Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important For Teens

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Why Is
Emotional Intelligence
Important for Teens?
Divya Parekh

About the Author

Divya Parekh is a leadership coach based in North
Carolina. She has had careers as a scientist, business
manager, and educator, but now spends her time as a
speaker, working with corporate leaders to create
high-performing teams.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and handle one’s own
emotions and those of other people. It is usually considered to involve
awareness of emotions, the ability to use those emotions, and the ability
to control emotions.

T he concept of emotional intelligence is a top topic among

today’s modern adolescents. It’s the young people of today
that will make up the workforce of tomorrow. Since businesses
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are essentially people, anything that impacts the effectiveness of a

person will also impact the business in which they work or run.
2 Many psychologists are agreeing that a person’s level of
emotional intelligence, their EQ, is in many cases, more important
than their IQ. Experts are discovering that a person’s EQ is
not only a more efficient predictor1 of the quality of potential
relationships, but also an effective predictor for success and
overall happiness.
3 Your level of emotional intelligence is your ability to
understand and recognize your own emotions and reactions. In
essence, it’s your level of self-awareness. To be able to control,

1. predictor (prih DIHK tuhr) n. something or someone that expresses what will or might

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manage and adapt your mood, emotions, and responses through
self-management. Having the skills to motivate yourself through
emotions and then take the appropriate actions to commit and
follow through, is a learned skill.
4 It is also a powerful skill to be able to recognize and discern the
feelings of others, making a connection and gaining trust. Being
able to build relationships, relate to other people in any given
social situation, work as part of a team and negotiate any conflicts
that may arise, are prominent core elements to social emotional

Why is emotional intelligence so important?

5 Think about your mental well-being. Many of today’s young
people deal with stress and pressure each day. Those who lack the
skills to deal with these stresses have a higher chance of acting out
due to a lack of mental well-being. Having emotional intelligence
skills affects both your outlook and attitude. It can also help
get rid of anxiety, help you deal with mood swings and avoid
6 Now consider your physical well-being. Possessing the
ability to properly manage your stress has a powerful impact on
your overall wellness, which is tied to your level of emotional
intelligence. It is from being aware of your emotional state and
your reactions to various situations that you can learn to manage
your stress and maintain good health.
7 Developing quality relationships is a skill everyone should
have. By understanding your emotions you can better manage
yourself and communicate effectively. You will also be able to
relate to those around you by understanding the needs and
feelings of others. This will help you to build stronger bonds and
have more fulfilling relationships.
8 The skill of conflict resolution2 is one many people wish they
had. Being able to see the perspective of another person is a © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

powerful skill that will serve you well throughout your entire life.
It’s easier to get along with people and give them what they want
when you’re able to see both sides of a conflict.
9 It’s easy to see how social emotional intelligence plays a
very important role in many areas of life. It plays a critical role
in every aspect of the quality of our professional and personal
existence. While technology can aid us in learning and mastering
information, it’s mastering emotional intelligence where we learn
to manage and master our emotions. ❧

2. resolution (rehz uh LOO shuhn) n. act of finding an answer or solution.

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