The document contains a question bank for the subject "Object Oriented Analysis & Design" with questions divided into multiple parts.
Some key details:
- It includes questions on topics like the Unified Process, UML diagrams, use case modeling, class diagrams, object-oriented analysis and design concepts.
- The questions are classified based on their cognitive level, competencies covered, and program outcomes addressed.
- Part A contains short answer questions to test basic recall of concepts. Part B involves medium-length questions. Part C focuses on evaluation and application of concepts.
The document contains a question bank for the subject "Object Oriented Analysis & Design" with questions divided into multiple parts.
Some key details:
- It includes questions on topics like the Unified Process, UML diagrams, use case modeling, class diagrams, object-oriented analysis and design concepts.
- The questions are classified based on their cognitive level, competencies covered, and program outcomes addressed.
- Part A contains short answer questions to test basic recall of concepts. Part B involves medium-length questions. Part C focuses on evaluation and application of concepts.
The document contains a question bank for the subject "Object Oriented Analysis & Design" with questions divided into multiple parts.
Some key details:
- It includes questions on topics like the Unified Process, UML diagrams, use case modeling, class diagrams, object-oriented analysis and design concepts.
- The questions are classified based on their cognitive level, competencies covered, and program outcomes addressed.
- Part A contains short answer questions to test basic recall of concepts. Part B involves medium-length questions. Part C focuses on evaluation and application of concepts.
The document contains a question bank for the subject "Object Oriented Analysis & Design" with questions divided into multiple parts.
Some key details:
- It includes questions on topics like the Unified Process, UML diagrams, use case modeling, class diagrams, object-oriented analysis and design concepts.
- The questions are classified based on their cognitive level, competencies covered, and program outcomes addressed.
- Part A contains short answer questions to test basic recall of concepts. Part B involves medium-length questions. Part C focuses on evaluation and application of concepts.
Year / Sem : III/VI UNIT I Introduction to OOAD with OO Basics - Unified Process – UML diagrams – Use Case –Case study – the Next Gen POS system, Inception -Use case Modelling – Relating Use cases – include, extend and generalization – When to use Use-cases CO311.1 : Express software design with UML diagrams PART A Q. BT COMPE QUESTIONS CO PO No LEVEL TENCE 1. What is an object? Give an example BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO1 2. What is the main advantage of Object Oriented BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO1 Development? 3. Distinguish between method and messages in object. BTL-2 Understand CO1 PO1 4. What is Analysis and Design? BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO1 5. Define Use Case. Point out what test can help find BTL-4 Analyze CO1 PO1 useful use cases? 6. Give the different formats of Use cases BTL-2 Understand CO1 PO1 7. Define OOAD? BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO1 8. What is UML? List out the UML Diagrams. BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO1 9. Classify the Three kinds of actors in use case. BTL-4 Analyze CO1 PO2 10. Define Unified Process (UP). List the 4 phases in UP. BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO2 11. Illustrate the concepts of Generalization Relationship. BTL-3 Apply CO1 PO3 12. Comparison between Include and Extend use case BTL-4 Analyze CO1 PO1 relationships 13. Describe POS system? List the components of POS BTL-2 Understand CO1 PO1 system. 14. Describe the Primary goals in the Design of UML BTL-2 Understand CO1 PO2 15. Illustrate the relationship used in Use case. BTL-3 Apply CO1 PO1 16. What are the three ways and perspectives to apply UML? BTL-3 Apply CO1 PO1 17. Generalize the concepts of Use case Modeling and list the BTL-6 Create CO1 PO2 advantages of Use case Modeling. 18. When to use Use cases? Evaluate it? BTL-5 Evaluate CO1 PO2 19. Generalize your views about inception in Use case. BTL-6 Create CO1 PO1 20. Evaluate and Name the UML diagrams used for the BTL-5 Evaluate CO1 PO1 following: a) Modeling Requirements b) Modeling Workflows c) Modeling behavior of an object. d) Interaction between groups of objects. PART B Q. BT COMPE QUESTIONS CO PO No LEVEL TENCE 1. By considering the Library management system, BTL-2 Understand CO1 PO1 Perform the object oriented System Development and give the use case model for the same(use include, extend and generalization) (13) 2. (i).Generalize the concepts of Next Gen POS system? BTL-6 Create CO1 PO2 Briefly explain about Inception Phase. 3. (i).What are the requirements in UP artifacts? (5) BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO1 (ii).List the various categories of Requirements? (8) 4. Describe the use case model for online Exam. (13) BTL-2 Understand CO1 PO1 5. (i).Illustrate use case diagram for payroll system. (8) BTL-3 Apply CO1 PO2 (ii).Classify the various format of use case. (5) 6. List the various UML diagrams and explain the purpose BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO1 of each diagram. (13) 7. i).Examine the various sections in the Use Case BTL-3 Apply CO1 PO2 template with example.(8) (ii).Classify the various Tests used to find useful use cases.(5) 8. List the Various UML diagrams and explain the BTL-1 Remember CO1 PO1 purpose of each diagram. (13) 9. Explain Use case modeling with example? (13) BTL-4 Analyze CO1 PO1 10. (i).Give one Success scenario for ATM system. (7) BTL-2 Understand CO1 PO1 (ii). Give the steps to find actors and goals. (6) PART C Q. BT COMPE QUESTIONS CO PO No LEVEL TENCE 1. Explain the following terms BTL5 Evaluate CO1 PO3 (i). UP Disciplines (4) (ii).OOA and OOD (4) (iii). Abstract and Base Use case(4) (iv). Reverse Engineering and Forward Engineering(3) 2 Design and illustrate the use case model for activities BTL 6 Create CO1 PO3 involved in ordering food in a restaurant from the point when the customer enters a restaurant to the point when he leaves the restaurant. 3. Explain the benefits and concepts of use case and use BTL 4 Analyze CO1 PO1 case model and analyze the relating use cases have in ATM system.(15) MEENAKSHI SUNDARAJAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHENNAI-24. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY QUESTION BANK
Year / Sem : III/VI UNIT II Class Diagram–– Elaboration – Domain Model – Finding conceptual classes and description classes – Associations – Attributes – Domain model refinement – Finding conceptual class Hierarchies – Aggregation and Composition - Relationship between sequence diagrams and use cases – When to use Class Diagrams CO311.2 : Design software applications using OO concepts. PART A Q. BT COMPE QUESTIONS CO PO No LEVEL TENCE 1. Define Class Diagram? BTL1 Remember CO2 PO1 2. Define attribute? List out the types of attributes. BTL1 Remember CO2 PO1 3. Express the meaning of Elaboration and What are the BTL2 Understand CO2 PO1 tasks performed in elaboration? 4. Define Conceptual class. BTL1 Remember CO2 PO1 5. Express why we call a domain model BTL2 Understand CO2 PO1 a“VisualDictionary". 6. Illustrate the Relationships used in class diagram BTL3 Apply CO2 PO1 7. Define Domain Model..How to create Domain model? BTL6 Create CO2 PO1 8. List out the Components of Domain model? BTL1 Remember CO2 PO1 9. Compare Aggregation and Composition. BTL5 Evaluate CO2 PO2 10. Illustrate the usage of Description class. BTL3 Apply CO2 PO2 11. Give the meaning of abstract conceptual class. BTL2 Understand CO2 PO3 12. Comparison between sequence diagram and Use case BTL4 Analyze CO2 PO1 diagram. 13. Analyze the concepts of Association. BTL4 Analyze CO2 PO1 14. Generalize the use of Sequence Diagram. BTL6 Create CO2 PO2 15. Differentiate Class diagram and Interaction diagram. BTL2 Understand CO2 PO1 16. Analyze the concepts of Noun Phrase Identification from BTL4 Analyze CO2 PO1 use cases. 17. Summarize the strategies to find Conceptual classes. BTL5 Evaluate CO2 PO2 18. Define Use case Diagram BTL1 Remember CO2 PO2 19. Illustrate the concepts of Class Hierarchy. BTL3 Apply CO2 PO1 20. When to use class diagram? BTL1 Remember CO2 PO1 PART B Q. BT COMPE QUESTIONS CO PO No LEVEL TENCE 1. i) Describe the UML notation for class diagram with BTL1 Remember CO2 PO1 example.(6) (ii).Describe the concepts of link, association and Inheritance(7) 2. What is Elaboration? Explain why elaboration is BTL5 Evaluate CO2 PO2 complex?(13) 3. Describe the strategies used to identify conceptual BTL1 Remember CO2 PO1 classes. Describe the steps to create a domain model used for representing conceptual classes.(13) 4. (i).Write briefly about elaboration (4) BTL1 Remember CO2 PO1 (ii).Describe the difference between elaboration and inception with an example.(9) 5. Design the Class diagram for Airline Reservation BTL6 Create CO2 PO2 System? Find and draw conceptual classes for the same? (13) 6. (i).Analyze the concepts of Descriptions classes with the BTL4 Analyze CO2 PO1 mobile phone Domain.(7) (ii). Explain about association and formulate the guidelines to be followed with UML with suitable example.(6) 7. Explain in detail about domain Model refinement.(13) BTL4 Analyze CO2 PO2 8. (i).Illustrate about aggregation and composition with BTL3 Apply CO2 PO1 example.(7) (ii). Illustrate the topic on a).Generalization (2) b).Specialization (2) c).Conceptual class hierarchies.(2) 9. (i).Discuss about use case diagram with example. (7) BTL2 Understand CO2 PO1 (ii).Discuss the topic on a).Conceptual subclass (2) b)Conceptual super class (2) c) Multiplicity (2) 10. Discuss the uses, concepts and notations are used in BTL2 Understand CO2 PO1 Sequence Diagram.(13) Illustrate with an example relationship between BTL3 Apply CO2 PO1 11 sequence diagram and use cases. (13) (i).Describe in detail about the Finding Conceptual class BTL1 Remember CO2 Hierarchies.(8) 12 PO1 (ii).Describe briefly about association classes and association role.(5) 13 Differentiate and benefits of Aggregation and BTL2 Understand CO2 PO3 Composition.(13) 14 (i).Analyze the guidelines to define a conceptual subclass BTL4 Analyze CO2 PO3 with suitable example. (7) (ii). Analyze the guidelines to define a conceptual super class with suitable example.(6) PART C Q. BT COMPE No QUESTIONS CO PO LEVEL TENCE . 1 With a suitable example explain how to design a class. BTL6 Create CO2 PO1 Give all possible representation in a class (such as: name, attribute, visibility, methods, and responsibilities).(15) 2 For the Next Gen POS systems design, explain the BTL5 Evaluate CO2 PO2 following Conceptual class hierarchies. (i). Conceptual super class (3) (ii).Conceptual subclass (4) (iii). Authorization Transaction classes.(4) (iv). Abstract Conceptual classes. (4) 3 Classify the following Items and justify your answer. (15) BTL4 Analyze CO2 PO2 Bike, tiger , chair, man, dog, lion, child, spider, crocodile, fish, boat, aeroplane, mango, pineapple, deer, horse.