A Detailed Lesson Plan in MTB

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in MTB- MLE for Grade 3


At the end of a 50-minute lesson, the pupils are expected to do the following with 75%
level of proficiency:

a. Identify antonyms.
b. Give examples of antonyms.
c. Use antonyms in a sentence.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Antonyms

Reference: MTB-MLE Learning Material 3

Materials: Cartolina, Manila Paper, Pentel pen

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
B. Motivation
This is a stuff toy.
Class, I have some things here on the
table. Who wants to go in front and tell
what are these?
(I will show a stuff toy,stone, a short
,pencil and a ruler)

What did you feel when you touch the It is soft.

stuff toy? It is a tone. It is hard.
Another? It is a pencil and it is short.
Very good, what else? A ruler. The ruler s long.
And , what’s the last thing?

C. Presentation of the Lesson

I am glad that you were able to tell what are

the things I showed you. Now look at the
selection on the board. Who among you
wants to read it? Yes, Maica?

I am the opposite of my father. But we I am the opposite of my father. But we

always bond together. My father is tall and always bond together. My father is tall and
thin while I am short and stout .I have a fair thin while I am short and stout.I have a fair
complexion just like my mom whie my father complexion just like my mom whie my father
has a brown skin. He likes salty foods while I has a brown skin. He likes salty foods while I
like sweet foods. I know how to take good like sweet foods. I know how to take good
care of my body because my father taught me care of my body because my father taught me
how to be neat. Even my father is old and I am how to be neat. Even my father is old and I
still young, we wanted to be together in am still young, we wanted to be together in
everything we do. My favorite is my father everything we do. My favorite is my father
and he wants me to be with him always and he wants me to be with him always
maybe because I am their only son and I have maybe because I am their only son and I have
two sisters. two sisters.
What have you noticed in the selection? There are underlined words.

What are the underlined words? Fair- brown

Tall- short
Son – sisters
Salty – sweet

Let’s read the words altogether. Fair- brown

Tall- short
Son – sisters
Salty – sweet

What have you noticed on the words? They are adjectives.

What else? They do not have the same meaning.

Very good. The words have opposite meaning.

Now, I will group you into two. The first group

will give the opposite of the word written on (The pupils started to do the activity)
each leaf and the second group will give the
opposite of each word on the fish scales. I will
give you five minutes to do the activity.

Now, let’s look at the work of group one. (The group one read their answers)
Group one please read your answers.

Are their answers correct? Yes.

Let’s give the group one a very good clap. 1,2,3 1,2,3 very good, very good, very good

Let’s now listen to group two. ( The group two read their answers)

Are the answers correct? Yes.

Let’s give them a bongga clap. 1,2,3 1,2,3 BONGGA!

Now you have answered the activity correctly, Words with the different meaning.
what do you think do we call them?

Yes. They are words with opposite meaning. Antonyms.

So, what do we call them?

Very good. Everybody, what do we call the Antonyms.

words with opposite meaning?

D. Generalization

What are antonyms? Antonyms are words with opposite meaning.

Will you give example of antonyms? Clean – dirty

Will you use clean and dirty in a sentence? Her shirt was clean when she went to school
and got dirty after class.
IV. Application
Now class, I will group you into four. Each
group will choose their leader. I will give the
envelopes to the leaders and discuss to the
group. Before you start, what are the rules in Cooperate to the group and work quietly.
doing an activity?

Very good. You may now start. I will give you

10 minutes to finish the activity.

Group 1 – Give five examples of antonyms

Group 2 – Make three sentences using
Group 3 – Complete the puzzle.
Group 4- Write the opposite of each word.

V. Evaluation

Encircle the antonyms in each sentence.

1.I have a thin and thick notebook.

2.The water in the ocean is deep while the
water in the stream is shallow.
3.There were small and big rocks fallen from
the mountain.
4.The poor seek help from the rich.
5.Anton has a strong body while Johns body is

VI. Assignment

Write a paragraph about your community

using the following antonyms.

1. clean- dirty
2. noisy- quiet
3. peace- violence
4. small- big
5. industrious- lazy

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