Diagnostic Cytology: 10.1 Methods of Specimen Attainment
Diagnostic Cytology: 10.1 Methods of Specimen Attainment
Diagnostic Cytology: 10.1 Methods of Specimen Attainment
Diagnostic cytology involves the examination of cells which have either naturally
exfoliated or been artificially removed from a body cavity or a tissue mass. The
cytological interpretation is often valuable in establishing a diagnosis, identifying
the disease process, directing therapy, forming a prognosis, and/or determining
what diagnostic procedure should next be performed.
Some of the major advantages of cytological procedures are that they require
minimal equipment, have rapid turn around time and most are minimally invasive
and minimally stressful for the patient. However, since cytologic interpretation is
based upon the distinct characteristics of individual cells on a smear that lacks
the source tissue's architectural patterns, it should be mainly utilized as a rapid
screening procedure. Histopathology is usually more diagnostic and definitive in
that it allows study of both structure and form of a tissue or organ. Cytology
should be considered a tentative diagnosis requiring a histologic confirmation,
particularly in lesions with suspected neoplastic characteristics.
Imprints can be prepared from excised external lesions on the living animal or
from tissues removed during surgery or necropsy. The imprints are easy to
obtain but they collect fewer cells than scrapings and contain greater
contamination (bacterial and cellular) than aspirates. Therefore, imprints from
superficial lesions often only reflect a secondary bacterial infection and/or
inflammation-induced tissue dysplasia. This markedly hinders their use in
diagnosis of neoplasia. To reduce contamination and to obtain a more
representative sample, touch imprints are made on freshly excised surfaces. If
the excised surface is very bloody or moist, it should be blotted with absorbent
paper. Touch the slide gently to the specimen, remove and quickly air dry.
Dragging of the slide across the specimen will distort the cells. Tissue rich in
connective tissue imprints poorly.
2. Scrapings
Scraping has the advantage of collecting many cells from the tissue, and
therefore, is advantageous when the lesion is firm and yields few cells.
Disadvantages are similar to those described for tissue imprints. The surface of
the lesion is freshly excised and scraped with a scalpel blade until material
appears on the blade's surface. This material is then smeared thinly across a
3. Swabs
Swab smears are collected only when imprints, scrapings and aspirates cannot
be made; e.g., fistulous tracts, nasal and vaginal collections. The lesion or tissue
is swabbed with a moist, sterile cotton swab. Sterile isotonic fluid, such as 0.9%
NaCl, should be used to moisten the swab. This helps minimize cell damage
during sample collection and smear preparation. After sample collection, the
swab is gently rolled, not rubbed, along the flat surface of a clean glass
microscope slide.
Fine needle aspiration biopsies can be collected from masses such as lymph
nodes, nodular lesions and internal organs. Aspiration of cutaneous masses
avoids the superficial contamination common with imprints or scrapings, but
collects fewer cells than scrapings. The tissue to be aspirated is immobilized as
close to the skin surface as possible. A 21-25 gauge needle attached to a 3-20
ml syringe is used (a 12-ml syringe is a good all-around size). The softer the
tissue being aspirated, the smaller the needle and syringe used. When needles
larger than 21 gauge are used, tissue cores tend to be aspirated, resulting in a
poor yield of free cells suitable for cytological preparation. Also, larger needles
tend to increase the incidence of blood contamination.
The needle with syringe attached is introduced into the center of the mass and
strong negative pressure is applied The cell population retrieved from a mass is
highly dependent upon the site aspirated. In order to obtain a representative
sample, the needle is redirected and moved to several areas in the mass, taking
precautions to prevent the needle from leaving the mass. Negative pressure is
maintained during the redirection. However, when the mass is not large enough
for the needle to be redirected and moved without danger of the needle's leaving
the mass, negative pressure is relieved during redirection and movement of the
needle. In this situation, negative pressure is applied only when the needle is
static. In both cases, aspirate may or may not appear in the syringe, but the
needle will contain sufficient tissue for smears. Before removing the needle from
the mass, the negative pressure is relieved. The needle is removed from the
mass and skin and the needle contents are expressed onto a slide and a smear
1. Centesis
2. Catheterization
Several methods can be used to prepare smears for cytologic evaluation of solid
masses, including lymph nodes. The experience of the person preparing the
smears and characteristics of the sample influence the choice of smear
preparation technique. No matter what the technique used, the resultant smear
must have a thin area where cells may settle flatly and expose a large surface
area to view. If the smear is thick, the cells are supported more upright on the
slide and have a smaller diameter. Cellsin thick areas are taller and thus stain
darker. In addition, thick layers of proteinaceous and necrotic debris in the dried
fluid surrounding cells interferes with staining. Some common cytological
preparation techniques include:
1. Combination Technique
This method makes a squash prep of 1/3 of the aspirate, leaves the middle 1/3
untouched and thus concentrated, and gently spreads the remaining 1/3 of the
aspirate. A portion of the aspirate is expelled onto a glass microscope slide (prep
slide). Another glass microscope slide is placed over about one-third of the
preparation. If additional spreading of the aspirate is needed, gentle digital
pressure can be used. Excessive pressure should be avoided. The spreader
slide is smoothly slid forward. This makes a squash prep of about one-third of the
aspirate. The spreader slide also contains a squash prep. Next, the edge of a
tilted glass microscope slide (second spreader slide) is slid backward from the
end opposite the squash prep until it contacts about one-third of the expelled
aspirate. Then, the second spreader slide is slid rapidly and smoothly forward.
This produces an area that is spread with mechanical forces like those of a blood
smear preparation. The middle area is left untouched and contains a high
concentration of cells.
2. Squash Preparation
This method is used for spreading viscous samples and samples with flecks of
particulate material. A portion of the aspirate is expelled onto a glass microscope
slide and another slide is placed over the sample to spread it. If the sample does
not spread well, gentle digital pressure can be applied to the top slide; however,
care must be taken not to place excessive pressure on the slide causing the cells
to rupture. The slides are smoothly slid apart. This usually produces well-spread
smears but, even when care is take, may result in excessive cell rupture.
This method is also used for spreading viscous samples and has less tendency
to rupture the cells. A portion of the aspirate is expelled onto a glass microscope
slide and another slide is placed over the sample. This causes the sample to
spread. If necessary, gentle digital pressure can be applied to the top slide to
spread the sample more. Care must be taken not to use excessive pressure and
cause cell rupture. The top slide is rotated about 45 degrees and lifted directly
upward, producing a spread preparation with subtle ridges and valley of cells.
This technique tends not to damage fragile cells, but allows a thick layer of tissue
fluid to remain around the cells which may interfere with staining. A portion of the
aspirate is expelled onto a glass microscope slide. The tip of a needle is placed
in the aspirate and moved peripherally, pulling a trail of the sample with it. This
procedure is repeated in several directions, resulting in a preparation with
multiple projections.
Smears should be made immediately after fluid collection. Smears can be made
directly from fresh, well-mixed fluid or from the resuspended sediment of a
centrifuged sample. The cellularity, viscosity and homogeneity of the fluid
determine the selection of smear technique used. The most common techniques
This procedure is identical to that used for preparing smears of blood and will
result in a smear with a feathered edge. This method is generally not appropriate
for viscous samples. A drop of fluid sample is placed on a glass microscope slide
close to one end, then another slide is slid backward to contact the front of the
drop. When the drop is contacted, it rapidly spreads along the juncture between
the 2 slides. The spreader slide is then smoothly and rapidly slid forward the
length of the slide, producing a smear with a feathered edge.
A drop of fluid sample is placed onto a glass microscope slide close to one end,
and another slide is slid backward to contact the front of the drop. When the drop
is contacted, it rapidly spreads along the juncture between the 2 slides. The
spreader slide is then smoothly and rapidly slid forward. After the spreader slide
has been advanced about two-thirds to three-fourths the distance required to
make a smear with a feathered edge, the spreader slide is raised directly
upward. This produces a smear with a line of concentrated cells at its end,
instead of a feathered edge.
Smears of viscous fluids such as synovial fluid can be prepared using this
These are permanent stains which stain organisms and the cytoplasm of cells
excellently. The stains tend to have a "smudging" effect on the nucleus, thus,
nuclear and nucleolar detail cannot be perceived as well as with the
Papanicolaou-type stains. However, the detail is usually sufficient for
differentiating neoplasia and inflammation and for evaluating neoplastic cells for
cytologic evidence of malignant potential. Smears to be stained with
Romanowsky-type stains must first be air dried to fix the cells and prevent them
from falling off the slide during the staining procedure. These stains tend to
dissolve lipids from cells leaving vacuoles. RNA stains blue and DNA stains
purple with variations to red or pink. Mast cell granules may not stain with Diff-
These stains use wet fixed smears (i.e., the smear must be fixed before the
cells have dried) and clearly illustrate cell structure and nuclear characteristics.
They do not demonstrate bacteria and other organisms as well as Romanowsky
stains. Papanicolaou-type staining requires multiple steps and considerable
Once the smear has been prepared, stained and dried, it is scanned at low
magnification (4-10X objective) to determine if all areas of the smear are stained
properly and if there is adequate cellularity for evaluation. When proper staining
is assured and all areas of increased and/or unique cellularity are recognized,
magnification is increased to the 10X or 20X objective. An impression of the
cellularity and cellular composition of the smear and of cell size are ascertained.
Using the 40X objective, nucleoli and chromatin pattern are discerned. Cell
morphology is evaluated in detail with the 100X (oil-immersion) objective.
Abnormal accumulations of fluid in body cavities and joints are relatively common
occurrences in animals. Cytological examination of these fluids is utilized to
reveal the cellular characteristics of the fluid so that the presence or absence of
inflammation or neoplasia can be detected. Fluids to be discussed will include
body cavity effusions (abdominal, thoracic and pericardial), synovial fluid,
cerebrospinal fluid prostatic fluid, and trans-tracheal bronchoalveolar aspirations.
The body cavities of animals normally contain small quantities of fluid which is
essentially an ultrafiltrate of blood. This fluid has few cells, chiefly of the
mononuclear type. a process that impairs absorption, alters vascular pressure, or
alters the concentration of albumin in the blood can result in accumulation of fluid
in a body cavity, which is termed an effusion. Four basic mechanisms by which
fluid may accumulate in abnormal quantities includes:
• 1. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure (e.g., venous stasis of the
type seen with congestive heart failure).
• 2. Decreased capillary oncotic pressure as a result of hypo-albuminemia
and/or increased arterial pressure.
• 3. Increased capillary membrane permeability (e.g., anoxia or
• 4. Lymphatic obstruction (e.g., lymphadenitis, lymphangi-tis or
Removal and examination of fluids from body cavities is indicated when there is
excessive fluid accumulation or if the clinician suspects the presence of a lesion
characterized by cellular exfoliation. An increased amount of fluid in a cavity is
not a disease in itself but rather an indication of a pathologic process in the fluid
production and/or removal system, or an accumulation from an ectopic source.
1. Fluid Collection
a. Thoracentesis
Pleural effusions are typically abundant and bilateral but may be mild, unilateral
and/or compartmentalized. Radiography is helpful in determining the extent and
location of the effusion. Under most circumstances a 1- to 1 1/2-inch needle will
suffice, except in some large domestic animals in which a 2- to 2 1/2- inch needle
may be required. The site for thoracentesis varies, but the seventh or eighth
intercostal space is chosen in most animals. The puncture should be made in the
middle of the intercostal space to avoid damaging intercostal vessels found just
caudal to the ribs. Thoracentesis is preferably performed with the animal in a
standing position. In cases of accidental blood contamination, blood will be
apparent either during the first or very last portion of the aspiration. Blood will be
present throughout the aspiration if hemothorax is present
b. Abdominocentesis
In small animals, the ventral midline of the abdomen, 1-2 cm caudal to the
umbilicus, is the usual site of needle insertion. In the horse, the preferred site is
at the lowest portion of the abdomen between the xiphisternum and umbilicus. A
1-inch needle is generally sufficient for small animals and a 2-inch needle or teat
cannula for horses. Open-needle abdominocentesis is reportedly more sensitive
than aspiration via syringe; therefore, a syringe is usually not attached. If a
syringe is attached, only mild negative pressure should be applied because it is
easy to aspirate omentum or other abdominal contents against the needle
opening and inhibit fluid collection.
c. Pericardicentensis
Fluid is less frequently removed from the pericardium, but if there is an abnormal
accumulation or pericardial fluid, percardicentesis may be of diagnostic and
therapeutic value. An 18- to 20-gauge needle of sufficient length to reach the
pericardium is required. The site of for puncture is at the cardiac apex. After the
cardiac apex beat is located, the needle is carefully advanced toward the heart. A
constant negative pressure is maintained in the syringe. When the needle enters
the pericardial sac, fluid will appear in the syringe. If the needle contacts the
cardiac wall, pulsation occurs and the needle will move. Should this occur, the
needle location is slightly altered in order to prevent damage to the heart or its
blood vessels. A small quantity (0.5 to 1.0 ml) of fluid is adequate for cytologic
evaluation. If the fluid collected is bloody and clotted, this usually indicates that a
blood vessel has been entered during collection. If a bloody fluid does not clot,
this is an indication that defibrinated blood is present in the pericardial sac.
On the basis of nucleated cell counts and total protein concentrations, effusions
may be classified as either transudates, modified transudates or exudates. A
transudate is an excess accumulation of normal fluid (filtrate of plasma) in any
body cavity or space. Transudate accumulations result primarily from obstructive
phenomena and usually contain few cells and have low specific gravity and
protein content. However, any transudate that remains in a body cavity for a
period of time causes irritation to the lining of that cavity. This irritation generally
results in increased cellularity, primarily due to proliferated mesothelial cells, and
an increase in protein content that is generally due to fluid leakage from
lymphatics. Fluids of this type are termed modified transudates. An exudate is an
excess accumulation of abnormal fluid in any body cavity or space. It is usually
the result of both obstructive and productive phenomena. The cellular and protein
content are generally much higher than that of transudates. Since most exudates
are inflammatory, this increased cellularity is usually due to accumulations of
white blood cells.
• 1) Color
o a) serum or plasma - light or dark yellow
o b) Erythrocytes - red, dark red, or reddish
o c.) Leukocytes - white, cream, yellow, gray or
o d) Chyle - milky white (after centrifugation),
peach or pink
o e) Bilirubin - yellow, orange, red or brown
• 2) Transparency or Turbidity
o a) Erythrocytes - grayish-red turbidity
o b) Leukocytes - from light turbidity to thick,
creamy pus
o c) Fat droplets - milky turbidity
• 3) Coagulation - depends upon the amount of fibrin
o a) Transudates - rarely show spontaneous
complete or partial coagulation
o b) Exudates - usually coagulate very quickly
after removal from the serous cavity.
• 4) Protein Concentration - Refractometer
o a) Transudates less than 3 g/dl
o b) Exudates more than 3 g/dl
• 5) Specific Gravity - Refractometer
o a) Transudates under 1.017
o b) Exudates over 1.017
• 6) Bilirubin, BUN, Creatinine, globulin, amylase,
cholesterol, triglycerides and other determinations may
facilitate interpretation.
b. Cellular Elements
Normally, fluid content of the body cavities is low and contains few cells.
Occasional white blood cells with the same features as those in the peripheral
blood will be seen. Additionally, mesothelial lining cells are seen. The following is
a list and description of those cells which may be present in variable numbers in
1) Mesothelial Cell
These cells line the serous surfaces of the pleural, pericardial and peritoneal
cavities. With Romanowsky stain, the normal exfoliated cell is a large cell (12-30
microns), with extreme cytoplasmic basophilia which may obscure the nucleus.
The cytoplasmic margin may or may not present reddish hairlike processes
(eosinophilic brush border). Nuclei are of uniform size and are hyperchromic.
Binucleation may be observed.
Pale-staining mesothelial cells may also be observed and represent in situ cells
removed during the centesis procedure. The cells are usually in clusters. The
nuclei are of uniform shape and size. The density of RNA and DNA is low, giving
a pale-staining overall appearance to the cells.
2) Macrophage
3) Neutrophil
5) Eosinophils
6) Mast Cells
Mast-cell tumors within body cavities may be associated with effusions and
frequently exfoliate large numbers of mast cells into the effusion. However, mast
cells are observed in small numbers in effusions from dogs and cats with many
different inflammatory disorders.
7) Erythrocytes
8)Neoplastic cells
• 1)Pure Transudate
• Less than 3.0 g/dl protein in canine and feline thoracic and
abdominal fluid.
• Less than 2.0 g/dl for thoracic fluid in large animals
• Less than 1.5 g/dl for horses and less than 3.5 g/dl for
ruminant abdominal fluids
• Less than 1000 nucleated cells/ul in canine and feline fluids
• Less than 5000 nucleated cells/ul in large animal fluids
• 2)Modified Transudate
• 3)Exudates
The predominant cell type is dependent upon the cause of the exudate. In
inflammatory exudates, the neutrophil generally predominates with variable
numbers of macrophages and lymphocytes.
Inflammatory exudates are generally divided into two main categories, non-septic
and septic.
a)Nonseptic Exudates
Characteristics are:
b)Septic Exudates
2)Tissue Inflammation
Intracavity organ inflammation (e.g., heart, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, lungs,
etc.) or a walled-off abscess may result in an associated body cavity effusion.
The mechanisms are similar to those described for infectious peritonitis/pleuritis
in that inflammation causes the release of chemotactic and vasoactive
substances. These in turn result in the influx of inflammatory cells and high
protein fluid into the involved area. When this process extends into the
associated cavity, effusive inflammation results. TNCC and TP levels will
determine if this effusion is classified as a modified transudate or exudate. In this
type of effusion, nondegenerate neutrophils generally predominate, but
macrophages, mesothelial cells and lymphocytes are also present. The
mononuclear cell component will increase with chronicity.
Cytological evaluation of these effusions is typically nondiagnostic as to etiology
or to the site of original tissue involvement and must be correlated with physical
findings, history and other laboratory test results to pinpoint the exact problem.
While the cytological findings are not diagnostic alone, when associated with
history and clinical findings, a presumptive diagnosis of FIP can be made.
4)Bile Peritonitis
Rupture of the gall bladder or bile duct can produce a nonseptic exudative
effusion. The effusion is discolored by bile pigments giving it a typical yellow-
orange color. Bile is an irritant and results in increased cell counts, particularly
neutrophils and macrophages. The fluid will give a positive icotest and is high in
cholesterol. In Wright's stained smears, bile peritonitis is characterized by
phagocytized yellow green to brown green pigment within macrophages.
Rupture of the kidney, urinary bladder, urinary tract or patent urachus that results
in release of urine in the abdominal cavity can also produce a nonseptic
exudative effusion. Urine is an irritant and results in increased in mononuclear
cell count. Very acute rupture causes an elevated urea nitrogen in the abdominal
fluid (compared to blood urea nitrogen levels); however, this is rapidly
reabsorbed by the lining tissues and levels soon equilibrate with blood levels
(generally within 24 hours). Creatinine is more poorly absorbed by the lining
tissues and will remain elevated above blood levels for longer periods. Therefore,
measurement of the creatinine level is more reliable than measurement of the
urea nitrogen level.
6)Chylous/Pseudochylous Effusions
Most milky white effusions are chylous, but occasionally they are pseudochylous.
These effusions most commonly occur with neoplastic of inflammatory disorders,
but may be associated with any chronic effusion. Unlike chylous effusions, the
white color of pseudochylous effusions is not due to fat (chyle) but to cellular
debris, protein, lecithin globulin complexes and/or cholesterol granules.
The best available diagnostic test for differentiation between chylous and
pseudochylous effusion is measurement of the triglyceride and cholesterol
concentrations in both the effusion and peripheral blood. With chylous effusions,
the triglyceride concentration is higher in the effusion than in the serum and the
cholesterol concentration is higher in the serum than in the effusion. The reverse
is true of pseudochylous effusions. Also, the cholesterol/ triglyceride ratio of the
effusion fluid is <1.0 in chylous effusions.
Cats may develop a pleural effusion secondary to feline chronic congestive heart
failure (cardio-myopathy). These effusions are yellow to milky white and
typically consist of >50% small mature lymphocytes. While the color of the fluid
may be similar to that of a chylous effusion, the triglyceride concentration may or
may not be increased.
8)Hemorrhagic Effusion
Other neoplasms which may exfoliate into the body cavities include mast-cell
tumors, mesothelioma and various carcinomas, adenocarcinomas and sarcomas.
Malignant mesothelioma, a primary pleural or peritoneal tumor, is a rare cause of
effusion in animals. They are extremely difficult to diagnose cytologically because
of the variability of normal mesothelial cells. Diagnosis generally requires a
biopsy and it is difficult even on histopathologic examination to make a definitive
Since many tumors do not exfoliate neoplastic cells, the absence of neoplastic
cells within effusions does not rule out neoplasia. As in many instances, a
positive finding is positive but a negative finding necessitates further diagnostic
1.Types of Abnormalities
• a.Volume
o 1)The volume is nearly normal in degenerative and traumatic joint
o 2)Increased fluid occurs in inflammatory processes and
• b.Color and Turbidity
o 1)Normal synovial fluid is transparent and colorless in most species
and transparent and yellow in the horse.
o 2)Blood is red if fresh and amber if old. If the fluid is blood tinged,
hemarthrosis must be distinguished from iatrogenic contamination
at collection. Figure 15 outlines the procedures for differentiating
between these conditions.
o 3)Abnormal samples with increased cellularity exhibit variable
discoloration .
o 4)Turbidity indicates cells or fibrin.
• c.Viscosity
o 1)Normal synovial fluid is very viscous because of its high
concentration of hyaluronic acid.
o 2)Normal fluid should not separate from the tip of the hypodermic
needle until it has dropped 1-2 inches.
o 3)Decreased viscosity is caused by degradation of synovial mucin
by bacterial hyaluronidase or by dilution of synovial mucin by
serous effusion into the joint
• d.Mucin Clot Test
o 1)Following centrifugation, undiluted synovial fluid supernatant is
added to 2-5% glacial acetic acid at a ratio of about 1:4. This
causes mucin to agglutinate.
a)A normal or good mucin clot will be tight and ropy
b)A poor clot indicates degradation of synovial mucin,usually
by bacterial enzymes, or dilution by excessive effusion into
the joint.
c)Poor clots are associated with septic arthritis while good
clots usually occur with traumatic and degenerative joint
• e.Fibrin Clot
o 1)Normal fluid contains no fibrinogen and should not clot.
o 2)Clotting indicates blood contamination or inflammation.
• f.Chemical Constituents
o 1)Total protein (A/G ratio) - In arthritis there is often decreased
albumin and increased globulins.
o 2)Glucose - Serum/synovial ratio (1:1). Decreased in infectious
arthritis due to the glycolytic activity of bacteria.
• g.Immunologic Evaluation
o 1)Rhemuatoid factor
a)An IgM with specificity for IgG
b)Positive in 60% of the dogs with RA and 10% of the dogs
with SLE.
o 2)ANA (Antinuclear antibody)
a)Positive in 10% of dogs with RA and 90% of dogs with
• h.Cell Evaluation
The background material is mucin and the density reflects the thickness of the
smear. In Wright's stained specimens, the background is granular. Clefts in the
background may result from fibrin formation and separation of the mucin.
Synovial fluid has a limited number of ways in which it can respond in disease.
Therefore, the major questions in examination of synovial fluid are, Is there
inflammation? and is there sepsis? Normal synovial fluid contains low numbers of
mononuclear cells. Lymphocytes predominate and monocytes-macrophages are
variable. Occasionally, synovial lining cells may be present. Neutrophils and
RBCs are rare in normal synovial fluid, and when found, are usually the result of
blood contamination from the sampling procedure. In small animals, inflammation
is determined by finding more than 3000 WBCs/mm3 or greater than 12% of the
cells are neutrophils. In large animals, nucleated cell counts greater than 1000
cells/ul (500 cells/ul in the horse) with similar increases in the percentage of
neutrophils is indicative of inflammation. In all species, sepsis is determined by
finding degenerated WBCs or bacterial (especially if engulfed by WBCs). For
unknown reasons, it is often much more difficult to detect etiologic agents,
particularly bacteria, in synovial fluid than in aspirates from other body sites.
Culture of the fluid is generally required to detect or confirm infectious agents.
RBC counts increase with blood contamination, traumatic conditions and with
certain inflammatory conditions. The highest elevation of WBC cell counts occur
in septic and autoimmune arthritis. Mild increases occur in traumatic and
degenerative disease. Lymphocytes and monocytes comprise 90% of the cells in
normal fluid and predominate in tarsal hydrarthrosis and traumatic and
degenerative joint diseases. Neutrophils predominate in bacterial and certain
nonseptic inflammatory diseases; e.g., lupus erythematosus (SLE) and
rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Occasionally, osteoclasts, multinucleated giant cells,
may be found in smears and are indicative of cartilage erosion and exposed
1.Physical Examination
• a.Color
o 1)The normal CSF is crystal clear and colorless and resembles
distilled water. In viral encephalitis or meningitis, the CSF may
remain clear.
o 2)Hazy pink CSF may be associated with a traumatic tap or
intracerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage.
o 3)Bright red CSF indicates fresh blood from iatrogenic hemorrhage.
Centrifugation of the fluid will produce a clear, colorless
supernatant. Blood contamination will invalidate the results of CSF
analysis but a crude correction can be made by discarding 1 WBC
and 1 mg% protein for every 1000 RBCs present.
o 4)Dull red or brown fluid indicates previous hemorrhage.
o 5)Xanthochromia (pale orange or yellow) is due to bilirubin from
degenerating RBCs. It indicates hemorrhage of at least 2-4 days
and can persist for up to 40 days. It may be associated with tumors,
trauma, spinal cord compression and abscesses and can have
protein concentrations greater than 400 mg%. Xanthochromia may
also be due to altered permeability of the blood brain barrier
allowing influx of pigments from blood plasma (e.g., unconjugated
• b.Turbidity
Turbidity will be apparent when the CSF contains 300-500 cells/ul or more.
Bacteria or mycotic agents can contribute to turbidity. Bacterial meningitis may
be only slightly turbid to almost pure pus which may clot. Viral encephalitis,
trauma, tumor, abscess may show turbidity due to large amounts of protein, fibrin
and/or cells.
• c.Coagulation
Normal CSF does not coagulate. Coagulation may occur if damage to the blood
brain barrier permits fibrinogen to enter the CSF or if CSF collection results in
2.Chemical Constituents
• a.Protein
o 1)CSF protein levels are normally very small and consist mostly of
o 2)Globulin protein is of interest in that normal CSF is relatively free
of globulins and their concentrations are increased in pathological
conditions. The Pandy test is a qualitative test for high molecular
weight protein (globulin). Add 1-2 drops of CSF to 1 ml of Pandy
reagent (10 g phenol crystals/100 ml of distilled water) and
observe for white turbidity. Normal CSF produces only faint
turbidity. With abnormally large amounts of globulins, the solution
becomes cloudy.
o 3)Urine protein reagent strips may be used to grossly detect
protein. An elevated protein level would usually be represented on
reagent strips as >100 mg/dl .
o 4)Quantitative tests are colorimetric or turbidometric. In contrast to
cell evaluation, protein quantitation need not be done immediately.
Fluid may be frozen and evaluated at a later date. The Coomassie
brilliant-blue technique is the more commonly used
spectrophotometric assay. Normal values are <48 mg/dl for dogs
and cats, <70 mg/dl for horses and <60 mg/dl for ruminants.
o 5)Quantitation of protein fractions in both serum and CSF may be
necessary to differentiate leakage of plasma protein across the
blood-CSF barrier from increased synthesis of immuno-globulins
(IgG) within the CNS. Correlation between CSF albumin and CSF
globulin levels indicates a blood-CSF barrier dysfunction with both
albumin and globulin entering the CSF with equal facility, but at a
greater than normal rate. In contrast, low serum IgG
concentrations, high CSF IgG levels and normal CSF albumin
levels indicates a local CNS IgG production and not leakage across
the blood-CSF barrier.
o 6)Increased total protein or globulin occurs in:
a)Encephalitis or meningitis which increases the permeability
of the blood-brain barrier to plasma proteins. Levels are
generally markedly increased by bacterial meningitis and
somewhat less altered by viral meningitis or encephalitis.
Toxoplasma infections may also greatly increase CSF
protein levels.
b)Brain or spinal cord abscess
c)Hemorrhage or blood contamination during a traumatic
d)Tissue destruction
e)Neoplasm - total protein greater than 100 mg%
f)convulsive states
g)From high intracranial pressure due to a brain tumor or
intracerebral hemorrhage.
o 7)The pathologic mechanisms altering CSF protein levels are
complex and it must be remembered that CSF protein content may
increase without a concomitant increase in cell numbers.
• b.Glucose
o 1)Normally averages 75 mg% and is dependent on blood glucose
concentrations (should be measured concurrently). Normal CSF
glucose values are 60-80% of the blood glucose level.
o 2)Decreased levels are seen in hypoglycemia (normal CSF/blood
glucose ratio) or in the presence of pyogenic organisms or rapidly
growing tumors which utilize glucose. (decreased CSF/blood
glucose ratio)
o 3)Increased levels are seen in hyperglycemic states (normal
CS/blood glucose ratio)
• c.Sodium
o 1)CSF sodium levels are slightly less than that of blood.
o 2)The levels are increased in CSF (more than 160-200 mEq/L) in
water deprivation (Salt poisoning syndrome of swine).
• d.Enzymes
o 1)Increased CSF creatine kinase activity has been reported in a
wide variety of neurologic disorders. Elevated CSF CK levels in
dogs (normal values = 3 IU/L) appears to be a nonspecific but
sensitive index of CNS disease.
o 2)SGOT (AST) is found to be elevated in canine distemper,
purulent meningitis, or damage to brain tissue.
o 3)SGPT (ALT) is found to be elevated in canine distemper.
3.Cytologic examination
Normal CSF is free of RBCs and contains <8 nucleated cells/ul in dogs and
cats and <5/ul in all large animal species. Total nucleated cells counts in the CSF
are mildly elevated (pleocytosis) in a variety of disorders, and, though cytologic
findings may suggest that inflammation is chronic (primarily macrophages) or
chronic-active (nearly equal numbers of macrophages and neutrophils), no
specific etiology may be apparent. Nucleated cell counts and cytologic findings of
CSF examination can be difficult to fit into classifications conforming to specific
disease. All classifications appear to overlap. Pleocytosis of CSF indicates
abnormality, but CNS disease may exist in which there is no pleocytosis and the
cells which are present are normal.
The CSF of animals with mycotic and protozoal encephalitides will have varied
pleocytosis, consisting of neutrophils, mononuclear cells or eosinophils. An
increase in TNCC consisting primarily of lymphocytic cells may indicate viral
infections, uremia, fungal infections, postvaccinal inflammation, chronic infection
and toxic conditions. Monocytes/macrophages are often associated with
lymphocytes and will increase in conjunction with lymphocytes. They may
predominate in the CSF in FIP.
There are several ways in which cytological specimens may be obtained from the
prostate gland. Prostatic fluid may be obtained by digital massage while
aspirating with a syringe through a urinary catheter passed to the level of the
gland. In this procedure, the tip of the catheter can be palpated per rectum as it
approaches the base of the prostate. Care should be taken to properly lubricate
the catheter and cleanse the tip of the penis to assure clean technique and to
avoid introducing infection. This technique may cause fluid to be drawn into the
syringe or only a few cells may be drawn into the tip of the catheter. Following
massage and aspiration, negative pressure is released and the catheter
withdrawn. Cells collected at the tip of the catheter are placed on a slide, spread
by the "squash-prep" technique and evaluated. Fluid should be kept sterile for
bacterial culture if warranted.
2.Cytological Examination
Squamous metaplasia of the prostate may occur under the influence of estrogen-
like hormone activity, such as occurs in Sertoli-cell tumors, or as a sequel to
chronic prostatic irritation or inflammation. Under these influences, the prostatic
epithelium undergoes metaplasia to a squamous-like epithelium. Similar changes
may also occur to some minor degree in normal older animals. Aspirates are
moderately cellular with clusters of slightly basophilic to slightly acidophilic pale-
staining cells. These cells are very large and have a flattened appearance. An
occasional cell may contain a pyknotic or karyorrhectic nucleus. Occasional
inflammatory cells and hyperplastic epithelial cells may be present.
Diagnostic cytology of samples from the respiratory tract has been used
extensively in dogs, cats and horses and to a lesser degree in ruminants. These
procedures are used routinely in the evaluation of pulmonary disease.
Examination of secretions of the tracheobronchial tree and associated structures
can yield useful information on developing or established lower respiratory tract
disease including hypersensitivity reactions, inflammation, infectious agents and
neoplasia. Depending upon the method of collection used, the specimens
obtained are of variable volume and concentration techniques may be used in
conjunction with direct smears.
1.Methods of Collection
Mucus is seen in virtually all wash specimens, including those from normal
animals. Mucus appears as blue to pink homogeneous strands. These may
frequently be twisted or whorled. Mucus in inflammatory conditions stains
eosinophilic due to incorporation of inflammatory proteins and material from lysed
cells. Specimens from animals with chronic respiratory conditions causing
excessive production of mucus, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
may have mucus casts of small bronchioles. These are called Curschmann's
spirals and appear as spirally twisted masses of mucus that may have
perpendicular radiations that impart a test-tube-brush-like appearance.
b.Cellular Elements
Total cells counts on TT/B wash fluids are generally not performed because of
the mucus content and the dilution of the specimen with saline. Total cell counts
are usually performed on BAL specimens but care must be taken in their
interpretation because of the dilution factor.
Erythrocytes may be seen in TT/B and BAL fluids with disorders causing
vascular damage or RBC diapedesis into the lung. Intrapulmonary hemorrhage
may be of pulmonary origin (e.g., trauma, infarct, foreign bodies, infectious
diseases, neoplasia) or also may occur with disorders of non-pulmonary origin
(e.g., heart failure, pulmonary embolism, hemostatic disorders). RBCs
and/or RBC breakdown produces (hemosiderin, hematoidin) within alveolar
macrophages is an indication of chronic hemorrhage. These cells are often
referred to as heart failure cells; however, they may occur as a result of any
disorder which causes intrapulmonary hemorrhage. Hemosiderin-laden
macrophages are common in high-speed performance horses that have
experienced pulmonary hemorrhage at least 72 hours previously. The presence
of hemosiderin can be confirmed with special stains (e.g., Prussian blue) which
stain iron-containing compounds, such as hemosiderin, blue.
The predominant cell types observed in TT/B wash specimens from normal
animals include respiratory epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages with low
numbers of nondegenerate neutrophils and small lymphocytes. In pathologic
conditions, increased numbers of inflammatory cells (neutrophils, eosinophils,
lymphocytes and macrophages), RBCs, mast cells, and/or dysplastic and
neoplastic cells may be present.
a.Epithelial cells
Types of epithelial cells that may be observed in TT/B wash and BAL
specimens include ciliated and nonciliated columnar and cuboidal cells and
mucus-secretory cells.
Generally, the most abundant cell type is the ciliated columnar epithelial cell.
These cells are elongated or cone shaped with apically located cilia and a basally
located nucleus. The basal cytoplasm frequently terminates in a tail. The nucleus
is round to oval with a finely granular chromatin pattern. The non-ciliated
columnar cell is identical to these cells but does not have cilia. Ciliated and
nonciliated cuboidal epithelial cells resemble their columnar counterparts except
that they are as wide as they are tall. These latter cells are generally from the
bronchial regions and are, therefore, more common in BAL specimens.
Goblet cells are not commonly seen in specimens from normal animals; however,
any chronic pulmonary irritant may result in increases in their numbers. These
cells appear as an elongated or columnar cell with a basally placed nucleus.
They secrete mucus which appears as coarse metachromatic cytoplasmic
granules which frequently distend the cytoplasm. Occasionally, the cytoplasm
may be so distended as to give a rounded shape to the cell. Granules from
ruptured goblet cells may be seen free in the smear.
Increased numbers of macrophages are seen in many subacute and chronic lung
disorders such as congestive heart failure, granulomatous pneumonia, lipid
pneumonia and various chronic persistent inflammatory processes. Various
pigments from RBC breakdown (hematoidin, hemosiderin) or inhalation of
polluted air (anthracotic pigment) may be found in the cytoplasm of phagocytic
Eosinophils are present only in very small numbers (<5%) in TT/B and BAL
fluids from normal animals. Eosinophils may be seen in increased numbers
(>10%) with type I hypersensitivity reactions such as allergic processes (e.g.,
allergic bronchitis/ pneumonitis, feline asthma) and parasitic migration.
Eosinophlic granuloma may demonstrate eosinophilic lung infiltrates in affected
cats. Increased numbers are commonly seen in specimens from dogs infected
with heartworm, dogs and cats infected with lungworm, foals infected with
Parascaris equorum (during the pulmonary migration stage of the parasite),
horses with Dictyocaulus arnfieldi infection and in cattle infected with
Dictyocaulus viviparus. In addition to increased eosinophil numbers, parasite ova
and/or larvae may occasionally be identified.
Unless the neoplasm has invaded the tracheobronchial tree and invaded
bronchioles are not blocked by mucus plugs, neoplastic cells are rarely found in
TT/B and BAL fluids. When neoplastic cells are observed, they are generally
from adenocarcinomas. These large epithelial cells may be present as single
cells or as clusters. They generally have basophilic, vacuolated cytoplasm and
high nucleus/ cytoplasm ratios, coarse nuclear chromatin and prominent nucleoli.
Tissue cells found on cytologic smears may arise from normal tissue,
hyperplastic and/or dysplastic tissue, or neoplastic tissue. The observed cells
indicate a proliferative tissue mass if they are noninflammatory tissue cells of one
type; i.e., a uniform population. This conclusion is often made difficult by
concurrent inflammation and necrosis in many neoplasms. The higher the
percentage of inflammatory cells in the population, the lower one's confidence
that the mass is not primarily inflammatory. The presence of inflammation can
induce dysplastic changes in surrounding tissue cells which can be confused with
neoplastic processes. Cells undergoing dysplasia may show mild to moderate
variation in cell, nuclear and nucleolar size and shape, increased
nucleus:cytoplasm ratio, and coarse chromatin. Dysplasia generally does not
cause the bizarre nuclear and nucleolar morphology characteristic of neoplasia.
In any case, care must be taken in the interpretation of these lesions. They
should be biopsied or treated and re-evaluated cytologically when the
inflammatory process has subsided.
The shape of the cells, their association with other cells, especially in tissue
fragments, and cytoplasmic features are used to indicate the tissue of origin of a
tumor (See Figure X.2). Once the cell type of a neoplasm is ascertained, the
mass is evaluated for malignancy based upon the criteria listed in Figure X.3.
• a.Epithelial in origin
• b.Often exfoliated in clusters, clumps or sheets of round to oval cells
• c.In some cases, may appear arranged in ductular or acinar patterns
around a central lumen (adenoma or adeno-carcinoma).
• d.Cytoplasm may also appear distended by a secretory product.
• a.Consist of cells which are round to oval in shape and exfoliate readily.
• b.Cells are not intimately associated with each other.
Basal cell tumors are neoplasms of the basilar layer of the epidermis. They are
common in cats and dogs. They can be pigmented, especially in cats, and often
contain cystic spaces. The tumors are generally benign but can be locally
invasive or malignant. Their malignancy potential is difficult to predict
cytologically; however, it is reported that those exhibiting solid or basosquamous
tendencies tend to behave malignantly.
The cell type found in these tumors is a primitive epithelial germ cell that does
not exhibit differentiation toward squamous cells or adnexal structures.
Histologically, these cells are arranged as palisaded cords or ribbons embedded
in fibrous stroma. This pattern is caused by the tendency of basal cells to line up
along basement membranes within the tumor.
The tumor is readily imprinted and aspirated and yields large numbers of cells
arranged singly or in groups. Sometimes a row or ribbon of several cells may be
found. Individual cells are uniformly small, approximately the size of a RBC, and
dark staining. The N:C ratio is generally 1:1; therefore, only a scant amount of
pale blue cytoplasm can be visualized in most of the cells. Their nuclei are
variably-sized but regular in shape and have finely etched, lacy to finely stippled
chromatin and contain multiple indistinct nucleoli. Mitotic figures may be
The perianal glands encircle the canine anus, and a few cells can be located in
the skin of the tail, the prepuce, the thigh, and over the dorsum of the back.
Perianal adenomas and adenocarcinomas can occur at any of these locations.
These tumors are most commonly seen in the male. Perianal adenomas and
adenocarcinomas often ulcerate because of pressure necrosis of the overlying
epidermis and mechanical irritation of the tumor.
Tumors of the sebaceous glands are more common in older dogs and usually
appear as wart-like growths. They generally exfoliate cells in groups and clusters
and acinar patterns may be seen.
The predominant cell type in the sebaceous gland adenoma is the large mature
secretory cell which has foamy cytoplasm and a small, central to slightly
eccentric nucleus. The nucleus has dark staining slightly coarse chromatin and
an indistinct or indiscernible nucleolus. The nucleus may be totally obscured by
secretory material. In addition to these mature cells, adenomas may also contain
basilar reserve cells. These cells are immature and contain little or no secretory
material. Their cytoplasm is basophilic and the N:C ratio is approximately 1:2.
Care must be taken not to interpret these cells as malignant.and contain little or
no secretory material. Their cytoplasm is basophilic and the N:C ratio is
approximately 1:2. Care must be taken not to interpret these cells as malignant.
Sebaceous gland adenocarcinomas are relatively uncommon. Cytologic
preparations usually consist of groups of extremely basophilic reserve cells
showing numerous criteria of malignancy. Only a few cells will contain secretory
material. An occasional cell will produce a large amount of secretory material
which presses the nucleus to the cell margin resulting in a signet-ring
a.Granulation Tissue
Mature lipocytes are large and distended with fat. They usually rupture during the
aspiration procedure; therefore, aspirates of lipomas usually yield abundant free
fat with a few lipocytes giving the smears an oily appearance which will not dry.
Staining of the aspirate in an alcohol-based stain will dissolve the fat leaving
clear areas and a few intact lipocytes on the smear. Lipocytes have pyknotic
nuclei that are pressed against the side of the cell membrane by huge fat
globules. Fat stains, such as Sudan IV and oil red O, may be used on fresh
smears before alcohol fixation to verify the presence of these cells. New
methylene blue stain may also be used. Lipomas are benign tumors but they can
occasionally infiltrate between muscle masses. These infiltrative lipomas are
difficult or impossible to remove and can cause death of the animal. In horses,
pedunculated lipomas may be life threatening because of their potential for
causing strangulation of the gut.
Unlike lipomas, cytologic preparations from liposarcomas may contain numerous
cells. Aspirates, imprints and scrapings from liposarcomas may contain free fat,
some mature lipocytes and lipoblasts, and appear greasy. Or they may contain
very little free fat, few mature lipocytes, many lipoblasts and don't appear greasy.
Histopathologic examination demonstrates that the cells contain abundant
cytoplasm. This feature is not noted in most cytologic preparations because the
cell membrane is visualized poorly. Cytologically, the cells have very light
cytoplasm containing vacuoles of varying size and number. Some of the larger
vacuoles may cause indentation of the cell nucleus. In general, the more
immature and anaplastic cells have fewer and smaller fat globules. The lipoblast
nucleus is typically round and variation in nuclear size and multinucleation is
usually present in the preparation.
Dermal melanomas are common in dogs and horses but rare in cats. Although
generally benign in dogs, cutaneous melanomas of the oral cavity, lips and digits
have a high incidence of malignancy. Aspirates generally contain a large to
moderate amount of cells but, occasionally, only scattered cells mixed with blood
are aspirated. In all instances, melanin pigment almost always will be found in
the background. The tumor aspirate contains predominantly individual cells, but
sheets or rare clusters may be found. Cell morphology varies from round, oval,
stellate or spindle shaped.
The cells from both benign and malignant tumors have a moderate to abundant
amount of cytoplasm with a low N:C ratio. Melanomas are often extremely
malignant and bizarre forms are common. Tumor giant cells and cells with giant
nuclei are often seen. Melanin pigment appears as brown-black to green-black
cytoplasmic granules of irregular size and shape. This pigment might appear as a
salt-and-pepper sprinkling in occasional cells; or might be densely packed and
obscure the nucleus. Even in tumors apparently devoid of pigment, a thorough
examination of the smear will generally reveal a few cells containing a few small
pigment granules interspersed throughout their cytoplasm. Anisokaryosis and
numerous mitotic figures are usually additional features of these "amelanotic"
neoplasms. In general, the less pigmented the melanoma, the more malignant
the neoplasm.
The principal cell is the malignant osteoblast which may appear singly or in
clusters. The cells are polygonal to fusiform with abundant foamy basophilic
cytoplasm. Several clear cytoplasmic vacuoles and/or scattered pink cytoplasmic
granules may be present. A Golgi area is often apparent. Nuclei of malignant
osteoblasts are highly variable in size, exhibiting coarse chromatin patterns and
multiple nucleoli. The nuclei may be eccentrically located and appear as if they
are being "spit out" by the cell. Multinucleate forms may be present due to
incomplete cellular division. These cells resemble osteoclasts; however, they are
not osteoclasts but tumor giant cells and will exhibit nuclear criteria of
Chondrosarcomas are the second most common tumor of bone and are difficult
to differentiate from osteosarcomas cytologically. The ribs, turbinates and pelvis
are the most common sites for chondrosarcomas of dogs, while the scapulae,
vertebrae and ribs are most common sites in cats. One useful but inconsistent
cytologic feature on low-power examination of aspirates is lakes of bright pink,
smooth or slightly granular material in which cells may be embedded. This
material is the intercellular matrix of cartilage sometimes called chrondroid.
Smears made from Mast cell tumors contain few to many round to oval cells
containing a moderate amount of cytoplasm with variable numbers of small, red-
purple granules (when stained with Wright's stain). The number of granules
seen within a given neoplastic mast cell may vary from tumor to tumor and even
within a tumor. Generally, mast cell neoplasms containing relatively few granules
are considered to be formed by less differentiated, more primitive cells than are
highly granulated neoplasms.
The nuclei of neoplastic mast cells are round to oval, variably sized and generally
eccentric. They appear to stain palely because of the intense staining of the
cytoplasmic granules. Nuclear criteria of malignancy are present although nuclei
may be so obscured by granules that these features are indistinguishable. Mitotic
figures may be present.
Mast cells contain heparin and its anticoagulant effect may result in local
hemorrhage. Because of the local histamine release that occurs when mast cells
degranulate, inflammatory cells are commonly noted in aspirates. Some tumors
have a marked infiltrate of eosinophils which may be a distinct cytologic feature.
The TVT is a discrete cell tumor of dogs most commonly found on mucous
membrane surfaces, such as the penis, the vagina, and the oral or nasal cavities.
The neoplasm is believed to have a viral etiology, currently unclassified. The TVT
meets both cytologic and histologic criteria for malignancy but reports of
metastasis are rare. In many cases the neoplasm will regress spontaneously.
Cells from TVTs exfoliate extremely well giving numerous cells in aspiration,
impression or scraping preparations. Most of the cells are uniformly round;
however, an occasional large or multinucleated cell may be observed. The cells
have a moderate amount of light gray to blue cytoplasm with distinct boundaries.
Numerous cytoplasmic vacuoles may be present. The nuclei are usually round
and eccentrically placed and contain coarse, cord-like chromatin and 1-2 large
prominent nucleoli. Variation in N:C ratio is a common feature. TVTs generally
exhibit a high mitotic index. Tumor infiltration by plasma cells and and
macrophages is common.
Aspirates from normal mammary glands are generally acellular or contain only
blood. If mammary tissue is present, it consists of acini of secretory cells. These
cells have a moderate amount of basophilic cytoplasm and round, dark uniform
nuclei. Active cells will appear foamy due to the accumulation of secretory
material. Sheets or fragments of simple cuboidal duct epithelium may be present
and appears as small cells with scanty cytoplasm and basally located ovoid
nuclei. A third cellular component, the myoepithelial cell, may also be present
and appears as a dark staining, naked, oval nucleus or as a spindle shaped cell.
Mammary cysts result when a dysplastic process causes dilatation of the duct
system with the formation of large cavitations. They are common in middle-aged
and older bitches, but may occasionally occur in younger dogs. Though
considered benign, mammary cysts may be precancerous. Aspirated fluid is
yellow, brown, green or blood-tinged and is of low cellularity consisting primarily
of "foam cells" and pigment-laden macrophages. Dense clusters of cyst
epithelial lining cells exhibiting minor degrees of nuclear pleomorphism may also
be present.
Adenocarcinomas are the most common malignant tumor and have the classic
cytological criteria previously described for this tumor type as do the less
common mammary squamous cell carcinomas. Aspirates of anaplastic
carcinomas contain very large, very pleomorphic epithelial cells occurring
individually or in small clusters. These cells have a high N:C ratio, bizarre nuclear
and nucleolar forms and exhibit a high mitotic index. Multinucleate forms are
Small (9 micron) mature lymphocytes are the predominant cell type in aspirates
of normal lymph nodes and make up 85 to 90% of the cells observed. These
cells have condensed nuclei, only slightly larger than a red blood cell, and scant
cytoplasm consisting of a narrow rim around the nucleus.
Large lymphocytes, or lymphoblasts, are the less common than either small or
medium lymphocytes in normal nodes. They are large cells (15-25 microns) with
basophilic cytoplasm which may appear as a broad or narrow rim around the
nucleus. The nucleus is vesicular with a fine, diffuse chromatin pattern and may
contain multiple distinct nucleoli.
b. Reactive Hyperplasia
Lymph nodes become reactive or hyperplastic when they are antigenically
stimulated, such as occurs when high concentrations of antigens reach the
draining nodes. A reactive hyperplastic lymph node resembles a normal lymph
node cytologically; however, the size of the lymph node aids in differentiation
since a normal node should not be enlarged. As with normal lymph nodes,
specimens from reactive hyperplastic nodes contain a heterogeneous cell
population. The small lymphocyte predominates, composing approximately 60-
70% of the cells. The numbers of medium and large lymphocytes are increased
and may make up to 15% of the total cell population. Mitotic figures may be
prominent. Mature and immature plasma cells are generally increased in number
and make up to 5-10% of the cell population in some areas of the smear. Plasma
cells that contain many discrete vacuoles (Russell bodies) are called Mott cells
or Russell body cells and are commonly seen in reactive lymph nodes.
Macrophages may be increased in number, particularly when hyperplasia of
sinus macrophages occurs. Increased numbers of lymphoglandular bodies are
generally present.
c. Lymphadenitis
The cytology of an inflamed lymph node will vary depending upon the etiology.
Neutrophils (degenerate or nondegenerate), eosinophils, or macrophages can
predominate. Inflammation is probably present when the total cell population of
the lymph node is >5% neutrophils or >3% eosinophils. Macrophage numbers
can increase in inflammation, hyperplasia and sometimes in neoplasia.
Macrophages may also appear as epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells
in granulomatous inflammation.
d. Lymphosarcoma
e. Metastatic Neoplasia
Malignant tumors frequently metastasize via lymphatics. This can result in the
proliferation of neoplastic tissue in the draining lymph node. The presence of
cells not normally found in lymph nodes or an increase in numbers of certain cell
types normally present may suggest metastatic neoplasia.
3. Testis
a. Seminoma
Aspirate from seminomas are usually highly to moderately cellular. The cells are
of variable size with high nuclear:cytoplasm ratios. Distinct cells with intact
cytoplasmic membranes may be sparse and ruptured cells are common. The
nuclei are variable in size with homogeneous to finely reticular chromatin. Bi- and
multiple nucleation is common. Nucleoli are prominent, relatively large and
frequently multiple and irregular. Mitotic figures are common. Small lymphocytes
are frequently scattered throughout the stroma.
b. Sertoli-Cell Tumor
Aspirates from Sertoli-cell tumors are highly cellular. The tumor cells usually
have abundant light-staining cytoplasm which contains numerous distinct
variable sized vacuoles. Nuclear chromatin patterns are coarsely reticular and
small to large nucleoli may be present. Mitotic figures may be found. Rarely,
spindle-shaped cells with abundant cytoplasm may be present.
4. The Vagina
The vaginal epithelium is a target tissue for ovarian hormones, changing from 2-4
layers thick to a multilayered epithelium under their influences. These changes
result in exfoliation of large numbers of superficial epithelium cells. Examination
of these cells from the vagina is a simple technique that can be used to
accurately monitor the progression of proestrus and estrus in dogs and cats.
Cytologic examination of vaginal smears is also useful in detecting inflammation
and neoplasia in the female reproductive tract.
Basal cells are from the deepest layer of the epithelium lining, near the
basement membrane. These cells give rise to the other epithelial cell types in the
vaginal lining. Basal cells are small with a small amount of cytoplasm and a
relatively high nuclear: cytoplasm ratio. They are rarely seen in vaginal smears.
Parabasal cells are located just above the basal cell layer of the epithelium.
They are small round cells with round nuclei and a small amount of cytoplasm;
however, they are considerably larger than basal cells. Large numbers of
parabasal cells may exfoliate when the vagina of a prepubertal animal is
swabbed. These cells are usually quite uniform in size and shape.
Superficial cells are the largest epithelial cells seen in vaginal smears. As they
age and degenerate, their nuclei become pyknotic and then faded, and
occasionally they disappear. Their cytoplasm is abundant, angular and folded. As
the cells degenerate, they undergo cornification.
Depending upon the reference used, the canine estrous cycle is divided into four
or five stages. These stages are anestrus, proestrus, estrus and metestrus. The
fifth stage, diestrus, is described as occurring after metestrus and before
anestrus. In some references, diestrus and metestrus are used synoymously.
1) Proestrus
2) Estrus
Cytologically, early estrus is characterized by a marked decrease in red blood
cells, an absence of neutrophils and a continuing increase in the number of
cornified epithelial cells. The time of maximum cornification is variable and may
range from as early as 6 days before to 3 days following the LH peak. Large
numbers of bacteria are commonly observed on and around superficial epithelial
cells. Neutrophils may reappear during tthe last day or two of estrus and indicate
its end.
3) Metestrus