Effects of Drive Assembly-
Belt Conveyor and Pulley
Tim Wolf”
Overhung Loads on
The author has seen en increased use of seft-mounted, right angle drive asemibles. These designs use the pulley shafeas
its Foundation” and can ereate significant overhung loads. T reliably perform, che pulley and shaft must be des(gne for
these special requirements. This paper wil focus on the development of oerhang (oad and ther design effets. Special
considerations to maximize performance wilde presented
and comparisons with other drive options willbe made.
Experience i heavy mining applications will be used throughout
Most bulk solids conveyors use electric snotor(s) to
deliver and/or remove power from the system.
‘Typically the mocor is connected to a speed
reducer, which transmits power to its drive pulley
and eventually to the conveyor belt. In this power
transmission system each drive pulley, and associ
ated shaft, must redirect che belt resist the bele
tensions, transmit the driving torque, and resist
the reactions from power transmission attachments,
Belt redirection, belt foad, and driving torque
cffects on pulley stresses have been sufficiently
detailed by others (Lange 1963; Schmoltzi, 1974;
Qiu and Sethi, 1993; Reicks, 1996). This discussion
focuses on the reactions from power transmission
attachments on a pulley shaft. A representation of
these reactions, typically called “Overhung
Loads,” is shown in Figure 1.
‘A conveyor motor's Power can be transmitted 10
a drive pulley shaft in many ways. Usually some
type of speed reducer is attached between the pul-
ley shaft and motor; although, chain and sprocket,
direct mount motors, tres, bull gears, and other
shaft attachments are used.
Figure 2 shows a typical parallel shaft mount
reduicer configuration. Our experience suggests
this configuration is frequently used on smaller
conveyors requiring 150-250 horsepower or less
FIGURE 1 Basic dfinition of overhung shear (P) and over hung moment loads (M1)
* Senior Pulley Engineer, Precision Ine, Pella, Towa.
49Bulk Material Handling by Conveyor Bett It
FIGURE 2 Ropresontation ofa typioal parallel, shaft-mounted reducer dive assembly
FIGURES Reprosentation of a typical parallel, flxed-base reducer Hexibly coupled Yo a pully shaft
This drive option creates overhung loads on the
pulley shaft from its weight and the torque arm
reaction. These loads can be important to the
design, but due to its frequent use and successful
history the author has chosen to omit design
‘When conveyors require more than 150-250
‘horsepower, out field experience suggests that
foundation mounted parallel shat reducers, as
shown in Figure 3, have historically been the
design of choice in the United States. With this
option, the reducer is rigidly motunted to a founda
tion and flexibly coupled to the pulley shaft. Due
to the flexibility of the low speed coupling, over-
hhung loads are minimized. The author has seen
‘cases where significant overhung loads were cre-
ated when the coupling was severely misaligned.
A third option, the shaft-mounted, right angie
reducer arrangement, is shown in Figure 4. The
author has seen evidence this option has been
popular outside the United States for some time
‘and appears to be gaining popularity in the United
States. We have observed a number of the highest
horsepower conveyors of our day being designed
with this arrangement, A typical right angle drive
package is made up of a reducer, motor, and high
speed coupling rigidly mounted to its own floating
foundation, as shown in Figure 4, A variant on this
design is to surround the high speed coupling with
a structural torque tube thet takes the place of the
steel base, reference Figure 5. in either case, the
right angle drive package is mounted to the pulley
shaft and supported by a torque arm attachment.
The shaft mounting is usually accomplished withEffects of Drive Assombly-Overhung Loads on Belt Conveyor and Pulley Design
ss #______ PRs
orn ‘Tonaue TUBE:
FIGURES Side view ofa typical torque tube variation tothe
1 ght angle, shaftmount dive assembly
~ Pulley _ Vo
qo =
—_~ jo
Reducer Coupling” Reducer
FIGURE 6 Typical puley shaft to reducer mounting options
either a hollow shaft or rigid coupling attachment
as shown in Figure 6, This drive arrangement can
create significant “overhung loads.”
‘When properly designed, right angle, shaft
mounted drive assemblies have proven to bea relic
able, economical, and maintenance friendly power
transmission option, The author has seen instances
cof pulley shaft and reducer feilures due to
improper consideration of overhung loads, use of
fatigue sensitive attachment details, and improper
torque arm designs. As the right angle, shaft-
mounted drive assembly gains popularity, the
‘author believes there isan increasing need for the
understanding of ts specifi design considerations.
Figure 7 shows the side view of a typical right
angle drive assembly with each major compo-
nent's center of gravity. Accessories such as cool-
ing equipment, brakes, and bacistops have been
‘omitted. If these accessories are present, they can‘Bulk Material Handling by Conveyor Bett I!
FIGURE 7 Sketch showing the side view of major drive assembly components and tl
be included as additional components in the cal-
culations. It is recommended that components
having a center of gravity (CG) coinciding with
the low speed shaft axis be excluded fror chi cal-
callation, Le. the low speed coupling. This proto-
col for socal drive assembly CG calculation
simplifies subsequent calculations. The total cen-
ter of gravity is the summation of the product of
each component's mass and center of gravity
divided by the total mass,
‘The low speed shaft and torque arm aust sup-
port the drive assembly weight and torsional reac-
tions. Figure 8 shows a side view, free body
diagram representing the drive assembly loads
‘The total mass (WP) and its center of gravity
(CG), which were calculated earlier, are repre-
sented, Reactions at the low speed shaft (P), the
‘torque arm (TR), end the torsional reducer output
(MD are also shown. As will become evident in
Jater calculations, the direction of the torsional
‘moment (M) is quite important, in this free body
diagram, itis assumed the direction of the tor-
sional moment is that which acts upon the hollow
shaft inside diameter or the rigid coupling half
nearest the reducer.
In Figure 8 the corque arm reaction is assumed
vertical, which is valid when the preferred torque
arm design is used, reference Figure 12. In cercain,
cases itis possible to get a horizontal component
to the torque arm reaction, These conditions typi-
cally occur when “2” approaches the magnitude of
“T°, in Figure 8, and the torgue arm design creates
restraint in more than one degree of freedom. An
‘example of this situation is @ torque tube design,
as shown in Figure 5, with a rubber bushing and
lr aasoolated centers of gravity
pin through the reducer flange acting as the
torque arm. In these cases a horizontal component
1 the torque arm reactions should be calculated
‘To solve for “TR’ in Figure 8, itis recommended
that one sums the moments about the low speed
shaft axis, equates them to zero, and solves for
TR”. This results in the following equation for the
torque arm reaction:
TR= (M+ Total CG x WD/T.
“TR” can now be used in the end view, free body
diagram of Figure 8, which represents the drive
assembly, low speed coupling, and pillow block
bearing. fe is imporcant to note that dimension "C”
may not coincide with the reducer/motor rota-
tional axis, Backstops on intermediate stage
reducer shafts and electrical enclosures are exam
ples of items that may cause “C” to move from the
axis of rotation. To isolate this part of the analysis
from the belt loads, a fixed boundary condition is
assumed at che bearing centerline, which is valid
for shear and moment calculations from the bear-
ing centerline to the reducer. Using the end view,
free body diagram one can pick a location of inter-
est and calculate its shear foree and/or bending
‘Overhnung loads cause reactions between the
bearing centers, which are important to putiey and
shaft design. Interaction becween overhung and
belt Ioads is complicated by the fact that they are
often out of phase, Using vector summation, these
loads can be superimposed. The author defers to
explanation of these methods in other works
(AS81403, 1985; CEMA B105. 1, 1990).