Daily Programme For Friday, 3 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6)

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NATIONS Friday, 3 December 2010

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2010

COP 16 and CMP 6
Cancun, 29 November – 10 December 2010

Daily Programme
Part One

Informal groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies

(Open to Parties and observers)

11.30–13.00 Contact group on consideration of proposals by Parties under Guacamaya
Article 17 of the Convention (Azteca)

16.30–18.00 Informal consultations on consideration of proposals by Parties Cenote

under Article 17 of the Convention (if needed) (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)


11.30–13.00 Informal consultations on the adaptation fund Cascada

(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Azteca)


10.00–11.30 Contact group on Article 6 of the Convention Pavoreal

10.00–11.30 Informal consultations on financial mechanism of the Convention Agave
(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Azteca)

10.00–11.30 Informal consultations on national communications and greenhouse gas Mariposa

inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

The Daily Programme is available electronically at <unfccc.int/>. Participants are kindly reminded to
consult the CCTV monitors for any last-minute changes to the Daily Programme. In order to reduce paper
consumption, participants are kindly requested to retain copies of documents throughout the sessions.

FCCC/2010/V/OD/5 (Part I)

Please recycle

10.00–11.30 Informal consultations on arrangements for intergovernmental meetings Guacamaya

(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Azteca)

11.30–12.15 Informal consultations on Least Developed Countries Fund Ballena

(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Azteca)

11.30–13.00 Informal consultations on national communications from Parties not Mariposa

included in Annex I to the Convention (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

12.15–13.00 Informal consultations on matters relating to the least developed Ballena

countries (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

15.30–16.00 Contact group on progress on the implementation of decision 1/CP.10 Tortuga


16.00–16.30 Contact group on matters relating to the least developed countries Iguana

16.30–17.00 Contact group on Least Developed Countries Fund Iguana


17.00–17:30 Guacamaya
Contact group on arrangements for intergovernmental meetings

17.30–17.45 Contact group on capacity-building under the Convention Iguana


17.45–18.00 Contact group on capacity-building under the Kyoto Protocol Iguana



10.00–11.30 Informal consultations on carbon dioxide capture and storage in Tortuga

geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

15.00–16.30 Informal consultations on the revision of the UNFCCC reporting Ballena

guidelines on annual inventories for Parties included in Annex I to the (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

16.30–18.00 Informal consultations on research and systematic observation Casada

(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Azteca)

16.30–17.00 Contact group on the revision of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on Ballena
annual inventories for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Azteca)

17.30–18.00 Contact group on the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability Ballena
and adaptation to climate change (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)


11.30–13.00 Joint informal consultations on development and transfer of technologies Mar (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

15.00–15.30 Joint contact group on matters relating to Articles 2.3 and 3.14 of the Manati
Kyoto Protocol (Azteca)

15.00–16.30 Joint informal consultations on development and transfer of technologies Mar (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

17.00–17.30 Joint contact group on development and transfer of technologies Mar (Azteca)


11.30–13.00 Contact group on item 3 Cenote

15.00–16.30 Spin-off group on Chapter II Guacamaya
(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Azteca)

16.30–18.00 Spin-off group on Chapter III Manati

(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Azteca)


10.00–11.30 Drafting group on enhanced action on adaptation Manati

(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Azteca)

15.00–16.30 Drafting group on enhanced action on mitigation Maguey

(Open to Parties and Observer States only) (Maya)

15.00–16.30 Drafting group on finance, technology and capacity-building (Capacity- Cascada

building) (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

16.30–18.00 Drafting group on enhanced action on mitigation (para. 1b(iii) of the Bali Tortuga
Action Plan) (Azteca)
(Open to Parties and Observer States only)

Additional Documentation
Provisional list of participants
Owing to the length of this document, and in the interest of saving paper, it will be made available in electronic
form only at <unfccc.int/>. Corrections should be given to Ms. Heidi Sandoval (Registration counter) by
12.00, at the latest, on Wednesday, 8 December 2010.

Groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies

(Closed meetings)

08.00–09.00 African Group Mar (Azteca)

08.00–09.00 Alliance of Small Island States Rana (Azteca)

08.00–09.00 Delegation of Belize on behalf of SICA countries Pavoreal (Azteca)

09.00–10.00 Delegation of Democratic Republic of Congo on behalf of the Congo Lluvia (Azteca)
Basin countries

09.00–10.00 Environmental Integrity Group – Coordination Meeting Agata (Azteca)

09.00–10.00 Group of 77 and China Maguey (Maya)


13.00–14.00 Coalition for Rainforest Nations Ballena (Azteca)

13.00–14.00 Delegation of Costa Rica on behalf of the Cartagena Dialogue Pavoreal (Azteca)

13.00–14.00 Least Developed Countries – Coordination Meeting Cascada (Azteca)

13.30–14.30 Eastern Europe Group Iguana (Maya)

13.30–14.00 Western Europe and Others Group Mariposa (Azteca)

14.00–15.00 Group of 77 and China Maguey (Maya)

18.00–19.00 African Group Mar (Azteca)

18.00–19.00 Alliance of Small Island States Rana (Azteca)

18.00–19.00 Delegation of Costa Rica on behalf of Cartagena Dialogue (Latin Lago (Azteca)
American Countries)

18.00–19.00 Group of Latin America and Caribbean States – Coordination Lluvia (Azteca)

19.00–20.00 Least Developed Countries – Coordination Meeting Cascada (Azteca)

Meetings of observer organizations

(Closed meetings)

08.30–09.30 Business and industry non-governmental organizations (BINGOs) Cacao

(Cancunmesse Hall D)

08.30–09.30 Youth non-governmental organizations (YOUNGOs) Mamey

(Cancunmesse Hall C)

09.00–10.00 Farmers non-governmental organizations Pitaya

(Cancunmesse Hall C)

09.00–10.00 Indigenous peoples organizations (IPOs) Monarca

(Cancunmesse Hall D)

09.00–10.00 Local government and municipal authorities (LGMAs) Jaguar

(Cancunmesse Hall D)

09.00–10.00 Trade unions non-governmental organizations (TUNGOs) Sandia

(Cancunmesse Hall C)

09.00–10.00 Women and gender non-governmental organizations Nochebuena

(Cancunmesse Hall C)

13.00–14.00 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Lluvia (Azteca)

13.00–14.00 Southern African Development Community Delegation (SADC) Maíz (Azteca)

13.00–14.00 League of Arab States (LAS) Tortuga (Azteca)

15.00–16.00 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Lluvia (Azteca)

18.30–19.30 US delegation briefing for US BINGOs Sol (Azteca)

19.30–20.30 US delegation briefing for US ENGOs Sol (Azteca)


Press briefings
(Media only)

10.00–10.30 European Union Sol (Azteca)

10.30–11.00 United Nations Environment Programme: Launch of report on Sol (Azteca)

Waste and Climate Change

11.00–11.30 World Bank: Launch of Cities and Climate Change report Sol (Azteca)

11.30–12.00 Plurinational State of Bolivia Sol (Azteca)

13.15–13.45 UNFCCC and COP 16 President Sol (Azteca)

14.00–14.30 United States of America Sol (Azteca)

18.00–18.30 Brazil Sol (Azteca)

09.00–09.30 Global Campaign for Climate Action: Launch of Climate Luna (Azteca)
Vulnerability Report

09.30–11.00 Media Clinic: Water – securing an essential report Luna (Azteca)

11.00–11.30 The Corner House, ETC: Biofuels, Bioenergy and Biochar: False Luna (Azteca)
Solutions Cause Land Grabs

11.30–13.00 Media Clinic: Senior negotiators from key negotiating groups Luna (Azteca)

13.00–13.30 Germanwatch: presentation of the Climate Risk Index Luna (Azteca)

13.30–14.00 Friends of the Earth International Luna (Azteca)

14.00–14.30 University of California, Revelle Program on Climate Science and Luna (Azteca)
Policy: Establishing Trust: Progress in Greenhouse Emissions
Agent > Monitoring

14.30–15.00 Climate Action Network International: negotiations update and Luna (Azteca)

15.00–15.30 Global Witness Luna (Azteca)

15.30–16.00 GenderCC Luna (Azteca)

16.00–16.30 The Wilderness Society: "Truth in Targets" Forest and Peatlands Luna (Azteca)
Loopholes Campaign

16.30–17.00 FERN: A Red Light for REDD Luna (Azteca)

18.00–18.30 SustainUS: The China-U.S. Youth Climate Exchange – Advancing Luna (Azteca)
trust between key countries for the long-term

20.00–20.30 CAN Japan: daily press briefing for Japanese media Luna (Azteca)

Election of officers of
bodies under the Convention and the Protocol 1

Update of nominations received by the secretariat

(as at 2 December2010)

Bureau of the COP and the CMP

COP President H. E. Ms. Patricia Espinosa 2 GRULAC

Chair of SBI
Chair of SBSTA
COP Vice-President
COP Vice-President
COP Vice-President
COP Vice-President
COP Vice-President
COP Vice-President
COP Vice-President
COP Rapporteur

Bureau of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)

SBI Vice-Chair
SBI Rapporteur

Bureau of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)

SBSTA Vice-Chair
SBSTA Rapporteur

Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism

Member Africa
Alternate Africa
Member Asia
Alternate Asia
Alternate GRULAC
Member WEOG
Alternate WEOG
Member Annex I
Alternate Annex I

Information on the election process is available at <http://unfccc.int/parties_and_observers/notifications/items/3153.php>.
Elected at the opening session of COP 16 and CMP 6 on Monday, 29 November 2010.

Compliance Committee - Facilitative Branch

Replacement Alternate Eastern Europe

Replacement Member Non-Annex I

Compliance Committee - Enforcement Branch

Replacement Alternate Annex I

Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

Member Annex I
Alternate Annex I
Member Annex I
Alternate Annex I
Member Annex I EITs
Alternate Annex I EITs
Member Annex I EITs
Alternate Annex I EITs
Member Non-Annex I
Alternate Non-Annex I

Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT)

Member Africa
Member Africa
Member Asia
Member SIDS
Member Annex I
Member Annex I
Member Annex I
Member Annex I

Preliminary schedule of meetings for Saturday, 4 December 2010

This preliminary schedule is designed to give participants an overview for planning purposes. The information
is indicative and subject to change, depending on the requirements of the negotiating process. Please consult
the relevant day’s Daily Programme for final details, and the CCTV monitors for any last-minute changes.


p.m. Informal stocktaking plenary


p.m. Informal stocktaking plenary

a.m. Informal consultations on matters relating to compliance under the Kyoto Protocol

p.m. Informal consultations on issues relating to the clean development mechanism

p.m. Informal consultations on the adaptation fund

Informal consultations on the proposal from Kazakhstan to amend Annex B to the

Kyoto Protocol


Contact group on national communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties
included in Annex I to the Convention

Contact group on national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the
a.m. Contact group on financial mechanism of the Convention

a.m. Informal consultations on financial mechanism of the Convention

p.m. Closing Plenary


a.m. Informal consultations on standardized baselines under the clean development mechanism

p.m. Closing Plenary


a.m. Drafting group on a shared vision for long-term cooperative action; review

a.m. Drafting group on enhanced action on mitigation (para. 1b(iv) of the Bali Action Plan)

p.m. Drafting group on finance, technology and capacity-building


Status report on consideration of agenda items as at 2 December 2010

COP agenda item Status

2 Organizational matters

2 (a) Election of the President of the Conference at Sub-item completed

its sixteenth session

2 (b) Adoption of the rules of procedure Draft rules of procedure (except rule 42) continue to
be applied
Consultations by Mr. Joel Hernandez (Mexico)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Jane Bulmer (+521 998 109 9994)

2 (c) Adoption of the agenda Agenda adopted

2 (d) Election of officers other than the President Consultations by Mr. Andrej Kranjc (Slovenia)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Nattley Williams (+521 998 241 4028)

2 (e) Admission of organizations as observers The COP approved the list contained in document
FCCC/CP/2010/4 including amendment in the
plenary and thereby admitted the organizations

2 (f) Organization of work, including the sessions Relevant items were referred to the SBSTA and SBI
of the subsidiary bodies Arrangements for high-level segment confirmed,
including time limits for statements
Plans for upcoming plenary meetings agreed

2 (g) Dates and venues of future sessions President consulting on any offers to host
future sessions

5 Consideration of proposals by Parties under Contact group, chaired by

Article 17 of the Convention Mr. Michael Zammit Cutajar (Malta)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Dan Bondi Ogolla (+ 521 998 241 4024)

CMP agenda item Status

2 Organizational matters

2 (a) Adoption of the agenda Agenda adopted

2 (b) Election of replacement officers Consultations in progress

(refer to COP sub-item 2 (d))

2 (c) Organization of work, including the sessions Relevant items were referred to the SBSTA and SBI
of the subsidiary bodies Plans for upcoming plenary meetings agreed

5 Consideration of proposals by Parties for Item taken up and remains open

amendments to the Kyoto Protocol Secretariat contact:
Mr. Dan Bondi Ogolla (+ 521 998 241 4024)
- 10 -

6 Issues relating to the clean development Contact group, co-chaired by

mechanism Mr. Eduardo Calvo (Peru) and
Mr. Kunihiko Shimada (Japan)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Conor Barry (+521 998 241 3884)

7 Issues relating to joint implementation Contact group, co-chaired by

Mr. Washington Zhakata (Zimbabwe) and
Mr. Helmut Hojesky (Austria)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. James Grabert (+521 998 241 3890)

8 Matters relating to compliance under the Kyoto Protocol

8 (a) Report of the Compliance Committee Contact group, co-chaired by

Mr. Pornchai Danvivathana (Thailand) and
8 (b) Appeal by Croatia against a final decision of Mr. Richard Tarasofsky (Canada)
the enforcement branch of the Compliance Secretariat contact:
Committee in relation to the implementation Mr. Maria Socorro Manguiat (+521 998 241 4027)
of decision 7/CP.12

9 Adaptation Fund

9 (a) Report of the Adaptation Fund Board Contact group, co-chaired by

Ms. Ruleta Camacho (Antigua and Barbuda) and
9 (b) Review of the Adaptation Fund Mr. Jukka Uosukainen (Finland)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Marcelo Jordan (+521 998 109 8365)

11 Proposal from Kazakhstan to amend Annex B Consultations by Mr. Mark Berman (Canada)
to the Kyoto Protocol Secretariat contact:
Ms. Jane Bulmer (+521 998 109 9994)

Matters relating to carbon capture and storage Consultations by Ms. Socorro Flores (Mexico)
(general issue)

SBI agenda item Status

2 Organizational matters

2 (a) Adoption of the agenda Agenda adopted, with sub-item 4 (b) held in

2 (b) Organization of the work of the session Organization of the work agreed

2 (c) Election of officers other than the Chair Consultations in progress

2 (d) Election of replacement officers Consultations in progress

3 National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to
the Convention

3 (a) Reports on national greenhouse gas Contact group, co-chaired by

inventory data from Parties included in Ms. Anke Herold (Germany) and
Annex I to the Convention for the period Mr. Eric Mugurusi (United Republic of Tanzania)
1990–2007 and the period 1990–2008 Secretariat contact:
- 11 -

3 (b) Status of submission and review of fifth For 3 (a):

national communications Ms. Lornaliza Kogler
(+52 1 9981470472)
3 (c) Date of submission of sixth national
communications Draft text (conclusions) available v.1 (2/12/10)

3 (d) Further implementation of Article 12, For 3 (b), (c) and (d):
paragraph 5, of the Convention Ms. Katia Simeonova
(+52 1 9981470469)

Draft text (conclusions, COP decision,

CMP decision) available v.2 (2/12/10)

4 National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention

4 (a) Work of the Consultative Group of Experts Contact group, co-chaired by

on National Communications from Parties Ms. Anke Herold (Germany) and
not included in Annex I to the Convention Mr. Eric Mugurusi (United Republic of Tanzania)
Secretariat contact:
4 (c) Further implementation of Article 12, For 4 (a):
paragraph 5, of the Convention Mr. Yolando Velasco
(+52 1 9981099378)
4 (d) Provision of financial and technical support
Draft text (conclusions) available v.2 (2/12/10)

For 4 (c) and (d):

Mr. Dominique Revet
(+52 1 9981098130)

Draft text (conclusions) available v.1 (2/12/10)

4 (b) Information contained in national Sub-item held in abeyance

communications from Parties not included
in Annex I to the Convention

5 Financial mechanism of the Convention

5 (a) Fourth review of the financial mechanism Contact group, co-chaired by

Ms. Ana Fornells de Frutos (Spain) and
5 (b) Report of the Global Environment Facility Mr. Fernando Farias (Chile)
to the Conference of the Parties and Secretariat contact:
guidance to the Global Environment Facility Mr. Marcelo Jordan
(+52 1 9981098365)
5 (c) Assessment of the Special Climate Change

5 (d) Least Developed Countries Fund Contact group, co-chaired by

Ms. Katherine Vaughn (Australia) and
Mr. Rence Sore (Solomon Islands)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Paul Desanker
(+52 1 9981098455)

Draft text (conclusions) available v.1 (2/12/10)

Draft text (decision) available v.2 (2/12/10)

- 12 -

6 Article 6 of the Convention Contact group, chaired by

Mr. Pa Ousman Jarju (Gambia)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Alla Metelitsa
(+52 1 9981098050)

7 Matters relating to Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention

7 (a) Progress on the implementation of decision Contact group, chaired by

1/CP.10 Mr. Samuel Ortiz Basualdo (Argentina)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Miwa Kato
(+52 1 9982414045)

Draft text (conclusions) available v.1 (2/12/10)

7 (b) Matters relating to the least developed Contact group, co-chaired by

countries Ms. Katherine Vaughn (Australia) and
Mr. Rence Sore (Solomon Islands)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Paul Desanker
(+52 1 9981098455)

Draft text (conclusions) available v.2 (2/12/10)

Draft text (decision) available v.2 (2/12/10)

8 Development and transfer of technologies SBI/SBSTA joint contact group, co-chaired by

Mr. Carlos Fuller (Belize) and
Mr. Ronald Schillemans (The Netherlands)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Bert van der Plas
(+52 1 9982414035)

Draft text (conclusions) available v.2 (2/12/10)

9 Capacity-building under the Convention Contact group, co-chaired by

Ms. Marie Jaudet (France) and
Mr. Philip Gwage (Uganda)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Alla Metelitsa
(+52 1 99810980508)

10 Capacity-building under the Kyoto Protocol Contact group, co-chaired by

Ms. Marie Jaudet (France) and
Mr. Philip Gwage (Uganda)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Alla Metelitsa
(+52 1 99810980508)

11 Matters relating to Article 3, paragraph 14, SBI/SBSTA joint contact group, co-chaired by
of the Kyoto Protocol Mr. Andrew Ure (Australia) and
Mr. Eduardo Calvo Buendia (Peru)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Festus Luboyera
(+52 1 9982414037)

12 Report of the administrator of the SBI took note of the report

international transaction log under the Secretariat contact:
Kyoto Protocol Mr. Jean-François Halleux
(+52 1 9981099909)
- 13 -

13 Annual compilation and accounting reports Contact group, co-chaired by

for Annex B Parties under the Kyoto Ms. Anke Herold (Germany) and
Protocol for 2009 and 2010 Mr. Eric Mugurusi (United Republic of Tanzania)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Aiping Chen
(+52 1 9981472424)

Draft text (conclusions) available v.1 (2/12/10)

14 Amendment of the Kyoto Protocol in Consultations by the Chair

respect of procedures and mechanisms Secretariat contact:
relating to compliance Ms. Valentina Germani
(+52 1 9981470137)

15 Arrangements for intergovernmental Contact group, chaired by

meetings Mr. Robert Owen-Jones (Australia)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Bhava Dhungana
(+52 1 9982413963)

Draft text (conclusions) available v.2 (2/12/10)

16 Administrative, financial and institutional matters

16 (a) Audited financial statements for the Chair to prepare draft conclusions
biennium 2008–2009 Secretariat contact:
Mr. Steven Moore
(+52 1 9982414033)

16 (b) Budget performance for the biennium 2010– Chair to prepare draft conclusions
2011 Secretariat contact:
Mr. Steven Moore
(+52 1 9982414033)

16 (c) Continuing review of the functions and Chair to prepare draft conclusions
operations of the secretariat Secretariat contact:
Mr. Steven Moore
(+52 1 9982414033)

16 (d) Privileges and immunities for individuals Chair to prepare draft conclusions
serving on constituted bodies established Secretariat contact:
under the Kyoto Protocol Ms. Nattley Williams
(+52 1 9982414028)

17 Other matters To be reflected in the report on the session


18 Report on the session Draft report prepared


SBSTA agenda item Status

2 Organizational matters

2 (a) Adoption of the agenda Agenda adopted

2 (b) Organization of the work of the session Organization of the work agreed
- 14 -

2 (c) Election of officers other than the Chair Consultations in progress

2 (d) Election of replacement officers Consultations in progress

3 Nairobi work programme on impacts, Contact group, co-chaired by

vulnerability and adaptation to climate change Mr. Kishan Kumarsingh (Trinidad and Tobago) and
Mr. Don Lemmen (Canada)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Xianfu Lu (+52 1 9981097889)

4 Development and transfer of technologies SBSTA/SBI joint contact group, co-chaired by

Mr. Carlos Fuller (Belize) and
Mr. Ronald Schillemans (The Netherlands)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Vladimir Hecl (+52 1 9982414049)

5 Research and systematic observation Informal consultations, facilitated by

Mr. Stefan Rösner (Germany) and
Mr. Arthur Rolle (Bahamas)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Rocio Lichte (+52 1 9982414046)

6 Methodological issues under the Convention

6 (a) Emissions from fuel used for international Consultations by the Chair
aviation and maritime transport Secretariat contact:
Mr. Bernd Hackmann (+52 1 9982413895)

6 (b) Annual report on the technical review of SBSTA took note of the report
greenhouse gas inventories from Parties
included in Annex I to the Convention

6 (c) Revision of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines Contact group, co-chaired by

on annual inventories by Parties included in Ms. Riitta Pipatti (Finland) and
Annex I to the Convention Mr. Nagmeldin Elhassan (Sudan)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Astrid Olsson (+52 1 9981470413)

6 (d) Greenhouse gas data interface Sub-item completed

To be reflected in the report on the session

7 Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol

7 (a) Carbon dioxide capture and storage in Informal consultations, facilitated by

geological formations as clean development Mr. Pedro Martins Barata (Portugal) and
mechanism project activities Ms. Andrea García Guerrero (Colombia)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Lambert Schneider (+52 1 9982413891)

7 (b) Standardized baselines under the clean Informal consultations, facilitated by

development mechanism Mr. Peer Stiansen (Norway) and
Mr. Hugh Sealy (Grenada)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Veronica Colerio (+52 1 9981470597)

7 (c) Implications of the inclusion of reforestation Informal consultations, facilitated by

of lands with forest in exhaustion as Mr. Eduardo Sanhueza (Chile)
afforestation and reforestation clean Secretariat contact:
development mechanism project activities Mr. Lambert Schneider (+52 1 9982413891)
- 15 -

7 (d) Common metrics to calculate the CO2 Sub-item completed

equivalence of greenhouse gases To be reflected in the report on the session

7 (e) Annual report on the technical review of SBSTA took note of the report
greenhouse gas inventories and other
information reported by Parties included in
Annex I to the Convention that are also Parties
to the Kyoto Protocol under Article 7,
paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol

8 Scientific, technical and socio-economic Item completed

aspects of mitigation of climate change To be reflected in the report on the session

9 Matters relating to Article 2, paragraph 3, of SBSTA/SBI joint contact group, co-chaired by

the Kyoto Protocol Mr. Eduardo Calvo Buendia (Peru) and
Mr. Andrew Ure (Australia)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Festus Luboyera (+52 1 9982414037)

10 Other matters: Activities implemented jointly SBSTA Chair to prepare draft conclusions
under the pilot phase Secretariat contact:
Ms. Kay Merce (+52 1 9982413887)

11 Report on the session Draft report prepared

- 16 -

AWG-KP agenda item Status

2 Organizational matters

2 (a) Adoption of the agenda Agenda adopted

2 (b) Organization of the work of the session Organization of the work agreed

Contact group on item 3 chaired by Ambassador

John W. Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda), Chair of the
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Jigme: (+52 1 9982413979)

The Contact group on item 3 has organized its work

in five spin-off groups as follows:

Spin-off group on Chapter I, co-facilitated by

Mr. Leon Charles (Grenada) and
Mr. Jürgen Lefevere (EU)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Jigme: (+52 1 9982413979)

Spin-off group on Chapter II, co-facilitated by

Mr. Marcelo Rocha (Brazil) and
Mr. Peter Iversen (Denmark)
3 Consideration of further commitments for Secretariat contact:
Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol Ms. Maria Sanz Sanchez (+52 1 9982413899)

Spin-off group on Chapter III, facilitated by

Ambassador Adrian Macey (New Zealand)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Andrew Howard (+52 1 9981470502)

Spin-off group on Chapter IV, facilitated by

Ambassador Adrian Macey (New Zealand)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Katia Simeonova (+52 1 9981470469)

Spin-off group on Chapter V, co-facilitated by

Mr. Andrew Ure (Australia) and
Mr. Eduardo Calvo (Peru)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Festus Luboyera: (+52 1 9982414037)

4 Other matters Item closed

5 Report on the session Draft report prepared


AWG-LCA agenda item Status

2 Organizational matters

2 (a) Adoption of the agenda Agenda adopted

2 (b) Organization of the work of the Organization of the work agreed

- 17 -

Contact group on agenda item 3, chaired by

the Chair of the AWG-LCA
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Marcela Main Sancha
(+52 1 9982413984)
Ms. Olga Pilifosova (+52 1 9982413988)

The contact group on item 3 has organized

its work in four drafting groups as follows:

A shared vision for long-term cooperative

action; review, facilitated by
Mr. Anders Turesson (Sweden)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Daniel Klein (+52 1 9982413969)

Enhanced action on adaptation, facilitated by

Mr. Kishan Kumarsingh (Trinidad and
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Youssef Nassef (+52 1 9982413902)

Enhanced action on mitigation, co-facilitated

by Mr. Richard Muyungi (United Republic
of Tanzania) and
Ms. Helen Plume (New Zealand)
Secretariat contact:
Ms. Olga Pilifosova (+52 1 9982413988)
3 Preparation of an outcome to be
presented to the Conference of the The co-facilitators have requested
Parties for adoption at its sixteenth Mr. Audun Rosland (Norway) to facilitate the
session to enable the full, effective and drafting group on mitigation (para. 1b(iii) of the
sustained implementation of the BAP).
Convention through long-term
cooperative action now, up to and The co-facilitators have requested
beyond 2012 Ms. Annemarie Watt (Australia) to facilitate the
drafting group on mitigation (para. 1b(iv) of the

The co-facilitators have requested

Mr. Nsiala Tosi Bibanda Mpanu Mpanu
(Democratic Republic of the Congo) to facilitate
the drafting group on mitigation (para. 1b(v) of
the BAP).

The co-facilitators have requested

Mr. Crispin D'Auvergne (Saint Lucia) to facilitate
the drafting group on mitigation (para. 1b(vi) of
the BAP).

Finance, technology and capacity-building

co-facilitated by
Mr. Burhan Gafoor (Singapore) and
Mr. Kunihiko Shimada (Japan)
Secretariat contact:
Mr. Andrew Higham (+52 1 9982413893)
- 18 -

Informal consultations facilitated by the

Vice-Chair of the AWG-LCA to consider
submissions by Parties included in Annex I
to the Convention undergoing the process of
transition to a market economy and whose
special circumstances are recognized by the
Secretariat contact:
Ms Nattley Williams (+52 1 9982414028)

4 Other matters No other matters were raised

5 Report on the session Draft report prepared


Special announcements

Vacancies at the Conference participants are encouraged to bring to the attention of qualified
UNFCCC individuals in their countries/organizations the link to the employment page of the
secretariat secretariat website:


Four professional positions are currently advertised:

Associate Information Management Officer,

Sustainable Development Mechanisms Programme
Chief, Human Resources Unit, Administrative Services
Programme Officer, Reporting, Data and Analysis Programme
Programme Officer (SBI Focal Point)
Financial and Technical Support Programme

The secretariat is committed to ensuring equitable geographical distribution and

gender balance among its staff. To this end, it would like to especially encourage
qualified women candidates and candidates from developing countries to apply for

Availability of The demand for meeting rooms is expected to exceed the capacity of the conference
meeting rooms premises and priority will be given to meetings directly associated with the
negotiating process. The secretariat appreciates participants’ understanding in this
connection. Meetings will therefore only be confirmed at the earliest one day prior to
the requested meeting taking place.

Nizuc Media Centre The media centre for COP16/CMP6 is located at the Nizuc branch of the Moon Palace
Hotel. Parties and observers are invited to bring to the Nizuc any press releases,
publications or digital media for distribution to the media. A continuous shuttle bus
operates from the lobby of Maya (Sunrise) to and from the Nizuc Media Centre.

Printed materials may be conveniently displayed on available shelving in the entrance


For more information telephone the COP16/CMP6 media call centre number: +521
998 283 2144
- 19 -

Use of audio/video The making of audio and video recordings, including any external transmission, by
recording devices by Party or observer organization delegations during open and closed official meetings
participants at and in designated security zones is not permitted. The secretariat provides audio
UNFCCC sessions recordings of official meetings, as required by Parties. Webcasts are provided for open
plenary meetings.

Meditation room A room for meditation and prayer is available to participants and is located in
Cancunmesse, Hall D, and also in the “Meditation Garden” which is located on the
beach stretching between Maya (Sunrise) and Nizuc Media Center.

Catholic Mass During COP16/CMP6, a Catholic mass is held every morning at 7.00 a.m. in the
chapel located in the Nizuc section of the Moon Palace Hotel.

Webcasts of the For the duration of the conference, official Plenary meetings will be available live and
sessions on-demand, with English, Spanish and floor audio streams. Press conferences will be
webcast in floor and Spanish languages as provided. A selection of side-events will be
available on-demand only. On-demand files will be available within 24 hours after the
close of each meeting, side-events within 48 hours. Please check the UNFCCC
website for the date and time of webcast sessions at < http://unfccc.int/ >.
Online Besides classical website information on <unfccc.int>, the secretariat is offering the
Services@Cancun mobile version of the UNFCCC website <mobile.unfccc.int> and the official
iPhone/iPad application ‘Negotiator’ for the conference.
Using the iPhone/iPad application ‘Negotiator’, users can:
• get logistical information about the conference (directories, venue maps, etc.);
• read the latest documents, agendas and meeting information;
• view the latest YouTube videos and photos from the conference;
• join the conference via the Facebook and Twitter channels.
Please note: The iPhone/iPad app, ‘Negotiator’ can be downloaded FREE via iTunes
app store.
The secretariat is offering a special online reporting service to the media. Online
videos will be made available on the website <unfccc.int> summarizing the
secretariat's press briefing. This video can be viewed and downloaded for Podcast.
The secretariat is encouraging online media to link to the online video. All videos can
be found on <YouTube.com/climateconference> and iTunes.
Community tools, such as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr will allow to participate and
to respond to the conference in Cancún. All links can be found on the Cancun
conference page on <unfccc.int>.

Blogger's Loft A special support area is available to participants who need a fixed Internet
connection in order to upload multimedia content to the web, blogs and social
networking sites. The Blogger’s Loft on the upper level of the Cancunmesse provides
workspace, power and fixed Internet connections for a limited number. The Blogger’s
Loft is prioritized for those working with multimedia content. Participants needing
only access to the Internet for email or office purposes should utilize the computer
centres or wireless zones.
The Blogger’s Loft is part of a pilot project by the UNFCCC secretariat with the
United Nations Foundation that seeks to explore options for the participation of new
“digital media” both physically and virtually in the UNFCCC process. During the
Conference, all online media and bloggers using the Blogger’s lounge will also be
able to attend a series of interactive “digital media conversation” events to be held in
the Desierto Press Conference Room in the Cancunmesse starting on Saturday,
4 December. Watch for the schedule in the Daily Programme.
- 20 -

First Aid Medical services are located in Maya (Sunrise) and Nizuc Media center.

Credentials “Credentials of representatives, alternate representatives and advisers shall be issued

either by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs.”
Delegations are kindly requested to present the corresponding letters of credentials to
the External Relations team in the Conference Affairs office, located on the ground
floor, Sunrise/Maya (left of the escalators).

Climate Change Publications clearly attributed to a Party or an observer organization can be distributed
Publications and displayed, after approval, at the Climate Change Publications Counter. The
Counter counter is located at Cancunmesse (Hall C). Please provide a sample to
Ms. Claudia Pena-Martin at the Side Events and Exhibits Coordination Office, located
at Cancunmesse (Hall C). The counter cannot manage large volumes, but will assist in
changing the range of documents. Organizers of Exhibits are requested to display and
distribute documents at their Exhibit booths. Side Event advertisements and
invitations can be posted on the notice boards located in both Cancunmesse and Moon
Contact information
Ms. Claudia Pena-Martin
[email protected]
Tel: +52 1998 2413 873

Delegation Delegates are kindly requested not to remove country nameplates from the meeting
nameplates rooms. The secretariat is unable to replace these at short notice and this can lead to
serious disruptions at meetings.

Security Participants should ensure that they wear their conference badge in full view at all
times, as the security officers may request them to verify their identity. This may lead
to some inconvenience, but it is expected that participants will appreciate the need for
such arrangements.

Medical and The Mexican Government has a dedicated a number for emergency situations. Please
security note that the medical and security emergency number is 066.
Building fire In order to ensure compliance with building fire regulations, UN Security may ask
regulations participants to refrain from accessing meeting rooms or vacate meeting rooms if the
room capacity is full. Thank you for your cooperation.

Information Hotline An information hotline has been established by the Mexican Government. The
number for the Information hotline is 01 800 COP 1600.

Lost and found Participants are reminded not to leave personal belongings in meeting rooms.
items Documents left in meeting rooms and on unattended desks will be removed. The
Security office, located near the main entrance, is responsible for lost and found items.

Pigeonholes for Pigeonholes for the distribution of official documents and messages, which delegates
delegates are kindly requested to check at regular intervals, are located next to the Documents
Distribution counter. Participants are requested to refrain from distributing non-
official material via the pigeonholes.
Facilities for Offices for the business and industry non-governmental organizations (BINGOs),
observer environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs), farmers non-governmental
organizations organizations (Farmers), indigenous peoples organizations (IPOs), local government
and municipal authorities (LGMAs), research and independent non-governmental
organizations (RINGOs), trade union non-governmental organizations (TUNGOs),
youth non-governmental organizations (YOUNGOs) and the women and gender non-
governmental organizations (Women and Gender) are located in Moon Palace (Chile,
ground floor).
- 21 -

Catering If you wish to order catering for your side event or meetings, please liaise directly
with the official company at the following link
<http://www.inhouseservicescop16.com>. Please note that catering orders can only be
received through this website up to 72 hours prior to your event. In order to avoid
overlaps of catering at side event, catering services will only be provided AFTER side
events. It is the responsibility of the organizer to ensure that no food or beverages are
taken inside meeting rooms. If you have any further questions, please contact Ms.
Ofelia Peniche (see contact information below). On-site staff at the “in-house
Services” desk at Cancunmesse will also be able to provide assistance.

Contact Information
Ms. Ofelia Peniche
[email protected]
Tel: +52 155 2728 7618

Information note
New catering locations: In addition to the existing arrangement, two new catering locations, Palapa Fragata and
Pool Terraza, are available outside Maya. They serve a buffet for 200 Mexican pesos, which includes a soft

More information and tickets are available at the catering ticket counter on the ground floor of Maya.

Key contacts
Executive Secretary Ms. Christiana Figueres

Conference of the Parties (COP) Ms. June Budhooram

Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties Ms. June Budhooram
to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP)

Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) Ms. Preety Bhandari

Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice Ms. Wanna Tanunchaiwatana

Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Mr. Vitaly Matsarski

Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP)

Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action Mr. Halldor Thorgeirsson

under the Convention (AWG-LCA)

Coordinator, Conference Affairs Services Ms. Salwa Dallalah

Chief Legal Adviser Mr. Dan Bondi Ogolla

Liaison with Government delegates and registration; Mr. Horacio Peluffo

funding for delegations

Liaison with observer organizations Ms. Megumi Endo

Conference Spokesperson Mr. Eric Hall

Media Relations Officer Mr. John Hay

- 22 -

For a full schedule of side events during the sessions and a list of the exhibits, please visit the UNFCCC
website at <http://unfccc.int/>. The secretariat would like to note that the scheduling of events remains
dependent upon the demands of the negotiating process. For short-term changes please consult the CCTV

Descriptions of the events listed below have been reproduced as received, and without formal editing.

UNFCCC and related events

Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue
Adaptation fund: Accreditation process Global Environment Facility
and project cycle (GEF)
The chair and the vice-chair of the Ms. Marcia Levaggi
13.20– Pitaya
Adaptation Fund Board, and the chair of [email protected]
14.40 (Cancunmesse
the accreditation panel will make (+1 202 4736390)
Hall C)
presentations on the accreditation process,
as well as on the project cycle.

Presentation of the CDM methodologies Secretariat of the United Nations

booklet Framework Convention on
The CDM methodologies booklet will be Climate Change (UNFCCC)
presented. This booklet will assist project Ms. Verónica Colerio
13.20– proponents, potential project proponents [email protected] Sandia
14.40 and other stakeholders in the identification (+49 228 8151027) (Cancunmesse
of methodologies that are suitable to their Hall C)
project activity and areas already covered
by approved methodologies where they
can develop CDM project activities.

Outcomes of survey by the Consultative Secretariat of the United Nations

Group of Experts (CGE) on national Framework Convention on
communications from non-Annex I Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Parties Mr. Yolando Velasco
The CGE will present the result of the [email protected] Pitaya
survey it conducted on identification of (+49 228 8151427) (Cancunmesse
technial problems and constraints affecting Hall C)
NAI Parties in the preparation of their
national communications and assessment
of capacity building needs.

UNFCCC analysis of how the CDM has Secretariat of the United Nations
contributed to technology transfer Framework Convention on
An updated analysis of the CDM's role in Climate Change (UNFCCC)
18.30– technology transfer will be presented, Mr. Andrew Howard Sandia
20.00 based on improved data from 5000 [email protected] (Cancunmesse
projects. The analysis gives new (+49 228 8151617) Hall C)
perspectives on how technology transfer is
changing with the evolution of the CDM.
- 23 -

Side events
Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue
IT Sector & Transformative Solutions. Greenpeace International
Evaluating the state of public and (Greenpeace)
private sector leadership Ms. Naomi Goodman
The IT sector is poised to play an essential [email protected]
role in delivering the clean energy (+31 20 7182143)
11.30– economy needed to protect the planet.
13.00 Hear from representatives of Global IT
Hall D)
brands about what is needed from
governments to drive rapid deployment of
these transformational solutions, and how
Greenpeace ranks them.

Addressing climate change and REDD+ Tebtebba Foundation

using indigenous peoples' traditional Mr. Raymond de Chavez
knowledge and practices [email protected]
11.30– The side event will highlight how (+63 74 4447703) Mamey
13.00 indigenous peoples are addressing climate (Cancunmesse
change and REDD+ in various regions of Hall C)
the world using their traditional

Emerging scientific findings and International Council for Science

ongoing dialogue with the research (ICSU)
community Ms. Ada Ignaciuk
Convened by the ESSP and its ICSU [email protected]
interdisciplinary bodies (DIVERSITAS, +33 1 40798042)
11.30– Monarca
IGBP, IHDP, WCRP), this session is part
13.00 (Cancunmesse
of an ongoing dialogue (under UNFCCC
Hall D)
SBSTA) between the Parties and the
global change research programmes,
including updates on emerging scientific
findings from the research community.

Importance of NAMAs and MRV Serbia

The Side Event will provide an Ms. Ana Repac
opportunity for discussion on how we can [email protected]
plan NAMAs in MRV manner, while (+38 11 126037)
13.20– Mamey
ensuring implementation of identified
14.40 (Cancunmesse
actions on that way. Information regarding
Hall C)
the project: "Capacity development project
on NAMAs", funded by the JICA, will be

Is climate-smart agriculture possible? Food and Agriculture

Presentations by countries will showcase Organization of the United
approaches to climate-smart agriculture – Nations (FAO), International Fund
agriculture that sustainably increases for Agricultural
productivity, resilience (adaptation), Development (IFAD), Secretariat
13.20– reduces/removes GHGs (mitigation), and of the United Nations Convention Aguila
14.40 enhances achievement of national food to Combat Desertification (Cancunmesse
security and development goals. (UNCCD), World Food Hall C)
Programme (WFP)
Mr. Reuben Sessa
[email protected]
(+39 340 8583070)
- 24 -

Delivering fast start finance United Kingdom

In the Copenhagen Accord developed Ms. Ruth Cooke-Yarborough
countries committed to provide “fast start” [email protected]
finance between 2010-2012 to meet ov.uk
13.20– Jaguar
developing countries adaptation and (+44 300 686750)
14.40 (Cancunmesse
mitigation needs. The UK has committed
Hall D)
£1.5bn and together with recipients and
delivery agents will show achievements so
far and lessons for the future.

Ethics: The indispensable missing Pennsylvania State University

element at COP 16/CMP 6 (PSU), Widener University
Describe why the failure of nations to base Ms. Lisa Skripek
15.00– national positions on ethical principles has [email protected]
16.30 had adverse practical consequences in (+1 814 8637598)
Hall C)
international negotiations including in the
lead up to COP 16/CMP 6.

Pueblos Indígenas de la Cuenca Coordinating Body of Indigenous

Amazónica, Cambio Climático y Organizations of the Amazon
aplicación de sus derechos Basin (COICA)
Visibilización de prácticas de mecanismos Sra. Jenny Vaca
15.00– REDD en territorios de los pueblos [email protected] Monarca
16.30 indígenas amazónicos, casos concretos (+593 22 3226744) (Cancunmesse
como Bolivia. Actores bilaterales, Hall D)
multilaterales sus propuestas e
incorporación de derechos de los pueblos
indígenas en las mimas.

A global registry for NAMAs: linking University of Linköping (LiU)

mitigation, technology, finance and Mr. Björn-Ola Linnér
sustainable development [email protected]
Crucial element for a balanced, fair and (+46 11 363233)
15.00– inclusive design of a registry will be Mamey
16.30 proposed, targeting negotiators and others (Cancunmesse
involved in the design of NAMAs. The Hall C)
side event addresses institutional elements
to operationalise principles of national
appropriateness, MRV and sustainable
Climate change adaptation and International Federation of Red
humanitarian action Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Humanitarian organizations present (IFRC)
practical solutions to support vulnerable Mr. Daniel Kull
15.00– Jaguar
communities in developing countries. [email protected]
16.30 (Cancunmesse
Integrated disaster management including (+41 22 7304683)
Hall D)
preparedness, risk reduction and response,
is crucial to minimize impacts from
climate-related disasters and strengthen
community resilience.
- 25 -

Innovating and inspiring new thinking Institute of Development Studies

on the social dimensions of climate (IDS), LIFE e.V.
change Ms. Alyson Brody
What rationales are behind climate change [email protected]
debates? How are they linked to gendered (+44 1273 915814)
16.45– Jaguar
roles, knowledge and responsibilities? The
18.15 (Cancunmesse
event will reflect innovative thinking on
Hall D)
these issues from the BRIDGE cutting
edge programme and discuss how to create
wise, sustainable solutions. Co-hosted by

The reformed financial mechanism/ Brown University - Watson

Accounting for national and multilateral Institute, Oxford Climate Policy
funds in climate finance Mr. J. Timmons Roberts
This session reviews and updates Oxford [email protected]
16.45– Climate Policy proposals for a reformed (+401 441 2103) Monarca
18.15 financial mechanism, and presents new (Cancunmesse
research by University of Zurich, IIED, Hall D)
and Brown University on how climate
finance is being accounted for by national
and multilateral funds.

Transition to climate friendly Institute for Agriculture and Trade

agriculture: the current finance regime Policy (IATP), International
versus viable alternatives Federation of Organic Agriculture
An IATP/IFOAM event. Transforming Movements (IFOAM)
agriculture for mitigatiandn/adaptation Ms. Eleonore Wesserle
16.45– Mamey
while strengthening food rights and rural [email protected]
18.15 (Cancunmesse
livelihoods requires reliable public (+1 612 8703425)
Hall C)
funding. Speakers discuss current climate
financing and alternatives, U.S. Farm Bill
reforms, agro-ecological approaches and
viable bottom-up practices.

Accounting for the land sector in National Association of Forest

practice: A comparison of domestic Industries (NAFI)
policies and options Ms. Lisa Marty
Countries with reporting obligations are [email protected]
16.45– using and advocating different approaches (+61 3 96119003)
18.15 to land sector accounting. What are the
Hall C)
different rationales? What difference
would it actually make? Where is the
common ground?

Climate change and the Iberoamerican Asociación Española de la

forum for sustainable energy Industria Eléctrica* (UNESA)
Iberoamerican forum for sustainable Sra. Cristina Rivero
energy is an initiative of industrial [email protected]
18.30– associations, governments and regulators (+34 91 5674800) Cacao
20.00 from Latin America and Europe aiming at (Cancunmesse
contributing to a sustainable energy future. Hall D)
Initiatives and visions on climate change
implemented by members of the Forum
will be presented.
- 26 -

Shifting to low-carbon and climate- Asian Development Bank (ADB),

resilient development in Asia and the Institute for Global Environmental
Pacific Strategies (IGES), National
The event to be held by ADB, IGES and Institute for Environmental
NIES will highlight what Asian and Studies (NIES)
18.30– Mamey
Pacific countries are doing to mitigate Ms. Annie Idanan
20.00 (Cancunmesse
greenhouse gas emissions in their [email protected]
Hall C)
development processes and strengthen (+63 2 6325779)
their resilience to climate change with
international financing, capacity building
and analytical support.

Understanding climate change: Success United Nations Educational,

stories in raising climate awareness and Scientific and Cultural
education Organization (UNESCO), UN
A showcase of inspiring case studies and Communications
success stories to demonstrate how Group, United Nations
18.30– awareness raising and education play an Environment Programme (UNEP), Aguila
20.00 important role in mobilizing climate action United Nations Children’s Fund (Cancunmesse
and stimulate a discussion on how public (UNICEF), World Meteorological Hall C)
awareness raising and education on climate Organization (WMO)
can become even more effective. Ms. Julia Heiss
[email protected]
(+33 1 45681036)

NAMA proposals: overview and KfW, climatepolicy.net e.V.

financing options Mr. Jochen Harnisch
Several countries are currently developing [email protected]
concrete proposals for nationally (+49 69 74319695)
20.15– appropriate mitigation actions that need Mamey
21.45 appropriate financing. The side event by (Cancunmesse
KFW and climatepolicy.net will present an Hall C)
overview of proposals at different stages
and discuss financing possibilities via
development banks.

Climate forestation projects CarbonFix e.V., International

Forestations could be a major driver to Forestry Students’ Association
reduce CO2 in our atmosphere. (IFSA)
Amazingly, in 2010 the number of Mr. Moriz Vohrer
20.15– Aguila
forestation projects on the voluntary [email protected]
21.45 (Cancunmesse
market has passed the Kyoto market! The (+49 711 49039902)
Hall C)
IFSA and the CarbonFix Standard give an
overview on the possibilities how to foster
climate forestations worldwide.

Climate techno-fixes: Is the cure worse ETC Group (Action Group on

than the disease? Event by ETC and Erosion, Technology and
EcoNexus Concentration) (ETC Group),
Proposed technofixes include ECONEXUS
geoengineering (ocean fertilization, Ms. Ribeiro Silvia
20.15– Sandia
stratospheric aerosols and cloud [email protected]
21.45 (Cancunmesse
whitening) as well as synthetic biology, (+1 613 2412267)
Hall C)
biofuels, biochar and GE monocultures
across millions of hectares. Hear how the
impacts of these "solutions" could be
worse than those of climate change itself.
- 27 -

Climate technologies: research results University of Sussex - Sussex

and policy options for development and Energy Group, Energy Research
transfer Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)
The negotiations on technology transfer Mr. Jim Watson
have made some progress since [email protected]
Copenhagen. This side-event reviews (+44 1273 873539)
20.15– Jaguar
national and international policy options to
21.45 (Cancunmesse
enhance technology development and
Hall D)
transfer. It draws on new empirical
research by ECN (Netherlands) and the
Sussex Energy Group (UK), and analyses
key options such as low carbon innovation

Biochar's mitigation and adaptation International Biochar Initiative

potential for global agricultural systems (IBI)
and soil benefits Ms. Debbie Reed
Sustainable biochar systems can enhance [email protected]
agricultural productivity, particularly on (+1 202 7014298)
20.15– Cacao
degraded soils, and enhance adaptation.
21.45 (Cancunmesse
Global biochar projects will be
Hall D)
highlighted, as well as new data on
potential CO2 removals, at long
timescales, from sustainable biochar

Climate change and cities: Science for University Corporation for

adaptation and mitigation Atmospheric Research (UCAR),
Rapid urban growth, particularly in low- Institute for Social and
and middle-income nations, affects climate Environmental Transition (ISET),
20.15– change adaptation and mitigation potential. University of Colorado at Boulder Pitaya
21.45 Research related to resilience, risk, (CU-Boulder) (Cancunmesse
individual and collective obligations, Ms. Rachel Hauser Hall C)
governance and the role of cities and [email protected]
adaptive capacity of urban populations will (+1 303 4971117)
be the focus of this discussion.

Introducing global mechanisms for ICLEI-Local Governments for

measurable, reportable, verifiable local Sustainability (ICLEI)
climate action Mr. Yunus Arikan
Local authorities worldwide move to the [email protected]
next phase of concrete climate action at the (+49 151 50750004)
20.15– Monarca
World Mayors Summit on Climate in
21.45 (Cancunmesse
Mexico City on 21 November 2010. The
Hall D)
summit will launch global mechanisms to
formulate measurable, verifiable and
reportable local climate action now, up to
and beyond 2012.
- 28 -

Interviews at the Climate Change Studio

In order to channel the dynamic and engaging views and ideas of participants, the secretariat has continued the
“Climate Change Studio” – a platform that provides an opportunity for applicants to be interviewed briefly by
a professional journalist on actions, solutions, observations and issues that impact on climate change. The
Climate Change Studio is located in the exhibition area in Cancunmesse. For further information and
scheduling of an interview, please contact Mr. Vineet Topa at the Side Events and Exhibits Coordination
Office (Cancunmesse Hall C) or via email at [email protected].

Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue

With informed decision making and Marmara University
end-use efficiency 100% renewable Tanay Sidki Uyar, Vice President
energy is possible WWEA
Planning the future energy mix with the [email protected]
technologies of the future Climate
Internalization of external costs Change Studio
Education for 100% renewable energy (Cancunmesse
Removing harmful subsidies Hall C)
Preventing dislocation of obsolete
technologies from one country to another
Storage of renewable energies.

Hydropower’s role in Mitigation and International Hydropower

Adaptation Association
Hydro’s role in mitigation is well known, Cameron Ironside
as a renewable energy source itself, and as [email protected]
an enabler for other renewable energies, (+44 77 8715 5524) Climate
13.00– and renewable energy systems. However, Change Studio
13.20 hydro’s role in adaptation is only now (Cancunmesse
becoming clear. A key adaptation question Hall C)
is how to manage water, either too much or
too little of it. Hydro has a vital role to
play in both scenarios.

FUTURE CLIMATE – an international Danish Society of Engineers

engineering project Dr. Alison Cooke, CEng
How should we meet, on the one hand, FIMechE, Research Manager
global energy demands and yet still limit Energy Efficiency in the built
the global temperature rise to within 2°c? Environment Climate
13.20– Future Climate is an international [email protected] Change Studio
13.40 engineering project which so far represents Ms. Pernille Hagedorn (Cancunmesse
approaching half million engineers from Rasmussen, [email protected] Hall C)
10 countries. Dr. Brian Vad Mathiesen,
We provide data to enable national energy [email protected]
plans to be developed.
- 29 -

Real success in minus cost and high Centre for Climate Change and
GHG reduction action – vegan diet Environmental Studies
The whole world focuses mostly on Chu, Lei
energy, industry & transportation, yet if we [email protected]
look at water, land, forest, ocean, food &
ecosystem, livestock industry damages
33% to 70% of these human survival
dependent environmental cycling elements Climate
and is the mother cause of all causes. Change Studio
Changing diet can recover forest, land and (Cancunmesse
ocean’s CO2 sequestration ability in an Hall C)
immediate term which resolves the present
problems and thus be the foundation for
long term development of green energy
and technology. Real successes to share
with governments & civic society for

Living up to the Educational Challenge Earth Child Institute

of Article 6: Preparing children and Donna Goodman
young people for climate change [email protected]
The interview will report outcomes from (+1 203 376 9177)
the 2 December side event of the same
name, underscoring the importance of Climate
Article 6 implementation through school Change Studio
programmes and out of school innovations. (Cancunmesse
Highlighting intergenerational action, child Hall C)
participation and the importance of
partnerships as a key strategy to national
capacity development, looking to raise
their priority for negotiators.

The importance of flexible mechanisms Project Developer Forum

to assure effective GHG mitigation in Philipp Hauser, Senior Manager
the energy sector Carbon Credits
Energy generation in emerging countries GDF SUEZ Energy Latin America
15.20– will triple by 2030. Incentives for clean (+55 21 3974 5443)
Change Studio
15.40 growth are needed to prevent the [email protected]
installation of GHG intensive assets.
Hall C)
National policies in combination with the
CDM are a first step towards more
efficient market mechanisms.

Animal welfare and climate change World Society for the protection
What is animal welfare and why it matters of Animals (WSPA)
to animals, people and the environment. Max Brandt
How animals and those that look after maxbrandt@wspa- Climate
them are negatively impacted by international.org Change Studio
climate change. (Cancunmesse
How good animal welfare practices can Hall C)
help reduce greenhouse gas
- 30 -

Hope for the Near-Term Climate: A Climate Policy Center

Prototype Financing Mechanism for Rafe Pomerance, President, Clean
Methane Air - Cool Planet, and former
The urgency of slowing warming in the senior U.S./Kyoto climate
Arctic and Himalayas has focused negotiator. Climate
17.00– attention on the need for rapid reductions rpomerance@cleanair- Change Studio
17.20 in methane. Methane Panel member Rafe coolplanet.org (Cancunmesse
Pomerance discusses plans for a prototype Hall C)
methane financing facility; and its
potential to hold global temperature rise
below 2 degrees.

Japan’s 25% GHG Emission Reduction Citizens’ Alliance for Saving the
Target can be Achieved Domestically! Atmosphere and the Earth
17.20– We show the result of our ‘CASA 2020 (CASA)
Change Studio
17.40 Model’ simulation, the potentials Masatake Uezono, Director
of GHG emission reduction in Japan by (+81-6-6910-6301)
Hall C)
domestic actions. [email protected]

Other events
Descriptions of the events listed below have been reproduced as received, and without formal editing.

Mexican pavilion
Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue
Mexico's key policy instrument results: Ministry of Environment and
Special Climate Change Program 2009- Natural Resources of Mexico
2012 Lourdes García Mexican
11.00– Speakers: Juan Elvira Quesada, Minister of [email protected] Pavilion
12.30 Environment and Natural Resources; (Cancunmesse
Fernando Tudela, Undersecretary of Hall D)
Planning and Environmental Policy

Towards low carbon cities in Mexico Ministry of Social Development of

Speakers: Sara Topelson, SEDESOL; Mexico (CONAVI and Mexican
13.00– Ariel Cano, CONAVI; SEMARNAT) Pavilion
14.30 Sandra Herrera, SEMARNAT; Lourdes García (Cancunmesse
Javier Gavito, SHF [email protected] Hall D)

Tequila: Waste and renewable energy Concesiones del Sureste

Speakers: Francisco Xavier Villaseñor and Lourdes García
15.30– Pavilion
Ramón Eduardo Sandoval. Tasting [email protected]
17.00 (Cancunmesse
Hall D)

Brazilian pavilion
Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue
CDM in the context of the national Government of Santa Catarina,
mitigation policy, the case of Santa Brazil Brazilian
11.00– Catarina Mr. Guilherme Dallacosta Pavillion
12.00 The event will present CDM projects [email protected] (Cancunmesse
developed in the State of Santa Catarina. (+55 48 3029 9081) Hall D)

Video exibition Brazilian Sugarcane Industry

Ethanol made from sugarcane is an ideal Association Brazilian
12.30– renewable fuel that can help reduce Mrs. Jeanine Souza Pavillion
12.45 greenhouse gases while diversifying [email protected] (Cancunmesse
World's energy resources (+55 11 3093 4949) Hall D)
- 31 -

Amazon fund Brazilian Development Bank

The main objective of the Amazon Fund is (BNDES)
to foster projects that contribute directly or Mrs. Ana Luiza Landin
indirectly to the conservation and [email protected] Brazilian
14.30– sustainable use of forests in the Amazon (+55 21 2172 7552) Pavillion
15.15 biome through non-reimbursable (Cancunmesse
financing. Fundraising for the Amazon Hall D)
Fund is grounded on the effective
reduction of CO2 emissions.

Businesses avenues towards a low Brazilian National Confederation

carbon economy in Brazil of Industry
Round table between the Brazilian Mrs. Paula Bennati
Business Council for Sustainable [email protected]
Development, Center of Sustainability at (+49 1761 027 9439)
15.45– Pavillion
Fundação Getúlio Vargas and Brazilian
17.00 (Cancunmesse
National Confederation of Industry about
Hall D)
current challenges regarding low carbon
management by companies in Brazil and
possible future scenarios.

Renewable energy in Brazil: Department of Energy, Brazilian

Contributions for reduction of Ministry of External Relations
greenhouse gases emissions Mr. André Correa do Lago
18.00– Pavillion
The event will present an overview of [email protected]
19.30 (Cancunmesse
Brazilian efforts and achievements in the (+55 61 3411 8989)
Hall D)
development of renewable energies.

EU pavilion
Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue
The Polar Explorer Polar Cap Productions
The Polar Explorer is a film that reports on Ms Jordana Aarons
the latest scientific research related to [email protected]
climate change done in the Arctic and (+416 480 1996)
Antarctica. With data as recent as three
EU Pavilion
09.00– weeks ago, this film provides some Mr Mark Terry
10.00 alarming new information about our [email protected]
Hall D)
melting ice caps. Filmmakers Mark Terry (+416 480 1996)
and Jordana Aarons will conduct a Q&A
following the screening. Total time of
session: 1 hour.

Creating public goods for renewable German Federal Ministry for the
energies the Global Solar and Wind Environment, Nature
Atlas and the long-term strategy for Conservation and Nuclear
joint capacity-building Safety, Spanish Ministry of
The Multilateral Solar and Wind (S&W) Industry, Tourism and Trade and
Working Group was established in June Danish Ministry for Climate and
2010 to implement the action plans on Energy EU Pavilion
S&W energy technologies mandated by Mr Martin Schoepe (Cancunmesse
the MEF. Thirteen countries are already [email protected] Hall D)
involved and this has given rise to a lively (+49 30 18 305 36 40)
exchange between politics and science
initially focusing on a concept for a global
S&W Atlas and a long-term strategy on
joint capacity-building.
- 32 -

Engaging the private sector in climate European Commission – DG

change mitigation activities Enterprise and Industry
This side event will discuss a recent study Ms Anna Sole Mena
on how to increase the private sector’s role [email protected]
in the UNFCCC. It will also provide (+ 32 2 29 66 501)
EU Pavilion
13.00– information on EU plans to standardise the
15.00 measurement of GHG emissions and
Hall D)
explore possibilities for public-private
partnerships, industrial sector-specific
co-operative mitigation activities and
private capacity-building programmes.

Under which conditions are REDD+ Office National des Forêts

projects feasible? (ONF), France
How to launch REDD+ projects will be the Mr Clement Chenost
focus of this side event. It will gather [email protected]
experiences and insights from REDD+ (+ 33 61 61 75 000) EU Pavilion
project developers, public and private (Cancunmesse
banks, and tropical country authorities. Hall D)
The publication REDD+ at the project
scale: assessment and development guide
will be presented.

What’s new in financing climate United Nations Environment

change? Global figures and concrete Programme (UNEP), Global
innovations Climate Partnership Fund
National and international financial (KfW), European Investment
institutions and experts will discuss recent Bank (EIB), Nordic
global data on international public climate Environment
finance. The event will look at concrete Finance Corporation (NEFCO), EU Pavilion
investments and financing innovations Japan International Cooperation (Cancunmesse
which meet developing countries’ needs. Agency (JICA) and Agence Hall D)
française de développement
Mr Oliver Grandvoinet
[email protected]
(+ 33 607 44 83 73)
- 33 -

U.S. Center Events

Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue
Local partnerships for city adaptation National Oceanic and
and air pollution megacities Atmospheric Administration
In comparing the air over Mexico City and (NOAA)
Los Angeles, NASA and NOAA found U.S. Center Meeting room,
that there are win-win scenarios for [email protected] U.S. Center
9.30– improving air quality and helping to (Cancunmesse
11.30 reduce climate change; and there are future Hall D)
scenarios that should be avoided. This
session will focus on the information
needed to make decisions.

Climate change and health National Institute for

The U.S. has expanded its activities on the Environmental Health Sciences
health aspects of climate change and is (NIEHS)
Meeting room,
making a strong commitment to U.S. Center
U.S. Center
11.45– minimizing public health consequences. [email protected]
13.15 Speakers will discuss current
Hall D)
understanding of health and climate
change, and international activities for
preventing adverse health outcomes.

Climate services and disaster risk National Oceanic and

management Atmospheric Administration
Driven by the rising economic and human (NOAA)
costs of disasters, humanitarian actors are U.S. Center Meeting room,
shifting from a response paradigm toward [email protected] U.S. Center
14.30– policies and strategies that include (Cancunmesse
16.00 preparedness and prevention. Climate and Hall D)
humanitarian partnerships have resulted in
improved outcomes in Asia, Africa and
Latin America.

The energy of the future: U.S. Department

U.S. technologies and products lead in U.S. Center
many areas. This event shows what the [email protected] Meeting room,
U.S. has to offer in renewable energy U.S. Center
16.15– products including: biofuels, green (Cancunmesse
17.45 buildings, IT, wind, solar, and grid- Hall D)
technologies. These are current U.S.
technologies that can show how GHG
emissions will be reduced.

Global mobilization in response to ocean Scripps Institute of Oceanography

acidification [email protected]
Scripps Oceanography, Plymouth Marine
Meeting room,
Laboratory and colleagues highlight the
17.45– latest research into potential biological and
U.S. Center
19.15 (Cancunmesse
socio-economic impacts, and action being
Hall D)
taken by world governments to understand
future threats from ocean acidification.
- 34 -

• The State of the Climate U.S. Center

In • Adapting to Climate Change: What’s [email protected]
rotation: Next? Exhibit room,
10.00– • International Collaboration for U.S. Center
13.00 Enhanced Decision Making (Cancunmesse
• Mitigating Climate Change: Hall D)
14.00– Observations Around the World
18.00 • Using Remotely-Sensed Data to
Inform Decisions

Rio Conventions' Ecosystems and Climate Change Pavilion

The Rio Conventions' Ecosystems and Climate Change Pavilion is a collaborative outreach activity
involving the Rio Convention secretariats, the Global Environment Facility and other important partners. In
Cancun, the Ecosystems Pavilion will have a physical ‘base’ at Cancunmesse, but also has events at other
locations, providing a diverse range of opportunities to discuss the linkages between biodiversity, climate
change and sustainable land management.

During the course of COP 16/CMP 6, negotiators and other key decision-makers, scientists, and practitioners
will be able to discuss the links between forest biodiversity and adaptation and mitigation; the role of oceans;
indigenous peoples and communities, water, the role of protected areas, climate change biodiversity loss,
desertification and land degradation, and financing. A full programme is available at

Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue

Addressing climate change and REDD+ Tebtebba Foundation
using indigenous peoples' traditional Mr. Raymond de Chavez
knowledge and practices [email protected]
The side event will highlight how (+63 74 4447703) Mamey
indigenous peoples are addressing climate (Cancunmesse
change and REDD+ in various regions of Hall C)
the world using their traditional

Emerging scientific findings and International Council for Science

ongoing dialogue with the research (ICSU)
community Ms. Ada Ignaciuk
Convened by the ESSP and its ICSU [email protected]
interdisciplinary bodies (DIVERSITAS, (+33 1 40798042)
11.30– Monarca
IGBP, IHDP, WCRP), this session is part
13.00 (Cancunmesse
of an ongoing dialogue (under UNFCCC
Hall D)
SBSTA) between the Parties and the
global change research programmes,
including updates on emerging scientific
findings from the research community.

Introducing global mechanisms for ICLEI-Local Governments for

measurable, reportable, verifiable local Sustainability (ICLEI)
climate action Mr. Yunus Arikan
Local authorities worldwide move to the [email protected]
next phase of concrete climate action at the (+49 151 50750004)
20.15– Monarca
World Mayors Summit on Climate in
21.45 (Cancunmesse
Mexico City on 21 November 2010. The
Hall D)
summit will launch global mechanisms to
formulate measurable, verifiable and
reportable local climate action now, up to
and beyond 2012.
- 35 -

BINGO events
Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue
The International Council of Chemical International Council of Chemical
Associations will present its carbon life- Associations
cycle study, showing greenhouse gas Innovation for Low Carbon
emissions and abatement opportunities. Pathways (ICCA)
10.00– room
ICCA will also brief on its plans for Mr. Peter Botschek
12.00 (Cancunmesse
further work in 2011 on IEA technology [email protected]
Hall D)
roadmaps in catalysis, building efficiency,
and biomass.

Other activities
Descriptions of the events listed below have been reproduced as received, and without formal editing.

Please note that the UNFCCC Secretariat now requires proposals for NGO activities and actions to be received
at least two days in advance.

Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue

Greenpeace challenge: Greenpeace
Morewalklesstalk Naomi Goodman
Greenpeace is hosting [email protected]
All day Exhibit Booth
"morewalklesstalk" a competition to (+316-2494-1044)
find the person and the country that
Hall C)
covers the most ground in Cancún!

Time for Climate Justice Photo Christian Aid

Exhibition Mariana Paoli
Poor people in developing countries are [email protected]
suffering first and worst from the (+447864288457)
consequences of climate change, yet they Cancunmesse
All day have done least to cause the problem. Hall C (close to
Around the world people are speaking up cafeteria)
for climate justice. World leaders must
deliver. Check the Time for Climate
Justice Campaign photo exhibit.

UNCCD COP10 Secretariat of United Nations

UNCCD COP10 will be held in Korea, Oct Convetion to Combat
2011. We invite you to a photo-taking Desertification
Hall C
session, where you can wear a Korean Mr. Sergio A. Zelaya Bonilla
All day (Next to
wedding costume – twice a day! 10 to 11 [email protected]
a.m. & 15 to 16 p.m. Visit us for (+49 173 268 7592)
publications, materials and souvenirs.

Youth And Climate Change In Liberia Action Against Climate Change

Climate Change
The role and understanding of Liberian Yurfee Shaikalee
11.30– Studio
youth in the discussions of climate change [email protected]
12.00 Cancunmesse
at COP 16.
Hall C
- 36 -

+ Degrees of Separation: Fundación IPADE

CINEMA PLANETA Screening of Anne-Marie Melster
Naica, viaje a la cueva de los cristales & anne-marie.melster@artport-
Érase una vez el océano project.org
The collaborative program of Fundación (045-554-0236497)
IPADE, ARTPORT_making waves and
CINEMA PLANETA will present a
selection of international environmental
films, art videos and documentaries. Naica
talks about a group of speleologists,
scientists, and filmmakers who are
obsessed with finding the Crystal Cave,
which lies 300 meters below the Naica
13.00– Theater
mountains in Northern Mexico. Its giant
14.40 Cancunmesse
crystals took millions of years to form. At
50° C and 100% humidity, the cave
presents a lethal environment for human
life. Érase una vez el océano is the story of
a little girl, determined to break a spell that
made everyone forget about the
importance of the ocean. She embarks on a
journey to the sea with a magical shell that
shows her how we depend on the ocean,
which is under threat. In the end, she
teaches us how we can save the ocean, and

SEI BOOTH TALK Stockholm Environment Institute

The Tiempo programme: Bridging climate and International Institute for
14:45– science and policy in developing countries/ Environment and Development SEI booth 183,
15:15 Saleemul Huq introduces the global and Cancunmesse
francophone Tiempo bulletins and the web Hall C
portal, and presents future plans.

Outside events
Descriptions of the events listed below have been reproduced as received, and without formal editing.

Seminar: Food Security, Farming & International Food Policy Gran Meliá
CC/Launch: Agriculture's Vulnerability Research Institute Cancun -
to CC in Sub-Saharan Africa Susan Buzzelli Lanzarote
08.00–09.45. a.m. Discussion of new food [email protected] Room
security report with Andrew Steer (World (+1 626-487-9681) (Kukulcan
Bank), Lloyd le Page (CGIAR), Sam Boulevard, km
Bickersteth (DFID) & Gerald Nelson 16.5; Shuttle
(IFPRI). Bus #2)
10.15–12.00 p.m. Launch of new country The Lanzarote
reports on SSA with Lindiwe Majele room is located
Sibanda (FANRPAN), Nelson & country on the lower
report authors. Refreshments. level in the
- 37 -

Degrees of Separation: CINEMA Fundación IPADE

PLANETA screening of Érase una vez el Anne-Marie Melster
océano & Venado anne-marie.melster@artport-
Playa del
The collaborative program of Fundación project.org
Carmen / Sala 1
IPADE, ARTPORT_making waves and (045-5540236497)
18.00– Carr. Federal #
CINEMA PLANETA will present a
19.30 2100 Manzana
selection of international environmental
1 Lote 1, Mpo.
films, art videos and documentaries
produced by several film makers and
$20 pesos

+ Degrees of Separation: Fundación IPADE

Screening of ARTPORT_COOL Anne-Marie Melster
STORIES II & CINEMA PLANETA anne-marie.melster@artport-
México, el último país mágico project.org
The collaborative program of Fundación (045-554-0236497)
IPADE, ARTPORT_making waves and
CINEMA PLANETA will present a
selection of international environmental
Playa del
films, art videos and documentaries.
Carmen / Sala 1
Carr. Federal #
20.00– 2100 Manzana
compilation of 17 short videos created by
21.30 1 Lote 1, Mpo.
international artists, giving an overview of
current video art on Global Warming
$20 pesos
worldwide. The artists used a wide variety
of techniques to illustrate their view on the
topic. México el último país mágico
describes 3000 years of Mexican history
including the natural wonders of deserts,
djungels, coastal areas, mountains, valleys
and the respective local architecture,
culture and religions.

Climate Change Village

The Climate Change Village hosts a full programme of thematic expositions, conferences and debates on
climate change and includes a range of cultural and artistic events and exhibits. Among the thousands of
visitors are delegates from the COP16/CMP6, non-governmental organizations, media, tourists, and Cancun
residents. To get to the Climate Change Village take Bus 8 from Cancunmesse to the Marriot Courtyard and
then change to shuttle V1.

Time Title/Theme Organizer Venue

11.00– Visual Petition for Climate Justice Mexico
12.00 Poliforum/
More information: Forum 50
[email protected]

11.00– Conference "México Pelágico" Mexico

12.00 Poliforum/
More information: Forum 100
[email protected]

11.00– Mariachi and versatile group of the Mexico

11.15 Secretary of the Navy Cultural Events
More information: Forum
[email protected]
- 38 -

11.15– Movie: “Mexico, the last magical country” Mexico

12.00 2008 Cultural Events
More information: Forum
[email protected]

12.00– Visitors as Agents of Change Mexico

13.00 Cultural Events
More information: Forum
[email protected]

12.30– Environmental Film Festival Mexico

United Peoples More information: Gymnasium
Estela Siempre Viva la Semilla [email protected]

13.00– Conference: “History and Facts of Mexico

14.00 Biofuels in Mexico” Poliforum/
More information: Forum 50
[email protected]

14.00– Official Forum From the Perspective of Mexico

16.00 Mexican Youth Poliforum/
More information: Forum 100
[email protected]

14.00– Conference: Greenriver, Tibet Mexico

16.00 anthropologists Poliforum/
More information: Forum 50
[email protected]

16.00 Environmental Film Festival Mexico

Venado More information: Gymnasium
Campesinos ecologistas [email protected]

16.00– Conference: Mexican regulations Mexico

17.00 regarding climate change Poliforum/
More information: Forum 100
[email protected]

17.00– Interconnected to the CFE’s electric Mexico

18.00 web PV solar energy systems Poliforum/
More information: Forum 100
[email protected]

17.00– Conference "México Pelágico" Mexico

18.00 Cultural Events
More information: Forum
[email protected]

17.00– International Indigenous Peoples Forum Mexico

19.00 Green Forum
More information:
[email protected]

17.00– Workshop: Youth for sustainable cities México

19.00 Poliforum/
More information: Forum 50
[email protected]
- 39 -

18.00– Workshop: “Saving Lives” México

19.00 Poliforum/
More information: Forum 100
[email protected]

19.00– Guest of the Day México

20.00 Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri (IPCC) Green Forum
More information:
[email protected]

Published by the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany
NATIONS Friday, 3 December 2010

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2010

COP 16 and CMP 6
Cancun, 29 November – 10 December 2010

Daily Programme
Part Two

List of speakers for the high-level segment attended by Heads of States

and Heads of Government and other heads of delegation

The list below is the preliminary list of speakers who wish to deliver a statement at the high-level
segment under agenda item 9 of the COP and agenda item 14 of the CMP.

The list is provisionally divided into morning, afternoon to facilitate the organization of the order of

All speakers are reminded to be present in the plenary 10 minutes or at least two speakers prior
to their presentation. They will be escorted by an usher during the presentation of the previous speaker from
the seat of their delegation to a reserved chair close to the podium. Attending Heads of State or Government will
be driven to the VVIP entrance of the Moon Palace Hotel and from there escorted by a Protocol Officer to the
seats of their delegation. The VVIP lounge will also be available for the Heads of State or Government before
delivery of their statements.

Representatives are reminded that statements made during the high-level segment should not exceed the
three-minute limit, as decided by the Conference of the Parties at its first plenary meeting. Given the large
number of statements, it is suggested that statements be as brief and concise as possible, with full texts available
for distribution (see below for the quantities required). If Parties do not wish to speak but would prefer to only
have their statements circulated, the secretariat will make arrangements to distribute the copies and enter the
statement in the records of the Conference.

Parties interested in taking up this offer should communicate their interest to the External Relations
team, located in the Conference Affairs Services office in the Sunrise Lobby (Maya), Moon Palace
(Ms. Grace Ann Smith) by 12.00 on Saturday, 4 December. Any other changes to the speakers’ list should also
be brought to the attention of the External Relations team.

The Daily Programme is available electronically at <unfccc.int/>. Participants are kindly reminded to
consult the CCTV monitors for any last-minute changes to the Daily Programme. In order to reduce paper
consumption, participants are kindly requested to retain copies of documents throughout the sessions.

FCCC/2010/V/OD/5 (Part II)

Please recycle

Parties are requested to note that the secretariat is not in a position to accommodate individual requests
for changes in a Party’s speaking slot. Parties wishing to make a change should arrange to exchange slots with
another Party, and jointly notify the secretariat of the agreement that has been reached.

All Parties are kindly requested to provide the Conference Officer with 20 copies of their statements in
advance to meet the needs of the interpreters and the Conference records. Parties wishing to have their
statements distributed during the plenary meeting are requested to provide 300 copies. These copies may be
delivered to the Conference Officer’s table located beside the podium in the plenary. Statements that are
delivered during the high level segment and for which copies are provided to the secretariat, will also be
available on the COP 16/CMP 6 website at <unfccc.int/>.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

16.30 to 18.00

H.E. Mr. Marcus Stephen


H.E. Mr. Johnson Toribiong


H.E. Mr. Tillman Thomas

Prime Minister
GRENADA on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States

H.E. Mr. Faustin Archange Touadera

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Edward Natapei Tuta Fanu A'riki

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Juan Manuel Santos Calderŏn


H.E. Mr. Raila Amolo Odinga

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Abdulrahman Fadel Al-Eryani

Minister of Water and Environment
YEMEN on behalf of the Group of 77 and China

H.E. Mr. Greg Combet

Minister of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

H.E. Ms. Connie Hedegaard

Commississioner for Climate Action

H.E. Mr. Monyane Moleleki

Minister of Natural Resourcess
LESOTHO on behalf of Least Developed Countries

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

10.00 to 13.00

H.E. Ms. Doris Leuthard

SWITZERLAND and on behalf of the Environmental Integirty Group

H.E. Mr. Maitr Abdoulaue Wade


H.E. Mr. Anote Tong


H.E. Mr. Rafael Correa


H.E. Mr. Denis Sassou-Nguesso


H.E. Mr. Porfirio Lobo Sosa


H.E. Mr. Álvaro Colom Caballeros


H.E. Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo


H.E. Mr. Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Maliegaoi

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Jens Stoltenberg

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Stephenson King

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Meles Zenawi

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Michael Thomas Somare

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Rafael Albuquerque


H.E. Mr. Alik L. Alik

Vice President

H.E. Mr. Idi Nadhdim

Vice President

H.E. Mr. Mohamed Bilal

Vice President

H.E. Mr. Mohammad Javad Mohammadi Zadeh

Vice President

H.E. Mr. Abdulla Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah

Deputy Premier

H.E. Mr. Gaspar Vega

Deputy Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Kenneth Baugh

Deputy Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Enele Sosene Sopoaga

Deputy Prime Minister

H.E. Mr. Shunmugam Jayakumar

Senior Minister

H.E. Mr. Mourad Medelci

Minister of Foreign Affairs

H.E. Mr. Nicolas Maduro Moros

Minister of Foreign Affairs

H.E. Mr. Bruno Eduardo Rodriguez Parrilla

Minister of Foreign Affairs

H.E. Mr. Andreas Carlgren

Minister of Environment

H.E. Ms. Alcinda Antonio de Abreu

Minister of Coordination of Environmental Affairs

H.E. Mr. Stanislas Kamanzi

Minister of Environment and Lands

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

15.00 to 19.00

H.E. Mr. Nick Smith

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Lázló Borbély

Minister of Environment and Forests

H.E. Mr. Joseph Malwal Dong

Minister of Environment, Forestry and Physical Development

H.E. Mr. Roodal Moonilal

Minister of Housing and the Environment

H.E. Mr. Nornert Roettgen

Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

H.E. Mr. Nexhati Jakupi

Minister of Environment and Physical Planning

H.E. Ms. Paula Lehtomaki

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Maged George Ellias Ghatas

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Brahimir Gvozdenovic

Minister of Spatial Planning and Environment

H.E. Mr. Hazem Amin Malhas

Minsiter of Environment

H.E. Mr. Fatmir Mediu

Minister of Environment, Forestry and Water Management

H.E. Mr. Chris Huhne

Secretary of State of Energy and Climate

H.E. Mr. Netumbo Nandi Ndaitwah

Minister of Environment and Tourism

H.E. Mr. Dato' Sri Douglas Uggah Embas

Minister of Natural Resources and Environment

H.E. Mr. Vladimir Tsalko

Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

H.E. Ms. Joke Schauvliege

Minister of Environment, Nature and Culture

H.E. Mr. Xie Zhenhua

Vice Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission

H.E. Mr. Jairam Rameshi

Minister of Environment and Forest

H.E. Mr. Denis S. Lowe

Minister of the Environment, Water Resource Management and Drainage

H.E. Mr. Luimed Gansukh

Minister of Nature, Environment and Tourism

H.E. Ms. Maria Ignacia Benitez

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Mohammed Aslam

Minister of Housing and Environment

H.E. Mr. Devanand Virahsawmy

Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development

H.E. Mr. Giller Tonelli

Minister of Department of Facilities, Urban Planning and Environment

H.E. Ms. Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet

Minister of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development, Transportation and Housing

Mr. Tiemoko Sangaré

Minister of Environment and Sanitation

H.E. Ms. Graciela Muslera

Minister of Housing, Land Planning and Environment

H.E. Mr. Grain Wyson Malunga

Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment

H.E. Mr. Pacôme-Rufin Ondzounga

Minister of Habitat, Housing, Environment and Sustainable Development

H.E. Mr. Pema Gyamthso

Minister of Agriculture and Forests
BHUTAN on behalf of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

H.E. Mr. Sossou Justin Adanmayi

Minister of Environment and Nature Protection

H.E. Mr. Salifou Sawadogo

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Hameedullah Jan Afridi

Minister of Environment

H.E Ms. Maria Mutagamba

Minister of Water and Environment

H.E. Mr. John O. Odey

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Thakur Prasad Sharma

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Tesfai Gebreselassie

Minister of Land, Water and Environment

H.E. Mr. Joop Atsma

State Secretary of Infrastructure and Environment

H.E. Mr. Oliver Dulic

Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning

H.E. Mr. Kossivi Ayikoe

Minister of Environment and Forest Resources

Thursday, 9 December 2010

10.00 to 13.00

H.E. Mr. Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma


H.E. Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili


H.E. Mr. Juan Evo Morales Ayma


H.E. Ms. Laura Chinchilla


H.E. Mr. John Moffat Fugui

Minister of Environment, Cimate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology

H.E. Mr. George Pullicino

Minister of Resources and Rural Affairs

H.E. Mr. John Baird

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Rashid A. Bin Fahad

Minister of Environment and Water

H.E. Mr. Maanee Lee

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Ryu Matsumoto

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Anura Priyadharshana Yapa

Minister of Environemnt

H.E. Mr. Ali Ibrahim Al Naimi

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

H.E. Mr. Todd Stern

Special Envoy for Climate Change of US Department of State

H.E. Mr. Hele Pierre

Minister of Environment and Protection

H.E. Mr. Suwit Khunkitti

Minister of Natural Resources and Environment
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H.E. Mr. Jaanus Tamkivi

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Ahmad Rashed Al-haroon

Minister of Trade and Industry

H.E. Mr. Ciaran Cuffe

Minister of State of Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government

H.E. Ms. Rosa Aguilar

Minister of Environment, and Rural and Marine Affairs

H.E. Ms. Renate Muessner

Minister of Environment

H.E. Ms. Sherry Hanny Ayittey

Minister of Environment, Science and Technology

H.E. Ms. Dulce Pássaro

Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning

H.E. Ms. Amina Benkhadra

Minister of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment

H.E. Ms. Stefania Prestigiacomo

Minister of Environment, Land and Sea

H.E. Mr. Javier Arias Iriarte

Minister of National Environmental Authority

H.E. Mr. Gilad Erdan

Minister of Environmental Protection

H.E. Mr. Demetris Eliades

Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

H.E. Ms. Khempheng Pholsena

Minister of Water Resources and Environment Administration
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H.E. Mr. Ginmardo Kromosoeto

Minister of Labour, Technolofical Development and Environment

H.E. Mr. Greg Combet

Minister of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Thursday, 9 December 2010

15.00 to 19.00

H.E. Mr. Jean-Marie Claude Germain

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Mohammad Rahal

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Herilanto Raveloharison

Minister of Environment and Forests

H.E. Mr. Herman Humberto Rosa Chavez

Minister of Environmental and Natural Resources

H.E. Mr. Ba Housseynou Hamadi

Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development

H.E. Ms. Izabella Teixeira

Minister of Environment

H.E. Ms. Konstantina Birbili

Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change

H.E. Mr. Jean-Marie Nibirantije

Minister of Water, Environment, Land Management and Urbanism

H.E. Mr. Kaoukab Alsabah Daya

Minister of State for Environment Affairs

H.E. Mr. Francis Ounstan Chenayimoyo Nhema

Minister of Environment
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H.E. Ms. Lykke Friis

Minister of Climate and Energy

H.E. Mr. Samuela Alivereti Saumatua

Minister of Local Government, Urban Development, Housing and Environment

H.E. Mr. Abdulrahman Fadel Al-Eryani

Minister of Water and Environment

H.E. Ms. Catherine Namugala

Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources

H.E. Mr. Jato Sillah

Minister of Forestry and the Environment

H.E. Mr. Veysel Eroglu

Minister of Environment and Forestry

H.E. Mr. Nikolaus Berlakovich

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

H.E. Ms. Maria de Fatima Jardim

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Toktoraliev Biimyrza

Minister of State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry

H.E. Mr. Jozsef Nagy

Minister of Environment

H.E. Mr. Hussein Baghirov

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources

H.E. Mr. João Mendes Gonçalves

Minister of Economy and Development

H.E. Mr. Claude Wiseler

Minister of Sustainable Development and Infastructure
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H.E. Mr. Monyane Moleleki

Minister of Natural Resources

H.E. Mr. Ahmat Mahamat Karambal

Minister of Water

H.E. Mr. Ruben R. Zackhras

Minister in the office of the President

H.E. Mr. Ogunlade Davidson

Minister of Energy and Water Resources

H.E. Mr. Kaza Abdou

Minister of Water, Environment and Combating Desertification

Mr. Dion P. Taufitu

Minister of Meteorology and Climate Change Department

Mr. Alexander Bedritsky

Adviser to the President, Administration of the President

Mr. Ha Hong Tran

Vice Minister of Natural Resources and Environment

Mr. Ivo Hlavac

Deputy Minister of Environment

Mr. Jorge Lara Castro

Vice Minister of External Relations

Mr. Corneliu Marza

Deputy Minister of Environment

Ms. Eldana Makinovna Sadvakassova

Acting Minister of Envrionmental Protection

H.E. Mr. Nikola Ružinski

State Secretary of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction
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Mr. Janusz Zalewski

Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Environment

H.E. Mr. Ronald Jumeau

Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Seychelles to the United Nations

Mr. Adel Khalifa Yusuf Khalifa Al Zayani

Director General, Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment and Wildlife

Mr. Hugi Olafsson

Director, Office of Policy and International Affairs of Environment

Mr. Jernej Orlenko

Director, Government Office Of Climate Change

Mr. Mahmad Safarov

Director, of State Organization on Hydrometeorology

Ms. Mary Ann Lucille Sering

Commissioner and Vice-Chairperson of the Climate Change Commission

Mr. Shokri Ghanem

Secretary of National Oil Corporation of National Oil Corporation

H.E. Mr. Abas Basir

Deputy Director General, National Environment Protection Agency

Mr. Sergii Orlenko

Head, National Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine


H.E. Mr. Riyad Mansour

Ambassador, Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations

Published by the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany

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