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Herbal Syrup
Submitted by: Lovely Jane J. Gonzales
Submitted to: Sir Abraham J. Obedoza

Grade 8- Edison
Date: January 27,2020
Ginger/Luya Herbal Syrup
Luya, LuyangDilaw or Ginger, It is the Ingredients:
rhizome of the plant Zingiberofficinale. It lends its 1 cup thinly sliced fresh ginger root
name to its genus and family (Zingiberaceae). Other 1 cinnamon stick (optional)
notable members of this plant family are turmeic, 2 cups water
cardamom, and galangal..Luya or Ginger has been ½ – 1 cup sugar or honey
used throughout recorded history for both culinary
and medicinal purposes. Directions:

1. Combine ginger, cinnamon stick (if using),

Luya, luyangdilaw or ginger is an erect,
water, and sugar (if you are using honey, it
smooth plant with thickened and aromatic
will be added later) in a small saucepan and
rootstocks. Luya or ginger has Leafy stems that are
bring to a boil.
0.4 to 1 meter high. Ginger Leaves are distichous, Ginger / Luya in Traditional and Folkloric 2. Reduce heat to a simmer until the liquid has
lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 15-25 cm long, and 2 Syrup reduced by half, about 30-45 minutes.
cm wide or less. Luya scape from rootstock is erect,
3. Strain out the ginger. If you used sugar then
15-25 cm high, covered with imbricate bracts. Calyx Luya or ginger has been used as herbal syrup your syrup is finished and you can skip to
is 1 cm long. Corolla is greenish-yellow with a tube
in many cultures for hundreds of years, Luya or storage.
less than 2 cm long .
ginger is claimed to have many medicinal value, from 4. Let the syrup cool to room temperature,
antibacterial, anti- inflamatory to anti nausea and then stir in the honey (if using).
The taste of luyangdilaw or ginger is distinct,
treatment of sore throat. 5. Store in a glass jar in the fridge. The syrup
brought about by the zingerone and shogoal
will keep for a month or more. Yields about
substances that it has, giving the plant its pungent Luya or ginger is popularly used for sore 2 cups of finished ginger syrup.
properties. As herbal syrup, LuyangDilaw has long
throat prevention and treatment. Luya is also widely
been used as a cold, cough, fever, and sore throat
used as herbal syrup to prevent or treat nausea and
remedy. vomiting associated with motion sickness and also
being used for treatment of nausea associated in
cancer chemotherapy. Luya or ginger is also used as
support against inflamatory associated with arthritis
and rhematisms..Luya or ginger is also used as
digestive aid for mild stomach upset, to lower
cholesterol level, anti viral and anti bacterial
properties and for the treatment of cancer.
Herbal Medicine
Submitted by: Nash Ezekiel Juanillo
Submitted to: Sir Abraham J. Obedoza

Grade 8- Linneus
What is blue ternate ( Clitoria ternatea )?
What is the benefits of blue ternate?
Also known as Asian Pigeon Wings, Blue Bell
Vine, Blue Pea, Cordofan Pea and Darwin pea,  * Antioxidant properties.
‘Butterfly Pea’ (Clitoria ternatea) is an What is lagundi leaves?  * Anti-diabetic properties.
amazing brain boosting herb native to tropical
 * Reduces stress and anxiety.
equatorial Asia. Also known as Vitex negundo , is a large
native shrub that grows in Asia and  * Beneficial for hair and skin.
A traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, southeast Asia such as the Philippines and  * Anti-cancer and anti-tumour properties.
Clitoria Ternatea has been consumed for India and has been traditionally used as  * Anti-microbial properties.
centuries as a memory enhancer, brain booster,
herbal medicine and is an important  * Anti-inflammatory properties.
anti-stress and calmative agent.
medicinal plant in Ayurvedic and Unani
 * Improves eyesight.
systems of medicine. The extracts from its
leaves and roots are mostly considered What is the benefits of Lagundi leaves?
provide the most health benefits. The  Lagundi is used to prevent and treat worm
Philippine department of health has infestation
conducted research and study Lagundi and  Lagundi is also used treat skin diseases such
as eczema, ring worm, etc.
has suggested that the Lagundi plant has a  Used to wash wounds to promote healing,
number of verifiable therapeutic value and  Lagundi has an analgesic function to
health benefits to man. treat rheumatism, muscle pain and inflammation
of joints
 Lagunid is used for anorexia,
 Used to treat Stomach problems such as colic,
spasms and indisgeston,
 Lagundi has claimed health benefits against high
 Lagundi is also used as a carminative herb
 Lagundi is believed to promote good memory
and eye sight,
 Lagundi tea is taken to relieve anxiety and to
promote relaxation.
•Moringa leaves combined with honey and
calamsi to treat cough and asthma

•Moringa is used as skin restorer to promote

skin rejuvenation.

•Moringa soup is used to lower high blood

•Moringa tea from bark or leaves is used to Moringa: Combat Malnutrition, used
treat insomnia and restlessness. to combat malnutrition, especially among
infants and nursing mothers. Contains
•Moringa pod is chewed to treat and prevent
intestinal parasites in children.
vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron and protein.
•Moringa is also recommended for sufferers
of diabetes MEDICINE
•Moringa is consumed to strengthen the bones Moringa Scientific Name:
especially for growing children and older people due ot
high calcium content. MoringaOleifera
•Moringa oil or poultice is used to treat bone and
ligament related conditions that involve inflammations
such as gout, rheumatism, back pain, sprains and all srts
of swelling.

•Moringa is also used to improve eye problems.

Believed to contain high amount of vitamin A, more than
that of a carrot. Submitted by: Emelie J. Nunez
Submitted to: Sir Abraham J. Obedoza
•Moringa is used along with other herbal
medicines to treat cancer. Grade 8-LINNAEUS
•Leaves and fruit used for constipation and as Date: January 30,2020
•Decoction of boiled roots used to wash sores,
cuts, skin ulcers, wounds and other skin diseases to
alleviate pain and promote healing.

•Moringa is also used for stomach and intestinal

problems such as ulcers and constipation.

•Moringa roots and bark have been used as

Figure 2: Moringa (MoringaOleifera) abortifacient.
Figure 1: Malunggay Moringa has an impressive range of medicinal
Also known as: "Malunggáy" in Philippines, uses and health benefits, with high nutritional value. The •Moringa flower with soy milk is used as
"Sajina" in India, "Shojne" in Bengal, "Munagakaya" in Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of aphrodisiac and promote fertility for men.
Telugu, "Shenano" in Rajasthani, "Shevaga" in Marathi, zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and
"Nuggekai" in Kannada, "Drumstick Tree, Horse Radish kaempferol. Moringaoleifera act as cardiac and •While Moringa roots are believed to suppress
Tree, Ben Oil Tree" in English, "La mu" in Chinese. The circulatory stimulants, possess antitumor, antipyretic, fertility, chewed as a contraceptive by women.
Moringa plant can grow to as high as 9 meters with erect antiepileptic, antiinflammatory, antiulcer, antispasmodic,
white trunks. The compound leaf has about 3 to 9 diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, •Moringa roots are also used to treat snake bites,
leaflets. Moringa has white fragrant flowers that produces antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial
long pods with 3-angled winged seeds. and antifungal activities, and are being employed for the
•The juice from Moringa roots is used to treat
treatment of different ailments in the indigenous system
Moringa may be propagated by planting its seeds ear related problems (otalgia).
of medicine, particularly in South Asia.
about an inch in the ground or matured Moringa stem
cuttings of about 3 feet in length may also be planted into
Moringa in Traditional and Folkloric •Moringa leaves pounded and combined with
the ground. Planted Moringacuttings grows faster Medicine coconut oil is used to treat scalp problems and to
compared to planted seeds. Moringa is widely believed to contain high value promote hair growth.
nutrients and consumption of which promotes general
Moringa (MoringaOleifera) has been used as
well being. Moringa is also called a "miracle tree" •Boiled Moringa leaves contain immune
herbal medicine in many cultures for hundreds of
primarilly for the various health benefits it can provide for boosting nutrients used in sickness recovery.
years,Moringa is known as a very nutritious plant where
almost all kinds of diseases and medical conditions.
it is used to combat malnutrition in third world countries
More over almost all of its parts have use - from its
especially for infants and nursing mothers. •Boiled Moringa leaves used to promote milk
roots, pods, seeds, barks, flowers and leaves. Listed
production in nursing mothers.
below are some of the traditional health benefits of

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