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= Slotted
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Eccentricity X: 0.0 mm
Y: 0.0 mm
Selected Products
Anchor (name) ZJE01 - Wedge anchor
Approval ETA 13/1012
Article code ZJE0120170
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Design office
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Construction Office
Person in charge
Anchor data
d Anchor/thread diameter: 20.0 mm tfix Thickness of fixture: 20.0 mm
dnom Outside diameter of anchor: 20.0 mm SW Spanner: 30.0 mm
d0 Drill hole diameter: 20.0 mm Tinst Max setting torque 240.0 Nm
h1 Depth of drilled hole: 135.0 mm
hnom Setting depth: 125.0 mm
hef Effective anchorage depth: 103.0 mm
df Diameter of clearance hole in fixture: 22.0 mm
Wedge anchor in carbon steel, with nut and washer, zinc plated, ETA-CE Opt.7 certified
Reference code
Design office
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Construction Office
Person in charge
Input Data
Tension Bending Reinforcement
NSd,Z -115.00 kN MSd,X -25.39 kN·m Diameter 25 mm
Shear MSd,Y 0.00 kN·m Distance rebars 200 mm
VSd,X 0.00 kN Torsion Distance stirrups 200 mm
VSd,Y 15.86 kN MSd,Z 0.00 kN·m Edge reinforcement No
CXp ∞ mm
CXn ∞ mm
CYp ∞ mm
CYn ∞ mm
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Tension force Shear force Shear force (x) Shear force (y)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1 0.00 3.96 0.00 3.96
2 0.00 3.96 0.00 3.96
3 13.27 3.96 0.00 3.96
4 13.27 3.96 0.00 3.96
2 0.00 0.0%
3 13.27 18.7%
4 13.27 18.7%
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Person in charge
2 0.00 0.0%
3 13.27 47.8%
4 13.27 47.8%
Group N0Rk,c Ac,N A0c,N hef scr,N ccr,N c-x c+x c-y c+y
No. [kN] [mm²] [mm²] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1 [3, 4] 52.79 178,911 95,481 103 309 154 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,270
Group ψs,N ψre,N eN,x eN,y ψec,N NRk,c NRd,c Nsd βN,c
No. [-] [-] [mm] [mm] [-] [kN] [kN] [kN] [%]
1 [3, 4] 1.000 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.000 98.92 54.95 26.53 48.3%
As smallest edge distance exceeds 1,2 x Ccr,sp and the thickness of concrete exceeds 2 x hef, it is assumed, acc. to Annex C
and TR029 a, that splitting failure will not occur.
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Design office
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Construction Office
Person in charge
1 2 3 4
VRk,cp=k · NRk,c
Group N0Rk,c Ac,N A0c,N ψs,N ψre,N c-x c+x c-y c+y
No. [kN] [mm2] [mm2] [-] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1 [1, 2, 3, 4] 52.79 335,241 95,481 1.000 1.000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
Reference code
Design office
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Construction Office
Person in charge
As all edges are greater than 10 hef and 60 d, the proof for concrete edge failure is omitted.
βN,s βN,p βN,comb βN,c βN,sp βV,s βV,sla βV,cp βV,c βN,s,max βV,s.max βN,c,max, βV,c,max,E βcombi,c,E βcombi,S,E
1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.8% 0.0% 6.4% 0.0% 0.0% 8.8% 0.0% 6.4% 1.6% 0.8%
2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.8% 0.0% 6.4% 0.0% 0.0% 8.8% 0.0% 6.4% 1.6% 0.8%
3 18.7% 47.8% 0.0% 48.3% 0.0% 8.8% 0.0% 6.4% 0.0% 18.7% 8.8% 48.3% 6.4% 35.2% 4.3%
4 18.7% 47.8% 0.0% 48.3% 0.0% 8.8% 0.0% 6.4% 0.0% 18.7% 8.8% 48.3% 6.4% 35.2% 4.3%
βN,s,max = βN,s
βV,s,max = max ( βV,s , βV,sla )
Reference code
Design office
Person in charge
Construction Office
Person in charge
With consideration of related anchors and separation of steel and concrete failure
Ok. The product meets the design criteria
The verification of anchor design cases covered by ETAG 001 or TR29 is performed according to the selected Guideline. The
verification of anchor design cases non-covered by guidelines is based on the selected Guideline. Further information can be
found inside ACP Design Guides. The loads acting on anchors are evaluated according to the theory of elasticity, assuming
that the anchor plate does not deform under the design actions. To ensure the validity of this assumption the anchor plate
shall be sufficient stiff. The user must verify this condition, since the base plate stiffness is not automatically calculated by the
software. The transfer of loads from anchors into base material must be verified in accordance with ETAG 001 Annex C or
TR29 Section 7. The design method is valid only for clearance hole in the fixture with a diameter not larger than the values
given in ETAG 001 Annex C or TR29 Table 4.1.
The data input to this software, and the relative results, must be checked by the user under the responsibility of an engineer
experienced in anchorages and concrete work. This is to ensure there are no errors and all data is complete and accurate and
complies with all rules and regulations for the actual conditions and application.
The data contained in this software relates only to the product illustrated therein and is based on principles, formulas and
safety regulations according to the existing guidelines for anchorages into concrete, together with the knowledge of the
The user must comply with these principles. The user is solely responsible for the data entered into the program and any
errors or omissions are the responsibility of the user. The user must ensure that the most current version of the program is
installed by way of the auto-updating function offered by the manufacturer.
The user must update the program when instructed to do so.
The aim of the program is to act as a calculation aid and to assist in complying with current regulations and guidelines,
without any guarantee of suitability for any specific application.