Catalog Reloc

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A successful team for a be er future!

Passion for locomo ves

Table of contents Abbrevia ons Guide

Foreword 3 EL – electric locomo ve

DEL – Diesel electric locomo ve
DHL – Diesel hydraulic locomo ve
Locomo ve engineering 4
HP – horse power
kW – kilowa
About Us 6 EURO 4 – European pollu on standard
EMU – electric mul ple units
Our values 7 DMU – Diesel mul ple units
EDK – type of rail crane
UIC – standards of the Interna onal Railways Union
Our main ac vi es 8 AFER – Romanian Railway Authority
TUV Austria – cer fica on body
Laboratories and tes ng stands 11 ISO - (IOS) Interna onal Organiza on for
Standardiza on
Scien fic research 12 SNTFC – Na onal Company for Railway Passenger
Transporta on
GFR – Grup Feroviar Român
Internships and scholarships 13 RSCO – Rolling Stock Company
TEF – Trans Expedi on Feroviar
Our exper se 14 TVM – Transbordare Vagoane Marfă
RR – li repair
Future plans 17 RG – general repair
RK – capital repair

Grampet Group Map 19

table of contents
- from le to right -
Răzvan PREJBEANU – Manager of the Industrial Electronics Department | Liviu BONCI – Produc on Manager
Elena ȘTEFĂNESCU – Financial Manager | Grațian CĂLIN – President / Chairman of the Board
Megdonia PÎRVULESCU – Commercial Manager | Daniel STROE – Deputy Manager of the Industrial Electronics Department
Florin SANDA – Technical Manager | Ion PETROPOL – Quality Manager

Craiova has a tradi on in the construc on and repairing of We have a long term vision and a commitment to the future
rolling stock, having worldwide recogni on for the products genera ons to provide them a safe workplace within the
forged in this part of the country. The companies Reloc and Romanian industry.
Electroputere VFU Craiova are a standard for the Romanian We are striving with confidence towards the future, because
economy, represen ng na onal interests abroad and benefi ng we have a long-term approach that takes into account not only
from the apprecia on of interna onal customers for the quality the opportuni es and challenges and the way we can benefit
and capabili es of the products which leave the gates of the two from them, but also the obstacles and solu ons for overcoming
factories. them so as to minimize the risks and to achieve the most efficient
Beginning with August 2012 the two companies joined alloca on of resources which maximize the income.
Grampet Group thus se ng the founda ons of reinven on and We have a global network of contacts, we are constantly
revival of the rail industry in Oltenia region, its objec ves and interested in diversifying our services and products por olio, we
vision being materialized through the structures of the two have a stable network of customers, solid from the financial point
companies which provide produc on support, design, of view, which allow us a stable, safe and predictable evolu on, a
maintenance, repairs, for different types of locomo ves. situa on not many players in this industry can pride themselves
The two companies complete the products por olio offered with.
by Grampet Group, being the emblema c enterprises which Our team is oriented towards achieving success, we know
consolidate the presence of Grampet na onally and that we have the necessary capabili es to meet all customers
interna onally. Through the revival of the two companies under requirements when it comes to locomo ves and we are certain
the aegis of Grampet's experience in acquiring companies and that if we place the customer in the center of our focus and we
turning them into profitable en es, the company aims to manage to keep up with technology, only then will we have an
develop innova ve, sustainable, green railway products that extended exposure that shall place us in the pole posi on in the
meet the European direc ves, the most demanding German rail industry at European level, and why not, worldwide.
quality standards, required by TUV Austria, having the ul mate We are determined to keep locomo ves on tracks with
goal to fulfill the most complex needs of the customers, to offer dedica on, pride, safety and stability as we have done for tens of
customized services and products. It was here established an years. These are the values that represent us. Why stop now?
important and unique research center in the railway industry in
this part of Europe, having the aim of bringing added value to the
Romanian tradi onal industry, making the first steps towards Grațian CĂLIN
reinven ng the company's compe ve posi on in the market. President
We understand that in order to complete our vision, we need Reloc SA & Electroputere VFU Craiova
to have a skilled, determined, and crea ve labor force, focused
on obtaining concrete results as an evidence of its involvement.
We believe in the poten al of our staff, we have confidence in
their abili es and, for that reason we have developed a major
program of gran ng scholarships in order to facilitate the access
of the young workforce on the labor market. REPAIRS LOCOMOTIVES

Craiova, Romania
Locomo ve design

About us
The main purpose of the company`s ac vity
consists in construc ons, design, reconstruc on,
moderniza on and repair services for the railway
vehicles, as well as the manufacturing of spare
parts for these products. The research ac vi es
performed so far, the high qualifica ons of the staff,
as well as the references and years of experience of
par cipa ng in a large number of construc on,
design, reconstruc on and moderniza on projects,
shall lay the founda ons of various future projects.
Sustaining these projects are the efforts and
experience of the design and research center in the
railway trac on field which was born in early 2012
in Craiova, aiming to con nue the tradi on
recognized at na onal and interna onal levels, in
this technical field.

locomo ve engineering
moderniza on
reconstruc on
maintenance Main Ac vi es

construc on

mobile service teams

locomo ve engineering
RELOC S.A. – ELECTROPUTERE VFU S.A. CRAIOVA represents the largest locomo ve
producer/repairer in Romania and Eastern Europe, enjoying worldwide recogni on for its
products, for more than 5 decades.
RELOC S.A. performes the en re range of repairs and maintenance services for rolling
stock. Concerning our ac vity so far, we have successfully performed repairs for electric
locomo ves, Diesel – electric and Diesel – hydraulic locomo ves, EDK cranes, electric
mul ple units and railcars for the Romanian Railways Company – Freight and Passengers
(7.471 repair works) and other na onal companies from Poland (214 repair works), Serbia
(181 repair works), Macedonia (8 repair works), Slovakia, Hungary or Bulgaria and also for
private companies from Romania and other foreign countries (599 repair works).
Overall, we have performed a total of 8.263 repair works, 747 accidental repairs and
many more repairs on aggregate machines (trac on engines, sha s, generators,
transformers etc.) and recondi oning of rail engine units.
A significant percent in the current ac vity of the company is represented by the regular
maintenance works for locomo ves and the produc on of spare parts, within RELOC S.A.
being manufactured a large amount of the parts used in the repair process.


ELECTROPUTERE VFU S.A. CRAIOVA has an extensive experience of over 70 years of
opera on, the first Diesel electric locomo ve - DEL 2100 HP with Sulzer engine began to be
produced in 1960. During the years, a total of 2.336 2100 HP locomo ves have been
produced and delivered to the Romanian Railway Company (1.407 locomo ves), and also
to the Na onal Railway Companies in other countries such as Poland (420 locomo ves),
Bulgaria (130 locomo ves) and China (379 locomo ves).
Furthermore, ELECTROPUTERE VFU S.A. CRAIOVA has produced other types of
locomo ves: 5100 kW electric locomo ve – 1.076 units for the Romanian Railway
Company, the Serbian, the Bulgarian and the Chinese Railway Company; 2600 HP Diesel
electric locomo ve – 12 units for the Romanian Railway Company and for the Iranian
Railways; 3000 HP Diesel electric locomo ve – 23 units for the Romanian Railway
Company; 3500 HP Diesel electric locomo ve – 30 units for the UK Railways; 4000 HP
Diesel electric locomo ve – 45 units for the Romanian Railway Company and the Hellenic
Railways; shun ng engines with a power ranging between 84 kW-1200 kW – 16 units for
the Romanian Railway Company and other na onal companies in Romania; electric
mul ple units with the engine power between 1870 kW - 2720 kW – 6 units for the
Romanian Railway Company; subway trains with Bombardier equipment – 43 units for
Metrorex Bucharest; tramways – 161 units for the public transport company in Bucharest;
tramways V3A-M type– 3 units for the Public Transport Company in Bucharest (the first
tramways equipped with energy recovery systems in Romania).
Apart from the locomo ve produc on, ELECTROPUTERE VFU S.A. CRAIOVA has
executed different types of repairs and moderniza on works of the rolling stock, with the
purpose of increasing the opera onal reliability and adjus ng to the technological
developments in the field.




about us
in figures

projects of
construc ons,
design, re-building,
moderniza on,
repairs for
locomo ves
both for DEL 1250 HP
locomo ves,
internal and external
metro or trams designed, clients DEL 2100 HP
constructed, re-built,
EL 3400 kW
in more than
10 countries EL 4130 kW
EL 5100 kW
20 EL 6600 kW
design sketches and
projects for crea ng
innova ve DHL 700/450 HP
locomo ves,
trams and
metros DHL 1250 HP
for different DHL 1260 HP
Metro Units
Tram Units
our values...
We value determina on, team work, crea vity and strong involvement in the development of the company.
We are promo ng intrapreneurial skills, giving the chance to every employee to come up with solu ons or unique
ideas which help improve our ac vi es. Our organiza onal culture promotes mo va on, seriousness,
awareness, having as main pillars:

Ÿ Quality - a ested by German standards and by the sa sfac on and recommenda ons of our customers.
Ÿ Diversity, Crea vity - constantly keeping the pace with the technological developments for implemen ng
new products, tailored to the customer`s needs and easy adaptable to the shi s in the market trends.
Ÿ Reliability, Commitment and Social responsibility - We value our clients and we are commi ed to offering
high quality products and services, assuming our responsibility for the standards of our ac vi es and the
opera ons conducted within the company. We are also focused on improving the community and
environment we are working in, so as to ensure a future for the upcoming genera ons.

our values
spare parts - produc on and recondi oning
Our main RELOC S.A. manufactures complex spare parts for locomo ve, using different
thermal and thermo chemical treatments.
ac vi es Our workshop has a sector with galvanic covers, which executes various
covering processes (chrome , silver).
Complex components made here involve high technological products.
We offer for example:
Ÿ segments for diesel motors;
Reloc S.A. executes the following: Ÿ admission-exhaust valve;
Ÿ Repairs of various types of diesel electric Ÿ pistons;
locomo ves with a capacity between 1250- Ÿ axles;
4000 HP; Ÿ admission-exhaust cam;
Ÿ Repairs of the electric locomo ves, with a Ÿ coils for electrical machines etc.
capacity between 3400 kW and 6600 kW;
Ÿ Repairs of railway cranes with load weights
between 80-200 tones, manufactured by
SMKirov - Germany;
Ÿ Repairs of electric and Diesel mul ple units
manufactured by Electroputere - Romania,
RVR Riga - Latvia, Siemens Germany, or
other french and romanian manufacturers.

Except for the maintenance, repair and

modernizing of locomo ves, railcars, electric
units and railway cranes, the company can also
provide the following categories of products
and/or cri cal railway services:
Ÿ Designing and manufacturing of rolling
Ÿ Manufacturing and repair of spare parts
and subassemblies for the rolling stock
(main transformer, main generator, diesel
generator engine group, trac on engine,
axles, boogies, auxiliary machinery etc)

At the request of the beneficiaries, the

company modernizes locomo ves with:
Ÿ Electric hea ng equipment for
DEL 2100 HP locomo ves;
Ÿ The system of voltage and frequency sta c
converters for auxiliary services at the
electric locomo ves;
Ÿ Systems of diagnosis, protec on and
control with micro controller;
Ÿ Equipments that produce the compressed
air with screw compressor;
Ÿ Air condi oning equipments in the running
posi ons.

new construc on
TERRA NOVA - Diesel Hydraulic locomo ve for shun ng opera ons and light line
Having two Caterpillar engines, Terra Nova is not only powerful, but also versa le and
flexible, dynamic and easy adaptable to the most demanding opera ng condi ons, the
power being supplied by two engines of 630 HP totaling 1260 HP trac on force, which can
be applied in individual or dual mode depending on the specific transport condi ons.
The Terra Nova engine incorporates green sustainable technologies which deliver low
and efficient consump on of resources, the filters and technologies used enabling a
reduced level of pollu on in line with European Standards for Environmental Protec on.
It is fi ed with a start-stop system which ensures an even more efficient use of
resources, electronic systems for monitoring and control, accessory opera ng system,
centralized informa cs systems for commanding and diagnosis.

our main ac vi es
repair and moderniza on works
Different repairs and moderniza ons are made within the
company, but also review works and different opera ons in
order to ensure the adapta on to the technological evolu ons
in the field, for various types of electric locomo ves, Diesel
electric locomo ves and Diesel hydraulic locomo ves, but also
for Diesel and electric mul ple units.
When the railway engines finish the repair cycle, these
opera ons guarantee traffic safety and security in the railway
system, in cri cal situa ons, having the aim to ensure the
highest opera onal reliability indicators in terms of number of
available units between two planned repairs.


construc ons
reconstruc ons railway equipment
repairs The Railroad shun ng machine designed by Reloc S.A. Craiova
maintenance Being conceived as an alterna ve to the tradi onal locomo ves, the locotractor
adapts perfectly to the needs of the users with access to the railway lines, being used
for more complicated ac ons in depots, mines, ports, airports, steel plants, subways,
yards - including towing of the trams etc. This is why it's recommended as the most
versa le device for maneuver in the world.
Capital and opera ng costs are significantly reduced due to its excellent
opera ng performance level (reduced handling me), due to its reduced energy
consump on and to the necessary number of people engaged in the opera ons of
coupling – decoupling, having minimum needs regarding the maintenance works.
It is environmental friendly, completely non-pollu ng with zero CO2 emissions,
low noise and zero consump on of fuel.
Equipped with a remote control system of high performance, it has a range of at
least 10 hours of opera ng with fully charged ba eries and the ba ery pack can be
replaced very easily.

our main ac vi es
Our main
ac vi es

We repair bogies for locomo ves with powers
between 450 HP and 6700 HP.
The final tests of assembly are made on
specialized tes ng stands, cer fying the quality of

Trac on Motor
For the trac on motors with powers up to 900
kW, the repair process may lead to the total
rewinding of the stator and rotor, depending on the
complexity of the faults.
The final tests performed on the tes ng stand
cer fy the quality of the repair, according to UIC .

Turbo transmissions
We perform repairs on turbo-hydraulic
transmissions (transformers-couplings) with powers
up to 1250 HP.
The repaired turbo transmissions are tested
simultaneously with the locomo ve in order to
achieve the parameters established by norma ve.

Diesel engine
For diesel engines with powers up to 4000 HP,
repairs are performed by bringing the moving parts
which present wears due to opera on to the nominal
size. The repaired diesel engines are adjusted and
tested on the tes ng stand, acknowledging thus, the
quality of the repairs.

Main transformer
The main transformer repair is performed by
removing it from the tank and being brought to the
rated parameters. The repaired assembly is tested on
a special tes ng stand, according to UIC.

D.C. or A.C. generators

The repair process has a variable complexity,
being achieved through full rewinding of the stator
and rotor, for generators with powers up to 2800
The repaired generators are tested on specialized
stands in order to check the func oning of all
parameters se led by the interna onal standards.

our main ac vi es
Laboratories and
tes ng stands

The Metrology Office and Laboratories,
authorized/cer fied by the Romanian Bureau of
Legal Metrology, performs tests and checks for:
Ÿ pressure;
Ÿ thermal sizes;
Ÿ electric;
Ÿ cinema c (speedometers);
Ÿ dura on;
Ÿ lengths.
Measuring apparatus are set i n nominal
opera ng parameters a er repairs. Metrological
checks are done in comparison with standards
a es ng devices.
The laboratory of physical-chemical and
mechanical tests performs physical-chemical and
mechanical analysis according to the technologies
and standards provided in the repairs process. The
laboratory is authorized by the Romanian Railway

Tes ng stands
All the repaired equipment is tested both on the manufacturing flow and also when the product is finished, the
company being equipped with more than 100tes ng stands, cer fied by the competent authori es according to the
rules and legisla on in force. The stands are designed to allow tes ng the assemblies assemblies in similar opera ng
condi ons as the ones on the locomo ve.
A few examples of the tes ng stands we use:
Ÿ the stand with variable voltage 0-28 kV, 50 Hz, provided with contact line, wherewith is achieved the electric
locomo ves test;
Ÿ Diesel motor stand, with energy recovery group;
Ÿ pneuma c gear tes ng stand;
Ÿ electrical appliances tes ng stand.

laboratories and tes ng stands
scien fic research

Design Department
Along with the takeover of ELECTROPUTERE VFU
Craiova, RELOC S.A. has also received the technical
documenta on on produc on capaci es and future
projects of locomo ve concep on of this worldwide
recognized brand.
of Industrial Electronics
Despite this, our Engineering Design Department In recent years, we awarded a great importance to
was constantly concerned in synchronizing and the ac vity of modernizing old locomo ves by
modernizing these projects in accordance with our replacing older DC trac on systems with modern
current customer's demands. An example of such a ones, featuring convertors and AC motors.
project is the construc on of TERRA NOVA locomo ve, RELOC S.A. implements a development strategy
which started based on needs iden fied in the shun ng enhanced and expanded through the development of
locomo ves market worldwide and also star ng with the independent works performed inside the Department
customer requests to have customized products for the of Industrial Electronics, with the assistance of highly
ac vi es they wish to undergo, regarding the rolling qualified, professional and determined personnel, and
stock. most importantly, thanks to a real passion for modern
Meanwhile, our Design Department permanently technology.
iden fies methods or products that can improve the Our Department of Industrial Electronics develops
opera on of rolling stock, by crea ng and applying the innova ons and technologies that meet the current
ideas that enhance and op mize the efficiency and the needs of railway and urban transport industries.
ability to meet current needs, by providing a high
technology level, and therefore achieving superior
performance and upright compe on. We design
electric, mechanic, thermal, hydraulic and pneuma c
systems, depending on the customers' needs.

scien fic research
internships and scholarships

Internships and scholarships

Reloc S.A. has been constantly concerned to provide high school, university and MA students with steady support, regarding their
professional training, and offering them a career star ng point, hence facilita ng the employment and integra on of future
genera ons.
In this respect, Reloc S.A. company contributes to the community development, organizing internships, laboratory work, official
visits to the factories provided for high school, university and MA students, all these according to the curriculum and projects
developed within high schools and universi es. Internships aim to offer selected students with outstanding results, the possibility of a
future employment in Reloc S.A Company.

Scholarships and financing programs

The social responsibility program developed by RELOC S.A. in collabora on with the Technological High
School "Railways Transport Craiova" (CFR) is intended to support and integrate young people from
disadvantaged backgrounds on the labor market.
We have created the opportunity for our youth to gain the theore cal and prac cal knowledge, needed for
employment in a job listed by our company, along with their gradua on. Our company supports the
reestablishment of professional sec ons in the Educa onal Environment, to ensure the necessary training of
young people who want to work directly in the industrial field, thus contribu ng to community development
and crea ng new jobs.
This internships followed two main direc ons: to empower young people to discover an ac ve and
compe ve environment and, by this, we wanted young people to complete their professional and personal
training by carrying out their prac ce internship in a real produc on environment.

internships and scholarships
3400 kW
Locomo ve


Romania Serbia
4000 HP 1500 HP
2100 HP Locomo ve Locomo ve EDK
Locomo ve Cranes

299 72 Romania Poland Hungary Romania Romania
repaired repaired
locomotives locomotives
within RELOC SA

CFR SA 5017
locomotives locomotives locomotive locomotives locomotives
Locomo ve repairs

repaired and Other
locomotives EL Beneficiaries
5100 kW
Locomo ve

Romania Serbia Montenegro

our exper se
repaired and
repaired and
modernized modernized
locomotives locomotives locomotives locomotives locomotives

CFR SA Other
2100 HP
2600 HP 3000 HP 3500 HP 4000 HP
Locomo ve Locomo ve Locomo ve Locomo ve

locomotives locomotives locomotives locomotives locomotives locomotives

locomotives locomotives locomotives locomotives Great
Romania Iran Romania Britain Romania Greece

China Romania Poland Bulgaria EL

5100 kW
Locomo ve Produc on

Locomo ve


our exper se
locomotives locomotives locomotives locomotives

Romania Serbia Bulgaria China

within Electroputere VFU Craiova

Our exper se

Our experience recommends us for who we are. We are proud for being able to say that we can manage
all opera ons which relate to the construc on, repair and maintenance of locomo ves. We believe that
success is achieved on the basis of placing the client in the center of ac vi es so as to be able to offer
complex, integrated and tailored services or products which are flexible, durable, crea ve and up to date
with technology. Our consolidated por olio of clients cover countries such as China, Poland, Great Britain,
Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro. We are providing services and products interna onally, not
just to sa sfy our client`s needs but to gain more experience from every opportunity and to diversify our
ac vity, thus achieving step by step our purpose.
The synergies with the companies within Grampet Group enables RELOC S.A. to constantly evolve and
achieve performances which were not possible before the acquisi on in 2012. We offer high quality state
of the art products which respect all the safety standards. The TUV Cer fica on, one of the most exigent in
German standards, a ests the high quality and professionalism of our capabili es.

our exper se
Future plans

We are aiming to develop, new, innova ve green technologies having the purpose of reducing the fuel
consump on and C0₂ emissions, transla ng into less pollu on and higher efficiency, thus proving a be er
use of resources. We meet the European standards and we are focused on conduc ng research in the
railway industry through our research center, which is constantly orientated on iden fying innova ve
solu ons to solve the problems which may occur or to increase the processes efficiency, thus being
constantly compe ve on the market.
Our future plans involve developing Li-Ion Ba ery powered locomo ves, shun ng locomo ves with
radio remote control and 6500 kW electric locomo ves.

future plans
new new
1260 HP railroad new
TerraNova shun ng 6500 kW
shun ng machine electric
locomo ve with radio locomo ve
remote control

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Diesel electric Li-Ion Ba ery

locomo ve powered
adapted for locomo ves
opera ng - shun ng
locomo ves
only with with radio
Biodiesel remote control


Grampet Map
109, Decebal Boulevard
Craiova 200746, Dolj county
Phone: +40.251.438.754
Fax: +40.251.437.854
offi[email protected];;
h ps://

Executed by: Printex srl,


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