MSC SIM Toolkit

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Spirit In Motion: Sustainability Toolkit

What is the Spirit in Motion Sustainability Toolkit?

★ Spirit in Motion believes that it is necessary to integrate sustainability into all levels of our movement
work. The tools in this toolkit are activities that have been developed by Spirit in Motion, designed to
engage activists, organizers, and movement builders in reflection and action about sustainability. We are
sharing these activities in the hopes that the activists and organizers who participate in these exercises
will take them back to their organizations to broaden and deepen the conversation about the kind of
deep transformation necessary in our movement. Enjoy!

What activities are included in the Sustainability Toolkit?

★ Take a Stand! (60 minutes)

★ Spirit in Motion Wellness Shield: Practices (45 minutes)
★ Self-Reflection Wheel (50 minutes)
★ Organizational Practices – Part 2 (80 minutes)
★ Cops in the Head (120 minutes)

How do I use the activities in the Sustainability Toolkit?

★ Read through the activities.

★ Decide which will be useful for your group or organization.
★ Familiarize yourself with the curriculum, get comfortable facilitating the activity.
★ Prepare your materials, supplies, and photocopy the attached handouts.
★ Facilitate the exercise and have fun!

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 1

Take a Stand!

Basic Information…

★ time needed: 60 minutes

★ supplies needed:
 4 wall signs: (1) strongly agree (2) agree (3) disagree (4) strongly disagree
★ handouts included:
 de-brief questions for pair share


★ Set up and Frame Activity – 5 minutes

• We are going to do an activity to get us moving and talking.

• Ask everyone to gather in the center of the room.

• Point out the 4 corners of the room are labeled: strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.

• Explain that the facilitator will read out a statement and you should move to the corner that best fits
your response to the statement.

• The room should be set up as follows:

Agree Disagree

point for

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

★ Run the Activity - 30 minutes

• Read statements one at a time.

• After people move, ask them to caucus in small groups with the people closest to them for one
minute and share why they chose the location they did.

• Ask a volunteer from each group to explain to the large group why they chose their location.

• After people explain, invite people to change their location if they choose.

• At various points, when it seems helpful, ask participants to think of a time when they have acted in
a way that is contrary to where they are standing

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 2

Take a Stand statements:
(If time is short, choose only 4 of the 8 statements.)

➜Sometimes even after i've slept I don’t feel rested.

➜My organization takes steps to prevent burnout among staff and members.

➜I feel guilty when I take time off.

➜I feel resentful when co-workers take time off of work to take care of themselves.

➜I schedule regular time for rest and relaxation.

➜I ignore my body and health when I am on a deadline.

➜I believe that dealing with group conflict within an organization is just as important as meeting
campaign goals.

★ Debrief Pair Share – 20 minutes

Ask participants to find one other person to de-brief the activity with.

De-brief questions:
➜What came up for you in this activity?
➜Are there any contradictions you noticed?
➜In what ways have you changed your beliefs or practices concerning these issues in the past year?

★ Large Group DeBrief – 5 minutes

• Ask approximately 3 people to briefly share anything that came up for them through the activity.

• Transition to the next activity: There are no right answers to this exercise. Use your reactions to
reflect on your own views towards sustainability and conflict. Think about how your views affect
how you do your work and the people you work with.

Take a Stand! De-brief questions

★ What came up for you in this activity?
★ Are there any contradictions you noticed?
★ In what ways have you changed your beliefs or practices concerning these issues in the past year?

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 3

Self-Reflection Wheel

Basic Information…

★ time needed: 50 minutes

★ supplies needed:
 Pens or pencils
 Butcher paper visual of self-reflection wheel
★ handouts included:
 self-reflection wheel (2 pages)
 “commitment” papers


★ Introduce Activity and Self-Reflection Wheel – 5 minutes

• Explain that the wheel is organized with four areas. SIM believes these areas of life need to be
balanced in order for each of us to be balanced as people. By assessing which areas we are
devoting energy to, and which areas we are ignoring, we are able to go deeper into looking at
our needs and how we can take care of ourselves now and over the long term. It also helps us
think about how these areas flow together and complement each other. This is a tool we came
up with to look at burn out, to gauge where we are at individually.
• Pass out “Self-Reflection Wheel” handout.
• Explain how the wheel allows us to see how much energy we are giving to each of these areas.

★ Ground Activity and Share Facilitator Example – 5 minutes

• Talk about the importance of doing self-reflection.
• Story telling – the facilitator should weave in their own story as an example of how they have
used this type of reflection to facilitate change in themselves. (See facilitator preparation sheet –
pre-workshop reflection questions).
• Facilitator fills out the laminated self-reflection wheel in front of the group to model filling out
the wheel.
• Explain that participants will fill in their own wheel and will share with one other person (though
anything they don’t want to share is fine).
• Participants individually fill out their wheels.
• Facilitators play background music, approach people who look like they might need help.

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 4

★ Pair Share and Making Commitments– 30 minutes
• Frame the next section by telling the story about the sock drawer, written by Lisa with the
Movement Strategy Center [5 minutes]

The Sock Drawer:

My dad used to tell me that I could get new socks if I needed them. If my
socks were torn, too small, missing their other half, or stretched out beyond
repair, I could get new ones. The condition of this was I emptied out my
drawer and let go of as many socks as I got new. So, rather than jam new
socks in on top of the torn up old socks, clean out the old before bringing in
the new.

We thought this was a good metaphor for us. Rather than the idea of
cramming more and more new things on top of what already exists (and that
we may have outgrown, worn through, or lost pieces of), we want to take a
minute to thin out what we've got, and make space for our new ‘socks’.

• Ask participants to pair up with one other person to share their wheel and their commitments.
They will each have 5 minutes to share.
• Pair Share. [15 minutes]
• Facilitator should notify the group when the pair share time is half over.
• After 15 minutes, facilitator invites the participants to make 2 commitments to themselves based
on the reflection they have done, and then share them with their partner. They will take these
commitments with them as they leave the workshop to remind them of their intention to
achieve greater balance in their lives.
• Pass out “Commitment” papers.
• Ask participants to write their commitments on this paper. Next, ask participants to write down
someone who will help to remind them about that commitment. [5 minutes]
• If time permits, facilitate a quick go-around, and ask each participant to share their commitment

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Spirit in Motion Works hop

Self-Reflection Commitments

First Commitment

Support I need to fill this commitment

Second Commitment

Support I need to fill this commitment

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 7


Basic Information…

★ time needed: 2 hours

★ supplies needed:
 Blank butcher paper
★ handouts included:
 none


★ The voices we hear (30 minutes)

• Explain to the group that we are going to talk about what comes up for us when we try to make
changes in our lives in order to incorporate sustainable practices.

• Ask the group the question – what are the voices you hear that stand in your way when you try to
make these changes? The voice you hear could be your own, it could be from your boss, colleagues,
mom, mentors, etc. Encourage the group to think of actual statements that these voices say.

• The facilitator should model a response and share a statement that s/he hears from one of these

• Facilitator takes ideas from the group – what are statements you hear when you try to make these
changes? – and lists them as a column on the left side of a long piece of butcher paper.

• Explain that as a group, we are now going to turn these statements around and think about
response statements to these blocking statements. Record the response statements on the right
side of the same butcher paper, next to the statement they are referring to (so that you have a
chart of statements and responses).

★ Cops in the Head (50 minutes

• Facilitator frames this activity by reminding the group that we have a choice to listen to the voices
that try to block us from making these changes or to turn them around.

• Ask for one (brave) volunteer to help us explore how we do this.

• Invite this person to the center of the room and ask her/him to choose three of the statements
from the (left side of the) brainstorm that resonates with her/him.

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 8

• Ask for three volunteers be these voices (one person per statement). Place these volunteers
around the central person.

• To start, ask each the three people to say 5 repetitions their statement one at a time as practice.

• In the next step, the facilitator will “tap in” each of the three voices, so they are eventually all
speaking at the same time. Once they are tapped in they should say their phrase over and over
again, one at a time. Ask them to start softly and then to gradually get louder. Explain that the
facilitator may sign to the voices to get louder, or softer once they are all going strongly. Also ask
them to pay attention to and respond to communication from the person in the center.

• Facilitator then lets the central person know that whenever s/he wants to, she can yell “stop!” and
the voices will stop. (facilitator may need to lean in to the central person to say this as the voices
will be very loud at this point).

• Once the central person stops the chorus of voices, the facilitator invites her/him to answer to each
of these voices. S/he can answer in whatever way seems appropriate – whether it is by using the
brainstormed sentence from the butcher paper or something s/he thinks up on the spot.

• If it appears that the central person needs help, facilitator should ask her/him if s/he would like help.
If s/he does, invite the larger group to give her encouragement and ideas of how to respond. Note:
The group must speak to the central person, not the voices.

• After the central person gets help, invite them to speak directly back to the voice again.

• Facilitator then turns to direct the voices, letting them know that after the person who is
embodying the voice hears from the central person, s/he should change what s/he says, reframing
her/his statement to be a positive statement instead of a punishing one.

★ De-brief (40 minutes)

• Invite each person to pair up with one other person to debrief the activity.
• Reconvene the whole group for a large group debrief

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 9

Paired Interviews: Organizational Practices

Basic Information…

★ time needed: 1 hours, 20 minutes

★ supplies needed:
 Blank butcher paper (1 for each participant)
 markers
★ handouts included:
 Transforming organizations model
 Paired interview questions


★ Paired Interviews – 50 minutes

• Facilitator introduces group to the “Transforming Organizations” model, using handout.
• Facilitator explains that for the next period of time we are going to explore the “Sustainability”
quadrant of the circle by doing paired interviews.
• Invite each person to pair up with one other person. Their partner will “interview” you –
asking you questions about your organization. Each person will have 15 minutes to talk.
• Paired Interview

Paired interview questions:

➜ Tell a story about a time when this quadrant (the sustainability/heart
quadrant) was really strong in your organization.

➜How do you envision this expanding in the coming years? What will you do
to foster this? What will be challenging about this?

➜What are your hopes for this process? What are your fears?

• Facilitator reconvenes the group and asks for any thoughts.

★ Envisioning Your Organization – 30 minutes

• Now, imagine it is 5 years from now and in a workshop, with a group of activists and organizers,
someone is telling the story of your organization as a case study. They are using your
organization as an example of how an organization can take the steps to integrating sustainable
practices at the core of the organization. What will the picture of your organization’s moments
look like? What are the core strengths/assets you had to make this change? What were the
roadblocks/challenges you faces and how did you overcome them? You will have 15 minutes to
draw this vision.
• Drawing.
• Each participant pairs up with one other person to share their picture with.
• Facilitator closes the circle.

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Paired interview questions:

★ Tell a story about a time when this quadrant (the sustainability / heart quadrant) was really
strong in your organization.

★ How do you envision this expanding in the coming years? What will you do to foster this?
What will be challenging about this?

★ What are your hopes for this process? What are your fears?

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 12

Spirit in Motion Wellness Shield

Basic Information…
★ time needed: 45 minutes
★ supplies needed:
 Butcher paper visual of SIM Wellness Shield
 Pens or pencils
★ handouts included:
 Spirit in Motion Wellness Shield


★ Introduce the Shield – 4 minutes

• Give out “Spirit in Motion Wellness Shield” handout. Explain that this is a tool that SIM uses to
reflect on balance.
• Explain the Shield using butcher paper visual of the Shield– describe each area (direction, season,
time of day).

★ Explain Reflection Exercise – 1 minute

• We are now going to map out our day onto this Shield.
• Reflect on each part of your day (sunrise, day, sunset, night) and in the spaces next to each area,
write down what you do during this part of the day, where you focus your energy during this
part of the day, and also what you do to sustain yourself at this part of the day.

★ Participants Fill Out Their Shields – 10 minutes

• Participants individually fill out their Shields.
• Facilitators play background music, approach people who look like they might need help.
• Bring focus back to the center.

★ (Small Groups) Practices: Now and Moving Forward - 25 minutes

• Explain that each person will create 4 living sculptures (with the help of their group members)
to capture a concrete practice that they do at this point in their day that takes energy from
• Split the large group into 3 smaller groups of about 10-14 people each.
• Facilitate the remainder of this activity in each of the small groups.
• Place a laminated shield visual on the floor and have one participants stand at each line (Sunrise,
Day, Sunset, Night).
• One at a time, participants should go around and sculpt the person standing at each point of the
day into a concrete practice that they do at this point in their day that takes energy from them.
No words should be spoken – the person simply moves the people into the appropriate
• One s/he is done, s/he should step back and take a couple seconds to look at the sculptures
(along with the rest of the participants).
• Then, invite her/him to re-sculpts each person into a new practice – a practice (however small)
that s/he wants to incorporate into this part of their day.
• Repeat this exercise so that each person has an opportunity to sculpt their day, frequently
changing the people who are being “sculpted”.

★ Group De-Brief – 5 minutes

• Reconvene large group.
• Ask is anyone has anything they would like to share that came up for them.

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© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 14
“Everything exists in fours, there are four quarters of life, four cardinal directions, four seasons, the four first
grandfathers: water, fire, rock, and air. These were the Creators first born and are the oldest in the world. The
number four has sacred meaning for natives who see the individual standing in the center of the circle surrounded
by the four directions.” — Dr. Martin Broken Leg (Lakota)

A Movement Building Circle

Spirit in Motion program uses the four seasons and directions to remind us of the natural flow of vision,
action, reflection and rest (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter). Using the seasons, directions and time of
day will allow the flow of energy and honor the balance of creation. Within the seasons the Movement
Strategy Center will sponsor specific workshops, seminars, gatherings, and ceremonies that reflect the
cycle of the circle that is constantly in motion.

Spring-East–Sunrise (the start of life’s journey, the new day, is in the East)
• Time to awake to a new day and greet the first sunray that hits the “mother earth”.
• Time to take that first breath of the day.
• Time to be in our bodies and feel our spirit come out of hibernation.
• Create workshops that create movement to the spirit-art, dance, and music.

Summer-South-Day (the South is a time of innocence, of learning and growth)

• Time to feel our spirits beaming and pulsating and feel the connection to our “mother
earth”– once a month day hikes– workshops that reflect “motion”.
• Develop outdoor education activities such as ropes course for the community to build trust
and support.
• Support staff to take vacation to feel the sun give them energy.
• Create staff and director walks during lunch or break times.

Fall-West-Sunset (the West is the time to teach, acknowledge, and give thanks)
• Time to feel the change of energy to reflect self and hibernation.
• Develop ways to deal with the overall stress of organizers and activists to gather resources to
go into hibernation.
• Develop workshops to reflect inwardness such as herb workshops and time to vision our
hibernation time.

Winter-North–Night (the North is the time of cleansing and connecting to our elders)
• Inward – create writing workshop that allow us to go inward and to have support to face our
fears of going inward.
• Bring circles of support for each other: cooking circle, knitting circle, tea circle, fasting
circle, etc.
• Workshops on dream world and connecting to our ancestors.
• Seminars on keeping our hearts open to hear the messages.

When we walk with the cycle of seasons we feel connected to all the elements that surround us. We are
in the midst of hearing what we need to hear, feeling what we need to feel, tasting what we need to taste,
smelling what we need to smell, and seeing what we need to see. The time is now to support our sisters
and brothers to be one with themselves, in order for us to ask them to give support to the community.

“Again did the earth shift. Again did the nights grow short, and the days long and the people of the earth were
glad and celebrated each in their own ways.” –Diane Lee Moomey

© Spirit in Motion, Movement Strategy Center, 2006 Page 15

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