MBA1 To 4 Semesters 1

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(w.e.f. Academic Year 2016 - 2017)





JULY, 2016

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) is a Post-Graduate course offered as:

I. Two-year i.e., four semester Full time Day programme

1.1 M.B.A.

Candidate seeking admission into Full Time M.B.A. programme must be:

1. Bachelor degree holder of Any University or a degree recognized by the university as equivalent
thereto and /(or) as per the rules laid down by the University;

2. The candidate seeking admission must qualify in the Entrance Examination, conducted by the
appropriate authority in the year of admission as per the norms prescribed by the University.

3. The admission of Non-resident Indians and candidates admitted in lieu of them will be as per the
University Rules in force on the date of the admission.

4. Foreign candidates’ admission is based on the Screening Process of the University currently in

2. Instruction Schedule:

Instruction will be provided as per the workload indicated in the structure, Rules and regulations of
M.B.A. Program for all Theory, Practical and Project Work course requirements. The almanac will be as
follows for all semesters.

Duration of instruction: 14-16 Weeks

Preparation Holidays: 7-10 Days

3. Rules of Attendance:

Students must attend 75% of the total classes conducted for all the courses put together in a semester.
Relaxation of 10% of attendance might be given to a student on medical grounds on the basis of a valid
medical certificate and payment of condonation fee prescribed by the university.

4. Promotion Rules
A student will be promoted subject to the following rules:

4.1 I Semester to II Semester:

A student should put in a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate in all the courses put together of
the Term (65% in the case of medical exemption) and should be registered for the University exam for the
I semester.

4.2 II Semester to III Semester

A student should put in a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate in all the courses put together of
the Term (65% in the case of medical exemption) and should have passed at least 50% of Theory courses
of I & II Semesters put together. (Viva Voce and Lab courses not considered for this purpose).
4.3 III Semester to IV Semester:
A student should put in a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate in all the courses put together of
the Term (65% in the case of medical exemption) and having registered for the University Examination.

Cancellation of Admission
The admission of a candidate admitted to the MBA Course stands cancelled if:
He / She does not put in at least 40% of attendance in Semester-I.
He / She puts in at least 40% of attendance in Semester-I, but failed to register for 1st Semester
He /She fails to fulfill all the requirements for the award of the degree as specified, within 4 academic
years from the time of admission in case of full time 2 year MBA program.

5. Project Work:
The students should undertake the Project internship during the summer vacation (For 6 weeks of
duration) intervening between II & III Semesters of MBA Day Programme. Project Report Work
should be carried out in the Final Year of MBA Programme i.e., III & IV Semesters for Day Programme.
The students are required to do project work in any area of Management under the active guidance of
Internal Faculty Member assigned to the student.

The Project work usually consists of selecting a Topic / Problem / Theme in any area of management,
gather relevant data, analyze and interpret the same in a systematic and scientific manner. The Project
Work should be undertaken under the supervision of the Faculty Member assigned for the purpose. The
Project Report should be submitted to the University 30 days (one month) before commencement of Final
Semester Examinations.

6. Award of Grades For Project Report and Viva Voce:

Project Report and Viva Voce will be evaluated and awarded grades as per the following percentages of
Marks obtained.
Grade A - 70% and above Marks
Grade B - 60% and above but below 70% Marks.
Grade C - 50% and above but below 60% Marks.
Grade D - 40% and above but below 50% Marks.
Grade E (Fail) - Below 40% Marks (Fail)

7. Instructional Work Load For Theory, Practical Courses and ‘Mentoring & Project
Each of the Theory Courses of the MBA Programme shall have instructional workload of 4/5 periods of
60 Minutes duration per week in addition to mentoring and project work. The Instructional workload for
each of the Practical and Lab Courses shall be 4 Periods of 60 Minutes duration per week.

8. Evaluation System:
1. All courses of MBA Program will carry a Maximum of 100 Marks each.
2. Duration of the university examination for all the courses is three hours each.
3. All the courses will have 70% marks for university examination and 30% marks for internal
4. In case of courses where practical/lab component is involved, of the total 100 marks, 50% marks
are for university examination, 30% marks are for internal evaluation and 20% marks are for
practical/lab examination.
5. The Guidelines, Rules and Regulations framed by the University in this regard will be applicable
to the MBA (Day) Programme.
9. Conduct Of Examinations:

At the end of Odd numbered semesters (viz., I and III), examinations for these Semesters (Day) will be
conducted. The students appearing for regular, backlog and improvement can get registered for the above
examinations as per the norms of the University.

At the end of even numbered semester’s (viz., II and IV) examinations will be conducted for all
Semesters i.e., (I to IV Semesters). The students appearing for regular, backlog and improvement can get
registered for the above examinations as per the norms of the University.

10. Rule for Offering Electives:

The Minimum number of Students required for offering an Elective / Specialization shall be 20% of
students on rolls of the college for Final Year.

11. Award of Degree and Division:

Candidates will be awarded MBA Degree on successful completion of all Theory Courses, Practical
Courses, Viva Voce and Project Report. The Division / Class will be awarded based on the following
percentage of marks obtained by the candidate.
1st Division with Distinction - 70% and above of aggregate marks.
1st Division - 60% and above but below 70% of aggregate marks.
2nd Division - 50% and above but below 60% of aggregate marks.
3rd (Pass) Division - 40% and above but below 50% of aggregate marks.
Candidates who have passed all the examinations in the first attempt along with the batch in which they
were admitted are eligible for getting Distinction Rank Certificates / Gold Medals / Prizes.

12. Readmission For Pursuing Additional Elective Courses:

A student can be given readmission for pursuing additional electives after completion of MBA
programme subject to payment of requisite fee prescribed by the college / Department. Such candidates
have to satisfy all the rules including attendance rule in vogue on par with regular students.

13. Total number of credits to be completed to be eligible for the award of MBA
Total number of credits at the end of fourth semester (MBA) = 27 + 27 + 27 + 27 = 108

14. Electives

MBA Programme offers Electives (Specialization) as Major only. There are four papers in each major
area, two in 3rd semester and two in 4th semester. Elective once offered cannot be changed for any

15. General Clause:

It may be noted that beside the above specified rules and regulations all the other rules and regulations in
force and applicable to semester system in Post-Graduate courses in Telangana University will be
applicable as amended from time to time by the University. The students shall abide by all such Rules and
Department of Business Management
MBA Semester-wise structure of the syllabus
1st Semester:
Subject Subject Title Nature of the No. of Max. No. of
Code Course Teaching Marks Credits
Hours (IA + UE)
per week
1.1 Management Theory & Practice Core 04 30+70=100 04
(MTP) Discipline
1.2 Managerial Economics (M E) Core 04 30+70=100 04
1.3 Accounting for Managers (A M) Core 05 30+70=100 05
1.4 Business Communications ( B C) Skill 03 30+50=80 05
( 3+2) Enhancement
1.4.1. Soft skills (Lab) 02 20 -

1.5 Statistics for Management (ST. M) Ability 05 30+70=100 05

Open Elective

1. T.Q.M 04 30+70=100 04
Open Elective
*1.6 2. W.T.O & I P R 04 30+70=100 04

3. Cross Culture Management 04 30+70=100 04

(CCM )
04 30+70=100 04
4. Fundamentals of Business
Analytics (FBA)

Total 27 600 27

Note - *Students have to opt only one subject out of four subjects in the case of open
1: Maximum total number of marks = 600
2: The total number of credits at the end of the first semester = 27
2nd Semester:
Subject Subject Title Nature of the No. of Max. Marks No. of
Code Course Teaching (IA + UE) Credits
Hours per
2.1 Marketing Management (M M ) Core 04 30+70=100 04
2.2 Human Resource Management Core 04 30+70=100 04
(HRM ) Discipline
2.3 Financial Management (F M) Core 05 30+70=100 05
2.4 Research Methods for Management Ability 04 30+70=100 04
(RMM) Enhancement-
2.5 Information Technology For Skill 03 30+50=80 05
Managers (3+2) Enhancement

2.5.1. IT For Managers LAB 02 20=20 -

Open Elective

1. Project Management (PM) 05 30+70=100 05

Open Elective
2. M.S. M. E 05 30+70=100 05

3. Advanced Excel (AE) (3+2) 03 30+50=80 05

a) Advanced Excel Lab
02 20=20 -
4. Corporate Social &
Environmental 05 30+70=100 05
( CSER )

Total 27 600 27

Note-*Students have to opt only one subject out of four subjects in the case of open elective.

1: Maximum total number of marks at the end of second semester= 600+600 = 1200
2: The total number of credits at the end of the second semester = 27+27 = 54
3rd Semester:
Subject Subject Title Nature of the No. of Max. Marks No. of
Code Course Teaching (IA + UE) Credits
Hours per
Core Discipline 05 30+70=100 05
3.1 Operations Management (OM)
Core Discipline 04 30+70=100 04
3.2 Organizational Behavior (OB)
Ability 05 30+70=100 05
3.3 Operations Research (OR) Enhancement -
3.4 Strategic Management (SM) Core Discipline 04 30+70=100 04
3.5.1 Electives
a) Security Analyses And
Portfolio Management 05 30+70=100 05

b) Management Of Financial 04 30+70=100 04

Services (MFS)

3.5.2 Marketing
a) Product & Brand Electives 05 30+70=100 05
Management (PBM)

b) Consumers Behavior (CB) 04 30+70=100 04

3.5.3 Human Resource

a) Organizational
Development & Change 05 30+70=100 05
Management (ODCM)

b) Recruitment & Selection 04 30+70=100 04


3.5.4 Information Technology

a) Concept of ERP (Enterprise 04 30+70=100 04
Resource Planning)

b) Management Information
system .(3+2) 03 30+50=80 05

3.5.4.(b1) MIS Lab 02 20=20 -

Total 27 600 27

Note-1: Maximum total number of marks = 600

2: The total number of credits for the 3rd semester = 27

4th Semester:
Subject Subject Title Nature of No. of Max. Marks No. of
Code the Teaching (IA + UE) Credits
Course Hours per
4.1 International Business (IB) Core 04 30+70=100 04
4.2 Entrepreneurship Development Core 04 30+70=100 04
(ED) Discipline
4.3 Cost and Management Core 05 30+70=100 05
Accounting (CMA) Discipline
4.4 Project Work (PW) Core 05 50+50=100 05
4.5.1 Electives
a)Financial Derivatives (FD) 05 30+70=100 05
b) Risk Management (RI. M) 04 30+70=100 04
4.5.2 Marketing
a) Services Marketing (SRV. M) Electives 05 30+70=100 05
b)Retailing Management (RT.M) 04 30+70=100 04
4.5.3 Human Resource Management
a) Performance Management 05 30+70=100 05
(PM) 04 30+70=100 04
b) Training & Development (TD)
4.5.4 Information Technology
a) E-Commerce 04 30+70=100 04
b) E – Accounting(3+2) 03 30+50=80 05

4.5.4 (b1) E – Accounting Lab 02 20=20 -

Total 27 600 27
1. Maximum total number of marks at the end of fourth semester = 600+600 = 1200
2. The total number of credits for the 3rd and 4th semester = 27+27 = 54

Project Work
Every student will be assigned a project topic at the end of the second semester and it will be
pursued by him/her under the supervision of an internal supervisor. The Project work along with soft copy
will be submitted by the students in their respective institutions. The student shall be required to submit
Project reports as per the schedule to be announced by the University for Assessment. The Project work
shall be evaluated by External and Internal Examiners separately. The internal assessment (50 marks)
shall be done by the internal faculty/guide on the basis of a presentation by the student as per the
assessment schedule to be decided and announced by the University. The external assessment (50 marks)
shall be done by the External Examiner on the basis of Viva Voce and the report. The students must attend
the classes of Project work to get proper guidance in preparing and presenting the project report.




NIZAMABAD – 503322

Students enrolled in Master of Business Administration are required to submit a

Project report. The aim of the Project is to give an opportunity to students to learn
independently and show that they can identify, define and analyse problem or issues and
integrate knowledge with such problem and finally develop the skills. Here the project
work can help the students to understand and apply the theory, the concepts and the tools
of analysis to a specific situation.

The project is not just another assignment, it provides an opportunity to judge the
student’s time and self – management skills and ability to successfully undertake a long
and in – depth study. Hence, the students must ensure that they maintain regular contact
with their supervisor and also that they provide the supervisor with drafts of their work at
regular intervals.


The project is a practical, in depth study of a problem, issue, opportunity, technique

or procedure or some combination of these aspects of business. The students are
required to define an area of investigation, carve out research design, assemble
relevant data, analyse the data, draw conclusions and make recommendations.
The project must be an original piece of work that will be undertaken in post – graduate
study, over a period of two semesters.

The topic is to be selected carefully with the help of supervisor that requires a
review of available literature / texts and discussion with the project supervisor.
Most Project ideas may come from personal experience, observation of events,
issues of current interest, review of literature, etc.

An acceptable project will normally fall into one of the following categories
 Exploratory: A study that involves carrying out original research in order to
meet the organization’s continual need for new information for forward decision
– making.
 Explanatory: a study, which would involve studying relationship between
different variables like a cause & effect relationship study.
 Descriptive: A study that would need an in – depth portrayal of an accurate
profile of events or situations from the business environment.

The final report should be presented in the following sequence:

5.1 Title page (Annexure - I)

5.2 Student’s Declaration (Annexure - II)
5.3 Supervisor’s Certificate (Annexure - III)
5.4 Certificate by the Head / Principal
5.5 Certificate by the organization where the study is done
5.6 Executive Summary this is a summary of about 300 words that describes the
topic and explains the aims and methods of the study and gives a brief
summary of the main conclusions and recommendations.
5.7 Acknowledgements:

Thanking the various people who have helped in the development of the project is
acknowledgement. It might include specific individuals who have give information,
offered insights, or generally been supportive. Gratitude may be expressed to groups
of people, like those whose works were studied, or students who helped in getting

5.8 Table of Contents:

5.8.1 List of Tables (Annexure -IV)
5.8.2 List of figures (Annexure -V)
5.8.3 List of Appendices (Annexure -VI)
5.9 Chapter – 1:

Introduction: This chapter includes the research problem, need for study /
significance of the project, objectives, hypotheses,

Methodology: Research methods, Data sources period of the study, scope, sample
design, sources of information, tools and techniques of analysis, structure of the
study with considerable justifications. The students are required to give a review of
literature, which reflects the student understanding of the relevant theoretical and
empirical background of the problem. Focus should be more on the logical
presentation of the empirical evolution of conceptual and methodological issues
pertaining to research problem. Also highlight the methodological clues drawn
through the review of literature.

5.10 Chapter – 2:

Company / Organisation Profile: This chapter should contain a brief historical

retrospect about the entity of the study.

5.11 Chapter – 3:

‘Name of the Chapter’: The data collected need to be processed and presented
suitable for the analysis. Based upon the objectives, the appropriate tools are to be
applied in order to draw logical inferences.

5.12 Chapter – 4:

Summary and Conclusions: It gives an overview of the project, conclusions,

implications and recommendations.

5.13 Bibliography and References: List of the books, articles, websites that are
referred and useful for research on the topic of project. Follow Harvard style referencing
(Annexure - VII).

5.14 Appendices: The documents

FinancialorE others important evidences, questionnaires
pertaining to report should be placed as appendices.
(Name of the Students)
5.15 Numbering:(Students
Documentshallshould be appropriately numbered. It is usual for
ticket number)
Page 1 to start with the Introduction. The sections prior to the Introduction are usually
numbered with small Romans, i.e. i, ii, iii. It is easier if appendices are numbered in a
(Name of the Supervisor)
separate sequence (suggest A, B, C) rather than as a continuation of the main report.
Project submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree
The standard format of the Title Page is
BYas follows:

Telangana University, NIZAMABAD - 500007

Annexure – II: Students Declaration:


I hereby declare that this Project Report titled________________________

__________________________________ submitted by me to the

Department of Business Management, Telangana University, Nizamabad, is a
bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other
University or Institution for the award of any degree diploma / certificate or
published any time before

Name and Address of the student Signature of the student

Annexure – III: Supervisor’s Certificate:


This is to certify that the Project Report titled_________________________

___________________________submitted in partial fulfilment for the award

of M.B.A Programme of Department of Business Management, Telangana
University, Nizamabad, was carried out by ___________________________

Under my guidance. This has not been submitted to any other University or
Institution for the award of any degree / diploma / certificate.

Name and Address of the Guide Signature of the Guide

Annexure – IV: List of Tables:



1. Redrafted Income Statement 31

2. Statement of Translation Exposure (Current Method ) 36

Annexure – V: List of Figures



1. Exchange Rates Movements 09

2. Composition of Income 10

Annexure – VI: List of Appendices:



1. Questionnaire / Schedule 45

2. Organisation Structure 10
Annexure – VII: Table of Contents



List of Tables i

List of Figures ii


Chapter – II: THE COMPANY 10





Appendix A- Financial Statements 60

Appendix B – Exchange Rates 65


Board, J L G and Sutcliffe, C M C (1988). “The Weekend Effect in UK Stock Market


Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 15(2), 199-213.

Broca, D (1992). “Day of the Week Patterns of the Indian Stock Market.”

Decision, 19(2), 57-64

Choudhury, SK (1991). “Seasonality in Share Returns: Preliminary Evidence on the Day

of the Week Effect.”

Chartered Accountant, November, 407-409

Fama, E (1995). “The Behavior of Stock Market Prices,”

Journal of Business, 38(1), 34-105

French, K (1980), “Stock Returns and the Weekend Effect,”

Journal of Finance Economics, 8(1), 55-70

Gibbons,M R and Hess, P (1981). “Day of the Week Effects and Asset Returns,”

Journal of Business, 55(4), 579 – 596

Gultekin, M N and Gulteckin, N B (1983). “Stock Market Seasonality: International


Journal of Finance Economics, 12(4), 469-482

Jaffe, J and Westerfield, R (1985). “Patterns in Japanese Common Stock Returns: Day of
the Week and Turn of the Year Effects.”

Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis, 20(2), 261-272

(Please note that all sources referenced in the main text should also be fully detailed in the
reference and bibliography section.)
 The project should be typed on A4 white paper, and be 1 line spaced.
 The left margin should not be less than 40 mm and the right margin not less
than 20 mm
 All pages should be numbered, and numbers should be placed at the centre
of the bottom of the page, not less than 10 mm above the edge.
 All tables, figures and appendices should be consecutively numbered or
lettered, and suitably labelled.
 3 sprial & a soft–copy should be handed over to the Principal/ Director of
the College/Institute at time of submission.

NOTE: College in turn would submit Two bound copies of all the projects to the
Controller of Examinations along with a consolidated CD containing the soft
copy of the projects and the list of project titles sorted on the HT Numbers with
linkages to the respective project file. The columns in the list should include
HT.No. Name of the Student, Elective and the Project Title. College name and
the year should be mentioned on the CD. We can add procedure of evaluation of project
report too.


Any attempt to copy from another (present or previous) student or to copy large
chunks from academic or others sources without appropriately referencing those
sources will trigger the full weight of plagiarism procedures. If there is any doubt
concerning the authenticity of your work, the university reserves the right to
demand an individual presentation before a panel at which you will be required to
reply to spontaneous questions.

All the material that relates to your project, including completed

questionnaires or tapes from interviews, should be shown to your supervisor and
be kept until the examination board has confirmed your results. Do not throw this
material away once your project is submitted, as you might be asked to present it
as part of the viva voce, before your project results are confirmed.

The supervisor’s role is to appraise ideas and work of the student. Student must
take overall responsibility for both the content of project and its management. This
includes selection of an appropriate subject area (with the approval of the
supervisor), setting up meetings with the supervisor, devising and keeping to a
work schedule (to include contingency planning), and providing the supervisor with
samples of your work.

It is the responsibility of the student to make contact with supervisor and

arrange meeting at appropriate times. The student should use the time with the
supervisors wisely. The students must meet their supervisors for a minimum of
four meetings per semester, over the span of the entire project.

Note that if the records show that students’ your contact with your
supervisor is not good; his / her project may not be evaluated.

The student should be clear about the assessment criteria for the project. Note
that a significant proportion of the grade is allocated to presentation and style. A
high level of communication skills is expected. However, it is not within the role
or the duties of the supervisor to correct grammar and syntax.

Supervisor will comment upon samples of the work but will not pre–mark
the whole document, or substantial portions of it. If asked, the student must present
a sample of written work prior to a meeting with supervisor, at an agreed time.
Under no circumstances will the supervisor give an indication of expected final
grade of the student.

The student must keep hard copies of each version of work, and save
copies of the current version on a main and a backup disk (preferably kept
apart from each other). Disks should regularly be virus–checked. Also, make
sure to keep printed copies of working documents, and the raw data from any
questionnaires or other data collection.
I. Choose a topic, or an issue, in which one is interested.
II. Get organised, give time to think about the project.
III. Look at the information available – is there enough information available to
be able to produce a good project?
IV. Be careful if the student is relying upon organisations to provide with
information. They will not give the confidential or sensitive information and
the student must not expect them to respond as promptly as he / she would
V. Visit the Library and spend some time looking at previous projects.
VI. With the help of project supervisor, agree on the aims and objectives and the
structure of the project as soon as possible.
VII. It is worthwhile investing in some reliable storage devices for storing the
project – related documents. Keep at least two copies (updated). Remember
to virus check storage devices.
VIII. The final printing and binding of the project should be done carefully.
Examine numbering pages, re –arranging pagination and putting together the
Contents page.
IX. The key points are to organise the time; make and maintain contact with the
supervisor, decide upon topic and when the student has formulated your aims,
objectives and structure get on with it!
X. Finally, remember to print and keep a copy of the project report for your
own use, as no copy of the report submitted will be returned to the

Code No. 8/18/BM/1.1/IM



[Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70]

NOTE: Answer all questions form Section-A, Section-B and Section-C

SECTION-A (5x4=20 marks)

(Write orderly at one place)

1. a) Explain Levels of Management

b) Define planning
c) What is meant by Delegation of Authority
d) What is Motivation
e) Explain Democratic leadership

SECTION-B (5x8=40 marks)

2. a) Explain the functions and roles of a manager

b) Write about the task and social responsibility of a manager
3. a) Explain the types and steps of planning in detail
b) Explain the Decision making techniques

4. a) Write about formal and Informal organizations

b) Explain the Line and Staff concept

5. a) What are the special motivational techniques? Explain

b) Discuss the requirement for effective control
6. a) Write about the significance of staffing
b) Explain the qualities of an effective leader in the globalised era.

SECTION-C (Compulsory) (1x10=10marks)

[Time: 30min.] [Max. Marks: 30]
NOTE: Answer all questions form Section-A and Section-B

Section- A consist of Ten questions (Multiple choice questions) (10x1=10marks)

1. Hawthorne experiment is conducted by

(a) F.W.Taylor (b) Elton Mayo (c) Henry Fayol (d) Mary Parker Follet

2. _____________________

3. _____________________ (contd…..)

Section-B consists of Ten questions (Fill in the blanks) (10x1=10 marks)

1. Management is an art of _________________

2. ____________________________________

3. _____________________________________ (contd…..)

Section-C (Internal Seminar) (5x2= 10 marks)

NOTE: Seminars is a part of 1st internal assessment exam. There will be two seminar consist of 5 marks
each. Seminar topic may be chosen as per the feasibility of the syllabus contents of the subject and it
should be conducted separately.

***The same pattern should be followed for the second internal assessment exam.


Nature of Management:-Tasks of a Professional Manager - Social Responsibilities of Business-Manager-
Levels in Management-Managerial Skills.

Planning:-Steps in Planning Process-Scope and Limitations-Short Range and Long Range Planning-
Characteristics of Sound Plan-Management by Objective (MBO)-Strategies for Making (MBO) effective
division Making process and Techniques.

Organizing:-Organisation Structure and Design - Delegation of Authority and Decentralization- Formal
and Informal Organisation Interdepartmental - Impact of Technology on Organisational design.

An Overview of Controlling Directing and Staffing:-Control process and Prerequisites of Control-
Techniques of Control-Directing and significance. Staying- Recruitment process- Steps in Selection

Comparative Management Styles and approaches:-Best Management practices across the world-
American Management practices - Japanese Management Practices-Characteristics of effective .Leaders-
Benchmarking-Managing Diversity.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Pearson Education, New Delhi, 3rd Edn. 2001.
2. Tim Hannagan, “Management concepts and Practices”, Mac Millan India Ltd.1997.
3. Sarah cook, Practical Bench Marking: A manager’s guide to creating competitive advantage,
London, Kogan Page 1995
4. Peters. T and Waterman, R. “In search of excellence, Random House, New York 1982
5. Hamel G. and Prahlad C.K.., “Competing for future” Cambridge, Mass: Havard
6. Business school press, 1994.
7. Heracleous.L and Devoge, S., “Bridging the gap the of relevance: strategic management and
organizational development, Long Range planning 31(5), 1998
8. Bateman Snell, “Management: Competing in the new era”, McGraw Hill Irwin, 2002.
9. Thite, M. “Managing People in the New economy”, Sage publications, New Delhi. 2004.
10. Koontz & Weirich, “Essentials of Management: An International perspective”, 8th
11. Edn. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2009.
Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics-Opportunity Cost- Discounting Principle- Time Perspective-
Incremental Concept-Marginalism Concept- Equi-Marginalism Concept-Econometric Models-Single
Equation Models and Multiple Equation Models - Role of Managerial Economics in Decision Making-
Role of Managerial Economist - Relation with other disciplines.

Demand Analysis-Concept of Demand-Determinants of Demand- Elasticity of Demand: Price, Income
and Cross Elasticity of Demand - Managerial Applications of Elasticity of Demand- Demand Forecasting-
Techniques- Accuracy of Forecasts.

Production and Cost Analysis- Production Function- Cobb Douglas and CES Production functions-Law
of Diminishing Returns to Scale-Optimal Combination of Input Factors -Expansion path and ridge lines-
Economies and Diseconomies of scale. Cost analysis- Economic and Accounting Costs - Cost-volume
Profit Analysis.

Market Structure and Modern Pricing Practices-Price Determination under Perfect Competition-
Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition- Competitive Pricing and Non-Pricing Strategies- Pricing
Discrimination Using Coupons and Rebates - Peak load pricing - Bundling - Bundling as a Pre-Entry
Strategy-Transfer pricing.

Game Theory And Competitive Strategy- Concept- Dominant Strategy- Nash Equilibrium-Prisoners
Dilemma- Infinitely Repeated Games and Finitely Repeated Games-Application of Game Theory for
formulating strategies by firms in Oligopoly.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Allen, Wegelt, Doherty & Mansfield, “Managerial Economics - Theory, Application & Cases”, 2010,
7th Ed.Viva-Norton Student Ed.
2. Mark Hirschey, Log “Managerial Economics-An Integrative Approach”, Cengage Learning.
3. Dominik Salvatore, “Managerial Economics”, 2008, 6th Ed. Oxford University Press.
4. Geethika, Piyoli Ghosh, and P.R. Chaudhary “Managerial Economics”, 2008, Tata McGraw Hills,
New Delhi.
5. Robert Wasahik “Managerial Economics: A Strategic Approach”, 2010, 2nd Ed. Routledge
6. D.M. Mithani, “Managerial Economics” 2008, Himalayan Publishing House.
7. D. N. Dwivedi, “Managerial Economics”, 7th Ed Vikas Publishing.
8. Trunett & Trunett, “Managerial Economics”, 2009, 8th Ed Weiley India.
9. Samuelson & Nordhaus, “Economics” 2010, 19th Ed., Tata McGraw Hills.
10. Atmanand, “Managerial Economics”, 2009, Excel Publishing.

Meaning and Definition of Accounting-Scope of Accounting; Accounting Principles-Systems of
Recording Business Transactions - Classification of Accounts- Accounting Process and Accounting
Cycle- Accounting Equation- Journal-Ledger- Preparation of Trial Balance- Accounting Information -
Parties interested in Accounting Information

Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements-Preparation of Trading and Profit and Loss Account
- Balance Sheet. Provisions of the Indian Companies Act Regarding Preparation and Presentation of
Financial Statements.

Financial Statement Analysis-Ratio analysis - Rationale and utility of ratio analysis-Classification of
Ratios- Calculation and Interpretation of Ratios-Profitability Ratios- Liquidity Ratios-Activity Ratios -
Leverage Ratios - Comparative and Common Size Statement Analysis-Ratio Analysis.

Funds Flow Analysis-Concept of funds flow- Statement of changes in working capital- Funds From
Business Operations- Statement of sources and uses of funds-Advantages of funds flow analysis- Cash
flow statement as per AS-3.

Modern Accounting Concepts: - Economic Accounting-Production Accounting-Human Resource
Accounting- Green Accounting-Social Responsible Accounting-Interactional Accounting Standards.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Atkinson, A. A. (2004). Management accounting (4th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
2. Atkinson, A. A., Kaplan, R. S., Matsumura, E. M., & Young, S. M. (2007). Management accounting
(5th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi.
3. Bhattacharyya, A. K. (2008). Cost accounting for business managers. New Delhi: Vikas Publication.
4. Burke, L. & Wilks, C. (2008). CIMA official learning system management accounting decision
management (4th ed.). USA: CIMA.
5. Horngren, T. C., Datar, S. M., Foster, G., Rajan, M. V., & Ittner, C. (2009). Cost accounting: A
managerial emphasis (13th ed.). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
6. Horngren,T. C., Sundem,G. L., Stratton, W. O., Schatzberg, J., Burgstahler. D. (2007). Introduction to
management accounting (14th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
7. Khan, M. Y., & Jain, P. K. (2009). Management accounting (5th ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Pandey, I. M. (2007). Management accounting. (3rd ed.). New Delhi.
9. Vikas Publications. Scarlett, B. (2008). CIMA management accounting performance evaluation. USA:
10. Vij, M. (2009). Management accounting. New Delhi: MacMillan India.
Introduction: Meaning- Importance - Objectives - Principles of Communication- Forms of
communication- Communication Process- Barriers of effective communication- Techniques of effective

Oral Communication & Written Communication- Oral communication- Principles of successful oral
communication- Effective oral communication- Effective listening, Non-verbal communication- Body
language- Paralanguage- Purpose of writing- Clarity in writing- Principles of effective writing- Writing

Business Letters and Case Methods- Introduction to Business Letters- Types of Business Letter Layout of
Business Letter-Writing Memos- Purpose- Kinds and Objectives of Reports-Writing Reports-
Understanding the Case Method of Learning- Different Types of Cases- Overcoming the Difficulties of
the Case Method-Reading a Case Properly (previewing, skimming, reading, scanning)- Case analysis
approaches (systems, behavioral, decision, strategy)- Analyzing the Case.

Employment & Group Communication-Writing CVs- Group discussions Interview- Types of Interview-
Interviewers Preparation-Meetings- Notice- Planning Meetings- Objectives Participants- Timing- Venue
of Meetings- Leading Meetings-Minutes of Meeting- Media Management- The Press Release - Press

Presentation Skills and Personality Development: Presentation: elements of presentation, designing a
presentation- Advanced visual support for business presentation- Types of visual aid Appearance &
Posture- Practicing delivery of presentation- Self Exploration- Character building Ethics- morality and
values- Vision and goal setting- Time and Stress Management.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.
Suggested Books:

1. Business Communication : Concepts, Cases And Applications-Chaturvedi P. D, & Mukesh

Chaturvedi ,2/e, Pearson Education,2011
2. M.K. Sehgal & V. Khetrapal - Business Communication (Excel Books).
3. Lesikar RV & Pettit Jr. JD-Basic Business Communication: Theory & Application (Tata Mc
Graw Hill, 10thEdition).
4. Tayler Shinley-Communication for Business (Pearson Education, 4th Edition)
5. Sharma R.C., Mohan Krishna-Business : Correspondence and Report Writing (Tata McGraw
Hill, 3rd Edition).

6. Rajendra Pal - Business Communication (Sultanchand & Sons Publication).

1.4 .1 Soft skills (Lab)
Topic 1: Writing a Business Letter
Topic 2: Writing a Business Proposal
Topic 3: Group Discussion
(A group of 6 students will be formed into a group and given atopic for discussion for 20 minutes)
Topic 4: Mock Interviews
(A Panel of 2-4 teachers will conduct a mock interview to the students individually to test their oral skills
and confidence levels)
Topic 5: Jam Session
Just A minute-session
(The students are given a topic and asked to speak on the given topic spontaneously, for 1 minute without
a pause)
(3-4 topics relevant to Management and 3-4 minutes separately)
Topic 6: Basics of Phonetics and Finding Out Errors in the Sentences
(A set of 10 Questions will be given to the students, to find the grammatical mistakes)
Introduction to Statistics-Overview, Origin and Development- Meaning and Salient Features of Statistics -
Measures of central tendency: Mean - Median and Mode and Their Implications- Diagrammatic and
Graphical Presentation of Data and General Rules of Tabulation - Applications of Inferential Statistics in
Managerial Decision-Making.

i. Hypothesis Testing- Introduction-Types of Hypothesis-Procedure of Testing Hypothesis-Types of Errors
in Testing of Hypothesis-Two-tailed and One-tailed Tests of Hypothesis.
ii. Sampling Theory-Introduction to Sampling - Sampling Procedures- Methods of Sampling- Probability
and Non- Probability sampling Methods-Merits and Limitations of Sampling - Standard Error.

Tests of Significance for Variables:
i.Large Sample tests- Test for Means-Test for difference between two Standard Deviations.
ii.Small Sample Tests- Students t-Distribution-Properties and Applications-Testing for
Means(Independent Samples).
iii. Analysis of Variance-One Way and Two Way ANOVA.

Non - Parametric Tests:
i. Chi-Square Test.
Ii. The Sign Test- Paired-Sample Sign Test.
iii. A Rank Sum Test: The Mann-Whitney U Test
iv. The Kruskal-Wallis or H- Test

Business Forecasting Techniques: Correlation - Regression Analysis -Time Series Analysis- -Trend
analysis- Moving averages- Least Square Method(LSM).

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Levin R.I., Rubin S. David, “Statistics for Management”, 2000, 7th Ed. Pearson.
2. Gupta S.C, “Fundamentals of Statistics”, 2010, 6th Ed. HPH.
3. Keller, G, “Statistics for Management”, 2009, 1st Ed, Cengage Learning.,
4. J. K Sharma, “Business Statistics”, 2010, 2nd Ed. Pearson.
5. Arora PN & others, “Complete Statistical Methods”, 2010, 3rd Ed. S. Chand.
6. Beri, GC, “Business Statistics”, 2010, 3rd Ed. TMH.
7. Black Ken, “Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making”, 2006, 4th Ed. Wiley.
8. Levine, David M and others, “Statistics for Managers using MS. Excel”, 2009, 5th Ed. PHI.
9. Kanji K. Gopal, 2006, “100 Statistical Tests”, Sage Publications.
10. Haoda, R.P., Statistics for Business & Economics”, 2010, 4th Ed. Macmillan.

Introduction: Quality Management-Benefits of TQM-Gurus of TQM-Leadership Characteristics of
Quality Leaders - Quality Councils-Deming philosophy - Quality Management & strategic Planning-
Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention-Service Quality - Quality Circles-Present & Future trends
of Total Quality Management - Quality Management in India.

Business Process Reengineering-Continuous Process Improvement-Juram Trilogy-PDCA Cycle-Kaizen
Model-Supplier Partnership-Supplier Selection-Supplier Rating-Quality Cost-Bench Marking-Reasons
for Bench Marking Process-Pitfalls & Criticism Of Bench Marking

IT and Quality Standards-TQM and IT-Computers and Quality functions- Quality Management System-
ISO Registration -ISO 9000 Series-ISO 14000 Series-Quality Standards & Internal and its-Environmental
Management System

Tools & Techniques of TQM: Quality by Design - Quality Management Function Deployment-Building a
House of QFD process-Communication Model-FMEA Documentation-Product Liability-Total Productive
maintenance-Autonomous Work Group

Management Tools: Introduction-Forced Field Analysis-Tree diagram-Process decision Program Chart-
Statistical Process control-Process capability-Experimental Design-Orthogonal Design-Quality strategy
for Indian Industries.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:

1. Joel E Ross : Total Quality Management, 3rd Edition,CRC press,2015

2. Dale H.Besterfeild, carlon Besterfeild: Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, 2015
3. Sridhara bhat: Total Quality Management Texts and Cases, Himalaya, 2015.
4. Poornima M charantimath Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, 2015
5. Kanishka Bedi: Quality Management, Oxford, 2015.
6. Dr.S..Kumar , Total Quality Management, University Science Press ,2015
1.6.2 WTO & IPR

Introduction- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Eighth Round: Uruguay Round, World
Trade Organization: Structure-Technology Transfer-Dispute resolution Mechanism- Doha Declaration-
WTO Agreements including TRIPS & TRIMS.

WIPO-Paris convention-Bern Convention-WCT- Budapest treaty-Madrid Agreement-Hauge Agreement-

IPR-1 Patents: Historical Background of IPR- Introduction, definition and classification of intellectual
Property, Patents-Patentable and Non patentable inventions-Legal requirements for patents-Types of
patent applications- Patent document: specification and claims-Important procedural aspects-Management
of IP Assets and IP portfolio-Commercial exploitation of IP.

IPR-2: Designs and Geographical Indication (GI)-Designs: Basic requirements-Procedure-Convention
application-Term-Date Geographical Indication: Definition-What can be registered-Who can apply-
Rights-Term - Restrictions

IPR-3: Trademarks and Copy rights: Definitions-Classification of trademarks-Classifications of goods
and services-Vienna classification-Trademarks procedure-Trademarks enforcement: Infringement and
passing off-Remedies-Copy rights-Term of copyrights-Procedure of copyright- Assignment of copy right-
Copyright infringement-Remedies.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:

1. P. K. Vasudeva ,World Trade Organization: Implications on Indian Economy, Pearson Education,

2. P.Krishna Rao, WTO-Text and cases, Excel Books, 2015.
3. Caves,Frankel, Jones, World Trade and Payments-An Introduction, Pearson .
4. Education, 2015.
5. Carlos M.Correa- Intellectual property rights , The WTO and Developing countries-Zed .books
6. Peter-Tobias stoll, Jan busche , Katrian arend- WTO- Trade -related aspects of IPR- Library of

Introduction: Concept of Culture for a Business Context; Brief wrap up of organizational culture & its
dimensions; Definition of CCM Role and Significance of CCM to managerial personnel and to the
organizations in the global competitive market economy; Theoretical Foundations of CCM; Horizons in
Cross Culture Management; Cultural Background of business stake-holders [managers, employees, share
holders, suppliers, customers and others]

Culture and Global Management: Global Business Scenario and Role of Culture-A Frame work for
Analysis; Elements & Processes of Communication across Cultures; Communication Strategy for/of an
Indian MNC and Foreign MNC [ with 3 illustrations on each drawing from different geo economic and
social contexts] & High Performance Winning Teams and Cultures; Culture Implications for Team

Cross Culture-Negotiation & Decision Making; Process of Negotiation and Needed Skills & Knowledge
Base-Overview with two illustrations from multi cultural contexts [India-Europe/ India-US settings];
International and Global Business Operations-Strategy Formulation & Implementation; Aligning Strategy,
Structure & Culture in an organizational Context.

Global Human Resources Management-Staffing and Training for Global Operations; Developing a Global
Management Cadre; Motivating and Leading; Developing the values and behaviors necessary to build
high-performance organization personnel [individuals and teams included].

Corporate Culture: The Nature of Organizational Cultures; Quality and Cross-Culture; Diagnosing the As-
Is Condition; Designing the Strategy for a Culture Change Building; Adjusting in a New Culture-Stages
of Cultural Adjustment and Stages of Culture Shock; Successful Implementation of Culture Change
Phase; Measurement of ongoing Improvement.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.
Suggested Readings:

1. Geert Hof stede, ‘Cultures consequences” (2nd ed) thousand oaks’, CA; sage publications 2001.
2. Heracleous.L and Devoge, S., “Bridging the gap the of relevance: Strategic management and
organizational development, Long Range planning, 1998
3. Triandis, H., Carnevale, P., Gelfand, M., Robert, C., Wasti, D., Chen, X., Kim, U., Dreu, C.,
Vliert, E., Iwao, S., Ohbuchi, K., and P. Schmitz. (2001). Culture and Deception in Business
Negotiations: A Multilevel Analysis. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 1(1),
4. J. Scarborough, The Origins of Cultural Differences and Their Impact on Management. Westport,
CT: Quorum, 2000
5. R. Sanyal, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.

Foundations of Analytics: Introduction-Evolution-Scope-Data for Analytics-Decision models -
Descriptive, Predictive, Prescriptive - Introduction to data warehousing -Dashboards and reporting-
Master data management (only theory)

Decision Theory: Introduction - Steps of decision-making process - types of decisionmaking
environments-Decision-making under uncertainty-Decision-making under Risk-Decision tree analysis
(only theory). Design of Experiments: Introduction - Simple comparative experiments - Single factor
experiments-Introduction to factorial designs

Descriptive Statistics: Measures of central tendency - Problems on measuresof dispersion-Karl Pearson
correlation, Spearman’s Rank correlation, simple and multiple regression (problems on simple regression

Cluster Analysis: Introduction - Visualization techniques - Principal components -Multidimensional
scaling-Hierarchical clustering-Optimization techniques Factor Analysis: Introduction-Exploratory factor
analysis-Confirmatory factor analysis Discriminant Analysis: Introduction-Linear discriminant analysis

Project Management: Introduction - Basic difference between PERT & CPM - Network components
and precedence relationships - Critical path analysis - Project scheduling -Project time-cost trade off-
Resource allocation Instruction: Equal weightage is given for both theory and problems in the ratio of

Practical Component:

1. Students are expected to have a basic excel classes

2. Students should be able to categorize the data and find out the basic statistical values

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.
Suggested Books:

1. James R. Evans, Business Analytics-Methods, Models and Decisions, Prentice Hall, 1 st edition,
2013, ISBN-978-0-13-295061-9
2. J K Sharma, Operations Research - Theory & Applications, Macmillan publishers, 5 th
edition, 2013, ISBN 978-9350-59336-3
3. Purba Halady Rao, Business Analytics-an application focus, PHI Learning, 2013, ISBN 978-81-
4. N D Vohra, Quantitative Methods, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010, ISBN 978-0-07-014673-0
5. S C Gupta, Fundamentals of Statistics, Himalaya Publishing House, 6 th edition, 2007, ISBN
6. James Lattin, Douglas Carroll and Paul Green, Analyzing Multivariate Data, 2003, ISBN 0-534-
34974-9, Thomson Learning.
7. E. Turban, R. Sharda, J. Aronson, and D. King, Business Intelligence: A Managerial
Approach,Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-234761-7.
8. Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, Quantitative Methods for Business, Thomson, 2005, ISBN


Basics-Marketing, Market - Needs wants- Customer Satisfaction- Customer Delight-Marketing Mix
Marketing Environment - Company's Micro and Macro Environment.

Market Segmentation-Levels and Bases for Segmentation, Segmenting Consumer Markets- Business
Markets- International Markets- Market Targeting - Evaluating Market Segments-Selecting Market
Segments-Differentiation- Product Positioning-Positioning Strategies- Demand Measurement and Sales
Forecasting Methods- Estimating Current and Future Demand.

Marketing Programme and planning-Decisions Involved in Product- Branding-Packaging-Product
Line and Product Mix Decisions. New Product development, Product Life Cycle- Pricing- Strategies-
marketing planning-Contents of Marketing Plan - Developing Marketing Plan for variety of goods and

Distribution and Integrated Marketing Communication-Designing and managing distribution
channels; Multi channel marketing- Direct marketing and E-commerce. Designing and Managing,
Integrated Marketing Communications; Advertising- Publicity- Personal Selling- Sale Promotions.

Marketing Research: - Introduction- Objectives- Marketing Research Process- Application of Marketing
Research-Research proposal.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Kotler Philip, Garyarmstrong, Prafullay. Agnihotri, EU Haque, “Principles of Marketing”, 2010, 13th
Ed, Pearson Education Prentice Hall of Indi.
2. Paul Baines, Chris fill, Kelly page, “Marketing Management”, 2009, 1st Ed. Oxford University Press.
3. Roger j. best, “Market- Based Management”, 2009, 1st Ed. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
4. Kurtz & Boone, “Principles of Marketing”, 2010, 12th Ed. Cengage Publications.
5. Tapan k panda, “Marketing Management”. 2010, 1st Ed. Excel books.
6. Ramaswamy V.S. Namakumari S, “Marketing Management”, 2009, The Global perspective-Indian
Context Macmillan India Ltd.
7. Rajan Saxena, “Marketing Management”, 2009, 4th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill1.
8. Principles of Marketing 12th Edition - Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong
9. Marketing Management - V.S.Ramaswamy and S.Namakumari
10. Analysis for Marketing Planning-Donald Lehmann & Rusell Winer, 6th ed.
Introduction to HRM- Definition - History of human resource management-Functions of Human
Resource Management - Emerging role of Human Resource Management- Challenges of HR

Human Resource Planning - Definitions, Objectives and Process - Managing the forecasted
Demand/Supply - Growing importance of Human Resource Planning.
Job Analysis and Job Design - concepts, process and methods of job Analysis - Job Description-Job
Specification - Uses and Issues in Job Analysis

Human Resource Management: An overview-Recruitment-Selection-Interviews - Placement-Socialization
process of new employees-Employee Welfare Measures - Employee Career Management.

Employee Grievance andGrievance Handling-Disciplinary Action-Quality of Work Life- Employee
Absenteeism-Employee Retention Strategies-Trade Unions.

Stress-Causes, Symptoms and Stress Management techniques-Talent Management- Managing Diversity.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.
Suggested Books:
1. Aswathappa K - Human Resource and Personnel Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Ed.).
2. Rao VSP-Human Resource Management, Text and Cases (Excel Books, 2nd Ed.),
3. Ivansevich-Human Resource Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 10th Ed.)
4. Dessler-Human Resource Management (Prentice Hall, 10th Ed.)
5. Bernardi-Human Resource Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed.)
6. Human Resources Management- Gary Dessler
7. Personnel Management-C.B Mamoria
8. Managing Human Resources - R.S. Dwiwedi
9. Human Resources Management-V.P.Michael
10. Human Resources Management-Dr.P.C.Pardeshi
Financial Management: An Overview-Evolution of finance-The Basic Goal-Creating Shareholder Value,
Agency Issues-Business Ethics and Social Responsibility-Role of Finance manager-Time value of money.

Investment Decisions: Capital Budgeting Process and Techniques - Payback period, Accounting rate of
return, NPV, IRR, MIRR, Profitability index, Discounted payback eriod, Estimation of cash flows, NPV
vs. IRR, Risk analysis in Capital Budgeting - Sensitivity analysis, Certainty Equivalent Approach Cost of
Capital: Meaning and Concept, Calculation of WACC, The CAPM Approach, Adjusting cost of capital for
risk (including problems).

Financing Decisions: Capital Structure Theories and Value of the firm -Net income approach, Net
operating income approach, Traditional approach, Modigliani Miller model, Determining the optimal
capital structure, Costs of Bankruptcy and Financial Distress, Pecking Order Theory.
Leverage and EBIT-EPS Analysis: Concept of leverage, Types of leverage: Operating leverage, Financial
leverage, Combined leverage; EBIT-EPS Analysis, Guidelines for capital structure planning, Link
between capital structure and capital budgeting.

Dividend Decisions: Factors determining Dividend Policy-Forms of Dividend-Cash Dividend, Bonus
shares, Stock split Theories of Dividend - Gordon model, Walter model, MM Hypothesis,- Dividend
policies in practice.

Working Capital Management: Working capital policies, Risk-Return trade off, Cash management,
Receivables management, Inventory management, Credit management, Working capital financing.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Readings:
1. Bhalla, V.K. (2009). Financial Management. New Delhi: Anmol Publications
2. Brealey, R. R., Myers. S., Allen, F., & Mohanty, P. (2009). Principles of corporate finance (8th
ed.). New Delhi: Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
3. Brigham, E. F., & Houston, J. F. (2007). Fundamentals of financial Management (11th ed.). USA:
4. Chandra, P. (2008). Financial management (7th ed.). New Delhi: Mc-Graw Hill.
5. Hickman, K. A., Hunter, H. O., & Byrd, J. W. (2008). Foundations of corporate finance (2nd ed.).
USA: South Western.
6. Horne, V. (2008). Fundamentals of financial Management (12th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson
7. Keown, A. J., Martin. J. A., & Petty, J. W. (2010). Foundations of finance (7th ed.) USA: Pearson
Prentice Hall.
8. Laney, M. (2009). Business finance: Theory and practice (8th ed.) New Delhi: Pearson Education.
9. Pandey, I M. (2008). Financial management (9th ed.). New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
Research - Meaning - Scope and Significance - Types of Research-Research Process - Characteristics of
good research - Scientific method - Problems in Research - Identifying Research Problem-Concepts and
Theoretical Framework.

Hypothesis: - Meaning - Sources - Types - formulation Research design - Types - features of good design
- measurement - meaning - need Errors in measurement - Tests of sound measurement - Techniques of
measurement - scaling Techniques - meaning - Types of scales

Sampling design - meaning - concepts - steps in sampling - criteria for good sample design - Types of
sample designs - Probability and non-probability samples-Data collection- Types of data - sources - Tools
for data collection methods of data collection - constructing questionnaire - Pilot study-case study - Data
processing- coding - editing - and tabulation of data-Data analysis.

Test of Significance- Assumptions about parametric and non-parametric tests - Non Parametric Test - U
Test- Kruskal Wallis- sign test-Multivariate analysis-factor-cluster-MDS-Discriminant analysis- (NO
Problems)-concept of SPSS and its applications.

Interpretation - meaning - Techniques of interpretation - Report writing- Significance - Steps in report
writing - Layout of report-Types of reports - Oral presentation - executive summary - Mechanics of
writing research report - Norms for using Tables- charts and diagrams - Appendix- Norms for using Index
and Bibliography.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Rao K.V.Research methods for management and commerce - sterling
2. Zikmund, Business Research Methods
3. Kothari C.R.- Research methodology
4. Donald R.Cooper and Pamela S.Schindler - Business Research Methods - Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Uma Sekaran, Research Methods for Business, Wiley Publications.


Hardware Management:

(a) Historical Review-Types of Computers-Computer Peripherals-Input Technologies and Devices-Output

Technologies and Devices-Storage Technologies and Devices-Future Scenario-Managerial consideration
in acquisition, maintenance, controlling, replacement of Hardware.

(b) System Software Management: Overview of Operating Systems, Network Management Programs,
Database Management Programs, Servers, System Utilities, Performance and Security Monitors, System
Development Programs, Managerial Consideration in Selection, Maintenance, Controlling, Replacement
of Software.

(c) Application Software Management: Overview of General Purpose Application Software such as
Software, Suites, Messaging, Groupware, Conferencing Commercial and Corporate Tools and Overview
of Application Specific Software such as Programming languages, ERP, e-commerce, CRM, Scientific
and Engineering Programs.


(a) Networking Management-Networking Trends-Internet Basics-Intranet and Extranet-Overview of

Networking Alternatives, Networking Types, Networking Media, Networking Processors, Networking
Software, Networking Architecture and Networking Protocols.

(b) Data Management-Database Concepts and Development-Types of Databases-Application

Development through DBMS-Database Administration. Database Resource Management-Data
Warehouse and Data Mining-Data Recovery Practices and Technologies.


(a) Security Management: Need, Case Studies-Types of Computer Crime-Cyber Law-Tools of Security
Management-Security Defenses-System Controls and Audit

(b) People Management: I.T Organization of a large corporation-Selection and Recruitment-Training-

Retention-Performance Measurement.


(a) MS-Word-Creation of Document- Format Document-Text Editing and Saving, Organising

Information with Tables and Outlines-Mail Merge-Publishing Documents on Web.

(b) MS Excel-Creating and Editing Worksheets-Cell Formatting-Creating and using Formulas and
Functions-Use of Macros -Sorting and Querying Data-Working with Graphs and Charts.

(c) MS Power Point-Creation of Slides-Use of Templates and Slide Designs for Creating Power Point
Slides- use of Drawings and Graphics. Developing a Professional Presentation on Business Plans,
Institutions, Products, and People etc.

(a) Introduction to ERP packages: Various ERP’S, Implementation of ERP, Introduction to SAP

(b) Internet Basics: Types of Connections, Internet Protocol, IP address, Connectivity to Internet, Wi-Fi
Connectivity, Effective Googling, Creation of Web Pages using HTMLS.

Suggested Books:
1. Management Information System Laudon, Laudon and Dass 11th Edition Pearson
2. Management Information System Obrien, Marakas, Behl 9th Edition Tata
3. Management Information System WS Jawadekar, 4th Edition Tata McGraw Hill
4. IT System Management by Rich Schiesser Enterprise Computing by Alan. R. Simpson
5. The Influence of IT Management Practice on IT Use in Large Organizations Journal MIS
Quarterly Author. Boynton Andrew, Zmud Robert & Jacobs Gerry
7. MIS Quarterly, University of Minnesota (Journal)
CSL Communications, Computer Society of Indian (Journal).


Disk Operating System: Internal and External Commands - Wild Card Characters.
Windows operating system - Desktop, Start menu, Control panel, Windows accessories.

MS-WORD -Toolbars-Creating, Saving and closing a Document-Opening and Editing a

Document - Moving and Copying Text - Text and Paragraph Formatting, Applying Bullets
and Numbering-Find and Replace- Insertion of Objects, Date and Time, Headers, Footers and
Page Breaks - Auto Correct - Spelling and Grammar Checking - Graphics, Templates and
Wizards -Mail Merge : Meaning, Purpose and Advantages - Creating Merged letters,
Mailing labels, Envelops and Catalogs- Working with Tables-Format Painter.

MS-EXCEL: Spread Sheet / Worksheet, Workbook, Cell, Cell Pointer, Cell address etc., - Parts
of MS Excel Window - Saving, Opening and Closing Workbook - Insertion and Deletion of
Worksheet - Entering and Editing Data in Worksheet - Cell Range - Formatting - Auto Fill
-Formulas and its Advantages - References : Relative, absolute and mixed - Functions: Meaning
and Advantages of functions, different types of Functions available in Excel - Templates -Charts-
Graphs-Macros : Meaning and Advantages of Macros, Creation, Editing and Deletion of Macros-
Data Sorting, Filtering, Validation, Consolidation, Grouping, Pivot Table and Pivot Chart

Financial Analysis using MS-Excel:

 Depreciation Case Study

 Capital Budgeting Case Study
 Income Tax Case Study-Part I
 Income Tax Case Study- Part II
 Cash Budgeting Case Study
 EMI Case Study
MS-POWER POINT : Parts of MS Power Point Window - Menus and Tool bars -
Creating Presentations through Auto Content Wizard, Templates and manually - Slide Show
- Saving, Opening and Closing Presentation-Inserting, Editing and Deleting Slides -Types of
Slides -Slide Views-Formatting -Insertion of Objects and Charts in Slides- Custom
Animation and Transition.

INTERNET: Surfing various Websites, Creation of E- Mail Id, Sending Receiving Mails, and
Uploading file, Uploading Resumes in job sites, Downloading files and Software.

Introduction: Project Management- Significance of Project Management-Need for Project
Management-Project Life Cycle-Today’s Project Management- Future trades in Project Management-
Organisation structure-Stake holder Management-Creating Organisation culture for Project Management.

Project Planning-Need & Importance of Project Planning- Approaches to project screening & Selection-
Work breakdown structure-Financial Module-Compiling a project Charter-Setting up a monitoring &
Controlling Process


Project Execution-Initiating the Project-Controlling & Reporting Project Objectives-Project Evaluation-

Risk Management-Cost Management-Creating a project Budget

Project Teams: Building a project team-Characteristics of Effective Project Team-Cross functional
cooperation -Virtual Project Teams-Conflict Management

Performance Measurement: Project Control Cycle- Monitoring Project Performance-Earned Value
Management-Project Termination-Types of project Terminators.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Gray, Larson: Project Management - Tata McGraw Hill - 2015
2. Jeffery K.Pinto: Project Management - Pearson Education - 2015
3. Enzo Frigenti: Project Management - Kogan, 2015
4. R. Panneerselvam, P. Senthilkumar: Project Management, PHI, 2015
5. Thomas M.Cappels: Financially Focused Project Management, SPD,2008.
Policy Environment for Small Scale Sector, Pre and Post 1991 Industrial Policy, New Policy Measures,
Reports of various Working Groups on SSIs: Kothari Committee 2,000, Ganguly Committee 2004.

Policy Support Mechanism: Reservation of Items for Small Scale Industries, Rationale, Procedures,
Criticism, De-reservation, Removal of Quantity Restrictions, Government’s Purchase Preferences Policy
for Small Industries Products, Price Preference Policy for SSI products.

Policy of Priority Credit, Equity Participation, Equity issues by small enterprises through OCTEI, Policy
of Technology Upgradation in small enterprises, Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises.

Taxation Benefit to SSI: Need for tax benefits, Tax Holiday, Rehabilitation Allowances, Expenditure on
Scientific Research, Amortization of certain Preliminary Expenses, Tax concession to SSI in rural and
backward areas, Expenditure on acquisition of Patents and Copyrights.

Policy on Handling Sickness in Small Industries: Causes and consequences of Sickness, Measures to
prevent sickness in small units Measures for Export Promotion: Export Processing Zones (EPZs), Special
Economic Zones (SEZ), Measures for Export Promotion, Organizational support for Export Promotion.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Readings:
1. Personal Finance by Jack R. Kapoor, Les R. Dlabay and Robert J. Hughes, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.
2. Personal Finance coloumns in The Economic Times, The Business Line and Financial Express Daily
News Papers
3. Kothari Committee Report
4. SSI Policy
5. Sick Industries Companies Act’
7. Internet Sources- BSE, NSE, SEBI, RBI, IRDA, AMFI etc

Introduction to Spread Sheets, Various Spread Packages, Understanding Microsoft Excel - Excel
Workbook Windows - Basic Spreadsheet Skills - Excel Help System - Opening and Closing Workbooks -
Understanding Workbook File Formats - Creating New Workbooks - Selecting Cells - Auto Sum and Auto
Fill Function - Cell Referencing and Request - Formatting Cells - Formatting Numbers - Placing Cell
Alignment - Cell, Rows and Columns - Understanding Worksheets - Editing, Copying and Moving Cells -
Page Layouts in Excel - Proofing Workbooks - Basic Options, Ribbons and Toolbar.

Defining Names in Excel - Sorting Data - Using Excel Tables - Filtering Data in Excel - Understand
Charts - Chart Design Options and Tools - Chart Format Tools - Combo Charts - Find and Replace -
Headers and Footers - Adding Comments - Conditional Formatting.

Introduction to Excel Advanced - Using Text to Columns - The Paste Special Function - Data Validation -
Subtotals and Grouping - Consolidating Data - Scenario Analysis Data Tables in Scenario Analysis

What-if Analysis - Functions within Excel Understanding Date Function - Information Functions -
Logical Functions - Financial Functions ,Mats and Trig Functions - Text Functions in Excel - Using
Lookup Functions-Lookup-Vlookup-Hlookup - Using Statistical Functions - Database Functions -
Formula Auditing and Error Tracing - Hyperlinks in Excel - Linking Data - Workbook Properties -
Protecting and Sharing Worksheets - Data Encrypting and Finalizing Workbooks

Understanding to Macros - Working with Templates - Tracking Changes in Excel - Merging and Compare
Excel Workbooks, Understanding Pivot Tables - Using Pivot Charts.

Suggested Books:
1. Excel 2010 Bible [with CD ROM] by Jobn Walkenbach, John Wiley & Sons, 2010 Edition
2. Excel 2007 for Dummies by Greg Harvey New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2007
5. (Journal) (Journal)

PRACTICALS: Advanced Excel Lab

1) Create a workbook, Enter data in a worksheet, Format a worksheet, Format numbers in a

worksheet, Create an Excel table, Filter data by using an AutoFilter, Sort data by using an
AutoFilter. Essential Worksheet Operations: Using Help(F1), Keyboard Shortcuts, Working
with Cells and Ranges: Formatting Cells, Name Manager, Visualizing Data Using Conditional
Formatting: Apply Conditional Formatting, Printing Your Work: Print a worksheet, Using Print
Preview & Other Utilities. Using Custom Number Formats: Right Click, Format Cells
2) Working with Date, Time and Text, Creating Charts and Graphics: Chart your data, Creating
Spark line Graphics, Using Insert Tab Utilities.
3) Using Data Tab and Data Validation: Getting External Data, Remove Duplicates, Apply Data
Validation and using Utilities from Data Tab.
4) Creating formulas that manipulate Text-Upper, Proper, Lower, Concatenate, Text to
Column,Creating Formulas that Count,Sum, SubTotal: Create a formula, Use a function in a
formula, Creating Formulas that Look Up Values: VLookup, HLookup, Match and Index,
Creating Formulas for Financial Applications: Introduction to formulas e.g PV, PMT, NPER,
RATE, Creating Balance Sheet, Investment Calculations, Depreciation calculations.
Performing Spreadsheet What-if Analysis: Create a macro, Activate and use and add-in,
Analyzing Data with the Analysis Tool Pack: Anova, Correlation, Covariance, Descriptive
Statistics, Histogram, Random Number Generation, Rank and Percentile, Regression, t-Test,
5) Protecting you work: using Review Tab utilities, Using Pivot Tables for Data Analysis: Create
Data Base of Pivot, Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables, and Producing Report with a Pivot
Table. Creating Macros, Merging workbooks, Creating Templates.

Understanding Social Issues -Social Issues: Concept, Characteristic and Causes of Social Problems
Social Issues vis-a-vis corporate environment: Casteism, Agitation in Youth, Corruption, Black money,
Terrorism, Sexual Harassment at Workplace & their impact on Society, Social Cost of Development

Business Ethics -Values, norms & beliefs, Culture, Cultural differences, Hofstede’s Dimensions of
Cultural Differences, cultural discrimination, Concept of Ethics Morality & Moral Standards, Factors
affecting Business Ethics, Professional Ethics: Ethics in Marketing,.Ethics in HRM, Ethics in Finance &
Accounting, Ethics in Information Technology, Ethics in Production

Ethical Decision Making -Ethical D/M Process, Ethical norms for business decisions
Ethical consistency, Ethical Dilemma, Role & Qualities Of CEO Business ethics & CEO

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -Meaning; corporate philanthropy; CSR-an overlapping
concept; corporate sustainability reporting; CSR through triple bottom line; relation between CSR and
corporate governance; environmental aspect of CSR; CSR models; drivers of CSR; major codes on CSR;
initiatives in India.

Environmental Responsibility – Economic Development and Pollution, Increased Pollution Levels,
Changing role of Government, Regulations and its impact on business & industry, Green Marketing,
Environmental Technology, Ecological implications of technology, Sustainable Development.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:

1. Mallin, Christine A., Corporate Governance (Indian Edition), Oxford University Press, New
2. Blowfield, Michael, and Alan Murray, Corporate Responsibility, Oxford University Press.
3. Francesco Perrini, Stefano, and Antonio Tencati, Developing Corporate Social Responsibility-A
European Perspective, Edward Elgar.
4. Sharma, J.P., Corporate Governance, Business Ethics & CSR, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
5. Sharma, J.P., Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility of Business, Ane Books
Introduction to - Role of Operations Management in Decision Making- Interface between Operations
Management and other functional areas- Process Planning and Process Design - Characteristics of
Process Technologies- Project-Job Shop- Assembly-batch and Continuous - Plant layout-Different types
of layouts-Location and the factors influencing location.

Production Planning and Control - Basic functions of Production Planning and Control- Production
Cycle- Maintenance Management- Objectives-Failure Concept- Reliability- Preventive and Breakdown
maintenance - Replacement Policies and Models- Replacement of Capital Cost items without considering
time value of money - Replacement of Capital Cost items considering time value of money (Including

Quality Control-Standards and Specifications- Quality Assurance and Quality Circles-Statistical Quality
Control -Control Charts for Variables- Average-Range - Control charts for Attributes- Fraction Defectives
and Number of Defects- Acceptance Sampling - OC Curve. (Including Problems)

Work Study - Objectives -Various Techniques in the Methods Study for identifying the most appropriate
method- Work Measurement - Uses and Methods for work Measurement - Computation of allowance and
allowed time.

Materials Management-Need and Importance - Materials Requirement Planning - Stores Management-
Objectives of Stores Management-Requirements for efficient- Management of Stores-safety stock
-Inventory Control -Types of Inventory- Costs associated with inventory -Techniques of inventory
control-ABC Analysis (Including Problems).

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Mahadevan. B, “Operations Management”, 2010, Pearson Education.
2. Stevenson J. William, “Operations Management”, 2009, 9th Ed. Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. James R Evans, David A. Collier, “Operations Management”, 2007, Cengage Learning.
4. Aswathappa K. and Sridhara Bhat, “Production and Operations Management”, 2010, HPH.
5. Danny Samson and Prakash J.Singh, “Operations Management-An integrated approach”, 2009,
1st Ed. Cambridge press.
6. Ray Wild, “Operations Management, 2003, Thomson Learning.
7. Kanishka Bedi, “Production and Operations Management”, 2007, 2nd Ed. Oxford University
8. Everett. Adam, Jr. and Ronald J. Elbert, “Production and Operations Management Concepts,
Models and Behaviour”, 2003, Prentice Hall of India, 5th Ed.
9. Donald Waters, “Operations Management”, 2010, Kogan page India.
10. Upendra Kachru, “Production and Operations Management”, 2010, Excel Books.

Definition of organizational behavior: Concept- Importance-Theoretical Approaches Cognitive
Approach-Behavioral Approach, Social Learning Approach, - Challenges and opportunities for
organization behavior, International Organizational Behavior: Conditions affecting Multinational
Operations-How culture influences International OB-Managing Global workforce.

Individual in the organization: Individual - nature of man - Models of man, Personality: Stages of
development of personality - Determinants of Personality, Other personality attributes that influence OB.
Perception - Factors influencing perception, Perceptual Selectivity. Motivation theories.

Groups in organization: Nature of Groups, types of groups, stages of group development, group structure.
Group Cohesiveness. Teams: Understanding work teams - Types of teams-Essential for building effective
teams..Conflicts - Types and sources of Conflicts - Strategies for resolution of Conflicts in
Groups-.Meaning of Grievances, Grievance Handling Process.
Group Dynamics: Communication- Hindrances in achieving effective communication. Decision making:
Nature-types and techniques of decision making. Leadership theories. Basis of power- Organizational
Culture: Concept- types-Implications of organizational Culture.

Organizational Change: Resistance to change - Introducing change in large organizations - Organizational
stress- Factors contribute to Stress- Coping strategies- Stress and performance.
NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Readings:

1. P. SubbaRao:Organizational Behavior (Text, cases & Games)

2. Dr. Niraj Kumar: Organizational Behavior(A new look concept, theory & cases)
3. Robbins: Essentials of Organizational Behaviour, Pearson Education, 2008.
4. Gordon. J.R: Diagnostic approach to Organizational behaviour: Allyn and Bacon: New York, 1987.
5. Lorbch J.W. (Fd.) Handbook of Organization Behaviour: Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
6. Fred Luthans, OrganisationalBehaviour, 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2005.
7. Stephen P.Robins, Organisational Behavior, 9th edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2001.
8. Harrison M.LK.: Diagnosing Organizations: Methods, Models and Processes: Sage Publishers, New
Delhi, 1987.
9. Ford. R.C.: Organization Theory- An Integrative Approach: Harper & Row Publishers: New York,
10. Robbins P. Stephen: Organizational Behaviour, Concepts, Controversies and Applications, Pearson
Introduction to OR- Origin-Nature- Definitions-Techniques of OR- Business applications of OR- Linear
Programming (LPP)- Formulation of LPP- Solution by the Graphical Method.

LPP - Simplex Method - Big M Method - Two Phase Method - Solution to LPP problems for
Maximization and Minimization Cases-Degeneracy - Concept of Duality.

Transportation Problem (TP) - IBFS using Northwest Corner Method-Least Cost Entry Method (LCM)
and Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM) - Unbalanced TP- Degeneracy- Optimality Test using MODI
method and SSM- Business applications of TP.

Assignment Problem (AP): Optimal Solution- Hungarian Method- Unbalanced AP-Restricted AP-
Travelling salesman problem- Business applications of AP- Simulation- Process of simulation-
Applications of simulation to different management Problems-Waiting Line Simulation Model-Inventory
Simulation Model.

Waiting Lines - Concepts of Queue/Waiting Line- Basic structure of Queuing Models- Kendall-Lee
Notations - Operating characteristics of Queue System - Cost Associated with Queuing - Single Channel
Queuing model with Poisson Arrivals and Exponential Service rate.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. N.D. Vohra, “Quantitative Techniques in Management”, 2010, 4th Ed.TMH.
2. J.K. Sharma, “Operations Research Theory and Applications 2009, 4th Ed. Macmillan.
3. Kasana, HS & Kumar, KD, “Introductory Operations Research theory and applications”, 2008,
4. Chakravarty, P, “Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics”, 2009, 1st Ed. HPH.
5. Barry Render, Ralph M. Stair, Jr. and Michael E. Hanna, “Quantitative analysis for Management”,
2007,9th Ed. Pearson.
6. Pannerselvam, R, “Operations Research”, 2006, 3rd Ed. PHI.
7. Selvaraj, R, “Management Science Decision Modeling Approach”, 2010, 1st Ed. Excel.
8. Ravindren, A, Don T. Phillips and James J. Solberg, 2000, “Operations Research Principles and
Practice”, 2nd Ed. John Wiley and Sons.
9. G.V. Shenoy, U.K. Srivastava and S.C. Sharma. “Operations Research for Management”, New Age
International Limted.
10. N.V.S. Raju “Operations Research” 4th Edition, BS Publication.

Strategic Management: Definition- Strategic Management Process- Developing a Strategic Vision-
Mission Statement - Establishing objectives- Policies-Factors that Shape a Company’s Strategy- Crafting
a Social Responsibility Strategy.

Strategic Position: Evaluating a company’s external environment- Framework for Competitor Analysis-
Evaluating Company’s Resources and Competitive Capabilities-SWOT Analysis- Value chain Analysis-
Sustaining Competitive Advantage - Core Competencies.
Strategic Alternatives: Porter’s Generic Strategies- BCG Matrix- GE Model-TOWS Matrix-IE Matrix-
The Grand Strategy Matrix- Creating Value through Diversification- Different Types of Diversification
Strategies- Related and Unrelated Diversification- Vertical Integration and Horizontal Strategies-
Offensive and defensive Strategies- Product and Market Diversification- Merger and Acquisition
Strategies - Strategic Alliances.

Strategy Formulation: Strategies for Competiting in Emerging Industries, Fragmented Industries-
Maturing Industries - Stagnant Industries - Weak and Crisis Ridden Firms-Turnaround Strategy.
Strategy Implementation: Strategy and Structure- Strategy and Leadership- Strategy and Culture -
Strategy Evaluation and Control: Establishing Strategic Controls for Measuring Performance - Qualitative
and Quantitative Bench Marking to Evaluate Performance.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:

1. Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington,"Exploring Corporate Strategy",2009,PearsonEd

2. Arthur A Thompson Jr, Strickland A.J., John E. Gamble and Arun K. Jain, "Crafting and Executing
Strategy, - The Quest for Competitive Advantage-Concepts and Cases",Tata McGraw Hill
3. Michael Hitt, Ireland, Hoskission, "Strategic Management", 2010, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
4. Fred R. David, "Strategic Management - Concepts and Cases", 2010, PHI Learning, New Delhi.
5. Subba Rao, P, "Business Policxy and Strategic Management (Text and Cases)", 2010,HPH
6. V.S.P. Rao and V., Hari Krishna, "Strategic Management", 2010, Text and Cases, Excel Books,
7. U.C. Mathur, "Text Book of Strategic Management", 2005, Macmillan Publisher India Ltd,
8. Upendra Kchru, "Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases", 2010, Excel Book,s New Delhi.
9. Gregory G. Dess, G. T. Lumpkin, Alan B. Eisner, "Strategic Management - test and cases", 2009,
Tata McGraw Hill.
10. Gr.Capt.H.Kaushal, Case study solutions: Corporate/strategic planning. Mac millan, 2011.

The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to the participants regarding the theory and practice of
Security Analysis and Investment Decision Making Process.

Introduction to Investment theory; Investment objectives, constraints and policies, Investment initiatives,
Attributes of an Investible instrument, Investment, VS. Speculation Markets for various Investment
alternatives and recent developments.

Approaches to investment valuations; Stock Market Analysis-Fundamental Approach, Technical
Approach, Efficient Market Theory and Behavioural Theory- Valuation of Equity - shares: capitalisation
of Dividends, growth conditions, P/E approach. Valuation of Preference Shares.

Valuation of Fixed Income Securities-Features and Types of Debt Instruments- Measuring Bond Yield
-current Yield- Holding Period Yield- Yield To Maturity- Yield To Call- Bond Valuation-Capitalization of
income method- Bond Price Theorems- Bond Duration- Macaulay’s Duration- Modified Macaulay’s
Duration- Bond Convexity- Managing Bond Portfolio- Considerations in managing bond portfolio- Bond
Immunization- Active and Passive Bond Portfolio management Strategies.

Introduction to Portfolio theory; Investor’s objectives, constraints and policies; Return-Risk analysis;
Markowitzian Portfolio Theory; Leveraged and Unleveraged Portfolios; Multiple security portfolios;
Capital Asset Pricing Model; Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor models; Optimum risky portfolio
using Single Index Model.

Portfolio Evaluation- Need for Performance Evaluation- Sharpe’s reward to Variability Index- Treynor’s
Reward to Volatility Index- Jensen’s Differential Index- Fama’s Decomposition of Returns. Managed
Portfolios in India;
NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.
Suggested Books:
1. Bodie, Z. A., Kane. A., & Marcus, A. J. (2007). Essentials of investments (7th ed.). UK: McGraw
2. Chandra, P. (2008). Investment analysis and portfolio management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Fischer, D. E., & Jordan, R. J. (1995). Security analysis and portfolio management (6th ed.). India:
Prentice Hall.
4. Kevin, S. (2006). Security analysis and portfolio management. New Delhi: Prentice Hall.
5. Ranganathan, M., & Madhumathi, R. (2006). Investment analysis and portfolio management. New
Delhi: Pearson Education.
6. Reilly, F. K., & Brown, K. C. (2008). Investment analysis and portfolio management (9th ed.). UK:
South Western College.
7. Vishwanath, S. R., & Krishnamurti, C. (2009). Investment management: A modern guide to security
analysis and stock selection.
Indian Financial System-Financial Services-Meaning and concepts-scope and features-classification-
growth and problems of financial services sector -Role of Financial Services in Economic Development.

Banking Institutions: Commercial Banks: Concept and Evolution-Public and Private Sector Banks-
Structure and NPAs- Capital Adequacy Norms- Risk Management Practices - Strategies of Commercial
banks : Gap Analysis and Asset Liability Management (ALM), Systems.

Non- Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs): Operational Policies and Performance-. Development
Banking: Concept-Evolution- Functions and activities. Investment Banking: Concept-Functions and
activities-Underwriting-Bankers to an Issue- Portfolio Managers-Challenges faced by Investment Bankers.

Insurance Companies: Structure and Investment Pattern of LIC, GIC and other Insurance Companies-
Competition and Innovation- Role of IRDA- Challenges of Insurance Sector - Credit Rating: Objectives-
Types-Rating Methodology-Credit Rating Agencies-SEBI guidelines. Factoring: meaning-types-functions
- Factoring Vs. Forfaiting-Securitization- - Housing finance, Lease Financing Meaning-Features-Types-
Merits and Demerits-Lease or Buy Decision Hire Purchasing: Concepts-Salient Features - Leasing Vs.
Hire Purchasing.

Mutual Fund: concept, types, Growth of Mutual Funds and its Regulation- Venture Capital: Concept-
emergence-features-stages of venture capital-present scenario-Private Equity.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Khan M.Y.: Financial Services, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi.
2. Vasant Desai: Financial Markets and Financial Services, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Gordon & Natarajan: financial Markets and Services, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
4. Tripaty Nalini Prava: Financial Services, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
5. Guruswamy.S: Financial Services, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6. V. Avadhani: Financial Services in India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2009
7. Shashi K. Gupta & Nisha Aggarwal: Financial Services, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
8. Sasidharan. K & Alex K. Mathews: financial Services and System, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd.,
9. Vyuptakesh Sharan: International Financial Management, Prentice Hall India Ltd., New Delhi.
10. V.A. Avadhani: International Financial Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.


Introduction to Product Management:-Classification of Products -Characteristics of FMCG- Product Mix

and Product Line Decisions-Responsibilities of Product Managers-Characteristics of a Successful Product


Portfolio Management-‐BCG-GE- Porter’s Model-Customer Analysis, Market Potential and Sales



New Product Development-Test Marketing-Product Differentiation and Positioning Strategies-Perceptual

Mapping-Product Market Analysis of Packaged Drinking water, Mobile Phones, Fairness Creams, Digital


Branding-Definition-Advantages and Benefits of Branding-Criterion for a Good Brand Name-Brand

Strategy Decisions-Brand Identity-Brand Image-Brand Loyalty.

Branding Challenges and Opportunities-Brand Equity Concept- Strategic Brand Management Process-
Customer Based Equity-Building a Strong Brand and its Implications-Identifying and Establishing Brand
Positioning-Defining and Establishing Brand Values.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Chandrasekar.K.S, “Product Management-Text, Applications and Cases”, Himalaya Publishing
House, 2011.
2. Chitale.A.K, Ravi Gupta,”Product Policy and Brand Management-Text and Cases”, PHI, 2011.
3. Keller Kevin Lane, Parameswaran.M.G, Jacob Isaac, “Strategic Brand Management”, 3 rd edition,
Pearson, 2011.
4. Lehman.R.Donald, Winer.S.Russel, “Product Management”,4 th edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2005.
5. Majumdar Ramanuj, “Product Management in India”,3 rd edition,PHI,2007.

6. Ranjeet Verma, “Brand Management”, University Science Press, 2009

Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action - An overview - Consumer involvement - Decision-Making
Processes - Purchase Behaviour and Marketing Implications - Consumer Behaviour Models.

Environmental influences on Consumer Behaviour - Cultural influences - Social class-Reference groups
and family influences - Opinion leadership and the diffusion of innovations-Marketing implications of the
above influences.

Consumer buying behaviour - Marketing implications - Consumer perceptions-Learning and attitudes -
Motivation and personality-Psychographics - Values and Lifestyles, Click-o-graphic.

Strategic marketing applications - Market segmentation strategies - Positioning strategies for existing and
new products, Re-positioning, Perceptual Mapping - Marketing communication - Store choice and
shopping behaviour - In-Store stimuli, store image and loyalty - Consumerism - Consumer rights and
Marketers' responsibilities.

The Global Consumer Behaviour and Online buying behaviour - Consumer buying habits and perceptions
of emerging non-store choices - Research and applications of consumer responses to direct marketing
approaches - Issues of privacy and ethics.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Bennet And Kassarjian, Consumer Beha Viour, Prentice Hall Of India, New Delhi.
2. Michael R. Solomon, Consumer Behaviour, Phi Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011
3. Ramanuj Majumdar, Consumer Behaviour, Prentice Hall Of India, New Delhi, 2011
4. Loudon And Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour: Concepts And Applications, Tata Mcgraw Hill. New
5. Berkman & Gilson, Consumer Beha Viour:Concepts And Strategies, Kent Publishing

Organisational Development (OD): - Definition and concept-Nature of Organisational Development-
Foundations of Organisational Development-Client-Consultant Relationship.

OD Interventions: Sensitivity Training-Survey Feedback-Process Consultation Interventions-Intergroup
team - Building Interventions- Third-Party Peacemaking Intervention-Structural Interventions.

Leadership: Leadership through self awareness and self discipline-Leadership Development Programs-
Evaluation of Leadership Development Efforts-Leadership Practices that Foster Total Quality
Management. Leadership Challenges in Managing Transformational Change in a Strategic Organization.

Change: Introduction to change-Need for Change-Forces for Change-Understanding of Change, Types of
Change-Incremental Change -Radical Change-Participative Change-Directive Change.

Change Management: Models of Organisational Change - Sources of Change-Resistance to Change-
Planning and Implementing Change-Managing Change Effectively - Key Roles in Organisational
Change - Visionary Leadership and Change Management.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Dr.. D.K. Tripathi: Team Building Leadership wih Text & Games.
2. Daft, Richard: The Leadership Experience, Thomson.
3. Gary Yukul, 2006, Leadership, Pearson Education.
4. A,M. Sharma : Personal and Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publication.
5. Dubrin, Andrew, ‘ Leadership’, Biztantra.
6. Lussier, Robert and Christopher Fachua ‘Leadership’ Thomson.
7. P. Subba Rao: Essentials of Human Resourcer Management and Industrial Relations (text, cases and
Games), Himalaya Publication.
8. B.R. Virmani, 2006, Challenges in Indian Management, Response Books.
9. C.S.V. Murthy, Change Management, Himalaya Publishing house.
10. Northouse, 2006, Leadership, Response Books.
Concept of Recruitment-Factors effecting Recruitment - Recruitment Challenges - How to make
recruitment efforts succeed - Recruitment Sources - Innovative recruitment sources - Electronic
Recruitment - Electronic resumes - Career web sites, Proactive and reactive recruitment-Recruitment
Techniques-Evaluation of Recruitment program.

Selection: concepts of Selection-Selection Procedures-Selection Standard methods -e-selection - Ensures
competitive advantage - Application form-Evaluation of application forms-Ethical issues in application
form design.

Selection tests - Ability Tests-Intelligence test-aptitude test-Achievement test-situational test-interest test-
Mental Ability, Mechanical ability test, Personality Measurement Test, Personality Assessment-
Performance tests - Computer based testing - Graphology - testing advantages and disadvantages - test

Interviewing-Interview Process-Types of Interviews - Planning basic questions - competency based
questions - Probing questions - physical examination-Reference checking

Placement: Employee placement process - Induction-Orientation-Objectives of orientation-orientation
policy-orientation program.
NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. P. Subbarao: Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations(Text, Cases
and Games), 3rd revised and Enlarged Edition-2008, Himalaya publishing house.
2. T.K. Rashmi: Recruitment Management
3. Phillips: Strategic Staffing, Pearson, 2009.
4. DaineArthur:Recruiting, Interviewing, Selecting & Orienting New Employee, PHI, 4/e, 2007.
5. Robert Edenborough: Assessment Methods in Recruitment, Selection and
6. Performance, Kogan, 2006.
7. Sanjay Srivastava: Case Studies in HRM, Excel,2009.
8. Gatewood, Field,Barrick: Human Resource Selection, Cengage, 2008.
9. Gareth Robert: Recruitment and selection, Jaico, 2008.
10. N.K.Chanda: Recruitment and Selection, Paragon International, 2009


Enterprise Resource Planning: What is ERP: - Features of ERP (Basic and Advanced)-ERP Architecture-
ERP Need Analysis-Return on Investment for ERP.


ERP Implementation and Support: ERP Life Cycle, Methodologies and Strategy-Vendor and Software
Selection-Business Process RE-Engineering related to ERP-Implementation Process-Change
Management-Post implementation Support, Maintenance, Security.


ERP Functional Modules: Human Resource Management-Accounting and Finance-Procurement,

Inventory Control-Production, Planning, Operations-Sales, Customer Relationship Management-e-

ERP Technology Areas, Enterprise Applications: Portal and Content Management, Data Warehousing and
Data Mining, Business Intelligence and Analytics-Emerging Trends in ERP Applications.

ERP Case Studies: Case Studies of ERP Implementation in Manufacturing and Service Sectors.

Suggested Books:
1. Enterprise Resource Planning, Ray Tata McGraw Hill.
2. ERP Demy stified, Alexis Leon, Tata McGraw Hill enterprise Resource Planning, A
Managerial Perspective, Goyal, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): A review of the literature by Young B. Moon,
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Vol.4, No.3
5. Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies

a) Management Information Systems: Need, Purpose and Objectives-Data, Information,

Knowledge-Types of Information Systems-Information as a strategic resource-Use of
information for competitive advantage.
b) Information Technology Infrastructure: Information Systems Architecture-Mainframe, Client
Server, and Web Based, Distributed, Grid, Cloud-Overview of Hardware, Software, Storage
and Networking Devices-Network Types-Topologies of Networks.


a) Introduction to Data Base Management Systems: Data Models-Database Manager-Data

Administrator-Database Users. Introduction to SQL, Use of SQL in Database Management.
b) Systems Engineering Analysis and Design: Systems Concept-Systems Development Life
Cycle-Assessing Enterprise Information requirements-Alternative System Building
Approaches-Prototyping-Rapid Development Tools-CASE Tools-Object Oriented Systems
(only introduction to these tools & techniques)


Decision Support Systems: Data Warehousing and Data Mining-Business Intelligence and
Analytics-Group Decision Support Systems-Executive Information Systems-Executive
Support Systems-Geographical Information Systems-Expert Systems and Knowledge Based
Expert Systems- Artificial Intelligence.


a) Digital Firm Perspective: MIS Model for a Digital Firm-Organization Structure for Digital
Firm-E-Business Models and Applications-Mobile Computing, Call Centers, BPO
b) Management Issues in MIS: Information Security and Control-Quality Assurance-Ethical and
Social Dimensions-Intellectual Property Rights as related to IT Services / IT Products.

Application of Information Systems in Business areas
Accounting-Inventory Management-Finance-Marketing-Human Resource Management.

Emphasis should be given on management oriented problems and cases as compared to technical
orientation expected from computer science / computer management students.

Suggested Books:

1. Management Information Systems by Obrien, Marakas and Ramesh Behl, TMGH.

2. Management Information Systems by Jawadekar, TMGH, 4th Edition.
3. Management Information Systems by Kaiswal and Mittal, Oxford University Press
4. Decision Support System and Intelligent System by Turban and Aronson, Pearson Education Asia.
5. Management Information Systems by C.S.V.Murthy
6. Management Information System Laudon, Laudon Dass 11th Pearson Education Asia 11th Edition.
7. Management Information System by Davis and Olson, Tata McGraw Hill

8. MIS Quarterly, University of Minnesota (Journal)

CSI Communications, Computer Society of Indian, Mumbai (Journal)


1) Accounting- Introduction to Accounting Software, Creation of Company, Preparation of

Ledger, Maintaining Inventory, Voucher Posting, Trial Balance, Profit and loss account,
Balance Sheet (Sole Traders). (Using Accounting Packages Latest Version)
2) Finance: - Capital Budgeting Decisions, Calculations of NPV, IRR, Profitable Index,
Preparation of Budget, and Calculation of Cost of Capital. (Using MS-Excel)
3) Data Types in SQL,DDL,DML,TCL,DCL Commands, Creating Tables, Inserting-
Deleting-Updating Rows, Clauses in SQL,Integrity Constraints, Functions-Selecting
Rows, Joins (Using Oracle)
4) Marketing:-Creating Customers,Sales,Dealers,Products,Gepgraphical Areas and Tables
,Retrieving Data (Using SQL&MS-Excel)
5) Human Resource Management: - Employees data base and salary administration. (Using
Ms-Excel and Oracle)



An Introduction to Global Business: Meaning, nature and significance of international Business, Drivers
of International Business, players in international business- MNC - benefits and problems to host country
and home country -challenges of international business. Modes of Entering International Business

Theories of International Trade: Balance of Payments Introduction, Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage-
Comparative Cost Advantage Theory, Relative Factor Endowments Theory-Country Smililarity Tehory-
Product Life Cycle Theory-Global Strategic Rivalry Tehory-Porter’s National Competitive Advantage -
Balance of payments and its components-International flow of goods- services and capital-Copying with
current account deficit.

Global Business & National Regulation: Rationale for Government Intervention-Forms of Trade
Regulation-Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers- Regional Economic Integration-Levels of Economic
Integration-Benefits & Costs of Economic Integration-Major Trading Blocks: EU, NAFTA, ASEAN and
SAARC- World Trade Organization - Structure and functions-TRIPs & TRIMs-WTO & India-UNCTAD.

Foreign Exchange Markets: Determining exchange rates; Fixed and flexible exchange rate system;
Exchange rate theories-Participants in the foreign exchange markets; Foreign exchange market - cash and
spot markets; Exchange rate quotes; LERMS-Factors affecting exchange rates - spot rates, forward
exchange rates, forward exchange contracts-Foreign exchange and currency futures-Exchange rate
arrangement in India-Exchange dealings and currency possession; information and communication-
Foreign exchange trades.

International Financial Markets and Instruments: International capital and money markets - GDRs, ADRs,
IDRs, Euro bonds, Euro loans, Repos, CPs, floating rate instruments, loan syndication and Euro deposits.-
FDI-Theories-Factors inferring FDI,

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Apte, P.G, International Financial Management, Tata Mcgrawhill, New Delhi.
2. Buckley, Adrian, Multinational Finance, Prentice Hall, New Defhi.
3. Eitman, D.K. And A.I Stenehilf, Multinational Business Cash Finance, Addison
4. Wesley, New York.
5. Henning, C.N., W Piggot And W.H Scott, International Financial
6. Management, Mcgraw Hill, International Edition.
7. Levi, Maurice D, International Finance, Mcgraw-Hill, International Edition.
Introduction: Concept of Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship Characteristics of an Entrepreneur-Distinction
Between an Entrepreneur and a Manager-Functions of an Entrepreneur-Theories of Entrepreneurship-
Role of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Problems, - Recent Trends of Women
Entrepreneurship-Need for Rural and social Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial Growth: Economic and Non-Economic Factors-Government Actions; Entrepreneurial
motivation; Entrepreneurial competencies; Entrepreneurial mobility; EDP-Need objectives, evaluation
methods of EDPs.

Small Enterprises: Definition-Characteristics-Relationship with large units-Rationale-Objectives-Scope -
Role of Small Enterprises in Economic Development- problems-

Institutional Finance to Entrepreneurs: Commercial Banks-Other Major Financial Institutions such as
IDBI, IFCI, IIBI, LIC, UTI, NABARD, SFCs, SIDCs, SIDBI, and EXIM Bank; Need for Institutional
support to Entrepreneurs-Role of NSIC, SSIB, SSICs, MSMEDI, DICs, Industrial Estates, Specialized
Institutions, and TCOs, Microfinance institutions.

Venture Capital: Venture Capital Financing Concept and features, Need, relevance and Structure and
regulatory framework of venture capital in India. Investment process and evaluation dead Structuring.
Exit Strategies of venture capital funds concept of private equity.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Vijay Sathe, “ Corporate Entrepreneurship” 1st edition, 2009, Cambridge
2. S.S. Khanka, “Entrepreneurial Development”, 2007, S. Chand & Co. Ltd.
3. Vasanth Desai, “Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management”, 2007, HPH,
4. Dr. Vasant Desai, “Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship”, 2006, HPH.
5. P. Narayana Reddy, “Entrepreneurship-Text and Cases”, 2010, 1st Ed. Cengage Lerning.
6. S. R. Bhowmik and M. Bhowmik, “Entrepreneurship”, 2007, New Age International.
7. David H. Hott, “Entrepreneurship New Venture Creation”, 2004, PHI.
8. A. Sahay and A. Nirjar, “Entrepreneurship”, 2006, Excel Books.
9. Poornima. M Charantimath, “Entrepreneurial Development and Small Business Enterprises”, 2006,
Pearson Education.
10. Morse.E.A., Mitchell.R.K., “Cases in Entrepreneurship”, 2006, Sage Publications.
11. T. Satyanarayana Chary-venture Capital : Concepts & Application-Laxmi Publication.

Cost and Management Accounting: Concept- Scope and Objectives of Cost and Management
Accounting-Management Accounting Vs Cost Accounting Vs Financial Accounting- Costing as an Aid to
Management- Methods and Techniques of Costing-Cost Sheet (Including Problems)

Marginal Costing: Introduction- Break-Even Analysis- Application of Marginal Costing: Profit Planning-
Selection of Suitable Product Mix- Closing or Suspending Activities- Make or Buy Decisions- Dropping
a Product Line-Differential Costing. (Including Problems)
Budgetary Control: Meaning and Objectives- Budget Manual- Types of Budgets: Fixed and Flexible
Budget -: Zero Based Budgeting -Standard Costing: Concept and Need -Types of Standards- Analysis of
Variance: Material and Labour Variances. (Including Problems)

Responsibility Accounting: Responsibility Centers- Need- Types- Performance Reports- Segmented
Performance Evaluation (simple Problems) - Transfer Pricing.

Strategic Cost Management : Activity Based Cost Management-Meaning- Cost Drivers- ABC costing Vs
Traditional Costing (Including Problems)- Product Life Cycle Costing- Target Costing- Total Cost
Management (TCM).
NOTE: At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:

1. Arora M.N, “Cost Accounting-Principles and Practices”, Vikas Publishing House.

2. Jain S.P & Narang K.L, “Advanced Cost Accounting”, Kalyani Publishers.
3. Arora M.N, “Cost & Management Accounting”, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Allen, “Cases in Management Accounting& Control System”, Pearson
5. Sahaf M.A, “Management Accounting-Principles and Practices”, Vikas Publishing House.
6. Khan M.Y & Jain P.K, “Management Accounting-Text, Problems and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Anthony and Deardon, “Management Control System”, Tarapore wala.
8. Horngorn C.T.” Cost Accounting a Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall of India.
9. Asish K. Bhattacharya, “Cost Accounting for Business Managers”, Elsevier.
10. Hansen and Mowen,” Management Accounting”, Cengage Learning.
Project Work
Every student will be assigned a project topic at the end of the second semester and it will be
pursued by him/her under the supervision of an internal supervisor. The Project work along with
soft copy will be submitted by the students in their respective institutions. The student shall be
required to submit Project reports as per the schedule to be announced by the University for
Assessment. The Project work shall be evaluated by External and Internal Examiners separately.
The internal assessment (50 marks) shall be done by the internal faculty/guide on the basis of a
presentation by the student as per the assessment schedule to be decided and announced by the
University. The external assessment (50 marks) shall be done by the External Examiner on the
basis of Viva Voce and the report. The students must attend the classes of Project work to get
proper guidance in preparing and presenting the project report.
Introduction to Derivatives:- Introduction-Evolution and significance-functions of Derivatives Markets-
Types of Financial Derivatives-Players in Derivatives Market -- Trading Mechanism-Risk in Derivatives
Trading - Types of Orders - Regulation of Derivatives Markets-Derivative Markets in India.(Theory

Forward & Future Contracts : Concept-Features-Forward Contract-Future Contracts-Trading in Future
Contracts-Comparison between Badla & Futures-Specifications of Future Contracts-Forwards Vs. Futures
- Pricing of futures-Yielding no income, known income, known dividend-Hedging strategies using futures
(including Problems)

Options: Concepts-Options Vs. Futures-Types-Trading with options-Basic principles-Hedging strategies
using options. (Theory Only) - Valuation of Options-Factors determining option value-Binomial Option
Pricing Model-single period -Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model-non dividend and dividend paying
strategies-The Greeks of Black Scholes Model. (Including Problems)

Swaps: Introduction-concept, Nature, Evolution, Features, Major Types of Swaps- Interest Rate Swaps-
Currency Swaps-Commodity Swaps-Equity Index Swaps-Credit Risk in Swaps-Credit Swaps-Swaps to
Manage Risk-Pricing and valuing Swaps ( including problems).

Financial Engineering: Construction of option strategies in various market situations and their pay off;
Betting on a large price decrease, betting on a small price increase. Exotic options: Compound, binary,
barrier and Asian options, options involving several assets. Value at risk: Normal linear VaR, Historical
simulation, value at risk for option portfolios.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Readings:
1. S.L.Gupta: Financial Derivatives-Theory, Concepts and Problems, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
new Delhi, 2008
2. Bishnupriya Mishra & Satya Swaroop Debasish: Financial Derivatives, Excel Books, New Delhi.
3. John C. Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Pearson Education, Seventh Edition.
4. G.Koteshwar: Risk Management-Insurance and Derivatives, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai,
5. Somanathan T.V: Derivatives, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., New Delhi,2008
6. ND Vohra & BR Bagri: Futures and Options, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., New Delhi.
7. S.S.S.Kumar: Financial Derivatives, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008
8. D.C. Patwari & Anshul Bhargava: Options & Futures, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai
9. N.R.Parasuraman: Fundamentals of Financial Derivatives, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
10. Jayanth Rama Varma: Derivatives and Risk management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., New Delhi.

Risk Management: Introduction to risk and uncertainty-introduction to Risk Management-Rationale for
Risk Management in organizations.

Risk Assessment: Risk identification-risk analysis-Exposures- physical assets-financial assets-human
assets-legal liability-work-related injury- Risk measurement - Risk control Tools-Risk financing
techniques-Risk Management Decisions-Data Organisation and Analysis.

Insurance Markets And Functions: Insurance Industry- Pricing of Insurance-Insurance Regulation
(IRDA)-Financial assessment-Legal Aspects of Insurance Contracts-Insurance Contract Analysis-
property and liability coverage-Classification of Policies-Annuities-Surrender Values-Valuation and

Types of Insurance: Life Insurance-Marine Insurance-Fire Insurance-Motor Insurance-Fidelity Insurance-
Double Insurance-Re-insurance- Business Insurance Programs-Health Care financing-Health Care
insurance-Employee Benefit Plans.

Insurance Accounts: Valuation Balance Sheet-Life Insurance Accounts-Fire Insurance Accounts-Marine
Insurance Accounts-Essential Elements of Insurance Contract-Practical Problems.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Readings:
1. Scott Harrington and Gregory Niehaus, RiskManagement and Insurance, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Arthur.C. Williams and Richard M. Heins,Rsik management and Insurance, Mc Graw Hill.
3. Mishra, M.N., Insurance-Principles, and practices, S. Chand & Co.
4. IRDA publications.
5. Patterson, Edwin, W., Essentials of Insurance Law, Mc Graw Hill.
Marketing of Services: Introduction - The Concept of Service-Nature - Characteristics of Services -
Classification of Services-Nature-Service Economy.

Marketing Mix in Services Marketing: The seven Ps - Product Decisions, Pricing Strategies and Tactics,
Promotion of Services and Placing or Distribution Methods for Services - Additional Dimensions in
Services Marketing - People, Physical Evidence and Process.

Consumer Behaviour in Services: Search-Experience and Credence property, Customer Expectation of
Services, Factors influencing customer expectation of services, Customer perception of services- Factors
that influence customer perception of service, Service encounters Customer Satisfaction.


Service Quality-The dimensions of quality-GAP model of service quality-Measuring service quality using
SERVQUAL- SERVPERF, Strategies for services marketing. Strategies for Dealing with Intangibility,
Inseparability and Perish Ability.

(a) Financial Services
(b) Health Services
(c) Hospitality Services (Travel, Hotels and Tourism.)
(e) Insurance Services
(f) Communication and IT Services
(g) Educational Services

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:

1. Bhattacharjee, C, “Services Marketing”, Excel books, 2008.

2. Jha.S.M, “Services Marketing”, Himalaya Publishing House, 2011.
3. Rampal.M.K, Gupta.S.L, “Services Marketing-Concepts, Applications, Cases, Golgotia
Publishing Company, 2004.
4. Lovelock Christopher, Wirtz Jochen, Chatterjee Jayanta, “Services Marketing-People, Technology,
Strategy”, 5th edition, 2007.
5. Ravi Shanker,” Services Marketing-The Indian Perspective”, Excel Books, 2002.
6. Zeithmal.A.Valarie,BitnerJoMary,Gremler.D.Dwayne,Pandit Ajay, “Services Marketing-
Integrating Customer Focus Across The Firm”,4 th edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2008.

Introduction to Retail: What is Retail? - Functions of a retailer-Evolution of Retail in India-Challenges to
Retail Development in India-Retail marketing mix-Franchising-Types of retailing.

The Evolution of Retail formats-Theories of retail development-Environmental, Cyclical and Conflict
Theory-The Concept of life cycle in Retail-Innovation, accelerative growth- Maturity-Decline-Phases of
growth in retail markets-Business models in retail-Classification based on ownership /Merchandise
offered/Franchising /Non Store Retailing/Direct selling/Direct response marketing

Retailing And Customers-introduction-Retailing and consumption-Changing consumer-demographics-
Life style changes-Consumer buying process- Shopping behavior-Retail outlet choice--The factors
influencing the retail shopper -The buying decision process and the implications for retail management-
Retail marketing strategy

Retail store locations-Types of retail locations-Steps involved in choosing a location-Retail
Merchandising-Definition-Role and responsibilities of merchandiser, buyer- the process of Merchandise
planning- the methods of merchandise procurement.--Category management.

International Retailing-Concept-Eclectic, Push-Pull, Strategic Management theories of
internationalization-Market entry strategies-Factors determining choice of entry methods-Leading
international retailers in the world.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Bhatia.S.C, “Retail Management”, Atlantic Publishers,2008.
2. Gilbert David,”Retail Marketing Management”,2nd edition, Pearson Education Limited,2003.
3. Levy.M, Weitz.B.A, Pandit.A, “Retailing Management”,6thedition, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2008
4. Swapna Pradhan, “Retailing Management-Text and Cases”,2 nd edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2007.
5. Swapna Pradhan, “Retailing Management-Text and Cases”,3 rd edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2009
Performance Appraisal: Introduction-objectives-uses-approaches - components-process-benefits and
limitations of performance appraisal, Concerns and Issues in appraisal Reengineering Performance
Appraisal - Needs for performance planning- Problems of performance appraisal - planning individual

Measuring performance: Principles of measure-Classification of performance measure- Measurement
scale system-Approaches to measure Organizational Performance-Information for measurement purpose.

Methods for Performance Appraisal: Traditional and Modern methods- Managerial appraisal- Errors in
Performance appraisal-Performance Appraisal assessment - Performance Review and feedback - Legal
issues - Strategies to improve performance- Responsibilities in performance appraisal-Performance

Conceptual Approach to Performance Management: Need for Performance management in Indian
organizations. Determinants of job performance: Person and system factors. Linkage between human
resource strategy and organizational performance. Role of personality factors in job performance.
Performance planning and role clarity. Key Performance Areas: Performance Targets - Components of
effective Performance Management. Performance management cycles.

Developing and Designing Performance Management Systems: Designing Performance Appraisal as a
framework for Performance Management - A realistic model for Performance Management - Using PMS
data for HR decisions and performance improvements - PMS and Appraisal practices in India and other
Asian countries - Policy and strategy initiatives in improving HR performance.

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Ram Kumar Balyan, Vikramender singh Balyan, Suman Balyan: Performance Management
1. A.M. Sharma, seventh revised edition 2011, Personal and Human Resource Management,
Himalaya Publishing House.
2. G K Suri, C S Venkata Ratnam, N K Gupta, 2004, Performance Measurement and Management --
Excel Books Pvt Ltd.
3. Dinesh K Srinivastava, 2005, Strategies for performance Management -- Excel Books.
4. T V Rao, 2006, Performance Management and Appraisal Systems-Response Books.
5. Richard S Williams, 2006, Managing Employee Performance-Thomson Publishers.
6. Agwnis, 2006, Performance Management-Pearson
7. Prem Chadha, 2006, Performance Management-Macmillan India Ltd
8. T V Rao, 2006, Redesigning Performance Appraisal System-Tata McGraw Hills.
9. Editor Mike Walter, 2006, The Performance Management Hand Book : - Jaico Publishing House.
10. King P, 2006, Performance Planning and Appraisal - Tata McGraw Hills.
Training: Definition-Meaning - Purpose-Objectives-Functions and benefits of Training, Concepts of
Education, Training and Development, Performance appraisal and Training needs.

Training Strategy: Steps in Training Design-Modular approach to program design. Training Methods and
Techniques: Factors in the selection of Training Methods-Training Methods. Trainer and Training Styles:
Trainers Roles, Personality and Behavior, Attributes of Training Program. Trainer’s Styles.

Evaluation of Training Program: Objectives, Purpose, Criteria, Process, approaches of Training
Evaluation - Reasons contributing to Training Evaluation Failures, Evaluation of Training program and
Return on Investment - Criteria for measuring Training Success.

Training and Development Effectiveness: Factors for effective training - Evaluation of Impact of Training
Program-measurement of Trainee behavior before and after training program-steps to maximize the
effectiveness of trainee. Training and System Design: Task of training system - dynamics of developing
training system-training environment-action research for training.
Management development program: concept - process-Organizing and implementing management
development programs and Executive Development programs - Methods and evaluation of management
development and executive development programs-Pre-requisites to effective management development
program - Emerging trends in training and development: Computer assisted Training (CAT) - Computer
Based Training (CBT)-Technology based training (TBT) - Multimedia Training - E-Learning/Online

NOTE: - At least one Case Study is to be discussed per unit in the class.

Suggested Books:
1. Raymond A Noe: Employee Training and development, TMH, 4/e, 2008.
2. Rolf P Lynton, Udai Pareek: Training for Development, Vistaar Publications, 2008.
3. G Pandu Naik: Training and development, Excel Books, 2007.
4. P.Nick Blanchard, James Thacker: Effective Training, Pearson Education, 3/e, 2009.
5. Stephen P.Robins: Training in Interpersonal Skills, PHI, 4/e, 2008.
6. R K Sahu: Training for Development: Excel Books, 2006.
7. Employee Training And Development - Raymond Noe
8. Every Trainers Handbook- Devendra Agochia
9. Training And Development- S.K. Bhatia
10. HRM-Biswajeet Pattanayak
4.5.4. (a) E-COMMERCE

Introduction to E-Commerce: Meaning, nature and scope; Channel of e-commerce; Business applications
of e-commerce; Global trading environment and adoption of e-commerce. Business Models of E-
commerce and infrastructure: B2B, B2C, B2G and other models of e-commerce; Application of e-
commerce to supply chain management; product and service digitization; Remote Servicing procurement,
and online marketing and advertising E-commerce resources and infrastructure planning.
Business to Consumer E-commerce Applications: Catalouge, Order planning and order generation; Cost
estimation and pricing; Order receipt and accounting Order selection and prioritization: Order scheduling,
fulfilling and delivery, Order billing and payment management; Post sales services.
Business to Business E-Commerce: Need and alternative models of B2B e-commerce; Using Public and
Private computer networks for B2B trading: EDI and paperless trading: characteristic features of EDI
services arrangement; Internet based EDI: EDI architecture and standards: VANs; Costs of EDI
infrastructure; Reasons for slow acceptability of EDI for trading; E-Marketing-Traditional web promotion
; Web counters; Web Advertisements.
Electronic Payment Systems and Order Fulfillment: Types of payment systems-e-cash and currency
servers, e-cheques, credit cards, smart cards, electronic purses and debit cards; Operational, credit and
legal risk of e-payment, Risk management options of e-payment systems; Order fulfillment for e-
Security Issues in E-Commerce: Security risks of e-commerce-Types and sources of threats; Protecting
electronic commerce assets and intellectual property; Firewalls; Client server network security; Data and
message security; Security Tools; Digital identity and electronic signature; Encryption approach to e-
commerce security.

Regulatory Environment of E-Commerce: Borders and Jurisdiction contracting and contract enforcement;
International cyber laws -aims and salient provisions; cyber laws in India and their limitations; Taxation
and e-commerce; Ethical Issues in e-commerce.

Suggest Books:

1. Bajaj, Deobyani Nag, E-Commerce, Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Diwan, Prag and Sunil Shama, Electronic Commerce –A Manager’s Guide to E-Business, Vanity
Books International, Delhi.
3. Greestein, M, and T.M Feinman, Electronic Commerce: Security, Risk Management and Control,
Tata McGraw hill, 2000.
4. Agarwal, kamlesh N., Amit Lal and Deeksha Agarwala, Business on the Net: An Introduction to
the Whats and Hows of E-Commerce, Macmillan Indian Ltd., 2000.
5. Fitzerald, Business Data Communication Network, McGraw Hill, 1998.
6. Kalakota, Ravi and Andrew P. Whinson, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Wesley.
7. Kosiur, David, Understanding Electronic Commerce, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd., New
8. Schneider, Gray P. and James T. Perry , Electronic Commerce, Thompson Learning, Cambridge,
9. Turban, E, et. Al., Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education Asia.
10. Whiteley, David, E-Commece, McGraw hill, New York, 2000
11. Young, Margaret Levine, The Compete Reference to Internet, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
4.5.4. (b) E-ACCOUNTING

Computer Fundamental & MS-Office Computer Hardware & Software, Windows 7/8/10. MS-Office:
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access & Outlook. Internet Concept, Surfing, Mailing & Social Media. Using
PC Tools: WinRar, PDF Readers, Teamviwer, Skype etc
Advanced Excel / MIS about Excel 2010/13, Tabs & Ribbons, Workbook, Workspace & Sheets Cell
Referencing: Relative, Mix & Fix, Creating & Formatting Options. Conditional Formatting, Data Sorting
& Searching, Filter & Data Validation. IF Conditions, Vlookup, Hlookup, Index, Match, Sumproduct,
Text Functions. Financial Functions, Data Analysis, Pivots & Charts, Name Manager & Trace. What if
Analysis, Text to Columns, Consolidate, Subtotal, External Data. Freeze Panes, Print Setup, Share
Workbook, Security Features etc.

Financial Accounting q Accounting Fundamentals, Accounting Terms, Principals & Equations.
Accounting Cycle & Golden Rules of Accounting, Journal Entries & Ledger. Subsidiary Books, Cash
Book, BRS, Depreciation & Error Rectifications. Final Accounts: Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Profit
& Loss A/c. Practical Accounting Vouchers and Documentation.

E-Commerce E-Commerce, Using Job Portals, Online Shopping, Ticketing & Payment. Accessing
Government sites and services, Employment Registration etc. Online Application for: Pan Card, Voter ID,
UID Etc. Surfing Internet, Downloading Apps, Software’s, Music , Games & E-Books.

Tally.ERP9 - Complete Business Accounting About Tally.ERP9 : Latest Updates, Installation, Company
Setup & Features. About TDS, TDS Entries & Challans, VAT & CST, Voucher Type & Classes Creating
Masters: Groups, Ledgers, Cost Centre, Stock Details, Budgets etc. Automatic Interest Calculation,
Cheque Printing, BRS and Discounts. Passing Transactions/ Voucher Entries: Payment, Receipt, Contra
Journal etc. Service Tax Entries, Dealer Excise Setup and Transactions, Vat on CG. Sales/Purchase Order
Process Entries, Making Challans, Rejection & Billing. Payroll Setup, Payroll Masters, Pay Heads &
Dept., Attendance & Pay Slip. MIS Reports, Print Setup, Import-Export, TallyODBC, Backup Restore

Taxation Direct Tax Indirect Tax Basic Concepts of Income Tax. Heads of Income and Slab Rates.
Income from Salary, House Property, Business, Profession, Other Sources. Capital Gain. Deduction
under U/A. Agricultural Income, Return of Income, Advance Tax & TDS. Value Added Tax(VAT). Central
Sales Tax(CST). Service Tax (ST). Central Excise Duty. About Goods & Service Tax(GST).

Suggested Books:

1. Computerised Accounting: A.Murali Krishna, Vaagdevi publications

2. Aakash Business Tools: Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bombay
3. Mastering Tally: Dinesh Maidasani, Firewal Media
4. Implementing Tally ERP 9: A.K Nadhani and K.K Nadhani, BPB Publications
5. Computerised Accounting and Business Systems: KalyaniPublications
6. Manuals of Respective Accounting Packages
7. Tally ERP 9: J.S. Arora, KalyaniPublications.
8. Business accountingusing Tally ERP.9 by Tally Education
9. Excel 2010 Bible by John Walkenbach, John Wiley & Sons, 2010 Edition
10. Excel 2007 for Dummies by Greg Harvey
11. Accountancy-I: Haneef and Mukherjee, Tata McGraw Hill Company.
12. Accountancy-I: S.P. Jain & K.L Narang, Kalyani Publishers.
13. Accountancy–I: Tulasian, Tata McGraw Hill Co.
14. Introduction to Accountancy: T.S.Grewal, S.Chand and Co.

4.5.4. (b1) E-Accounting Lab Syllabus

1. Ms-Office:
a. Ms-Word: Formatting of Documents, Mail-Merge, etc
b. Ms-Excel: Entering and Formatting Excel Worksheet, Data Validation and Report, What-if
Analysis, Charts, Etc
c. Ms-PowerPoint: Preparation of Presentations

2. E-Commerce:
a. Browsing various Job Portals, Online Shopping, Ticketing & Payment. Accessing
Government sites and services, Employment Registration etc

3. Using Tally ERP Latest Software:

a. Creating Masters: Groups, Ledgers, Cost Centre, Stock Details, Budgets etc. Automatic
Interest Calculation, Cheque Printing, BRS and Discounts.
b. Passing Transactions/ Voucher Entries: Payment, Rcpt, Contra Journal etc.
c. Payroll Setup, Payroll Masters, Pay Heads & Dept., Attendance & Pay Slip
d. MIS Reports

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