2018-2020 ASE Degree Plan & Flow Chart

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CH 301 M 408C RHE 306 UGS 302/303 Social/Behav

Chemistry Differential & Integral Calc Freshman Composition Signature Course Science

M 408D COE 301 PHY 303K,103M American American

Seq, Series, & Multivar. Calc Intro to Comp. Programming Physics: Mechanics
QR Government History

M E 310T M 427J E M 306 PHY 303L,103N M E 210


Applied Thermodynamics Diff Eqn w/Linear Alg Statics Physics: Elec/Optcs Engr Design Graphics

M 427L COE 311K E M 311M E M 319 ASE 333T EF
Adv Calc for Apps II Engineering Computation Dynamics Mechanics of Solids Engr Communication

ASE 320 ASE 120K ASE 366K ASE 330M Structures E 316L/M/N/P
Low-Speed AeroDyn Low-Speed Lab Spacecraft Dynamics Linear System Analysis Elective Literature

ASE 362K ASE 367K Aerospace ASE 370C ASE 375

Compressible Flow Flight Dynamics Elective 1 Feedback Cntrl Systems Electromech Sys Lab

ASE 376K Technical Aerospace Design 1 Design Lab Visual/Perf

Propulsion Elective Elective 2 3 Hour Design
1 Hour Lab Arts

Aerospace Design 2 ASE 324L American American

Elective 3 3 Hour Design Materials Laboratory Government History

Required Prerequisite F = Course Offered in Fall Semester Only

EF = Fulfills Ethics Flag IMPORTANT NOTE: CD (Cultural Diversity in
Credit or Registration Required S = Course Offered in Spring Semester Only IIF = Fulfills Independent Inquiry Flag the United States) and GC (Global Cultures)
C- or better required in ALL coursework Core Curriculum; find approved classes in Catalog QR = Fulfills Quantitative Reasoning Flag flags are not automatically included in the
except Core Curriculum Requirements See options on back WR = Fulfills Writing Flags degree but may be fulfilled by Core Curriculum
2018-2020 CATALOG
Suggested Arrangement of Courses for Eight Semester Program
127 credit hours

First Year
Fall Semester Semester Hours Spring Semester Semester Hours
CH 301, Principles of Chemistry I ............................................. 3 COE 301, Introduction to Computer Programming ................ 3
M 408C, Differential and Integral Calculus .............................. 4 M 408D, Sequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus........ 4
ASE 102, Introduction to Aerospace Engineering** ................. 1 PHY 303K, Engineering Physics I .......................................... 3
RHE 306, Rhetoric and Writing (English Composition) ........... 3 PHY 103M, Laboratory for Physics 303K .............................. 1
UGS 302 or UGS 303 (First-Year Signature Course) * ............ 3 GOV 310L (American and Texas Government) * ................... 3
Approved Social and Behavioral Science * ............................... 3 American History * ................................................................. 3
TOTAL..................................................16 or 17** TOTAL ..................................................... 17

Second Year
Fall Semester Semester Hours Spring Semester Semester Hours
M E 310T, Applied Thermodynamics ........................................ 3 COE 311K, Engineering Computation .................................... 3
E M 306, Statics ......................................................................... 3 E M 311M, Dynamics .............................................................. 3
M 427J, Differential Equations with Linear Algebra ................ 4 E M 319, Mechanics of Solids ................................................. 3
PHY 303L, Engineering Physics II............................................ 3 ASE 333T, Engineering Communication ................................ 3
PHY 103N, Laboratory for Physics 303L.................................. 1 M 427L, Advanced Calculus for Applications II ..................... 4
M E 210, Engineering Design Graphics .................................... 2 TOTAL ....................................................... 16

Third Year
Fall Semester Semester Hours Spring Semester Semester Hours
ASE 320, Low-Speed Aerodynamics.......................................... 3 ASE 362K, Compressible Flow ............................................... 3
ASE 120K, Low-Speed Aerodynamics Laboratory.................... 1 ASE 367K, Flight Dynamics ................................................... 3
ASE 330M, Linear System Analysis .......................................... 3 ASE 375, Electromechanical Systems ..................................... 3
ASE 366K, Spacecraft Dynamics .............................................. 3 Structures Elective*** ............................................................. 3
Technical Elective ...................................................................... 3 Aerospace Elective*** ............................................................. 3
E 316L/M/N/P, Masterworks of Literature (Humanities) * ....... 3 TOTAL ....................................................... 15

Fourth Year
Fall Semester Semester Hours Spring Semester Semester Hours
ASE 370C, Feedback Control Systems ...................................... 3 ASE 324L, Aerospace Materials Laboratory .......................... 3
ASE 376K, Propulsion .............................................................. 3 Design Course ......................................................................... 3
Aerospace Elective***............................................................... 3 Aerospace Elective*** ............................................................ 3
Design Courses .......................................................................... 4 GOV 312L/P (American and Texas Government) * ............... 3
Approved Visual and Performing Arts ...................................... 3 American History * ................................................................. 3
TOTAL...............................................................16 TOTAL ..................................................... 15


C- or better required in all coursework except Core Curriculum (*) requirements.

Check with the Undergraduate Office (WRW 215) for a list of approved technical elective courses.

**ASE 102 is not a degree requirement. Students who do not take this course will take 16 hours of coursework.

***Course is determined by the Design track chosen. List of options in Undergraduate Office and online.

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