Pipe 2019

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Republic of the Philippines




Registered Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination

Saturday, Jan 19, 2019 08:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by marking the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet


1. The power delivered by an auxiliary turbine is 500,000 Btu /hr when the
steam flow is 4000 lb/hr. Find the specific work in ft·lbf/lb.

A. 90,540 C. 87,450
B. 97,250 * D. 78,868

2. A split shaft gas turbine has a power turbine rated at 15,000 internal
horsepower. Typical operating conditions for the unit are: compressor inlet
14.5 psia and 60˚ F; compressor discharge 174 psia and 716˚ F; compressor
turbine inlet 171 psia and 1630˚ F; and power turbine exhaust 14.8 psia and
760˚ F. The compressor turbine at the above rating has an 85 percent
isentropic turbine efficiency. For these rated conditions calculate the
compressor turbine discharge pressure in psia.

A. 34.06 * C. 30.56
B. 43.5 D. 40.1
3. The peak load on a power plant is 60 MW. The loads having maximum demands
of 20 MW, 30 MW, 10 MW and 12 MW are connected to the power plant. If the
capacity of the power plant is 80 MW and annual load factor is 0.50,
compute the demand factor?

A. 0.70 C. 0.75
B. 0.833 * D. 0.333

4. At a remote jobsite, a 12 V direct current inverter provides 120 V

alternating current power from battery to run a 0.60 kW orbital
reciprocating saw. Calculate the effective current flowing to the inverter
of resistance equivalent 0.16 ohms and an average efficiency of 68%.

A. 5.6 A C. 84 A
B. 8.9 A D. 74 A *

5. A split shaft gas turbine has a power turbine rated at 15,000 internal
horsepower. Typical operating conditions for the unit are: compressor inlet
14.5 psia and 60˚ F; compressor discharge 174 psia and 716˚ F; compressor
turbine inlet 171 psia and 1630˚ F; and power turbine exhaust 14.8 psia and
760˚ F. The compressor turbine at the above rating has an 85 percent
isentropic turbine efficiency. For these rated conditions, calculate the
compressor isentropic efficiency, %

A. 82 * C. 78
B. 90 D. 80
6. A large water-cooled air compressor takes in air at 15 psia and 50° F and
delivers it at 90 psia and 270°F. The compressor delivers 35.6 hp to the
air, and heat is rejected by the air at the rate of 452 Btu/min. Find the
rate change of enthalpy in Btu/min.

A. 1135 C. 1028
B. 1058 * D. 1209
7. Air undergoes a cycle consisting of a series of non-flow processes listed
below :
1-2 constant volume heat addition
2-3 constant pressure heat addition
3-4 constant volume heat rejection
4-1 constant pressure heat rejection
The maximum and the minimum values for pressure and specific volume for
the cycle are 30 psia,15 psia , 25 ft3/lb and 12.5 ft3/lb. Find the heat
added in Btu /lb.

A. 329.8 * C. 194.8
B. 432.7 D. 234.6

8. A refrigerating system for an ice plant circulates 213.5 lb Freon-12 per

minute. The evaporation pressure is 30 psia, the condensing pressure is 110
psia, The Freon-12 temperature leaving the coil and entering the compressor
is 20°F and the temperature entering the expansion valve is 80°F. The plant
produce ice at 30°F from fresh water at 55°F . Assume isentropic
compression and determine the enthalpy of the Freon-12 entering the
freezing box in Btu/lb.

A. 26.28 * C. 28.45
B. 32.40 D. 32.45
9. During a non-flow process 120 Btu are removed as heat from each pound of
working substance while the internal energy decreases 85.5 Btu /lb.
Calculate the work involved in the process in ft·lbf/lb

A. 32,505 (on) C. 26,840 (by)

B. 26,840 (on) * D. (32,504 (by)

10. A room 14 ft x 16 ft x 10 ft contains atmospheric air at 72°F. The partial

pressure of the water vapor in the air is 0.2140 psia. Barometer is
standard. Calculate the mass of dry air in the room in lb.

A. 164.7 * C. 209.6
B. 154.7 D. 128.3

11. Compute the heat to be removed from 110 kg of lean beef if it were to be
cooled from 20C to 4C, after which it is frozen and cooled to -18C. The
latent heat of fusion is 233 kJ/kg.

A.40,319 kJ C. 36,438 kJ *
B.37,438 kJ D. 42,329 kJ

12. If the sensible heat ratio is 0.80 and the cooling load is 100 kW, what is
the amount of sensible heating?

A. 80 kW * C. 125 kW
B. 60 kW D. 100 kW
13. A 10-stages air compressor compresses air from 100 kPa to 800 kPa. Find
the intercooler pressure between the first and second stage.

A. 123.11 kPa * C. 182.44 kPa

B. 132.17 kPa D. 753.51 kPa

14. Find the number of generator poles for a generator running at 600 rpm and
60 Hz.

A. 12 * C. 6
B. 24 D. 48
15. Calculate the approximate enthalpy of water at 90oC.

A. 366.83 kJ/kg C. 376.83 kJ/kg *

B. 386.83 kJ/kg D. 396.83 kJ/kg
16. A refrigerating system for an ice plant circulates 213.5 lb Freon-12 per
minute. The evaporation pressure is 30 psia, the condensing pressure is 110
psia, The Freon-12 temperature leaving the coil and entering the compressor
is 20°F and the temperature entering the expansion valve is 80°F. The plant
produce ice at 30°F from fresh water at 55°F . Assume isentropic
compression then determine the enthalpy of Freon-12 leaving the compressor
in Btu/lb.

A. 91.02* C. 87.45
B. 100.45 D. 71.87
17. In an ideal Brayton cycle, air enters the compressor at 15 psia and 75˚ F.
The temperature of the air at turbine inlet is 1600˚ F. For maximum
theoretical network, find the pressure ratio.

A. 10.6 * C. 9.7
B. 11.5 D. 12.3
18. Brayton cycle with a pressure ratio of 6 has compressor inlet condition of
70°F and 14.7 psia. The turbine inlet temperature is equal to 1500°F.The
basic cycle is to be modified by adding ideal reheat. Calculate the HP
turbine discharge pressure in psia.

A. 36 * C. 40
B. 45 D. 30

19. For same power output and same compression ratio, as compared to two-
stroke engines, four stroke SI engine have:

A. higher fuel consumption C. lower thermal efficiency

B. higher exhaust temperatures D. higher thermal efficiency *

20. A split-shaft gas turbinehas a power turbine rated at 15,000 internal

horsepower. Typical operating conditions for the unit are: compressor
inlet, 14.5 psia and 60˚ F; compressor discharge, 174 psia and 716˚ F;
compressor turbine inlet, 171 psia and 1630˚ F; and power turbine exhaust,
14.8 psia and 760˚ F. The compressor turbine has an 85% isentropic turbine
efficiency at the above power rating. Using the Air Tables, calculate the
compressor isentropic efficiency, %

A. 80 * C. 78
B. 82 D. 90

21. What is the major constituents of natural gas?

A. Butane C. ethane
B. methane * D. propane

22. Air enters an ideal diffuser at a speed of 1500 ft/sec at 22 psia and 650°
F. For an isentropic compression, calculate the stagnation temperature in
deg. R.

A. 1245.9 C. 1297.1*
B. 2414.5 D. 1530.5

23. A Brayton cycle aircraft gas turbine engine has an axial flow compressor
which provides a pressure ratio of 10 to 1. Material design conditions
limit the temperature of the working substance entering the turbine to
2200°F. The engine designed to handle 90 lb of air/sec at static conditions
and 120 lb/sec at a flight speed of 400 knots when sea level ambient
pressure and temperature are 15.0 psia and 530°R, respectively. Estimate
the propulsive efficiency,% for a flight speed of 400 knots at sea level
( 1 knot= 1.69ft/sec.)

A. 45 C. 40*
B. 38 D. 50
24. A steam turbine develops 149 kW while receiving 930 kJ from each kilogram
of steam passing through the turbine. Calculate the kilograms of steam per
hour required to produce this power (in kg/hr).

A. 436.7 C. 329.6
B. 435.8 D. 576.8 *
25. A 10-in. wall of solid concrete which is 20 ft long by 8 ft high. The
thermal conductivity of concrete is 1.0 Btu/hr·ft·°F, the external surface
temperature is 5°F and the internal surface temperature is 45°F. The
outside coefficient is 6.0 and the inside is 1.5 Btu/ht·ft2·°F; the outside
air temperature is -3°F and the inside air temperature is 77°F. Calculate
the rate of heat flow through the wall in Btu/hr.

A. 7680 * C. 6104
B. 8750 D. 7160
26. Steam enters the buckets of a simple impulse wheel at an absolute velocity
of 1200 ft/sec and leaves with an absolute velocity of 245 ft/sec. The
relative entering velocity is 640 ft/sec, and the relative exit velocity is
540 ft/sec. Determine the available energy to the buckets in ft· lbf/lb.

A. 29,870 C. 31,450
B. 14,560 D. 22,360*

27. Air initially at 10°F and 100 psia and occupying a volume of 0.5 ft3
undergoes a reversible non-flow constant temperature process such that
the final pressure becomes 20 psia. Find the work done in ft·lbf.

A. 11,590* (by) C. 13,450 (on)

B. 12,450 (by) D. 15,480 (on)

28. In an ideal reheat cycle, steams enters the high pressure turbine at 750
psia and 800°F and leaves at 100 psia. It is then reheated to 800°F, passes
through the low pressure turbine and exhausts to a condenser at 1 psia .
Find the total turbine work in Btu/lb.

A. 906.6 C. 897.8
B. 609.6 * D. 908.7

29. Air enters a convergent-divergent nozzle having stagnation conditions of

65 C and 285 kPa. The Mach number of the throat is 0.77. For isentropic
expansion through the nozzle, calculate the throat temperature in K.

A. 334.7 C. 351.3
B. 302.2 * D. 270.5

30. Steam enters the buckets of a simple impulse wheel at an absolute velocity
of 1200 ft/sec and leaves with an absolute velocity of 245 ft/sec. The
relative entering velocity is 640 ft/sec, and the relative exit velocity is
540 ft/sec. Determine the unused kinetic energy in the leaving jet in ft-

A. 930* C. 860
B. 980 D. 720
31. A refrigerating system for an ice plant circulates 213.5 lb Freon-12 per
minute. The evaporation pressure is 30 psia, the condensing pressure is 110
psia, The Freon-12 temperature leaving the coil and entering the compressor
is 20°F and the temperature entering the expansion valve is 80°F. The plant
produce ice at 30°F from fresh water at 55°F. Assume isentropic compression
then calculate the refrigerating effect in Btu/lb.

A. 34.45 C. 60.45
B. 45.67 D. 54.45 *

32. In an ideal reheat cycle, steams enters the high pressure turbine at 750
psia and 800°F and leaves at 100 psia. It is then reheated to 800°F, passes
through the low pressure turbine and exhausts to a condenser at 1 psia .
Find the heat supplied in Btu/lb.
A. 2058.9 C. 1801.7
B. 1568.7* D. 1732.6
33. In an ideal reheat cycle, steams enters the high pressure turbine at 750
psia and 800°F and leaves at 100 psia. It is then reheated to 800°F, passes
through the low pressure turbine and exhausts to a condenser at 1 psia .
Find the network of the cycle in Btu/lb.

A. 607.3 * C. 652.7
B. 708.5 D. 865.9
34. Air is to be conditioned from tD = 39° F and  = 80 percent to tD = 74° F
and  = 70 percent. How much moisture in grains is added during
humidification in grains/lb D.A.?

A. 70 C. 50
B. 61 * D. 78

35. A Stirling cycle operating with air as a working substance has a pressure
of 80 psia, a temperature of 250°F and a specific volume of 3.28 ft3/lb at
the beginning of the isothermal heat rejection process. The ratio of
volumes at the beginning and end of isothermal heat rejection is 2. The
highest temperature involved in the cycle is 1200°F. Calculate the heat
supplied in Btu/lb.

A. 87.7 C. 78.8*
B. 72.3 D. 68.9

36. Two kilograms of gas undergo a reversible non-flow process at 350 kPa
while the volume increases from 0.4734 m3 to 0.9468 m3. Find the work done
in kJ/kg.

A. 82.8(by) * C. 78.8 (by)

B. 82.8(on) D. 78.8 (on)
37. During a gas process the temperature remains constant while the pressure
is doubled. How will the specific volume be affected?

A. Twice C. double
B. Halved * D. not affected

38. A Stirling cycle operating with air as a working substance has a pressure
of 80 psia, a temperature of 250°F and a specific volume of 3.28 ft3/lb at
the beginning of the isothermal heat rejection process. The ratio of
volumes at the beginning and end of isothermal heat rejection is 2. The
highest temperature involved in the cycle is 1200°F. Calculate the heat
rejected in Btu/lb.

A. 54.8 C. 14.5
B. 44.5 D. 33.7 *

39. Air initially at 75 psia and 65°F is compressed to a final pressure of 300
psia and temperature of 320°F. Find the polytropic exponent for the

A. n = 1.4 * C. n = 1.7
B. n =1.2 D. n = 1.13
40. A hydraulic turbine develops 1000 kW power for a head of 40 m. Calculate
the power developed if the head is reduced to 20 m?

A. 237 kW C. 400 kW
B. 354 kW * D. 347 kW

41. A ventilating operation has a fan which delivers 400 cu m /min against a
back pressure of 5 cm water gage when the fan runs at 450 rpm. Determine
the new speed considering that the new requirement calls for an increase in
air flow to 500 cu m/min?

A. 545.4 rpm C. 655.7 rpm

B. 562.5 rpm * D. 512.4 rpm
42. Air initially at 400 K expands in a constant pressure non-flow process
until the initial volume is doubled. Find the work in kJ/kg.

A. 213.5 C. 189.7
B. 114.8 * D. 175.8
43. Air undergoes a cycle consisting of a series of non-flow processes listed
below :
1-2 constant volume heat addition
2-3 constant pressure heat addition
3-4 constant volume heat rejection
4.1 constant pressure heat rejection
The maximum and the minimum values for pressure and specific volume for
the cycle are 30 psia,15 psia , 25 ft3/lb and 12.5 ft3/lb. Find the heat
rejected in Btu/lb.

A. 309.7 C. 120.3
B. 321.7 D. 294.9 *

44. Air enters a convergent-divergent nozzle having stagnation conditions of

65 C and 285 kPa. The Mach number of the throat is 0.77. For isentropic
expansion through the nozzle, calculate the throat velocity in m/sec.

A. 352.7 C. 298.9
B. 268.3 * D. 308.7
45. A Stirling cycle operating with air as a working substance has a pressure
of 80 psia, a temperature of 250°F and a specific volume of 3.28 ft3/lb at
the beginning of the isothermal heat rejection process. The ratio of
volumes at the beginning and end of isothermal heat rejection is 2. The
highest temperature involved in the cycle is 1200°F. Calculate the thermal
efficiency of the cycle, %.

A. 67.7 C. 57.2 *
B. 78.6 D. 34.7

46. How many tons of refrigeration are required to produce 10 metric tons of
ice per day at –10C from raw water at 22C if miscellaneous losses are 15%
of the chilling and freezing load?

A. 17 TOR * C. 15 TOR
B. 20 TOR D. 24 TOR
47. A 10-in. wall of solid concrete which is 20 ft long by 8 ft high. The
thermal conductivity of concrete is 1.0 Btu/hr·ft·°F, the external surface
temperature is 5°F and the internal surface temperature is 45°F. The
outside coefficient is 6.0 and the inside is 1.5 Btu/ht·ft2·°F; the outside
air temperature is -3°F and the inside air temperature is 77°F. Calculate
the overall heat transfer coefficient in Btu/hr·ft2·°F.

A. 0.52 C. 0.98
B. 0.60 * D. 0.72

48. A Carnot power cycle has a maximum cycle temperature of 800°F. The change
of entropy for the heat addition process is 0.085 Btu/Ib·°R. Heat is
rejected at a rate of 45.0 Btu/Ib. Determine the net cycle work in Btu/lb.

A. 15.6 C. 34.5
B. 62.1 * D. 23.7
49. Air enters an ideal diffuser at a speed of 1500 ft/sec at 22 psia and 650°
F. For an isentropic compression, calculate the inlet Mach number.

A. 0.817 C. 0.942
B. 0.918 * D. 0.790
50. Air enters an ideal converging-diverging nozzle at a pressure of 73.5 psia
with a temperature of 1400° F and negligible approach velocity. For
isentropic expansion to an exit pressure of 14.7 psia, calculate the
kinetic energy of the air leaving the nozzle in Btu/lb.
A. 164.6 * C. 125.76
B. 154.7 D. 187.56
51. During the reversible process with a certain working substance, the
entropy remains constant while the temperature increases from 250°F to
450°F. Find the heat transferred in Btu/lb
A. 0 C. 100
B. 10 * D. 200
52. A Carnot power cycle has a maximum cycle temperature of 800°F. The change
of entropy for the heat addition process is 0.085 Btu/Ib·°R. Heat is
rejected at a rate of 45.0 Btu/Ib. Determine the heat supplied in Btu/lb.

A. 190.6 C. 98.4
B. 107.1 * D. 200.9
53. In an ideal reheat cycle, steams enters the high pressure turbine at 750
psia and 800°F and leaves at 100 psia. It is then reheated to 800°F, passes
through the low pressure turbine and exhausts to a condenser at 1 psia .
Find the thermal efficiency of the cycle in %.

A. 42.6 C. 38.7 *
B. 31.7 D. 42.9

54. The power delivered by an auxiliary turbine is 500,000 Btu /hr when the
steam flow is 4000 lb/hr. Find the power delivered in hp.

A. 176.6 C. 196.5 *
B. 120.7 D. 209.8

55. Steam enters the buckets of a simple impulse wheel at an absolute velocity
of 1200 ft/sec and leaves with an absolute velocity of 245 ft/sec. The
relative entering velocity is 640 ft/sec, and the relative exit velocity is
540 ft/sec. Determine the bucket work in Btu/lb.

A. 32.4 C. 25.2* Btu/lb

B. 42.5 D. 15.3 Btu/lb
56. Many steam propulsion plants achieve a fuel rate of 0.45 pound of fuel per
shaft horsepower hour. Determine the equivalent fuel rate in kilograms per
shaft kilowatt-hour.

A. 0.27 * C. 0.34
B. 0.54 D. 0.15
57. Brayton cycle with a pressure ratio of 6 has compressor inlet condition of
70°F and 14.7 psia. The turbine inlet temperature is equal to 1500°F.The
basic cycle is to be modified by adding ideal reheat. Calculate the thermal
efficiency of the ideal reheat cycle, %.

A. 30 C. 45
B. 27 D. 35 *
58. In another non-flow process involving 2 kg of working substance there is
no heat transferred, but the internal energy increases 5000 joules. Find
the work done on or by the substance in J/kg

A. 2500 on * C. 2500 by
B. 5000 on D. 5000 by
59. In an ideal (reversed Joule cycle) air-refrigerating system the
temperature of the air entering the compression cylinder is 50F,
the temperature entering the after-cooler is 160° F and the
temperature entering the brine tank is 0F. Calculate coefficient of

A. 4.54 * C. 5.3
B. 3.5 D. 2.4
60. A 2 kW centrifugal compressor operates with suction conditions of 100 kPa
abs and 25˚ C. The pressure ratio for the unit is 3 and isentropic
compression efficiency is 0.70. Determine the discharge pressure in kPa.

A. 280 C. 300 *
B. 250 D. 350

61. Helium , k = 1.66 at a temperature of 130 C is flowing at a local speed of

1500 m/s. Determine the local sonic velocity in m/s.

A. 1067.7 C. 1179.6 *
B. 1265.5 D. 2149.5
62. At standard atmospheric pressure, saturated steam has a specific volume of
26.80 ft3 /lb. If the enthalpy of that same vapor is 1150.5 Btu/lb,
calculate the internal energy of the steam in Btu/lb.

A. 2038.5 C. 1540.4
B. 1077.6 * D. 1230.2

63. A fuel oil heater receives 23,200 lb of oil per hour at 80°F and
discharges it at 160°F. The specific heat of the oil is 0.48 Btu/lb·°F.
Find the rate of heat transfer to the oil in Btu/hr.

A. 782,000 C. 981,000
B. 891,000 * D. 950,000

64. Theoretical horsepower required to pump water at 100 gallons per minute
from a large reservoir to the surface of another large reservoir 400 feet
higher is nearest to:

A. 6. HP C. 18. HP
B. 10. HP* D. 35. HP
65. A large water-cooled air compressor takes in air at 15 psia and 50° F and
delivers it at 90 psia and 270°F. The compressor delivers 35.6 hp to the
air, and heat is rejected by the air at the rate of 452 Btu/min. Find the
change of specific enthalpy in Btu/lb.

A. 29.7 C. 43.9
B. 48.9 D. 52.8 *
66. What is the approximate percentage of heat of combustion is lost to the
jacket cooling water?

A. 5% C. 10%
B. 15% D. 25% *

67. A room 14 ft x 16 ft x 10 ft contains atmospheric air at 72°F. The partial

pressure of the water vapor in the air is 0.2140 psia. Barometer is
standard. Calculate the dew point temperature in deg. F.

A. 55° * C. 43
B. 58 D. 60
68. A Diesel cycle has a 16 to 1 compression ratio and a peak cycle
temperature of 2912° R. Conditions at the beginning of compression are 14.7
psia and 6:0° F. Assuming constant specific heat determine the heat
supplied in Btu/lb.

A. 320 * C. 230
B. 540 D. 463

69. Steam is flowing in a pipe at a velocity of 100 ft per sec. What is the
associated kinetic energy per pound of steam flowing in ft-;lb/lb?

A. 155.3 * C. 109.7
B. 203.5 D. 302.6
70. An Otto cycle, with a 7 to 1 compression ratio, has 320 Btu/lb of heat
supply. At the beginning of the compression process the pressure and
temperature are 14.7 psia and 60°F. Assuming constant specific heat, what
is the network in Btu/lb

A. 234.4 C. 355.8
B. 173.6 * D. 297.8
71. A Brayton cycle aircraft gas turbine engine has an axial flow compressor
which provides a pressure ratio of 10 to 1. Material design conditions
limit the temperature of the working substance entering the turbine to
2200°F. The engine designed to handle 90 lb of air/sec at static conditions
and 120 lb/sec at a flight speed of 400 knots when sea level ambient
pressure and temperature are 15.0 psia and 530°R, respectively. Estimate
the sea level static thrust in lbf.

A. 5400 C. 7900
B. 8700 D. 7300 *
72. Five hundred kilograms of poultry enter a chiller at 8C and are frozen
and chilled to a final temperature of -18C for storage in 15 hours. The
latent heat is 246 kJ/kg and the freezing temperature is -5C. Compute the
product load.

A. 2.75 kW C. 2.95 kW
B. 2.85 kW * D. 3.15 kW

73. In an ideal Brayton cycle, air enters the compressor at 15 psia and 75˚ F.
The temperature of the air at turbine inlet is 1600˚ F. For maximum
theoretical network, find the network in Btu/lb.

A. 129.7 C. 110.8
B. 152.9 D. 118.9*
74. A Brayton cycle aircraft gas turbine engine has an axial flow compressor
which provides a pressure ratio of 10 to 1. Material design conditions
limit the temperature of the working substance entering the turbine to
2200°F. The engine designed to handle 90 lb of air/sec at static conditions
and 120 lb/sec at a flight speed of 400 knots when sea level ambient
pressure and temperature are 15.0 psia and 530°R, respectively. Estimate
the thrust in lbf.

A.7819 C. 7018
B.7559 * D. 7710
75. Symmetrical blading is used in a turbine when its degree of reaction is

A. 25 % C. 50 % *
B. 75 % D. 100 %
76. A refrigerating plant for an air-conditioning system is to have a
capacity of 10 tons and a coefficient of performance of 2.50 when operating
with a refrigerating effect of 61.4 Btu/lb of refrigerant. Calculate the
refrigerant flow rate in lb/min.

A. 32.6 * C. 42.4
B. 23.4 D. 14.5
77. A refrigerating plant for an air-conditioning system is to have a
capacity of 10 tons and a coefficient of performance of 2.50 when operating
with a refrigerating effect of 61.4 Btu/lb of refrigerant. Calculate the
work done on the refrigerant by the compressor in Btu/lb.

A. 20.5 C. 32.5
B. 24.6 * D. 43.4
78. In an ideal (reversed Joule cycle) air-refrigerating system the
temperature of the air entering the compression cylinder is 50F,
the temperature entering the after-cooler is 160° F and the
temperature entering the brine tank is 0F. Calculate the temperature
in deg. F of the air leaving the after-cooler.

A. 78 C. 99*
B. 90 D. 86
79. A small air compressor delivers 1 lb per min of air while supplying 3
horsepower to the air. Calculate the specific work, ft-lbf/lb, supplied to
the air.

A. 99,000 * C. 92,000
B. 89,000 D. 86,000

80. An Otto cycle, with a 7 to 1 compression ratio, has 320 Btu/lb of heat
supply. At the beginning of the compression process the pressure and
temperature are 14.7 psia and 60°F. Assuming constant specific heat, the
thermal efficiency, %.

A. 48 C. 60
B. 54 * D. 44

81. A Diesel cycle has a 16 to 1 compression ratio and a peak cycle

temperature of 2912° R. Conditions at the beginning of compression are 14.7
psia and 6:0° F. Assuming constant specific heat determine the peak
pressure, in psi.

A. 714 * C. 739
B. 649 D. 871

82. Brayton cycle with a pressure ratio of 6 has compressor inlet condition of
70°F and 14.7 psia. The turbine inlet temperature is equal to 1500°F.The
basic cycle is to be modified by adding ideal reheat. Calculate the HP
turbine discharge temperature in deg. R.

A. 1243.7 C. 1517.4 *
B. 1240.6 D. 1410.9

83. A gas turbine operating in an ideal open cycle is served by a compressor

which receives air at 15 psia, 80°F and delivers it to the combustion
chamber at 60 psia. Three hundred Btu are added at constant pressure to
each pound of air in the combustion chamber. Using the Air Tables calculate
the compressor work in Btu/lb.

A. 72.7 C. 120.4
B. 63.0 * D. 45.8

84. Which of the following cycles where most high speed compression engines

A. Diesel cycle C. Otto cycle

B. Dual combustion engine* D. Gas turbine

85. A gas turbine operating in an ideal open cycle is served by a compressor

which receives air at 15 psia, 80°F and delivers it to the combustion
chamber at 60 psia. Three hundred Btu are added at constant pressure to
each pound of air in the combustion chamber. Using the Air Tables calculate
the the turbine work in Btu/lb.

A. 145.7 C. 156.7*
B. 127.7 D. 186.7
86. Helium , k = 1.66 at a temperature of 130C is flowing at a local speed of
1500 m/s. Determine the Local Mach number.

A. 1.453 C. 1.762
B. 1.272 * D. 1.02
87. During an isentropic non-flow process with air, the pressure drops from 60
psia to 20 psia. The air has mass of 0.10 lb and the initial temperature
was 280°F. Find the final temperature in deg. F.
A. 87 C. 81 *
B. 90 D. 78
88. The work delivered by a turbine is 400 Btu per lb of steam supplied when
the steam flow is 20,000 lb per hour. Find the power delivered in hp.

A. 7780 C. 3300
B. 3143 * D. 550
89. Air initially at 400 K expands in a constant pressure non-flow process
until the initial volume is doubled. Find the heat transfer in kJ/kg.

A. 235.8 C. 401.9 *
B. 504.6 D. 304.7
90. Air enters an ideal converging-diverging nozzle at a pressure of 73.5 psia
with a temperature of 1400° F and negligible approach velocity. For
isentropic expansion to an exit pressure of 14.7 psia, calculate the
temperature of the air leaving the nozzle in deg. F.

A. 679 C. 725
B. 714° * D. 732

91. At what location of a converging-diverging nozzle does the shock-boundary

layer interaction takes place?

A. converging portion C. throat

B. inlet D. diverging portion *

92. The pressure of the air entering an ideal convergent nozzle is 73.5 psia,
the temperature is 1400° F and the velocity of approach is negligible. The
nozzle discharges against a pressure of 14.7 psia. What is the nozzle exit
velocity when expansion in the nozzle is isentropic, ft/sec?

A. 1150 C. 2381
B. 1930* D. 4273

93. Air enters a convergent-divergent nozzle having stagnation conditions of

65 C and 285 kPa. The Mach number of the throat is 0.77. For isentropic
expansion through the nozzle, calculate the throat pressure in kPa.

A. 154.9 C. 131.5
B. 254.7 D. 192.5 *

94. Air is to be conditioned from tD = 39° F and  = 80 percent to tD = 74° F

and  = 70 percent. To what temperature should the air be heated before
humidifying, °F?

A. 102.5 * C. 110.6
B. 120.7 D. 135.2

95. In an ideal Brayton cycle, air enters the compressor at 15 psia and 75˚ F.
The temperature of the air at turbine inlet is 1600˚ F. For maximum
theoretical network, find the temperature of the air leaving the compressor
in deg. F.

A. 1040 C. 590 *
B. 670 D. 620

96. A split shaft gas turbine has a power turbine rated at 15,000 internal
horsepower. Typical operating conditions for the unit are: compressor inlet
14.5 psia and 60˚ F; compressor discharge 174 psia and 716˚ F; compressor
turbine inlet 171 psia and 1630˚ F; and power turbine exhaust 14.8 psia and
760˚ F. The compressor turbine at the above rating has an 85 percent
isentropic turbine efficiency. For these rated conditions calculate the
power turbine isentropic efficiency, %

A. 70.4 * C. 73.4
B. 75.5 D. 79.6
97. A 2 kW centrifugal compressor operates with suction conditions of 100 kPa
abs and 25˚ C. The pressure ratio for the unit is 3 and isentropic
compression efficiency is 0.70. Determine the discharge temperature
(actual)in Kelvin.
A. 440 C. 325
B. 405 D. 455 *
98. A refrigerating plant for an air-conditioning system removes 10,000
Btu/min from the air. The plant circulates 170 lb of refrigerant/min and
the internal power delivered by its compressor is 60 horsepower. The
refrigerant evaporation temperature is 40F, and its condensation
temperature is 100·F. Calculate the capacity of the plant in tons.

A. 50 * C. 100
B. 250 D. 58
99. A Diesel cycle has a 16 to 1 compression ratio and a peak cycle
temperature of 2912° R. Conditions at the beginning of compression are 14.7
psia and 6:0° F. Assuming constant specific heat determine the thermal
efficiency, %.

A. 70.2 C. 82.7
B. 62.2 * D. 68.3

100. An air c o m p r e s s i o n refrigeration system is to have an air pressure

of 100 psia in the brine tank and an allowable air temperature increase
of 60F. For standard vapor compression cycle temperatures of 77F
entering the expansion cylinder and 14 F entering the compression
cylinder, calculate the coefficient of performance.

A. 5 C. 1.0
B. 3.33 * D. 2.5

*** END***


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