January 2020 Senior Living
January 2020 Senior Living
January 2020 Senior Living
with your
through our E-edition (817) 594-7447 • 512 Palo Pinto Street
The strongest communities tend to be those in which members make a con- chance to eat dinner with a neighbor and even help prepare the meal. Invite
certed effort to give as much as they get. Giving back to one’s community a senior over once per week, encouraging them to share stories about their
can foster strong relationships with fellow residents and ensure that every- lives as well as how the community has developed over the years.
one, including the less fortunate, is in position to live happy, healthy lives. • Help seniors manage their finances. Many seniors struggle to manage
Certain people in a community may be more vulnerable to issues that can their finances, as laws regarding taxes and investing are subject to routine
adversely affect quality of life than others. For example, the National Insti- changes. A little help in this area can go a long way for seniors. Adults who
tute on Aging notes that, as men and women age, many are alone more often want to help but don’t know where to begin can do the legwork for their
than when they were younger, leaving them vulnerable to social isolation aging neighbors. Contact agencies such as AARP to determine if there are
and loneliness. Such feelings can prove very harmful to their health, poten-
any financial assistance programs that can help seniors effectively manage
tially contributing to problems such as depression, cognitive decline and
their money and take advantage of age-specific perks, such as programs
heart disease.
Volunteering to help the aging members of one’s community is a great way that may help seniors lower their energy costs.
to give back, and such efforts can prove rewarding for both seniors and the • Offer to help around the house. Seniors who reside in single-family
volunteers who lend them a hand. homes may not be able to keep up with routine home maintenance. Neigh-
• Pull an extra chair up to the dinner table. Many a meaningful connection bors who want to help can offer to mow the lawn, tend to the landscaping
has been made and maintained over the dinner table. Breaking bread with a and tidy up inside. Keep an eye open for other issues, such as clogged gut-
senior from your community is a great way to foster such connections and ters, that can be fixed easily but prove costly if they go ignored.
provide an avenue for social interaction for seniors. Seniors who live alone Helping aging neighbors is a great way to give back and build strong com-
might not enjoy cooking for one each night, but they might jump at the munities.