Level, Easurement Nptel PDF

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Chemical Process Instrumentation

Prof. Debasis Sarkar

Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 46
Level Measurement

Welcome to 10; lecture 46. So, today will start our discussion on Level Measurements.
Similar to Temperature pressure flow measurements, measurement of levels is also an
important activity in any chemical process industries. Industries are required to store
several liquids in large containers. There required to store several liquids such as sub
various solvents, fuels, waters, other utility liquids etcetera.

So, it is required that industries keep a track of how much liquid or how much solvents,
water etcetera is there in the large containers at any given point of time. So, that
replacement can be done, whenever it is required. Although normally by level
measurement, we talked about measurement of liquid level. Measurement of solid level
is also important in certain industries. Particularly, measurement of level of powders,
granular solids etcetera; So, today, we will start our discussion on Liquid Level

(Refer Slide Time: 01:51)

So, today what will do is if first classify various level measuring instruments that are
available. Some of these instruments can also measure level of solids or granular solids
and then, we will talk about some level measuring instruments that you call Direct
Liquid Level Measuring Instruments.

So, wide variety of instruments are available for measuring the level of liquids, some of
these can also be used to measure the levels of solids that are in the form of powders or
small particles; meaning granular solids. A wide variety of physical principles are used to
measure levels. So, if you have various instruments various instruments will be based on
different principles.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:20)

So, a wide variety of physical principles are used to measure liquid levels. Common
types include sight, pressure, electric, sonic and radiation; For example, will see later that
the instrument based on radiation principle can be used for measurement of Liquid level
as well as Solid level.

So, sight, pressure, electric, sonic and radiation; these are the various physical principles
that are used to measure liquid level and some of these can also be used to measure solid
level. In some applications only a rough indication of level is needed and simple devices
such as dipsticks or float systems are adequate. However, in other cases for high
accuracy is required other types of instruments must be used.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:49)

Liquid level may be expressed in terms of the pressure of column that it exerts over a
datum level or the length of the liquid column.

So, Liquid level can be expressed either in terms of the pressure the column exerts over a
datum level; that means, in terms of head or the length of the liquid column.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:15)

So, this is one possible classification of level measuring instruments. Broadly you
classify them into two categories. Direct Measurement of Liquid Level, Indirect
Measurement of Liquid Level. So, under Direct Measurement of Liquid Level, we have
Dipsticks, Hook type, Sight glass, Float type level measuring gage, Displacer type level
measuring gage.

So, Dipsticks, Hook type, Sight glass, Float type and Displacer type; all fall under the
category of Direct Level Measuring Instruments. Indirect Measurement of Liquid Levels,
here, we do not measure the liquid level directly, but we measure something else and
infer the value of liquid level from that. For example, if you consider a liquid content in a
tank let us say open tank of non dimensions and if I measure the pressure at the bottom
of the tank using a pressure measuring instrument; I know that this pressure p equal to
density of the liquid tanks acceleration due to gravity times the length of the liquid in the

So, p equal to row g gage is a familiar equation. So, if I know if a measure pressure, I
know the density of the liquid; then, I can calculate easily the level of the liquid in the
tank that is gage. So, I measure some property related to the pressure and then, infer the
value of the level from this information. So, under Indirect Measurement of Liquid
Levels will have Hydrostatic pressure type, Bubbler or purge type, Capacitance type,
Ultrasonic type, Radiation type.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:32)

So, let us start with Direct Measurement of Liquid Level, will start with Dipsticks.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:41)

Dipsticks offer a simple and inexpensive means of measuring level approximately. It can
measure liquid level only approximately. Dipstick consists of a metal bar on which a
scale is etched. The bar is fixed at a known position in the liquid-containing vessel. A
Level Measurement is made by removing the instrument from the vessel and reading of
how far up the scale the liquid has wetted.

So, this is an extremely simple way of measurement of liquid level. It is something like
putting a scale in a container which contains the liquid level and we see that how far the
scale is wetted by the liquid. As a human operated is required to remove and read the
dipstick, this method can only be used in relatively small and shallow vessels.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:53)

So, an Ordinary Dipstick is shown here. It is a simple graduated rod that can be dipped
directly in an open tank to read the depth of liquid. You can see the graduations on the
dipstick. This is how oil level is normally measured in car engine. A dipstick cannot be
used for tall vessels or high-pressure tanks because high pressure tanks must be closed

Dipsticks gives visual indication of level only. It is Economical, but has low accuracy. It
is not possible to have continuous online measurement using such a simple method of
measurement, but where only a rough indication of the liquid level is necessary this will
give you an approximate indication of the liquid level in the tank or the container.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:10)

This is a slightly improved version of dipsticks; we call it Optical Dipsticks. So, what is
done is as follows. You have a Light source here.

So, he send the beam of light which gets reflected by this mirror. Then, it goes down
passes round the chamfered end. This is the chamfered end passes round the chamfered
end of the dipstick and the beam returns again gets reflected by another mirror and enters
the light detector. So, if the liquid level is below the Optical Dipstick due to total internal
reflection the light from a source is reflected from a mirror passes round the chamfered
end of the district and enters a light detector after reflection by second mirror.

Now, if the liquid level is say here; then, what happens is liquid level now will not reach
sorry the light will not now reach the detector. When the chamfered end comes into
contact with liquid, its internal reflection properties are changed and light is transmitted
into the fluid and no longer enters the detector.

So, if the liquid level is below the chamfered end of the dipstick, the light detector will
receive the light. When the liquid level is above the chamfered end or when the dipstick
is in contact with the liquid level; then, the liquid will be transmitted into the fluid and
the detector will not get the life. So, if I can bring this dipstick or if I can move this
dipstick, move dipstick up and down; it should be possible for me to find out the level of
the liquid by noting when the detector does not receive light.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:18)

So, by using a suitable mechanical drive system to move the instrument up and down and
measure its position, the liquid level can be monitored. The optical dipstick allows a
reading to be obtained without removing the dipstick from the vessel. Therefore, it is
applicable to larger and deeper tanks. Unlike ordinary dipstick, it is not necessary that we
have to remove the dipstick from the tank.

But of course, there should be a mechanical drive system to move the instrument up and
down. So, that the liquid the chamfered end of the dips of the optical dipstick comes in
contact with the top surface of the liquid level and the light translate into the fluid and
does not come back to the detector.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:21)

Next we talk about Hook Type level measuring instrument. So, this is another very
simple way of measuring liquid level. When the level of liquid in an open tank is
measured directly on a scale, the scale maybe in the liquid or outside it, it is sometimes
difficult to read the level accurately because of parallax error. In this case a hook type of
hook type of level indicator is used. What you see is a hook type of liquid level
measuring instrument.

So, this is the hook and here, you have scale. The hook is pushed below the surface of
the liquid. It is then gradually raised until the point is just about to break through the
surface. The hook is then clamped and the level is read on the scale.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:38)

Next we will talk about Sight Glass or Gage Glass as level measuring instruments. We
are talking about direct measurement of liquid level. Sight glass or gage glass is another
very simple level measuring instruments. It can be used to measure level of open tank as
well as close tank. So, sight glass or gage glass is nothing but a transparent, toughened
glass tube inserted into the side of the tank or vessel containing the liquid and there is a
calibrated scale etched on the toughened glass tube which is the sight glass. So, this is
the sight glass.

So, sight glass or gage glass is a transparent toughened glass tube inserted into the side of
the tank or vessel containing the liquid, together with a calibrated scale. Diameter of the
side glass tube should not be too large or too small. If it is too small, there can be
capillary effect. Liquids will keep level - so, the liquid level in the tank as well as in the
sight glass will be same and we can get the visual indication of the level in the tank or
the vessel.

So, sight glass offers simple inexpensive and direct measurement for clean or colored
liquid. Since, we are inserting this sight glass to the tank; this may weaken the side of the
tank. Also the transparent glass is liable to be broken or damaged.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:10)

Usually, the sight glass gages are installed with manual shut-off valves at both ends. So,
you have a shut-off valve you have another shut of valve. This is useful as you can
isolate the gage easily during maintenance or failure or quite replacement is necessary.
Usually, ball-check valves are used as the shut-off valves.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:54)

Next we talk about Level Measurement by Float. There are various different designs
available which makes use of Float for indication of liquid level in a tank or in a large
tall vessel. The design that is shown here is for open tank. A flexible chain or tape passes
over a drum type pulley holds the float on warning and a counter weight on the other
end. So, we have a float that I have put on the surface of the liquid level in the tank and
there is a counter weight and this float and counter weight are connected by a flexible
chain or tape and chain stay in a tape passes over this pulley. So, a flexible chain or tape
passes over a drum type pulley and this flexible chain or tape holds the float on one side
and a counter weight on the other end. Density of float material is less than the density of
the liquid.

So, the so, float will always be on the surface of the liquid. So, as the liquid level
changes, the float rides the surface level. So, as the liquid level goes down, the float also
comes down with the surface of the liquid level. As the liquid level goes up, float also
goes up with the surface level increasing. So, float rides the surface level to provide the
measurement. So, as the float goes up, the counter weight will come down. As the floor
comes down, the counter weight will go up. So, if I attach a scale here, the position of
the counter weight against the scale will tell me the position of the float inside the tank
and the position of the float is nothing but the measure of an indication of liquid level.
So, this scale can be calibrated directly in terms of liquid level in the tank.

So, from the position of the counter right against the scale, I can know the position of the
float inside the tank and position of the float will tell me the level of the liquid inside the
tank. As the float goes up the level of the liquid inside the tank is more. At the float
comes down, the level of the liquid inside the tank is less. The typical range is around 15
centimeter to 20 meter. If you visit a chemical process industry most likely you will see
this float chain type liquid Level Measurement as attached to very tall large storage
tanks. So, typical range is up to 20 meter. The float is usually made of copper with nickel
painting to avoid rusting. Note their Gage is almost independent of liquid density.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:32)

As you mentioned that there are various designs available.

So, this is another variation. So, here this is the float which is usually a spherical ball.
This is the weight float and ball. Float and the weight of the counter weight is connected
by this flexible tape or chain. This passes through this pulley and here, I have a pointer.
Here, I have attached the pointer which moves against this scale as the float goes up or
comes down. Standard floats are spherical or cylindrical.

We should use bigger diameters float for low density liquid and vice versa. So, use
bigger diameter float for low density, use smaller diameter float for high density liquid.
Typically a spherical float will have diameter in the range of 75 millimeter to 175
(Refer Slide Time: 24:05)

Another variation of Float type liquid Level Measurement, what you see is known as
Angular Arm Float Type liquid level measuring instrument. So, a ball float is attached to
an arm. The angle of the arm is measured to indicate the level of the material. So, you
have the Liquid in this tank and I have a float and this angle will change with change in
the liquid level.

So, if I can measure this angle using an angle sensor, I can take that as an indication of
the liquid level. The monitoring of the fuel level in the tank of an automobile uses this
(Refer Slide Time: 25:25)

It is possible to have a Float Type liquid level measuring Transducer; A Float Type liquid
level Transducer. As of now what we have seen is float chain type instrument; where, we
use a chain to connect the float and a counter weight. And now, I read the position of the
float either by looking at the position of the counterweight against the scale or it is also
possible to activate the movement of a pointer against the scale as the pulley brings this
float up or the float goes down with the change in the liquid level. Now, it is also
possible to track the movement of the float by and electromechanical sensor such as
LVDT or with help of a potentiometer.

So, what will do is as the figure shows this is the float. We have a pivot here and this is
an arm in this potentiometer. So, movement of the float can be tracked by attaching a
potentiometer or LVDT to it.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:28)

Next we talk about Float and Shaft Type liquid Level Measurement. Float and Shaft Type
liquid Level Measurement is usually meant for closed pressure vessel. But it can also be
adapted for open vessel. I have this float which is often a spherical ball float. Then, this
connecting arm is attached to this float at one end and this connecting arm is attached to
the rotary shaft at the other end.

This rotary shaft passes through the wall of the tank through a stuffing box and the other
end of this rotary shaft is connected to a pointer which will travel over a circular scale.
So, as the float changes it is position, the rotary shaft will cause the pointer to travel
against the circular scale.

So, float is connected to the connecting arm and the connecting arm is connected to the
rotary shaft which passes through the vessel wall through the stuffing box. A pointer is
attached to the rotary shaft. Thus, as the float changes its position with change in liquid
level the pointer travels against a circular scale and the circular scale can be directly
calibrated in terms of level units.

Note that with help of the stuffing box, it is possible for me to take them shaft outside the
tank. For spherical float, highest sensitivity is obtained going float is half immersed; So,
will stop our discussion today here.

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