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A p r a ct ic a l, s c i en t ific exp la n a ti o n of th o ug h t
o r m in d h e la w w b ic h
f o rce : t
g o v e rns

a ll m e n t a l a n d h i l ct i
p y s c a a o n

an d p li en o m en a : tlz e c a us e
f f li e a n d de a t h

A . V I C T OR S E G N O


US A. . .


C opy r ig/z t ecl 1
9 02

A . V I C T OR S E G N O
A ll r i gh s re e ve d
t s r


L 0 S A N G E L E S

i t tr u e h h gh are h i g
I h o ld t at t o u ts t n s

E n d we d wi h b d ie s b h an d w ing s
o t o , rea t ,

A n d h we s en d them f th
t at fil l or to

The w rl d wi th g d re s u l s
— ill oo t or .

That which we call s ecret th u ght o ur o ,

Sp ee ds the ear h s rem e st s p t

to t

ot o ,

An d leave s i t s b le ss ing s i w e s or ts o ,

L i ke track s b ehin d i t a s i t g e s o .

0 t t O O O t C

We awak en in an ther o

Just the h u gh t s min d s c ta i n

t o o ur on .

I f we re k in d we win their kin d ne ss

, ,

I f we hate hey hate a gain ,

t .

W pa ss e b r ther m rtal s
on to o o

Th e vi b rati n s f the s u l o o o ,

A n d the k n w i ng ne s re c eive them

o o ,

A s he y s earch f r m p le
t p le o o to o .

0 t 0 0 O t C 0 t 0 0

bu il d
We fu tu re s th ugh t by th
o ur o o ugh t f
O g d r b a d an d k n w i t t
oo or , o no

Yet th u niver s e i s w r u ght

so e o .

Th ug h t is an th er name f
o 'at e o or ,

C h s e the
oo th y d e s t i n y an d wa i t
, n,

'o r l ve b
o rin gs
l oy e

a nd ha e b ri ng s h a te
t .

In acquiring the information contained in this book I ,

lay no claim to ha v ing possessed a knowle d ge o r power

superior to that possessed by many o ther persons I S im .

p l
y claim that after many years of close conscientious ,

study to have touched a chord in Nature that responded


an d revealed to me the law which governs all intelligence ,

life and the change called death After thoroughly test


ing this great power I have decided to give the knowledge


to the world I do so with the full conviction that it will


revolutionize to a more or less degree the life of every

. ,

person who reads it .

I intentionally avoided the use of scientific terms in this

bo ok fo it was w ritten for the people as a whole and n o t
r ,

simply as a scientific textbook I ha v e also avoi d e d all


statements that in any way flavored of the sensational o r

mysterious because I have no desire to play upon the

s uperstition inherent in humanity I have not d ealt with


s u ppositions or possibilities but have held strictl y t the

. o
knowledge that has been thoroughly tested and demon
t ate d to the entire satisfaction of logical thinking
s r ,

minds because I wish to appeal only to the reason and in


t llig e c e in man
e n .

I believe that there is one great source of all in te lli

gence called God ; that the mental and spiritual ( min d
' ”

and soul 'are as one in Him and in us ; that intelligence

has always existe d and always will exist That we are all .

entitled to share alike in this great gift and that we each ,

gain all the knowledge we rightly seek and work for .

That we are slaves or masters as a result of our ignorance

or our choice That man was created a free and inde

pendent being and that he is boun d in slavery only


through his ignorance of the source of intelligence and

the laws that govern life That we can make or mar our

careers upon this earth and in the life to come and that it ,

remains entirel y with us to d eci d e .

I f you dear rea d er are a lover of truth knowle d ge and

, , ,

intelligence the contents of this book will satisfy your


desires and give you mental food that you can easily
assimilate .

It is to the people who seek truth that they may de

v e lo p within themselves greater power that I dedicate th i s

work . A V I C TOR S EG N O
. .









Co n te n ts


Ho w C H A RA C T E R D E S TI N A R E ' O R M E



Y ' ,

W H A T A R E D R EA M S ?






Ho w T O S T R E N G T H EN T H E M E M O RY


Ho w P A R E N T S C A N C O N T R O L T H E I R C H I L R E N D ,

Ho w To W 'R I N S A
D ND ''



C HAP T ER ' I V .

AN D ,

C HA P T ER ' V .

AN D ,
Co n te n ts




Ho w To C U RE E I L H A IT S
V B ,





' P , ,




The law s o f th u ght are th law s
o e o f th e u niver s e .
— B u c h n er .

W/z a t is M en t a lis m 9

What is Mentalism T 0 answer that que s ti on is the


purpo s e o f this boo k Mentalism is a power o r force so


subtle an d yet so potential that to mea s ure its breadth


and d ep th and to ascertain all its uses an d purposes would


require more years than are allotte d to man o n this earth ,

fo its possibilities are unlimited

r It is the source o f a l l

intelligence an d o f a l l physical social mental spiritua l

, , , ,

s ci entific ,artistic and mechanical achievement and ad

vancement It un d erlies al l know l ed ge ; i s the caus e o f

all happines s o r unhappine s s health o r di se as e s ucce ss

, ,

o r failure and without d oubt will be closely as s oci ated


with o u lives after we leave this earth

r .

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
The power and principles of the Law of Ment alism
are as old as humanity having existed ever since man

was created In di ff erent ages of the world s progress


men have in some measure realized the existence of the

Law but heretofore man has been unable to grasp it with

any degree of completeness He has h o wever from time .

, ,

to time discovered a few of its mysteries and believing

, , ,

that he had the whole truth formed and organized one of


the sciences or religious sects known as Mesmerism Hyp ,

no ti s m
Personal Magnetism Magnetic Healing Mental

, ,

S cience C hristian S cience S piritualism C lairvoyance

, , , ,

C lairaudience Telepathy Mediumship etc

, , , .

There is but one law underlying all these sciences an d ,

that is the Law of Mentalism However the study of the .

various branches of this science has been the stepping

stones in the onward march of mental supremacy I f one .

would learn any language he must first learn the alphabet

, ,

and then wor d s of one syllable before he can compre ,

hend those of deeper meaning Man cannot grasp all the .

truths and facts at once ; therefore it has been necessary ,

for humanity to move forwar d slowly step by step in its , ,

edu c ation All things exist but man knows of them only

so far as he is educated to comprehend them What is a .

fact to o e is an unreality to another ; thus no two people

n ,

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m

or any dis e ase Then if man i s master over disease


which we know to b e a fact who can d oub t that he has


power over the natural forces C hrist says in John He


that believeth in me the work s that I d o shall he do also ;


and gr e ater w orks than these shall he d o .

Mentalism is the harmonious action of the three most

powerful faculties of the mental organization The first .

o f these is Thought the second Etheric Energy and the

, , ,

third is Will Thought i s the intelligence which is col


lec te d by the brain for the use of the min d from such ,

passing mental vibrations as are in harmony with it .

Etheric Energ y is the force generate d in the brain by the

process of thinking It is upon thi s force that thoughts

travel from the cell s of the b rain to their destination .

The Will is the operator an d director and d i spatches and

guides the thoughts to their respective stations Thus .

Thought conveyed b y Etheric Energy and guid e d and


controlled by W ill becomes a power of su ch magnitude


that neither material nor distance are a barrier to it s

transmission .

Thought pro d uces energy and energy creates force ,

which in turn produces action an d motion Thought .

through motion displaces the atoms in the air which

surrounds the body thus causing vibrations or thou ght

Wh a t is M e n t a li s m ?

waves in the atmosphere A weak thought makes only


a slight d isplacement j u st as a faint bree z e s ways but

gently the leaves o f the trees ; while strong fo rceful ,

thoughts displace the atoms over a greater area .

Marconi the inventor o f Wirel e ss Telegraphy says

, ,

that a wor d o r its equiva l en t creates a vibration in the air

j ust as a pe bble thrown into a pond creates a ripple in th e
water and that this vibration travels with the speed o f

lightning to the terminus however d istant an d mak es

, ,

itself known an d felt by every telegraph instrument that

i s tuned in harmony with th e sender .In the same man
ner a thought from the b rain o f one person travel s o n
despite all resistance until it is taken up by the brain o r

brains that are in harmony with the mind from which

it was sent.

A thought of scorn o r praise when sent by the Will


from th e brain become s a living force and is n o t los t

, ,

in the multitu d e o f sounds an d vibrations but goes o n to


find the individual again s t whom o in favor o f whom


it was directed S uch thoughts strike the person with an


impact w hi ch either hurts o help s them Those wh o do

r .

n o t under s tand the Law of Mentali s m may o t know


when thes e thoughts have taken flight and fo r the same


rea son the person receiving them may n o t know from

T h e L aw o f M e n t al i s m
whence they came ; nevertheless he is either uplifted or

depressed by them .

A lmost every person will admit of having often ex

p i
e r enc e d a sudden depression of feeling or a fear that

something unfortunate had or was about to occur ; and

again at another time of being controlled by a sensa
tion of hope and happiness even in the face of seem

i g ly unpleasant facts and with no apparent cause for it

n , .

There are few people who have not been convinced at

some time in their lives that they felt the thoughts of a n

other influencing them even when they knew that th t

, a

person was distance from them Perhaps when deeply

a .

engrossed in work or study you have been startled by

what seemed a living presence beside you and the ment l , a

impression was so strong that you involuntarily reached

out your hand as though to touch the living flesh while ,

your eyes were fixed upon space and you saw more from
within than from without Or perhaps you experienced

this same feeling of nearness of some frien d whom yo u

believed to be far away and in a few moments he entered


your presence and you in astonishment greeted him with

I was j ust thinking of you .

These or similar experiences demonstrate to what

extent a pers o n is sensitive to Mentalism and to what ,

Wh a t i s M e n t ali s m ?
degree other people are able to influence his thoughts and
actions for good or evil .

For the want of a better explanation knowledge ac ,

quired in this way has been credited to Telepathy o r

Intuition which means that it was gained through some


faculty other than the five senses It is a recognized .

tru th that we cannot feel or know o f that which does n o t

exist therefore such experiences not only prove the exi s t

ence o f the power but they prove that we have the


facult to perceive that power As man possesses this

y .

facu lty it is his duty to develop an d use it for his o w


advancement and for that of h u manity .

It is an indisputable fact that Thought i s the fo u n da

ti on o creative force back of every action whether it be
r ,

the simple lifting of the hand or that used to build a ,

city The sculptor by his thoughts gives to his model


shape and being ere he Chisels it from the marble T he .

artist likewise had alread created the picture in his

, , y

brain by his thoughts before he attempte d to reprod uce

it o canvas in colors S tatuary and pictures are but
n .

material reproductions of the artist s thoughts an d ’


should yo ask him he would tell yo u that the y w ere

u ,

but poor imitations of the mental picture s from which he

co pied them .

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
A thought is but a flash of intelligence that illuminates
the brain Intelligence has always existed and a lways

will exist so there can be nothing new created Wh at

, .

we call new is but another spark of light that we have

learned to recognize Thoughts that cannot be measured

or compare d by the previous experiences of the person

have been called Imagination There is no such facult
. y ,

quality or organ S uch thoughts are transferred to the


person by Mentalism They are not original or imagin a


tive ; they are real They are a part of the great I te lli
. n

gence and we but perceive and use such parts of this


Intelligence as we are able to understand The thoughts .

that we think have been thought before by others an d ,

will be thought by others after we have passed on and

our little sun has gone down .

It is by the Law of Mentalism that we rea d or under

stan d the thoughts s e nt to us by others What people .

think Of us influences and a ffects us and plays an i m


portant part in our lives What we say ( speech is but


an expression of thought 'or think of others excites in

them some emotion or passion To what exte t these. n

influences are e ffective is determined by the strength of

the Will that guides them and the sensitiveness of the
person to whom they are sent Thoughts not guide d by

Wh a t i s M e n t ali s m ?
the Will may travel in any direction an d a ffe ct those fo r
whom they were n o t intended To illustrate : The sub tle

( Ether ic 'force upon which Thought travels is containe d

i the cells of the brain an d is set into action thro u gh
n ,

the process o f thinki ng and emanates from t h e brain in


waves o currents similar to electricity As these curren t s

r .

are g en erate d they must o f a necessity find space to

occupy and in so doing pass o ff into the atmosphere In

this c ondition the force i s s imilar to electricity or steam ,

which after being generated is allowed to escape in every

, ,

direction becau s e n o measures are taken to control it It .

can be readily seen that in or d er to control this valuable

force which is constantly going to waste the guidance o f ,

the Will is neces s ary .

When economically contro l led steam and electricity


are valuable agents in execu ting man s d esires but they

are o t as valuable as Mentalism fo without Thought

n ,

and Mentalism these forces would never have b een c o n

trolled S team an d el e ctricity uncontrolled are dangerous

el e ments and so are uncontrolle d thoughts One cannot .

estimate the amount o f d amage they do and the num ber o f

lives they destroy .


I mp o r t a n c e of P o we r

The Will governs the amount of mental force that

shall be prod uced and also the direction an d d istance it

shall travel Like the rudder o f a ship it gu ides


and directs the course o f our thoughts The Will bei n g .

the controlling mental facu lty it is ab l e to mak e a de c is


ion and to send out to the world o r to an in d ividual the

, ,

ideas an d opinions which were collected by the brain o r ,

those thoughts which came to the brain from other pe o

ple It d etermines the e xtent o f our influence over other


people and it al so counteracts the effect o f th e thoughts


an d ideas conve y ed to o u b rain by other s o r by cir


cu m s ta c e s
n .It can through concen tration attract

3 1
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
thoughts to the brain but it cannot prevent their coming

when the mental faculties are in harmony with those

thoughts for it is the harmony that attracts like to like
, .

It can however Change the mental tone o f the person and

, ,

thus throw him out of harmony with cer tain people or a

certain line of thought In this way evil may be turned to

good or good to evil

, .

A great many people strong Wills but possess ,

the majority d o not The person who is so .

fortunate can send his thoughts a greater d istance than

the person having a weak Will This fact accounts for .

some people be ing successful and famous while others ,

are not known outside of their immediate neighborhood .

The famous man is he who by his strong Will started

, ,

thought waves in motion that have traveled around the

earth People are ma d e successful and famous by sending

out to the public a series of thoughts which are taken up

by thousands of pe o ple who in turn send them on to

thousands of others If this person is an actor or a


musician there is then a grand rush to see him and if

, ,

he is a writer thousands buy and read his book The


thoughts of all these people are centered on the one man

and they make him successful The thoughts that he .

sent out were at first similar to a faint breeze but in ,

3 2
T h e I m p o r ta n c e o f Will P o w e r
pa ssing thr ough the brains of other s the force was multi
plied until it became as powerful as a hurricane S u ccess .

o f this character is no t w o n through personal magnetism ,

as some people claim because the public is n o t within the


circle o f his magnetism: He reaches the minds o f the

pe ople by the u s e o f M entalism They feel his thoughts

and unconsciously ob eye d his wishes .

It often happens th at the successful man in his assur

ance o f continue d success becomes indi ff erent or e g o tis

tical an d di s continues sending out the strong thought


vibrati o ns to the public and immediately his success be


gi ns to decrease and someone else who is sending o u t


s tronger vibrations reaches an d controls fo a time the


pu blic s min d T hus one rises while another falls an d the


people continue to b e the servants that worship at the

shrine o f him who makes use o f the Mentalism un d er
his control We read o f and see such experiences every

day .

Wireless telegraphy is an ack nowledge d fact M es .

sage s have been sent and rec eived over a d ista nce o f
thous an d s o f mile s with only the ether o f the atmo s phere
a cting as a condu ctor Thoughts are sent from the brain

exa ctl y as a wireless mes s age is sent from a tran s mitter .

The wave s pro d u ced in the atmosph e re are i d entical and ,

The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
the process corresponds exactly with the principles of
wireless telegraphy Whenever an action occurs in

the brain a chemical Change of its substances also


takes place and the result is an electrical manifestation


that pro d uces force an d motion It therefore meces .

s a ily follows that no brain action can take place without


creating a wave or undulation in the atmosphere for ,

the m o vement of any solid particle submerge d ( as we are

i atmosphere 'in any medium must create a wave
n Each .

acting thinking brain is the center of the undulations


which are transmitted in all directions through space .

These undulations or waves vary in character and i mten

s ity in accordance with the nature of the person an d the

strength of the Will that dispatches them T he .

thoughts Of love or hate of life or death of murder or

, ,

rescue of consent or refusal each have their correspond

, ,

ing tone or intensity as each emotion or passion has its


corresponding tone of voice .

Thought is Nature s method of communication


S peech is a cultivated talent If speech had been the only


possible means of communicating one with another we ,

would have been born with that faculty develope d and

ready for use as the other five senses are An infant .

cannot speak but nevertheless it can rea d the thought


T h e I m p o rta n c e o f Wil l P o w e r
langu age Every mother is confi d ent that her baby

know s j ust what she is thinking and doing S h e w ill .

as sure yo u that when she is thinking o f lea ving the room

that it will protest an d refuse to sleep while at other ,

times it woul d go to sleep quickly Only mothers full y


realize to what extent thought lang uage is understood

by children As we grow from infancy to childhoo d we

are taught to use speech as a m eans o f expres s ing o u r

selves an d thus the natural faculty is held in chec k an d

its development dwarfe d The deaf and dumb conver s e


by a s ystem o f their o wn without the use o f speech an d ,

it is a well known fact that the greater part of their u n

de s ta di g is due to thought reading an d very little o f
r n n

it to sign reading That animals also possess the fac lty

. u

o f receiving thought communications i s proven in many ,

ways but as this work is inten d ed to deal only w ith that


power in man I shall only mention a few o f the facts


that have come un d er o u observation Without the

r .

power to think intelligence could n o t exi s t fo r thought

, ,

is intelli g en ce in action Eve ry o n e will admit that ani


mal s have a marked d eg ree o f intelli g ence Then anim al s .

m u s t be ca pable o f thin k ing T hi s facul ty o r po w er is

, ,

develope d to a gr ea ter d egree in domes tic an i mals and e s ,

p e c i ally in the do g an d hor s e There .i s a sym pathy e x i s t

T he L aw o f M e n t a li s m
ing between these animals an d man that can only be the
res ult of m u tu al mental understanding Any person who
a .

has ever been the owner of a horse o r a do g will need no

further proof of the ability of animals to understan d
their master s thoughts and desires Where is there to


be found greater faithfulness than that displayed by a

dog toward his master On e cannot help but obs erve

with what quickness a dog will know if you fear him or

not and a horse if you have the confidence to d rive him

That animals possess a marked amount of intelligence

is Clearly shown by their leaving a forest some d ays
previous to a forest fire and by rats in leaving a con

de m e d ship and by birds in migrating from North to

n ,

S outh and from S outh to North with the changes of the

seasons A little investigation along this line will well

rep ay anyone for the time and e fforts used .

I repe at that speech is only an expression of thought


It is o e method of conveying thought from one person


to another but its use is limited because sound can be

, ,

propelled only a short distance by the human voice .

Wires are not necessary to telegraphy nor is speech nec

essary to thought We can send a telegraph message

without wires and we can send a thought mes s age with


out speech A thought message may be sent to one per


3 6
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
C hrist did need to be informed o f a man s wishe s
no t

for He read the mind of man as an open book and the


man s story was alrea d y told Lip s had nothing to do


with it The Master knew felt and shared the j oys and

sorrows of humanity This subtle force was thorou ghly


understood by Him a s verified by the record of His life

in the New Testament .
Great m are hey wh s ee that men l f rce i s str nger han
en t o ta o o t

ma erial f rc e ; h at h u ght ru le s th e w rl d E m
t o t t o o .

— ers o n .

Man S up e r i o r Po wer


We all kno w that un d erlying every s ign o f life an d in

th e movement o f the heaven l y bo d ies there i s s ome u n

see n unexpl ained force The world rec ognize s in elec

, .

tric i ty which n o w furnishes us with light an d heat and

, ,

tu rn s the great wheels o f machinery an d ca rrie s me s


s age s from continent to continent the highes t form o f


mechanical po we r Yet this force is n o t ma d e by m a


chine ry M an ha s simply learne d to contro l a fo rce


which ex i s t s every wh e re in th e air an d in th e ea rth M an .

i s greater an d more powerfu l than any an d all th e for ces

he bring s un d er hi s co n tro l o r he w o uld n o t be a ble to

m a s t er th e m an d m ak e the m se rve him M an s supe rior


ity over all the force s i s due to h is m in d .

4 1
The L aw o f M e n t ali s m
Mentalism or thought force as it manifests itself in
the human brain is the highest known type Of power the
, ,

mysteries of which have been called nature life spirit , , ,

soul and even God This g reat force is the opposite of

, .

matter and does not conform to any of the laws or pos


sess any of the attributes of matter It cannot be con .

tai e d in a given space for it pervades all s pace

n I ts .

prod ucts are in d estructible v en after the death of the


person from whose brain they were dispatched .

We know that every Change pro d uced in matter is due

to the influence of some force acting upon it also that ,

force always controls matter As Thought is the great .

est known force it therefore must underlie all hu m an ac


tivity In the human body we find the most perfect type


of for ce acting up o n matter It possesses all the qualities


o f matter in motion with the addition of the highest form


of intelligence The life of man is governed by three


influences : personal thoughts the thoughts of others , ,

and circumstances The strength of the Will will always


determine to what extent Mentalism or circumstances

shall be permitted to govern the person .

Mentalism is the prime motive power back of all h u

man actions It is not only the architect and b uilder but

it is also the laborer that carries the material that pro

M a n s S u p eri o r P o w er

d uces the growth and makes the necessary repairs fo r the

body This applies n o t only to o u o w body but to
. r n , any
o r all o n whom o u mental force is concentrated
r .

The power of Men talism over physical ailment s is well

illustrated by the following historical fact
At the s iege o f Buda in 162 5 the garrison was in the
, ,

dires t straits the scu rvy had become epi d emic an d there
, ,

seemed to be nothing left to do but to surrender an d n o ,

d oubt it woul d have d one so had the Prince o t conceived

, n

an idea an d saved the day by the use of M entalism .

He s en t the officers to announce to the men that he ha d

secured an infallible cure fo r the dread disease an d ,

that he woul d personally a d minister the remedy to each

man H e gave each man a few d rops of the precious

flui d and at the same time impressed upon his mind the

a s surance that it wou l d cure him The eff ect pro d uced

upon th e min d o f every man was so strong that the res ult
was instantaneous They were all cure d and the garri

son made whole in a few days and rea dy to fight fo r vic

tory The medicine that achieve d this marvelo us res u lt

wa s n o t a d rug but the power o f Thought gui d e d by a


s trong Will the fl u id a d ministered being nothing b ut


pure w ater .

This incident illustrate s the po w er o f Mentali s m to

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
arouse the stagnant pool o f th e physical vitality and ,

change it into a swift flowing current of healthy vigorous ,

life .

In the domain of the mind distance and den sity of


matter are not recognize d ; th e refore o n e portion o f ,

physical matte r can as easil y b e infl u enced an d controlle d

as another for all men are made of the same materials and

are governed by the same law The d i fference in the .

build and physical feat ures of every man is but a recor d

o f the influence ma d e by his personal thoughts and by

the thoughts o f the people with wh o m he has associate d .

As a man think s so is he The outer man is but

an expression of the inne r man That is why we are .

able to read character from the ph ysical form No man .

can live a pure life and think only pure and b ea u tiful
thoughts and in so doing enj oy perfect happiness an d not
, ,

show the result of those thoughts in hi s face an d in his

manner Neither can a m a who has le d an imp u re l ife
. n ,

where his thoughts have been low and material cover u p ,

these signs Every thought and its expression call s into


action certain parts of the face an d this exercise d evel o ps


that particular part The law that governs o e govern s

. n

all humanity an d the force that is used to influence one i s


used to influence a l l .
T h e L aw o f M e n t al i s m
review troops and experience with her husban d the life

of a soldier Every mother and often the father whose

, ,

off spring shows special physical or mental development ,

whether for good or evil can recognize the influence that


was the cause of it The numerous well authenticate d


instances of this kind d emonstrate conclusively that

Thought does form the physical and mental life of the
unborn That the same eff ect can be pro d uced upon those

immediately connected with us is a l so proven by the re

semblance to one another of husband and wife after a
few years of married life where the two have live d

happily together It is noticed that even their tastes an d


talents change until they think alike and enjoy the same
pursuits If it is possible to proj ect this power beyon d

the limits of the brain who can determ ine the limits to

which it may be sent under favorable conditions ?

Our environments and the conditions of our lives ,

both physically and financially are the result and expres


sion of the Thoughts of those around us an d those near ,

or distant with whom we have dealings As long as one


makes no e ffort to change the existing con d itions just s o ,

long will he rema n the servant or even th e slave of

i ,

others If a man would free himself from unfavorab le


environm ents or circumstances he must bring his own ,

4 6
M a n s S u p eri o r P o w e r

mental force to bear to counteract the influence of the

thoughts o f those wh o are controlling and shaping hi s
ca eer and then use his latent power to create the new
r ,

conditions under which he desires to live .

Thoughts are things . I f o u thoughts are good
r ,

they will to a more o less extent help humanity If

r ,

they are o t they will retard civilization Few people

n ,

fully realize the responsibility they assume when they

think thoughts that are not beneficial to others The per .

son who is in possession of a strong Will Power and ,

also has a k nowledge of the Law an d power o f Mental

ism is under a great responsibility to his fellow men
, .

S hould he have incorrect ideas in regard to moral s his ,

thoughts will corrupt the lives o f thousands o f the :

weaker willed people wh o are unfortunate enough to

come in contact w ith his thought waves V ery few peo .

ple think original thoughts ; that is thoughts that they


draw from the Great S ource of Intelligence As a rul e .


they make use o f an d think the thoughts received from

the thought waves o f others and in this way s imply

assist some other person s tho u ght to travel around the

earth .

It has been fully demonstrated that when a num ber o f

people each po s se ss ing a strong Will Power an d a kno w l

The L aw o f M e n tal i sm
edge of Mentalism combine their eff orts and concentrate

their thoughts upon one subj ect they produce results


equal to any o f the miracles recorded in history .

The universal custom of prayer is an excellent illustra

tion o f the value of combined thought D o not whole .

congregations unite in prayer for the purpose of bringing

ab out a d esire d result Has not this unity of thought in

prayer ofte n produce d marvelous results ? Many lives


have been prolonged by these e fforts The combine d


thought waves sent out in prayer reached the dying man

and gave him new hope an d courage ; sti mulated his
heart action and thus set the machinery of life into

action again at a time when it had almost stopped for

lack of additional power This power was not supplied

by himself but by the thoughts of others D oes not the

, .

Bible say that If ye will all pray with o e accor d your

n ,

prayer shall be answered ? If all the people would only

think right they would live right and evil would cease
, ,

to exist .
The langu age f ne i s h langu age f the sphere s ; i t i s
o to t e o th e

langu age f the u niver sal w rl d ; i t i s th e lang age f h angel s

o o u o t e .

Dr C. . W E m er s o n .

Ha r m on
y t /z e ' ey

Wh ile every per s on can sen d to an d receive ment al

me ss age s from almo s t every other per s on y et Nature h as

impo se d a wise restri ction so that every mes s age s ent o u t

canno t be tak en up by al l h u manity w itho u t the san ction
o f the sen der . A me s s age can be sent so as to reach o n l y
a c e rtain per s on o
, r it can b e s e nt so th at it m ay be t aken
up by a great n umbe r o f pe ople .

I will e xpl ain th e law that mak e s this po s s ible Th e .

m e n tal organi z ati o n o f eve ry pe r s o n i s tu n e d naturall y

to a ce rta i n tone o r p itch . T hi s tone m ay ho w eve r be

, ,


rm sed o r l o were d by cho i ce an d al so when brought un de r


th e s tro n g i n flu en c e o f M en tali s m . Wh i le the m en t al

Th e L aw o f M e n tal i s m
organizations of di fferent people usually have di fferent
tones yet there are many people in the world of exactly

the same tone and they all vibrate in unison S o when

, .

one sends forth a message it is taken up by all who are


o f the same tone but it will have no e ffect upon others

, .

To more clearly demonstrate my meaning I shall use ,

an illustration that is quite appropriate for the purpose ,

for it is a mechanical d emonstration of a mental reality .

All tuners of musical instruments use what is called a

tuning fork which when made to vi b rate gives forth a
, ,

certain tone or pitch In tuning an instrument one


string is placed under a stretching tension until it vibrates

in unison with the tuning fork The other strings are .

then tune d to harmonize Now if a numb er of people will


each hold tuning forks that are tune d to the same tone
or pitch and one of these forks shall be ma d e to vibrate
, ,

all the others will resp o nd and vibrate without being

touched S hould any of these forks b e tuned to a d i ff er

ent pitch they will not respond and will not be in the
, ,

least a ff ected by the vibrati o ns of the others This test .

proves conclusively the law of tone vibration Another .

interesting and convincing experiment is pro d uced by

singing a note say middle C into a piano At once the
, , .

middle C string will respond and vibrate in sympathy


5 2
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
and attracte d to its respective station Each telegraph .

instrument is tune d to an indivi d ual tone but this tone ,

can be change d as there i s nee d for it When a message .

is to be sen t from one station to another the Operator ,

a s certains the tone o f the instrument at the station to

which he wi s hes to send the message and then tunes hi s

dispatching instrument to the same tone T he message .

is then sent an d while it goe s to all part s o f the w orl d

, ,

it is only recognized and taken u p by the one receiver If .

all the receivers w ere o f the same tone each woul d get ,

the same message almost instantly for light electric , ,

an d thou ght w aves travel on the ether at the rate of

miles per second .

The mental organization of a person is tuned by the

character of his thoughts and the tension or strength o f

his Will It is always in tune with some people and in


harmony with many others But these pe o ple may not


always be those he should be in tune or harmony with for ,

his best good This mental relationship is more often


due to chance than to a command from the Will and its ,

continuance is usually the result of o t understanding n

the Law of Mentalism The information or thoughts he


gains from this relationship may do him more harm

than good for his destiny would thus be shaped b it and

not by himself .

H arm o n y th e 'ey

The s ecret o f s uccess lies in knowing h o w to obtain

from others the information desired the kn owledge that —

will be o f the mo s t be nefit an d at the same time o t per

, n

mitting oneself to be influenced by the thou ghts an d

d esign s o f those whose i n fl u en ce would be detrimental .

To place oneself in harmony with another o r with a

n u mb er o f pe o ple is o t at all difli cu lt b ut to rai s e or



lower the me n tal tone unti l it is of exactly the same vibra

tion as that o f another person will require more time and
considerable s elf s tu dy It m us t fir s t be un d er s too d that

every subj ect o r line o f th o ught has it s o wn tone o f

vibration ; that is love ha s one tone and hate the opposite
, ,

tone I f o n e sen d s out th ought vibration s o f hate they


wi ll rea ch an d afi e c t tho s e wh o are capable o f a similar

pas s ion T hes e tho ug ht s w il l attra ct feelings o f h ate

fro m all tho s e pe ople and their multiplied thought s will


come back to the s en d er and inj ure him I f vi b rati on s o f .

l o ve are s ent o u t lo ve wi ll in th e same way come b a c k

, , ,

an d h e lp him . When o n e nee ds help to aid in bu sine ss

o r in the ca rry ing o u t o f s ome impo rtant p lan as in ,

pe rfec ting an invention etc he mu s t concentrate an d

, .

th ink o f th e pu rpo se o r o bj ect analy z e it and by the

, ,

p o w e r o f hi s Will pr o j ec t tho s e tho ughts to s ome o n e o r

to all wh o have knowl e dge along the line o f hi s de s ire .

Th e L a w o f M e n t a li s m
Unless these people are at the time controlled by a stronger
Mentalism from another source they will unconsciousl y
allow the knowledge they possess to be used We are in

sympathy and in harmony with all who are interested in

the same subject We cannot reach people who have no

knowledge along the line of thought we may have under

consideration though we can reach them b y taking up a

subject in which they are interested .

To be in harmony with others is very important but ,

to have our mental organization tuned to the same tone o r

vibrations as that o f some great mind is an accomplish

ment that one can a ffor d to work har d to attain We are


in constant communication with those of the same tone ,

and respond to each other as one tuning fork vi b rates in

unison with another We find the m o st perfect illustration

of this in the cases o f true friendship an d pure a ff ection .

Happiness an d harm ony will always exist where two

minds are tuned in unity It is through c oncentration an d

thinking that our lives ch ange to the tone of those w ho

are able to feel and u nderstand u s .

Wh i le writing this work I am in contin u ous c o n c e n


t atio n an d simply write d own the thought s as they come


to me From whom or from h o w m any persons they come


I cannot say It was while concentrating that the Law of


5 6
H arm o n y th e 'ey

Men talism was revealed to me It came with the sudden


ness of a flash o f lightning and the name o f the s c ience


appeare d in my brain as though formed in letters o f fire .

That I have been compelled to write proves to me that


there is grea t mental force back o f the knowle d ge I have

acquired I have been taught to comprehend the La w

th at through me it might be given to the world S ome .

pe ople claim that I am writing un d er inspiration I am ; .

it is the inspiration from the combine d thoughts o f several

minds that are of the same tone as mine Intelligen ce is

the property o f n o man It is ours to use but we cannot


monopolize it o keep it Every man may use a s muc o f

r . h

it as he desires and works fo r but he must pass it o n fo r


o thers to u se

Th u ha st ma d e him a li t le l w er than Thy s el f an d ha t
o t o , s

cr wne d him wi th gl ry an d h n r Th u ma d e st him have d

o o o o . o to o

mini n ver h w rk s f Thy han ds Th u ha st p u t all hing s u n d er

o o t e o o ; o t

hi s f eet — P lm i

sa st .
Th e L a w o f M e n t a li s m
quali ty o f their Will Power to know if it is strong o r
weak They mistake stubbornness obstinacy and hea d

strong action an d often temper fo a strong Will S uch

, ,
r .

demon strations and characteristics are the result of an u m

controlled Will They are but spasmod ic outbursts that

leave th e Will weaker than before and at the same time


cause the person to become discourage d with his o wn

weakness and lack o f self control The true Will has

the force an d continuity to persistently stick to a purpose

whether it pertains to only one o r to all of the actions
and interests which go to mak e up the life s career A ’

strong Will never hesitate s o r falters after a d ecision has

been made It steadily perseveres until the purpose is

accomplished .

A powerful Will gives to the person the ability to thro w

g r eat en er g y into a given thought an d k eep it there until
the obj e ct is attaine d That thought may be fo r s ome per

sonal action o for the action of an o th e r person or even

r ,

fo r a bo d y of people A s trong W il l can contro l a number


o f people just as easily as it can control o n e person T he .

mental vibrations which reach o e can in time reach al l

n ,

fo the mental tone o f each can be ascertaine d and har


m o i e d where the Will perseveres

n z .

The Will may seem to be strong because o e is able to

, n

Ho w to C u l t i va t e Wil l P o w er
thr ow enormous energy into some spe cial e ff ort but this ,

is n o criterion Its strength i s te s te d b y the ability to


carry o u t a continuous co u rse o f con du ct I f o n e is given


to hesitating as to which o f two thing s he will do his W ill ,

Power is w eak and he will do neither I f he mak es a res


o l tio
u n and then allows himself to change it b ecau s e o f
the suggestions o f another he is being influence d through

Mentalism and is in a d egree a slave fo r he ha s sacrificed

, , , ,

his individuality and right to d e ci d e o n his o wn a ffairs ;

he is carrying out another s thoughts an d n o t his o wn


H e will lose confi d e nce in himself and hi s Will wi l l


constantly grow weak er .

It is evi d ent to all who study men and watch the af

fairs o f life that the person wh o fluctuates from o n e o pin
io n to another and from one plan to another never ac
, ,

complishes any real o r u sef u l purpose in l ife H e canno t .

attain permanent success S ome peopl e rarely if ever

, ,

come to a d efinite decision o r d etermination T hey dri ft .

like a cork upon the w aves and are the p l aything fo r


every thought w ave that reaches them These are the .

people wh o compl ai n o f be ing bu ff ete d by the worl d .

Their Will s are so wea k that w he n the time come s th at

the y shou l d mak e a de c i s ion o f grea t im portance — o n e
that m ay perhap s afi ec t their entire fut u re they are help,

T he L aw o f M e n t ali s m
less and unable to decide The opportunity comes and

goes never to return again When they see what has been

lost they blame it all to destiny What do yo u suppose


made their destiny Why the thoughts o f others b e

, ,

cause they would not make it for themselves .

The cultivation of the Will Power is without doubt the

first duty every person owes to himself and to his family .

Without a strong Will he can have neither firmness i ,


dependence nor individuality of character Without it .

he cannot give truth its full force or morals their proper


guid nce nor save himself from being the slave of other
a ,

people The Will can only be developed and strengthened


by absolute adherence to wise a d intelligent resolutions

n .

The person must first consider wisely then resolve firmly , ,

and then carry out the purpose with inflexible persever

ance and not allow the little di fficulties which may arise
to discourage him All who will adhere to these rules

can advance to the highest position in the career for

which they are best adapted .

Always concentrate your attention on the question

that comes up for consideration D ecide carefully and .

to the best of your ability under the existing circum

stances but always make the decision final Never leave
, .

any question half decided as this is more disastrous to


Ho w to C u l t i v a t e Will P o wer
the Will th an n o decis i on at all After deciding persevere

a s long as yo u have reason to believe you are right but ,

do o t be obstinate o unreasonable
n r It often require s a

stron ger W ill to acknowled ge a mistake than it does to

stand obstinately by an error When yo u see that yo u

have made a mistake exercise your Will and corre ct it

, .

Always decide fo yourself as you will only weaken yo u r

r ,

Will by calling upon other people to help yo u deci d e and

act Every e ff ort made to maintain a decisive state o f

mind acts d irectly upon the Will an d strengt hens it A

, .

determined resolution to deci d e intelligently and force

fully all question s o f life as they present themselves ,

rather than allow them to w ait fo something to t u rn up r ,

o r until the thoughts of some o e else influences the de


c i s io n will a dd great stren gt h to the weak e s t Will

, .

The ability to carry out the following rules will d eter

mine the strength o f your Will When it is ea s y to gu ide

your life by thes e rules you will then be in posses s ion o f a


perfectly controlled Will R ead the following ru les once


every d ay and reso lve to make them your gu ide at all

I will be master o f my o w action s n .

I will never perm it mysel f to be come con f use d o r ex

cited .

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
I will never yield to temper nor entertain irritation .

I will never make a decision in haste .

I will never entertain regrets after I have ma d e a de

c i s io n .

I will make my decisions final an d never do anything

by halves .

I will never act contrary to my o wn ju d gment .

I will never d ecide to do that which will injure other

people .

I will always be honest with myself and in my d ealings

with others .

I will impress these decisions upon my mind an d live

up to them every d ay .

Adhere to these d ecisions as closely as you can and ,

always depend upon your own best ju d gment Other .

peo ple may be right and you in error but by following ,

their i d eas you will not strengthen your Will If you .

should make a mistake the experi e nce will help you by ,

making you wiser for the future D o not attempt to do .

to o much at first for therein is a great source of failure


Accomplish o e thing at a time an d each d ay ad d some

n ,

new duty You would not expect a child to run before


it has learned to walk Many pe o ple scatter their plans


over too large a field and while they are com petent to do

Ho w to C u l t i va t e Wil l P o we r
great things if d one systematically and in or d er they
, ,

fail beca us e they never come to a d eci s ion as to j ust what

they are going to do fir s t .

Wh en the Will has gaine d sufficient strengt h to be

able to mak e it s o w n decisions the person may then c o n

cen trate fo r the p u rpose o f attracting to him thought s

and o pinions from the min d s o f other people Th e s e .

i d eas he may compare with his o wn an d then select fr o m


them the best fo r hi s purp ose It is n o t safe for him to do


this if he i s n o t assure d that he has perfect control o f his

Will 'o r i f there is a lack o f confidence he might be

le d into believing that the Opinions of others were su

pe rior to his o w n To take them an d act upon them u n

der the se circu m s tances might b e d isastrous n o t only to

the plan s in question but also to the future d evelopment

o f his Will an d indivi d uality o f character .

Each per s on shoul d by means o f Mentalism gain a s

, ,

m u ch information as po ssible that he may app l y it to the

a d v an cem en t o f hi s plans but he must n o t permit other s

to force th e ir thou ghts an d plans upon him . H e must

be ab le to m ak e h i s o w n se l e ction an d d eci s i o n other w i s e

h e m ight fee l con s tr ain e d to ca r ry o u t th e i dea s o f oth e rs ,

e v e n at a g r ea t lo ss to him se l f Many do ce r tain thin g s


an d a ft e rw ard s as k the m selves why the y d i d th e m an d ,

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
are unable to find a reason fo it They were at th e r .

time under the influence of the thoughts o f another

person .

My obj ect in teaching this science to the world is to

make men and women individuals ; to make them Gods in
mental moral spiritual an d physical strength The soul o f
, ,

man was made in the image of God and it is man s duty ,

to keep himself as nearly a perfect image as possible All .

w h o are willing to try should be guided by this science

, ,

for it will help them .

While reading and studying these instructions yo u r ,

life is brought in contact with mine through Mentalism .

If there is any part of this science that you do not compre

hend you ca learn it from me by concentrating for the
n ,

thoughts I use are always at the command of those wh o

are in harmony with me The more faithfully these in

s t u c tio s are follo w ed

r n the more closely you will come

into communication with me After a little practice yo u


will find it as easy to call me to you by the virtue of o u r

Mentalism as it would be to ring me up on the tel e phone if

we were living in the same t o wn R emem ber that di s t an ce


is no barrier ; my thought vibration s travel around the

worl d You cannot get beyon d them If yo u send goo d
. .

thought vibrations to me the best I have will come back


to you .

C H A PT E R V I .

S o l i t u de a n d Con cen t r a t z o n

The value o f solitude cannot be over estimated All -


great d eeds are born in solit ud e an d al l great characters


are formed ther e Why do so many of our great men


com e from lo n ely country life ? Because the isolation

gave them a chance to d evelop thoughts and b uil d up
character The s e m en are n o t mere parrot s imi tating

other people ; they lead in d iv i d ual lives ; they control

thro u gh Mentali s m in place o f being co n troll e d by it .

All g oo d i m pu l se s are s t im ul ate d by j ud icio us s o lit ud e

an d co n ce ntrati o n o f th o ug h t .T he fin e w o rk o f an actor
i s st ud i e d o u t in th e qu i e t o f h is ro o m an d no t in the

n o i se at th e ac to r s cl ub It was in s o l it ud e that Boo th


7 1
T h e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
and Forrest found expression for their great emotion .

Newton studied his problems in the sand away from

other people and there he gained great inspiration and

knowledge .

Bacon cried out My spirit hath been much alone, ,

and to his long hours of loneliness we are indebte d for his

wonderful philosophical work which is now the fo u da ,

tion o f all accurate mo d ern science .

In Mark I 3 5 we read And in the morning rising

, , ,

up a great while b efore day He went out and d eparted ,

into a solitary place and praye d .

Edison the great inventor often remain s in his offi ce

, ,

or workshop for days at a time without leaving to eat o r

sleep when he is concentrating for new thoughts for h i


inventions Perseverance an d the use of Mentalism have


made him a wonderful man in the eyes of the public but ,

many others might be equally as great as he if they ,

would do as he does All men inherit the same p rive le g e s


and are entitled to the use of this great power in te lli

gence .

When Burns the poet was poor and ha d no friends

, ,

to disturb his solitu d e he wrote marvelous poetry but , ,

when he was called a great poet and spent his time

lounging about the rooms of fashionable women he .

7 2
S o li t u d e an d Co nc e n t r ati o n

stopped writing good poetry an d wrote the trashiest kind .

Many a genius is ruined by his fir s t success N o t real .

izing that his great inspirations come from concentration

of thought in solitude he rushes into th e mad whirl o f

society there to be flatt ered and have his tho u ghts d i


verte d an d from that time the work he doe s is usually of


a very ordinary character A certain amount o f time


spent in s ociety is o f advantage bu t an exces s o f it o r

, ,

even o f s olitude is as injurious as any other exce s s M an

, .

should mingle with his fellow men get advice e n c o u , ,


ag e m e n t an d suggestions from them but he shoul d s pen d

, ,

not less than o e hour o f each d ay in thinking an d se l f


study C oncentration will improve the mem ory more


quickly than any other method .

Parents wh o are fortunate enough to have a thought

ful chil d o n e that sit s an d contemplates a to y o r d o ll in

soli tu de with its thought s seemingly far away shoul d n o t ,

advise it to run and play with the others They sho ul d b e .

glad fo r its sake that its min d is d eveloping thought an d

building character while other children are lo s ing their

i d e n tity in con s tant mingling w i th the th o ughtl ess .

There is no d o ubt but that a b rain su rro unded o n all

s id e s an d at all time s with chattering minds that ru n in

groove s h as no po s sible chance fo r develo pm en t C hi '

, .

The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
dren should be taught to think The value of good .

thoughts and the destructive e ff ect of evil thoughts should

be explained to them This part of their education should

n o t be neglected .

When a man forgets a word a name or the location ,

o f some article he desires he stops and concentrates his


mind and centers his thought on that which he has lost

until the knowledge comes to him S houl d any o e speak
. n

to him during that time he will say D on t bother me

' ’

now I am trying to think of something

If the mind .

needs temporary quietude and concentration on so sm all

a problem how much more it must need it if it is to do
, ,

serious and important work ' By concentrating in quiet

u d e the person can use the Mentalism under his control

and do wor k he believed himself incapable of d oing .

Those who would attain the best results from this or

any other study must not overlook the importance of

concentration and solitu d e They should take themselves


away from the noise and excitement of the busy bust ,

ling world and seek the quiet of their own room where
, ,

they can rest the body be alone and concentrate their


thoughts on the work they desire to accomplish .

In preparing to send and receive communications an ,

easy position in a comfortable chair shoul d be taken ; the

S o li t u d e an d Co nc e n t ra t i o n
head held quite straight so that the b loo d supply will n o t
be cu t o ff from the b rain The eyes sho ul d th e n be

closed fo r a few moments to rest them Fo llowing this .

the sight must be centere d upo n some smal l obj ec t th ree

or four fee t d istant an d the pe rson then co m m ence to

think o f the subjec t o n which he d esire s informatio n o ,


o f the pe r s on he wishes to i n fluence o mentalize Under

r .

the se favorable con d itions mental vibration s can be s ent

out that will reach the brains of great men wh o are in ,

h armony with those thoughts an d s timulate their


thoughts o n that subj e ct until they u nconsciou s ly give

back through Mentalism the informati o n desired
, , .

After the person has proj e cted hi s thoughts fo r from

fiftee n to thirty minutes he shoul d rel ax the W i l l an d al

lo w his brain to become pa s sive so that it may receive ,

the new tho u ghts as they come to him In th is way .

he will be able to obtain from the min d s o f great m en in

formation that will help to bui l d hi s su cce s s I t i s al .

way s we l l o n the s e oc casions to h ave a note bo o k an d

, ,

pe n cil hand y so that the n e w i de as as they co me m ay be


w ri tten d own One m ay in thi s way get a s ingle idea


t hat w ill l ater be th e me a n s o f ch an gi ng hi s who le caree r

Th e i d eas an d p l an s fo r g reat i n ve n ti o n s all co me in th i s

m an n e r .

The L aw o f M e n t ali s m

Le t all who rea d this remember that they shoul d spen d

o n e hour each day in concentration If n o other time i s

available it can b e d one at night before retiring

, .

When the Will has so disciplined the brain that it is

proof against all unwelcome d istractions ; when the per
son can keep his eyes and tho u ght s stea d ily fixe d upon his
ch osen go al he has thoroughly learne d how to co n c e n

trate He can then utilize Mentalism with an assurance


o f success .

A simple experiment in the transference of thought

may be carried out in the fo l lowing manner :

Let o e person hol d a pa ck o f car d s an d take a po s ition

with his face towar d a corner of the room an d have the ,

person wh o is to receive the mes s age sit in a comfortab le

chair with his face toward ano ther corner The person .

who is to receive the message m ay be blindfol d e d so ,

that his attention may not be distracte d by ob jects aroun d

him ; and shoul d have a pencil an d paper so that he ma y
make a note o f the information that comes to him T he .

first person will then d raw from the pack one card an d c o n
centrate his thoughts upon the d e s ign color an d de n o m in

ation He should o t hold more than one card at a time

. n .

The other person will take note of the information that

comes to him After a few experiments very accurate mes

7 6
The th u ght i s pri r the fact ; ll the facts f hi st y pre
o o to a o or

e x i s e d in the min d a s law s A man i s h w h le en cy c l pe d ia f

t . t e o o o

fa c s Of the w rks f h i s min d hi st r i s th e re c r d E m

t . o o t o y o .
e rs o n .

H o w C /z a r a fi er an d D es t iny are 'ar m ed

an d C on tr o lled é'' M en t a lism

Whether we accept the teachings o f evolution o r n o t th e ,

fact remain s that man is the highe s t product o f the ani

m al king dom . Phy s ically he is the be s t type o f li fe with

w hi ch the e arth i s people d In man Nature s organic


fu n ctions reach their mo s t complete development B t it . u

i s hi s me n tal and n o t hi s phy s ical quali tie s th at gi ve to

h im hi s pre e minence Without the g u i d anc e o f th e Go d

g i v e n po w e r o f min d ( so u l ' m a n w
, o u l d be litt l e be tt er
than th e beas t A s an .
p le n o te,
t h e piti ab le s pe c
tacl e o f th e i d i o t .

W hile m anki n d is easil y d i sti ngu i sh ed fro m th e b r u te

creati o n i n d i vi dual m an i s qu ite as eas i l y d i s ting u i s hed

Th e L aw o f M e n tal i s m
from his brother man Heredity has done much toward .

maintaining a similarity in the human family but the i ,


flu c e o f environment and Mentalism has done more to


change it As a result no two persons can be said to be


alike in the sense that they exactly resemble each other

, ,

either mentally or physically Even in the case of twins .


there is a marked di fference If all men should think .

alike they would look alike and work alike All di ffer
, .

e c e s would be eliminated and they woul d as closely re

n ,

semble each other as one p ea resembles another There


would be no such thing as opinion and no such quality as ,

comparison .

Mentalism molds man s every physical and ment l ’


quality and thus controls his whole being At no time

, .

can he completely divorce himself from the influence of

this dominating power which surrounds him It is the .

force within him which acts and reacts upon him without
consulting him ; it is the unseen power that shapes an d
co ntrols his life and makes his D estiny
, .

As is the mind so is the form and As a man, ,

thinks so is he Man thus becomes in a measure the

, .
, ,

servant of his thoughts and through them he works out ,

his fate Man s character and destiny are molded through


the influence of his own thoughts and the thoughts from

C h a ra ct e r an d D e sti n y

those wh o constitute his enviro n ments Thus the fata l.

i s tic element is in a sense removed an d man is shown to


b e a free agent capable of developing such a character

and d estiny as he may desire He may chose and select

such mental influences and environments as will be be ne

fic i al to him o r he may allow himself to be dominated by

evil thoughts from impure environmen ts and thus build ,

up an evil character which will react and dominate his


being an d form his destiny .

The traits of character and the talents d isplayed by the

child are the products of the thoughts of the parents .

The child s nature was formed either by these thoughts o r

by the thoughts of tho s e who influence d the parents dur

ing the nine months preceding the birth o f the child The .

re sponsibility o f every father an d mother in shaping

the early destiny o f their children is very clearly defined
by the Law o f Mentalism I f the child i s given the advan

tage o f a good physical mental an d moral foun d ation o n


w hich to build its fu ture character an d de s tiny it w ill be ,

able to accomplish much greater results and be a cre d it ,

to the parent s an d a be nefit to a l l humanity

, Tho s e wh o .

u nder s tand M enta l i s m can readily see how the s ins o f the
par en t s are vi s ited upon the children even u nto the third

and fou rth ge ne r ati o n.

Th e L aw o f M e n t al i s m
An example o f how Mentalism or Thought shapes
o ur destiny through our character is shown by the follo w,

ing illustration :
Two sons were born in a certain family the second ,

two yea rs after the first The anticipated birth of the first

son produced great pleasure and much hope in the minds

o f both parents .They were supremely happy and d u ring ,

the period previous to its birth were constantly thinking


o f it . With the highest an d most noble thoughts they ,

planned for the child s future career In this unity of


thought and love the very highest an d noblest character

i s tic of their natures were ex e c i se d and transmitted to

the unborn child After its b irth it possess e d an u n u su


ally agreeable disposition As it grew into boyhoo d it


developed a kind noble ambitious sincere character The

, , , .

talents he displayed were those he had inherited from the

thoughts a d desires of his parents In following his ca
n .

reer it led him into the associations and society of refine d

and intellectual people His environments in consequence

were in harmony with his tastes and character and with ,

the assistance of this cl as s of people success was easily ,

attained .

D uring the time between the birth o f the first and sec
ond son conditions had changed and the mutual love and
, ,

Th e L aw o f M e n t al i s m

except as an object lesson to others and a punishment to ,

his parents .

The Mentalism of the parents formed the embryo c har

acter o f both their chil d ren an d attracte d s o uls in har
mony with their thoughts The chil d ren according to .

t eir respective characters selecte d their companions an d

h ,

enviro n ments Their career was worke d out un d er the


influ e nce of the Mentalism of these associations The in .

flu e n c e o f the people with whom the first son associated

was for good and it assiste d him to win success and hap

p i ne s s The.influence of the people with whom the second

son was brought into contact was not of an elevating
character so it retar d ed his development and help e d to
, ,

make his e fforts unsuccessful .

It is a well known fact that Like attracts like and


that Birds of a feather flock together The attraction


of like to like is the result of each being tune d in harmony .

C ould any one conscientiously attri b ute the s u ccess of

this one life and the failure of the other to any s et pur
, ,

pose o f d estiny ? No the credit for the one and the b lame

for the other belonged to the parents H ad the s econd .

son ,
even after birth received the right influence his
, ,

thoughts would have been directe d into a better course ;

the previously implanted characteristics would have been

C h ar a ct e r an d D e s ti n y

largely overcome and his mental organization tuned in


harmony with natures o f a more elevating character He .

wo uld then have selected his associates from among a

more cultured and intellectual class and his career would

have led him into di ff ere nt environments and his destiny ,

would have been o f a di fferent character Had he even .

been taught the power o f his o w Will to shape his car e er

n .

and then been given a little enco uragement he could have ,

changed the course of his destiny .

There is a cause for everything Nothing ever has .

been o ca be that is not first created by thought Where

r n .

there is n o thought there is n o plan or picture to work


from No o n e can work witho u t a mental pattern to


guide him All construction is the execution of the men


tal dictates of man Thought prece d es all action c o n se


quently our environments are the result o f the

thoughts of those around us I f a man has a love of

Nature and the beauti ful he will d isplay those thoughts


in the way he furnishes his house in the care o f his lawn

, ,

in the cultivation o f flowers in the character o f the build


ing he occupies in his dress an d in his speech I f the

, .

gro ss er elements pre d ominate in his mind yo u will fin d ,

his immed iate s urroun d ings to be in keeping Thi s ap .

plies to all phases o f human action Thought illuminates


Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
an d transforms matter Architecture is but frozen music ;

it is the intelligence of man congealed in stone and wood .

The house the hall the cathe dral all correspond to the
, , ,

thoughts which conceived them Ou environments thus . r

become a living picture illustrating the kind of thoughts


we think Our neighbor s thoughts are illustrated in like


manner The environments i n which we live must i flu

. n

ence our thoughts in a more or less degree The thoughts .

of the people we associate with has much to do in

molding our character and talents which in turn shapes ,

our destiny It is al so evident that the things we do the


success we gain etc cannot be greater than the combined


influence of the thoughts under which we work Then .

as environment plays a large part in our thoughts it is ,

easy to see how our entire career and destiny can be

changed by placing ourselves under the influence of dif
fe e t thoughts and new environments
r n We would th e n .

necessarily think and act di ff erently .

When one is not making a success it is because the ,

mental influence of those with whom he is assoc iating is

not of benefit to him He should change his environ

ments and associates for those that are more congenial

and helpful and thus gain success an d become the ruler

of his own destiny If the right influence is not to be had


C h a r act er an d D esti n y

nea r at hand he shoul d reach out through the power o f


Mentalism an d enlist the assistance of people at a d i s tance

w h o are in harmony with him . Every man i s a free
agent and he can if he exerts his W ill shape hi s o w
, , ,

life and b e th e master of his fate If he refuses to tak e


adv antag e o f this prive le g e he will be come the s lave o f


the combined thoughts o f bth e rs and they will shape his


destiny fo good or evil

r .
A ll g es
s h w that th s u l in man i s t an rgan li k e th
o to o e o no o e

p wer f mem ry f calcu lati n f c mpari s n bu t nl y us e s he s e

o o o , o o , o o o , o t
a s han ds an d f eet ; it i s t a fac u l ty bu t a light ; i i s the ma ster f
no t o

all th e s e E m

— er s o n .

I n th e in stru c i n f d ream s we s hall cat h man hints hat will

t o o , c y t
b r a d en an d ligh ten in kn wle d ge f the s ecret f N atu re
o to o o o .

E — m ers o n .
T he Law o f M e n t a li s m
should conclude that the part which lives after the de stru c
tion f the body must be the highest faculty possesse d by

man which is the mind Whatever it is that retains life it


would be of no further use unless guide d by intelligence .

As the mind is the organ of intelligence it would be im ,

possible for intelligence to be utilized or expressed except

through the mind If the mind were a physical organ it

would have died with the body This proves conclusively .

that the mind like intelligence never d ies As it is the

, ,

mind that lives then min d and soul must be one and the

same If this is remembered it will be easy to compre


hend that the soul only uses the body as a place of resi
dence in which to work out its gra nd purpose .

A new s oul is not created a s some people s u ppo s e by , ,

either man o God every time a child i s born b u t instead

r , ,

a fraction o f the great S oul ( G o d ' o so u rce of in ,


te llig e c e is attracte d to the new bo d y a s a place of resi

n ,

dence where it d wells until the ho u se b ecome s uninhab it

able and then it returns to the source from which it came
, ,

there to remain until another suitable habitation is pre

pared for it .

The soul is attracted to the bo d y through the La w of

Mentalism The paren ts by their thoughts create the

characteristics of their child and at the same time attract ,

T h e I m m o r t al i t y o f th e So u l
t it a soul that is in harmony with tho s e characteristi cs

and the physical house the parent s are building If the .

thoughts fo the prospective chil d are loving noble and

r ,

ambitious they will reach o u t to all parts o f creation if

, ,

necessary and attract to the new bo d y a soul in harmony


with it I f the thoughts for the child are cruel selfish

, ,

gross or indi fferent that Mentalism will attract a soul o r

, ,

mind that is in harmony for like attract s like ,


Man has been entrusted with the power to create the

body o house in which the soul ( o r mind 'shall reside
r ,

and is also through the power of M entalism permitte d

to select the nature of the soul which shall occupy the
house he builds but he cannot create o destroy the soul
r ,

fo it like intelligence ha s always existed an d always wil l

r , ,

exist Man is the architect and builder an d if he buil ds a


house with poor materials and neglects to supply the c o n


v e ie n c e s and improvements
n he will n o t attract a ver y

desirable tenant Those posse s sing an ambition fo r im


provement and a d vancement wil l n o t be attracted to it , .

On the other han d should he design carefully a s tru cture


o f artistic an d scientific proportions u se the best o f ma ,

te ials and bui l d it well having a purpo s e in view an d

r , ,

fini s h it with all th e late s t improvemen t s th at art an d

science can sugges t he woul d produce a structu re that

The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
would attract a soul having taste s in perfect harmony
with the building and surroun d ings The tenant would .

be one who would appreciate the advantages and make

use o f the opportunities that the habitation a fforded .

'rom the time the s oul takes possession of the body it , ,

assisted by the thoughts of others will keep the body in ,

repair add additional improvements or allow it to go to

, ,

destruction as the case may be This will depend u pon


the character of the soul that inhabits the bo d y and ,

the intelligence with which it is associated The Law of .

Mentalism teaches us to what extent we are responsible

for the li v es our children lead Every person should con

sider this subject well before becoming the cause of sin

and sorrow to future generations Think right and you .

will live right Think right and y o ur children will be


guided by noble generous souls and will thus reflect as

, ,

in a mirror your noble principles and thoughts Think

, .

wrong and you will live wrong Think wrong and you

will see in your chil d ren the evidence of your own sins .

They will be as judges standing before you to constantly

accuse you Your own thoughts will thus make for you

either Heaven or Hell .

What are D ream s ?


D reams are the common experience o f eve ry o e b ut n ,

wh o has ever b een able to satisfy himself as to their ca us e ,

why they come and from what source The picture s


that pass before o u inner vision during the hours o f


sleep have called forth much comment an d some scientific

investigation b ut as very few people have b een able to

agree upon the possible cause o f the phenomena the public ,

in general has received very little light on the subj ect .

Each person however ha s had some d reams in which he

, ,

believed and a great many in which he placed o c o fi

, n n

d ence Almo s t every o n e can relate some instance in


which he kn o w s that certain thing s which were first shown

to him in a d ream after w ar d actu ally occurred Any .

mother whose chil d ren are away from her kno w s that in
, ,

her d ream s she is always warned if they are sick o r in

tr o ub le I f she receives messages o f this character they

must come from the children At least that woul d be


the most likely place from whi ch they wo u l d come To .

pre s ume that they came fro m any o ther source wo u l d be

far le ss reaso nable .

'o r many yea rs I have given the subject much co n s id

c ration bu t co u l d n o t c ome to a s ati s facto ry c o n c lusion


until I mad e the discovery o f the Law o f Mentalism .

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m

No w all the mystery is removed and a logical explana

tion is easily m de D reams usually occur during the
a .

hours o f sleep but not always What we call sleep is


simply the five senses passing into a state of unconscious

ness The faculty for thinking is usually quite active up

to the time the five senses go to sleep and it is d oubtful if


this faculty more than passes into partial unconsciousness .

In this state the sleeping person is as sensitive to Mental


ism if not more so than when awake

D uring .

the sleep or unconsciousness o f the five senses the brain ,

is given the best opportunity to receive thought messages ,

for there are no external conditions to distract the atten


The impressions that we call dreams are in no wise

di fferent from the messages received d uring the waking
state We know that concentration is an assistance in

sending and receiving thought messages ; and concentra

tion is closely related to sleep for it places the sen ses u

der subjection The information we receive in dreams


while partially asleep is often very complete ; while at


other times we receive but a few thoughts on one subject ,

and then a stronger thought wave from another source

reaches and gives us information on some other subject .

This mixing of pictures wherei n things are left i c o m

, n

9 8
Wh a t a re D re a m s ?

p le t eis confusing and we are unab le to see what referen c e

, ,

they have to the a ff airs o f o u r life I f we consider these


dreams as thought messages we will find that they are in


n o wise di fferent from the tho u ghts which come and go

th rough the b rain d uring the waking hou rs When they .

come in the dayt ime little or n o attention is attached to


them but b ecause they come at night people have place d


them in a d istinct class .

Many o f the thoughts received d uring the night escape

us before we have been awa k e half an hour This is due

t the fact that they ma d e but a faint impression and were


o f slight importance or else they were dispatched by a


weak Will Thoughts that make a deep impres s ion an d


are d w ly stamped upon the memory aft e r waking shoul d ,

be gi ven the sa me consideration as wou ld be given to a

me ssage that ca me in the d ay time .

Tho ught waves travel during the night as well a s the

day therefore they w ill impress the brain that i s in har

mony with them be the time night o r da y There is

, .

nothing strange a bout dream s when vie w e d from th e

s tan d point o f Mentalism The law that governs the day

me ss age s also gove rn s the night me ss age s fo r they are


o n e and the s ame .

In my o wn expe rien c e I have found that the most im

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
portant information come s at night after retiring The .

greater p art usually comes before I g o to sleep and some


times all of it But often the message is continued after


I have fallen asleep and next morning I have the knowl


edge neede d to complete my plans I could not w ell call


part o f this a thought message and the remainder a dream ,

fo they were but one and the same an d the information

r ,

being continuous it could have come only by the one


means .

One can rea d ily s ee how the Law o f Mentalism re

moves the mystery with which dreams have been sur
rounded and makes their import easily un d erstood
, .

Every o n e should take note of the messages received

while asleep but should be careful to what extent they al

lo w these thoughts to influence their a ctions No in fo

. r

mation can b e secured from d reams that could not be

gai ne d through concentrating du ring the waking ho u r s .

10 0

Wb a t is G e n iu s 9

Ge nius the power that d azzle s m o rtal eyes has al

, ,

ways been a s ubj ect for serio u s consideration by those


who consider themselves less fortunate When a man .

achieves a great success in his art o profession the w orl d

r ,

calls him a Gen ius 'e w people understand the meanin g


o f the word an d a still les s numbe r understand from


when ce the po w er talent o r ability comes that me rit s


su ch a fl attering d i s tin ction S cienti st s cl aim th at a


Ge n i us i s a per s o n w ith an abnormal a bility fo r s om e o n e

li n e o f wo rk o r art He m ay be a great m us i cian po e t ar
, ,

tis t s inger w rite r e l e ct ri ci an o r a l e ad e r in an y s ph ere

, , , , .

It is ce rtai n that in hi s m ake u p the re i s so me abno rmal


10 3
Th e L aw o f M e n t ali s m
development o f intellect ; the ability to grasp the facts
which others fail to perceive A Genius is a specialist for

he is devoted to o e line of thought In that particular

n .

line he is a giant but in other branches his knowledge is


often very limited and sometimes it resembles the i e x


p e
r i e
n c e of a child.The question to be answered is from ,

where does he get this particular knowledge and how ?

S cientists have been searching for the answer to this
question fo thousands of years and previous to the time
r ,

o f the discovery o f the Law of Mentalism they ha d ar ,

rived at o satisfactory solution of the mystery

n .

Experience has proven to us that there is a cause for

every eff ect ; therefore we know that there must be a

cause for these great mental d emonstrations The Law .

o f Mentalism has simplified the matter until the truth be

comes as clear as daylight and can be readily understo o d


by people o f even ordinary intelligence It like all great.


discoveries and inventions is very simple and easy to


comprehend when once it has been explaine d In life it .


is the simple things that we overlook because we fail to


recogni z e or understand the Law that controls them ,

and when we behold the phenomena without realizing the

cause we cry out Wonderful wonderful '
, , ,

The Law of Mentalism being the law which governs

10 4
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
The reason that a Genius has such a limited knowledge
o f aff airs outside of his special talent is because the con

trolling influence of so much thought on the one subj ect

allows him little or no time in which to develop those to ,

him less important thoughts and consequently his mind

, ,

gets o u t o f harmony with them an d they either come to


him o more or come only as a discord All intelligence

n ,

and knowledge awaits to be used The knowledge that .

comes to a Genius will come to any one who will use the
same law Every man is a Genius undevelope d and has

unlimited possibilites No one knows just how much or


how great th e things he can do until he is put to the


test Each man must decide for himself just how great or

h o w unimportant he will continue to be The Ge niu s .

would not be a Genius if he di d not give to the worl d

knowl e d ge greater than that gi ven to it by other people .

It is well to remember that As ye give so shall ye


receive Then every man should give unto the worl d

the best he has and the best will come to him .

The person who has an ambition to become a Genius

should be guided by the following instructions :
First it will be necessary for him to decide a s to the

sphere in life in which he wishes to make his mark He .

should select the career for which he is naturally best

10 6
Wh a t i s G e n i u s ?
adapted that is the one in which he can secu re the
, ,

greatest mental assistance from others This is n o t so .

di fficult a problem to solve as o n e might suppose If the .

pe rson will go to the room he has been in the habit of

occupying and close himself in so as not to be disturbe d
, ,

and then make himsel f comfortable and direct his ,

thoughts back through his past life an d recall the desires ,

thoughts impressions promptings longi ngs et c he ha s

, , , , .

experienced at various times in regar d to some partic ular

work business or profession he will have no d i fficulty
, ,

whatever in deciding upon the one with which he has been

the most impressed Wh en this point has been d ecided

he will have learne d in what calling he is able to secure

the greatest amount of intelligence an d assistance from
others through Mentalism He will then know o f the

career n which he can attain his greatest s uccess These

i .

thoughts and promptings that came were the mental

a s s istance o ff ered by others All have received these


off ers but as they did n o t un d erstand the law they cou l d
, ,

no t know why they ca me You d ear reader n o w

, ,

u nderstand the Law therefore it becomes your duty to


take advantage o f the s e prompting s fo r the futu re .

Tho s e wh o are not following in their true career shoul d

comme nce at once arrang ing their plan s so that they can

10 7
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
make a start in the right direction It is wel l for them to .

obtain all the printed an d verbal instructions they can

relative to their new work b ut when they come to a point

that is difli c u lt to decide they must concentrate according


to the instru ctions I have given fo that purpose and they r ,

will receive the information necessary and be able to ,

make the correct d ecision As they persevere with the .

new work their mental organizations will gra d ually b e


come tuned in harmony with people who are o r have been , ,

successful in the s ame career As long as o n e makes no .

e ff ort to gain success he will attract only the thoughts of


unsuccessful people It is well known that nothing


succe eds like success an d that one failure brings another


We have all seen it demonstrate d many time s that when a

man is successful every thing he undertakes turns out

successfully and when another man has made a failure

, ,

ruin so n surr o unds him It is all due to the kin d of

o .

thoughts he thinks I f he sen ds out thoughts of s uccess


he attracts to him the s uccessful thoughts an d i d ea s o f

others If through a mistake or an error he becomes

discouraged and thus permits himself to sen d o u t u n su c

c e s s i n l thoughts he is sure to attract the same k in d back

to him . One should never allow himself to b ecome di s

co u
ra g e d for
it only ret ar ds his progress an d may cause ,

him to make a failure of his plans .

10 8
It net le s
t o ne t h a t r u th s h u l d b e
t o so s im p l e .
” -
G o e th e .
The L aw o f M e n t ali s m
must have provided a means whereby he might know it .

That in many instances he has not known was because he

did not understand the law The knowledge can now be

gained by all who are willing to read and learn .

The a ff airs of this worl d would run much more

smoothly if each person was doing his duty by filling
the right position in life There would also be much less

unrest and dissatisfaction Under the present conditions

. .

almost every man is wearing out the greater part of his

streng th and wasting half of his days in trying to find h i s

true place in life Many become discourage d give up the


battle and end in a suicide s grave Everywhere we see



splendid natural ability wrecked by misfit occupations .

There is a crushing blighting influence in work which


the soul loathes and against which every faculty protests .

There is nothing that kills aspiration and ambition more

quickly than trying to do something for which one is not
adapted We see the young man who has mistaken ambi

tion for ability failing as a lawyer when he might have


made a success as a mechanic ; the girl W hom Nature in

tended for a model housekeeper trying to earn a living on
the stage or by writing and vice versa the born orator
, ,

making sh o es ; the natural singer selling d ry go o d s etc ,


Parents as a result of ignorance misplace d amb ition or

, , ,

1 14 2
Ho w to S e l e ct th e Ri gh t V o c a t i o n
excessive pride are to o o f ten responsible fo the failure

of the life work o f their children They select fo them a

. r

business o profession without any consideration as to


their natural abili ty When parents attempt to Oppose the


laws o f Nature they make a mistake that n o t only


dwarfs the facu lties of those they seek to benefit b ut in ,

man y instances also ruins the chil d s pros pects fo life

r .

There is n o longer any need of this for the Law o f Men


talis m ex plains the secret by which each person can select

his true ca reer and at once begin to travel the road at the
, ,

end o f which is to be found success an d fame The men .

and wom e n who desire to know what they are best a d apted
to do sho u l d analyze themselves and answer the following

questions :
Have yo u ever had a preference as to the vocation yo u
would follow if given your choice ? Have you ever felt a
d e sire or an inclination toward a special line o f work ?
H ave yo u ev er experien ced a longi ng o d esire to exce l in

a certain profe s sion o r business ? Have yo u ever felt that

it wo u ld be a pleasure to do a certain class o f work ?
I f yo u have had any o f these ex periences yo u already ,

kno w the voca tion fo r which yo u have nat u ral ability .

The s e tho ught s which constantly re occur to yo u ca u s ing


y o
u to wi s h to do a ce rtain class o f w o rk are the true

1 15
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
promptings and guides for you to follow If they were .

n o t intended to guide you they would not constantly


r e occur to yo u
These preferences an d promptings do o t
. n

come without a cause There is a law that gover n s


them C ould you hope to succeed in a business that w as


unpleasant to you N o because your entire tho u ght and


energy would not be put into the work and yo u woul d ,

make but half hearted eff orts to win success If thi s hol d s

good with your dislikes it must hold good with you r likes
, .

Then sum up the desires and mental promptings that have

come to you in the past an d you will b e able to decide at

once in what career yo u would make the best success .

S ome people may ask What are these promptings

, ,

and why should we depend upon them ? They are the ”

mental messages sent or attracted from those who are in

harmony with your mental organization They are from .

the people who can and will assist you to success D o n o t .

neglect to cultivate them L o ok around and see the many


lives that have be en ruined because the parents forced the

child to follow a career for which he w as not adapte d .

Thousands of men have made absolute failures of the

work or business they spent the best years of their lives in
trying perfect Why Because they were not adapte d
to .

to it and they knew it After making the failure many of


1 16
Th e L aw o f M e n t al i s m
purpose of his life This and this only insures success
. .

To accomplish this one must needs cultivate a strong Will

and learn to persistently concentrate his thoughts upon his

work If any reader of this work has a weak Will I

ad ise him to make use of the exercises given in a previous


chapter If followed they will insure a strong Will If

, .

the powers o f concentration are weak he should practice


the concentration exercises Every hour spent in self im


provement will repay a hundred fold .

1 18
When th e o re flec i n ak e s place in the min d when we
f t o t ,

l k at u r s elve s in h light f th u gh t we d i s c ver that

oo o t e o o , o li f e
o ur

i s em b s me d in b ea u ty E m
o o —
. e rs o n .
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
The e vents in which we evince little or no interest are soo n
forgotten because they do not become a part of us The

retention of a thought in the memory depends upon the

force o f the thought Every thought that remains in the

memory becomes a part of our lives because it stays with

us and guides and governs us If the thought makes a

deep impression and is therefore retained in the memory ,

it becomes an active factor in shaping our future If only .

a faint impression is made it soon fa d es away and loses its


influence over us .

One cannot tell the value of remembering a thought u m

til the opportunity comes to use it Many people have had

thoughts at some time d uring their lives that if remem

bered an d acted upon at the right time would have made
them rich or famous Almost everyone can recall a time

when he had a thought that was valuable ; one that filled

him with enthusiasm and great expectations fo r the time ,

but he entrusted it to an imperfect memory and when ,

eventually discovered it was too late to make use of it .

Every though t registered in the brain makes a propor

na te change in the matter of which the body is com

posed The deeper and more lasting the thought the


greater is the change made by it Therefore the thoughts


that help o harm us

r those which we r e member S ome
ar e .

1 22
Ho w to S t re n gt h e n th e M e m o ry
people have a mem ory fo cert ain subj ects while they r ,

seem to be incapable of remembering others The .

tho ughts events scenes etc that are o t remembered

, , ,

are those with which the pe rson was not in harmony They .

did not call forth from him a strong e s po s ve thought r n .

The memory is weak e ne d o r strengthened according

to the attitude displayed towards the events o f life and ,

also by the co nditions and environm ents that surroun d

the person If he is indi ff erent and pays little o o
. r n

serious attention to the things that occur around him ,

these things will make but a faint impression upon hi s

memory and will have little o n o influence upon his li fe
r .

Wh o ever h e ard o f a gay frivolous creature havi ng a e

, r

te t ve memory
n i ? On the other hand do we not find that ,

pe ple serious thoughts tho s e wh o stu d y an d analyze

o o f —

s cience, art etc — have good memories ? Those people


take note o f every little occurrence every detail and , ,

nothing is to o insignifi cant to command their atten tion .

They think over all they see and hear and thereby impr e s s
it in d e libly upon th e ir memory People having poor .

me mori e s have on l y a parti al gra s p u pon life ; the y b u t

d rift thro u gh an d ne ve r re ali z e th e ba u tie s w ith whi ch
the y are su rro u n d e d .

Fo rtu nately m e mo ry c an be cu lt i vate d To d e ve lo p

, .

1 23
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
any faculty we must use it Exercise gives strength
. .

D et ermination and concentration combined with exercise

will produce marvelous results One thought or fact

carefully recorded upon the memory is more potent than

a dozen faint impressions To strengthen the memory

o e must direct his attention to one subj ect and con


centrate his whole thought upon it to the exclusion of all


other sounds or attractions He must shut out all but the


picture he desires to recor d in memory To d o thi s .

means that he must listen intently when people are talking ,

and must look carefully at the scene he wishes to re

member Then he should close his eyes l o ok within an d
, ,

carefully review every detail analyze the meaning re

, ,

call the points that seem in d istinct an d live them over


again in the brain until they b ecome perfectly clear By .

the time this has been d one a change will have taken

place within that has made those thoughts a part of him


self He will then be unable to separate himself from


them fo r they will be record e d in his memory

, .

Where do grea t thinkers go to improve their memories

and re cord thoughts and events ? Where d o they do
their studying and memorizing ? They go where they
can be alone ; where they can live with their thoughts an d
make companions of them ; they seek solitu de and quiet .

1 24
T he L aw o f M e n t ali s m
s e cu tiv eorder will be a test of the m e mory After having

followed this exercise for a few d ays he will find himself

taking a keen e r interest in the events of the day and in ,

his own actions He will unconsciously do this so that he


ca n recall them more easily in his m e nta l review In .

fact he will soon be gin to observe little details that pre


v io u s ly he would have passe d unnoticed As he perse


veres he will learn to enj oy this closer observation for

, ,

his experiences of yester d ay will be remem bered and th ey ,

will guide him in his actions to d ay and thus the sense of


reasoning will also improve The increase in knowledge


and the facts he will store up will make the exercise

fa scinating .

It is not what a man earns but what he saves that m akes

him rich It is not what a man observes but what he

retains that makes him wise .

Another exercise tha t will invigorate the memory

along another line of thought is to be carried out as
follows z
The person sho uld take a book of his own sele ction an d ,

decide that he will memorize all the facts and truth s it

contains so that he can repeat in detail the contents w ith
out referring to it He will then begin with the first

sentence and read it carefully and thoughtfully analyzing ,

1 26
Ho w to S t re n gt h e n th e M e m o ry
each word until he understands its full meaning A .

d ictionary should be k e pt at hand so that he can look u p

the definition o f any word about which he may have the
slightest d oubt We cannot remember words unless they

convey to us some thought that we can understan d fo ,


words are but a means of expressing thought We e . r

member all things by the im age o picture they make in r

the brain I f we do o t understand the meaning o f a

. n

word we can have no mental picture of its import there

, ,

fore it can leave no impressi o n on the memory

, .

One new sentence each day if thoroughly analyzed ,

will be a s u fli c i t exercise Each day before the lesson

en .

is taken up the pe rson should go over a number of the


previous sentences again to see if he still retains them .

The third exercise to be taken is by means of solitary

concentration in which Mentalism is to be used The .

person will first concentrate his thoughts o some pa tic u n r

lar person or subject for at lease ten minute s then relax ,

the Will and wait fo the mental m e ssages As th e

r .

thoughts come to him he should make a brief no te o f


them on paper but m u st o t attempt to write them o u t in

, n

detail fo in the concentration necessary to d o this other

r ,

thoughts will be kept o u t that he shoul d rece ive After .

rece i ving thes e me ss ages fo r from fifte en to thirty minutes

T he L a w o f M e n t ali s m
he should then cease and begin to write them all out in
detail just as he saw and felt them His ability to do

th is will be a test of his memory He must read them


over after having finishe d writing them o u t and keep ,

them until the next day at the same hour and then make ,

a mental review and s ee how well he has remembered

them When assured that they are all recorded in his

memory he may again concentrate for the purpose of


receiving new messages Either or all of these exercises


may be repeated once a day o at least every second day

r .

If elevating subjects are selected as lessons they will ,

elevate and beautify the life for a man is owned by


the thoughts he think s The thoughts which are e

. r

cor d ed duri ng these exercises will play an important part

in shaping the person s future life It is always much


easier to learn to remember than it is to forget Then be .

advised and do not record thoughts that you might after

wards wish to fo rget .
C H A PT E R X I I .

Hare Pa r en t s ca n C o n t r o l t bei r C fii ldr efl .

Ho w to 'r ien d: an d Afi f t t ofl r


Paren ts desi rin g to m si ly an d e ffec tn ally o o n tro l a

ch il d s ho ul d e x er ci se tha t c ontr ol before th e child is born .

I f th e y will de c i de u p o n th e kin d o f a natu re char act er , ,

an d di sp o si ti on they des i re th e ch i l d to pos s es s and the n ,

pro w e d t o m en ta lly co n s tru c t th e c h ild tmo n th o s e plan s ,

the y will have litt l e o r no tro ubl e in con tro lli ng it a fte r
war ds .

Ba r i n m in d , th at a c hi ld is no t re sp o ns ib le fo r th e

na m re an d c h arac ter it inh er its ,

fo r it did no t cre ate its e l f .

I f th e child h as a disag re m ble tem p e r or bad habits th e

blam e bc lo n g s to th e pare n ts . Th e c hild in su c h cass is

an i nno c e n t vi c tim o f th e fo ll ies an d wa kne s s e s o f its

13 1
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
parents ; it is a living picture of their combined thoughts .

I f parents will recognize their responsibility and make ,

the correct use of the M e ntalism under their control they ,

can give to their children pleasant d ispositions and attract

agr ee able souls that are in perfect harmony with th e ir
thoughts and desires Those having children that are

di fficult to control will need to observe the following

advice and instructions .

They must first realize that they and not the chil d ren
are responsible The conviction o f this fact will make them

more sympathetic and generous and they will then not be ,

inclined to blame the chil d for the faults they compelle d

it to inherit It is always hard to un d o that which has

been done therefore one must exercise patience if he

, ,

would gain the best results In dealing with a child .


parents should consider that they are dealing with them

selves and be firm but liberal minded They must control

themselves before they attempt to control the child They .

should never permit themselves to give way to anger or

temper when trying to d ire ct or control the chil d If .

they do their e ff orts will be fruitless If they would d e

, .

v e lo p strength courage and calmness in the child they

, , ,

must feel it and express it themselves for when they be ,

come angry and lose control o f their temper the same ,

3 2
The L aw o f M e n t ali s m
the child is due to hereditary traits and unless they are ,

curbed and controlled there is no telling to what extent


they may cause others yet unborn to suffer One evil life
, ,

impregnates future generations as yeast impregnate s


S ome remarkable statistics have been collected upon the

e ff ect o f hereditary traits I will quote a case that has

assumed national importance A woman of criminal

tendencies who died in 18 27 had given birth to several ,

children all of whom inherited her criminal traits By


following the records of the o ff sp ring from generation

to generation it has been found that up to May 19 0 2
, , ,

n o less than seven hundred of them had been convicte d

of criminal o ff ences at least once and that thirty seven ,


had been executed for committing murder The o ff spring .

o f this one woman had up to that d ate cost the nation

, ,

about three million dollars for trials an d executions All .

this crime resulted from one woman s thoughts Her ’


thoughts being evil she attracted to the bodies of her


children souls that were in harmony with her thought s ,

thus they were born with evil traits The only chance they .

had fo r improv e ment after being removed from the


mother s influence was through the thoughts of their

associates The inborn tendencies being so pronounced


13 4
Ho w to Co n tro l C hil d r e n
they naturally att racted to themselves nature s s imilar to
thei r o w n thus th e majority o f their associates enter

tai n ed thoughts o f a similar character As a result the .


d evelopment to better thinking woul d necessarily be slow ,

therefore the sins o f the mother continued to be visited


upon the children even unto the third an d fourth gen e ra


tion Through the transmission o f thought the la w o f


hered i ty is d emonstrate d ; character is perp e tuated an d ,

o u r acts b e they goo d or bad are sen t d o w n to be in h e

, ,

ite d by posterity I can safely say that if yo u show me the


chil d I can tell you the nature o f its parent s .

While inbo rn evil cannot be entirely exterminat e d in

o n e generation yet it can b e kept in check an d its devel

o p m e n t prevent e d b y right thi n k ing an d the assis tance o f

pure environment so that each s ucce ed ing generation will


be les s influenced b y it .

It is the d uty o f every parent to instill in the min d s

o f growing chil d ren the tho u ghts o f love kindnes s an d , ,

generosity towar d others ; to teach the b oys to think

that se l f control cou rte sy an d k in d ness are a greater
, ,

indication o f n o ble manhood than proficiency as an ath

lete o r high stan d ing in Greek o r Latin ; to tea ch th e
gi rl s to res pect their home an d paren ts an d that kin d ,

wor d s gently spoken are more valuable than gol d or

j ewels .

Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m

Every person may if he so desires select for himself

, ,

the number o f friends he will have and the character of

the friendship they shall give to him To do this he must .

keep in mind the fact that Like attracts like His e '


m e m b ra c e of this will be of much assistance to him in


accomplishing desirable results fr o m his e ff orts The .

Law of Mentalism proves that if he thinks unjust

thoughts of others these thoughts will eff ect those peo ple
, ,

and their estimation of him will unconsciously be lowered .

In this way the evil thinker inj ures himself an d loses

f rien d s If however he thinks kin d an d generous
, ,

thoughts of others they will be influenced by those


thoughts and while unaware of the cause will give in

, ,

return their approval and assistance .

If one would gain the friendship or a ff e ction of anoth e r ,

he must be willing to make an e ff ort That which is o t . n

worth working for is not worth having There is much .

goo d an d some b a d in every pers o n and they show to ,

us that part of their nature which we d raw out and u n

cover I f we place a man on his honor he will be true

to it . If we give him the thought that we believe him

bad he w ill as a rule not disappoint us H ow can we
, , , .

expe ct him to live above the standard we have s et for

13 6
The L aw o f M e n t ali s m
It is always more pleasant to give than to receive He .

wh o will give o u t the truest aff ection of w hich he is capa

ble will in return be rewarded by the gift of an a ff ection

equally as strong For love brings love as hate bring s

hate If one should desire to win the aff ection of some


particular person I would advise him to proc ee d system


atica lly to gain that desire He must first ascertain the


subj ects upon which the person and he are mut u ally in
te e s te d ; the things they can think an d talk a bout an d

agree upon By paying special attention to these s ubj ect s


his mental organization will soon harmonize with that of

the other This will assist him to win respe ct etc and
, .

give him a fair foundation to work upon .

He must then take the concentration exercises for half

an hour every day and while concentrating send out the
, ,

thoughts and feelings he wishes the o ther person to ac

cept In time the M e ntalism he is using will have it s

e ff ect and if his thoughts are backed by sincerity they

, ,

will be accepte d The per son will then be m en tali e d and

. z

will think as the d ictator wishes j ust as long as he doe s


not destroy the influence o f these thoughts by thinking ,

in connection w ith this person thoughts of a d iff erent


charact er The a ff ection he has created within the other


person will continue as long as the cause exists but n o ,

13 8
Ho w to Wi n A ffe é t i o


longer If he is insincere he cannot hold the affection If

, .

o n e desires to make enemies fo r himself and de s tr oy his

success an d happiness he can d o so by the use o f M enta l


is m He has but to send o u t to o thers the thought s o f h ate


revenge etc and they will retu rn to him and destroy hi m

, .
, .

W e all have the liberty of choosing w hich we will mak e

fo r ourselv e s friends or en e mie s
, .

I 39

D isea s e: 't r C a u se an d Cu r e

H e alth is the normal and natural condition o f the physi

cal body All th e force s o f Natu re ten d towar d it s p o
. r

d uc tion and maint e nance D isease is an unnatura l c o n


diti o n and results from o n e o f two causes : It i s ei ther


produ ced by the mental attit u de o f the per so n o r by the ,

ad ver se tho u ght s he attract s to himse l f In the cas e o f


ch il d ren di s eas e is almost en ti rely d ue to th e unhe alth ful


th o u ght s o f the parent s o tho s e havi ng the a re o f th e


ch i l d

T ho ug ht be ing the cre ative an d co ntro l ling fo rce o f th e

uni vers e it i s capab le o f pr o d u c i n g d i sea s e as w e ll as

heal th D isw e m ean s an u n nat u ral d e cay o r d eath o f


14 3
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
the tissues o f which the body is composed Eve ry minute .

o f the day there is going on within the human structure

a constant and natural d e cay of its tissues This waste .

matter is eliminated from the system by such natural

outlets as the pores of the skin the breath etc 'o o d an d
, , .

air are taken into the system to supply the elements for
replenishing and rebuilding with new material the part s
that have served their purpose and decayed .

All the physical organs and the various functions of the

bo d y are under the d irect government and supervision o f
the min d ( soul ' Under ordinary circumstances the mind

can perform all its duties and see to it that the structure

in which it lives is kept in harmony with all it s needs and

desires When the mind is free to act perfect health will

be maintained ; but when th e Mentalism from other s ih

flu e c e or partially control it it can then no longer per
n ,

form its regular d uties and as a result something must

, ,

su ff er This is especially true when the thoughts that are


influencing the person are of an unpleasant character and ,

therefore cause worry dissatisfaction an d u nre s t T he

, .

neglect occa sione d by this distracting influence permit s

the decaye d or dead matter to accumulate in the sy s tem ,

and the elements necessary to replenish the wasted ti s sues

are n o t supplied with regularity This accumulated wa s te.

I 44
Th e L aw o f M e n t ali s m
A contented mind is essenti l to the production and e a n

j y
o m en t of perfect health ; it is a j ewel of greater value
than diamonds or rubies Every physician knows that .

he cannot cure the ailments of the b o dy as long as the

mi n d is distressed Two o f the questions they always ask

o f a patient where any a ff ection of the nerves is shown

, ,

are Have you had any cause for great worry or anxi

ety ? Are you now under any mental strain

? When ”

a medical practitioner fails to cure his patient he suggests ,

a change of scene an ocean voyage a soj ourn in C lifo

. ,
a r

nia etc Why does he do this ? Because he knows that


a change of e vironment will necessarily bring n e w


thoughts and new interests to occupy the mind and ,

thereby shut out the thoughts that are influencing the

patient to the extent of controlling his mind and destroy
ing his bo d y .

He who worries attracts to him the thoughts of others

who worry and thus the cause of disease is intensifie d and

multiplied To have perfect health one must have a


contented mind for we attract to us from othe s the ex


act feelings we en courage within ourselves None o f us .

are in the true sense individuals We are but a part of

, .

each other and a part of the whole scheme of creation

, .

In R omans ' I V , 7 we read For none of us liveth to

, ,

14 6
D i s e as e : I ts C a u s e an d C u re

himself and no man dieth to himsel f Our health and .

o u r success both lie in the thoughts and feeling we have

fo our neighbors for the thoughts we think o f them will

r ,

attract similar thoughts to us but in a greater quantity ,


The Law of Mentalism and the whole trend and swing

of the universe off ers a rewar d to man to be honest just , ,

g entle ,
an d generous f o we are so bound
r that
n obility in o e kindles nobility in all and one man s hurt
n ,

is an injury to all .

To shut o u t all d iscouraging worry ing d evitalizing , ,

thought and to cease speaking of o u r ailments real o , r

ima g inary is not possible until we t ake up a new line o f


thought If we fill the brain with healthful thoughts

. .

th e re will be no room for others Therefore we mu s t .


believe in health not for others only but fo oursel es

, ,
r v

as well I f we live in this belief and think health and talk


health it will be ours

, .

Parents should use great care in the thoughts they think

with referen ce to the health o f their chi l d ren Be cause .

children have in the past suff ere d from certain varieties o f

disea s e it has be come a common belief with near l y every

mother father and guar d ian that al l children mu s t u n

, ,

de g o at s ometime o n e o r more o f the s e perio d s o f il l

r ,

h ealth By kee pin g thi s u nive r s al and erroneo u s thought


I 47
The Law o f M e n t ali s m
in their minds they are ready the momen t they hear of

some other child su ff ering to think that their child is in


danger These thoughts of disease are conveyed from the


brain o f th person to that of the child The thoughts of

e .

fear are ever presen t in their minds and should the child
, ,

as a result o f the thoughts they are thinking show the ,

slightest symptom o f an indisposition they at once con


c lu de th at it has taken the disease an d is going to be sick .

S uch thoughts o t only a ffect the h e alth of the child but

n ,

th ey also attract the thoughts of other parents who are

fearful o f that particular class of disease This avalanche .

o f thought rushes in upon the frail child its mind is con ,

trolled and the disease created for the child s Will and

mind are not strong enough to throw o ff the e ff ect pro

d u c e d by the thoughts of so many others People should .

n o t be permitted to talk of disease and ill health in the —

presence o f children In fact they should not be allowed


to talk of such things at all as every word and thought


injures someone .

14 8
The L aw o f M e n t ali s m
The first thing to be done is to c e ase worrying fo ,

worry of itself produces that which one fears To con .

nu e to worry is equivalent to self destruction
— The more .

people worry the more they lessen their chances of e


c o v e y for they are continually attracting the thoughts of

r .

others who worry The force of this Mentalism constantly


i creases until the mind is so burdened that it cannot even

n ,

keep up the daily r epair of the syst e m that is necessary to ,

say nothing of its inability to gain headway on the greater

destruction which is the cause o f the illness .

After the person has decided firmly an d positively that

he will throw o ff the influence which has be n causing him e

to worry he must next direct his thoughts toward re


c o v e y and think healthful

r ,
hopeful generou s thoughts
, , ,

letting them fill every moment of his time It is impossible .

to pluck out the unhealthful thoughts and leave a vacuum ,

fo Nature will not permit this ; but he can fill his brain

and occupy his mind with goo d healthful thoughts an d , ,

then there will be no place left for the unwelcome

thoughts and therefore they can no longer trouble him
. , .

As every man is owned by the thoughts he attracts and

cultivates he should then cultivate those of health and

contentment In addition to this he should during each


hour of the day mentally command the blood in his sys


5 0
D i s e as e : I ts C a u s e an d C u re

tem to circulate more freely and carry away th e waste

tissues that are poisoning the healthy cells and also or d er

all the organs of the body to perform their natural func

tions and supply new material f the construction o f
o r

healthy tissue If he has perfect confi dence in his author


ity to comm an d his orders will be obeyed


Every faculty of the body is a servant of the mind It .

is therefore our duty t o teach eac h faculty to in st antly

obey o u wishes Woul d we stand by and see a servant
r .

destroy o u house and furniture without asser ting our


authority to check the destruction It is not at all prob


able Then why should we permit the servants o f our


physical bo d y to destroy the structure in which we live ?

I f a man is careless and does not respect his own house he ,

should n o t expect his servants to take interest in


it fo r servants only work under the or d er of their


superiors .

To assist Nature in throwing o ff disease one must .

j udiciously use food and take a su ffi cient amount o f sleep

at night H e should take some exercise every day but

he must n o t exhau s t hi s strength and reserve force s o that

it is impo s sible fo r the s ervants to replenish it in the few
hours he i s slee ping If he keeps h is min d co nstantly

oc c u pi e d w ith intere s ting hopeful thoughts it will

, ,

15 1
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
quickly get o u t o f harmony with the thoughts of those
wh o worry d ha e diseased bodies
an v When he has suc .

c e e d d in overcoming this influence he will then attract

e ,

and come into harmony with p e ople possessing hopeful ,

cheerful minds Their mentalistic influence will help


create happiness and contentment and as if by a miracle , ,

the person will regai health and strength n .

S ometimes the mind loses interest in the body it ih

habits o account of uncongenial environments the 10
u ,

c ality o
. rits mental associates It realizes that under the

existing conditions it can have o o ppo tu itv to follow

. n r n

the career for which it is adapt e d or to fill a position ,

that will be in harmony with its talents and seeing that ,

its hopes desires and e ff orts are being wasted upon u m


fruitful soil it becomes discouraged If it is not in har

, .

mony with the thoughts of those in the locality in which

it is living it will earnestly desire to free itself that it may

g o to more congenial fields In its e ff orts

. to accomplish
this purpose it will neglect the bo dy and allow it to b e

come diseased much as a man allows his house to go to

ruin because he dislikes the locality and his neighbors .

S o long as such thoughts exist in the min d health and ,

strength cannot be restored A change of locality to one


where the environments and mental associates will be

15 2
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
By conscientiously persevering he will in a short time ex

p e
r ine ce great happiness and contentm e nt from his mental

correspondence with others It will fill up the vacant


spots and satisfy the longings and the uncongenial ,

thoughts will then find no place to lo d ge He will in the .

future not live so much for the material worl d but will ,

get his g eatest pleasures from the mental worl d

r .

In the course of time the beauty and influence of his

new thoughts will have their e ffect upon his surroundings
an d associat e s and he will behol d them gradually trans

forming until they rise u p to his stan d ard He will then .

have created a new world around him and by the use o f ,

Mentalism his ol d environments and associates will have

been transformed into new ones H e will by this method.
, ,

have created his own destiny and will enjoy contentment

, ,

happiness and goo d physical and mental health .

When o e first commences the work of ordering the


body to throw o ff disease an d to reconstruct new an d

healthy tissues he may find that as a result of non use his

Will is o t strong and that the mental energy is not very

n ,

forceful ; that its action is spasmodic and lacking in con

ti u ity of purpose
n When such is the case he will find

that a little assistance from a person with a strong Will

and a perfectly controlled mind whose thoughts are in ,

D i s e as e : I t s C au s e an d C u re

harmony with his will stimulate and encourage hi s men


tal efforts and aid him greatly It is o t advisable fo

. n r

him to depen d entirely upon others for then he woul d o t

, n

develop and strengthen his Will and when again left to


depend upon himself would be as weak as b efore The .

person he selects to assist him must be one who th o roughly

u nderstands th e Law of Mentalism : one who can under

stand the circumstances and feel the interest and sym

pathy his case needs The thoughts and habits of the

assistant must be goo d and honorable or his influence

might injure instea d of being a help Wisdom must be

used in making the selection .

I 55
T h e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
get to keep the thought in mind that his selected assistant
physician is helping him by giving him additional co urage ,

strength and increased strength of Will ; that with these

he may overcome the existing unhealthy con d itions The

assistant must also concentrate and center his thoughts

upon the patient to the exclusion of all external environ
ments and conditions He must als o make the same

commands as the patient and mentally send to him the


thoughts of hope courage confidence energy and i

, , ,

creased strengt h o f Will The patient s mental activity


will be stimulated and strengthened by these Men tal V i

b atio n s and he will experience a feeling of exhilaration
r ,

and buoyancy as the eviden ce of new life an d new health .

If this treatment is repeate d d aily the mind will respond


an d quickly gain control over the physical organs and

assist them to perform their natural functions an d thus ,

eradicate disease.

Mentalism is the power used by the Mentalist in

curing disease in others He through the min d o f the

patient controls and o perates the physical organs D ur

, .

ing the time occupi e d in treatment he beco mes an active ,

part o f the patient for he assists him to do his thinking ;


he places the thoughts in his brain and the functions of ,

the body respond to the dictates of the thoughts which are

ente rtained by the brain .

5 8
D i s ea s e : I t s C au s e an d C u re

S hould the patient fail obtain complete satisfaction


from his first o r second trial at self trea tment he need ,

n o t become discourage d but should carefully

e read the
— r

instru ctions and try again A little practice will soon


make him master o f the situation The fault may n o t .

be his but that o f the other person that is i f he has had

, ,

someone assisting him It w o uld be better fo r him to


depend upon himself than upon the assistance o f a person

in whom he has not perfect co nfi d ence .

N o person should permit another to tell him he is n o t

looking well He should absolutely refuse to listen to


s uch rem arks and should r e quest the person never to


speak to him on that subject again and to cease try ing to


plant in his brain the cause of disease One shoul d n o t .

permit such idle statements to infl u ence him Instea d he .


should remember that these rem arks are the result o f

hab it with most pe ople an d that they ma k e them fo the

purpose o f leading him to b elieve they sympathize with

him He does n o t need that kind o f sympathy fo r it wi ll

injure him There should be a law maki n g it a criminal


o ff ense to place such u nhealthful tho u ghts in the b rain s

o f o th e r pe ople H a l f o f th e great num be r o f pe ople wh o

d ie be fore they are seve nty a e s imply m u r d ered by the s e


u nhealthfu l tho ught s o f o ther s .

I S9
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
It has been demonstrated scientifically and conclusively
that a perfectly well man can be made sick even unto ,

death by being repeatedly told that he is sick I will

, .

relate an experiment of this kind that has been fully

authenticated All the arrangements fo r the experiment

w ere made without the victim having any knowle d ge of

them Mr J the person on whom the experiment was

. . .

made was a business man On a particular morning he


left his home for the o ffice feeling that he was in excel
lent health A few blocks from his house he met an old

friend wh o commented on how ill he w s looking and a ,

asked him if he were not sick Mr J only laughed at the . . .

suggestion The idea of him being sick amused him B e

. .

fore he had gone more than a block farther he met , an

other friend who seemed surprised at his appearance and

seriously asked afte his he lth stating that he h d the
r a ,

appe aranc of one who w s going to be quite sick These

e a .

and similar statements were repeated to him by a number

of other people before he reached his o ffice Each suc .

c ee di g one
n h o wever expressed more anxiety than the

previous one By the time Mr J reached his o ffice he

. . .

was not feeling quite so well as when he left his house for ,

the thought had already taken root D uring the mo ning . r

a number of people dropped into his o ffice and commented

16 0
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
The treatme t to be used in case of accidents such
n ,

as a sprain dislocation of a joint a broken bone a cut

, , ,

burn etc S slightly di fferent from that used fo disease

I r .

Immediate attention is necessary and local applications ,

essential but the pain can be lessened if not entirely e

, , r

moved and the recovery hastened by the use of Mental


ism To the mind o f the patient must be given the


thoughts that the conditions are not serious ; that he will


n o t feel the pain because there will be o pain ; that the

, n

affected part will quickly recover its normal action an d ,

that the congestion and inflammation will be quickly e r

moved .He must either by his own mental e ff orts or

through th t of others stimulate the circulation of the

a ,

blood through the a ffected parts and command the sys

tem to supply new material to take the place of th at
which has been destroyed and also to eliminate all the ,

dead tissue Encouraging thoughts and remarks from


his associates will hasten the complete recovery D is .

c o u ag i g
r and doubtful thoughts an d comments wi l l

retard recovery .

Never permit anyone to remain in the roo m with a

patient if that person s thoughts are o t favo able to his

n r

recovery If the patient has a str o ng Will and self con


fi de c e he will not be as much a ffected by adverse com

n ,

16 2
D i s ea s e : I t s C au s e an d C u re

ments and thoughts as a person having a weak Will I f .

the patient possesses a strong Will he will hasten his o w

, n

recovery In fact anyone with a strong Will will live

, ,

through accidents or disease that would kill a person

having a weak Will .

In treating cases of pain such as cramps neuralgia

, , ,

rheumatis m headache toothache earache etc Mentalism

, , , .

will prove very e ff e ctive All these pains result from a


congestion that has caused inflammation of the tissues

and nerves The circulation of the blood must be stim u

lated in and through the congest e d parts that the o b s t u c r

tion may be more quickly remove d The min d of the .

patient must be directed to the affected part that it may

gain control over it To do this the more e ff ectually

place your han d over the seat of pain think and instruct ,

the patient to do likewise that the circulation will in


crease and dissolve the congestion and destroy the pain .

' eep your mind centered upon the a ff ected part b u t in a ,

few moments d ivert the thoughts of the patient into an

other channel and in a short time say to him The pain
, ,

is all gone and yo u will soon be quite well S ay it with .

confidence so as to implant the thought firmly in hi s mind


When yo u have done this he will agree with yo u that

there is n o pain and at once he will be well .

16 3
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
The object in diverting his thoughts from the a ff ected

part is to give yo u a better opportunity to place the

thought o f N o pain so strongly in his mind that his
' ”

previous thought of Pain will have no further eff ect

upon him The strongest thought is always the thought


that controls .

In treating cases of nervousness hyster ia etc much , , .


the same process is necessary You must have the patient


relax all his muscles and close his eyes The best results .

are obtained by having the patient lie flat on his back .

Place your hands upon his forehead and stroke it gently .

S peak in a modulated tone making all your movements


slowly and gently ; think and at the same time instruct


the patient that he is feeling more restful and quiet If


yo u can get him to sleep the treatment will be more eff ect
ive Implant in his brain the thoughts o f relaxation

rest and qui zt D o not permit him to see or talk to m a



people for their thoughts will interfere with those you


have given him and keep him in a state of excitement .

There is no sphere in life in which one can d o so much

good as by healing the sick and relieving the su ff erings o f
his fellowmen But I would not advise any one to fol

low healing as a profession unless he feels within himself

a desire to cure others If the work has an attraction for

Th u ght i s p wer
o o . V i c to r H u g o .
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
At ti m e many people supposed that the controll
o ne ,

ing power was emitted from the finger tips an d in order ,

to produce a hypnotic e ff ect it was nec essary to mak e


passes over the body of the subject Later it was


discovere d that mechanical means could be employed to

produce the desired eff ect when the passes had failed ' ”

This discovery destroyed the theory an d belief that the

power came from o through the finger tips S till late r
r .

it was learned that the same or greater results coul d be

obtaine d by simply giving the subject suggestions by word
or action ; the suggestion being but an expression of the
thought in the mind o f the operator It is a fact that the

power did not exist in any of the methods use d b ut ex ,

i te d in the Thought Force back of every action or


suggestion .

It is strange that the real cause o f th e phenomena was

n o t discover e d sooner The fraternity lab o re d under

many delusions in regard to the science they were trying

to demonstrate The phenomena was there to speak for

itself but the operators could give no positive proof o f its


cause h e nce the mystery with which it has always been


surrounded When viewed from a logical stan dpoint


there is nothing mysterious about it Hypnotism has .

simply dem onstrated the power of mind over matter This .

17 0
W h a t is H yp n o t i s m ?
power which causes the physica l and mental forces o f the
subj ect to act in response to the command o f the oper
ator is Mentalism Thought precedes all action The
. .

thought given by the operator is conveyed to the brain

o f the subject where it assumes control and hi s Will fo

, ,

the time being is placed under subject ion The physical


forces respond to the thought that is placed in the brain

by the O perator the phenomena is produced and those
, ,

wh o behold it are mystified It is not necessary that the


person be put to sleep in or d er to in fluence him to act or

think as we desire H ypnotism is b ut a crude means o f

accomplishing a result The same eff ect can be pro d uced


by a more subtle method and the person need o t be

, n

ma d e aware of the operator s desire Mentalism is the


law that governs the phenomena o f hypnotism Through .

it o n e can produce the same results at a d istance and with ,

just as much ease as they can pro d uce through hypnotism

when both parties are in the s ame room The secret o f .

the success obtained in either case lies in placing one s ’

thoughts in the brain o f the subj ect Thus hypnotism but


uses Mentalism to produce the phenomena H ypnotism .

does n o t and could not exist independentl y o f Mentalism .

By carefully following these d irections one can qui ckly


and easily mentalize a person at any time he d esire s I t .

17 1
The L aw o f M e n t al i s m
is best to first meet the person and if possible enter into , ,

conversation with him and in a general way touch upon


th e subj ect yo u have in mind and at the same time use ,

Mentalism to give out the thoughts you wish him to

absorb This contact and conversation will tune your

mental organization with his and give you the entree to ,

his min d After leaving his presence keep in mind the


thoughts yo u desire to impart to him S end the thought .

that he will be possessed by an irresistible desire to do the

particu lar thing yo u wish him to d o I f he is one whom .

y o u have never m e t li e d before it

n a may be necessary
z for ,

y o u to repeat the mental messages at several diff erent

times until they become implanted in his brain so strongly

that he cannot resist doing as you bi d him After yo u .

have successfully m e tali e d him once it will be much

n z ,

easier to d o so next time In fact after a few successful


attempts you will meet with little or no resistance The

, .

person m e tali ed will execute your d esires providing

n z ,

they are not against his moral principle s In carrying out .

your dictates he will not have the slightest suspicion that


he is doing so through any other agency than his own

wishes .

I wish to state emphatically that no one can influence

another to do evil unless that person s tendencies were ’

7 2
Th e L aw o f M e n t ali s m
person w h o receives them and the suggestions are acted

upon he is for the time m e tali e d by the other and

n z ,

therefore not entirely responsible for his actions When

. .

o e feels an impulse or a desire to do something o u t of


the ordinary he may be sure that he is being influenced


by o thers through Mentalism If by carrying out these

. .

thoughts he would in any way harm others he must s e t ,

his Will against them and throw ff the influence I t is o .

n o t well to permit oneself to be m t li d i n di s c im i en a z e r

n at ly for every time one submits to it his Will is weak

e , ,

ened and if it were continued he would eventually b e

, ,

come a slave to others and be unable to use his own


power to gain information from others If he keeps his .

Will strong he nee d have no fear of being M e tali d

n z e .

All should bear in mind that the survival of the fittest ' ”

is a law o f the universe and that the strong will always


rule the weak and that the goo d will survive when all

that is evil has been destroyed A man s power to rule is.

in proportion to the stren g th of his W ill Each person .

should exercise an d d evelop his Will and use Mentalism ,

for the benefit and advancem ent of himself an d others ,

and then he will be come a master of men .

17 4
The m d int which a f rien d can b ri g us i s hi s d mini
oo o n , o on

over us T the h u gh s f that state f min d he h a s a right All

. o t o t o o , .

th s ecre s f tha t s e f min d he c m p el — Em ”

e t o ta t o ca n o . er s o n .
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m

more light th sub ject The p o pular belief in the action

on e .

o f this force is that it attracts people to each other as


lodestone attracts pieces o f iron This belief does o t ex

. n

plain the cause nor give the public a scientific basis to

work upon It is known that every person possesses

in a greater or less degree some subtle power or force

, .

It is also claimed that those who exhibit it in a minor de

gree may develop it into greater e ff ectiveness Just how .

to proc eed in developing this late nt force has never been

satisfactorily explained The consi d eration that has been

given to it has only succeeded in creating a diversity

o f O pinion .

Personal magnetism means personal influence an d as ,

the name implies the influence must result from personal


contact through o e or m o re of the senses This being

n .

so ,
the influence exerted by any o ne must necessarily be
limited in its eff ectiveness to the number of people with
whom he comes into personal contact It is claime d that .

the success made by all great men and women is due to

thei r personal magnetism but this is an erron e ous i d ea I

know that all success is due to a subtle power inherent in

man but it is not personal magnetism for personal m ag
, ,

n e ti m is not broad enough in its scope o f action

s If it .

is necessary that personal influence be used upon each and

7 8
Wh a t is P er s o n a l M agn e t i s m ?
every person wh o assists in making another s uccessf ul ,

h o w are we to account fo the desire that is stimulated in


the minds o f people to see and hear an actor artist o r,

musician or to read the books o a certain author They

f ?

had never bee n within reach o f his personal magn etism ,

yet they felt compelle d to see him or to read his writings

, ,

and thus to assist in creating his success .

I f Personal Magnetism was the only force used to

win succes s it would o f a necessity come very s lowly

Personal M agnetism may influence and hol d people after

th ey come within its magic circle but there must be some

unlimited power that travels around the earth that at ,

tracts people an d d raws them within the ra d ius o f a man s ’

personal influence There is such a power an d it is Men


tali s m
. The th oughts an d desires that are sent out from
the mind ( soul ' of man travel on the waves of ether
and reach all w ho are in sympathy ( tune d in harmony '
with his thoughts and work His thoughts and energie s

having been given in all their intensity toward prod u cing

success they create d strong vibration s that went o u t to the

world and influence d the min ds o f others until they u n


consciously responded and p u t forth e ff orts to help him .

The multiplying o f these eff orts by thousands o f people .

produced the d esired re s ult s .

17 9
T he L aw o f M e n t a li s m
We all know that it is only those things whi c h receive
the patronage and applause of the public that are con
s ide e d to be successful an d also that people w ill n o t ap
r ,

plaud that which is not in harmony with their thoughts

o n the subject ; it must appeal to them an d arouse their

feelings and emotions No one can win the approva l of


people by force or compulsion for human nature always ,

rebels against force or dictation of any kind People are .

influenced only when we place in thei r brains thoughts ,

and sentiments in favor of ourselves or our work Men .

talis m is the power used in conveying these thought s from

o ur brains to those o f others T hese thoughts they accept


as their o w and gratify themselves by acting upon them

n ,

fo they like to believe they are pleasing themselves

r U . n

less the person is a student and understan d s the Law of

Mentalism he will have no reason to supp o se that the

thoughts he is acting upon were sent to him by another .

The greater part of the credit given to Personal Mag

n e ti s m belongs to Mentalism for almost all the influence
, ,

is exerted through the mind It is by this means that


the thoughts an d actions of others are controlled .

A simple experiment that proves the power of Men

talis m to convey our wishes to another and compel that ,

person to act upon them may be exemplified in the fol


lowing manner
18 0
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
co incidences but they are not they are men tal com
, ,

m icatio s ungu ided by the Will

un n .

Thes e simple experimen ts prove that one can mentalize

another at a distance without speaking a wor d If this .

much can be done by those who d o not understand the

Law wh o can set a limit on th e achievement s of those who

rightly use the power they possess All that has been .

accomplished under the name of Per sonal Magnetism is ,

but th e work o f Mentalism All that has previously e

. r

mained unexplain e d about Personal Magnet ism is

no w fully and clearly explained by the Law o f Mentalism

Personal Magnetism is in reality only a small part o f

Mentalism and is not an independent science Those wh o
, .

understand the Law of Mentalism will fin d in Personal

Magnetism very little of value .

18 2
I t i s the min d tha t ma ke s h b dy rich S h k p
t e o .
— a es e ar e .

N b le h u gh t ma k e th e f u n d at i n f n b le manh d
o t o s o o or o oo .

—S egno .
Th e L aw o f M e n t al i s m
A man wh o reveals the evil side o f his nature when
under the influence o f the thoughts o f his associates is ,

weak and needs assistance and increased strength as mu c h

as th e man wh o is sick from disease If that same man

were placed under the influence o f the thoughts o f pe o

ple wh o live pure lives he woul d quickly respon d to the

new influence and soon come into harmony with hi s sur


roun d ings fo the goo d always crow ds out the b a d when

r ,

a test o f strength between the two is made There is .

more good than bad in every man for is he o t fashioned


after the C reator The goo d in some is latent and but


awaits the right influence to encourage an d d evelop it .

When the good in man is developed to the d egree where

it crowds o u t all evil an d not u ntil then will the s oul re
, ,

turn t o the Great S ource from which it came there to re .

main .

If o e wishes to cure bad habits in others it is ab so

n ,

lu te ly essential that his min d and tho u ghts be pure for he ,

cannot convey to others that which he doe s not possess .

Every mind is constantly o ccupied with thoughts of some

character an d these thoughts control the man Hence th e
, .

secret o f cu ring ba d habits lies in keeping the corr e ct


thoughts in the mind of the su ff erer Pure thoughts can


be encouraged by means Of pure environment s an d pure

Ho w to C u re E vil H a b i t s

men tal associates Change the thoughts an d the evil will


disappear an d good habits take its pl ace The Mentalist


must treat his patients daily by means o f the M entalism

un d er his control H e must o t criticise the patient s ac
. n

tions when talking to him o thinking o f him but m u st

r ,

indirect ly show him the a d vantage of living a better ,

purer life H e must en courage the thoughts of the u n fo

. r

tuna te into new and pure channels and thus d ivert hi s ,

m in d from the o ld as s ociates an d his morbi d lin e o f

thought He must never antagonize him or attempt to


use force o co mmands but must be patien t an d teach him

r ,

the benefits o f purer associations All conversations car .

ried o within his hearing shoul d be elevating an d n o t d e


pressing The person w h o is treating the patient fo r the


purpose o f curing the evil habit s must create o attract ,


pure thoughts to fill his brain an d then the O l d evil ,

thoughts will find n o place to lodge N o o n e need at .

tempt to take away the evil without first supplying an

equal amou nt o f good fo r Nature will n o t permit him to

do s o . The greatest good fo r the patien t can be O btain e d

by surrounding him with all the better thing s o f life u n ,

til his thoughts are o u t o f harmony with his o ld associ

ates Then he will n o longer find pleas u re in the o ld c o n

ditio s and will o f his o wn accord tu rn from them in

n ,

disgust .

The L aw o f Me n t ali s m
The existen ce o f bad habits in anyon e is an evi d ence O f
evil thoughts .

As the character o f the thoughts change they w ill be

expressed in the actions an d life of the person .

18 8
T h e L aw o f M e n t ali s m

to the normal action and thus assists it in directing the


organs o f the body to perform their n atural an d normal

functions N O ailment is ever cured by an external agent

or force nor by any foreign materials ( d rugs 'or matter


To cure by such meth o ds it would be necessary to sus


pend the laws of Nature and where is there a man who


has the power to do this S uch a man did he exist would


be greater than his C reator The laws of Nature cannot


and never have been controlled o r suspende d for as m u ch

as the thousandth part of a second To cre d it any man .

with the power to curtail check or suspen d any o f the


laws of Nature is to credit him with possessing powers


greater than the maker of the Law I f man could con .

trol o e of Nature s laws it would cease to be automatic



and infallible and would therefore be no law

, .

Health and success are the result of keeping in har

mony with the laws o f Nature S i c k ness an d f ai lure .

come only when we get out of harmony with people and

the Law Mentalism is the force used to cure even

though the credit is given to Magnetism All action must .

take place through the mind for the bo d y has no in d e ,

pendent p o wer o f action or locomotion To attempt to .

cure disease by treating only the bod y would be equal ,

to t ying to destroy a tree by cutting o ff the leaves More

r .

19 0
M ag n e t i c H e a li n g o r M e n t ali s m
leaves will gro w o n the tree unless o n e goe s down to the
very roots an d e xterminates the cause D is ea se will ap

pear again and again unless we go to the root o f the

cause and treat the mind .

19 1

Toe 'o u n da t io n f
o Sp ir it u a lism , C la i r
y a n ce, M ea i n nz s s o

Te lep a t n

a na I n t u it io n

The phenomena o f S piritualism and the belief o f the


devote e s o f that religion are both expressions of the Law

of Men talism It is the spiritu alistic belief that at the

death o destruction of the physical body the S oul ( min d '

r ,

enters into space and from that in d efinite position c o m

, ,

m u n icate s with and influences S ouls that are still at

tac h e d to earthly bodies It has been clearly d emonstrated


that message s have been received by the living that ha d ,

every evi d ence o f havi ng come from one wh o had d eparted

from the b o d y These messages demonstrate the ex is ten ce

an d life o f the mind an d intelligence aft e r th e des tru ct ion

o f the bo d y . These S oul s being invisible to th e ph ys ica l

19 5
Th e L aw o f M e n t al is m
eye make themselves known to others through the Law

o f Mentalism That a S oul may communicate with the


living and in return receive messages from them it must

, .

use the same means and the same process it used while on
ea th otherwise its commu ications could not be recog
r , n

n iz e d .

Mentalism is the Universal Law that governs all intel

lig e c e and the transmission of the same from mind to
n ,

mind o from brain to brain The power of Mentalism

r .

is o t limited by the narrow confines of this small earth

n ,

but is capable of tra eling through illimitable space and

v ,

o f influ e ncing the inhabitants of other worlds also The .

spiritualists use the same power in sending and receiving

messages that every man uses in communicating with

his fellow men They however select certain persons

, ,

whom they call Mediums to send an d receive mes


sages from the S ouls that have dep arte d These persons .

act in the capacity of operators in sending and receiving

messages for others This ability o f the Medium is due to

his great power of concentration ; b v it he is able to quickly

tu ne himself in harmony with the Mentalism of S ouls that
are in and also those that are out of the body This .

ability is not due to the spirituality of his nature for as , ,

a rule professional Mediums are not noted for their


19 6
The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
communicate with man either in th e bod y or o u t o f it ,

other m en can do likewise Each and eve ry man can and


should be his own Me d ium '


If the mind O f man is capable of r e ceiving a message

from a departed spirit o soul it is also capable of taking
r ,

a like message from the minds of other men Then if we .

are capable o f receiving a message we can just a s well re ,

c e iv e it from a S oul imprisone d in a bo d y as from o n e ,

that has passed over the border This being so who can .

determine which message came from beyon d the border ,

and which from a mind still o earth ? n

Thoughts an d messages never die We know that the .

influence and thoughts of great men are equally as potent

to d ay if o t more so than when they were on earth I
n ,

believe that most of the mistakes an d errors made by spir

it alists are d ue to attributing to the departed all the

messages they receive instea d of giving cre d it to those of


their friends who are in the flesh and interested in their ,

welfare .

Mentalism is the natural mea ns of communicati ng o n e

with another It is the law by which thought ( i te lli
. n

gence ' is interchanged from mind to mind ( soul to ,

soul ' Mentalism proves conclusively the immortality


o f the mind Mentalism is the law upo n which spiritual


1 8
C l ai rvo yan c e an d M e di u m s hi p
ism is based Mentalism removes the mystery in whi ch

spiritualism has been shroude d It d raws as i d e the cloak .

that has been used by unscrupulous persons to deceive and

defraud the public an d bring the name of the hones t

spiritualist into disrepute If spiritualists would explain


to th e public that the phenomena in which they believe is

caused b y Men talism an d that the communications they

receive are from minds o f people o this earth as well as n

those beyon d the border and also explain how every


man is his own Medium because the law that governs one

governs all they woul d exterminate every imposter wh o


is using the name o f S piritualism with which to impo s e

upon the credulous public .


Clairvoyance means clear seeing A clairvoyant is a .

p rson capable f d eep concentration f thought Throu gh

e o o .

concentrating he tunes his mental organi z ation in har


mony with that o f other people an d th u s receive s thoughts,

and messages from them C lairvoyance was suppose d to


be a d isti nct power or gift This i s n o t so fo each an d


every person possesses the same ability though in a great

er o less d e gree o f devel opment C lairvoyance i s M ental
r .

i s m in operation A clairvoyant is the servant o f others


The L aw o f M e n t a li s m
and O ften becom s a slave to the influence of the combined

Mentalism o f the public When this is the case he soon


loses all his individuality and Will Power The moment .

o e acts in the ca pacity of

n receiver of messages for

others he resigns his own Will to theirs and thus loses

, ,

his individuality Every person should be his own clair


voyant but he should not sell himself and sacrifice his


Will and independence to others for the paltry financial

remuneration he would receive in return for it .

A Medium is another n me for a C lairvoyant but it is

a ,

most generally applied to a S piritualist who acts as a dis

patcher and receiver of messages for those who d o not

understand the law that governs the phenomena The .

person acting in that capacity should rightly be called a

Mentalist and not a Medium or C lairvoyant
. .


Telepathy is a name given to the transference of

thought fro m the brain of one person to that of others It .

is simply Mentalism and has no characteristics or phe

, ,

no m ena that is not governed by this law Intuition is.

also another name for Mentalism An impres ion or an

. s

idea comes to one to act ; he makes his decision without

any apparent reason and follows it and finds that his in

20 0
The L aw o f M e n t al i s m
accompanied it that he had borrowed it and that it had

been mislaid and only found tha t day These were not

coinci dences they were Mental Messages

, .

D id yo u ever stop to consider what it is within you that

prompts you to which you give the name Intuition ?
' ”

If yo u have these impressions they are the evidence which


proves that you are a natural Mentalist and that you can

and do receive messages from other min d s If you have .

been able to d o this much without a knowledge o f the law

th at gu ides them you can in a short time if you apply the
, ,

Law o f Mentalism scientifically become a proficient Men


tali s t .

20 2
Thy fai th ha h ma d e thee wh le — C h i
t o .

r st

B elie f an d l v — b elieving l ve will relieve u s

o e a o o f a va st lo ad
o f care E m
— ”
e rs o n .
Th e L aw o f M e n t a li s m
It is to faith that Christian S cientists attribute their
success in curing disease and evil habits By denying the .

existence o f disease or by refusing to recognize its exist


tence they remove all thoughts of it from their minds If


the thought o f the disease does not exi s t in the min d there ,

can be o disease in the body fo as is the min d s o is the

n ,
r ,

bod y . A thought precede s every action o r change in

matter therefore health o disease must first exist in the

, ,

form o f thoughts before they can take shape in matter .

Christian S cientists say that disease and evil do not exist ,

except in the person s imagination Imagination is an ’


other name for thought To imagine a thing is to think it .


and fo the time create the conditi on i the brain I f b e

r ,
n .

li ve d in it becomes a fact to the person and is recor d ed

e , ,

in his memory irrespective o f the foun d ation or reason

back o f it Many people have lived for years in the full

belief o f the existence o f a condition that was eventually

proven to have been based entirely upon a misunderstand
ing It nevertheless was real to them for the time being
, , .

To believe that we are sick we must fir s t think that we ,

are sick To think that we are sick is to create the


symptoms o f the disease and eventually the disease To , .

believe that we are well is to create the conditions which ,

make us well To have faith is to believe in o u r thoughts


20 6
T h e Bas i s o f C h ri s t ia n S c ie n c e
or the thoughts o f others as being infallible It is imma

te i l what means are employe d to e ncourage the thought

r a .

All that is necessary is that the thought be o f suffi cient

stren g th to make itself felt by the brain and it will pro

duce the condition If we have confidence ( faith 'in the


con d ition and continue to live in it an d permit o other

, ,

thought to change it it will rule o u r lives If o u

. r

thoughts create a condition that is wholly good we will ,

neither see nor know evil If the condition created by o u

. r

thoughts is of health we will suff er no d isease R ight


thinking is the foun d ation of right living an d it is a s easy


to give o u t thoughts of health and goo d ness as to give o u t

thoughts O f evil and d isease .

Christian S cientists do not attain their success thro u gh

faith as they suppose but through the conditions created
, ,

by the thoughts in which they have faith o r confi d ence .

Mentalism is the force that every C hristian S cientist uses

in healing and in influencing people to accept their belief .

It is evident that it would require some very strong force

to change the thoughts in the min d o f a man before he

could believe in the o existence of the matter with

n n -

which his five senses tell h im he is surrounded That a .

man s thoughts ca be so changed is proven by the fact


that C hri s tian S cience has nearly a million adherents .

20 7
Th e L aw o f M e n t ali s m
M ntalism is the force that brings ab out the change o f

th ought By it we can remove all evil from our lives an d


from the li v es o f others if we have their assistance an d


c o operation
- .

The Law of Mentalism separates the truths from the

errors in C hristian S cience and gives man a logical reason

in which to believe We do not deny the existence of evil


and disease but we recognize the ability of every man to


eliminate and destroy them through Mentalism When .

once destroyed they will no longer exist for him unles s ,

he allows his thoughts to again become diseased The .

Law o f Mentalism teaches man that he is largely re spo n

sible for his o w n evil and wholly e so s ible for the evil
r n

he influences in others It encourages goodness and hon


esty by proving that truth and virtue automatically bring

their own rewar d .

20 8
l IC U Il l U C I I \, C U a

t here f re i i s b etter thin k an d w rk in u ni n an d harm ny wi th

o t to o o o

h usan ds f her s than a empt live in pp s i i n them

t o o ot to tt to o o t o to .

The la ter c u r s e ha s but en d an d that i s r u in

t o o ne ,

T he S egno S uccess C l u b— I ts V a l ue t H uman i ty o

Su cce ss i s h aim an d b ject f all h mem b er s f h i s cl ub

t e o o t e o t ,

no nl f s el f but f all heir b r ther an d s i ster memb er s I t i s

t o y or or t o .

h c m b inat i n f h u gh t an d e ff r cen ere d u p n sub jec


b y t e o o o t o o t t o o ne t

t hat we pr du ce su ch w n d er fu l re su l ts The mem b er s hip f the

o o . o

cl ub ha s gr wn ver rapi d ly Thi s ha s b een principall y du e

o y to o n e
c us h su cce ss f i memb er s Their su cce ss ha s d em n s rate d

a e —t e o ts . o t

to their f rien ds an d ac'u ain ance s tha hey p ss e ss s me vi al kn wl t t t o o t o

e dge f rce hat i s u n d er s d by h p ub lic in general That

or o t no t to o t e .

t hey migh p ss e ss h same wi sd m an d win a li k e a grea er

t o t e o , or t
su cce ss he s e frien ds have enr lle d a s memb er s Th w rk ha s h us

t o . e o t
b ec me an en d le ss chain f su cce ss each memb er f rming lin k

o o ,
o one .

The memb er ship ha s e xten d e d every c u nt ry in h w rl d th us to o t e o ,

f rming a circle ar u n d the ear h

o o t .

Are Y Am b i t i ous ? ou

Perhap s are amb i i us an d eager ma k e an e ff rt win

yo u t o to o to
su cce ss but lack c nfi d ence in y u r ab ili ty d
, k n w j ust h w
o o , or o no t o o

to c mmence Y perhap s feel ha

o .p ss e ss na u ral alent an d
ou t t yo u o t t
ab il i y an d i f
t nly ha d s me enc u rage an d d irect
yo u o o o ne to o yo u
in the right channel f h u gh c u l d a k e u p u r w rk with

o t o t, y o u o t yo o

renewe d energy an d increa s e d h pe an d make a su cce ss f i t Thi s o o

i s where a memb er s hip in h C l ub w u l d help ; f i w u l d


t e o yo u or t o

su ppl y h mi ss ing link b e ween y an d su cce ss hr u gh h a ss i s

t e t ou t o t e t
ing in flu ence f every memb er Y w u l d nce b ec me a link

o . ou o at o o

with the her memb er s in h chain that m ve s the machinery f

ot , t e o o

su cce ss Their c m b ine d men al s reng h w u l d b e u ni e d w ith y u r s

. o t t t o t o

an d b e f re su ch a m igh f rce all bs acle s give way

o ty o o t .

S uccess fu l M en

G u l d R c k e f eller M rgan V an d er b il
o , o R h s chil ds Wana ,
o t, o t
maker S ewar D epew E d i s n Pu llman A rm u r M ars hall 'iel d
, ,

, t t, , o o

an d ther s w su cce ss in heir re spec ive s phere s b eca us e hey

, , ,

o , on t t t
applie d heir th u ghts an d e ff r s in h righ d irec i n an d b aine d
t o o t t e t t o O t
the a ss i stance an d men al in flu ence f h us an ds f pe ple

t o t o o o

Th u ghts are hing s an d M en ali sm i s h sub le f rce by


' ”
o t , t t e t o

which h u ght s are in elligen l c nvey e d f r m

t o an her t t y o o o ne to ot

The c ncentra ing an d cen ralizing f hi s grea f rce by h us an ds


o t t o t t o t o

o f min ds u p n a pecial sub ject , a cer a in h u r alwa s crea e s

o S at t o y t
c n d i i n d e s ire d The B i b le says hat I f y e will all pray

t e o t o .

I t i s by u ni n hat streng h i s increa s e d o t hi s mental f rce b e t . T o ca n

e x er e d a s c u re d i s ea s e pr l ng li fe an d crea te ha ppine ss a s
t so to o o

well a s c u re su cce ss
, , ,

to no n- .

I nst u cti ons r

Each mem b er f the cl ub i in stru cte d in the us e Of the Law f

o s o

M entali sm hat he ma y hr u gh it create f him s e l f an d f

, so t t o or or

o thers the element s f su cce ss While every man an d w man p

, o . o os

s e ss ing a kn wle d ge f hi s law can a ss i st him s el f her s el f

o o t or to
su cce ss still they can have hat a ss i stance increa s e d a th us an d
, t o

f l d i f hey are al s in harm n y wi h an d receive the mental help

o , t o o t ,

an d in flu ence f r m a th u san d pe ple w h are alrea dy attaining s u c

o o o o

ce s s Then i f hat n u mb er i s increa s e d ten h usan d the s u cce ss

. t to t o ,

will b e increa s e d in a c rre s p n d ing rati The mental vi b rati n s o o o . o

o f memb er are streng hene d by h s e f all the memb er s f h

o ne t t o o o t e

cl ub E very mem b er will us e hi s M ental f rce help

. an d o to yo u , yo u
in retu rn will s en d y u r men al vib rati n s t u ni te wi th heir s o ut o t o o t
an d help them A s hey b ec me m re s u cce ssfu l y u r su c ce ss will t o o , o

increa s e f w il l all b ec me a s grea min d an d hink wi th


or yo u o o ne t t
o ne acc r d o .

Pro fe s sor S e gno s A ss i stance

A s h P re s i d en f h C l u b P r fe ss r S egn ( p r n u nce d
t e t o t e , o o o o o

S g e ' ta k e s a p er s nal in ere st in every mem b er an d

no perate s
o t , c o -o

with hem twice a d ay an d us e s h fu ll s rength f hi s men al

t , t e t o t
f rce in their b ehal f H e th us keep s every mem b er in harm n y wi h
o . o t
h i m s el f an d wi th each ther Th m re per fect the harm ny e i st o . e o o x

ing b etw een h M en ali sm f all the mem b er s the greater i s the
t e t o ,

f rce an d efficac f the vi b ra i n s The vi b ra ti n s th at P r fe ss r

o y o t o . o o o

S egn i s ab le pr du ce in pe ple thr u gh b eing in harm n y wi th

o to o o o o

t hem i s ften fel t by hem th u gh th usan ds f mile s d i stant a s a

o t . o o o ,

s en s a i n s imilar a s ligh t elec ric sh ck I t i s by thi s p wer al ne

t o to t o o o .

that he ha s ma d e su ch marvel u s c u re s f p aral ys i s an d ther


o o o

d i s ea s e s f l ng stan d ing o o .

W h en t Jo i n t h e C l u b o

There i s b etter time han h p re s ent f pp rtu n i ty i s

no t t e , o r o o

kn ck ing a t y u r d r an d d elays are d anger us e spe c iall y a s

o o oo , o ,
vo u

have m u ch l s e by wai tin g an d m u ch g in by actin g w

so to o so to a no .

I f su cc e s s an d c n entment f min d are w r h havin g at all hey are

o t o o t . t
w r h h aving N OW Th larger h mem b er s hip the str nger wi ll
o t . e t e o

b e the p wer f s ucc e s s an d the m re w n d er fu l will h the re su l t s

o or . o o e

acc mpli she d There f re y s h u l d

o . nl y j in the c l ub y u r s e l f
o , ou o no t o o o ,

bu t s h u l d per su a d e y u r f r i en d s an d a c'u aintance s j in al s

o o to o o .

Y ou nee d their in fl u ence an d a ss i stan c e j us a s m u ch i f m re t , no t o .

than y d th s e f stranger s L et us harm nize wi th the C l u b

ou o o o . o .
hi n g S uccee d s li k e S uccessN ot
B ear in min d hat L i k e a tt ra ct s li k e There f re w hen y t . o ou

are su cce ssfu l y will att ract y su cce ssfu l p ple b u t a s l ng ou to ou eo , o

a s y are u n su cce ssfu l y will attract p e ple f a li k e natu re


ou , ou o o .

A ll w y u r s el f
o b e place d in harm ny with the memb er s f the
o to o o

S eg Su cce ss C l ub an d y will s n b ec me su cce ssfu l an d t

no ou oo o a

t ract t y the cla ss f pe ple wh can an d w ill a ss i st y t

o ou o o o , , ou o

gre ter su cce ss


wi s h make a su cce ss ? Y s h u l d d eci d e thi s 'u e s


D y o ou to ou o

ti n t d ay I f y d eci d e in fav r f su cce ss then ta k e a dvan tage

o o ou o o ,

f thi s pp rt u ni ty t a ss ciat e y u r s el f wi t h the M en tal in flu ence


o o o o o o

o f all th mem b er s f t hi s C l u b an d y
e w ill b le ss the d ay y o ,
ou ou

ma d e the d eci s i n Up n receipt f y u r applicati n f memb er o o o o o or

ship sta ting y u r age s e x whe her marrie d s ingle an d th b u s i


o t or , e

ne ss y f ll w h S ecretary will s en d y fu ll in str u cti n s f

, , ,

ou o o t e ou o or

a king the trea ments f the cu re f su cce ss an d will n ti fy


t t or o n o n- , o

y ou o f h d at e an d h u r tha t
t e will b e harm nize d with th ther o yo u o e o

mem b er s f the C l ub o .

M em b ers h ip 'e e
Th f ee f mem b er ship in the S egn S u cce ss C l u b i s O D l
e or o ne o

lar per m nth Ten D llar s per y ear payab le in a d vance A new
o or o

harm nizing key an d a dd iti nal in str u cti n s are s ent each m nth t

o o o o o

every mem b er in g d s an d ing Th k ey i s s ent previ us t the fir s op t . e o o t

o f each m n th that there will b e lap s e f the su cce ss treat

o , so no o

ment I n st ru cti n s e xplaining the Law f M entali s m an d h w t

. o o o o

us e i t in ta k ing an d giving h S u cce ss Treatmen ts are al s s ent


t e o

each memb er

to .

I s S uccess wort h O D o ll ar ? ne

If y have any d ubt a s t th val u e f thi s m u tu al mental

ou o o e o co

o pe ati n y w i t y u r s el f t te s t i tru th b e f re pa ss ing an

r o , ou o e to o o ts o

Opini n u p n i t o Then j in h cl ub fo m nth ; th e x periment

. o t e o r o ne o e

will c st y b t very little an d it will sati sfy y a s t th meri s

o ou u , ou o e t
o f claim s Y w u l d t b e u nj ust a s t cri tici s e s mething
o ur . ou o no so o o

y ou have t inve stigate d an d c n s e'u entl y kn w n thing f Y

no o o o o ou

can pr ve t y u r s el f an d ther s that y are amb i ti us an d h


o o o o ou o on

e stly d e s ire t su ccee d b y giv i ng th me th ds f t he C l u b a f air t rial

o , e o o

W are certain hat i f y b ec me a memb er y will re c eive


e t ou o ou so

m u ch b enefit du ring th fir st m n h hat y will s ee that i t w u l d b e


e o t t ou o

a pr fitab le bus ine ss inve stment t remain a permanent memb er D

o o o

d elay S en d in y u r applicati n t d ay

no t o o o

A dd re s s

S E G N O S U C C E SS C L U B ,

L OS A N G ELE S C A L U s A , .
, . . .

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