BI Analytics Overview

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Business Intelligence and Analytics A Comprehensive Overview

Presentation · August 2019


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Jack G Zheng
Kennesaw State University


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Business Intelligence
A Comprehensive Overview

IT 4713/6713 BI
Jack G. Zheng
Spring 2020 (since V1 2012)
This lecture notes provides a high level overview of business
intelligence and analytics. This overview is comprehensive and covers
as many aspects as possible, but it keeps them at a high level. More
details are provided in more learning modules.

• What is business intelligence (BI) and analytics?

– BI/Analytics as an information and decision process
– BI/Analytics as an information system

• General BI/Analytics process

• BI/Analytics systems and tools
– Values, capabilities, and components
– Technologies, architectures, platforms
– Products, industries, and markets

• BI evolution and trend: traditional BI and modern BI

• BI/Analytics learning and career

Types of Information Processing
For a more detailed comparison of OLTP and OLAP:

Transactional Processing
• Focus on data item processing
(data insertion, modification,
deletion), transmission, and Analytical Processing
non-analytical query • Focus on reporting, analysis,
transformation, and decision

• Change product price

• Increase customer credit limit
• Is there a significant increase of
• Who has not paid bills?
operational cost?
• What are the top 10 most
profitable products?

• The DIKW hierarchy depicts relationships between data, information,
knowledge (and wisdom).
– Data: raw value elements or facts
– Information: the result of collecting and organizing data that provides context and meaning
– Knowledge: the concept of understanding information that provides insight to information,
thus useful and actionable

• The model can be loosely relate to the levels of transactional processing

(OLTP) and analytical processing (OLAP)



For more extensive reading:

4 Different opinion:
Examples of Analysis
• Non-analytical query (search results based on certain conditions)
– Get a list of students enrolled in in the IT 6713 class.

• Descriptive analysis (summarizing)

– How many students are enrolled in online IT graduate courses for the past

• What if analysis
– If inventory levels are reduced by 10%, what is the new cost of inventory

• Reasoning and correlation

– What is the reason for a decrease of total sales this year?
– How do advertising activities affect sales of different products bought by
different type of customers, in different regions? (synthesizing)

• Fuzzy decision
– What new advertising strategies need to be undertaken to reach our
customers who can afford a high priced product?
– Should we invest more on our e-business?

What is Business Intelligence?
Business Intelligence is a set of methods,
processes, architectures, applications, and
technologies that gather and transform raw
data into meaningful and useful information
used to enable more effective strategic,
tactical, and operational insights and
Adapted from Forrester Report
“Topic Overview: Business Intelligence”, 2008
More BI from Forrester

• Different types of data
– Numeric vs. textual
– Structured vs. unstructured
– Standard format vs. proprietary format
– Internal vs. external data, system stored vs. file based data
– Raw fact data vs. simulated/forecast/estimated data
– Simple fact data vs. calculated metrics data

• Common data problems

– Structured, unstructured, semi-structured
• Information and knowledge management is the management of both structured data (15% of information) and
unstructured data (85% of information), according to the Butler Group.
• 80 percent of business is conducted on unstructured information (Gartner Group).
– Information overloading
• too much data and information with varied formats and structure
• difficulty of data organization for effective access and retrieval
• difficult to find useful information (knowledge) from them
• Multiple copies of data exists sometimes with conflicts
– Big data
• Variety, Velocity, Volume, Veracity
– Data everywhere
• Data in separate systems and different sources; internal and external
• Problem of spreadmart
• Over 43 percent of organizations have more than six content stores. (Forrester Research).
– Difficulty of access
• We may have that data but we cannot access it (or difficult to get it), because of technical issues or administrative
– Lack of data
• The data is simply not available.
• The collection of data may need additional process and is costly.

Decision Making
• Decisions can be made based on
– Facts, or data
– Simulation (models)
– Intuition, perception, sense
– Group negotiation

• Traditionally BI has been also understood as Decision Support System (DSS) –

known as data driven DSS (data directly contributes to decision without
intensive and advanced analytical techniques).
Extended reading: a brief history of DSS

• Problems in decision making

– A gap between data and knowledge (useful information leading to a decision).
– Management/operation by intuition
– Lack of effective feedback and alignment systems, no improvement cycles
– Need good analytical processing and models

• Evolving analytical needs in decision support

– Real-time, most recent data
– Business user driven, agile, instant
– Exploratory and interactive

Additional Notes about BI
• BI is the an umbrella term for a set of methods, processes, applications, and
technologies used to
– gather, provide access to, analyze, and report data and information
– support understanding and decision making
– A common goal in BI is to drive performance

• The evolution of BI resides both in “business” and “intelligence”

– The term “business” is more general and represents the application domain; not just
related to profit driven businesses.
– Traditionally BI is related to business or corporate operations, but can also extend to other
types of organizational contexts, like non-profits, governments, institutions, etc.
– Intelligence represents the resource and the techniques or methods

• Narrowly speaking, intelligence comes from data (facts). Traditional BI normally

does not directly address other content types and formats (which usually falls
under artificial intelligence).
– In this sense, BI focuses on analytical data processing.

• Broadly speaking, intelligence, or knowledge, comes from human experience

and tacit knowledge, in various format like text, image, video, etc.
– In this sense, BI is also related to knowledge management (either BI under KM or vice

Evolution of BI
1980s Executive information systems (EIS), decision support systems (DSS)

1990s Data warehousing (DW), business intelligence (BI)

2000s Dashboards and scorecards, performance management

2010+?? Analytics, big data, data science, augmented BI, …

The search for the perfect “business insight system”, from Performance Dashboard, by Wayne

“With each new iteration, capabilities increased as

enterprises grew ever-more sophisticated in their
computational and analytical needs and as computer
hardware and software matured.”

Solomon Negash (2004), Business Intelligence, CAIS (13)

Analytics Depending on perspectives, Analytics can
• Analytics has emerged as a catch-all term for a • include BI
variety of different business intelligence (BI) and • be part of BI
application-related initiatives. … Whatever the use
cases, “analytics” has moved deeper into the • = (the new) BI
business vernacular.

• Analytics refers to a more systematical,

automated, and flexible process of data analysis
for revealing insights and decision support in more
extensive application areas (beyond organizational
contexts), e.g. sports, disease, network traffic, etc.
Analytics can be
• Analytics initially referred to advanced statistical viewed as the
modeling using tools like SAS and SPSS. … Now,
analytics refers to the entire domain of leveraging evolved, expanded,
information to make smarter decisions. In other or improved BI
words, reporting and analysis.
– The Evolution of BI Semantics http://www.b-eye-

• Analytics is geared more toward future predictions

and trends, while BI helps people make decisions
based on past data. The Evolution of BI Semantics
– Christian Ofori-Boateng http://www.b-eye-
and-the-race-to-replace-decision-making-with- d.php

Analytics or BI
• We tend to call analytics rather than BI in the
following scenarios. But their processes and
technologies are very similar.
• Non-business activities such as
– Learning analytics
– Talent analytics
– Web analytics
– Sports analytics

• Non-organizational contexts; mainly used by

individuals or groups for public communication.
BI and Other Related Terms
• Big data
– “Big Data is not a system; it is simply a way to say that you have a lot of data.
– Big data covers non-structure and various data formats including text, blob, multimedia, etc.

• Data science
– An interdisciplinary field about processes and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms
– Focus on advanced analytics and presentation models and methods
– Using autonomous or semi-autonomous techniques and tools, typically beyond traditional BI to discover deeper insights,
make predictions, or generate recommendation.
– A good data scientist = data hacker + programmer+ analyst+ coach+ story teller+ artist (
– “In some ways, data science is an evolution of BI.”

• All these new terms try to differentiate them from the (traditional) BI. However, if one considers BI is a dynamic
and evolving field, then all these new terms are just extensions/expansions of BI; they all still fall under the
umbrella of the general BI.
– “In its more comprehensive usage, BI is all of the systems, platforms, software, technology, and techniques that are
essential for the collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of data assets within a given organization.” – Dataversity 2015
Report on BI vs Data Science

• More perspectives from the industry

– and

BI/Analytics: A General Process
Data can be The process involves analytical
analyzed components, such as
immediately in dimensional analysis, statistical Results are presented
many agile and delivered in different
The organization and analytical cases, analysis, data mining, and other human comprehendible
transformation of data without a formal advanced analytics to extract formats, to support
into clean and common managed storage. information and knowledge. decisions. It also
models and formats. includes data exploration
and reporting.

Data Data Data Data Data

Gathering Cleanse Storage Analysis Presentation

Data Preparation
Queries can also directly
The collection of raw present results to users
data from different The refined data will be modeled
sources by different (if needed) and stored in a without intensive
means, and in different particular place (e.g., a file or a analysis. This is usually
formats. data management system) and used for data exploration
ready for analysis. and descriptive reports.

BI in the Decision Process
Another view from the corporate decision perspective

General BI Capabilities Conception
This is consistent with the
general BI or analytics
process but more from an
information behavior angle.

Figure from: Business Intelligence, Rajiv Sabherwal, Irma Becerra-Fernandez, John Wiley & Sons, 2011
BI Systems and Platforms
• A BI system is a computer information system that
implements (part or whole) BI capabilities and processes
• The values of BI Systems
– Provide an integrated data (analytical) processing platform
– Enable easy and fast access of data and information at all
levels (raw data, analysis results, metrics, etc.)
– Streamline a controlled and managed process of data driven
decision making
• Enterprise level vs. personal level
– An enterprise level BI system emphasizes more on control
and performance.
– While a more user-oriented analytics platform enables
nontechnical users to autonomously execute full-spectrum
analytic workflows from data access and preparation to
interactive analysis and the collaborative sharing of insights.

BI System Components at a Glance
* Data management
usually includes a
data sourcing and • Performance
gathering management
component. This
component may be • Benchmarking
Data integrated with or Applications • Market research
independent from a
Management: data storage system. • CRM
Gathering and Presentation • Strategic
Storage • Web site analytics

• Relational database • Query • Reports • Local files

• Data warehouse • OLAP • Data visualization • Website Users with
• Data lake • Business analytics • Dashboard • Reporting server applications (browser,
• Data modeling • Statistics • Scorecards • Application server desktop app, mobile
• Data governance • Data mining • Strategy map • BI server app, email, etc.) and
• Data integration • Text mining • Visual analytics • Portal devices (computer,
• ETL • Advanced analytics • Free form results • Excel services tablet, phone, print-
• Data quality outs, etc.)
• Metadata
• Master Data
• Data virtualization Analytical Delivery and
Processing Sharing

Critical Capabilities of a BI and Analytics Platform
Gartner Magic Quadrant Report 2018/2019

• Infrastructure
– BI Platform Administration. Capabilities that enable scaling the platform, optimizing performance and ensuring high availability and disaster recovery.
– Cloud BI. Platform-as-a-service and analytic-application-as-a-service capabilities for building, deploying and managing analytics and analytic
applications in the cloud, based on data both in the cloud and on-premises.
– Data Source Connectivity. Capabilities that allow users to connect to the data contained within various types of storage platforms.

• Data Management
– Governance and Metadata Management. Tools for enabling users to share the same systems-of-record semantic model and metadata. These should
provide a robust and centralized way for administrators to search, capture, store, reuse and publish metadata objects, such as dimensions, hierarchies,
measures, performance metrics/key performance indicators (KPIs) and report layout objects, parameters and so on.
– Self-Contained ETL and Data Storage. Platform capabilities for accessing, integrating, transforming and loading data into a self-contained storage
layer, with the ability to index data and manage data loads and refresh scheduling.
– Self-Service Data Preparation. The drag-and-drop, user-driven data combination of different sources, and the creation of analytic models such as
user-defined measures, sets, groups and hierarchies.
– Scalability and Data Model Complexity. The degree to which the in-memory engine or in database architecture handles high volumes of data,
complex data models, performance optimization and large user deployments.

• Analysis and Content Creation

– Advanced Analytics. Enables users to easily access advanced analytics capabilities that are self-contained within the platform itself or available
through the import and integration of externally developed models.
– Analytic Dashboards. The ability to create highly interactive dashboards and content, with visual exploration and embedded advanced analytics.
– Interactive Visual Exploration. Enables the exploration of data via the manipulation of visual properties and visual forms representing aspects of the
dataset being analyzed. These tools enable users to analyze the data by interacting directly with a visual representation of it.
– Augmented Data Discovery: Automatically finds, visualizes and narrates important findings such as correlations, exceptions, clusters, links and
predictions in data that are relevant to users without requiring them to build models or write algorithms.
– Mobile Exploration and Authoring. Enables organizations to develop and deliver content to mobile devices in a publishing and/or interactive mode,
and takes advantage of mobile devices' native capabilities, such as touchscreen, camera, location awareness and natural-language query.

• Sharing of Findings
– Embedding Analytic Content. Capabilities including a software developer's kit with APIs and support for open standards for creating and modifying
analytic content, visualizations and applications, embedding them into a business process, and/or an application or portal. These capabilities can reside
outside the application (reusing the analytic infrastructure), but must be easily and seamlessly accessible from inside the application without forcing
users to switch between systems.
– Publish and collaborate Analytic Content. Capabilities that allow users to publish, deploy and operationalize analytic content through various output
types and distribution methods, with support for content search, storytelling, scheduling and alerts.

• Overall: Ease of Use, Visual Appeal and Workflow Integration.

A Practical System Architecture in MSBI

Note: this is only one

example of a typical and
Image from traditional BI system architecture. We will see
ementation-of-a-bi-system-using-microsoft-bi-stack- some more self-service
introduction/ oriented architecture later.

Data Management/Storage
• In traditional BI, a special database system called data warehouse or
data mart is often used to store enterprise data
– The purpose of a data warehouse is to organize lots of stable data for ease
of analysis and retrieval.

• Traditional (operational) relational databases facilitate data

management and transaction processing. They have two limitations for
data analysis and decision support
– Performance
• They are transaction oriented (data insert, update, move, etc.)
• Not optimized for complex data analysis
• Usually do not hold historical data
– Heterogeneity
• Individual databases usually manage data in very different ways, even in the same
organization (not to mention external data sources which may be dramatically

• The data warehouse approach is a centralized and structured approach

for analytical data management. For more recent personal BI/analytics,
data is also kept locally for easy access and manipulation, without much
technical support.
Data warehouse/mart will be
covered in details in module 4.
Data Gathering and Integration
• Enterprise level data are coming from multiple different sources, but need to be
combined and associated
– Operational databases Data is never clean!
– Spreadsheets
You will spend most of your time
– Text, CSV
– PDF, Paper cleaning and preparing data!

• The need to bring together different data/information

– Autonomous (may not have the control and management of data)
– Distributed (from different systems and places)
– Different (in data model, format, or platform)

• General processing steps - ETL

– Extraction: accessing and extracting the data from the source systems, including
database, flat files, spreadsheets, etc.
– Transformation: data cleanse, change the extracted data to a format and structure that
conform to the destination data.
– Loading: load the data to the destination database, and check for data integrity

• Traditional BI focuses on upfront separate ETL processes that load the data in a
centralized storage. In modern BI and analytics, data cleanse and
transformation may happen just-in-time with analysis.
ETL will be covered in details in
milestone 2 (module 5 and 6).
Analysis Techniques
• Descriptive reporting
– Structured and fixed format reports
– Based on simple and direct queries
– Usually involves simple descriptive analysis and transformation of data,
such as calculating, sorting, filtering, grouping, and formatting
– Ad hoc query and reporting

• OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

– A multi-dimensional analysis and reporting application for aggregated data
– Great for discovering details from large quantities of data

• Business analytics
– Business analytics (BA) is the practice of iterative, methodical exploration of
an organization’s data with emphasis on statistical analysis.

• Advanced and computation intensive: data mining, deep learning, etc.

– Data mining techniques are a blend of statistics and mathematics, and
artificial intelligence and machine-learning.

OLAP OLAP will be covered in details in
millstone 3 (module 7 and 8).

• OLAP is a function/operation that is optimized to answer queries

that are multi-dimensional
– OLAP solutions traditionally heavily rely on backend processing and
dedicated IT personnel
• Multi-dimensional queries
– A dimension is a particular way (or an attribute) of describing and
categorizing data
– Such queries are usually arithmetic aggregation operations (sum,
average, etc.) on records grouped by multiple dimensions
(attributes) at different aggregation levels.
– A pivot table or crosstab is usually used for OLAP result view
(aggregated data) Descriptive and
operational report
• Example analysis
– "What is the total sales amount grouped by product line (dimension
1), location (dimension 2), time (dimension 3) and … (other
– "Which segment of business provides the most revenue growth?"
More open and
exploratory analysis
Basic Techniques in Business Analytics
• Regression
– Reasoning, estimating the relationships among
• Forecasting
– Trend analysis, based on extrapolation of historical
• Correlation
– Relationship discovery between factors (but not
causal relationship)
• Factor analysis
– Determine impacting variables and their variability
Advanced Analytics
• Advanced Analytics is the autonomous or semi-autonomous
examination of data or content using sophisticated techniques
and tools, typically beyond those of traditional business
intelligence (BI), to discover deeper insights, make predictions,
or generate recommendations.
• Advanced analytic techniques include those such as
– Data/text mining: using sophisticated statistical and mathematical
techniques to find patterns and relationships among data
– Predictives
– Machine learning
– Complex statistical methods
– Pattern matching, forecasting, visualization, semantic analysis,
sentiment analysis, network and cluster analysis, multivariate
statistics, graph analysis, simulation, complex event processing,
genetic algorithm, neural networks

Levels of Analytical Processing

Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence

Presentation is key – be
Presentation a master of PowerPoint.

• The last mile of BI is the presentation of data or analysis to

human users
• Data presentation is the method by which people summarize,
organize and communicate information using a variety of tools,
including tables, diagrams/charts, and other visualization
• Multiple ways to present results
– Regular/periodical static reports
– Interactive and exportable reports
– Live and real time dashboard
– Free form ad hoc analysis
– Edited PowerPoint
• Presentation commonly utilizes data visualization techniques to
assist interpreting and presenting data in a visual way.
Reports and dashboards will be covered
in details in millstone 4 (module 9 to 11).

Data Visualization
• Data visualization is the graphical representation and presentation of data for the purpose of
perception and understanding

• Visualizing is basically a human physiological and psychological capability, and plays an

important role in human information behavior and decision making
– Recall or memorize data more effectively
– Enable fast perception based on instinct (see the figure on the right)
– Helps data comprehension and enhance problem solving capabilities (cognition)
– Extract/provoke additional (implicit) perspectives and meanings
– Ease the cognitive load of information processing and exploration
– Help to shape the attention and focus
– Effective communication (story telling)

• Data visualization in BI
– Data visualization is an important part of data exploration and decision making. Given the power of
visualization, it is only natural to apply the rich communication techniques in the field of BI and analytics.
– As organizations seek to empower non‐technical users to make data‐driven decisions, they must
consider the powers of data visualization in delivering digestible insights.
– Visualization tools have become increasingly important to business intelligence, in which people need
technology support to make sense of and analyze complex data sets and all types of information.
– Visualization can also be part of the analysis process (visual analytics)

Data visualization will be touched briefly in this course. For more coverage, take a look at
IT 7113 Data visualization and the overview at

• Reports
– A report is the presentation of detailed data arranged in defined layouts and formats
– Based on simple and direct queries: usually involves simple analysis and transformation of data (sorting, calculating,
filtering, filtering, grouping, formatting, etc.)

• Traditional reports contain detailed data in a tabular format and typically display numbers and text only.
– It is geared towards people who need data rather than a direct understanding or interpretation of data.
– Its purpose is mainly for printing (with styling) or exporting (raw data).

• Modern reports can be interactive and visual but the focus is still on detailed data. Sometimes the distinction is
a bit blurred with dashboards in some practical cases.
– A report style “dashboard” (or more like a visual intensive interactive report):
– Magic Quadrant report vs.
– Dashboard or report?

A dashboard is a visual-oriented display of the most
important data and information needed to achieve defined
goals and objectives; consolidated and arranged on a
single screen so the information can be viewed at a glance.
Adapted from: Dashboard Confusion, Stephen Few,

• Elements of a dashboard
Dashboard = data/information + visual + UI
– Data/information: the most important element
– Visual: data visuals (charts, etc.) provide an high level at-a-glance view
– User interface
• a clean UI that unifies all elements to work together as a whole
• supporting interactions as needed

• The Values of Dashboard

– Dashboards are a data visualization tool that allow all users to understand the analytics. For non-
technical users, dashboards allow them to participate and understand the analytics process by compiling
data and visualizing trends and occurrences.
– Provides a one-place presentation of critical information
– Allow decision makers to see a variety of data that affects their divisions or departments
• This allows decision makers to focus only on the items over which they have control
• The dashboard is generally customized for each user
– Quickly understand data and respond quickly at one place
• Save time over running multiple reports
– More
For more details, visit IT 7113 module on dashboard:
Delivery Medium
• Delivery is about managing and delivering data and
analysis results to users
– Traditional: portal, web app, email, FTP, etc.
– Modern channels: social sharing, cloud hosting, etc.

Figure from Database

Processing13th Edition, by
David Kroenke and David Auer

BI Users
(at different levels)

Technical vs. Business users

Figures originally from

Users Have Different Needs

Figure from

The Fit between Tools and Users

Gartner Report,
Select the Right Business Intelligence and Analytics Tool for the Right User
Published: 23 May 2016 Analyst(s): Cindi Howson

BI Trends

From Wayne Eckerson talk

The Modern/New BI
• A modern BI platform supports IT-enabled analytic content development. It is defined by a self-
contained architecture that enables nontechnical users to autonomously execute full-spectrum
analytic workflows from data access, ingestion and preparation to interactive analysis and the
collaborative sharing of insights. It moves from passive collection and use of data (reporting
driven) to proactive generation of data (business development driven).

• By contrast, traditional BI platforms are designed to support modular development of IT-

produced analytic content, and specialized tools and skills and significant upfront data
modeling, coupled with a predefined metadata layer, are required to access their analytic

Technology Insight for Modern Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms
Gartner Report, October 2015
Analytic Workflow Component Traditional BI Platform Modern BI Platform

Data source Upfront dimensional modeling required (IT-built Upfront modeling not required (flat
star schemas) files/flat tables)

Data ingestion and preparation IT-produced IT-enabled (business-led)

Content authoring Primarily IT staff, but also some power users Business users;

Analysis Predefined and regular reporting, based on Free-form exploration, ad hoc analytics
predefined model

Insight delivery Distribution and notifications via scheduled Sharing and collaboration, storytelling,
reports or portal; passive collection and use of open APIs
data (reporting driven).
Notable Trends/Features of the Modern BI
1. Self-service BI/Analytics: Business led, IT enabled

2. Advanced analytics (machine learning, deep learning, AI, etc.)

3. Embedded analytics: use of reporting and analytic capabilities directly in business applications

4. Search driven analytics: (aka clickless analytics) aims to build a report and charts on the fly, using web search style.
– Incorporating natural language processing
– A quick intro:

5. Augmented analytics: uses machine-learning automation to supplement human intelligence across the entire analytics life-cycle.

• Other notable trends and developments

– New data gathering techniques and technologies. New data sources and capability to capture more data. From passive collection and use of data
(reporting driven) to proactive generation of data (business development driven)
– In-memory processing (in-memory OLAP): emerging technology for processing of data stored in an in-memory database.
– Mobile BI/Cloud BI: new delivery method
– Visual BI or visual analytics Visual oriented, - visual-based data discovery capabilities
– Information/data portal
– Location intelligence
– Expanding application areas at all levels: in more extensive application areas, e.g. sports, disease, network traffic, etc.

• More trends

Self-Service BI
• [A solution for] end users designing and deploying their own reports and analyses within an approved and
supported architecture and tools portfolio.

• Key features
– Shifting focus from IT back to user: enables all kinds of users with varied skill levels to autonomously execute full-spectrum
analytic workflows. These users include traditional power users, data professionals or data scientists, managers and
business analysts.
– A more distributed and collaborative environment.
– The process is more flexible and agile, and responds to user needs quickly. Supporting ad hoc analytic needs, hence more
interactive and explorative.
– Self-service BI tools still have fundamental BI components and provide BI capabilities, but they are more integrated (in one
software package) than separated.
– Independent but very often work with enterprise systems.
– Good for individuals or non-corporate environments.

• Different levels of self-service

– Started from client oriented report building and data visualizations, and eventually extended to analysis models, and finally
to data discovery, preparation, and cleanse.

• Dashboards, reporting, end-user self-service, and advanced visualization are the top four most important
technologies and initiatives strategic to BI in 2018.

• The global self-service business intelligence market to grow from USD 3963.04 million in 2016 to USD
10992.96 million by 2023, at a CAGR of 15.69%.

IT Support in Self-Service BI
• The goal of self-service BI
– NOT to eliminate the need for IT
– Instead, to put data and results in the user’s hands and reduce the
burden on the IT department.
• “Self-service BI does remove much of the reporting burden from
the IT department. The IT department must control the data and
the user access. They’re responsible for keeping the data clean,
and ensuring that users can only access data they’re authorized
to see. The self-service BI tool only acts as a doorway for users
to access the IT-controlled data.”
• IT’s role
– Data management and governance, including security, access
control, data quality and accuracy, compliance, etc.
– Technical support for the systems and platforms, especially cloud

A Changing BI Platform

Technology Insight for Modern Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms

Gartner Report, October 2015

BI/Analytics Application Areas
• BI/Analytics can be applied in all “businesses” (industries,
functional areas, or domains) to drive “business” performance
– Companies (for profit) and financially related
• Retail, manufacture, real-estate, financial, sports, media, advertising,
entertainment, healthcare, publication, energy, etc.
– Public (non-profit)
• Organization, institution, association, community, etc.
– Government: citizen service, city planning, crime, immigration, etc.
– Personal: personal health, exercise, learning, eating, power
consumption, etc.
• BI can be applied at different levels
– Strategic: focused on high level organizational strategies and
– Tactic: focused on goals of a organization unit
– Operational: focused on streamlining day-to-day operations.

Sample BI/Analytics Applications
• Business management • IT management
– Strategic planning – Web analytics
– Performance management – App analytics
– Process intelligence – Security management
– Competitive intelligence
• Supply chain and Logistics
• Marketing and sales – Supplier and vendor management
– CRM – Shipping and inventory control
– Customer behavior analysis
– Targeted marketing and sales • Insurance
strategies • Government
– Customer profiling
– City planning
– Campaign management
– Traffic management
– Inventory management
– Urban Analytics
• Human resource/capital – Power usage
– HR analytics
• Education
– Talent management
– Learning analytics
• Project and program management – Student engagement and success
– Institutional effectiveness
• Power and energy management
• Social analytics
• Healthcare management
• Sports and games analytics

BI Market Major vendors
Worldwide Business
Intelligence and
Analytics Tools by
Vendor, 2016-2018
Major Vendors/Products
• Mega vendors provide complete solutions that cover full spectrum of BI processes.
– Microsoft: SQL Server, Power BI, SharePoint, Excel
– SAP: SAP BusinessObjects BI, Lumira
– IBM: Cognos, Watson
– Oracle: Oracle BI 12c
– SAS: SAS Enterprise BI

• More Other top BI tools, including self-service tools

– Others

• Open source tools, including BIRT, Pentaho, etc.


Vendor Positioning Notice this year Gartner
put analytics before BI.

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business

Intelligence and Platforms

BI/Analytics Careers
• Typical BI positions
– BI solution architects and integration specialists
– Business and BI analysts
– BI application developers and testers
– BI system support specialists
– Data warehouse specialists
– Database analysts, developers and testers

• BI jobs in Atlanta
Critical Knowledge and Skills
• Three competencies
– Technical, Business (management), Analytical

• Technical knowledge
– Knowledge of database systems and data warehousing technologies
– Ability to manage database system integration, implementation and testing
– Ability to manage relational databases and create complex reports
– Knowledge and ability to implement data and information policies, security requirements, and state and federal regulations
– Knowledge of client tools used by business users
– Knowledge of data models
– Knowledge of programming tools used in analytics

• Solution development and management

– Working with business and user requirements
– Capturing and documenting the business requirements for BI solution
– Translating business requirements into technical requirements
– BI project lifecycle and management

• Business and Customer Skills and Knowledge

– Effective communication and consultation with business users
– Understanding of the flow of information throughout the organization
– Ability to effectively communicate with and get support from technology and business specialists
– Ability to understand the use of data and information in each organizational units
– Ability to train business users in information management and interpretation

Sample Roles (from real world job ads)
Business Intelligence Specialist Business Intelligence Developer
• Maintain or update business intelligence tools,
databases, dashboards, systems, or methods. • Business Intelligence Developer is responsible for
• Provide technical support for existing reports, designing and developing Business Intelligence
dashboards, or other tools. solutions for the enterprise.
• Create business intelligence tools or systems, • Key functions include designing, developing, testing,
including design of related databases, spreadsheets, debugging, and documenting extract, transform, load
or outputs. (ETL) data processes and data analysis reporting for
enterprise-wide data warehouse implementations.
• Responsibilities include:
Business Intelligence Analyst
– working closely with business and technical
teams to understand, document, design and
• Technical skill requirements code ETL processes;
– Works with business users to obtain data requirements
for new analytic applications, design conceptual and – working closely with business teams to
logical models for the data warehouse and/or data mart. understand, document and design and code data
– Develops processes for capturing and maintaining analysis and reporting needs;
metadata from all data warehousing components. – translating source mapping documents and
• Business skills requirements reporting requirements into dimensional data
– Transform data into analytical insight and desire to models;
leverage the best technique to arrive at the right answer.
– Generate standard or custom reports summarizing – designing, developing, testing, optimizing and
business, financial, or economic data for review by deploying server integration packages and
executives, managers, clients, and other stakeholders. stored procedures to perform all ETL related
– Analyze competitive market strategies through analysis functions;
of related product, market, or share trends. – develop data cubes, reports, data extracts,
– Collect business intelligence data from available dashboards or scorecards based on business
industry reports, public information, field reports, or
purchased sources. requirements.
– Maintain library of model documents, templates, or other • The Business Intelligence Report Developer is
reusable knowledge assets. responsible for developing, deploying and supporting
reports, report applications, data warehouses and
business intelligence systems.

BI/Analytics Education at KSU
– IT 6713 Business Intelligence
– IT 7113 Data Visualization
– Certificate on data management and analytics

– The new concentration on “data analytics and technology” (starting fall
– IT 4713 Business Intelligence Systems

• Other departments
– Ph.D. in Analytics and Data Science
– ACS 8310 Data Warehousing
– IS 8935 Business Intelligence - Traditional and Big Data Analytics
– Certificate in High Performance Cluster Computing

• Lecture notes on BI and Data Visualization


Core Readings
• A quick, more conceptual and practical introduction of BI by Jared Hillam (Intricity):

• BI intro video by LearnItFirst (focused more on the traditional BI; there are some good points
which I do agree):

• Distinguishing Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Science:

• this is a very practical but not very comprehensive

view of BI

• Others
– A Brief History of Decision Support Systems by D.J. Power:
– Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence:
– History of BI (casual video with wacky visuals):

Good General BI/Analytics Resources
• General BI resource web sites
– BI and DW resource directory:
– BeyeNetwork:
– DSS Resources:
– ACM techpack:

• General learning resources


• Organizations and communities

– Dataversity:
– The Data Warehousing Institute:

• Paid industry reports: you may get some free reprints from some vendors after registration.
– Gartner annual report on “Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms”
– Gartner report “Technology Insight for Modern Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms”
– The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise BI Platforms (two versions, one for on-premise and one for cloud)
– Forrester Playbook:

• Industry experts and influencers

– Howard Dresner:
– Wayne Eckerson:
– Gregory Piatetsky:

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