Paul Harris - The One and Only
Paul Harris - The One and Only
Paul Harris - The One and Only
Proudly Manufactured by
Yendor's World of Magic, Ltd.
1229 East 305th Street
Willowick, Ohio 44092
Phone & Fax: (440) 585-2463
Email: yendors'l
Distributed by
Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
of Diamonds (you already know that you must turn the envelope over to the "rear" side to pull out the red-
side-up cards).
Step 5: Once you have pulled out the correct "0 & 0" card and shown the envelope empty, you can finish as usual
by replacing the card into its envelope compartment and sealing the flap. If you feel like taunting the gods
you can drop the open envelope onto the table. We seldom have had anyone pick up the envelope ... and when
they do they never give it more than a moments glance because it seems so innocent. But there's always a
first time.
If you want to exercise all of your options at once you can do this version with the torn half card in the
envelope as described in the original handling under "The Selection Process In A Nutshell" ("0 & 0"
Notes:). But that may be a level of weirdness way beyond the abilities of a mere mortal to withstand.
"0 &0" Note: The envelope is not a perfect square (to make sure it will fit into your shirt pocket). This means that
two of the dividers are slightly larger than the other two. So if you want to put the dividers back into the envelope
make sure that each divider goes into the envelope compartment it was made for.
Paul Harris is inspired by Kenton Knepper's wonderful "Kolossal Killer" to develop an invisible deck
presentation ... without the deck. While hanging out with his buddy Tony MacLaren, Paul comes up with the idea of
super thin double-faced and double-ended cards in some sort of a gaffed envelope... with some kind of high/low
P.H. hands the idea over to Tony who develops the first process-of-elimination script, creates a gaffed envelope, and
some elegant ways to handle the double-enders.
Rod Whitlock uses Tony's ideas as a starting point to develop his own "magician proof' script for "The One &
Only" ...and just for fun, invents a diabolically clever and unique approach to the gaffed envelope.
Bunches of magicians audience test "The One & Only" with fantastic results. Their only complaint being that the
paper envelopes wear-out after awhile.
Rod discovers that he can make the special envelopes out of semi-indestructible Dupont Tyvek.
On the day thousands of special thin cards are to be printed, Paul re-ponders his original position and realizes that the
handling would be massively streamlined by eliminating the double-enders ... and would be perfect using only the
Paul prepares to drastically cut down on his "aimlessly-wandering-around" budget in order to pay for a second run of
Paul and Rod decide that the best way to figure out which card is where in the envelope is to use the return address
and the cancelled stamp as a cueing system.
Tim Trono contributes his very own counterfeit cancellation stamp. No one knows why Tim has his very own fake
cancellation stamp (This matter has been turned over to the appropriate postal authorities.).
Additional "One & Only" envelopes are available at $12.00 each plus $1.00 shipping and handling from
Vendor's World of Magic, Ltd..
(specify if you want the envelope completely blank or stamped and return addressed).
Step 2: Remove all the cards and hang onto the two double-faced Jacks and the two double-faced Queens. Insert
these four cards into the four envelope pockets as follows. The black printed side of the envelope is facing
up. Put the Spade-side-up Queen into the flap that's to the right of the postage stamp.
Put the Club-side-up Queen into the pocket above the postage stamp (the top pocket that's correctly oriented
with the writing on the envelope).
Put the Club-side-up Jack into the envelope's bottom pocket (the one directly opposite the Queen of Clubs
pocket at the top).
And finally, the Spades-side-up Jack goes into the remaining left side pocket (the pocket opposite the Queen
of Spades).
Step 3: The script stays the same as the original until your spectator has narrowed the invisible deck down to the Jack,
Queen, King and Ace of just one suit. It is at this point that you must change the script to get your spectator
to end up with the Jack or the Queen of her chosen suit. Here is what you must say:
"You're in the home stretch now! You only have two tears to go. Would you like to tear up the Jack and the
Queen or the King and the Ace?"
If She Says She Wants To Tear Up The King And The Ace
"Okay, go ahead and rip up those two cards and toss them!"
"You now have only two cards left in your hands, the Jack and the Queen of (suit remaining). I
want you to tear them both up and throw all but one of the pieces away. Is that piece from the Jack or the
If She Says She Wants To Tear Up The Jack And The Queen
"Fine, which one of those two cards would you like to tear up first? Okay, go ahead and rip it up and toss the
"You now have only one card left in your hand, the of (card remaining). Tear it up
and throw all but one of the pieces away. "
Step 4: Now you just have to open the correct flap and pull out the card. Here's the system for locating the right flap
to access the selected card.
We already know that the black printed side of the envelope is the black suits (Clubs and Spades) side. The
Statue of Liberty on the postage stamp means that the Queens are nearby. The right side of the stamp is near
the flap for the Queen of Spades. The §. in "§.ide" reminds us that the Queen is a fu'ade.
Once we know where the Queen of Spades is we automatically know where the Queen of Clubs is...because
it's the only other Queen that's next to the postage stamp (the flap above the stamp).
The two Jacks are directly opposite the Queens of the same suit. The Jack of Spades is directly opposite the
Queen of Spades and the Jack of Clubs the envelope compartment directly opposite the Queen of Clubs.
So once you know where the Queen of Spades is you can instantly locate the other three black cards.
If you need to locate a red card simply remember that Spades are paired with Hearts and Clubs are paired with
Diamonds ("SH" and "CD"). You still take your cue from the stamp. You know where the Queen of Spades
is ... and under the Queen of Spades is the Queen of Hearts. Likewise under the Queen of Clubs is the Queen
Tony MacLaren's approach features a very direct hit when the spectator wants to tear up the Jacks through Aces.
The tens and below option is also very strong ... with the added fun of allowing a spectator to eat an "invisible
chocolate deck". Depending on the crowd you can have your spectator eat an invisible deck made of hamburger, tofu,
squirrel, etc. If you're working for a non-eating crowd you can easily adapt Tony's approach to the first "tear up the
invisible cards" presentation.
"Here's an interesting thing I received in the mail...a deck of invisible chocolate cards (remove the invisible deck
from the envelope...just like in the first version) . ..and the really good news is that you get to eat them! Would you
prefer the cards that are ten and below or the Jacks through the Aces?"
"Jacks through Aces! Great! Take out one of those invisible chocolate Jacks through Aces. " (have her remove one
invisible card from the deck) "Is it a Jack, Queen, King, or Ace?" (she names the card value) "And what's the
suit?" (she names the suit) "Ok, now eat up the rest of the invisible chocolate deck." (wait for her to finish her
snack) "Now toss the invisible of (name of her card) toward the envelope. "
"Your invisible of (name her card) is actually made of time release anti-matter... a real cardboard
card should materialize any moment now... !" (open the envelope and display her "One & Only" card)
"Eat them all up!" (wait for her to finish eating) "Now you get to eat all the invisible chocolate cards that are
Jacks and above. Which suit do you want to eat first ... Clubs, Hearts, Spades, or Diamonds?" (continue to direct
her to eat one suit at a time until just one suit remains)
"So now you've eaten your way down to the Jack through Ace o f . " (name 'the remaining "uneaten" suit)
"Which card do you want to eat first?" (direct her to eat that card...and continue by directing her to one at a
time eat the remaining cards of her choice until just one card remains) "Now what's really amazing is that the
one card you haven't eaten, the of (name her card) is actually a real card! You just can't see it
yet. Toss it toward the envelope." (finish as in the Jacks through Aces)
"0 & 0" NOTE: Tony likes to keep some chocolate kisses or chocolate coins in his pocket. .. for when a spectator
says, "Where' s the chocolate?" When this happens, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out an invisible chocolate
(palming the real one), then transforms it into the real deal and gives it to the chocolate craving spectator. If you've
changed the presentation to an invisible deck made from hamburger. .. then you'll have to make a slight adjustment.
Option # 3
This extreme P.R. option uses only four of the double facers and gets rid ofthe secret dividers. This allows you to
open up the correct flap and dump out the card ...without dealing with the secret divider or optional cards. It also
leaves you with an envelope that is thinner and lighter. .. so it can actually be handled by a spectator. And at the end
you can even drop the open envelope on the table and still be pretty safe from inquiring minds. The price you pay for
these added bits of innocence is an additional instruction you must give the spectator during the selection process.
This added instruction is necessary to secretly narrow the spectator's choices down to just one of eight cards .. .instead
of one of sixteen. There are many who prefer this approach ... and many who don't. That's why we call it an option.
Step 1: Remove all four secret dividers (they're just loose pieces of Tyvek) from the envelope. Since they're not
glued in they should all slide out easily. Don't throw them away! You want the option of sliding the dividers
back into position so you can perform the "0 & 0" the original way.
Step 4: Open the correct flap and fold it back. Hold the envelope in the official grip with the envelope's open
compartment pointing toward you. Fluff open the compartment, and take a peek inside to make sure you see
the card you need. If not, pop the secret divider with your finger to bring the correct card into view.
Step 5: Give your audience a quick look inside the envelope's compartment as you remove and display her one &
only card.
Step 6: Put the card back into the envelope (the same spot you pulled it from) ...seal the flap and put the envelope
back into your pocket.
Option #1
This is one of Paul Harris' alternate presentations. It's all about the power of intuition (the spectator's, not yours)
and is designed to make the spectator the hero. It's very fast and direct. ..and takes just a bit of nerve on the first test
drive. Needless to say, Paul finds that pushing the boldness barrier is one of the better cheaper thrills.
This presentation begins in exactly the same way as the original presentation. After you have told the spectator about
your friend's new magic deck; dump out the invisible deck, reseal the envelope, and tell your audience that you are
going to spread the imaginary cards "facedown" between your hands. Ask the spectator to remove one card from the
card spread but not to look at it. Place the invisible deck to the side and ask your spectator to hand you her single
invisible card.
Pretend to peek at the face of the invisible card (play this up as if you're getting a quick look at the face of her
imaginary card, trying to make sure that no one else gets a glimpse). "Hey, just for fun let's test your intuition and
see how good a guesser you are... without any hints from me, make a wild guess. Which card do you think I am
If she guesses one of your high cards you're golden. Get a shocked expression on your face and say, "I can't believe
it! You're exactly right!" Hand the invisible card to the spectator and say, "Here, turn it over and take a look." If
you're lucky you'll get a laugh. "What's really interesting is that my friend also sent a single real playing card."
Open the correct flap and pull out her card. A spectator will name one of the high cards way over half the
time ...probably in the 70% range with laymen.
Now for the beautifully bold out: If she guesses one ofthe low cards you say, "Wow, that was a great guess, you got
the suit exactly right... that's a four to one shot right there. Okay, you've now earned yourself one free hint, it's
higher than a ten." After her second guess, shake your head in admiration (it will always be one of your "0 & 0"
cards). Tell her about your friend including one real card in the envelope and bring out her one & only card!
When the spectator gets it right on her first guess the impact can be so powerful that, out of sheer desperation, some
member of the audience might reach for the envelope. To take any heat off the envelope, as you put the real card back
into the envelope and the envelope into your pocket, say, "Wait a minute! .Let me see that card!" (You have put the
envelope and the real card back in your pocket to leave your hands free to take the invisible card from the spectator.)
Pretend to tum the imaginary card over and study its back closely. "Aha, I see how you did it! The cards are
marked!" This little joke takes all the attention away from the envelope --- leaving everyone to think non-envelope
This is actually a win-sorta-win situation because you personally are never wrong. It's all about the spectator's
guessing skills. And most of the time she'll get it exactly right, which is an astonishing 1 in 52 lucky guess. But even
when her guess is a little off she still did very, very well. She always gets the suit exactly right on the first guess.
And she always gets the exact card on her second guess ... all this with just one hint from you!
envelope. You chose the invisible of ... is it possible? ... (reach into the envelope and pullout
the real card that matches her chosen invisible card) Yes!"
"0 & 0" NOTE: You don't have to do this, but with just a teeny bit more practice you can always open the flap to
the exact card you need ...without having to peek to make sure.
On the red side of the envelope the HEART is always on top in any of the four compartments ... with the DIAMOND
under the secret divider. On the black side of the envelope the CLUB is always on top ...with the SPADE under the
secret divider.
An easy way to remember this is that you use a "spade to dig for diamonds" (for you "city slickers" a spade is a
shovel). So whenever you hear Spade or Diamond you know you have to "dig deeper" down in the compartment,
below the secret divider. When you need a Club or a Heart instantly know that you don't have to "dig
deep" they must be above the secret divider.
Just for fun, grab your envelope and follow along with the two examples below. We'll feel better knowing that
you've walked through this a couple of times.
Practice # 1
If her card is the Jack of Clubs ...hold the envelope with its "black" side up (black ink, address side). Locate the
correct flap to open by looking for the Johnson in the last name of the return address. Tum the envelope over. Open
and fold back the correct flap using the technique described under "Opening The Envelope:". Tum the envelope
back over to the "black side" (the address side). Hold the envelope in the proper grip and bow the envelope
compartment open to find the two black Jacks (one black Jack will be hidden by the secret divider). When you bow
the compartment open you will see either the Jack of Clubs or the Jack of Spades. If you see the Jack of Spades just
pop the secret divider down to reveal the Jack of Clubs.
Practice # 2
If her card is the Queen of Diamonds .. .identify the flap nearest to the Statue of Liberty stamp. Being careful not to
loose track of the orientation of the Queen flap, tum the envelope over to the "red side" (the flap side) and open the
correct flap and fold it back. Hold the envelope in the proper grip, then bow the envelope compartment open to find
the two red Queens (one red Queen will be hidden by the secret divider). When you bow the compartment open
slightly you will see either the Queen of Diamonds or the Queen of Hearts. If you see the Queen of Hearts just pop
the secret divider !!I! to reveal the Queen of Diamonds.
Step 1: Open one of the flaps and remove the invisible deck from the envelope.
Step 2: The spectator chooses to tear up the "Jacks through Aces" or the "twos through tens". Use the correct script
variation to direct her in tearing up the invisible deck until she ends up with a single Jack, Queen, King, or
Step 3: Glance at the secret code on the address side of the envelope to see which side of the envelope you need (for a
red or a black card) and which flap to open (for a Jack, Queen, King, or Ace).
Envelope:" to open the correct envelope flap. Fold this flap all the way back until it is lying flat against the address
side of the envelope.
Make sure that the correct side of the envelope is facing upward to allow you access to the spectator's chosen card. If
necessary, tum the envelope over. At this point it is important to always hold the envelope in your hand as in "FIG. #
6" or "FIG. # 7".
FIG.#6 FIG.#7
Point the opening of the envelope toward you (so you're the only one who can see inside) and squeeze the two sides
so it bows open slightly.
If you don't see the spectator's card, just pop the compartment's secret divider up or down with your right index
finger to expose the correct card.
This will look like you are simply trying to fluff open the envelope. You can also blow into the envelope
compartment to help fluff it open, as this is the universally accepted envelope-fluffing custom.
Reach into the open compartment with your right thumb and right forefinger and grasp the card by its outer edge
(thumb on top). If the secret divider is in the "up" position the back of your thumb naturally keeps the divider up flat
against the "ceiling" of the envelope. If the divider is in the "down" position the back of your forefinger naturally
presses it down against the "floor" of the envelope.
Allow your spectators to get a glimpse into the compartment to see that there is only one card in the envelope. (If
someone notices the edge ofthe secret dividerthey will assume it's simply an edge of the folded "note".)
As you begin to remove the card, tum your left hand so that the open envelope points down. Remove the spectator's
one & only card from the envelope and triumphantly display it. .. then insert it back into the envelope (into the same
compartment it came from). Seal the flap and put the envelope back into your pocket. Your "0& 0" is reloaded and
ready to go!
2. Here's an option to having the spectator toss her invisible card toward the envelope. Just say, "You're not going
to believe this, but my friend not only sent me the invisible deck. .. he also sent me a single real card in the same
4. Take the 15 minutes or so needed to learn the script exactly as written. Every word of this script has been
carefully chosen to elicit the desired "big bang" finale without any detours along the way! Improvise only after
you are completely confident with the script as written.
5. Quite a few astonishers prefer this P.H. idea ... and quite a few don't. So you'll have hours of entertainment
deciding where to place your bet.
Instead of pulling out an entire card from the envelope, you pull out a tom half card. This gives a novel look to
the revelation ... and is in keeping with the "tearing up the deck" theme. Try this first with an old tom in half card
to see how it looks. Then if you're really sold on it, and yes you're making an irreversible commitment here, tear
all of your double facers in half (from side to side) and insert one half of each card into the appropriate envelope
pockets (you'll end up with an equal number of extra tom halves that you can save in your sock drawer for a rainy
After the spectator has narrowed the deck down to one card, you can have her tear the one & only invisible card in
half. .. then toss one half of the card toward the envelope (or just have her throwaway one half and hang on to the
other half). Pull the real half card out of the envelope... then show that the two halves "match".
There's a nifty "Captain Video" secret code on the address side of the envelope that instantly tells you which flap to
open to find the Jack, Queen, King, or Ace of your choice.
Red or Black:
The black ink used to address the envelope reminds you that the address side is where all the black cards are face up.
So if the spectator ends up with a black invisible card, like the King of Spades, you'll know to remove the card with
the envelope's black inked address side facing up (the flaps would be on the underside of the envelope at this point).
If your spectator ends up with a red invisible card like the Queen of Hearts, you would tum the envelope over to the
"Rear" ("R" is for red) flap side of the envelope (the address would be on the underside of the envelope at this point).
Jacks: The last name in the return address (Johnson) tells you that the flap to open to get to the Jacks is directly
above that last name.
Queens: The Statue of Liberty on the "postage stamp" tells you that it's nearby flap (the one to the right) should be
opened to get to the Queens. Since the Statue of Liberty is a woman wearing a crown, it's a pretty direct clue.
Kings: The name of the city (Kenton) at the bottom of the return address indicates that the Kings' flap is at the
bottom of the envelope when reading the address.
Aces: The first name in the return address (Alex) indicates that the flap to open to access the Aces is the flap nearest
to the "A" (the flap to the left).
SUPER IMPORTANT! After you open the correct flap to access the one & only card be sure to bow the
envelope just enough to briefly display the inside of the envelope to your audience and remove the card. If you
bow the envelope too much you may cause the envelope to crease in the middle.
Once you have identified whether the address side or the flap side should be facing up and which flap should be
opened, your ready to remove the card from the envelope. Use the exact handling described under "Opening The
If She Says She Wants To Tear Up The Jacks Through The Aces
"Fine, remove all those high cards from the deck (extend the imaginary spread of cards toward the spectator) and
hang on to them. You have all the Jacks, Queens, Kings, and Aces in your hands. You're going to chose which of
those cards to tear up until you get down to a single card. "
Which would you like to tear up first, the red cards or the black cards? Fine, go ahead and tear up all those _
(color selected) cards and toss the pieces on the floor! Don't worry my invisible maid will clean them up later."
"That leaves you with all the (color remaining) cards. There are two suits in your hands. Which of those
two suits would you like to get rid of? The or the ?"
"All right, take all the (suit she named), tear them up and get rid of the pieces! You are now holding just
four cards, the Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of (name of remaining suit)."
"Which two would you like to get rid offirst? Ok, rip them up and toss them!"
"You have two cards left. Do you want to destroy the of or the of ? Go ahead, tear
it up! That leaves you with the of . Please toss it toward the envelope. "
In the above presentation you honestly and precisely allow the spectator to follow her every choice.
When she chooses to "Tear up the twos through the tens!" she does exactly that and tears up all the low
cards .. .leaving just the high cards for her to freely tear up until a single high card remains.
When she chooses to "Tear up the Jacks through the Aces!" she does exactly that and freely tears up the high
cards ...until just one high card is left.
So whether she chooses to tear up the low cards or tear up the high cards ...she always tears up the cards of her
choice ... and always ends up with a single high card!
You may have to read this selection process a few times to understand where the "work" happened. Some extremely
experienced magicians had to have this explained to them more than once before the light bulb finally went on.
Here's why. If you mention destroying the entire deck there's a discrepancy when she chooses "high" ...because
in that case you never destroy the low cards just ignore them! If you stay with the script this will never be
an issue.
2. Do not mention "one card" or "a single card" until it appears in the script! If you talk about a single card in the
first few lines of your presentation some people will mentally decide on a card right at that point! If your
volunteer has jumped the gun and already thought of a specific low card ...then she'll know she's been toyed with
when she ends up with a high card. It won't be the card she wanted! Again, if you stay with the script this will
never be an issue because no one will know that a specific card is involved until precisely the right moment.
3. Always say, "Would you like to tear up the twos through the tens, or the Jacks through the Aces?" Do not try to
short hand this to, "Do you want to tear up the high cards or the low cards?" Someone might say, "But I thought
tens were high!" or "Isn't an Ace considered low?" By following the script you avoid any possible confusion.
That's It. Your one time preparation is done forever. The envelope should now look exactly like any normal
envelope that's been mailed to you by a friend ... with your friend's return address, a cancelled stamp, and your
mailing address.
Ok, slip the sealed envelope into a shirt or jacket pocket and you're ready to astonish.
You're going to have a spectator freely destroy your imaginary deck of cards .. .leaving her with the single invisible
card of her choice. Read through this a few times with your invisible deck in hand. Rodney Whitlock's "magician
proof' script will teach you how to invisibly influence your spectator to always choose one of the high cards.
Magicians will be looking for an equivoque here but they will not find it.
Bring out the envelope address-side down (so the flaps are showing).
"My friend just mailed me a little gift. A magic deck he has invented. I couldn't understand how an entire deck of
cards couldfit into this envelope. Until I opened the envelope and realized that it was an invisible deck. "
Open anyone of the flaps so the opening is toward you. Reach into the compartment with your right thumb and right
forefinger and pretend to remove an invisible deck of cards, being careful not to expose any of the real cards. Seal the
flap and drop the envelope, address-side up, onto the table. If you're performing in a situation where you don't have
a table handy, just keep the envelope in your hand as you display the invisible deck to the spectator for "examination".
Spread the imaginary cards between your hands. "You'll notice that the deck contains the standardfifty-two playing
cards. Now, according to my friend's instructions, someone has to get rid ofa bunch of these cards. Would you like
to tear up the twos through the tens or the Jacks through the Aces?"
HShe Says She Wants To Tear Up The Twos Through The Tens
"Fine, remove all those low cards from the deck (extend the imaginary spread of cards toward the spectator), tear
them up, and throw the pieces on the floor! That leaves me with all the Jacks, Queens, Kings, and Aces. You're going
to continue to choose which cards to tear up until you get down to a single card. "
Which would you like to tear up next, the red cards or the black cards? Fine, go ahead take all of those _
(color selected) cards, tear them up, and toss the pieces on the floor! Don't worry my invisible maid will clean them
up later."
"That leaves me with all the (color remaining) high cards. There are two suits in my hands. Which ofthese
two suits would you like to get rid of? The or the ?"
"All right, take all the (suit she named), tear them up and get rid of the pieces! I am now holding just four
cards, the Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of (name of remaining suit). "
"Which two would you like to get rid offirst? Ok, rip them up and toss them!"
"I have two cards left. Do you want to destroy the of or the of ? Go ahead, take it
and tear it up! That leaves me with the of Please take it and toss it toward the envelope!"
Write this "note" in exactly the same way under each of the four flaps --- make sure to reseal each flap by pressing the
edges down before going on to the next flap. Be sure to always leave the blank spacing on the sides of each line. If
all four flaps were opened at this point the back of the envelope would appear as in "FIG. # 3".
FIG. # 3
This illusionary note (really the back surface of the envelope) perfectly camouflages the extra inner layer of the
envelope when anyone of the four flaps is lifted.
Open all four flaps and carefully insert each of the eight cards into the correct compartments. (FIG. # 4 & FIG. # 5)
A secret Tyvek divider inside each of the four compartments is used to separate the two cards in that compartment.
These dividers will remain a secret unless you really yank on them - in which case you should slide them back into
position and hope they forgive you.
FIG. # 4 (Flap Side - Hearts & Diamonds) FIG. # 5 (Address Side - Clubs & Spades)
otherwise insulted. But, if in a moment of reckless abandon you do any or all of the above, replacement
envelopes will be cheerfully provided for a nominal fee from Vendor's World of Magic, Ltd.
4. Non-USA folks may have noticed that the return address, the postage stamp, and the cancellation stamp on your
envelope indicates that the envelope came from the United States. So if you live outside the U.S. simply say that
you received the letter from an American friend.
In a different handwriting than your own (a friend could probably do this better than you), use a black ballpoint pen
to write your mailing address on the stamped side of the envelope the envelope looks exactly like a normal
envelope that was mailed to you.
Tum the envelope over and, using the flap opening technique described above, lift anyone of the four flaps to reveal a
blank triangle directly under the flap. In a moment you're going to use the same handwriting (and pen) that was used
for the address to copy the following ''note'' directly onto this blank triangle. "SUPER IMPORTANT!" Do not
write anything until you have taken a close look at ''FIG. # 2" and ''FIG. # 3". Pay particular attention to the
spacing at each side of the writing. You need enough blank space around the words to prevent any writing
from showing through the flap edges when they are all closed!
FIG. # 2
The "Note"
p ~ veNiew
J1Ite.I 1vYww w~
u. I w(U;
Opening The Envelope
To easily open aJ1Y one of the four flaps hold the envelope in your left hand as shown in "FIG. # 1". Your left thumb
covers the points of the three flaps you are not going to open (so they don't pop up as you are opening the fourth flap).
Your right first and second fingers bow the long edge of the desired flap downward. The tip of this flap will pop
up ... allowing your right thumb to slide under the popped up flap point and gently peel it open to the right. (FIG. # 1)
Always use this technique when opening any of the envelope flaps!
FIG. # 1
• Rodney Whitlock conceived and designed this beautiful thing. It is made of super thin, super strong Dupont
Tyvek and should last a really long time.
• The four triangular flaps on the envelope are actually stuck-down with re-positionable adhesive so that each flap
can be opened like a regular envelope flap.
• If you open anyone of the flaps the envelope will look exactly like a normal, single flap, envelope containing a
handwritten note (you'Il learn about writing the note in a minute). Because the envelope is almost square, any
flap that you open will appear to be the one and only real envelope flap.
• I can't believe I'm saying this, but here goes. The sticky stuff on the four flaps is all you need to seal the flaps.
Do not ever lick the flaps to seal the envelope! This is a really bad idea for all sorts of reasons.
• The sticky stuff on each flap should last through hundreds of performances before it needs to be freshened
up ...unless the adhesive gets really dirty! In the event that the sticky stuff ever stops sticking, you can refresh it
with "Aleene's TACK-IT Over & Over" manufactured by Duncan Enterprises and available at most shops that
carry various brands of sticky stuff.
2. When the sealed envelope is tossed on the table it will appear to the untrained eye as a normal envelope ... of the
appropriate thickness to hold a folded sheet of notepaper and a playing card. Only by picking up the envelope can
one tell that it's loaded for astonishment. So just make sure that you're the only one who picks up the envelope.
3. Treat this envelope with all the love and respect that any expensive, hand-made, magic envelope deserves. Do not
crease it where it's not meant to be creased. Do not stuff it into a back pocket where it might be sat upon or
"An Invisible Deck Presentation ... Without The Deck!"
By Paul Harris & Tony MacLaren
You remove a flat, invitation-size envelope from your pocket and dump out an ''invisible deck". You direct a
spectator to freely destroy these imaginary cards until only a single card remains. Let's say the Queen of
The spectator tosses the invisible Queen of Diamonds toward the envelope. You then slowly and cleanly
remove the one and only card contained in the envelope. It's the spectator's Queen of Diamonds!
• The envelope is clearly seen to contain no other cards after the "one & only" card is removed.
• The card in the envelope is always the exact card named by the spectator.
• Uses just one envelope
• No palming, switching, or loading of the envelope
• Self-contained
• Resets in seconds
• Perform sitting, standing, or while aimlessly wandering around.
A truly beautiful bit of illusionary logic narrows the spectator's choice of 52 cards down to sixteen.
These sixteen cards have been further compressed into just eight specially printed double-face cards.
These eight cards have been printed on super skinny card stock to even further compress the stack by about another
Thus an entire deck of 52 playing cards, thanks to modem psychology and creative printing, has been crammed into
something the thickness of about four normal playing cards. This alone is cause enough to do the happy dance.
But what finally releases the big balloon drop from the sky is the extremely normal looking yet super special
envelope. It has a secret compartment for each one of the eight cards you can open the envelope and show it
empty except for the one & only card of your choice.