The Self From Various Perspective
The Self From Various Perspective
The Self From Various Perspective
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Ancient Philosophy
1000 BC to 500 AD
The Ancient Triumvirate
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
The Post-Aristotelians
Apathy or indifference to pleasure
“Eat, drink, and be happy. For tomorrow, you will die.” WHO AM I IN RELATION TO A
Moderate pleasure
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Modern Philosophy
14th Century to the early 20th Century
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Modern Philosophy
14th Century to the early 20th Century
Sigmund Freud
Father of Psychoanalysis
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
(William James)
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Self as defined by Social Comparison How does the social comparison process work?
(Leon Festinger)
Considering your present Evaluating yourself in someone’s motivation, he/she
condition in relation to how you comparison to others – using may have the tendency to
were in the past others as a basis for evaluating
your attributes compare himself/herself with
others either in an UPWARD or
DOWNWARD kind of
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
The self and person in contemporary anthropology Western Self Non-western self
& the self being embedded in culture autonomous and egocentric identity shared with others and
derived from a culture instead of
a “self”
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Social rules focus on
promoting selflessness Working as a group and
and putting the supporting others is
community needs ahead essential
of individual needs
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Buddhism Buddhism
(Siddhartha Gautama) (Siddhartha Gautama)
Buddha denies the self: no self, no individual
Everything is impermanent in the continuous
becoming of lived experience
No-self is the nature of an intuitive and subjective
perception toward oneself beyond the ordinary range
of human experience that is full of the anxieties and Implies emphasis on compassion for others and
defensiveness conduct ourselves with restraint out of a sense of
To study the self is to deny the self
When self becomes anxiety-free, one can act spontaneously
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Hinduism Hinduism
(Fusion of various Indian cultures and traditions) (Fusion of various Indian cultures and traditions)
Taoism Confucianism
(Lao-Tzu) (Confucius)
Relativity of opposites (i.e., yin and yang)
The Self in Confucianism is the starting
Self does not exist without the existence of the
point of a constructive process
For western philosophers, the concept of the self is the end
of their searches
Self as a separate identity is supported by the equal and
opposite sensation of otherness
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives
Confucianism Confucianism
(Confucius) (Confucius)
Who am I?
It is only through the continuous opening up of
the self to others that the self can maintain its
wholesome personal identity
A person who is not responsive to others is self-centered
Confucianism Confucianism
(Confucius) (Confucius)
Filial piety is a foundational concept in the thought
Confucian self is relational and interdependent of Confucius
Belief that certain sets of human relationships are basis for moral to be good to one's parents
community to take care of one's parents
to engage in good conduct not just towards parents but also
Elder and Friend outside the home so as to bring a good name to one's
Ruler and Father Husband
younger and parents and ancestors
minister and son and wife
brother friend to ensure male heirs
display sorrow for their parents’ sickness and death
to bury their parents and carry out sacrifices after their death
Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives Understanding the Self UNIT 1: The Self from Various Perspectives