Relationship Over Religion
Relationship Over Religion
Relationship Over Religion
Communication is key for any relationship to exist, but in order to communicate, a
foundation of love an trust has to be established.
● Indonesia trip, giving leaders training to the youth leaders
● Was asked by the youth leaders there how to deal with youth problems such as
commitment and discipline issues
● They could not communicate
● It all starts with relationship because if they do not trust you, they wont listen to you
● It won’t work if you create rules for them without relationship (how to dress, who
you can and cannot talk to, even how to do devotion, lead and pray)
● It is the same with us and God
Before we look at communication, we must first establish a relationship. Relationship is
important in Christianity that without there, there is no purpose for the Religion
Last Sunday
● Man and God had reconciliation because man broke the relationship with God
● That is why religious laws had to be implemented but God never stopped loving man
● He sent Christ
● The closer you get to God, the more you begin to love what he loves
● This is because you can understand His heart
Sometimes, we forget about the relationship and focus on the religion (just like parents and
children, following household rules to the point of forgetting the relationship)
● It is unhealthy because you are not dealing with the problem or issue but just using
scriptures as a band aid and in church u smile but inside you are hurt
● Religion can deny reality and causes us not to be honest with ourselves. Guilt shame
prevents us from being ourselves. It become a religious Spirit
● Fear of disappointing other Christians
● Our humanity doesn’t go away just because we become Christians
● This causes a communication breakdown and inevitably a relationship breakdown
Jesus’ focus was all about relationship with Him and the Father. His actions throughout the
gospels shows that he would value relationship over religious practices
● Built relationship with His disciples before calling them
● His communication skills were such that even now we are still talking about it
● (Matt 4:18-22. / Lk 5:1-11 / Jn 1:35-42)
Relationship with God is just like relationship with men because we were made in His image. It
takes Love, Trust and Communication to work out.
● God first loves us by sending His Son to die for our sins (John 3:16)
● He established that He trust us with the power of the Spirit and that we should trust
him in all things (Isa 41:10 / Jer 17:7-8)
● He is waiting for us to communicate with Him in order to strengthen our relationship
● What does this have to do with communication? What we do to others equals to
what we do for Christ (Mat 25:40-45)
● Is your relationship with God where it should be? Or have you been focusing too
much on the religion. God’s Grace Covers all