HIST 345 Syllabus 2019 20 Spring Semester

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HIST 345 History of the Turkish Press (3-0)3 (2019-2020 Spring Semester)


Assoc. Prof. Birten Çelik, METU Department of History, e-mail: [email protected]

Class: Wednesdays: 09.40-12.30 (B-104); Office Hours: Tuesdays 10.30-12.00 or by appointment via e-mail at
Social Sciences Building (Beşeri), Room.Z-22.

Catalog Description: History 345 (3-0)

The aim of the course is to explore the historical development of the periodical press in the Ottoman Empire and the early
Republican Turkey.

Course Assessment:
In this course there will be a Midterm Exam and Final Exam. The midterm and Final exams are in-class, closed book
exam based on both the lectures and the discussed readings. Only information directly relevant to the questions will be
Course Grading:
Both Midterm and Final exams will be graded over 100 pts and will contribute to the final grading as %50.
Course Policies:
Class Rules and requirements: Students are required to attend classes regularly. Students can only be missing for 6
weeks not more than this. Attendance will be taken on each course day. Students who arrived after 10 minutes that
course started will not be accepted to the class since random arrivals and exits are disturbing.
Students who have not taken the Midterm will not be able to take the Final Exam.
Make up for both Exams can be given to the students only when they proved their excuses with an official document.
Use of mobile phones in the class and during the exams are forbidden. Recording the course sessions is forbidden.

Text Books:
Ahmet Emin (Yalman), The Development of Modern Turkey as Measured by Its Press, (London; New York Columbia
University& Longman, Green&Co., Agents, 1914).
Orhan Koloğlu, Osmanlı Dönemi Basının İçeriği, (İstanbul; İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2010).


Week 1 (5 February 2020): Introduction to the Course.

Week 2 (12 Feb.): History of Printing and Newspaper Press

Carter, Thomas Francis, “The Invention of Paper”, The Invention of Printing in China and Its Spread Westward, (New
York Chichester, West Sussex; Columbia University Press,1925):1-11.
Chau, David H. S., “Woodblock Printing, An Essential Medium of Culture Inheritance in Chinese History”, Journal of
the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 18 (1978):175-189.
Martin, Shannon, “Newspaper History Traditions” in The Function of Newspapers in Society: A Global Perspective,
(eds.) Shannon E. Martin&David A. Copeland, (Westport; PRAEGER, 2003):1-11.

Week 3 (19 Feb.): The Early Printing and Newspaper Press Experiences in Turkey
Sabev, Orlin, “Formation of Ottoman Print Culture (1726-1476): Some General Remarks”, New Europe College
Regional Program 2003–2004, 2004–2005, (Bucharest; New Europe College, 2007):293-333.
Budak, Ali, “The French Revolution’s Gift to the Ottomans: The Newspaper, The Emergence of Turkish Media”,
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 19, Special Issue, (October 2012): 157-169.

Week 4 (26 Feb): The Birth of Turkish Newspaper Press in Turkey: Official Initiatives
Mardin, Şerif, “The Modernization of Social Communication”, Religion, Society, and Modernity in Turkey, (Syracuse,
N.Y.; Syracuse University Press, 2006): 83-100.
Textbooks: Koloğlu, Orhan, Osmanlı Dönemi Basının İçeriği, (İstanbul; İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2010), pp.1-26.
Ahmet Emin (Yalman), The Development of Modern Turkey as Measured by Its Press, (London; New York Columbia
University& Longman, Green&Co., Agents, 1914), pp.1-34.

Weeks 5 (4 March): Opinion Newspapers: Pioneering Turkish Private Newspapers and Pioneering Journalists
(19th century), Politics and Censor
Başkut, Cevat Fehmi, “Prominent Figures in Turkish Journalism”, International Communication Gazette, Vol.10, Issue.1
(Feb.1964): 79-92
Textbooks: Koloğlu, Orhan, Osmanlı Dönemi Basının İçeriği, pp.27-76; 128-164.
Ahmet Emin (Yalman), The Development of Modern Turkey as Measured by Its Press, “The Era of Genesis”, pp.34-140.
Weeks 6 & 7 (11& 18 March): Idealism, Education of Society, Periodicals, and Literature
Czygan, Christiane, “Reflections on Justice: A Young Ottoman View of the Tanzīmāt”, Middle Eastern Studies, 46:6
Erginöz, Gaye Şahinbaş, “Aylık Türkçe Bilim Dergisi Mecmua-i Fünun”, Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları, X-1 (2008):186-
Gündüz, Mustafa, “Sociocultural origins of Turkish educational reforms and ideological origins of late Ottoman
intellectuals (1908–1930)”, History of Education, 38:2, (2009):191-216.
Malkoç, Selda & Duygu Vefikuluçay Yılmaz, “Osmanlı Dönemi Kadın Dergileri”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar
Dergisi, Volume: 12 Issue: 63, (April 2019):654-659.
Mardin, Şerif, “The Modernization of Social Communication”, pp.100-134.
Textbooks: Koloğlu, Orhan, Osmanlı Dönemi Basının İçeriği, pp.53-93; 128-219.
Ahmet Emin (Yalman), The Development of Modern Turkey as Measured by Its Press, “The Era of Genesis”, pp.34-140.

Week 8 (25 March): Press, Politics, and Early Press Regulation and Censorship
Birinci, Ali, “Osmanlı Devletinde Matbuat ve Neşriyat Yasakları Tarihine Medhal”, Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür
Dergisi (TALİD), Cilt 4, Sayı 7, (2006):291-349.
Boyar, Ebru, “The Press and the Palace: The Two-Way Relationship between Abdülhamid II and the Press, 1876 –
1908”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 69 (2006): 417-432.
Textbook: Koloğlu, Orhan, Osmanlı Dönemi Basının İçeriği, pp.27-93.

Week 9 (1 April): MIDTERM

Weeks 10 & 11 (8 & 15 April): Turkish Press in Progress (Late 19th and Early 20th century), Constitutional Period
Politics and Censorship
Aydın, Hakan, “Cemiyet-i Matbuat-ı Osmaniye: Kuruluşu ve Basında Tartışmalar”, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, No:
27, (2010): 553-569.
Brummet, Palmira, “Political Satire in the Ottoman Empire”, The Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire, edited by Gabor
Agoston and Bruce Masters, (New York: Facts On File, Inc. An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2008): 465-467.
Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü, “The Genesis of the Young Turk Revolution of 1908”, Ottoman Studies, 3 (1982): 277-300.
Karpat, Kemal, “Traditionalist Elite Philosophy and The Modern Mass Media” in Political Modernization in Japan and
Turkey edited by Robert E. Ward & Dankwart A.Rustow, (Princeton University Press, 1964), 255-283, pp.263-272.
Tworek, Heidi, “Magic Connections: German News Agencies and Global News Networks, 1905-1945”, Enterprise &
Society, Vol. 15, No. 4 (December 2014), pp. 672-686.
Textbooks: Koloğlu, Orhan, Osmanlı Dönemi Basının İçeriği, pp.94-127; 220-151.
Ahmet Emin (Yalman), The Development of Modern Turkey as Measured by Its Press, “The Era of Genesis”, pp.34-140.

Week 12 (22 Apr.): Newspaper Press and National Wars

Berik, Münir, “Anatolia Agency (A.A.) Turkey’s Oldest News Agency”, Türk Basın Tarihi 1919-1965 Cumhuriyet
Dönemi, İkinci Kitap, (ed.)Fuat Süreyya Oral, (Ankara; Doğuş Matbaacılık, 1968), pp.XIII-XV.
Enacar, Ekin, “Press/Journalism (Ottoman Empire)”, 1914-1918 Online International Encyclopedia of the First World
War (2018) (web source), pp.1-12.
Karpat, Kemal, “Traditionalist Elite Philosophy and The Modern Mass Media”, pp.263-272.
Kılıç, Deniz. "History of Turkish Press in the Periods of Political Developments", Communication in the Millenium: A
Dialogue Between Turkish and American Scholars, Texas University-Austin USA, (19/02/2002): 37-43.
Textbook: Koloğlu, Orhan, Osmanlı Dönemi Basının İçeriği, pp.252-272.

Week 13 (29 April): Newspaper Press and Modern Turkey (early years)
Karpat, Kemal, “Traditionalist Elite Philosophy and The Modern Mass Media” pp.272-282.
Oğuzhan, Esra, “Atatürk Döneminde Basın ve Basın Özgürlüğü”, Year 1, No.1, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi,
(2009) 106-120.
Textbook: Koloğlu, Orhan, Osmanlı Dönemi Basının İçeriği, pp.252-272.

Week 14 (6 May): General Assessment.

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