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CONTENTS As described in Chapter 6 of the Player's Handbook,

BARBARIAN ............................................................. 3 feats can be taken when a player character gains the
Ability Score Improvement feature from their class.
BARD ....................................................................... 5
The feats in this supplement represent distinguished
CLERIC ..................................................................... 8 training with one's class.
DRUID .................................................................... 10 At 1st Level. The feats in this supplement are
designed for 4th level or higher characters, often
FIGHTER ................................................................. 13 referencing features unlocked at 3rd level. It is up to
MONK .................................................................... 15 your discretion to waive this requirement for variant
PALADIN ................................................................ 17 humans, or for tables that start with a free feat at 1st
level. This is, however, discouraged.
RANGER ................................................................. 18
ROGUE ................................................................... 22 DESIGN PHILOSOPHY
Daerdan's Class Feats is designed around three
SORCERER .............................................................. 24 principles, ruled by one overlying philosophy:
WARLOCK .............................................................. 26 nothing is free. For the cost of a feat, adventurers can
expand their arsenal, shore up weaknesses, and reach
WIZARD ................................................................. 28
new heights of power.
APPENDIX A: NPCS ............................................... 30 Fantasy Expansion. These feats aim to provide
APPENDIX B: SPELL INDEX .................................... 35 new playstyles to those willing to pay the price but
without having to commit to multiclassing.
Flaw Fixing. Several feats are designed to fixing
ARTISTS well-known flaws in classes, subclasses, and other
Praise be to our beloved artists: mechanics, such as the Undying Warlock, two-
Dean Spencer, Cover Page, et al, © Dean Spencer weapon fighting and more.
Forrest Imel, Bard © Forrest Imel Additional Resources. Too many classes or play-
styles are heavily taxed in their spell choices, feats,
LEGAL STUFF or resources. Some feats provide a sort of "taxation
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten
alleviation," such as upping the number of spells
Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, known for bards, rangers and sorcerers or teaching
Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other additional maneuvers to battle master fighters (albeit
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
at the cost of a feat).
All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards
of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the NPCS
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the Some feats involve monsters or NPCs not found in
material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express Appendix D of the Player's Handbook, such as plant
written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
creatures for druids that take the One with Nature
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057- feat or Pact of the Chain warlocks that unlock new
0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 forms for their familiar via the Pact of the Pit Master
Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley
Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK. feat. See Appendix A for these statistics.
Many feats include spells found only in Xanathar's
Guide to Everything; see Appendix B for a master
index of all spells referenced in this supplement.
The following feats are available to barbarian Prerequisite: Path of the Battlerager primal path
characters of 4th level or higher. You are nothing more than a spiked storm of wrath
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat and spite rampaging across the battlefield. You gain
to take that feat. the following benefits:
Primal Champion. Barbarians of 20th level that • You gain proficiency in smith's tools. Using them,
take a feat that increases either their Strength or you can add spikes to magical medium armor,
Constitution score can increase it up to 24, per their qualifying it as spiked armor while retaining its
Primal Champion feature. other benefits. You require 5 gp's worth of iron and
can forge and add these spikes over 8 hours' labor.
ADONIS • You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while wearing
spiked armor.
You are a perfect specimen of physical prowess and • The damage dealt by your spikes increases to 1d6
a pleasant sight for the eyes. You gain these benefits: piercing damage.
• Increase your Strength, Charisma or Constitution • When you successfully shove a creature, they take
score by 1, up 20. 3 piercing damage. While raging, you can add your
• You gain proficiency in either the Performance or rage damage bonus to this damage.
Persuasion skill.
• While you're raging, your jump distance increases
by a number of feet equal to your Strength
modifier, with or without a running start.
• While you're raging, you have a climbing speed
equal to your movement speed.
Your rage has taught your hands to war and your While at Death's Door, you fight with wild abandon.
fingers to fight with unnatural strength. You gain the You gain the following benefits:
following benefits: • Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1,
• Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength up to a maximum of 20.
modifier as bludgeoning damage. This damage die • When you're reduced to a quarter of your maximum
increases at certain levels in this class: to 1d6 at 5th hit points (rounded down) and have no uses of your
level, 1d8 at 11th level, and 1d10 at 17th level. Rage left, and aren't already raging, you can Rage
• When you use the Attack action to make an at the start of your next turn. Once you use this
unarmed strike on your turn, you can make one feature, you must finish a long rest before you can
unarmed strike as a bonus action. use it again.
• Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as • While you're at below a quarter of your maximum
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance hit points (rounded down), you have advantage on
and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. your attack rolls. Additionally, while in this state,
your Rage damage is increased by +1.
You become a master of thrown weapons, a terror in WRATH OF THE STORM
the wilds that can down any man from the brush. You Prerequisite: Path of the Storm Herald primal path
gain the following benefits: You crackle with the power of the storm, ever-ready
• You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls to unleash its wrath. You gain a number of d6s equal
made with thrown weapons, as well as the sling. to half your barbarian level (rounded up). As a bonus
• You can add your Rage damage bonus to a ranged action while you're raging, you can expend any
weapon attack made with a thrown weapon or the number of dice. When you do so, an effect occurs
sling. determined by your Storm Aura feature.
• You can use your Strength modifier in place of your The damage is totaled by the number of dice you
Dexterity modifier when attacking with a sling. choose to expend. The DC of a saving throw imposed
by these effects equals 8 + your proficiency bonus +
RAGE MAGE your Strength modifier. You regain all expended dice
at the end of a long rest.
Your rage burns brighter than any torch of this world, Desert. You gather your rage and explode in a
sparking magic that was previously dormant within storm of fire. Creatures within 10 feet of you must
you. You learn three 1st level spells from the sorcerer make a Dexterity saving throw or take fire damage
spell list; two of these spells must belong to the equal to the total damage of d6s you rolled. On a
school of evocation. success, a creature takes half damage. Flammable
You have three charges of Raging Magic, which objects within range that aren't being worn or carried
you regain after finishing a long rest. While raging, are ignited.
you can expend a charge to cast any of the sorcerer Sea. You bellow, unleashing a lance of lightning in
spells of 1st level or higher that you learned from this a 5 by 30-foot line. Creatures within the area must
feat. Additionally, you learn two sorcerer cantrips of make a Dexterity saving throw or take lightning
your choice; you can only cast these cantrips while damage equal to the total damage of d6s you rolled.
raging. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these On a success, a creature takes half damage. Until the
spells. end of its next turn, the first creature in the blast that
fails its saving throw makes its next attack roll with
UNHINGED FRENZY disadvantage.
Prerequisite: Path of the Berserker primal path Tundra. You unleash a 15-foot cone of frigid air.
When your rage ends after using your Frenzy feature, Creatures within the area must make a Constitution
you can make a Constitution saving throw to avoid saving throw or take cold damage equal to the total
gaining a level of exhaustion (DC 8 + your damage of d6s you rolled. On a success, a creature
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). The takes half damage. On a failure, its movement speed
DC increases by 2 each time you use the feature after is reduced by 10 feet until the end of its next turn.
the first, resetting after you finish a long rest.
Bard Level Spells
The following feats are available to bard characters 1st charm person
of 4th level or higher. 3rd calm emotions
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat 5th hypnotic pattern
to take that feat. 7th compulsion
9th dominate person
Only the greatest of artists leave their lasting mark CULINARY ARTIST
upon the world—and your talent is an ink you can Some bards sing through their cooking, bolstering
use to paint over reality. others with boons and bread, infusing every meal
You gain proficiency in one of the following tools: with their own magic.
calligrapher's supplies, glassblower's tools, painter's You gain proficiency in cook's utensils and can use
supplies, or woodcarver's tools. You can use this tool them as improvised weapons, with which you're
as a bardic focus for your spellcasting. proficient. You treat these weapons as if they have
Additionally, you can use your action to touch one the finesse property.
image, such as a painting or sketch, and cause its Additionally, during a short or long rest, you can
subject to spring forth, becoming that creature, infuse food you prepare with your cooking utensils
provided its CR is 1/4 or lower. It counts as a with magic. Characters that consume a ration's worth
construct and it has an Intelligence score of 4. of food gain the following benefits, which last for 8
The creature appears in an unoccupied space hours. A creature can't gain these benefits more than
within 5 feet of the painting, which becomes blank. once in a 24-hour period.
The creature is friendly toward you and companions • The creature's hit point maximum is increased by
of your choice. In combat, it acts on its own your Song of Rest die, starting with 1d6.
initiative. It cannot cast spells and disappears after 1 • The creature has advantage on Constitution saving
minute, when it is reduced to 0 hit points, or when throws against poison, paralysis, and exhaustion.
you fall unconscious. It counts as a construct, rather • The creature can add your proficiency bonus to the
than whatever creature type its inspiration is. next Death saving throw they make.
Once you use this feature, you cannot again until
you finish a long rest.


Prerequisite: College of Glamour bardic college
As a weaver of enchantments, you yourself prove to
be a tough target for those that would deceive or prey
on your mind. You gain the following benefits:
• You have advantage on saving throws against being
charmed or discerning illusions.
• Starting at 6th level, you can use the Countercharm
feature as a reaction, so long as you can speak.
• You learn a number of spells as you gain levels in
this class. The spells count as bard spells for you,
but not against the number of bard spells you know.
See the Can't Play the Player Spells table.
Bard Level Spells Bard Level Spells
1st shield 1st dissonant whispers
3rd mirror image 3rd shadow blade
5th haste 5th fear
7th staggering smite 7th phantasmal killer
9th steel wind strike 9th geas


Prerequisite: College of Swords bardic college The jester always gets the last laugh. Through
The crucible of battle is yours to dance in. You gain esoteric magic, you can cheat death. Whenever a
the following benefits: creature within 60 feet that you can see reduces you
• Increase your Dexterity or Constitution score by 1, to 0 hit points, you can use a charge of your Bardic
up to 20. Inspiration to invoke the Last Laugh.
• When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon Roll your Bardic Inspiration die. The target must
attack, you can use a Blade Flourish once without make a Wisdom saving throw, taking damage equal
using a Bardic Inspiration die. This Blade Flourish to your bard level. On a success, it takes half damage.
must be made by the end of your next turn, other- On a failure, booming laughter consumes its mind
wise it is lost. and instead of dropping to 0 hit points, you drop to a
• You learn a number of spells as you gain levels in number of hit points equal to twice the Bardic
this class. The spells count as bard spells for you, Inspiration die result. Until the start of your next turn,
but not against the number of bard spells you know. you do not provoke opportunity attacks.
See the Dancing Steel Spells table.
THE DIRGE OF MORTALITY The power of the written word is to be respected; the
Prerequisite: College of Whispers bardic college power of the spoken word is to be feared. Your
As an action, you can expend a charge of your Bardic bardic magic can trace its roots back to the single
Inspiration to play a dirge—a funerary song that word that sparked Creation itself. You gain the
harkens to a man's mind that there is no escape from following benefits:
death itself. You can choose a number of creatures • Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1,
up to your Charisma modifier within 60 feet that can up to 20.
hear you, subjecting them to a Charisma saving • You can use your own voice as a bardic focus for
throw against your Bard spell save DC. On a failure, your spellcasting.
despair overwhelms them. Their maximum hit points • Whenever you speak, you can use a bonus action to
are reduced by half your bard level (rounded down) magically cause your voice to boom up to three
+ the result of your bardic inspiration die. A creature times as loud.
whose hit point maximum is reduced to 0 by the dirge • You learn the vicious mockery and thunderclap
dies and its soul is sent to the Shadowfell. cantrips which don't count against the number of
Once you use this feature, you cannot again until bard cantrips you know. You can add your
you finish a long rest. Charisma modifier to the damage of vicious
Additionally, you learn a number of spells as you mockery. Additionally, the range of thunderclap is
gain levels in this class. The spells count as bard increased to 15 feet; when you cast it, you can
spells for you, but not against the number of bard choose a number of creatures up to your Charisma
spells you know. See the Dirge of Mortality Spells modifier to automatically succeed on their saving
table. throw.
Bard Level Spells
1st thunderous smite Prerequisite: College of Valor bardic college
3rd blur Men shall immortalize you in song and legend. You
5th haste gain the following benefits:
7th staggering smite • Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
9th steel wind strike score by 1, up to 20.
• When you score a critical hit with a weapon attack,
STOLEN ESOTERICA: DRACONOMICA you can use your reaction to rally your allies.
Bard Level Spells
1st command
Creatures of your choice (up to your Charisma
3rd dragon's breath modifier) within 60 feet that can hear you gain a +1
5th elemental weapon bonus to their AC that lasts until the end of their
7th fire shield next turn.
9th legend lore • You learn a number of spells as you gain levels in
this class. The spells count as bard spells for you,
STOLEN ESOTERICA: ELDRITCH MYTHOS but not against the number of bard spells you know.
Bard Level Spells
1st arms of Hadar
3rd detect thoughts STOLEN ESOTERICA
5th hunger of Hadar As a diligent student of esoteric lore, you can focus
7th Evard's black tentacles your studies on one forbidden subject, such as fey
9th telekinesis
lore or demonology. You gain the following benefits:
STOLEN ESOTERICA: FEY LORE SPELLS • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
Bard Level Spells score by 1, up to 20.
1st entangle • You learn one cantrip of your choice from the spell
3rd misty step list of any class. It counts as a bard cantrip for you
5th blink but not against the number of cantrips you know.
7th conjure woodland beings • You can choose one area of study from the options
9th dominate person
below, learning a number of spells as you gain
STOLEN ESOTERICA: FIENDISH RITES levels in this class. The spells count as bard spells
Bard Level Spells for you, but not against the number of bard spells
1st armor of Agathys you know. See the Stolen Esoterica spell tables.
3rd scorching ray • You learn the language associated with your choice
5th fireball of study, as determined by the Stolen Esoterica:
7th fire shield Languages table.
9th flame strike
Bard Level Spells
1st detect evil and good
3rd prayer of healing
5th revivify
7th guardian of faith
9th mass healing word
Area of Study Language
Draconomica Draconic
Eldritch Mythos Deep Speech
Fey Lore Sylvan
Fiendish Rites Abyssal or Infernal (your choice)
Hymns of Heaven Celestial
The following feats are available to cleric characters It's always darkest before the dawn and the sharpest
of 4th level or higher. grief fuels the sincerest prayers. You gain the
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat following benefits:
to take that feat. • Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1,
up to 20.
CATECHIST • When a creature within 60 feet of you is reduced to
0 hit points but not killed outright, you can utter a
True devotion to the gods is proven through diligent
desperate prayer by using your reaction. The target
study and rote memorization of prayers, rites, and
regains hit points equal to your proficiency bonus
sacrament. You gain the following benefits:
+ your Wisdom modifier. If the creature reduced to
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1,
0 hit points is yourself, you don't need to use a
up to 20.
reaction to utter the prayer. Once you do this, you
• You gain proficiency in the Religion skill. When
cannot again until you finish a long rest.
you make an ability check using this skill, your
proficiency bonus is doubled.
• You can fashion holy symbols of your deity out of DISCIPLE OF THE HUNT
5 gp's worth of materials and bless them through an Prerequisite: Nature divine domain
obscure rite. When you restore hit points to a Like the gods of the hunt, you embrace the primal
creature wearing this symbol through a spell of 1st ingenuity of ancient men. You gain the following
level or higher, they gain an additional +3 hit points benefits:
from the spell. • You gain proficiency in martial ranged weapons.
• While not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your
CONSECRATOR AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier and your
movement speed increases by 10.
Once per long rest, you can bless enough water to • You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you
create one vial of holy water (described in Chapter 5 already have darkvision from your race, its range
of the Player's Handbook) without a material cost. increases by 30 feet.
The holy water loses its potency after 24 hours. • You learn the hunter's mark spell. It counts as a
Using this holy water, you can bless five weapons cleric spell for you and you always have it
or pieces of ammunition. Once per turn when this prepared. It doesn't count against the number of
weapon or piece of ammunition is used in a weapon cleric spells you can prepare.
attack against a fiend or undead, the attack deals an
additional 1d6 radiant damage. When you make this
weapon attack, the target has disadvantage on the
next saving throw it makes against a cleric spell you
cast before the end of your next turn.
A weapon or piece of ammunition sanctified by the
holy water loses these benefits after it's hit a fiend or
undead creature three times.
HALLOWED TRICKERY • Until the end of your current turn, opportunity
attacks made against you suffer disadvantage.
Prerequisite: Trickery divine domain
• You can reduce any falling damage you take by an
Deceit is the eucharist taken to honor your deity. It is
amount equal to four times your cleric level.
a hallowed art that honors their divine legacy. Thus,
• When you run out of breath and begin to suffocate,
deceitfulness is close to godliness. Embracing deceit,
you can roll 2d6, increasing the number of rounds
you gain the following benefits:
you can survive before dropping to 0 hit points by
• Increase your Charisma, Dexterity, or Wisdom
the result.
score by 1, up to 20.
• Magic and other features, such as an angel's Divine
Awareness feature, cannot be used to determine MISSIONARY
whether you're lying, nor can it compel you to tell It is your divine purpose to spread the good word of
the truth. your deity to all corners of the world. You gain the
• You gain proficiency in the Deception skill. When following benefits:
you make an ability check using that skill, your • Increase your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom
proficiency bonus is doubled. score by 1, up to 20.
• When you use your Channel Divinity: Cloak of • You ignore difficult terrain.
Shadows feature, you can remain invisible for up • You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
to 10 minutes, or until you attack or cast a spell. • You learn to read, write, and speak two languages
of your choice.
Prerequisite: Forge divine domain ORACLE
During a long rest, you can use your Channel Prerequisite: Knowledge divine domain
Divinity: Artisan's Blessing to engage in an 8-hour During a short or long rest, you can ruminate on the
ritual to create a guardian empowered by your deity. future, deciphering omens left behind by your deity.
The guardian has the statistics of an animated Through this, you gain Oracular Insight, a resource
armor, which can be found in Appendix A of this you can use to grant a bonus or impose a penalty on
supplement. To create this guardian, you must an attack roll, damage roll, saving throw, or ability
expend 100 gp worth of metal. check that is made within 60 feet of you by a creature
The guardian is friendly to you and your you can see, using your reaction. The maximum
companions. It shares your alignment and weapon bonus or penalty you can impose in one reaction is
proficiencies. In combat, it acts on its own initiative, equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of 1).
obeying any verbal commands that you issue to it (no You can choose to incrementally impose this bonus
action required by you). If you don't issue any or penalty after a roll is made. For example, if you
commands to it, the guardian defends itself from make an attack roll against a creature and miss, you
hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. can choose to gain a +1 bonus; if that continues to
You can only have one guardian at a time. It serves miss, you can increase this to +2—so on and so forth,
you until destroyed, after which it disintegrates. up to your Wisdom modifier.
During a short rest, you gain 1d10 Oracular Insight,
LEAP OF FAITH whereas you gain 10 after finishing a long rest. You
can never have more than 15 Oracular Insight and if
It is the duty of mortal men to keep faith even in the
you finish a long rest with 11 or more, it resets to 10.
most dire of circumstances. By trusting in your deity,
During your rumination, you may learn of an event
you can shelve those mortal fears. Once per short or
that has yet to come or already occurred through an
long rest, you can use your reaction to invoke one of
oracular vision, at the DM's discretion.
the effects below:
• When you make a long or high jump, the distance
you can cover increases by a number of feet equal
to 3 x your Wisdom modifier, with or without a
running start.
• When you fail a saving throw, you can roll a d6 and
add it to the result.
Cleric Level Spells
1st thunderwave, thunderous smite The following feats are available to druid characters
3rd shatter, warding wind of 4th level or higher.
5th call lightning, thunder step You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat
7th control water, storm sphere to take that feat.
9th control winds, destructive wave
SKYSHATTER Prerequisite: Circle of the Moon druid circle
Prerequisite: Tempest divine domain Shapeshifting into beasts so often has awoken the
Your very heart crackles with the fury of the storm, one within you. It slavers and hungers, beckons and
making you the perfect vessel for your deity's divine demands. You gain the following benefits:
and tempestuous wrath. You gain these benefits: • Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity
• Increase your Strength or Wisdom score by 1, up to score by 1, up to 20.
20. • You learn the primal savagery cantrip, if you didn't
• You learn the booming blade and lightning lure already know it; if you did, you learn another druid
cantrips. They count as cleric cantrips for you, but cantrip of your choice.
not against the number of cleric cantrips you know. • Your hide toughens, granting you a +1 bonus to
• Whenever you finish a long rest, you can prepare your AC. While you're wild shaped into a beast,
an alternative set of domain spells, as described in you gain a +2 bonus to its existing AC.
the Skyshatter table. • You have advantage on saving throws against being


You master the forms of creatures that go unnoticed
by men, such as cats and rodents. You gain the
following benefits:
• Increase your Constitution, Dexterity or Wisdom
score by 1, up to 20.
• When you use your Wild Shape to transform into a
CR 0 creature without a flying speed, you do not
expend a charge.
• While wild shaped into a CR 0 creature, you can
take the Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Hide actions
as a bonus action.
Prerequisite: Circle of Dreams druid circle Prerequisite: Circle of the Land druid circle
You embody the cruelty of the Gloaming Court, Your heart is a seed buried in the richness of the land.
learning to corrupt mirth into anguish. You gain the You can use your Wild Shape to shapeshift into
following benefits: plants, as well as beasts, abiding by the same rules of
• Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1, Wild Shape described in the Player's Handbook with
up to 20. one more: the creature must have an Intelligence
• Your Balm of the Summer Court dice become d8s. score of 8 or below, otherwise you cannot Wild
• Whenever you target a creature with your Balm of Shape into it. See Appendix A of this supplement for
the Summer Court feature, instead of healing the the statistics of common plant creatures.
target, you can torment creatures of your choice Additionally, while you are shapeshifted into a
within 10 feet of the target. You must be able to see plant creature, you are under the effects of a barkskin
each creature. Roll the dice; targets of your choice spell (no concentration required).
take half the total as psychic damage. You, instead
of your target, receive temporary hit points equal NEST MOTHER
to the number of dice you spend.
Using a quarterstaff, lantern, or similar object, you
can form a mobile spider's nest. Once per long rest,
FATHER OF MODERNITY you can use one of the following options:
Some claim that the Old Way, druidism, predates the • As an action, you can rouse a swarm of spiders
very study of the Arcane and the Divine. That the Old (see Appendix A for statistics) that defend you.
Way's teaching trickled down to water those studies This swarm lasts until it's reduced to 0 hit points or
into what they are today. Just as druidism influenced until an hour has elapsed. The swarm is friendly to
these arts, so can you be influenced by them. You your allies and acts on your initiative. It obeys your
gain the following benefits: verbal commands. You can use your action to see
• You learn a wizard or cleric cantrip of your choice. through the swarms' eyes and hear what it hears,
It counts as a druid cantrip for you and doesn't gaining any of its special senses. The swarm must
count against the number of druid cantrips you stay together in one space to act as your vessel.
know. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it. • You can cast the web spell once, without providing
• You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill or Nature components.
skill (your choice). • You can harvest one foot's length of raw spider silk,
• Choose an Intelligence skill you are proficient in. which is worth 1 gp. During a long rest, you can
Your proficiency bonus is doubled when you make spin it 1 foot's worth of silk rope, described in
an ability check using that skill. Chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook.
• You can harvest spider venom to create one vial of
FREE-SPIRITED AND FULL OF MIRTH basic poison, described in Chapter 5 of the Player's
Handbook. The venom and poison expire after 24
Prerequisite: Circle of Dreams druid circle
hours; a creature can ascertain this with a DC 10
You further embrace the libertine and mirthful ways
Intelligence check using alchemist's supplies or the
of the Summer Court. You gain these benefits:
poisoner's kit. Given its short shelf-life, this poison
• Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1,
is only worth 5 gp.
up to 20.
• Your Balm of the Summer Court dice become d8s.
• If you roll initiative without any dice of your Balm
of the Summer Court feature left, you regain one
Using a quarterstaff, lantern, or similar object, you Not all druids revere nature and the cycle of life.
can form a mobile beehive. Once per long rest, you Some commune instead with vile spirits, acting not
can use one of the following options: as guardians of the natural order but rather lurking in
• As an action, you can rouse a swarm of wasps (see the shadows as opportunists. As a witch doctor, you
Appendix A for statistics) that defend you as if you gain the following benefits:
were their queen. This swarm lasts until reduced to • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
0 hit points or until an hour has elapsed. The swarm score by 1, up to 20.
is friendly to your allies and acts on your initiative. • You learn one wizard or cleric cantrip of your
It obeys your verbal commands. You can use your choice. It counts as a druid cantrip for you but not
action to see through the swarms' eyes and hear against the number of druid cantrips you know.
what it hears, gaining any of its special senses. The • You gain proficiency in alchemist's supplies and
swarm must stay together in one space to act as your choice of Arcana, Nature, or Medicine.
your vessel. • The following spells become druid spells for you;
• You can harvest three doses of ambrosial honey, you always have them prepared and they don't
which expire after 8 hours. A creature can use an count against the number of druid spells you can
action to eat the honey (or feed it to another prepare: detect evil and good, find familiar, hex,
creature) to restore 1d4+1 hit points. You can store inflict wounds, and protection from evil and good.
these doses in vials or similar containers, otherwise
a creature must be within 5 feet of the hive to WOOD WOAD
gather and eat the honey.
You embrace the shape of the land itself rather than
the beasts that walk it. When you use your Wild
SPIRIT COMPANION Shape, you can gain the following benefits instead of
Prerequisite: Circle of the Shepherd druid circle shapeshifting into a beast. These benefits last until
Having carved a totem and engaged in an ancient you drop to 0 hit points, or die, or for a number of
ritual, you gain the companionship of a bestial spirit. hours equal to half your druid level (rounded down).
Select a CR 1/4 beast of a size Medium or smaller; • You gain temporary hit points equal to your druid
your companion assumes its statistics with the level + twice your Wisdom modifier.
following changes. • Bark and thorns ripple across your skin, granting
• The creature counts as undead, not a beast, except you an AC of 13 + your Wisdom modifier. You can
when you cast a druid spell on it that normally only use a shield and maintain this benefit.
works on beasts, such as beast sense. • You gain a bonus to any Constitution saving throws
• When it appears, it has a number of temporary hit you make to maintain concentration on a spell. The
points equal to half your druid level. bonus equals your Wisdom modifier.
• It can move through other creatures and objects as • When you use the Attack action to make a melee
if they were difficult terrain, taking 5 force damage weapon attack, you can make an additional melee
if it ends its turn inside an object. weapon attack as a bonus action.
• Its attacks deal force damage on a hit, instead of its
normal damage.
You can conjure the spirit as an action; it appears
in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. Once
its hit points are depleted, or a number of hours equal
to half your druid level (rounded down) elapse, the
spirit fades away. It operates on your initiative in
combat and obeys your verbal commands.
You can call forth your companion once per short
or long rest. You can also expend a use of your Wild
Shape to summon it again. You can only ever have
one spirit companion at a time. You can change the
form of your companion through an hour-long ritual.
The following feats are available to fighter characters Prerequisite: Protection fighting style
of 4th level or higher. When you take the Attack action on your turn and are
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat wielding a shield, you can use your bonus action to
to take that feat. bash a target within 5 ft. with your shield. You are
proficient with this attack, which deals 1d6 + your
Strength modifier as bludgeoning damage on a hit.
ADVANCED FIGHTING STYLE Additionally, you can take the Help action as a
You gain one additional Fighting Style of your bonus action, but instead of granting advantage to an
choice, as detailed in the Fighter class section. ally's attack roll, you grant the target a +1 bonus to
Additionally, you may choose one of the options their AC, which lasts until the start of your next turn
below. You must meet any prerequisites the option or until the target is no longer within 5 feet of you.
requires in order to choose it.
Prerequisite: Archery fighting style Rider and steed have become a storm of hooves and
Once per turn, when you hit with a ranged weapon steel, thundering across the battlefields like a war
attack and had advantage on the attack roll, the target god. You have mastered mounted combat, gaining
takes additional damage equal to your proficiency the following benefits:
bonus. • While you are on your mount, it gains a bonus to its
AC equal to your proficiency bonus, as well as a
DERVISH number of hit dice equal to half your fighter level
Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style
(rounded down), totaled and added to its maximum
Once per turn, while you're engaging in two-weapon hit points.
fighting, you can make the extra attack as part of • When you use your Second Wind feature while
your Attack action instead of a bonus action. mounted, your mount also regains twice the
FENCER number of hit points as you do.
Prerequisite: Dueling fighting style • When you hit a target with a weapon attack while
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand mounted, your mount can make one melee attack
and no other weapons or a shield, the damage bonus against the same target as a reaction.
from your Dueling fighting style increases to +3 and
you can use your reaction to make a single
opportunity attack against a creature when it enters
your reach; likewise, when you leave its reach, you
can make a single opportunity attack as a reaction.
Prerequisite: Great Weapon Fighting fighting style
Once per turn, when you have advantage on an attack
roll made with a melee weapon you're wielding with
two hands, the target takes additional damage equal
to your proficiency bonus on a hit.
Prerequisite: Defense fighting style
While you are wearing armor and you're struck by an
attack from an attacker you can see, you can use your
reaction to gain resistance to that instance of damage.
The damage must be either bludgeoning, slashing, or
piercing damage made with a nonmagical weapon.
Prerequisite: Champion martial archetype
When the gods grow fond of a mortal champion, they
often reward feats of daring and glory with a shred of
their divine power, if only to see this game of yours
continue. Having appeased these distant spectators,
you gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Wisdom score by 1, up to 20.
• You add your proficiency bonus to your Death
saving throws.
• You learn two cantrips of your choice from the
cleric spell list. In addition, you can cast the divine
favor, thunderous smite, and shield of faith
(targeting yourself only) spells. Once you cast one
of these spells, you can't cast that same spell again
until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.

To taste salt and blood upon your lips, to hear the STARING DOWN THE ARROW
crowds roar your name, to watch your rivals fall—
Prerequisite: Arcane Archer martial archetype
these are your only earthly pleasures. You gain the
Proverbs urge mortal men to pray they never have to
following benefits:
stare down the arrow—and yours is an arrow infused
• Increase your Constitution or Charisma score by 1,
with arcane power. You gain the following benefits:
up to 20.
• Increase your Intelligence score by 1, up to 20.
• You gain proficiency in the Performance skill.
• You gain two additional Arcane Shot options of
When you make an ability check using this skill,
your choice.
your proficiency bonus is doubled.
• You can use a crossbow instead of a shortbow or
• When you miss with a weapon attack, you can use
longbow for your Arcane Shot.
your reaction to add a bonus to the attack equal to
• You can use your Arcane Shot a number of times
your Charisma modifier. If your attack then hits,
equal to your proficiency bonus per every short or
you deal additional damage equal to half your
long rest, rather than twice per rest.
Charisma modifier (rounded up, with a minimum
bonus of +1).
MARTIAL INSTRUCTOR Prerequisite: Eldritch Knight martial archetype
Your studies and diligent practice have proven
It takes a patient instructor to tutor the clumsiest of fruitful. You gain the following benefits:
students to martial prowess. You gain the following • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, up to 20.
benefits: • You learn additional wizard spells equal to 3 + your
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, Intelligence modifier, gaining additional spells as
up to 20. that bonus increases. Up to half of these new spells
• During a long rest, you can train one humanoid in a (rounded up) can belong to any school of magic.
weapon of your choice as a light activity. For the • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
next 24 hours, that character is proficient in that made with a bonded weapon of yours, and they
type of weapon. After 100 days of training under count as magical for the purposes of overcoming
your wing, the character becomes permanently resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks.
proficient in this weapon. • The following spells are added to the wizard spell
list and count as wizard spells for you: compelled
duel, find steed, and searing smite.
Prerequisite: Battle Master martial archetype
Like a blade against a whetstone, you've honed your
tactics. You gain the following benefits.
• Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, up
to 20.
• You learn three additional Battle Master maneuvers
of your choice.
• You gain additional superiority dice equal to your
half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).

The following feats are available to monk characters
of 4th level or higher.
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat
to take that feat.


Prerequisite: Way of the Open Palm tradition
You need no weapon other than your body. You gain You master the long-lost art of the naginata, gaining
the following benefits: the following benefits:
• You gain a +1 bonus to the attack and damage rolls • Increase your Dexterity or Wisdom score by 1, to a
of your unarmed strikes. maximum of 20 (your choice).
• When you are wielding no weapons and another • You gain proficiency with the glaive, which counts
creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use as a monk weapon for you despite having the two-
your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your handed and heavy properties.
AC for that attack. • When you take the Attack action on your turn, you
can expend 2 ki points as a bonus action and make
a melee weapon attack against any number of
DANCE OF THE LASHING SERPENT creatures within 10 feet of you, with a separate
Having mastered a deadly dance, you're a whirlwind attack roll for each target. You must be wielding a
of lashes. You gain the following benefits: sickle, quarterstaff or glaive.
• Increase your Dexterity or Wisdom score by 1, to a
maximum of 20 (your choice).
• You gain proficiency with the whip, which counts MORTAL COIL
as a monk weapon for you. Prerequisite: Way of the Long Death tradition
• When you hit a Large-sized or smaller creature with The secrets of Death are yours to study—and with
a whip attack, you can expend 1 ki point to subject them you can transcend the mortal coil. You gain the
the creature to a Dexterity saving throw against following benefits:
your Ki save DC. On a failure, the target is • You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
grappled until it uses an action to make a Strength • Your hit point maximum increases by an amount
(Athletics) check against your Ki save DC. You equal to your monk level when you take this feat,
can't grapple another creature in this way without and increases by an additional +1 whenever you
releasing the initial target. gain a level in this class.
• You can use your ki to duplicate the effects of
certain spells. As an action, you can spend 2 ki
points to cast blindness/deafness, detect evil and
good, feign death, gentle repose, or speak with
dead, without providing material components.
Additionally, you learn either the spare the dying
or chill touch cantrips (your choice).
Prerequisite: Way of Shadow tradition You're an absolute terror to contend with in close
You are the terror in the night, the shadow on the quarters, capable of wrestling even the wiliest of foes
moon. You gain the following benefits: to the ground. You gain the following benefits:
• You can see normally in darkness, both magical and • Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
nonmagical, to a distance of 60 feet. score by 1, up to 20.
• The shadow blade spell is added to the spells • You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill if you
granted by your Shadow Arts feature; it can be cast didn't already have it. Whenever you make an
by expending 2 ki points. The weapon it creates ability check using that skill, your proficiency
counts as a monk weapon for you when cast in this bonus is doubled.
manner. • When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or
monk weapon, you can use a bonus action to
STING OF THE PATIENT HORNET attempt to grapple the target.
Precision, patience—these are the signature traits of
the hornet, a simple creature capable of inflicting VOICE OF THE WORLD
suicidal agony. You have studied this lost art and Prerequisite: Way of the Elements monastic tradition
gain the following benefits: You open yourself to the elements, letting the voice
• Increase your Dexterity or Wisdom score by 1, up of the world echo from your throat. You gain the
to 20. following benefits:
• You gain proficiency with the blowgun, which • The ki cost to use your Elemental Disciplines are
counts as a monk weapon for you. reduced by 1, down to a minimum of 1.
• When you hit a creature with a blowgun attack, you • You learn three additional Elemental Disciplines of
can expend 2 ki points to strike at the creature's your choice.
pressure points and manipulate their ki. The • During a short or long rest, you can attune to one of
creature must make a Constitution saving throw the four elements, imbuing your fists and feet with
against your Ki save DC or become paralyzed for elemental energy. Choose between fire, cold,
up to 1 minute. It can repeat its Constitution saving lightning, or thunder damage. Until you finish
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending this another short or long rest, your unarmed strikes
effect on a success. deal damage equal to your chosen damage type
instead of bludgeoning damage.


Prerequisite: Way of the Drunken Master tradition
Yours is an art misunderstood by many. You gain the
following benefits:
• Increase your Dexterity or Constitution score by 1,
up to 20.
• While you aren't wearing any armor or wielding a
shield, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
• Whilst you have a mouthful of alcohol, you can use
an action to expend 1 ki point to expel and ignite
the fire. Creatures within a 10-foot cone must make
a Dexterity saving throw against your Ki save DC.
On a failure, a creature takes 3d6 fire damage, or
half damage on a success.
The following feats are available for paladin Prerequisite: Great Weapon Fighting fighting style
characters of 4th level or higher. Once per turn, when you have advantage on an attack
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat roll made with a melee weapon you're wielding with
to take that feat. two hands, the target takes additional damage equal
to your proficiency bonus on a hit.
You gain one additional Fighting Style of your Prerequisite: Defense fighting style
choice, as detailed in the Paladin class section. While you are wearing armor and you're struck by an
Additionally, you may choose one of the options attack from an attacker you can see, you can use your
below. You must meet any prerequisites the option reaction to gain resistance to that instance of damage.
requires in order to choose it. The damage must be either bludgeoning, slashing, or
piercing damage made with a nonmagical weapon.
Prerequisite: Dueling fighting style SHIELDWALL
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand Prerequisite: Protection fighting style
and no other weapons or a shield, the damage bonus When you take the Attack action on your turn and are
from your Dueling fighting style increases to +3 and wielding a shield, you can use your bonus action to
you can use your reaction to make a single bash a target within 5 ft. with your shield. You are
opportunity attack against a creature when it enters proficient with this attack, which deals 1d6 + your
your reach; likewise, when you leave its reach, you Strength modifier as bludgeoning damage on a hit.
can make a single opportunity attack as a reaction. Additionally, you can take the Help action as a
bonus action, but instead of granting advantage to an
ally's attack roll, you grant the target a +1 bonus to
their AC, which lasts until the start of your next turn
or until the target is no longer within 5 feet of you.
The radiance of your soul has anointed your body, When you use your Divine Sense feature, you can
already a temple, into a vessel to channel the power target one creature within 30 feet of you that you can
of the divine. You gain the following benefits: see, subjecting it to a Charisma saving throw against
• Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, your paladin spell save DC. Creatures that are
up to 20. immune to being charmed automatically succeed
• You can use your Channel Divinity feature twice against you. On a failure, you learn the creature's
per long rest, up from once. alignment, as well as its current emotional state.
• You gain advantage on saving throws against being Additionally, you learn one random secret or fact
poisoned and resistance to poison damage. about the target, such as a bond, flaw, or ideal, as
• You can learn to read, write, and speak Celestial, determined by the DM.
the seraphic language of divine creatures. Whether the creature succeeds or fails, it is none
the wiser that you've divinely peered into it. A target
AVENGER'S SHIELD that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to this
ability for 24 hours.
Guardians driven to grief become the most fearsome
avengers. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength or Charisma score by 1, up THE RIGHTEOUS WORD
to 20. Faith alone is your shield, and no sword can match
• When you take the Attack action, you can substitute the power of the Righteous Word. You gain the
an attack to hurl your shield at a target, making an following benefits:
attack roll. You are proficient in this attack roll, • You learn the sacred flame cantrip and two other
which has a range of 30 feet. On a hit, the target cleric cantrips of your choice. Charisma is your
takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage and radiant damage spellcasting ability for these spells.
equal to 2d4 + your Charisma modifier. The shield • The guiding bolt spell becomes a paladin spell for
immediately magically soars back to your hand. you; you always have it prepared and it does not
• When a creature misses you with a melee attack, count against the number of paladin spells you can
you can use your reaction to channel radiant energy prepare. Once per long rest when you cast it, you
through your shield, dealing radiant damage equal can use it with your Divine Smite feature, despite
to your Charisma modifier to that target. it not being a weapon attack. You can decide to do
so after the spell hits its target.
Your soul is a wellspring of divine magic capable of
nourishing others through a simple touch. You gain
the following benefits:
• You can use your Lay on Hands feature to restore
hit points as a bonus action.
• The total amount of hit points you can restore with
your Lay on Hands feature increases by 5 x your
Charisma modifier, up to a maximum of 25.
• You learn the spare the dying cantrip. Charisma is
your spellcasting ability for this spell.
The following feats are available to ranger characters Prerequisite: Defense fighting style
of 4th level or higher. While you are wearing armor and you're struck by an
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat attack from an attacker you can see, you can use your
to take that feat. reaction to gain resistance to that instance of damage.
The damage must be either bludgeoning, slashing, or
piercing damage made with a nonmagical weapon.
You gain one additional Fighting Style of your GRIZZLED
choice, as detailed in the Ranger class section. Not even the worst of the wilderness can break your
Additionally, you may choose one of the options body or spirit. You gain the following benefits:
below. You must meet any prerequisites the option • Increase your Wisdom or Constitution score by 1,
requires in order to choose it. up to 20.
• You gain a swimming and climbing speed equal to
ARCHER'S EYE your walking speed.
Prerequisite: Archery fighting style
• You can hold your breath for up to 10 minutes.
Once per turn, when you hit with a ranged weapon
• You no longer suffer the effects of extreme heat and
attack and had advantage on the attack roll, the target
extreme cold and you are naturally acclimated to
takes additional damage equal to your proficiency
high altitudes (including elevations above 20,000
feet) as described in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style THE LAND PROVIDES
You are a storm of steel, a whirling dervish of death Your heart is with the land, and your bond with it
feared by anyone with half a brain. waxes. You gain the following benefits:
Once per turn, while you're engaging in two- • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, up to 20.
weapon fighting, you can make the extra attack as • You learn three cantrips of your choice from the
part of your Attack action instead of a bonus action. druid spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability
FENCER for these cantrips.
Prerequisite: Dueling fighting style • Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose a
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand terrain from your favored terrains of your Natural
and no other weapons or a shield, the damage bonus Explorer feature, learning a number of spells
from your Dueling fighting style increases to +3 and associated with that terrain. You must be of a level
you can use your reaction to make a single for each spell. These spells count as ranger spells
opportunity attack against a creature when it enters for you, but not against the number of ranger spells
your reach; likewise, when you leave its reach, you you know. When you finish another long rest, you
can make a single opportunity attack as a reaction. can change to another terrain among your other
favored terrains. See the Land Provides spell tables
below for these spells.
Ranger Level Spells Ranger Level Spells
3rd fog cloud, ice knife 3rd expeditious retreat, goodberry
5th hold person, spike growth 5th invisibility, pass without trace
9th sleet storm, slow 9th daylight, haste
13th ice storm, watery sphere 13th divination, freedom of movement
17th cone of cold, control winds 17th dream, insect plague
Ranger Level Spells Ranger Level Spells
3rd create or destroy water, fog cloud 3rd earth tremor, feather fall
5th mirror image, misty step 5th spider climb, spike growth
9th tidal wave, water breathing 9th call lightning, meld into stone
13th control water, watery sphere 13th stone shape, stoneskin
17th conjure elemental, scrying 17th passwall, wall of stone
Ranger Level Spells Ranger Level Spells
3rd burning hands, hellish rebuke 3rd hail of thorns, purify food and drink
5th blur, mirror image 5th darkness, Melf's acid arrow
9th create food and water, wall of sand 9th water walk, stinking cloud
13th blight, hallucinatory terrain 13th freedom of movement, locate creature
17th insect plague, wall of stone 17th cloudkill, insect plague
Ranger Level Spells Ranger Level Spells
3rd ensnaring strike, goodberry 3rd faerie fire, guiding bolt
5th barkskin, spider climb 5th spider climb, web
9th plant growth, speak with plants 9th gaseous form, stinking cloud
13th giant insect, grasping vine 13th greater invisibility, stone shape
17th commune with nature, tree stride 17th cloudkill, insect plague


Yours is the thrill of the hunt, the chase of predator Men of "honor" call the use of poison a coward's art,
and prey—a chase as timeless as the dance between but such is the way of the wild, of survival of the
the sun and moon. You gain the following benefits: fittest. You gain the following benefits:
• You learn the hunter's mark spell if you didn't • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, up to 20.
already know it; if you did, you can learn another • You gain resistance to poison damage.
ranger spell of your choice. It doesn't count against • During a long rest, you can craft poison to coat your
the number of ranger spells you know. weapons and ammunition. The number of doses
• When you can see a target targeted by your hunter's you create equal your Wisdom modifier. Applying
mark spell, you no longer need to concentrate on a dose to a weapon or piece of ammunition requires
the spell; it ends immediately, however, if you fall an action. Multiple doses can be applied to a single
unconscious. If you can no longer see the target, weapon. Once per turn, when you hit that weapon
you must maintain concentration on the spell until or piece of ammunition, it deals additional poison
you can see the target again; if you are already damage equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier,
concentrating on a spell, you must choose between consuming a single dose. All unused doses expire
it and hunter's mark. You must also concentrate on after you finish a long rest.
hunter's mark if its duration exceeds one minute.
• When you hit a creature under the effects of your
hunter's mark spell and that creature belongs to
your favored enemies, you deal an additional +1
Ranger Level Spells Ranger Level Spells
3rd ensnaring strike 3rd beast bond
5th enhance ability 5th locate animals or plants
9th haste 9th conjure animals
13th locate creature 13th dominate beast
17th swift quiver 17th awaken


Prerequisite: Hunter ranger archetype Prerequisite: Beast Master ranger archetype
By studying your foes, you excel in exploiting their The wild cannot be tamed, but the beasts that lurk in
weaknesses. You gain the following benefits: its shadows can. You’re capable of bonding with
• Increase your Strength, Dexterity or Wisdom score greater beasts, and gain the following benefits:
by 1, up to 20. • The maximum CR of your companion increases to
• When you score a critical hit against a creature that CR 1/2 and can be a size of Large or smaller.
belongs to your list of favored enemies, you can • When reduced to 0 hit points, your beast makes
deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom Death saving throws, adding your proficiency
modifier. bonus to the roll.
• You learn an additional spell when you reach • You learn an additional spell when you reach
certain levels in this class, as shown in the Studied certain levels in this class, as shown in the Unleash
Huntsman Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger the Beast Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger
spell for you, but it doesn't count against the spell for you, but it doesn't count against the
number of ranger spells you know. number of ranger spells you know.
The following feats are available to rogue characters Prerequisite: Arcane Trickster roguish archetype
of 4th level or higher. The world's a riot; you're just trying to get others in
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat on the joke. You gain the following benefits:
to take that feat. • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, up to 20.
• You learn additional wizard spells equal to 3 + your
ACROBAT Intelligence modifier, gaining additional spells as
that bonus increases. Up to half of these new spells
Prerequisite: Thief roguish archetype
(rounded up) can belong to any school of magic.
Harnessing extraordinary grace and precision, you
• You learn one of the following spells and can cast
can perform stunning acrobatics.
it once per long rest without expending a spell slot:
When you move, you can instead fly in two short
grease, illusory script, pyrotechnics or skywrite.
bursts equal to half your movement speed. You must
end each movement on a solid object or creature,
otherwise you fall, and your movement speed GAMBLER
becomes 0 for the remainder of your turn. Whenever you make an attack roll or saving throw,
you may add a calculated or desperate flourish to turn
ALL MEN MUST DIE potential failure into success. You may roll 2d6,
Prerequisite: Assassin roguish archetype
adding half the total (rounded down) to the attack roll
Kings and sorcerers alike fear a blade in the dark. or saving throw; however, if you roll snake eyes (two
You are that blade: the bane of men and kings. You 1s) you instead fail the attack roll or saving throw.
gain the following benefits: You can use this feature after you make the initial
• In your hands, a dagger is deadlier than the sharpest attack roll, skill or check or saving throw, but before
sword, than the longest spear. Once per turn, when the outcome is determined.
you hit a creature with a dagger as part of a melee You can use this feature a number of times equal to
weapon attack, you can treat the damage die as a your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once),
d8 rather than a d4. regaining all expended uses after finishing a short or
• During the first round of combat, you can take a long rest.
special turn at initiative count 15 + your Dexterity
modifier, provided you aren't surprised. During GENIUS UNBOUND
this special turn, you can only take the Attack, Prerequisite: Mastermind roguish archetype
Disengage, or Hide actions. Yours is an intellect with no rival—yet you search
for one relentlessly, ever hungry to prove yourself
superior. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence score or Wisdom score
by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
• You can use your Intelligence modifier for attack
and damage rolls made with a finesse or ranged
• You gain a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to
your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of +1).
Precision is your greatest asset and you can aim a
dagger or arrow at even the smallest chinks in one's
armor. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence score by 1, up to 20.
• Once per turn, when you make an attack against a
creature you can see, you can add a bonus to the
attack roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (a
minimum bonus of +1). You can do this a number
of times equal to your Intelligence modifier; you
regain expended uses after finishing a long rest.


Prerequisite: Scout roguish archetype
Prerequisite: Swashbuckler roguish archetype
Whenever you end your turn with no allies within 30
Hardy and as tempestuous as the sea, you gain the
feet of you, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to the
following benefits:
number of foes within 30 feet of you, up to a
• Increase your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution
maximum bonus of +3. This bonus lasts until the
score by 1, up to 20.
start of your next turn. If an ally moves within 15 feet
• You have advantage on saving throws and ability
of you in the mean-time, you immediately lose this
checks against being knocked prone.
• While you aren't wearing heavy armor, you have a
Additionally, when you use your Skirmisher or
swimming speed equal to your movement speed.
Uncanny Dodge features, you can make a single
• You gain proficiency in medium armor.
opportunity attack against that target in that reaction.
This attack cannot benefit from your Sneak Attack.
POISONCRAFT Might makes right and it's the right of the strong to
rule over the weak. You gain the following benefits:
Poison is the art of the cowards—and it's cowards
• Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1,
that survive. You gain the following benefits:
up to 20.
• Increase your Intelligence score by 1, up to 20.
• You gain proficiency in medium armor and
• You gain resistance to poison damage.
improvised weapons.
• During a long rest, you can craft poison to coat your
• Clubs, greatclubs, maces, and light hammers all
weapons and ammunition. You can craft a number
qualify for your Sneak Attack despite lacking the
of doses equal to your Intelligence modifier.
finesse property.
Applying a dose to a weapon or piece of
ammunition requires an action. Multiple doses can
be applied to a single weapon. Once per turn, when TRUE DETECTIVE
you hit that weapon or piece of ammunition, it Prerequisite: Inquisitive roguish archetype
deals additional poison damage equal to 1d6 + your Yours is a one-track mind consumed by obsession.
Intelligence modifier, consuming a single dose. All You gain the following benefits:
unused doses expire after you finish a long rest. • Increase your Intelligence score or Wisdom score
by 1, up to 20.
• When you use your Insightful Fighting feature, you
can instead make an Intelligence (Investigation)
check, rather than a Wisdom (Insight) check.
• While your Insightful Fighting applies to a creature,
you deal bonus damage once per round when you
hit it with a weapon attack. This bonus is equal to
either your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (your
choice, and a minimum bonus of +1).
d6 Spell
The following feats are available to sorcerer 1 entangle
characters of 4th level or higher. 2 grease
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat 3 guiding bolt
to take that feat. 4 Tenser's floating disk
5 Tasha's hideous laughter
CHAOS IS A LADDER 6 dissonant whispers
Prerequisite: Wild Magic sorcerous origin
Channeling the chaotic nature of wild magic, you can d6 Spell
add unknown spells to your repertoire. You gain the 1 alter self
following benefits: 2 blur
• Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, 3 enlarge/reduce
up to 20. 4 mirror image
• Whenever you cause a Wild Magic Surge, you can 5 web
use your reaction to contain the surge, unleashing 6 magic mouth
it on a subsequent turn of yours. You can only hold
one Wild Magic Surge at a time. You must decide CHAOS IS A LADDER: 3RD LEVEL SPELLS
to contain a surge before rolling on the Wild Magic d6 Spell
Surge table. 1 blink
• Whenever you finish a long rest, you can roll a d6 2 daylight
3 speak with plants
for each spell level up to 5th, determined by the
4 vampiric touch
tables below. Until you finish another long rest, the 5 phantom steed
spells you learn count as sorcerer spells for you, 6 remove curse
but not against the number of spells you know. You
must be of a level to cast each spell to learn it. CHAOS IS A LADDER: 4TH LEVEL SPELLS
d6 Spell
1 giant insect
2 hallucinatory terrain
3 arcane eye
4 guardian of nature
5 stone shape
6 compulsion


d6 Spell
1 antilife shell
2 conjure volley
3 greater restoration
4 tree stride
5 Bigby's hand
6 passwall
Sorcerer Level Spells
Prerequisite: Divine Soul sorcerous origin 1st detect evil and good
Your divinity is a beacon of light in an otherwise 3rd augury
dark world. You gain the following benefits: 5th aura of vitality
• Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, 7th aura of purity
up to 20. 9th circle of power
• When you use your Favored by the Gods feature,
you can roll 3d4 instead of 2d4. You can also roll
Sorcerer Level Spells
one die at a time, instead of all three, adding it to 1st command
your saving throw or attack roll. You regain all 3rd dragon's breath
expended dice after finishing a short or long rest. 5th wind wall
• You learn a number of spells associated with your 7th Mordenkainen's private sanctum
sorcerous origin as you gain levels in this class. 9th geas
These spells count as sorcerer spells for you, but
not against the number of spells you know. See the SHADOWS OF YESTERYEAR SPELLS
Sorcerer Level Spells
Divine Eminence Spells table. 1st false life
3rd pass without trace
DRACONIC EMBRACE 5th animate dead
Prerequisite: Draconic Bloodline sorcerous origin 7th shadow of Moil
Draconic vigor emboldens your body and spirit. You 9th danse macabre
gain the following benefits: STORM CALLER SPELLS
• Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, Sorcerer Level Spells
up to 20. 1st thunderwave
• Your hit point maximum increases by an amount 3rd gust of wind
equal to your sorcerer level when you take this feat, 5th lightning bolt
and increases by an additional +1 whenever you 7th control water
gain a level in this class. 9th control winds
• You learn a number of spells associated with your
draconic heritage as you gain levels in this class. STORM CALLER
These spells count as sorcerer spells for you, but Prerequisite: Storm Sorcery sorcerous origin
not against the number of spells you know. See the The storm and sea is yours to command, answering
Draconic Embrace Spells table. at your every beck and call. You gain the following
SHADOWS OF YESTERYEAR • Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1,
Prerequisite: Shadow Sorcery sorcerous origin up to 20.
The shadow will never dim, nor will your power. • The flying speed granted by your Tempestuous
You gain the following benefits: Magic feature increases to 30 feet.
• Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, • You learn a number of spells associated with your
up to 20. sorcerous origin as you gain levels in this class.
• When you succeed on the saving throw imposed by These spells count as sorcerer spells for you, but
your Strength of the Grave feature, you instead not against the number of spells you know. See the
drop to a number of hit points equal to 1 + your Storm Caller Spells table.
Charisma modifier.
• You learn a number of spells associated with your
sorcerous origin as you gain levels in this class.
These spells count as sorcerer spells for you, but
not against the number of spells you know. See the
Shadows of Yesteryear Spells table.
Rules are for other spellcasters; it's your birthright to Prerequisite: Archfey otherworldly patron
twist, stretch, and ignore the laws of magic. You gain Fey dine on a different sort of morsel than mortals:
the following benefits: emotion. Raw emotion is power and you can twist
• Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, that emotion to inflict agony on others. You gain the
up to 20. following benefits:
• You gain one more Metamagic option of your • Whenever you frighten or charm a creature with a
choice and can also pick from the options below: warlock spell or feature, you can inflict psychic
damage equal to your Charisma modifier as part of
BLUNT SPELL that action, affecting a total number of creatures
When you cast a spell that deals damage, you can equal to your Charisma modifier.
spend 2 sorcery points to change its damage to force. • You learn every spell of your patron's Expanded
When the spell is a cantrip, it costs 1 sorcery point. Spell List as you reach certain levels in this class.
FLAWED SPELL These spells don't count against the number of
You can use your insert a flaw into a spell's design, warlock spells you know.
temporarily bringing it to a screeching halt. The • You learn to read, write, and speak Sylvan.
magical effect must be within 20 feet of you. Using
your action, make a Charisma check with advantage. DIVINE INSTRUMENT
The DC to pause the magical effect is equal to 10 + Prerequisite: Celestial otherworldly patron
the spell's level; on a success, the magical effect Even flawed vessels such as yourself can work to
halts. The number of sorcery points you spend equals evoke miracles and fulfill the agenda of the Divines.
the number of rounds the magical effect is paused. You gain the following benefits:
After these rounds have elapsed, the effect resumes • The dice of your Healing Light feature become d8s.
at the start of your turn. • At your discretion, you can use your Healing Light
feature as an action, rather than a bonus action.
NEUTERED SPELL When you do so, you can add your Charisma
When you fail a saving throw imposed on you by a modifier to the total amount of hit points restored
spell cast from within 120 feet, you can expend a to a target.
number of sorcery points equal to 1+ the spell's level • You learn every spell of your patron's Expanded
to automatically succeed. If you would take half Spell List as you reach certain levels in this class.
damage from succeeding on the saving throw, you These spells don't count against the number of
instead take no damage. warlock spells you know.
SALVAGED SPELL • You learn to read, write, and speak Celestial.
Whenever you lose concentration on a spell, you can
use your reaction to spend a number of sorcery points DEATH'S EMBRACE
to maintain concentration on the spell. The number Prerequisite: Undying One otherworldly patron
of sorcery points is equal to 1 + the spell's level. The secrets of mortality are yours to scrutinize, cast
away, and surpass. You gain the following benefits:
WARLOCK • Starting at 5th level, you can cast animate dead with
The following feats are available to warlock a warlock spell slot once per long rest.
characters of 4th level or higher. • Starting at 6th level, you can use your Defy Death
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat feature once per short rest, rather than a long rest.
to take that feat. • You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
• You learn every spell of your patron's Expanded
Spell List as you reach certain levels in this class.
These spells don't count against the number of
warlock spells you know.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade
Your patron expects great feats of strength from you
in battle, red feats. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma or
Strength score by 1, up to 20.
• You gain proficiency with medium armor
• You gain proficiency with shields.
• When you make an attack with your pact weapon,
you can use your Charisma modifier for both the
attack roll and damage roll.


Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain
Crack the whip and watch your familiar obey. Yours
is a tyrannical will that that spirit cannot resist. You
gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Constitution or Charisma score by 1,
up to 20.
• While your familiar is within 10 feet of you, you
MADNESS MUST BE SHARED can use your reaction to gain advantage on saving
Prerequisite: Great Old One otherworldly patron throws against spells and other magical effects.
There is freedom in madness—and you're compelled This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.
to share that freedom with the world. You gain the • While your familiar is within 60 feet of you, it
following benefits: makes Death saving throws when it's been reduced
• When you contact a creature with your Awakened to 0 hit points.
Mind feature, you can expose them to the madness • You add your proficiency bonus to your familiar's
of the Great Old One as an action. Choose a single AC, attack rolls, damage rolls, and any saving
target, subjecting it to an Intelligence saving throw throws it is proficient in.
against your warlock spell save DC. On a failure, • When you cast find familiar, your familiar can take
the target is stunned until the start of their next turn. additional forms: blood hawk, gazer, giant rat,
Once you use this ability, you cannot again until mastiff, magmin, oblex spawn, stirge, topi, and
you finish a long rest. vegepygmy. See Appendix A for their statistics.
• You act as a telepathic hub, allowing up to ten
creatures to participate in a telepathic conversation. PACT OF THE RAVENOUS SCHOLAR
You can decide which creatures can hear or speak Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome
to which other participants in the conversation. All Cursed with ravenous curiosity, you gain the
participants must be within 30 feet of you and following benefits:
eligible for your Awakened Mind feature. • Increase your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom
• You learn every spell of your patron's Expanded score by 1, up to 20.
Spell List as you reach certain levels in this class. • You gain proficiency in one of the following skills:
These spells don't count against the number of Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion. Whenever
warlock spells you know. you make an ability check using this skill, your
• You learn to read, write, and speak Deep Speech. proficiency bonus is doubled.
• You can add your Charisma modifier to the damage
roll of any warlock cantrip you cast, unless you
already do so via an Eldritch Invocation.
• When you finish a long rest, you can change any of
the three cantrips granted to you by your Book of
Shadows with cantrips from any class's spell list.
Prerequisite: Fiend otherworldly patron The following feats are available to wizard
Sadism is the flavor of all fiends, for there is power characters of 4th level or higher.
in suffering—a power you too can harvest. You gain You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat
the following benefits: to take that feat.
• Once per turn when you gain temporary hit points
from your Dark One's Blessing feature by reducing ARCANE INVESTIGATOR
a creature to 0 hit points through a warlock spell,
you can also regain hit points equal to 1 + the slot's You excel in the investigation of arcane matters, such
level. If you slew the target with a warlock cantrip as when magi use their power to commit crimes. You
or weapon attack, you regain only 1 hit point. gain the following benefits:
• You learn every spell of your patron's Expanded • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1,
Spell List as you reach certain levels in this class. up to 20.
These spells don't count against the number of • You gain proficiency in the Investigation or Arcana
warlock spells you know. skill (your choice).
• You learn to read, write, and speak your choice of • Choose an Intelligence skill you are proficient in.
either Infernal or Abyssal. Your proficiency bonus is doubled when you make
an ability check using that skill.
• You learn the detect magic spell and can cast it at
WELCOMING SHADOWS will, without expending a spell slot. While under a
Prerequisite: Hexblade otherworldly patron spell of detect magic you can analyze a magical
The Shadowfell hides behind every corner, ravenous effect for 1 minute, recording its aura—a magical
to spread its influence in the Material Plane. That fingerprint, essentially—into your spellbook. If
power is yours to swallow. You gain the following you come across another magical spell created by
benefits: the same spellcaster, you can identify it as such.
• You gain proficiency with heavy armor. You don't learn the identity of the spellcaster, but
• While you're in dim light or darkness, you can take can match its aura to previous records.
the Hide action as a bonus action.
• You learn every spell of your patron's Expanded BATTLE MAGE
Spell List as you reach certain levels in this class.
These spells don't count against the number of Prerequisite: War Magic arcane tradition
warlock spells you know. Battle mages are the stuff of legends: armored magi
dominating the battlefield, unafraid to leap into the
fray. Honoring this tradition, you gain the following
• You gain proficiency with light armor.
• Whenever you cast a wizard spell of 1st-level or
higher, you gain temporary hit points equal to the
spell level + your Intelligence modifier.
• When you wield a quarterstaff, or staff (as in a staff
of power and other magical staves) and no shield,
and you aren't wearing medium or heavy armor,
you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. Additionally, you
can use your Intelligence modifier for your attack
and damage rolls using a quarterstaff.
KEEP YOUR HEAD When you cast animate dead to reassert control
over these abominations, each count as two
It's a dangerous world out there; wizards everywhere
creatures. You can control a number of abominations
are dropping like flies. You've mastered a number of
up to your Intelligence modifier.
defensive spells designed to firmly keep your head
where it ought to be: on your shoulders. You gain the
following benefits: STINT BROKE SCRIBE
• Increase your Constitution or Dexterity score by 1, You manage to make due with the cheapest inks and
up to 20. the most cost-effective techniques. Whenever you
• You learn one of the following spells if you didn't copy a spell into your spellbook, the process takes
know it already; you always have it prepared, but only one hour and costs 20 gp per spell level.
it doesn't count against the number of wizard spells Additionally, whenever you finish a long rest you
you can prepare: mage armor, shield, misty step, or can produce a hastily-made spell scroll that contains
mirror image. a wizard spell from your spellbook. This spell must
• You learn the blade ward cantrip, if you did not be 2nd level or below and belong to the school of
know it already. It doesn't count against the number magic associated with your Arcane Tradition. If you
of wizard cantrips you know. You can cast it as a do not use the spell scroll before you finish another
bonus action a number of times equal to your long rest, its magic is lost. You can only ever have
Intelligence modifier, regaining all expended uses one of these hastily-made spell scrolls at a time. If a
after finishing a long rest. spell requires a material component with a listed gp
cost, it cannot be made into a spell scroll without
LOREMASTER providing that material component at its creation.
You can use the spell scroll as an action to cast that
By studying the most esoteric of lore, you have
spell without providing components. Other creatures
developed intricate means to twist the Weave of
can likewise use the spell scroll if the spell is on their
Magic in ways always imagined, but hardly ever
class's spell list. If that spell is of a higher level than
achieved. You gain the following benefits:
they can cast, they must make an ability check using
• You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. Whenever
their spellcasting ability (the DC of which equals 10
you make an ability check using this skill, your
+ the spell's level). On a failure, the spell fails and
proficiency bonus is doubled.
the spell scroll is destroyed.
• Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you can
Any saving throws or spell attacks imposed by the
replace one of the wizard cantrips you know with
spell scroll are determined by your own wizard spell
another cantrip from the wizard spell list.
save DC and spell attack bonus.
• Whenever you cast a wizard spell of 1st level of
Bladesinging. The school of magic associated with
higher that deals damage, you can change its
Bladesinging is transmutation.
damage to force damage instead. You can do this a
War Magic. The schools of magic associated with
number of times equal to your Intelligence
War Magic are evocation and abjuration.
modifier, regaining all expended uses after you
finish a long rest.
TAILORED FLESH You fashion a wand of your own design, carving into
it esoteric runes, which acts as a spellcasting focus
Prerequisite: School of Necromancy arcane tradition
for your wizard spells. You also gain the following
Your mastery over necromancy blossoms into a
macabre art. When you cast animate dead using a benefits:
spell slot of 4th level or higher and have three corpses • Increase your Intelligence or Dexterity score by 1,
or bone piles to animate, you can instead shape these up to 20.
corpses into a golem-like abomination. If you choose • While you're wielding a wand, you gain a +1 bonus
bones, as part of the spell, the abomination has to your wizard spell save DC and ranged spell
statistics of a minotaur skeleton; if you choose attacks you make with wizard spells. This benefit
corpses, it instead has the statistics of an ogre extends to magical wands not of your own design.
zombie. These statistics are detailed in Appendix A.
The following monsters & NPCs are referenced in
this supplement:
The following spells are referenced throughout this
supplement; see their respective manuals for details:
Alter self ............................ PHB 211 Feign death ........................ PHB 240 Searing smite ......................PHB 274
Animate dead ..................... PHB 212 Find familiar ...................... PHB 240 Shadow blade .................... XGE 164
Antilife shell ...................... PHB 213 Find steed .......................... PHB 240 Shadow of Moil................. XGE 164
Arcane eye ......................... PHB 214 Fireball .............................. PHB 241 Shatter ................................PHB 275
Armor of Agathys .............. PHB 215 Fire shield .......................... PHB 242 Shield .................................PHB 275
Arms of Hadar ................... PHB 215 Flame strike ....................... PHB 242 Shield of faith .....................PHB 275
Augury ............................... PHB 215 Fog cloud........................... PHB 243 Skywrite ............................ XGE 165
Aura of purity .................... PHB 216 Freedom of movement....... PHB 244 Sleet storm .........................PHB 276
Aura of vitality .................. PHB 216 Gaseous form .................... PHB 244 Slow ...................................PHB 277
Awaken .............................. PHB 216 Geas ................................... PHB 244 Spare the dying...................PHB 277
Barkskin ............................ PHB 217 Gentle repose ..................... PHB 245 Speak with dead .................PHB 277
Beast bond ......................... XGE 150 Giant insect........................ PHB 245 Speak with plants ...............PHB 277
Bigby's hand ...................... PHB 218 Goodberry ......................... PHB 246 Spider climb .......................PHB 277
Blade ward ......................... PHB 218 Grasping vine .................... PHB 246 Spike growth ......................PHB 277
Blight ................................. PHB 219 Grease................................ PHB 246 Staggering smite .................PHB 278
Blindness/deafness ............ PHB 219 Greater invisibility............. PHB 246 Steel wind strike ................ XGE 166
Blink .................................. PHB 219 Greater restoration ............. PHB 246 Stinking cloud ....................PHB 278
Blur .................................... PHB 219 Guardian of faith ............... PHB 246 Stone shape ........................PHB 278
Burning hands.................... PHB 220 Guardian of nature ............. XGE 157 Stoneskin ............................PHB 278
Call lightning ..................... PHB 220 Guiding bolt ...................... PHB 248 Storm sphere ..................... XGE 166
Calm emotions ................... PHB 221 Gust of wind ..................... PHB 248 Swift quiver ........................PHB 279
Charm person .................... PHB 221 Hail of thorns..................... PHB 249 Tasha's hideous laughter ....PHB 280
Chill touch ......................... PHB 221 Hallucinatory terrain.......... PHB 249 Telekinesis .........................PHB 280
Circle of power .................. PHB 221 Haste.................................. PHB 250 Tenser's floating disk .........PHB 282
Cloudkill ............................ PHB 222 Hellish rebuke ................... PHB 250 Thunder step...................... XGE 168
Command .......................... PHB 223 Hex .................................... PHB 251 Thunderous smite ...............PHB 282
Commune with nature ....... PHB 224 Hold person ....................... PHB 251 Thunderwave ......................PHB 282
Compelled duel.................. PHB 224 Hunger of Hadar ................ PHB 251 Tidal wave ......................... XGE 168
Compulsion ....................... PHB 224 Hunter's mark .................... PHB 251 Tree stride ..........................PHB 283
Cone of cold ...................... PHB 224 Hypnotic pattern ................ PHB 252 Vampiric touch...................PHB 285
Conjure animals ................. PHB 225 Ice knife ............................. XGE 157 Wall of sand ...................... XGE 170
Conjure elemental .............. PHB 225 Ice storm ............................ PHB 252 Wall of stone ......................PHB 287
Conjure volley ................... PHB 226 Illusory script .................... PHB 252 Warding wind .................... XGE 170
Conjure woodland beings .. PHB 226 Inflict wounds.................... PHB 253 Water breathing .................PHB 287
Control water ..................... PHB 227 Insect plague ..................... PHB 254 Water walk .........................PHB 287
Control winds .................... XGE 152 Invisibility ......................... PHB 254 Watery sphere ................... XGE 170
Create food and water ........ PHB 229 Legend lore........................ PHB 254 Web ....................................PHB 287
Create or destroy water ..... PHB 229 Lightning bolt .................... PHB 255 Wind wall ...........................PHB 288
Danse macabre................... XGE 153 Locate animals or plants .... PHB 256
Darkness ............................ PHB 230 Locate creature .................. PHB 256
Daylight ............................. PHB 230 Mage armor ....................... PHB 256
Destructive wave ............... PHB 231 Magic mouth ..................... PHB 257
Detect evil and good .......... PHB 231 Mass healing word ............ PHB 258
Detect magic ...................... PHB 231 Meld into stone .................. PHB 259
Detect thoughts .................. PHB 231 Melf's acid arrow ............... PHB 259
Dissonant whispers ............ PHB 234 Mirror image ..................... PHB 260
Divination .......................... PHB 234 Misty step .......................... PHB 260
Divine favor ....................... PHB 234 Mordenkainen's
Dominate beast .................. PHB 234 private sanctum ............ PHB 262
Dominate person ................ PHB 235 Pass without trace .............. PHB 264
Dragon's breath .................. XGE 154 Passwall ............................. PHB 264
Dream ................................ PHB 236 Phantasmal killer ............... PHB 264
Earth tremor ....................... XGE 155 Phantom steed ................... PHB 265
Elemental weapon ............. PHB 237 Plant growth ...................... PHB 266
Enhance ability .................. PHB 237 Prayer of healing ............... PHB 267
Enlarge/reduce ................... PHB 237 Protection from
Ensnaring strike ................. PHB 237 evil and good ................ PHB 270
Entangle ............................. PHB 238 Purify food and drink ........ PHB 270
Evard's black tentacles ....... PHB 238 Pyrotechnics ...................... XGE 163
Expeditious retreat ............. PHB 238 Remove curse .................... PHB 271
Faerie fire .......................... PHB 239 Revivify ............................. PHB 272
False life ............................ PHB 239 Sacred flame ...................... PHB 272
Fear .................................... PHB 239 Scorching ray .................... PHB 273
Feather fall ......................... PHB 239 Scrying .............................. PHB 273

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