Interface de Comunicaciones Analizador Thermo 42C
Interface de Comunicaciones Analizador Thermo 42C
Interface de Comunicaciones Analizador Thermo 42C
1.0 General
The CPP-3794 supports serial interfaces with the following Thermo instruments;
The Thermo instruments require a unit ID and come from the factory with a default
analyzer ID. The factory ID default is the model number. For example, the Model 43C,
SO2 analyzer has a factory ID default of 43, and the Model 42C, NOX analyzer has a
factory ID default of 42. Any serial communications with a Thermo instrument must start
with a special character that is the unit ID plus 128. For a Model 42 this turns out to be
10101010 in binary or 0AA in hexadecimal. These characters are difficult for a user to
generate from a keyboard, so the CPP will calculate and insert these special characters.
The CPP polls the instrumentation once a minute. The Thermo instruments require two
interrogations. The first Interrogation is to retrieve the present data reading, and the
second interrogation is to retrieve the instrument status. The retrieved status information
is decoded by the CPP and appended to the status of the data values. Internal
operational alarms, high or low data values and status indications are contained in the
received status and are decoded by the CPP. Reference the CPP manual for a more
detailed discussion of status indicators.
The operator can also communicate directly with the instrumentation. This feature is
presented in the Operator/Instrument Interface section of this appendix.
2.0 Connections
The pin assignments for the 9 pin DB to RJ-11 connector are presented below. The
DB9 female to RJ-11 will plug directly into the CPP and a Teco Instrument. The pin
assignments assume that a standard, twisted telephone cable is used.
9 Pin Color RJ-11 RJ-11 Signal@CPP
2 Rx Blk 2 2 - Tx
3 Tx Yel 5 5 - Rx
5 Gnd Grn 3 3 - Gnd
pin RS-232 cable is connected to an open connector on any of the instruments and
connected to a comm port on the CPP.
Another approach is to run a separate cable from separate comm ports on the CPP to
each Thermo instrument. Additionally, any combination of the above two methods can
be utilized.
It should be noted that if more than one analyzer of the same type are "daisy chained"
together then the analyzers must be given different ID's and the CPP set up accordingly.
If this is not done, then both instruments respond to a CPP interrogation, which results in
a garbled reception and data loss. This is not true if the analyzers are connected to
separate comm ports on the CPP.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 RTS Output
2 TX+ Output of CPP
3 Gnd (TX- in RS-422/485)
4 Gnd (RX- in RS-422/485)
5 RX+ Input to CPP
6 CD Input
H2NS can also provide RS-232 connectors that are terminated in an RJ11 connector.
One of the RS-232 connectors can be connected to an instrument and then connected
with an RJ11 cable to the CPP. The wire colors for the 9 pin, DB male and female
connectors are given below
3 Grn Red
4 Red Grn
5 Blk Yel
6 Wht Blu
RJ-11 Connection
The pin assignments for the 9 pin DB connectors are presented below. The DB9 female
to RJ-11 will plug directly into a Thermo Instrument. The pin assignments assume that a
standard, twisted telephone cable is used.
9Pin DB To Thermo
9 Pin Color RJ-11 RJ-11 Signal
2 Tx Blk 2 2 - Rx
3 Rx Yel 5 5 - Tx
5 Gnd Grn 3 3 - Gnd
In normal operation the CPP controls the time clocks in the instrumentation. Following a
power up condition, and then periodically, the CPP downloads the time and date to all
connected instrumentation. If the time or date is changed in the CPP, the CPP sends
the new settings to the instrumentation as well.
The comm ports in both the CPP and the Thermo instruments can be setup for either
RS-232 or RS-485 communications. Switch settings in the CPP and in the Thermo
instruments select the type of operation. Both should be set to the same mode.
Reference section 2.2 of the CPP manual for more discussion regarding the serial port
configurations. Table 1 below provides the pin connections for either configuration.
The Thermo instruments default to 9600 Baud operation. This can be changed. It is
only important that the Baud rate in both the CPP and the instrument be the same. The
Thermo instrumentation RS-232 word length should always be set for 8 bits, no parity,
and one stop bit.
The Thermo instruments have a dip switch on the motherboard. Position #1 on this dip
switch should be on enabling the remote I/O capability. From the parameter display, the
instrument can be toggled between Remote and Local operation. The front panel
display should display Remote.
3.0 Initialization
The CPP is initialized via the operator port, comm port #4. Entering an I<cr> results in
the CPP bringing up a Main Menu selection. Selecting the channel initialization results
in the CPP asking a series of questions as presented below. Operator responses are in
brackets, bold, and <cr> means a carriage return. The numbers 1.), 2.) and so forth are
used for discussion purposes only and are not printed in an actual system initialization.
2.) Name = NAME SO2<cr>
3.) Units = UNITS PPB<cr>
4.) Full Scale = 100.0 500.0<cr>
5.) Zero = 0.0 0.0<cr>
NOTE: The inputting of PPB as the measuring units in this initialization has
nothing to do with what the Thermo instrument is sending out over the serial
interface. Reference section 8.0 below to ensure that the set up units and
those being sent by the instrument are the same.
Line one simply asks which channel is to be initialized. A carriage return here exits
back to the Main Menu. In other steps, a carriage return input leaves the setting
unchanged and the CPP goes to the next question. In cases where the operator must
provide an input, the CPP asks the same question again.
Lines 2 through 5 request information that is not required for proper operation when
interfaced to an instrument over the serial port. It is, however, good operating
procedures to set these inputs to match those in the instrument. The correct full scale
and zero values are required if data stored in the CPP is being output to some other
device (for example, Odessa Engineering's Envicom program) in a binary format. This is
also true of channels set up as ADC input channels.
Channel names and channel units can be up to six characters in length. The full scale
and zero values can be four digits in length and the number of digits after the decimal
point (if a decimal point is used) must be the same in the full scale and zero inputs. The
inputs can also have a minus sign.
Line 6 lists all of the manufacturer drivers that are resident in this software version. In
the example, three manufacturers are presented. As the manufacturers are
alphabetized, the numbers delineating the various manufacturers will change depending
on how many drivers are installed.
In Line 7 of our example, the operator selected Thermo as the manufacturer. The CPP
then prints a list of the model numbers that are supported for the Thermo Environmental
instrument line.
In Lines 8 & 9, the operator input a carriage return, which selects the SO2 analyzer.
Line 10 is asking if the units are connected in a half of full duplex configuration. Almost
all instruments operate in a full duplex mode, which is the most straightforward method.
If half-duplex operation is required with Thermo instruments, please contact H2NS for
In Line 11 the CPP asks to which comm port this analyzer is going to be connected.
This is the connector on the CPP into which the cable from the instrument is plugged.
The allowable inputs are 0-8, which is nine comm ports. As discussed above, all
Thermo instrumentation can be plugged into the same comm port. In our example, the
operator selected comm port 3-2. The comm port nomenclature should not be made
overly complicated or confusing. Although comm Ports 3-0 through 3-8 are independent
serial ports, internally the comm port 3 designation references interfacing to the
instrumentation. Comm port 3-0 addresses comm port #3 physically located on the CPP
printed circuit board and labeled comm #3 on the CPP back panel. Comm ports 3-1
through 3-8 address comm ports physically located on the expansion printed circuit
board and are labeled comm 3-1 through comm 3-8 on the CPP back panel.
It should be noted that comm port #2 can be used to interface to some instrumentation.
The Thermo line of instrumentation is not included in that group, and should always be
assigned to a comm port number 3 designation. Comm port #2 is usually used with
instruments that broadcast, which is normally meteorological instrumentation.
In line 12, the CPP is asking what Baud rate should be used to communicate with this
instrument. This setting must be the same as that set up in the instrument, and sticking
with the manufacturer default (9600 Baud) is recommended.
Line 13 asks if an instrument ID is required. Instrument ID's are always required with
the Thermo instruments. Input the appropriate two digit ID. In the example, the user
input the SO2 default ID of 43. This could be any other code as well, e.g., 63. An
instrument ID of 00 indicates that no instrument ID is required, which is not allowed with
Thermo instrumentation.
Line 14 is asking if an IMD (Intelligent Multidrop Device) is installed in this comm port
cabling. The IMD, manufactured by H2NS, allows a number of different instruments to
be connected to a single comm cable. The instruments can have different protocols and
even different Baud rates. This is very useful when a collection of instrumentation is
located remotely from the CPP. The IMD allows only one cable to be run between the
CPP and the instruments, with the IMD providing the instrument multiplexing locally at
the instruments. The IMD supports addresses from 01 through 60. An address of 00
indicates that an IMD is not installed in this comm cabling.
Lines 15 & 16 are questions regarding data validity qualifiers. The first (line 15) asks
how many valid one minute samples the CPP must have to qualify the interim average
as valid. Question 16 asks the same in regards to the final average. Reference the
CPP manual for a more detailed discussion of status
Lines 16 & 17 This allows negative data values to either be accepted or set to zero.
Usually, negative values are set to zero, except during calibrations.
4.0 Calibrations
To set up this channel as a calibration channel reference the CPP manual. Calibrations
can be set up to be controlled by the Thermo instrument operating from its internal clock,
or by the clock in the CPP, or by an external controller. The CPP can be configured (by
channel) to detect external digital bits as calibration indicators, or the CPP can be
configured to generate contact closures to control calibrations.
The mode bits must indicate remote operation or the off line flag (L) is set.
Measurement Mode
The measurement mode bits must indicate auto or the off line flag (L) is set.
Gas Mode Status
The two bits are interpreted as presented in the manual, providing an indication of the
operational mode, either sample, zero or span.
The status bits provided are decoded in two groups. The first provides a high/low
indication for the data value, and the second provides an indication of any instrument
internal alarm.
The status bits provided are decoded in two groups. The first provides a high/low
indication for the data value, and the second provides an indication of any instrument
internal alarm
The status bits provided are decoded in two groups. The first provides a high/low
indication for the data value, and the second provides an indication of any instrument
internal alarm.
The status bits provided are decoded in two groups. The first provides a high/low
indication for the data value, and the second provides an indication of any instrument
internal alarm.
The CPP supports two modes in which an operator can communicate directly with the
connected instruments. One is an on line mode, in which the CPP interleaves operator
and polling commands, and the second is an off line, unabated pass through mode.
On Line Communications
Via comm port #4, the CPP has a menu that defines the appropriate commands
associated with the instrument selected. Via comm port #1, enter SETQ to switch comm
port #1 into comm port #4. Input D43<cr> and the CPP responds with a list of
instrumentation connected to the unit, as shown below;
Selection = 2<cr>
02 = THERMO NOX-42C - NOX Selected
CMD> ?<cr>
#NF01 = Local/Remote Operating Mode (%MODE)
#NF02 = Set Local Mode (%SET MODE LOCAL)
#NF03 = Set Remote Mode (%SET MODE REMOTE)
Note - this is an example, the actual list is much longer. The MORE> indicates that
more commands are available. At this point commands can be sent to the instruments
as well as from the CMD> prompt. A carriage return input presents more commands.
The CPP will provide a menu of the available commands for the selected instrument.
Referencing the above example, the operator can set the instrument to the remote mode
in two ways. The first is to send the command as specified by the instrument
manufacturer, e.g., [ %set mode remote<cr>].
The brackets [ ] are for clarity only and should not be included in the string. The percent
sign (%) is required as it apprises the CPP that the string input by the operator is to be
sent to the instrument. The CPP will insert the appropriate special characters required to
communicate with the Thermo instruments. It can also be inserted in the string by the
operator, but this can be difficult. This string command must be used if parameters are
to be sent to the instrument.
Alternately, the operator can input [#NF03<cr>] and the CPP will assemble and send the
command to the instrument. In both cases instrument responses are presented. A "No
Response" message is printed if the instrument does not respond. These abbreviated
commands can only be use to interrogate the instruments, not to send parameters to the
If the operator had input [#NF01?<cr>] the response would have been;
The first character following the #, in this example N, identifies that the operator is
communicating with an NOX instrument. Had the SO2 instrument been selected, the
commands would have a format of #SF01. The ozone instrument would be #OF01, and
the CO instrument would be #CF01.
In the pass through mode, strings can then be sent to the instrument with the
%[string]<cr> inputs. The CPP remains in the pass through mode with this channel until
it is exited as discussed below, or the pass through times out from inactivity. To select
another channel, the pass through mode can be exited and reentered with another D43
input, or at the CMD> prompt, enter an M<cr>. The CPP will present a listing of all
instruments connected and ask for a selection. Select the channel desired.
To terminate the pass through mode input [^<cr>] at the CMD> prompt. If a character is
not input for two minutes, the CPP times out and the pass through mode is exited
The CPP remains on line collecting data even in the pass through mode. Operator
commands are interlaced with the CPP normal polling or interrogation commands.
The three most common causes of errors are, the cable does or does not need a null
modem, or the cable is connected to the wrong comm port on the CPP, or the Baud rate
set in the CPP does not match that set in the instrument. With Thermo instrumentation,
another source of potential error is that the instrument must be set for REMOTE
operation (which enables the RS-232 port) and the instrument ID set up in the
instrument must match that set up in the CPP.
From the main screen (data values being displayed) on the Thermo instruments, the
Remote/Local selection can be toggled by depressing the ENTER push-button. The
Local mode must be selected to make changes in the instrument from the front panel,
but it needs to be returned to the Remote mode for proper system operation.
The units that are being transmitted can be determined by sending a query command to
the instrument. As presented in section 6.0 above, enter the operator interface to the
instrument and send [ %GAS UNIT<cr>]. The instrument will respond with “gas unit ppb
(or ppm or µg/m3).” The units can be changed by sending [ %SET GAS UNIT PPM
<cr> (OR UG/M3) ]. The instrument will respond with “set gas unit ppm ok.”