Mushroom Holy Grail Instructions.
Mushroom Holy Grail Instructions.
Mushroom Holy Grail Instructions.
Creating Your Own Grail Creating your own magic Grail is easier than baking bread or
canning fruit, simply follow the directions below to create your own Grail. But first you must
understand some basic chemistry concerning Amanita Muscaria. Amanita Muscaria must be
dried to become psychoactive; this converts a chemical called Ibotenic Acid to muscimol,
which is the desired agent. When Ibotenic Acid is dried the chemical loses a carbon dioxide
molecule and a water molecule to produce Muscimol. This chemical change can be reversed
with Carbonated water so do not consume dried Amanita Muscaria or the products of the
Grail with Carbonated water (Beer, Soda, or bubbly wine like Champagne). To do so will at
the very least nullify the mental effects and at the worst it can cause symptoms similar to
fresh (undried) Amanita Muscaria poisoning. These symptoms include nausea, vomiting,
stomach cramps and extreme sedation resulting in a coma like sleep with no hallucinogenic
effects! Once you have a functioning Grail it will be used in a basic cycle of being filled with a
food source liquid (Grape juice, Honey water, etc.) that feeds the fungus and is what you will
consume. This liquid will set in the Grail for 4 to 12 hours; it is then poured off and drunk.
The Grail will then be allowed to set empty for a week or more to grow and dry and can then
be reused, this cycle can be repeated indefinitely. To create your Grail you first need a
suitable terra cotta pot or bowl, the ancients Beakers ranged from a tall vase to shallow bowl
shapes, so the shape doesn’t seem to matter, but a vessel you can see and reach into is
very convenient. The terra cotta vessel should be at least 16oz (500ml) in capacity to make it
worthwhile to use. Pottery shops or Garden supply stores are good places to look for a
suitable pot, remember it must be terra cotta just like a clay flowerpot. Porcelain, stoneware,
or any pot that’s glazed inside or out cannot be used. If you wish you could try to make your
own terra cotta pot, just remember to fire it at the lowest temp (700 to 800 degrees Celsius)
higher temperatures cause vitrification and make the pot useless fora Grail. Some Colleges,
Craft Stores, or pottery supply stores offer classes in ceramics, for most people this is easier
than doing it all themselves. The Pot must also have enough of a rim to secure your cloth
cover described below You will need a suitable thin cloth to cover the Grail whenever you
are not pouring liquid into or out of the Grail. In the Grail legends the Grail was always
covered with a cloth. In practice any cloth that is thick enough to keep fruit flies out of your
Grail can be used. Cotton, or Linen works well but even polyesters can be used. The main
requirements are that it keeps fruit flies out, easily lets oxygen in and helps keep the
humidity level high for a couple of days to allow the fungus to grow. This cloth should be
secured with a string or rubber band around the top of your Grail to keep it in place. It also
helps to have two cloth covers for each Grail so that one can be washed and dried while the
other is covering the Grail. The next thing you need is the dried Amanita Muscaria; this can
be found in the forests or can be ordered from suppliers listed in Supplies and Sources in the
last chapter. Most people will find it much easier to purchase this plant than to hunt it on their
own, and that is what I recommend. If you wish to hunt this plant you will need a good field
guide to mushrooms and you should also read my book The SacredSecret for instructions
on how to handle Amanita Muscaria after its picked. The last item you need is fungus food,
this can be as simple as a store bought bottle of pasteurized Grape juice, Honey dissolved in
boiling water, or any beer recipe without the yeast and hops. For most people the Grape
juice will be the most convenient food to use since it is pasteurized before being bottled it is
not likely to introduce any contamination into your Grail. Other bottled juices like Apple
always seem to have other things added (corn syrup or chemicals) and I don’t use them. If
you wish to use a fresh juice it should be brought to a temp of 190 deg F in a double boiler to
pasteurize it and it should be filtered and cooled before using. If you wish to use honey or a
beer recipe it must be brought to boiling and then allowed to cool while covered, let it cool to
room temp before using it in your Grail, adding hot liquid can cook the Amanita Muscaria
living in the Grail. The Honey or beer solution should also be filtered through a coffee filter to
remove solids, or in the case of honey, any undissolved globs which if left on the fungus
when it dries will kill it with sugar. All the food the fungus receives should be dissolved in
solution or in microscopic pieces. This way it grows quickly, runs out of food quickly and
enters its dormant state. While the plant is in its living phase it excretes Ibotenic Acid, which
dries into muscimol on the surface of the fungus, it’s this muscimol, which is extracted, with
the next feeding. Once you have the 4 items listed above you can begin the creation of your
GRAIL There are 2 easy ways to create your Grail. #1 Fill your terra cotta pot with clean
drinking water and determine the volume of the pot by pouring the water into a measuring
cup. Rinse the inside of the pot and place upside down to drain; this step is common to both
methods. The simplest way is to place 14 to 28 grams (½ to 1oz) of dried Amanita Muscaria
pieces per liter (quart) of the pots volume, into your rinsed out pot. To this add your chosen
room temp liquid food, place on the cloth cover, and leave undisturbed for 6 to 12 hrs in a
warm area. Now you pour off all the liquid leaving the pieces of mushroom in the pot.
Arrange the pieces on the sides of the pot in an open pattern to prevent the pieces from
compacting (in a tall vessel you may have to lay it on its side to do this), recover with your
cloth cover. See the next chapter on using the Ambrosia you just poured off. Place in a warm
dry area that has air movement. In 3 days the pieces of mushroom and the walls of the pot
should start getting fuzzy as the Amanita Muscaria reverts to its primal form. This mycelium
will be white or gray and continue to grow until it runs out of food and or water this can take
several weeks. After the mycelium stops growing it will dry and shrink, the Grail will be ready
to use again when the outside of the pot is warm and dry to the touch, the pieces of
mushroom are hard, and the mycelium is shrunken back. Basically this is a two-week to
one-month cycle, especially in a large pot. The second method is to use the same ratio of
Amanita Muscaria, 14 to 28 grams (½ to 1 oz) to 1 liter (1 quart) of your pot’s volume. This is
ground to a powder and poured into the pot, then add the room temp liquid food, cover, and
let it sit 6 to 12 hrs. Strain off the Ambrosia leaving the dregs and a small amount of liquid,
return any filtered powder to the pot. Rotate the pot to evenly coat the inside of the pot with
the now soggy powder. This powder will resurrect and create a thin layer of living Amanita
Muscaria on the inside of the pot. Because its in a thin layer it can go through a complete
cycle of use in 7 to 14 days and works very well in small pots of a liter or less. No matter
which method you choose to use; adding a small piece of mushroom or some ground
powder to the Grail occasionally with the liquid food seems to boost the cultures growth and
keep it healthy. Drying the Grail is as easy as placing the Grail in front of a small fan in a dry
room temp area for at least 3 days before using. A fan can’t over dry the Grail so it is the
safest way to dry it. It is very important that the Grail be dry before using to produce the
desired effects. 14-6. Using the GRAIL Using your Grail is now a very simple procedure that
any one can do! Place the dried Grail on a plate or other waterproof base, remove the cloth,
and fill with your chosen liquid food. Recover the Grail with its cloth and let it set for 6 to 12
hrs after which time you uncover it and pour out the Ambrosia that the Grail has produced.
Recover the Grail and let it sit in a warm room temp for the next 7 to 28 days at which time it
is ready to use again. The Ambrosia that you have poured off should be diluted with at least
2 parts water to 1 of Ambrosia before being consumed. As the Grail is used it will grow in
thicker and thicker and become more potent with each cycle of use, dilute with more water
as it becomes stronger. Eventually it can be diluted at a ratio of 3 or 4 parts water to 1 part
Ambrosia. This dilution is very important to produce the desired effects; undiluted Ambrosia
is actually less potent than the properly diluted Ambrosia. Remember do not consume any
CARBONATED beverages (Soda, Beer, or bubbly wine) when consuming your Grail’s
Ambrosia, or let anyone else do so! The intoxication produced by drinking the diluted
Ambrosia is very pleasant for most people; in small doses it is similar to alcohol while larger
doses produces a psychedelic effect. Undiluted Ambrosia in large doses can produce a
confused mental state that most people do not find as pleasant as properly diluted Ambrosia.
(The best antidote to this condition is drinking water.) As your Grail gets older it should
eventually lose its white or gray fuzzy look and start looking similar to a lichen (a tough
leathery fungus found on rocks and trees) it will usually be white, gray or black, sometimes
all three of these colors are found simultaneously. Also as your Grail gets older it should
develop a unique fragrance depending on its own genetics and the foods it has been fed,
this fragrance is also mentioned in the Grail legends were the Grail has a spicy aroma. All of
the ones I’ve created smell kind of like mint or flowers when they reach this stage. The
ambrosia produced by your Grail or dried Amanita Muscaria specimens is a living culture
and will resurrect into the Primal form in 3 to 5 days. Because of this fact a Magic Grail can
multiply and create another Grail, simply using a terra cotta vessel, as a drinking cup for
Ambrosia will cause it to eventually become a Grail capable of creating its own Ambrosia;
truly this is Magic. You now posses a Magic Grail; it is possible that this Grail can live for
many more years; properly taken care of it may last the rest of your life! Your Grail is
however a Living organism and it must be treated as such. Do not expose your Grail to high
temperatures, or let it freeze when it’s in its living state. Always check the condition of your
Grail before using, if it smells bad do not use it. Check to see if it has other colors on it;
yellow, green, red or blue, may be a sign of contamination especially if it also smells bad.
Remember to always keep the Grail covered with its cloth and keep it were rodents cannot
get into it. Do not leave your Grail full of liquid food for more than 12 hrs it will start to drown,
it needs air just like you do. Recipes Notes on Water: Like beer, coffee, and tea making, the
quality of the water you start with has a large impact on the taste of the final result. Use the
best water you can find. Do not use chlorinated water in your Grail; chlorine is a poison to
funguses. Do not use “hard water” in your Grail; the chemical deposits it contains can be
harmful to the Amanita Muscaria living in the Grail. Use fresh reverse- osmosis water or
distilled water in all the recipes. (Remember not all bottled water is reverse-osmosis, some
bottled spring water is very hard and should not be used.) If it is impossible to get these
waters, well or city water may be boiled for 20 minutes to sterilize it, remove the chlorine,
and leave the hard water deposits in the boiling pan rather than in your Grail. Cover the
boiling pan and let cool to room temp filter though a coffee filter before using. 1. Bottled
pasteurized grape juice in a quantity to fill the Grail should be purchased, always open a new
bottle for each use to prevent contamination. This can have as much as 10% water added
before being used. Use at room temperature. This creates the Wine of Dionysus. 2, Frozen
concentrated Grape Juice can be used if mixed with good water. Mix according to the
directions on the container. 3. Honey at the rate of up to 3 fluid oz. per quart (90 ml per liter)
of water is dissolved in boiling water, remove from heat, cover and let cool to room temp. Stir
before using to make sure the honey is completely dissolved, if it isn’t, it should be filtered
through a coffee filter to remove any globs of honey. Honey has the widest range of flavors
of any single food you can use. Ancient honey contained much more pollen than modern
honey usually does; cooked pollen from certain plants could be a very nutritious food. 4.
Barley, organic human food grade Barley is added to water at the rate of 4 fluid oz. (½ cup)
per 5 cups=1.25 quart (1.25 liter) in a cooking pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer,
cover and cook for 45 to 60 minutes, add water to replace volume, bring back to boiling.
Remove from heat, leave covered till cool, and filter through a coffee filter to produce a clear
fluid. This recipe can also be combined with the honey recipe to produce better tasting
Ambrosia. 5. Any home brew beer recipe can be used in your Grail remember to delete the
yeast and hops from the recipe, and to filter it before using at room temperature. These
recipes are all based on recipes found in the ancient texts such as the Rig Veda; other foods
could be experimented with if you want to The most convenient food is the Pasteurized
bottled Grape juice, you don’t need a stove and cooking pots to use it, just open the bottle
and carefully pour it into your Grail. It is however a good idea to vary the foods you feed your
Grail, so the Amanita Muscaria has a wide range of nutrition. Please note: any clear fluid
extraction following a grape juice extraction may appear dark colored due to the previous
grape juice; it is however harmless and the ambrosia is as good as ever.