Margaret Paul - Taking The Lid Off Your Feelings

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04/02/2020 Taking The Lid Off Your Feelings

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Taking The Lid Off Your Member Name

Feelings ••••••••

By Dr. Margaret Paul

March 17, 2019
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Is it hard for you to feel deep joy? Discover that keeping a lid on your pain also
prevents you from experiencing your joy.

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Daily Inspiration
For a
moment, go
Spirit speaks to us in many ways and our
back to feelings are one of those ways. Anxiety and
shame may be letting you know that you are off
being a little track in your thinking, that you are telling
child and yourself things that you do not know to be true.
Anger and depression may be letting you know
remember... that there are some ways you are not taking
loving care of yourself. Peace, joy, fullness of
remember heart and lightness of being let you know that
an adult you are loving yourself and you are in harmony
with the truth of Spirit.
By Dr. Margaret Paul
unloving to


Inner Bonding
(parent, other caregiver, teacher, relative, religious figure, or some other adult in
authority) yells at you.
An adult invalidates you.
An adult ignores you. Image Title
An adult ridicules, judges, criticizes you.
An adult molests you. "We Can't
An adult hits you, beats you, or physically harms you in some other way. Communicate"
By Dr. Margaret Paul
An adult abandons you.
An adult forces you to do things you don't want to do.
An adult uses you emotionally, smothering you, sucking the life out of you.

...or any other violating, harmful, abusive behavior. 1/4
04/02/2020 Taking The Lid Off Your Feelings

How did you feel? Image Title

If you really let yourself go back, you will become aware of the deep heartbreak within your
Healing Your
little body - the heartbreak that you could not allow yourself to feel at that time because it
Aloneness: The
was to big to manage.
Inner Bonding
So you blocked it out in any number of ways, developing your wounded self: Workshop
By Dr. Margaret Paul
You told yourself you were bad or wrong - that it was your fault you were being harmed
because you were unlovable, flawed, defective, inadequate, unworthy of love.
How to Become
You left your body and became focused in your mind, numb to your feelings.
Strong Enough To
You turned to various addictions - fantasizing, daydreaming, food - and later to alcohol,
drugs, sex, and other addictions.
By Dr. Margaret Paul
You became a "good child", completely losing yourself and becoming what adults
wanted you to be.
You become like your abusers, abusing others when you could. Anger and Inner
Bonding - Audio
By Dr. Margaret Paul

The aliveness and joy of your soul dimmed and you forgot what it was like
to be truly joyful

Now you can heal this with Inner Bonding. Right now, go back to the heartbreak of
childhood. Put your hand on your heart, opening to Spirit, inviting in love and compassion for
your little heartbroken child. Find the kind, caring, tender, gentle place in your heart for your
own heartbreak. Become the loving parent to your child that you needed when you were a
child. Give your child all the acceptance he or she is needing right now. Tell your child the
truth from your heart, allowing Spirit to speak through you:

"My sweet little one, it wasn't your fault. There was nothing wrong with you. You were
not bad. The adults took their pain and woundedness out on you. You were helpless
over them. They didn't know how to love. Of course you were heartbroken. My
wonderful little one, you deserved love then and you deserve love now. Spirit was
always with us, sustaining us. I am here now, and I love you."

Go through as many memories as you can, embracing the heartbreak with deep gentleness
toward your child. As each starts to move through, consciously release the heartbreak to

By opening to your authentic, existential pain, you are opening your heart to
your joy and your ability to love...

However, it is not enough to embrace the heartbreak of the past. Now you need to learn to
stay present in your body and embrace the core pain in the present. Each day, interactions
with people and events may be heartbreaking. They may cause loneliness, grief, heartache,
sadness, sorrow, and helplessness over others and situations. If you continue to protect
against these core existential painful feelings, you will continue to keep your heart closed,
which keeps the lid on your joy, love, passion, aliveness, personal power and emotional

You will discover that embracing your core existential pain is not nearly as hard as dealing
with the wounded pain that you create with all your protections against your core pain.

Core pain and core joy live in the same place in the heart. When you compassionately
embrace the pain, you open to the joy that is your birthright.

Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her 30-Day at-home Course: "Love Yourself: An Inner
Bonding Experience to Heal Anxiety, Depression, Shame, Addictions and

Join IBVillage to connect with others and receive compassionate help and support for
learning to love yourself. 2/4
04/02/2020 Taking The Lid Off Your Feelings


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04/02/2020 Taking The Lid Off Your Feelings


Feb-03: What Are You Waiting
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Spirit speaks to us in many
Jan-27: Releasing Pain - ways and our feelings are one 03/06/2020 07:30 PM
Essential for Physical and of those ways. Anxiety and West Coast Inner Bonding
Emotional Health shame may be letting you know Weekend Workshop
Dr. Margaret Paul
that you are off track in your
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Victor Granville's Inner
or Freedom? yourself things that you do not Bonding London Workshop
know to be true. Anger and Victor Granville
Jan-14: Choosing to be a depression may be letting you 04/01/2020 10:00 AM
Loving Adult know that there are some ways Loveland, Colorado 5-Day
you are not taking loving care of Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul
yourself. Peace, joy, fullness of
heart and lightness of being let All Inner Bonding Events
you know that you are loving
yourself and you are in harmony
with the truth of Spirit.

By Dr. Margaret Paul

More About Inner Bonding

Inner Bonding is a proven six-step self-healing process that has been
developed and optimized over 30 years by Dr. Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
and Dr. Erika Chopich, Ph.D. It’s comprehensive. It’s practical. And it
always works when you do it.

Inner Bonding empowers you to self-heal the root causes of anxiety,

depression, addictions, failed relationships and many other problems
that inhibit your personal and spiritual growth and satisfaction. It
teaches you how to love yourself rather than continue to abandon
yourself, how to move beyond emotional dependency and attain
emotional freedom, and how to heal the underlying control issues
stemming from self-abandonment.

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