Kinetics de CO2 With C
Kinetics de CO2 With C
Kinetics de CO2 With C
ERGUN Vol. 60
phase. The sole volume effect encountered was pheres, are distributed throughout the continuous
adsorption, which removes ions. Diffuse ionic elastomeric matrix. At high concentrations with
atmospheres around the particles of the black would coarse blacks and a t low concentrations with fine
tend to give a constant loss tangent. blacks, chain formation appears which eventually
The general picture suggested by our results is leads to short circuiting of the samples and trans-
the following: The particles of the black behave forms them into conductors. Before this happens,
as if each contained a perfectly conducting graphite a strong increase in capacitance is observed which
core inside a semi-conducting sheath of much can be quantitatively interpreted by Bruggeman's
lower density, surrounded by a diffuse ion atmos- theory provided the dispersion remains uni-
phere. These particles, together with their atmos- form.
demonstrate the ability of certain carbon atoms to they became fixed, leaving oxygen atoms to remove
detach an oxygen atom from a carbon dioxide other carbon atoms;'* however, such sites are be-
molecule. In a reverse manner, oxygen retained lieved to constitute not more than l or possibly 2%
on the surface can be removed by carbon mon- of the total number of reaction sites.'* Sorption of
oxide.I2-l6 These reactions may be expressed as CO in the presence of C 0 2 and subsequent removal
ki of the oxygen from the sorbed CO by gaseous CO
con Cf 1_ co co
+ (1) would result in carbon transfer from the gas phase
and in carbon deposition, which were not detectable
where Cf represents a free site capable of reaction in experiments with Cl4O2.l7 Temperature co-
and Co an occupied site, i.e., a site possessing an efficients for sorption of inert gases, e.g., He or N,,
oxygen atom. Equation 1 expresses the oxygen- on carbon rule out their sorption a t gasification
exchange phenomenon, not the carbon transfer temperatures. Therefore, reaction sites can be
from solid to gas phase. Rate constants k~ and k: regarded as either free or occupied by an atom
are general rate constants, i.e., probability factors, oxygen
functions of temperature only. These constants +
(C,) = (Cd ( 4 ) (5)
have not been determined on an absolute basis; where (Ct) is the total number of reaction sites per
experimental evidence indicates that oxygen- gram.
exchange reactions are relatively fast. Under steady-state conditions the rate of forma-
The transfer of carbon from solid phase to gas tion of occupied sites would be equal to the rate of
phase originates from the occupied sites and may be their disappearance
expressed as d(Co)/dt ki(CO,)(Ct) - k:(CO)(Co) - ka(Co) = 0 (6)
co n c f (2) where (COz) and (CO) represent the concentrations
where n is an integer having a value of 0, 1 or 2, of COz and CO in the gas phase, molecules per cubic
when occupied sites are considered individually. centimeter. Solving for (eb)from equations 5
When the reaction of a macroscopic carbon sample and 6
is considered, n can have any statistical value (Co) ki(COn)(CJ/[ki(COz) + +
kXCO) k:)l (7)
between 0 and 2; but the most likely value appears Substitution of equation 7 in (4) yields
to be 1. The rate constant k3 is a general rate
constant function of temperature only. The C w o k~(COdka(Ct)dW/[ki(COz) WCO) W1 ( 8 )
E + +
reverse of the above reaction and the reactions Equation 8 represents the rate of reaction of carbon
shown in equation 1 would result in carbon transfer by carbon dioxide in a general differential form.
from gas to solid phase and to carbon deposition At lower temperatures, oxygen-exchange re-
when the concentration of CO exceeds that re- actions occur a t temperatures approximately 200"
quired by thermodynamic equilibrium between CO, lower than required for gasification a t comparable
and CO. Experiments with C14 in the gas phase rates; it follows that
showed no detectable carbon transfer from gas to kl(C0J >>kl and/or kXCO) >> k: (9)
solid.l7 Moreover, carbon deposition on pure Since activation energies of oxygen-exchange re-
carbons a t gasification temperatures has not been actions are reported to be 43 to 60 k ~ a l . , '(com- ~
reported and could not be detected in the present pared to 59 kcal. for ka as determined in the present
studies. Reaction (2) can therefore be regarded as study) the inequalities (9) can be expected to be
unidirectional. true over a wide range of gasification temperatures.
The instantaneous rate of gasification of a carbon The conditions of the inequalities (9) are identical
sample surrounded by a gas having uniform com- with the attainment of a solid-gas heterogeneous
position may be expressed as equilibrium by the oxygen-exchange reactions
dn/dt 3 NO = kr(Co)W (3) Ki = ki/G e (CO)(Co)/(COz)(Cf) (10)
where dnldt or Nc is the rate of carbon transfer Equilibrium constant K I , defined above, does not
from solid phase t o gas phase, atoms per second, involve any parameter that is a function of physical
(CO) is the number of occupied sites per gram and properties of carbon. K1 can also be expected to
W is the weight of the carbon, gram. In flow be independent of pressure; it should be a function
experiments the gas surrounding the solid generally of temperature only.
is not uniform in composition. Equation 3 would From inequalities (9) it follows that ka in the
therefore hold true for a differential amount of solid denominators of equations 7 and 8 can be neglected.
only T his simplification and substitution of KI in place
d N o = ka(Co) dW (4) of kl/ki lead t o
Experimental evidence indicates that adsorption
of C02 by carbon is negligible above 600°.12 +
(CO) = ( C M 1 (CO)/K*(COn)l (11)
Some experiments have been reported in which COz and
molecules were able to enter into the surface where +
W O= h ( C 4 dW/U (CO)/KI(CO~I (12)
(14) A. Key, "Gas Research Board Commun.," London. No. Equation 12 represents the differential reaction
GRB 40 (1948). rate of carbon with COz. It can readily be applied
(15) J. D. F. Marsh, "Inst. Gas Engrs. Commun.." London, No. to 00w and closed systems. According to the
393 (1951).
(16) A. E. Reif, THIBJOURNAL, 66, 785 (1952).
equation the reaction rate is not determined by
(17) F. Bonner and J. Turkevich. J . Am. Chsm. SOL, 78, 501 (18) F. Brown, Trans. Faraday SOC..1005 (1952).
(1951). (19) A. A. Orning and E. Sterling. TAIBJOURNAL, 68, 1044 (1954).
constant k3 of the slowest step alone, however small where N c o and Nco, represent the rates a t which
the constant may be, but also by the equilibrium CO and COa flow past the cross section considered,
constant K I of the oxygen-exchange reactions as N c the rate at which carbon is gasified between
well as by the composition of the gas phase. At the inlet and the section and (C,) the number of
low concentrations of CO and C02 the inequalities total reaction sites per gram. When no CO is
(9) cannot be expected to be valid. In these admitted a t the inlet, oxygen and carbon balances
instances equation 8 should be used in place of between the inlet and the differential section yields
(12). Both equations represent instantaneous
Nc = N;o2 - Ncot = (‘/z)Nco (14)
rates. Changes in concentrations of reaction sites,
if any, as carbon reacts are determined by n of where the superscript 0 denotes the conditions a t the
equation 2. Discussion of n will be made in a later inlet. Substitution of equation 14 in 13 and
study of reaction sites and their concentration as a dvvc = -dNcoZ gives
function of burn-off,
The validity of the above development can be
examined in several respects. According to equa-
tion 12 inert gas should have no influence on the
reaction rates. This fact has been established Direct integration of the second term of equation
experimentally in an earlier study.’ It is well 15 is permissible under two extreme flow conditions.
known that CO reduces the reaction rate of COz Gas flow and reaction along the path of the flow
with carbon. Some of the theories place the cause establishes a concentration gradient; diffusion on
of retardation on the accumulation of chemisorbed the other hand opposes the gradient and mixes the
02 on the surface,12 or on the adsorption of CO gases. The two extreme conditions in the gas
on reaction sites,18 while others explained it by phase are “no mixing” and “complete mixing.”l
equations similar to the reverse of equation l.l4-lS At fast flow rates back mixing is negligible; in-
The present study is in accord with the latter view; tegration of equation 15 without placing restriction
the equilibrium constant K1 furnishes a quantita- on the variation of NcoI1 substitution of X =
tive explanation of the role of CO. The validity N c o / N c o , = 2Nk3oJ”, - 2, and proper re-
of equation 12 can be tested experimentally with arrangement lead to
respect to the influence of CO. 2(1 + 2 / X ) In ( 1 + X / 2 ) - 2 =
Probably the severest test for the above develop-
ment lies in its treatment of all carbons with tri- -KI + Kiko(Cd(1 + 2 / X ) ( W / N ; o J (16)
gonal (coplanar) bonds on a common basis. For At low flow rates diffusion can mix the gases
example, K I should be independent of origin, poros- completely, ie., the composition gradient can dis-
ity, crystallinity, particle size, etc. Comparison of appear. Under these conditions N c o / N c o , would
the experimental values of K1 obtained with carbons be the same throughout the bed. Integration of
of different origin and physical properties should equation 15 then yields
serve as a severe test. Also, different carbons
should yield the same values of k3; however, the
X -Ki +
KMCt)(l +
2 / X ) ( W / N & ) (17)
experimental procedure adopted in the present When gases are not mixed, experimental da.ta
can be represented graphically by plotting the left
study permits determination of the product of k3
with (C,) rather than k3 alone. Nevertheless, side of equation 16 us. (1 +
The plots should result in straight. lines as shown
activation energies of k3(Ct) can be determined and in Fig. la. The intercept on the abscissa corre-
the energy should be independent of the physical
properties of carbon. sponds to the value of l/k3(Ct) and the negative
According to the present theory, the differences intercept on the ordinate to the value of K1. For
in the rates a t which carbons react with COP are complete mixing of gases plots of the experimental
due to the differences in the specific number of data according to equation 17 should yield a straight
reaction sites (cj., equation 8 or 12). Specific line, the intercept of which on the abscissa should
number should, therefore, serve as a direct and correspond to l/k3(Ct) and on the ordinate to
absolute measure of reactivity. -KI. A typical set of experimental data for this
condition is shown in Fig. lb. Comparison of
Application of Theory equations 16 and 17 shows that their right sides are
identical. Because their left sides are not linear
The present experiments were conducted in iso- with each other over wide ranges of values of X ,
thermal fluidized beds. Integral equations there- except for values of X as X approaches zero,
fore have been derived for isothermal flow systems experimental data that yield a straight line on one
under steady-state conditions. The integral equa- type of plot should not yield a straight line on
tions can be used to test the validity of the above the other. Accordingly, such plots could be used
development and to determine the rate and equi- to ascertain which condition of flow prevailed.
librium constants. Equation 12 can be applied This test is illustrated in Fig. 2, where plot of
directly to a differential section perpendicular to equation 16 yielded a straight line and that of
flow of an isothermal reactor. Substituting the equation 17 a curve, indicating little back mixing.
ratio of the flow rate of CO to CO2 in place of their For partial mixing, plots of experimental data
respective concentrations and rearranging the according to both equations should yield curves,
equation as shown in Fig. 3. The values of k3(Ct)o1)tained
from Figs. 1-3 should be multiplied by 6.02 X
102s/2.24 x IO4 to convert, them to site/g. sen.
April, 1956 KINETICS
x Epuation 17(extensiva gas mixing1 /I -
: L
0.05 lbl
' A
20 30 40 50
[ W I N E . ) ( I t Z / X ) , p.sec/cc.
,/' -KO
I I Fig. 3.-Reaction of COZwith an activated carbon a t 800"
-0.05cJ 50 100 I50 (partial gas mixing).
Discussion of Results
0 The experimentally determined values of equilib-
rium constant K 1of the oxygen-exchange reaction
are plotted as a function of temperature in Fig. 5.
__ t I I Percent helium All three carbons are included in the plot. The
3 3 Percent helium equilibrium constant was found to be a function of