Zn-Al Alloys As Tribomaterials
Zn-Al Alloys As Tribomaterials
Zn-Al Alloys As Tribomaterials
Zn-Al Alloys as Tribomaterials
In the paper are presented results of tribological investigations of possibilities for application of
the Zn-Al alloys of Yugoslav production for manufacturing the elements of tribo-mechanical
systems aimed for motion guiding, within the technical systems of various purposes. In order to
clearly establish the tribological potential of these alloys, the tribological parameters (parameters
of friction and wear) of the Zn-Al alloy are compared to parameters of the lead-tin bronze, as a
widely applied conventional bearing material.
The established level of tribological characteristics, both from aspect of wear and aspect of
friction, show that Yugoslav Zn-Al alloys represent respectable tribological materials. Considering
the simulated conditions of tribological interactions, results nominated these alloys as candidates
for bearing's materials for conditions of limiting lubrication, that are characteristic for high loads
and low sliding speeds. With respect to bronze they have better anti-frictional characteristics,
higher resistance to wear and lower price costs
Tested materials
BEARING Physical-mechanical property
RAR- CuPb15
27 Sn8
Hardness (HB) 124 90
Tensile strength Rm (MPa) 451 188.9
Extension (%) 5.2 7.85
Yield strength Rp0.2 (MPa) 353 131.7
Elasticity modulus (Mpa) 137.6 110
Density ρ (kg/dm3) 4.94 8.28
Figure 1. Tribotesting model system
Table 5. The wear rate for material CuPb15Sn8
Individual tribometric tests for each of combinations
of the contact conditions were conducted for 4.5 Wear rate
hours, what corresponds to the friction path of 3000 Pressure
m. By periodical measurement of wear by the weight Total For stationary
Mpa area
method and continuous measurement of the friction
parameters, the series of data were generated, by
mg/h mm3/h mg/h mm3/h
whose processing the results were obtained which
can serve for comparison of the tribological behavior 3 1.73 0.19 1.40 0.154
of the RAR-27 alloy and lead-tin bronze, in
5 2.20 0.24 1.98 0.216
condition of limiting lubrication.
7 - - - -
The obtained wear curves, as functions of the weight
lost by wear versus the friction path (or time), have
the classical form with the expressed running-in
period and the uniform wear period, Figure 2. Based The wear rate of tested materials increases with
on the wear curves, the corresponding rates of wear increase of load, what was expected in conditions of
were calculated, in two ways, as the mass rate in the limiting wear. At pressure of 7 Mpa for the
mg/h and as the volume rate in mm3/h (Tables 4 and RAR-27 alloy the significant increase of the wear
5). In the given tables is presented the total wear rate occurs (Figure 3). That points to the fact that
rate, as well as the wear rate for the area of material is closing to limiting load, from the
stationary wear. The volume wear arte is used due to viewpoint of wear, what is confirmed also by
different density of the tested materials. appearance of the more prominent plastic
deformation of the sample material (Figure 4),
during the tests with pressures of 7 Mpa and higher.
5.0 3 MPa
Simultaneous load of 7 Mpa has, for samples made
4.5 5 MPa of CuPb15Sn8, caused a great dissipation of results,
7 MPa due to present inclusions and material's
Wear, mg
inhomogeneity, so these results were not accepted as
Wear, %
0.5 150
0.0 100
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Sliding distance, m
Figure 2. Wear curves 3 M Pa 5 M Pa 7M Pa
Contact pre s s ur e
Figure 4. Deformation of the sample material Average 11.78 0.097 19.3 0.11
loss of the bearing's working ability. Obtained 15
results point that, at the same testing conditions, for
all applied loads, lower wear rate, for the given
friction path, corresponds to material RAR-27 with 5
respect to material CuPb15Sn8. It can be seen that
the larger differences in the wear rates correspond to 0
lower contact loads. 3M Pa 5M Pa 7M Pa
C ontact pressure, M P a
It is usual today, due to possibility of direct
comparison of tribological properties of materials,
which are obtained in different contact conditions, to Figure 6. Specific wear rates of tested materials
use the parameter which represents the wear amount
per the unit of the normal contact load and the 0.12
friction path. 0.1
Coefficient of
Coefficient of
3MPa 5MPa 7MPa
Contact pressure, MPa
Figure 5. Wear rates of tested materials Materials
Figure 8. Friction coefficient of tested materials