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Medi-Caps University

Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester


Course Code: MS5CO01 L-3, T-0, P-0 Credits- 3

Course Contents:


Introduction to Principles of Management: Basic Concepts, Definition of Management,

Science or Art, Management and Administration, Levels of management.

Historical Developments: Contribution of F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo, Mary

Parker Follet, Rensis Likert, Chestar Bernard, Douglas McGregor, Peter Drucker, Michael
Porter And C.K. Prahlad.

Systems Approach and Contingency Approach Managerial Skills and Activities; Functions
of management, Roles of manager, Managerial Competencies.

Contemporary management issues: Cross cultural issues in management and challenges.


Planning: Nature and Purpose, Steps involved in Planning, Principles of Planning, Planning
Premises, Strategic, Tactical and Operational planning, Advantages and Limitations of

Objectives: Setting Objectives and Process of Managing by Objectives (MBO), Management

by Exception (MBE), Benefits and Weaknesses of MBO.


Strategies and Policies: Corporate Strategy and its Formulation, Levels of Strategy, Types of
Strategies, The Strategic Planning Process, TOWS Matrix, Portfolio Matrix (BCG), Three
Gen1eric Competitive Strategies by Michael Porter, SWOT and PEST analysis, Effective
Implementation of Strategies, Types of Policies, Principles of Formulation of Policies.
Decision making : Decision-making and its Process, Decision making under Risk and
Uncertainty, models of decision making.

Organizing : Nature and Purpose, Formal and Informal Organization, Bureaucratic and
Behavioral, Principles of Organizing, Elements and process of Organizing, Departmentation
by different strategies, Line and Staff authority, line and staff conflict, Benefits and
Limitations, Centralization and Decentralization, Delegation of Authority.

Staffing: Selection Process and Techniques.


Coordination and Control: Coordination Need, Techniques and significance of coordination,

Coordination versus cooperation, Barriers in coordination, Ways to achieve effective

Controlling: Control Process, Types of Control, Requirements for effective Control,

Techniques of Controlling, Benefits and Limitations of control, Effective use of
Communication Devices and IT in control.

Text Books

1. Prasad L.M., Principles & Practice of Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New
2. Anil Bhat & Arya Kumar Principles Proccesses and Practices 1 st Edition 2008
Oxford Higher Education.
3. J.S. Chandan, Management Theory and Practice,1st edi,Reprint2007 Vikas
Publishing House.
4. Prasad Manmohan , Management – Concepts and Practice, Himalay Publishing
House , Mumbai.
5. Tipathy PC and Reddy P. N. , Principles of Management , Tata McGraw –Hill.

Reference Books

1. Harold Koontz, O'Donnell and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management. New

Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Stephen P. Robbins, David A. Decenzo, Sanghmitra Bhattacharya, 7 Madhushree
Nanda Agarwal, Fundamentals of Management, Pearson Education.
3. Stoner, Management, PHI Learning.
4. Richard L. Daft, Principles Of Management, Cengage Learning,India.
5. Management by Robbins and Coulter, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Medi-Caps University
Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester


Course Code: MS5CO02 L-3, T-0, P-0 Credits- 3

Course Contents:


Introduction to economics and Managerial Economics: Nature, Scope, Characteristics and

significance of managerial economics, Fundamental nature of Managerial Economics, The
circular flow of income two-sector and four-sector economy, National Income and related
aggregates-GDP,NNP,NI etc.

Fundamental concepts: Ceteris Paribus, Incremental reasoning, Time perspective, Consumer

surplus, Opportunity cost, Time value of money, Concept of Marginal and Equi-Marginal,
Concept of Investment multiplier & acceleration.

Theories of Firm: Managerial theories, Baumol, Marris and Williamson, Behavioral

theories– Simon, Cyret and March.

Consumer Behavior and Demand Analysis: Cardinal & Ordinal approach, Indifference
curve- concept and analysis, Law of diminishing marginal utility, Concept of Demand and its
determinants, Law of Demand, Concept and measurement of Elasticity of Demand, Types of
elasticity of demand- price, income, cross and Advertising & price expectation.

Cost Curves Analysis and Production Function: Meaning and types of costs, Costs in Long
Run and Short Run.
Production Function: Law of Variable Proportions, Iso-Quants, Law of Returns to Scale,
Marginal rate of technical Substitution, Law of Supply and Economies & diseconomies of

Market Structure and Pricing: Price determination under perfect competition, Monopolistic
competition and monopoly, Non-pricing competition and Advertising, Price Discrimination
under monopoly, Oligopoly market, kinked demand curve, Cartel formation, and Price
leadership. Various pricing strategies and practices. Meaning, types and theories of profit,
profit planning, Break even analysis, Meaning and Phases of Business Cycles, Economic
stabilization & Role of govt. in the economy.

Text Books
1. D.N. Dwivedi – Managerial Economics, Vikas Publishing, New Delhi
2. G.S. Gupta: Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hills, New Delhi
3. Mishra & Puri – Micro Economics, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
4. Geetika, PiyaliGhosh and Purba Roy Choudhhury- Managerial Economics, Tata
McGraw-Hill Public Company Limited, Latest edition.
5. P.L. Mehta – Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand, New Delhi.
6. Peterson & Lewis: Managerial Economics, Princeton Hall of India, New Delhi.
7. D Salvatore,Managerial Economics ,MacGraw Hills

Reference Books:
1. Koutsoyiannis – Modern Micro Economics, Macmillan Press, New Delhi
2. Atmanand – Managerial Economics, Excel books, New Delhi
3. Dean Joel, “Managerial Economics”, Prentice Hall Publication, Latest edition
4. Howard Davis – Managerial Economics, Macmillan Press, New Delhi
5. Hal Varian – Intermediate micro economics, Tata McGraw Hills, New Delhi
6. P.Samuelsson, “Foundation of Economics Analysis”, Harvard University Press, IInd

7. Baumol, Contemporary Economics:Principles & Policy, Cengage Learning

8. Paul, Kaushal, Sebastian, Managerial Economics, Cengage Learning

Medi-Caps University
Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester


Course Code: MS5CO03 L-4, T-1, P-0 Credits- 5

Course Contents:


Introduction to Accounting: Introduction of financial accounting, meaning & definition

Importance & Objectives of Accounting, advantages and limitations of accounting, Types of
accounting, Accounting as an Information System, Accounting equation, Basic terms used in
accounting, Accounting Concepts & Conventions, Introduction of Accounting Standards & IFRS

Classification of Account, Rules of Debit and Credit, journalizing, Sub Division of Journal-
Preparation of Subsidiary Books ,Simple cashbooks, Double columns ,Triple columns & Petty
cash book , Preparation of sales register, purchase register, journal proper , Ledger – Posting
from Journal to respective ledger accounts.


Trial balance & Final Account: Trial Balance: meaning, objectives, methods of Preparation of
Trial Balance. Final Accounts: Meaning, features, uses and preparation of Manufacturing,
Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet With Basic adjustment related to,
depreciation, closing stock, prepaid & outstanding expenses, Accrued income, bad debts,
Reserve, provision for bad debts etc.


Depreciation & Bank Reconciliation Statement : Meaning of Depreciation, Causes, Objects of

providing for Depreciation, Methods of providing depreciation, Straight line method,
Diminishing balance method, disposal of assets, change in the method of depreciation
Bank Reconciliation Statement- Need - Reasons for difference between cash book and pass book
balances - problems on favourable and over draft balances - Ascertainment of correct cash book

Orientation to Cost Accounting: Objectives and importance of Cost Accounting Cost Concepts
Cost Centre Cost Unit, Classification of Costs, A brief Introduction of Methods of Costing
(Theory Only), Marginal Costing, Cost-Volume-Profit analysis. Cost control & Cost reduction.


Introduction to Management Accounting &.Financial Statement Analysis: Objectives and

importance of Management accounting, Financial statements, positional and activity statement,
Meaning of company, Share capital, Issue of Shares Understanding the format of Financial
Statements, Corporate & Annual Reports Tools of Financial statement analyses ,Ratio analysis,
Common Size Statement, Trend analysis, Cash Flow Statement.

Text Books

1. M.Y.Khan&P.K.Jain, Management Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill,

2. B.K. Bhar: Cost Accounting, Academic Publishers
3. Shukla, Grewal, and Gupta,. Advanced Accounts. Vol.-I. ,S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
4. Maheshwari, and Maheshwari,. Financial Accounting.Vol.-I,Vikas Publishing House,
New Delhi.

5. Sharma and Gupta , Financial Management, Kalyani Publishers

6. Accounting for Managers , Dr Kapil Jain and Rashmi Somani , Dreamtech Publications

Reference Books

1. Tulsian, P.C. Financial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

2. Horngren, Charles T. Introduction to Financial Accounting, Pearson Education

3. Lal, Jawahar, Financial Accounting, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi.
4. R.L.Gupta&Radhaswamy,Advanced Accounting, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi.
Medi-Caps University
Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester


Course Code: MS5CO04 L-3, T-0, P-0 Credits- 3

Course Contents:

Unit- I

Fundamentals of OB: Definition, scope and importance of OB, Historical evaluation of OB,
Theories of Management leading to Organisational Behaviour, Challenges and opportunities
for OB- OB Models and approaches.

Unit- II

Micro Perspectives of OB: Personality & Attitude, Definition Personality, importance of

personality in Performance, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and The Big Five personality
model, Significant personality traits suitable to the workplace (personality & job – fit theory),
Personality Tests and their practical applications, Johari Window Definition Attitude
Importance of attitude in an organization, Right Attitude, Components of attitude,
Relationship between behavior and attitude, Developing Emotional intelligence at the
workplace, Job attitude, Barriers to changing attitudes.

Perception: Meaning and concept of perception, Factors influencing perception, Selective

perception, Attribution theory, Perceptual process, Social perception (stereotyping and halo

Motivation: Definition & Concept of Motive & Motivation, The Content Theories of
Motivation (Maslow’s Need Hierarchy & Herzberg’s Two Factor model Theory), The Process
Theories (Vroom’s expectancy Theory & Porter Lawler model), Contemporary Theories-
Equity Theory of Work Motivation

Interpersonal Processes and Behavior: Team and Leadership Development ,Group Behavior:
The Meaning of Group & Group behavior, Group Dynamics, Cohesiveness and Productivity,
Types of Groups, Group Decision making The Five -Stage Model of Group Development,
Organizational Politics.
Managing Teams: Why Work Teams, Work Teams in Organization, Developing Work
Teams, Team Effectiveness & Team Building.

Leadership: Concept of Leadership, Styles of Leadership, Trait Approach, Fielder’s

Contingency Model, House’s Path Goal Theory, Contingency Leadership Approach,
Contemporary leadership, Meaning and significance of contemporary leadership, Concept of
transformational leadership, Contemporary issues in leadership, Contemporary theories of
leadership, Leadership Effectiveness Success stories of today’s Global and Indian leaders.

Conflict Management and Negotiation: Nature of Conflict, Dynamics of Conflict, Conflict

resolution Modes, Approaches to Conflict Management, Sources, Patterns, Levels and Types
of Conflict, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation


Macro Perspective of OB: Organization Development, Organization Climate, Concept ,

determinants and OCTAPACE Model.

Organizational Culture: Meaning & Definition of Organizational Culture, Creating &

Sustaining Organizational Culture, Types of Culture (Strong vs. Weak Culture, Soft vs. Hard
Culture & formal vs. Informal Culture), Creating Positive Organizational Culture, Concept of
Workplace Spirituality.

Stress Management: Work stress, Meaning of stress, Stressors, Sources of Stress, Types of
stress, Burnout.

Stress Management: Individual & Organizational Strategies


Emerging aspects of Organisational Behaviour: Conditions affecting Multinational

Operations, managing international workforce, productivity and culture contingencies, cross
cultural communication.

Organizational Change: Meaning, definition & Nature of Organizational Change, Types of

Organizational change, Forces that acts as stimulants to change.
Implementing Organizational Change: How to overcome the Resistance to Change,
Approaches to managing Organizational Change, Kurt Lewin’s- Three step model, Seven
Stage model of Change & Kotter’s Eight-Step plan for Implementing Change, Leading the
Change Process, Facilitating Change, Dealing with Individual & Group Resistance,
Intervention Strategies for Facilitating Organizational Change, Methods of Implementing
Organizational Change, Developing a Learning Organization.

Text Books

1. K. Aswathapa , Organisational Behaviour , Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.

Limited , 2008
2. Kavita Singh Organizational Behaviour Text and Cases, New Delhi, Pearson
3. M.N. Mishra, Organizational Behaviour, Vikas Publishing House, Reprint 2008
4. Arun Kumar and Meenakshi, Organisational Behaviour, Vikas Publication,
5. 4.John W Newstorm, ORganisational Behaviour : Human Behaviour atWork ,
6. Hersey, Dewey , Kenneth , Management of Orzationalal behavior , PHI
7. Terrens R Motchell , People in Organization : An IOntroduction to Organizational
Behaviour , McGrawhills
8. Mullins Laurie , Management and Organization Behaviour Prentice Hall

Reference Books

1. Robbins Stephen P. Organizational Behaviour, 12th Ed., Prentice Hall

2. Uday Pareek, Understanding Oraganizational Behaviour, Oxford University
3. Luthans Fred (2000). Organizational Behaviour. Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Moorhead & Griffin , Indtroduction to Organizational Behaviour, Cengage
Medi-Caps University
Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester


Course Code: MS5CO05 L-3, T-1, P-0 Credits- 4

Course Contents:

Unit –I

Functions, Limit and Continuity: Functions, Concept, Definition and Types of Function,
Applications of function in business, Break-even analysis.

Limits and Continuity of Functions: Introduction, Limit of function, Implications of Limit of

functions, Continuity of functions of one variable.

Unit -II

Differentiation and Integration: Differentiation: Derivatives of a function, Derivatives of sum,

Difference, Product and quotient, Applications of differentiation in Economic and Managerial
problems like Marginal Analysis, Maxima and Minima- Concept and uses.

Integration: Elementary integration, Integration by parts, Simple Definite Integrals, Economic

application, Consumer surplus and Producer surplus.

Unit –III
Introduction to Statistics: Definition of Statistics, Business Statistics and scope, Application of
Statistics in Managerial decisions Making, Descriptive Statistics, Concept of Population and
Sample with illustration.

Unit –IV

Probability Theory and Probability Distribution: Probability Theory-Meaning and Importance,

Addition and Multiplication Theorem of Probability, Conditional Probability, Baye’s Theorem
and Business Applications.

Random variable: Discrete and Continuous (Elementary idea only).

Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Normal with business application.


Time Series: Time Series and its Components, Analysis, Models of Time Series, Methods of
Studying Components of Time Series, Measurement of trend (Moving average and Least
Squares Method), Measurement of seasonal variations (Moving average method) Measurement
of cyclic variations (Residual method).

Text books

1. J.K. Das and N.G. Das, Business Mathematics and Statistics, McGraw Hill
2. A.P. Verma, Business Mathematics and Statistics, Asian Books Private Limited.

Reference books

J. K. Thukral, Mathematics, Taxmann, New Delhi.

1. S.P. Gupta ,Statistical Methods, Sultan chand & Sons,
2. V. K. Kapoor ,Business Mathematics, Sultan chand & sons
3. Bari ,Business Mathematics , New Literature publishing company
4. S.P. Gupta , Statistical Methods ,Sultan chand & Sons
5. Levin & Rubin, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall India.
6. N. D. Vohra, Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Aczel A.D. and Sounderpandian J., “Complete Business Statistics”, 6 th edition,
Tata McGraw Hill
8. Shrivatsava TN and Shailaja Rego, Statistics for Management, Tata McGraw Hill,
9. Ken Black, Applied Business Statistics, 7th Edition, Wiley India
10. Anderson D.R., Sweeney D.J. and Williams T.A., Statistics for business and
economics, Thomson
11. Anderson, Statistics for Business & Economics,9th edition, Cengage Learning,
Medi-Caps University
Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester


Course Code: MS5CO06 L-3, T-0, P-0 Credits- 3

Course Contents:

Business Environment: Concept of business environment, Components of Business
Environment, Economic Environment and its elements, Cultural Environment and its elements,
Social Environment and its elements, political Environment and its elements, Technological
Environment and its elements, Legal Environment and its elements, Impact of Components of
Business Environment on Business, Indian Economic Environment, Social Responsibility of
Business, Changing role of government-Indian Experience.

Economic Planning & Development: Types of Economic System: Capitalism, Socialism, Mixed
economy and their features.
Indian economic system: Economic planning in India, Plan wise analysis of objectives, Last five
plans, Industrial development in India, Industrial policy, Problems of industrial development,
Phases of Industrial Growth in India, Banks Reforms in India, New Economic policy of 1991
and its impact on business growth, Challenges of Indian Economy, India as one of the most
prominently emerging economy of world.

Public and Private sector in India: Evolution of public sector, Public sector in India and its
rational, Nature and Scope of the Private Sector in India, growth and structure of the private
sector in India, problems and prospects of the Private Sector in India, Joint sector, cooperative
sector, Privatization, Disinvestment, SEZ, Rationale of Privatization, MNC and its impact on
Indian Economy.
Small Scale Industry: Industrial Policy, Problems and Prospects.

Indian Financial System and legal environment: Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Price Policy.
Role of regulatory institutions in Indian financial system: RBI and SEBI, Role of IRDA, MRTP
act, FEMA.
World trade of India: Foreign Trade Policy of India.
India’s Foreign Trade: Trends, Composition and Direction.

Balance of Payments: Components of Balance of Payments, Balance of Trade and Balance of

Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments: Causes and measures to correct, Foreign Exchange Rate
determination, Causes of changes in the Exchange Rate, Convertibility of Currency.
International Environment: Free Trade vs. Protectionism, emergence of globalisation,
Globalisation of Indian economy, role of Regional economic integration for trade.
Multinational Corporations: Significance, role and functions of WTO, World Bank, IMF.

Text Books:

1. Mark Hirschey, Economics for Managers, Cengage, 2006

2. Mishra S K & Puri V K - Economic Environment of Business (Himalaya Publishing
House, 3rd Edition).
3. Palwar, Economic Environment of Business, PHI, New Delhi,2009
4. Paul Justin - Business Environment Text and Cases (Tata Mc Graw Hill).
5. Shaikh Salim, Business Environment, Pearson, 2nd Edition
6. Aswathappa, K.; Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing
House, 2000 7th edition.
7. Justin Paul and Parul Gupta, Economic Environment and Policies for Business, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi.

Reference Books:
1. Sundaram & Black: International Business Environment Text and Cases, PHI
2. Fernando-Business Environment,Prentice hall
3. Avid W. Conklin, Cases in Environment of Business, Sage Response Books
4. Czinkota, Ronkainen, Moffett, International Business, Cengage
5. Govt. of India, Latest Economic Survey.
6. Uma Kapila, Indian Economy Performance & Policies, (9th, e) Academic Foundation,
New Delhi.
7. Paleri- Business Environment, Cengage Learning.
8. C.A.Rangarajan-“Perspective in Economics”-S.Chand & Sons.
9. Francis Cherunilam – Business Environment, Text and Cases (Himalaya Publishing
Medi-Caps University
Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester


Course Code: MS5SE01 L-3, T-0, P-2 Credits- 4

Course Contents:


Developing effective communication skills: Process, Characteristics and principles, Channels,

Verbal and non-verbal types, Barriers to effective communication, Importance of effective
communication, Importance of Feedback in communication.

Unit II

Listening Skills Listening: Meaning, Process, Difference between hearing and listening, Types,
barriers, Importance, Developing Listening Skills.

Unit III

Developing Speaking Skills: Oral Presentation, Delivery using Audio, Visual Aids with stress on
body language and voice modulations. (Topics to be selected by the Instructor for presentations),
speeches, extempore, JAM, Interview skills, Group discussion skills.

Unit IV

Developing Writing Skills and Business Correspondence: Business Letters, Parts & Layouts of
Business Letters, Writing job application and Resume, Calling/ Sending Quotations/ Orders/
Complaints and E-mails.

Unit V

Report Writing: Types of reports, Format, Presenting diagrams/graphs/charts/tables, Searching,

Organizing, Presenting, Submitting, Technical description, Writing abstracts/summary/synopsis.
Text Books:

1. Rai U S, Rai SM. Effective Communication. Himalaya Publishing House.

2. Korlahalli J.S., Rajendra Pal. Essentials of Business Communication All Courses. Sultan
Chand & Sons

3. Krishna Mohan, Sharma R C. Business Correspondence and Report Writing. Mc Graw Hill
Education, New Delhi. Fourth Edition.

Reference Books:

1. Thompson A.J, A. V. Martinet. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford UP. New Delhi.

2. Kumar Sanjay, Pushpa Lata. English for Effective Communication. Oxford UP. New Delhi.

3. Kumar Sanjay, Pushpa Lata Communication Skills. Oxford UP. New Delhi. II Edition
Medi-Caps University
Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester

Computer Applications in Management

Course Code: MS5SE02 L-3, T-0, P-2 Credits- 3

Course Contents:


Introduction to Computer Concepts: Elements of computer, Characteristics of a Computer,

Classification of Computers, Basic Computer Architecture, Input-output Devices.


Software Concepts: Types of software, Its nature and qualities, Windows Operating System


Office Automation: Applications of Word processing in Business Correspondence: Letters,

Tables, Mail-merge, labels Applications of Spreadsheet, Graphs and Charts, Calculation of
various financial functions.

Data base Management: Tables and Queries, File management and organization, Types of files,
Basic file management operations.

Introduction to Database Management: Concept, Models and Characteristics, Schema and Sub-


Presentation Tools: Introduction, Toolbar, their Icons and Commands, Navigating in

Presentation Tools, Creation of slides, animation, and templates, Designing Presentations, Slide
show controls, Making notes on Pages and Handouts, Printing Presentations, Customizing
Presentations, Auto content Wizard.

Introduction to Data Communication and Computer Networks: Fundamentals of Data

Data Signals: Analog and Digital, Bandwidth, Types of Transmission, Computer Networks,
Evolution, Advantages, Types of computer networks, Basic components of computer networks.

Internet: Concept, Features, How it works, Internet applications in business.

Text Books:
1. Sanjay Saxena and Prathpreet Chopra, Computer Applications in Management, Vikas,
New Delhi
2. Aksoy, Introduction to Information Technology, Cengage, ND
3. Sudalaimuthu & Anthony Raj, Computer Applications in Business, Himalaya, Mumbai

Reference Books:
1. Parameswaran: Computer Application in Business – S Chand, New Delhi.
2. Management Information Systems by Mahadeo Jaiswal, Monika Mittal, Oxford
University Press.
3. PS Gill, Database Management Stystems, IK Int Pub House, New Delhi
4. Management Information Systems by D.P. Goyal, MacMillan Publishers.
5. The Compact guide to Microsoft office, Mansfield Rom, BPB Publications, Delhi.
Medi-Caps University
Master of Business Administration

Odd Semester

Contemporary Issues in Management – I/Certificate

Course Code: MS5SS01 Credits- 1


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