C20 Dragonkin
C20 Dragonkin
C20 Dragonkin
Humans weren’t the first dreamers to walk the Earth. Before Lifestyle: Dragonkin pursue professions that keep them in
the rise of the Fomorians and the Tuatha de Danaan — before contact with their collections — bankers and accountants to
even the Mythic Ages — another civilization ruled the world. handle money, librarians to be immerse themselves in stories,
They built cities, told stories, and crafted legends in their own antiquarians to trade in artifacts. Scholarly members of the kith
image. Now, sixty-five million years later, nothing remains of study paleontology to bring themselves ever so slightly closer to
their existence. All of their works turned to dust long before their progenitors. Few are content to sit and gather dust. They
the first humans set foot in the Earth’s clay. While some beings have a second lease on life, and they don’t intend to waste it
refer to them with eponyms such as Dragon Kings or Dinosaurs, or allow it to be taken from them again.
their original name is forgotten to time. Everything about them Childling: Dragonkin of this attitude have eclectic collec-
is consigned to oblivion, except for their dreams. tions. They haven’t yet settled on where their tastes lie, instead
Without their Dreamers to breathe life into them, the hoarding anything that strikes their fancy. Their fire drives them
original dragon kiths only narrowly avoided the same fate as to action but doesn’t provide direction. This is the stage where
their progenitors. A handful of survivors watched the growing they try things out, experimenting with various interests to find
tensions as humanity’s dreams chaffed under those of the Elder the one that truly calls to them.
Dark. To their amazement, they witnessed a kernel of their Wilder: In this state of mind, dragonkin throw themselves
own dream in the nascent legends of humans. When they into expanding their treasure trove. Like an all-consuming in-
realized the Tuatha were gathering an army to overthrow the ferno, they can’t get enough of their craft. Wilders voraciously
Fomorians, the remaining dragon kiths offered their services. devour any scrap of knowledge they can find related to their
All they asked for in return was a place in the new world the passion. They’re never satisfied until they become the foremost
Tuatha would create. expert in their subject. Even then, there’s always something new
The Tuatha couldn’t promise an existence exactly like the for them to discover, some facet they haven’t yet considered.
survivors knew, but they swore that dragons would always have Grump: Dragonkin grumps have achieved a level of con-
a place in humanity’s collective psyche. Legends of dragons once tentment with their collection that childlings and wilders can’t
again spread across the globe — from the scaly foes of European fathom. Only truly rare and unique pieces are worthy of their
knights to the celebrated lucky dragons of China to the myste- efforts to acquire. Their selection of possessions is unrivaled
rious feathered serpents of the Americas. The descendants of and their knowledge of the subject peerless. They’re known
those original dragon kiths called themselves the dragonkin. worldwide among experts who share their discerning taste.
Appearance: Dragonkin are reptilian humanoids, their Most greybeards become teachers to pass on their knowledge
skin glistening with scales. Most reflect earth tones — shades and encourage future generations to take up their avocation.
of greens, greys, or browns. Others are the deep red of molten Affinity: Fae
rock, while still others shine like ice. Occasionally, they sport Revelry: A dragonkin finds Glamour in her prized posses-
manes of brightly colored feathers. The rarest are even a sions. They serve as a reminder and conduit to all that dragons
dazzling kaleidoscope of colors. Their body types range from once lost. By spending a day in meditation or a night sleeping
large and stocky to slim and lithe. No matter what, though, surrounded by her treasures, she regains Glamour.
all dragonkin project an aura of power, be it one of physical
prowess or of keen intellect.
8 Kiths of Arcadia
Unleashing: Fire burns within a dragonkin’s Glamour. Her Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition and C20
Unleashings explode out from her, providing warm comfort to Player’s Guide: Aggravated Damage, Armor, Breath, Flight,
her allies and incinerating her enemies. They might take the Healthy, Riadstradh, and Weaponry.
form of steam, radiation, or a blazing inferno.
Birthrights Treasure Hoard — The dragonkin lost everything
Wisdom of Ages — A dragonkin has an impossibly long once — never again. With nothing left of her original
life, even by Kithain standards. She possesses knowledge legend, a dragonkin’s current Treasures mean as much to
unheard of by any other fae. her as her own life. If anyone attempts to steal or tam-
All dragonkin have their Re- per with her possessions, she becomes consumed by rage.
membrance rating increased She immediately lashes out to attack those who would
by one, even if it raises above violate proof of her new dream. To restrain herself, she
five. Additionally, they cannot must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). If the item is
botch Enigmas or Gremayre a Treasure, the difficulty increases by one for each dot of
rolls. the Treasure’s rating, up to a maximum of 9.
Child of Ouroboros
— While they were fun-
damentally altered in
their conversion to
the Tuathan Dream,
all dragonkin inherit Ozymandias, master of the scrolls, declares:
certain traits from their On Boggans — Everyone thinks them meek, but
lineage as dragons of have you ever seen what happens when their home
old. Dragonkin char- is threatened?
acters receive 5 chi-
On Clurichaun — They behave as someone who’s
mera points with
experienced a profound loss.
which to craft
additions to their On Eshu — As long as their stories are told, no
fae mien. The one truly dies.
points may be On Nockers — Always on to something new,
spent on the but this moment will never come again. Slow down
following and appreciate it.
redes from
On Piskies — Don’t let them near your collection!
On Pooka — Listen carefully and you’ll hear
the truth in their tales, even if they never actually
On Redcaps — If they’d only channel their hunger
at the right targets, this world would be safe.
On Satyrs — They certainly don’t take life for
On Selkies — A child of two worlds. Do they
feel completely at home in either?
On Arcadian Sidhe — Their light is fading as
ours once did.
On Autumn Sidhe — Survivors, like us.
On Sluagh — I wonder, have they ever seen our
On Trolls — We too have our oaths.
Dragonkin 9