Alarm Shelving Exida Ebook PDF
Alarm Shelving Exida Ebook PDF
Alarm Shelving Exida Ebook PDF
Alarm Shelving.
Table of Contents
01: Introduction 4
09: Conclusion 25
10: References 26
In an ideal world, every control system alarm would indicate a COMMON CONTROL SYSTEM VENDORS
malfunction or abnormal condition that required operator action.
In reality, alarms that are irrelevant or annunciate excessively—
ABB System 800xA
otherwise known as nuisance alarms—pop up from time to time.
They pose a risk to successful operation of the plant because they Emerson Delta V
Siemens PCS 7
Alarm shelving provides a way for the operator to manage these
Yokogawa Centum with CAMS
nuisance alarms safely and securely. In fact, it is such an important
tool for alarm handling that it is now required control system
functionality per ISA-18.2-2016 and IEC 62682 (Management of
Alarm Systems for the Process Industries).
02: Defining Nuisance Alarms
Nuisance alarms do not behave like true alarms. Instead, they may not...
Type of Nuisance Alarm What It Does Additionally, nuisance alarms clutter the alarm summary and
Chattering Alarm Repeatedly transitions between active state process graphic displays, making it harder for the operator
and inactive state in a short period of time to detect when a new alarm has occurred. This information
(e.g., three times in one minute). overload causes operators to lose their sense of situation
Fleeting Alarm Same as Chattering Alarm, except it does not awareness, which compromises the effectiveness of the alarm
repeat rapidly.
system. This “alarm fatigue” will cause even the most vigilant
Stale Alarm Remains annunciated (in alarm) for an
operator to become desensitized to true alarms, increasing
extended period of time (e.g., 24 hours).
the likelihood that a problem will be misdiagnosed—or, worse,
“Bad Actor” Is one of the top ten or twenty most
frequently occurring alarms. ignored altogether.
Emergency Response
Emergency Response
Passive Protection
Loss of Containment (e.g. Bund/Dike)
Active Protection MATERIAL = B
Operator Intervention
Key takeaway: If you allow nuisance alarms to persist, you are compromising the reliability of the operator’s response to
an alarm. If you are claiming an alarm as a layer of protection or a safeguard, it may not work when needed, potentially
leading to an incident or additional demands on a safety instrumented system (SIS). Thus, you should not “take credit”
for alarms if you have significant nuisance alarm issues.
03: Why Nuisance Alarms Undermine
Operator Situation Awareness
Good process plant operators have keen situation awareness (SA), which is the ability to perceive, comprehend, and
anticipate changes in one’s environment. A high level of awareness helps them accurately observe alarm events, as well
as understand the full meaning and impact of those alarms in both the present and future.
However, this ability can be undermined by various factors, which are dubbed SA demons3,4
1. Attention tunneling: Focusing on one area or issue to an extent that alarms from
another area or issue are ignored.
2. Misplaced salience: Incorrect alarm priority or HMI representation of alarm importance
and other status information.
3. Errant mental models: Incorrect interpretation of what an alarm indicates or
mistakenly ignoring relevant alarms.
Why Do Operators Ignore Alarms?
There are numerous examples of where
the ignoring of nuisance alarms led to a
process safety incident3. An operator’s
reluctance to respond immediately to a
system that produces many false alarms
is a rational and expected behavior,
because responding takes time and
attention away from other important
tasks4. Therefore, the best way to reduce
human error in alarm management is to
eliminate nuisance alarms.
04: How Alarm Shelving Reduces
Nuisance Alarm Fatigue
Alarm shelving enables operators to temporarily remove nuisance alarms until the underlying problem can be addressed.
»» Temporary
»» Different from disabling the alarm
»» A safe and secure way to suppress an alarm
»» A form of alarm suppression initiated and controlled by the operator
The alarm is temporarily moved from the alarm summary display to a shelved
alarm display, otherwise known as a “shelf.” It stays on this shelf until it is Shelved alarms are
cleared by the operator, or when the maximum shelving time period is reached.
It is also tracked in the system. configured to return
after a designated
Alarm shelving is different than disabling or deactivating the alarm, which would
need to be tracked outside of the system and is more likely to be forgotten.
period of time.
There are two types of alarm shelving, and each handle nuisance alarms
differently. Some control systems provide both types, while others support
just one type (continuous).
Shelving Type Behavior (If the alarm clears and re-annunciates within the shelving time period…) Best for
Continuous Shelving It will automatically be re-shelved without Chattering Alarms, Fleeting Alarms
additional action by the operator.
One-Shot Shelving The new alarm instance will be displayed to the op- Stale Alarms
erator and must be re-shelved.
05: Answers to Common Concerns about
Alarm Shelving
1. “Our operators cannot be trusted with alarm shelving.”
We trust operators to monitor and control critical processes with expensive equipment and to make the correct
decision when something goes wrong. So why wouldn’t we trust them to use alarm shelving appropriately? All you
need to do is train your operators on the importance of alarm shelving, when to use it, and proper procedures.
4. “Alarm shelving will enable our operators to continue ignoring the alarms
instead of addressing the issue.”
With training, operators will learn the correct protocol when they shelve an alarm, such as creating a
maintenance work order. To ensure these alarms are not being ignored indefinitely, management should regularly
review shelved alarm reports and ensure that the underlying issues are being corrected in a timely fashion.
06: Alarm Shelving Guidelines for Your
Alarm Philosophy
Once you’ve decided to move forward with alarm shelving, you need to create guidelines and
add them to your alarm philosophy.
Your alarm shelving guidelines should clarify the following:
4. What type of training will be provided to operators to learn the correct alarm shelving procedures?
5. What action should be taken upon discovery of operator misuse of alarm shelving?
07: Alarm Shelving Functionality and
Display Requirements (ISA-18.2)
The ISA-18.2 and IEC 62682 alarm management standards define requirements and recommendations for alarm
shelving functionality.
The following information can be used as a checklist to help evaluate and leverage the functionality provided by your
control system supplier.
Information to be shown in a Shelved Alarm Display (ISA-18.2-2016)
Functionality of a Shelved Alarm Display (ISA-18.2-2016)
08: Overview of Alarm Shelving
Functionality in Common Control Systems
Alarm shelving is an important alarm handling tool
for the operator. As a result of the adoption and
promulgation of the ISA / IEC alarm management
standards, control system suppliers have enhanced
their offerings to provide alarm shelving as a core
function in the control system. Each supplier has
implemented suppression functionality differently.
The following section provides an overview of shelving
functionality for several of the most common control
ABB System 800xA
Continuous 3
One Shot 3
»» When shelving an alarm, the operator can select from predefined shelving period (2 hours is the default).
»» Alarm bands on process graphics indicate whether there any shelved alarms in a particular process area.
»» Can be defined to require no authentication, operator authentication, or authentication by operator and supervisor (dual signature).
Emerson DeltaV
Continuous 3
»» Each alarm has an individually configurable alarm shelving time period (in engineering
»» Setting the shelving time period of an alarm to 0:0:0 D:H:M prevents the alarm from being
»» In V12 and earlier, one form of manual suppression was available. It can be used for
shelving or out-of-service (long-term suppression) depending upon the value of the
shelving time period. In V13 and later, alarm shelving and out-of-service are separate and
independent functions.
»» Shelved alarm list displays time remaining until alarm comes off the shelf.
»» When shelving an alarm, the operator can document the reason for shelving by selecting
from a list of predefined reasons.
Honeywell Experion
Continuous 3
»» When shelving an alarm, the operator can document the reason for shelving by selecting from a list of predefined reasons.
»» For each shelving reason, a range of shelving time periods can be established, along with a default shelving time period.
»» The operator can enter the desired shelving time period based on the range associated with the shelving reason.
»» When shelving an alarm, the operator can enter an optional free-form comment to provide additional information.
»» Symbols on graphic display indicate both that alarm is shelved and the priority that alarm would be.
Reason for Shelving Shelving Period Default Shelving Time Period Enter Comment (Detail Reason)
for Shelving)
Rockwell PlantPAx
Continuous 3
»» A maximum alarm shelving time can be defined individually for each alarm (default is 8 hours).
»» When shelving an alarm, the operator can set the shelving duration to any time that is less than or equal to the maximum shelving time
defined for the alarm.
»» When shelving an alarm, the operator can enter an optional, free-form comment to document the reason for shelving.
Siemens PCS 7
Continuous 3
»» Single setting for alarm shelving time that gets used for all alarms.
»» Operator has ready and easy access to the list of alarms that are shelved.
Yokogawa Centum with CAMS
Continuous 3
One Shot 3
»» Alarm shelving can be enabled / disabled on an alarm-by-alarm basis (SIS alarm has shelving
disabled by default).
»» When shelving an alarm, the operator chooses the maximum shelving time by dragging the alarm to
a shelving folder with a predefined timeout (e.g., 30 mins, 1 hour, 8 hours, or 24 hours).
»» Operator has ready and easy access to the list of alarms that are shelved.
»» When shelving time has elapsed, the operator must manually unshelve the alarm by dragging it
back to the active alarm list.
»» Security & Access control can be used to manage which shelving times are selectable by the user.
09: Conclusion
Alarm shelving is an important tool for helping operators deal with nuisance alarms. Long-term exposure to nuisance alarms desensitizes
operators to the importance of alarms and causes them to distrust the control system.
Alarm shelving is also mandatory functionality to be provided by a control system, as defined in the ISA-18.2-2016 and IEC 62682 alarm
managements standards.
End users should explore the alarm shelving functionality provided by their supplier and establish a procedure that meets their operational
requirements. They should also be sure to put in place the checks and balances that ensure shelving is being used properly and that
underlying alarm issues are being addressed.
10: References
ANSI/ISA-18.2-2016. “Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries.”
IEC 62682:2014. “Management of alarm systems for the process industries.”
Dunn, D.G., et al, “When Good Alarms Go Bad: Learning from Incidents,” 70th Annual Instrumentation and Automation
Symposium, Texas A&M Univ. (Jan. 2015)
Endsley, M., “Designing for Situation Awareness: An Approach to User-Centered Design,” CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL
Sands, Nicholas P., et al, “Plug the Holes in the Swiss Cheese Model,” Chemical Engineering Progress, an AIChE
publication (Sept. 2017).