AIGA 035 - 06 Safe Operation of Reboilers - Condensers in ASUs
AIGA 035 - 06 Safe Operation of Reboilers - Condensers in ASUs
AIGA 035 - 06 Safe Operation of Reboilers - Condensers in ASUs
AIGA 035/06
James Currie The BOC Group
Per-Erik Isaksson LINDE
Andrea Mariotti SOL
Michel Masson AIR LIQUIDE
Herman Puype EIGA
All publications of AIGA or bearing AIGA’s name contain information, including Codes of Practice, safety procedures and other
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© AIGA 2006 - AIGA grants permission to reproduce this publication provided the Association is acknowledged as the source
This document is adopted from the European Industrial Gases Association document IGC 65/06 E
‘Safe operation of reboilers/condensers in air separation units’. Acknowledgement and thanks are hereby
given to EIGA for permission granted for the use of their document.
AIGA 035/06
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction
Industrial cryogenic air separation technology used to produce oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and rare
gases has an extremely good safety record. However, as with many present-day production
processes, it has inherent potential hazards that must be recognized and addressed by proper design
and operating practice.
The industrial gases companies have engaged, through CGA, JIGA EIGA and AIGA, in a process of
developing harmonized safety practices and this publication is one of them.
Provided in this document is good general guidance on safe operation of reboilers/condensers in air
separation units; two additional documents recently published by the EIGA address the specific
issues of structured packing (EIGA 701/04) and brazed aluminium heat exchangers used as product
vaporizers (EIGA 702/04). These and additional references are cited in Section 8.
2.1 Scope
This document addresses the operation of the reboilers of air separation plants. It contains a
summary of current knowledge and industrial practices used in their safe application. It specifically
applies to the main reboiler and oxygen product reboilers in which the oxygen concentration is above
75% in the liquid phase. Its guiding principles can be used for other reboilers within air separation
plants, including auxiliary vaporizers, guard adsorber vaporizers, argon condensers, and the main
reboilers in nitrogen generators.
Reboilers feeding krypton/xenon columns and the krypton/xenon distillation system are excluded from the
scope of this document. These systems and their methods of dealing with hydrocarbon accumulation vary
widely. Reboiler operation and safety for plants with these units should be discussed with the supplier on a
plant-specific basis.
2.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the design and operating practices that should be
followed in the reboiler sections of cryogenic air separation plants. In particular, the potential hazard
introduced by contamination due to hydrocarbons or other contaminants that might be present in the
ambient atmosphere is addressed. It is thought that this has been the prime cause of the majority of
reboiler incidents that have been reported.
This document is not intended to be a mandatory code. It is based upon the experimental data,
operating experience, and design practices of major producers and operators of air separation plants.
It is recognized that legislation or regulation can impose more stringent requirements for plant design
and operation.
3 Definitions
Auxiliary vaporizer: An ASU supplemental process heat exchanger that vaporizes low pressure
column liquid oxygen (LOX) against a heat source, usually process air or nitrogen, to provide a
thermosyphon effect or to gain hydraulic head. The thermosyphon effect can be used to ensure LOX
circulation through an LOX adsorber.
Analytical Plant Derime: A derime during which some flow rates and concentration of trace
components are measured, allowing the total accumulation of these components to be calculated.
Cold box: The cryogenic equipment and piping and its structural enclosure.
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Cold Standby: The condition where equipment is held at cryogenic conditions for immediate service
on demand.
Dead End Boiling: The condition occurring in thermosyphon reboilers where, due to blockages, the
flow of liquid is restricted within the channels of the reboiler, thereby reducing the removal of
impurities by the flushing action of the liquid; also known as pot boiling. This phenomenon can also
occur in cavities and sections of piping where oxygen-enriched liquid can be trapped and vaporized
by heat leak.
Deriming: The periodic preventive maintenance procedure where the process equipment is warmed
up while simultaneously being swept with clean, dry gas in order to remove any accumulated
moisture, carbon dioxide, and atmospheric impurities; also known as defrosting, de-icing, and
Dry Boiling: The condition occurring in thermosyphon reboilers where, due to inadequate reboiler
submergence, the liquid entering in the reboiler is totally vaporized, thereby concentrating any less
volatile impurities by extremely high factors; also known as dry vaporization.
This condition can also occur in downflow reboilers where liquid is completely vaporized before
reaching the bottom of the vaporizer. This can be due either to low liquid flow or inadequate
distribution of the liquid.
Front-End Purification: The use of adsorbers which operate at temperatures above 0 °C to remove
moisture, carbon dioxide, and the most hazardous hydrocarbons from the air feed prior to its being
supplied to the cold box.
Internal Compression: A process in which LOX from the column is pumped to an elevated pressure
and vaporized in heat exchangers external to the column system but within the cold box to produce
gaseous oxygen (GOX) at pressure; also known as liquid pumping.
LOX: Abbreviation of liquid oxygen. Throughout this document, all requirements applicable to LOX are
also applicable to liquids with an oxygen concentration above 70%.
Main Reboiler: An integrated heat exchanger used to heat-couple the two primary distillation columns
of an air separation unit (ASU), simultaneously condensing a high pressure fluid while vaporizing a
low pressure liquid, thereby producing reflux for one column and boil-up for the other.
Plugging: The blockage of channels within the reboiler either by foreign particulates (e.g., silica gel or
perlite) or by the solidification of atmospheric impurities (e.g., carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide), which
can lead to dead end boiling.
Regenerators: The pre-purification process of removing moisture and carbon dioxide from ASU plant
feed air by freezing them out on cold structures such as quartz stone or stainless steel.
REVEX: Abbreviation of reversing heat exchanger. The pre-purification process of removing moisture
and carbon dioxide from ASU plant feed air by freezing them out within a brazed plate-fin heat
exchanger, whereby the given passage is first used for feed air and then cleared of impurities by
subliming the contaminants in a lower pressure, clean, dry gas flowing through the same given
passage in the reverse direction.
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Submergence: A measure used for thermosyphon reboilers to indicate the degree to which the
physical reboiler is submerged in the sump as measured against the actual height of the reboiler.
Therefore at 100% submergence the liquid in the sump is at the top of the reboiler.
NOTE—This measure is not equivalent to the indicated level of the sump, which indicates the relative
level of the liquid interface between the upper and lower level taps. The indicated level and reboiler-
submergence level, however, are interrelated by the elevations of the upper level tap, top of reboiler,
lower level tap, and the height of the reboiler. For a pictorial description, please refer to Figure 1 in
Appendix G.
In order to raise awareness of the potential risks in operating air separation plant reboilers, the
working group members surveyed known incidents related to hydrocarbons in reboilers. These
incidents were categorized into three classes depending on their gravity, major explosions, limited
explosions, and internal leaks. However, it should be recognized that as there is no clear delineation
between small explosions limited to combustion of limited quantities of hydrocarbons and large
explosions leading to extensive aluminium combustion in LOX, it is absolutely essential to prevent
any hydrocarbon accumulation within the LOX reboiler exchangers. One purpose of this
document is to help to achieve this end.
Major explosions breech the cold box and cause major damage to the ASU, rendering it inoperable.
There is also the possibility of off-site effects from the blast.
Under very special circumstances a violent energy release can originate in the reboiler of an air
separation plant with catastrophic consequences to the plant and its surroundings. An extremely
violent explosion can occur if the aluminum in the cold box becomes a fuel that reacts with oxygen in
the LOX sump of the distillation column.
Two serious events of this nature were experienced during 1997. The only previous occurrence was
in 1964. One of the 1997 explosions was so violent that the ASU was totally destroyed and the
adjacent plant where the oxygen product was used was seriously damaged.
All three accidents are thought to have followed the same series of events:
1. Spontaneous ignition and combustion of flammable air contaminants that had accumulated
within the passages of the reboiler;
2. Promoted ignition and combustion of a large fraction of the aluminum material from which the
reboiler exchangers were fabricated;
3. Flash vaporization of LOX; and
4. Explosive rupture of the cryogenic distillation column and cold box casing.
Limited explosions can cause damage within the cold box but do not breech it. Damage is typically
confined to the equipment within the cold box. Piping and other equipment can be damaged but are
repairable during an extended plant outage. As of 1998, there were 8 incidents of this nature reported
to the industry.
Internal leak incidents generally relate to minor explosions within the reboiler heat exchanger and are
not seen on the outside of the cold box. They are generally only noticed by the subsequent poor
operation of the distillation columns and require repair of the reboiler to eliminate the problem.
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Equipment outside of the distillation column is seldom involved or affected. As of 1998, there were 36
incidents of this nature reported to the industry.
5 Air Contaminants
Safe design and operation of a cryogenic air separation plant depends on a detailed knowledge of the
composition of atmospheric air and what happens to these components as they pass through an
ASU. The bulk of the air and some trace components are separated to yield desired products such as
oxygen, nitrogen, and argon as well as helium, neon, krypton, or xenon. Some components freeze out
at cryogenic temperatures and could cause operational or safety problems. Other components can be
concentrated within the air separation plant and form flammable mixtures with oxygen or enriched air.
Still other components can be corrosive and lead to increased operating problems and reduced plant
Table 1 (refer to Appendices A through F for tables) lists many components present in air that could
cause problems in air separation plants. The components are classified according to the problems
they cause.
Since the main focus of this document is safety, the corrosive components will not be considered
further. Plugging components, while not safety issues by themselves, can accumulate and cause dry
boiling or dead end boiling and hydrocarbon build-up in reboilers.
Physical and thermodynamic property data of the components of air are necessary to understand
where they can concentrate in an air separation plant and at what concentration the accumulation can
become dangerous. Table 2 gives the relevant properties of many of these components.
Critical points in the air separation plant are the reboilers, since hydrocarbons or plugging
components entering the cryogenic section of the plant accumulate at these locations. Table 5 lists
the maximum level of contaminants in the main reboiler (thermosyphon type) allowable for safe plant
operation. Table 6 lists the maximum level of contaminants in a downflow reboiler allowable for safe
plant operation. See 7.4 for a more detailed review of allowable contaminant levels in the main
It also should be noted that hydrocarbons can accumulate at other locations such as rich liquid
adsorbers, LOX adsorbers, and through dead end boiling in piping dead legs.
Table 2 in conjunction with Table 3 suggests that, for a plant with adsorption-based front-end
purification (FEP), the key contaminants to consider are nitrous oxide, ethane, ethylene, and propane.
Carbon dioxide should also be monitored since upsets or malfunction of the adsorbers can allow
carbon dioxide to enter the plant. These key components are i) not removed or only partially removed
in the front end purification adsorbers; ii) have low K-values, which means very little is removed in the
GOX product; and iii) have low solubility (with the exception of ethane). These and additional
contaminants can be of concern in REVEX or regenerator plants. Later sections of this document
describe the methods that can be used to remove or limit the build-up of these and other components.
6 Design Consideration
Unique from other process plant industries, the industrial gases industry processes ambient air to
produce its final product. For this reason, the safety of air separation plants is closely related to the
trace contaminants present in the air. As it is not possible to control the condition of the ambient air,
an understanding of contaminant removal techniques as well as the knowledge of the site-specific air
composition is imperative for safe plant design and operation.
Hydrocarbons and various other contaminants in the environment, which enter the air intake of an
ASU, can cause safety and operational problems if allowed to reach the distillation equipment. These
contaminants, which have higher boiling temperatures than oxygen, tend to accumulate in the
oxygen-rich reboilers within the plant, most specifically in the sump of the low pressure distillation
column. If their concentrations are allowed to build up, they can form flammable mixtures with oxygen
or, in the case of inert contaminants, precipitate out of solution, leading to the plugging of the
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passages of the reboiler once their solubility limits have been reached locally. Such plugging by inert
contaminants can lead to local accumulation of hydrocarbons by dead end boiling.
It is therefore essential that the more hazardous of these contaminants be removed from the feed air
stream before they enter the distillation column, and that the maximum concentration for the remaining
contaminants is limited to values less than those indicated in Tables 5 and 6.
The ambient air quality is an important factor in the design and safe operation of an air separation
plant (see EIGA 704/05, Safe Practices Guide for Cryogenic Air Separation Plants).
The air separation plant must be designed to remove components that freeze at cryogenic
temperatures, components that could form flammable mixtures with oxygen or enriched air, and
components that are corrosive. Since the levels of these contaminants can vary greatly from location
to location, a separate review of air quality should be done for each plant site jointly by the designer
and operator.
In the absence of specific data on a particular plant site, an air separation plant may be designed on
the basis of a default air quality table. This would list the maximum level of each contaminant in the air
of an industrial area that would be processed safely in the air separation plant without additional
modifications. Table 4 defines typical maximum levels for a plant with an adsorption based FEP
If concentrations are reported to be higher than those in the table, the designer must analyze the
impact and specify whether additional modifications to the design are necessary.
A process should be put in place to periodically review the surroundings for exposure to changes in
air quality as a result of industrial development that can occur around the site following the installation
of the ASU. Such new facilities can release chemicals during steady state or emergency situations
(i.e., vents, flares, vehicle emissions, or other accidental release), possibly impacting operational
safety of the ASU. Air quality changes due to environmental events such as fires also should be
Various means have been used for contaminant removal. Most modern ASUs use ambient
temperature FEP systems to adsorb substantially all of the moisture and carbon dioxide and the most
hazardous hydrocarbons from the compressed feed air stream. These units also can partially remove
certain other contaminants. Many older plants make use of REVEX plants or regenerators to freeze-
out many of the contaminants as the air feed is cooled to low temperature. These plants generally
require additional contaminant removal by means of vapor or liquid phase adsorbers, which operate
at cryogenic temperature. A detailed explanation of the operation of these pre-purifying systems can
be found in EIGA 704/05.
7 Operations
Perhaps the most basic and important factor in maintaining air separation plant safety with respect to
hydrocarbons is the operation of the pre-purifying system. Whether the plant uses an FEP or
REVEXs/regenerators, ensuring that the system is properly tuned is essential in keeping carbon
dioxide from entering the plant where, because of its low solubility, it can plug reboiler passages and
cause localized dead end or dry boiling.
Preventing carbon dioxide breakthroughs in plants with FEP systems also is critical in controlling
hydrocarbon levels in the reboiler. Some air contaminants, notably propane, ethylene, and nitrous
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oxide, are partially adsorbed on molecular sieve but become displaced by carbon dioxide adsorption.
When carbon dioxide is allowed to breakthrough at the product end of the bed, these partially
adsorbed components are desorbed and pass into the cryogenic section of the plant.
For these reasons, a breakthrough of carbon dioxide above the detectable limit at the end of the
adsorption cycle should not be allowed in plants which use an FEP system. If breakthroughs are
noticed, refer immediately to the operations manual for instructions on how to tune the sequencer or
adsorber parameters in order to eliminate the breakthroughs, i.e., reactivation temperature, flow,
times, etc.
It is recommended that the carbon dioxide concentration be monitored at the outlet of the
adsorption vessel. There should be a high carbon dioxide alarm set at a level of 1 ppm/v. This
indicates breakthrough of carbon dioxide and also some previously adsorbed hydrocarbons.
The operator should switch to the other adsorber bed if available (i.e., adequately
regenerated), maximize the liquid purge rate and, where possible, monitor sump
concentrations of hydrocarbons, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide to assure that they do not
exceed the values given in Tables 5 and 6. Where there is no sump analysis, shutdown is
recommended if the adsorber cannot be switched within 30 minutes or if the carbon dioxide
concentration reaches 10 ppm/v.
A low but continuous slip of carbon dioxide is just as dangerous as a significant breakthrough at the
end of the cycle, because it indicates that air contaminants such as acetylene, other hydrocarbons,
and moisture are also bypassing the adsorber beds. If the level of a continuous slip reaches 0.2
ppm/v to 0.5 ppm/v of carbon dioxide (according to the detection capability of the analyzer), the plant
supplier should be consulted immediately. In no circumstances should the plant continue to be
operated for an extended period under these conditions.
In the case of REVEX or regenerator plants, control the midpoint and cold-end temperatures of the
exchanger to ensure that the exchanger correctly removes carbon dioxide and moisture. If severe
upset conditions persist, a more frequent change of rich liquid adsorbers should be considered in
order to prevent a buildup of carbon dioxide in the sump liquid.
Today’s designers of air separation plants offer several technologies for reboilers. These include:
The term bath-type reboiler defines any exchanger of an air separation plant that operates submerged
in liquid. Of specific interest to this document are those in which the liquid bath contains more than
75% oxygen content. This can include main reboilers (either internal or external), auxiliary vaporizers,
guard adsorber vaporizers, and oxygen product reboilers.
The operating principles of these various bath reboilers are similar. In order to simplify the explanation
of this operation, the main condenser bath reboiler is used as an example.
The oxygen in the bath (open passages) vaporizes against the condensing gaseous nitrogen of the
high pressure column. The oxygen, in liquid phase at the lower part of the reboiler, vaporizes
progressively in the passage as it flows up the core. The effect of the difference of density (higher for
the liquid in the sump than for a two-phase mixture within the passages of the exchanger) generates
an upward flow of the oxygen (thermosyphon effect).
As the two-phase mixture flows up and through the top of the open passages of the reboiler core, a
significant amount of unvaporized liquid falls back into the bath. This is referred to as liquid
The hydrocarbons in solution with the LOX entering the passages concentrate progressively as the
LOX is partially vaporized.
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If the recirculation flow rate is high, the concentration of hydrocarbons in the passages remains low,
and dangerous accumulation in the passages is unlikely. On the other hand, if the recirculation flow
rate is reduced or eliminated completely the local hydrocarbon concentration in the passages
increases significantly. Where recirculation is eliminated completely, dry boiling occurs. Under these
conditions, a second, hydrocarbon-rich, liquid phase can separate or deposits of solid contaminants
can build up in the reboiler core passages.
When operating the bath below a specific level with respect to the core height, the LOX can
completely vaporize as it flows up the passages. This phenomenon of no recirculation flow is called
dry vaporization or dry boiling. This situation is especially dangerous since it can lead to the rapid
accumulation of flammable hydrocarbons within the isolated core passages, due to lower recirculation
Increasing this liquid level allows the recirculation flow to re-establish itself and eliminates the
possibility of dry vaporization. The need to maintain a high liquid level is especially important for
operation at reduced plant capacity.
It should be recognized that the minimum degree of submergence required for safe operation
of bath-type reboilers is a function of the type of heat exchanger that is used. To ensure
operational safety, the depth of the reboiler sump liquid shall be maintained at the level
specified by the plant supplier. If this value is unknown, the reboiler should be operated in a
fully submerged condition (100% submergence), i.e., the liquid level in the bath must reach the
upper end of the reboiler core. Note that the level shown on the instrumentation does not
normally correspond to the percentage submergence with respect to core height. Refer to
Figure 1 for further explanation. If the correspondence between the level indication and the
core submergence is not identifiable from the operation manual, the supplier shall be
Operation at levels higher than 100% submergence can give an additional margin of safety. However,
care must be taken that the increased level does not adversely affect plant operation through liquid
carryover into the gas lines or interference with liquid distribution or the distillation process in the
bottom section of the column. An excessively high liquid level can cause mechanical damage to the
internal components (distributor, trays, packing) in the lower part of the distillation column.
A downflow reboiler (also known as a film-type reboiler) is one in which the liquid to be vaporized
flows in the passages from the top to the bottom of the core. The flow is generated by gravity and is
delivered by a distributor at the inlet (top) to the core passages. Downflow-type reboilers are
sometimes used for main or auxiliary vaporizers of ASUs. As in the case of the bath-type reboilers,
the main reboiler is used as an example to illustrate the operating principles of the downflow reboiler.
LOX is fed to a distributor located at the top of the reboiler. The liquid flows by gravity in a downward
direction through the oxygen passages. Vaporized oxygen flows from the bottom of the exchanger
along with excess liquid. Gaseous nitrogen from the high pressure column is condensed in the
nitrogen passages of the reboiler.
There are several configurations of downflow reboilers including once-through or recirculating. In all
cases, it is essential to maintain the required liquid level in the distribution system using the means
specified by the supplier. Also, measuring liquid flow is another equally acceptable method of
ensuring adequate flow through the vaporizing side of a downflow reboiler.
As with bath-type reboilers, the hydrocarbon concentration in the LOX increases progressively as the
oxygen vaporizes in the passage. A sufficient amount of LOX must flow from the bottom of the core’s
passages to ensure that the maximum hydrocarbon content in the LOX does not reach dangerous
levels and to ensure all passages remain wetted. Therefore, the maintenance of this liquid flow is
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Once-through reboiler cores are fed with liquid directly from the packing or trays of the low pressure
column. The liquid contains contaminant concentrations close to the values of the purified air entering
the cold box.
Some once-through-type reboilers must be supplied with an additional recirculating flow to ensure the
minimum necessary amount of liquid exits the bottom of the core passages.
Recirculating reboiler cores are fed with LOX (from the sump of the low pressure column in the case
of the main reboiler) that already might have been passed through a once-through core. Generally,
the concentration of contaminants in this type of reboiler is higher than in the once-through core.
In all cases where recirculation is required, it is obtained by pumping liquid from the sump of the
column and transferring it to the distributor at the top of the recirculating reboiler. Controlling this flow
rate ensures the adequate supply of liquid to the distributor of the vaporizer.
Reaching a low flow threshold on the recirculating pump shall activate an alarm alerting the operator.
The operation of the pump may then be readjusted or, if applicable, a standby pump started. If the low
flow alarm remains activated beyond a 60-minute period, the unit shall be shut down.
WARNING: The flow rate provided by the pump always shall be kept at the nominal value specified
by the plant designer, even at a reduced plant capacity operating mode. If the plant can be operated
above the design capacity, increasing the LOX circulating flow with the increase in air flow should be
A screen directly upstream of the distribution system feeding the downflow reboiler is recommended
to prevent particles from entering the downflow reboiler distributor. Screen mesh shall be specified by
the plant supplier to suit the geometry of the downflow reboiler core and its distribution system.
Because downflow reboilers are different from bath-type reboilers, they have different operating
requirements. One difference in downflow reboilers is that they operate with a much higher vapor
fraction at the exit of the reboiler as compared to a bath-type reboiler. Because of this higher vapor
exit quality, downflow reboilers have been reported to accumulate trace components that have
relatively low solubility even when the bulk concentration of these components is well below the
solubility limit.
While it is impossible to completely prevent trace components such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide,
and some hydrocarbons from accumulating within the downflow reboiler, the amount of accumulation
shall be carefully controlled. Experimental work and analytical plant derimes have shown that the key
variable in the accumulation rate is the component concentration in the liquid exiting the reboiler.
Higher concentrations of these trace components cause higher accumulation rates. The plant
operator should keep the nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbon concentrations as low as
practical, and at all times the concentrations should be within the limits specified by the ASU
manufacturer. Table 6 gives maximum shutdown values, but the manufacturer can mandate lower
shutdown values for specific designs and operating conditions. Note that normal operating
concentrations should be significantly lower than the values in Table 6. When the plant is designed for
operation at high concentration factors, it can include specific protections such as cryogenic silica gel
adsorbers or other appropriate protections.
Periodic deriming should be performed to remove any accumulated components. The manufacturer’s
recommendation for defrost intervals should be strictly followed. Solid carbon dioxide and nitrous
oxide can retain hydrocarbons within the reboiler, so it is necessary to remove these components by
periodic deriming.
WARNING: Failure to remove the accumulated carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide by periodic deriming
can lead to accumulating unsafe levels of hydrocarbons, which in turn can lead to an explosion.
Since control of the reboiler level and flow is important in preventing dead-end or dry boiling, proper
operation of level and flow indicators as well as their alarm and shutdown set points shall be verified
and recorded at regular intervals. This should be done at least annually. Where practical, observation
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of overflow at the vapor phase level tap, during temporary operation at the required high level, can be
used to verify the calibration.
Where duplicate taps are installed to provide contingency in the case of blockage, these taps should
be regularly checked and vented. Should blockage occur in one of the two taps, every effort should be
made to clear the blockage using purge nitrogen or thawing during the next plant derime. If all taps
are blocked or if the reboiler level cannot be determined for any other reason, the plant should be
shutdown to restore level measurement.
Regardless of the type of pre-purifying system used, some level of light hydrocarbons and potentially
other contaminants reach the distillation columns and tend to collect in the sump of the low pressure
column. The concentrations to which these components accumulate shall be limited to avoid
hazardous operation. Methane is the only hydrocarbon that is sufficiently volatile to leave in the vapor
phase of the GOX product stream. Other hydrocarbons shall be removed from the liquid phase.
There are principally two methods of maintaining a safe level of the other contaminants in the LOX:
- LOX adsorbers (see 7.3.1); and
- purging (see 7.3.2).
LOX adsorbers are designed to remove certain contaminants from an LOX stream drawn off from and
returned to the sump of the low pressure column. Either single or paired adsorbers may be used.
Using two adsorbers permits continuous adsorption during the regeneration of the spent adsorber.
Refer to Table 3 for the effectiveness of removal of the complete list of contaminants. In particular, for
REVEX and regenerator plants, LOX adsorbers are effective for removal of residual acetylene,
dienes, and C4+ hydrocarbons, and are partially effective for removal of nitrous oxide. They also
provide a backup to remove carbon dioxide that can reach the column, particularly during operational
Operators of ASUs utilizing thermosyphon-driven oxygen guard adsorber circuits should follow these
additional precautions:
- Adhere to the LOX circulation operating parameters specified by the plant supplier’s
procedures. If the procedures specify that indicated flows or differential pressures have to be
maintained by relevant plant (valve) adjustment, these indicators should be treated as
important safety devices;
- Do not allow instruments to remain out of service if any become defective or give abnormal
readings. These safety devices should be clearly identified as safety critical by risk
assessment and maintenance procedures adapted accordingly. Under no circumstances
should the plant be operated if this instrumentation is not functioning;
- Follow the manufacturer’s recommended regeneration temperatures and step times to ensure
complete removal of adsorbed contaminants;
- Operate the guard adsorbers in accordance with the plant supplier’s procedures. Avoid
excessive LOX flashing through the regenerated bed on cool down as this would have the
effect of both lifting the bed and increasing attrition of the adsorbent material. Either of these
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events increases the possibility of adsorbent debris accumulating in LOX return circuits or
within the thermosyphon-driven exchange or main reboiler;
- Avoid introducing liquid water, which breaks down the silica gel; and
- Ensure that the guard adsorber LOX circuit vaporizer and piping are correctly derimed and
recooled to operating temperature as part of the operating procedures for an ASU turn
around. LOX allowed to boil in the circuit rather than drained off can both accumulate any
hydrocarbons present and cause solid carbon dioxide deposition because of its low solubility.
On restart, solid deposits can inhibit the liquid recirculation through the vaporizer promoting
the dry boiling phenomenon.
7.3.2 Purging
Hydrocarbons that escape upstream treatment will not accumulate to high concentrations in plants that
produce a significant percentage of oxygen as a liquid product, or in which the oxygen is withdrawn from
the low pressure column as liquid, pumped and vaporized in exchangers external to the column system.
However, in a plant that produces only a GOX product (taken directly off the column) or a very small
amount of liquid, it is necessary to deliberately remove a measurable amount of liquid from the sump of the
reboiler in order to limit the concentrations of light hydrocarbons (particularly ethylene, propane, and
ethane), nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide to acceptable levels. A minimum continuous purge rate of
0.1% to 0.2% of the incoming air is recommended. On small plants where a continuous purge is not
practical, a purge equivalent to this rate should be taken at least every 8 hours.
The following equation computes the concentration of high boiling components in the LOX:
For an internal compression cycle, where no GOX is taken from the reboiler and the LOX product flow
is approximately 20% of the air from the main reboiler, the concentration factor is approximately 5 for
all species. When LOX is only produced for purge (typically 0.2% of the air) and with a small K value,
the concentration factor is 500.
NOTE—For methane, the K value is significant (see Table 2 in Appendix B). In this case, the
concentration factor is approximately 16 and the vast majority of the methane exits in the GOX
AIGA 035/06
The introduction of large quantities of hydrocarbons and other contaminants into the plant always
represents a risk, regardless of the protection devices implemented in the design and operation. For
this reason, it is necessary to detect when such a condition arises.
In particular, in concentrated industrial areas such as chemical, petrochemical, and metals industries, the
plant operator shall maintain a good awareness of the current environment surrounding the plant.
Information to be maintained should include:
- A list of nearby plant complexes liable to release significant quantities of contaminants into the air
during normal operation or in the case of malfunction or accident;
- The distance between these potential sources and the air separation plant air intake; and
Note that the potential risk of an air separation plant site is determined not only by the normal quality
of the ambient air but also by the risk of contaminant releases.
If deemed necessary, the instantaneous wind direction and speed should be made available in the
control room.
Depending on the characteristics of the ambient air conditions of the plant, its specific process design, as
well as the potential for contaminant releases, the following continuous contaminant measurement devices
should be considered:
- A total hydrocarbon analyzer at the air inlet to detect abnormal ambient air contaminant levels;
- A total hydrocarbon analyzer in the reboiler with the highest potential concentration of
contaminants. This is generally the main reboiler sump; and
- An analyzer that can detect individual hydrocarbon species in the reboiler with the highest
potential concentration of contaminants.
For a REVEX or regenerator plant, routine acetylene analyses also shall be performed.
Tables 5 and 6 list the maximum allowable contaminant concentrations for the reboiler. These
maximum contaminant values are much higher than the normally anticipated operating levels.
These levels are a function of parameters such as the reboiler purge rate, pre-purifier unit design, and
overall process cycle as well as of the ambient air quality.
Based on these parameters, the designer shall be consulted to calculate the anticipated operating
main reboiler contaminant level. In addition, the designer and operator should sample the LOX
produced in the main reboiler over the design range of plant operation during commissioning to verify
the anticipated normal contaminant level and to set the baseline for future measurement.
If at any point any measured contaminant exceeds 4 to 5 times its expected normal value, there
should be an alarm indicating the need to investigate and understand the cause. Equally importantly,
a rapid change in contaminant concentration, whether an increase or a decrease, also should be
A second alarm level should be set indicating the need to shut down the plant. This higher set point
shall be provided by the manufacturer. The shutdown limits shall be set based on the manufacturer’s
specific design features, operating methods, and experience. Unless specifically justified by the
manufacturer, the shutdown set point values in Tables 5 and 6 shall not be exceeded.
Care must be taken to ensure that the correct reboiler operating levels (bath reboilers, see 7.2.1) and
recirculating flows (downflow reboilers, see 7.2.2) are maintained. The measured average
AIGA 035/06
contaminant concentration in the sump can be a misrepresentation and lower than the actual local
concentration within the reboiler exchanger if these liquid levels and flows are not maintained. A
rapidly decreasing sump concentration can indicate an accumulation of contaminants within the
Correct calibration of analytical equipment and level transmitters is essential to the continuous safe
operation of the plant. Calibration of the analyzers at the above mentioned points shall be maintained
at the frequency stated in the supplier’s operating manual.
Care must be taken when sampling cryogenic liquid streams to avoid partial vaporization of the
sample and inaccurate measurement of heavy components, particularly hydrocarbons.
Analytical and operational records should be maintained for an extended time to monitor for long-term
changes in plant environment and operations.
Transient conditions can cause higher than normal hazards in operations. In these cases, process
changes in the unit occur that are not always noticed by the operator.
While the liquid level in the reboiler generally increases by reducing the plant load, it can decrease
while increasing the load.
According to the speed of the load increase, the sump liquid level and consequently the reboiler
recirculation rate can fall very rapidly. The allowable drop of the submergence level in these reboilers
shall be provided by the plant designer. If none is given, use 30% below the normal operating
submergence level for a maximum period of 60 minutes.
The recirculation rate shall be maintained as in normal operation. The level in the distributor or the
measured liquid flow to the distributor shall not fall below the allowed minimum during any plant load
change. During plant load changes, the liquid level in the distributor feeding the downflow reboiler can
temporarily fall below the normal operating level. This is acceptable, as long as the steady state level
is above the minimum. Note that in many cases, the recirculation flow rate can be used instead of a
direct level measurement.
Keep the liquid reservoir in the column under control. Special attention should be paid to the suction
filters of the recirculation pumps as plugging can occur caused by freezing out of carbon dioxide and
other contaminants.
Units that continuously produce significant amounts (greater than 2% of incoming air) of LOX
effectively deconcentrate the contaminants entering the air separation plant. In plants without an
AIGA 035/06
instrumented purge line, LOX production shall be maintained at or above the minimum measurable
flow rate.
Following a plant shutdown, the liquid contained in the packing or trays drains to the low point of the
column. At this point, the level in the reboilers is well above 100% of the level indicators. This liquid is
generally preserved to permit a quick restart of the plant. This mode is referred to as cold standby.
NOTE—Following a plant shutdown, level indicators might not be working reliably due to the
possibility of the upper tap being filled with liquid. It may be necessary to verify and perhaps
recalibrate critical transmitters.
During a one- or two-day cold standby period, continue to recirculate flow through LOX adsorbers if
installed. The following guidelines shall be followed to maintain a more extended cold standby in a
safe manner:
- Close inlet and outlet valves of the recirculation pumps. Drain pumps and suction filters; and
Due to the heat leak into the cold box, vaporization eventually reduces the amount of liquid in the
reboiler to well below the normal operating level. When the liquid has been reduced to half of its
normal level, either liquid must be added using liquid nitrogen or oxygen injection, or all liquid in the
plant must be drained.
When injecting liquid into the plant, it is advisable to use liquid nitrogen rather than LOX. When LOX is
used, be aware that extra hydrocarbons are added to the system.
If a hydrocarbon analyzer is available, continue monitoring hydrocarbons during the cold standby. All
liquid must be drained if the contaminant levels in Table 5 or 6 (as applicable) are reached. However,
since sampling during a non-operating period might not be representative, a lower result should not
be used to justify a failure to adhere to other recommended actions, as mentioned earlier in this
In the case of REVEX/regenerator plants, it is advisable to warm up the plant completely after
draining the liquid. If this is not done, there is a high potential of carbon dioxide migrating into the
column upon restarting.
The transient conditions described below are not always easy to separate from each other.
Depending on the type of plant as well as its design, it can be difficult to determine prior to restarting a
unit whether there is enough liquid. The appropriate procedure actually can be a combination of the
two described in and When it becomes evident during a start up that the reboiler does
not have sufficient liquid, purging of the remaining liquid might be required.
Generally up to a period of 8 hours after a shutdown, the plant has sufficient liquid to maintain the
levels in the reboilers during its restart.
In bath-type reboilers, keep the liquid level under control and at a level of at least 80% of its normal
submergence value. Return the submergence level to the normal operating level as soon as possible.
If available, liquid injection is recommended at this stage. A temporary drop of submergence level to
50% is allowable for a short period. If liquid injection is not available, other process steps should be
considered (e.g., reduce the incoming air to the process).
AIGA 035/06
In the case of downflow reboilers, control the level in the core distributor with the recirculation pump
flow. Ensure that there is enough liquid in the reservoir to maintain the pump flow. Control the air
intake to the high pressure column in order to maintain this level.
If the liquid in the reboilers falls below 50% of the normal operating level, it is necessary to drain the
liquids from the reboilers prior to restarting. The liquid present at this low level would be enriched in
hydrocarbons, nitrous oxide, and possibly carbon dioxide, which can cause deposits in the reboiler
core passages.
During start up from a condition that begins with a significantly lower-than-normal submergence level,
it is important to first rebuild this level prior to bringing the oxygen to purity. The higher the oxygen
purity in the bath, the greater the potential hazard. Maintain the GOX flow as high as possible during
the start up and only reduce the flow to control the purity once the reboiler liquid level is rebuilt.
In the case of internal compression units, start the oxygen product pumps at least with the minimum
flow as soon as approximately 80% of the normal level is established.
Ensure that the LOX and rich liquid adsorbers (if available) have just been regenerated. Drain the first
liquid (approximately 20% to 30% of normal operating level) after producing it in the sump of the
Problems with low liquid levels during start up can easily be overcome with a liquid assist system. As
noted in, liquid nitrogen is preferred but LOX may be used if the correct precautions are taken.
7.6 Deriming
In spite of the precautions taken, the ASU shall be derimed at regular intervals in order to remove any
excessive impurities such as hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide that might have entered
the plant, particularly during operational upsets. Due to the fact that the main reboiler is the
component most liable to accumulate hydrocarbons, it shall be derimed with particular care.
7.6.1 Procedure
In principle, the deriming procedure should be described very accurately in the operating manual.
Although the procedure differs with the various types of air separation plant, these instructions are to
be adhered to.
The following points are meant to highlight the most important steps:
- Establish the sequence of circuits to be derimed. Derime the circuits in that sequence;
- Partial deriming should be avoided when proper isolation is not ensured. Experience has shown
that there is a risk of shifting impurities or deposits from one section to another;
- Open all instrument lines towards the end of the deriming process; and
- If the operating manual gives no specific instructions, deriming for a plant with FEP is typically
completed when all deriming outlet temperatures are approximately 15 °C for at least 2 hours. At
this point, a moisture analysis should be performed on several deriming outlets to ensure that the
deriming process is successfully finished. A dew point of –40 °C to –60 °C verifies that the circuit
has been successfully derimed.
AIGA 035/06
A higher derime outlet temperature is desirable for plants with REVEXs and those with derime
heaters. A minimum of 30 °C is preferred and temperatures up to 60 °C are acceptable. After the
target temperature has been reached, deriming should be continued at that target temperature for at
least 2 hours.
7.6.2 Frequency
The deriming frequency is dependent on plant design, process cycle, and its location. The normal
frequency for a given plant shall be determined during the plant design and construction phase and is to be
described in the supplier’s operation manual. A risk assessment should be performed by qualified
personnel to determine the required frequency for the particular plant in the particular location. The
following factors should be included in the risk assessment:
- Design factors, e.g., FEP/REVEX, reboiler type, purge rate, LOX purity;
- Environmental factors, e.g., plant location/surrounding industry, potential air contaminants, air
quality; and
- Historical factors, e.g., FEP/REVEX management, plant trip frequency, condenser level variation,
and previous problems.
Derime the plant every 3 years unless otherwise stated in the operating manual or unless indicated by
the risk assessment.
The deriming frequency may be lengthened based on operating experience but should be shortened if any
of the following abnormalities have occurred:
- repeated instances of minor carbon dioxide breakthrough from the FEP system;
Significant alterations of the normal operation mode (as mentioned in the previous list) could force the
decision for a much higher deriming frequency.
It is further recommended that when major maintenance is carried out, a plant derime always should
be considered.
Provided the plant has had a normal operating history and adequate design, no routine maintenance
or cleaning requirements for the reboiler are necessary.
In some instances, however, foreign material can be introduced and can accumulate in the sumps or
within the plate/fin reboilers themselves. In these cases, the foreign material is inert but must be
removed as it can cause localized dead end or dry boiling and subsequent hazards.
Plant construction is to be undertaken under the most stringent supervision to ensure that no foreign
material enters the plant during construction. This is ensured with the use of cleaned and degreased
AIGA 035/06
pipe, as well as by taking special care to prevent ingress of foreign matter during storage and
construction. During plant commissioning, the piping is to be “blown through” to ensure any
construction materials are removed from the process prior to startup. This removes any particulate
such as aluminum or stainless steel shavings, aluminum oxide, rust, and welding slag.
During the operation of the air separation plant, the following foreign materials can be generated or
introduced into the plant. These cannot be removed by routine deriming of the plant.
Adsorbent dust can be generated in the FEP adsorber vessels, regenerators, or in the cryogenic
liquid or gas phase adsorbers. The dust is released by inadequate dust filtration or bypassing of the
dust filter at its seals. In all cases, dust eventually accumulates in the LOX sump. Through boiling and
circulation, this dust can pass through the fins of the reboiler core, block individual passages, and
lead to dead end boiling.
Oil migrating from this type of equipment certainly contaminates the cold end of the plant
(exchangers) adjacent to the equipment in question and usually deposits at that point.
Progressive operation, however, allows movement of this oil to other parts of the process and
possible accumulation in the LOX sump. Shutting down the plant or deriming can cause the oil/grease
to become fluid and can move it to other parts of the process. Removal of this contaminant is
therefore critical and can involve the use of solvents. The plant manufacturer or supplier shall be
consulted if this becomes necessary (see 7.7.5). Perlite
Incidents have been associated with plugging of reboilers with perlite. This can occur as a
consequence of some component or piping failure within a perlite-insulated cold box. As with any
other foreign material, the perlite finds its way to the reboilers and can cause hazardous plugging of
exchanger passages. Removal of this perlite by whatever means necessary is essential prior to plant
Where LOX pump filters are provided on plants with downflow reboilers, it is essential that they are
not removed. The purpose of these filters is to ensure that no particles pass through the pumps and
become trapped in the reboiler distributor. Should frequent blocking of these filters occur, the cause
should be investigated with the plant vendor.
During plant and equipment maintenance, it is important not to introduce hydrocarbon contaminants
(oil and grease) or other particles by ensuring the use of good practices for oxygen equipment.
Guidance is provided by several documents listed in Section 8. Components to be installed shall be
sealed and stored in plastic containers labeled DEGREASED FOR OXYGEN SERVICE. Cleaning and
degreasing is achieved using a range of standard products compatible with oxygen. The use of these
solvents or detergents requires strict control and it shall be ensured that they are properly removed by
natural evaporation or purging with nitrogen prior to the plant being put back in service. In some
cases, testing using Draeger tubes or ultraviolet lamps might be necessary.
AIGA 035/06
Where oils are needed for lubrication and can come in contact with an oxygen-enriched stream,
oxygen compatible oils and greases shall be used.
Particular attention should be given to the use of oxygen compatible gaskets in piping systems that
can transport or come into contact with oxygen-enriched gas or liquid streams.
Heavy hydrocarbons, oil, and grease contamination can be removed only by solvent degreasing
techniques. These can vary from cold liquid flushing through the cores by pumped recirculation or
spraying across or through individual passages. Regular sampling of the solvent and testing for
hydrocarbon is an indication of the quantity of hydrocarbon being removed and whether clean up is
being achieved. To achieve the required cleanliness requires entry to the column.
Alternatively, the hot vapor recondensation technique is used. This is achieved by introducing hot
solvent vapors into the equipment that, when recondensed in the equipment, dissolve the
hydrocarbons, which then appear in the collected condensate. This can be achieved without entry to
the column area.
Both of these methods rely on the solvent reaching all surfaces, which might not be guaranteed if
some passages are blocked or if preferential flow occurs.
For either technique, it is critical to ensure that the solvent used is oxygen compatible and/or totally
removed. For a listing of acceptable degreasing agents, refer to AIGA 012/04 or CGA G-4.1, both of
which are cited in Section 8.
Purging of the equipment (with nitrogen) after use is critical to ensure that any liquid and vapor
solvent is removed from impulse lines, drains, and dead legs before the plant is recommissioned.
The removal of perlite and other permanent solids is critical to avoid the serious risk of dead end boiling,
and can be achieved only by internal work requiring entry to the reboiler and column sump areas.
Techniques include:
The rupture disc technique (“Marston Excelsior” procedure) involves pressurization and rapid
depressurization, creating shock and excessive velocity to dislodge and vent the perlite. A thin,
scored gasket is placed over an available nozzle (flange) near to the inlet of the contaminated
exchanger. A source of nitrogen (or air) slowly pressurizes the exchanger from an alternative nozzle
until the gasket bursts and releases the perlite. Progressively thicker gaskets are used to increase the
burst pressure (within the safe working pressure of the vessel or equipment). This continues until no
further evidence of perlite is seen. This technique has been used on main exchangers (FEP dust
carryover) and sub coolers (adsorber dust carryover) successfully. This technique should not be used
on columns as it can result in tray collapse.
Mechanical cleaning includes the use of vibration pads on the sides of the exchangers to loosen
trapped particles within the cores. Either blowing through or vacuuming can be used to remove
Evidence of successful removal might be provided by using an endoscope and entering each fin
through the whole length of the exchanger and visually examining that no perlite remains.
AIGA 035/06
If there is any external evidence that adsorbent has been lost in significant quantity from a gas or
liquid phase adsorber such as by having to top-off the bed material on inspection during a
maintenance shutdown or if the material is significantly powdered, investigate the circuit further.
Determine if the missing material has accumulated in any downstream vaporizers or within the low
pressure column to which the LOX return is connected. If evidence of loss of adsorbent is determined,
the plant manufacturer should be contacted.
WARNING: Operating a reboiler with particulates partially or completely blocking passages can lead
to hydrocarbon accumulation and potentially an explosion.
8 References
[1] EIGA 704/05: Safe Practices Guide for Cryogenic Air Separation Plants, Compressed Gas
European Industrial Gases Association, 3-5, avenue des Arts, 1210 Brussels.
[2] EIGA 702/04: Safe Use of Brazed Aluminium Heat Exchangers for Producing Pressurized Oxygen,
Compressed Gas European Industrial Gases Association, 3-5, avenue des Arts, 1210 Brussels.
[3] CGA G-4.1: Cleaning Equipment for Oxygen Service, Compressed Gas Association, Inc., 4221
Walney Road, 5th Floor, Chantilly, VA 20151.
[4] CGA O2-DIR: 2000 Directory of Cleaning Agents for Oxygen Service, Compressed Gas
Association, Inc., 4221 Walney Road, 5th Floor, Chantilly, VA 20151.
[5] EIGA 701/04: Safe Use of Aluminum Structured Packing for Oxygen Distillation, Compressed Gas
European Industrial Gases Association, 3-5, avenue des Arts, 1210 Brussels.
[6] AIGA 012/04: Cleaning of Equipment for Oxygen Service Asia Industrial Gases Association, 298
Tiong Bahru Road, #20-01 Central Plaza, Singapore 168730. [7]McKinley, C., and E.S.J.
Wang. “Hydrocarbon System Solubility”, International Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Volume 4,
pp.11-25 (1958).
[8] Karwat, Ernst. “Hydrocarbons in Air Separation Plants,” Chemical Engineering Progress, Vol. 54,
No. 10, October 1958.
[9] Houghton, Sunder, Weist, and Trexler, “Trace Component Accumulation in Downflow Reboilers,”
AIChE Spring Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 2000.
[10] Lassmann and Meilinger, “Determination of Hydrocarbon Adsorption on Solid CO2 and N2O at
Ambient Pressures,” Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Ninth
Volume, ASTM STP 1395; Steinberg, Newton, Beeson, Eds.; ASTM International, West Conshohocken,
PA; 2000.
[11] E. Miller, Auvil, S., Giles, N., and Wilson, G., “The Solubility of Nitrous Oxide as a Pure Solute and
in Mixtures with Carbon Dioxide in Air Separation,” AIChE Spring Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 2000.
[12] D. Meneses, Thonnelier, J., Szulman, C., and Werlen, E., “Trace Contaminant Behavior in Air
Separation Units,” Cryogenics 2000 Conference, Praha, Czech Republic, October 2000.
[13] R.M. Hardeveld, Groeneveld, M.J., Lehman, J.-Y., and Bull, D.C., “Investigation of an Air
Separation Unit Explosion,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 14, pp. 167-180,
AIGA 035/06
[14] J.-Y. Lehman, Wei, X.C., Hua, Q.X., Delannoy, G., “Investigation of the Fushun ASU Explosion in
1997,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 16, pp 209-221, 2003.
AIGA 035/06
AIGA 035/06
Methane Ethane
CH4 C2H6
Solubility in O2 at 90.2 K, Miscible 128 000-250 000
1.013 bar abs. (ppm/v) 1
K-value in O2 at 90.2 K, 0.3 2 x 10–4
1.013 bar abs 2
Lower Flammability Limit in 5 3
Air at 293 K, 1.013 bar abs
Condensed Phase Does not form Liquid
(Solid or Liquid) second liquid phase
Density Relative to LOX at Does not form
90.2 K, 1.013 bar abs second liquid phase
Ranges in solubility reflect different sources of experimental data. The two most comprehensive references are
Karwat and McKinley. Solubility will be greater in saturated liquid at higher temperatures and pressures.
K-value data is only accurate to approximately 1 order of magnitude. These values vary significantly with temperature
and pressure.
AIGA 035/06
AIGA 035/06
AIGA 035/06
AIGA 035/06
AIGA 035/06
100% level
indication Low pressure column
Upper level tap
Bath-type reboiler
0% level
Lower level tap