wish to be taken
walked back and forth from the tent, thinking how back to the tents as he cannot stand the
will he show the mother of Ali Asghar a.s that after disappointment of Sakina a.s... Subhanallah! Such
three days and no water, the baby is pierced with an love and dignity, Wa Mazloom Abbas! Abbas a.s,
arrow by the merciless enemies. you were told not to fight in Karbala, but with
Ya Abbas a.s, the Standard of Loyalty... How Mahdi a.s and Ahmed a.s you will return and what
desperate he was to fight for Islam, but obedience to you could not do in Karbala, you will do, Inshallah,
the Imam a.s is Obedience to Allah swt. Mola Ali Waaris.
The cries of the Children and Ladies became What can I say about Zainab a.s...? She who
unbearable for the Lion son of the Lion of Allah sacrificed Aun a.s and Muhammad a.s her beautiful
swt, after getting permission from his Master sons on the Imam a.s of her time. She cut off her
Hussain a.s, he went to the Euphrates to get some own lineage by sacrificing her sons, to maintain the
water... Such was the loyalty of Abbas a.s, that lineage of her Hussain a.s, through Sajjad a.s... The
despite his own thirst, he did not quench his own sacrifice of Karbala, belongs to Hussain a.s as well
thirst, instead he filled the water carrier with water as Zainab a.s, as it was Zainab a.s that went from
and headed back to the Camps. Shimr l.a screamed Karbala to Shaam and did so in a manner befitting
orders not to allow Abbas a.s to return with water. the Daughter of Ali a.s. She looked after the Imam
Abbas a.s destroyed anyone enemy that came near a.s of her time, Sajjad a.s while he was ill, protecting
him! When the Cursed Ones cut off his arm, he him from the enemies, as well as gathering the
carried the water carrier with the other...when they women and children and protecting them. She ran
cut that arm, he carried the water carrier in his from one burning tent to the other, she stayed awake
teeth. When the water carrier was struck with the through the nights keeping guard. Wallahi she is the
arrow, it did not just pierce the water carrier, it lioness daughter of Ali a.s!
pierced the hope of Abbas a.s for now he could not I will never forget, on the way to Shaam, the
deliver water to his loving niece. head of Imam Hussain a.s on the spear is stuck in
Brothers and sisters, when the others fell from the ground. The Caravan does not move forward, so
their horses, they fell holding their hands out so that Shimr takes his whip and goes towards Imam Sajjad
they had some support to fall on... but My the son of a.s. Sakina a.s is missing... The veil ripped from her
my Master Ali a.s was so Mazloom when he fell, he head, the Daughter of Ali a.s with her hands tied
had no arms for support...he fell on his face! Qamar behind her head fell from the horse, just like Abbas
e Bani Hashim...the Moon of Bani Hashim fell face a.s fell from his horse on the 10th of Muharram,
first on the plains of Karbala... Abbas a.s was born looking for Sakina a.s... She sees Sakina a.s in the lap
after Fatima a.s prayed for a son from Ali ibn Abi of a woman in black veil who is comforting Sakina
Talib a.s that would protect Hussain a.s... this is a.s and wiping the sand from her face and combing
Abbas a.s. her hair with her fingers...Zainab a.s runs towards
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 Sakina a.s and thanks the woman
asking what is her name? The woman
responds saying, "Zainab a.s do you not
recognize me, I'm your mother!" Wa
Mazlooma! Wa Ghareeba! Wa
I will never forget Karbala. I will
never forget the Sacrifices you family
made, O my Imams a.s. I owe so much
to you and your family, My Imams a.s,
the Hujjah of Allah swt. My Creator is
the Best Provider who has Provided the
world with such a Mercy that is
Muhammad s.a.w and His Ahlul Bayt
a.s. Hussain a.s set the standard. The
Banner of Loyalty of Abbas a.s still
hangs high. The Companions of
Hussain a.s exemplify the importance of
recognizing the Hujjah of Allah
swt. The women of Karbala, gave their
men for the Sake of Allah swt, without
thinking anything of it. Hussain a.s
maintained the standard and Islam and
Salah is still established.
Zainab a.s you went to Shaam From a young
without a Hijaab, and throughout the way you tried to hide age, and coming from a Sunni background, I never understood
your face. When each martyr was killed, the women cried certain parts of religion. But I knew that if Ali a.s was a
saying the names of the martyr... but when Abbas a.s was Muslim, I have to be that because if Ali a.s follows something
killed, the women cried "Wa Hijaaba! Wa Abbasa!" then it is right, for Haq is with Ali a.s and Ali a.s is with Haq.
The Daughter of Fatima a.s, such honor! Fatima a.s, the My faith led me here. I did not know Hijaab until I came to
Best Woman, no one had ever even seen her footprints when visit Zainab a.s and I knew that because she cried for it so
she walked... In fact when she went to Mubahila with much, I have to do it.
Muhammad s.a.w, her sons and her husband, Muhammad Alhamdolillah Rabbil Alameen, Alhamdolilah Rabbil
s.a.w had Hussain a.s in his arms, and Hasan a.s was holding Alameen, Alhamdolillah Rabbil Alameen. All Praise is Due to
his hand, Fatima a.s was behind them and Ali a.s was behind Allah swt for Giving us Islam, Quran, Muhammad s.a.w and
her. As Muhammad s.a.w walked, Fatima a.s walked on his his Ahlul Bayt a.s, for without them we would be lost. You
footprints and Ali a.s on hers. Guided us Through Them, Alhamdolillah Rabbil Alameen.
No one could say they saw the footprints of Fatima a.s and My condolences to the Imams a.s of my time, Muhammad
Zainab a.s, you were forced to go to Shaam without your veil, al Mahdi a.s and Ahmed al Hassan, Yamani Ahlul Bayt a.s, for
today Zainab a.s I wear hijaab because of you. I owe you so the brutal murders and injustices your family faced in Karbala
much, I cannot even explain. This is not just a piece of cloth, and after that in Shaam and continued to face even after that.
this is the difference between Hussainiyat and Yazeediyat. O my Imams a.s, Only you know how you Carry this pain, how
you cry for these injustices, my Imams a.s. May Allah swt
"We invite you to come to Kufa as we have no Islam book of Allah, and serves Allah in all matters and affairs
to guide us. Through you Allah will unite us on the path with justice, honesty and truth."
of truth." Imam Hussain a.s is also reported to have said to Hazrat
A few days later, the people of Kufa sent a messenger Muslim a.s:
representing their head of state to Imam Hussain a.s to "Muslim, the whole world knows that you are one
persuade him to come to Kufa. This was followed by hundreds of the bravest warriors. It is just possible that seeing you
of other letters and many special messengers from Kufa to in Kufa some people may think that our intention is to
Imam Hussain a.s. fight Yazid. Take your sons Muhammad and Ibrahim
Receiving so many letters and emissaries, Imam Hussain with you. When they see you with such young children,
a.s made him doubt on the situation of the people of Kufa and they will know that our intentions are peaceful."
he decided to send his loyal cousin who was also a famous According to some reports, the sons of Hazrat Muslim a.s
warrior, Hazrat Muslim a.s as his emissary to Kufa to study the were too young that they could not even tie up the buttons of
situation there and then report to Imam Hussain a.s what he their shirts. On reaching Kufa, it is said, between 18 - 24,000
saw. people came to Hazrat Muslim a.s and pledged allegiance to
He wrote a letter to the people of Kufa and sent it along Imam Hussain a.s as their Imam. Seeing this, Hazrat Muslim
with Hazrat Muslim a.s. The letter said: a.s reported to Imam Hussain a.s that the intentions of the
"I am sending my cousin and one of the most people are not wrong and that the Imam a.s can proceed to
trusted ones from my family, Muslim bin Aqeel, to Kufa.
report to me about your affairs. If his report agrees with Among the people who pledged allegiance to the Imam
what you have said I will be soon with you. You must be a.s from Kufa, there were many spies employed by Yazid to
clear of the fact that the Imam is only he who follows the report to him every now and then about the situation. When
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 Yazid heard from his spies about the invitations want my body to be given a proper burial.
to Imam Hussain a.s and Hazrat Muslim's a.s Thirdly I want a message sent to Imam
arrival, he became furious. Hussain a.s, advising him not to come to
He sent his governor, Ibn e Ziad from Basra to Kufa."
take over the position of the governor in Kufa. He He agreed to the first wish but refused the other
was also told by Yazid to arrest Hazrat Muslim a.s two. He then ordered Hazrat Muslim a.s to be taken
and kill him. When Ibn e Ziad arrived at Kufa, he to the roof of the palace to be executed and his
announced himself as the governor of Kufa and body to be thrown from the roof to the ground.
ordered the people to surrender Hazrat Muslim a.s. Immediately after that he dragged Hani to the roof
Hazrat Muslim a.s was staying with a man and executed him.
named Mukhtar but had to move to the house of Hazrat Muslim a.s sacrificed himself and his
Hani bin Urwa, secretly but Ibn e Ziad found out two sons for the sake of Allah proving his loyalty and
soon where he was. Hani was thrown into prison faithfulness to the son of Hazrat Ali a.s
and Hazrat Muslim a.s was arrested.
After Hazrat Muslim a.s was arrested, Ibn e ***
Ziad told him that he would kill him and asked him
if he had any last wishes. According to reports,
Hazrat Muslim a.s said:
"I owe a debt which should be discharged
by selling off my sword and armor. Secondly, I
December 2011
"Allah has bestowed him with two wings, so he flies "Who are you my dear ones? I have never smelt a
along with the Angels wherever he desires." The child similar fragrance which is emanating from you." They
then said, "Do you then know Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.)"? The replied, "O woman! We are from the progeny of the
old man said, "Yes I do know him, for he is the cousin and Prophet and have escaped from the prison of Ubaydullah
brother of my Prophet." The child retorted, "O Shaikh! We bin Ziyad having escaped death." The woman said, "O
are from the progeny of your Prophet and are the sons of dear ones! My son in law is an evil man, who was
Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib (a.s.). We have been in present in the massacre of Karbala among the faithfuls of
prison under you for a long time.You do not give us good Ubaydullah. I fear lest he finds you here and kills you."
food and you persecute us in the prison." The prison guard The children replied, "We desire to hault here only for a
fell upon their feet and said, "May my life be your ransom night, and as soon as it dawns, we shall go away from
O progeny of the chosen Prophet of Allah! The doors of here." The woman agreed and brought some food for them.
this prison are open for you, you may go away to The children had food and water and went to sleep.
whichever place you desire." When night fell, he brought The younger brother said to the elder one, "O dear
two bread of barley and a jar of water and showed them the brother! I desire that we spend this night in peace. Come
way, then said, "Travel during the night and hide during closer so that we may embrace one another and go to
the day till Allah grants you relief." sleep and kiss each other, lest death might part us." They
The two children came out at night and went to the house embraced each other and went to sleep.
of an old woman and said, "We are small travelers and do When night advanced, the evil son in law of the old
not know the road, and the darkness of the night has woman came and slowly knocked at the door. The woman
fallen. Give us refuge in your house for today's night, and inquired as to who it was. He replied that he was her son in law.
we shall go away as soon as it dawns." The woman said, The woman told him, "Why have you come at this
unearthly hour"? The man replied, "Woe be to you! to kill you, but tell me as to who you are"? They replied,
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 Open the door before I may turn insane and my bladder "We are from the progeny of your Prophet Mohammad
may burst due to pursuit and due to what has befallen (s.a.w.s.), and have escaped from the prison of
me." The woman said, "Woe be to you! What has befallen Ubaydullah bin Ziyad in fear of death. The woman had
you"? He replied, "Two children have escaped from the offered us shelter in her house while your master intends
clutches of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad, and he has announced killing us."
that whoever brings one of their heads to him, he shall The retainer fell on their feet and kissing them said, "May
be rewarded one thousand Dirhams. While he shall give my life be your ransom, and may my face act as a shield
two thousand dirhams for both their heads, and I have for yourselves, O children of Allah's chosen Prophet! By
borne pains (in pursuing them), while nothing has Allah! I shall not perform the act which would invite the
reached my hands." The old woman said, "Fear the wrath wrath of Mohammad (s.a.w.s.) on the day of Qiyamah."
of the Holy Prophet on the day of Qiyamah." He replied, Saying this he threw away his sword and jumped into the sea
"Woe be to you! This world should certainly be desired." and swam away to the opposite shore. When his master saw it
She said, "What will you do with this world when it is not he screamed, "You have disobeyed me." To which he
accompanied by the Hereafter"? The man answered, "Why replied, "I have never disobeyed you until you yourself
do you defend them such drastically as if you are aware disobeyed Allah. And now that you have disobeyed Allah,
of their whereabouts. Come, so that I may take you to I disown you in this world as well as the Hereafter."
the commander." Then the man called his son and said, "I have gathered
The woman said, "What work does the commander for you through lawful and unlawful means, while this
have with me, an old woman, who lives in a corner of world is such that it should be acquired. Hence take
the desert"? He said, "I am in their pursuit. Open the these children to the shore of Euphrates and severe their
door so that I may relax a bit and during morning I may heads and bring them to me, so that I may take them to
think what mode should I adopt to seek them." The Ubaydullah and get two thousand dirhams as reward for
woman thus opened the door and brought food for him. He it." His son lifted the sword and started walking ahead of
ate and slept. them. They had not reached far when one of the children told
At midnight he heard the voices of snoring of the children him, "O youth! How I fear your youth being burnt in the
and advanced towards it like a wanton Camel. He started fire of hell."
howling like a Cow and hit his hands on the wall, until his hand The youth asked them as to who they were? They replied,
touched the side of the younger one. The child asked him as to "We are from the progeny of your Prophet, and your
who he was? He replied that he was the owner of the house father intends killing us." Hearing this the youth fell upon
and asked them as to who they were? The younger one woke their feet and kissing them repeating the words of the slave and
up his elder brother and said, "Arise O brother! For we have jumped into the sea and swam to the opposite shore. When his
fallen prey to that what we feared." He again inquired of father saw this he called out, "You disobey me"? To which he
them as to who they were, to which they replied, "O man! Do replied, "Allah's obedience is more dear (to me) than
you promise our safety if we reveal to you our identity"? yours." Hearing this the accursed said, "No one will be
He replied in the affirmative. ready to kill you except myself", saying this he lifted the
They said, "Do you swear protection and sword and went towards them.
responsibility of Allah and His Prophet?" The man replied When they reached the shore of Euphrates, he unsheathed
in the affirmative. They again said, "Prophet Mohammad his sword. When the infants saw the naked sword, their eyes
the son of Abdullah (s.a.w.s.) is the witness"? He agreed. became full of tears. Then they said, "O Shaikh! Take us to
They said, "Allah is the judge and witness upon whatever the market and sell us and do not invite the wrath of the
we shall tell you now"? He accepted it. Then the children Prophet in Qiyamah." He replied, "No, verily I shall kill
said, "We are from the progeny of your Prophet you and take your heads to Ubaydullah and thereby earn
Mohammad (s.a.w.s.) and have escaped from the prison reward from him.”
of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad in fear of being killed.” They said, "O Shaikh! Do you not consider the
He replied, "You have escaped from death and have relation we share with the Prophet"? To which he said,
again fallen prey to it. Praise be to Allah Who has given "Verily you have no relation with the Prophet as such."
me victory over you." Saying this he arose and tied the They again said, "O Shaikh! Then take us to the presence
hands of the children. The children's hands lay tied until of Ubaydullah, so that he may decide what to do with
morning, and when it dawned, the man called his black slave us." He replied, "I do not have any other way, except that
named Faleeh, and said, "Take these two children to the I may earn his nearness by spilling your blood." The
shore of Euphrates and strike off their heads and bring it children said, "O Shaikh! Do you not have pity upon our
to me, so that I may take it to Ubaydullah and earn the infancy"? He replied that, "Allah has not allotted mercy
reward of two thousand dirhams.” in my heart." Then they said, "O Shaikh! Now that there
The retainer lifted his sword and started walking with the is no hope left, give us respite to recite some units of
children. They had not reached far from the house, when one Prayers.”
child told him, "O black slave! You resemble Bilal the He said, "Pray as much as you like if it benefits you."
Mu'ezzin (the caller of Prayer) of the Prophet of Allah The children recited four units of Prayers, then lifted their eyes
(s.a.w.s.)." The retainer said, "My master has ordered me towards the heavens and cried, "O Ever-Living! O Wise! O
the Best of Judges! Judge between us with me alive, so that I could have gifted you four thousand
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 righteousness." He stood up and severed the head of the dirhams"? He replied, "My heart did not give me respite
elder brother and kept his head in a bag. The younger brother, except to earn your nearness by spilling their blood."
who had smeared his body in the blood of his elder broth-er, Ubaydullah then asked him as to what they then said. He
said, "I desire to meet the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) in replied, "They said at least honour the relation we have
this very state drenched in the blood of my brother." He with the Prophet" and I said "Verily you have no relation
said, "Do not fear, for I shall soon join you with your with the Prophet as such." Ubaydullah said, "Woe be to
brother", saying this he severed his head too and placed it in you! Then what did they say"? He said, "They then said,
the bag. Then he threw their bodies into the river of Eu- "Do you not pity our infancy and I replied that Allah had
phrates. not placed mercy in my heart."
He then brought the heads to Ubaydullah, who was seated Ubaydullah said, "Woe be to you! What else did they
on his throne with a bamboo staff in his hands. He placed the tell you"? He replied, "Then they said, give us some
heads of the children facing Ubaydullah, who after seeing it respite so that we may recite some units of Prayers", and
arose and sat down thrice. Then he said, "Woe be to you! I replied, "Pray as much as you like if it benefits you. The
Where did you find them"? He said, "A woman from our children then recited four units of Prayers." Ubaydullah
family had given them refuge." Ubaydullah said, "Then said, "What did the children say after ending their
did you not honour the right of guesthood"? He replied in Prayers"? He said, "They lifted their eyes towards the
the negative. Ubaydullah asked, "What did they say to you"? heavens and said, "O Everliving! O Wise! O the Best of
He relied, "They said: Take us to the market and sell us Judges! Judge between us with righteousness."
and tie our hands and do not earn the wrath of Prophet Hearing this Ubaydulla-h said, "Allah has verily judged
Mohammad (s.a.w.s) in Qiyamah." Ubaydullah said, between you. Who shall come forth to kill this accursed
"Then what did you reply"? He said, "I said: No, verily I man", hearing this a Syrian came forward. Ubaydullah said,
shall kill you and take your heads to Ubaydullah and "Take him to the same spot where he slayed the children
thereby earn reward of two thousand Dirhams from and strike his head, and spill his blood over theirs, and
him. hasten to bring his head to me." The man did exactly as
Ubaydullah said, "Then what did they reply"? He said, told and when his head was brought, it was placed on a lance
"They said: Then take us alive to the presence of and children threw stones and arrows at it and said, "This is
Ubaydullah, so that he may decide what to do with us." the murderer of the progeny of the Prophet."
"Then what did you say", asked Ubaydullah. He replied, "I
said No, but I seek to earn his nearness by spilling your ***
blood." Ubaydullah asked, "Why did you not bring them to
His Arrival at Karbala
By Akil Kinan
His arrival at Karbala' took place on Muharram 2, 61 among them who promised to support him while hiding
A.H/October 5, 680 A.D. [64] He gathered his children, their treacherous intentions against him. They would
sisters, and other family members. He cast a look at them then meet him and speak to him words sweeter than honey
burst in tears. He supplicated saying, "O Allah! We are the then depart from him with those more bitter than
progeny of Your Prophet Muhammad! We have been colocynth till Allah took his soul away. Your father 'Ali
expelled and estranged from our grandfather's underwent the same. There were folks who were
sanctuary, and Banu Umayyah oppressed us. O Allah! unanimous in supporting and fighting with him against
Seek revenge on them on our behalf, and grant us victory those who broke their promises, who regarded
over the oppressing people." themselves as more fair than him, and who abandoned
He approached his companions saying, "People are the the creed altogether, till he met his fate. He went to a
worshippers of this life, giving religion their lip-service; mercy from Allah and pleasure. Today, you are with us
they uphold it as long as their livelihood is profitable. in the same situation: there are those who reneged from
Once they are afflicted with a trial, few, indeed, will be their promise of support and who abandoned their oath
those who uphold religion." of loyalty. These shall not harm except their own selves,
Then he praised Allah and glorified Him, blessing and Allah shall suffice you for them; so, march with us,
Muhammad and his Progeny, adding, "Our affair has being rightly guided and in good health, be it to the east
reached the point which you can see. Life has changed of the earth or to the west. By Allah, we are not too
and turned against us. Its goodness has abandoned us, scared to meet Allah's destiny, nor do we hate to meet
leaving nothing but a trickle like a pot dripping and a life our Lord. We are determined to befriend whoever
of hardship like an afflicted pasture. Do you not see how befriends you and be the enemy of whoever antagonizes
righteousness is not upheld and how falsehood is not you."
shunned? Let every believer desire the meeting with Al-Husain (A) bought the lots where his grave now stands
Allah I see death as nothing but a source of happiness from the residents of Nineva and al-Ghadiriyya for sixty
while living with the oppressors as sure displeasure". thousand dirhams. He then turned and gave it back to them as
Zuhayr stood up and said, "We have heard your charity on one condition: they lead people to his gravesite and
statement, O son of the Messenger of Allah! Had life been host whoever visited it for three days. Al-Husain's sanctuary,
secured for us forever, we would still have preferred to which he bought, was four miles long by four miles wide. It is
rise with you rather than remain therein." lawful for his offspring and those loyal to him and is prohibited
Burayr stood up and said, "O son of the Messenger of from those who oppose them. It is full of bliss. Imam as-Sadiq
Allah! Allah has blessed us with your company so that (A) has said that those people did not fulfill that condition.
we may fight defending you till our parts are cut off for When al-Husain ('a) camped at Karbala', he wrote Ibn al-
your sake, then your grandfather will intercede on our Hanafiyya and a group from Banu Hashim saying, "It is as if
behalf on the Day of Judgment." this life has never been, and as if the hereafter has
Nafi' Ibn Hilal said, "You know that your grandfather always been, and peace be with you."
the Messenger of Allah (S), could not instill his love in the
heart of people nor make them obey him and do what he
liked them to do, and there were many hypocrites ***
Holy Lady Zainab (s.a) said: to my bother Al-Hussein (PBUH) and tell him about that, but I
"At the night before the tenth of Moharram heard humming and thrumming coming from the tent of
(Ashouraa), I went out of my tent to look for my brother Habib Bin Mothaher so I headed to it, stood at its back and
Al-Hussein (PBUH) and his advocates, for he had his own looked inside. Thus, I saw the companions gathered as Banu
tent, so I found him sitting alone pleading his Lord and Hashem in a circle and Habib Bin Mothaher was sitting
reciting the Quran. Thus, I said to myself: How could my between them saying: "O my companions! Why did you
brother be left alone in a night like this?!" By Allah! I shall come to this place? Clarify your words please, may Allah
go to my brothers and my cousins and reproach them for this! have mercy on you!" They said:" We came to advocate
I went to Al-Abbass's tent (PBUH) and heard humming Fatima's abandoned son (PBUT).' Thus, he said to them:
and thrumming so I stood at the back of the tent and looked 'Why did you leave your wives?' They said: 'We did so
inside; hence, I saw my cousins, brothers and nephews gathered for this matter.' Habib said: 'When the morning comes,
in a circle and Al-Abbass Bin Ameer Al-Mo'mineen (PBUT) what shall you say?' They said: 'The word is yours and
was between them kneeling as the lion kneels on its prey. He we do not overstep your word.' He said: 'When the
delivered to them a lecture that I haven't heard from anyone morning comes, the first ones to fight shall be you. We
but Al-Hussein (PBUH); it contained thanking and praising shall fight first for we shall not see a Hashemite
Allah and sending prayers and peace upon the Prophet drenched in his blood as long as one of our veins is
(PBUHP) and then he said at the end of his lecture:" O my beating, so that people wouldn't say: They let their lords
brothers, nephews and cousins! When the morning fight first and were too selfish to sacrifice themselves for
comes, what shall you say?" They said: "The matter them.' Therefore, they shook their swords towards his
returns to you and we do not exceed you nor overstep face and said: 'We shall do what you will do."
your word." Therefore, Al-Abbass (PBUH) said: "These - Lady Zainab (PBUH) said: "I was gladdened by their
meaning the companions - are strangers and this burden consistency yet I choked with my tears and left them
is heavy and cannot be carried but by its holders. Thus, weeping and then my brother (PBUH) ran into me so I
when the morning comes, the first ones to step for calmed down and smiled at his face, so he said to me: 'O
fighting shall be you. We shall reach death before them sister!' I said: 'I am at your beck and call, O brother!'
so that people wouldn't say': 'They let the companions He said: 'O sister! Since we left Al-Madina, I haven't seen
be the first to die and when they were killed, they began you smiling. Tell me why you're smiling?' I said to him:
to fight death by their swords an hour after an hour.' 'O brother! I saw Banu Hashem and the companions do
Thus, Banu Hashem (PBUT) stood and raised their so and so.' He said to me: 'O sister! Know that these are
swords towards Al-Abbass's face (PBUH) and said: 'We my companions since the Realm of Al-Thar (Particles)
shall do what you will do." and my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (PBUHP),
Lady Zainab (PBUH) said: "When I saw the intensity of had promised me with them."
their gathering and their firm consistency, my heart calmed and
I became glad yet I choked with my tears and wanted to return ***
December 26, 2011
Hasan Sa'eed bin Hibatullah, renowned as Qutubuddin unanimously said, "By Allah O our Master! O Aba Abdillah!
Rawandi, relates through his chain of authorities from Imam We shall never betray you, so that people may say that
Mohammad al Baqir (A.S.), that before his martyrdom, Imam we had abandoned our Imam, our Chief and Master,
Husain (A.S.) told his companions that his grandfather the Holy until he was martyred. Then we would seek excuses
Prophet (S.A.W.) had told him, "O my dear son! You shall be between ourselves and Allah. And we shall not leave you
killed at Iraq, and it is a place where the Prophets, their until we ransom ourselves upon you." Imam said, "Verily
successors and Apostles have met one another and it is I shall be killed tomorrow and everyone from among
called Amoora. You shall be martyred at that place yourselves too shall be killed with me, and none among
alongwith a group of your companions. Your battle is you shall be spared." To which they replied, "Praise be to
frigid and serene." Thus have glad tidings that by Allah if Allah, that He has bestowed grace upon us to assist you,
they kill us, we shall go to the presence of our Prophet (S.A.W.). and has offered distinction to us to get martyred along
Abu Hamza Sumali, relates from Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen with you. Then do we not endear that we should be along
(A.S.) that he said: with you in your elevated station (in Paradise) O son of
On the night preceding his Martyrdom, my father the Prophet of Allah"? Imam replied, "May Allah reward
gathered his family and companions and said, "O people of you favourably" Then he prayed for them. When it dawned,
my family and my Shi'ah! Consider this night, which has all of them were martyred.
come to you as a mounting Camel and save yourselves,
Shaikh Sadooq relates from Salim bin Abu Ja'dah, who
for these people do not desire anyone else except me. says that I heard Ka'ab al Ehbar say that, "It is stated in our
Then if they kill me, they shall not pursue you. May Allah books that a man from among the sons of Prophet
have mercy upon you! Save yourselves. Verily I lift the Mohammad (S.A.W.) would be killed, and they (the
responsibility of the allegiance and pledge which you martyrs) would enter Paradise even before the sweat of
have taken at my hands." the horses of his companions dry, while the Hoories will
Hearing this his brothers, relatives and companions fondle them." Thus when Imam Hasan (A.S.) passed by us, we
asked him as to was he the one referred to (regarding it in "Then is his proposal unacceptable to you"? Umar
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 their books), and he replied in the negative, and then when replied, "If the situation would have been in my hands, I
Imam Husain (A.S.) passed by us, we asked him the same would certainly have yielded to his request, but your
question and he replied in the affirmative. commander will not accept it." Hurr then left him and
It is related that it was inquired from Imam Ja'far as Sadiq stood alone far away from others, while his fellow-traveler,
(A.S.) that, "Please relate to us the state and the self named Qurrah bin Qays, was along with him. Hurr said, "O
sacrifice of the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.)." Qurrah! Have you fed your horse today"? He replied in
Imam replied, "The veil had been lifted off their eyes and the negative. Hurr said, "Then do you not desire quenching
they saw their places in Paradise. Hence they excelled it's thirst"? Qurrah says that I doubted that perhaps he
one another in sacrificing their lives, so as to hasten to wanted to skip away from the battle and did not like that I
meet the Hoories and be fondled by them and reach their should see him going away, hence I said, "I shall now be
places in Paradise." This has been referred to in Ziyarate doing so." Hearing this Hurr moved away from there. Qurrah
Nahiyah. After quoting the names of the Martyrs, it is said, says that, "By Allah! If only Hurr had revealed to me what
"I bear witness that Allah lifted the veils off your eyes he intended, I too would have accompanied him to the
and presented you with spread beds and enormous presence of Imam Husain (A.S.)." Then slowly Hurr started
gifts." moving closer to Imam Husain (A.S.). Muhajir bin Aws told
It is related through successive chain of narrators in him, "O son of Yazid! What do you intend? Do you intend
Ma'aniyal Akhbar from Imam Mohammad at Taqi (A.S.), who to lay siege"? Hurr did not answer him but was shivering.
relates from his Blessed Ancestors (A.S.) reaching Imam Ali Muhajir said, "Verily your state seems dubious. I have
Zainul Abedeen (A.S.), who says that: When the matter of never ever seen you in any battle in a similar state in
Imam Husain (A.S.) turned severe, his fellow-travelers saw him which you are now. If I would have been questioned as to
in a different state, unlike others. For as much as the severity who is the most valorous among the Kufans, I would not
increased, the colour of their faces became pale and they would hesitate to take your name. What is this state I presently
shiver, while their hearts would be frightful. But Imam Husain see you in"? Hurr replied, "I find myself between
(A.S.), and some of his distinguished companions were Paradise and hell. And by Allah! I shall not exalt
cheerful, at peace and tranquilled. They were telling one anything else over Paradise, even if I be cut into pieces
another, "Do you not see, they do not fear death the or burnt." Then Hurr struck his horse (Malhoof) and turned
least." Imam Husain (A.S.) said, "Forebear, O sons of to go towards Imam Husain (A.S.)
noblemen! Death is nothing but a bridge, which would
Hurr had kept his hands on his head (like a prisoner)
take you from the place of hardship and severity to the and was saying, "O Allah! I am returning towards You,
spacious Paradise and eternal bliss. Then who among thus You accept me, for I have put fear into the hearts of
you is such that does not desire to be free from the prison Your friends and the children of the Prophet's
and hasten towards the palaces? While death for your grandson." (Irshad, Kamil) Tabari says that when he neared
enemies is such, that they shall be transferred from the Imam Husain (A.S.) and his companions, he overturned his
palace to the prison and fall prey to the wrath of Allah. I shield and saluted them. Then he went to Imam Husain (A.S.)
have heard my father Imam Ali (A.S.), who relates from and said, "May I be your ransom O son of the Prophet of
the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) that he said, that this world is Allah! I am the one who had stopped you from returning
a prison for the believers and Paradise for the back and had accompanied you all along and had forced
disbelievers, while death is a bridge for them (believers) you to alight here. But I had not known that these people
to enter Paradise and for them (disbelievers) to enter would directly refuse your proposal and bring you to this
hell. I have not lied nor have I been told a lie." present state. By Allah! If I had known that they would
Regarding the pagans of Quraysh and their mutiny in astray do to you such, I would not have undertaken that what I
and perdition, Allah says, "And indeed has come unto them have done. Hence now I apologize to Allah regarding that
some of the tidings wherein is restraint (from evil), what I have done, and then do you think that my
Consummate wisdom, but (they) availed not (of) the repentance would be accepted"? Imam Husain (A.S.)
warnings."[61] replied, "May Allah accept your repentance! Thus alight
Similar was the case with the army of Umar bin from your horse."
Sa'ad. Then the repeated speeches of our Master Imam Hurr replied, "It is better for me to be mounted and serve
Husain (A.S.) and his companions, counseling them, you and fight with them, thus ultimately I will have to
completing their proofs (to councel them) and eliminating their alight from my horse (when I am wounded)." Then Imam
error, but they were not benefited. Hurr bin Yazid joins Imam replied, "May your Lord have mercy upon you, do as you
Husain (A.S.) When Hurr saw that the people have resolved to desire."
kill Imam Husain (A.S.), and when he heard Imam calling out:
Then he stood in front of Imam Husain (A.S.) and
"Is there none who would hasten to assist us in the name said, "O Kufans! May your mothers be deprived of you!
of Allah? Is there none who would defend the Household You invited the righteous slave of Allah, and then when
of the Prophet"? Then Hurr told Umar bin Sa'ad, "O Umar! he came to you, you handed him over to the enemy,
Then will you really fight this man"? He replied, "Yes, by when you had intended to defend him with your lives?
Allah! The battle, which if goes smoothly, will result in Then now you have begun to fight him so as to kill him.
the rolling of heads and cutting off the hands." Hurr said, You have taken hold of him and seized his collar, and
have surrounded him from all sides so that he may keep away vain and the vain-doers. By Allah! I shall not
not be able to escape to the vast towns of Allah. He is prefer this world over the Hereafter", saying this he turned
now left as a prisoner amongst you, then he cannot his horse and entered the ranks of Imam Husain (A.S.). Imam
benefit himself nor can he ward off the evil from it. Then said, "Welcome! You are at liberty in this world as well as
you have stopped him, along with his women-folk, his the Hereafter." (Ibne Nima) It is related that Hurr told Imam
children and family, from the waters of Euphratus, Husain (A.S.) that, "When Ubaydullah commanded me to
which is open for the Jews, Christians and Sabians, and come towards you and I came out from the palace, I
the pigs and dogs of Iraq roll therein, while they would heard a voice calling out at me from behind saying: Have
perish because of thirst? How badly have you behaved glad tidings of goodness O Hurr! I turned around to see
with the Progeny of Mohammad (S.A.W.) after his death? but there was none visible. Then I wondered that by
May Allah not quench your thirst on the day of extreme Allah, what glad tidings is this, for I am proceeding to a
thirst (Qiyamah)!" Hearing this some of the soldiers attacked combat with Imam Husain (A.S.), and I had not yet
him and started shooting arrows at him, then Hurr came and intended assisting you." Imam replied, "But now you have
stood in front of Imam Husain (A.S.) (ultimately) reached goodness."
It is quoted in Tazkirah of Sibt ibne Jawzi, that Imam Then Umar bin Sa'ad called out, "O Durayd! Bring the
Husain (A.S.) then called out to Shabas bin Rab'ee, Hajjar bin standard closer." When he brought it closer, Umar fixed an
Abjar, Qays bin Ash'as and Yazeed bin Hars and said, arrow in his bow and shot it saying, "Be a witness that I am
"Did you not write letters to me"? They replied, "We do the one to shoot the first arrow." Then others followed suit
not know what you say." Hurr bin Yazeed, who was their and challenged for combat. Mohammad bin Abu Talib says
leader, said, "Yes by Allah! We had written to you and we that there was none among the companions of Imam Husain
are the ones who have brought you here. Thus may Allah (A.S.), who was not wounded by it. It is said that after the rain
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 of arrows, only a few companions
of Imam (A.S.) survived, while fifty
companions attained martyrdom.
(Tabari) Azdi says that Abu Janab, from
the clan of Bani Kalb, related to me
that in our tribe there was a man
named Abdullah bin Umayr, from the
clan of Bani Aleem. He had started
living in Kufa and owned a house on
the head of the well of Bani Ja'ad, from
the tribe of Hamadan. His wife, who
was from the clan of Umro bin Qasit,
was named Umme Wahab, the
daughter of Abd. He saw an army
parading in Nukhaylah preparing for
the battle against Imam Husain (A.S.),
the grandson of the Prophet of Allah
Abdullah says that, "By Allah! I
had an intense desire to fight
against the polytheists. But now I
desire fighting those who have
decided to fight the grandson of the
Prophet. While my reward with
Allah would not be less than that for
fighting against the polytheists." Then he went to his wife Abdullah recited the Rajaz, having killed both of them: "If
and related to her what he had heard and also informed her his you do not know me, I am from the Bani Kalb, it is
desire. She replied, "Verily whatever you have decided is sufficient for me that my family is from Bani Ulaym, I
right. May your Allah guide you towards righteousness am a warrior and a man with a strong nerve, and am
in all your matters, go and take me too alongwith you." not the one who shrieks at the time of anxiety, O Umme
He then withdrew and reached Imam Husain (A.S.) and Wahab! I am answerable to you in respect of the sword
remained with him until Umar bin Sa'ad shot the arrows and spear of a man who believes in Allah."
towards them and his army followed suit. His wife Umme Wahab picked up a peg of a tent in her
Then Yasar, the retainer of Ziyad, and Salim, the hand and advanced towards her husband calling out: "May
retainer of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad, stepped into the battlefield my parents be your ransom! Fight in the way of the pure
and called out for combat. Hearing this Habib bin Mazahir progeny of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)." Abdullah
and Burayr (bin Khuzayr) stood up to reply, but Imam Husain advanced towards her to send her back to the tents, but she
(A.S.) signaled them to sit down. Then Abdullah bin Umayr caught hold of his shirt and said, "I shall not leave you until
Kalbi stood up and asked permission to fight them. Imam saw I am killed along with you." Imam Husain (A.S.) called out
him to be a tawny man with a tall stature, sturdy arms and to her, "May you be rewarded fairly on account of the
broad shoulders, he said, "In my opinion he is a fatal Household of the Prophet, return back. May Allah's
match, then you may leave if you desire meeting his mercy be upon you! Come to the ladies for Jihad is not
challenge." obligatory upon women." Hearing this she returned back.
When Abdullah went towards them, they asked, "Who are (Irshad, Tabari, Kamil) Then Umro bin Hajjaj, with his army,
you"? Abdullah related to them his lineage and they said, "We attacked the right wing of the companions of Imam Husain
do not recognise you. Zuhayr bin Qayn, Habib bin (A.S.). When they came near, Imam's companions knelt down
Mazahir or Buzayr bin Khuzayr should have come." pointing their spears towards them. Their horses were afraid to
Yasar was standing with a naked sword near Salim. Abdullah advance towards the spears and retreated back. Then Imam's
said, "O illegitimate son! Do you disdain fighting one companions shot arrows towards them killing some of them
man? Whoever shall come to fight you shall surely be while wounding others.
better than you", saying this he attacked Yasar instantly and
(Tabari, Kamil) A person from among the (clan of)
striking him with his sword killed him. When he was engaged Bani Tameem, named Abdullah bin Hawzah, advanced further
in striking at him, Salim attacked him. Someone called out to until he came face to face with Imam Husain (A.S.) and called
him saying, "This slave is lingering behind you." Abdullah out to him. Imam replied, "What do you desire"?
was heedless until Salim galloped upon him and he struck at The accursed replied, "May you get the good news of
him with his sword. Abdullah stretched his left hand forward, the (hell) fire." (Allah's refuge) Imam replied,
the fingers of which got cut. Then Abdullah attacked him and "No, it is not as you say. I am proceeding to the presence
killed him. of the Merciful Lord and the intercessor, who is obeyed."
Then he inquired as to who he was, and was told that he of Allah upon the one who lies. Then the one on the right
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 was the son of Hawzah. Imam said, "O Allah! Send him to path should kill the one who is upon the wrong, and then
the fire (of hell)." I shall come out to fight with you."
Suddenly his horse was aroused and threw him down.
The narrator says that both of them came out into the
(Irshad). But his left foot got entangled in the stirrup while his battlefield and lifting their hands invoked the curse of Allah
right foot was raised in the air. Then Muslim bin Awsaja upon the liar and that the righteous one should kill the evil.
attacked and cut his right foot. The horse started running with Then they started fighting one another. There were exchanges
him with his head hitting against the stones and trees of the of swords between them, when Yazeed bin Ma'qal dealt a light
desert until he died. Thus his spirit hastened towards (the fire and ineffective blow on Burayr. Then Burayr dealt a blow upon
of) hell. his head, which cut his head and reached his brain. He rolled
(Tabari) Azdi relates from Ata'a bin Saeb, who relates down upon the ground like a ball, while the sword of Burayr
from Abdul Jabbar bin Wael, from his brother Masrooq bin was stuck in his head, and he was lifting it up and down to pull
Wael that I was along with the army, who had advanced it out.
towards Imam Husain (A.S.). I requested to be in the forefront
Then Razee bin Manqaz Abadi attacked Burayr and
so as to get the head of Imam and thus earn honour in the grappled him. Both of them struggled until Burayr threw him
presence of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad. When we reached him, a down and sat on his chest. Then Razee called out, "Where are
person from amongst us named Ibne Hawzah advanced further my defenders"? Hearing this Ka'ab bin Jabir bin Umro Azdi
and said, "Is Husain amongst you"? But Imam did not advanced to assist him, when I said, "This is Burayr bin
answer him. When he repeated it thrice, Imam said, Khuzayr, the recitor of the Qur'an, who taught us the
"Yes, here is Husain, what do you desire"? Qur'an in the Mosque." He attacked Burayr with his spear.
He said, "O Husain! Take glad tidings of (hell) When Burayr felt the point of the spear, he threw himself upon
fire" (Allah's refuge). Imam said, "Verily you speak a lie, I him and bit his nose. But Ka'ab sunk his spear into him and
am proceeding towards the forgiving Lord and an drew it till his heart, while the entire point of the spear entered
intercessor, who is obeyed. Who are you"? his back. Then he hit him on the head and started attacking
He replied that he was the son of Hawzah. The narrator says him with his sword until he killed him (May Allah's Mercy and
that then Imam lifted his hands towards the heavens such high, Blessings be upon him).
that we could see the whiteness of his underarms from below Afeef bin Zuhayr bin Abi Akhnas says, that it is as if I see
his clothes, and said, "O Lord! Hasten him towards the fire Razee, who was scattered on the ground, arising while brushing
(of hell)." off the dust from his cloak and telling Ka'ab that, "O brother
Hearing this Ibne Hawzah was enraged and desired to (from the clan) of Azd! You have favoured me and I shall
gallop his horse towards Imam, but there was a moat in never forget it."
between them. Suddenly his foot got entangled in the stirrup
Yusuf bin Yazeed says, that I asked Afeef whether he
and the horse dragged him until he fell off. Then his leg, had really witnessed it with his own eyes, to which he replied
peduncle and thigh separated, while the other half of his body that, "I have seen it with my own eyes and heard it with
lay suspended on the stirrup. Seeing this Masrooq returned and my own ears." When Ka'ab bin Jabir returned back, his wife,
hid behind the horsemen. The narrator further says that I and his sister, Nawar binte Jabir told him, "You have sided
questioned him (Masrooq) regarding his return and he replied with the opponents of the son of Fatemah (A.S.), and have
that, "I have seen such (wonders) from this family that I killed the chief of the Qur'an Recitors? By Allah! I shall
shall never ever fight them." Martyrdom of Burayr bin never ever speak to you from now on." And Ka'ab bin
Khuzayr Jabir recited the following couplets: "You ask regarding me
(Tabari) Thus the battle started. Azdi says that Yusuf and shall be informed regarding the morning of Imam
bin Yazeed related to me from Afeef bin Zuhayr bin Abi Husain (A.S.), when the spears were being thrust, that
Akhnas, who was present at Karbala. He says that Yazeed bin did not I commit the act which you despise? When it
Ma'qal, who was from the tribe of Bani Umayrah bin Rabi'ah, could not be imagined that day as to what I would do, I
which is a branch of Bani Salimah of Abdal Qays, came had with me my spear, which did not falter and a white
forward. He told Burayr, "O Burayr bin Khuzayr! Do you shining sword, which was sharp-edged and fierce, then I
see as to what Allah has done to you." Burayr replied, "By unsheathed it and attacked a group, whose Religion was
Allah! Allah has dealt fairly with me and has brought not the same as mine, which was the obedience to the
forth evil for you." Yazeed said, "You speak a lie, and you son of Harb, when I had not witnessed anyone similar to
never lied before. Do you remember once when I was them in their age before them, who had fought fiercely in
walking along with you in Bani Lawzan, you told me the battle, they are those who safeguard their honour,
that Usman bin Affan had killed himself, while then they bore patiently against the spears and swords
Mu'awiyah bin Abu Sufyan was a misguided man and and stepped into the battlefield, I wish this had profited
the one who leads others astray, while the true and them, then when you meet Ubaydullah, give him this
Righteous Imam and guide is Ali bin Abi Talib"? Burayr message that I am obedient to the Caliph and compliant
replied, "I bear witness that this is (still) my belief." of his words, then it is I who killed Burayr and favoured
Yazeed bin Ma'qal said, "I bear witness that you are the son of Manqaz, when he called for assistance."
among the astray." Then Burayr said, "Then do you desire
Martyrdom of Umro bin Qartah Ansari
that we imprecate one another, while invoking the curse Then Umro bin Qartah advanced and attacked, while
defending Imam Husain (A.S.), and he was saying: "The Yazeed bin Sufyan, told Yazeed bin Sufyan, "This is Hurr bin
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 batallion of Ansar knows that I am a protector of the Yazeed, whom you desire." He then advanced towards Hurr
territory of promise, I strike with a sharp-edged sword and said, "O Hurr bin Yazeed! Do you desire combat"?
similar to a youth, my self and household is lowly in Hurr replied in the affirmative and he came towards him.
front of Husain." Haseen said that, "By Allah! It is as if his life was in the
Here Imam Husain (A.S.) is considered more than one's hands of Hurr, who instantly killed him."
household, thus vilifying Umar bin Sa'ad, who while talking to
Hisham bin Mohammad relates from Abu Makhnaf,
Imam had said that, "My house shall be destroyed ....... who says that Yahya bin Hani bin Urwah told me, that on the
etc." (as related in Section 15 of this book). tenth (of Moharram), Hilal bin Nafe' was attacking, while
Sayyed ibne Tawoos relates, that after the martyrdom reciting the following couplets: "I am the son of Hilal! My
of Muslim bin Awsaja, Umro bin Qartah Ansari came forward Religion is the Religion of Ali"! A man named Mazahim bin
and pleaded with Imam to permit him to go to the battlefield. Hurays came towards him and said, "I am upon the Creed of
When Imam permitted him, he attacked with such force, which Usman." Nafe' replied, "However, you are upon the creed
was similar to that of the one who yearns for Paradise. Thus he of the shaitan", saying this he attacked him and ultimately
strived to serve the Master of Heavens, until he killed a group killed him.
of people from the army of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad. There was
Then Umro bin Hajjaj turned towards the army and
no arrow, which would advance towards Imam, except that he called out, "O foolish men! Do you know whom you have
stopped it with his hands, and there was no sword which would been fighting with? You are fighting the valorous Kufans,
come towards Imam, except that he took it upon himself. Then who are ready to sacrifice their lives. Thus no one should
Imam did not receive any wounds until Umro was alive. When go to fight single-handedly with them, for they are only a
he was totally wounded, he turned towards Imam and said, "O few left and a short time remains. By Allah! Even if you
son of the Prophet of Allah! Have I fulfilled my (duty of) attack them with mere stones, they shall perish." Then
obedience"? Imam replied, "Verily yes, you shall be the Umar bin Sa'ad said, "Verily whatever you have said is
one to go to Paradise before me. Then offer my true and his opinion is accepted." Then he declared that no
salutations to the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) and tell him one should go for a single combat with them.
that I am on my way following you." It is narrated that Umro bin Hajjaj advanced towards the
Then Umro fought bravely until he attained companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) and said, "O Kufans!
martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). Hold steadfastly to those who listen to you and your
(Tabari, Kamil) It is related that Umro's brother, Ali bin community, and do not hesitate to kill the man who has
Qartah, was in the army of Umar bin Sa'ad. When he saw his turned out of the Religion and has disobeyed the Imam."
brother fall, he called out, "O Husain! O liar and the son of Imam Husain (A.S.) said, "O Umro bin Hajjaj! Do you
a liar"! (Allah's refuge) "You have misguided my brother incite people against me? Have we turned away from the
and deceived him until you killed him." Imam replied, Religion, while you are steadfast upon it? By Allah!
"Allah did not mislead your brother, in fact he was When you die with these (evils) deeds of yours, you shall
bestowed with guidance, while it is you who are then know as to who has turned away from the Religion,
misguided." The accursed said, "May Allah kill me if I do and who is worthy of (the fire of) hell."
not kill you or die while struggling against you." Saying Martyrdom of Muslim bin Awsaja
this he attacked Imam and Nafe' bin Hilal Muradi came and
Then Umro bin Hajjaj attacked the right wing of the
stood facing him. Then he attacked him with a spear and threw companions of Imam Husain (A.S.), along with the right wing
him upon the ground, his companions came to his rescue and of the army of Umar bin Sa'ad, from the side of the Euphrates
took him away. Then he treated his wounds and was cured. and they fought for sometime. Muslim bin Awsaja Asadi was
(Tabari) Azdi says that Nazr bin Saleh Abu Zuhayr the first one among the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) to
Abasi says that when Hurr bin Yazeed went and united with attain martyrdom. Then Umro bin Hajjaj and his companions
Imam Husain (A.S.), a man from Bani Tameem, named Yazeed returned back. (Manaqib) It should be noted that Muslim bin
bin Sufyan said, "By Allah! If my sight falls upon Hurr, I Awsaja was the agent of Muslim bin Aqeel (A.S.) in Kufa. He
shall kill him with my spear." When the two armies were was given the charge to collect the funds, buy ammunitions and
attacking and killing one another, Hurr was attacking in the accept allegiance (on behalf of Imam Husain).
forefront, while reciting the words of Antara: "With my Muslim fought valiantly in the battle of Karbala, while
charger's neck and breast I will launch myself at them reciting the following Rajaz: "If you inquire about me,
again and again, until (the beast is ) clothed in blood." (know that) I am a male Lion, (I am) from the chiefs and
And he was reciting the following Rajaz: "I am Hurr, a host notables of the branch of Bani Asad, thus the one who
to the guest, I strike your necks with a swift sword, in oppresses us has deviated from the Right Path and from
defense of the one, who has alighted at the ground of the Religion of the Self Sufficient, Omnipotent
Kheef (in Mina), while I do not regret over it." (Lord)." He fought abundantly with the enemies and forbore
The narrator says that the tail and brows of his horse upon the fight of the army until he fell down.
were wounded by swords, and blood was flowing through it. The narrator says that when the clouds of sand sank,
Haseen bin Tameem, the head of the police force of Ibne Muslim was seen smeared in blood. Imam Husain (A.S.) went
Ziyad, who had despatched him to assist Umar bin Sa'ad and to his head, when he was yet alive. Imam said, "May your
made him the commander of the police under the command of Lord have mercy upon you, O Muslim bin Awsaja! Of
the believers are the men who are true to what they (Tabari) When Urwa bin Qays, who was the commander
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 covenanted with Allah, of them is he who fulfilled his of the horsemen, saw this situation that his horses were split
vow and of them is he who awaits (its fulfillment), and from all sides, he sent Abdul Rahman bin Haseen to Umar bin
they have changed not in the least" [62] Sa'ad with the message that, "Do you not see that since
Then Habib bin Mazahir came to him and said, "It is today morning my horsemen have been dragging
very unpleasant for me to see you smeared in mud and alongwith these little group of men? Dispatch the foot-
blood O Muslim! May you receive the glad tidings of soldiers and the archers towards them." Then Umar bin
Paradise." Then Muslim replied in a soft voice, "May your Sa'ad turned towards Shabas bin Raba'ee and said, "Will you
Allah give you glad tidings of fairness too." Habib said, "If attack Husain"? Shabas replied, "Glory be to Allah! Do
I had not known that I too would have to follow your you intend sending the chief of the towns and the master
path (of Martyrdom) and reach you, it would have been of the Kufans with the archers? Do you not find anyone
my pleasure to ask you to will to me regarding your else who could do this job"? Shabas disliked fighting Imam
heart's desire, until I fulfill the rights of your relatives Husain (A.S.). Abu Zuhayr Abasi says that during the period of
and your co-religionists." Muslim replied, "I recommend the caliphate of Mus'ab bin Zubayr, I heard him (Shabas) say
this Master for you", he said pointing towards Imam Husain that, "Allah will never bestow goodness upon the people
(A.S.), "then you should ransom your life over him." of Kufa and will not reach them towards felicity. It is not
Habib replied, "By the Lord of Ka'bah! I shall surely do surprising that we fought in the ranks of Ali bin Abi Talib
that." It was not late when he died in their hands. (May Allah's (A.S.) and after him with his son (Imam Hasan) against
Mercy and Blessings be upon him). And one of his slave girls the children of Abu Sufyan for five years. Then we
was heard calling out, "O son of Awsaja! O master!" pounced upon his son Husain, who was the best from
The companions of Umro bin Hajjaj applauded, "We among the dwellers of the earth, and we fought against
have killed Muslim bin Awsaja." Then Shabas turned him in the ranks of the children of Mu'awiyah and the
towards his associates and said, "May your mothers mourn son of Sumayyah, the adulteress. Disgrace, and what a
over you! You kill yourselves with your own hands and disgrace"!
are seperating from your ownselves for the sake of Then Umar bin Sa'ad called for Haseen bin Tameem and
others. Then you are rejoicing because you have killed dispatched him with the foot soldiers and five hundred archers.
Muslim bin Awsaja? By Him in whom I believe! I have They proceeded further until they reached Imam Husain (A.S.)
seen him (Muslim) in the battlefield with honour for the and his companions. Then they shot their arrows towards them
Muslims. I have seen him in the battle in the plain of and impoverished their horses and all of them came on foot.
Azarbayjan at the time when no Muslim had moved Azdi says that Nameer bin Wahlah relates from Ayyub bin
from the places, he had already killed six polytheists. Mashrah Haywanee, that he always said that, "By Allah! I
And when such a man dies, you rejoice over it"? The was the one who impoverished the horse of Hurr bin
murderors of Muslim bin Awsaja were Muslim bin Abdullah Yazid. I shot an arrow which pierced it's belly, it gave a
Zababi and Abdul Rahman bin Abi Khashkar Bajali. cry and rolled up itself (on the ground). Suddenly Hurr
Then Shimr attacked the left wing of the Imam's army. charged like a Lion and leapt upon them with his sword
They stood in front of him and his army and pushed them in hand saying: "Even though you have cut off the legs of my
back with their lances. Then Imam and his companions were horse, I am more valorous than a male lion." By Allah! I have
attacked from all sides and Abdullah bin Umayr Kalbi, who not seen anyone like him, who inflicted the ranks." The
had previously killed two men, was martyred. Hani bin Sabat chiefs of his clan asked him, "Have you killed Hurr"? He
Hazrami and Bukayr bin Hayy Tamimi killed him (May Allah's replied, "No, by Allah! I have not killed him. Rather
Mercy and Blessings be upon him) and he was the second another person had killed him and I did not desire
Martyr among the companions of Imam. Then the killing him." Abu Wadak asked him the reason, to which he
companions of Imam fought valiantly with the Kufan army. replied, "For he was included among the devout men. By
Their horsemen, being thirty-two, attacked the Kufan army Allah! If this deed of mine be a sin, then if I have to go to
from all sides and split all of them. the presence of Allah with the responsibility of injury
It is as if Abu Tufayl says regarding them: "What an and presence in the army it is easy, than that I go to his
army is this, similar to the waves, similar to the presence with the sin of their murder upon my neck."
powerful beasts like Leopards and Lions, there are the Abu Wadak said, "You too shall go to the presence of Allah
old, the youth and the chiefs, who are mounted upon the with the sin of their murder. Then tell me, that if you
Horses, escaping from whose midst is very hard, when pursued one of their horses and shot an arrow towards
the rays of the sun sets below their standard, it's powers another, then you stood facing them and repeated this
dims the eyes, their slogan is similar to that of the act of yours numerous times, and you encouraged your
Prophet, while their standards by which Allah, the fellow army-men. Then if you were attacked and you
Beneficent avenges the schemers." had to flee away while some of your companions
It is as if it is said regarding them: "Astonishment that followed your example, resulting in the collaboration of
the clear-cut swords and spears see months in the hands you all with them in their murder, then all of you are
of this group, and they are men, and astonishment that equal partners in their blood." Nameer said, "O Abu
the fire burns upon their palms even though their hands Wadak! You are disheartening us from the mercy of
are oceans." Allah. Then on the day of Qiyamah if you had been in
charge of our accounts, may Allah not forgive you if Husain (A.S.) called out in a loud voice saying, "O son of
FASHIONMONTHLY December 26, 2011 you do not forgive us." Ziljawshan! Do you ask for fire to be brought so as to
It is better that we relate regarding them: "Does this burn the tent along with my family? May Allah burn you
nation desire the intercession of the Grandfather (of in the fire (of hell)."
Husain) on the day of Qiyamah after having murdered Azdi says that Sulayman bin Abi Rashid relates from
Husain, no never, by Allah! They will find no intercessor Hameed bin Muslim that he said, that I told Shimr bin
and they will be engulfed in the wrath in Qiyamah." Ziljawshan, "Glory be to Allah! This does not suit you. Do
(Tabari) They fought with them valiantly until the noon. you desire tasting the wrath of Allah by killing the
The Kufan army could not attack from any other side accept children and ladies? By Allah! The commander will be
one, because their tents were joint together. When Umar bin pleased with you only with the killing of the men." Then
Sa'ad saw this, he ordered his men to attack the tents from the Shimr asked me as to who I was. And I said, "I shall not
left and right sides, to dig them up and surround them. Three disclose who I am." I said this, for by Allah, I feared lest he
four persons from among the companions of Imam Husain would malign me in the presence of the sovereign. Then a man
(A.S.) stood up to guard the tents. Then they would attack the came to him, whose orders he obeyed more than of Shabas bin
invaders from in between the tents and whoever would come to Rabee', and said, "I have not heard a more evil speech
dig the tent or plunder it, would be killed or they would shoot from you before, nor have I seen a more degraded
an arrow and injure him. Then Umar bin Sa'ad ordered, "Do situation that you have placed yourself in. Then have you
not go near the tents, nor dig or plunder them, rather now started frightening the women"? I saw that hearing
burn them." Then they burnt the tents and held back their this Shimr was ashamed of himself and retreated back. Then
hands from digging or plundering them. Imam Husain (A.S.) Zuhayr bin Qayn attacked him and his companions with a
said, "Let them burn the tents, for if they do so, the fire group of his ten companions until they had pushed them away
will act as a prevention against them." from the tents and they went far away, and they killed Abu
It happened as said, and a group of them fought with Uzrah Zababi, one of the companions of Shimr, seeing this the
them from one side. (Tabari) The wife of (Abdullah bin) Umayr entire army attacked them putting them to loss. Many of the
Kalbi ran out into the battlefield and sat at the head of her companions of Imam started falling down, and if one or two of
husband (who was already martyred, as has been related them fell it (their loss) would be easily visible, while those of the
earlier) cleaning the dust from him, and said, "May Paradise enemies would not, because of their large numbers.
be pleasant for you." When Shimr saw her, he commanded Reminding for Prayers by Abu Samamah Saedi and the
his retainer named Rustam, "Hit her upon the head." He Martyrdom of Habib bin Mazahir
dealt a blow upon her head which split open, and she attained (Tabari) When Abu Samamah Umro bin Abdullah Saedi
martyrdom at that very spot. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings saw his companions being killed one after the other, he turned
be upon her). towards Imam Husain (A.S.) and said, "O Aba Abdillah! May
Then Shimr bin Ziljawshan attacked until he reached a I be your ransom! I see that this army has advanced
particular tent of Imam Husain (A.S.) and striking it with his closer to you. But Allah willing, they shall not be able to
lance said, "Bring me fire, so that I may burn it along kill you until they have killed us. And I desire that I go to
with what it contains." Hearing this womenfolk started the presence of Almighty Allah having recited the
shrieking and came out of the tents in panic. Then Imam Prayers (in your lead), whose time has already
December 2011
approached." Then Imam lifted up his head and him). The name of his murderor was Budayl bin Sareem, who
said, "You have reminded the (time of) Prayers, may was from Bani Aqafan. Then another man from the clan of
Allah join you with the worshippers and the recitors, and Tameem attacked him with a lance and threw him on the
verily this is the prime time for Prayers." Then he ground. When he tried to stand up, Haseen bin Tameem struck
said, "Tell them to lift their hands off us until we have him on the head with his sword and he (again) fell down, then
finished reciting the Prayers." the person from Bani Tameem alighted from his horse and cut
Hearing this Haseen bin Tameem said, "Your Prayers off his head. Seeing this Haseen said, "I too am a partner in
are not accepted." Habib bin Mazahir replied, "You think his murder alongwith you", to which he said, "By Allah!
that the Prayers of the Progeny of the Prophet of Allah is No one except me has killed him." Haseen said, "Then
not accepted, while the Prayers of you, a wine-bibber, is give me his head so that I may hang it in the neck of my
accepted"? horse so that people may see and understand that I too
Then Haseen bin Tameem attacked him and Habib bin have participated in his murder. Then you may take it
Mazahir came to meet his challenge. Habib dealt a blow on the back and carry it to the presence of Ubaydullah bin
front of his head, which sank in and Habib threw him down Ziyad, for I am not desirous of the reward (which he will
(from his horse). Then his companions came to his rescue and offer you in lieu of the murder of Habib)." The man
took him away. Habib bin Mazahir then said, "I swear that if refused to do so until his people made him agree. Then he gave
we would have been similar to you in quantity or even the head of Habib to Haseen, who hung it in the neck of his
half of that, you would have turned your back from us, O horse and started taking the rounds in the ranks, and then
men of ill origin and impotents"! That day Habib was returned it back.
saying: "I am Habib and my father is Mazahir, who is a The Tamimi man placed the head of Habib on his horse
horseman of the battlefield when it is fierce, you are and carried it to the palace of Ubaydullah bin Ziyad. The son
well-equipped and large in quantity, but we are more of Habib named Qasim, who was nearing adolescence, saw the
obedient, forbearing (than you), our proofs are exalted head of his father and recognized it, he followed him and went
while truth apparent, and (we are) more pious and inside the palace and came out with him until his sight fell on
penitent than you." him. He said, "O dear son! Why are you following me"?
Habib bin Mazahir attacked severely (Malhoof) until he The child replied that there was nothing. The person told him,
had killed sixty-two men. (Tabari) Then a man from the clan of "What is the matter, tell me"? To which the child said,
Tameem attacked him and dealt a blow with his sword on his "This head which is with you is that of my father. Give it
head and killed him (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon to me so that I may bury it". The man said, "O dear son!
The commander would not be pleased to it's burial Sayyed Ne'matullah Jazaeri Tustari writes in his Anware
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 and I desire that the commander reward me amply for No'maniyyah, that a group of trustworthy men narrated to me
this." The child replied, "But Allah will give you a bad that when Shah Isma'il Safawi gained control over Baghdad, he
punishment for what you did. For by Allah, you have came to visit the Shrine of Imam Husain (A.S.) in Karbala. He
killed such a man who was better than you", saying this heard some people vilifying Hurr and hence came to the head
the child started weeping. Days passed by and the boy grew up. of his grave and ordered it to be exhumed. People witnessed
He had no other grief except to remain in pursuit of the that Hurr was sleeping in his grave freshly drenched in his
murderor of his father so as to get him unawares and revenge blood, and a kerchief was tied on his forehead. Shah Isma'il
the death of his father. At the time of Mus'ab bin Zubayr, in tried to unfasten the kerchief from his forehead, which
the battle of Bajmira', this boy entered his army. He saw his according to the historical reports was tied by Imam Husain
father's killer in a tent and followed him and waited in ambush (A.S.). When the kerchief was untied, fresh blood started
for him. He entered his tent, when he was taking a nap in the pouring out until the grave was filled with it. Then when the
afternoon, and striking him with his sword killed him. kerchief was tied at it's place, the blood stopped. Then again
Azdi says that when Habib bin Mazahir was killed, Imam they tried to untie that kerchief, but blood started pouring out.
Husain (A.S.) was bent. Then he said, "I surrender myself They tried to stop the blood by other means, but could not do
and my faithful companions to Allah's accountability." It so until they ultimately tied the same kerchief. Thus the fine
is stated in some books of Martyrdom (Maqatil) that the Imam status of Hurr was confirmed to them, and Shah ordered a
said, "Your achievement is due to Allah O Habib! You mausoleum to be erected on his grave and appointed a servant
were a man of distinction, that you completed reciting to look after it.
the entire Qur'an in one (single) night." The Honourable Traditionist Shaikh Mohammad bin
Martyrdom of Hurr bin Yazid Hasan Hurr Ameli, the author of Wasaelush Shi'ah, was from
The narrator says that Hurr started reciting the following the progeny of Hurr bin Yazeed ar Riyahi, as has been quoted
Rajaz: "I have sworn not to be killed until I do not kill, by Shaikh Ahmed in his Durrul Mulook. (Tabari) Abu
and I shall not be wounded except by advancing further, Samamah Saedi killed his cousin, who bore enmity with him,
I will attack them with a sharp-edged sword, I shall not and then recited the Zuhr Prayers in the method of Salatul
retreat back nor will I flee (from the battlefield)." Khawf [63] in Imam Husain (A.S.)'s lead.
Furthermore he recited the following couplets: "I am (Malhoof) It is stated in another narration that Imam told
Hurr, a host to the guest, I strike your necks with a swift Zuhayr bin Qayn and Sa'eed bin Abdullah to stand in front of
sword, in defense of the one who has alighted at the him so that he may lead the Zuhr Prayers. They did so while
ground of Kheef (in Mina), while I do not regret over it." Imam lead the Prayers with half of his companions.
He held such a sword in his hand whose edge was raining It is related that Sa'eed bin Abdullah Hanafi stood in front
death. It is as if Ibne Mu'taz says about him, "I possess a of the Imam and thus became the target of their arrows.
sword which radiates death, then it is not unsheathed, Wherever Imam would turn, Sa'eed would stand in front of
except that it starts spilling the blood." him until he was totally wounded and then fell down. He said,
Hurr, alongwith his companion Zuhayr bin Qayn, "O Allah! Send your curse upon them similar to the
attacked obviously. If while fighting, one of them would get tribes of Ad and Thamood. O Allah! Deliver my greetings
surrounded by the enemies, the other would come to his to Your Prophet, and make him aware about the pain
defense and rescue him. They continued doing so until the foot and wounds that I have borne, for I crave Your reward
soldiers attacked Hurr from all sides and killed him. (May while defending the progeny of Your Prophet." Saying this
Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him) he breathed his last (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon
Ubaydullah bin Umro Badi, who was from the clan of him). Thirteen wounds of arrows were upon his body, apart
Bani Kinda, says that, "Do not forget Sa'eed bin Abdullah from the wounds of lances and swords.
nor Hurr, who alongwith Zuhayr aided at the need of the Ibne Nima says that some say that Imam Husain (A.S.) and
hour." his companions recited the Prayers individually with signs.
Fattal Naishapuri, in his Rawzatul Wa'ezeen, while quoting Tabari, Ibne Aseer and others state that after finishing the
the Martyrdom of Hurr bin Yazeed says, that when Imam Zuhr Prayers, they attacked fiercely and neared Imam Husain
Husain (A.S.) came to the head of Hurr, blood was flowing (A.S.). Then Sa'eed stood armoring the Imam and defended
from him. He said, "Well done O Hurr! You are at liberty him from all sides thus becoming a target of the enemies.
in this world as well as the hereafter, as your mother has Arrows started coming from all sides until he fell down. It is
named you." Then he recited the following couplets: "What written in the related salutations of the Martyrs: Peace be upon
a best Hurr is the Hurr of Bani Riyah, and the best Hurr Sa'eed bin Abdullah Hanafi, who, when Imam gave them
during the exchange of spears, the best Hurr who was permission to leave him, said, "No, by Allah! We shall not
generous with regard to his life when Husain called out leave you alone." Then you faced your death and defended
in the morning." your Imam, and you witnessed the grace of Allah in the place
Shaikh Sadooq too relates similarly from Imam Ja'far as of residence. May Allah gather us along with you in the ranks
Sadiq (A.S.). Shaikh Abu Ali in Muntahal Maqal says that Hurr of the martyrs. And may Allah provide us your friendship in
bin Yazid bin Najiyah bin Sa'eed is from (the clan of) Bani the exalted position of the magnificent ones.
Yarboo'. We say: Reflect upon these words which prove the exalted
status possessed by this Felicitous Martyr, and other martyrs of
Karbala, which is beyond the imagination of the intelligent (Tabari) Then Zuhayr placed his hand upon the shoulder
ones. While this is enough (proof) of their grace. of Imam Husain (A.S.) and said, "Proceed further, for you
Ibne Nima too has related the martyrdom of the above are a guided one and are a guide. Today you shall meet
referred Sa'eed in the words of Tabari and Ibne Aseer. Then he your grandfather the Prophet and (Imam) Hasan and
says that then Umar bin Sa'ad sent Umro bin Hajjaj with the Murtaza Ali (A.S.), and a well-equipped young man with
archers. They shot arrows towards the remaining companions two wings, Ja'far your uncle, and Hamza the alive
of Imam Husain (A.S.) and killed their horses. The situation martyred Lion of Allah."
reached such that Imam had no horsemen left with him, and he (Maqtal of Mohammad bin Abi Talib) Then he attacked
said, "Will the young horses be under the banner of others until he killed one hundred and twenty men. (Tasleeyatul
besides us, when we are the chiefs of their masters? Then Majalis, Tabari, Kamil) Then Kaseer bin Abdullah Sha'abi and
when a calamity desires entering our town, we posses Muhajir bin Aws Tamimi attacked him and threw him upon
the power to turn it away, no one walks in the width of the ground. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessing be upon him).
the porch with a shining sword, and none from among When Zuhayr fell from his horse, Imam Husain (A.S.) said, "O
our group guards him." Zuhayr! May Allah not keep you away from Himself, and
(Tabari) Zuhayr bin Qayn fought valiantly and he was may Allah send his wrath upon your killers as He did to
saying, "I am Zuhayr and am the son of Qayn, I will bar those who were turned into monkeys and pigs."
you from Husain with my sword, for he is one of the two Martyrdom of Nafe' bin Hilal
grandsons of the Prophet who is a virtuous and chaste Naf'e bin Hilal Jamali (or Bajali) had engraved his name on
Progeny, there is no lie in that he is the Prophet, I shall his arrows and dipped them in poison and shot them one after
kill you and shall not regret over it, and I wish my self the other towards the enemies saying, "I shoot these arrows
could be divided into two (so that I may fight with you whose teeth contains signs, while it will not benefit those
twofold)." who fear, they are smeared in poison which keeps the
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 enemies in motion, and it's
striking fills the earth with blood."
He shot the arrows one after the
other until they were exhausted and his
quiver became empty. Then he placed
his hand upon his sword and said, "I
am a youth of the Yemeni tribe of
Bajalah, I follow the Religion of
Husain and Ali, I shall be martyred
today and this being my heart's
desire, and I shall meet my
Tabari says that he killed twelve
men from the companions of Umar bin
Sa'ad, apart from those whom he
wounded, until both his arms were
severed. Then he was arrested by
Shimr, who called his companions to
drag him to Umar bin Sa'ad. Umar bin
Sa'ad told him, "Woe be to you! What
have you done to yourself"? Nafe'
replied, "Verily my Allah knows my
intentions." The narrator says that
blood was flowing on his beard while he
was saying, "By Allah! I have slain sword, O nation! defend the sons of noble fathers against
twelve men among you, excluding those whom I have the enemies with Eastern swords and sharp spears."
wounded, while I do not reproach myself for this. And if (Tabari) The narrator says that two Jabirite men, named
my hands would have been present, and my wrists Sayf bin Haris and Malik bin Abd, who were cousins and foster
would have been there, you would not have arrested brothers, came closer to Imam Husain (A.S.) while they were
me." Shimr told Umar bin Sa'ad, "May Allah straighten weeping. Imam asked them, "O sons of my brother! Why do
your affair, kill him." Umar replied, "You have brought you weep? By Allah! I desire that your eyes would be
him, then kill him if you desire." Hearing this Shimr glowing." They replied, "May Allah make us your
unsheathed his sword and Nafe' said, "If you are a Muslim, ransom! We do not weep on account of ourselves, rather
you would have despised meeting Allah with our blood we weep for you. We see that you have been surrounded,
upon your neck. Praise be to Allah, who has destined our while we are incapable of defending you." Imam
death at the hands of the most accursed of the creation." replied, "O sons of my brother! May Allah reward you
Then the accursed (Shimr) killed him. (May Allah's Mercy and fairly for this conscience and sympathy."
Blessing be upon him). Then Shimr attacked the army of (Manaqib) Then they advanced further saying, "Peace be
Imam while saying, "Leave him, O Lion of Allah, leave upon you O son of the Prophet of Allah", and Imam too
Shimr, so that he may strike at them with his sword and replied their salutations. Then they attacked and were
will not flee, and he is a bitter tree and a fatal poison for ultimately martyred. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon
you." them).
Martyrdom of Abdullah and Abdul Rahman Ghifari Martyrdom of Hanzalah bin As'ad Shabami
When the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) perceived (Tabari, Kamil) Then Hanzalah bin As'ad Shabami came
their loss and realized that they themselves were incapable of and stood in front of Imam Husain (A.S.) (Malhoof) and started
defending the Imam and his relatives, they hastened to lay their defending him with his face and neck from arrows, lances and
lives in the presence of Imam Husain (A.S.). Then Abdullah swords (Tabari, Kamil) while calling out, "O my people!
and Abdul Rahman, the sons of Urwa Ghifari, came to the Verily I fear (that it may fall) on you the like of that (what
Imam and said, "Peace be upon you O Aba Abdillah! The befell) the parties, the like of (what befell) the people of
enemy has reached us and have hastened towards you Noah and Ad and Samood and those (who came) after
from all sides, hence we desire to be killed before you them, and Allah intends not injustice unto (His) servants.
and sacrifice our lives for you." Imam replied,"Welcome! And O my people! I fear for you the Day of Calling out
Come closer to me." (each other). The Day on which you shall be turned back
They came closer to the Imam and started fighting with retreating, (when) for you there shall be no saviour from
the enemies in his side. One of them said, "Verily the Bani (the wrath of) Allah. O people! Do not kill Husain, lest
Ghifar and Khandaf, as also Bani Nizar knows, that I Allah may crush you with His wrath. While the one who
fight the adulterous group with my clear-cut and swift lies is indeed disappointed."
(Tabari, Kamil) Imam called out to him, life, I would surely have done so. Peace be upon you O
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 "O son of As'ad! May your Allah have mercy upon Aba Abdillah! I call upon Allah as my witness, that I am
you! They have become worthy of the wrath from the (steadfast) upon the path of your father and yourself."
time they have neglected your invitation towards right Saying this he unsheathed his sword with a wound which was
before the battle, and from the time they stood up against there on his forehead, and attacked the enemy.
you, and considered lawful shedding the blood of your Azdi says that Nameer bin Ramalah relates from Rabee'
companions. Then what escape do they have, after bin Tameem Hamadani, who was present in the battle, that I
having killed your virtuous brothers"? Hanzalah said, saw Abis proceeding towards the battlefield and recognised
"You have spoken the truth, may I be your ransom! It is him. I had seen him in numerous battles. He was a valorous
now time to go to the other home and unite with the man, hence I said, "O people! Behold this is a lion among
brothers." (Tabari, Malhoof) Imam replied, "Yes, go the lions! He is the son of Abu Shabeeb! Thus no one
towards that which is better for you than the world and should confront him." Thus Abis started calling out, "Is
whatever it contains. Go towards the kingdom which there no man among you"? Hearing this Umar bin Sa'ad
will not wear out." said, "Pound him with stones." Then people started hurling
Hearing this Hanzalah replied, "Peace be upon you O stones at him, and when Abis saw this, he removed his armor
Aba Abdillah! May Allah's blessings be upon you and and helmet. Allah's praise upon the one who said, "He
your family. May Allah acquaint us with you in fearlessly meets his neck with the clear-cut spears, and
Paradise." Imam replied, "So be it." Then Hanzalah he considers his head to be a helmet, when the spears
proceeded further (Malhoof) and fought valiantly and forebore advance, he wears no other armour except that of
the fear of battle, until he was martyred. (May Allah's Mercy chastity."
and Blessings be upon him). And a Persian Poet has said, "He removed his armour
(Tabari) Then the two Jabirite brothers advanced further saying that I am a moon and not a fish, and he removed
saying, "Peace be upon you O son of the Prophet of his helmet saying that I am not a rooster, and he came
Allah." Imam replied, "And Peace be upon you." out without any armour or helmet, to embrace death
They fought until they were martyred. (May Allah's Mercy nakedly, similar to a bride."
and Blessings be upon them). Then he attacked the enemies, (the narrator says that) it is
Martyrdom of Shawzib and Abis as if I see him pushing back a group of two hundred men.
The narrator says that Abis bin Abi Shabib Shakiri came Then they advanced towards him from all sides and killed him
to Shawzib, who was his relative, and said, "What is your (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). I saw his head
heart's desire"? He replied, "What do I desire? I desire to in the hands of a group of people who were quarreling among
fight alongside you, while defending the grandson of the themselves that they had killed him. Then they came to Umar
Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.), until I am martyred." Abis bin Sa'ad, who said, "Do not quarrel, for he is not killed by
replied, "I had desired the same regarding you. Then any one man", and dispersed them back.
proceed further towards the Imam so that he may Martyrdom of Abul Sha'sa Kindi
include you among his companions as the other Azdi says that Fuzayl bin Khadeej Kindi narrated to me,
preceding you have done, so that I too may consider you. that Abul Sha'sa Yazeed bin Ziyad (or Muhajir) Kindi, who was
And at this moment, if there would have been with me from the clan of Bani Bahdula, knealt down in front of Imam
someone else nearer to me than you, I would have sent Husain (A.S.) and shot a hundred arrows towards the enemies,
him to the battlefield before me, so as to mourn his death out of which only five arrows missed the target, while he was a
and earn abundant reward. This is the day of our last master archer. Whenever he shot an arrow, he exclaimed, "I
actions, for after today there will be no actions but only am the son of Bahdula! A horseman of Arjalah"! Imam
accounting." Husain (A.S.) said regarding him, "O Allah! Make firm his
Then Shawzib advanced further and saluted the Imam archery and offer Paradise to him as his reward."
and fought, until he was martyred. (May Allah's Mercy and When he had exhausted all the arrows, he arose and said,
Blessings be upon him). Shakir is a clan of Yemen and a branch "Only five of my arrows have gone waste, while it is
of the clan of Hamadan, which reaches Shakir bin Rabi'ah bin known to me that I have killed five men." Abul Sha'sa
Malik. Abis himself was from the above clan, while Shawzib Kindi was among the group to be martyred formerly. On that
was his retainer, meaning that Shawzib was staying along with day he was reciting the following Rajaz: "I am Yazid and my
him or was his confederate and not his servant or a freed father is Muhajir, I am more valorous than a Lion of the
retainer, as is assumed by some. On the contrary, our Shaikh, thicket, and I strike the rebels expertly with the spear, O
the Traditionist (Husain) Noori, the author of Mustadrakul Lord! I am a helper of Husain, and am the one to
Wasael, says that perhaps the status of Shawzib might be disassociate and seperate from the son of Sa'ad, and my
higher than that of Abis, for it is said regarding him, that he right hand possesses a clear-cut and destructive sword."
(Shawzib) was one of the foremost in Shia'hism. Yazid bin Muhajir was one of those who had come
(Tabari) Then Abis bin Abi Shabeeb told Imam Husain alongwith Umar bin Sa'ad from Kufa to fight against Imam
(A.S.) that, "O Aba Abdillah! There in none upon the earth, Husain (A.S.), but when he saw that they refused to accept
among my relatives and others, who is more dear and Imam's plea, he entered the fold of Imam and fought for him
beloved in my eyes than you. If I had the power to defend and attained martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be
off oppression with anything more dear to me than my upon him).
Martyrdom of a collective number of companions of He attacked the Kufan army and killed a group among
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 Imam Husain (a.s) them one after the other. Then he returned back to his mother
As regards Umar bin Khalid Saydawi, Jabir bin Haris and wife and stood facing them and said, "O mother! Are you
Salmani, Sa'ad the retainer of Umar bin Khalid, and Mujme' pleased now"? She replied, "I shall not be pleased until
bin Abdullah Aezi, they came out with their swords in the you attain martyrdom in the presence of Imam Husain
beginning of the battle. They attacked the Kufan army and (a.s)." Then his wife said, "I request you in the name of
entered their ranks. The enemies too responded to their attack Allah not to bereave me." Hearing this his mother said, "O
and surrounded them while separating them from their dear son! Do not accept what she says, go and fight in the
companions. Seeing this Abbas bin Ali (A.S.) hastened towards way of the grandson of the Prophet, so that he may
them and rescued them from their clutches. Then when again intercede for you on the day of Qiyamah." Wahab
the enemies advanced further, they attacked them and fought, returned back saying: "I swear to you O Umme Wahab, to
until they all attained martyrdom at one place. (May Allah's strike them with spears and sword, similar to the
Mercy and Blessings be upon them). swordsmanship of a youth who believes in the Almighty,
Martyrdom of Suwayd bin Umro bin Abi Muta' so as to give a taste of the bitter battle to this nation, I
Azdi says that Zuhayr bin Abdul Rahman Khas'ami am valorous and a youth possessing a clear-cut sword, I
narrated to me that the last person (among the companions) to am not fearful during battle, Allah, the Wise, is sufficient
remain with Imam Husain (A.S.) was Suwayd bin Umro bin for me."
Abi Muta'. He fought with the enemies, until he was totally Then he lay siege until he had killed nineteen horsemen
wounded and fell unconscious upon the ground among the and twelve foot-soldiers. Both his hands were severed, seeing
martyrs. When he regained consciousness, he heard that Imam this his mother lifted a peg of the tent and ran towards him
Husain (A.S.) was martyred and he arose in fright. They had saying, "May my parents be your ransom! Strive in the
taken away his sword, but he had a dagger with him and he way of the Household of the Prophet of Allah." Wahab
lifted it up. He fought with them for sometime until he was proceeded further so as to return her back to the tents, when
martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). His she caught hold of his shirt and said, "I shall not return back
murderers were Urwah bin Bata' Tughlabi and Zayd bin until I am killed along with you." When Imam Husain
Raqqad, while he was the last martyr (in the battle of Karbala). (A.S.) saw this he said, "May Allah reward you favourably
Sayyed ibne Tawoos, while praising him says, that he was a due to the right of my family! Return back to the ladies,
nobleman and recited Prayers abundantly. Then he fought like may Allah have mercy upon you."
a ferocious lion and remained firm until he fell down Hearing this the woman returned back and Wahab fought
(unconscious) among the martyrs. until he was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be
I, (the author) say that there is difference of opinion in the upon him). The wife of Wahab came and sat at his head and
narration of the Shi'ah and Sunni historians, traditionists and started wiping the blood from the face of her husband. When
the authors of Maqtal, regarding the sequence of the Shimr saw her, he commanded his retainer to strike her with
martyrdom of the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.), their his club. He did so and she was the first woman to attain
total number, and their Rajaz. Some of them have discussed martyrdom in the ranks of Imam Husain (A.S.) (May Allah's
the former ones in the end and the latter ones in the beginning. Mercy and Blessings be upon her).
Some have mentioned their names and Rajaz only, while still It is stated in Rawzatul Wa'ezeen and Amali of Shaikh
others have mentioned regarding the martyrdom of some and Sadooq, that formerly Wahab bin Wahab and his mother were
left some. christians, and they had accepted Islam at the hands of Imam
Till here I have relied upon the reports of the ancient Husain (A.S.). They accompanied the Imam to Karbala, and
reliable historians, thus a group of the martyrs have been left on the day of Ashoorah Wahab mounted his horse, while a peg
out, whose martyrdom have yet to be discussed. Henceforth I of the tent was in his hands. He fought until he had killed seven
discuss their martyrdom on the sequence given by Shaikh or eight men among the enemies. Then he was arrested and
Mohammad bin Ali bin Shahr Ashob, as quoted in his book taken to Umar bin Sa'ad, who ordered him to be beheaded.
Manaqib. Allamah Majlisi says, that he saw in a narration that
According to this sequence, first Hurr entered the Wahab was formerly a Christian, then he alongwith his mother
battlefield followed by Burayr bin Khuzayr, while their accepted Islam at the hands of Imam Husain (A.S.). When he
martyrdoms have already been discussed. Then Wahab bin entered the battlefield, he put to sword twenty-four footsoldiers
Abdullah bin Habbab Kalbi came out into the battlefield. His and twelve horsemen. Then he was arrested and brought to
mother too was accompanying him on that day, who told him, Umar bin Sa'ad who told him, "What a marvelous valour
"Arise O son! And defend the grandson of the Prophet of you posess." Then he ordered him to be beheaded. He was
Allah (S.A.W.)." Wahab replied, "Verily I shall not act beheaded and his head was thrown towards the tents of Imam
miserly." Thus he came out into the battlefield while saying: Husain (A.S.). His mother lifted his head up and kissed it, then
"If you do not know me, I am from Bani Kalb, very soon she threw it towards the army of Umar bin Sa'ad, which hit a
you will see me and my sword, and will behold my man and killed him. Then she lifted up a peg of the tents and
attack and influence in battle, I will seek my revenge killed two others until Imam Husain (A.S.) saw her and
after the revenge of my companions, and I will ward off said, "O mother of Wahab! Return back. You and your
grief and affliction before my grief, to fight me in the son will be along with the Prophet of Allah, while Jehad
battlefield is not a joke." is lifted off from the women."
Hearing this she returned back saying, "O Lord! Do not during battle I am a ferocious Lion, I strike my sword
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 disappoint me." Imam told her, "May your Lord not upon the head of a well-equipped man, and throw the
disappoint you, O mother of Wahab"! warrior upon the ground, and make him a morsel for the
Then Umro bin Khalid Azdi Saydawi came out into the Wolf and a lame Hyena." He continued fighting until
battlefield and told Imam Husain (A.S.), "O Aba Abdillah! I Muslim Zababi and Abdullah Bajali killed him. (May Allah's
desire to be united with your companions, and I dislike Mercy and Blessings be upon him). Muslim bin Awsaja
to see you lonely and martyred." Imam replied, "Go forth, followed him, whose martyrdom has already been discussed.
and very soon we too shall join you." Then Abdul Rahman Yaznee stepped into the battlefield
He advanced further saying: "O self! Proceed towards saying: "I am the son of Abdullah from the progeny of
the Beneficent Lord, with glad tidings of spirituality and Yazn, I am on the Religion of Husain and Hasan, I strike
sweet basil, today you shall receive favour for the virtues you with the sword of a Yemeni youth, through which I
which you had performed, which is written down upon desire the Audience of the Giver of Refuge." And then
the Tablet near the Rewarder Lord, do not fear nor be attained martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon
frightful, for every living thing will face destruction, him).
while patience has a more part in your peace, O group of After him Yahya bin Saleem Mazani came out reciting the
Azd from Bani Qahtan." Then he fought and was martyred following Rajaz: "I will strike the army with a decisive
(May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). sword, a swift sword which hastens towards the
It is narrated in Manaqib that then his son Khalid followed enemies, I am neither inefficient nor frightful, and nor
him saying: "Have patience upon the death of Bani do I fear the approaching death." And he too met with the
Qahtan, so as to acquire pleasure of the Beneficent Lord same fate (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).
of Grandeur, Glory and Demonstration, and of Qurrah bin Abi Qurrah Ghifari followed him reciting the
Eminence, Longevity and Benevolence, O dear father! following Rajaz: "The entire progeny of Ghifar rightly
You have reached Paradise in the palace of the best of knows, as also the Bani Khandaf after the progeny of
pearls." He advanced further and fought until he too was Nizar, that undoubtedly I am a Lion in the heat of the
martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). battle, and I pound and strike at the group of the
After him Sa'ad bin Hanzalah Tamimi, who was from the adulterors with the sword, in defence of the Progeny of
noblemen in the army of Imam Husain (A.S.), stepped into the the Righteous." He put to sword sixty-eight men, and was
battlefield saying: "Have patience upon the swords and killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).
spears, have patience upon it to enter Paradise, and Then Malik bin Anas Kahili stepped into the battlefield
reach the Hoor al Ein of delicasy, (like) the one who saying, "The children of Ali are adherents of Allah, while
wishes victory and success, and it is not only doubt or the children of Umayyah are adherents of shaitan." Then
guess, O self! Strive for tranquility and try to acquire he killed fourteen men, while some say that he killed eighteen
righteousness." He lay siege and attacked severely and was and was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon
ultimately martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).
him). I (the author) strongly perceive, that Malik bin Anas
Then Umayr bin Abdullah Mazhaji came out reciting the Kahili, referred to above, is none other than Anas bin Haris
following Rajaz: "The Bani Sa'ad and Mazhaj know, that Kahili, the companion (of Prophet Mohammad [s.a.w.s.]). Ibne
Aseer Jazari in Asadul Ghabah says that Anas bin Malik bin Muhajir (Abul Sha'sa Kindi), whose martyrdom we have
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 was one of the natives of Kufa. Ash'as bin Saleem relates from already discussed. Then Hajjaj bin Masrooq Jo'fi, the Muezzin
his father, who says that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) once (Prayer caller) of Imam Husain (A.S.), stepped into the
said, "This son of mine (referring to Imam Husain) battlefield saying: "Proceed forward O Husain, who are a
would be killed at a place in Iraq, then whoever remains guide and a guided one! Today you shall meet your
at that moment should assist him." Thus he was martyred Grandfather the Prophet, and your Father Ali, the
alongwith Imam Husain (A.S.). possessor of munificence, whom we recognise through
Shaikh Ibne Nima in his Museerul Ehzan says that then the Revelation." He put to sword twenty-five men and was
Anas bin Haris Kahili came into the battlefield saying: "Our killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).
clan of Kahil alongwith Dawdan knows, as also Khandaf Then Sa'eed bin Abdullah Hanafi, Habib bin Mazahir
and Qays Aylan, that my nation is in trouble, O nation! Asadi, Zuhayr bin Qayn Bajali and Nafe' bin Hilal Jamali
Turn into a ferocious Lion, and welcome the nation with attained martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon
a swift sword, the Progeny of Ali are the followers of the them). (Their martyrdom have already been discussed).
Beneficent (Lord), while the progeny of Harb, the Janadah bin Haris Ansari followed them while reciting: "I
followers of shaitan." am Janad and am the son of Haris, I am neither fearful
I (the author) say that he is referred to as Kahili because of nor impotent, until my heirs inherit from me, today my
his ancestor Kahil. In the related Ziyarate Nahiyah, it is stated body will lay upon the earth." And then he was martyred
thus: "Peace be upon Anas bin al Kahili as Asadi." Then (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). Then his son
Umro bin Muta' Jo'fi stepped out saying: "Today the striking Umro bin Janadah came out saying: "Strangle the neck of
of the sword is a pleasure for us, for the sake of Husain the son of Hind, and throw towards them this year the
the violent attack, by this means we desire success and horsemen of Muhajereen and Ansar, who had dyed their
refuge against the fire of hell, when there will be no spears in the heat of the battle against the polytheists
expectation of refuge." And he was killed (May Allah's Mercy during the days of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.), and
and Blessings be upon him). He was followed by Jaun bin today they will be dyed with the blood of the adulterors,
Malik, the freed retainer of Abu Zarr Ghifari. (Malhoof) He today they will be dyed with the blood of the base men,
(Jaun) was a black retainer. Imam Husain (A.S.) told him, who have forsaken the Qur'an in defence of evil, they
"I give you permission to leave, for you were in our have come to avenge the blood of (the battle of) Badr, for
midst in our times of happiness, then do not imprison which they have brought clear-cut swords and spears, I
yourself in our way." swear by my Lord, I will keep striking the mischievous
Jaun replied, "O son of the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.)! I people with my swift and clear-cut sword, it is rightly
have been feeding at your place during the days of incumbent upon Azdi that daily he should meet the
happiness (and security), then how can I desert you in enemy, and throw him down and attack while
hardship? By Allah! The smell of my sweat is dirty, my proceeding further." Then he fought and was killed (May
lineage low, while my colour is dark. Then permit me Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him).
Paradise, so that my smell may turn into a pleasant Therafter a youth, whose father had already been killed,
fragrance, my lineage noble and my face may be came out into the battlefield. His mother told him, "O dear
illuminated. By Allah! No, I shall not desert you until son! Step out and fight in the presence of the grandson of
this black blood of mine mixes with your pure blood." the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.)." When the youth stepped out,
Then he came out into the battlefield saying: "How do the Imam saw him and said,"The father of this youth has been
polytheists find the striking of a black sword, in defence killed, perhaps his mother would not like him to come
of the children of Mohammad (S.A.W.)? I will defend out into the battle." The youth replied, "Rather my mother
them with my words and my hands, while I desire has ordered me to do so." Then he stepped into the
Paradise on the day of Qiyamah through this." Then he battlefield reciting the following: "My Master is Husain and
was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). what a Best Master, who is the delight of the heart of the
(Malhoof) He (Jaun) killed twenty-five men and was conveyor of good deeds and a warner Prophet (S.A.W.),
martyred. Imam Husain (A.S.) came and stood near his head Ali (A.S.) is his father and Fatemah (A.S.) his mother, do
and said, "O Allah! Illuminate his face, fragrant his smell, you know anyone who is his co-equal? His countenance
include him among the devout ones and make him is like a shining star, and his forehead like a full moon
known near Your Mohammad (S.A.W.)." bright."
Imam Mohammad al Baqir (A.S.) relates that when people When he was martyred (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings
came to the plain of Karbala to bury the martyrs, they found be upon him), his head was thrown towards the tents of Imam
the corpse of Jaun after ten days from which fragrance of Husain (A.S.). His mother lifted up his head and said, "Well
Musk was emanating. Then Anees bin Ma'qal Asbahi came out done my dear son! O contentment of my heart! O
reciting: "I am Anees the son of Ma'qal, and my right coolness of my eyes"! Saying this she threw away his head
hand possesses a clear-cut sword, which I raise upon the towards a man who was killed by it. Then she lifted a peg of
heads in the heat of the battle, in defence of Husain the the tent and attacked them while saying: "I am a feeble and
honourable, endowed with distinction, the son of the old maid of my master, whose (my) house is empty and
Prophet of Allah, who is the best of all Prophets." He who has turned frail and weak, but I will strike at you
killed above twenty men and attained martyrdom (May Allah's violently, in defence of the children of the Noble Fatemah
Mercy and Blessings be upon him). He was followed by Yazeed (A.S.)." She killed two men by it, seeing this Imam called her
back and prayed for her. Ammar bin Abi Salamah Walani, (17) Mas'ood bin Hajjaj,
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 I (the author) strongly perceive that the youth was none (18) Abdullah bin Urwa Ghifari, (19) Zuhayr bin Basheer
other than the son of Muslim bin Awsaja Asadi. For the report Khas'ami, (20) Ammar bin Hissan, (21) Abdullah bin
as stated in Rawzatul Ehbab and Rawzatush Shohada, in Umayr, (22) Muslim bin Kaseer, (23) Zuhayr bin Saleem,
context of the martyrdom of the son of Muslim bin Awsaja (24) & (25) Abdullah and Ubaydullah sons of Zayd Basari,
after the martyrdom of his father, is quite similar to this. (Allah (26) Umroh, the retainer of Imam Husain (A.S.), (27) & (28)
knows best). two freed retainers of Imam Ali (A.S.), (29) Zahir Umro, the
Then a Turkish retainer of Imam Husain (A.S.), who was a Retainer of Ibne Humaq. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings
memorizer (Hafiz) of the Qur'an, stepped out while reciting the be upon them).
following Rajaz: "The ocean will set on fire due to my In my (the author's) opinion, the name of the (above
striking with the sword and spear, and the atmosphere referred) last person is quoted wrongly, while the correct one is
will become full of my shooting arrows, when the sword Zahir, the Retainer of Umro bin Humaq. Thus in the Ziyarate
comes into my right hand, the heart of the envious Nahiyah, referring to the martyrs, and the related Ziyarate
bursts." Rajabiyah (as quoted in Misbahuz Zaer), it is quoted: "Peace
He killed numerous men, and some say that he killed be upon Zahir, the Retainer of Umro bin Humaq
seventy men and then fell down from his horse. Imam Husain Khuza'i." Thus it is correct that the one referred to is the
(A.S.) came to him and wept and placed his cheek upon that of same.
his retainer. He opened his eyes and saw the face of Imam The proficient Erudite Qazi Mo'man Misri says that Umro
(A.S.) and smiled and left for the heavenly abode (May Allah's bin Humaq was among the Emigrant companions
Mercy and Blessings be upon him). (Muhajereen) of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Tabe'een
He was followed by Malik bin Dawdan, who came out for whom Paradise was proclaimed by the Prophet, and who
saying: "This stroke towards you is from Malik who is a remained (faithful) with Imam Ali (A.S.). Umro remained alive
ferocious Lion, the stroke of the one who defends the after the death of Imam Ali (A.S.). Once when Mu'awiyah
liberal and honourable people, and who desires reward pursued him, he fled away to an island, alongwith him was
from Allah, the Possessor of favour." And then attained another companion of Imam Ali (A.S.) named Zahir. Both of
martyrdom (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). them dismounted at a valley and a snake bit Umro at midnight.
Then Abu Samamah Saedi followed him while saying: When it dawned, a tumor appeared and Umro told Zahir,
"Condolence for the Progeny of Mustafa (S.A.W.) and his "Move away from me, for I have heard my friend the
daughters, due to the seige by the enemies of the son of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) saying that the genies and men
Mohammad (S.A.W.), the best of humans, condolence for will be involved in my murder, and very soon I will be
Zahra (A.S.), the daughter of the Prophet and for her killed." They were talking when suddenly they saw the necks
husband, who is a treasure of knowledge after the of horses, who were in pursuit of Umro. Umro told Zahir, "O
Prophet, condolence for the dwellers of the East and the Zahir! Hide yourself, and then when they have killed me
West, and wail for the army of Husain, the good doer, and taken away my head and left my body, you may
then who is there to reach my message to the Prophet bury me." Zahir said, "No I shall not do so, but I will fight
and his daughter, that your son is fallen in trouble." them with my arrows and when they are exhausted, I
Then he fell a martyr. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be too will be killed alongwith you." Umro replied, "Do what
upon him). I tell you to do. Allah will give you success in that." Thus
He was followed by Ibraheem bin Haseen Asadi, who was Zahir hid himself and the people came and killed him. Then
saying: "I will strike at your joints and calves with the they beheaded Umro and took his head along with them, this
sword, so that this nation spills my blood, and Abu Ishaq being the first head in Islam, which was raised on a lance.
may attain martyrdom, by the nation I mean the When they returned back, Zahir came out of his hiding and
mischievous sons of adulteress women." Then he was buried Umro, after that he remained alive until he was
killed (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). martyred along with Imam Husain (A.S.) in Karbala. [65]
Then Umro bin Qartah followed, whose martyrdom we Thus it is proved through this narration that Zahir was
have already mentioned. He was followed by Ahmed bin from among the distinguished companions of Imam Ali (A.S.).
Mohammad Hashmi, who was reciting: "Today I shall test He was equal in rank to Umro bin Humaq Khuza'i, the
my ancestry and my Religion, through my clear-cut companion of the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) and the disciple of
sword which is in my right hand, and I shall defend my Imam Ali (A.S.). He was a virtuous slave (of Allah), whom
Religion in battle with it." And was ultimately killed (May excessive worship had made old, body feeble and his colour
Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon him). pale. He had the good fortune of burying Umro, his felicity was
It is quoted in Manaqib, that the group of companions of favoured until he made assisting Imam Husain (A.S.) his
Imam Husain (A.S.) who fell martyr in the first raid were: sustenance, and attained martyrdom.
(1) Na'eem bin Ajalan, (2) Imran bin Ka'ab bin Haris And among the progeny of Zahir is Abu Ja'far Zahir bin
Ashja'ee, (3) Hanzalah bin Umro Shaybani, (4) Qasit bin Mohammad bin Sinan, who was from among the companions
Zuhayr, (5) Kinanah bin Ateeq, (6) Umro bin Mashee'ah, (7) of Imam Moosa al Kazim (A.S.), Imam Ali ar Reza (A.S.) and
Zarghamah bin Malik, (8) Amir bin Muslim, (9) Sayf bin Imam Mohammad al Jawad (A.S.). Furthermore it should be
Malik Namiri, (10) Abdul Rahman Arhabi, (11) Mujme' noted that the historians have quoted the names of some
A'ezi, (12) Habbab bin Haris, (13) Umro Janda'ee, (14) Jallas persons, who were present on the tenth of Moharram to assist
bin Umro Rasebee, (15) Sawar bin Abi Umayr Fahmi, (16) Imam Husain (A.S.), but they saved themselves and fled away.
A retainer of Abdul Rahman bin Abd Rabbah Ansari. hand of another. That day Imam told me several times, "Do
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 And as has been stated earlier that he said that, "When I saw not severe the hands of anyone, may Allah not amputate
the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) falling down I your hands! May Allah reward you due to the Progeny of
fled away (in fright) leaving them behind.”[66] your Prophet."
Marqa' bin Tamamah Asadi. Tabari and Ibne Aseer say Then when he gave me the permission, I went and
that he had spread his quiver of arrows upon the ground while brought my horse from the tent and sat on it. Then I spurned it
kneeling down, and was fighting until a group of people from until it stood on its feet and I rushed from the midst of the
his relatives came to him and offered him protection and told army. They gave me the way until I galloped away, while fifteen
him to return back to them. He returned back with them, and horsemen started pursuing me, until I reached the village of
Umar bin Sa'ad took him to the presence of Ubaydullah bin Shafiyah near the bank of Euphratus. They came near me and
Ziyad and related to him regarding him. Ubaydullah banished when I turned around, Kaseer bin Abdullah Sha'abi, Ayyub
him to Zarah. Firozabadi says that Zarah is a reed-bed and the bin Mushreh Haywani and Qays bin Abdullah Saedi
name of an area in Misr and Tarabuloos, and is also a (name of recognised me. They said, "This is Zahhak bin Abdullah
the) mountain in Bahrayn, which has a water spring. Mashriqi, our cousin. We request you in the name of
Uqbah bin Sam'an. Tabari and Ibne Aseer say that Umar Allah to lift your hands off him." Hearing this three men
bin Sa'ad arrested him and he was a servant of Rabab (A.S.), from among the Bani Tameem sided with them and others too
the wife of Imam Husain (A.S.) and daughter of Imru al Qays followed suit, thus Allah saved me.
Kalbi and mother of Sakinah (A.S.). When Umar inquired Abdullah bin Abbas rightly said, while being reprimanded
from him as to what position he held, he replied that he was a for not siding with Imam Husain (A.S.) (in Karbala), "Not a
retainer and did not have authority, thus Umar released him. single person from among the companions (to be
Zahhak bin Abdullah Mashriqi. We deem appropriate to martyred in Karbala) could be deleted nor added. We
relate about him. Loot bin Yahya Azdi says, that Abdullah bin knew them by their names even before meeting them."
Asim Hamadani has related to him that Zahhak bin Abdullah Mohammad bin Hanafiyah said, "Their [the
Mashriqi told him that: I alongwith Malik bin Nazr Arhabi companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) (in Karbala)] names
came to the presence of Imam Husain (A.S.). We saluted him along with the names of their fathers was written with
and sat near him. Imam replied our salutations, then after us. May my parents be their ransom, I wish I would
welcoming us inquired as to why we came there. We replied, have been alongwith them, I too would have reached the
"We have come here to offer salutations to you and pray great achievement."
regarding your well-being, besides renewing our sight of The noble and trustworthy Shaikh Mohammad bin Hasan
you. Besides we have come to inform you that the people Saffar Qummi, who died in Qum in the year 290 A.H., relates
of Kufa have united to fight you, thus you may take your in his book Basaerud Darajat from Huzayfa Ghifari, that when
decision." Imam replied, "Allah is sufficient and the best Imam Hasan (A.S.) entered into a peace treaty with Mu'awiyah
Judge for me." We related to him the vice of the people, then and returned back to Madina, I was along with him. A Camel
we made a farewell salute and prayed for his well-being, while laden with load was along with him every time and Imam
asking his permission to leave. Imam said, "Why do you not never let it go away from his sight. One day I inquired of him,
assist me"? Malik bin Nazr replied that, "I am under debt "May I be your ransom O Aba Muhammad! What is this
and have children", while I said that, "I am indebted too load which is never separated from you"? Imam
even while having no children, then if you promise to replied, "O Huzayfa! Do you not know what it
excuse me at the time when my defending you would not contains"? I replied in the negative. Imam Hasan (A.S.)
be beneficial to you, I shall remain with you." Imam replied, "This is a register." I asked him as to what register
replied that, "In that case you are free to do so", Thus I was it. He replied, "It is a register containing the names of
remained behind with him. our Shi'ah." I asked, "Please show me my name in it."
Thus Zahhak bin Abdullah remained along with Imam Imam told me to come the next morning. I went in the
Husain (A.S.) till the day of Ashoorah, and he has related morning accompanied by my nephew, who knew to read, while
reports from him regarding the day and night of Ashoorah. He I did not know to do so. Imam asked me as to why I had come
further says that: When I saw that all the companions of the early in the morning? I replied that I had come to see that what
Imam have been martyred, while the enemies had laid their he had promised me. Imam Hasan (A.S.) asked, "Who is this
hands upon him and his family, and no one, except Suwayd bin youth alongwith you"? I said that he was my nephew and
Umro Khas'ami and Basheer bin Umro Hazramee was there. I knew how to read, while I did not know. He signaled us to sit
came upto him and said, "O son of the Prophet of Allah! Do down. Imam ordered that the centre register be brought. The
you remember what pact was made between us, and I register was brought and when my nephew opened it to see, the
had promised that until the fighters remain with you I letters therein shone. Then while reading, he suddenly said, "O
shall fight alongwith them, if not I shall be free. And you uncle! Here is my name." I said, "May your mother
had agreed to it." Imam replied, "You have spoken the mourn you! Read my name." After scrutiny he showed me
truth, but then how will you save yourself? Then if you my name and we were overjoyed, and this youth was martyred
can do so, you are at liberty." along with Imam Husain (A.S.) in Karbala.
At the time when the horses of the companions were being Receding to the account of the condition of the
wounded, while arrows were being shot, I secretly hid my horse companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) The books of martyrdom
in one of the tents of the companions, and I defended on foot. state, that the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) started
Then I killed two persons in front of Imam and severed the coming to him one after the other and saying, "Peace be upon
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 you O son of the Prophet of
Allah"! Imam would reply to their
salutations and would say, "Very soon
we too shall follow you." Then he
recited the following verse of the
Qur'an; "Of the believers are the
men who are true to what they
covenanted with Allah, of them is
he who fulfilled his vow and of
them is he who awaits (its
fulfilment), and they have changed
not in the least."[67]
"The cup of death rotates above
them, and they have closed their
eyes against the world, similar to
an inebriate, their bodies have
reached death upon the earth in his
love, and they souls have ascended
in the curtains upon the high
heavens, then they have not
occupied a place except near their
friend, but they have not ascended
due to anxiety."
Sayyed ibne Tawoos says that the
companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) were forwarding their chests in front of the lances and their
competed with one another to sacrifice themselves for him. faces (in front) of the edge of the swords. They were offered
They were such as has been said regarding them: "They are protection and abundant wealth, but they refused to accept the
group who are called to defend at times of anxiety, and same saying, "We do not have any excuse to offer the Holy
some of the soldiers are occupied in striking with the Prophet (S.A.W.) that we remained alive while Imam
spears and some to gather the valorous, they have worn Husain (A.S.) was killed, until we all are killed."
their hearts upon their armours, as if they preceded one I (the Author) say that, The companions of our Master
another in sacrificing their lives." Imam Husain (A.S.) hold a great right upon all the Muslims. It
Shaikh Ibne Nima says regarding their valour, self-sacrifice is appropriate that here we quote a short couplet from their
and their defence (of the son of the Prophet of Allah): "When praises thus fulfilling an insignificant part of their rights, for
they lift up their whitish coloured lances and resolve they were similar to what has been said by their eulogisers.
firmly, then the Lions of the thicket flee away in fright, to [Here the author quotes two couplets, which I forego]
the name of the mill-stone of the ferocious battle are (Here ends the first volume of Nafasul Mahmoom to be
warrior weapons, when they lay siege their adversaries followed InshAllah by the second one).
are in a loss, when they dig their legs in the battlefield,
then their promised place is the day of Qiyamah." _________________________
Ibne Abil Hadeed in his Sharhe Nahjul Balagha says, that Notes
a person who was among the army of Umar bin Sa'ad in
Karbala was asked, "Woe be to you! You have murdered
[61] Surah al Qamar: 4-5.
the progeny of the Prophet of Allah"? To which he replied,
[62] Surah al Ahzab: 23
"Put stones in between your teeth (keep quite)! If you had
[63] Salatul Khawf - Daily Prayers of a person,
seen (that day) what we saw, you too would have done
which in war or similar circumstances, is offered in a
what we did. Valorous persons equipped with swords,
special and shortened way.
who were similar to the male Lions, attacked us. They
[64] Surah al Mo'min: 30 - 33.
would fling the valourous on the left and right and would
[65] The entire episode of the martyrdom of Umro
fall upon death. They would not accept protection, nor be
bin Humaq has been discussed separately in Section 9
allured by wealth. There was nothing for them except
under Chapter 2 of this book.
acquiring dominion or death. If we had held back our
[66] Refer to the entire episode in Section 18 of this
hands from them even for a short time, they would have
annihilated our entire army. What would we have done
[67] Surah al Ahzab: 23
at that moment"?
Shaikh Abu Umro Kashshi says that Habib was one of
those seventy men, who had assisted Imam Husain (A.S.). They
December 2011
By Jawad Hussain
When we hear the words of the grief stricken story of that was sent to prevent Imam a.s from traveling to Kufa. Imam
Karbala, many names come to mind, names of those who laid Hussain a.s informed Hur that the desperate Muslims of Kufa
their lives for the preservation of Islam. There are the more invited him there. Hur stood obstinate in the way and did not
prominent martyrs, such as Qasim a.s, Abbas a.s and Ali Akbar allow Imam a.s to proceed any further. When Imam a.s said
a.s. Prominent because there were the men from the family of that he would return and not go to Kufa, Hur told him that he
the Holy Prophet s.a.w and it was not entirely surprising that was to follow the Imam a.s. And so Hur and his 1000 men
they gave their lives for Islam. Then there were those friends of followed the caravan of Imam a.s to the land that was called
Imam a.s who traveled to Karbala to fight against the armies of Naynava, Mariya, Shattul Furaat, and most well known,
Yazid l.a in defense of Imam Hussain a.s. These were people Karbala. The horse of Imam Hussain a.s stopped there and
like Habib ibne Mazaher and Muslim Bin Osajah pbuta. would not go any further.
But something astounding happened on the eve of Ashura, When Imam a.s found out that the place was called
the 10th of Muharram. Here, I would like to focus briefly on Karbala, he smiled and said, "Surely this is the plain where
Hur ibne Riyahee -Yarbu'I pbuh. He was a commander in the my Holy Grandfather had prophesied that I with my
Kufa army who had intercepted the course of the Caravan of faithful companions shall lay slain after suffering three
Imam a.s and forced the caravan to stop at Karbala, the spot at days of hunger and thirst".
which Imam a.s would be martyred along with 18 Banu Imam Hussain a.s and his followers set up tents. The
Hashims. army of Hur stood vigil not far from the Imam a.s. This was on
On second Muharram when Hur's army reached the the 2nd of Muharram. In the coming days, the forces of
caravan of Imam Hussain a.s, a few miles outside of Kufa the Yazeed l.a were augmented by thousands. According to
midday sun was fierce. The men from Hurr and his horses were different historians the total force was up to one hundred
very thirsty and they requested water from Imam Hussain a.s. thousand soldiers. They cordoned the camp of Imam as. off,
Imam a.s graciously granted them water and also quenched the leaving the tired men, women, and children without water or
thirst of their horses. Nearly all the water that Imam a.s was food. Their cries of thirst echoed through the desert and these
traveling with was thus consumed. Hur was very rude to the were the cries that echoed in the head of Hur and made him
Imam a.s holding the reigns of the horse of Imam a.s he said turn towards the truth. It was a hot scorching sun, and the
When he saw the gathered armies and their intentions he gracious of hosts, said, "Hur, you are my guest. How can I let
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 thought that Imam a.s would not have been in this situation you die for me?" Hur insisted and the Imam a.s granted him
had he not curtailed the journey of Imam a.s. his wish. From that point on, Hur fought on the side of Imam
Hur threw himself at the feet of Imam Hussain a.s and Hussain a.s and was killed while trying to keep Islam in its
pleaded for forgiveness for putting the Imam and his followers purest form. When Hur died, Imam reached his body and
in fatal jeopardy. Before coming to the Imam a.s Hur had prayed to Allah s.w.t to commend this brave man who gave his
asked his slave to tie his hand with a rope, so he can approach life for Islam. The story of Hur is one of a battle between Noor
Imam a.s as a criminal. Imam Hussain a.s, being the and Zulamat and the prevalence of the power of an Islamic
supremely merciful man that he was, embraced Hur saying, conscience over a human mind.
"Hur, I forgive you, I assure that my grandfather, the Holy
Prophet also forgives you". ***
Hur then asked the Imam a.s if he would permit him to
fight the enemies of Islam and the Imam a.s, being the most
Hazrat Ali Akbar
By: aliwaley
Hazrat Ali Akbar ibn Hussain a.s was the son of Imam towards him. He stopped for a moment and asked the Imam
Hussain a.s and Umm e Laila. He was raised by Hazrat Zainab a.s why he was coming behind him. The Imam a.s replied that
a.s, the sister of Imam Hussain a.s. He was born in the month if Ali Akbar had a son, he would have surely understood why.
of Shaaban in 44AH. At the battlefield, Hazrat Ali Akbar killed many well
He was a handsome, 18 year old young man when he was known warriors and no one dared to come near him after that.
martyred in Karbala on the 10th of Muharram 61 AH. After But after that, it is reported, that someone from the enemy
he had been taught fencing and archery by his uncle, Hazrat ordered the soldiers to kill him saying: "When he dies,
Abbas ibn Ali a.s, he became a brave soldier. Hussain will not want to live. Ali Akbar is the life of
He resembled so much to the Prophet Muhammad (sawas) Hussain."
that he was given the title of "Shabeeh-e-Payambar" (The look- Hazrat Ali Akbar, alone, while fighting the many other
alike of the Prophet Pbuh). His father, Imam Hussain a.s often soldiers did not see a man, Murrah bin Munqad who secretly
said: "Whenever I remember my grandfather, I look at came and threw a spear at the chest of Ali Akbar. He then
Ali Akbar." broke the wooden part of the spear and left the blade in his
He had a beautiful voice and as Imam Hussain a.s loved chest, causing him more pain and that is when Ali Akbar fell
to hear him say Azaan, it was he who always said it. It so from his horse.
happened that on the morning of Ashura, Imam Hussain a.s Hussain ibn Ali a.s rushed to his son and Ali Akbar placed
asked Hazrat Ali Akbar to say the Azaan. Knowing that it his right hand on his wounded chest and his left arm over his
would be the last Azaan he would be hearing from Ali Akbar, father's shoulder. Imam Hussain a.s asked his son why he was
The Imam a.s began to weep while Ali Akbar was saying the embracing him with only one hand even in his last moments
Azaan. The women could also be heard crying in their tents as and Akbar remained silent.
they too knew they would never hear such a beautiful voice The Imam a.s tried to remove the hand of Ali Akbar from
again. his chest but Ali Akbar resisted. As Ali Akbar did so, the Imam
After hearing the Azaan, the Imam a.s helped his youthful a.s forcefully removed his hand from his chest and then he saw
son to mount the horse. As Ali Akbar began to ride toward the it. He saw the blade of the spear dug into the chest of Ali
battlefield, he noticed the footsteps of Imam a.s rushing Akbar. Ali Akbar took a deep sigh and laid still.
A! work by Aliwaley
younger one all the things he wished to say. Imam Hassan cloak of Hassan a.s over him. Armed him and prepared Qasim
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 a.s needed to tell Zainab a.s that these are his final moments a.s for the battlefield with his own hands. The widowed mother
here, so he called Qasim a.s to him. He put sand on the head of Qasim a.s watched this quietly. Hussain a.s helped Qasim
of Qasim a.s and told Qasim a.s to go to the house of his mount the horse and came halfway to the battlefield to see him
Aunty Zainab a.s, but he told him not wake her up and do not off to fight.Qasim a.s left with his head held high as he was
disturb her. She will get up for Tahajudd, when she does knock going to fight for the Sake of Allah swt. What conviction at
on the door. When she sees Qasim a.s with sand in his head, such a young age! Subhanallah! Mola Ali Waaris.
she will know her brother Hassan a.s is leaving, Mola Ali Qasim a.s, although was only 13 years old, had, like his
Waaris. As Zainab a.s got up and Qasim a.s heard movement cousins Aun and Muhammad, learnt fencing from Abbas ibn
he knocked on the door. Zainab a.s asked Fizza pbuh to look Ali a.s and Ali Akbar ibn Hussain a.s. Abbas a.s was very fond
and see who it could be at this time. As Fizza a.s opened the of Qasim a.s. When he came to the battlefield, he was a very
door she let out a scream as she saw the three year old Qasim handsome boy. When the enemy saw him, they began to
a.s stood there with sand on his head. Zainab a.s raced to her murmur, "How can we kill someone whose face is shining
brother, as she got there, Imam Hasan a.s covered the box in like the moon?" In a loud and clear voice, Qasim ibn Hassan
which were the pieces of his liver so as not to upset his sister. a.s introduced himself and cried out a challenge for single
Yah Hassan! Yah Ghareeb! Today you cover the box which combat.Qasim a.s launched a ferocious attack on the army of
contained the pieces of your liver, O My Imam a.s, but on the Yazid l.a. He killed several famous warriors that came forward.
10th of Muharram, your son Qasim a.s all that was left of him Every time he killed an enemy, Qasim ibn Hassan a.s
were pieces!! My Ghareeb Imam a.s, today you wish to protect would stand on his stirrups, look behind and wave to Abbas a.s,
Zainab a.s from seeing this, but all the things she will see on the just as a pupil would seek approval of his teacher on an
10th of Muharram a.s, from one Masoom to another, from Ali assignment, Abbas a.s would proudly wave back. When the
Akbar a.s to Qasim a.s, from Abbas a.s to Ali Asghar a.s, what enemy saw his bravery and realized that they could not possibly
can I say about all that Zainab a.s saw? My Imam a.s, if only I over power him in single combats, they came from behind and
was there to be a wall for Zainab a.s along with Fizza when Umar ibn Nafeel Azdee hit Qasim ibn Hassan a.s on the head
they threw stones at her and whipped her and pulled the veil with a sword. Like a coward, he hit the young Qasim from
from her head. behind! Ya Ali! Such poisonous cowards and wolves your
Umme Farwa the mother of Qasim a.s, told Qasim a.s she beautiful children and grandchildren were surrounded with!
wishes to see her son martyred before anyone. Qasim a.s was As Qasim a.s fell from the horse, he cried out, "Oh Uncle
ready. At only 13 years old, he was ready to sacrifice everything. Accept my Last Salaam!" Hussain a.s and Abbas a.s raced
He went to Imam Hussain a.s and told him, Imam Hussain a.s out to Qasim a.s, when they got to him, all that was left of
asked him how is death to him? Qasim a.s said, "For me death Qasim a.s was pieces of his body. The horses has trampled on
is sweeter than honey." Mola Ali Waaris. Imam Hussain a.s still him so much that Qasim a.s was no longer Qasim a.s, he was
would not give him permission to go, he would say that Qasim divided up into pieces. "Jab Qasim a.s ghoray par Behtay
a.s is the symbol of his brother Hassan a.s and how can he let to Qasim a.s thay...Jab Qasim a.s ghoray se girray to
the symbol of his brother be destroyed on the plains of Takseem ho chukay thay." When Qasim a.s was on the
Karbala? Qasim a.s went again and Hussain a.s looked at him horse, he was Qasim a.s, he was whole, when he fell from the
and said, 'When I wanted to see my brother, Hassan a.s, I horse, he was divided into pieces.
would look at your face. Your presence gave me support and Imam Hussain a.s took his abaa, his robe, and began to
satisfaction. How could I let you go and get killed? Besides, you pick up Qasim a.s, piece by piece and gather him in his
are so young.' robe. Imagine, what Imam Hussain a.s felt in that moment
Qasim was disappointed. He went away and sat in a seeing the young son of his brother trampled and in
corner thinking. Suddenly he remembered something. His pieces. After gathering the pieces of Qasim a.s, he tied the abaa
father, Hassan a.s, had left a will for him which was tied on to into a bundle and took Qasim a.s back to the tent. Wa Hussain!
his arm as an amulet. His father had said to him while dying: Wa Ghareeb! Wa Shaheed! For sure you are the Imam a.s, that
'When you find yourself in great distress, open this is where your strength comes from O Son of Fatima a.s...
amulet and read it.' Qasim opened the amulet and read Despite all of these atrocities, you kept Allah swt in Mind and
it. It said: 'My son ! There would come a time when my Saved Islam... Wa Hussain!
brother would be deserted by all his friends. But he My condolences to the Ahlul Bayt a.s and the Imams a.s
would be on the right path. He would be surrounded by from Ahlul Bayt a.s for the Shahadat of Qasim a.s, such
blood-thirsty enemies. I would be long gone then. When injustices to the son of Hassan a.s are hard to understand. Such
that happens, I urge you to help my brother and sacrifice a young child, defending Islam...O Imams a.s all that your
your life in my place, protecting him and his mission. family went through it hard to comprehend the injustices and
This is my last will for you.' why they were committed against your family...Only you know
Qasim was overjoyed. He had been granted the wish of his what you go through my Imams a.s, Mola Ali Waaris.
heart. He ran to his uncle with the writing. Hussain a.s read it. Oh Ahlul Bayt a.s your sacrifices will never be forgotten,
He had seen his brothers hand-writing after ten years. Hussain Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris.
a.s remembered his brother and wept. Now he had to let May Allah swt Hasten your Emergence O Imams a.s so
Qasim a.s go. He took Qasim to his own tent. He tied the that you may Avenge what was done to your Holy Household,
turban of Hassan a.s on the head of Qasim a.s and put the Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris.
by Akil Kanani
When Abbas a.s was killed, Imam Hussain a.s turned to would be interested in it and, hence, in removing it from his
see none to help him against his foes. He looked and saw how body, since he knew that he was going to be killed soon. They
his family members and companions lied slaughtered on the brought him small trousers but he was not interested in them
ground. He heard the wailing of the orphans and the cries of since they were the outfits of ignominy, so he took a worn out
the children. garment which he ripped, placing its pieces underneath his
As loud as he could, he called out, "Is there anyone clothes. Then he asked for wrapping trousers which he also
who defends the sanctity of the Messenger of Allah? Is tore then put on so that nobody would take them away from
there anyone who believes in the Unity of Allah and who his corpse.
fears Allah in our regard? Is there anyone who comes to He then ordered his infant son ['Abdullah] to be brought
our rescue and who wishes by doing so to please to him so that he would say good-bye to him. Zainab a.s
Allah?" brought him his baby son 'Abdullah as well as the mother of
The voices of the women now grew even louder as they the latter, Rubab a.s. He placed him in his lap and kept kissing
cried. Imam Sajjad a.s stood up. He was leaning on a cane him and repeating this statement: "Away with these people
and dragging a sword. He was sick and could hardly move, when your grandfather the chosen one (SAW) is their
but Hussain a.s called on his daughter Umm Kulthum a.s opponent."
saying, "Confine him so that the world may not run out Then he brought him to those folks and asked for some
of the progeny of Muhammad (S.A.W)," so she took him water for him. Harmalah Ibn Kahil al-Asadi shot the infant
back to his bed. with an arrow that slaughtered him. Hussain a.s received his
Imam Hussain a.s now ordered his dependents to be blood in his hand then threw it up towards the heavens.
silent, and he bade them farewell. He was wearing a dark silk Imam Abu Ja'far al-Baqir a.s has said, "Not a drop of it
jubba (long robe) and a florid turban with two tresses let loose fell." In this regard, the Hujjah of the Progeny of
on the sides and wrapped himself with the same burda (gown) Muhammad s.a.w, may Allah hasten his reappearance, says,
which the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be "Peace be unto 'Abdullah, the slaughtered infant, the
upon him and his progeny, used to wear, and was carrying his one shot with an arrow, the one whose blood was shed
[Prophet's] sword. in a most cruel manner and whose blood ascended to
He asked for a thawb (garment) which nobody wanted the heavens, the one slaughtered with an arrow in his
and which he put underneath his clothes so that nobody father's lap! The curse of Allah be upon the person who
As his mark showed among the victims;
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 So once she saw the arrow in his neck planted,
She wished she shared his arrow of death
In her hands she places him as she kisses his lips
And kisses a neck before her the arrow had kissed.
She brought him closer to her chest in earnest
So once she sings lullabies for him and once she to him
Son! Wake up from the slumber of death!
My breast should you suck.
Maybe my heart will then calm down...
Son! I have milk for you, and I know your thirst
So maybe I thereby quench your burning thirst.
Son! You used to entertain me in my loneliness
And my solace whenever the oppressors oppress.
So your thirst took you to drink of death,
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 As if your quenching rested in the foe's arrows.
O tears of mine, the life of my heart!
My greatest calamity that you had to depart.
I wished you would be the best to succeed
And a solace for me from their every vile deed.
Never did I think an arrow would wean,
Till my days showed him how one could be so mean.
Qamr Bani Hashim, Alamdar-e-Hussain a.s,
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 ground he walked on. In fact, it is said that he used to During the time of the Muharram Majalis, usually on the
apply to his eyes, the dust from the feet of Imam Hussain a.s. 8th of Muharram, it has become a custom to recite the events
He resented anyone taking precedence in serving Imam leading to the martyrdom of Abbas a.s. And when the Alams
Hussain a.s. It is said that once Imam Hussain a.s, while (replica of the Banner or Standard of the Holy Prophet and
present with his Holy father Ali a.s in the mosque of Kufa, felt the Holy Imams) are taken out, accompanied to the beating of
thirsty and asked for water from his servant Qumber. The child breasts and heads by the mourners, one will notice a Mashk (a
Abbas a.s leapt to his feet, and brushing aside the faithful leather water-bag), usually made of metal in remembrance of
servant, rushed to bring the water for his master himself. In the Abbas a.s who sacrificed his life trying to get water for the
hurry to carry the water as quickly as possible, he spilt it on his children of Imam Hussain a.s, who were dying of thirst.
own clothes. His illustrious father stopped in his speech and When Abbas a.s rolled down from his horse after a mortal
tears rolled down his cheeks. blow on his head, the Alam and the Mashk stayed linked
When asked by his faithful followers the reason for his together and never got separated. Hence one sees an Alam with
tears, Ali a.s uttered those prophetic words which came true a Maslik attached to it, and sometimes one also sees an arrow
some twenty years later: "Abbas who has today wetted his alongside it.
clothes with water in his zeal to quench the thirst of his A Towering personality
brother Hussain, will one day soak his very body in his Abbas a.s was a towering and handsome personality. His
on blood in attempting to quench the thirst of Imam dauntless courage, supreme confidence and unflinching loyalty
Hussain's children". earned him many titles. He was called, "Qamar-e-Bani
Pilgrimage to his Mausoleum Hashim" (Moon of the Hashimites), because of his imposing
It is almost fourteen hundred years since this tragedy appearance. His remarkable horsemanship made him "Syed-
occured at Karbala, and still tens of thousands of pilgrims keep ul-Forosan" (the chief of horsemen). His ability to lead people
going there year after year, from all parts of the Muslim world resulted in his being called "Rais-ul-Shujan" (the leader of
to pay their respects to the gallant Abul Fazl Abbas a.s (Moon the valiant), and the manner in which he sacrificed his life
of the Hashimites) at his magnificent Mausoleum. earned him the title of "Afzal-ul-Shohada" (the choicest of
They offer salutations and pray to Allah for their needs, the martyrs) and "Saqqa" (water carrier), because he sacrificed
seeking his intercession, for this is a place where so many vows his life in an effort to procure water for the children of Imam
have been fulfilled and where so many miracles have taken Hussain a.s in the tragic battle a Karbala. He fully lived up to
place. Many a devotee has willed that he be buried in this holy his name Abbas a.s, which in Arabic stands for Lion.
place and so often one sees the sight of a coffin being carried a
few times round the tomb of Abbas a.s and taken to the alloted ***
place of burial in Karbala at this wonderful shrine.
The Holy Qur'an Says: "And if you are slain in the way
of Allah or you die, certainly forgiveness from Allah and
mercy is better than what they amass." (3:157)
The Alam and its significance
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 complain for an urgent want from me to you. And so vanishing. Managing its people in one circumstance after
you found (this intense sadness) and relieved it. And so the other. He is self-conceited for who was seduced by it
you are my Master in every grace, and the ending of in greed. And who fell for its trial is wretched. Let not
every willingness.” So he (AlHussein a.s) called for his horse this world seduce you, for it will terminate the need of
and rode it, as he shouted in a very loud voice where all of those kneeling to it. And will cause misfortune to the
them can hear. "O people hear my words and do not greedy, as to whoever becomes greedy over it. I see you
become hasty so I can advise you from what is a right for all gathered over a matter, through which Allah became
you to have of me, and so I can apologize, about my angry against. And so Allah turned his blessed face away
approach towards you. And if you accept my apology from you, and made permissible His wrath over you.
and entrust my say, and gave me your half from He kept His mercy away from you, the graceful Lord is
yourselves; you will be on behalf of that happy and not our Lord, and the evil servants are you. You accepted by
have a path on me. And if you do not accept from me the obedience, and believed in the Messenger Muhammad
apology, and give me the half from yourselves. Gather pbuhap, and so then you crawled towards his offspring
your matter and all who partners with you, and then and progeny in order to kill them. Satan had surely
don't let the matter for you become grievous, pass your caught his chance by you, and made you forget the
sentence on me, and give me no respite. For my remembrance of Allah the Most Great. So Woe unto you
Protector is Allah, Who revealed the Book (from time to and what you need, we are for Allah and to Him we shall
time), and He will choose and befriend the righteous.” return. These are people who disbelieved after their
And so when the women heard him, they wailed and faith, so away with a tribe of oppressors. O people!
cried, after when their voices became loud, he(AlHussein pbuh) Understand through name of who I am and return to
called AlAbbas and Ali AlAkbar to go to them and tell them to yourselves. Be critical of it and see, is it permitted for
be quiet. So when they became quiet he (AlHussein pbuh) you to kill me? And defile my sanctity? Am I not the son
thanked Allah and extolled Him, and sent prayers upon of the Prophets' daughter and the son of his successor
Muhammad, the angels, and the Prophets. He said “On behalf and his cousin and the first believer in Allah and who
of that what can not be counted in remembrance. There entrusted His Messenger with what he came with from
has not been any speaker before him or after him more His Lord? Isn't Hamza the Master of the martyrs my
eloquent in his position. Praise due to Allah who created fathers'uncle? Isn't Ja'afar Al Tayar my uncle? Haven't
the world and made it a home of perishment and the words of the Messenger of Allah reached you about
December 2011
Haven't the words of the Messenger of Allah reached the plants began to grow and turn green? And that I am
you about me and my brother: "Those are two youths of coming towards an armed throng of soldiers?” So then
the people of heaven"?. If you entrusted with what I said they said: “WE DID NOT!” Hussein pbuh said:
and its' the truth. By Allah I don't intend to lie! Ever “Subhanallah!! By Allah you have!” AlHussein pbuh said:
since when I understood that Allah becomes angry O People! If you hate me leave me alone! I will go away
towards the people of it; as He harms whoever plots it. from you to a safe place on this earth!”
And if you accuse me to be a liar, then there is someone So then Qais son of Ash'ath said: “Will you come into
who if you ask, he will report you of me. Ask Jabbir son agreement with leadership of your cousins, for they will
of Abdullah AlAnsary, Aba Sa'eed Al Khuthri, Sahal Ibn show you only what you will love! And not even what you
Sa'ad AlSa'edi, Zaid Ibn Arqam, and Anas Ibn Malek. hate shall reach you!” So AlHussein pbuh said: “You are
They will tell you that they've heard about this report the brother of your own brother. Do you want Banu
from the Messenger of Allah about me and my brother. Hashem to demand more than the blood of Muslim son
Is that not a barrier between you and I, on shedding my of Aqeel? By Allah!! I will not give my hand to them like
blood? So Shimmir replied: He surely worshipped Allah a subservient giver, and I shall not flee like the fleeing of
with a letter, if he knew what you were saying. And so slaves. O servants of Allah, I seek refuge to my Lord and
Habeeb son of Muthaaher(r.a)said: By Allah I see you your Lord for you to even stone me. I seek refuge to my
worship Allah with 70 letters, and I witness that you are Lord and your Lord from every boastful arrogant, that
right that you do not know what he is saying. Allah has does not believe in the Day of Reckoning!”
sealed your heart! So AlHussein pbuh said: If you are in
doubt from this say, do you doubt that I am the son of ***
your Prophets' daughter? By Allah there isn't from the
East nor the West, a son of a Prophets' daughter in
between all of you. Woe onto you, do you demand
someone I killed or money that I have stolen? Or a Law
of Equality (Qisas)? So they decided to ignore him
(Hussein pbuh). But he called: O Shabbath son of Ribi'! O
Hajar son of Abjir ! O Qais son of Ash'ath and O Zaid son
of Harith! Didn't you write for me to come to you, that
By: Akil Kanani
It was after Asr on the day of Ashura. Imam Hussain carrying so much grief in her heart, is a lesson in Islamic ethics
(pbuh) lay dead. The earth had trembled! Furaat had broken which the world should never be allowed to forget. When
its banks! From the camp of the family of the Holy Prophet Zainab pbuh saw the bread and water she cried.
(pbuhahf) such lamentation arose as had never been heard "Imam Hussain a.s and his brave soldiers had died
before! hungry and thirsty, and now the same people who
'Umar son of Saad' received a letter from 'Ubayd Allah martyred them were bringing bread and water to their
son of Ziyad'. The Governor of Kufa instructed that they widows and orphans." She looked at the sky and prayed to
should not be satisfied with the death of Imam Hussain (pbuh). God to give her courage. Zainab pbuh remembered the words
His body must be subjected to the ultimate insult of being of her brother to give water first to Sakina pbuh. Zainab pbuh
trampled by the hooves of horses. And this was done to the took the jug of water. She went to Sakina pbuh who had fallen
Grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuhahf)! into a fretful sleep.
As the sun was setting in the horizon, the soldiers rushed to Gently she stroked the disheveled hair of the little girl.
the camp of Imam Hussain pbuh in search of booty. They Sakina opened her eyes. Zainab pbuh said, "Here is some
looted every tent. Every lady and every girl was stripped of her water, Sakina. Please drink a little. You have been thirsty
veil. The daughters of Fatima a.s were left bareheaded. The for so long!" On hearing the word 'water' Sakina cried out
ear-rings that were given to Sakina a.s that were given to her hopefully, "Has my uncle Abbas come back?" When she
from her father, were pulled from her ears, splitting her ear was told that the widow of Hurr had brought the water, she got
lobes. When the little girl pleaded for her veil to be left up, went to the widow of Hurr, thanked her and then asked
untouched, she was slapped. Zainab: "Have you all drunk water?" Zainab shook her
Surely they would stop now? But they did not. They set head as no. Sakina asked, "Why then do you ask me to
fire to all the tents. Zainab pbuh was very distressed. She drink water?" Zainab said, "Because, my dear, you are
turned to Imam Zainul Abideen pbuh and said "You are our the youngest." Sakina replied, "No! No! Ali Asgher is the
Imam now. Tell us what we should do now, should we youngest!" Sakina took the jug of water, ran towards where Ali
stay in our tents and burn, or go out without our veils?" Asgher lay buried, crying "Wa Asghera! Wa Asghera!"
Imam Zainul Abideen pbuh told her that it was their religious This was how the homeless spent their night in Karbala.
duty to try and save their lives. Zainab pbuh gathered everyone They had lost everything. Their men had died. Their children
and waited outside while their tents burnt down. When the fire had been martyred. In this desolate desert fourth Imam, the
was out, they took shelter under one of the tents which had not women and the remaining children are huddled where only a
been completely destroyed. few hours before had stood their camp. Abbas, Qasim and Ali
'Humayd son of Muslim' describes how he saw a little girl Akbar had taken turns to guard the camp. Now Zainab and
with her dress on fire, her ears bleeding, running from the scene Kulthoom lay awake to make sure that Imam Zainul Abideen
of carnage. He tried to put out the fire on her dress, but she pbuh and the children were not attacked.
told him "Don't you dare touch me! I am from Ahlul Bayt Suddenly, Zainab pbuh notices that Sakina pbuh has
a.s!" She looked at me and said, "You seem like a kind disappeared. She is alarmed. She looks around but Hussain's
person, are you a Muslim?" I told her I was. She thought a darling daughter is not to be seen. Zainab pbuh slowly walks to
while and then said, "Can you please show me the way to the battlefield. She comes to where Abbas pbuh lay. "Abbas!
Najaf?" I asked, "Why do you want to go to Najaf at this Abbas! My dear brother, have you seen Sakina?" There is
hour and in this state?" She said, "I want to go and silence! She makes her way to where the headless body of
complain to my Grandfather 'Ali son of Abu Talib' about Hussain pbuh lay. There, hugging her father, she finds Sakina,
how they killed my father." Realizing that she was the deep in sleep!
daughter of Hussain pbuh, I took her back to her aunt Zainab Attention of Zainab pbuh towards Imam Zainul
pbuh. Abideen pbuh during the Journey:
As the night descended, Zainab pbuh gathered all the Imam Sajjad a.s The night of calamity passed away and
ladies and children, into one small space in between the gutted the ladies of the household of Imam Hussain a.s were made
tents. Imam Zainul Abideen pbuh lay on the ground captives the next day. They were made to wait in the hot sun
surrounded by these widows and orphans. There was no fire, while the enemy spent the rest of the day burying their own
no light. Only the moon cast its dull light. dead. They were made to mount saddle-less camels like
'Umar son of Saad' asked the widow of Hurr to take some common criminals. Imam Zainul Abideen pbuh was sent
food and water to the ladies and the children. As she neared to towards Kufa, hands and feet clasped together in iron and
where they were resting, Zainab pbuh recognized her. She wearing a barbed iron collar and made to walk barefoot on the
stood up, went towards the widow of Hurr and offered her hot desert sand, even though he was sick. The caravan passed
condolences for the death of Hurr. This gesture on the part of through the battlefield where the bodies of the martyrs lay
Zainab pbuh, who had suffered so much, lost so many, and without shroud, mixed in dust and blood. It was here that
Imam Zainul Abideen pbuh would have died of grief. He killed the Prophet's loved ones, the skies cried and the
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 turned a pale yellow. Zainab pbuh consoled her nephew, "Be earth shook. Where were you then?" There was complete
patient! What am I witnessing? You are the Imam of the silence in the crowd. Some of the people realized their mistake
time." She reminded him of the tradition of Holy Prophet and started to cry with shame. When 'Umar son of Saad' saw
pbuhahf to Umm-e-Aiman which had explained the divine what was happening he quickly led the prisoners into the
covenant. palace.
At the front of the caravan the guards carried spears with When Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad saw Imam Zainul
the heads of Imam Hussain pbuh and his loved ones. The Abideen pbuh in the palace he ordered him to be killed straight
guards beat the prisoners, if they complained of anything. away. Zainab pbuh ran in front of him and said "You will have
They did not even spare the youngest. Some children died to kill me first. How dare you sit on this throne which does not
along the way, and their bodies were left in the desert. By the rightfully belong to you and insult us? Listen, O son of Ziyad
time they reached Kufa they were bruised all over their bodies. we are the Grandchildren of the Prophet, you should be
When Zainab pbuh saw Kufa, she remembered the period of ashamed of yourself. You claim to follow the Prophet's
her father. teachings, yet you have done everything to destroy his family."
The caravan reached the court of Ubayd Allah son of Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad was surprised at how brave this lady
Ziyad on the 12th of Muharram 61 Hijra. Ubayd Allah son of was. He thought that after all that they had suffered, they
Ziyad, the governor of Kufa ordered the streets to be would not have the strength to face him.
decorated, while there was a huge crowd on the streets of Kufa, More and more people started to realize that what Zainab
jeering and making fun of the prisoners. There was commotion pbuh was saying was true. Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad ordered
in the court of Kufa due to the oration of Zainab pbuh. The the prisoners to be taken to the prison next to the palace
speeches of Zainab pbuh where she commented on the immediately. He told Shimr and Khooli, who were the leaders
faithlessness and cowardice of the Kufees made them cover of this caravan, to make preparations to take the prisoners to
their faces in their clothes in shame and misery. Syria (Damascus) before they had a chance to speak out in
But when some of the people saw the head of Imam public again.
Hussain pbuh on the spear they turned their heads and started The caravan of Zainab pbuh left for Syria on the 13th of
to cry. They felt guilty that they allowed this to happen to Muharram. Along the route, there were several altercations
Imam Hussain pbuh when this same Imam was ready to help between the forces of Yazid and the supporters of Ahlul Bayt
them when they needed him. It was noon and the sun was a.s. As the caravan was leaving Kufa, people watched from the
blazing hot. The children were crying of hunger and thirst. As rooftops. Zainab pbuh and other prisoners continued to tell the
the caravan reached the palace of the Governor, Zainab pbuh people about what had happened in Karbala. Many people
faced the crowds and said "Do you know who your started to speak out against Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad. On the
governor has killed? We are the Grandchildren of your journey the prisoners again suffered in the hands of the guards.
Prophet Muhammad pbuhahf. When your Governor When the caravan reached Syria, the prisoners had to wait in
the hot sun while
Shimr went to
the palace of
Yazid to
announce their
arrival. Yazid
had declared
that day as a day
of celebration.
Every corner of
the city was
Zainab a.s The Symbol of a Patient
Woman in Karbala
By Fekrenoo
To see the trees of truth bloom and the world be rid of insisted Imam al-Hussain a.s to swear an oath of allegiance to
gloom, If there is one thing the entire universe shares It is the him. When Imam a.s refused, this led to the tragedy of
life of Zainab a.s to read and care. Dreams and hopes will Karbala where Imam al-Hussain a.s together with the
come true When Zainab and her goals a.s are understood. members of his family and companions was brutally killed. His
Inside us is the warmth of the love of Allah swt when we think womenfolk and children were taken as captives and paraded on
of Zainab a.s "The Patient Princess" That is why the Ahlul the streets of Kufa and Damascus and finally imprisoned for a
Bayt a.s of RasulAllah are the light of saviors here and after year. Zainab a.s was part of this episode and all the time
this life. The history of Karbala is based on two pillars: The endured the hardships and difficulties. More so, she vowed to
rising of Imam al Hussain a.s and the rising of Zainab a.s. She continue with the mission of her brother and spoke eloquently
was an outstanding figure in the history of Karbala, endowed against the despotic regime of Yazeed wherever she found an
with divine steadfastness and fortitude. She sacrificed her two opportunity to address the Muslims.
sons Aun a.s and Muhammad a.s while fighting against HER SERMON IN KUFA
despotism and upholding the importance of justice, freedom, When Zainab a.s reached Kufa, she addressed people with
humanity and virtues in human society. After the martyrdom of fury words:
her beloved brother and her two sons, she knelt down before "Praise to Allah, and may the blessing of Allah be
the Master of the Universe, on the soil of Karbala and said, upon Muhammad and his progeny. O people of Kufa!
"O my Lord! Accept our humble sacrifice to You". You are hypocrites and deceitful. You feign to be sorry for
After the demise of the Holy Prophet s.a.w there came the the death of my brother and his companions. May you
period of distress and hardship in the life of Zainab a.s. She always shed tears. I find nothing in you but flattery, evil
stood by her mother as far as the question of supreme mandate acts and thoughts, pride and spite and ill will. By Allah!
of her father was concerned. When her mother delivered the You deserve lasting sorrow instead of joy. Shame on you,
Fadak sermon, she was only 4 years old, but narrated the your hands is imbrued with the blood of the son of the
sermon so lucidly and expressively that the people of Banu Holy Prophet, the one who was your sole refuge in case
Hashim remembered it by heart. Later, it is recorded in Shia of adversity. By your evil act and disloyalty, you
history and that is why she is known as Zaynab, the narrator of incurred the wrath of Allah against you. Woe betides you!
traditions. After the martyrdom of her mother, Zainab a.s No one will intercede with Allah for you".
suffered many calamities. She saw the evildoers, oppressors, Her furious words provoked people of Kufa to avenge the
insurgents and breakers of covenants defy the truth during the martyrdom of Imam al-Hussain a.s, which frightened Ibn
reign of her father. Finally, Imam Ali (a.s) was struck with a Ziyad and his cruel agents. She also delivered a furious sermon
sword on his head in the mosque of Kufa, which took his life. in the court of Yazeed that made his authority and despotic
Then she saw her brother al-Hassan a.s being forced to sign a rule feel undermined. She said: "I fear no one but Allah.
peace treaty and eventually poisoned by his treacherous wife by Make whatever evil plot you can. Blazes are waiting for
the order of Mu'awiyah. After al-Hassan (a.s), al-Hussain (a.s) you in the hereafter. You will be accountable to Allah for
became the Imam, but the ruler of Syria violated the peace your atrocities".
treaty and appointed his son Yazeed as his successor who
Seyyedah Zainab a.s
By Dr . Hasan Najafi
In you a world is born, As the blood of martyrs to the sight you brought.
Messenger of resistance is born. The populous Damascus sunk in the brine (sea) of
A diver in the flood of blood is born, tears
After Karbala, a new Karbala is born. The streets there in your words to Ali and Zahra still
In the ocean of blood a navigator is born. hears.
Decked are the lanes, streets, squares of Damascus, The Prophet you represented with pride and power,
Under the curious gaze you will have to pass. The tyrant saddled with shame and fear.
The ignorant eye, the strayed mind will learn The arid desert of unbelief distant with alarm
From you to turn from hell to heaven. You turned it into vivid Islam full of charm.
As you will pass from the streets The balm of breeze filled calm into the air,
Guidance to the masses greets. You stood and stand high taking our care.
The forgotten Prophet will be recalled By your hands the drum of God beaten
The truth in your words will be appalled. By your permission will opened the door of heaven.
Zahra; you will recall to the people, You neither a Prophet nor an Imam
Ali; you will remind to the people, But you to all stand a standard of norm.
The discarded Message of God in a purple You are the pride of Islam and Islam proud of you;
You put, in the court of Yazid and present to people. On the day of Judgement destinies depend on you.
How pleasing and pleasant its appearance! In your custody is deposited the martyrs' blood,
And how amazing your endurance and patience! Noah forgets his Ark before its astonishing flood.
Every down up and every up turns down In your voice all the prophets will demand
As you will move from town to town The tyrants where will hide from your command.
You are a queen, blood of the martyrs your crown, The amputated heads from your lap speak;
With you moves the Message and at you it is grown. From beyond centuries echoes the squeak.
Where you be there the winds of truth are blown. Long live your memory, O, Lady!
You are Karbala's mirror, in it the Qur'an is shown. Of diurnal (everlasting) odor is your lily.
Your Mother behind the burning door, you witnessed;
Hassan, your brother, vomited liver, you witnessed,
Hussain, your brother, in Karbala, you witnessed.
From childhood you acquainted with gloom,
Amidst the gloom your years attained bloom.
Bruited the message of blood far and wide
Brume (mist) of blood vapoured, you were the guide.
You divaricated (torn asunder) the tyranny in its
By: aliwaley
December 2011
The questions and issues surrounding the martyrdom of asked: "Who then, O my father, would remember and cry
Imam Hussain a.s and the tragedy of Karbala arise in the over my Hussain, each year in every century?"
minds of every other Muslim such as 'What do we To this, the Prophet (pbuhahf) replied: "The men and the
understand from the tragic incident of Karbala?" "What women of a particular group of my followers, who will
message did Imam Hussain a.s try to spread while befriend my Ahlul-Bayt (a.s), will mourn for Hussain
shedding his blood in Karbala?" "Why do we (a.s) and commemorate his martyrdom each year in
commemorate this month of grief?" every century."
The Muharram period is time to revive and renew the Imam Hussain (a.s) for the sake of keeping alive Islam and
spirit of Islam in our hearts while remembering our pledge to all humanitarian values refused to bow in front of tyranny and
the grandson of Muhammad (pbuhahf). A pledge to fully the inhuman nature of Yazid (l.a) and valiantly courted the
understand the message of this most significant event in history. most heartrending tragedy of history in the year 61 AH.
The message my friends, is the message of faith in one God Our beloved Prophet (pbuhahf) has said about his
and the continuation of regular prayer and Submission to this grandson: "Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain."
One God. Our beloved Imam (a.s) spread this message through He (pbuhahf) has also said about his two grandsons:
a battle. The battle between justice and falsehood, freedom "Hassan and Hussain are the leaders of the youth of
and slavery, humanity and oppression, between those who are paradise."
really alive and between those whose conscience is dead, These two ahadith of the Prophet (pbuh) reveal to us the
although they do not perceive. importance of Imam Hussain (a.s) and highlights the value and
When Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf) informed Lady superiority of Imam Hussain (a.s) as the leader of paradise.
Fatima (a.s) of the martyrdom of her son, Hussain (a.s), she Thus, explaining to us the fact that the martyrdom of Imam
burst into tears and asked her father: "O my father! When Hussain (a.s) was a great loss to the Muslims.
would be my son martyred? " The messenger of Allah
(pbuhahf) replied: "At such a critical moment when Imam Ali (a.s) said:
neither I nor you, nor Ali would be alive." She (a.s) then Surely Allah has chosen for us followers (Shiites),
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 who assist us and are happy at our happiness and (pbuhahf), but it was the brave stand of the Prophet (pbuhahf)
are sad in our sadness. that saved Islam and the teachings of the Prophet (pbuhahf),
Ghurar al-Hikam Vol 1 pg 235. and exposed his killers as the most accursed and condemned
people in the history of humanity. So these are the reasons that
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said: the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s) continues to be a
Surely, there exists in the hearts of the Mu' mineen, commemorated with mourning ceremonies.
with respect to the martyrdom of Hussain (a.s), a heat The meaning of 'azadari' is so deep and the implications
that never subsides. and conclusions are so far-reaching. It is for this reason that the
Mustadrak al-Wasail, Vol 10 pg 318 foundation and essence of Karbala must be relayed to the next
generation of Muslims and to the masses. And by the prayers of
These and other sayings of Imams (a.s) like them Lady Fatima (a.s) this remembrance of Imam Hussain (a.s) will
encourage the youth of today to remember the martyrs who continue until the end of time.
have saved the living from becoming conscientiously dead. So
the Muslims even today commemorate this month by renewing ***
their allegiance to the ideals of Imam Hussain (a.s), the
grandson of the last Messenger of Allah (swt) All Mighty to
By killing Imam Hussain (a.s) and his family, the tyrants
and oppressors wanted to obliterate the religion Islam, the book
of Prophet (pbuhahf), Quran and the teachings of the Prophet
only ready to fight, but
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 to kill. Denied even water for the children, they "Hussain (A.S.) fell, pierced by an arrow, and his
remained parched under the brave followers were cut down beside him to the last
burning sun and scorching sands, yet not one man. Muhammadan tradition, which with rare
faltered for a moment. Husain exceptions is uniformly hostile to the Umayyad dynasty,
marched with his little company, not to glory, not to regards Hussain (A.S.) as a martyr and Yazid as his
power of wealth, but to murderer."
a supreme sacrifice, and every member bravely [A Literary History of the Arabs, Cambridge, 1930, p197]
faced the greatest odds
without flinching." Rabindranath Tagore
"In order to keep alive justice and truth, instead of
Ignaz Goldziher (Hungarian orientalist): ".Weeping and an army or weapons, success can be achieved by
lamentation over sacrificing lives, exactly what Imam Hussain (A.S.) did
the evils and persecutions suffered by the 'Alid
family, and mourning for its Dr. Rajendra Prasad
martyrs: these are things from which loyal "The sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A.S.) is not limited
supporters of the cause cannot to one country, or nation, but it is the hereditary state of
cease. 'More touching than the tears of the Shi'is' has the brotherhood of all mankind."
even become an
Arabic proverb." (Introduction to Islamic Theology Dr. Radha Krishnan
and Law, Princeton, 1981, p.179) "Though Imam Hussain (A.S.) gave his life almost
1300 years ago, but his indestructible soul rules the
Edward G. Brown (Professor at the University of hearts of people even today."
Cambridge): ".a reminder of
that blood-stained field of Karbala, where the Swami Shankaracharya
grandson of the Apostle of "It is Hussain's (A.S.) sacrifice that has kept Islam
God fell, at length, tortured by thirst, and surround alive or else in this world there would be no one left to
by the bodies of his take Islam's name."
murdered kinsmen, has been at anytime since then,
sufficient to evoke, even Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
in the most lukewarm and the heedless, the deepest "I congratulate Muslims that from among them,
emotion, the most Hussain (A.S.), a great human being was born, who is
frantic grief, and an exaltation of spirit before which revered and honored totally by all communities"
pain, danger, and death
shrink to unconsidered trifles." (A Literary History
of Persia, London, 1919, p.227)
By: Aunslaught_ihd
December 2011
Bismillah Hir Rahman Irr Rahim Karbala. What do we learn from this great story? What did our
Allahuma Swalle Alaa Muhammad Wa Aal-e- Imam teach us by the Great Sacrifice?
Muhammad, Al Aimatan Wal Mahdiyeena Wa Sallima Indeed the banner of the Supremacy of Allah was held up
Tasleeman Katheera high by the Event of Karbala and the fragrance of the blood of
Hussain (a.s) has borne witness to this Divine Banner. The
The Tragedy of Karbala is undeniably the story that pulls rejection of the supremacy of people, be they the evil scholars
the hearts and moves every true human being that Allah (s.w.r) like Shimr Ibn-e-Jawshan, or be they the evil tyrants at the seat
has created. One who holds justice and has even the slightest of power, like Yazid Ibn-e-Muwaviyah (Curses of Allah be on
tenderness in their heart cannot hear the story being recited this soul), Hussain (a.s) has taught us to never accept oppression
without feeling grief due to the sacrifice of Imam Hussain Ibn- and to die for the Supremacy of God rather than live under the
e-Ali (a.s). Imam Hussain Ibn-e-Ali (a.s) is the Spiritual Warrior supremacy of creation.
who sacrificed all he had for the sake of Allah. The son of Bibi The extent of the injustice done to our Imam (a.s) and the
Fatima (s.a) went through pain for the sake of his Lord that pure family of the Imam (a.s) will be understood to a greater
cannot be imagined. The pure soul who had reached the extent after the value of justice is perceived through this
maximum of love for Allah's sake towards the members of his beautiful and heart-wrenching story of the Prophet of Allah,
family proved that his love was for the sake of Allah, by Muhammad-e-Mustafa (peace of Allah be upon him and his
sacrificing his beloved family entirely to Allah (swt), the Creator family) in the last days he spent before his pure Shahadat:
of his family. For upholding the Supremacy of Allah and The illness of the Holy Prophet (s) intensified and His
denying the supremacy of people, Maula Hussain (a.s) shed his Eminence was in severe pain so he called Fadl Ibn Abbas and
blood on the sands of Karbala along with the blood of his said, "O Fadl! Hold my hand."
loved ones, and not only that, but the women of the most Fadl held his hand and assisted him to mount the pulpit.
honourable man's (Imam Hussain a.s) family were persecuted in The Prophet told Fadl to summon people for congregation
this way by the enemies. prayers; Fadl announced this matter and people gathered.
Curses be on the devils in the shape of men who After that the Holy Prophet (s) said, "O People! My going
committed the crime of harming Muhammad wa Aal-e- away from you is near. And you would not see me
Muhammad (a.s) at Karbala, of harming Hussain a.s at among yourself at this place and in my place and I see
that except for this if there is nothing for me. Thus if
there is anyone whose back I have hit, this is my Suwadeh took the whip and came to the Holy Prophet (s)
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 back, here you may take revenge for it. And if I have while Muslims watched this terrible scene in horror, because
taken anyone's money, this is my money. He may come the Holy Prophet (s) was in terrible pain due to the severity of
and take it. And if I have harmed the reputation of his illness. He was in terrible pain while he was himself
anyone, I say that he may come and take revenge for it allowing retaliation. Suwadeh stood up near the Holy Prophet
and none should say that he or she is scared that the (s) and said, "Expose your belly for me."
Holy Prophet (s) may have malice for me, as to have The Messenger of Allah (s) exposed his belly and Suwadeh
malice for anyone does not befit me and neither is it said in a soft and sorrowful tone, "O Messenger of Allah (s)
from my manners and the best of you in my view is one do you allow me to put my face to your belly?"
who has some right upon me and he takes it from me The Messenger of Allah (s) gave him the permission and
and after that he forgives me so that when I meet my he took his face to the Prophet's belly and kissed it while tears
Creator I am not having anything upon my neck." were flowing on his cheeks and he said, "Instead of revenge I
By this command the Holy Prophet (s) explained justice seek refuge from the Prophet against the Fire of Hell."
and truth that no reformer in the world had ever done before The Messenger of Allah (s) told him, "O Suwadeh! Do you
because to give retaliation oneself so that one may leave the forgive me or you want to take your revenge?" Suwadeh
world in a way when one is not having anyone's right or said, "O Messenger of Allah (s)! Indeed I forgive." The
consequences upon oneself. So a person came forward and Prophet raised his hands and said, "O Allah! Forgive
said, "O The Messenger of Allah (s)! My three dirhams Suwadeh like he has forgiven Your Prophet."[2]
are with you." His Eminence said, "Though I am not Muslims were astonished and they were lost in the waves of
falsifying you or asking you to swear for it, but tell me contemplation. They had become certain that death was
how you got three dirhams on me?" The man said, "Don't imminent, because the life of their Prophet was at its end and
you recall that a beggar came begging to you and you except for some moments nothing else remained.
told me to pay three dirhams from my pocket and I gave ________________________________________
him?" [1] Al Bidayah wan Nihayah 5/231
His Eminence ordered Fadl to return his money and after [2] Biharul Anwar Vol. 22/508-509
that the Messenger of Allah (s) proceeded with this discourse
and said. "O people, if anyone of you are having This is the level of justice these Holy figures, who never
concealed wealth he or she may return it." So a man stood wronged any soul, implemented. Now imagine the level of
up towards His Eminence and said, "O Messenger of Allah injustice that they tolerated for the sake of Allah, to proclaim
(s)! I am having three dirhams that I had concealed with His Supremacy.
me and I did not spend them on the way of Allah." His Hussain (a.s) and his family and friends went for 3 days
Eminence asked, "Why have you kept them concealed?" "I without food or water. On the day of Ashura, the 10th of
needed them," he replied. Muharram, Hussain Ibn-e-Ali (a.s) sacrificed his closest friends,
The Messenger of Allah (s) told Fadl to take the money sacrificed his sons, sacrificed his brother and sacrificed himself.
and he took it and after that His Eminence continued his His son, of 6 months, Ali Asghar a.s was denied water and was
discourse and said, "O People, if anyone of you feels shot on the neck and was martyred thirsty. The daughter of
anything, he may stand up so that I may pray for him Imam Hussain (a.s), Bibi Sakina (s.a) was smacked across the
from the Almighty." face by the beast who killed her father. Her earrings pulled off
A man stood up and told His Eminence, "O Messenger her ears. Such a tragedy has never been experienced, nor
of Allah (s)! I am a hypocrite and a liar, can I be imagined, and Hussain's (a.s) message is a Divine one, since it
reformed?" Umar chastised him and said, "Woe be unto shows the importance of denying the supremacy of people and
you, O man! The Almighty has concealed you, why are establishing the Supremacy of Allah.
you revealing yourself?" The Holy Prophet (s) told him, "O Labbayk Ya Maula (a.s).
son of Khattab! Keep quiet, as the humiliation of the
world is better than humiliation of the Hereafter." Then The Ansar are Insha'Allah at your (a.s) service.
he prayed for man, "O Allah, grant him truth and faith and
remove evils from him."[1] The Message of Karbala is without a doubt, as told to us
A man known by the name of Suwadeh bin Quays turned by the Yamani (a.s), Accepting the Supremacy of Allah and
to the Holy Prophet (s) at the end of the meeting and said, "O rejecting the supremacy of people, may the Ansar do so with
Messenger of Allah (s)! You had hit my stomach with a every fibre of their being in this blessed month of Muharram
whip and I would like to take revenge for it." and shed tears of blood on the tragedy of the grandson of the
The Holy Prophet (s) commanded Bilal to get a whip so Prophet of Allah (pbuh). The Sermon delivered by Bibi Zainab
that Suwadeh may take his revenge. Bilal was shocked, and he Bint-e-Ali (s.a) at the palace of the accursed Yazid (l.a) also
went to the lanes of Yathrib and yelled, "O people, allow proclaims this Divine Message. Each word of her speech and
retaliation to be taken from you in this world this is the each drop of Hussain's (a.s) blood says this, thus may we truly
Messenger of Allah (s) who is himself allowing realize it and base our lives entirely upon it, Insha'Allah.
retaliation to be taken from him." Here are the words of the Yamani Ahmad Al Hassan (a.s)
Bilal went to the Prophet's house and took a whip and in the Sermon of Muharram, showing us what Imam Hussain
returned to the Prophet. He told him to give it to Suwadeh so Ibn-e-Ali (a.s) presented in Karbala.
that he may take his revenge.
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 "What has Al-Hussain (a.s) presented in Karbala to prove Yamani29 and Al-Qaim30 of Al-Muhammad (a.s) not
himself the enough? Is the
knowledge or wisdom not enough? Isn't it enough that he is
the only one
Khalifah of Allah (s.w.t) in His land? Oh People have you among all people of earth raising the banner of the
asked yourselves Supremacy of Allah?
this question before you blindly follow the Clerics of Isn't it enough that he is the only one a sign as clear as the
Misguidance with no sun from Allah
consideration or pondering? What has (s.w.t) ?
Al-Hussein (a.s) presented in Karbala? He presented the After the Clerics of Misguidance had approved the banner
will of the of the
messenger of Allah Muhammad (s.a.w.s) , which is in his Supremacy of People and abandoned the banner of the
father Ali (a.s) , his Supremacy of
brother Al Hassan , himself and his sons . He exhibited his Allah there was no one left to raise the banner of the
knowledge and presented the banner of the Supremacy of Supremacy of Allah
Allah (s.w.t) other than the Man of Truth. This individuality expels any
which he alone carried in opposition to the banner of the doubt or
Supremacy of suspicion for the truth seeker as the earth is never free of
People, the banner carried by the opposing line which Truth and Truth
opposed his lies in the Supremacy of Allah.
grandfather, his father and his brother t before. Haven't we presented today what Al-Hussain (a.s)
What else has Al-Hussain (a.s) presented? He presented presented in
the visions26 Karbala from visions and revelations as proof in identifying
of his holy family and his companions and their the Man of
revelations27. He presented Truth? Is the recurrence of thousands of visions for people
the vision of Wahab Al-Nasrani who saw Jesus (a.s) urging from different
him to follow and countries not enough, visions showing the prophets,
support Al-Hussain (a.s) . He presented the revelation of successors,
Al-Horr Al-Reyahi Muhammad and his progeny (s.a.w.s) urging people to
who heard a voice promising him paradise as he departed support the Man of
Al-Kufa. Truth Al-Yamani and Al-Qaim of Ahl Al-Bayt (a.s) ? Is the
Oh people what have we brought to you today? Have we recurrence of
brought visions seen by the men and women who believe in Allah and
you an invented doctrine which wasn't brought by the in Judgment
prophets, Day not enough?
successors, Messenger of Allah Muhammad (a.s) , Ali Oh People could it be that you handed leadership over to
(a.s) , satanic
Al-Hassan (a.s) , Al-Hussain (a.s) or the Imams from the monsters such that when they mock and belittle visions and
offspring of Al- revelations
Hussain (a.s)?` calling them dreams you follow them without paying
(Say, "I am no invented doctrine among the messengers."]28 attention to the fact
Or have we brought what they brought? We have come to that the revelations and the visions are the words and
you with inspiration of Allah (a.s)
their proofs, proofs as clear as the sun for whoever is to His worshippers?"
requesting to know
the truth. Is the will of the prophet Muhammad Iltimaas-e-Dua
(s.a.w.s) which is the preserved Allahuma Swalle Alaa Muhammad wa Aal-e-
treasure of Muhammad and his progeny (a.s) to the Man of Muhammad, Al Aimatan Wal Mahdiyeena Wa Sallim
Truth Al- Tasleeman Katheera
Imam Hussain a.s
Views of Non Muslims
By Compiled on
place by chance. It was rather a movement for the revival result of the supreme sacrifice of Hussain (A), the great
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 of Islam. Imam Hussain (A) declared his noble mission right saint."
from the day one.
Nehru considered Karbala to represent humanities
Antoine Bara (Lebanese writer) writes: strength and determination. He writes:
"No battle in the modern and past history of "Imam Hussain's (A) sacrifice is for all groups and
mankind has earned more sympathy and admiration as communities, an example of the path of righteousness."
well as provided more lessons than the martyrdom of
Husayn in the battle of Karbala." (Husayn in Christian Dr. Rajendra Prasad writes,
Ideology) "The sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A) is not limited to
one country, or nation, but it is the hereditary state of the
History has seen numerous massacres of innocent people, brotherhood of all mankind."
but the tragedy of Karbala is one of the few where men,
women and children voluntarily allowed themselves to be Dr. Radha Krishnan writes,
subjected to hunger, thirst, humiliation and death on the "Though Imam Hussain (A) gave his life almost 1300
burning sands of Karbala because they believed that Imam years ago, but his indestructible soul rules the hearts of
Hussain (A) stood for righteousness. Little wonder that for over people even today."
1400 years Muslims, have been nurturing the tale of Karbala
in their hearts like an open wound, lest they should forget the Swami Shankaracharya describes,
supreme sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A) and his followers. "It is Hussain's (A) sacrifice that has kept Islam alive
Great spiritual leaders are known to make great sacrifices, or else in this world there would be no one left to take
but at Karbala, common men and women with infants at their Islam's name."
bosom, their hearts and souls aflame with righteousness, chose
death rather than evil and weakness. Such was the greatness of Mrs. Sarojini Naidu writes,
Imam Hussain (A); such was his spiritual power, which could "I congratulate Muslims that from among them,
uplift common mortals to heights of supreme courage and Hussain (A), a great human being was born, who is
sacrifice. reverted and honored totally by all communities"
Dr. K. Sheldrake writes:
"Of that gallant band, male and female knew that Simon Ockley (1678-1720), the Professor of Arabic at the
the enemy forces around were implacable, and were not University of Cambridge writes:
only ready to fight, but to kill. Denied even water for the "Then Husain mounted his horse, and took the
children, they remained parched under the burning sun Koran and laid it before him, and, coming up to the
and scorching sands, yet not one faltered for a moment. people, invited them to the performances of their duty:
Husain marched with his little company, not to glory, adding, 'O God, thou art my confidence in every trouble,
not to power of wealth, but to a supreme sacrifice, and and my hope in all adversity!'. He next reminded them
every member bravely faced the greatest odds without of his excellencies, the nobility of his birth, the greatness
flinching." of his power, and his high descent, and said, 'Consider
with yourselves whether or not such a man as I am is
Dr. Radha Krishnan writes not better than you; I who am the son of your prophet's
"Though Imam Hussain gave his life years ago, but daughter, besides whom there is no other upon the face
his indestructible soul rules the hearts of people even of the earth. Ali was my father; Jaafar and Hamza, the
today." chief of the martyrs, were both my uncles; and the
apostle of God, upon whom be peace, said both of me
The tragedy of Karbala took place in 680 AD on the and my brother, that we were the chief of the youth of
banks of the Euphrates in Iraq but Karbala has a universal paradise. If you will believe me, what I say is true, for by
appeal and in today's climate of violence, it is more relevant God, I never told a lie in earnest since I had my
than ever. The tragedy of Karbala and its spirit of non-violent understanding; for God hates a lie. If you do not believe
resistance and supreme sacrifice has been a source of me, ask the companions of the apostle of God [here he
inspiration to the likes of Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru. named them], and they will tell you the same. Let me go
Mahatma Gandhi's first Salt Satyagrah was inspired by back to what I have.' They asked, 'What hindered him
Imam Hussain's non violent resistance to the tyranny of Yazid. from being ruled by the rest of his relations.' He
Gandhi is said to have studied the history of Islam and Imam answered, 'God forbid that I should set my hand to the
Hussain (A), and was of the opinion that Islam represented not resignation of my right after a slavish manner. I have
the legacy of a sword but of sacrifices of saints like Imam recourse to God from every tyrant that doth not believe
Hussain (A). in the day of account.'"
[The History of the Saracens, London, 1894, pp.
Mahatma Gandhi writes: 404-5]
"My faith is that the progress of Islam does not
depend on the use of sword by its believers, but the Ignaz Goldziher (1850-1921), the Famous Hungarian
orientalist scholar writes:
"Ever since the black day of Karbala, the history of
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 this family . has been a continuous series of sufferings Robert Durey Osborn (1835-1889), the Major of the
and persecutions. These are narrated in poetry and Bengal Staff Corps, writes,
prose, in a richly cultivated literature of martyrologies - "Hosain had a child named Abdallah, only a year
a Shi'i specialty - and form the theme of Shi'i gatherings old. He had accompanied his father in this terrible
in the first third of the month of Muharram, whose tenth march. Touched by its cries, he took the infant in his
day ('ashura) is kept as the anniversary of the tragedy at arms and wept. At that instant, a shaft from the hostile
Karbala. Scenes of that tragedy are also presented on ranks pierced the child's ear, and it expired in his
this day of commemoration in dramatic form (ta'ziya). father's arms. Hosain placed the little corpse upon the
'Our feast days are our assemblies of mourning.' So ground. 'We come from God, and we return to Him!' he
concludes a poem by a prince of Shi'i disposition cried; 'O Lord, give me strength to bear these
recalling the many mihan of the Prophet's family. misfortunes!' . Faint with thirst, and exhausted with
Weeping and lamentation over the evils and persecutions wounds, he fought with desperate courage, slaying
suffered by the 'Alid family, and mourning for its several of his antagonists. At last he was cut down from
martyrs: these are things from which loyal supporters of behind; at the same instance a lance was thrust through
the cause cannot cease. 'More touching than the tears of his back and bore him to the ground; as the dealer of this
the Shi'is' has even become an Arabic proverb." last blow withdrew his weapon, the ill-fated son of Ali
[Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law, rolled over a corpse. The head was severed from the
Princeton, 1981, p. 179] trunk; the trunk was trampled under the hoofs of the
victors' horses; and the next morning the women and a
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794), considered as the greatest surviving infant son were carried away to Koufa. The
British historian of his time writes: bodies of Hosain and his followers were left unburied on
"In a distant age and climate the tragic scene of the the spot where they fell. For three days they remained
death of Husain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest exposed to the sun and the night dews, the vultures and
reader." the prowling animals of the waste; but then the
[The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London, inhabitants of a neighboring village, struck with horror
1911, volume 5, pp. 391-2] that the body of a
grandson of the Prophet should be thus shamefully
Peter J. Chelkowski, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, abandoned to the unclean beasts of the field, dared the
New York University, writes: anger of Obaidallah, and interred the body of the martyr
"Hussein accepted and set out from Mecca with his and those of his heroic friends."
family and an entourage of about seventy followers. But [Islam Under the Arabs, Delaware, 1976, pp. 126-7]
on the plain of Kerbela they were caught in an ambush
set by the . caliph, Yazid. Though defeat was certain, Sir William Muir (1819-1905), the Scottish scholar and
Hussein refused to pay homage to him. Surrounded by a statesman and held the post of Foreign Secretary to the Indian
great enemy force, Hussein and his company existed government as well as Lieutenant Governor of the
without water for ten days in the burning desert of Northwestern Provinces writes:
Kerbela. Finally Hussein, the adults and some male "The tragedy of Karbala decided not only the fate of
children of his family and his companions were cut to the caliphate, but of the Mohammedan kingdoms long
bits by the arrows and swords of Yazid's army; his after the Caliphate had waned and disappeared."
women and remaining children were taken as captives [Annals of the Early Caliphate, London, 1883, pp.
to Yazid in Damascus. The renowned historian Abu 441-2]
Reyhan al-Biruni states; ". then fire was set to their
camp and the bodies were trampled by the hoofs of the Karbala symbolizes the true face of struggle against
horses; nobody in the history of the human kind has seen injustice - non-violent resistance. Not taking life but sacrificing
such atrocities." your life for Islam. In summary, it is not out of place to say in
[Ta'ziyeh: Ritual and Drama in Iran, New York, words of some known Indian poets:
1979, p. 2] Let humanity awaken and every tribe will claim
Hussain as their own. In the martyr of Imam Hussain
Reynold Alleyne Nicholson(1868-1945), Sir Thomas A.S.), lies the death of Yazid, for Islam resurrects after
Adams Professor of Arabic at the University of Cambridge, every Karbala
"Husayn fell, pierced by an arrow, and his brave ***
followers were cut down beside him to the last man.
Muhammadan tradition, which with rare exceptions is
uniformly hostile to the Umayyad dynasty, regards
Husayn as a martyr and Yazid as his murderer."
[A Literary History of the Arabs, Cambridge, 1930, p.
197 ]
By Aunslaught_ihd
Were my love of Husayn to be measured in blood, Abbas's head been tortured by fiends,
All the blades of the foes would not come to suffice. The body of Hussayn been trampled by hooves,
Were my love of Husayn to be measured in tears, Alas the pain shall never come to cease.
Furat would experience flowing water's pain. With the cries of the women this Earth slowly
To quench the grief of Tragic Karbala, moves.
Tears of blood will be shed from the wound of the The head of Hussayn been hoisted on the spear
heart, Zainab looks at him, her tears cannot stop,
Even then those for whom Hussayn a.s is beloved, She comforts all others, shows such bravery
From them, his grief will yet still not depart. Daughter of Ali walks to avenge Karbala.
The heart moans in pain at the blade on Hussayn, She looks after Sakina, looks after the others,
The hand is stained with the tears from the eyes, The red sky of blood reflects blood on the sand,
Sakina is smacked across the face, Lord She comforts the daughters, she comforts the
Tears have been shed by the seas by the skies. mothers,
The blade has been run on the neck of Hussayn, Daughter of Fatima firmly holds Sakina's hand.
The tents have been burned, the women have cried, The hearts lament at the sight that ensues,
Heads of the bodies been pierced by the spears, The beasts as they jovially laugh and oppress,
God, oh God, Sajjad is so ill, Allah is the Witness, He will avenge all.
The mother of Asghar in tears upon tears. Mahdi and Ahmad will soon rise as promised.
By: Mufeed
December 2011
Bismillah hir Rahman ir Raheem Ansar who were alive at the time and not present in Karbala
In this blessed month of Muharram there is much to reflect were busy playing important supportive roles (such as the role of
on. In this article we will focus on the similarities between the Muslim bin Aqeel a.s).
situations of Imam Hussain (a.s) and Imam e Zamana (ajf). The Loyal Band of Shias- The Shias of Imam e
The stories of Imam Hussain (a.s) and Imam e Zamana Zamana (a.j.f)
(ajf) have many parallels:-
The Loyal Band of Shias- The Shias of Karbala Compare the Ansar of Imam Hussain (a.s) to the Ansar of
Imam e Zamana (a.j.f). Accordin to Hadeeth they will be a very
The small but fiercely loyal group who made up the Ansar special group of people. They will be loyal, will not despier
of Imam Hussain (a.s) were a small minority. The majority of revelation, will be subject to visions and mystical experiences,
people had abandoned Imam Ali, Ameer ul Momineen (a.s), and will be able to identify Imam e Zamana (a.j.f) and his
and had either plotted to defame him, or were sheeple who enemies.
blindly followed their puppet masters. Many just wanted to get
on with life and make the best out of it, and not be bothered The Quranic Principle of the Whittling down of
with matters like revolution and standing for truth. This left a the Believers until only the True ones remain:
small group of Shias who proclaimed love of the Ahlul Bayt
(a.s). Out of this small group of Shias, an even smaller group There is, in every Imam and leader's age, a process of
was left, who accompanied Imam Hussain (a.s). Those who testing the people. This is comparable to the filtration process
didn't know of the call were made aware of it through done to purify water. A sieve is put on top of a bucket and
revelation, visions and personal invitations of Imam Hussain water is poured into the bucket. As it passes through the sieve or
(a.s). Wahb e Kably, the righteous Christian, is famous for the the filter, those particles too large to enter the holes in the sieve
vision he had in which Jesus (a.s) invited him to support Imam are left behind, while the smaller particles go through.
Hussain (a.s). Thus, although it may appear to the casual eye
that the Ansar men, women and children were a group of This is a Quranic principle as well. We read in the
randomly selected people who wound up together, in reality story of King Talut (a.s):
they wwere chosen and hand picked for the task. Those true
[2.246] Have you not considered the chiefs of the praise and glorify Allāh before you, besides Whom there
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 children of Israel after Musa, when they said to a is no other Deity. Now then!
prophet of theirs (i.e Dawood): Raise up for us a king, Praise be to Allāh that He has destroyed your
(that) we may fight in the way of Allah. He said: May it
obstinate enemy. The one (referred to Mu'āwiyah) who
not be that you would not fight if fighting is ordained for
you? They said: And what reason have we that we should had leapt upon the Islāmic nation and snatched their
not fight in the way of Allah, and we have indeed been affairs into his own hands and grabbed their booty and
compelled to abandon our homes and our children. But seized control of it without their consent. He killed the
when fighting was ordained for them, they turned back, virtuous and spared the wicked ones. And he scattered
except a few of them, and Allah knows the unjust. the wealth of Allāh among the tyrants and the wealthy
[2.247] And their prophet said to them: Surely Allah people, thus he was annihilated as (the people of)
has raised Talut to be a king over you. They said: How Samood were destroyed, and we have no Imām left with
can he hold kingship over us while we have a greater us (except you).
right to kingship than he, and he has not been granted an We request you to come to us so that Allāh may unite
abundance of wealth? He said: Surely Allah has chosen us upon the truth. No'mān bin Basheer is alone present
him in preference to you, and He has increased him
in the palace, but we do not gather with him on the
abundantly in knowledge and physique, and Allah grants
Friday (Prayers), nor do we go to him on the day of Eid.
His kingdom to whom He pleases, and Allah is
If we learn that you have proceeded to come to us, we
Amplegiving, Knowing.
shall drive him out from here until we pursue him to
[2.248] And the prophet said to them: Surely the sign
Syriā, Allāh willing. Allāh's Peace and Blessings be upon
of His kingdom is, that there shall come to you the chest
in which there is tranquillity from your Lord and residue
of the relics of what the children of Musa and the They gave this letter to Ubaydullāh bin Musme' Hamadāni
children of Haroun have left, the angels bearing it; most and Abdullāh bin Wal Taymi and told them to hasten. They
surely there is a sign in this for those who believe. rushed until they reached Makkāh on the tenth of the month of
[2.249] So when Talut departed with the forces, he Ramazān. Then the people of Kufā waited for two days and
said: Surely Allah will try you with a river; whoever then
again sent Qays bin Mus-hir Saydawi, Abdul Rahmān bin
drinks from it, he is not of me, and whoever does not
taste of it, he is surely of me, except he who takes with Abdullāh bin Shaddād Arhabi, and Ammārah bin Abdullāh
his hand as much of it as fills the hand; but with the Saluli with hundred and fifty letters written by one, two, three
exception of a few of them they drank from it. So when or four people.
he had crossed it, he and those who believed with him, Then again after a lapse of two days they sent Hāni bin
they said: We have today no power against Jalut and his Hāni Sabee'i and Sa'eed bin Abdullāh Hanafi with a letter
forces. Those who were sure that they would meet their whose contents were as follows:
Lord said: How often has a small party vanquished a
numerous host by Allah's permission, and Allah is with "In the name of Allāh the Beneficent, the Merciful. To
the patient. Husayn bin Ali (a.s.) from his followers, believers and
First the people must have been divided into those who Muslims. Now then! Make haste, for people are awaiting
accepted the Prophet Dawood (a.s) as the Prophet of that time. you and hold no other opinion, hence hasten, hasten.
Then when this Prophet who they had accepted said that Talut Peace be upon you."
was their King, the people became divided into those who Another letter was written by Shabas bin Rab'ee, Hajjār
disputed and those who accepted. Then there were those who
bin Abjar Ajali, Yazid bin Hāris bin Ruwaym Shaybani, Urwā
disobeyed Talut's orders and drank from the river, and those
who obeyed him and refrained. Then there were those who bin Qays Ahmasi, Umro bin Hajjāj Zubaydi, and Muhammad
expressed their despair. But "those who were sure" (a small bin Umro Tamimi which read as follows:
group of the believers) were those who did not despair. And this
group are the real Ansar of their leader. May Allah (s.w.t) give "Now then! The gardens have turned green and the
us all strength to follow them. fruits have ripened. If you desire, you may arrive here,
The Disloyal Group of Shias- The Majority of the the army is ready to defend you."
Shias of Kufa:- When all the mes-sengers gathered together, Imām read
There were many Shias who called for Imam the letters and inquired from them about the people. But when
Hussain's (a.s) help. An excerpt from Nafsul the time came for loyalty, they abandoned the cause.
Mahmoom, section 4:
Now see how the Ahlul Bayt (a.s) dealt with them:
"In the name of Allāh the Beneficent, the Merciful. To Abu Mansoor Tabarsi in his Ehtijaj relates, that the
Husayn bin Ali (a.s.) from Sulaymān bin Surad, sermon of Sayyidah Zainab (a.s.), the daughter of Imam Ali
Musayyab bin Najabah, Rufā'ah bin Shaddād, Habib bin bin Abi Talib (a.s.), in the midst of Kufans on that day was a
Mazāhir and other followers from the citizens of Kufā, suppression and reproach of them. Hizam bin Sateer Asadi
the believers and Muslims. Peace be upon you! We relates, that when Imam Ali bin Husayn (a.s.) was brought from
Karbala to Kufa in an ailing state, the women of Kufa him? What an awry thing have you brought forth that it
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 started tearing off their collars and wailing aloud, while the is likely that the heavens would fall down and the earth
men too accompanied them in lamenting. Imam Zainul would disperse, while the mountains would crumble
Abedeen (a.s.), who was ailing, called out to them in a feeble down as much as the fill of the earth and the heavens.
(yet stern) voice, The bride of your affairs is hairless, unfamiliar,
indecent, blind, ugly and sullen. You wonder why the
"O these who weep! And who else except them have heavens rain blood. The chastisement of the hereafter is
killed us?" more disgraceful and there will be no helper. Let not this
Sayyidah Zainab (a.s.), the daughter of Ali (a.s.) signaled respite make you frivolous, for none has the power to
the men to remain silent. Hizam Asadi continues that by Allah! anticipate upon Allah, the Mighty, the Sublime, and
I have never seen a modest woman more eloquent than her and seeking vengeance does not lapse from him. No, not at
she spoke in the voice of the Commander of the faithful Ali all, your Lord is in ambush for you".
(a.s.). She signaled to the men to pay heed, their breaths
stopped in their breasts and their chimes faded. She Then she recited the following elegies:
then glorified Allah and sent salutations upon the Prophet of Abu Mansoor Tabarsi in his Ehtijaj relates, that the
Allah (S) and said, sermon of Sayyidah Zainab (a.s.), the daughter of Imam Ali
bin Abi Talib (a.s.), in the midst of Kufans on that day was a
"Now then! O Kufans! O men of vaunt! O suppression and reproach of them. Hizam bin Sateer Asadi
treacherous men! O retreaters! Beware! May your relates, that when Imam Ali bin Husayn (a.s.) was brought from
lament never cease and may your wailing never end.
Verily your similitude is that of a woman who untwirls "What will you reply when the Prophet shall ask
the threads spinned by herself. You have broken your you, how did you fair, while you were the last nation,
pledges by deceit and there remains nothing in you with my progeny and my children, the noble ones, that
except pretense, self-conceit, exorbitance and dishonesty. some of them are captivated and some drenched in their
You have adopted the flatter of maids and coquettishness blood, this is not the recompense regarding which I
of the enemies as your customs. Your similitude is of advised you with which you treated my 'Near-ones', I
that of the expanse vegetation or jewelry in the fear that a wrath similar to the people of Iram might
graveyard. descend upon you".
Beware! What an evil have you brought forth for
yourselves that has invited Allah's wrath upon you and Saying then she turned her face away from them. Hizam
you have earned a place of fury in the hereafter. You says that I saw that all the men wandered away and were
weep for my brother? Verily yes by Allah! You should deeply remorseful. An old man standing besides me wept
weep, for you deserve it. Weep abundantly and laugh bitterly until his beard was soaked with his tears. He held up his
less, thus you are tainted with disgrace and trapped in hands towards the heavens and said, "May my parents be
contempt that you shall never be able to wash off. How ransom upon those whose elders, youth and women are
will you wash off the blood of the son of the 'Seal of the chosen ones among all elders, youth and women.
Prophethood (S)' and the 'Mine of Apostleship' from Their family is respectful and their grace eminent".
yourselves, who was the Master of the youth of Paradise, Then he said, "Theirs are the best of elders and the best
the General of the battlefield, and an Asylum of your progeny. And when tomorrow the progenies are taken
group. He was a residence of repose for you and your into account, theirs will not be from among the ruined
well-being. He healed your wounds and safeguarded you and damned ones".
against whatever evil came towards you. You Imam Ali bin Husayn (a.s.)'s remonstration amidst the
approached him when you quarreled among yourselves. people of Kufa and his reproach to them for their breach of
He was your best counsel and you relied upon him, and trust and deception
he was a lantern of your path. Then Hizam bin Sateer says that Imam Ali Zainul
Beware! What evil have you brought forth for Abedeen (a.s.) came forward facing the men and signaled them
yourselves and what load have you put upon to remain silent. Then he sat down and praised and glorified
your neck for the day of Qiyamah. Perdition! Allah and sent salutations upon His Prophet, then said,
Perdition! Destruction! May your search go vain and "O people! Those of you, who know me, know me,
may your hands paralyze that you have handed over the while those who do not know me I am Ali, the son of
affairs of your provisions to the wind. You have occupied Husayn, who was beheaded without any fault or error on
a place in Allah's wrath, while the stamp of contempt the banks of the Euphrates. I am the son of the one
and misfortune is sealed upon your forehead. whose sanctity was violated and was robbed off the
Woe be to you! Do you know that you have blessing of his life. His wealth was plundered and his
amputated the dear child of Muhammad (S)? And what women were captivated. I am the son of the one who
pledge have you broken off from him? And what was killed by a collective group, while this honor
endeared family of his have you brought out onto the (Martyrdom) is sufficient for us.
streets? And what veil of sanctity have you snatched O people! I tell you in the name of Allah! Do you not
away from them? And what blood have you shed from know that you had written a letter to my father inviting
him? You deceived him while pledging and Abi Talib (a.s.), whose right was usurped. He was also
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY Decmeber 2011 promising to aid him and took the oath of allegiance to innocently killed in one of the houses of Allah as they
him. And in return you fought against him and killed his sons yesterday. There was present a group of
abandoned him? May you be ruined by that what you men who claimed to be Muslims, may their heads not
have brought forth and may your ideologies be ugly! remain upon their necks, he was thirsty until his soul
How shall you face the Prophet of Allah (S) when he shall was taken up to You. He was of a praiseworthy
say to you: You killed my progeny and violated my character, pious lineage, and renowned qualities and
sanctity, you are not from among my nation". acclaimed Religion and he did not fear rebuke and
reproach in Your Path.
The voice of wailing of men arose and they started telling O Allah! You guided him towards Your Islam since
one another, "You are ruined and you do not know". Then his early childhood and You praised his attributes in his
Imam (a.s.) continued, "May Allah's Mercy be upon him adulthood. He constantly remained sincere towards You
who accepts my counsel and safeguards my and Your Prophet and Your salutations descended unto
recommendation in the way of Allah, the Prophet of him until You summoned him to Yourself. He was
Allah (S) and his Progeny, that we possess better abstinent with regard to this world and was not
following while having relation with the Prophet of Allah avaricious, while he was desirous with regard to the
(S)". They told him, "O son of the Prophet of Allah! All of hereafter. Then he strove in Your way, while You
us are heedful ones, obedient and admirers of your cherished and preferred him and guided him to the Right
sanctity. We shall not desert you nor turn away from Path.
you. Then command us, may your Lord have mercy Now then! O people of Kufa! O men of deceit, fraud
upon you, we are along with you in times of conflict and and conceit! We are a family tried on your account by
peace. Then we shall seek revenge from the one who Allah and He has tried you on our account. He has made
oppressed you or ourselves". Hearing this Imam (a.s.) said, these trials as a felicity for us and has informed us
"Alas! Alas! O deceivers loaded with fraud! There is a regarding it. We are the guardians of His Knowledge and
large obstacle between you and your futile caprice. You the treasure of His Intelligence. We recognize His
desire to fair with me similarly as you have faired with Wisdom and are the Proof for His slaves upon His earth.
my fathers? No, never. By the Lord of the joyous Camels He cherishes us dearly through His Kindness and has
of the pilgrims! The deep wounds of the martyrdom of exalted us upon His creations through His Prophet.
my father and my family have not yet healed. The You have belied us and committed infidelity through
wounds inflicted upon the breasts of the Prophet of Allah (oppressing) us. You considered killing us to be lawful
(S), my father and his sons have not yet been forgotten. and have plundered our belongings as though we are the
The bones of my neck are broken due to the sorrow and infidels of Turkey or Kabul. It was yesterday that you
its bitterness exists in between my throat and larynx. killed our grandfather and your swords spits the blood of
And the bones of the heart are suffocating me. My desire us the family (of Prophet). You have cooled your eyes due
is that you should not be of those who benefit us nor of to an ancient enmity (which you bear towards us) and
those who harm us". rejoice upon the insolence towards Allah and deceit that
Then he said, "No wonder that Husayn (a.s.) is killed, you bring forth. Do not rejoice upon shedding our blood
similar to his father, who was better and greater than and plundering our belongings, for whatever has reached
him. O Kufans! Do not rejoice upon this affliction of ours us through this great affliction and the immense
which is a great affliction, who has been lying martyred slaughter is in conformity to this verse of the Qur'an:
on the bank of the Euphrates, may my life be his Vie in hastening to forgiveness from your Lord and
ransom, while the retribution for his murder shall be the to a garden whose extent is like the extent of the heaven
fire of hell". and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah
Besides, the remonstration of Fatemah Sughra (a.s.) with and His Messengers; that is the Grace of Allah, He
the Kufans is also quoted. Zayd bin Moosa bin Ja'far relates bestows it upon whomsoever He wills; and Allah is the
from his father, who relates from his fathers the sermon of Lord of Mighty Grace. Befalls not any disaster in the
Fatemah Sughra (a.s.), which she delivered after returning from earth or in your own selves save it is in a Book, ere We
Karbala: cause it to be verily that is easy for Allah. (Surah al-
Hadeed, 57: 21-22).
"Praise be to Allah equivalent to the particles of sand May you be expelled, look forward towards the
and the weight of the heavens until the earth. We praise wrath which will soon descend upon you. The vengeance
Him and believe in Him and rely upon Him alone, and of the heavens will descend upon you successively and
we say that there is no other Deity except Allah. He is erode, or He (Allah) should involve you in confusion (in)
Unique and has no associate, while Muhammad (S) is party (dissentions) and make some of you taste the
His Slave and Messenger. And the heads of his sons have fighting of the other. (Surah al-An`aam, 6:65).
been severed innocently on the banks of the Euphrates. Then due to the oppression that you have committed
O Allah! I seek refuge in You if I attribute falsehood upon us, you shall remain everlasting in the fierce wrath
to You, or if I misconstrue against what You ordered in Qiyamah. Beware! Curse of Allah upon the
regarding the pledge of the Vicegerency of (Imam) Ali bin oppressors! Woe be to you! Do you know and do you
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 understand? With what hands did you aim the Beware, verily the Party of Allah alone shall be the
lances at us? With what souls did you come to fight us? successful ones and verily the party of Shaitan are the
With what feet did you proceed for a combat with us? losers (Surah al-Mujadilah, 58:22 and 19)."
Your hearts have hardened, your livers have turned into Then she retorted,
iron, and your hearts have become blind, while your "You killed my brother, woe be upon you, you will
ears and eyes have been sealed. Shaitan has enticed you surely be rewarded by the fire which burns eternally.
and has enjoined you while he has blinded your eyes and You have shed the blood whose shedding was
you shall never find guidance. proclaimed to be unlawful by Allah, by the Qur'an and
May you be ruined O Kufans! How much blood of Muhammad (S), may you receive tidings of the fire
the Prophet of Allah (S) is upon you? And what measure where tomorrow you shall dwell eternally. I shall weep
(of vengeance) is upon your neck? Then you committed upon my brother all through my life, who was born as
treachery with his (the Prophet's) brother Ali bin Abi the best of creatures after the Prophet (S), the tears shall
Talib (a.s.) as also his sons, the progeny of the Prophet, flow upon my cheeks similar to the flood and rain
and who were among the chaste and virtuous. And one of waters and shall never dry up. "
you said arrogantly: It is we who killed Ali and his sons, It is said that people started weeping and wailing aloud.
with Indian swords and lances, and we captivated their The women tore their hair and put sand upon their head. They
women-folk similar to the Turkish captives, and we scratched their faces and started beating them and saying,
battled with him and what a battle. Mud in the mouth of "Alas! Alas!" The men started weeping and pulled their
the one who said it! You pride upon the murder of the beards. Never was such a wailing of men and women ever been
ones whom Allah has praised and purified and has kept seen before.
away all filth away from them? Hold your breadth! Then So you can see that the Shias of Kufa, having called
sit down as a dog sits down upon the tip of its tail, as Hussain (a.s), crying for him, and appealing to him, disobeyed
your father sat. Every man shall reap what he sends and betrayed him so as to invoke the displeasure, rebukes and
forth. Woe be to you! You envied us due to the grace that anger of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s). Their sermons indicate their
Allah bestowed upon us. What is our fault in it if our displeasure at them.
river is full of abundant water, while the water of your
river has dried up, that cannot even hide a worm? The Disloyal Shias- The Shias who will reject
That is the grace of Allah, He bestows it upon Imam e Zamana (a.j.f):-
whomsoever He wills, and Allah is the Lord of Mighty
Grace. (Surah al-Hadeed, 57:21). Just as the Shias of Kufa wrote letters to Imam Hussain
Unto whomsoever Allah gives not light, there is not (a.s), many Shias of our time write Arizas to Imam e Zamana
for him anything of light". (Surah an-Noor, 24:40). (a.j.f). Some are sicnere. Others are not. It is a matter foretold
It is said that hearing this, the voices of wailing arose and that Imam e Zamana (a.j.f) will be rejected by the majority of
people said, "Enough O daughter of the Chaste Ones! You people. But he will attract the right kind of people, even if like
have blazed our hearts and have flexed our necks and Wahb e Kalby they are not Muslim at the time. But the
have inflamed our conscience". Then she became silent, Muslims who are hypocrites- there is no cure for them.
salutations upon her and her father and grandfather.
The Ambassador of Imam Hussain (a.s)- Muslim
-Sayyidah Umme Kulsum bint Ali (a.s.)'s sermon bin Aqeel (a.s):-
in Kufa
In order to gather and unite the people and to evaluate the
Sayyid Ibn Tawoos in his Malhoof quotes these sermons situation, the Imam sent Muslim bin Aqeel to Kufa.
and then says that, on that day Umme Kulsum (a.s.),[67] the
daughter of Imam Ali (a.s.), bewailed from behind the curtain In Scetion 4 of Nafsul Mahmoom:
and said,
"O Kufans! May you face evil! Why did you refrain
Shaikh Mufeed says that Imām Husayn (a.s.) sent the
yourselves from rendering assistance to Husayn (a.s.),
why did you kill him? Why did you plunder his following reply with Hāni bin Hāni Sabee'i and Sa'eed bin
belongings and become its possessors? Why did you Abdullāh Hanafi, who were the last messengers (from Kufā):
imprison his women-folk and suppress him? May you
be ruined and uprooted! Woe be to you! Do you know "In the name of Allāh the Beneficent, the Merciful.
what you have brought forth? And do you know what From Husayn bin Ali to the noblemen among the
load of sin have you taken upon your backs? And what Muslims and believers.
blood have you shed? And which women-folk have you Now then! Hāni and Sa'eed have brought me your
taken as captives? And what children have to loot? And letters, they being your last messengers. I have realized
what belongings have you plundered? You have killed your opinions through them and your judgment is that:
the best of men succeeding the Prophet (S), while mercy
There is no Imām over us. You come towards us,
has departed away from your hearts.
perhaps Allāh will unite us through you upon the truth
and righteousness. the treason of the Kufans and stopping him from coming there
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 I send to you my cousin, my brother and a besides dispatching his two infant sons towards Imām to convey
trustworthy person from among my family Muslim bin the message."
Aqeel. And I have instructed him to inquire about your Note how the author used Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s) as a kind
affairs and write to me regarding it. And if he writes to of "litmus test" of loyalty. Such is also true for the
me that your elders, the wise and the learned men hold Ambassador of Imam e Zamana (a.j.f), the Yamani (a.s).
the same opinion as your messengers have conveyed to
me and as written in your letters, then I shall come to A Note:
you quickly, Allāh willing.
I swear by my life, that he is not an Imām and guide I use the word Ambassador here to describe both Muslim
except he who judges in accordance to the Book of Allāh, bin Aqeel (a.s) and Ahmad al-Hassan (a.s). The similarities are
and establishes justice, and professes the True Religion numerous. Neither are one of the 12 Imams. Neither is the first
born son of one of the 12 Imams. Both are related to the
and dedicates himself to the will of Almighty Allāh.
Imams closely. Ahmad al-Hassan (a.s), as a descendant of
Imam e Zamana (a.j.f) even has an advantage over Muslim bin
Aqeel (a.s), who is the son of the brother of Ameer ul
In the footnote it is further stated: Momineen Ali (a.s). Yet all the furore I hear for saying
"alayhis Salam" after the name of anyone is not an angel, a
Imām Husayn (a.s.) sent his representative to Kufa Prophet or one of the 12 Imams is deafening. Muslim bin
declaring his authority to be assured of the seriousness of the Aqeel (a.s) is considered of the Ahlul bayt without being either
Kufans. Any opposition or support to his representative would Prophet, Imam or even the son of an Imam. But those who
be considered an opposition or support to the Imām himself..... want to defame Ahmad al-Hassan (a.s) will pick any flimsy
This was not a mission of secondary impor-tance but involved excuse to do it.
representation from a revolutionary leader, who was also a Coming back to the word "Ambassador". At some point
guardian of Religion, upholder of faith and a refuge for the enemies and misled innocents bring up the argument that
humanity. It needed a man of great foresight and experience Imam e Zamana (a.j.f) can have no Naib. This goes back to a
with complete grasp of the political situation of the time as well narration where the Imam (a.j.f) said that after the fourth Na'ib
as the principles of the sacred teachings of Islām. It needed a (representative) there can be no more Na'ibs. This is based on a
man of firm moral standing and integrity, who would be a true Mursal Hadeeth. However, there is also a Hadeeth considered
representative from such a sacred person as Husayn bin Ali authentic by majority of people about a man who will be the
(a.s.). Imām Husayn (a.s.) chose Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.), his Yamani (a.s) who will lead the Muslims to their "Maula". The
cousin and brother in law, the husband of his sister Ruqayya, famous Hadeeth is from Imam Baqir (a.s) and is accepted by all
Shia experts who have ever discussed the topic of Yamani. It is
the daughter of Imām Ali (a.s.) through his marriage with
as follows:
Ummul Baneen (mother of Abbās), for this import-ant mission. "There is no banner better than that of the banner of
In the eyes of Husayn, Muslim possessed all those requisite Yamani, it is the banner of faith and dedication, because
qualities that were desirable for such an assignment. He was a he calls to your Maula (a.j.f).... and it is prohibited for
man of great courage who would not lose himself in times of any Muslim to turn away from him, and who ever turns
victory and would remain steadfast and patient at times of away from him, then he's from the people of hell,
defeat and opposition, a man of all seasons. Thus, those who because he calls to the truth and to the right path."
would assist him (like Hani bin Urwah) would be the ones firm So even if one says "There can be no more
in their faith and obedience to Islām and Imām, while those Representatives of Imam", then who is this Ambassador
who would not be able to help him for whatsoever reason, Yamani, who has the same role in relation to Imam e Zamana
although being ardent be-lievers (like Habib bin Mazāhir, (a.j.f) as Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s) has with Imam Hussain (a.s)?
Muslim bin Awsaja, Abu Samāmah), they would hasten to
assist the Imām at Karbalā in compensation for being unable to The Ambassadors of Imams are always accused
defend his envoy (Muslim). While those who would deliberately of breaking the unity:-
and impo-tently withdraw their support of Muslim, but would
prefer to remain silent spectators, their faltering faith and We read in Nafs ul Mahmoom, Section 8,
hypocrisy would be apparent; hence it would act as a litmus test Then he (Ubaydullah ibn Zyad) turned towards Muslim
for faith and steadfastness. Muslim would commu-nicate the and said,
Imām's objectives to the people and prepare them for the ul- "O son of Aqeel! The people were unified and in
accordance with one another, but you came and divided
timate occurrence, as can be observed, that after the
them and created discord."
martyrdom of Muslim, many Kufans hastened to Karbalā to Muslim replied,
assist the Imām, thus proving the suc-cess of Muslim's mission. "It is not so, but the people of this town are of the
Muslim's attachment and obedience to the Imām is apparent opinion that your father (Ziyād) killed many of their
through his will (made to Umar bin Sa'ad) apprising Imām of virtuous men. He shed their blood and followed the
STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 footsteps of the Choesroes (the rulers of ancient
Persia) and Caesers (the rulers of ancient Rome). We Yazid replied in the affirmative. Sarjoon produced a letter
have come to enjoin justice and invite towards the Holy of Mu'āwiyah appointing Ubaydullāh bin Ziyād as the
Book and Traditions (of the Prophet)." governor of Kufā, and then said,
Ubaydullāh said, "This is the advice of Mu'āwiyah, for when he was
"O transgressor! What relation you hold with these? about to die, he intended bestowing the governorship of
And why did you not do that among the people, while
Kufā and Basrā both to Ubaydullāh."
you were busy drinking wine (Allāh's refuge) in
Yazid agreed and sent a message to Ubaydullāh. Then he
Madinā"? called for Muslim bin Umro Bahilee, the father of Qutaybah,
Muslim replied,
and handed over a letter in the name of Ubaydullāh whose
"Did I drink wine? By Allāh! He knows that you are contents were as follows:
not speaking the truth, nor am I similar to what you
"Now then! My followers in Kufā have written to
have ascribed to me. While drinking wine is a practice of
me that the son of Aqeel is gathering troops to spread
those (referring to Ubaydullāh and his father Ziyād) who rebellion among the Muslims. Then when you read my
in rage and enmity spill the blood of the Muslims, and
letter, hasten towards Kufā and search for the son of
who rejoices and delights as if he has never ever
Aqeel as if you were looking for a bead, until you find
committed any indecency (referred to Yazid)."
him. Then bind him (in chains), either kill him or banish
Ubaydullāh was infuriated and said, him from the city. Salutations."
"May Allāh kill me if I do not kill you in a manner as Yazid also gave him the authority for the Governorship of
no one else has ever been killed in Islām.” Kufā. Muslim bin Umro proceeded until he reached
The oppressors accuse Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s) of creating Ubaydullāh at Basrā. As soon as Ubaydullāh received the
divisions and breaking the unity. Similarly Ahmad al Hassan command and author-ity, he ordered to prepare for the journey
(a.s) is accused of dividing the Shias. The fact of the matter is scheduled for the next day.
that Truth is always a divider- it filters the believers away from Similarly, when Ahmad al-Hassan (a.s) does the same as
the rest of the people. Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s), the enemies accuse him of rebellion
and try to kill him.
See how they accuse the pure Ambassador of To conclude, the case of Imam Hussain (a.s) and Imam e
creating rebellion. From Section 5 of Nafsaul Zamana (a.j.f) is similar- but with a crucial difference. Where
Mahmoom: Imam Hussain (a.s) is the vessel of Allah (s.w.t) for the
redemption of those who love Him, Imam e Zamana (a.j.f) is
Abdullāh bin Muslim came out and then wrote a letter to the vessel of Allah (s.w.t) for the revenge for those He loves.
Yazid bin Mu'āwiyah saying, This means that the Zulfiqar that was victorious in submission
to the will of Allah (s.w.t) in the sands of Karbala, will be just a
"Muslim bin Aqeel has come to Kufā and the Shi'āh
victorious as it spreads justice in the world in submission to the
have pledged the oath of allegiance to him on behalf of
will of Allah (s.w.t).
Husayn bin Ali. Then if you desire that Kufā should May Allah (s.w.t) grant us the position of being the Ansar
remain under your domain, dispatch a powerful man of Imam e Zamana (a.j.f).
who would implement your orders and act according to
your command. For No'mān bin Basheer is a feeble man
or is deliberately showing as weak."
Ammārah bin Uqbah and Umar bin Sa'ad bin Abi
Waqqas too wrote similar letters to Yazid. When these letters
reached Yazid he called for Sarjoon, the slave of Mu'āwiyah
and said,
"Husayn has sent Muslim bin Aqeel to Kufā and
people have started pledging their oath of allegiance to
him, while No'mān is a feeble man and there are other
bad reports regarding him. According to your opinion
whom should I nominate as the governor of Kufā in his
During that period Yazid was annoyed with Ubaydullāh
bin Ziyād. Sarjoon replied,
"If today Mu'āwiyah becomes alive would you listen
to his counsel"?
Design Team: For More information on Imam Ahmad al-Hassan, al Yamani (A.S) please visit:
Sidret313 Kaoutar
Yousef Mcgowen