Quality Control Research Paper
Quality Control Research Paper
Quality Control Research Paper
Introduction to Total Quality
Ninth Edition
David L. Goetsch
Stanley B. Davis
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BACKGROUND ent format that allows the reader to understand both the
big picture and the specific details of quality management.
At one time in history, Great Britain was the world’s leader It is intended for use in universities, colleges, community
in commerce and industry. Eventually, the United States colleges, corporate environments, and any other settings in
emerged as a major friendly competitor. Then, following which people want to learn to be effective agents of quality
World War II, the United States took over as the undisputed management. Students enrolled in technology, engineering,
world leader of commerce and industry. During these post- and management programs will find this book both valuable
war years, while the United States was enjoying unparalleled and easy to use. Practitioners in corporate settings will find it
prosperity, Japan and Germany were rebuilding from the a valuable guide in understanding and implementing quality
ashes of the war. With a great deal of help from the United management.
States, Japan was able to rebound and during the 1970s began The direct, straightforward presentation of material
to challenge the United States in such key manufacturing focuses on making the theories and principles of quality
sectors as automobiles, computers, and consumer electron- management practical and useful in a real-world setting.
ics. By 1980, Japan had emerged as a world-class competi- Up-to-date research has been integrated throughout in a
tor and a global leader in selected areas of commerce and down-to-earth manner.
industry. German industry had also reemerged by this time.
By 2000, Korea, China, and the Pacific Rim nations had also
emerged as global competitors. ORGANIZATION OF THIS BOOK
As a result, the United States found itself losing mar-
ket share in economic sectors it had dominated (and taken The text consists of 22 chapters, organized in two parts. Part I
for granted) for decades. At first, industrialists in the United explains the philosophy and concepts of quality management.
States turned their backs on the lesson their counterparts in Part II covers the tools and techniques of quality manage-
other industrialized nations had learned. This lesson was ment. A standard format is used throughout the book. Each
that the key to competing in the international marketplace chapter begins with a list of objectives and provides a com-
was to simultaneously improve quality and productivity on prehensive summary. Key terms and concepts, factual review
a continual basis. However, as more and more market share questions, a critical thinking activity, discussion assignments,
slipped away, the message started to sink in for the United and endnotes are found at the end. The endnotes provide
States. This belated awareness gave rise to a quality move- readers with comprehensive lists of additional reading and
ment that began to take hold. Its progress was slow at first. research material that can be pursued at the discretion of the
However, an approach to doing business known as quality student and/or the instructor. The other materials encourage
management has caught on and is now widely practiced as review, stimulate additional thought, promote discussion, and
a way to achieve organizational excellence. Organizational facilitate additional research.
excellence is a combination of peak performance, superior
quality, and continual improvement.
This book advocates an approach to doing business USING THIS BOOK FOR ONE
that focuses all the resources of an organization on the COURSE OR TWO
continual and simultaneous improvement of quality and Some professors use this book for one course and some
productivity. The purpose of this approach is to continu- use it for two courses. Those who use the book for one
ally improve the organization’s performance and, in turn, course cover all or most of the chapters and make decisions
competitiveness. concerning any chapters that are not covered on the basis
of local considerations. Those who use the book for two
WHY WAS THIS BOOK WRITTEN courses typically cover Chapters 1–14 in the first course
and Chapters 15–22 in the second course. Although this
approach to dividing the content is not balanced in terms
This book was written in response to the need for a practical of the number of chapters, it is balanced in terms of the
teaching resource that encompasses all of the various ele- time required to cover the material. Feedback from most
ments of quality management, including Lean, Six Sigma, professors indicates that the degree of difficulty of the con-
and Lean Six Sigma, and pulls them together in a coher- tent of Chapters 15–22 requires them to spend more time
on these chapters than is required to cover any of the first ■■ Chapter 7: Added a new section on customer loyalty and
14 chapters. Consequently, in terms of time requirements, retention strategies.
dividing the book at Chapter 14 results in two courses of ■■ Chapter 9: Added a new section on ensuring compatibil-
equal length. Feedback from the classroom has been posi- ity of quality and innovation.
tive concerning both of these approaches.
■■ Chapter 14: Rewritten to bring it up to date with ISO
HOW THIS BOOK DIFFERS ■■ Chapter 15: Added a seven-step process for implement-
FROM OTHERS ing Design of Experiments (DOE).
Most books in the market deal with one of the several elements ■■ Chapter 16: Added material to the section on applying the
of quality management, such as teamwork, just-in-time man- Five Whys to problem solving, explaining contributing
ufacturing, scientific measurement (SPC or quality tools), versus root causes, a new section of human error as a root
continual improvement, and employee involvement. Many of cause and applicable cautions, and common errors made
the books available were developed with the advanced-level in problem solving.
practitioner in mind rather than the beginner. Few of the books ■■ Chapter 19: Added a new section on why some Lean Six
in the market were formatted for use in a classroom setting. Sigma projects fail when other succeed and a new section
This book was written to provide both comprehensive and in- on Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs) and continual improve-
depth coverage of quality management. All the elements of ment. Download Instructor Resources from the Instructor
quality management are covered, including several that receive Resource Center.
little or no attention in other quality management books (e.g.,
peak performance, continual improvement, superior value, To access supplementary materials online, instructors
partnering, manufacturing networks, quality culture, and how need to request an instructor access code. Go to www.
to implement total q uality). These subjects are covered in suf- pearsonhighered.com/irc to register for an instructor access
ficient depth to allow a beginner to learn everything necessary code. Within 48 hours of registering, you will receive a con-
to understand and implement total quality without having to firming e-mail including an instructor access code. Once
look to any other source of information. you have received your code, locate your text in the online
catalog and click on the Instructor Resources button on the
New in the Ninth Edition left side of the catalog product page. Select a supplement,
and a login page will appear. Once you have logged in, you
The ninth edition contains major improvements that reflect can access instructor material for all Pearson textbooks. If
the ongoing evolution of quality management, as well as rec- you have any difficulties accessing the Web site or down-
ommendations from reviewers and users of the text. These loading a supplement, please contact Customer Service at
improvements include the following: http://247pearsoned.custhelp.com/.
■■ Chapter 1: Added new content on quality and competi-
tiveness, Deming’s 14 points as updated for contemporary
times, Armand V. Feigenbaum’s pioneering contribution ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
to quality management, role of managers in achieving The authors would like to thank the following reviewers for
organizational excellence, and the impact of technology the helpful insights:
on the future of quality management.
Kristopher Blanchard
■■ Chapter 2: Added new content on inhibitors of competi-
Upper Iowa University
■■ Chapter 4: Expanded the section of corporate social Lynda Fuller
responsibility including coverage of “greenwashing.” Wilmington University
■■ Chapter 6: Added a new section on behavior-based quality Melissa Weathersby
culture. Alamo Colleges District
David L. Goetsch is the Vice President Emeritus and Stanley B. Davis was a manufacturing executive with Harris
Professor at Northwest Florida State College. Prior to en- Corporation until his retirement in 1992. He was the found-
tering higher education full time, Dr. Goetsch had a career ing managing director of The Quality Institute and is a well-
in the private sector that included positions in quality man- known expert in the areas of total quality management and
agement, safety management, and project management with its implementation, statistical process control, just-in-time
engineering, manufacturing, and construction firms. Dr. manufacturing, Six Sigma, benchmarking, quality manage-
Goetsch is the founder of The Quality Institute, a partnership ment systems, and environmental management systems.
of Northwest Florida State College and the Okaloosa Eco- He currently serves as Professor of Quality at the institute
nomic D evelopment Council, and the Leadership Institute and heads his own consulting firm, Stan Davis Consulting,
of Northwest Florida State College. Dr. Goetsch has been which is dedicated to assisting private industry and public
selected as Professor of the Year at Northwest Florida State organizations throughout North America achieve world-
College and the Emerald Coast Campus of the University of class performance and competitiveness.
West Florida (five times). He was selected as Florida’s Out-
standing Technical Instructor of the Year and his program at
Northwest Florida State College was selected as the recipi-
ent of the U.S. Secretary of Education’s Outstanding Techni-
cal Program in the United States for Region 10.