Six Sigma Project
Six Sigma Project
Six Sigma Project
Submitted By
Declaration 4
Supervisory Certificate 5
Introduction: 6
Organizational Profile 26
5.1 Analysis 54
5.3 Interpretations 58
6.2 Suggestions 66
6.4 Conclusion 69
Bibliography 70
This is to declare that I “________________________” have carried out this project work
myself in part fulfillment of the POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS
of SCDL.
The work is original, has not been copied from anywhere else and has not been submitted to
any other University/Institute for an award of any degree/diploma.
Date: NAME:
Certified that the work incorporated in this Project Report on SIX SIGMA submitted by
______________________ is his/her original work and completed under my supervision.
Material obtained from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the Project Report
Six Sigma is a term used to describe a measure of quality control that is higher than "normal".
Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that strives for near
perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating
defects (driving towards six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest
specification limit) in any process -- from manufacturing to transactional and from product to
Although sounding like the title of a science fiction novel, Six Sigma represents a new reality
of profit motivation that has permeated conglomerates such as General Electric, IBM, and
Motorola. Six Sigma agenda permit organizations to concentrate on process quality and
product innovation in order to meet current and future customer demands. While employing an
extensive monitoring system for quality and profit achievement, the cornerstone of the Six
Sigma approach rests with the fundamental statistical computation of standard deviations from
average, or sigma, that measure variability within a given population. Each sigma value
estimates the number of errors (variations) produced from selected business output
Six Sigma represents a comprehensive organizational strategy that entails several months of
rigorous training, years of managerial commitment, and multiple levels of employee
involvement. Beginning chapters summarize the Six Sigma approach for improving customer
satisfaction and profitability levels of both manufacturing and service entities. Various Six
Sigma case studies featuring General Electric.
Six Sigma has been around for over a decade and as such it has been deployed at lots of
companies around the world. More than 75% of the fortune 500 companies have deployed Six
Sigma in one form or another. Some companies have chosen not to call it Six Sigma due to
copyright or other issues. They have a similar approach but may call it by a different name
(such as STRIVE, MEDIC, etc). It is a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. The
Some of the more famous companies who are using Six Sigma are:
- General Electric
- Motorola
- Microsoft
- Philips
- Xerox
- Dell
Six Sigma is a data-driven quality measure that strives for a near perfection of any process. It
is important to understand Six Sigma as a tool, as too many incomplete definitions have made
it look like a complicated fad.
Six Sigma focuses on improving quality (i.e. reduce waste) by helping organizations produce
products and services better, faster and cheaper. Six Sigma focuses mainly on defect
prevention, cycle time reduction, and cost savings. Unlike mindless cost cutting programs,
which reduce value and quality, Six Sigma identifies and eliminates costs, which provide no
value to customers and the production process. To understand the concept of Six-Sigma one
must understand the concept of normal curve.
Motorola engineers argued that a process could shift 1.5 sigma in regular course, as shown in
the figure below.Thus, to accommodate 1.5-sigma shift, they proposed that the tolerance has to
be +/- 6 sigma. In six-sigma methodology 99.9996599% (or more) of process data lies within
+/- six sigma from the mean, thus having only 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO).
Now, 99.9996599% value is actually for 4.5 sigma level in Normal curve, but keeping in view
the 1.5 sigma process shift, the process sigma level is actually six.
One to six sigma conversion table
'Long Term Yield' (basically the percentage of Defects Per Million 'Process
successful outputs or operations) % Opportunities (DPMO) Sigma'
99.99966 3.4 6
99.98 233 5
99.4 6,210 4
93.3 66,807 3
69.1 308,538 2
When we proudly mention that our process capability Cp is 1.33, our process spread is ± 4
sigma. This would mean and estimated defect rate of 0.0063% or 63 defective parts per
million (PPM). Moreover, when we deploy processes in production, the mean of the process
can shift to the extent of approximately 1.5 sigma. In such case the defect rate will increase to
a much higher value. This would be about 6200 PPM! If the process capability is improved to
a Cp of 2.0 the PPM level will come down to 0.002. With a shift of 1.5 sigma, the Cpk will
drop down to 1.5 and the number of parts defective will be about 3.4 PPM. A Cp of 2.0
corresponds to the process spread of ± 6 sigma. This is shown in the figures below.
Refer to the following table for relation between sigma quality level and PPM. The PPM
values are calculated considering a shift of 1.5.
Another concept that is used as a metric in six sigma is Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY).
Let us assume that a part goes through ten operations. At each stage 99% parts are good
and 1% are reject. It is not very difficult to calculate that we get good 90.43 % parts at the
end of the tenth stage. This means if we start with a batch of 1000 parts, we get 904 good
parts and scrap or rework 96 parts. The RTY of the process is 90.43%.
“Quality is free. It is not a gift, but it is free. What costs money are in-quality things - all the
actions that involve not doing jobs right the first time.” – Philip Crosby
Six Sigma focuses on improving quality (i.e. reduce waste) by helping organizations produce
products and services better, faster and cheaper. Six Sigma focuses mainly on defect
prevention, cycle time reduction, and cost savings. Unlike mindless cost cutting programs,
which reduce value and quality, Six Sigma identifies and eliminates costs.
Many companies pay a lot in correction, i.e. 80% of the cost in a Software Engineering (SE)
project is commonly related to after-delivery corrections. And we also found:
Unsatisfied customers tell in average 10 persons about their bad experiences. 12%
tells up to 20 other persons.
Satisfied customers tell in average 5 persons about their positive experiences.
It costs 5 times as much to gain new customers than keeping existing ones.
Up to 90% of the unsatisfied customers will not make business with you again, and
they will not tell you.
95% of the unsatisfied customers will remain loyal if their complaints are handled
fast and well.
All above motivate us to improve quality. Improved quality can affect the success in many
different ways:
Figure demonstrates the importance of quality expressed by Deming in 1986. In this figure,
Deming connects improved quality with company prosperity.
The projects having large impact of customer satisfaction and significant impact on bottom-
line are selected. Top management of the organization has very important role during selection
of projects and leaders. The projects are clearly defined in terms of expected key deliverables.
These are typically in terms of DPMO levels or sigma quality levels, RTY, Quality Cost etc. In
the overall approach, the actual problem is converted in to a statistical problem. Mapping the
process does this, defining key process input variables (KPIVs or 'x's) and key process output
variables (KPOVs or 'y 's). The power of statistical tools is used to determine a statistical
solution. This is then converted in to a practical solution.
The cause and effects relationship between the KPOVs ('y's) and KPIVs ('x's) gets clearer as
the project goes through the four phases. Control plans are documented before the closure of
the project so that gains are sustained. The project leaders must demonstrate that the key
deliverables of the project are achieved and demonstrated.
An important consideration throughout all the Six Sigma steps is to distinguish which process
sub steps significantly contribute to the end result. The defect rate of the process, service or
final product is likely more sensitive to some factors than others. The analysis phase of Six
Sigma can help identify the extent of improvement needed in each sub step in order to achieve
the target in the final product. It is important to remain mindful that six-sigma performance (in
terms of the ppm metric) is not required for every aspect of every process, product and
service. It is the goal only where it quantitatively drives (i.e., is a significant "control knob"
for) the end result of customer satisfaction and profitability.
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a systematic integration of tools, methods, and processes for
new product and service development. New product / service development is a business
process focused on improving profitability. Properly applied, DFSS is a powerful management
technique that generates the right product at the right time at the right cost.
Importance of DFSS:
Innovation is the lifeblood of most organizations. For the majority of organizations, long-term
success is tied directly to the new product development process. Tomorrow’s revenue and
growth are tightly bound to how successful you are at launching new products and services.
And yet, the development effort faces many challenges in practice.
By providing tools and teamwork to get the job done in an efficient and effective manner,
DFSS can serve as a mechanism to revolutionize the way you develop new products. Through
rigorous application of the DFSS process and tools, you can achieve high product quality,
market acceptance, and competitive advantage through innovation
• Introduce the DFSS methodology and explore the secrets of success of some of the world’s
most innovative companies.
• Introduce effective team design methods.
• Introduce portfolio management concepts and tools.
• Provide product development process audit tools.
• Examine approaches for successful implementation of DFSS
Business process management System (BPMS) is the process to have end-to-end visibility and
control over all parts of a long-lived, multi-step information request or transaction that spans
multiple applications and people in one or more companies. Business process management
means harnessing and enhancing the value of business processes however large or small,
wherever they reside within the extended enterprise, and whomever they involve.
Naturally, companies have always created some type of process management system to
varying degrees. These earlier solutions might have been custom-built combinations of
workflow, document management, or systems automation with large amounts of custom
coding needed to round out the capabilities. Typically, no one tool has been capable of
providing a satisfactory solution and has left enterprises with large functional gaps and added
complexity. With the technology available today, however, new software solutions are
available that make strong foundations for business process management a reality.
A BPM solution is for modeling, integrating, monitoring, and optimizing process flows of all
sizes, crossing any application, company boundary, or human interaction. To understand the
uses of BPM, we must begin with the building blocks of processes. These are the assets that
fulfill a process. These assets are employees, customers, partners, applications and database all
working toward a specific business goal. Each of these assets has an intrinsic value and part to
play in the unifying process. Employees add their intellectual capital to make decisions.
Customers drive demand and requests for products and information. Partners share
information that impacts design, delivery, and support of products. Applications provide
functionality to calculate, store, and retrieve data. Databases hold the history of a company, its
products, and customer information. Each asset in a business process adds a piece of value.
BPM entails integrating each asset to expose its functionality or value and coordinate the
efforts of all assets to achieve a specific goal in a given sequence within a set amount of time.
DMADV Define Define the project goals and customer (internal and external)
Measure deliverables
Analyze Measure and determine customer needs and specifications
Design Analyze the process options to meet the customer needs
Verify Design (detailed) the process to meet the customer needs
Verify the design performance and ability to meet customer
Usage: The DMADV methodology, instead of the DMAIC methodology, should be used
A product or process is not in existence at your company and one needs to be
The existing product or process exists and has been optimized (using either DMAIC or
not) and still doesn't meet the level of customer specification or six sigma level.
Wipro is ranked 31 globally in 2011 in the list of IT service providers. It is 9th most valuable
brand in India according to an annual survey conducted by Brand Finance and The Economic
Times in 2010. Wipro provides outsourced research and development, infrastructure
outsourcing, business process outsourcing (BPO) and business consulting services. The
company operates in three segments: IT Services, IT Products, Consumer Care and Lighting.
The company was established in 1980 as subsidiary of Wipro (Western Indian Palm Refined
Oil) Limited listed on New York Stock Exchange. Wipro was initially set up as a vegetable oil
manufacturer in 1945 in Amalner, Maharashtra, producing sunflower Vanaspati Oil and soaps.
At that time, the company was called Western India Vegetable Products Limited (later
abbreviated down to Wipro).[5][6] The company logo still contains a sunflower to reflect their
original business. During 1970s and 1980s it shifted its focus and begin to look into business
opportunities in IT and computing industry which was at nascent stages in India at that time.
Wipro was the first company which marketed the first indigenous homemade PC from India in
In 1966 Azim Premji, still the majority shareholder as the chairman of the company at the age
of 21 and with the passage of time transformed it into one of the largest IT outsourcing
services provider of the world.
By 2000, Wipro Technologies emerged as the largest publicly listed software exporter in India
and the first software services provider to be assessed at SEI Level 5 in the world.
Wipro was awarded SVG1, the highest rating in Stakeholder Value Creation and Governance
Practices by ICRA, a premier credit rating agency in India and an associate of Moody’s
Investor Services of USA.
Wipro was awarded the India Manufacturing Excellence Award for its factory in Pondicherry
in the large enterprises category by Frost & Sullivan.
Wipro was awarded the prestigious ASTD BEST Awards for 2005 by the American Society of
Training and Development.
Wipro's Global Command Centre won the Marico Foundation and Business World's
Innovation for India Award in 2006. The conglomerate was rated as the No.1 Network
Integrator and No.1 Network Security Services Provider by Voice & Data Magazine.
Reengineering business processes and developing new ones is the need of the hour to ensure
business reorientation. Wipro has helped make the transition to stability and standardization,
smooth and comfortable to all its clients. They optimize processes and manage complex
transformations that lead to customer satisfaction, cost reduction and quality products and
Wipro has the necessary skill sets and domain expertise to institutionalize and implement
frameworks that are best in breed and are accepted standards for enterprise wide and
functional process improvements.
Wipro Limited was established in 1945 and commenced its operations in 1946 as a vegetable
oil company. In the early 1980s, Wipro diversified into the Information Technology sector
with Liberalization hitting India in the 1980s. This has been a fascinating transformation from
a vegetable oil company into a global IT services giant.
Today, Wipro Technologies has become a global service provider delivering technology driven
business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of clients. Wipro has 55+ ‘Centers of
Excellence’ that create solutions related to specific needs of Industries. Wipro can boast of
delivering unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process
excellence quality frameworks and service delivery innovation.
A strong emphasis upon building a professional work environment, leaders from within, and
having a global outlook for business and growth have led to innovation of people processes on
a continued basis. Over the years, Wipro has significantly strengthened its competency based
people processes and demonstrated innovative practices in talent acquisition, deployment, and
development, based on strategic needs.
Integrating Six Sigma concepts was also intended to bring rigor in effective upstream
processes of the software development life cycle. Implementation of Six Sigma methodologies
brought in quantitative understanding, cost savings, and performance improvement towards
product quality.
Wipro is the first Indian company to adopt Six Sigma. Today, Wipro has one of the most
mature Six Sigma programs in the industry ensuring that 91% of the projects are completed on
schedule, much above the industry average of 55%. As the pioneers of Six Sigma in India,
Wipro has already put around thirteen years into process improvement through Six Sigma.
Along the way, it has scaled Six Sigma ladder, while helping to roll out over 1000 projects.
The Six Sigma program spreads right across verticals and impacts multiple areas such as
project management, market development and resource utilization.
Six Sigma at Wipro simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. It is an
umbrella initiative covering all business units and divisions so that it could transform itself in
a world class organization.
At Wipro, it means:
Project selection:
The first year of deployment was extremely difficult for Six Sigma success. They decided to
select the project on the basis of high probability of their success and targeted to complete
them in a short period to assess the success. These projects were treated as pilot projects with a
focus to learn. For the selection of the right project the field data was collected, process map
was developed and the importance of the project was judged from the eyes of customers.
After the set up, the first step of implementation was to build a team of professionals and train
them for various stages of Six Sigma. The training was spread in five phases: Defining,
measuring, analyzing, improving and controlling the process and lastly increasing customer
satisfaction. These phases consisted of statistics, bench marking and design of experiments. To
find the right kind of people and train them was a difficult job. This motivated Wipro to start
their own consultancy to train the people.
It was difficult to identify resources that were required for short-term basis and long-term
basis as it varied from project to project. Wipro did it on the basis of seriousness and
importance of the project.
Black Belt:
Candidates for Black Belt status are technically oriented individuals held in high regard by
their peers. They should be actively involved in the process of organizational change and
development. Candidates may come from a wide range of disciplines and need not be formally
trained statisticians or engineers. However, because they are expected to master a wide
variety of technical tools in a relatively short period of time, Black Belt candidates will
probably possess a background in college-level mathematics, the basic tool of quantitative
analysis. Coursework in statistical methods should be considered a strong plus or even a
prerequisite. As part of their training, Black Belts receive 160 hours of classroom instruction,
plus one-on-one project coaching from Master Black Belts or consultants.
Green Belt:
Green Belts are Six Sigma project leaders capable of forming and facilitating Six Sigma teams
and managing Six Sigma projects from concept to completion. Green Belt training consists of
five days of classroom training and is conducted in conjunction with Six Sigma projects.
Training covers project management, quality management tools, quality control tools, problem
solving, and descriptive data analysis. Six Sigma champions should attend Green Belt
training. Usually, Six Sigma Black Belts help Green Belts define their projects prior to the
training, attend training with their Green Belts, and assist them with their projects after the
Six Sigma only appears to be a little different than TQM in terms of Quality tools, techniques,
and principles, but from a global perspective it's a whole new animal for the following reasons
(in order of importance):
4. New Metrics:
Use of metrics unlike anything ever used before. These metrics not only tie in customer
Critical to Quality needs with what is measured by the company, but they also allow
processes within the company to be compared with each other using a single scale called
DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportunities).
India’s IT industry is respected globally for its focus on quality. While SEI-CMM and other
ISO standards are quite common, Six Sigma is now becoming popular amongst Indian IT and
ITeS companies. Some have already started reaping the benefits of adopting Six Sigma.
In a business where there is little to differentiate between competitors, quality is that key
ingredient that can aid in the differentiation process. Obviously, quality standards and
certifications have become a buzzword amongst Indian IT and ITeS companies. The goal of
Six Sigma is continuous process improvement. Indian companies are adopting it to gain an
edge over the others in the pack. Six Sigma’s adoption has resulted in the improvement of
business processes for many companies. While Six Sigma adoption is still in a nascent stage
and challenges remain, it is expected to take off amongst Indian IT and ITeS companies in the
years to come.
Six Sigma is popular with Indian IT and ITeS players for many reasons, not the least of which
is the fact that it is very clearly result-oriented. Of course, the fact that one of Indian
software’s biggest customers, General Electric (GE), is a big proponent of Six Sigma doesn’t
hurt either.
More result-oriented
Many Indian IT and ITeS players believe that Six Sigma is more result-oriented than other
quality and improvement standards and therefore it helps them streamline their processes,
bringing about all-round organisational improvement. As Six Sigma practices aim at
quantifying each and every process in numbers, it is easier to measure improvement.
Sambuddha Deb, chief quality officer, Wipro Technologies says, "In most other standards it is
very difficult to measure quality as everyone has a different definition of quality. However, Six
Sigma practices underline defects in a process, thereby making it easy to improve upon it by
eliminating the defect from its root." After adopting Six Sigma, many organisations have
found that their delivery processes have become sustainable and continuous. For call centres
in particular, and IT companies in general, the prospect of improving HR processes using Six
Sigma is a big draw. Shwetank Sharad, head of quality at ICICI OneSource says, "There are
well defined roles in a Six Sigma practice, like a Master Black Belt, Black Belt and a Green
Belt. It aims at zero error in a process, thereby resulting in overall improvement in a set-up."
N G Subramanayam, vice president of Bangalore Operations for TCS says, "Initially we took
the help of GE and Motorola in adopting Six Sigma. GE trained our core team, which then
spread the concept across TCS. After having adopted the Six Sigma practice in 1999 we have
worked on nearly 300 projects using this practice."
The difference in IT organizations is that it may be applicable for ‘product design’ oriented
projects while ITeS may use process improvement projects." The lack of good consultants in
the space who can assess and monitor the adoption of the Six Sigma.
Wipro has adopted the project approach for Six Sigma, where projects are identified on the
basis of the problem areas under each of the critical Business Processes that adversely
impacts the business significantly. Wipro offers practices to optimize and standardize various
processes in line with frameworks. Wipro offers gap analysis with reference to the
frameworks, defines IT processes covering policy, processes and performance metrics. Wipro
value is in the implementation support and plan for development of detailed specifications,
deployment of policies, tools and procedures, organization requires a clear understanding of
roles and responsibilities, as well as the proper tools and techniques to accomplish it.
Today, Wipro applies best in class tools, methodologies in a systematic way. This provides
measurable milestones that can be presented to those involved and stake holders. A robust
process thus becomes suited for process automation. It can serve as bedrock to move to higher
level of building capabilities.
Developing Improving
New Existing
Processes Processes Re Engineering
The Management of the project at Wipro follows the following tools for implementation
of Six Sigma:
A Six Sigma program integrates the elements of management culture and quality techniques
that are critical to driving performance improvement and business excellence.
Six Sigma projects are results-oriented.
Listing out all these benefits clearly shows the potential impact that the six sigma process can
have on any organization. The question is that how does one achieve six sigma. I will throw
some light on that part of it in the application section of this project from my understanding on
how to achieve six sigma. Just to conclude on why I chose this topic for my project on quality
control I would like to say that six sigma can achieve in the following success factors:
Cost reduction
Productivity improvement
Market share growth
Customer retention
Cycle time retention
Defect reduction
Culture change
Product/service development
Generates sustained success
Sets a performance goal for everyone
Enhances value to customers
Accelerates the rate of improvement
Promotes learning and “cross-pollination”
Executes strategic change
1. Delays in project execution: There are often significant delays in Six Sigma projects and
intermediate deliveries. One of the most frequent reasons is decision-making errors that
lead to rework and time-consuming data collection activities. Other reasons are listed
below in relation to Six Sigma project phases.
b) Measure Phase
Time-consuming data-collection and measurements.
Lack and/or high variability of measurement systems.
Failure in finding root cause.
c) Improve/Design Phase
Lack of really productive and/or innovative ideas for improvements
(upgrade to 4 sigma level and higher) or lack of competitive design or
Time and labor consuming DOE.
d) Verify/Control Phases
Non-systematic and non-exhaustive failure prediction
e) Small and medium size companies or business units, who actively enter the Six Sigma
community, have additional limitations when deploying Six Sigma methodology:
Personnel are limited and often working overtime.
It is often difficult (if not impossible) to find suitable candidates for Black and
Green Belt positions to lead Six Sigma projects on either a full-time or part-time
Resources, both financial and human, for Six Sigma projects are extremely limited.
Black and/or Green Belts are often left to conduct their projects on an overtime
Innovative products and services are critical to business survival and should be
introduced or updated as quickly as possible.
Big capital investments are often avoided or postponed, even when their return on
investment is very high and financial justification convincing.
All the data that entered the analysis phase was tested against the CHART test (Complete-
Honest-Accurate-Relevant-Timely). Appropriate Six-Sigma tools were deployed to monitor
and analyse performance of processes. For example: The statistical control chart was used to
monitor the quality level of communication. The control chart was used to monitor the
recruitment process. The run chart was used to monitor the feedback process.
Process owners, with assistance of Six-Sigma Black Belt conducted the analysis. Targets were
set based on customer requirements and process capabilities. The analysis aimed to identify
the vital parameters that affect process results. They were identified by using the experience of
process participants, correlation analysis and customer feedback. Other Six-Sigma tools were
also deployed. For instance, Pareto analysis was used to analyse reasons for employees
leaving the company.
Action followed the analysis. The HR database was updated regularly to monitor the
improvements after implementation. The focus began to shift from monitoring measures of
performance (MOPS) to controlling inputs that control the MOPS. .
A quarterly HR review was developed and issued by the HR. It contained all the process
analysis results and implementation. It also contained a detailed Six-Sigma Score Chart.
The cost of the HR function reduced by 34%
The turnover reduced by 15%.
HR systems transformed into a cost-effective, fast, proactive department that averted
probable problems.
Six-Sigma thus proved to be an effective approach for Quantum to improve its HR processes.
For TCS it was the enormous size of the company and partly because it was taken up as a
global initiative that it was a challenge to adopt the practice initially. N G Subramanayam of
TCS says, "After adoption of the Six Sigma practice it is easier for us to deal with companies
like GE but dealing with other companies that are not very comfortable with the Six Sigma
concept it is very challenging for us."
Identifying areas for improvement: It is equally challenging for companies to identify projects
and areas that need immediate improvement. Deb of Wipro Technologies says, "We have set
up a mechanism to identify projects upon which we can improve immediately. However, as
business priorities change every year we ensure that the same holds true for the parameters for
selecting the right project that can reap the maximum benefit if Six Sigma is applied to it." It
is also challenging to identify projects and pain areas in those areas where Six Sigma has
never been adopted before, like some areas in the sales and marketing operations.
The Challenge will be to transform Six Sigma from a tool for improving product quality to an
overall business improvement methodology. The company’s aim will be at having 100% of its
management trained in Six Sigma.
1. From an upper management perspective, what has been the principal motivating factor
in embracing Six Sigma?
Interpretation: In above case principal of motivating factors remains more than 60% in hand of
bottom line results. Bottom line results means that sales, demand of products, need of
customers etc.
Interpretation: Improvement in any field can be done only by performing and giving good
results or output.
Interpretation: The purpose of “rolled throughput yield” in Six Sigma is “using the calculation
for customer analysis”
Interpretation: A null hypothesis requires several assumption because the variables are
independent such as customer need, technology etc.
Interpretation: All above four options helps to display data but the most appropriate and
effective technique is boxplots.
Senior Leadership:
Mobilize for change
Provide Strategic vision and purpose
Be actively involved at every stage
Incentives for change
Ensure process user participate in redesign and accept
need for change (forcing factor)
Publicly reward enthusiastic participation
Change How People Think and Work
Recognize and overcome the barriers to change
Employ effective human resource strategies
2. All leaders should be trained as Six Sigma Champions. This is normally a 2-day
training session that ensures that the Champions learn to ask the right questions of Six
Sigma practitioners. This group includes the Steering Committee, process owners, and
functional managers (like Production Manager, Maintenance Manager, etc.).
3. Include Six Sigma planning within the business-operating plan. Ensure the when
the Operating Plan for the next year(s) is being made, Six Sigma Project savings
become an input for that plan.
4. Select the right consultant to train your Belts. There are a lot of mediocre programs
floating around being offered even by reputed training institutions. One point to
remember is that you will be best trained by a Six Sigma practitioner (Black Belt or
Master Black Belt) rather than an academic who will teach you only theory. A typical
Black Belt training program is spread over 4-5 months, and a Black Belt will need to
complete two projects before s/he is certified (which will typically take longer than 6
5. Ensure that the Return On Training Investment is at least 20 times. This can be
done by good project definition and correct practitioner allocation.
6. Gets the movement going at the shop floor level. Rather than having a few Black
Belts or Green Belts doing projects all the time, train shop floor operators and
supervisors in the use of tools and techniques (White Belt program). This way the
ownership is theirs and they are doing the improvements on their own. Reward well
the project leaders and their team members when they receive certification. Make it
such that other people aspire to get this certification. The certified candidates should be
adequately compensated during their annual performance review.
7. Create a certification process. Ensure that the certification process is rigorous and
true. This will ensure that only after successful completion of projects and
demonstrating proper use of tools/techniques, the practitioner candidate will get
certified. The Functional Area Manager, Finance Leader and Six Sigma reviewer
should sign on the certificate declaring that the benefits have actually started accruing.
10. Never allow Six Sigma to be classified as a Quality Manager's job. A Quality
Manager's role is distinct and s/he will not be in position to manage the Six Sigma
process as for the entire business.
Six sigma is a business initiative that helps the organization meet its changing business need.
It is widely used to provide a structured approach to improve process but many organizations
have found that the return of an organization's effort will be much more favorable to the
"bottom line" if the six sigma methodology was focused on the design and not the product
alone. Although six sigma brings a new direction to quality and productivity improvements.
B. How many years have you been associated with the Design field?
o < 2 years
o >2 years but <=4years
o >4 years but <=6years
o >6 years but <=8years
o >8 years but <=10years
o >10 years
D. Please select which area of industry you are currently engaged with:
□ Electronics
□ Aerospace
□ Software & Services
□ Health Care Equipment
□ Consulting
□ Automotive
1. Could you think that Six-Sigma has significantly improved your organization's
a. High (100%-60%)
b. Middle (60%-10%)
c. Low (Below 10%)
d. Neither
2. Could you think that Six-Sigma has significantly improved processes of your work at
a. High (100%-60%)
b. Middle (60%-10%)
c. Low (Below 10%)
d. Neither
3. Could you think that Six-Sigma process has improved design process at your organization?
a. Agree
b. Disagree
c. Neither
4. Do you think that Six-Sigma could be interrupted your creative work at your organization?
a. Agree
b. Disagree
c. Neither
1. If you are using or done your project with Six-Sigma, could you think that it is necessary to
get for customer satisfaction through your work?
a. Agree
b. Disagree
c. Neither
2. Could you think that Six-Sigma has significantly improved customer satisfaction at your
a. High (100%-60%)
b. Middle (60%-10%)
c. Low (Below 10%)
d. Neither
4. Could you think that the complexity of the Six Sigma methodologies varies with the
complexity of the project?
a. Agree
b. Disagree
c. Neither