Free Press 12-3
Free Press 12-3
Free Press 12-3
School board
Roberts and
Redovian lose
to challengers
After two terms as District 7
representative on the DeKalb County
School Board, Zepora Roberts lost
her seat to challenger Donna Edler,
who took 72.36
percent of the
vote in a Nov. 30
runoff election
with 100 percent
of the precincts
Roberts is one
of two DeKalb
Photos provided
County Board
of Education Edler
incumbents whose
bid for re-election
was thrown into a
The other
defeated incumbent,
District 1’s Jim
Redovian, lost to
Nancy Jester, who
said that her victory Jester
indicates that
voters recognized
that “we’ve got
to change the
trajectory of the
DeKalb County
Schools. We worked
really hard to take
our message to the
Back with all its sparkle and splendor voters, to let them Redovian
know why we
needed to change
by Kathy Mitchell “It’s just gorgeous,” Su- and what we plan
san Summers, Callanwolde’s to change. I’m a
hen the holiday publicity and arts events direc- parent myself and
season came to At- tor, said of the mansion, which I think that really
lanta seven years opened Dec. 1 for this season’s resonated with
ago, but the Callan- Christmas at Callanwolde. She voters.”
wolde mansion remained dark, explained that center officials Jester is a
many Atlantans felt the Grinch decided to discontinue the an- former actuarial
or some other malevolent crea- nual holiday event because accountant, who Roberts
ture had stolen Christmas. many parts of the building were now is a full-time
This season, they can re- in need of restoration. parent and volunteer.
joice. Christmas at Callanwol- “We did a lot of renovation, Edler, who in a statement
de, in all its magnificence, is including putting in an elevator before the election said she seeks
back. A tradition for 27 years, that makes the building wheel- to bring professional, qualified and
Christmas at Callanwolde was chair accessible,” she said, add- responsible leadership to District 7,
a highlight of the season for ing that they decided to bring has a background in accounting and
many in the area. A tour of the back Christmas at Callandwolde describes herself as a homemaker and
lavishly decorated mansion, because there were so many re- community organizer and activist.
built in 1920 as the home of quests from people in the com- She added, “New leadership and
Charles Howard Candler, son munity. “It’s literally back by better school board governance are
of Coca-Cola Company founder popular demand.” first steps toward restoring confidence
Asa Candler, was all that was Designed by architect and credibility. Minimizing waste,
necessary to snap the grumpiest Henry Hornbostel, who also fraud and abuse preserves educational
person into a holiday mood. designed Emory University, dollars for children and classrooms.”
Shanita Williams (left), Douglas Bailey (center) and Kevondra Hill par-
ticipated in DeKalb County Schools winter Special Olympic Games.
Photo by Pureterrah Witcher
DeKalb prosecutor
earns place in
prominent legal
association Murdock Gill Benton Burris
by Nigel Roberts
Guest Opinions
Buses are the answer
are unpredictable security lines as altering, budget-busting initiative. lanes. Amtrak, for example, wants
well. How many of us relish a plane Back then, it was called the “De- to spend $117 billion over the next
trip anymore? Automatic check-in fense” Transportation Act, as was 30-years on high-speed rail just on
has helped, but not enough. What to every other boondoggle of the day. It the East Coast.
do? didn’t do much to deter the Soviets And the benefits would be huge.
One alternative to shorter flights but it sure was great for road builders Like trains, buses with their more
is, as I’ve argued before, the bus. and automakers. frequent schedules and convenience
Yes, the much maligned bus. As fate would have it, it could could attract air travelers away from
New bus systems have already also now be great for buses. We just short air hops and draw drivers out
captured the fancy of transit riders in need a little additional subsidized of their cars for the longer hauls.
With all due respect to President Cleveland and the San Fernando Val- infrastructure. So let’s think what Nor would these buses have to
Barack Obama and the $8 billion ley. Other burgeoning bus hotspots federal transportation subsidies could speed to reach their destinations in a
he’s dishing out to the states for around the world include Beijing, do if reallocated. timely fashion. Highway speed limits
high-speed rail, it’s too late. Bogota, Brisbane, and Curitiba. In- Since express buses can’t creep are high enough. More important are
Fast trains have been overtaken creasingly, these schemes are staving into every city, they need a dedicated the low fares, convenient schedules,
by gradual events. America has be- off additional subways wherever terminal out on the interstate for comfort, reliable connections and
come too populous and too spread roads are wide enough to provide an picking up, dropping off and trans- easy access.
out to allow enough rights-of-way to exclusive lane. ferring passengers to other routes. Sure, high-speed trains have
be acquired ever again. But it’s not just local ridership They also need local transit services advantages, especially over longer
Unlike Europe and Japan, we that’s growing. Long-distance coach in each city to meet the express and routes. But it’s time for our nation to
didn’t develop compact cities and travel is swelling too. “Chinatown scoot its arrivals into town. For the face reality. There’s no money and
towns. Instead, we sprawled them buses,” for many years a cheap op- system to really succeed, it requires no lobby for trains and they’re not
all over the countryside. OK, there’s tion for traveling between major nifty new vehicles with real rest likely to appear.
plenty of room to run new lines in Northeast Corridor destinations such rooms, TV, internet, snack bar, and Express buses are a far cheaper,
Nebraska and Idaho, but try Illinois as Boston, New York and Washing- an attendant to approximate exist- better bet for getting large numbers
or Georgia. It won’t work. ton, D.C., have expanded to 30 cit- ing train and plane rides. And un- of riders off those short-trip air-
Still, the principle of getting trav- ies, reviving the ghost of Greyhound like trains, we even have American planes.
elers off planes is sound. Osama bin past. companies that can still manufacture
Laden has seen to that. Air travel The Interstate Highway System these buses. OtherWords columnist William A.
has always been plagued with traffic laid the foundation for long-haul Of course such a system would Collins is a former state representa-
congestion, mercurial fares, skyrock- bus service during the Eisenhower cost money. But the cost would be tive and a former mayor of Norwalk,
eting fees, baggage loss, bad weather administration. Most countries didn’t peanuts compared to new rail lines, Conn.
and mechanical glitches. Now there have that kind of historic culture- expanded airports, or added highway
Let Us Know What You Think!
THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS encourages opinions from its readers.
Please write to us and express your views. Letters should be brief, type-
written and contain the writer’s name, address and telephone number for
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Guest Opinions
Congress, don’t Scrooge the jobless
Extending unemployment benefits immediately would save what otherwise
will be another dismal holiday season for American retailers
by David Elliot of reasons people voted the way One could debate the vari- discounters count on holiday
they did this year. ous ways of doing this. But the sales for more than one-fifth of
With the mid-term elections If you look at the polls, quickest, most effective way to their total annual revenues.
wrapped up, it’s time for another Americans favor helping the achieve some success would be We’ve seen what happens
vote–one that will affect millions unemployed, just as they favor to extend unemployment ben- when unemployed people don’t
of Americans, our econo- ending the Bush-era tax efits immediately, in time to save shop. In 2008, before Congress
my and our country. cuts for the wealthiest what otherwise will be another approved benefits for the newly
Congress faces a cru- Americans and preserv- dismal holiday season for retail- unemployed, holiday sales
cial decision: whether to ing the safety net for ers. dropped nearly four percent from
extend unemployment seniors and others in Economists argue, and the the previous year. It was the first
benefits for the millions peril during this eco- National Employment Law Proj- decline since the Department of
of Americans experienc- nomic crisis. ect notes, that unemployment Commerce began tracking retail
ing the brunt of our so- Actually, the No. benefits stimulate growth. Why? sales in 1992.
called “jobless economic 1 issue of concern to Because unemployed people During the disastrous 2008
recovery.” If lawmakers Americans isn’t govern- spend their benefits on necessi- holiday season, retailers hired
fail to act, it will be a Elliot ment spending. It’s the ties, such as mortgage payments, only 231,000 workers–well un-
grim holiday season for economy, especially utilities, food, and items at the der half of the 618,000 hired the
too many people. jobs. For the sake of the discount store. NELP says this previous year. Fewer sales mean
The nonpartisan National country, lawmakers should make spending may have created 1.15 fewer jobs. Fewer jobs mean a
Employment Law Project reviving the economy their top million jobs in 2010 alone. sluggish economy and more ex-
(NELP) estimates that two mil- priority for the rest of this year. We don’t know when the tended unemployment. And the
lion Americans will lose un- Democrats should realize they economy will improve. But the cruel and vicious cycle of the
employment benefits by early were elected to do a job–and government can speed up the Great Recession continues. Our
December, if no extension is they should do it. Republicans process–especially as we enter lawmakers can vote to stop it.
forthcoming. should realize with leadership the holiday season, a corner-
Some of us may look at comes responsibility–and we stone of the U.S. economy. The David Elliot is communica-
the election results and argue, didn’t hold a referendum on Nov. retail industry accounts for 13.4 tions director for USAction, a
“Didn’t the American people just 3 about how we should treat peo- percent of the nation’s private federation of 22 state affiliates
vote against government spend- ple who are unemployed through sector workforce. Department that organize for a more just
ing?” No. There were a variety no fault of their own. stores, electronics chains and America.
Good-for-nothing commission
No sane politician would vote for any of the changes
Good-for-Nothing Commission
Robert Harrell
Champion of the Week
Printed on 100%
(a) that the certification was not in fact executed by the Certifying Officer; or (b) that the applicant’s Environmental Review
Record for the project indicated omission of a required decision, funding, or step applicable to the project in the environmental
review process. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance to HUD at the Regional Environmental Branch,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 40 Marietta Street N.W., 15th floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-9812.
Objections to the release of funds on basis other than those stated above will not be considered by HUD. No objection
received after January 4, 2011 will be considered by HUD.
Chris H. Morris, Director
heart,” which he shared by Grandpierre said Sneider- ford Dunwoody Road in
volunteering with various man was mild-mannered, Dunwoody and one in Chi-
charitable organizations. articulate and always inter- cago. A second company,
From 2004-07, Rusty ested in how Total Main- Sneiderman Consulting, was
Sneiderman served on the tenance was doing, often formed in May 2010.
board of the Osteogenesis offering insights in how to And in September, he
Imperfecta Foundation grow the business, Grandpi- joined two others in starting
(OIF), a non-profit orga- erre said. Although Grandpi- Star Voicemail. According
nization whose goal is to erre “never saw him socially to its profile on the Linked-
improve the quality of life or outside the confines of In Web site, this is a compa-
for people with osteogenesis
imperfecta, a congenital
bone disease.
“He was a very thought-
ful and professional man,”
his home,” Grandpierre said
he had a “very deep rela-
tionship” with Sneiderman.
Grandpierre said he is
baffled by Sneiderman’s
ny that “offers custom voice
mail greetings featuring
notable sports, movie, music
and TV personalities.” The
profile also says its “website
said Erika Ruebensaal, murder. “It doesn’t compute partners average over 400
associate director for mar-
keting and communications
at OIF. Ruebensaal said
with what I know of him. It
has all the characteristics of
a professional hit.”
million hits per month.”
The company’s Web site
Sneiderman has not worked
with OIF since 2007.
Sneiderman also served
Sneiderman worked for
the Innova Group, then as a
vice president at JP Morgan
is under construction and
Sneiderman’s two business
partners listed with the sec-
Holiday shopping on
on the board of the greater Private Client Services, ac- retary of state could not be Church Street.
Georgia chapter of the Au- cording to his profile on the reached after multiple phone
tism Society of America, Linked-In Web site. Sneider- calls.
and the steering committee man worked as Discovery Police said that while
for Wish For Wendy, ben- Point Child Development Sneiderman was getting
efitting the Cystic Fibrosis Centers at its chief operating into his car to leave his
Foundation. officer from January 2009 child’s school, a gunman
Steve Sneiderman said to about April 2010, accord- approached him and fired
his brother “would do any- ing to a company spokes- several shots, striking
thing for anybody…. He man. He left to “pursue Sneiderman multiple times.
was always there for every- other business ventures,” the Dunwoody Police Chief Bil-
body. He wanted the best for spokesman said. ly Grogan said the two did
everyone.” An entrepreneur, Sneider- not appear to have spoken
“He was an absolutely man, who earned an MBA to each other. Witnesses told
wonderful person,” said from Harvard Business police the suspect fled the
Rabbi Analia Bortz of the School, has three compa- scene in a silver Dodge Car-
Congregation Or Hadash nies listed with the office avan with no license plate,
synagogue, where Sneider- of the Georgia secretary and was last seen traveling
man attended. of state. Crimson Transac- westbound on Mt. Vernon
Sivan Ariel, who also at- tion Specialists was started Parkway. 30 Shops and Restaurants
tended the synagogue with in 2008 and its registra- Police said there were Open Late Every Terrific Thursday
Sneiderman, wrote a song in tion was renewed in March several witnesses and the Through Dec. 16
memory of his life because 2010. According to its Web suspect is described as a
she felt his death “person- site, Crimson Transaction White male, in his 30s, ap-
ally” even though they were “specializes in mergers and proximately 5-foot-10. He
not personal friends. “I acquisitions of companies was wearing a hoodie or
felt compelled to write the with $30 million to $300 stocking cap. The suspect is
song,” Ariel said. “I guess million in annual revenue.” described as having a beard, Downtown Decatur
it was a soul connection No one could be reached
Advertising funded by the Decatur Craft Beer Festival.
thing,” Ariel said. from Crimson Transaction, See Rusty On Page 13A
In her song “Your with one office at 4780 Ash- THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2010 A Section • Page 13A
The Northeast will see mostly clear to partly cloudy skies with scattered snow today
that.” through Saturday, with the highest temperature of 48º in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. What is a fulgerite?
The Dunwoody Police 0 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+ The Southeast will see mostly clear skies today through Saturday, with the highest
Department has implement- UV Index
temperature of 77º in Miami, Fla. The Northwest will see scattered rain and snow today and Friday,
Answer: It is a glassy substance
ed a Internet-based program 0-2: Low, 3-5: Moderate, partly cloudy skies and isolated snow Saturday, with the highest temperature of 62º in Colville, Wash.
created when lightning strikes soil.
that allows residents to 6-7: High, 8-10: Very High The Southwest will see mostly clear to partly cloudy skies today and Friday, isolated showers
Sunday, with the highest temperature of 77º in Chino, Calif.
leave anonymous tips online 11+: Extreme Exposure © 2010., Inc.
or via a text message. The StarWatch By Gary Becker - Brian Marsden: Astronomer Go-To
program, called Tipsoft, is The astronomical world lost a key player with the death, on November 18, of Brian Marsden, 73. He was responsible for sifting through the vast amounts of astronom-
available by accessing the ical information necessary to calculate the accurate orbital paths of new comets and asteroids. He coordinated the efforts of the International Astronomical Union’s
department’s Web site at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (1968-2000) and Minor Planet Center (1978-2006) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and as such was on the forefront of vir-
tually every new discovery made in astronomy that required additional observations to refine positional accuracy. I spoke to Marsden once, a long time ago, trying to get an informational update about a comet that I was trying to observe. I thought the conversation would last, maybe 30 seconds, but the man that I found on the other end of the line
To send a tip via message, was a very affable human being, albeit a little difficult to understand with his thick British accent. We talked for over five minutes, and he went out of his way to make sure that I had
a person can text DPDTIPS the correct information that I needed. Just like Carl Sagan became the common man’s astronomer, Marsden became the point man for the media’s search for information about new
discoveries. Marsden’s whole life was spent in the pursuit to refine the mathematics about how to predict where objects were in the solar system. He got a special joy from thwarting
and the message” to 274637 astronomical doomsayers who discovered asteroids that seemed to be headed for Earth impact and developed mathematical tools to construct more accurate orbits in shorter time spans
(CRIMES). to more rapidly dispel these rumors. The New York Times once described Marsden as the “Cheery Herald of Fear.” Eclipse chaser, Joe Rao, probably summed up Marsden best by
saying he would talk to anyone regardless of his station in life, “a really nice guy!” We’ll miss you Brian.
Continued From Page 1A
Happy Hanukkah
ATLANTA The Atlanta Foundation for
Psychoanalysis are sponsoring
with Lisa Coleman, a singer,
songwriter and author who
This is a fundraiser that benefits
the Mary Miller Decatur Youth
a free screening of the 2005 writes children songs and books Fund and the Decatur Preserva-
film Everything is Illuminated, inspired by true experiences with tion Alliance. Tickets for the Tour
Writers’ session announced Friday, Dec. 10, at 7:30 p.m. nature and animals. Coleman’s of Homes are $20 in advance
in White Hall, 205, Emory books and songs are used to and $25 at the door. Advance
Charis Circle and Charis University, Atlanta. In the film, a teach and encourage young tickets are available at The Sev-
Books & More have announced Jewish-American man makes a minds joy and compassion enteen Steps, The Seen Gal-
that Writing With Intent, a journey to the Ukraine in search for animals, people and the lery, Bicycle South, Intown Ace
facilitated group, open to writers of the woman who saved his environment. She uses her Hardware and Taj Ma Hound.
of fiction and creative non-fiction, grandfather’s life during the guitar, storybook projections For more information please log
will be held Monday, Dec. 13, Holocaust. Led by a couple of and the audience to share the on to www.decaturtourofhomes.
6:30-8:30 p.m. The session is local and colorful characters, stories in each of her books. com.
for writers who want a serious his eventful and sometimes The event is recommended for
group to provide constructive humorous trip leads to some ages 3-7, but younger toddlers
criticism, motivational exercises, unexpected revelations. The are welcome too. PushPush
and interpersonal accountability discussant will be Stefanie Theater is located at 121 New
to keep their writing on track. Speanburg, MSW, who is Street, Decatur. Sessions will be
Writers are encouraged to a candidate at the Emory Saturdays, Dec. 4, 11 and 18 at
bring copies of their work to Psychoanalytic Institute. Parking 10:30 a.m. The $5 per person
share for critique. For more near White Hall is available for fee includes juice and snack.
information, contact Elizabeth at free starting at 7 p.m. in the new
[email protected]. Charis Oxford Road parking deck. For
For more information, e-mail
[email protected] or
Circle and Charis Books & More more information, contact Rose call (404) 377-6332.
are located at 1189 Euclid Ave., Jordan at (404) 727-5886. Woman’s club to host home
NE, Atlanta. Teens to rally against tour
underage drinking
Embry Hills UMC to host The Stone Mountain
‘Night in Bethlehem’ AVONDALE DeKalb Community Woman’s Club will host a one-
day Christmas Home Tour on
Promise (DCP) will kick off its
The Family Life Center of
Embry Hills United Methodist
ESTATES campaign to prevent underage
drinking with a communitywide
Saturday, Dec. 12, 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. The tour will include
Church will once again become celebration Saturday, Dec. 4, 11 four homes, each one different
the Village of Bethlehem on Annual tour of homes set for and unique. In addition, the
Dec. 12 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Word Church
Saturday, Dec. 11, 5-8 p.m. International, 2030 Wesley Wells Brown House, home of
This free event will be held Chapel Road, Decatur. the Stone Mountain Historic
indoors, with shops for learning The 18th Annual Avondale Society, will be open for tours
Estates Tour of Homes is Dec. DCP is made possible
and doing that include aromatic through a Strategic Prevention and a number of vendors will
spices, musical instruments, 12 from 3-8 p.m. Seven homes be showing and selling their
will be featured with daylight and Framework State Incentive
coins, leather working, weaving Grant. Its mission is to reduce wares there. A box lunch,
and dyeing, a bakery, and a candlelight tours. Presale tickets featuring the Woman’s Club
are $12 at Avondale Antiques, the incidence of arrest among
farmer’s market with fruits, youth due to the possession chicken salad, will be served at
vegetables and grains. There Avondale City Hall, Finders the Stone Mountain Woman’s
Keepers Furniture, Real Salon of alcohol and alcohol-
will also be a covered stable related products. The target Club Clubhouse, 5513 E.
with a living Nativity and animals and Seventeen Steps. Tickets Mountain Street in Stone
will be available at the Avondale communities are Lithonia,
from The Little Red Barn in Decatur and East Atlanta. Mountain between 11 a.m. and
Calhoun. Visitors can experience Community Club for $15. Visit 2 p.m. Tickets for the tour,
www.avondaletourofhomes. Project partners include local
the sights, smells and sounds law enforcers, schools, criminal which includes lunch, are $20
of what it may have been like com for more information. The each and are available from any
annual holiday market will run in justice representatives and youth
2,000 years ago – when a baby organizations, as well as SADD, member of the club. Tickets
was born. Embry Hills United conjunction with the tour, from may also be purchased at ART
noon to 6 p.m. at the Avondale MADD and Beyond the Bell, Inc.
Methodist is located at 3304 For more information, call Station, the Stone Mountain
Henderson Mill Road near the Community Club. The market Welcome Center and the Old
features art, jewelry, handbags, (770) 235-8108 or e-mail
intersection with Chamblee- [email protected]. Post Office Emporium. The
Tucker Road, Atlanta. soaps and lotions and many day of the tour, tickets will be
For additional information other items. available at the Woman’s Club
about Embry Hills United Annual candlelight tour and at each of the homes on
Methodist Church and directions upcoming the tour. Co-chairwomen of the
to the church, visit www. DECATUR Decatur’s 28th annual Holiday
tour are Elizabeth Wells, Sue
Shoemaker and Kim Sekulow.
Free film screening Theater offers stories, music Candlelight Tour of Homes will
announced for children (photo in folder) be held Dec. 3 and 4, 5:30– 9
p.m. The tour features nine older
The Psychoanalytic Saturdays in December, homes in the Oakhurst neigh-
Community in Atlanta and PushPush Theater will present borhood of Decatur, which cel-
storytelling and a sing-along ebrates its centennial this year.
grill, opened recently at 4639-D N. culinary experience while creating styles of the Mediterranean and December 11th– How Barter Can Help
Build Your Business – Bartering
Shallowford Road. Café Sababa now within you an ardent love for our Middle East, and offers his unique enables businesses to be competitive
occupies a remodeled space in the food and a fervent longing to return versions of traditional favorites for an edge in today’s changing economy.
newly refurbished North Shallowford to our restaurant again and again,” he extraordinary culinary experience. Time: 8:30 am – 10:00 am. Location:
DCVB – 1957 Lakeside Pkwy., #510,
Plaza shopping center. said. Café Sababa offers dine-in and Tucker, GA 30084 – 770-492-5000.
The word “sababa” is slang for Tamli has more than 20 years of take-out service as well as catering. Register your attendance online.
“awesome,” “cool,” or “fun,” but restaurant and catering experience, The restaurant features kabobs, December 15th – Network DeKalb Leads
Group. Take part in a pure Networking
it literally means “ardent love,” or most recently as owner of Café Ofi falafel, shawarma, gyros and Program. Lunch Served. Time: 11:30
“fervent longing,” said chef Doni at the Marcus Jewish Community hummus, as well as signature soups, am – 1:00 pm Location: Courtyard by
Tamli, who owns the café with his Center of Atlanta in Dunwoody. A salads, desserts and daily specials Marriott. COST: $10.00- Members
(advance) / $15.00 (door) /$20.00 Non-
wife, Ann. native of the seaside city of Acco, such as Moroccan-style brisket. members. Register online.
“At Café Sababa, our mission is Israel, Tamli brings his in-depth For more information on DeKalb Chamber related
events or to receive email updates, call 404-378-
8000 or visit
Emory’s Rollins School school to five generations. faculty funds from the gift, “This wonderful gift team called Fernbank LINKS
of Public Health gets new The new building is home approximately 560 students represents a significant in- represented the county at the
building, students to the departments of epi- could see a direct benefit in vestment in their continued South’s Boosting Engineer-
demiology, environmental the classroom. success.” ing Science and Technology
Emory’s student popula- health and global health. Funding for faculty be- (BEST) regional competition
tion and reputation as a des- It also provides additional yond the basics has been rel- held at Auburn University on
tination university has grown teaching and meeting space, atively scarce as many col- DeKalb schools set dates Nov. 20.
with the opening of a second including the 250-seat Rol- leges and universities have for community superinten- Although the group did
building for the Rollins lins Auditorium, and three tightened their budgets. And dent search meetings not win, of the seven teams
School of Public Health. floors of laboratory space. while donors to colleges are representing Georgia in the
Since construction of the often enthusiastic about giv- The DeKalb County regional competition, Fern-
new building began in 2008, ing to student scholarships, School System will host two bank LINKS received the
the school has experienced Agnes Scott receives $1 donor support of faculty is community meetings this BEST Web Site and Best Ex-
record enrollment of new million pledge for faculty much less common, espe- month regarding the DeKalb hibit and placed fourth in the
master of public health and support cially a gift as flexible to fac- County Board of Education overall BEST Award awards
master of science in public ulty needs as this gift, said superintendent search pro- at the Georgia BEST compe-
health students in 2009 and Agnes Scott College re- Rob Parker, vice president cess. The public is invited to tition at Southern Polytech-
2010. ceived a $1 million pledge for college advancement. attend both meetings. nic University on Oct. 23.
University officials said from an anonymous alumna Bridget Roosa, assistant Community meetings will BEST is a middle and
what began as a master’s to support faculty – the larg- professor of dance and direc- be held at the following loca- high school robotics com-
program with 16 students in est single gift for faculty tor of the dance, used faculty tions: petition whose mission is to
1975 has evolved to become development in the college’s development funds to attend engage and excite students
one of the top 10 public history. a two-week workshop at • Peachtree Middle School at about engineering, science,
health schools in the nation The funds will be used by Ohio State University to gain 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 7 and technology as well as in-
with more than 1,000 stu- faculty to pursue significant certification to teach Labano- • Columbia High School at 7 spire them to pursue careers
dents. opportunities for profession- tation, a form of dance that p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 9 in these fields.
“This year, Rollins had al renewal that will enhance uses abstract symbols to de- Fernbank LINKS has par-
more applicants for admis- their teaching and ultimately scribe what the body does to The school board is seek- ticipated in this competition
sion than any other school of benefit Agnes Scott students. perform movement. ing a permanent superinten- every year since 2004.
public health in the country, “Our faculty is superb Roosa will then share dent for the DeKalb County This was the group’s
except for the considerably teacher-scholars who seek this method with students School System. School of- fourth trip to Auburn to com-
older and larger Johns Hop- creative ways to integrate in dance courses at Agnes ficials said finding a superin- pete in the South’s BEST.
kins,” Emory University their research and teaching Scott and with dancers in the tendent is one of the board’s The team is made up of 15
President James W. Wagner and make learning come larger community who dance most important responsibili- students, some of whom par-
said. alive,” Elizabeth Kiss, pres- the choreography. ties and the board is conduct- ticipate in the Robotics and
“For students seeking ident of Agnes Scott, said. Another faculty member, ing a national search for a Engineering Advanced Stud-
global health careers, no “This generous gift will Violet Johnson, professor leader for DeKalb schools. ies class, and others who are
institution attracted more ap- enrich faculty scholarship of history, spent one month part of the NASA SEMAA
plicants than Rollins. Dean and teaching and bring conducting research in Lon- High school robotics team Outreach program offered at
Curran has said often that wonderful benefits to them, don on the experiences of represents DeKalb in Fernbank Science Center.
this surge of interest on the to their students and to our Sierra Leonean refugees. South’s BEST competition The students are in ninth
part of students—and from shared intellectual life on Johnson examined the re- through 12th grades. LINKS
potential faculty and re- campus.” cords of non-governmental DeKalb County School students prepare for careers
search/program partners—is Faculty may use the funds organizations, churches, system students who make in science, technology, engi-
without a doubt due in part to do everything from visit- mosques, the Sierra Leone up the robotics engineering neering and mathematics.
to the promise of the Claudia ing scholarly archives to High Commission in London
Nance Rollins Building,” developing a new course to and consulates in Sussex/
Wagner said. collaborative research proj- Brighton, Liverpool and
Members of the Rollins ects involving students. Manchester, community
family and the Emory com- “A student scholarship newspapers in South London Come see what everyone is talking about!
munity recently dedicated is a great help to the student and Sierra Leonean immi-
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Tucker benefiting from quick starts in playoffs FOOTBALL
Class AAAA: Tucker 42,
by Robert Naddra Ware County 3—Bashr Coles
[email protected] rushed for 141 yards and two
touchdowns, and N’Quan
ucker fans have Maggett added 86 yards rush-
come to realize the ing and two scores for the Ti-
importance of ar- gers (13-0), who are advancing
riving to football to the semifinals for the third
games on time this season. time in four seasons under
With the exception of coach Franklin Stephens.
a couple of games early in Leading 22-0 at halftime, the
the season, the Tigers have Tigers scored two defensive
managed to put their op- touchdowns. James Vaughters
ponents in a hole by the scored on a 28-yard fumble
end of the first quarter. That return and Ramal Davis recov-
trend has continued into the ered a fumble and returned it 24
playoffs as the Tigers have yards for a score. The Tigers
face Starr’s Mill (13-0) in the
not been challenged through semifinals on Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m.,
the first three rounds of the at Hallford Stadium.
Class AAAA state playoffs.
The Tigers (13-0) have Class AAA: Burke County
outscored their three state 45, Cedar Grove 20—Johna-
playoff opponents by a total than McCrary passed for 289
of 63-0 in the first quarter. yards and ran for two touch-
Tucker’s 42-3 blowout of downs for the Saints (8-5).
Region 2 third seed Ware Burke led 22-20 at halftime and
AAAA Third-round state championship playoffs. Tucker v. Ware Co. Tucker’s Chris Sanders makes an
County even was a surprise acrobatic leap after an interception. Tucker went on to defeat Ware Co. 42-3. Photo by Travis Hudgons scored 23 unanswered points
to Tigers’ coach Franklin in the second half. Despite the
Stephens. loss, this is the most wins in a
“We were able to move season for the Saints since 1999
the ball and score against and the most successful playoff
Ware County,” Stephens run since advancing t the state
said. “I was a little surprised championship game in 1991.
at the score, but we’re play-
ing well right now. They’re WRESTLING
well prepared and the kids McNair won six weight classes
are executing on offense.” to claim first place in the Miller
Four Ware County turn- Grove Invitational tournament
overs helped Tucker put Nov. 27. Tucker, with three
away its opponent. After individual champions, placed
second and Miller Grove was
a Ware fumble in the first third. The tournament is an an-
quarter, N’Quan Maggett nual fund-raiser for the Miller
scored on runs of 4 and 43 Grove wrestling program and
yards, then Bashr Coles is sponsored by the U.S. Army.
added a 6-yard touchdown Here are the top four finishers
run. A two-point conversion in each weight class:
made it 22-0 after the first 103: 1. Aleema Favors,
15 minutes. Arabia Mountain; 2. An
“I really don’t have an Vu, Towers; 3. Darius Har-
answer for the quick starts,” ris, McNair; 4. Daquan
Stephens said. “It’s a credit Jacob Sealand (53) stands over James Vaughters while he recovers a forced fumble, which resulted in Zachery, Miller Grove.
to our kids and the staff. We a Tucker defensive touchdown. Photo by Travis Hudgons 112: 1. Khalil Williams, Mc-
have been playing well at Nair; 2. Romanze Swain,
the start of games.” Tucker; 3. Nymeh Ellison,
Tucker has outscored holds the school record for “They’re a big, physi- rushing mark for the season Miller Grove; 4. MyKale
Loganville, Hiram and rushing touchdowns in a cal team, but mentality-wise and scored two touchdowns Dorsey, Arabia Mountain.
Ware by a total of 130- season and is two away from we’re similar,” Stephens said. against East Paulding. 119: 1. Scott Coleman,
31 on the strength on its tying for sixth place on the “They have an option-style “Their running back Jonesboro; 2. Diego Bap-
versatile running attack. county’s single-season rush- offense out of the shotgun, is big with great speed; he tista, Tucker; 3. Tauji McK-
Coles has gained 409 yards ing touchdown list. but they like to run the ball a can run away from people,” enzie, McNair; 4. Cullin
with six touchdowns and Tucker is the only DeKalb lot.” Stephens said. “And their Barksdale, Arabia Mountain
Maggett has rushed for 283 County team remaining in the The Panthers have been quarterback makes things 125: 1. Tam Vu, Towers; 2.
yards and five scores in the playoffs after Cedar Grove successful running the ball, happen.” Lorne Spencer, Tucker; 3.
playoffs. lost in the Class AAA quarter- as shown against East Pauld- Both teams compare fa- Carlton Benjamin, Miller
Through 13 games this finals 45-20 to Burke County ing. Running back Zach vorably on defense as well, Grove; 4. Deniko West, McNair.
on Friday in Waynesboro. Laskey set the school record Stephens said. 130: 1. Zeontaye McCay,
season, both have surpassed McNair; 2. Terry Aldridge,
the 1,000-yard mark. Coles The Tigers look to ex- for rushing yards in a sea- “They’re big and physi-
tend their trend of fast starts son with 135 yards and two cal up front, Stephens said. Tucker; 3. Caleb Thomas,
has rushed for 1,255 yards Stone Mountain; 4. Wesley
and 20 touchdowns while against Starr’s Mill (13-0), touchdowns last week. He “We’re cut from the same
which beat East Paulding last has 1,460 yards on the sea- cloth, because our linebackers Calhoun, Arabia Mountain.
Maggett has 1,006 yards
and 23 scores. Maggett weekend 28-0 in the third son. Quarterback Adam Hol- and our defensive front are
round. ley surpassed the 1,000-yard very physical.” See Highlights on Page 24A
Impact players:
by Robert Naddra
Group of freshmen turning
heads as starters in college
[email protected]
UNC-Wilmington women’s
basketball coach Cynthia Cooper-
Dyke knew her diminutive point
guard was capable of starting in
Cooper-Dyke, after all, had
been recruiting Alisha Andrews for
three years, watching her in high
school at Redan and in AAU games.
Andrews originally signed with
Prairie View A&M, where Cooper-
Dyke was the coach, but followed
her to Wilmington in May when
Cooper-Dyke was hired as the head
coach there.
Four games into the season, in
a home game against High Point
University, Cooper-Dyke discov-
ered something about Andrews she
didn’t know.
UNC-Wilmington’s Alisha Andrews, left, a graduate of Redan, and Florida’s Kayla Lewis,
Andrews, a 5-foot starting point a graduate of Southwest DeKalb, have earned starting roles in college after stellar high
guard, zipped a one-handed pass school careers. Photos provided by UNC-Wilmington and the University of Florida
off the dribble from near half-court. sports information departments
The ball made its way through a
maze of players and into the hands
of a teammate under the basket, like most freshmen, all five have forward by Gators’ coach Amanda “I envisioned her as an impact
who turned and made the shot. earned starting positions on solid Butler. player from the beginning,” But-
“Well, her chest caught the programs. In college, Lewis finds herself ler said. “As good as she’s doing,
ball,” Cooper-Dyke said. “The “I think she has the potential to making mental notes in practice and she’s only scratched the surface of
player was so surprised with the do whatever she wants,” Cooper- watching a lot of game video to be her potential. Every day is like a
pass, then she realized she was wide Dyke said of Andrews. “She contin- prepared for the next game. discovery process for her. The best
open under the basket. I absolutely ually asks questions and continues “I’m still trying to find myself,” thing is that she wants to be great.
hate one-handed passes, but she to want to learn and get better. Lewis said. “I want to be a smart “She’s learning she has to rely
makes some of the best one-handed “She plays with so much heart college athlete and I’m learning more on basketball IQ and deci-
passes I’ve ever seen. You don’t see and passion for the game,” Cooper- every day. I want to be able to be an sion making,” Butler added. “She’s
freshmen with enough confidence to Dyke continued. “She has a chip on impact player.” understanding how important it is
make that kind of pass.” her shoulder and doesn’t want to Like Cooper-Dyke with An- to be focused and how to think the
Andrews is one of a handful of be second to anyone. She’s a leader drews, Butler saw that potential in game.”
freshmen from DeKalb County who and she’s exciting to watch.” Lewis while she was recruiting her.
are making impacts as starters on Despite the splash she has made
NCAA Division I basketball teams. so far, Andrews realizes there is
Andrews was named co-Rookie of plenty of work to be done.
the Week in the Colonial Athletic “It’s a different speed in college
Association after the Seahawks’ and I know there’s things I need to
first two games when she averaged work on,” Andrews said. “I need to
10 points. work on my jump stop and passing,
Nia Evans, a teammate of instead of making so many no-look
Andrews at Redan, is a starting passes. And I’ve got to work on my
forward at Virginia Tech where she turnovers.”
scored 14 points in her college de- Cooper-Dyke figures the upside Each week The Champion spotlights former high
but and was averaging 8.8 points is well worth the wait. school players from the county who are succeeding
and 3.8 rebounds through the first “For Alisha, it’s all about in athletics on the college level.
four games. Southwest DeKalb grad growth,” her coach said. “She has to
Kayla Lewis averaged eight points learn to take care of the ball more. Chip Reeves, Troy (football): The junior from
and six rebounds in her first three Sometimes I forget she’s a freshman Stone Mountain caught four passes for 96 yards,
games as a starter at Florida. and I hold her to a higher standard.” including touchdown receptions of 38 and 47 yards,
Akila McDonald, a gradu- All fi ve players are accustomed in a 28-14 win over Western Kentucky on Nov. 27.
ate of Columbia, was one of only to playing on successful high school
three players on the University of and AAU teams, so the jump to col- Alicia Andrews, UNC-Wilmington (basketball):
South Florida roster to see action lege is more about learning the pace The freshman from Redan was named the Colonial
in the Bulls’ first five games. The of the college game. Andrews won Athletic Association co-Rookie of the Week in her
6-1 McDonald started two of those a state title at Redan as a junior, first two games. She also scored 10 points in an
games and averaged 5.2 rebounds. while the other four each won a 88-69 loss to Ohio State on Nov. 27, and had nine
Another Columbia grad, Jershon state title last season. points and four rebounds in an 81-48 win over
Cobb, missed the season opener but “There’s a lot of attention to de- Wofford on Nov. 24.
has started the other three games at tail because everybody is bigger and
Northwestern of the Big Ten. He is stronger,” Lewis said. “My team- Marshon Brooks, Providence (basketball): The
averaging five points and five re- mates do a good job of keeping me senior guard from Tucker scored 10 points in an 84-
bounds per game. confi dent about what I’m doing.” 77 win over Providence, and had 20 points and 11
All five players are going Lewis, who could play any po- rebounds in an 84-73 loss to LaSalle last weekend
through the typical adjustment sition in high school, is being used in the Cancun Challenge.
period most freshmen make. Un- primarily as a two-guard or small THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2010 A Section • Page 23A
GPC women place named Newcomer of the lend hand to junior area youth ages 8 to 16. ty to learn from collegiate
third in nation Year in the Southern Col- players Oglethorpe golfers Pat- players and coaches and in
Georgia Perimeter legiate Athletic Conference Oglethorpe University rick Cansfield, Anthony the areas of golf instruc-
College placed third in and was selected third- men’s golf head coach Jim Amodeo, Lewis Gregory, tion and wellness, as well
the National Junior Col- team All-SCAC. St. Urbain Owen and five members Eric Quinn and Hayden as the importance of high
lege Athletic Association netted eight goals and one of the Stormy Petrels golf Jones provided instruction school graduation, prepara-
national women’s soccer assist for 17 points dur- team spent the day recently to over 100 young athletes tion for college and college
tournament recently. The ing the regular season. Her at the John A. White Golf from the Atlanta area to golf opportunities.
Jaguars lost in the semifi- scoring effort was the most Course, home of The First help share the fundamen-
nals, then beat Schoolcraft by an Oglethorpe player in Tee of Atlanta, provid- tals of golf. The event gave
College (Mich.) 2-1 for more than five years. ing golf instruction to The First Tee of Atlanta
third place. Esther Any- Oglethorpe golfers participants the opportuni-
anwu and Mary Achebo-
Totty each scored a goal
for the Jaguars, which fin-
ished the season 22-1-2.
Oglethorpe senior
named preseason
Oglethorpe Univer-
sity’s Todd Ward has
been chosen by D3hoops.
com as a 2010-11 NCAA
Division III Preseason
All-American. The 6-foot-
5 senior forward aver-
aged 13.2 points and 8.8
rebounds per game. Ward
entered the season need-
ing only three more points
to become only the 13th
player in SCAC history
with more 1,000 points
and 600 rebounds for a
Oglethorpe’s St.
Urbain named
Newcomer of Year
Oglethorpe Univer-
sity freshman Clara St.
Urbain of Marietta was
Decatur: The Bulldogs won three
games last week to improve to 4-0 on
the season. Queen Alford scored 25
points and Shan Rivers added 11 in a
135: 1. Gabriel Miller, Tucker; 48-47 win over Providence Christian.
2. Greg Wilcox, Towers: 3. Ron- Aleema Favors, above, green, has a tight lock on his Alford had 25 points and 15 rebounds
opponent while DJ Williams, left, black, takes Aaron in a 67-40 win over Lakeside on Nov.
nie Martin, Arabia Mountain; 4. Johnson off his feet. Photos by Travis Hudgons
J a landis Ellis, McNair. 22, then 22 points and 10 rebounds in
140: 1. Tyrese Butler, Tucker; 2. Grove; 3. Dontavious Smith, McNair. games of the season. Fisher had 29 a 62-55 win over Central Gwinnett on
Leonard Taylor, Miller Grove; 3. 189: 1. Abdul Dialo, McNair; 2. points in a 75-72 win over Lakeside Nov. 23. Rivers added 10 points in each
Drexel Alexander, Arabia Moun- Jacob Mitchell, Miller Grove; 3. and 15 in a 50-37 win over Monticello. of those two games. Sara Payne had 12
tain; 4. Dennis Walker, McNair. D a r r i n Tu b b s , I n d e p e n d e n t . Trumon Jefferson had 20 points and points against Lakeside and Ashleigh
145: 1. Charlton Benjamin, Miller 215: 1. Kevin Barner, McNair; 13 rebounds against Lakeside, and 16 Rasheed had 11 rebounds in the win
Grove; 2. Waseem Curry, Stone 2. Walter Scott, Stone Mountain; points against Monticello. over Central.
Mountain; 3. David Acosta-Tapa, Inde- 3. Thadius Nelson, Miller Grove;
pendent; 4. Zach Curry, Independent. 4. Bakari Jones, Independent. Dunwoody: Kelvin Brown scored 44 Redan: The Raiders are 3-0 after wins
152: 1. Carey Cloud, Tucker; 2. 285: 1. DJ Williams, McNair; 2. points in three games as the Wildcats over North Atlanta, and Beach and
Rodrigo Gudino, Towers; 3. Da- Quendarius Daniels, Miller Grove; went 1-2 to open the season. Brown Northeast Macon in the Joe Greene
mien Scofield, Stone Mountain; 3. Dearius Carter, Independent; 4. scored 17 points in a 59-49 loss to Tournament in Savannah. Aneesah
4. Christopher Brown, Towers. Aaron Johnson, Arabia Mountain. Peachtree Ridge, then 16 in a 61-50 Daniels had 15 points and 17 rebounds
160: 1. Michael Corley, McNair; loss to Riverdale. David Ani added 13 in a 63-44 win over Beach while Destini
2. Joshua Aiken, Miller Grove. BOYS BASKETBALL and Darrell Strozier had 12 against McClary added 15 points. Daniels had
171: 1. Raheem Hill, Arabia, Moun- Decatur: B.J. Fisher scored 44 points Riverdale. Strozier led the way with 15 points and 13 rebounds in a 60-54
tain; 2. Wesley Williams, Miller as the Bulldogs won their first two 16 points and four steals in a 47-29 win win over Northeast, and Jada Byrd
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