Dear Members,
Your Directors present this 38 Annual Report together with the Audited Accounts of the Company for the
financial year ended 31st March, 2018.
Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated)
The summary of opera ng results for the year 2017-18 and appropria on of divisible profits is given below:
Amount in Rs millions
Standalone Consolidated
Par culars
2017-18 2016-17 2017-18 2016-17
Total Income 1520.4 1333.3 5084.9 4629.9
Profit before interest, deprecia on and excep onal item 322.3 243.3 494.3 294.5
Less: Finance Cost 48.3 55.2 120.3 143.1
Gross Profit 274.0 188.1 374.0 151.4
Less: Deprecia on and amor sa on 74.0 72.5 121.3 116.1
Profit before Share of Profit of an associate 200.0 115.6 252.7 35.3
Share of Profit of an associate -0.3 0.5
Profit Before tax 200.0 115.6 252.4 35.8
Less: Tax Expense 59.3 40.4 70.7 17.2
Net Profit / (Loss) for the Year 140.7 75.2 181.7 18.6
Other Comprehensive Income / (Loss) (OCI) -3.0 -0.3 1.9 -6.1
Total Comprehensive Income / (Loss) for the period 137.7 74.9 183.6 12.5
Add: Profit brought forward from previous year 171.3 116.1 -18.8 -4.0
Profit available for appropria on 312.0 191.3 162.9 14.6
Transfer to Minority reserve 0 16.3 -5.6
Proposed Dividend 16.3 0 16.3 0.0
Corporate Dividend Tax 3.3 0 3.3 0.0
Transfer to General Reserve 40 20 40.0 20.0
Dividend on Cumula ve Preference Shares (Net of Excess Provision) 0 -52.2 19.0
Total Appropria on 59.6 20 23.7 33.4
Surplus carried forward to Balance Sheet 252.4 171.3 139.2 -18.8
KDDL Limited
Manufacturing Business Segments
The main revenue of the manufacturing business is from watch components segment. The Swiss watch market,
the main des na on for our exports, which was declining con nuously for last 2 years, recovered during the year
and witnessed a growth of 2.7% compared to previous year. On the other hand, the domes c watch market has
con nued to grow.
Due to improved market condi ons revenue of the company from watch components improved by 12.5%; major
growth of 29% was contributed by the domes c market whereas exports revenue improved by 4.6%. The other
major segment of revenue is from the precision engineering business, wherein the company registered a healthy
growth of 31% over the previous year. The revenue growth from domes c and exports market was 39% and 16%
respec vely. The revenue from ornamental packaging business of the company witnessed a growth of 8.8%.
As we con nue to move up the value chain in the watch component manufacture. We are implemen ng mul ple
ini a ves to enhance capabili es to manufacture more complex products and improved produc vity. We
con nue to focus on manufacturing excellence with the goals of world class delivery compliance, quality and me
to market (TAT).
The revenue from the precision engineering business of the Company is expected to maintain a healthy growth as
we con nue to expand our capabili es and capacity. Your company has established its reputa on as a quality
supplier with the ability to meet sophis cated customer needs. By focusing on the vital levers of opera onal
performance while adding key technical capabili es and show-casing our capabili es at leading interna onal
trade exhibi ons and on digital pla orms, we are confident of healthy growth and returns in the ensuing periods.
The expansion project for the precision engineering business was delayed due to heavy rains in Bangalore but
now the progress is as per revised schedule. We have already commenced par al opera ons and the new facility
will be fully func onal by the second half of FY 2019. As a part of the expansion, we are shi ing and consolida ng
our exis ng precision engineering manufacturing facili es also at the new loca on. The Company con nues to
believe that this business segment will be a major source of growth in the future.
KDDL Limited
through Pylania.
During the year, the 100% subsidiary company, Satva Jewellery and Design Limited (SJDL) merger with the parent
company is in progress and the merger of this company will provide support for greater efficiency in opera ons
and be er u liza on of resources and assets of SJDL.
The details of deposits covered under Chapter V of the Companies Act, 2013 (the act) is given hereunder:
1. Deposits Accepted/ renewed during the year : Rs 4,07,03,000
2. Deposits outstanding at the end of the year : Rs. 11,29,44,000
3. Deposits remained unpaid or unclaimed as at the end of the year : Nil
4. Whether there has been any default in repayment of deposits
or payment of interest thereon during the year and if so, number : NIL
of such cases and the total amount involved
5. The details of deposits which are not in compliance : NIL
with the requirements of Chapter
During the period under review, Cadrafin Sari, an associate company was incorporated in Switzerland in which
Kamla Interna onal Holding SA, a wholly owned subsidiary company holds 22% ownership. A separate statement
containing salient features of the financial statements of Company’s subsidiaries in prescribed format AOC-I is
annexed as Annexure 1 to this report.
The equity shares of the Company are listed at Na onal Stock Exchange of India (NSE) and Bombay Stock
Exchange (BSE). The Company has paid the Annual Lis ng Fees to NSE and BSE for the financial year 2018-19.
KDDL Limited
As per the provisions of Sec on 136 of the act, the Company has placed separate audited accounts of its
subsidiaries on its website www.kddl.com and a copy of the same will be provided to the shareholders at their
KDDL Limited
years to hold office from the conclusion of the 37 AGM ll the conclusion the 39 AGM. The requirement of
placing the ma er rela ng to the ra fica on of above appointment at every AGM has been omi ed by the
Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 w.e.f. 7 May, 2018.
Informa on referred in Auditors’ Report are self-explanatory and don’t call for any further comments.
Your Directors have recommended a dividend of 25% i.e. Rs. 2.5 per equity share of face value of Rs. 10 each. The
dividend shall be paid a er the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Mee ng.
The total financial outgo of the dividend to be paid to shareholders will be Rs. 33.01 million (inclusive of Corporate
Dividend Tax).
The dividend payout for the year under review has been formulated in accordance with the Company's policy to
KDDL Limited
pay sustainable dividend linked to long term growth objec ves of the Company.
In terms of Sec on 125 of the act, the company has duly transferred the Unclaimed Dividend up to the financial
years 2007-08 to the Investor Educa on and Protec on Fund established by the Central Government . As no
dividend was declared during the financial year 2008-09 and 2009-10, hence no amount was required to be
transferred to the said fund during the year.
KDDL Limited
Risk Management Framework
The Company adopts systema c approach to mi gate risks associated with accomplishment of objec ves,
opera ons, revenues and compliance with the regula ons. The Company believes that this would ensure
mi ga ng steps proac vely and help to achieve the risk management effec vely.
The Company has cons tuted a Risk Management Commi ee of Chief Execu ve Officer, Chief Opera ng Officer,
Chief Financial Officer, Chief Marke ng Officer and Business Heads as its regular members and other senior
func onal heads on invita on basis. The Commi ee is commi ed to review periodically the various risks
associated with the Company and report the same to the Board.
Focus of the Company is on the three key elements, viz., Risk Assessment / Iden fica on, Risk Management and
Risk Monitoring.
· Poten al Risks are iden fied and analyzed, considering likelihood and its impact, as a basis for
determining how they should be managed.
· Risk Assessment consists of a detailed study of threats and vulnerability and resultant exposure to
various risks. Based on the assessment and iden fica on of the risks, the commi ee decided the
proac ve steps for managing and monitoring these risks.
There was no change in the composi on of Board of Directors during the year. Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Masown,
Whole me Director who re res by rota on at ensuing Annual General Mee ng of the Company and being
eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.
KDDL Limited
A strong internal control culture is an important focus and thrust area in the Company. The Company has
comprehensive internal systems, controls and policies for all the major processes to ensure the reliability of
financial repor ng, mely feedback on achievement of opera onal and strategic goals, compliance with policies,
procedures, laws, and regula ons, safeguarding of assets and economical and efficient use of resources.
The formalized systems of control facilitate effec ve compliance as per the Lis ng Regula ons. The company also
has well documented Standard Opera ng Procedures (SOPs) for various processes which are periodically
reviewed for changes warranted due to business needs.
The Internal Auditors of the company con nuously monitor the efficacy of internal controls/ compliance with
SOPs with the objec ve of providing to the Audit Commi ee and the Board of Directors, an independent,
objec ve and reasonable assurance on the adequacy and effec veness of the organiza on's risk management,
control and governance processes.
The scope and authority of the Internal Audit ac vity are well defined in the Internal Audit scope and guidelines,
approved by the Audit Commi ee. Internal Auditors develop a risk based annual audit plan with inputs from
major stake holders, and the major focus areas as per previous audit reports.
All significant audit observa ons are reviewed periodically and follow-up ac ons thereon are reported to the
Audit Commi ee. The Audit Commi ee also meet the Company's Statutory Auditors and Internal Auditors to
ascertain their views on the financial statements, including the financial repor ng system, compliance to
accoun ng policies and procedures, the adequacy and effec veness of the internal controls and systems
followed by the Company.
The top and senior management of the Company also assesses opportuni es for improvement in business
processes, systems and controls, provides recommenda ons, designed to add value to the organiza on and
follows up on the implementa on of correc ve ac ons and improvements in business processes.
The senior management of the Company meets periodically to assess the performance of the each business
segment and key func ons of the Company and areas for improvement of performance / controls are iden fied
and reviewed on con nuous basis.
KDDL Limited
There is no change in the nature of business of the Company
Sta s cal Disclosures pursuant to Rule 5 of Companies (Appointment and Remunera on of Managerial
Personnel) Rules, 2014, is enclosed with this report as Annexure --8.
The Company has complied with all the requirements of Corporate Governance as s pulated in Lis ng
Regula ons during the year ended on 31 March, 2018 as per Report on Corporate Governance annexed as
Annexure -10 and a Cer ficate from the Prac cing Company Secretary to this effect for the year ended on 31st
March, 2018 is also enclosed with this report.
Your Directors place on record their apprecia on for the significant contribu on made by all the employees, who
through their competence, hard work, solidarity and co-opera on, have enabled the Company to perform be er.
KDDL Limited
The Board wishes to place on record its apprecia on for the support and co-opera on that the Company received
from its suppliers, distributors, retailers and other associates. The Company has always looked upon them as
partners in its progress and has happily shared with them rewards of growth. It will be Company's endeavor to
build and nurture strong links based on mutuality, respect and co-opera on with each other and consistent with
customer interest.
Your Directors take this opportunity to thank all the investors, clients, vendors, banks, regulatory and government
authori es, for their con nued support.
Yashovardhan Saboo
Chairman & Managing Director
DIN : 00012158